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2023-04-03 16:03:48 -04:00
* This is FindThetaCM.h, To calculate the thetaCM convrage for each detector
* This required two inout files: basicReactionConfig.txt
* detectorGeo.txt
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018
* email:
* ********************************************************************/
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "../Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h"
void FindThetaCM(double Ex, int nDivision=1, double XRATION = 0.95,
string basicConfig="reactionConfig.txt",
string detGeoFileName = "detectorGeo.txt"){
//---- reaction
int AA, zA; //beam
int Aa, za; //target
int Ab, zb; //recoil-1
double ExA;
//---- beam
double KEAmean, KEAsigma; // MeV/u , assume Guassian
double thetaMean, thetaSigma; // mrad , assume Guassian due to small angle
double xBeam, yBeam; // mm
/**///========================================================= load files
ReactionConfig reactionConfig;
DetGeo detGeo;
TMacro * haha = new TMacro();
if( haha->ReadFile(basicConfig.c_str()) > 0 ){
reactionConfig = LoadReactionConfig(haha);
KEAmean = reactionConfig.beamEnergy;
KEAsigma = reactionConfig.beamEnergySigma;
thetaMean = reactionConfig.beamAngle;
thetaSigma = reactionConfig.beamAngleSigma;
xBeam = reactionConfig.beamX;
yBeam = reactionConfig.beamY;
AA = reactionConfig.beamA; zA = reactionConfig.beamZ;
Aa = reactionConfig.targetA; za = reactionConfig.targetZ;
Ab = reactionConfig.recoilLightA; zb = reactionConfig.recoilLightZ;
ExA = reactionConfig.beamEx[0];
printf("cannot load %s \n", basicConfig.c_str());
vector<double> pos;
double a = 11.5;
double length = 50.5;
double firstPos = 0;
int iDet = 6;
int jDet = 4;
double BField = 0;
//===== Set Reaction
TransferReaction reaction;
int AB = AA+Aa-Ab, zB = zA+za-zb;
reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEAmean, 0, 0);
printf("=========== %27s ===========\n", reaction.GetReactionName().Data());
printf("----- loading reaction from : %s. \n", basicConfig.c_str());
printf(" Ex A: %7.3f MeV\n", ExA);
printf(" KE: %7.4f \n", KEAmean);
printf(" theta: %7.4f \n", thetaMean);
printf("offset(x,y): %7.4f, %7.4f mm \n", xBeam, yBeam);
printf(" Q-value: %7.4f MeV \n", reaction.GetQValue() );
printf(" Max Ex: %7.4f MeV \n", reaction.GetMaxExB() );
printf("----- loading detector geometery : %s.", detGeoFileName.c_str());
TMacro * kaka = new TMacro();
if( kaka->ReadFile(detGeoFileName.c_str()) > 0 ){
detGeo = LoadDetectorGeo(kaka);
pos = detGeo.detPos;
a = detGeo.detPerpDist;
length = detGeo.detLength;
firstPos = detGeo.firstPos;
iDet = detGeo.nDet;
jDet = detGeo.mDet;
BField = detGeo.Bfield;
printf("... done.\n");
printf("... fail\n");
vector<double> midPos;
for(int i = 0; i < iDet; i++){
if( firstPos > 0 ){
//calculate a TGraph for thetaCM vs z
double px[100];
double py[100];
double mb = reaction.GetMass_b();
double kCM = reaction.GetMomentumbCM();
double q = TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM * kCM );
double beta = reaction.GetReactionBeta() ;
double slope = 299.792458 * zb * abs(BField) / TMath::TwoPi() * beta / 1000.; // MeV/mm
double gamma = reaction.GetReactionGamma();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
double thetacm = (i + 5.) * TMath::DegToRad();
double temp = TMath::TwoPi() * slope / beta / kCM * a / TMath::Sin(thetacm);
px[i] = beta /slope * (gamma * beta * q - gamma * kCM * TMath::Cos(thetacm)) * (1 - TMath::ASin(temp)/TMath::TwoPi());
py[i] = thetacm * TMath::RadToDeg();
//find minimum z position
TGraph * xt = new TGraph(100, py, px);
///double zMin0 = xt->Eval(0);
///printf("z for thetaCM = 0 : %f mm \n", zMin0);
/// find the minimum z position and the corresponding theta
double zMin0 = 0;
double tMin0 = 0;
for( double ttt = 3 ; ttt < 20 ; ttt += 0.1 ){
double zzz = xt->Eval(ttt);
if( zzz < zMin0 ) {
zMin0 = zzz;
tMin0 = ttt;
printf(" z min %f mm at thetaCM %f deg \n", zMin0, tMin0);
TGraph * tx = new TGraph(100, px, py);
/**///========================================================= result
printf("==== ThetaCM in degree =================\n");
printf("========================= x-ratio : %f, number of division : %d \n", XRATION, nDivision);
for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5.2f ", -XRATION + 2*XRATION/nDivision*j);
printf(" <<-- in X \n");
for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5s ", " | ");
for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5.2f ", length/2 -length*XRATION/2 + length*XRATION/nDivision*j);
printf(" <<-- in cm \n\n");
printf("========================= Ex : %6.4f MeV\n", Ex);
printf(" %6s - %6s | %6s, %6s, %6s\n", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "Dt", "sin(x)dx * 180/pi");
for( int i = 0; i < iDet; i++){
double zMin = midPos[i]-length*XRATION/2.;
double zMax = midPos[i]+length*XRATION/2.;
double zLength = zMax - zMin;
double zStep = zLength/(nDivision);
for( int j = 0 ; j < nDivision ; j++){
double tMin = (zMin + j*zStep > zMin0) ? tx->Eval(zMin + j*zStep) : TMath::QuietNaN();
double tMax = (zMin + (j+1)*zStep > zMin0) ? tx->Eval(zMin + (j+1)*zStep) : TMath::QuietNaN();
double tMean = (tMax + tMin)/2.;
double dt = (tMax - tMin);
double sintdt = TMath::Sin(tMean * TMath::DegToRad()) * dt ;
printf(" det-%d[%d]: %6.2f - %6.2f | %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.4f\n", i, j, tMin, tMax, tMean, dt, sintdt);
if( nDivision > 0 ) printf("--------------\n");
printf("================================================= \n");