2025-02-27 13:15:56 -05:00

298 lines
11 KiB

#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include "ClassIsotope.h" // for geting Z
#include "potentials.h"
#define RED "\033[31m"
#define GREEN "\033[32m"
#define BLUE "\033[34m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"
int GetLValue(std::string spdf){
if( spdf == "s" ) return 0;
if( spdf == "p" ) return 1;
if( spdf == "d" ) return 2;
if( spdf == "f" ) return 3;
if( spdf == "g" ) return 4;
if( spdf == "h" ) return 5;
if( spdf == "i" ) return 6;
if( spdf == "j" ) return 7;
return -1;
FILE * file_out = nullptr;
std::vector<std::string> SplitStr(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){
std::vector<std::string> output;
size_t pos;
pos = tempLine.find(splitter); /// fine splitter
if( pos == 0 ){ ///check if it is splitter again
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1);
std::string secStr;
if( pos == std::string::npos ){
secStr = tempLine;
secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift);
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift);
///check if secStr is begin with space
while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " ") secStr = secStr.substr(1);
///check if secStr is end with space
while( secStr.back() == ' ') secStr = secStr.substr(0, secStr.size()-1);
///printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str());
}while(pos != std::string::npos );
return output;
std::vector<std::string> Breakdown_AabB( std::string reactStr ){
std::vector<std::string> str1 = SplitStr(reactStr, "(", 0);
std::vector<std::string> str2 = SplitStr(str1[1], ")", 1);
std::vector<std::string> str3 = SplitStr(str2[0], ",", 0);
std::vector<std::string> output;
output.push_back ( str1[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[1] );
output.push_back ( str2[1] );
return output;
float GetTotalEnergy( std::string ELabStr, float beamA ){
//get Beam energy, distingusih MeV or MeV/u
int pos = ELabStr.length() - 1;
for( int i = pos; i >= 0 ; i--){
if( isdigit(ELabStr[i]) ) {
pos = i;
std::string unit = ELabStr.substr(pos+1);
int factor = 1;
if( unit == "MeV/u") factor = beamA;
return atof(ELabStr.substr(0, pos+1).c_str()) * factor;
int InFileCreator(std::string readFile, std::string infile, double angMin, double angMax, double angStep) {
//================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction
std::ifstream file_in;, std::ios::in);
if( !file_in ){
printf(" cannot read file. \n");
return 0 ;
printf("Save to infile : %s \n", infile.c_str());
file_out = fopen (infile.c_str(), "w+");
printf("Angle setting (%5.2f, %5.2f) deg | Step : %5.2f deg\n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
//^============================== extract reaction line by line
int numOfReaction = 0;
while( file_in.good() ) {
std::string tempLine;
std::getline(file_in, tempLine );
if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue;
if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue;
//split line using space
std::vector<std::string> strList = SplitStr(tempLine, " ");
if ( strList.size() == 0 ) continue;
printf(" %s\n", tempLine.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> AabB = Breakdown_AabB( strList[0] );
if( AabB.size() != 4 ) {
printf(" %sUnable to do 3-body reactions.%s\n", RED, RESET);
Isotope iso_A(AabB[0]);
Isotope iso_a(AabB[1]);
Isotope iso_b(AabB[2]);
Isotope iso_B(AabB[3]);
float spin_A = atof(strList[1].c_str());
short twoSpin = 0, parity = 0;
if( strList[3] != "none"){ /// extrac spin and parity
std::string Jpi = strList[3];
std::string::size_type lastDigit = Jpi.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = Jpi.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
parity = (Jpi.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
float Ex = atof(strList[4].c_str());
float totalEnergy = GetTotalEnergy(strList[5], iso_a.A );
float extra = 0;
if( strList.size() == 8 ){
extra = atof( strList[7].c_str() );
// printf(" Ex : %.2f, totalEnergy : %.2f \n", Ex, totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "##############################################\n");
//^===================================== elastics + inelastics
if( iso_a.Mass == iso_b.Mass ) {
if( Ex == 0.0 ){
printf("=========== elatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Elastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
printf("=========== inelatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=2 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.3f cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the volume, deformation length delta_2 = 1.3 fm
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=2 p1= 0.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=6.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // surface, d(Woods-Saxon)/dr (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the suface
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== single neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 1 ){
printf("=========== single nucleon transfer \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " rintp=0.2 hnl=0.1 rnl=5.00 centre=0.0 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " iter=1 nnu=36 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
float QValue = iso_a.Mass + iso_A.Mass - iso_b.Mass - iso_B.Mass - Ex;
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=%.3f nex=1 /\n", iso_b.Name.c_str(), iso_b.Mass/amu, iso_b.Z, iso_B.Name.c_str(), iso_B.Mass/amu, iso_B.Z, QValue);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.2f cpot=1 /\n", iso_b.twoSpin/2., iso_b.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
//*================ a + A
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ b + B
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_b.A, iso_B.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ a
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=1 p1=50.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=3 p1= 6.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // S-O, projectile (V0, r0, a0)
//*================ a - N
//*================ A + (a-N)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== two neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 2 ){
fprintf(file_out, "#>>>>>############################################# End of File\n");
return 0;