325 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
325 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from boundState import BoundState
from solveSE import WoodsSaxonPot, CoulombPotential, SpinOrbit_Pot, WS_SurfacePot, SolvingSE
from mpmath import coulombf, coulombg
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma, factorial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from assLegendreP import associated_legendre_array
def SevenPointsSlope(data, n):
return (-data[n + 3] + 9 * data[n + 2] - 45 * data[n + 1] + 45 * data[n - 1] - 9 * data[n - 2] + data[n - 3]) / 60
def FivePointsSlope(data, n):
return ( data[n + 2] - 8 * data[n + 1] + 8 * data[n - 1] - data[n - 2] ) / 12
from clebschGordan import clebsch_gordan, KroneckerDelta
import time
class DistortedWave(SolvingSE):
def __init__(self, target, projectile, ELab):
super().__init__(target, projectile, ELab)
self.SetRange(0, 0.1, 300)
self.ScatMatrix = []
self.distortedWaveU = []
self.legendreArray = []
def SetLJ(self, L, J):
self.L = L
self.J = J
self.dsolu0 = pow(0.1, 2*L+1)
def CoulombPhaseShift(self, L = None, eta = None):
if L is None:
L = self.L
if eta is None:
eta = self.eta
return np.angle(gamma(L+1+1j*eta))
def CoulombHankel(self, sign, rho, L = None, eta = None) -> complex:
if L is None:
L = self.L
if eta is None:
eta = self.eta
return float(coulombg(L, eta, rho)) + sign * 1j * float(coulombf(L, eta, rho))
def CalScatteringMatrix(self, normTo1 = False, maxL = None, verbose = False):
start_time = time.time() # Start the timer
if maxL is None:
maxL = self.maxL
self.ScatMatrix = []
self.distortedWaveU = []
tempZeroList = np.zeros(len(self.rpos), dtype=np.complex128)
for L in range(0, maxL+1):
temp_ScatMatrix = []
temp_distortedWaveU = []
for J in np.arange(L-self.S, L + self.S+1, 1):
if J < 0 or (L==0 and J != self.S):
self.SetLJ(L, J)
#============ 2-point using Hankel
# r1 = self.rpos[-2]
# u1 = self.solU[-2]
# Hp1 = self.CoulombHankel( 1, self.k * r1)
# Hm1 = self.CoulombHankel(-1, self.k * r1)
# r2 = self.rpos[-1]
# u2 = self.solU[-1]
# Hp2 = self.CoulombHankel( 1, self.k * r2)
# Hm2 = self.CoulombHankel(-1, self.k * r2)
# ScatMatrix = (u1 * Hm2 - Hm1 * u2) / (u1 * Hp2 - Hp1 * u2)
# norm = 2j * (u1 * Hp2 - Hp1 * u2 ) / (Hp1 * Hm2 - Hm1 * Hp2)
#=========== 2 point G, F, this is fastest
r1 = self.rpos[-2]
u1 = self.solU[-2]
f1 = float(coulombf(self.L, self.eta, self.k*r1))
g1 = float(coulombg(self.L, self.eta, self.k*r1))
r2 = self.rpos[-1]
u2 = self.solU[-1]
f2 = float(coulombf(self.L, self.eta, self.k*r2))
g2 = float(coulombg(self.L, self.eta, self.k*r2))
print(f"{L:2d}, {J:4.1f} | {r1:.3f}, {f1:10.6f}, {g1:10.6f} | {r2:.3f}, {f2:10.6f}, {g2:10.6f}")
det = f2*g1 - f1*g2
A = (f2*u1 - u2*f1) / det
B = (u2*g1 - g2*u1) / det
ScatMatrix = (B + A * 1j)/(B - A * 1j)
norm = B - A * 1j
#============ 5 points slopes
# r_list = self.rpos[-5:]
# u_list = self.solU[-5:]
# f_list = [float(coulombf(self.L, self.eta, self.k * r)) for r in r_list]
# g_list = [float(coulombg(self.L, self.eta, self.k * r)) for r in r_list]
# u0 = u_list[2]
# f0 = f_list[2]
# g0 = g_list[2]
# du = FivePointsSlope(u_list, 2)
# df = FivePointsSlope(f_list, 2)
# dg = FivePointsSlope(g_list, 2)
# det = df*g0 - dg*f0
# A = (df*u0 - du*f0) /det
# B = (du*g0 - dg*u0) /det
# ScatMatrix = (B + A * 1j)/(B - A * 1j)
# norm = B - A * 1j
# #============ 100 points fitting
# r_list = self.rpos[-5:]
# u_list = self.solU[-5:]
# f_list = [float(coulombf(self.L, self.eta, self.k * r)) for r in r_list]
# g_list = [float(coulombg(self.L, self.eta, self.k * r)) for r in r_list]
# # Fit u_list to A * g_list + B * f_list
# A, B = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([g_list, f_list]).T, u_list, rcond=None)[0]
# ScatMatrix = (B + A * 1j) / (B - A * 1j)
# norm = B - A * 1j
if verbose:
print(f"{{{L},{J}, {np.real(ScatMatrix):10.6f} + {np.imag(ScatMatrix):10.6f}I}}")
dwU = np.array(self.solU, dtype=np.complex128)
if normTo1 :
dwU /= self.maxSolU
dwU *= 1./norm
end_time = time.time() # End the timer
print(f"Calculate Scattering Matrixes took {(end_time - start_time) * 1000:.2f} milliseconds")
return [self.ScatMatrix, self.distortedWaveU]
def PrintScatteringMatrix(self):
print("======================= Scattering Matrix")
for L in range(0, len(self.ScatMatrix)):
if L == 0 :
print(" ", end="")
for i in range(0, len(self.ScatMatrix[L])):
print(f"{{{'L':>2s},{'J':>4s}, {'Real':>10s} + {'Imaginary':>10s}}}, ", end="")
print("{", end="")
for i in range(0, len(self.ScatMatrix[L])):
print("{", end="")
print(f"{L:2d},{L+i-self.S:4.1f}, {np.real(self.ScatMatrix[L][i]):10.6f} + {np.imag(self.ScatMatrix[L][i]):10.6f}I", end="")
if i < len(self.ScatMatrix[L])-1 :
print("}, ", end="")
print("}", end="")
def GetScatteringMatrix(self, L, J):
return self.ScatMatrix[L][J-L+self.S]
def GetDistortedWave(self, L, J):
return self.distortedWaveU[L][int(J-L+self.S)]
def PlotDistortedWave(self, L, J, maxR = None):
plt.plot(self.rpos, np.real(self.GetDistortedWave(L, J)), label="Real")
plt.plot(self.rpos, np.imag(self.GetDistortedWave(L, J)), label="Imaginary")
plt.title(f"Radial wave function for L={L} and J={J}")
if maxR != None :
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PlotScatteringMatrix(self):
nSpin = int(self.S*2+1)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, nSpin, figsize=(6*nSpin, 4))
for i in range(0, nSpin):
sm = []
l_list = []
for L in range(0, len(self.ScatMatrix)):
if i == 0 and L == 0 :
axes[i].plot(l_list, np.real(sm), label="Real", marker='o')
axes[i].plot(l_list, np.imag(sm), label="Imaginary", marker='x')
axes[i].set_xlim(-1, self.maxL+1)
axes[i].set_xticks(np.arange(0, self.maxL + 1, 2))
if self.S*2 % 2 == 0 :
str = f'{int(i-self.S):+d}'
str = f'{int(2*(i-self.S)):+d}/2'
axes[i].set_title(f'Real and Imaginary Parts vs L for Spin J = L{str}')
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def RutherFord(self, theta_deg):
sin_half_theta = np.sin(np.radians(theta_deg + 1e-20) / 2)
result = self.eta**2 / (4 * (self.k**2) * (sin_half_theta**4))
return result
def CoulombScatterintAmp(self, theta_deg):
sin_sq = pow(np.sin(np.radians(theta_deg + 1e-20)/2), 2)
coulPS = self.CoulombPhaseShift(0)
return - self.eta / (2 * self.k * sin_sq) * np.exp(1j * (2*coulPS - self.eta * np.log(sin_sq)))
def GMatrix1Spin(self, v, v0, l ) -> complex:
if self.S == 0 :
return self.ScatMatrix[l][0] - KroneckerDelta(v, v0)
Jmin = l - self.S
Jmax = l + self.S
value = 0
for J in np.arange(Jmin, Jmax + 1, 1):
index = int(J - Jmin)
cg1 = clebsch_gordan(l, 0, self.S, v0, J, v0)
cg2 = clebsch_gordan(l, v0 - v, self.S, v, J, v0)
value += cg1 * cg2 * self.ScatMatrix[l][index]
return value - KroneckerDelta(v, v0)
def CalLegendre(self, theta_deg, maxL = None, maxM = None):
if maxL is None:
maxL = self.maxL
if maxM is None:
maxM = int(2*self.S)
self.legendreArray = associated_legendre_array(maxL, maxM, theta_deg)
return self.legendreArray
def GetPreCalLegendre(self, L, M):
if abs (M) <= int(2*self.S):
return self.legendreArray[L][int(abs(M))]
else :
return 0
def NuclearScatteringAmp(self, v, v0, maxL = None ) -> complex:
value = 0
if maxL is None:
maxL = self.maxL
for l in range(0, maxL+1):
if abs(v0-v) > l :
value += 0
coulPS = self.CoulombPhaseShift(l)
fact = pow(-1, v0-v) * np.sqrt(factorial(l - abs(v0-v))/factorial(l + abs(v0-v)))
value += (2*l+1) * fact * self.GetPreCalLegendre(l, v0-v) * np.exp(2j * coulPS)* self.GMatrix1Spin(v, v0, l)
return value / 2j / self.k
def DCSUnpolarized(self, theta_deg, maxL = None):
value = 0
jaja = self.CoulombScatterintAmp(theta_deg)
for v in np.arange(-self.S, self.S + 1, 1):
for v0 in np.arange(-self.S, self.S + 1, 1):
value += abs( jaja * KroneckerDelta(v, v0) + self.NuclearScatteringAmp(v, v0, maxL))**2
value = value / (2 * self.S + 1)
return value
def CalAngDistribution(self, thetaRange = 180, thetaStepDeg = 0.2, maxL = None, verbose = False):
self.theta_list = np.linspace(0, thetaRange, int(thetaRange/thetaStepDeg)+1)
self.angDist = []
for theta in self.theta_list:
if theta == 0:
self.angDist.append(self.DCSUnpolarized(theta, maxL)/ self.RutherFord(theta))
if verbose :
print(f"{theta:6.2f}, {self.angDist[-1]:10.6f}")
def PrintAngDistribution(self):
print("======================= Angular Distribution")
for theta, dist in zip(self.theta_list, self.angDist):
print(f"{theta:5.1f}, {dist:10.3f}")
def PlotDCSUnpolarized(self):
thetaTick = 30
thetaRange = max(self.theta_list)
if thetaRange < 180:
thetaTick = 10
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# plt.plot(theta_values, y_values, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='blue')
plt.plot(self.theta_list, self.angDist, linestyle='-', color='blue')
plt.title("Differential Cross Section (Unpolarized)")
plt.xlabel("Angle [deg]")
plt.ylabel("D.C.S / Ruth")
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, thetaRange + 1, thetaTick))
plt.xlim(0, thetaRange)
input("Press Enter to continue...") |