407 lines
17 KiB
407 lines
17 KiB
* This is InFileCreator, To creator the in-file for Ptolemy
* only for (x,y), x or y = n, p, d, t, 3He
* It read a simple infile.in from reaction_setting file
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This program will call the root library and compile in g++
* compilation:
* g++ InFileCreator.C -o InFileCreator `root-config --cflags --glibs`
* The reaction_setting file is simple like:
* 206Hg(d,p)207Hg(1s1/2 0.000) 10MeV/u AK
* the first is similar to usual reaction setting, the word AK is a
* short name for Optical Potential, user can put as many line as
* they like, Cleopatra can create the suitable infile.in for Ptolomy
* ------------------------------------------------------
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018
* email: goluckyryan@gmail.com
* ********************************************************************/
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "../Cleopatra/Isotope.h" // for geting Z
#include "potentials.h"
#include "../Armory/AnalysisLibrary.h"
using namespace std;
int GetLValue(string spdf){
if( spdf == "s" ) return 0;
if( spdf == "p" ) return 1;
if( spdf == "d" ) return 2;
if( spdf == "f" ) return 3;
if( spdf == "g" ) return 4;
if( spdf == "h" ) return 5;
if( spdf == "i" ) return 6;
if( spdf == "j" ) return 7;
return -1;
int InFileCreator(string readFile, string infile, double angMin, double angMax, double angStep) {
//================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction
ifstream file_in;
file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in);
if( !file_in ){
printf(" cannot read file. \n");
return 0 ;
printf("Save to infile : %s \n", infile.c_str());
FILE * file_out;
file_out = fopen (infile.c_str(), "w+");
printf("Angle setting (%5.2f, %5.2f) deg | Step : %5.2f deg\n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
//extract information
int numOfReaction = 0;
while( file_in.good() ) {
string tempLine;
getline(file_in, tempLine );
if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue;
if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue;
//split line using space
vector<string> str0 = SplitStr(tempLine, " ");
if ( str0.size() == 0 ) continue;
printf(" %s\n", tempLine.c_str());
///for( int i = 0 ; i < str0.size() ; i++){
/// printf(" str0[%d] %s \n", i, str0[i].c_str());
vector<string> str1 = SplitStr(str0[0], "(", 0);
vector<string> str2 = SplitStr(str1[1], ")", 1);
str2[0] = "(" + str2[0];
int lenStr20 = str2[0].length();
size_t posTemp1 = str2[0].find(",");
string mass_a = str2[0].substr(1, posTemp1-1);
size_t posTemp2 = str2[0].find(")");
string mass_b = str2[0].substr(posTemp1+1, posTemp2-posTemp1-1);
///printf(" mass_a : |%s| , mass_b : |%s| \n", mass_a.c_str(), mass_b.c_str());
Isotope iso_a(mass_a);
Isotope iso_b(mass_b);
// Check is the Reaction supported
bool isReactionSupported = false;
bool isTransferReaction = true;
if( iso_a.A <= 4 && iso_a.Z <= 2 && iso_b.A <=4 && iso_b.Z <=2 ) isReactionSupported = true;
///======= elastics-ish scattering
if( iso_a.Mass == iso_b.Mass ) isTransferReaction = false;
///======= p/n-exchange is not supported
if( iso_a.A == iso_b.A && iso_a.Z != iso_b.Z ) isReactionSupported = false;
///======= 3-nucleons transfer is not supported. e.g. (n,a), (p,a), (a,n), (a,p)
int numNucleonsTransfer = iso_a.A - iso_b.A;
if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) >= 3 ) isReactionSupported = false;
if( isReactionSupported == false ){
printf(" ===> Ignored. Reaction type not supported. \n");
// Continues to decode the input string
string gsSpinA = str0[1];
string orbital = str0[2];
string spinParity = str0[3];
int lenSpinParity = spinParity.length();
string spin = spinParity.substr(0, lenSpinParity-1);
string parity = spinParity.substr(lenSpinParity-1);
string Ex = str0[4];
string reactionEnergy = str0[5];
string potential = str0[6];
string isoA = str1[0];
string isoB = str2[1];
string reactionType = str2[0];
Isotope iso_A(str1[0]);
Isotope iso_B(str2[1]);
/// check is iso_A or iso_B exist in the mass table
if( iso_A.Mass == -404 || iso_B.Mass == -404 ){
printf(" ===> Error! mass does not found. \n");
/// check reaction valid by balancing the A and Z number;
if( iso_A.A + iso_a.A != iso_B.A + iso_b.A || iso_A.Z + iso_a.Z != iso_B.Z + iso_b.Z ) {
printf("====> ERROR! A-number or Z-number not balanced. \n");
Isotope isotopeK(iso_A.A + iso_a.A - iso_b.A, iso_A.Z + iso_a.Z - iso_b.Z);
printf(" try : %s(%s,%s)%s ??\n", iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_b.Name.c_str(), isotopeK.Name.c_str());
if( isTransferReaction && potential.length() != 2 ){
printf("====> ERROR! Potential input should be 2 charaters! skipped. \n");
string node ;
string jValue ;
string lValue ;
int spdf = -1;
if( isTransferReaction ) {
///printf("------------ %d nucleon(s) transfer \n", abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A));
node = orbital.substr(0,1);
// single nucleon transfer
if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 1 ){
lValue = orbital.substr(1,1);
jValue = orbital.substr(2);
///printf(" l : %s, j : %s \n", lValue.c_str(), jValue.c_str());
spdf = GetLValue(lValue);
// two-nucleons transfer
if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 2 ){
size_t posEq = orbital.find('=');
lValue = orbital.substr(posEq+1,1);
if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 0 ){
printf(" ===? skipped. p-n exchange reaction does not support. \n");
if( spdf == -1 ){
printf(" ===> skipped. Not reconginzed orbital-label. (user input : l=%s | %s) \n", lValue.c_str(), orbital.c_str());
//get Beam energy, distingusih MeV or MeV/u
int pos = reactionEnergy.length() - 1;
for( int i = pos; i >= 0 ; i--){
if( isdigit(reactionEnergy[i]) ) {
pos = i;
string unit = reactionEnergy.substr(pos+1);
int factor = 1;
if( unit == "MeV/u") factor = iso_a.A;
double totalBeamEnergy = atof(reactionEnergy.substr(0, pos+1).c_str()) * factor;
///printf("unit : |%s| , %f\n", unit.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy);
///printf(" target nucleus : %s \n", isoA.c_str());
///printf(" reaction : %s \n", reactionType.c_str());
///printf(" remain : %s \n", isoB.c_str());
///printf(" reaction energy : %s \n", reactionEnergy.c_str());
///printf(" Potential : %s \n", potential.c_str());
///printf(" orbital : %s \n", orbital.c_str());
///printf(" Ex [MeV] : %s \n", Ex.c_str());
double Qvalue = iso_a.Mass + iso_A.Mass - iso_b.Mass - iso_B.Mass;
///printf("Q-Value = %f MeV\n", Qvalue);
//============ write ptolmey infile
numOfReaction ++ ;
//================ elastic-ish transfer
if( isTransferReaction == false ){
if ( atof(Ex.c_str()) == 0.0 ) {
fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ ELab=%5.2f(%s+%s)%s\n",
totalBeamEnergy, mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str(), potential.c_str());
fprintf(file_out, "reset\n");
fprintf(file_out, "CHANNEL %s + %s\n", mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str());
fprintf(file_out, "r0target\n");
fprintf(file_out, "ELAB = %f\n", totalBeamEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str());
string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1);
string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name);
fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str());
CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a);
fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai);
fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi);
fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso);
fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0);
fprintf(file_out, "ELASTIC SCATTERING\n");
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ Ex=%s(%s+%s|%s%s)%s,ELab=%5.2f\n",
Ex.c_str(), mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), potential.c_str(),totalBeamEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "reset\n");
fprintf(file_out, "REACTION: %s%s%s(%s%s %s) ELAB=%7.3f\n",
isoA.c_str(), reactionType.c_str(), isoB.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), Ex.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET ineloca2 r0target\n");
fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str());
if( str0.size() >= 8 ){
fprintf(file_out, "BETA=%s\n", str0[7].c_str()); //deformation length
string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1);
string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name);
fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str());
CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "INCOMING\n");
fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a);
fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai);
fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi, rc0);
///fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso);
///fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
fprintf(file_out, "OUTGOING\n");
fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str());
CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy - atof(Ex.c_str()), iso_a.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a);
fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai);
fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi, rc0);
///fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi);
///fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso);
///fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
//================ Transfer reaction
if( isTransferReaction ){
fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ Ex=%s(%s)%s\n", Ex.c_str(), orbital.c_str(), potential.c_str());
fprintf(file_out, "reset\n");
fprintf(file_out, "REACTION: %s%s%s(%s%s %s) ELAB=%7.3f\n",
isoA.c_str(), reactionType.c_str(), isoB.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), Ex.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy);
//-------- Projectile (the light particle)
if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) == 1 ){
if( iso_a.A <= 2 && iso_a.Z <= 1 && iso_b.A <=2 && iso_b.Z <= 1){ // incoming d or p
fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET dpsb r0target \n");
fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 asymptopia=50 \n");
fprintf(file_out, "\n");
fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE \n");
fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction av18 \n");
fprintf(file_out, "r0=1 a=0.5 l=0 rc0=1.2\n");
if( (3 <= iso_a.A && iso_a.A <= 4) || (3 <= iso_b.A && iso_b.A <= 4) ){
fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET alpha3 r0target \n");
fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 asymptopia=50 \n");
fprintf(file_out, "\n");
fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE \n");
fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction phiffer \n");
if( iso_a.Z + iso_b.Z == 2){ // (t,d) or (d,t)
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.30 v=172.88 r=0.56 a=0.69 param1=0.64 param2=1.15 rc=2.0\n");
if( iso_a.Z + iso_b.Z == 3){ // (3He,d) or (d, 3He)
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.31 v=179.94 r=0.54 a=0.68 param1=0.64 param2=1.13 rc=2.0\n");
if( iso_b.A == 4 ){
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.61 v=202.21 r=.93 a=.66 param1=.81 param2=.87 rc=2.0 $ rc=2 is a quirk\n");
}else if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) == 2 ){ // 2 nucleons transfer
fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET alpha3 r0target\n");
fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 ASYMPTOPIA=40\n");
fprintf(file_out, "\n");
fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE\n");
fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction phiffer\n");
fprintf(file_out, "L = 0 NODES=0 R0 = 1.25 A = .65 RC0 = 1.25\n");
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
//===== TARGET
fprintf(file_out, "TARGET\n");
///check Ex is above particle threshold
double nThreshold = iso_B.CalSp(0,1);
double pThreshold = iso_B.CalSp(1,0);
bool isAboveThreshold = false;
double ExEnergy = atof(Ex.c_str());
if( ExEnergy > nThreshold || ExEnergy > pThreshold ) {
isAboveThreshold = true;
printf(" Ex = %.3f MeV is above thresholds; Sp = %.3f MeV, Sn = %.3f MeV\n", ExEnergy, pThreshold, nThreshold);
if( abs(iso_a.A-iso_b.A) == 1 ){
fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str());
if( isAboveThreshold ) {
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s l=%d jp=%s E=-.2 $node is n-1, set binding 200 keV \n", node.c_str(), spdf, jValue.c_str());
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s l=%d jp=%s $node is n-1 \n", node.c_str(), spdf, jValue.c_str());
fprintf(file_out, "r0=1.25 a=.65 \n");
fprintf(file_out, "vso=6 rso0=1.10 aso=.65 \n");
fprintf(file_out, "rc0=1.3 \n");
if( abs(iso_a.A-iso_b.A) == 2 ){
fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str());
if( isAboveThreshold ){
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s L=%d E=-.2 $node is n-1, binding by 200 keV \n", node.c_str(), spdf);
fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s L=%d $node is n-1 \n", node.c_str(), spdf);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1);
string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name);
fprintf(file_out, "INCOMING $%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str());
CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a);
fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai);
fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi);
fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso);
fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
string pot2Name = potential.substr(1,1);
string pot2Ref = potentialRef(pot2Name);
fprintf(file_out, "OUTGOING $%s\n", pot2Ref.c_str());
//printf(" total Beam Energy : %f | Qvalue : %f | Ex : %f \n", totalBeamEnergy, Qvalue, atof(Ex.c_str()));
double eBeam = totalBeamEnergy + Qvalue - atof(Ex.c_str());
CallPotential(pot2Name, iso_B.A, iso_B.Z, eBeam, iso_b.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a);
fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai);
fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi);
fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso);
fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
fprintf(file_out, "anglemin=%f anglemax=%f anglestep=%f\n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, ";\n");
printf("================= end of input. Number of Reaction : %d \n", numOfReaction);
fprintf(file_out, "end $================================== end of input\n");
return 1;