#!/usr/bin/python3 import pyvisa as visa import time def Query(cmd : str) -> str : haha = osc.query(cmd).rstrip('\n') print(cmd + " : |" + haha + "|") return haha def Write(cmd : str): osc.write(cmd) def AskWaveParameter(): haha = Query('WAVEFORM:Preamble?') result = haha.split(',') print(" Format :" + result[0]) print(" Mode :" + result[1]) print(" Points :" + result[2]) print("Average :" + result[3]) print(" X-Step :" + result[4] + " sec") print("X-Start :" + result[5] + " sec") print(" X-Ref :" + result[6] ) print(" Y-Step :" + result[7] + " V" ) print("Y-Start :" + result[8] + " V") print(" Y-Ref :" + result[9] ) return result #========================================= # Initialize visa resource manager rm = visa.ResourceManager('@py') osc = rm.open_resource('TCPIP::') osc.timeout = 25000 Query('*IDN?') # Query(':SYST:VERSION?') #Write(':STOP') #Write(':RUN') #================ channel setting #Write('CHAN1:OFFSET 0.0') #Write('CHAN1:IMPEDANCE FIFTY') #set to 50 Ohm #Write('CHAN1:IMPEDANCE OMEG') #set to 1Mohm #Write('CHAN1:SCALE 0.2') #set vertical scale is 0.1V/div #================ mesurement # Query('MEASURE:FREQ? CHAN1') #measure freqeuncy of ch1 in Hz #Query('MEASURE:VMAX? CHAN1') #measure VMaX of ch1 in V #Query('MEASURE:VMIN? CHAN1') #measure VMin of ch1 in V #Query('MEASURE:VPP? CHAN1') #measure Vpp of ch1 in V #Query('MEASURE:VRMS? CHAN1') #measure Vrms of ch1 in V #================ time axis #Query('TIMEBASE:OFFSET?') #offset in sec #Write('TIMEBASE:OFFSET 6.0e-6') #offset in sec, pos to the right, neg to the left #Write('TIMEBASE:SCALE 2.0e-6') # set time scale to be 2us/div #================ trigger #Write('TRIG:MODE EDGE') #set trigger mode to be EDGE; EDGE|PULSe|RUNT|NEDG|SLOPe|VIDeo|PATTern|RS232|IIC|SPI|CAN|FLEXray|USB #Query('TRIG:STATUS?') #ask if trigger is ok, return TD = triggered #Query('TRIG:EDGE:SLOPE?') #Write('TRIG:EDGE:SLOPE POS') #set trigger at positive slope; NEG #Write('TRIG:EDGE:SOURCE CHAN1') #set trigger for channel 1 #Query('TRIG:EDGE:LEVEL?') #ask trigger level #=============== Waveform #--------------- read waveform on the screen Write('RUN') Write('WAVEFORM:RESET') Write('WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN1') Write('WAVEFORM:FORMAT BYTE') Write('WAVEFORM:MODE NORM') para = AskWaveParameter() wfSize = int(para[2]) Query('WAVEFORM:SOURCE?') Query('WAVEFORM:MODE?') Query('WAVEFORM:FORMAT?') # print("----------------- get data ") [status, wfLen] = Query('WAVEFORM:STATUS?').split(',') if status == "IDLE" and int(wfLen) >= 0 : print("---- get waveform data") osc.write('WAVEFORM:DATA?') binary = osc.read_bytes(int(wfSize) +11 + 1) # # print(binary) #---------- read data from internal memory, 1.12 million points, take like # Write('STOP') # Write('WAVEFORM:RESET') # Write('WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN1') # Write('WAVEFORM:MODE RAW') #internal # Write('WAVEFORM:FORMAT BYTE') # Write('WAVEFORM:BEGIN') # para = AskWaveParameter() # wfSize = int(para[2]) # Write('WAVEFORM:POINTS %d' % wfSize) # Query('WAVEFORM:POINTS?') # # print("----------------- get data ") # count = 0 # while(count<10): # [status, wfLen] = Query('WAVEFORM:STATUS?').split(',') # if status == "IDLE" and int(wfLen) >= wfSize : # print("---- get waveform data") # osc.write('WAVEFORM:DATA?') # start_time = time.time() # binary = osc.read_bytes(int(wfLen)+11 + 1) # # end_time = time.time() # print(binary) # break # time.sleep(1) # count = count + 1 #Write('WAVEFORM:END') # duration = end_time - start_time # print("Duration:", duration, "seconds") #----------------- decode binary # Extracting the header (first 11 bytes) header = binary[:11] data_points = binary[11:] # Decode the 1-byte data points decoded_data = [byte for byte in data_points] print("Decoded data:", decoded_data)