#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Error: Not enough arguments provided.") print("Usage: ./{sys.argv[0]} filename") sys.exit(1) ##################################################### import numpy as np import re import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Lmax = None sa = None sb = None def extract_LmaxSaSb(file_path=filename): global Lmax, sa, sb with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if Lmax is None and "LMAX" in line : columns = line.split() Lmax = int(columns[6]) print(f"LMAX = {Lmax}") if sa != None and sb is None and "2*STR" in line: columns = line.split() sb = int(float(columns[-1]))/2. print(f"Spin out = {sb}") if sa is None and "2*STR" in line: columns = line.split() sa = int(float(columns[-1]))/2. print(f"Spin In = {sa}") def extract_BoundState(file_path=filename): r_data, y_data = [], [] start_line = None with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "0 R RL,R" in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+1 if len(r_data) > 1 and line[0] == "0" : start_line = None break if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : columns = line.split() if len(columns) >= 2: r_data.append(float(columns[0])) # Convert to float y_data.append(float(columns[1])) return [r_data, y_data] #------------------------------------------------------- def extract_DistortedWave(file_path=filename): if Lmax is None or sa is None or sb is None : print("Please run the extract_LmaxSaSb() first") return r_list = [0.0] distWaveIn = np.empty((Lmax+1, int(2*(2*sa+1))), dtype=object) # going to be Lmax * (2*sa+1) distWaveOut = np.empty((Lmax+1, int(2*(2*sb+1))), dtype=object) # going to be Lmax * (2*sa+1) for i in range(Lmax+1): for j in range(int(2*(2*sa+1))): distWaveIn[i, j] = [0.0] for j in range(int(2*(2*sb+1))): distWaveOut[i, j] = [0.0] start_line = None l_list = [] with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "0R1=" in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+2 columns = line.split() r_list.append(float(columns[1])) l_list = [] if len(l_list) > Lmax: start_line = None if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : # print(line) if line[0] == "+" : l = int(line[70:72]) for j in range(int(2*sb+1)): distWaveOut[l,2*j].append(float(line[20*j+72: 20*j+82])) distWaveOut[l,2*j+1].append(float(line[20*j+82:20*j+92])) else: l = int(line[:4]) l_list.append(l) for j in range(int(2*sa+1)): # print(float(line[20*j+4: 20*j+14])) distWaveIn[l,2*j].append(float(line[20*j+4: 20*j+14])) distWaveIn[l,2*j+1].append(float(line[20*j+14:20*j+24])) return r_list, distWaveIn, distWaveOut #------------------------------------------------------- def extract_ScatAmp(file_path=filename): if Lmax is None or sa is None or sb is None : print("Please run the extract_LmaxSaSb() first") return sAmpIn = [] sAmpOut = [] start_line = None with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "L REAL D1 IMAG D1 REAL D2" in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+1 if Lmax != None and len(sAmpIn) > Lmax : start_line = None break if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : columns = line.split() temp = [] if len(columns) >= 2: if line[0] == "+" : # these line are for outgoing for i in range(int(2*(2*sb+1)+1)): temp.append(float(columns[i+1])) sAmpOut.append(temp) else: for i in range(int(2*(2*sa+1)+1)): temp.append(float(columns[i])) sAmpIn.append(temp) return sAmpIn, sAmpOut #------------------------------------------------------- def extract_ElasticXsec(file_path=filename): x_data, y_data = [], [] start_line = None with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "0 Theta Sig(1)/Coul Sigma(1)" in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+1 if len(x_data) > 1 and line[0] == "0" : start_line = None break if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : columns = line.split() if len(columns) >= 2: x_data.append(float(columns[0])) # Convert to float y_data.append(float(columns[1])) return [x_data, y_data] #------------------------------------------------------- def extract_Xsec(factor:float = 10, file_path=filename): x_data, y_data = [], [] start_line = None with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "0 Theta Inelsig,fm**2" in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+1 if len(x_data) > 1 and "0Tot-sig" in line : start_line = None break if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : columns = line.split() if len(columns) >= 2: x_data.append(float(columns[0])) # Convert to float y_data.append(float(columns[1])*factor) ## factor convert fm^2 to mb return [x_data, y_data] #------------------------------------------------------- def extract_RadialMatrix(ma:str, mb:str, file_path=filename): if Lmax is None or sa is None or sb is None : print("Please run the extract_LmaxSaSb() first") return data = [] start_line = None with open(file_path, "r") as file: for i, line in enumerate(file, start=1): if "0 RADIAL MATRIX ELEMENTS," in line and ma in line and mb in line: if start_line is None: start_line = i+2 if Lmax != None and len(data) > Lmax : start_line = None break if start_line != None: if start_line <= i : l_data = int(line[:4]) real_data = float(line[4:14]) imag_data = float(line[14:]) data.append([l_data, real_data, imag_data]) return data #------------------------------------------------------- plotID = 0 plotSMID = 0 def plot_BoundState(data): global plotID x_data, y_data = data plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(x_data, y_data, marker="o", linestyle="-", color="b", label="Extracted Data") plt.xlabel("Radius [fm]") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Bound state radial function") plt.grid(True) plotID = plotID + 1 manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() manager.window.wm_geometry(f"+{850*plotID}+50") plt.show(block=False) def plot_RadialMatrix(data, msg:str = ""): global plotID l_data, real_data, imag_data = [], [], [] for a in data: l_data.append(a[0]) real_data.append(a[1]) imag_data.append(a[2]) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(l_data, real_data, marker="o", linestyle="-", color="b", label="Real") plt.plot(l_data, imag_data, marker="x", linestyle="-", color="r", label="Imag") plt.xlabel("L") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Radial Matrix " + msg) plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plotID = plotID + 1 manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() manager.window.wm_geometry(f"+{850*plotID}+50") plt.show(block=False) def plot_Xsec(data, isRuth = False): global plotID x_data, y_data = data # plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.figure() plt.plot(x_data, y_data, linestyle="-", color="b", label="Extracted Data") plt.xlabel("Angle [deg]") if isRuth: plt.ylabel("d.s.c / Ruth ") else: plt.ylabel("d.s.c [mb/sr]") plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim(-5, 185) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 181, 20)) plt.grid(True) plotID = plotID + 1 manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() manager.window.wm_geometry(f"+{850*plotID}+50") plt.show(block=False) def plot_SMatrix(data, spin): global plotSMID l_data = [] nSpin = int(2*spin+1) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, nSpin, figsize=(6*nSpin, 4)) smIn = [] for a in data: l_data.append(int(a[0])) tempSM = [] for i in range(nSpin): real = a[2*i+1] imag = a[2*i+2] tempSM.append((real + imag * 1j)*2j + 1 ) smIn.append(tempSM) for i in range(nSpin): real_parts = [entry[i].real for entry in smIn] imag_parts = [entry[i].imag for entry in smIn] start = 1 if i == nSpin -1 : start = 0 # Plot real part vs L axes[i].plot(l_data[start:], real_parts[start:], label=f'Re', marker='o') # Plot imaginary part vs L axes[i].plot(l_data[start:], imag_parts[start:], label=f'Im', marker='x') # Adding labels and title axes[i].set_xlabel('L') axes[i].set_ylabel('Value') axes[i].set_title(f'Real and Imaginary Parts vs L for Spin {i-spin/2.:+.1f}') # Add grid lines axes[i].set_xlim(-1, max(l_data)+1) axes[i].set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) axes[i].set_xticks(np.arange(0, max(l_data)+3, 5)) # Set x-ticks from 0 to 20 with step 5 axes[i].grid(True) # Show the legend axes[i].legend() plotSMID = plotSMID + 1 manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() manager.window.wm_geometry(f"+850+{650*plotSMID}") # Adjust layout to prevent overlapping subplots plt.tight_layout() plt.show(block=False) def plot_DistortWave(r_list, dw_real, dw_imag, title:str = ""): global plotID plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(r_list, dw_real, marker="o", linestyle="-", color="b", label="Re") plt.plot(r_list, dw_imag, marker="x", linestyle="-", color="r", label="Im") plt.xlabel("Radius [fm]") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Distorted Wave radial function: " + title) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plotID = plotID + 1 manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() manager.window.wm_geometry(f"+{850*plotID}+50") plt.show(block=False) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## extract_LmaxSaSb() ## must be run first bs_data = extract_BoundState() # plot_BoundState(bs_data) sAmpIn, sAmpOut = extract_ScatAmp() plot_SMatrix(sAmpIn, sa) plot_SMatrix(sAmpOut, sb) # elXsec_data = extract_ElasticXsec() # plot_Xsec(elXsec_data) JA=2.5 JB=0 j=2.5 D0 = 1.55 spinFactor=(2*JB+1)/(2*JA+1)/(2*j+1) scalingFactor=spinFactor*D0*10 print(f"spin factor : {spinFactor}") print(f" D0 : {D0}") print(f" scaling : {scalingFactor}") xsec_data = extract_Xsec(scalingFactor) plot_Xsec(xsec_data) x_data, y_data = xsec_data for i, r in enumerate(x_data): # if i % 5 != 0: # continue print(f"{{{r:7.3f}, {y_data[i]:10.7f}}},") def plot_RadialMatrix2(ma:float, mb:float, isPlot:bool=True): str_a = f"+{int(2*ma):2.0f}/2" str_b = f"+{int(2*mb):2.0f}/2" radmat = extract_RadialMatrix(str_a, str_b) if int(2*ma)%2 == 1 : msg_a = f"Ja = La + {int(2*ma)}/2" else: msg_a = f"Ja = La + {int(ma)}" if int(2*mb)%2 == 1 : msg_b = f"Jb = Lb + {int(2*mb)}/2" else: msg_b = f"Jb = Jb + {int(mb)}" if isPlot: plot_RadialMatrix(radmat, f": {msg_a}, {msg_b}") return radmat rList, dwIn, dwOut = extract_DistortedWave() def plot_DW(isIncoming:bool, L:int, m:float): if isIncoming : k = int(m + sa) plot_DistortWave(rList, dwIn[L][2*k], dwIn[L][2*k+1], f"Incoming L={L}, J=L+{m}") else: k = int(m + sb) plot_DistortWave(rList, dwOut[L][2*k], dwOut[L][2*k+1], f"Outgoing L={L}, J=L+{m}") import scipy.special as sp import scipy.interpolate as interp def CoulombPS(L, eta): return np.angle(sp.gamma(1 + L + 1j * eta)) r_list, bsW = bs_data interp_radial = interp.interp1d(r_list, bsW, kind='cubic') def CalRadialIntgeral(L, ma, mb, isPlot:bool = True, verbose:int = 1): if isPlot : plot_DW(True, L, ma) plot_DW(False, L, mb) etaI = 0.3997 etaO = 0.276894 radmat = plot_RadialMatrix2(ma, mb, isPlot) prod_re, prod_im = [], [] total = 0 for i, r in enumerate(rList): ia = int(2*(ma + sa)) ib = int(2*(mb + sb)) dw_a = dwIn[L][ia][i] + dwIn[L][ia+1][i] * 1j dw_b = dwOut[L][ib][i] + dwOut[L][ib+1][i] * 1j bound = 0 if rList[i] <= max(r_list) and rList[i] >= min(r_list) : bound = interp_radial(r) total += dw_a * dw_b * bound prod_re.append(np.real(dw_a * dw_b * bound)) prod_im.append(np.imag(dw_a * dw_b * bound)) if verbose >= 1: print(f"{i:3d} {bound:8.5f}, {rList[i]:4.1f}, {np.real(dw_a):8.5f}, {np.imag(dw_a):8.5f}, ({np.abs(dw_a):8.5f}), {np.real(dw_b):8.5f}, {np.imag(dw_b):8.5f} | {np.real(dw_a * dw_b * bound):9.6f}, {np.imag(dw_a * dw_b * bound):9.6f}") total = total * 0.1 * 17./16. phase = 1 #np.exp( 1j * (CoulombPS(L, etaI)- CoulombPS(L, etaO)) ) if verbose >= 2: print("-------------------------") print(f" Radial integral before CoulombPS : {total}") print(f" CoulombPS : {phase}") total = phase * total print(f" total : [{L}, {np.real(total):8.5f}, {np.imag(total):8.6f}]") print(f" DWUCK4 : {radmat[L]}") plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(rList, prod_re, marker="o", linestyle="-", color="b", label="Real") plt.plot(rList, prod_im, marker="x", linestyle="-", color="r", label="Imag") plt.xlabel("L") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Product of Radial") plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.show(block=False) return total # CalRadialIntgeral(3, 1, 0.5) # radMat = plot_RadialMatrix2(-1, -0.5, True) # for a in radMat: # ll, real, imag = a # print(f"{{{int(ll):2d}, {real:10.7f} + {imag:10.7f} I}},") #================================================ cal Radial matrix and Plot # radialIn = [] # for ll in range(15): # radialIn.append([ll, CalRadialIntgeral(ll, 1, 0.5, False)]) # l_data, real_data, imag_data = [], [], [] # for a in radialIn: # l_data.append(a[0]) # real_data.append(np.real(a[1])) # imag_data.append(np.imag(a[1])) # plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) # plt.plot(l_data, real_data, marker="o", linestyle="-", color="b", label="Real") # plt.plot(l_data, imag_data, marker="x", linestyle="-", color="r", label="Imag") # plt.xlabel("L") # plt.ylabel("Value") # plt.title("Radial Matrix (cal)") # plt.grid(True) # plt.show(block=False) # plot_RadialMatrix2(1, 1/2) input("Press Enter to exit.")