/*********************************************************************** * * This is ExtractXSec for *.out for Ptolemy * * This program will extract cross section distribution from Ptolmey output. * save as *.Xsec.txt and *.root for distribution * * save ExPtolemy.txt for excitation energies and total X-section * ----------------------------------------------------- * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ * compilation: * g++ ExtractXSec.C -o ExtractXSec `root-config --cflags --glibs` * * ------------------------------------------------------ * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com * ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Armory/AnalysisLibrary.h" using namespace std; TObjArray * gList = NULL; double distfunct(double *x, double *par){ TGraph * gTemp = (TGraph *) gList->At(par[0]); return (gTemp->Eval(x[0]))* sin(x[0] * TMath::DegToRad()); } bool isFloat( string str ) { int length = str.length(); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++){ string it = str.substr(i,1); if( it == " " || it == "."|| it == "1"|| it == "2"|| it == "3"|| it == "4"|| it == "5"|| it == "6"|| it == "7"|| it == "8"|| it == "9"|| it == "0"){ continue; }else{ return false; } } return true; } int ExtractXSec (string readFile, int indexForElastic=1) { //indexForElastic = 1 ; for Ratio //indexForElastic = 2 ; for Total //indexForElastic = 3 ; for Rutherford //--- open file.out ifstream file_in; file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in); if( !file_in){ printf("Unable to open %s \n", readFile.c_str()); exit(1); } //---- variable for Xsec vector title; vector> dataMatrix; vector angle; vector Ex; vector totalXsec; vector reaction; double angleMin = 0; double angleMax = 0; double angleStep = -1; //================================== read file.out string line; int lineNum = 0; vector dataXsec; bool startExtract = false; bool angleFilled = false; int numCal = 0; int reactionFlag = 0; bool preFindForElastic = false; printf("======================================================\n"); while(getline(file_in, line)){ lineNum ++; //printf("%d , %s\n", lineNum, line.c_str()); size_t pos; string findStr; int findLen; //---- find Title findStr = "$============================================"; findLen = findStr.length(); pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos){ title.push_back(line.substr(pos + findLen+1)); pos = title.back().find("("); string ex = title.back().substr(3, pos-3); Ex.push_back( atof(ex.c_str()) ); //clear dataXsex for new data set dataXsec.clear(); numCal ++; continue; } //---- find Reaction findStr = "0INPUT... CHANNEL"; findLen = findStr.length(); pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos ) { reaction.push_back( line.substr(pos + findLen + 1) ); reactionFlag = 1; // 1 for (d,d) or (p,p) ///printf("%d |----------- (d,d), %d\n", lineNum, reactionFlag); continue; // nextline } findStr = "REACTION:"; findLen = findStr.length(); pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos ) { reaction.push_back( line.substr(pos + findLen + 1) ); reactionFlag = 2; // 2 for (d,p) or (p,d) ///printf("%d |----------- (d,p), %d\n", lineNum, reactionFlag); continue; // nextline } //----- pre find for Elastic scattering findStr = "0 OPTICAL MODEL SCATTERING FOR THE OUTGOING CHANNEL"; pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos ) { preFindForElastic = true; ///printf("%d |----------- pre Elastics Flag : %d\n", lineNum, preFindForElastic); continue; } //----- find angle stetting when not known if( angleStep == -1 ){ findStr = "anglemin="; findLen = findStr.length(); pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos){ size_t pos1 = line.find("anglemax="); angleMin = atof( line.substr(pos+findLen, pos1 - pos - findLen).c_str() ); pos = pos1; pos1 = line.find("anglestep="); angleMax = atof( line.substr(pos+findLen, pos1 - pos - findLen).c_str() ); angleStep = atof( line.substr(pos1 + findLen+1).c_str() ); //printf("%d |---- angle range found.\n", lineNum); } continue; //nextline } //----- check if start extracting Xsec or not findStr = "dumpdumpdump"; if( reactionFlag == 1 && preFindForElastic ){ findStr = "C.M. LAB RUTHERFORD"; } if( reactionFlag == 2 ){ findStr = "0 C.M. REACTION REACTION LOW L HIGH L % FROM"; } pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos ) { startExtract = true; //printf("%d |----- start extraction \n", lineNum); continue; } //----- start extracting Xsec if( startExtract ){ if( line.length() < 20 ) continue; ///printf("%d |%s \n", line.length(), line.c_str()); double numAngle, numXsec; if( reactionFlag == 1 ){ // Elastics (d,d) or (p,p) numAngle = atof( line.substr(0, 7).c_str()); if( indexForElastic == 1 ){ numXsec = atof( line.substr(15, 15).c_str()); }else if( indexForElastic == 2 ){ if ( line.length() > 60 ) { numXsec = atof( line.substr(30, 13).c_str()); }else{ numXsec = -404; } }else{ if ( line.length() > 60 ) { numXsec = atof( line.substr(57, 14).c_str()); }else{ numXsec = -404; } } } if( reactionFlag == 2 ){ // InElastics (d,p) or (p,d) if( isFloat( line.substr(0, 7) ) ){ numAngle = atof( line.substr(0, 7).c_str()); numXsec = atof( line.substr(7, 19).c_str()); }else{ numAngle = -1.0; numXsec = -1.0; } } if( numAngle != numXsec && numXsec > 0. ){ if( !angleFilled ) angle.push_back(numAngle); dataXsec.push_back(numXsec); ///printf(" %f , %f \n", angle.back(), dataXsec.back()); } } //------ find total Xsec, if found stop extraction findStr = "dumpdumpdump"; if( reactionFlag == 1 && preFindForElastic){ findStr = "0TOTAL REACTION CROSS SECTION ="; } if( reactionFlag == 2){ findStr = "0TOTAL:"; } findLen = findStr.length(); pos = line.find(findStr); if( pos != string::npos ) { totalXsec.push_back( atof(line.substr(pos + findLen).c_str()) ); printf("%2d | %s | total Xsec(4pi): %f mb \n", numCal, title.back().c_str(), totalXsec.back()); //push back dataXsec to dataMatrix dataMatrix.push_back(dataXsec); //printf("%d |----- end extraction \n", lineNum); angleFilled = true; startExtract = false; reactionFlag = 0; preFindForElastic = false; continue; } } file_in.close(); //================================== summary printf("====================== Total number of line read : %d \n", lineNum); printf("Angle : %5.2f, %5.2f | step : %5.2f \n", angleMin, angleMax, angleStep); printf("Number of Angle read : %lu \n", angle.size()); printf("Number of data read : %lu \n", dataXsec.size()); printf("Number of Reaction : %lu \n", reaction.size()); printf("----------------------------- list of Calculation \n"); //... find suitable lenght for displaying reaction string int reactionStrLen = 0; for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ int len = reaction[i].length(); if( len > reactionStrLen ) reactionStrLen = len; } vector partialXsec; partialXsec.clear(); for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ double partialSumXsec = 0.0; for( int j = 0; j < (dataMatrix[i]).size() ; j++ ){ //double theta = (angle[j] + angleStep/2.) * TMath::DegToRad(); double theta = (angle[j]) * TMath::DegToRad(); double dTheta = angleStep * TMath::DegToRad(); double phi = TMath::TwoPi(); partialSumXsec += dataMatrix[i][j] * sin( theta ) * dTheta * phi ; } partialXsec.push_back(partialSumXsec); size_t pos = title[i].find(")"); printf("%*s| %s | Xsec(%3.0f-%3.0f deg) : %f mb\n", reactionStrLen + 3, reaction[i].c_str(), title[i].substr(pos+1).c_str(), angleMin, angleMax, partialSumXsec); } printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); //================================== save *.Ex.txt string saveExName = readFile; int len = saveExName.length(); saveExName = saveExName.substr(0, len - 4); saveExName += ".Ex.txt"; printf("Output : %s \n", saveExName.c_str()); FILE * file_Ex; file_Ex = fopen(saveExName.c_str(), "w+"); fprintf(file_Ex, "//generated_by_ExtractXSec.h____Ex____Xsec(4pi)____SF____sigma\n"); for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ fprintf(file_Ex, "%9.5f %9.5f 1.0 0.000\n", Ex[i], partialXsec[i]); } fprintf(file_Ex, "#=====End_of_File\n"); fclose(file_Ex); //================================== save file.Xsec.txt string saveFileName = readFile; len = saveFileName.length(); saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 4); saveFileName += ".Xsec.txt"; printf("Output : %s \n", saveFileName.c_str()); FILE * file_out; file_out = fopen(saveFileName.c_str(), "w+"); for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ fprintf(file_out, "#%14s\n", reaction[i].c_str()); } int space = 19; fprintf(file_out, "%8s\t", "Angel"); for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ fprintf(file_out, "%*s", space, title[i].c_str()); } fprintf(file_out, "\n"); for( int i = 0; i < angle.size() ; i ++){ fprintf(file_out, "%8.3f\t", angle[i]); for( int j = 0; j < numCal ; j++){ fprintf(file_out, "%*f", space, dataMatrix[j][i]); } fprintf(file_out, "\n"); } fclose(file_out); //================================== Save in ROOT len = saveFileName.length(); saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 9); TString fileName = saveFileName; fileName += ".root"; printf("Output : %s \n", fileName.Data()); TFile * fileOut = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE" ); gList = new TObjArray(); ///no SetTitle() method for TObjArray gList->SetName("TGraph of d.s.c"); TObjArray * fList = new TObjArray(); fList->SetName("TF1 of distributions = d.s.c. * sin()"); TGraph ** gGraph = new TGraph *[numCal]; TF1 ** dist = new TF1*[numCal]; for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ gGraph[i] = new TGraph(); TString name = reaction[i]; name += "|"; name += title[i]; gGraph[i]->SetName(name); for( int j = 0; j < angle.size() ; j++){ gGraph[i]->SetPoint(j, angle[j], dataMatrix[i][j]); } gList->Add(gGraph[i]); name.Form("dist%d", i); dist[i] = new TF1(name, distfunct, angleMin, angleMax, 1 ); dist[i]->SetParameter(0, i); fList->Add(dist[i]); //delete tempFunc; } gList->Write("qList", 1); fList->Write("pList", 1); fileOut->Write(); fileOut->Close(); printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } int ExtractXSecFromText(string readFile){ //read file ifstream file_in; file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in); if( !file_in){ printf("Unable to open %s \n", readFile.c_str()); exit(1); } //---- variable for Xsec vector> dataMatrix; vector angle; vector Ex; //================================== read file.out string line; int lineNum = 0; vector dataXsec; int numCal = 0; printf("======================================================\n"); bool headerDone = false; while(getline(file_in, line)){ lineNum ++; if( line.substr(0,1) == "#" ) continue; //printf("%d | %s\n", lineNum, line.c_str()); //after the comment line, the next line must be column name vector header= SplitStr(line, " "); //printf("---%lu #", header.size()); //for( int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++){ // printf("%s|", header[i].c_str()); //} //printf("\n"); if ( !headerDone ) { for( int i = 1 ; i < header.size(); i++){ string energy = header[i].substr(3, header[i].length()); Ex.push_back(atof(energy.c_str())); //printf("%f---\n", Ex.back()); } headerDone = true; }else{ vector temp; for( int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++){ if( i == 0 ) angle.push_back(atof(header[i].c_str())); if( i > 0 ) temp.push_back(atof(header[i].c_str())); } dataMatrix.push_back(temp); } } file_in.close(); double angleMin = angle.front(); double angleMax = angle.back(); double angleStep = (angleMax - angleMin)/(angle.size()-1); //------ print out read data printf("====================== data read as:\n"); printf("%5s, ", "Ex"); for(int i = 0; i < Ex.size(); i++){ printf("%6.3f|", Ex[i]); } printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.size(); i++){ printf("%5.2f, ", angle[i]); for( int j = 0; j < dataMatrix[i].size(); j++) printf("%6.3f|", dataMatrix[i][j]); printf("\n"); } printf("---------------------------------\n"); printf("angle min :%f\n", angleMin); printf("angle max :%f\n", angleMax); printf("angle step:%f\n", angleStep); printf("---------------------------------\n"); //------- calculate summed cross section vector partialXsec(Ex.size()); for( int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.size() ; i++){ for( int j = 0; j < (dataMatrix[i]).size() ; j++ ){ //double theta = (angle[j] + angleStep/2.) * TMath::DegToRad(); double theta = (angle[i]) * TMath::DegToRad(); double dTheta = angleStep * TMath::DegToRad(); double phi = TMath::TwoPi(); partialXsec[j] += dataMatrix[i][j] * sin( theta ) * dTheta * phi ; } } for(int i = 0; i < Ex.size(); i++){ printf("Ex=%6.3f| Xsec(%3.0f-%3.0f deg) : %f mb\n", Ex[i] , angleMin, angleMax, partialXsec[i]); } printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); //================================== save *.Ex.txt string saveExName = readFile; int len = saveExName.length(); saveExName = saveExName.substr(0, len - 4); saveExName += ".Ex.txt"; printf("Output : %s \n", saveExName.c_str()); FILE * file_Ex; file_Ex = fopen(saveExName.c_str(), "w+"); fprintf(file_Ex, "//Generated_by_ExtractXsec.h___Ex___Xsec___SF____sigma\n"); for( int i = 0; i < Ex.size() ; i++){ fprintf(file_Ex, "%9.5f %9.5f 1.0 0.000\n", Ex[i], partialXsec[i]); } fprintf(file_Ex, "#=====End_of_File\n"); fclose(file_Ex); //================================== Save in ROOT string saveFileName = readFile; len = saveFileName.length(); saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 4); TString fileName = saveFileName; fileName += ".root"; printf("Output : %s \n", fileName.Data()); TFile * fileOut = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE" ); gList = new TObjArray(); gList->SetName("TGraph of d.s.c"); TObjArray * fList = new TObjArray(); fList->SetName("TF1 of distributions = d.s.c. * sin()"); TGraph ** gGraph = new TGraph *[numCal]; TF1 ** dist = new TF1*[numCal]; for( int i = 0; i < Ex.size() ; i++){ gGraph[i] = new TGraph(); TString name ; name.Form("Ex=%6.3f MeV", Ex[i]); gGraph[i]->SetName(name); for( int j = 0; j < angle.size() ; j++){ gGraph[i]->SetPoint(j, angle[j], dataMatrix[j][i]); } gList->Add(gGraph[i]); name.Form("dist%d", i); dist[i] = new TF1(name, distfunct, angleMin, angleMax, 1 ); dist[i]->SetParameter(0, i); fList->Add(dist[i]); //delete tempFunc; } gList->Write("qList", 1); fList->Write("pList", 1); fileOut->Write(); fileOut->Close(); printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); return 0; }