#!/usr/bin/python3 import pandas as pd import urllib.request import re import numpy me = 0.51099895000 # +- 15 mp = 938.27208816 # +- 29 mn = 939.56542052 # +- 54 ma = 3727.37915 class IsotopeClass: def __init__(self): self.livechart = "https://nds.iaea.org/relnsd/v0/data?" self.data = None self.DownloadData() def DownloadData(self): # Read the saved CSV file back into a DataFrame try : self.data = pd.read_csv('IAEA_NuclearData.csv') except FileNotFoundError: # the service URL url = self.livechart + "fields=ground_states&nuclides=all" self.data = self.lc_read_csv(url) self.data.insert(0, 'A', self.data['z'] + self.data['n']) self.data.to_csv('IAEA_NuclearData.csv', index=False) self.data = pd.read_csv('IAEA_NuclearData.csv') def lc_read_csv(self, url): req = urllib.request.Request(url) req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0') return pd.read_csv(urllib.request.urlopen(req)) # print(haha.columns) ## ['A', 'z', 'n', 'symbol', 'radius', 'unc_r', 'abundance', 'unc_a', ## 'energy_shift', 'energy', 'unc_e', 'ripl_shift', 'jp', 'half_life', ## 'operator_hl', 'unc_hl', 'unit_hl', 'half_life_sec', 'unc_hls', ## 'decay_1', 'decay_1_%', 'unc_1', 'decay_2', 'decay_2_%', 'unc_2', ## 'decay_3', 'decay_3_%', 'unc_3', 'isospin', 'magnetic_dipole', 'unc_md', ## 'electric_quadrupole', 'unc_eq', 'qbm', 'unc_qb', 'qbm_n', 'unc_qbmn', ## 'qa', 'unc_qa', 'qec', 'unc_qec', 'sn', 'unc_sn', 'sp', 'unc_sp', ## 'binding', 'unc_ba', 'atomic_mass', 'unc_am', 'massexcess', 'unc_me', ## 'me_systematics', 'discovery', 'ENSDFpublicationcut-off', ## 'ENSDFauthors', 'Extraction_date'] def GetExList(self, ASym : str, maxEx : float): try: exList = self.lc_read_csv(self.livechart + "fields=levels&nuclides=" + ASym) exJpi = exList[['energy', 'jp']] exJpi = exJpi[exJpi['energy'] < (maxEx * 1000)] return exJpi except: return pd.DataFrame() def BreakDownName(self, ASym : str): if ASym == "p" : return [1, 'H'] if ASym == "d" : return [2, 'H'] if ASym == "t" : return [3, 'H'] if ASym == "h" : return [3, 'He'] if ASym == "a" : return [4, 'He'] match = re.match(r'(\d+)(\D+)', ASym) return [int(match.group(1)), match.group(2) ] def GetAZ(self, ASym : str): if ASym == "p" : return [1, 1] if ASym == "d" : return [2, 1] if ASym == "t" : return [3, 1] if ASym == "h" : return [3, 2] if ASym == "a" : return [3, 2] [A, sym] = self.BreakDownName(ASym) try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['symbol']==sym) & (self.data['A']==A)] Z = int(dudu['z'].iloc[0]) return [A, Z] except: return [A, numpy.nan] def GetBindingPerA(self, ASym : str) -> float: [A, sym] = self.BreakDownName(ASym) try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['symbol']==sym) & (self.data['A']==A)] Z = int(dudu['z'].iloc[0]) N = A - Z return dudu['binding'].iloc[0]/1000 except: return numpy.nan def GetMassFromSym(self, ASym : str) -> float: [A, sym] = self.BreakDownName(ASym) try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['symbol']==sym) & (self.data['A']==A)] Z = int(dudu['z'].iloc[0]) N = A - Z binding = dudu['binding'].iloc[0]/1000 return Z*mp + N*mn - binding*A except: return numpy.nan def GetMassFromAZ(self, A : int, Z : int) -> float: try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['z']==Z) & (self.data['A']==A)] Z = int(dudu['z'].iloc[0]) N = A - Z binding = dudu['binding'].iloc[0]/1000 return Z*mp + N*mn - binding*A except: return numpy.nan def GetSymbol(self, A : int, Z : int) -> str: try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['z']==Z) & (self.data['A']==A)] return "%s" % (dudu['symbol'].iloc[0]) except: return "0x" def GetJpi(self, ASym : str): [A, sym] = self.BreakDownName(ASym) try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['symbol']==sym) & (self.data['A']==A)] return dudu['jp'].iloc[0] except: return "unknown" def GetJpi(self, A : int, Z : int) -> str: try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['z']==Z) & (self.data['A']==A)] return dudu['jp'].iloc[0] except: return "unknown" def GetHalfLife(self, ASym : str) -> float: [A, sym] = self.BreakDownName(ASym) try: dudu = self.data[(self.data['symbol']==sym) & (self.data['A']==A)] return dudu['half_life_sec'].iloc[0] except: return "unknown" def GetSn(self, ASym : str) -> float: [A, Z] = self.GetAZ(ASym) if numpy.isnan(Z) : return numpy.nan else: mass0 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A, Z) mass1 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A-1, Z) return mass1 + mn - mass0 def GetSp(self, ASym : str): [A, Z] = self.GetAZ(ASym) if numpy.isnan(Z) : return numpy.nan else: mass0 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A, Z) mass1 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A-1, Z-1) return mass1 + mp - mass0 def GetSa(self, ASym : str): [A, Z] = self.GetAZ(ASym) if numpy.isnan(Z) : return numpy.nan else: mass0 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A, Z) mass1 = self.GetMassFromAZ(A-4, Z-2) return mass1 + ma - mass0 def PrintIso(self, ASym: str): [A, Z] = self.GetAZ(ASym) print("========================= ", ASym) print("A : %d, Z : %d, N : %d" % (A, Z, A-Z)) print(" Jpi : ", self.GetJpi(ASym)) print("half-live : %.2f sec" % (self.GetHalfLife(ASym))) print(" Mass : %9.2f MeV" % (self.GetMassFromSym(ASym) )) print(" Binding : %9.2f MeV/A" % (self.GetBindingPerA(ASym))) print(" Binding : %9.2f MeV" % (self.GetBindingPerA(ASym) * A)) print(" Sn: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSn(ASym)) print(" Sp: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSp(ASym)) print(" Sa: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSa(ASym)) print("=============================") def PrintIsoHTML(self, ASym : str): [A, Z] = self.GetAZ(ASym) print("
========================= ", ASym) print("
A : %d, Z : %d, N : %d" % (A, Z, A-Z)) print("
Jpi : ", self.GetJpi(ASym)) print("
half-live : %.2f sec" % (self.GetHalfLife(ASym))) print("
Mass : %9.2f MeV" % (self.GetMassFromSym(ASym) )) print("
Binding : %9.2f MeV/A" % (self.GetBindingPerA(ASym))) print("
Binding : %9.2f MeV" % (self.GetBindingPerA(ASym) * A)) print("
Sn: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSn(ASym)) print("
Sp: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSp(ASym)) print("
Sa: %9.2f MeV" % self.GetSa(ASym)) print("
=============================") def PrintIsoExWeb(self, ASym : str, maxEx : float): exList = self.GetExList(ASym, maxEx) if exList.empty: print("
cannot find Ex data") else: print("") for i in range(0,len(exList)): print("" % (exList['energy'].iloc[i]/1000, exList['jp'].iloc[i].replace(' ', ','))) print("