592 lines
16 KiB
592 lines
16 KiB
* This is ClassIsotope.h, To extract the isotope mass from nubase_4.mas20.txt
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Sept-6, 2024
* email: goluckyryan@gmail.com
* ********************************************************************/
#ifndef ISOTOPE_H
#define ISOTOPE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "constant.h" // amu
#include <stdlib.h> //atoi
#include <algorithm>
std::string massData="nubase_4.mas20.txt";
class Isotope {
int A, Z;
double Mass, MassError, BEA; // BEA in keV
short twoSpin; // 2*J
short parity;
std::string Name, Symbol; // Name = 6Li, Symbol = Li
std::string dataSource;
Isotope(){dataSource = massData;};
Isotope(int a, int z){ dataSource = massData; SetIso(a,z); };
Isotope(std::string name){ dataSource = massData; SetIsoByName(name); };
void SetMassTablePath(std::string path){ dataSource = path;}
void SetIso(int a, int z);
void SetIsoByName(std::string name);
double CalSp(int Np, int Nn); // this for the Np-proton, Nn-neutron removal
double CalSp2(int a, int z); // this is for (a,z) nucleus removal
double CalBeta(double T){
double Etot = Mass + T;
double gamma = 1 + T/Mass;
double beta = sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma / gamma ) ;
return beta;
void Print();
void ListShell();
void InvalidIso();
void BreakName(std::string nameStr);
void BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr);
void DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z);
void FindMassByAZ(int a, int z); // give mass, massError, BEA, Name, Symbol;
void FindMassByName(std::string name); // give Z, mass, massError, BEA;
int TwoJ(int nShell);
std::string Orbital(int nShell);
int magic(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 2; break;
case 1: return 8; break;
case 2: return 20; break;
case 3: return 28; break;
case 4: return 40; break;
case 5: return 50; break;
case 6: return 82; break;
case 7: return 128; break;
return 0;
int magicShellID(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 0; break;
case 1: return 2; break;
case 2: return 5; break;
case 3: return 6; break;
case 4: return 9; break;
case 5: return 10; break;
case 6: return 15; break;
case 7: return 21; break;
return 0;
int fileStartLine;
int fileEndLine;
int lineMass050_099;
int lineMass100_149;
int lineMass150_199;
int lineMass200_249;
int lineMass250;
int colA[2];
int colZ[2];
int colName[2];
int colMassExcess[2];
int colMassError[2];
int colSpin[2];
void setFileLinesAndCol(){
fileStartLine = 26;
fileEndLine = 5869;
lineMass050_099 = 638;
lineMass100_149 = 1718;
lineMass150_199 = 3123;
lineMass200_249 = 4591;
lineMass250 = 5495;
colA[0] = 0;
colA[1] = 3;
colZ[0] = 4;
colZ[1] = 8;
colName[0] = 11;
colName[1] = 16;
colMassExcess[0] = 18;
colMassExcess[1] = 31;
colMassError[0] = 31;
colMassError[1] = 42;
colSpin[0] = 88;
colSpin[1] = 97;
bool isFindOnce;
void Isotope::SetIso(int a, int z){
void Isotope::SetIsoByName(std::string name){
void Isotope::InvalidIso(){
this->BEA = std::nan("");
this->Mass = std::nan("");
this->MassError = std::nan("");
this->Symbol = "non";
this->Name = "non";
this->twoSpin = 0;
this->parity = 0;
void Isotope::BreakName(std::string nameStr){
std::string::size_type lastDigit = nameStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
this->Symbol = nameStr.substr(lastDigit + 1);
if (this->Symbol.length() == 1) {
this->Symbol += " ";
this->A = std::stoi(nameStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1));
void Isotope::BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr){
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), '('), jPiStr.end());
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), ')'), jPiStr.end());
std::string::size_type lastDigit = jPiStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = jPiStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
this->parity = (jPiStr.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
void Isotope::DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z){
double massExcess = atof((line.substr(colMassExcess[0],colMassExcess[1]-colMassExcess[0])).c_str());
Mass = massExcess/1000. + A * amu - Z * me;
MassError = atof((line.substr(colMassError[0],colMassError[1]-colMassError[0])).c_str()) / 1000.;
BEA = (Z * mp + (A-Z) * mn - Mass)/A *1000;
std::string str = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
Name = str;
if( this->Name == "1H" ) this->Name = "p";
if( this->Name == "2H" ) this->Name = "d";
if( this->Name == "3H" ) this->Name = "t";
if( this->Name == "4He" ) this->Name = "a";
str = line.substr(colSpin[0], colSpin[1]-colSpin[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '*'), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '#'), str.end());
std::string Jpi = str;
// printf("A %d Z: %d | %s | %f | %f |%s|\n", A, Z, Name.c_str(), massExcess, Mass, Jpi.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByAZ(int A, int Z){
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
this->A = A;
this->Z = Z;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
// printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
if ( A == list_A && Z * 10 == list_Z) {
DigestLine(line, A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByName(std::string name){
// done seperate the Mass number and the name
if( name == "n" ) {
this->Name = "1n";
this->BEA = 0;
this->Mass = mn;
this->MassError = 0;
this->Name = "n";
this->A = 1;
this->Z = 0;
this->twoSpin = 1;
this->parity = 1;
if( name == "p" ) name = "1H";
if( name == "d" ) name = "2H";
if( name == "t" ) name = "3H";
if( name == "a" ) name = "4He";
this->Name = name;
// find the nucleus in the data
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
//printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
std::string nameStr = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
nameStr.erase(remove(nameStr.begin(), nameStr.end(), ' '), nameStr.end());
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
// printf("A %d Z %d | %s \n", list_A, list_Z, nameStr.c_str());
if ( list_A == A && list_Z % 10 == 0 && Name == nameStr) {
Z = list_Z/10;
DigestLine(line, list_A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > this->A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
double Isotope::CalSp(int Np, int Nn){
Isotope nucleusD(A - Np - Nn, Z - Np);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + Nn*mn + Np*mp - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
double Isotope::CalSp2(int a, int z){
Isotope nucleusD(A - a , Z - z);
Isotope nucleusS(a,z);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) && !std::isnan(nucleusS.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + nucleusS.Mass - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
int Isotope::TwoJ(int nShell){
case 0: return 1; break; // 0s1/2
case 1: return 3; break; // 0p3/2
case 2: return 1; break; // 0p1/2 -- 8
case 3: return 5; break; // 0d5/2
case 4: return 1; break; // 1s1/2
case 5: return 3; break; // 0d3/2 -- 20
case 6: return 7; break; // 0f7/2 -- 28
case 7: return 3; break; // 1p3/2
case 8: return 1; break; // 1p1/2
case 9: return 5; break; // 0f5/2 -- 40
case 10: return 9; break; // 0g9/2 -- 50
case 11: return 7; break; // 0g7/2
case 12: return 5; break; // 1d5/2
case 13: return 11; break; // 0h11/2
case 14: return 3; break; // 1d3/2
case 15: return 1; break; // 2s1/2 -- 82
case 16: return 9; break; // 0h9/2
case 17: return 7; break; // 1f7/2
case 18: return 13; break; // 0i13/2
case 19: return 3; break; // 2p3/2
case 20: return 5; break; // 1f5/2
case 21: return 1; break; // 1p1/2 -- 126
case 22: return 9; break; // 1g9/2
case 23: return 11; break; // 0i11/2
case 24: return 15; break; // 0j15/2
case 25: return 5; break; // 2d5/2
case 26: return 1; break; // 3s1/2
case 27: return 3; break; // 2d3/2
case 28: return 7; break; // 1g7/2
return 0;
std::string Isotope::Orbital(int nShell){
case 0: return "0s1 "; break; //
case 1: return "0p3 "; break; //
case 2: return "0p1 "; break; //-- 8
case 3: return "0d5 "; break; //
case 4: return "1s1 "; break; //
case 5: return "0d3 "; break; //-- 20
case 6: return "0f7 "; break; //-- 28
case 7: return "1p3 "; break; //
case 8: return "1p1 "; break; //
case 9: return "0f5 "; break; //-- 40
case 10: return "0g9 "; break; //-- 50
case 11: return "0g7 "; break; //
case 12: return "1d5 "; break; //
case 13: return "0h11"; break; //
case 14: return "1d3 "; break; //
case 15: return "2s1 "; break; //-- 82
case 16: return "0h9 "; break; //
case 17: return "1f7 "; break; //
case 18: return "0i13"; break; //
case 19: return "2p3 "; break; //
case 20: return "1f5 "; break; //
case 21: return "1p1 "; break; //-- 126
case 22: return "1g9 "; break; //
case 23: return "0i11"; break; //
case 24: return "0j15"; break; //
case 25: return "2d5 "; break; //
case 26: return "3s1 "; break; //
case 27: return "2d3 "; break; //
case 28: return "1g7 "; break; //
return "nan";
void Isotope::ListShell(){
if( Mass < 0 ) return;
int n = A-Z;
int p = Z;
int k = std::min(n,p);
int nMagic = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
if( magic(i) < k && k <= magic(i+1) ){
nMagic = i;
int coreShell = magicShellID(nMagic-1);
int coreZ1 = magic(nMagic-1);
int coreZ2 = magic(nMagic);
Isotope core1( 2*coreZ1, coreZ1);
Isotope core2( 2*coreZ2, coreZ2);
printf("------------------ Core:%3s, inner Core:%3s \n", (core2.Name).c_str(), (core1.Name).c_str());
printf(" || ");
int t = std::max(n,p);
int nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
t = t - occ;
}while( t > 0 && nShell < 29);
for( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){
if (nShell < 28) {
printf("%4s,", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
}else if( nShell == 28 ) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
nShell ++;
if (nShell < 29) printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
printf(" Z = %3d || ", p);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell ){
if( p > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", p);
p = p - occ;
}while( p > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf(" N = %3d || ", n);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if ( nShell > coreShell ){
if( n > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", n);
n = n - occ;
}while( n > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf("------------------ \n");
void Isotope::Print(){
if (Mass > 0){
printf(" using mass data : %s \n", dataSource.c_str());
std::string jPiStr = "";
if( twoSpin % 2 == 0) {
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin/2).c_str();
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin) + "/2";
printf(" mass of \e[47m\e[31m%s\e[m nucleus (Z,A)=(%3d,%3d) is \e[47m\e[31m%12.5f\e[m MeV, J-pi \e[31m%s%s\e[m\n",
parity == 1 ? "+" : "-");
printf(" total BE : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA*A/1000.);
printf(" total BE/A : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA/1000.);
printf(" mass in amu : %12.5f u\n",Mass/amu);
printf(" mass excess : %12.5f MeV +- %12.5f\n", Mass + Z*0.510998950 - A*amu, MassError);
printf("-------------- Seperation energy \n");
printf(" S1p: %8.4f| S1n: %8.4f| S(2H ): %8.4f| S1p1n : %8.4f\n", CalSp(1, 0), CalSp(0, 1), CalSp2(2, 1), CalSp(1, 1));
printf(" S2p: %8.4f| S2n: %8.4f| S(3He): %8.4f| S(3H) : %8.4f\n", CalSp(2, 0), CalSp(0, 2), CalSp2(3, 2), CalSp2(3, 1));
printf(" S3p: %8.4f| S3n: %8.4f| S(4He): %8.4f|\n", CalSp(3, 0), CalSp(0, 3), CalSp2(4, 2));
printf(" S4p: %8.4f| S4n: %8.4f| \n", CalSp(4, 0), CalSp(0, 4));
printf("Error %6.0f, no nucleus with (Z,A) = (%3d,%3d). \n", Mass, Z, A);