/*********************************************************************** * * This is PlotResultInRoot.C for ExtractXSec *.root output * * The Xsec are stored in (TObjArray *) gList * * This program is simple get plot all the member in the gList * * ----------------------------------------------------- * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ * compilation: * g++ PlotResultInROOT.C -o PlotResultInROOT `root-config --cflags --glibs` * * ------------------------------------------------------ * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com * ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void PlotTGraphTObjArray(TString rootFileName){ TFile * file = new TFile(rootFileName, "READ"); TObjArray * gList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("qList"); if( gList == NULL ) { printf("No Result was found.\n"); return; } TCanvas * cPlots = new TCanvas("cPlots", "Ptolemy Results", 0, 0, 800, 600); cPlots->SetLogy(); TLegend * legend = new TLegend( 0.6, 0.2, 0.9, 0.4); const int n = gList->GetLast() + 1 ; TGraph * gr[n]; //Get minimum, maximum Y double maxY = 0; double minY = 10000000; for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ gr[i] = (TGraph *) gList->At(i); gr[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); gr[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta_{CM} [deg]"); gr[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("d#sigma/d#Omega [mb/sr]"); TString name = gr[i]->GetName(); int pos = name.First("|"); name.Remove(0, pos+1); legend->AddEntry(gr[i], name); double miny = gr[i]->GetHistogram()->GetMinimum(); double maxy = gr[i]->GetHistogram()->GetMaximum(); if( miny < minY ) minY = miny; if( maxy > maxY ) maxY = maxy; } for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ gr[i]->Draw("same"); if( i == 0 ){ gr[i]->Draw(); gr[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(minY * 0.8, maxY * 1.2); }else{ gr[i]->Draw("same"); } } legend->Draw(); cPlots->Update(); cPlots->Draw(); }