From 806a7124a4f3ed5c260fbea21e0f1a77af66902f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Ryan@WorkStation"
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 18:56:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Move EventBuilder to the DAQ code. in progress of the Webbase
Simulation code
.vscode/settings.json | 6 +-
Armory/EventBuilder.cpp | 351 ----------------------------
Armory/Hit.h | 287 -----------------------
Armory/Makefile | 12 -
Armory/SolReader.h | 258 --------------------
WebSimHelper/files/.gitkeep | 0
WebSimHelper/heliosmatics.html | 255 ++++++++++----------
WebSimHelper/instruction.html | 16 +-
WebSimHelper/montecarlo.js | 113 +++++++++
working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt | 4 +-
working/test.C | 49 ++++
11 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 1051 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Armory/EventBuilder.cpp
delete mode 100644 Armory/Hit.h
delete mode 100644 Armory/Makefile
delete mode 100644 Armory/SolReader.h
create mode 100755 WebSimHelper/files/.gitkeep
create mode 100644 WebSimHelper/montecarlo.js
create mode 100644 working/test.C
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 162a9a6..4030e25 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -124,7 +124,11 @@
"script_multi.C": "cpp",
"Isotope.C": "cpp",
"classisotope.h": "c",
- "knockoutSim.C": "cpp"
+ "knockoutSim.C": "cpp",
+ "test.C": "cpp",
+ "SimTransfer.C": "cpp",
+ "httpaccess.C": "cpp",
+ "httpcontrol.C": "cpp"
"better-comments.multilineComments": true,
diff --git a/Armory/EventBuilder.cpp b/Armory/EventBuilder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a0f0f..0000000
--- a/Armory/EventBuilder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#include "SolReader.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-#include "TMath.h"
-#include "TString.h"
-#include "TMacro.h"
-//#include "TClonesArray.h" // plan to save trace as TVector with TClonesArray
-//#include "TVector.h"
-#define MAX_MULTI 64
-#define MAX_TRACE_LEN 2500
-#define tick2ns 8 // 1 tick = 8 ns
-SolReader ** reader;
-Hit ** hit;
-std::vector> idList;
-unsigned long totFileSize = 0;
-unsigned long processedFileSize = 0;
-std::vector activeFileID;
-std::vector groupIndex;
-std::vector> group; // group[i][j], i = group ID, j = group member)
-void findEarliestTime(int &fileID, int &groupID){
- unsigned long firstTime = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++){
- int id = activeFileID[i];
- if( i == 0 ) {
- firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp;
- fileID = id;
- groupID = i;
- //printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size());
- continue;
- }
- if( hit[id]->timestamp <= firstTime) {
- firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp;
- fileID = id;
- groupID = i;
- //printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size());
- }
- }
-unsigned long long evID = 0;
-unsigned int multi = 0;
-unsigned short bd[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short sn[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short ch[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short e[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short e2[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; //for PSD energy short
-unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short lowFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-unsigned short highFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-int traceLen[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
-int trace[MAX_MULTI][MAX_TRACE_LEN] = {0};
-void fillData(int &fileID, const bool &saveTrace){
- bd[multi] = idList[fileID][1];
- sn[multi] = idList[fileID][3];
- ch[multi] = hit[fileID]->channel;
- e[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy;
- e2[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy_short;
- e_t[multi] = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
- e_f[multi] = hit[fileID]->fine_timestamp;
- lowFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_low_priority;
- highFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_high_priority;
- if( saveTrace ){
- traceLen[multi] = hit[fileID]->traceLenght;
- for( int i = 0; i < TMath::Min(traceLen[multi], MAX_TRACE_LEN); i++){
- trace[multi][i] = hit[fileID]->analog_probes[0][i];
- }
- }
- multi++;
- reader[fileID]->ReadNextBlock();
-void printEvent(){
- printf("==================== evID : %llu\n", evID);
- for( int i = 0; i < multi; i++){
- printf(" %2d | %d %d | %llu %d \n", i, bd[i], ch[i], e_t[i], e[i] );
- }
- printf("==========================================\n");
-int main(int argc, char ** argv){
- printf("=======================================================\n");
- printf("=== SOLARIS Event Builder sol --> root ===\n");
- printf("=======================================================\n");
- if( argc <= 3){
- printf("%s [outfile] [timeWindow] [saveTrace] [sol-1] [sol-2] ... \n", argv[0]);
- printf(" outfile : output root file name\n");
- printf(" timeWindow : number of tick, 1 tick = %d ns.\n", tick2ns);
- printf(" saveTrace : 1 = save trace, 0 = no trace\n");
- printf(" sol-X : the sol file(s)\n");
- return -1;
- }
- // for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
- // printf("%d | %s\n", i, argv[i]);
- // }
- TString outFileName = argv[1];
- int timeWindow = abs(atoi(argv[2]));
- const bool saveTrace = atoi(argv[3]);
- const int nFile = argc - 4;
- TString inFileName[nFile];
- for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){
- inFileName[i] = argv[i+4];
- }
- //*======================================== setup reader
- reader = new SolReader*[nFile];
- hit = new Hit *[nFile];
- for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){
- reader[i] = new SolReader(inFileName[i].Data());
- hit[i] = reader[i]->hit; //TODO check is file open propertly
- reader[i]->ReadNextBlock(); // read the first block
- }
- //*======================================== group files
- idList.clear();
- for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
- TString fn = inFileName[i];
- int pos = fn.Last('/'); // path
- fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
- pos = fn.First('_'); // expName;
- fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
- pos = fn.First('_'); // runNum;
- fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
- pos = fn.First('_'); // digiID
- TString f1 = fn;
- int digiID = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi();
- fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
- pos = fn.Last('_'); // digi serial num
- f1 = fn;
- int digisn = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi();
- fn.Remove(0, pos+1);
- pos = fn.First('.'); // get the file id;
- int indexID = fn.Remove(pos).Atoi();
- int fileID = i;
- std::vector haha = {fileID, digiID, indexID, digisn};
- idList.push_back(haha);
- }
- // sort by digiID
- std::sort(idList.begin(), idList.end(), [](const std::vector& a, const std::vector& b){
- if (a[1] == b[1]) {
- return a[2] < b[2];
- }
- return a[1] < b[1];
- });
- group.clear(); // group[i][j], i is the group Index = digiID
- int last_id = 0;
- std::vector kaka;
- for( int i = 0; i < (int) idList.size() ; i++){
- if( i == 0 ) {
- kaka.clear();
- last_id = idList[i][1];
- kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]);
- continue;
- }
- if( idList[i][1] != last_id ) {
- last_id = idList[i][1];
- group.push_back(kaka);
- kaka.clear();
- kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]);
- }else{
- kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]);
- }
- }
- group.push_back(kaka);
- printf(" out file : \033[1;33m%s\033[m\n", outFileName.Data());
- printf(" Event building time window : %d tics = %d nsec \n", timeWindow, timeWindow*tick2ns);
- printf(" Save Trace ? %s \n", saveTrace ? "Yes" : "No");
- printf(" Number of input file : %d \n", nFile);
- for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
- printf(" %2d| %5.1f MB| %s \n", i, reader[i]->GetFileSize()/1024./1024., inFileName[i].Data());
- totFileSize += reader[i]->GetFileSize();
- }
- printf("------------------------------------\n");
- for( int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++){
- printf("Group %d :", i);
- for( int j = 0; j < (int) group[i].size(); j ++){
- printf("%d, ", group[i][j]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("------------------------------------\n");
- //*======================================== setup tree
- TFile * outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate");
- outRootFile->cd();
- TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName);
- tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l");
- tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/i");
- tree->Branch("bd", bd, "board[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("sn", sn, "sn[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("ch", ch, "channel[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("e", e, "energy[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("e2", e2, "energy_short[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "timestamp[multi]/l");
- tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "fine_timestamp[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("lowFlag", lowFlag, "lowFlag[multi]/s");
- tree->Branch("highFlag", highFlag, "highFlag[multi]/s");
- if( saveTrace){
- tree->Branch("tl", traceLen, "traceLen[multi]/I");
- tree->Branch("trace", trace, Form("trace[multi][%d]/I", MAX_TRACE_LEN));
- }
- //*=========================================== build event
- //@---- using file from group[i][0] first
- //--- find earlist time among the files
- activeFileID.clear();
- groupIndex.clear(); //the index of each group
- for(int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++) {
- groupIndex.push_back(0);
- activeFileID.push_back(group[i][0]);
- }
- int fileID = 0;
- int groupID = 0;
- findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID);
- fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
- unsigned long firstTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
- unsigned long lastTimeStamp = 0;
- int last_precentage = 0;
- while((activeFileID.size() > 0)){
- findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID);
- if( reader[fileID]->IsEndOfFile() ){
- groupIndex[groupID] ++;
- if( groupIndex[groupID] < (int) group[groupID].size() ){
- activeFileID[groupID] = group[groupID][groupIndex[groupID]];
- fileID = activeFileID[groupID];
- }else{
- activeFileID.erase(activeFileID.begin() + groupID);
- }
- }
- if( hit[fileID]->timestamp - e_t[0] < timeWindow ){
- fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
- }else{
- outRootFile->cd();
- tree->Fill();
- evID ++;
- multi = 0;
- fillData(fileID, saveTrace);
- }
- ///========= calculate progress
- processedFileSize = 0;
- for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){
- for( int q = 0; q <= groupIndex[p]; q++){
- if( groupIndex[p] < (int) group[p].size() ){
- int id = group[p][q];
- processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos();
- }
- }
- }
- double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize;
- if( percentage >= last_precentage ) {
- printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu | ", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize);
- for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++) printf("%d, ", activeFileID[i]);
- printf(" \n\033[A\r");
- last_precentage = percentage + 1.0;
- }
- }; ///====== end of event building loop
- processedFileSize = 0;
- for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){
- for( int q = 0; q < (int) group[p].size(); q++){
- int id = group[p][q];
- processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos();
- }
- }
- double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize;
- printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu \n", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize);
- lastTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp;
- //*=========================================== save file
- outRootFile->cd();
- tree->Fill();
- evID ++;
- tree->Write();
- //*=========================================== Save timestamp as TMacro
- TMacro timeStamp;
- TString str;
- str.Form("%lu", firstTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() );
- str.Form("%lu", lastTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() );
- timeStamp.Write("timeStamp");
- unsigned int numBlock = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
- //printf("%d | %8ld | %10u/%10u\n", i, reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1, reader[i]->GetFilePos(), reader[i]->GetFileSize());
- numBlock += reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1;
- }
- printf("===================================== done. \n");
- printf("Number of Block Scanned : %u\n", numBlock);
- printf(" Number of Event Built : %lld\n", evID);
- printf(" Output Root File Size : %.2f MB\n", outRootFile->GetSize()/1024./1024.);
- printf(" first timestamp : %lu \n", firstTimeStamp);
- printf(" last timestamp : %lu \n", lastTimeStamp);
- unsigned long duration = lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp;
- printf(" total duration : %lu = %.2f sec \n", duration, duration * tick2ns * 1.0 / 1e9 );
- printf("===================================== end of summary. \n");
- //^############## delete new
- for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) delete reader[i];
- delete [] reader;
- outRootFile->Close();
- return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Armory/Hit.h b/Armory/Hit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a945b1..0000000
--- a/Armory/Hit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HIT_H
-#define HIT_H
-#define MaxTraceLenght 8100
-enum DataFormat{
- ALL = 0x00,
- OneTrace = 0x01,
- NoTrace = 0x02,
- Minimum = 0x03,
- MiniWithFineTime = 0x04,
- Raw = 0x0A,
-namespace DPPType{
- const std::string PHA = "DPP_PHA";
- const std::string PSD = "DPP_PSD";
-class Hit {
- public:
- unsigned short dataType;
- std::string DPPType;
- ///============= for dpp-pha
- uint8_t channel; // 6 bit
- uint16_t energy; // 16 bit
- uint16_t energy_short; // 16 bit, only for PSD
- uint64_t timestamp; // 48 bit
- uint16_t fine_timestamp; // 10 bit
- uint16_t flags_low_priority; // 12 bit
- uint16_t flags_high_priority; // 8 bit
- size_t traceLenght; // 64 bit
- uint8_t downSampling; // 8 bit
- bool board_fail;
- bool flush;
- uint8_t analog_probes_type[2]; // 3 bit for PHA, 4 bit for PSD
- uint8_t digital_probes_type[4]; // 4 bit for PHA, 5 bit for PSD
- int32_t * analog_probes[2]; // 18 bit
- uint8_t * digital_probes[4]; // 1 bit
- uint16_t trigger_threashold; // 16 bit
- size_t event_size; // 64 bit
- uint32_t aggCounter; // 32 bit
- ///============= for raw
- uint8_t * data;
- size_t dataSize; /// number of byte of the data, size/8 = word [64 bits]
- uint32_t n_events;
- bool isTraceAllZero;
- Hit(){
- Init();
- }
- ~Hit(){
- ClearMemory();
- }
- void Init(){
- DPPType = DPPType::PHA;
- dataType = DataFormat::ALL;
- channel = 0;
- energy = 0;
- energy_short = 0;
- timestamp = 0;
- fine_timestamp = 0;
- downSampling = 0;
- board_fail = false;
- flush = false;
- flags_low_priority = 0;
- flags_high_priority = 0;
- trigger_threashold = 0;
- event_size = 0;
- aggCounter = 0;
- analog_probes[0] = NULL;
- analog_probes[1] = NULL;
- digital_probes[0] = NULL;
- digital_probes[1] = NULL;
- digital_probes[2] = NULL;
- digital_probes[3] = NULL;
- analog_probes_type[0] = 0xFF;
- analog_probes_type[1] = 0xFF;
- digital_probes_type[0] = 0xFF;
- digital_probes_type[1] = 0xFF;
- digital_probes_type[2] = 0xFF;
- digital_probes_type[3] = 0xFF;
- data = NULL;
- isTraceAllZero = true; // indicate trace are all zero
- }
- void ClearMemory(){
- if( data != NULL ) delete data;
- if( analog_probes[0] != NULL) delete analog_probes[0];
- if( analog_probes[1] != NULL) delete analog_probes[1];
- if( digital_probes[0] != NULL) delete digital_probes[0];
- if( digital_probes[1] != NULL) delete digital_probes[1];
- if( digital_probes[2] != NULL) delete digital_probes[2];
- if( digital_probes[3] != NULL) delete digital_probes[3];
- isTraceAllZero = true;
- }
- void SetDataType(unsigned int type, std::string dppType){
- dataType = type;
- DPPType = dppType;
- ClearMemory();
- if( dataType == DataFormat::Raw){
- data = new uint8_t[20*1024*1024];
- }else{
- analog_probes[0] = new int32_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- analog_probes[1] = new int32_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- digital_probes[0] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- digital_probes[1] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- digital_probes[2] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- digital_probes[3] = new uint8_t[MaxTraceLenght];
- isTraceAllZero = true;
- }
- }
- void ClearTrace(){
- if( isTraceAllZero ) return; // no need to clear again
- for( int i = 0; i < MaxTraceLenght; i++){
- analog_probes[0][i] = 0;
- analog_probes[1][i] = 0;
- digital_probes[0][i] = 0;
- digital_probes[1][i] = 0;
- digital_probes[2][i] = 0;
- digital_probes[3][i] = 0;
- }
- isTraceAllZero = true;
- }
- void PrintEnergyTimeStamp(){
- printf("ch: %2d, energy: %u, timestamp: %lu ch, traceLenght: %lu\n", channel, energy, timestamp, traceLenght);
- }
- std::string AnaProbeType(uint8_t probeType){
- if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA){
- switch(probeType){
- case 0: return "ADC";
- case 1: return "Time filter";
- case 2: return "Energy filter";
- default : return "none";
- }
- }else if (DPPType == DPPType::PSD){
- switch(probeType){
- case 0: return "ADC";
- case 9: return "Baseline";
- case 10: return "CFD";
- default : return "none";
- }
- }else{
- return "none";
- }
- }
- std::string DigiProbeType(uint8_t probeType){
- if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA){
- switch(probeType){
- case 0: return "Trigger";
- case 1: return "Time filter armed";
- case 2: return "Re-trigger guard";
- case 3: return "Energy filter baseline freeze";
- case 4: return "Energy filter peaking";
- case 5: return "Energy filter peaking ready";
- case 6: return "Energy filter pile-up guard";
- case 7: return "Event pile-up";
- case 8: return "ADC saturation";
- case 9: return "ADC saturation protection";
- case 10: return "Post-saturation event";
- case 11: return "Energy filter saturation";
- case 12: return "Signal inhibit";
- default : return "none";
- }
- }else if (DPPType == DPPType::PSD){
- switch(probeType){
- case 0: return "Trigger";
- case 1: return "CFD Filter Armed";
- case 2: return "Re-trigger guard";
- case 3: return "ADC Input Baseline freeze";
- case 20: return "ADC Input OverThreshold";
- case 21: return "Charge Ready";
- case 22: return "Long Gate";
- case 7: return "Pile-Up Trig.";
- case 24: return "Short Gate";
- case 25: return "Energy Saturation";
- case 26: return "Charge over-range";
- case 27: return "ADC Input Neg. OverThreshold";
- default : return "none";
- }
- }else{
- return "none";
- }
- }
- std::string HighPriority(uint16_t prio){
- std::string output;
- bool pileup = prio & 0x1;
- //bool pileupGuard = (prio >> 1) & 0x1;
- //bool eventSaturated = (prio >> 2) & 0x1;
- //bool postSatEvent = (prio >> 3) & 0x1;
- //bool trapSatEvent = (prio >> 4) & 0x1;
- //bool SCA_Event = (prio >> 5) & 0x1;
- output = std::string("Pile-up: ") + (pileup ? "Yes" : "No");
- return output;
- }
- //TODO LowPriority
- void PrintAll(){
- switch(dataType){
- case DataFormat::ALL : printf("============= Type : ALL\n"); break;
- case DataFormat::OneTrace : printf("============= Type : OneTrace\n"); break;
- case DataFormat::NoTrace : printf("============= Type : NoTrace\n"); break;
- case DataFormat::MiniWithFineTime : printf("============= Type : Min with FineTimestamp\n"); break;
- case DataFormat::Minimum : printf("============= Type : Minimum\n"); break;
- case DataFormat::Raw : printf("============= Type : Raw\n"); return; break;
- default : return;
- }
- printf("ch : %2d (0x%02X), fail: %d, flush: %d\n", channel, channel, board_fail, flush);
- if( DPPType == DPPType::PHA ) printf("energy: %u, timestamp: %lu, fine_timestamp: %u \n", energy, timestamp, fine_timestamp);
- if( DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) printf("energy: %u, energy_S : %u, timestamp: %lu, fine_timestamp: %u \n", energy, energy_short, timestamp, fine_timestamp);
- printf("flag (high): 0x%02X, (low): 0x%03X, traceLength: %lu\n", flags_high_priority, flags_low_priority, traceLenght);
- printf("Agg counter : %u, trigger Thr.: %u, downSampling: %u \n", aggCounter, trigger_threashold, downSampling);
- printf("AnaProbe Type: %s(%u), %s(%u)\n", AnaProbeType(analog_probes_type[0]).c_str(), analog_probes_type[0],
- AnaProbeType(analog_probes_type[1]).c_str(), analog_probes_type[1]);
- printf("DigProbe Type: %s(%u), %s(%u), %s(%u), %s(%u)\n", DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[0]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[0],
- DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[1]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[1],
- DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[2]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[2],
- DigiProbeType(digital_probes_type[3]).c_str(), digital_probes_type[3]);
- }
- void PrintTrace(unsigned short ID){
- for(unsigned short i = 0; i < (unsigned short)traceLenght; i++){
- if( ID == 0 ) printf("%4d| %6d\n", i, analog_probes[0][i]);
- if( ID == 1 ) printf("%4d| %6d\n", i, analog_probes[1][i]);
- if( ID == 2 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[0][i]);
- if( ID == 3 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[1][i]);
- if( ID == 4 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[2][i]);
- if( ID == 5 ) printf("%4d| %u\n", i, digital_probes[3][i]);
- }
- }
- void PrintAllTrace(){
- for(unsigned short i = 0; i < (unsigned short)traceLenght; i++){
- printf("%4d| %6d %6d %1d %1d %1d %1d\n", i, analog_probes[0][i],
- analog_probes[1][i],
- digital_probes[0][i],
- digital_probes[1][i],
- digital_probes[2][i],
- digital_probes[3][i]);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Armory/Makefile b/Armory/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de3a66..0000000
--- a/Armory/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-CFLAG= -g
-ROOTFLAG=`root-config --cflags --glibs`
-all: EventBuilder
-EventBuilder: EventBuilder.cpp SolReader.h Hit.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAG) EventBuilder.cpp -o EventBuilder ${ROOTFLAG}
- -rm EventBuilder
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Armory/SolReader.h b/Armory/SolReader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8761666..0000000
--- a/Armory/SolReader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SOLREADER_H
-#define SOLREADER_H
-#include /// for FILE
-#include // time in nano-sec
-#include "Hit.h"
-class SolReader {
- private:
- FILE * inFile;
- unsigned int inFileSize;
- unsigned int filePos;
- unsigned int totNumBlock;
- unsigned short blockStartIdentifier;
- unsigned int numBlock;
- bool isScanned;
- void init();
- std::vector blockPos;
- public:
- SolReader();
- SolReader(std::string fileName, unsigned short dataType);
- ~SolReader();
- void OpenFile(std::string fileName);
- int ReadNextBlock(int isSkip = 0); // opt = 0, noraml, 1, fast
- int ReadBlock(unsigned int index, bool verbose = false);
- void ScanNumBlock();
- bool IsEndOfFile() const {return (filePos >= inFileSize ? true : false);}
- unsigned int GetBlockID() const {return numBlock - 1;}
- unsigned int GetNumBlock() const {return numBlock;}
- unsigned int GetTotalNumBlock() const {return totNumBlock;}
- unsigned int GetFilePos() const {return filePos;}
- unsigned int GetFileSize() const {return inFileSize;}
- void RewindFile();
- Hit * hit;
-void SolReader::init(){
- inFileSize = 0;
- numBlock = 0;
- filePos = 0;
- totNumBlock = 0;
- hit = new Hit();
- isScanned = false;
- blockPos.clear();
- init();
-SolReader::SolReader(std::string fileName, unsigned short dataType = 0){
- init();
- OpenFile(fileName);
- hit->SetDataType(dataType, DPPType::PHA);
- if( !inFile ) fclose(inFile);
- delete hit;
-inline void SolReader::OpenFile(std::string fileName){
- inFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
- if( inFile == NULL ){
- printf("Cannot open file : %s \n", fileName.c_str());
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- inFileSize = ftell(inFile);
- rewind(inFile);
- }
-inline int SolReader::ReadBlock(unsigned int index, bool verbose){
- if( isScanned == false) return -1;
- if( index >= totNumBlock )return -1;
- fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- if( verbose ) printf("Block index: %u, File Pos: %u byte\n", index, blockPos[index]);
- fseek(inFile, blockPos[index], SEEK_CUR);
- filePos = blockPos[index];
- numBlock = index;
- return ReadNextBlock();
-inline int SolReader::ReadNextBlock(int isSkip){
- if( inFile == NULL ) return -1;
- if( feof(inFile) ) return -1;
- if( filePos >= inFileSize) return -1;
- fread(&blockStartIdentifier, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( (blockStartIdentifier & 0xAA00) != 0xAA00 ) {
- printf("header fail.\n");
- return -2 ;
- }
- if( ( blockStartIdentifier & 0xF ) == DataFormat::Raw ){
- hit->SetDataType(DataFormat::Raw, ((blockStartIdentifier >> 1) & 0xF) == 0 ? DPPType::PHA : DPPType::PSD);
- }
- hit->dataType = blockStartIdentifier & 0xF;
- hit->DPPType = ((blockStartIdentifier >> 4) & 0xF) == 0 ? DPPType::PHA : DPPType::PSD;
- if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::ALL){
- if( isSkip == 0 ){
- fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->downSampling, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->board_fail, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flush, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->trigger_threashold, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->event_size, 8, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->aggCounter, 4, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 31 : 33, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- fread(&hit->traceLenght, 8, 1, inFile);
- if( isSkip == 0){
- fread(hit->analog_probes_type, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->digital_probes_type, 4, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->analog_probes[0], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->analog_probes[1], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->digital_probes[0], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->digital_probes[1], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->digital_probes[2], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->digital_probes[3], hit->traceLenght, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, 6 + hit->traceLenght*(12), SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::OneTrace){
- if( isSkip == 0 ){
- fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 14 : 16, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- fread(&hit->traceLenght, 8, 1, inFile);
- if( isSkip == 0){
- fread(&hit->analog_probes_type[0], 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(hit->analog_probes[0], hit->traceLenght*4, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, 1 + hit->traceLenght*4, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::NoTrace){
- if( isSkip == 0 ){
- fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 14 : 16, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::MiniWithFineTime){
- if( isSkip == 0 ){
- fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 11 : 13, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::Minimum){
- if( isSkip == 0 ){
- fread(&hit->channel, 1, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->energy, 2, 1, inFile);
- if( hit->DPPType == DPPType::PSD ) fread(&hit->energy_short, 2, 1, inFile);
- fread(&hit->timestamp, 6, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->DPPType == DPPType::PHA ? 9 : 11, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }else if( hit->dataType == DataFormat::Raw){
- fread(&hit->dataSize, 8, 1, inFile);
- if( isSkip == 0){
- fread(hit->data, hit->dataSize, 1, inFile);
- }else{
- fseek(inFile, hit->dataSize, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- }
- numBlock ++;
- filePos = ftell(inFile);
- return 0;
-void SolReader::RewindFile(){
- rewind(inFile);
- filePos = 0;
- numBlock = 0;
-void SolReader::ScanNumBlock(){
- if( inFile == NULL ) return;
- if( feof(inFile) ) return;
- numBlock = 0;
- blockPos.clear();
- blockPos.push_back(0);
- while( ReadNextBlock(1) == 0){
- blockPos.push_back(filePos);
- printf("%u, %.2f%% %u/%u\n\033[A\r", numBlock, filePos*100./inFileSize, filePos, inFileSize);
- }
- totNumBlock = numBlock;
- numBlock = 0;
- isScanned = true;
- printf("\nScan complete: number of data Block : %u\n", totNumBlock);
- rewind(inFile);
- filePos = 0;
- //for( int i = 0; i < totNumBlock; i++){
- // printf("%7d | %u \n", i, blockPos[i]);
- //}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WebSimHelper/files/.gitkeep b/WebSimHelper/files/.gitkeep
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/WebSimHelper/heliosmatics.html b/WebSimHelper/heliosmatics.html
index 57774d5..b911c74 100644
--- a/WebSimHelper/heliosmatics.html
+++ b/WebSimHelper/heliosmatics.html
@@ -289,8 +289,130 @@
+ DWBA & Monte Carlo Simultion
+DWBA and Ex List:
+For 2-nucleon transfer , Orbital take the form NL=X, where N is number of node, X is momentum number. n and L are related by Σi (2ni +li ) = 2N + X + 2n + l, where ni and li are the principle number and orbital angular momentum of the each transfered nucleon, and n and l are the internal quanta of the 2-nucleon. e.g. (t,p) reaction to 0f orbtial, the left-hand side would be ni = 0 and li = 3 and the sum is 3+3 = 6 = 2N + X + 2n+l. Assume n = l = 0, we have 6 = 2N+L. Thus, 3L=0, 2L=2,1L=4, 0L=6.
+Beam Jπ :
+ TODO: guess the orbital for Beam Jπ =0
+ Positive parity
+ Negative parity
+ Unknown parity
+Add known states
+Max Ex: MeV
+ Cal. DWBA
+ Incoming Channel
+ D | An & Cai (2006) E < 183, 12 < A < 238
+ D | Han, Shi, & Shen (2006) E < 200, 12 < A < 209
+ D | Bojowald et al. (1988) 50 < E < 80, 27 < A < 208
+ D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (REL)
+ D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL)
+ D | Lohr and Haeberli (1974) 9 < E < 13, 40 < A
+ D | Perey and Perey (1963) 12 < E < 25, 40 < A
+ D | Zhang, Pang, Lou (2016) 5 < E < 170, A < 18, spe 6-7Li
+ P | Koning & Delaroche (2009) E < 200, 24 < A < 209 | Iso.Dep.
+ P | Varner et al. (1991) 16 < E < 65, 4 < A < 209
+ P | Menet et al. (1971) 30 < E < 60, 40 < A
+ P | Becchetti and Greenlees (1969) E < 50, 40 < A
+ P | Perey (1963) E < 20, 30 < A < 100
+ A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen (2011) E < 250, 20 < A < 209
+ A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai (2009) E < 270, All masses
+ A=3 | Pang et al. (2009) all E, all masses, Iso. Dep.
+ A=3 | Li, Liang, Cai (2007), E < 40, 48 < A < 232, Tritons
+ A=3 | Trost et al. (1987) 10 < E < 220, 10 < A < 208
+ A=3 | Hyakutake et al. (1980) 90 < E < 120, About 58 < A < 92
+ A=3 | Becchetti and Greenlees (1971), E < 40, 40 < A, Iso. Dep.
+ A=4 | Su & Han (2015) E < 398, 20 < A < 209
+ A=4 | Avrigeanu et al. (2009)
+ A=4 | Bassani and Picard (1969) 24 < E < 31, A = 90
+ Outgoing Channel
+ D | An & Cai (2006) E < 183, 12 < A < 238
+ D | Han, Shi, & Shen (2006) E < 200, 12 < A < 209
+ D | Bojowald et al. (1988) 50 < E < 80, 27 < A < 208
+ D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (REL)
+ D | Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80, 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL)
+ D | Lohr and Haeberli (1974) 9 < E < 13, 40 < A
+ D | Perey and Perey (1963) 12 < E < 25, 40 < A
+ D | Zhang, Pang, Lou (2016) 5 < E < 170, A < 18, spe 6-7Li
+ P | Koning & Delaroche (2009) E < 200, 24 < A < 209, Iso.Dep.
+ P | Varner et al. (1991) 16 < E < 65, 4 < A < 209
+ P | Menet et al. (1971) 30 < E < 60, 40 < A
+ P | Becchetti and Greenlees (1969) E < 50, 40 < A
+ P | Perey (1963) E < 20, 30 < A < 100
+ A=3 | Xu, Guo, Han, & Shen (2011) E < 250, 20 < A < 209
+ A=3 | Liang, Li, & Cai (2009) E < 270, All masses
+ A=3 | Pang et al. (2009) all E | all masses, Iso. Dep.
+ A=3 | Li, Liang, Cai (2007), E < 40, 48 < A < 232, Tritons
+ A=3 | Trost et al. (1987) 10 < E < 220, 10 < A < 208
+ A=3 | Hyakutake et al. (1980) 90 < E < 120, About 58 < A < 92
+ A=3 | Becchetti and Greenlees (1971), E < 40, 40 < A, Iso. Dep.
+ A=4 | Su & Han (2015) E < 398, 20 < A < 209
+ A=4 | Avrigeanu et al. (2009)
+ A=4 | Bassani and Picard (1969) 24 < E < 31, A = 90
+Run DWBA and Simulation
θCM Calculator
The calculation only give θCM after the bending.
@@ -323,94 +445,6 @@ The calculation only give θCM after the bending.
HELIOSmatics was first built by Ben P. Kay in MS Excel around 2010. It was modified by Ryan Tang later. And now it migrated to the web on Dec, 2022.
@@ -419,52 +453,11 @@ The calculation can be found in the source code (heliosmatics.js or press F12)