
334 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import numpy as np
import re
import sys, os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../Cleopatra'))
from IAEANuclearData import IsotopeClass
class PotentialForm:
def __init__(self):
self.V0 = -10
self.r0 = 1.3
self.a0 = 0.65 = -1
def setCharge(self, Z):
self.Charge = Z
# def setA(self, A):
# self.R0 = self.r0 * math.pow(A, 1/3)
def setAa(self, A, a):
self.R0= self.r0 * (A**(1./3.) +a**(1./3.))
def output(self, x):
return 0
def printPot(self, msg:str):
print(f"{msg:20s} : V0 {np.real(self.V0):7.3f} + {np.imag(self.V0):7.3f} I, R0 {self.R0:6.4f}({self.r0:6.4f}), a0 {self.a0:6.4f}, ")
class CoulombPotential(PotentialForm):
def __init__(self, rc):
self.V0 = 0
self.r0 = rc
self.a0 = 0 = 0 = 1.43996 #
def output(self, x):
if self.Charge == 0 :
return 0
if x >self.R0:
return (self.Charge * / (x + 1e-20) # Add a small value to avoid division by zero
return (self.Charge * / (2 * self.R0) * (3 - (x / self.R0)**2)
def printPot(self):
return super().printPot("Coulomb")
class WoodsSaxonPot(PotentialForm):
def __init__(self, V0, r0, a0) :
self.V0 = V0
self.r0 = r0
self.a0 = a0 = 1
def output(self, x):
if abs(self.V0) == 0.0:
return 0
return self.V0/(1 + math.exp((x-self.R0)/self.a0))
def printPot(self):
return super().printPot("Woods-Saxon")
class SpinOrbit_Pot(PotentialForm):
def __init__(self, VSO, rSO, aSO) :
# the LS factor is put in the SolvingSE Class
self.V0 = VSO
self.r0 = rSO
self.a0 = aSO = 2
def output(self, x):
if abs(self.V0) == 0.0 :
return 0
if x > 0 :
exponent = (x - self.R0) / self.a0
return 4*(self.V0 * math.exp(exponent))/(self.a0*math.pow(1+math.exp(exponent),2))/x
else :
# return 4*1e+19
return 0
def printPot(self):
return super().printPot("Spin-Orbit")
class WS_SurfacePot(PotentialForm):
def __init__(self, V0, r0, a0):
self.V0 = V0
self.r0 = r0
self.a0 = a0 = 3
def output(self, x):
if abs(self.V0) == 0 :
return 0
exponent = (x - self.R0) / self.a0
return 4* self.V0 * math.exp(exponent) / (1 + math.exp(exponent))**2
def printPot(self):
return super().printPot("Woods-Saxon Surface")
class SolvingSE:
#grid setting
rStart = 0.0
dr = 0.05
nStep = 600*5
rpos = np.arange(rStart, rStart+nStep*dr, dr)
solU = [] # raidal wave function
maxSolU = 0.0
mn = 939.56539 #MeV/c2
amu = 931.494 #MeV/c2
hbarc = 197.326979
ee = 1.43996 #
#RK4 constants
parC = [0, 1./2, 1./2, 1.]
parD = [1./6, 2./6, 2./6, 1./6]
#inital condition
solu0 = 0.0
dsolu0 = 0.0001
potential_List = []
def PrintInput(self):
print(f" A : ({self.A_A:3d}, {self.Z_A:3d}), spin : {self.spin_A},")
print(f" a : ({self.A_a:3d}, {self.Z_a:3d}), spin : {self.spin_a},")
print(f" Elab : {self.Energy : 10.5f} MeV")
print(f" mu : { 10.5f} MeV/c2")
print(f" Ecm : {self.Ecm: 10.5f} MeV")
print(f" k : {self.k: 10.5f} MeV/c")
print(f" eta : {self.eta: 10.5f}")
print(f" L : {self.L}, maxL : {self.maxL}")
print(f" dr : {self.dr} fm, nStep : {self.nStep}")
print(f"rStart : {self.rStart} fm, rMax : {self.nStep * self.dr} fm")
def __init__(self, A_or_SymA = None, ZA_or_Syma = None \
, a_or_ELabPerA = None, Za_or_none = None, ELabPerA_or_none = None):
if Za_or_none is None :
self.ConstructUsingSymbol(A_or_SymA, ZA_or_Syma, a_or_ELabPerA)
self.ConstructUsingAZ(A_or_SymA, ZA_or_Syma, a_or_ELabPerA, Za_or_none, ELabPerA_or_none)
haha = IsotopeClass()
self.mass_A = haha.GetMassFromAZ(self.A_A, self.Z_A)
self.mass_a = haha.GetMassFromAZ(self.A_a, self.Z_a)
self.spin_A = float(eval(re.sub(r'[+-]', '', haha.GetJpi(self.A_A, self.Z_A))))
self.spin_a = float(eval(re.sub(r'[+-]', '', haha.GetJpi(self.A_a, self.Z_a))))
self.S = self.spin_a = (self.mass_A * self.mass_a)/(self.mass_A + self.mass_a)
self.Ecm = 0.0
self.Factor = 2*,2)
def ConstructUsingAZ(self, A, ZA, a, Za, ELabPerA):
# print(f"ConstructUsingAZ : {A}, {ZA}, {a}, {Za}, {ELabPerA:.3f}")
self.A_A = A
self.A_a = a
self.Z_A = ZA
self.Z_a = Za
self.Z = ZA * Za
self.L = 0
self.S = 0
self.J = 0
self.Energy = ELabPerA
def ConstructUsingSymbol(self, Sym_A, Sym_a, ELabPerA):
# print(f"ConstructUsingSymbol : {Sym_A}, {Sym_a}, {ELabPerA:.3f}")
self.L = 0
self.S = 0
self.J = 0
haha = IsotopeClass()
self.A_A, self.Z_A = haha.GetAZ(Sym_A)
self.A_a, self.Z_a = haha.GetAZ(Sym_a)
self.Z = self.Z_A * self.Z_a
self.Energy = ELabPerA
def CalCMConstants(self, useELabAsEcm = False):
if useELabAsEcm:
self.E_tot = self.Energy # total energy in CM
self.Ecm = self.Energy # KE in cm
self.E_tot = math.sqrt(math.pow((self.mass_a+self.mass_A),2) + 2 * self.mass_A * self.Energy)
self.Ecm = self.E_tot - (self.mass_a + self.mass_A)
self.k = math.sqrt( * 2 * abs(self.Ecm)) / self.hbarc
if self.Z == 0 :
self.eta = 0
self.eta = self.Z * * self.k /2 /self.Ecm
self.maxL = int(self.k * (1.4 * (self.A_A**(1/3) + self.A_a**(1/3)) + 10))
# def SetA_ExSpin(self, ExA, sA ):
# self.ExA = ExA
# self.spin_A = sA
def SetLJ(self, L, J):
self.L = L
self.J = J
def LS(self, L = None, J = None) :
if L is None:
L = self.L
if J is None:
J = self.J
return (J*(J+1)-L*(L+1)-self.S*(self.S))/2.
# set the range in fm
def SetRange(self, rStart, dr, nStep):
self.rStart = rStart
self.dr = dr
self.nStep = nStep
self.rpos = np.arange(self.rStart, self.rStart+self.nStep*dr, self.dr)
self.solU = []
self.maxSolU = 0.0
def ClearPotential(self):
self.potential_List = []
def AddPotential(self, pot : PotentialForm, useBothMass : bool = False):
if isinstance(pot, PotentialForm):
if == 0:
if useBothMass:
pot.setAa(self.A_A, self.A_a)
pot.setAa(self.A_A, 0)
def __PotentialValue(self, x):
value = 0
for pot in self.potential_List:
if isinstance(pot, PotentialForm):
if == 2 :
if self.L > 0:
value = value + self.LS() * pot.output(x)
value = value + pot.output(x)
if x > 1e-6:
value = self.Factor*(value) + self.L*(1+self.L)/x/x
value = 0
return value
def PrintPotentials(self):
for pot in self.potential_List:
if isinstance(pot, PotentialForm):
def PlotPotential(self, L, J, maxR = None):
self.SetLJ(L, J)
pot = []
e_list = []
for r in self.rpos:
pot_real = [np.real(self.__PotentialValue(r)) for r in self.rpos]
pot_imag = [np.imag(self.__PotentialValue(r)) for r in self.rpos]
plt.plot(self.rpos, pot_real, label='Real Part')
plt.plot(self.rpos, pot_imag, label='Imaginary Part')
plt.xlabel('r (fm)')
plt.ylabel('Potential (MeV)')
plt.title('Potential vs. r')
if maxR != None:
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
plt.ylim([min(pot_real)*1.1, abs(min(pot_real)*1.1)])
input("press anykey to continous....")
def GetPotentialValue(self, x):
return self.__PotentialValue(x)
# The G-function, u''[r] = G[r, u[r], u'[r]]
def __G(self, x, y, dy):
#return -2*x*dy -2*y # solution of gaussian
if x > 1e-6 :
return self.__PotentialValue(x)*y - self.Factor*self.Ecm*y
return 0
# Using Rungu-Kutta 4th method to solve u''[r] = G[r, u[r], u'[r]]
def SolveByRK4(self):
#initial condition
self.solU = [self.solu0]
dSolU = [self.dsolu0]
dyy = np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype= complex)
dzz = np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype= complex)
self.maxSolU = 0.0
for i in range(self.nStep-1):
r = self.rStart + self.dr * i
y = self.solU[i]
z = dSolU[i]
for j in range(4):
dyy[j + 1] = self.dr * (z + self.parC[j] * dzz[j])
dzz[j + 1] = self.dr * self.__G(r + self.parC[j] * self.dr, y + self.parC[j] * dyy[j], z + self.parC[j] * dzz[j])
dy = sum(self.parD[j] * dyy[j + 1] for j in range(4))
dz = sum(self.parD[j] * dzz[j + 1] for j in range(4))
self.solU.append(y + dy)
dSolU.append(z + dz)
if np.real(self.solU[-1]) > self.maxSolU:
self.maxSolU = abs(self.solU[-1])
return self.solU
def NearestPosIndex(self, r):
return min(len(self.rpos)-1, int((r - self.rStart) / self.dr))