diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json index 14d2832..41fe7f2 100644 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -75,7 +75,23 @@ "ChainMonitors.C": "cpp", "GeneralSortAgent.C": "cpp", "readRawTrace.C": "cpp", - "readTrace.C": "cpp" + "readTrace.C": "cpp", + "Cleopatra.C": "cpp", + "alpha.C": "cpp", + "DWBA_compare.C": "cpp", + "DWBARatio.C": "cpp", + "ExtractXSec.C": "cpp", + "ExtractXSecFromText.C": "cpp", + "FindThetaCM.C": "cpp", + "InFileCreator.C": "cpp", + "IsotopeShort.C": "cpp", + "knockout.C": "cpp", + "PlotSimulation.C": "cpp", + "PlotTGraphTObjArray.C": "cpp", + "transfer_test.C": "cpp", + "Transfer.C": "cpp", + "Simulation_Helper.C": "cpp", + "Check_Simulation.C": "cpp" }, "better-comments.multilineComments": true, diff --git a/Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C b/Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..568da22 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C @@ -0,0 +1,646 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../armory/AnalysisLib.h" +#include "../Cleopatra/Isotope.h" + +double * FindRange(TString branch, TString gate, TTree * tree, double output[2]); +double ExtractNumber(int index, TMacro * macro); +TString ExtractString(int index, TMacro * macro); +vector StringToVector(TString str); +vector intConvertor(vector arr); +vector doubleConvertor(vector arr); + +enum plotID { pEZ, /// 0 + pRecoilXY, /// 1 + pRecoilXY1, /// 2 + pRecoilXY2, /// 3 + pRecoilRZ, /// 4 + pRecoilRTR, /// 5 + pTDiffZ, /// 6 + pThetaCM, /// 7 + pThetaCM_Z, /// 8 + pExCal, /// 9 + pRecoilRThetaCM, /// 10 + pArrayXY, /// 11 + pInfo, /// 12 + pHitID, /// 13 + pElum1XY, /// 14 + pEElum1R, /// 15 + pElum1RThetaCM, /// 16 + pEmpty }; /// 17 +plotID StringToPlotID(TString str); +void Check_Simulation(TString filename = "transfer.root", + TString configFile = "../Armory/Check_Simulation_Config.txt", + Int_t padSize = 500, + bool outputCanvas = false){ + + printf("=========================== Check_Simulation.C\n"); + + TMacro * config = new TMacro(configFile); + int numLine = config->GetListOfLines()->GetSize(); + int startLineNum = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < numLine ; i++){ + TString haha = config->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(); + haha.Remove(4); + if( haha != "////" ) { + startLineNum = i; + break; + } + } + + TString gate = ExtractString(startLineNum+1, config); + double elumRange = ExtractNumber(startLineNum+2, config); + vector thetaCMRange = doubleConvertor( StringToVector( ExtractString(startLineNum+3,config) )); + bool shownKELines = (ExtractString(startLineNum+4, config).Remove(4) == "true" ? true : false); + bool isOverRideEx = (ExtractString(startLineNum+5, config).Remove(4) == "true" ? true : false); + vector oExRange = doubleConvertor( StringToVector ( ExtractString(startLineNum+6, config ))); + + printf("%s \n", gate.Data()); + + + ///==== config Canvas + vector plotConfig = StringToVector( ExtractString(startLineNum, config)); + vector canvas; + int colCount = 0; + int colCount_new = 0; + int rowCount = 1; + for( int i = 0; i < (int) plotConfig.size(); i++){ + if( plotConfig[i] == "break" ) { + rowCount ++; + if( colCount_new > colCount ) colCount = colCount_new; + colCount_new = 0; + continue; + } + canvas.push_back( StringToPlotID(plotConfig[i])); + colCount_new ++; + } + + if( colCount == 0 ) colCount = colCount_new; + ///printf("plot row: %d, col: %d \n", rowCount, colCount); + + vector Div = {colCount, rowCount}; + + + TFile * file = new TFile(filename, "read"); + TTree * tree = (TTree*) file->Get("tree"); + + TObjArray * fxList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("fxList"); + TObjArray * txList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("txList"); + + //================== reactionConfig + TMacro * reactionConfigTxt = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("reactionConfig"); + TString Reaction=reactionConfigTxt->GetName(); + + ReactionConfig reactionConfig = LoadReactionConfig(reactionConfigTxt); + + int nEvent = reactionConfig.numEvents; + printf("number of events generated : %d \n", nEvent); + + double xBeam = reactionConfig.beamX; + double yBeam = reactionConfig.beamY; + printf(" beam position : (%5.2f, %5.2f) mm \n", xBeam, yBeam); + + gStyle->SetOptStat(""); + gStyle->SetStatY(0.9); + gStyle->SetStatX(0.9); + gStyle->SetStatW(0.4); + gStyle->SetStatH(0.2); + gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "XY"); + gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1); + + double eRange[2] = {0, 10}; + double zRange[3] = {400, -1000, 1000}; /// zRange[0] = nBin + double recoilERange[2]; + vector exList; + double ExRange[2]; + + //================================== detetcor Geometry + printf("=================================\n"); + printf(" loading detector Geometry.\n"); + TMacro * detGeoTxt = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("detGeo"); + + DetGeo detGeo = LoadDetectorGeo(detGeoTxt); + + double field = detGeo.Bfield; + TString fdmsg = field > 0 ? "out of plan" : "into plan"; + TString msg2; + msg2.Form("field = %.2f T, %s", field, fdmsg.Data()); + + double prepDist = detGeo.detPerpDist; + double length = detGeo.detLength; + double posRecoil = detGeo.recoilPos; + double rhoRecoilIn = detGeo.recoilInnerRadius; + double rhoRecoilOut = detGeo.recoilOuterRadius; + + double posRecoil1 = detGeo.recoilPos1; + double posRecoil2 = detGeo.recoilPos2; + + vector pos = detGeo.detPos; + + float firstPos = detGeo.firstPos; + int rDet = detGeo.nDet; + int cDet = detGeo.mDet; + + double elum1 = detGeo.elumPos1; + + printf("number of row-Det : %d \n", rDet); + printf("number of col-Det : %d \n", cDet); + + for(int i = 0; i < rDet ; i++){ + if( firstPos > 0 ){ + printf("%d, %10.2f mm - %10.2f mm \n", i, pos[i], pos[i] + length); + }else{ + printf("%d, %10.2f mm - %10.2f mm \n", i, pos[i] - length , pos[i]); + } + } + + printf("=================================\n"); + + int numDet = rDet * cDet; + + zRange[1] = detGeo.zMin - 50; + zRange[2] = detGeo.zMax + 50; + + printf(" zRange : %f - %f \n", zRange[1], zRange[2]); + printf("=================================\n"); + + //========================================= Ex List; + printf(" loading Ex list\n"); + + TMacro * exListMacro = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("ExList"); + int numEx = exListMacro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize() - 1 ; + for(int i = 1; i <= numEx ; i++){ + string temp = exListMacro->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(); + if( temp[0] == '#' ) break; + if( temp[0] == '/' ) continue; + vector tempStr = SplitStr(temp, " "); + printf("%d | %s \n", i, tempStr[0].c_str()); + exList.push_back(atof(tempStr[0].c_str())); + } + + double exSpan = exList.back() - exList[0]; + + const int nExID = exList.size(); + printf("========= number of excited states : %d \n", nExID); + + ExRange[0] = exList[0] - exSpan * 0.2; + ExRange[1] = exList.back() + exSpan * 0.2; + if( isOverRideEx ) { + ExRange[0] = oExRange[0]; + ExRange[1] = oExRange[1]; + } + + printf("=================================\n"); + + //========================================= reaction parameters + + printf(" loading reaction parameters \n"); + TMacro * reactionData = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("reactionData"); + + double mass = ExtractNumber(0, reactionData); + double q = ExtractNumber(1, reactionData); + double beta = ExtractNumber(2, reactionData); + double Et = ExtractNumber(3, reactionData); + double massB = ExtractNumber(4, reactionData); + double alpha = ExtractNumber(5, reactionData); + + double gamm = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1-beta*beta); + double slope = alpha * beta; + printf("\tmass-b : %f MeV/c2 \n", mass); + printf("\tcharge-b : %f \n", q); + printf("\tE-total : %f MeV \n", Et); + printf("\tmass-B : %f MeV/c2 \n", massB); + printf("\tbeta : %f \n", beta); + printf("\tslope : %f MeV/mm \n", slope); + printf("=================================\n"); + + //=================================== calculate Ranges + + //eRange by zRange and exList + double QQ = (Et*Et + mass*mass - (massB-exList[0])*(massB-exList[0]))/2/Et; + double intercept = QQ/gamm - mass; + eRange[1] = intercept + zRange[2] * slope; + ///printf("intercept of 0 MeV : %f MeV \n", intercept); + ///printf("eRange 0 MeV : %f MeV \n", eRange[1]); + + //thetaCMRange + ///double momentum = sqrt(( Et*Et - pow(mass + massB - exList[0],2)) * ( Et*Et - pow(mass - massB + exList[0],2)))/2/Et; + ///double thetaMax = acos( (beta * QQ- alpha / gamm * zRange[2])/momentum) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + ///thetaCMRange[1] = (int) TMath::Ceil(thetaMax/10.)*10; + ///printf(" momentum : %f \n", momentum); + ///printf(" thetaCM Max : %f \n", thetaMax); + ///printf(" thetaCM Range : %d \n", thetaCMRange[1]); + + //=================================================== + printf("============================== Gate\n"); + printf("gate : %s\n", gate.Data()); + printf("====================================\n"); + + Int_t size[2] = {padSize,padSize}; ///x,y, single Canvas size + TCanvas * cCheck = new TCanvas("cCheck", "Check For Simulation", 0, 0, size[0]*Div[0], size[1]*Div[1]); + if(cCheck->GetShowEditor() )cCheck->ToggleEditor(); + if(cCheck->GetShowToolBar() )cCheck->ToggleToolBar(); + cCheck->Divide(Div[0],Div[1]); + + for( int i = 1; i <= Div[0]*Div[1] ; i++){ + cCheck->cd(i); + cCheck->cd(i)->SetGrid(); + if( canvas[i-1] == pThetaCM ) { + cCheck->cd(i)->SetGrid(0,0); + cCheck->cd(i)->SetLogy(); + } + if( canvas[i-1] == pHitID ){ + cCheck->cd(i)->SetLogy(); + } + plotID pID = canvas[i-1]; + ///######################################## + if( pID == pEZ){ + TH2F * hez = new TH2F("hez", Form("e-z [gated] @ %5.0f mm; z [mm]; e [MeV]", firstPos), zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 400, eRange[0], eRange[1]); + tree->Draw("e:z>>hez", gate, "colz"); + if( shownKELines){ + for( int i = 0; i < nExID ; i++){ + fxList->At(i)->Draw("same"); + } + } + } + if( pID == pRecoilXY ){ + TH2F * hRecoilXY = new TH2F("hRecoilXY", Form("RecoilXY [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("yRecoil:xRecoil>>hRecoilXY", gate, "colz"); + TArc * detArc1 = new TArc(0,0, rhoRecoilOut); + detArc1->SetLineColor(kBlue-8); + detArc1->SetFillStyle(0); + detArc1->Draw("same"); + TArc * detArc2 = new TArc(0,0, rhoRecoilIn); + detArc2->SetLineColor(kBlue-8); + detArc2->SetFillStyle(0); + detArc2->Draw("same"); + + if( xBeam != 0. || yBeam != 0. ){ + TArc * arc = new TArc(xBeam, yBeam, 1); + arc->SetLineColor(2); + detArc1->SetFillStyle(0); + arc->Draw("same"); + } + } + if( pID == pRecoilXY1 ){ + TH2F * hRecoilXY1 = new TH2F("hRecoilXY1", Form("RecoilXY-1 [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil1 ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("yRecoil1:xRecoil1>>hRecoilXY1", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pRecoilXY2 ){ + TH2F * hRecoilXY2 = new TH2F("hRecoilXY2", Form("RecoilXY-2 [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil2 ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("yRecoil2:xRecoil2>>hRecoilXY2", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pRecoilRZ ){ + TH2F * hRecoilRZ = new TH2F("hRecoilRZ", "RecoilR - Z [gated]; z [mm]; RecoilR [mm]", zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 400,0, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:z>>hRecoilRZ", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pRecoilRTR ){ + FindRange("TB", gate, tree, recoilERange); + TH2F * hRecoilRTR = new TH2F("hRecoilRTR", "RecoilR - recoilE [gated]; recoil Energy [MeV]; RecoilR [mm]", 500, recoilERange[0], recoilERange[1], 500, 0, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:TB>>hRecoilRTR", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pTDiffZ ){ + double tDiffRange [2]; + FindRange("t-tB", gate, tree, tDiffRange); + TH2F * hTDiffZ = new TH2F("hTDiffZ", "time(Array) - time(Recoil) vs Z [gated]; z [mm]; time diff [ns]", zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 500, tDiffRange[0], tDiffRange[1]); + tree->Draw("t - tB : z >> hTDiffZ", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pThetaCM ){ + TH1F * hThetaCM[nExID]; + TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.8,0.2,0.99,0.8); + double maxCount = 0; + int startID = 0; // set the start ExID + for( int i = startID; i < nExID; i++){ + hThetaCM[i] = new TH1F(Form("hThetaCM%d", i), Form("thetaCM [gated] (ExID=%d); thetaCM [deg]; count", i), 200, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1]); + hThetaCM[i]->SetLineColor(i+1-startID); + hThetaCM[i]->SetFillColor(i+1-startID); + hThetaCM[i]->SetFillStyle(3000+i-startID); + tree->Draw(Form("thetaCM>>hThetaCM%d", i), gate + Form("&& ExID==%d", i), ""); + legend->AddEntry(hThetaCM[i], Form("Ex=%5.1f MeV", exList[i])); + double max = hThetaCM[i]->GetMaximum(); + if( max > maxCount ) maxCount = max; + } + + for( int i = startID; i < nExID; i++){ + hThetaCM[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1, maxCount * 1.2); + if( i == startID ) { + hThetaCM[i]->Draw(); + }else{ + hThetaCM[i]->Draw("same"); + } + } + legend->Draw(); + } + if( pID == pThetaCM_Z ){ + TH2F *hThetaCM_Z = new TH2F("hThetaCM_Z","ThetaCM vs Z ; Z [mm]; thetaCM [deg]",zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 200, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1]); + tree->Draw("thetaCM:z>>hThetaCM_Z",gate,"col"); + if( shownKELines){ + for( int i = 0; i < nExID ; i++){ + txList->At(i)->Draw("same"); + } + } + + } + if( pID == pExCal ){ + TH1F * hExCal = new TH1F("hExCal", Form("calculated Ex [gated]; Ex [MeV]; count / %.2f keV", (ExRange[1]-ExRange[0])/400.*1000), 400, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]); + tree->Draw("ExCal>>hExCal", gate, ""); + Isotope hRecoil(reactionConfig.recoilHeavyA, reactionConfig.recoilHeavyZ); + double Sn = hRecoil.CalSp(0,1); + double Sp = hRecoil.CalSp(1,0); + double Sa = hRecoil.CalSp2(4,2); + double S2n = hRecoil.CalSp(0, 2); + + printf("Heavy recoil: %s \n", hRecoil.Name.c_str()); + printf("Sn : %f MeV/u \n", Sn); + printf("Sp : %f MeV/u \n", Sp); + printf("Sa : %f MeV/u \n", Sa); + printf("S2n : %f MeV/u \n", S2n); + + double yMax = hExCal->GetMaximum(); + TLine * lineSn = new TLine(Sn, 0, Sn, yMax); lineSn->SetLineColor(2); lineSn->Draw(""); + TLine * lineSp = new TLine(Sp, 0, Sp, yMax); lineSp->SetLineColor(4); lineSp->Draw("same"); + TLine * lineSa = new TLine(Sa, 0, Sa, yMax); lineSa->SetLineColor(6); lineSa->Draw("same"); + TLine * lineS2n = new TLine(S2n, 0, S2n, yMax); lineS2n->SetLineColor(8); lineS2n->Draw("same"); + + TLatex * text = new TLatex(); + text->SetTextFont(82); + text->SetTextSize(0.06); + text->SetTextColor(2); text->DrawLatex(Sn, yMax*0.9, "S_{n}"); + text->SetTextColor(4); text->DrawLatex(Sp, yMax*0.9, "S_{p}"); + text->SetTextColor(6); text->DrawLatex(Sa, yMax*0.9, "S_{a}"); + text->SetTextColor(8); text->DrawLatex(S2n, yMax*0.9, "S_{2n}"); + + } + if( pID == pRecoilRThetaCM ){ + TH2F * hRecoilRThetaCM = new TH2F("hRecoilRThetaCM", "RecoilR - thetaCM [gated]; thetaCM [deg]; RecoilR [mm]", 400, 0, 60, 400,0, rhoRecoilOut); + tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:thetaCM>>hRecoilRThetaCM", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pArrayXY ){ + TH2F * hArrayXY = new TH2F("hArrayXY", "Array-XY [gated]; X [mm]; Y [mm]", 400, -prepDist*1.5, prepDist*1.5, 400, -prepDist*1.5, prepDist*1.5); + tree->Draw("yArray:xArray>>hArrayXY", gate, "colz"); + } + if( pID == pInfo ){ + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0., 0.9, Reaction); + text.DrawLatex(0., 0.8, msg2); + text.SetTextColor(1); + text.DrawLatex(0., 0.7, "gate:"); + + text.SetTextColor(2); + //check gate text length, if > 30, break by "&&" + int ll = gate.Length(); + if( ll > 30 ) { + vector strList = SplitStr( (string) gate.Data(), "&&"); + for( int i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0., 0.6 - 0.05*i, (TString) strList[i]); + } + }else{ + text.DrawLatex(0., 0.6, gate); + } + + if( xBeam != 0.0 || yBeam != 0.0 ){ + text.DrawLatex(0.0, 0.1, Form("Bema pos: (%4.1f, %4.1f) mm", xBeam, yBeam)); + } + } + + if( pID == pElum1XY ){ + + TH2F * hElum1XY = new TH2F("hElum1XY", Form("Elum-1 XY [gated] @ %.0f mm ; X [mm]; Y [mm]", elum1), 400, -elumRange, elumRange, 400, -elumRange, elumRange); + tree->Draw("yElum1:xElum1>>hElum1XY", gate, "colz"); + + double count = hElum1XY->GetEntries(); + + if( count < 2000. ) { + hElum1XY->SetMarkerStyle(7); + if( count < 500. ) hElum1XY->SetMarkerStyle(3); + hElum1XY->Draw("scat"); + } + } + + if( pID == pEElum1R ){ + TH2F * hEElum1Rho = new TH2F("hEElum1Rho", "Elum-1 E-R [gated]; R[mm]; Energy[MeV]", 400, 0, elumRange, 400, eRange[0], eRange[1]); + tree->Draw("Tb:rhoElum1>>hEElum1Rho", gate, "colz"); + } + + if( pID == pElum1RThetaCM){ + int angBin = 400; + + TH2F * hElum1RThetaCM = new TH2F("hElum1RThetaCM", "Elum-1 rho vs ThetaCM [gated]; thatCM [deg]; Elum- rho [mm]", angBin, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1], 400, 0, elumRange); + tree->Draw("rhoElum1:thetaCM>>hElum1RThetaCM", gate, "colz"); + + TH1F * htemp = (TH1F *) hElum1RThetaCM->ProjectionX("htemp"); + + double rel = (thetaCMRange[1] - thetaCMRange[0])*1.0/angBin; + printf("angular resolution : %f deg \n", rel); + + vector xList; + double old_y = 0; + for( int i = 1; i <= angBin; i++){ + double y = htemp->GetBinContent(i); + if( old_y == 0 && y > 0) xList.push_back(htemp->GetBinCenter(i)); + if( old_y > 0 && y == 0 ) xList.push_back(htemp->GetBinCenter(i)); + old_y = y; + } + + printf("list of gaps :\n"); + for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i+=2){ + printf("%d | %.3f - %.3f deg\n", i, xList[i], xList[i+1]); + } + + TF1 f1("f1", "sin(x)"); + double acceptance = 0; + double err1 = 0; + double err2 = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i += 2 ){ + acceptance += f1.Integral(xList[i] * TMath::DegToRad(), xList[i+1] * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); + err1 += f1.Integral((xList[i]-rel) * TMath::DegToRad(), (xList[i+1] + rel) * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); + err2 += f1.Integral((xList[i]+rel) * TMath::DegToRad(), (xList[i+1] - rel) * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); + } + printf("acceptance = %f sr +- %f \n", acceptance, (err1-err2)/2); + + TLatex text; + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.SetTextColor(2); + text.SetTextAngle(90); + + for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i++){ + text.DrawLatex(xList[i], elumRange/2, Form("%.2f", xList[i])); + } + + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextAngle(0); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.15, Form("accp. = %.2f(%.2f) msr", acceptance * 1000., (err1-err2)*1000./2)); + + } + + if( pID == pHitID ){ + printf("=======================meaning of Hit ID\n"); + printf(" 1 = light recoil hit array & heavy recoil hit recoil\n"); + printf(" 0 = no detector\n"); + printf(" -1 = light recoil go opposite side of array\n"); + printf(" -2 = light recoil hit > det width\n"); + printf(" -3 = light recoil hit > array \n"); + printf(" -4 = light recoil hit blocker \n"); + printf(" -10 = light recoil orbit radius too big \n"); + printf(" -11 = light recoil orbit radius too small\n"); + printf(" -12 = when reocol at the same side of array, light recoil blocked by recoil detector\n"); + printf(" -13 = more than 3 loops\n"); + printf(" -14 = heavy recoil did not hit recoil \n"); + printf(" -15 = cannot find hit on array\n"); + printf(" -20 = unknown\n"); + printf("===========================================\n"); + + TH1F * hHit = new TH1F("hHit", "hit; hit-ID; count", 13, -11, 2); + tree->Draw("hit>>hHit", "", ""); + } + ///####################################################### + + } + + cCheck->Modified(); + cCheck->Update(); + + if( outputCanvas ){ + TDatime dateTime; + TString outPNGName = Form("Sim_%d%02d%02d_%06d.png", dateTime.GetYear(), dateTime.GetMonth(), dateTime.GetDay(), dateTime.GetTime()); + + cCheck->SaveAs(outPNGName); + printf("%s\n", outPNGName.Data()); + + gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); + + } +} + +///============================================================ +///============================================================ + +double * FindRange(TString branch, TString gate, TTree * tree, double output[2]){ + tree->Draw(Form("%s>>temp1", branch.Data()), gate); + TH1F * temp1 = (TH1F *) gROOT->FindObjectAny("temp1"); + + output[1] = temp1->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + output[0] = temp1->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + + delete temp1; + return output; +} + +double ExtractNumber(int index, TMacro * macro){ + + TString field = macro->GetListOfLines()->At(index)->GetName(); + int pos = field.First('/'); + if( pos >= 0 ) field.Remove(pos); + + return field.Atof(); + +} +TString ExtractString(int index, TMacro * macro){ + + TString field = macro->GetListOfLines()->At(index)->GetName(); + + int pos = field.First('/'); + if( pos >= 0 ) field.Remove(pos); + + return field; + +} + +vector StringToVector(TString str){ + + vector temp; + + bool startFlag = false; + bool endFlag = false; + string jaja=""; + for(int i = 0; i < str.Length(); i++){ + + if( str[i] == '{' ) { + startFlag = true; + continue; + } + if( str[i] == ' '){ + continue; + } + if( startFlag && !endFlag){ + + if( str[i] == ',' ){ + temp.push_back(jaja); + jaja=""; + continue; + } + + if( str[i] == '}') { + temp.push_back(jaja); + endFlag = true; + continue; + } + jaja += str[i]; + + } + } + return temp; +} + +vector intConvertor(vector arr){ + vector out ; + for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) arr.size(); i++){ + out.push_back( arr[i].Atoi()); + } + return out; +} +vector doubleConvertor(vector arr){ + vector out ; + for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) arr.size(); i++){ + out.push_back( arr[i].Atof()); + } + return out; +} + +plotID StringToPlotID(TString str){ + + if( str == "pEZ") return plotID::pEZ; ///0 + if( str == "pRecoilXY") return plotID::pRecoilXY; /// 1 + if( str == "pRecoilXY1" ) return plotID::pRecoilXY1; /// 2 + if( str == "pRecoilXY2" ) return plotID::pRecoilXY2; /// 3 + if( str == "pRecoilRZ" ) return plotID::pRecoilRZ; /// 4 + if( str == "pRecoilRTR" ) return plotID::pRecoilRTR; /// 5 + if( str == "pTDiffZ" ) return plotID::pTDiffZ; /// 6 + if( str == "pThetaCM" ) return plotID::pThetaCM; /// 7 + if( str == "pThetaCM_Z" ) return plotID::pThetaCM_Z; /// 8 + if( str == "pExCal" ) return plotID::pExCal; /// 9 + if( str == "pRecoilRThetaCM" ) return plotID::pRecoilRThetaCM; /// 10 + if( str == "pArrayXY" ) return plotID::pArrayXY; /// 11 + if( str == "pInfo" ) return plotID::pInfo; /// 12 + if( str == "pHitID" ) return plotID::pHitID; /// 13 + if( str == "pElum1XY" ) return plotID::pElum1XY; /// 14 + if( str == "pEElum1R" ) return plotID::pEElum1R; /// 14 + if( str == "pElum1RThetaCM" ) return plotID::pElum1RThetaCM; /// 15 + if( str == "pEmpty" ) return plotID::pEmpty ; /// 16 + + return plotID::pEmpty; +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.C b/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40133ae --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.C @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is Cleopatra, a sucessor of Ptolemy + * only for (d,p), (d,p), (d,d), or (p,p) + * + * 1) it read a simple infile.in from reaction_setting file + * 2) use Ptolemy to calculate the the creation + * 3) extract the cross sec distribution into txt and root file + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ cleopatra.C -o cleopatra `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + *------------------------------------------------------ + * The reaction_setting file is simple like: + * + * 206Hg(d,p)207Hg(1s1/2 0.000) 10MeV/u AK + * + * the first is similar to usual reaction setting, the word AK is a + * short name for Optical Potential, user can put as many line as + * they like, Cleopatra can create the suitable infile.in for Ptolomy + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include /* atof */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "InFileCreator.h" +#include "ExtractXSec.h" +#include +#include "PlotTGraphTObjArray.h" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { //TODO add angle range + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("===== Cleopatra, Ptolemy for (d,p),(p,d), (p,p) and (d,d) =====\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 || argc > 5) { + printf("Usage: ./Cleopatra input_file (angMin = 0 deg, angMax = 180 deg, angStep = 1 deg)\n"); + printf("Usage: ./Cleopatra input_file angMin angMax (angStep = 1 deg)\n"); + printf("Usage: ./Cleopatra input_file angMin angMax angStep\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("From file : %s \n", argv[1]); + } + + //================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction + string readFile = argv[1]; + double angMin = 0.; + double angMax = 180.; + double angStep = 1.; + if( argc >= 4 ){ + angMin = atof(argv[2]); + angMax = atof(argv[3]); + } + if( argc == 5 ){ + angStep = atof(argv[4]); + } + + string ptolemyInFileName = argv[1]; + ptolemyInFileName += ".in"; + printf("=================== Create InFile\n"); + InFileCreator( readFile, ptolemyInFileName, angMin, angMax, angStep); + + //================= run ptolemy + + char command[200]; + string ptolemyOutFileName = argv[1]; + ptolemyOutFileName += ".out"; + sprintf(command, "./ptolemy <%s> %s", ptolemyInFileName.c_str(), ptolemyOutFileName.c_str()); + printf("=================== Run Ptolemy\n"); + printf("%s \n", command); + system(command); + + //================= extract the Xsec and save as txt and root + printf("=================== Extract Cross-section\n"); + ExtractXSec(ptolemyOutFileName); + + //================= Call root to plot the d.s.c. + printf("=================== Plot Result using ROOT.\n"); + string rootFileName = argv[1]; + rootFileName += ".root"; + TApplication app ("app", &argc, argv); + PlotTGraphTObjArray(rootFileName); + app.Run(); //nothing run after + return 0; +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.sh b/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d6c8ab7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Cleopatra.sh @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +######################################################################## +# +# This is Cleopatra.sh, a scripted version for Cleopatra +# +# Using bash script provide flexibility that user can add difference +# compoenents during the calculation +# +# A full package includes fellowing: +# 1) create a in-file for ptolemy +# 2) run ptolemy from that in-file and output an out-file +# 3) extract cross-section distribution from the out-file +# save as txt or root TGraph format +# 4) call ROOT to draw the TGraph +# 5) load possible experimental Xsec and fit with Ptolemy calulation +# +# User can easily select/comment-out different component +# to suit their needs +#------------------------------------------------------- +# created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 +# email: goluckyryan@gmail.com +######################################################################## + +#===== Call thisroot.h +ROOTPATH=$(which root) +len=${#ROOTPATH} +ROOTSOURCE=${ROOTPATH:0:$len-4}"thisroot.sh" +echo $ROOTSOURCE +source $ROOTSOURCE + +#===== go to Cleopatra and make +cd ../Cleopatra +make +cd ../working + +#================================ User Defualt Control +CreateInFile=0 # 0 = false, 1 = true +RunPtolemy=0 +IsExtractXSec=0 +PlotResult=0 +SimTransfer=0 +#============================================ USER don't need to change thing below + +if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then + echo "$./Cleopatra in-file X X X X X angMin angMax angStep" + echo " | | | | |" + echo " | | | | Simulate Transfer reaction? (1/0)" + echo " | | | |" + echo " | | | PlotResult? (1/0)" + echo " | | Extract cross-section? (2/1/0)" + echo " | | if 1 = extract Ratio to Rutherford for (d,d), (p,p)" + echo " | | if 2 = extract total Xsec for (d,d), (p,p), (n,n)" + echo " | | if 3 = extract Rutherford" + echo " | Run Ptolemy? (1/0)" + echo " Create infile? (1/0)" + echo "default angMin = 0, angMax = 50, angStep = 0.5" + exit 1 +fi; + +loadfile=$1 +infile=$1".in" +outfile=$1".out" +rootfile=$1".root" +exFile=$1".Ex.txt" + +if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 +fi; +if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 + RunPtolemy=$3 +fi; +if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 + RunPtolemy=$3 + IsExtractXSec=$4 +fi; +if [ $# -eq 5 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 + RunPtolemy=$3 + IsExtractXSec=$4 + PlotResult=$5 +fi; +if [ $# -eq 6 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 + RunPtolemy=$3 + IsExtractXSec=$4 + PlotResult=$5 + SimTransfer=$6 +fi; +if [ $# -eq 9 ]; then + CreateInFile=$2 + RunPtolemy=$3 + IsExtractXSec=$4 + PlotResult=$5 + SimTransfer=$6 + angMin=$7 + angMax=$8 + angStep=$9 +fi; + +ExtractXsecMsg="" +if [ $IsExtractXSec -eq 1 ]; then + ExtractXsecMsg=", for (d,d)(p,p), extract Ratio to Rutherford" +elif [ $IsExtractXSec -eq 2 ]; then + ExtractXsecMsg=", for (d,d)(p,p), extract Total Xsec" +fi; + +if [ $SimTransfer -eq 1 ]; then + angMin=0 + angMax=180 + angStep=0.5 +fi + +echo "#################################################################" +echo "## @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ ##" +echo "## @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ ##" +echo "## @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ ##" +echo "## @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@ ##" +echo "## @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@ ##" +echo "#################################################################" +echo "##### Cleopatra, Ptolemy for p,d,t,3He, a #####" +echo "#################################################################" +echo "Supported reactions:" +echo "elastics/inelastics : (p,p), (d,d)" +echo "1-neutron adding : (d,p), (t,d) | (a,3He)?" +echo "1-proton adding : (3He,d)" +echo "2-neutrons adding : (t,p)" +echo "1-neutron removal : (p,d), (d,t) " +echo "1-proton removal : (d,3He), (t,a)" +echo "=================================================================" +echo "USER OPTION:" +echo " --- Is Create Ptolemy infile ? " ${CreateInFile} +echo " --- Is Run Ptolemy ? " ${RunPtolemy} +echo " --- Is Extract Cross-Section ? " ${IsExtractXSec} ${ExtractXsecMsg} +echo " --- Is Plot Results ? " ${PlotResult} +echo " ----Is Simulation Transfer ? " ${SimTransfer} +echo "=================================================================" + +#if [ ${CreateInFile} -eq 1 ] ; then +# echo "infile ----> "${loadfile} +#fi; +# +#if [ ${RunPtolemy} -eq 1 ] ; then +# echo "Ptolemy infile ----> "${infile} +# echo "Ptolemy outfile ----> "${outfile} +#fi; + +if [ ${CreateInFile} -eq 1 ] ; then + if [ $# -eq 9 ]; then + ../Cleopatra/InFileCreator ${loadfile} $angMin $angMax $angStep + else + ../Cleopatra/InFileCreator ${loadfile} 0.0 50.0 0.5 + fi +fi; + +if [ ${RunPtolemy} -eq 1 ] ; then + echo "=================================================================" + echo "===== Ptolemy Calcualtion ===================================" + echo "=================================================================" + + #check is linux or Mac + + arch=$(uname) + + if [ ${arch} == "Darwin" ] ; then + ../Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac <${infile}> ${outfile} + ptolemyOUTPUT=$? + else + ../Cleopatra/ptolemy <${infile}> ${outfile} + ptolemyOUTPUT=$? + fi + + echo "ptolmey exit code : " $ptolemyOUTPUT + if [ ${ptolemyOUTPUT} -eq 0 ] ; then + echo "Ptolmey finished without problem. " + else + echo "Ptolemy has error, check ${infile} or ${outfile}" + exit 1; + fi + +fi; + +#===== Extracting XSec and save into *txt and *root +if [ ${IsExtractXSec} -ge 1 ] ; then + ../Cleopatra/ExtractXSec ${outfile} ${IsExtractXSec} +fi; + +if [ ${PlotResult} -eq 1 ] ; then + #===== Plot the result from the *.root + #./PlotTGraphTObjArray ${rootfile} + #--- other way within ROOT + echo "=================================================================" + echo "===== Plot Result from ${rootfile}" + echo "=================================================================" + com='../Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h("'${rootfile}'")' + echo ${com} + root -l ${com} +fi; + +if [ ${SimTransfer} -eq 1 ] ; then + ../Cleopatra/Transfer reactionConfig.txt detectorGeo.txt ${exFile} ${rootfile} transfer.root reaction.dat +fi; diff --git a/Cleopatra/DWBARatio.C b/Cleopatra/DWBARatio.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33bc495 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/DWBARatio.C @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ + + +TGraph * DWBARatio(int id1, int id2, TString rootFile="DWBA.root", bool isPlot = true){ + + TGraph * gR = NULL; + + TFile * file = new TFile(rootFile, "READ"); + if( file != NULL ){ + printf("----- Opening %s\n", rootFile.Data()); + }else{ + printf("----- Opening %s .... Fail.\n", rootFile.Data()); + return gR; + } + + ///get the TGraph of the distribution. + TObjArray * gList = (TObjArray *) file->Get("qList"); + int size = gList->GetLast()+1; + printf("----- found %d d.s.c\n", size); + + if( id1 > size || id2 > size ) { + printf(" id1 > %d || id2 > %d \n", size, size); + return gR; + } + + TGraph * g1 = (TGraph *) gList->At(id1); + TGraph * g2 = (TGraph *) gList->At(id2); + + double g1MaxY = g1->GetHistogram()->GetMaximum(); + double g2MaxY = g2->GetHistogram()->GetMaximum(); + + g2->SetLineColor(2); + + + TCanvas * cDWBA = NULL ; + + if( isPlot ){ + cDWBA= new TCanvas("cDWBA", "DWBA Ratio", 1000, 500); + cDWBA->Divide(2,1); + + cDWBA->cd(1); + cDWBA->cd(1)->SetLogy(); + + if( g1MaxY > g2MaxY ) { + g1->Draw(); + g2->Draw("same"); + }else{ + g2->Draw(); + g1->Draw("same"); + } + + TLegend * legend = new TLegend( 0.1, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0); + legend->AddEntry(g1, g1->GetName()); + legend->AddEntry(g2, g2->GetName()); + + legend->Draw(); + + cDWBA->cd(2); + + } + gR = new TGraph(); + double x, y1, y2; + for( int i = 0 ; i < g1->GetN(); i++){ + g1->GetPoint(i, x, y1); + g2->GetPoint(i, x, y2); + gR->SetPoint(i, x, y1/y2); + } + + if( isPlot) gR->Draw(); + + return gR; + +} + diff --git a/Cleopatra/DWBA_compare.C b/Cleopatra/DWBA_compare.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..662d21a --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/DWBA_compare.C @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#include "DWBARatio.C" + +void DWBA_compare(){ + + TGraph * w[12]; + for( int i = 0 ; i < 12; i++){ + + w[i] = DWBARatio(i, i+12, "DWBA.root", false); + w[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + + i == 0 ? w[i]->Draw("Al") : w[i]->Draw("same"); + + } + + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.C b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff82cc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.C @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is ExtractXSec for *.out for Ptolemy + * + * This program will extract cross section distribution from Ptolmey output. + * save as *.Xsec.txt and *.root for distribution + * + * save ExPtolemy.txt for excitation energies and total X-section + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ ExtractXSec.C -o ExtractXSec `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include "ExtractXSec.h" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("========== Extract Cross-Section From Ptolemy out file ==========\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 || argc > 3) { + printf("Usage: ./ExtractXSec input_file \n"); + printf(" ElasticFlag = 1 , default, extarct Ratio to Rutherford\n"); + printf(" ElasticFlag = 2 , extarct Total Xsec\n"); + printf(" ElasticFlag = 3 , Rutherford\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("From file : %s \n", argv[1]); + } + + string readFile = argv[1]; + int ElasticFlag = 1; + if( argc == 3 ){ + ElasticFlag = atoi(argv[2]); + } + ExtractXSec(readFile, ElasticFlag); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.h b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff42554 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.h @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is ExtractXSec for *.out for Ptolemy + * + * This program will extract cross section distribution from Ptolmey output. + * save as *.Xsec.txt and *.root for distribution + * + * save ExPtolemy.txt for excitation energies and total X-section + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ ExtractXSec.C -o ExtractXSec `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../armory/AnalysisLib.h" + +using namespace std; + +TObjArray * gList = NULL; +double distfunct(double *x, double *par){ + + TGraph * gTemp = (TGraph *) gList->At(par[0]); + + return (gTemp->Eval(x[0]))* sin(x[0] * TMath::DegToRad()); +} + +bool isFloat( string str ) { + int length = str.length(); + for( int i = 0; i < length; i++){ + string it = str.substr(i,1); + if( it == " " || it == "."|| it == "1"|| it == "2"|| + it == "3"|| it == "4"|| it == "5"|| it == "6"|| it == "7"|| it == "8"|| it == "9"|| it == "0"){ + continue; + }else{ + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +int ExtractXSec (string readFile, int indexForElastic=1) { + + //indexForElastic = 1 ; for Ratio + //indexForElastic = 2 ; for Total + //indexForElastic = 3 ; for Rutherford + + //--- open file.out + ifstream file_in; + file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in); + if( !file_in){ + printf("Unable to open %s \n", readFile.c_str()); + exit(1); + } + + //---- variable for Xsec + vector title; + vector> dataMatrix; + vector angle; + vector Ex; + vector totalXsec; + vector reaction; + double angleMin = 0; + double angleMax = 0; + double angleStep = -1; + + //================================== read file.out + string line; + int lineNum = 0; + vector dataXsec; + bool startExtract = false; + bool angleFilled = false; + int numCal = 0; + int reactionFlag = 0; + bool preFindForElastic = false; + printf("======================================================\n"); + while(getline(file_in, line)){ + lineNum ++; + //printf("%d , %s\n", lineNum, line.c_str()); + + size_t pos; + string findStr; + int findLen; + + //---- find Title + findStr = "$============================================"; + findLen = findStr.length(); + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos){ + title.push_back(line.substr(pos + findLen+1)); + + pos = title.back().find("("); + string ex = title.back().substr(3, pos-3); + Ex.push_back( atof(ex.c_str()) ); + + //clear dataXsex for new data set + dataXsec.clear(); + + numCal ++; + continue; + } + + //---- find Reaction + findStr = "0INPUT... CHANNEL"; + findLen = findStr.length(); + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos ) { + reaction.push_back( line.substr(pos + findLen + 1) ); + reactionFlag = 1; // 1 for (d,d) or (p,p) + ///printf("%d |----------- (d,d), %d\n", lineNum, reactionFlag); + continue; // nextline + } + + findStr = "REACTION:"; + findLen = findStr.length(); + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos ) { + reaction.push_back( line.substr(pos + findLen + 1) ); + reactionFlag = 2; // 2 for (d,p) or (p,d) + ///printf("%d |----------- (d,p), %d\n", lineNum, reactionFlag); + continue; // nextline + } + + //----- pre find for Elastic scattering + findStr = "0 OPTICAL MODEL SCATTERING FOR THE OUTGOING CHANNEL"; + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos ) { + preFindForElastic = true; + ///printf("%d |----------- pre Elastics Flag : %d\n", lineNum, preFindForElastic); + continue; + } + + //----- find angle stetting when not known + if( angleStep == -1 ){ + + findStr = "anglemin="; + findLen = findStr.length(); + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos){ + + size_t pos1 = line.find("anglemax="); + angleMin = atof( line.substr(pos+findLen, pos1 - pos - findLen).c_str() ); + + pos = pos1; + pos1 = line.find("anglestep="); + angleMax = atof( line.substr(pos+findLen, pos1 - pos - findLen).c_str() ); + + angleStep = atof( line.substr(pos1 + findLen+1).c_str() ); + + //printf("%d |---- angle range found.\n", lineNum); + + } + continue; //nextline + } + + //----- check if start extracting Xsec or not + findStr = "dumpdumpdump"; + if( reactionFlag == 1 && preFindForElastic ){ + findStr = "C.M. LAB RUTHERFORD"; + } + if( reactionFlag == 2 ){ + findStr = "0 C.M. REACTION REACTION LOW L HIGH L % FROM"; + } + pos = line.find(findStr); + if( pos != string::npos ) { + startExtract = true; + //printf("%d |----- start extraction \n", lineNum); + continue; + } + + //----- start extracting Xsec + if( startExtract ){ + + if( line.length() < 20 ) continue; + + ///printf("%d |%s \n", line.length(), line.c_str()); + double numAngle, numXsec; + if( reactionFlag == 1 ){ // Elastics (d,d) or (p,p) + numAngle = atof( line.substr(0, 7).c_str()); + if( indexForElastic == 1 ){ + numXsec = atof( line.substr(15, 15).c_str()); + }else if( indexForElastic == 2 ){ + if ( line.length() > 60 ) { + numXsec = atof( line.substr(30, 13).c_str()); + }else{ + numXsec = -404; + } + }else{ + if ( line.length() > 60 ) { + numXsec = atof( line.substr(57, 14).c_str()); + }else{ + numXsec = -404; + } + } + } + + if( reactionFlag == 2 ){ // InElastics (d,p) or (p,d) + if( isFloat( line.substr(0, 7) ) ){ + numAngle = atof( line.substr(0, 7).c_str()); + numXsec = atof( line.substr(7, 19).c_str()); + }else{ + numAngle = -1.0; + numXsec = -1.0; + } + } + + if( numAngle != numXsec && numXsec > 0. ){ + if( !angleFilled ) angle.push_back(numAngle); + dataXsec.push_back(numXsec); + + ///printf(" %f , %f \n", angle.back(), dataXsec.back()); + } + + + } + + //------ find total Xsec, if found stop extraction + findStr = "dumpdumpdump"; + if( reactionFlag == 1 && preFindForElastic){ + findStr = "0TOTAL REACTION CROSS SECTION ="; + } + if( reactionFlag == 2){ + findStr = "0TOTAL:"; + } + findLen = findStr.length(); + pos = line.find(findStr); + + if( pos != string::npos ) { + + totalXsec.push_back( atof(line.substr(pos + findLen).c_str()) ); + + printf("%2d | %s | total Xsec(4pi): %f mb \n", numCal, title.back().c_str(), totalXsec.back()); + + //push back dataXsec to dataMatrix + dataMatrix.push_back(dataXsec); + + //printf("%d |----- end extraction \n", lineNum); + + angleFilled = true; + startExtract = false; + reactionFlag = 0; + preFindForElastic = false; + continue; + } + + } + file_in.close(); + + //================================== summary + printf("====================== Total number of line read : %d \n", lineNum); + printf("Angle : %5.2f, %5.2f | step : %5.2f \n", angleMin, angleMax, angleStep); + printf("Number of Angle read : %lu \n", angle.size()); + printf("Number of data read : %lu \n", dataXsec.size()); + printf("Number of Reaction : %lu \n", reaction.size()); + + + printf("----------------------------- list of Calculation \n"); + //... find suitable lenght for displaying reaction string + int reactionStrLen = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + int len = reaction[i].length(); + if( len > reactionStrLen ) reactionStrLen = len; + } + + vector partialXsec; + partialXsec.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + + double partialSumXsec = 0.0; + for( int j = 0; j < (dataMatrix[i]).size() ; j++ ){ + //double theta = (angle[j] + angleStep/2.) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double theta = (angle[j]) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double dTheta = angleStep * TMath::DegToRad(); + double phi = TMath::TwoPi(); + partialSumXsec += dataMatrix[i][j] * sin( theta ) * dTheta * phi ; + } + partialXsec.push_back(partialSumXsec); + + size_t pos = title[i].find(")"); + printf("%*s| %s | Xsec(%3.0f-%3.0f deg) : %f mb\n", reactionStrLen + 3, reaction[i].c_str(), title[i].substr(pos+1).c_str(), angleMin, angleMax, partialSumXsec); + } + printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); + + //================================== save *.Ex.txt + string saveExName = readFile; + int len = saveExName.length(); + saveExName = saveExName.substr(0, len - 4); + saveExName += ".Ex.txt"; + printf("Output : %s \n", saveExName.c_str()); + FILE * file_Ex; + file_Ex = fopen(saveExName.c_str(), "w+"); + + fprintf(file_Ex, "//generated_by_ExtractXSec.h____Ex____Xsec(4pi)____SF____sigma\n"); + + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + fprintf(file_Ex, "%9.5f %9.5f 1.0 0.000\n", Ex[i], partialXsec[i]); + } + fprintf(file_Ex, "#=====End_of_File\n"); + fclose(file_Ex); + + //================================== save file.Xsec.txt + string saveFileName = readFile; + len = saveFileName.length(); + saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 4); + saveFileName += ".Xsec.txt"; + printf("Output : %s \n", saveFileName.c_str()); + FILE * file_out; + file_out = fopen(saveFileName.c_str(), "w+"); + + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + fprintf(file_out, "#%14s\n", reaction[i].c_str()); + } + + int space = 19; + fprintf(file_out, "%8s\t", "Angel"); + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + fprintf(file_out, "%*s", space, title[i].c_str()); + } + fprintf(file_out, "\n"); + + for( int i = 0; i < angle.size() ; i ++){ + fprintf(file_out, "%8.3f\t", angle[i]); + for( int j = 0; j < numCal ; j++){ + fprintf(file_out, "%*f", space, dataMatrix[j][i]); + } + fprintf(file_out, "\n"); + } + fclose(file_out); + + //================================== Save in ROOT + len = saveFileName.length(); + saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 9); + TString fileName = saveFileName; + fileName += ".root"; + printf("Output : %s \n", fileName.Data()); + TFile * fileOut = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE" ); + + gList = new TObjArray(); ///no SetTitle() method for TObjArray + gList->SetName("TGraph of d.s.c"); + TObjArray * fList = new TObjArray(); + fList->SetName("TF1 of distributions = d.s.c. * sin()"); + + TGraph ** gGraph = new TGraph *[numCal]; + TF1 ** dist = new TF1*[numCal]; + + for( int i = 0; i < numCal ; i++){ + gGraph[i] = new TGraph(); + TString name = reaction[i]; + name += "|"; + name += title[i]; + gGraph[i]->SetName(name); + for( int j = 0; j < angle.size() ; j++){ + gGraph[i]->SetPoint(j, angle[j], dataMatrix[i][j]); + } + gList->Add(gGraph[i]); + + name.Form("dist%d", i); + dist[i] = new TF1(name, distfunct, angleMin, angleMax, 1 ); + dist[i]->SetParameter(0, i); + + fList->Add(dist[i]); + + //delete tempFunc; + + } + gList->Write("qList", 1); + fList->Write("pList", 1); + + + fileOut->Write(); + fileOut->Close(); + printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); + + return 0; +} + +int ExtractXSecFromText(string readFile){ + + //read file + ifstream file_in; + file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in); + if( !file_in){ + printf("Unable to open %s \n", readFile.c_str()); + exit(1); + } + + //---- variable for Xsec + vector> dataMatrix; + vector angle; + vector Ex; + + //================================== read file.out + string line; + int lineNum = 0; + vector dataXsec; + + int numCal = 0; + printf("======================================================\n"); + + bool headerDone = false; + + while(getline(file_in, line)){ + lineNum ++; + + if( line.substr(0,1) == "#" ) continue; + + //printf("%d | %s\n", lineNum, line.c_str()); + + //after the comment line, the next line must be column name + vector header= SplitStr(line, " "); + //printf("---%lu #", header.size()); + //for( int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++){ + // printf("%s|", header[i].c_str()); + //} + //printf("\n"); + + if ( !headerDone ) { + for( int i = 1 ; i < header.size(); i++){ + string energy = header[i].substr(3, header[i].length()); + Ex.push_back(atof(energy.c_str())); + //printf("%f---\n", Ex.back()); + } + headerDone = true; + }else{ + + vector temp; + for( int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++){ + if( i == 0 ) angle.push_back(atof(header[i].c_str())); + if( i > 0 ) temp.push_back(atof(header[i].c_str())); + } + dataMatrix.push_back(temp); + + } + + } + file_in.close(); + + double angleMin = angle.front(); + double angleMax = angle.back(); + double angleStep = (angleMax - angleMin)/(angle.size()-1); + + //------ print out read data + printf("====================== data read as:\n"); + printf("%5s, ", "Ex"); + for(int i = 0; i < Ex.size(); i++){ + printf("%6.3f|", Ex[i]); + } + printf("\n"); + for(int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.size(); i++){ + printf("%5.2f, ", angle[i]); + for( int j = 0; j < dataMatrix[i].size(); j++) printf("%6.3f|", dataMatrix[i][j]); + printf("\n"); + } + printf("---------------------------------\n"); + printf("angle min :%f\n", angleMin); + printf("angle max :%f\n", angleMax); + printf("angle step:%f\n", angleStep); + printf("---------------------------------\n"); + + //------- calculate summed cross section + vector partialXsec(Ex.size()); + for( int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.size() ; i++){ + for( int j = 0; j < (dataMatrix[i]).size() ; j++ ){ + //double theta = (angle[j] + angleStep/2.) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double theta = (angle[i]) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double dTheta = angleStep * TMath::DegToRad(); + double phi = TMath::TwoPi(); + partialXsec[j] += dataMatrix[i][j] * sin( theta ) * dTheta * phi ; + } + } + for(int i = 0; i < Ex.size(); i++){ + printf("Ex=%6.3f| Xsec(%3.0f-%3.0f deg) : %f mb\n", Ex[i] , angleMin, angleMax, partialXsec[i]); + } + printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); + + //================================== save *.Ex.txt + string saveExName = readFile; + int len = saveExName.length(); + saveExName = saveExName.substr(0, len - 4); + saveExName += ".Ex.txt"; + printf("Output : %s \n", saveExName.c_str()); + FILE * file_Ex; + file_Ex = fopen(saveExName.c_str(), "w+"); + fprintf(file_Ex, "//Generated_by_ExtractXsec.h___Ex___Xsec___SF____sigma\n"); + for( int i = 0; i < Ex.size() ; i++){ + fprintf(file_Ex, "%9.5f %9.5f 1.0 0.000\n", Ex[i], partialXsec[i]); + } + fprintf(file_Ex, "#=====End_of_File\n"); + fclose(file_Ex); + + + //================================== Save in ROOT + string saveFileName = readFile; + len = saveFileName.length(); + saveFileName = saveFileName.substr(0, len - 4); + TString fileName = saveFileName; + fileName += ".root"; + printf("Output : %s \n", fileName.Data()); + TFile * fileOut = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE" ); + + gList = new TObjArray(); + gList->SetName("TGraph of d.s.c"); + TObjArray * fList = new TObjArray(); + fList->SetName("TF1 of distributions = d.s.c. * sin()"); + + TGraph ** gGraph = new TGraph *[numCal]; + TF1 ** dist = new TF1*[numCal]; + + for( int i = 0; i < Ex.size() ; i++){ + gGraph[i] = new TGraph(); + TString name ; + name.Form("Ex=%6.3f MeV", Ex[i]); + gGraph[i]->SetName(name); + for( int j = 0; j < angle.size() ; j++){ + gGraph[i]->SetPoint(j, angle[j], dataMatrix[j][i]); + } + gList->Add(gGraph[i]); + + name.Form("dist%d", i); + dist[i] = new TF1(name, distfunct, angleMin, angleMax, 1 ); + dist[i]->SetParameter(0, i); + + fList->Add(dist[i]); + + //delete tempFunc; + + } + gList->Write("qList", 1); + fList->Write("pList", 1); + + + fileOut->Write(); + fileOut->Close(); + printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); + + + return 0; + +} + diff --git a/Cleopatra/ExtractXSecFromText.C b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSecFromText.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd685b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/ExtractXSecFromText.C @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is ExtractXSecFromText for *.txt file + * + * This program will extract cross section distribution + * save as *.root for distribution + * + * save *.Ex.txt for excitation energies and total X-section + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ ExtractXSecFromText.C -o ExtractXSecFromText `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Dec-29, 2019 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include "ExtractXSec.h" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("========== Extract Cross-Section From text file ==========\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 ) { + printf("Usage: ./ExtractXSecFromText input_file\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("From file : %s \n", argv[1]); + } + + string readFile = argv[1]; + ExtractXSecFromText(readFile); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.C b/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b9c31c --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.C @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is FindThetaCM.C, To calculate the thetaCM convrage for each detector + * + * This required two inout files: basicReactionConfig.txt + * detectorGeo.txt + * + *------------------------------------------------------- + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include /* atof */ +#include +#include +#include "FindThetaCM.h" + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("=== Find ThetaCM convrage for each detector at Ex ====\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 || argc > 6) { + printf("Usage: ./FindThetaCM Ex\n"); + printf("Usage: ./FindThetaCM Ex nDiv\n"); + printf("Usage: ./FindThetaCM Ex nDiv X-Ratio\n"); + printf("Usage: ./FindThetaCM Ex nDiv X-Ratio reactionTxt detGeoTxt\n"); + exit(0); + } + + double Ex = 0; + double xRatio = 0.95; + int nDiv = 1; + string reactionTxt = "reactionConfig.txt"; + string detGeoTxt = "detectorGeo.txt"; + + if ( argc >= 2 ){ + Ex = atof(argv[1]); + } + if ( argc >= 3 ){ + nDiv = atoi(argv[2]); + } + if ( argc >= 4 ){ + xRatio = atof(argv[3]); + } + if ( argc >= 5 ){ + reactionTxt = argv[4]; + } + if ( argc >= 6 ){ + detGeoTxt = argv[5]; + } + + FindThetaCM(Ex, nDiv, xRatio, reactionTxt, detGeoTxt); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.h b/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d2678f --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/FindThetaCM.h @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is FindThetaCM.h, To calculate the thetaCM convrage for each detector + * + * This required two inout files: basicReactionConfig.txt + * detectorGeo.txt + * + *------------------------------------------------------- + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TMacro.h" +#include "TObjArray.h" +#include "TGraph.h" +#include "../Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h" + +void FindThetaCM(double Ex, int nDivision=1, double XRATION = 0.95, + string basicConfig="reactionConfig.txt", + string detGeoFileName = "detectorGeo.txt"){ + + //---- reaction + int AA, zA; //beam + int Aa, za; //target + int Ab, zb; //recoil-1 + double ExA; + + //---- beam + double KEAmean, KEAsigma; // MeV/u , assume Guassian + double thetaMean, thetaSigma; // mrad , assume Guassian due to small angle + double xBeam, yBeam; // mm + + /**///========================================================= load files + ReactionConfig reactionConfig; + DetGeo detGeo; + TMacro * haha = new TMacro(); + if( haha->ReadFile(basicConfig.c_str()) > 0 ){ + reactionConfig = LoadReactionConfig(haha); + + PrintReactionConfig(reactionConfig); + + KEAmean = reactionConfig.beamEnergy; + KEAsigma = reactionConfig.beamEnergySigma; + + thetaMean = reactionConfig.beamAngle; + thetaSigma = reactionConfig.beamAngleSigma; + + xBeam = reactionConfig.beamX; + yBeam = reactionConfig.beamY; + + AA = reactionConfig.beamA; zA = reactionConfig.beamZ; + Aa = reactionConfig.targetA; za = reactionConfig.targetZ; + Ab = reactionConfig.recoilLightA; zb = reactionConfig.recoilLightZ; + + ExA = reactionConfig.beamEx[0]; + + }else{ + printf("cannot load %s \n", basicConfig.c_str()); + return; + } + + vector pos; + double a = 11.5; + double length = 50.5; + double firstPos = 0; + int iDet = 6; + int jDet = 4; + double BField = 0; + + //============================================================= + //============================================================= + //============================================================= + //===== Set Reaction + TransferReaction reaction; + int AB = AA+Aa-Ab, zB = zA+za-zb; + reaction.SetA(AA,zA); + reaction.Seta(Aa,za); + reaction.Setb(Ab,zb); + reaction.SetB(AB,zB); + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEAmean, 0, 0); + reaction.SetExB(Ex); + reaction.SetExA(ExA); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + + printf("===================================================\n"); + printf("=========== %27s ===========\n", reaction.GetReactionName().Data()); + printf("===================================================\n"); + printf("----- loading reaction from : %s. \n", basicConfig.c_str()); + printf(" Ex A: %7.3f MeV\n", ExA); + printf(" KE: %7.4f \n", KEAmean); + printf(" theta: %7.4f \n", thetaMean); + printf("offset(x,y): %7.4f, %7.4f mm \n", xBeam, yBeam); + printf(" Q-value: %7.4f MeV \n", reaction.GetQValue() ); + printf(" Max Ex: %7.4f MeV \n", reaction.GetMaxExB() ); + printf("===================================================\n"); + + + printf("----- loading detector geometery : %s.", detGeoFileName.c_str()); + TMacro * kaka = new TMacro(); + if( kaka->ReadFile(detGeoFileName.c_str()) > 0 ){ + detGeo = LoadDetectorGeo(kaka); + + pos = detGeo.detPos; + a = detGeo.detPerpDist; + length = detGeo.detLength; + firstPos = detGeo.firstPos; + iDet = detGeo.nDet; + jDet = detGeo.mDet; + BField = detGeo.Bfield; + + printf("... done.\n"); + + PrintDetGeo(detGeo); + + }else{ + printf("... fail\n"); + return; + } + + + vector midPos; + + for(int i = 0; i < iDet; i++){ + if( firstPos > 0 ){ + midPos.push_back(pos[i]+length/2.); + }else{ + midPos.push_back(pos[i]-length/2.); + } + } + + //calculate a TGraph for thetaCM vs z + double px[100]; + double py[100]; + + double mb = reaction.GetMass_b(); + double kCM = reaction.GetMomentumbCM(); + double q = TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM * kCM ); + double beta = reaction.GetReactionBeta() ; + double slope = 299.792458 * zb * abs(BField) / TMath::TwoPi() * beta / 1000.; // MeV/mm + double gamma = reaction.GetReactionGamma(); + for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ + double thetacm = (i + 5.) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double temp = TMath::TwoPi() * slope / beta / kCM * a / TMath::Sin(thetacm); + px[i] = beta /slope * (gamma * beta * q - gamma * kCM * TMath::Cos(thetacm)) * (1 - TMath::ASin(temp)/TMath::TwoPi()); + py[i] = thetacm * TMath::RadToDeg(); + } + + //find minimum z position + TGraph * xt = new TGraph(100, py, px); + xt->SetName("xt"); + ///double zMin0 = xt->Eval(0); + ///printf("z for thetaCM = 0 : %f mm \n", zMin0); + + ///xt->Draw("AC*"); + + /// find the minimum z position and the corresponding theta + double zMin0 = 0; + double tMin0 = 0; + for( double ttt = 3 ; ttt < 20 ; ttt += 0.1 ){ + double zzz = xt->Eval(ttt); + if( zzz < zMin0 ) { + zMin0 = zzz; + tMin0 = ttt; + } + } + printf(" z min %f mm at thetaCM %f deg \n", zMin0, tMin0); + + + TGraph * tx = new TGraph(100, px, py); + tx->SetName(Form("tx")); + tx->SetLineColor(4); + + //tx->Draw("AC*"); + + /**///========================================================= result + + printf("==== ThetaCM in degree =================\n"); + printf("========================= x-ratio : %f, number of division : %d \n", XRATION, nDivision); + printf("\n"); + for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5.2f ", -XRATION + 2*XRATION/nDivision*j); + printf(" <<-- in X \n"); + for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5s ", " | "); + printf("\n"); + for( int j = 0; j < nDivision + 1; j++) printf("%5.2f ", length/2 -length*XRATION/2 + length*XRATION/nDivision*j); + printf(" <<-- in cm \n\n"); + printf("========================= Ex : %6.4f MeV\n", Ex); + printf(" %6s - %6s | %6s, %6s, %6s\n", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "Dt", "sin(x)dx * 180/pi"); + printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); + for( int i = 0; i < iDet; i++){ + double zMin = midPos[i]-length*XRATION/2.; + double zMax = midPos[i]+length*XRATION/2.; + double zLength = zMax - zMin; + double zStep = zLength/(nDivision); + for( int j = 0 ; j < nDivision ; j++){ + + double tMin = (zMin + j*zStep > zMin0) ? tx->Eval(zMin + j*zStep) : TMath::QuietNaN(); + double tMax = (zMin + (j+1)*zStep > zMin0) ? tx->Eval(zMin + (j+1)*zStep) : TMath::QuietNaN(); + + double tMean = (tMax + tMin)/2.; + double dt = (tMax - tMin); + + double sintdt = TMath::Sin(tMean * TMath::DegToRad()) * dt ; + + + printf(" det-%d[%d]: %6.2f - %6.2f | %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.4f\n", i, j, tMin, tMax, tMean, dt, sintdt); + + } + if( nDivision > 0 ) printf("--------------\n"); + } + printf("================================================= \n"); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h b/Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e08e79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h @@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@ +#ifndef HELIOS_Library_h +#define HELIOS_Library_h + +#include "TBenchmark.h" +#include "TLorentzVector.h" +#include "TVector3.h" +#include "TMath.h" +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TRandom.h" +#include "TMacro.h" +#include "TGraph.h" +#include +#include + +#include "Isotope.h" +#include "../armory/AnalysisLib.h" + +//======================================================= +//####################################################### +// Class for Transfer Reaction +// reaction notation A(a,b)B +// A = incident particle +// a = target +// b = light scattered particle +// B = heavy scattered particle +//======================================================= +class TransferReaction { +public: + TransferReaction(); + ~TransferReaction(); + + void SetA(int A, int Z, double Ex); + void Seta(int A, int Z); + void Setb(int A, int Z); + void SetB(int A, int Z); + void SetIncidentEnergyAngle(double KEA, double theta, double phi); + void SetExA(double Ex); + void SetExB(double Ex); + void SetReactionFromFile(string settingFile); + + TString GetReactionName(); + TString GetReactionName_Latex(); + + int GetAtomicNumber_A(){return AA;} + int GetAtomicNumber_a(){return Aa;} + int GetAtomicNumber_b(){return Ab;} + int GetAtomicNumber_B(){return AB;} + + double GetMass_A(){return mA + ExA;} + double GetMass_a(){return ma;} + double GetMass_b(){return mb;} + double GetMass_B(){return mB + ExB;} + + int GetCharge_A(){return zA;} + int GetCharge_a(){return za;} + int GetCharge_b(){return zb;} + int GetCharge_B(){return zB;} + + double GetCMTotalKE() {return Etot - mA - ma;} + double GetQValue() {return mA + ExA + ma - mb - mB - ExB;} + double GetMaxExB() {return Etot - mb - mB;} + + TLorentzVector GetPA(){return PA;} + TLorentzVector GetPa(){return Pa;} + TLorentzVector GetPb(){return Pb;} + TLorentzVector GetPB(){return PB;} + + void CalReactionConstant(); + int CalExThetaCM(double e, double z, double Bfield, double a); // return 0 for no-result, 1 for OK. + + TLorentzVector * Event(double thetaCM, double phiCM); + + double GetEx(){return Ex;} + double GetThetaCM(){return thetaCM;} + + double GetMomentumbCM() {return p;} + double GetReactionBeta() {return beta;} + double GetReactionGamma() {return gamma;} + double GetCMTotalEnergy() {return Etot;} + + ReactionConfig GetRectionConfig() { return reaction;} + +private: + + ReactionConfig reaction; + + string nameA, namea, nameb, nameB; + double thetaIN, phiIN; + double mA, ma, mb, mB; + int AA, Aa, Ab, AB; + int zA, za, zb, zB; + double TA, T; // TA = KE of A pre u, T = total energy + double ExA, ExB; + double Ex, thetaCM; //calculated Ex using inverse mapping from e and z to thetaCM + + bool isReady; + bool isBSet; + + double k; // CM Boost momentum + double beta, gamma; //CM boost beta + double Etot; + double p; // CM frame momentum of b, B + + TLorentzVector PA, Pa, Pb, PB; + + TString format(TString name); + +}; + +TransferReaction::TransferReaction(){ + + thetaIN = 0.; + phiIN = 0.; + SetA(12, 6, 0); + Seta(2,1); + Setb(1,1); + SetB(13,6); + TA = 6; + T = TA * AA; + + ExA = 0; + ExB = 0; + + Ex = TMath::QuietNaN(); + thetaCM = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + CalReactionConstant(); + + TLorentzVector temp (0,0,0,0); + PA = temp; + Pa = temp; + Pb = temp; + PB = temp; + +} + +TransferReaction::~TransferReaction(){ + +} + +void TransferReaction::SetA(int A, int Z, double Ex = 0){ + Isotope temp (A, Z); + mA = temp.Mass; + AA = A; + zA = Z; + ExA = Ex; + nameA = temp.Name; + isReady = false; + isBSet = true; + +} + +void TransferReaction::Seta(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp (A, Z); + ma = temp.Mass; + Aa = A; + za = Z; + namea = temp.Name; + isReady = false; + isBSet = false; +} + +void TransferReaction::Setb(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp (A, Z); + mb = temp.Mass; + Ab = A; + zb = Z; + nameb = temp.Name; + isReady = false; + isBSet = false; +} +void TransferReaction::SetB(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp (A, Z); + mB = temp.Mass; + AB = A; + zB = Z; + nameB = temp.Name; + isReady = false; + isBSet = true; +} +void TransferReaction::SetIncidentEnergyAngle(double KEA, double theta, double phi){ + this->TA = KEA; + this->T = TA * AA; + this->thetaIN = theta; + this->phiIN = phi; + isReady = false; +} + +void TransferReaction::SetExA(double Ex){ + this->ExA = Ex; + isReady = false; +} + +void TransferReaction::SetExB(double Ex){ + this->ExB = Ex; + isReady = false; +} + +void TransferReaction::SetReactionFromFile(string settingFile){ + + TMacro * haha = new TMacro(); + if( haha->ReadFile(settingFile.c_str()) > 0 ) { + reaction = LoadReactionConfig(haha); + + SetA(reaction.beamA, reaction.beamZ); + Seta(reaction.targetA, reaction.targetZ); + Setb(reaction.recoilLightA, reaction.recoilLightZ); + SetB(reaction.recoilHeavyA, reaction.recoilHeavyZ); + + SetIncidentEnergyAngle(reaction.beamEnergy, 0, 0); + CalReactionConstant(); + }else{ + + printf("cannot read file %s.\n", settingFile.c_str()); + isReady = false; + } + +} + +TString TransferReaction::GetReactionName(){ + TString rName; + rName.Form("%s(%s,%s)%s", nameA.c_str(), namea.c_str(), nameb.c_str(), nameB.c_str()); + return rName; +} + +TString TransferReaction::format(TString name){ + if( name.IsAlpha() ) return name; + int len = name.Length(); + TString temp = name; + TString temp2 = name; + if( temp.Remove(0, len-2).IsAlpha()){ + temp2.Remove(len-2); + }else{ + temp = name; + temp.Remove(0, len-1); + temp2.Remove(len-1); + } + return "^{"+temp2+"}"+temp; +} +TString TransferReaction::GetReactionName_Latex(){ + TString rName; + rName.Form("%s(%s,%s)%s", format(nameA).Data(), format(namea).Data(), format(nameb).Data(), format(nameB).Data()); + return rName; +} + +void TransferReaction::CalReactionConstant(){ + if( !isBSet){ + AB = AA + Aa - Ab; + zB = zA + za - zb; + Isotope temp (AB, zB); + mB = temp.Mass; + isBSet = true; + } + + k = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(mA + ExA + T, 2) - (mA + ExA) * (mA + ExA)); + beta = k / (mA + ExA + ma + T); + gamma = 1 / TMath::Sqrt(1- beta * beta); + Etot = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(mA + ExA + ma + T,2) - k * k); + p = TMath::Sqrt( (Etot*Etot - TMath::Power(mb + mB + ExB,2)) * (Etot*Etot - TMath::Power(mb - mB - ExB,2)) ) / 2 / Etot; + + PA.SetXYZM(0, 0, k, mA + ExA); + PA.RotateY(thetaIN); + PA.RotateZ(phiIN); + + Pa.SetXYZM(0,0,0,ma); + + isReady = true; +} + +TLorentzVector * TransferReaction::Event(double thetaCM, double phiCM) +{ + if( isReady == false ){ + CalReactionConstant(); + } + + //TLorentzVector Pa(0, 0, 0, ma); + + //---- to CM frame + TLorentzVector Pc = PA + Pa; + TVector3 b = Pc.BoostVector(); + + TVector3 vb(0,0,0); + + if( b.Mag() > 0 ){ + TVector3 v0 (0,0,0); + TVector3 nb = v0 - b; + + TLorentzVector PAc = PA; + PAc.Boost(nb); + TVector3 vA = PAc.Vect(); + + TLorentzVector Pac = Pa; + Pac.Boost(nb); + TVector3 va = Pac.Vect(); + + //--- construct vb + vb = va; + vb.SetMag(p); + + TVector3 ub = vb.Orthogonal(); + vb.Rotate(thetaCM, ub); + vb.Rotate(phiCM + TMath::PiOver2(), va); // somehow, the calculation turn the vector 90 degree. + //vb.Rotate(phiCM , va); // somehow, the calculation turn the vector 90 degree. + } + + //--- from Pb + TLorentzVector Pbc; + Pbc.SetVectM(vb, mb); + + //--- from PB + TLorentzVector PBc; + //PBc.SetVectM(vB, mB + ExB); + PBc.SetVectM(-vb, mB + ExB); + + //---- to Lab Frame + TLorentzVector Pb = Pbc; + Pb.Boost(b); + TLorentzVector PB = PBc; + PB.Boost(b); + + TLorentzVector * output = new TLorentzVector[4]; + output[0] = PA; + output[1] = Pa; + output[2] = Pb; + output[3] = PB; + + this->Pb = Pb; + this->PB = PB; + + + return output; +} + + +int TransferReaction::CalExThetaCM(double e, double z, double Bfield, double a){ + double mass = mb; + double massB = mB; + double y = e + mass; + double slope = 299.792458 * zb * abs(Bfield) / TMath::TwoPi() * beta / 1000.; // MeV/mm; + double alpha = slope/beta; + double G = alpha * gamma * beta * a ; + double Z = alpha * gamma * beta * z; + double H = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(gamma * beta,2) * (y*y - mass * mass) ) ; + double Et = Etot; + + if( TMath::Abs(Z) < H ) { + //using Newton's method to solve 0 == H * sin(phi) - G * tan(phi) - Z = f(phi) + double tolerrence = 0.001; + double phi = 0; //initial phi = 0 -> ensure the solution has f'(phi) > 0 + double nPhi = 0; // new phi + + int iter = 0; + do{ + phi = nPhi; + nPhi = phi - (H * TMath::Sin(phi) - G * TMath::Tan(phi) - Z) / (H * TMath::Cos(phi) - G /TMath::Power( TMath::Cos(phi), 2)); + iter ++; + if( iter > 10 || TMath::Abs(nPhi) > TMath::PiOver2()) break; + }while( TMath::Abs(phi - nPhi ) > tolerrence); + + phi = nPhi; + + // check f'(phi) > 0 + double Df = H * TMath::Cos(phi) - G / TMath::Power( TMath::Cos(phi),2); + if( Df > 0 && TMath::Abs(phi) < TMath::PiOver2() ){ + double K = H * TMath::Sin(phi); + double x = TMath::ACos( mass / ( y * gamma - K)); + double k = mass * TMath::Tan(x); // momentum of particel b or B in CM frame + double EB = TMath::Sqrt(mass*mass + Et*Et - 2*Et*TMath::Sqrt(k*k + mass * mass)); + Ex = EB - massB; + + double hahaha1 = gamma* TMath::Sqrt(mass * mass + k * k) - y; + double hahaha2 = gamma* beta * k; + thetaCM = TMath::ACos(hahaha1/hahaha2) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + //double pt = k * TMath::Sin(thetaCM * TMath::DegToRad()); + //double pp = gamma*beta*TMath::Sqrt(mass*mass + k*k) - gamma * k * TMath::Cos(thetaCM * TMath::DegToRad()); + //thetaLab = TMath::ATan(pt/pp) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + }else{ + Ex = TMath::QuietNaN(); + thetaCM = TMath::QuietNaN(); + //thetaLab = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + return 0; + } + + }else{ + Ex = TMath::QuietNaN(); + thetaCM = TMath::QuietNaN(); + //thetaLab = TMath::QuietNaN(); + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} +//======================================================= +//####################################################### +//Class for HELIOS +//input Lorentz vector, detector configuration +//output e, z, Ex, thetaCM, etc +//======================================================= + +struct trajectory{ + double theta, phi; + double vt, vp; // tranvser and perpendicular velocity + double rho; // orbit radius + double z0, t0; // position cycle + double x, y, z; // hit position + double t; //actual orbit time; + double R; //hit radius = sqrt(x^2+y^2); + int detID, detRowID; + int loop; + double effLoop; +}; + +void PrintTrajectory(trajectory a){ + printf("=====================\n"); + printf(" theta : %f deg\n", a.theta*TMath::RadToDeg()); + printf(" phi : %f deg\n", a.phi*TMath::RadToDeg()); + printf(" vt : %f mm/ns\n", a.vt); + printf(" vp : %f mm/ns\n", a.vp); + printf(" rho : %f mm\n", a.rho); + printf(" z0 : %f mm\n", a.z0); + printf(" t0 : %f ns\n", a.t0); + printf("(x, y, z) : (%f, %f. %f) mm\n", a.x, a.y, a.z); + printf(" R : %f mm\n", a.R); + printf(" t : %f ns\n", a.t); + printf(" effLoop : %f cycle\n", a.effLoop); + printf(" Loop : %d cycle\n", a.loop); + printf(" detRowID : %d \n", a.detRowID); + printf(" detID : %d \n", a.detID); + +} + +class HELIOS{ +public: + + HELIOS(); + ~HELIOS(); + + void SetCoincidentWithRecoil(bool TorF){ this->isCoincidentWithRecoil = TorF;} + bool GetCoincidentWithRecoil(){return this->isCoincidentWithRecoil;} + bool SetDetectorGeometry(string filename); + void SetBeamPosition(double x, double y) { xOff = x; yOff = y;} + + void OverrideMagneticField(double BField){ this->Bfield = BField; this->sign = BField > 0 ? 1: -1;} + void OverrideMagneticFieldDirection(double BfieldThetaInDeg){ this->BfieldTheta = BfieldThetaInDeg;} + void OverrideFirstPos(double firstPos){ + overrideFirstPos = true; + printf("------ Overriding FirstPosition to : %8.2f mm \n", firstPos); + this->firstPos = firstPos; + } + void OverrideDetectorDistance(double perpDist){ + overrideDetDistance = true; + printf("------ Overriding Detector Distance to : %8.2f mm \n", perpDist); + this->perpDist = perpDist; + } + + void SetDetectorOutside(bool isOutside){ + this->isFromOutSide = isOutside; + printf(" Detectors are facing %s\n", isFromOutSide ? "outside": "inside" ); + } + + int DetAcceptance(); + int CalArrayHit(TLorentzVector Pb, int Zb); + int CalRecoilHit(TLorentzVector PB, int ZB); + //int CalHit(TLorentzVector Pb, int Zb, TLorentzVector PB, int ZB, double xOff = 0, double yOff = 0 ); // return 0 for no hit, 1 for hit + + void CalTrajectoryPara(TLorentzVector P, int Z, int id); // id = 0 for Pb, id = 1 for PB. + + int GetNumberOfDetectorsInSamePos(){return mDet;} + double GetEnergy(){return e;} + double GetDetX(){return detX;} // position in each detector, range from -1, 1 + + /// clockwise rotation for B-field along the z-axis, sign = 1. + double XPos(double Zpos, double theta, double phi, double rho, int sign){ + return rho * ( TMath::Sin( TMath::Tan(theta) * Zpos / rho - sign * phi ) + sign * TMath::Sin(phi) ) + xOff; + } + double YPos(double Zpos, double theta, double phi, double rho, int sign){ + return rho * sign * (TMath::Cos( TMath::Tan(theta) * Zpos / rho - sign * phi ) - TMath::Cos(phi)) + yOff; + } + double RPos(double Zpos, double theta, double phi, double rho, int sign){ + double x = XPos(Zpos, theta, phi, rho, sign) ; + double y = YPos(Zpos, theta, phi, rho, sign) ; + return sqrt(x*x+y*y); + } + + double GetXPos(double ZPos){ return XPos( ZPos, orbitb.theta, orbitb.phi, orbitb.rho, sign); } + double GetYPos(double ZPos){ return YPos( ZPos, orbitb.theta, orbitb.phi, orbitb.rho, sign); } + double GetR(double ZPos) { return RPos( ZPos, orbitb.theta, orbitb.phi, orbitb.rho, sign); } + + double GetRecoilEnergy(){return eB;} + double GetRecoilXPos(double ZPos){ return XPos( ZPos, orbitB.theta, orbitB.phi, orbitB.rho, sign); } + double GetRecoilYPos(double ZPos){ return YPos( ZPos, orbitB.theta, orbitB.phi, orbitB.rho, sign); } + double GetRecoilR(double ZPos) { return RPos( ZPos, orbitB.theta, orbitB.phi, orbitB.rho, sign); } + + double GetBField() {return Bfield;} + double GetDetRadius() {return perpDist;} + + trajectory GetTrajectory_b() {return orbitb;} + trajectory GetTrajectory_B() {return orbitB;} + + DetGeo GetDetectorGeometry() {return detGeo;} + +private: + + void ClearTrajectory(trajectory t){ + t.theta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.phi = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.vt = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.vp = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.rho = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.z0 = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.t0 = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.x = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.y = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.z = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.effLoop = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t.detID = -1; + t.detRowID = -1; + t.loop = -1; + } + + DetGeo detGeo; + + trajectory orbitb, orbitB; + + double e,detX ; ///energy of light recoil, position X + double rhoHit; /// radius of particle-b hit on recoil detector + + double eB; ///energy of heavy recoil + + bool isDetReady; + + double xOff, yOff; // beam position + + //detetcor Geometry + double Bfield; // T + int sign ; // sign of B-field + double BfieldTheta; // rad, 0 = z-axis, pi/2 = y axis, pi = -z axis + double bore; // bore , mm + double perpDist; // distance from axis + double width; // width + double posRecoil; // recoil, downstream + double rhoRecoilin; // radius recoil inner + double rhoRecoilout; // radius recoil outter + double length; // length + double blocker; + double firstPos; // m + vector pos; // near position in m + int nDet, mDet; // nDet = number of different pos, mDet, number of same pos + + bool isFromOutSide; + + bool overrideDetDistance; + bool overrideFirstPos; + bool isCoincidentWithRecoil; + + const double c = 299.792458; //mm/ns +}; + +HELIOS::HELIOS(){ + + ClearTrajectory(orbitb); + ClearTrajectory(orbitB); + + e = TMath::QuietNaN(); + eB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + detX = TMath::QuietNaN(); + rhoHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + xOff = 0.0; + yOff = 0.0; + + isDetReady = false; + + Bfield = 0; + BfieldTheta = 0; + sign = 1; + bore = 1000; + perpDist = 10; + width = 10; + posRecoil = 0; + rhoRecoilin = 0; + rhoRecoilout = 0; + length = 0; + blocker = 0; + firstPos = 0; + pos.clear(); + nDet = 0; + mDet = 0; + + isFromOutSide = true; //default is facing outside + + overrideDetDistance = false; + overrideFirstPos = false; + isCoincidentWithRecoil = false; + +} + +HELIOS::~HELIOS(){ + +} + +bool HELIOS::SetDetectorGeometry(string filename){ + + TMacro * haha = new TMacro(); + if( haha->ReadFile(filename.c_str()) > 0 ) { + detGeo = LoadDetectorGeo(haha); + + PrintDetGeo(detGeo); + + Bfield = detGeo.Bfield; + BfieldTheta = detGeo.BfieldTheta; + sign = detGeo.BfieldSign; + bore = detGeo.bore; + perpDist = detGeo.detPerpDist; + width = detGeo.detWidth; + posRecoil = detGeo.recoilPos; + rhoRecoilin = detGeo.recoilInnerRadius; + rhoRecoilout = detGeo.recoilOuterRadius; + length = detGeo.detLength; + blocker = detGeo.blocker; + firstPos = detGeo.firstPos; + pos = detGeo.detPos; + nDet = detGeo.nDet; + mDet = detGeo.mDet; + + isCoincidentWithRecoil = detGeo.isCoincidentWithRecoil; + + isFromOutSide = detGeo.detFaceOut; + + isDetReady = true; + }else{ + printf("cannot read file %s.\n", filename.c_str()); + isDetReady = false; + } + + return isDetReady; +} + +int HELIOS::DetAcceptance(){ + + //CalArrayHit and CalRecoilHit must be done before. + + if( isDetReady == false ) return 0; + + // -1 ========= when recoil direction is not same side of array + if( firstPos < 0 && orbitb.z > 0 ) return -1; + if( firstPos > 0 && orbitb.z < 0 ) return -1; + + // -11 ======== rho is too small + if( 2 * orbitb.rho < perpDist ) return -11; + + // -15 ========= if detRowID == -1, should be (2 * orbitb.rho < perpDist) + if( orbitb.detRowID == -1 ) return -15; + + // -10 =========== when rho is too big . + if( bore < 2 * orbitb.rho) return -10; + + // -14 ========== check particle-B hit radius on recoil dectector + if( isCoincidentWithRecoil && orbitB.R > rhoRecoilout ) return -14; + //if( isCoincidentWithRecoil && (orbitB.R > rhoRecoilout || orbitB.R < rhoRecoilin) ) return -14; + + // -12 ========= check is particle-b was blocked by recoil detector + rhoHit = GetR(posRecoil); + if( orbitb.z > 0 && posRecoil > 0 && orbitb.z > posRecoil && rhoHit < rhoRecoilout ) return -12; + if( orbitb.z < 0 && posRecoil < 0 && orbitb.z < posRecoil && rhoHit < rhoRecoilout ) return -12; + + // -13 ========= not more than 3 loops + if( orbitb.loop > 3 ) return -13; + + // -2 ========= calculate the "y"-distance from detector center + if( sqrt(orbitb.R*orbitb.R - perpDist*perpDist)> width/2 ) return -2; + + // -3 ==== when zPos further the range of whole array, more loop would not save + if( firstPos < 0 && orbitb.z < pos[0] - length ) return -3; + if( firstPos > 0 && orbitb.z > pos[nDet-1] + length ) return -3; + + // -4 ======== Hit on blacker + if( blocker != 0 && firstPos > 0 && pos[0] - blocker < orbitb.z && orbitb.z < pos[0] ) return -4; + if( blocker != 0 && firstPos < 0 && pos[nDet-1] < orbitb.z && orbitb.z < pos[nDet-1] + blocker ) return -4; + + // 2 ====== when zPos less then the nearest position, more loop may hit + int increaseLoopFlag = 0; + if( firstPos < 0 && pos[nDet-1] < orbitb.z ) increaseLoopFlag = 2; + if( firstPos > 0 && pos[0] > orbitb.z ) increaseLoopFlag = 2; + if (increaseLoopFlag == 2 ) { + orbitb.z += orbitb.z0; + orbitb.effLoop += 1.0; + orbitb.loop += 1; + orbitb.t = orbitb.t0 * orbitb.effLoop; + return 2; + } + + // 1 ======= check hit array z- position + if( firstPos < 0 ){ + for( int i = 0; i < nDet; i++){ + if( pos[i]-length <= orbitb.z && orbitb.z <= pos[i]) { + orbitb.detID = i; + detX = ( orbitb.z - (pos[i] + length/2 ))/ length*2 ;// range from -1 , 1 + return 1; + } + } + }else{ + for( int i = 0; i < nDet ; i++){ + if( pos[i] <= orbitb.z && orbitb.z <= pos[i] + length) { + ///printf(" %d | %f < z = %f < %f \n", i, pos[i], orbitb.z, pos[i]+length); + orbitb.detID = i; + detX = ( orbitb.z - (pos[i] - length/2 ))/ length*2 ;// range from -1 , 1 + return 1; + } + } + } + + // -5 ======== check hit array gap + if( firstPos < 0 ){ + for( int i = 0; i < nDet-1 ; i++){ + if( pos[i] < orbitb.z && orbitb.z < pos[i+1] - length ) return -5; //increaseLoopFlag = 3; + } + }else{ + for( int i = 0; i < nDet-1 ; i++){ + if( pos[i] + length < orbitb.z && orbitb.z < pos[i+1] ) return -5; //increaseLoopFlag = 3; + } + } + if (increaseLoopFlag == 3 ) { + orbitb.z += orbitb.z0; + orbitb.effLoop += 1.0; + orbitb.loop += 1; + orbitb.t = orbitb.t0 * orbitb.effLoop; + return 3; + } + + + return -20; // for unknown reason +} + +void HELIOS::CalTrajectoryPara(TLorentzVector P, int Z, int id){ + + if( id == 0 ){ + orbitb.theta = P.Theta(); + orbitb.phi = P.Phi(); + orbitb.rho = P.Pt() / abs(Bfield) / Z / c * 1000; //mm + orbitb.vt = P.Beta() * TMath::Sin(P.Theta()) * c ; // mm / nano-second + orbitb.vp = P.Beta() * TMath::Cos(P.Theta()) * c ; // mm / nano-second + orbitb.t0 = TMath::TwoPi() * orbitb.rho / orbitb.vt; // nano-second + orbitb.z0 = orbitb.vp * orbitb.t0; + + orbitb.detID = -1; + orbitb.detRowID = -1; + + } + + if( id == 1 ){ + orbitB.theta = P.Theta(); + orbitB.phi = P.Phi(); + orbitB.rho = P.Pt() / abs(Bfield) / Z / c * 1000; //mm + orbitB.vt = P.Beta() * TMath::Sin(P.Theta()) * c ; // mm / nano-second + orbitB.vp = P.Beta() * TMath::Cos(P.Theta()) * c ; // mm / nano-second + orbitB.t0 = TMath::TwoPi() * orbitB.rho / orbitB.vt; // nano-second + orbitB.z0 = orbitB.vp * orbitB.t0; + + orbitB.detID = -1; + orbitB.detRowID = -1; + + } +} + +int HELIOS::CalArrayHit(TLorentzVector Pb, int Zb){ + + e = Pb.E() - Pb.M(); + detX = TMath::QuietNaN(); + rhoHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + CalTrajectoryPara(Pb, Zb, 0); + + int targetLoop = 1; + int inOut = isFromOutSide == true ? 1: 0; //1 = from Outside, 0 = from inside + + bool debug = false; + + if( debug ) { + printf("===================================\n"); + printf("theta : %f deg, phi : %f deg \n", orbitb.theta * TMath::RadToDeg(), orbitb.phi * TMath::RadToDeg()); + printf("z0: %f mm, rho : %f mm \n", orbitb.z0, orbitb.rho); + printf(" inOut : %d = %s \n", inOut, inOut == 1 ? "Out" : "in"); + printf(" z range : %.2f - %.2f \n", detGeo.zMin, detGeo.zMax); + printf("-----------------------------------\n"); + } + + vector zPossible; + vector dID; //detRowID + + int iStart = ( sign == 1 ? 0 : -mDet ); + int iEnd = ( sign == 1 ? 2*mDet : mDet ); + for( int i = iStart; i < iEnd ; i++){ + + double phiD = TMath::TwoPi()/mDet * i ; + double dphi = orbitb.phi - phiD; + double aEff = perpDist - (xOff * TMath::Cos(phiD) + yOff * TMath::Sin(phiD)); + double hahaha = asin( aEff/ orbitb.rho - sign * sin(dphi)); + + int n = 2*targetLoop + inOut; + + double zP = orbitb.z0 /TMath::TwoPi() * ( sign * dphi + n * TMath::Pi() + pow(-1, n) * hahaha ); + + if( debug ) { + double xP = GetXPos(zP) ; + double yP = GetYPos(zP) ; + printf("phiD: %4.0f, dphi: %6.1f, mod(pi): %6.1f, Loop : %9.5f, zHit : %8.3f mm, (x,y) = (%7.2f, %7.2f) \n", + phiD * TMath::RadToDeg(), + (orbitb.phi-phiD) * TMath::RadToDeg(), + fmod(orbitb.phi-phiD, TMath::Pi())*TMath::RadToDeg(), + zP/orbitb.z0, zP, xP, yP ); + } + + ///Selection + if( !TMath::IsNaN(zP) && 0< zP/orbitb.z0 && TMath::Max(0, targetLoop-1) < zP/orbitb.z0 && zP/orbitb.z0 < targetLoop ) { + zPossible.push_back(zP); + dID.push_back(i); + } + } + /* + if( zPossible.size() == 0 ){ // will not happen + zHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + xPos = TMath::QuietNaN(); + yPos = TMath::QuietNaN(); + loop = -1; + detID = -1; + detRowID = -1; + return -1 ; + }*/ + + if( debug ) printf("-----------------------------------\n"); + double dMin = 1; + for( int i = 0; i < (int) zPossible.size(); i++){ + + double dd = abs(zPossible[i]/orbitb.z0 - (targetLoop - (1-inOut))); + + if( debug ) printf(" %d | zP : %8.3f mm; loop : %9.5f ", i, zPossible[i], zPossible[i]/orbitb.z0); + + if( dd < dMin) { + orbitb.z = zPossible[i]; + dMin = dd; + orbitb.effLoop = zPossible[i]/orbitb.z0; + orbitb.loop = TMath::Ceil(orbitb.effLoop); + orbitb.detRowID = (12+dID[i])%4; + orbitb.t = orbitb.t0 * orbitb.effLoop; + + double phiD = TMath::TwoPi()/mDet * dID[i] ; + double dphi = orbitb.phi - phiD ; + + if( debug ) { + // Check is in or out + double hitDir = cos( orbitb.z/orbitb.z0 * TMath::TwoPi() - sign * dphi ); + printf(" hitDir : %4.1f ", hitDir); + if( ( inOut == 1 && hitDir > 0 ) || (inOut == 0 && hitDir < 0 ) ) { + printf(" != %f ", perpDist); + orbitb.z = TMath::QuietNaN(); + orbitb.loop = -1; + orbitb.detRowID = -1; + return - 2; + } + + // this must be false, otherwise, calculation error + double xPos = GetXPos(orbitb.z ) ; + double yPos = GetYPos(orbitb.z ) ; + double a = xPos * cos(phiD) + yPos * sin(phiD); + printf(" a : %f ", a); + if( abs(a - perpDist) > 0.01) { + printf(" != %f ", perpDist); + orbitb.z = TMath::QuietNaN(); + orbitb.loop = -1; + orbitb.detRowID = -1; + return -3; + } + } + } + if(debug) printf("\n"); + } + + // calculate x, y, R + orbitb.x = GetXPos(orbitb.z) ; + orbitb.y = GetYPos(orbitb.z) ; + orbitb.R = GetR(orbitb.z); + + return 1; // return 1 when OK +} + +int HELIOS::CalRecoilHit(TLorentzVector PB, int ZB){ + + CalTrajectoryPara(PB, ZB, 1); + + orbitB.z = posRecoil; + orbitB.x = GetRecoilXPos(posRecoil) ; + orbitB.y = GetRecoilYPos(posRecoil) ; + orbitB.R = GetRecoilR(posRecoil); + orbitB.effLoop = orbitB.z/orbitB.z0; + orbitB.t = orbitB.t0 * orbitB.effLoop ; + + return 1; +} + +/* +int HELIOS::CalHit(TLorentzVector Pb, int Zb, TLorentzVector PB, int ZB, double xOff, double yOff){ + + //initialization + int hit = 0; + const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns, standard speed for MeV conversion + theta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + e = TMath::QuietNaN(); + z = TMath::QuietNaN(); + detX = TMath::QuietNaN(); + t = TMath::QuietNaN(); + rho = TMath::QuietNaN(); + dphi = TMath::QuietNaN(); + detID = -1; + loop = -1; + detRowID = -1; + + eB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + zB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + tB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + rhoB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + rxHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + ryHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + phiB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + //range of detector azimuth angle, for beam at center + double azimu = TMath::Pi()/ mDet; + double azimuDet = TMath::ATan2(width/2., perpDist); + + //rotate Pb and PB to B-Field + //Pb.RotateX(BfieldTheta); + //PB.RotateX(BfieldTheta); + + //====================== X-Y plane, light particle + rho = Pb.Pt() / abs(Bfield) / Zb / c * 1000; //mm + theta = Pb.Theta(); + phi = Pb.Phi(); + + //====================== recoil detector + thetaB = PB.Theta(); + phiB = PB.Phi(); + rhoB = PB.Pt() / abs(Bfield) / ZB / c * 1000; //mm + vt0B = PB.Beta() * TMath::Sin(thetaB) * c ; // mm / nano-second + vp0B = PB.Beta() * TMath::Cos(thetaB) * c ; // mm / nano-second + //tB = TMath::TwoPi() * rhoB / vt0B; // nano-second + tB = posRecoil / vp0B; // nano-second + eB = PB.E() - PB.M(); + zB = vp0B * tB; + rhoBHit = GetRecoilR(posRecoil); + rxHit = GetRecoilXPos(posRecoil); + ryHit = GetRecoilYPos(posRecoil); + + if( isDetReady == false ) { + //====================== infinite small detector + vt0 = Pb.Beta() * TMath::Sin(theta) * c ; // mm / nano-second + vp0 = Pb.Beta() * TMath::Cos(theta) * c ; // mm / nano-second + t = TMath::TwoPi() * rho / vt0; // nano-second + z = vp0 * t; // mm + e = Pb.E() - Pb.M(); + dphi = TMath::TwoPi(); + + return 0; + } + + if( bore > 2 * rho && 2*rho > perpDist && ((firstPos > 0 && theta < TMath::PiOver2()) || (firstPos < 0 && theta > TMath::PiOver2())) ){ + //====================== infinite small detector + vt0 = Pb.Beta() * TMath::Sin(theta) * c ; // mm / nano-second + vp0 = Pb.Beta() * TMath::Cos(theta) * c ; // mm / nano-second + t0 = TMath::TwoPi() * rho / vt0; // nano-second + z0 = vp0 * t0; // mm + + //========== check particle-B hit radius on recoil dectector + if(isCoincidentWithRecoil && rhoBHit > rhoRecoilout ) return -2; // when particle-B miss the recoil detector + + //========= check is particle-b was blocked by recoil detector + rhoHit = GetR(posRecoil) ;// radius of light particle b at recoil detector + if( z0 > 0 && posRecoil > 0 && z0 > posRecoil && rhoHit < rhoRecoilout) { + return -1 ; // when particle-b blocked by recoil detector + } + if( z0 < 0 && posRecoil < 0 && z0 < posRecoil && rhoHit < rhoRecoilout) { + return -1 ; + } + + //================ Calulate z hit + double zHit = TMath::QuietNaN(); + bool isHit = false; + bool isHitFromOutside = false; + bool isReachArrayCoverage = false; + + loop = 0; + int startJ = (int) fmod(TMath::Ceil(mDet*phi/TMath::TwoPi() - 0.5) ,mDet) ; + + //printf("======================= T : %5.2f, theta : %7.2f , phi : %7.2f \n", Pb.E() - Pb.M(), theta*TMath::RadToDeg(), phi*TMath::RadToDeg()); + + // loop until reach the detector position covrage. + do{ + loop += 1; + //int n = 2*loop + sign; + int n = 2*loop -1; + + if( blocker != 0.0 && abs(firstPos/blocker) < loop ) return -6; + + //======= check Block By blocker using z0, speed thing up + if( firstPos > 0 ){ + if( pos[0] - blocker < z0 * loop && z0 * loop < pos[0] ) return -6; // blocked by blocker + }else{ + if( pos[nDet-1] < z0 * loop && z0 * loop < pos[nDet-1] + blocker ) return -6; + } + + if( loop > 10 ) { + return -3; // when loop > 10 + break; // maximum 10 loops + } + + for( int j = startJ ; j < startJ + mDet; j++){ + + double phiDet = TMath::TwoPi() / mDet * (j); // detector plane angle + isReachArrayCoverage = false; + isHitFromOutside = false; + + //========== calculate zHit by solving the cycltron orbit and the detector planes. + double aEff = perpDist - (xOff * TMath::Cos(phiDet) + yOff * TMath::Sin(phiDet)); + double dphi = phi - phiDet; + double z0 = TMath::TwoPi() * rho / TMath::Tan(theta); // the cycle + + //with sign is the correct formula, but somehow, probably the ASin? give incorrect result for sign = 1; + //zHit = z0 / TMath::TwoPi() * ( sign * dphi + TMath::Power(-1, n) * TMath::ASin(aEff/rho - sign * TMath::Sin(dphi)) + TMath::Pi() * n ); + zHit = z0 / TMath::TwoPi() * ( -1 * dphi + TMath::Power(-1, n) * TMath::ASin(aEff/rho + TMath::Sin(dphi)) + TMath::Pi() * n ); + e = Pb.E() - Pb.M(); + z = zHit; + + //======= calculate the distance from middle of detector + double xHit = GetXPos(zHit) + xOff; // resotre the beam to be at the center + double yHit = GetYPos(zHit) + yOff; + double sHit = TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit + yHit*yHit - perpDist*perpDist); // is it hit on the detector + + ///if( zHit > z0 ) continue; + ///printf("==== %7.2f, %7.2f | n : %d, row : %2d, phiD : %4.0f, rho : %9.4f, z0 : %9.4f, zHit : %9.4f, xHit : %9.4f, yHit : %9.4f \n", + /// theta*TMath::RadToDeg(), phi*TMath::RadToDeg(), n, j, phiDet*TMath::RadToDeg(), rho, z0, zHit, xHit, yHit); + + + if( sHit > width /2.) continue; // if the sHit is large, it does not hit on detector, go to next mDet + + //======== this is the particel direction (normalized) dot normal vector of the detector plane + //double dir = TMath::Cos(zHit/z0 * TMath::TwoPi() - sign * dphi); + double dir = TMath::Cos(zHit/z0 * TMath::TwoPi() + dphi); + if( dir < 0) {// when dir == 0, no solution + isHitFromOutside = true; + }else{ + return -5 ; // hit from inside. + } + + //### after this, the particle is hit on detector, from outside. + + //======= check Block By blocker using z0 and zHit; z0 has to be inside the nearst array, but zHit is in the blocker. + if( firstPos > 0 && blocker > 0.0){ + if( pos[0] < z0*loop && pos[0] - blocker < zHit && zHit < pos[0] ) return -6; + }else{ + if( z0*loop < pos[nDet-1] && pos[nDet-1] < zHit && zHit < pos[nDet-1] + blocker ) return -6; + } + + //### after this, the particle is hit on detector, from outside, and not blocked by blocker + + //======= check within the detector range + if( firstPos > 0 ){ + if( zHit < pos[0] ) continue; // goto next mDet, after progress of all side, still not OK, then next loop + if( zHit > pos[nDet-1] + length) return -4; // since the zHit is mono-increse, when zHit shoot over the detector + }else{ + if( zHit < pos[0] - length ) return -4; + if( zHit > pos[nDet-1]) continue; + } + + //====== check hit + if( !isReachArrayCoverage && isHitFromOutside && sHit < width/2.){ + isHit = true; + isReachArrayCoverage = true; + detRowID = (j+mDet) % mDet; + break; // if isHit, break, don't calculate for the rest of the detector + }else{ + isReachArrayCoverage = false; + } + } + }while(!isReachArrayCoverage); + + if( !isHit ) return -7; // zHit in the gap of detector + + //===== final calculation for light particle + e = Pb.E() - Pb.M(); + z = zHit; + t = zHit / vp0; + dphi = t * vt0 / rho; + + //sometimes, dphi = 2pi + something, i.e. loop a bit more than a single loop. + if( dphi / TMath::TwoPi() > loop ) return -8; + double xHit = GetXPos(zHit) + xOff; // resotre the beam to be at the center + double yHit = GetYPos(zHit) + yOff; + //======= Check inside the detector + double eta = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan2(yHit,xHit)); + double etaMod = TMath::Abs(fmod(eta + azimu, 2* azimu) - azimu); + if ( etaMod > azimuDet ) return -8; + + //=========== check hit on detector gap + for( int i = 0 ; i < nDet ; i++){ + if( firstPos > 0 ){ + if( pos[i] < z && z < pos[i] + length ){ + detID = i; + detX = ( z - (pos[i] + length/2 ))/ length*2 ;// range from -1 , 1 + } + }else{ + if( pos[i] - length < z && z < pos[i] ){ + detID = i; + detX = ( z - (pos[i] - length/2 ))/ length*2 ;// range from -1 , 1 + } + } + } + + if( detID >=0 ){ + hit = 1; + }else{ + hit = -9; // particle-b hit the gap + } + }else{ + hit = -10; // hit helio wall or (detector upstream, particle go downstream, via versa) + } + + return hit; +} +*/ +//======================================================= +//####################################################### +// Class for multi-scattering of the beam inside target +// using SRIM to generate stopping power +// input : TLorentzVector, data_files +// output : scattered TLorentzVector +//======================================================= +class TargetScattering{ + +public: + TargetScattering(); + ~TargetScattering(); + + double GetKE0(){return KE0;} + double GetKE() {return KE;} + double GetKELoss() {return KE0-KE;} + double GetDepth() {return depth;} + double GetPathLength() {return length;} + + vector SplitStr(string tempLine, string splitter, int shift = 0); + void LoadStoppingPower(string file); + + void SetTarget(double density, double depth){ + this->density = density; + this->depth = depth; + isTargetSet = true; + //printf("===== Target, density: %f g/cm3, depth: %f um \n", density, depth * 1e+4 ); + } + + TLorentzVector Scattering(TLorentzVector P){ + double mass = P.M(); + KE0 = (P.E() - mass); + KE = KE0; + double theta = P.Theta(); + this->length = TMath::Abs(depth/TMath::Cos(theta)); + //printf("------- theta: %f deg, length: %f um, KE: %f MeV \n", theta * TMath::RadToDeg(), this->length * 1e+4, KE); + + //integrate the energy loss within the depth of A + double dx = length/100.; // in cm + double x = 0; + double densityUse = density; + if( unitID == 0 ) densityUse = 1.; + do{ + //assume the particle will not be stopped + //printf(" x: %f, KE: %f, S: %f \n", x, KE, gA->Eval(KE)); + KE = KE - densityUse * gA->Eval(KE) * 10 * dx ; // factor 10, convert MeV/cm -> MeV/cm + + //angular Straggling, assume (Lateral Straggling)/(Projected range) + + + x = x + dx; + }while(x < length && KE > 0 ); + + //printf(" depth: %f cm = %f um, KE : %f -> %f MeV , dE = %f MeV \n", depth, depth * 1e+4, KE0, KE, KE0 - KE); + double newk = 0; + + TLorentzVector Pnew; + TVector3 vb(0,0,0); + + if( KE < 0 ) { + KE = 0.0; // somehow, when KE == 0 , the program has problem to rotate the 4-vector + }else{ + newk = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(mass+KE,2) - mass * mass); + vb = P.Vect(); + vb.SetMag(newk); + } + Pnew.SetVectM(vb,mass); + + return Pnew; + } + +private: + bool isTargetSet; + double density; // density [mg/cm2] + int unitID; // 0 = MeV /mm or keV/um , 1 = MeV / (ug/cm2) + + double depth; // depth in target [cm] + double length; // total path length in target [cm] + double KE0, KE; + + TGraph * gA; // stopping power of A, b, B, in unit of MeV/(mg/cm2) + TGraph * gB; // projection range [nm] + TGraph * gC; // parallel Straggling [nm] + TGraph * gD; // perpendicular Straggling [nm] + +}; + +TargetScattering::TargetScattering(){ + isTargetSet = false; + density = 1; // mg/cm2 + unitID = 0; + KE0 = 0; + KE = 0; + depth = 0; + length = 0; + gA = NULL; + gB = NULL; + gC = NULL; + gD = NULL; +} + +TargetScattering::~TargetScattering(){ + delete gA; +} + +vector TargetScattering::SplitStr(string tempLine, string splitter, int shift){ + + vector output; + + size_t pos; + do{ + pos = tempLine.find(splitter); // fine splitter + if( pos == 0 ){ //check if it is splitter again + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1); + continue; + } + + string secStr; + if( pos == string::npos ){ + secStr = tempLine; + }else{ + secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift); + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift); + } + + //check if secStr is begin with space + while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " "){ + secStr = secStr.substr(1); + } + + if( !secStr.empty() ) output.push_back(secStr); + //printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str()); + + }while(pos != string::npos ); + + return output; +} + +void TargetScattering::LoadStoppingPower(string filename){ + + printf("loading Stopping power: %s.", filename.c_str()); + + ifstream file; + file.open(filename.c_str()); + + vector energy; + vector stopping; + vector projRange; + vector paraStraggling; + vector prepStraggling; + + if( file.is_open() ){ + printf("... OK\n"); + char lineChar[16635]; + string line; + while( !file.eof() ){ + file.getline(lineChar, 16635, '\n'); + line = lineChar; + + size_t found = line.find("Target Density"); + if( found != string::npos ){ + printf(" %s\n", line.c_str()); + } + + found = line.find("Stopping Units ="); + if( found != string::npos){ + printf(" %s\n", line.c_str()); + if( line.find("MeV / mm") != string::npos ) { + unitID = 0; + }else if( line.find("keV / micron") != string::npos ){ + unitID = 0; + }else if( line.find("MeV / (mg/cm2)") != string::npos ) { + unitID = 1; + }else{ + printf("please using MeV/mm, keV/um, or MeV/(mg/cm2) \n"); + } + } + + size_t foundkeV = line.find("keV "); + size_t foundMeV = line.find("MeV "); + size_t foundGeV = line.find("GeV "); + if ( foundkeV != string::npos || foundMeV != string::npos || foundGeV != string::npos ){ + vector haha = SplitStr(line, " "); + //for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) haha.size()-1; i++){ + // printf("%d,%s|", i, haha[i].c_str()); + //} + //printf("\n"); + + found = haha[0].find("keV"); if( found != string::npos ) energy.push_back(atof(haha[0].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 0.001); + found = haha[0].find("MeV"); if( found != string::npos ) energy.push_back(atof(haha[0].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1.); + found = haha[0].find("GeV"); if( found != string::npos ) energy.push_back(atof(haha[0].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1000.); + + double a = atof(haha[1].c_str()); + double b = atof(haha[2].c_str()); + stopping.push_back(a+b); + + found = haha[3].find("A") ; if( found != string::npos ) projRange.push_back(atof(haha[3].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 0.1); + found = haha[3].find("um"); if( found != string::npos ) projRange.push_back(atof(haha[3].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1000.); + found = haha[3].find("mm"); if( found != string::npos ) projRange.push_back(atof(haha[3].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1e6); + + found = haha[4].find("A") ; if( found != string::npos ) paraStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[4].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 0.1); + found = haha[4].find("um"); if( found != string::npos ) paraStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[4].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1e3); + found = haha[4].find("mm"); if( found != string::npos ) paraStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[4].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1e6); + + found = haha[5].find("A") ; if( found != string::npos ) prepStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[5].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 0.1); + found = haha[5].find("um"); if( found != string::npos ) prepStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[5].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1e3); + found = haha[5].find("mm"); if( found != string::npos ) prepStraggling.push_back(atof(haha[5].substr(0, found).c_str()) * 1e6); + + //printf(" %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n", energy.back(), stopping.back(), projRange.back(), paraStraggling.back(), prepStraggling.back()); + } + + + } + + }else{ + printf("... fail\n"); + } + + gA = new TGraph(energy.size(), &energy[0], &stopping[0]); + + gB = new TGraph(energy.size(), &energy[0], &projRange[0]); + gC = new TGraph(energy.size(), &energy[0], ¶Straggling[0]); + gD = new TGraph(energy.size(), &energy[0], &prepStraggling[0]); + +} +//======================================================= +//####################################################### +// Class for Particle Decay +// B --> d + D +// input : TLorentzVector, emitting particle +// output : scattered TLorentzVector +//======================================================= +class Decay{ +public: + Decay(); + ~Decay(); + + double GetQValue() { return Q;} + + double GetAngleChange(){ + TVector3 vD = PD.Vect(); + TVector3 vB = PB.Vect(); + vD.SetMag(1); + vB.SetMag(1); + double dot = vD.Dot(vB); + return TMath::ACos(dot)*TMath::RadToDeg() ; + } + + double GetThetaCM() { return theta * TMath::RadToDeg();} + + double GetCMMomentum(){ return k;} + TLorentzVector GetDaugther_d() {return Pd;} + TLorentzVector GetDaugther_D() {return PD;} + + void SetMotherDaugther(int AB, int zB, int AD, int zD){ + Isotope Mother(AB, zB); + Isotope Daugther_D(AD, zD); + Isotope Daugther_d(AB-AD, zB-zD); + + mB = Mother.Mass; + mD = Daugther_D.Mass; + md = Daugther_d.Mass; + + double Q = mB - mD - md; + + printf("====== decay mode : %s --> %s + %s, Q = %.3f MeV \n", Mother.Name.c_str(), Daugther_d.Name.c_str(), Daugther_D.Name.c_str(), Q); + + isMotherSet = true; + } + + int CalDecay(TLorentzVector P_mother, double ExB, double ExD, double normOfReactionPlane = 0){ + if( !isMotherSet ) { + return -1; + } + this->PB = P_mother; + + double MB = mB + ExB; ///mother + double MD = mD + ExD; ///Big_Daugther + Q = MB - MD - md; + if( Q < 0 ) { + this->PD = this->PB; + dTheta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + k = TMath::QuietNaN(); + return -2; + } + + //clear + TLorentzVector temp(0,0,0,0); + PD = temp; + Pd = temp; + + k = TMath::Sqrt((MB+MD+md)*(MB+MD-md)*(MB-MD+md)*(MB-MD-md))/2./MB; + + //in mother's frame, assume isotropic decay + theta = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1) ; + + //for non isotropic decay, edit f1. + //theta = TMath::ACos(f1->GetRandom()); + + double phi = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); + PD.SetE(TMath::Sqrt(mD * mD + k * k )); + PD.SetPz(k); + PD.SetTheta(theta); + PD.SetPhi(phi); + + Pd.SetE(TMath::Sqrt(md * md + k * k )); + Pd.SetPz(k); + Pd.SetTheta(theta + TMath::Pi()); + Pd.SetPhi(phi + TMath::Pi()); + + PD.RotateY(TMath::Pi()/2.); + PD.RotateZ(normOfReactionPlane); + + Pd.RotateY(TMath::Pi()/2.); + Pd.RotateZ(normOfReactionPlane); + + //Transform to Lab frame; + TVector3 boost = PB.BoostVector(); + + PD.Boost(boost); + Pd.Boost(boost); + + return 1; + } + +private: + TLorentzVector PB, Pd, PD; + + double mB, mD, md; + double theta; + + TF1 * f1; + + bool isMotherSet; + double Q; + double k; // momentum in B-frame + double dTheta; // change of angle +}; + +Decay::Decay(){ + TLorentzVector temp(0,0,0,0); + PB = temp; + Pd = temp; + PD = temp; + + mB = TMath::QuietNaN(); + mD = TMath::QuietNaN(); + md = TMath::QuietNaN(); + theta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + k = TMath::QuietNaN(); + + Q = TMath::QuietNaN(); + dTheta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + isMotherSet = false; + + f1 = new TF1("f1", "(1+ROOT::Math::legendre(2,x))/2.", -1, 1); +} + +Decay::~Decay(){ + delete f1; +} + +//======================================================= +//####################################################### +// Class for Knockout Reaction +// A(a,12)B, A = B + b, a->1, b->2 +// incident particle is A +// the calculation: 1) go to A's rest frame +// 2) calculate the b = A - B +// 3) go to CM frame +//======================================================= +class Knockout{ +public: + Knockout(); + ~Knockout(); + + void SetA(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp(A,Z); + mA = temp.Mass; + AA = A; + ZA = Z; + nameA = temp.Name; + } + + void SetExA(double Ex){ + this->ExA = Ex; + } + + void Seta(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp(A,Z); + ma = temp.Mass; + Aa = A; + Za = Z; + m1 = ma; + A1 = A; + Z1 = Z; + namea = temp.Name; + name1 = temp.Name; + } + + void Set2(int A, int Z){ + Isotope temp(A,Z); + m2 = temp.Mass; + A2 = A; + Z2 = Z; + name2 = temp.Name; + + AB = AA + Aa - A1 - A2; + ZB = ZA + Za - Z1 - Z2; + Isotope temp2(AB,ZB); + mB0 = temp2.Mass; + nameB = temp2.Name; + + } + + void SetBSpk(double S, double kb, double thetab, double phib){ + this->S = S; + AB = AA + Aa - A1 - A2; + ZB = ZA + Za - Z1 - Z2; + Isotope temp(AB,ZB); + mB0 = temp.Mass; + nameB = temp.Name; + this->kb = kb; + this->thetab = thetab; + this->phib = phib; + + mB = mA + ExA - m2 + S; + + ExB = mB - mB0; + + if( ExB < 0 && !isOverRideExNegative ){ + printf(" seperation energy is too small. \n"); + } + } + + void OverRideExNegative(bool YN){ + isOverRideExNegative = YN; + } + + TString GetReactionName(){ + TString rName; + + TString normInv; + if( isNormalKinematics ){ + normInv = "Normal Kinematics"; + }else{ + normInv = "Inverse Kinematics"; + } + + rName.Form("%s(%s,%s%s)%s, %s", nameA.c_str(), namea.c_str(), name1.c_str(), name2.c_str(), nameB.c_str(), normInv.Data()); + + return rName; + } + + void SetIncidentEnergyAngle(double KEA, double theta, double phi){ + this->KEA = KEA; + this->thetaIN = theta; + this->phiIN = phi; + } + + void CalIncidentChannel(bool isNormalKinematics); + void CalReactionConstant(bool isNormalKinematics); + void Event(double thetaCM, double phCM); + + double GetMass_A(){return mA;} + double GetMass_a(){return ma;} + double GetMass_b(){return mb;} + double GetMass_B(){return mB;} + double GetMass_Bgs(){return mB0;} + double GetMass_1(){return m1;} + double GetMass_2(){return m2;} + + TLorentzVector GetPA(){return PA;} + TLorentzVector GetPa(){return Pa;} + TLorentzVector GetPb(){return Pb;} + TLorentzVector GetPB(){return PB;} + TLorentzVector GetP1(){return P1;} + TLorentzVector GetP2(){return P2;} + + double GetMomentumbNN(){return p;} + double GetReactionBeta(){return beta;} + double GetReactionGamma(){return gamma;} + double GetNNTotalEnergy(){return Etot;} + + double GetNNTotalKE() {return Etot - mb - ma;} + double GetQValue() {return mA + ExA - m2 - mB;} + double GetMaxExB() {return Etot - mb - mB0;} + +private: + int AA, Aa, A1, A2, AB; + int ZA, Za, Z1, Z2, ZB; + double mA, ma, m1, m2, mB, mB0, mb; + string nameA, namea, name1, name2, nameB; + + double S; // separation energy + double kb; // momentum of b + double thetab, phib;// direction of b + + TLorentzVector PA, Pa, P1, P2, PB, Pb; // lab + + double KEA, thetaIN, phiIN; + double T; + + double k, beta, gamma, Etot, p; // reaction constant, in NN frame + double ExA, ExB; + + bool isNormalKinematics; + bool isOverRideExNegative; + +}; + +Knockout::Knockout(){ + TLorentzVector temp(0,0,0,0); + + PA = temp; + Pa = temp; + P1 = temp; + P2 = temp; + PB = temp; + Pb = temp; + + SetA(12,6); + Seta(1,1); + Set2(1,1); + + SetBSpk(1000, 0, 0, 0); + SetIncidentEnergyAngle(10, 0, 0); + + ExA = 0; + + isNormalKinematics = false; + isOverRideExNegative = false; +} + +Knockout::~Knockout(){ + +} + +void Knockout::CalIncidentChannel(bool isNormalKinematics){ + if( ExB < 0 && !isOverRideExNegative) return; + + this->isNormalKinematics = isNormalKinematics; + + if(!isNormalKinematics){ + //===== construct Lab frame 4-momentum + this->T = KEA * AA; + double kA = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(mA + ExA + T, 2) - (mA + ExA) * (mA + ExA)); + PA.SetXYZM(0, 0, kA, mA + ExA); + PA.RotateY(thetaIN); + PA.RotateZ(phiIN); + + Pa.SetXYZM(0,0,0,ma); + + }else{ + //===== construct 4-momentum + this->T = KEA * Aa; + double ka = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(ma + T, 2) - (ma) * (ma)); + Pa.SetXYZM(0, 0, ka, ma); + Pa.RotateY(thetaIN); + Pa.RotateZ(phiIN); + + PA.SetXYZM(0, 0, 0, mA + ExA); + } + +} + +void Knockout::CalReactionConstant(bool isNormalKinematics){ + if( ExB < 0 && !isOverRideExNegative) return; + + this->isNormalKinematics = isNormalKinematics; + + CalIncidentChannel(isNormalKinematics); + + if(!isNormalKinematics){ + + //===== change to A's rest frame + TVector3 bA = PA.BoostVector(); + PA.Boost(-bA); + + //===== constructe bounded nucleus b + PB.SetXYZM(0, 0, -kb, mB); + PB.RotateY(thetab); + PB.RotateZ(phib); + + Pb = PA - PB; + mb = Pb.M(); + + //===== change to Lab frame + Pb.Boost(bA); + PA.Boost(bA); + PB.Boost(bA); + + }else{ + + //===== constructe bounded nucleus b + PB.SetXYZM(0, 0, -kb, mB); + PB.RotateY(thetab); + PB.RotateZ(phib); + + Pb = PA - PB; + mb = Pb.M(); + + } + + //====== reaction constant + k = (Pa+Pb).P(); + double E = (Pa+Pb).E(); + beta = (Pa+Pb).Beta(); + gamma = 1 / TMath::Sqrt(1- beta * beta); + Etot = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(E,2) - k * k); + p = TMath::Sqrt( (Etot*Etot - TMath::Power(m1 + m2,2)) * (Etot*Etot - TMath::Power(m1 - m2 ,2)) ) / 2 / Etot; + + //if( TMath::IsNaN(p) ){ + // printf(" Mc: %f, m1+m2: %f, kb:%f, thetab:%f, phib:%f\n", Etot, m1+m2, kb, thetab, phib); + //} + +} + +void Knockout::Event(double thetaCM, double phiCM){ + if( ExB < 0 && !isOverRideExNegative ) return; + + //===== construct Pcm + TLorentzVector Pc = Pb + Pa; + TVector3 bc = Pc.BoostVector(); + + TLorentzVector Pac = Pa; + Pac.Boost(-bc); + TVector3 va = Pac.Vect(); + + TLorentzVector Pbc = Pb; + Pbc.Boost(-bc); + TVector3 vb = Pbc.Vect(); + + //--- from P1 + TVector3 v1 = va; + v1.SetMag(p); + + TVector3 u1 = va.Orthogonal(); + v1.Rotate(thetaCM, u1); + v1.Rotate(phiCM + TMath::PiOver2(), va); // somehow, the calculation turn the vector 90 degree. + + TLorentzVector P1c; + P1c.SetVectM(v1, m1); + + //--- from P2 + TLorentzVector P2c; + P2c.SetVectM(-v1, m2); + + //---- to Lab Frame + P1 = P1c; + P1.Boost(bc); + P2 = P2c; + P2.Boost(bc); + +} + + +#endif diff --git a/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.C b/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5057ee --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.C @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is InFileCreator, To creator the in-file for Ptolemy + * only for (d,p), (d,p), (d,d), or (p,p) + * + * It read a simple infile.in from reaction_setting file + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ InFileCreator.C -o InFileCreator `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + *------------------------------------------------------ + * The reaction_setting file is simple like: + * + * 206Hg(d,p)207Hg(1s1/2 0.000) 10MeV/u AK + * + * the first is similar to usual reaction setting, the word AK is a + * short name for Optical Potential, user can put as many line as + * they like, Cleopatra can create the suitable infile.in for Ptolomy + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include /* atof */ +#include +#include +#include "InFileCreator.h" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("=== InfileCreator, Ptolemy for p,d,t,3He ====\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 || argc > 5) { + printf("Usage: ./InfileCreator input_file (angMin = 0 deg, angMax = 180 deg, angStep = 1 deg)\n"); + printf("Usage: ./InfileCreator input_file angMin angMax (angStep = 1 deg)\n"); + printf("Usage: ./InfileCreator input_file angMin angMax angStep\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("From file : %s \n", argv[1]); + } + + //================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction + string readFile = argv[1]; + double angMin = 0.; + double angMax = 180.; + double angStep = 1.; + if( argc >= 4 ){ + angMin = atof(argv[2]); + angMax = atof(argv[3]); + } + if( argc == 5 ){ + angStep = atof(argv[4]); + } + + string ptolemyInFileName = argv[1]; + ptolemyInFileName += ".in"; + + InFileCreator( readFile, ptolemyInFileName, angMin, angMax, angStep); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.h b/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc1c10f --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/InFileCreator.h @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is InFileCreator, To creator the in-file for Ptolemy + * only for (x,y), x or y = n, p, d, t, 3He + * + * It read a simple infile.in from reaction_setting file + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ InFileCreator.C -o InFileCreator `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + *------------------------------------------------------ + * The reaction_setting file is simple like: + * + * 206Hg(d,p)207Hg(1s1/2 0.000) 10MeV/u AK + * + * the first is similar to usual reaction setting, the word AK is a + * short name for Optical Potential, user can put as many line as + * they like, Cleopatra can create the suitable infile.in for Ptolomy + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include /* atof */ +#include +#include "../Cleopatra/Isotope.h" // for geting Z +#include "potentials.h" +#include "../armory/AnalysisLib.h" + +using namespace std; + +int GetLValue(string spdf){ + + if( spdf == "s" ) return 0; + if( spdf == "p" ) return 1; + if( spdf == "d" ) return 2; + if( spdf == "f" ) return 3; + if( spdf == "g" ) return 4; + if( spdf == "h" ) return 5; + if( spdf == "i" ) return 6; + if( spdf == "j" ) return 7; + return -1; +} + + +int InFileCreator(string readFile, string infile, double angMin, double angMax, double angStep) { + + //================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction + ifstream file_in; + file_in.open(readFile.c_str(), ios::in); + + if( !file_in ){ + printf(" cannot read file. \n"); + return 0 ; + } + + printf("Save to infile : %s \n", infile.c_str()); + FILE * file_out; + file_out = fopen (infile.c_str(), "w+"); + + printf("Angle setting (%5.2f, %5.2f) deg | Step : %5.2f deg\n", angMin, angMax, angStep); + printf("---------------------------\n"); + + //extract information + int numOfReaction = 0; + while( file_in.good() ) { + string tempLine; + getline(file_in, tempLine ); + + if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue; + if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue; + + //split line using space + vector str0 = SplitStr(tempLine, " "); + if ( str0.size() == 0 ) continue; + + printf(" %s\n", tempLine.c_str()); + + ///for( int i = 0 ; i < str0.size() ; i++){ + /// printf(" str0[%d] %s \n", i, str0[i].c_str()); + ///} + + vector str1 = SplitStr(str0[0], "(", 0); + vector str2 = SplitStr(str1[1], ")", 1); + + str2[0] = "(" + str2[0]; + + int lenStr20 = str2[0].length(); + size_t posTemp1 = str2[0].find(","); + string mass_a = str2[0].substr(1, posTemp1-1); + size_t posTemp2 = str2[0].find(")"); + string mass_b = str2[0].substr(posTemp1+1, posTemp2-posTemp1-1); + ///printf(" mass_a : |%s| , mass_b : |%s| \n", mass_a.c_str(), mass_b.c_str()); + Isotope iso_a(mass_a); + Isotope iso_b(mass_b); + + // Check is the Reaction supported + bool isReactionSupported = false; + bool isTransferReaction = true; + + if( iso_a.A <= 4 && iso_a.Z <= 2 && iso_b.A <=4 && iso_b.Z <=2 ) isReactionSupported = true; + + ///======= elastics-ish scattering + if( iso_a.Mass == iso_b.Mass ) isTransferReaction = false; + + ///======= p/n-exchange is not supported + if( iso_a.A == iso_b.A && iso_a.Z != iso_b.Z ) isReactionSupported = false; + + ///======= 3-nucleons transfer is not supported. e.g. (n,a), (p,a), (a,n), (a,p) + int numNucleonsTransfer = iso_a.A - iso_b.A; + if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) >= 3 ) isReactionSupported = false; + + if( isReactionSupported == false ){ + printf(" ===> Ignored. Reaction type not supported. \n"); + continue; + } + + // Continues to decode the input string + string gsSpinA = str0[1]; + string orbital = str0[2]; + + string spinParity = str0[3]; + int lenSpinParity = spinParity.length(); + string spin = spinParity.substr(0, lenSpinParity-1); + string parity = spinParity.substr(lenSpinParity-1); + + string Ex = str0[4]; + string reactionEnergy = str0[5]; + string potential = str0[6]; + + string isoA = str1[0]; + string isoB = str2[1]; + string reactionType = str2[0]; + + Isotope iso_A(str1[0]); + Isotope iso_B(str2[1]); + + /// check is iso_A or iso_B exist in the mass table + if( iso_A.Mass == -404 || iso_B.Mass == -404 ){ + printf(" ===> Error! mass does not found. \n"); + continue; + } + + /// check reaction valid by balancing the A and Z number; + if( iso_A.A + iso_a.A != iso_B.A + iso_b.A || iso_A.Z + iso_a.Z != iso_B.Z + iso_b.Z ) { + printf("====> ERROR! A-number or Z-number not balanced. \n"); + Isotope isotopeK(iso_A.A + iso_a.A - iso_b.A, iso_A.Z + iso_a.Z - iso_b.Z); + printf(" try : %s(%s,%s)%s ??\n", iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_b.Name.c_str(), isotopeK.Name.c_str()); + continue; + } + + if( isTransferReaction && potential.length() != 2 ){ + printf("====> ERROR! Potential input should be 2 charaters! skipped. \n"); + continue; + } + + string node ; + string jValue ; + string lValue ; + int spdf = -1; + + if( isTransferReaction ) { + ///printf("------------ %d nucleon(s) transfer \n", abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A)); + node = orbital.substr(0,1); + + // single nucleon transfer + if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 1 ){ + lValue = orbital.substr(1,1); + jValue = orbital.substr(2); + ///printf(" l : %s, j : %s \n", lValue.c_str(), jValue.c_str()); + spdf = GetLValue(lValue); + } + + // two-nucleons transfer + if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 2 ){ + size_t posEq = orbital.find('='); + lValue = orbital.substr(posEq+1,1); + spdf=atoi(lValue.c_str()); + } + + if( abs(iso_a.A - iso_b.A) == 0 ){ + printf(" ===? skipped. p-n exchange reaction does not support. \n"); + } + + if( spdf == -1 ){ + printf(" ===> skipped. Not reconginzed orbital-label. (user input : l=%s | %s) \n", lValue.c_str(), orbital.c_str()); + continue; + } + } + + //get Beam energy, distingusih MeV or MeV/u + int pos = reactionEnergy.length() - 1; + for( int i = pos; i >= 0 ; i--){ + if( isdigit(reactionEnergy[i]) ) { + pos = i; + break; + } + } + string unit = reactionEnergy.substr(pos+1); + int factor = 1; + if( unit == "MeV/u") factor = iso_a.A; + double totalBeamEnergy = atof(reactionEnergy.substr(0, pos+1).c_str()) * factor; + + ///printf("unit : |%s| , %f\n", unit.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy); + ///printf(" target nucleus : %s \n", isoA.c_str()); + ///printf(" reaction : %s \n", reactionType.c_str()); + ///printf(" remain : %s \n", isoB.c_str()); + ///printf(" reaction energy : %s \n", reactionEnergy.c_str()); + ///printf(" Potential : %s \n", potential.c_str()); + ///printf(" orbital : %s \n", orbital.c_str()); + ///printf(" Ex [MeV] : %s \n", Ex.c_str()); + + double Qvalue = iso_a.Mass + iso_A.Mass - iso_b.Mass - iso_B.Mass; + ///printf("Q-Value = %f MeV\n", Qvalue); + + //########################################################## + //============ write ptolmey infile + numOfReaction ++ ; + + //================ elastic-ish transfer + if( isTransferReaction == false ){ + if ( atof(Ex.c_str()) == 0.0 ) { + fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ ELab=%5.2f(%s+%s)%s\n", + totalBeamEnergy, mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str(), potential.c_str()); + fprintf(file_out, "reset\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "CHANNEL %s + %s\n", mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str()); + fprintf(file_out, "r0target\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "ELAB = %f\n", totalBeamEnergy); + fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str()); + string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1); + string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name); + fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str()); + CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z); + fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi); + fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); + fprintf(file_out, "ELASTIC SCATTERING\n"); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + }else{ + fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ Ex=%s(%s+%s|%s%s)%s,ELab=%5.2f\n", + Ex.c_str(), mass_a.c_str(), isoA.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), potential.c_str(),totalBeamEnergy); + fprintf(file_out, "reset\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "REACTION: %s%s%s(%s%s %s) ELAB=%7.3f\n", + isoA.c_str(), reactionType.c_str(), isoB.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), Ex.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy); + fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET ineloca2 r0target\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str()); + if( str0.size() >= 8 ){ + fprintf(file_out, "BETA=%s\n", str0[7].c_str()); //deformation length + } + string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1); + string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name); + fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str()); + CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z); + fprintf(file_out, "INCOMING\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi, rc0); + ///fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + ///fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + + fprintf(file_out, "OUTGOING\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "$%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str()); + CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy - atof(Ex.c_str()), iso_a.Z); + fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi, rc0); + ///fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi); + ///fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + ///fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + } + } + + //================ Transfer reaction + if( isTransferReaction ){ + fprintf(file_out, "$============================================ Ex=%s(%s)%s\n", Ex.c_str(), orbital.c_str(), potential.c_str()); + fprintf(file_out, "reset\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "REACTION: %s%s%s(%s%s %s) ELAB=%7.3f\n", + isoA.c_str(), reactionType.c_str(), isoB.c_str(), spin.c_str(), parity.c_str(), Ex.c_str(), totalBeamEnergy); + + //-------- Projectile (the light particle) + if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) == 1 ){ + if( iso_a.A <= 2 && iso_a.Z <= 1 && iso_b.A <=2 && iso_b.Z <= 1){ // incoming d or p + fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET dpsb r0target \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 asymptopia=50 \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction av18 \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "r0=1 a=0.5 l=0 rc0=1.2\n"); + } + + if( (3 <= iso_a.A && iso_a.A <= 4) || (3 <= iso_b.A && iso_b.A <= 4) ){ + fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET alpha3 r0target \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 asymptopia=50 \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction phiffer \n"); + + if( iso_a.Z + iso_b.Z == 2){ // (t,d) or (d,t) + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.30 v=172.88 r=0.56 a=0.69 param1=0.64 param2=1.15 rc=2.0\n"); + } + + if( iso_a.Z + iso_b.Z == 3){ // (3He,d) or (d, 3He) + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.31 v=179.94 r=0.54 a=0.68 param1=0.64 param2=1.13 rc=2.0\n"); + } + + if( iso_b.A == 4 ){ + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=0 l=0 jp=1/2 spfacp=1.61 v=202.21 r=.93 a=.66 param1=.81 param2=.87 rc=2.0 $ rc=2 is a quirk\n"); + } + } + }else if( abs(numNucleonsTransfer) == 2 ){ // 2 nucleons transfer + fprintf(file_out, "PARAMETERSET alpha3 r0target\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "lstep=1 lmin=0 lmax=30 maxlextrap=0 ASYMPTOPIA=40\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "PROJECTILE\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "wavefunction phiffer\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "L = 0 NODES=0 R0 = 1.25 A = .65 RC0 = 1.25\n"); + } + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + + //===== TARGET + fprintf(file_out, "TARGET\n"); + ///check Ex is above particle threshold + double nThreshold = iso_B.CalSp(0,1); + double pThreshold = iso_B.CalSp(1,0); + bool isAboveThreshold = false; + double ExEnergy = atof(Ex.c_str()); + if( ExEnergy > nThreshold || ExEnergy > pThreshold ) { + isAboveThreshold = true; + printf(" Ex = %.3f MeV is above thresholds; Sp = %.3f MeV, Sn = %.3f MeV\n", ExEnergy, pThreshold, nThreshold); + } + + if( abs(iso_a.A-iso_b.A) == 1 ){ + fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str()); + if( isAboveThreshold ) { + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s l=%d jp=%s E=-.2 $node is n-1, set binding 200 keV \n", node.c_str(), spdf, jValue.c_str()); + }else{ + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s l=%d jp=%s $node is n-1 \n", node.c_str(), spdf, jValue.c_str()); + } + fprintf(file_out, "r0=1.25 a=.65 \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "vso=6 rso0=1.10 aso=.65 \n"); + fprintf(file_out, "rc0=1.3 \n"); + } + + if( abs(iso_a.A-iso_b.A) == 2 ){ + fprintf(file_out, "JBIGA=%s\n", gsSpinA.c_str()); + if( isAboveThreshold ){ + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s L=%d E=-.2 $node is n-1, binding by 200 keV \n", node.c_str(), spdf); + }else{ + fprintf(file_out, "nodes=%s L=%d $node is n-1 \n", node.c_str(), spdf); + } + } + + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + + //===== POTENTIAL + string pot1Name = potential.substr(0,1); + string pot1Ref = potentialRef(pot1Name); + fprintf(file_out, "INCOMING $%s\n", pot1Ref.c_str()); + CallPotential(pot1Name, iso_A.A, iso_A.Z, totalBeamEnergy, iso_a.Z); + fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi); + fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + + string pot2Name = potential.substr(1,1); + string pot2Ref = potentialRef(pot2Name); + fprintf(file_out, "OUTGOING $%s\n", pot2Ref.c_str()); + //printf(" total Beam Energy : %f | Qvalue : %f | Ex : %f \n", totalBeamEnergy, Qvalue, atof(Ex.c_str())); + double eBeam = totalBeamEnergy + Qvalue - atof(Ex.c_str()); + CallPotential(pot2Name, iso_B.A, iso_B.Z, eBeam, iso_b.Z); + fprintf(file_out, "v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + fprintf(file_out, "vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + fprintf(file_out, "vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi); + fprintf(file_out, "vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + fprintf(file_out, "vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + } + + + + + fprintf(file_out, "anglemin=%f anglemax=%f anglestep=%f\n", angMin, angMax, angStep); + fprintf(file_out, ";\n"); + + } + + printf("================= end of input. Number of Reaction : %d \n", numOfReaction); + + fprintf(file_out, "end $================================== end of input\n"); + file_in.close(); + fclose(file_out); + + return 1; + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Isotope.C b/Cleopatra/Isotope.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cdf4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Isotope.C @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is Isotope.C for isotope mass-related quatilies + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * To compile + * + * g++ Isotope.C -o Isotope + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Feb-20, 2021 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include "Isotope.h" + +using namespace std; + +void Usage(){ + cout << "./Isotope Sym" << endl; + cout << "./Isotope A Z" << endl; + ///cout << "./Isotope A Z A' Z'" << endl; + ///cout << " Opt = rkm, e.g. 001 only calculate mass" << endl; + ///cout << " |||_ mass " << endl; + ///cout << " ||__ kinematics " << endl; + ///cout << " |___ reaction kinematics " << endl; + exit(0); +} + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("========== Isotope mass-related quantities ==========\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc != 6) Usage(); + + Isotope iso1, iso2; + int Z, A, Za, Aa; + //string Opt = argv[1]; + + if (argc == 2){ + iso1.SetIsoByName(argv[1]); + } + if (argc == 3){ + A= atoi(argv[1]); + Z= atoi(argv[2]); + iso1.SetIso(A, Z); + //}else if ( argc == 6){ + // A= atoi(argv[2]); + // Z= atoi(argv[3]); + // Aa= atoi(argv[4]); + // Za= atoi(argv[5]); + // iso1.SetIso(A, Z); + // iso2.SetIso(Aa,Za); + } + + iso1.Print(); + + iso1.ListShell(); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Isotope.h b/Cleopatra/Isotope.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afabaa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Isotope.h @@ -0,0 +1,535 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is Isotope.h, To extract the isotope mass from massXX.txt + * + *------------------------------------------------------- + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef ISOTOPE_H +#define ISOTOPE_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "constant.h" // amu +#include //atoi +#include +using namespace std; + +string massData="/Cleopatra/mass20.txt"; + +// about the mass**.txt +// Mass Excess = (ATOMIC MASS - A)*amu | e.g. n : (1.088664.91585E-6-1)*amu +// mass excess uncertaintly +// BEA = (Z*M(1H) + N*M(1n) - Me(A,Z))/A , Me is the mass with electrons +// BEA = (Z*mp + N*mn - M(A,Z))/A , M is the mass without electrons + +class Isotope { +public: + int A, Z; + double Mass, MassError, BEA; + string Name, Symbol; + string dataSource; + + Isotope(){findHeliosPath();}; + Isotope(int a, int z){ findHeliosPath();SetIso(a,z); }; + Isotope(string name){ findHeliosPath(); SetIsoByName(name); }; + + void SetIso(int a, int z); + void SetIsoByName(string name); + + double CalSp(int Np, int Nn); // this for the Np-proton, Nn-neutron removal + double CalSp2(int a, int z); // this is for (a,z) nucleus removal + + double CalBeta(double T){ + double Etot = Mass + T; + double gamma = 1 + T/Mass; + double beta = sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma / gamma ) ; + return beta; + } + + void Print(); + void ListShell(); + +private: + void FindMassByAZ(int a, int z); // give mass, massError, BEA, Name, Symbol; + void FindMassByName(string name); // give Z, mass, massError, BEA; + + int TwoJ(int nShell); + string Orbital(int nShell); + int magic(int i){ + switch (i){ + case 0: return 2; break; + case 1: return 8; break; + case 2: return 20; break; + case 3: return 28; break; + case 4: return 40; break; + case 5: return 50; break; + case 6: return 82; break; + case 7: return 128; break; + } + return 0; + } + + int magicShellID(int i){ + switch (i){ + case 0: return 0; break; + case 1: return 2; break; + case 2: return 5; break; + case 3: return 6; break; + case 4: return 9; break; + case 5: return 10; break; + case 6: return 15; break; + case 7: return 21; break; + } + return 0; + } + + int fileStartLine; + int fileEndLine; + int lineMass050_099; + int lineMass100_149; + int lineMass150_199; + int lineMass200; + + + void setFileLines(){ + fileStartLine = 37; + fileEndLine = 3594; + + lineMass050_099 = 466; + lineMass100_149 = 1160; + lineMass150_199 = 1994; + lineMass200 = 2774; + } + + char * heliosPath; + bool isFindOnce; + + void findHeliosPath(){ + heliosPath = getenv("HELIOSSYS"); + if( heliosPath ){ + dataSource = heliosPath; + dataSource += "/analysis" + massData; + }else{ + dataSource = ".." + massData; + } + } + + + + +}; + +void Isotope::SetIso(int a, int z){ + this->A = a; + this->Z = z; + FindMassByAZ(a,z); +} + +void Isotope::SetIsoByName(string name){ + FindMassByName(name); +} + +void Isotope::FindMassByAZ(int A, int Z){ + string line; + int lineNum=0; + int list_A, list_Z; + + ifstream myfile; + int flag=0; + + setFileLines(); + + int numLineStart = fileStartLine; + int numLineEnd = fileEndLine; + + if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099; + if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149; + if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199; + if ( A >=200 ) numLineStart = lineMass200; + + myfile.open(dataSource.c_str()); + + if (myfile.is_open()) { + while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum = numLineStart ){ + list_Z = atoi((line.substr(10,5)).c_str()); + list_A = atoi((line.substr(15,5)).c_str()); + + if ( A == list_A && Z == list_Z) { + this->BEA = atof((line.substr(54,11)).c_str()); + this->Mass = list_Z*mp + (list_A-list_Z)*mn - this->BEA/1000*list_A; + this->MassError = atof((line.substr(65,7)).c_str()); + string str = line.substr(20,2); + str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end()); + this->Symbol = str; + + ostringstream ss; + ss << A << this->Symbol; + this->Name = ss.str(); + flag = 1; + }else if ( list_A > A) { + this->BEA = -404; + this->Mass = -404; + this->MassError = -404; + this->Symbol = "non"; + this->Name = "non"; + break; + } + + } + } + + if( this->Name == "1H" ) this->Name = "p"; + if( this->Name == "2H" ) this->Name = "d"; + if( this->Name == "3H" ) this->Name = "t"; + if( this->Name == "4He" ) this->Name = "a"; + + myfile.close(); + }else { + printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str()); + } +} + +void Isotope::FindMassByName(string name){ + + // done seperate the Mass number and the name + if( name == "n" ) { + this->Name = "1n"; + this->BEA = 0; + this->Mass = mn; + this->MassError = 0; + this->Name = "n"; + this->A = 1; + this->Z = 0; + return; + } + if( name == "p" ) name = "1H"; + if( name == "d" ) name = "2H"; + if( name == "t" ) name = "3H"; + if( name == "a" ) name = "4He"; + + string temp = name; + int lastDigit = 0; + + for(int i=0; temp[i]; i++){ + if(temp[i] == '0') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '1') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '2') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '3') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '4') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '5') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '6') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '7') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '8') lastDigit = i; + if(temp[i] == '9') lastDigit = i; + } + + this->Symbol = temp.erase(0, lastDigit +1); + //check is Symbol is 2 charaters, if not, add " " at the end + if( this->Symbol.length() == 1 ){ + this->Symbol = this->Symbol + " "; + } + + + temp = name; + int len = temp.length(); + temp = temp.erase(lastDigit+1, len); + + this->A = atoi(temp.c_str()); + //printf(" Symbol = |%s| , Mass = %d\n", this->Symbol.c_str(), this->A); + + // find the nucleus in the data + string line; + int lineNum=0; + int list_A; + string list_symbol; + + ifstream myfile; + int flag=0; + + setFileLines(); + + int numLineStart = fileStartLine; + int numLineEnd = fileEndLine; + + if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099; + if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149; + if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199; + if ( A >=200 ) numLineStart = lineMass200; + + myfile.open(dataSource.c_str()); + + if (myfile.is_open()) { + while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum = numLineStart ){ + list_symbol = line.substr(20,2); + list_A = atoi((line.substr(15,5)).c_str()); + + //printf(" A = %d, Sym = |%s| \n", list_A, list_symbol.c_str()); + + if ( this->A == list_A && this->Symbol == list_symbol) { + this->Z = atoi((line.substr(10,5)).c_str()); + this->BEA = atof((line.substr(54,11)).c_str()); + this->Mass = this->Z*mp + (list_A-this->Z)*mn - this->BEA/1000*list_A; + this->MassError = atof((line.substr(65,7)).c_str()); + + string str = line.substr(20,2); + str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end()); + this->Symbol = str; + + ostringstream ss; + ss << this->A << this->Symbol; + this->Name = ss.str(); + flag = 1; + }else if ( list_A > this->A) { + this->BEA = -404; + this->Mass = -404; + this->MassError = -404; + this->Symbol = "non"; + this->Name = "non"; + break; + } + + } + } + myfile.close(); + }else { + printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str()); + } +} + +double Isotope::CalSp(int Np, int Nn){ + Isotope nucleusD(A - Np - Nn, Z - Np); + + if( nucleusD.Mass != -404){ + return nucleusD.Mass + Nn*mn + Np*mp - this->Mass; + }else{ + return -404; + } +} + +double Isotope::CalSp2(int a, int z){ + Isotope nucleusD(A - a , Z - z); + Isotope nucleusS(a,z); + + if( nucleusD.Mass != -404 && nucleusS.Mass != -404){ + return nucleusD.Mass + nucleusS.Mass - this->Mass; + }else{ + return -404; + } +} + +int Isotope::TwoJ(int nShell){ + + switch(nShell){ + case 0: return 1; break; // 0s1/2 + case 1: return 3; break; // 0p3/2 + case 2: return 1; break; // 0p1/2 -- 8 + case 3: return 5; break; // 0d5/2 + case 4: return 1; break; // 1s1/2 + case 5: return 3; break; // 0d3/2 -- 20 + case 6: return 7; break; // 0f7/2 -- 28 + case 7: return 3; break; // 1p3/2 + case 8: return 1; break; // 1p1/2 + case 9: return 5; break; // 0f5/2 -- 40 + case 10: return 9; break; // 0g9/2 -- 50 + case 11: return 7; break; // 0g7/2 + case 12: return 5; break; // 1d5/2 + case 13: return 11; break; // 0h11/2 + case 14: return 3; break; // 1d3/2 + case 15: return 1; break; // 2s1/2 -- 82 + case 16: return 9; break; // 0h9/2 + case 17: return 7; break; // 1f7/2 + case 18: return 13; break; // 0i13/2 + case 19: return 3; break; // 2p3/2 + case 20: return 5; break; // 1f5/2 + case 21: return 1; break; // 1p1/2 -- 126 + case 22: return 9; break; // 1g9/2 + case 23: return 11; break; // 0i11/2 + case 24: return 15; break; // 0j15/2 + case 25: return 5; break; // 2d5/2 + case 26: return 1; break; // 3s1/2 + case 27: return 3; break; // 2d3/2 + case 28: return 7; break; // 1g7/2 + } + + return 0; +} + +string Isotope::Orbital(int nShell){ + + switch(nShell){ + case 0: return "0s1 "; break; // + case 1: return "0p3 "; break; // + case 2: return "0p1 "; break; //-- 8 + case 3: return "0d5 "; break; // + case 4: return "1s1 "; break; // + case 5: return "0d3 "; break; //-- 20 + case 6: return "0f7 "; break; //-- 28 + case 7: return "1p3 "; break; // + case 8: return "1p1 "; break; // + case 9: return "0f5 "; break; //-- 40 + case 10: return "0g9 "; break; //-- 50 + case 11: return "0g7 "; break; // + case 12: return "1d5 "; break; // + case 13: return "0h11"; break; // + case 14: return "1d3 "; break; // + case 15: return "2s1 "; break; //-- 82 + case 16: return "0h9 "; break; // + case 17: return "1f7 "; break; // + case 18: return "0i13"; break; // + case 19: return "2p3 "; break; // + case 20: return "1f5 "; break; // + case 21: return "1p1 "; break; //-- 126 + case 22: return "1g9 "; break; // + case 23: return "0i11"; break; // + case 24: return "0j15"; break; // + case 25: return "2d5 "; break; // + case 26: return "3s1 "; break; // + case 27: return "2d3 "; break; // + case 28: return "1g7 "; break; // + } + + return "nan"; +} + +void Isotope::ListShell(){ + + if( Mass < 0 ) return; + + int n = A-Z; + int p = Z; + + int k = min(n,p); + int nMagic = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ + if( magic(i) < k && k <= magic(i+1) ){ + nMagic = i; + break; + } + } + + int coreShell = magicShellID(nMagic-1); + int coreZ1 = magic(nMagic-1); + int coreZ2 = magic(nMagic); + + Isotope core1( 2*coreZ1, coreZ1); + Isotope core2( 2*coreZ2, coreZ2); + + printf("------------------ Core:%3s, inner Core:%3s \n", (core2.Name).c_str(), (core1.Name).c_str()); + printf(" || "); + int t = max(n,p); + int nShell = 0; + do{ + int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1; + if( nShell > coreShell) { + printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str()); + if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){ + printf("|"); + }else{ + printf(","); + } + } + t = t - occ; + nShell++; + }while( t > 0 && nShell < 29); + for( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ + if (nShell < 28) { + printf("%4s,", Orbital(nShell).c_str()); + }else if( nShell == 28 ) { + printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str()); + } + nShell ++; + } + if (nShell < 29) printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str()); + printf("\n"); + + + printf(" Z = %3d || ", p); + nShell = 0; + do{ + int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1; + if( nShell > coreShell ){ + if( p > occ ) { + printf("%-4d", occ); + if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){ + printf("|"); + }else{ + printf(","); + } + }else{ + printf("%-4d", p); + } + } + p = p - occ; + nShell++; + }while( p > 0 && nShell < 29); + printf("\n"); + + printf(" N = %3d || ", n); + nShell = 0; + do{ + int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1; + if ( nShell > coreShell ){ + if( n > occ ) { + printf("%-4d", occ); + if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){ + printf("|"); + }else{ + printf(","); + } + }else{ + printf("%-4d", n); + } + } + n = n - occ; + nShell++; + }while( n > 0 && nShell < 29); + printf("\n"); + + printf("------------------ \n"); +} + + + +void Isotope::Print(){ + + if (Mass > 0){ + + findHeliosPath(); + + printf(" using mass data : %s \n", dataSource.c_str()); + printf(" mass of \e[47m\e[31m%s\e[m nucleus (Z,A)=(%3d,%3d) is \e[47m\e[31m%12.5f\e[m MeV, BE/A=%7.5f MeV\n", Name.c_str(), Z, A, Mass, BEA/1000.); + printf(" total BE : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA*A/1000.); + printf(" mass in amu : %12.5f u\n",Mass/amu); + printf(" mass excess : %12.5f MeV\n", Mass + Z*0.510998950 - A*amu); + printf("-------------- Seperation energy \n"); + printf(" S1p: %8.4f| S1n: %8.4f| S(2H ): %8.4f| S1p1n : %8.4f\n", CalSp(1, 0), CalSp(0, 1), CalSp2(2, 1), CalSp(1, 1)); + printf(" S2p: %8.4f| S2n: %8.4f| S(3He): %8.4f| S(3H) : %8.4f\n", CalSp(2, 0), CalSp(0, 2), CalSp2(3, 2), CalSp2(3, 1)); + printf(" S3p: %8.4f| S3n: %8.4f| S(4He): %8.4f|\n", CalSp(3, 0), CalSp(0, 3), CalSp2(4, 2)); + printf(" S4p: %8.4f| S4n: %8.4f| \n", CalSp(4, 0), CalSp(0, 4)); + + }else{ + printf("Error %6.0f, no nucleus with (Z,A) = (%3d,%3d). \n", Mass, Z, A); + } + + +} + +#endif diff --git a/Cleopatra/IsotopeShort.C b/Cleopatra/IsotopeShort.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cccd289 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/IsotopeShort.C @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is IsotopeShort.C for isotope mass-related quatilies +* for python web + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * To compile + * + * g++ IsotopeShort.C -o IsotopesShort + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Feb-20, 2021 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include "Isotope.h" + +using namespace std; + +void Usage(){ + cout << "./NuclearData Sym" << endl; + cout << "./NuclearData A Z" << endl; + exit(0); +} + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc != 6) Usage(); + + Isotope iso1, iso2; + int Z, A, Za, Aa; + if (argc == 2){ + iso1.SetIsoByName(argv[1]); + } + if (argc == 3){ + A= atoi(argv[1]); + Z= atoi(argv[2]); + iso1.SetIso(A, Z); + } + + //iso1.Print(); + printf("A:%3d\n", iso1.A); + printf("Z:%3d\n", iso1.Z); + printf("N:%3d\n", iso1.A-iso1.Z); + printf("Name:%s|\n",iso1.Name.c_str()); + printf("Mass:%13.4f\n", iso1.Mass); + printf("Sn:%13.4f\n", iso1.CalSp(0,1)); + printf("Sp:%13.4f\n", iso1.CalSp(1,0)); + printf("Sa:%13.4f\n", iso1.CalSp2(4,2)); + printf("S2n:%13.4f\n", iso1.CalSp(0,2)); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/PlotSimulation.C b/Cleopatra/PlotSimulation.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2318017 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/PlotSimulation.C @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + +#include +#include +#include "../Armory/Check_Simulation.C" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("=================== Plot Simulation Canvas ======================\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2 ) { + printf("Usage: ./PlotSimulation input_root_file [config]\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("ROOT file : %s \n", argv[1]); + } + + string rootFile = argv[1]; + string config = "../Armory/Check_Simulation_Config.txt"; + if( argc >= 3 ) config = argv[2]; + + printf("Config File : %s \n", config.c_str()); + + Int_t padSize = 500; + + Check_Simulation(rootFile, config, padSize, true); + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.C b/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c65fbdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.C @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is PlotResultInRoot.C for ExtractXSec *.root output + * + * The Xsec are stored in (TObjArray *) gList + * + * This program is simple get plot all the member in the gList + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ PlotResultInROOT.C -o PlotResultInROOT `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "PlotTGraphTObjArray.h" +using namespace std; + + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("==================== Plot Results in ROOT =======================\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc < 2) { + printf("Usage: ./PlotTGraphTObjArray root_file [savePNG]\n"); + printf(" savePNG : 1 or 0, default is 0\n"); + exit(0); + }else{ + printf("From file : %s \n", argv[1]); + printf("=========== Press Ctrl+C to end.\n"); + } + + string readFile = argv[1]; + bool isSavePNG = false; + if( argc >= 3) isSavePNG = atoi(argv[2]); + + if( isSavePNG ){ + + PlotTGraphTObjArray(readFile, true); + + }else{ + TApplication app ("app", &argc, argv); + + PlotTGraphTObjArray(readFile); + + app.Run(); //anything after this line is not running + } + return 0; + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h b/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6d3403 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is PlotResultInRoot.C for ExtractXSec *.root output + * + * The Xsec are stored in (TObjArray *) gList + * + * This program is simple get plot all the member in the gList + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ PlotResultInROOT.C -o PlotResultInROOT `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +void PlotTGraphTObjArray(TString rootFileName, bool isSavePNG = false){ + + TFile * file = new TFile(rootFileName, "READ"); + + TObjArray * gList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("qList"); + + if( gList == NULL ) { + printf("No Result was found.\n"); + return; + } + + TCanvas * cPlots = new TCanvas("cPlots", "Ptolemy Results", 0, 0, 800, 600); + cPlots->SetLogy(); + + TLegend * legend = new TLegend( 0.6, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9); //x1, y1, x2, y2 + + const int n = gList->GetLast() + 1 ; + + TGraph * gr[n]; + + //Get minimum, maximum Y + double maxY = 0; + double minY = 10000000; + for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ + + gr[i] = (TGraph *) gList->At(i); + gr[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gr[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta_{CM} [deg]"); + gr[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("d#sigma/d#Omega [mb/sr]"); + + TString name = gr[i]->GetName(); + int pos = name.First("|"); + name.Remove(0, pos+1); + legend->AddEntry(gr[i], name); + + double miny = gr[i]->GetHistogram()->GetMinimum(); + double maxy = gr[i]->GetHistogram()->GetMaximum(); + + if( miny < minY ) minY = miny; + if( maxy > maxY ) maxY = maxy; + } + + + + for ( int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ + gr[i]->Draw("same"); + + if( i == 0 ){ + gr[i]->Draw(); + gr[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(minY * 0.8, maxY * 1.2); + }else{ + gr[i]->Draw("same"); + } + } + legend->Draw(); + + cPlots->Update(); + cPlots->Draw(); + + if( isSavePNG ){ + TDatime dateTime; + TString outPNGName = Form("Xsec_%d%02d%02d_%06d.png", dateTime.GetYear(), dateTime.GetMonth(), dateTime.GetDay(), dateTime.GetTime()); + + cPlots->SaveAs(outPNGName); + printf("%s\n", outPNGName.Data()); + + gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); + } + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Simulation_Helper.C b/Cleopatra/Simulation_Helper.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a18f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Simulation_Helper.C @@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +#include "../Cleopatra/Transfer.h" +#include "../Cleopatra/InFileCreator.h" +#include "../Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.h" +#include "../Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h" +#include "../armory/AutoFit.C" +#include "../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __linux__ + #define OS_Type 1 +#elif __APPLE__ + #define OS_Type 0 +#endif + +TString isoFileName; + +class MyMainFrame { + RQ_OBJECT("MyMainFrame") +private: + TGMainFrame *fMain; + + TGTextEdit * editor; + + TString fileName; + + TGLabel * fileLabel; + TGLabel * statusLabel; + + TGNumberEntry * angMin; + TGNumberEntry * angMax; + TGNumberEntry * angStep; + + TGCheckButton * withDWBA; + + TGCheckButton * isInFile; + TGCheckButton * isRun; + TGCheckButton * isExtract; + TGCheckButton * isPlot; + + TGComboBox * extractFlag; + + + TGTextEntry * txtName ; + TGTextEntry * txtEx ; + + +public: + MyMainFrame(const TGWindow *p,UInt_t w,UInt_t h); + virtual ~MyMainFrame(); + void Command(int); + void OpenFile(int); + void GetData(); + bool IsFileExist(TString filename); +}; + + +MyMainFrame::MyMainFrame(const TGWindow *p,UInt_t w,UInt_t h) { + // Create a main frame + fMain = new TGMainFrame(p,w,h); + + TGHorizontalFrame *hframe = new TGHorizontalFrame(fMain,600,600 ); + fMain->AddFrame(hframe, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); + + TGVerticalFrame *hframe1 = new TGVerticalFrame(fMain,600,600 ); + hframe->AddFrame(hframe1); + + TGVerticalFrame *hframe2 = new TGVerticalFrame(fMain,600,800 ); + hframe->AddFrame(hframe2,new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); + + fileName = "reactionConfig.txt"; + + TGHorizontalFrame *hframe00 = new TGHorizontalFrame(hframe2,600,600 ); + hframe2->AddFrame(hframe00, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX , 2,2,2,2)); + + fileLabel = new TGLabel(hframe00, ""); + fileLabel->SetWidth(370); + fileLabel->SetHeight(20); + fileLabel->SetTextColor(kRed); + fileLabel->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize | kSunkenFrame); + fileLabel->SetText(fileName); + hframe00->AddFrame(fileLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2,2,2,2)); + + TGTextButton *save = new TGTextButton(hframe00,"Save"); + save->SetWidth(100); + save->SetHeight(20); + save->ChangeOptions( save->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + save->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=3)"); + hframe00->AddFrame(save, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft,5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *help = new TGTextButton(hframe00, "Help"); + help->SetWidth(100); + help->SetHeight(20); + help->ChangeOptions( help->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + help->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=4)"); + hframe00->AddFrame(help,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + editor = new TGTextEdit(hframe2, 600, 700); + editor->LoadFile(fileName); + hframe2->AddFrame(editor, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); + + statusLabel = new TGLabel(hframe2, ""); + statusLabel->SetWidth(600); + statusLabel->SetHeight(20); + statusLabel->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft); + statusLabel->SetTextColor(1); + statusLabel->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize | kSunkenFrame); + hframe2->AddFrame(statusLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 2,2,2,2)); + + {//================= Simulation group + TGGroupFrame * simFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "Kinematics Simulation", kVerticalFrame); + hframe1->AddFrame(simFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openRec = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "reaction Config"); + openRec->SetWidth(150); + openRec->SetHeight(20); + openRec->ChangeOptions( openRec->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openRec->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=1)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(openRec,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openDet = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "detector Geo."); + openDet->SetWidth(150); + openDet->SetHeight(20); + openDet->ChangeOptions( openDet->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openDet->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=0)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(openDet,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openEx = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "Ex List"); + openEx->SetWidth(150); + openEx->SetHeight(20); + openEx->ChangeOptions( openEx->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openEx->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=2)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(openEx,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + withDWBA = new TGCheckButton(simFrame, "Sim with DWBA\n+DWBA.root\n+DWBA.Ex.txt"); + withDWBA->SetWidth(140); + withDWBA->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); + simFrame->AddFrame(withDWBA, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *Sim = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"Simulate"); + Sim->SetWidth(150); + Sim->SetHeight(40); + Sim->ChangeOptions( Sim->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + Sim->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=1)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(Sim, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openSimChk = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "Config Simulation Plot"); + openSimChk->SetWidth(150); + openSimChk->SetHeight(20); + openSimChk->ChangeOptions( openSimChk->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openSimChk->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=4)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(openSimChk,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *SimChk = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"Plot Simulation"); + SimChk->SetWidth(150); + SimChk->SetHeight(40); + SimChk->ChangeOptions( SimChk->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + SimChk->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=2)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(SimChk, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *autoFit = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"AutoFit ExCal"); + autoFit->SetWidth(150); + autoFit->SetHeight(40); + autoFit->ChangeOptions( autoFit->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + autoFit->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=5)"); + simFrame->AddFrame(autoFit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); + } + + {//================= DWBA group + TGGroupFrame * DWBAFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "DWBA calculation", kVerticalFrame); + hframe1->AddFrame(DWBAFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openDWBA = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "DWBA setting"); + openDWBA->SetWidth(150); + openDWBA->SetHeight(20); + openDWBA->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openDWBA->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=3)"); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openDWBA,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openInFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "InFile"); + openInFile->SetWidth(150); + openInFile->SetHeight(20); + openInFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openInFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=5)"); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openInFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *openOutFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "OutFile"); + openOutFile->SetWidth(150); + openOutFile->SetHeight(20); + openOutFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + openOutFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=6)"); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openOutFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *xsecFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "X-Sec"); + xsecFile->SetWidth(150); + xsecFile->SetHeight(20); + xsecFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + xsecFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=7)"); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(xsecFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + + //-------- angle setting + TGHorizontalFrame * hframe000 = new TGHorizontalFrame(DWBAFrame, 150, 30, kFixedSize); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(hframe000); + + TGLabel * lb1 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angMin"); + lb1->SetWidth(50); lb1->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); + hframe000->AddFrame(lb1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + TGLabel * lb2 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angMax"); + lb2->SetWidth(50); lb2->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); + hframe000->AddFrame(lb2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + TGLabel * lb3 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angStep"); + lb3->SetWidth(50); lb3->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); + hframe000->AddFrame(lb3, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + TGHorizontalFrame * hframe001 = new TGHorizontalFrame(DWBAFrame, 150, 30, kFixedSize); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(hframe001); + + angMin = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 0, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESInteger, TGNumberFormat::kNEANonNegative); + angMin->SetWidth(50); + angMin->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 180); + hframe001->AddFrame(angMin, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX , 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + angMax = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 60, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESInteger, TGNumberFormat::kNEANonNegative); + angMax->SetWidth(50); + angMax->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 180); + hframe001->AddFrame(angMax, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX , 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + angStep = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 1, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESRealOne, TGNumberFormat::kNEAPositive); + angStep->SetWidth(50); + angStep->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 30); + hframe001->AddFrame(angStep, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5, 5, 0, 0)); + + //------- Check Boxes + isInFile = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Create inFile"); + isInFile->SetWidth(100); + isInFile->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); + isInFile->SetState(kButtonDown); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isInFile, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + isRun = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Run Ptolemy"); + isRun->SetWidth(100); + isRun->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); + isRun->SetState(kButtonDown); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isRun, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + isExtract = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Extract Xsec"); + isExtract->SetWidth(100); + isExtract->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); + isExtract->SetState(kButtonDown); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isExtract, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + isPlot = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Plot"); + isPlot->SetWidth(100); + isPlot->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); + isPlot->SetState(kButtonDown); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isPlot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + extractFlag = new TGComboBox(DWBAFrame, 100); + extractFlag->SetWidth(130); + extractFlag->SetHeight(30); + + extractFlag->AddEntry("Xsec.", 2); + extractFlag->AddEntry("Ratio to Ruth.", 1); + extractFlag->AddEntry("Rutherford", 3); + extractFlag->Select(2); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(extractFlag, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGTextButton *DWBA = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "DWBA"); + DWBA->SetWidth(150); + DWBA->SetHeight(40); + DWBA->ChangeOptions( DWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + DWBA->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=0)"); + DWBAFrame->AddFrame(DWBA,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + } + + + {//====================== Nuclear data API + TGGroupFrame * dataFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "Nuclear Data", kVerticalFrame); + hframe1->AddFrame(dataFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); + + TGHorizontalFrame * hfData = new TGHorizontalFrame(dataFrame); dataFrame->AddFrame(hfData, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal, 0, 0, 5, 0)); + + TGVerticalFrame * vfLabel = new TGVerticalFrame(hfData, 200); hfData->AddFrame(vfLabel ); + TGVerticalFrame * vfTxt = new TGVerticalFrame(hfData); hfData->AddFrame(vfTxt); + + TGLayoutHints * haha = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsCenterY, 5,5,5,2); + TGLayoutHints * kaka = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsCenterY, 5,5,0,0); + + TGLabel * lb1 = new TGLabel(vfLabel, "Nuclear Name :"); vfLabel->AddFrame(lb1, haha); + TGLabel * lb2 = new TGLabel(vfLabel, "Max Ex [MeV] :"); vfLabel->AddFrame(lb2, haha); + + + txtName = new TGTextEntry(vfTxt, "25F"); vfTxt->AddFrame(txtName, kaka); txtName->Resize(50, 20); + txtEx = new TGTextEntry(vfTxt, "0"); vfTxt->AddFrame(txtEx, kaka); txtEx->Resize(50, 20); + + TGTextButton *GetData = new TGTextButton(dataFrame, "Get Data"); + GetData->SetWidth(150); + GetData->SetHeight(40); + GetData->ChangeOptions( GetData->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + GetData->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"GetData()"); + dataFrame->AddFrame(GetData,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); + } + + TGTextButton *exit = new TGTextButton(hframe1,"Exit", "gApplication->Terminate(0)"); + exit->SetWidth(150); + exit->SetHeight(40); + exit->ChangeOptions( exit->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); + hframe1->AddFrame(exit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX, 5,5,3,4)); + + // Set a name to the main frame + fMain->SetWindowName("Simulation Helper"); + + // Map all subwindows of main frame + fMain->MapSubwindows(); + + // Initialize the layout algorithm + fMain->Resize(fMain->GetDefaultSize()); + + // Map main frame + fMain->MapWindow(); + + int versionInt = gROOT->GetVersionInt(); + + if( versionInt < 62600 ) { + statusLabel->SetText(Form("Root version : %s. Please Update Root to v6.26/00",gROOT->GetVersion())); + }else{ + statusLabel->SetText(Form("Root version : %s",gROOT->GetVersion())); + } +} + +bool MyMainFrame::IsFileExist(TString filename){ + ifstream file (filename.Data()); + return file.is_open(); +} + +void MyMainFrame::OpenFile(int ID){ + + editor->SaveFile(fileName); + + TString oldFileName = fileName; + + if ( ID == 0 ) fileName = "../working/detectorGeo.txt"; + if ( ID == 1 ) fileName = "../working/reactionConfig.txt"; + if ( ID == 2 ) fileName = "../working/Ex.txt"; + if ( ID == 3 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA"; + if ( ID == 4 ) fileName = "../working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt"; + if ( ID == 5 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.in"; + if ( ID == 6 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.out"; + if ( ID == 7 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.Xsec.txt"; + if ( ID == 8 ) fileName = isoFileName; + + //test if file exist + if ( IsFileExist(fileName) ){ + + fileLabel->SetText(fileName); + + editor->LoadFile(fileName); + + if( ID >= 6 ) { + editor->SetReadOnly(true); + }else{ + editor->SetReadOnly(false); + } + + editor->ShowBottom(); + + if( ID < 6){ + statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " opened."); + }else{ + statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " opened. (READ ONLY)"); + } + }else{ + + statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " not exist."); + fileName = oldFileName; + + } + +} + +void MyMainFrame::GetData(){ + + TString name = txtName->GetText(); + TString maxEx = txtEx->GetText(); + + TString cmd = "../Cleopatra/nuclear_data.py " + name + " " + maxEx; + + system(cmd.Data()); + + statusLabel->SetText("Check termial."); + + //isoFileName = name + ".txt"; + + //OpenFile(8); + +} + +void MyMainFrame::Command(int ID) { + + editor->SaveFile(fileName); + + if( ID == 0 ){ + + if( isInFile->GetState()) { + double aMin = angMin->GetNumber(); + double aMax = angMax->GetNumber(); + double aStep = angStep->GetNumber(); + statusLabel->SetText("Creating DWBA.in....."); + InFileCreator("DWBA", "DWBA.in", aMin, aMax, aStep); + statusLabel->SetText("in-file created."); + } + + bool isRunOK = true; + if( isRun->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.in") ) { + //printf("run ptolemy...........\n"); + + statusLabel->SetText("Running Ptolemy....."); + int output = 1; + if( OS_Type == 1 ){ + output = system("../Cleopatra/ptolemy DWBA.out"); + }else{ + output = system("../Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac DWBA.out"); + } + + statusLabel->SetText("Check terminal, if no massage, Ptolemy run well."); + + printf("Ptolemy exist code : %d\n", output); + if( output == 0 ) { + isRunOK = true; + }else{ + isRunOK = false; + statusLabel->SetText("Ptolemy exist with problems."); + } + } + + if( isRunOK && isExtract->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.out")){ + int ElasticFlag = 0; // 1 for ratio to Rutherford, 2 for total Xsec, 3 for (n,n) Xsec + ElasticFlag = extractFlag->GetSelected(); + statusLabel->SetText("Extracting X-sec....."); + ExtractXSec("DWBA.out", ElasticFlag); + statusLabel->SetText("X-sec Extracted."); + } + + if( isRunOK && isPlot->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.root")){ + statusLabel->SetText("Plot X-sec....."); + PlotTGraphTObjArray("DWBA.root"); + statusLabel->SetText("Plotted X-sec."); + } + } + + if( ID == 1 ){ + string basicConfig = "reactionConfig.txt"; + string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt"; + string excitationFile = "Ex.txt"; //when no file, only ground state + TString ptolemyRoot = ""; // when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM + TString saveFileName = "transfer.root"; + TString filename = "reaction.dat"; //when no file, no output + + if( withDWBA->GetState() ) { + ptolemyRoot = "DWBA.root"; + excitationFile = "DWBA.Ex.txt"; + } + statusLabel->SetText("Running simulation......."); + + Transfer( basicConfig, heliosDetGeoFile, excitationFile, ptolemyRoot, saveFileName, filename); + + statusLabel->SetText("Plotting simulation......."); + Check_Simulation(); + + statusLabel->SetText("Plotted Simulation result"); + } + if( ID == 2 ){ + Check_Simulation(); + statusLabel->SetText(" Run Simulation first."); + } + + if( ID == 3 ){ + if( fileName != "" ){ + statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " saved."); + }else{ + statusLabel->SetText("cannot save HELP page."); + } + } + + if( ID == 4 ){ + fileName = ""; + statusLabel->SetText("Help Page."); + editor->LoadBuffer("==================== For Simulation"); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("1) Make sure you check :"); + editor->AddLine(" a) reaction Config"); + editor->AddLine(" b) detector Geo."); + editor->AddLine(" c) Ex List"); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("2) Not need to save file, fiel save when any button (except the Exit) is pressed."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("3) There is a checkbox for simulation with DWBA"); + editor->AddLine(" This requires the existance of DWBA.root and DWBA.Ex.txt"); + editor->AddLine(" These files can be generated by DWBA calculation."); + editor->AddLine(" Please change the angMin = 0 and angMax = 180."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("4) After simulation, it will plot the result."); + editor->AddLine(" To change the plotting, Click on the Config Simulation Plot."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("5) If the transfer.root is already here, simply Plot Simulation."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("========================= For DWBA "); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("1) Only need to change the DWBA setting."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("2) The GUI offer a view on the infile and outfile."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("3) For elastics scattering, there is a checkbox for plotting the ratio to RutherFord."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("4) The flow of the DWBA calculation is like this:"); + editor->AddLine(" a) read the DWBA file and convert to DWBA.in"); + editor->AddLine(" b) run Ptolemy from DWBA.in, and the output is DWBA.out"); + editor->AddLine(" c) extract the cross section from the DWBA.out, and save :"); + editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.Xsec.txt"); + editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.Ex.txt"); + editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.root"); + editor->AddLine(" d) Plot the cross section from the DWBA.root."); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("================ Tips for using the editor, both MAC or LINUX"); + editor->AddLine(""); + editor->AddLine("Ctrl+U | Delete current line. "); + editor->AddLine("Ctrl+C | Copy "); + editor->AddLine("Ctrl+V | Paste "); + editor->AddLine("=================================================== eof"); + + TString osTypeStr; + osTypeStr.Form("OS type is %s", (OS_Type == 0 ? "Mac" : "Linux")); + + editor->AddLine(osTypeStr); + + editor->AddLine(Form("Root version : %s",gROOT->GetVersion())); + int versionInt = gROOT->GetVersionInt(); + + if( versionInt < 62600 ) { + editor->AddLine("Please Update Root to v6.26/00"); + } + + } + + if( ID == 5) { + + TH1F * temp = (TH1F*) gROOT->FindObjectAny("hExCal"); + + if( temp != NULL ){ + fitAuto(temp, -1); + statusLabel->SetText("Auto Fit hExCal"); + }else{ + statusLabel->SetText("Cannot find historgram hExCal. Please Run Plot Simulation first."); + } + + //gROOT->ProcessLine("fitAuto(hExCal, -1)"); + + } + +} + +MyMainFrame::~MyMainFrame() { + // Clean up used widgets: frames, buttons, layout hints + fMain->Cleanup(); + delete fMain; +} + + +void Simulation_Helper() { + + new MyMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),800,600); +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Transfer.C b/Cleopatra/Transfer.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7afae70 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Transfer.C @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is Transfer.C for simulation of transfer reaction. + * + * ----------------------------------------------------- + * This program will call the root library and compile in g++ + * compilation: + * g++ Transfer.C -o Transfer `root-config --cflags --glibs` + * + * ------------------------------------------------------ + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Feb-4, 2019 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +#include +#include +#include "Transfer.h" + +using namespace std; + +int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { + + printf("=================================================================\n"); + printf("========== Simulate Transfer reaction in HELIOS ==========\n"); + printf("=================================================================\n"); + + if(argc == 2 || argc > 8) { + printf("Usage: ./Transfer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]\n"); + printf(" default file name \n"); + printf(" [1] reactionConfig.txt (input) reaction Setting \n"); + printf(" [2] detectorGeo.txt (input) detector Setting \n"); + printf(" [3] Ex.txt (input) Excitation energies \n"); + printf(" [4] DWBA.root (input) thetaCM distribution from DWBA \n"); + printf(" [5] transfer.root (output) rootFile name for output \n"); + printf(" [6] reaction.dat (output) Key reaction parameters \n"); + printf(" [7] plot (input) will it plot stuffs [1/0] \n"); + + printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); + return 0 ; + } + + string basicConfig = "reactionConfig.txt"; + string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt"; + string excitationFile = "Ex.txt"; //when no file, only ground state + TString ptolemyRoot = "DWBA.root"; // when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM + TString saveFileName = "transfer.root"; + TString filename = "reaction.dat"; //when no file, no output + bool isPlot = false; + + if( argc >= 2) basicConfig = argv[1]; + if( argc >= 3) heliosDetGeoFile = argv[2]; + if( argc >= 4) excitationFile = argv[3]; + if( argc >= 5) ptolemyRoot = argv[4]; + if( argc >= 6) saveFileName = argv[5]; + if( argc >= 7) filename = argv[6]; + if( argc >= 8) isPlot = atoi(argv[7]); + + Transfer( basicConfig, heliosDetGeoFile, excitationFile, ptolemyRoot, saveFileName, filename); + + //run Armory/Check_Simulation + if( isPlot ){ + ifstream file_in; + file_in.open("../Armory/Check_Simulation.C", ios::in); + if( file_in){ + printf("---- running ../Armory/Check_Simulation.C on %s \n", saveFileName.Data()); + TString cmd; + cmd.Form("root -l '../Armory/Check_Simulation.C(\"%s\", 500)'", saveFileName.Data()); + + system(cmd.Data()); + }else{ + printf("cannot find ../Armory/Check_Simulation.C \n"); + } + } + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/Transfer.h b/Cleopatra/Transfer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c093d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/Transfer.h @@ -0,0 +1,722 @@ +#include "TROOT.h" +#include "TBenchmark.h" +#include "TLorentzVector.h" +#include "TMath.h" +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TF1.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TRandom.h" +#include "TGraph.h" +#include "TMacro.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "HELIOS_LIB.h" + +double exDistFunc(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){ + return par[(int) x[0]]; +} + +void Transfer( + string basicConfig = "reactionConfig.txt", + string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt", + string excitationFile = "Ex.txt", ///when no file, only ground state + TString ptolemyRoot = "DWBA.root", /// when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM + TString saveFileName = "transfer.root", + TString filename = "reaction.dat"){ /// when no file, no output. + + //############################################# Set Reaction + TransferReaction reaction; + reaction.SetReactionFromFile(basicConfig); + + printf("*****************************************************************\n"); + printf("*\e[1m\e[33m %27s \e[0m*\n", reaction.GetReactionName().Data()); + printf("*****************************************************************\n"); + printf("----- loading reaction setting from %s. \n", basicConfig.c_str()); + printf("\e[32m#################################### Beam \e[0m\n"); + + const ReactionConfig reactionConfig = reaction.GetRectionConfig(); + + PrintReactionConfig(reactionConfig); + + vector ExAList = reactionConfig.beamEx; + int nExA = (int) ExAList.size(); + + //############################################# Set HELIOS + printf("\e[32m#################################### HELIOS configuration\e[0m\n"); + HELIOS helios; + helios.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile); + + const DetGeo detGeo = helios.GetDetectorGeometry(); + + printf("==================================== E-Z plot slope\n"); + double betaRect = reaction.GetReactionBeta() ; + double gamma = reaction.GetReactionGamma(); + double mb = reaction.GetMass_b(); + double pCM = reaction.GetMomentumbCM(); + double q = TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + pCM*pCM); ///energy of light recoil in center of mass + double slope = 299.792458 * reaction.GetCharge_b() * abs(helios.GetBField()) / TMath::TwoPi() * betaRect / 1000.; /// MeV/mm + printf(" e-z slope : %f MeV/mm\n", slope); + double intercept = q/gamma - mb; // MeV + printf(" e-z intercept (ground state) : %f MeV\n", intercept); + + //############################################# save reaction.dat + if( filename != "" ) { + FILE * keyParaOut; + keyParaOut = fopen (filename.Data(), "w+"); + + printf("=========== save key reaction constants to %s \n", filename.Data()); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15.4f //%s\n", reaction.GetMass_b(), "mass_b"); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15d //%s\n", reaction.GetCharge_b(), "charge_b"); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15.8f //%s\n", reaction.GetReactionBeta(), "betaCM"); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15.4f //%s\n", reaction.GetCMTotalEnergy(), "Ecm"); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15.4f //%s\n", reaction.GetMass_B(), "mass_B"); + fprintf(keyParaOut, "%-15.4f //%s\n", slope/betaRect, "alpha=slope/betaRect"); + + fflush(keyParaOut); + fclose(keyParaOut); + } + + //############################################# Target scattering, only energy loss + bool isTargetScattering = reactionConfig.isTargetScattering; + float density = reactionConfig.targetDensity; + float targetThickness = reactionConfig.targetThickness; + + if(isTargetScattering) printf("\e[32m#################################### Target Scattering\e[0m\n"); + TargetScattering msA; + TargetScattering msB; + TargetScattering msb; + + if(reactionConfig.isTargetScattering) printf("======== Target : (thickness : %6.2f um) x (density : %6.2f g/cm3) = %6.2f ug/cm2\n", + targetThickness * 1e+4, + density, + targetThickness * density * 1e+6); + + if( reactionConfig.isTargetScattering ){ + msA.LoadStoppingPower(reactionConfig.beamStoppingPowerFile); + msb.LoadStoppingPower(reactionConfig.recoilLightStoppingPowerFile); + msB.LoadStoppingPower(reactionConfig.recoilHeavyStoppingPowerFile); + } + + //############################################# Decay of particle-B + Decay decay; + if(reactionConfig.isDecay) { + printf("\e[32m#################################### Decay\e[0m\n"); + decay.SetMotherDaugther(reactionConfig.recoilHeavyA, + reactionConfig.recoilHeavyZ, + reactionConfig.heavyDecayA, + reactionConfig.heavyDecayZ); + } + //############################################# loading excitation energy + printf("\e[32m#################################### excitation energies\e[0m\n"); + vector ExKnown; + vector ExStrength; + vector ExWidth; + vector SF; + vector y0; /// intercept of e-z plot + vector kCM; /// momentum of b in CM frame + printf("----- loading excitation energy levels (%s).", excitationFile.c_str()); + ifstream file; + file.open(excitationFile.c_str()); + string isotopeName; + if( file.is_open() ){ + string line; + while( getline(file, line) ){ + ///printf("%s \n", line.c_str()); + if( line.substr(0,2) == "//" ) continue; + if( line.substr(0,2) == "#=" ) break; + + vector str = SplitStr(line, " "); + + ExKnown.push_back(atof(str[0].c_str())); + ExStrength.push_back(atof(str[1].c_str())); + SF.push_back(atof(str[2].c_str())); + ExWidth.push_back(atof(str[3].c_str())); + + } + file.close(); + printf("... done.\n"); + int n = (int) ExKnown.size(); + + printf("%3s | %7s | %5s | %3s | %10s | %5s \n", "", "Ex[MeV]", "Xsec", "SF", "sigma[MeV]", "y0[MeV]"); + printf("----+---------+------+-----+------------+--------\n"); + for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ + reaction.SetExB(ExKnown[i]); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + kCM.push_back(reaction.GetMomentumbCM()); + y0.push_back(TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM[i]*kCM[i])/gamma - mb); + if( reactionConfig.isDecay ) { + TLorentzVector temp(0,0,0,0); + int decayID = decay.CalDecay(temp, ExKnown[i], 0); + if( decayID == 1) { + printf("%3d | %7.2f | %5.2f | %3.1f | %5.3f | %5.2f --> Decay. \n", i, ExKnown[i], ExStrength[i], SF[i], ExWidth[i], y0[i]); + }else{ + printf("%3d | %7.2f | %5.2f | %3.1f | %5.3f | %5.2f \n", i, ExKnown[i], ExStrength[i], SF[i], ExWidth[i], y0[i]); + } + }else{ + printf("%3d | %7.2f | %5.2f | %3.1f | %5.3f | %5.2f \n", i, ExKnown[i], ExStrength[i], SF[i], ExWidth[i], y0[i]); + } + } + printf("----+---------+-------+-----+------------+--------\n"); + }else{ + printf("... fail ------> only ground state.\n"); + ExKnown.push_back(0.0); + ExStrength.push_back(1.0); + ExWidth.push_back(0.0); + reaction.SetExB(ExKnown[0]); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + kCM.push_back(reaction.GetMomentumbCM()); + y0.push_back(TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM[0]*kCM[0])/gamma - mb); + } + + //---- create Ex-distribution + TF1 * exDist = NULL; + if( ExKnown.size() > 1 ) { + printf("---- creating Ex-distribution \n"); + int exSize = ExKnown.size(); + exDist = new TF1("exDist", exDistFunc, 0, exSize, exSize); + for(int i = 0; i < exSize; i++){ + exDist->SetParameter(i, ExStrength[i]*SF[i]); + } + } + + //############################################# Load DWBAroot for thetaCM distribution + printf("\e[32m#################################### Load DWBA input : %s \e[0m\n", ptolemyRoot.Data()); + TF1 * dist = NULL; + TFile * distFile = new TFile(ptolemyRoot, "read"); + TObjArray * distList = NULL; + if( distFile->IsOpen() ) { + distList = (TObjArray *) distFile->FindObjectAny("pList"); // the function List + int distSize = distList->GetLast() + 1; + if( distSize != ExKnown.size() ) { + printf(" The number of distribution from Ptolmey Calculation is not equal to number of Ex input \n"); + printf(" --> the Ptolmey calculation is probably not matched with Ex input.\n"); + printf(" .... not use DWBA input. \n"); + distFile->Close(); + } + }else{ + printf("------- no DWBA input. \n"); + } + + //############################################# build tree + printf("\e[32m#################################### building Tree in %s\e[0m\n", saveFileName.Data()); + TFile * saveFile = new TFile(saveFileName, "recreate"); + TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", "tree"); + + TMacro config(basicConfig.c_str()); + TMacro detGeoTxt(heliosDetGeoFile.c_str()); + TMacro exList(excitationFile.c_str()); + TMacro reactionData(filename.Data()); + double KEAmean = reactionConfig.beamEnergy; + TString str; + str.Form("%s @ %.2f MeV/u", reaction.GetReactionName_Latex().Data(), KEAmean); + config.SetName(str.Data()); + config.Write("reactionConfig"); + detGeoTxt.Write("detGeo"); + exList.Write("ExList"); + reactionData.Write("reactionData"); + + if( distList != NULL ) distList->Write("DWBA", 1); + + TMacro hitMeaning; + str = "=======================meaning of Hit ID\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " 1 = light recoil hit array & heavy recoil hit recoil\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " 0 = no detector\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -1 = light recoil go opposite side of array\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -2 = light recoil hit > det width\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -3 = light recoil hit > array \n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -4 = light recoil hit blocker \n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -10 = light recoil orbit radius too big \n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -11 = light recoil orbit radius too small\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -12 = when reocol at the same side of array, light recoil blocked by recoil detector\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -13 = more than 3 loops\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -14 = heavy recoil did not hit recoil \n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -15 = cannot find hit on array\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = " -20 = unknown\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + str = "===========================================\n"; hitMeaning.AddLine(str.Data()); + + hitMeaning.Write("hitMeaning"); + + int hit; /// the output of Helios.CalHit + tree->Branch("hit", &hit, "hit/I"); + + double thetab, phib, Tb; + double thetaB, phiB, TB; + tree->Branch("thetab", &thetab, "thetab/D"); + tree->Branch("phib", &phib, "phib/D"); + tree->Branch("Tb", &Tb, "Tb/D"); + tree->Branch("thetaB", &thetaB, "thetaB/D"); + tree->Branch("phiB", &phiB, "phiB/D"); + tree->Branch("TB", &TB, "TB/D"); + + double thetaCM; + tree->Branch("thetaCM", &thetaCM, "thetaCM/D"); + + double e, z, detX, t, z0, tB; + tree->Branch("e", &e, "energy_light/D"); + tree->Branch("x", &detX, "detector_x/D"); + tree->Branch("z", &z, "array_hit_z/D"); + tree->Branch("z0", &z0, "z-cycle/D"); + tree->Branch("t", &t, "cycle_time_light/D"); + tree->Branch("tB", &tB, "recoil_hit_time/D"); /// hit time for recoil on the recoil detector + + int loop, detID, detRowID; + tree->Branch("detID", &detID, "detID/I"); + tree->Branch("detRowID", &detRowID, "detRowID/I"); + tree->Branch("loop", &loop, "loop/I"); + + double rho, rhoB; ///orbit radius + tree->Branch("rho", &rho, "orbit_radius_light/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoB", &rhoB, "orbit_radius_heavy/D"); + + int ExAID; + double ExA; + tree->Branch("ExAID", &ExAID, "ExAID/I"); + tree->Branch("ExA", &ExA, "ExA/D"); + + int ExID; + double Ex; + tree->Branch("ExID", &ExID, "ExID/I"); + tree->Branch("Ex", &Ex, "Ex/D"); + + double ExCal, thetaCMCal; + tree->Branch("ExCal", &ExCal, "ExCal/D"); + tree->Branch("thetaCMCal", &thetaCMCal, "thetaCMCal/D"); + + double KEA, theta, phi; + tree->Branch("beamTheta", &theta, "beamTheta/D"); + tree->Branch("beamPhi", &phi, "beamPhi/D"); + tree->Branch("beamKEA", &KEA, "beamKEA/D"); + + double TbLoss; /// energy loss of particle-b from target scattering + double KEAnew; ///beam energy after target scattering + double depth; /// reaction depth; + double Ecm; + if( reactionConfig.isTargetScattering ){ + tree->Branch("depth", &depth, "depth/D"); + tree->Branch("TbLoss", &TbLoss, "TbLoss/D"); + tree->Branch("KEAnew", &KEAnew, "KEAnew/D"); + tree->Branch("Ecm", &Ecm, "Ecm/D"); + } + + double decayTheta; /// the change of thetaB due to decay + double xRecoil_d, yRecoil_d, rhoRecoil_d, Td; + if( reactionConfig.isDecay ) { + tree->Branch("decayTheta", &decayTheta, "decayTheta/D"); + tree->Branch("xRecoil_d", &xRecoil_d, "xRecoil_d/D"); + tree->Branch("yRecoil_d", &yRecoil_d, "yRecoil_d/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoRecoil_d", &rhoRecoil_d, "rhoRecoil_d/D"); + tree->Branch("Td", &Td, "Td/D"); + } + + double xArray, yArray, rhoArray; ///x, y, rho positon of particle-b on PSD + tree->Branch("xArray", &xArray, "xArray/D"); + tree->Branch("yArray", &yArray, "yArray/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoArray", &rhoArray, "rhoArray/D"); + + double xRecoil, yRecoil, rhoRecoil; /// x, y, rho position of particle-B on recoil-detector + tree->Branch("xRecoil", &xRecoil, "xRecoil/D"); + tree->Branch("yRecoil", &yRecoil, "yRecoil/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoRecoil", &rhoRecoil, "rhoRecoil/D"); + + ///in case need ELUM + double xElum1, yElum1, rhoElum1; + if( detGeo.elumPos1 != 0 ) { + tree->Branch("xElum1", &xElum1, "xElum1/D"); + tree->Branch("yElum1", &yElum1, "yElum1/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoElum1", &rhoElum1, "rhoElum1/D"); + } + + double xElum2, yElum2, rhoElum2; + if( detGeo.elumPos2 != 0 ) { + tree->Branch("xElum2", &xElum2, "xElum2/D"); + tree->Branch("yElum2", &yElum2, "yElum2/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoElum2", &rhoElum2, "rhoElum2/D"); + } + + ///in case need other recoil detector. + double xRecoil1, yRecoil1, rhoRecoil1; + if( detGeo.recoilPos1 != 0 ){ + tree->Branch("xRecoil1", &xRecoil1, "xRecoil1/D"); + tree->Branch("yRecoil1", &yRecoil1, "yRecoil1/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoRecoil1", &rhoRecoil1, "rhoRecoil1/D"); + } + double xRecoil2, yRecoil2, rhoRecoil2; + if( detGeo.recoilPos2 != 0 ){ + tree->Branch("xRecoil2", &xRecoil2, "xRecoil2/D"); + tree->Branch("yRecoil2", &yRecoil2, "yRecoil2/D"); + tree->Branch("rhoRecoil2", &rhoRecoil2, "rhoRecoil2/D"); + } + //======= function for e-z plot for ideal case + printf("++++ generate functions\n"); + TObjArray * gList = new TObjArray(); + gList->SetName("Constant thetaCM lines"); + const int gxSize = 50; + TF1 ** gx = new TF1*[gxSize]; + TString name; + for( int i = 0; i < gxSize; i++){ + name.Form("g%d", i); + gx[i] = new TF1(name, "([0]*TMath::Sqrt([1]+[2]*x*x)+[5]*x)/([3]) - [4]", -1000, 1000); + double thetacm = i * TMath::DegToRad(); + double gS2 = TMath::Power(TMath::Sin(thetacm)*gamma,2); + gx[i]->SetParameter(0, TMath::Cos(thetacm)); + gx[i]->SetParameter(1, mb*mb*(1-gS2)); + gx[i]->SetParameter(2, TMath::Power(slope/betaRect,2)); + gx[i]->SetParameter(3, 1-gS2); + gx[i]->SetParameter(4, mb); + gx[i]->SetParameter(5, -gS2*slope); + gx[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gList->Add(gx[i]); + printf("/"); + if( i > 1 && i % 40 == 0 ) printf("\n"); + } + gList->Write("gList", TObject::kSingleKey); + printf(" %d constant thetaCM functions\n", gxSize); + + int n = ExKnown.size(); + TObjArray * fList = new TObjArray(); + TF1** f = new TF1*[n]; + for( int i = 0; i< n ; i++){ + name.Form("f%d", i); + f[i] = new TF1(name, "[0] + [1] * x", -1000, 1000); + f[i]->SetParameter(0, y0[i]); + f[i]->SetParameter(1, slope); + f[i]->SetNpx(1000); + fList->Add(f[i]); + printf("."); + } + fList->Write("fList", TObject::kSingleKey); + printf(" %d e-z infinte-small detector functions\n", n); + + //--- cal modified f + TObjArray * fxList = new TObjArray(); + TGraph ** fx = new TGraph*[n]; + vector px, py; + int countfx = 0; + for( int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){ + double a = helios.GetDetRadius(); + double q = TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM[j] * kCM[j] ); + px.clear(); + py.clear(); + countfx = 0; + for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ + double thetacm = TMath::Pi()/TMath::Log(100) * (TMath::Log(100) - TMath::Log(100-i)) ;//using log scale, for more point in small angle. + double temp = TMath::TwoPi() * slope / betaRect / kCM[j] * a / TMath::Sin(thetacm); + double pxTemp = betaRect /slope * (gamma * betaRect * q - gamma * kCM[j] * TMath::Cos(thetacm)) * (1 - TMath::ASin(temp)/TMath::TwoPi()) ; + double pyTemp = gamma * q - mb - gamma * betaRect * kCM[j] * TMath::Cos(thetacm); + if( TMath::IsNaN(pxTemp) || TMath::IsNaN(pyTemp) ) continue; + px.push_back(pxTemp); + py.push_back(pyTemp); + countfx ++; + } + + fx[j] = new TGraph(countfx, &px[0], &py[0]); + name.Form("fx%d", j); + fx[j]->SetName(name); + fx[j]->SetLineColor(4); + fxList->Add(fx[j]); + printf(","); + } + fxList->Write("fxList", TObject::kSingleKey); + printf(" %d e-z finite-size detector functions\n", n); + + //--- cal modified thetaCM vs z + TObjArray * txList = new TObjArray(); + TGraph ** tx = new TGraph*[n]; + for( int j = 0 ; j < n; j++){ + double a = helios.GetDetRadius(); + double q = TMath::Sqrt(mb*mb + kCM[j] * kCM[j] ); + px.clear(); + py.clear(); + countfx = 0; + for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ + double thetacm = (i + 8.) * TMath::DegToRad(); + double temp = TMath::TwoPi() * slope / betaRect / kCM[j] * a / TMath::Sin(thetacm); + double pxTemp = betaRect /slope * (gamma * betaRect * q - gamma * kCM[j] * TMath::Cos(thetacm)) * (1 - TMath::ASin(temp)/TMath::TwoPi()); + double pyTemp = thetacm * TMath::RadToDeg(); + if( TMath::IsNaN(pxTemp) || TMath::IsNaN(pyTemp) ) continue; + px.push_back(pxTemp); + py.push_back(pyTemp); + countfx ++; + } + + tx[j] = new TGraph(countfx, &px[0], &py[0]); + name.Form("tx%d", j); + tx[j]->SetName(name); + tx[j]->SetLineColor(4); + txList->Add(tx[j]); + printf("*"); + } + txList->Write("txList", TObject::kSingleKey); + printf(" %d thetaCM-z for finite-size detector functions\n", n); + + //========timer + TBenchmark clock; + bool shown ; + clock.Reset(); + clock.Start("timer"); + shown = false; + + //change the number of event into human easy-to-read form + int numEvent = reactionConfig.numEvents; + int digitLen = TMath::Floor(TMath::Log10(numEvent)); + TString numEventStr; + if( 3 <= digitLen && digitLen < 6 ){ + numEventStr.Form("%5.1f kilo", numEvent/1000.); + }else if ( 6<= digitLen && digitLen < 9 ){ + numEventStr.Form("%6.2f million", numEvent/1e6); + }else if ( 9<= digitLen ){ + numEventStr.Form("%6.2f billion", numEvent/1e9); + } + printf("\e[32m#################################### generating %s events \e[0m\n", numEventStr.Data()); + + //====================================================== calculate event + int count = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < numEvent; i++){ + bool redoFlag = true; + if( !reactionConfig.isRedo ) redoFlag = false; + do{ + + //==== Set Ex of A + ExAID = gRandom->Integer(nExA); + ExA = ExAList[ExAID]; + reaction.SetExA(ExA); + + //==== Set Ex of B + if( ExKnown.size() == 1 ) { + ExID = 0; + Ex = ExKnown[0] + (ExWidth[0] == 0 ? 0 : gRandom->Gaus(0, ExWidth[0])); + }else{ + ExID = exDist->GetRandom(); + Ex = ExKnown[ExID]+ (ExWidth[ExID] == 0 ? 0 : gRandom->Gaus(0, ExWidth[ExID])); + } + reaction.SetExB(Ex); + + //==== Set incident beam + KEA = reactionConfig.beamEnergy; + if( reactionConfig.beamEnergySigma == 0 ){ + KEA = reactionConfig.beamEnergy; + }else{ + KEA = gRandom->Gaus(reactionConfig.beamEnergy, reactionConfig.beamEnergySigma); + } + theta = 0.0; + if( reactionConfig.beamAngleSigma == 0 ){ + theta = reactionConfig.beamAngle; + }else{ + theta = gRandom->Gaus(reactionConfig.beamAngle, reactionConfig.beamAngleSigma); + } + phi = 0.0; + + //==== for taregt scattering + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEA, theta, 0.); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + TLorentzVector PA = reaction.GetPA(); + + //depth = 0; + if( isTargetScattering ){ + //==== Target scattering, only energy loss + depth = targetThickness * gRandom->Rndm(); + msA.SetTarget(density, depth); + TLorentzVector PAnew = msA.Scattering(PA); + KEAnew = msA.GetKE()/reactionConfig.beamA; + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEAnew, theta, phi); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + Ecm = reaction.GetCMTotalKE(); + } + + //==== Calculate thetaCM, phiCM + if( distFile->IsOpen()){ + dist = (TF1 *) distList->At(ExID); + thetaCM = dist->GetRandom() / 180. * TMath::Pi(); + }else{ + thetaCM = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1) ; + } + + double phiCM = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); + + //==== Calculate reaction + TLorentzVector * output = reaction.Event(thetaCM, phiCM); + TLorentzVector Pb = output[2]; + TLorentzVector PB = output[3]; + + //==== Calculate energy loss of scattered and recoil in target + if( isTargetScattering ){ + if( Pb.Theta() < TMath::PiOver2() ){ + msb.SetTarget(density, targetThickness - depth); + }else{ + msb.SetTarget(density, depth); + } + Pb = msb.Scattering(Pb); + TbLoss = msb.GetKELoss(); + msB.SetTarget(density, targetThickness - depth); + PB = msB.Scattering(PB); + }else{ + TbLoss = 0; + } + + //======= Decay of particle-B + int decayID = 0; + int new_zB = reactionConfig.recoilHeavyZ; + if( reactionConfig.isDecay){ + + //decayID = decay.CalDecay(PB, Ex, 0, phiCM + TMath::Pi()/2.); // decay to ground state + decayID = decay.CalDecay(PB, Ex, 0, phiCM + TMath::Pi()/2); // decay to ground state + if( decayID == 1 ){ + PB = decay.GetDaugther_D(); + //decayTheta = decay.GetAngleChange(); + decayTheta = decay.GetThetaCM(); + new_zB = reactionConfig.heavyDecayZ; + }else{ + decayTheta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + } + } + + //################################### tree branches + //===== reaction + thetab = Pb.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + thetaB = PB.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + Tb = Pb.E() - Pb.M(); + TB = PB.E() - PB.M(); + + phib = Pb.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + phiB = PB.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + //==== Helios + + ///printf(" thetaCM : %f \n", thetaCM * TMath::RadToDeg()); + + if( Tb > 0 || TB > 0 ){ + helios.CalArrayHit(Pb, reaction.GetCharge_b()); + helios.CalRecoilHit(PB, new_zB); + hit = 2; + while( hit > 1 ){ hit = helios.DetAcceptance(); } /// while hit > 1, goto next loop; + + trajectory orb_b = helios.GetTrajectory_b(); + trajectory orb_B = helios.GetTrajectory_B(); + + e = helios.GetEnergy() + gRandom->Gaus(0, detGeo.eSigma); + + double ranX = gRandom->Gaus(0, detGeo.zSigma); + z = orb_b.z + ranX; + detX = helios.GetDetX() + ranX; + + z0 = orb_b.z0; + t = orb_b.t; + loop = orb_b.loop; + detID = orb_b.detID; + detRowID = orb_b.detRowID; + rho = orb_b.rho; + rhoArray = orb_b.R; + + xArray = orb_b.x; + yArray = orb_b.y; + + + //ELUM + if( detGeo.elumPos1 != 0 ){ + xElum1 = helios.GetXPos(detGeo.elumPos1); + yElum1 = helios.GetYPos(detGeo.elumPos1); + rhoElum1 = helios.GetR(detGeo.elumPos1); + } + if( detGeo.elumPos2 != 0 ){ + xElum2 = helios.GetXPos(detGeo.elumPos2); + yElum2 = helios.GetYPos(detGeo.elumPos2); + rhoElum2 = helios.GetR(detGeo.elumPos2); + } + + //Recoil + rhoRecoil = orb_B.R; + tB = orb_B.t; + xRecoil = orb_B.x; + yRecoil = orb_B.y; + rhoB = orb_B.rho; + + //other recoil detectors + if ( detGeo.recoilPos1 != 0 ){ + xRecoil1 = helios.GetRecoilXPos(detGeo.recoilPos1); + yRecoil1 = helios.GetRecoilYPos(detGeo.recoilPos1); + rhoRecoil1 = helios.GetRecoilR(detGeo.recoilPos1); + } + if ( detGeo.recoilPos2 != 0 ){ + xRecoil2 = helios.GetRecoilXPos(detGeo.recoilPos2); + yRecoil2 = helios.GetRecoilYPos(detGeo.recoilPos2); + rhoRecoil2 = helios.GetRecoilR(detGeo.recoilPos2); + } + + reaction.CalExThetaCM(e, z, helios.GetBField(), helios.GetDetRadius()); + ExCal = reaction.GetEx(); + thetaCMCal = reaction.GetThetaCM(); + + //change thetaCM into deg + thetaCM = thetaCM * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + //if decay, get the light decay particle on the recoil; + if( reactionConfig.isDecay ){ + if( decayID == 1 ){ + TLorentzVector Pd = decay.GetDaugther_d(); + + Td = Pd.E() - Pd.M(); + + helios.CalRecoilHit(Pd, reactionConfig.heavyDecayZ); + + trajectory orb_d = helios.GetTrajectory_B(); + rhoRecoil_d = orb_d.R; + xRecoil_d = orb_d.x; + yRecoil_d = orb_d.y; + + }else{ + rhoRecoil_d = TMath::QuietNaN(); + xRecoil_d = TMath::QuietNaN(); + yRecoil_d = TMath::QuietNaN(); + } + } + + }else{ + hit = -404; + } + + if( hit == 1) count ++; + + if( reactionConfig.isRedo ){ + if( hit == 1) { + redoFlag = false; + }else{ + redoFlag = true; + //printf("%d, %2d, thetaCM : %f, theta : %f, z0: %f \n", i, hit, thetaCM * TMath::RadToDeg(), thetab, helios.GetZ0()); + } + }else{ + redoFlag = false; + } + + }while( redoFlag ); + tree->Fill(); + + //#################################################################### Timer + clock.Stop("timer"); + Double_t time = clock.GetRealTime("timer"); + clock.Start("timer"); + + if ( !shown ) { + if (fmod(time, 10) < 1 ){ + printf( "%10d[%2d%%]| %8.2f sec | expect: %5.1f min \n", i, TMath::Nint((i+1)*100./numEvent), time , numEvent*time/(i+1)/60); + shown = 1; + } + }else{ + if (fmod(time, 10) > 9 ){ + shown = 0; + } + } + + } + + saveFile->Write(); + saveFile->Close(); + + distFile->Close(); + + printf("=============== done. saved as %s. count(hit==1) : %d\n", saveFileName.Data(), count); + //gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/alpha.C b/Cleopatra/alpha.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..623960c --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/alpha.C @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +#include "HELIOS_LIB.h" +#include "TROOT.h" +#include "TBenchmark.h" +#include "TLorentzVector.h" +#include "TMath.h" +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TF1.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TRandom.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +//----------- usage +// $root transfer.C+ | tee output.txt +// this will same the massage to output.txt + +const double ma = 3727.3792; // alpha mass + +void alpha(){ + + //================================================= User Setting + const int numEnergy = 4; + double energy [numEnergy] = {3.18, 5.16, 5.49, 5.81}; + + int numEvent = 1000000; + + //---- HELIOS detector geometry + //string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt"; + string heliosDetGeoFile = ""; + double BField = 2.5; // T + double BFieldTheta = 0.; // direction of B-field + bool isCoincidentWithRecoil = false; + double eSigma = 0.040 ; // detector energy sigma MeV + double zSigma = 0.500 ; // detector position sigma mm + + //---- save root file name + TString saveFileName = "alpha.root"; + + //============================================================= + //============================================================= + + printf("===================================================\n"); + printf("============= Alpha source in HELIOS ============\n"); + printf("===================================================\n"); + + printf("========= Alpha Enegry : \n"); + for( int i = 0; i < numEnergy ; i++){ + printf("%2d | %6.2f MeV\n", i, energy[i]); + } + + + //======== Set HELIOS + printf("############################################## HELIOS configuration\n"); + HELIOS helios; + helios.OverrideMagneticFieldDirection(BFieldTheta); + helios.OverrideFirstPos(-700); + //helios.OverrideDetectorDistance(5); + bool sethelios = helios.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile); + if( !sethelios){ + helios.OverrideMagneticField(BField); + printf("======== B-field : %5.2f T, Theta : %6.2f deg\n", BField, BFieldTheta); + } + helios.SetCoincidentWithRecoil(isCoincidentWithRecoil); + printf("========== energy resol.: %f MeV\n", eSigma); + printf("=========== pos-Z resol.: %f mm \n", zSigma); + + //====================== build tree + TFile * saveFile = new TFile(saveFileName, "recreate"); + TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", "tree"); + + double theta, phi, T; + + int hit; // the output of Helios.CalHit + double e, z, x, t; + int loop, detID; + double dphi, rho; //rad of rotation, and radius + int energyID; + double xHit, yHit; + + tree->Branch("hit", &hit, "hit/I"); + tree->Branch("theta", &theta, "theta/D"); + tree->Branch("phi", &phi, "phi/D"); + tree->Branch("T", &T, "T/D"); + tree->Branch("energy", &energy, "energy/D"); + tree->Branch("energyID", &energyID, "energyID/I"); + + tree->Branch("e", &e, "e/D"); + tree->Branch("x", &x, "x/D"); + tree->Branch("z", &z, "z/D"); + tree->Branch("t", &t, "t/D"); + tree->Branch("detID", &detID, "detID/I"); + tree->Branch("loop", &loop, "loop/I"); + tree->Branch("dphi", &dphi, "dphi/D"); + tree->Branch("rho", &rho, "rho/D"); + tree->Branch("xHit", &xHit, "xHit/D"); + tree->Branch("yHit", &yHit, "yHit/D"); + + //========timer + TBenchmark clock; + bool shown ; + clock.Reset(); + clock.Start("timer"); + shown = false; + printf("############################################## generating %d events \n", numEvent); + + //====================================================== calculate + int count = 0; + TLorentzVector P; + TVector3 v; + for( int i = 0; i < numEvent; i++){ + //==== generate alpha + theta = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1) ; + phi = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); + + energyID = gRandom->Integer(numEnergy); + T = energy[energyID]; + + double p = TMath::Sqrt( ( ma + T )*(ma + T) - ma* ma); + + v.SetMagThetaPhi(p, theta, phi); + + P.SetVectM(v, ma); + + //################################### tree branches + + //==== Helios + hit = helios.CalHit(P, 2, P, 2); + + e = helios.GetEnergy() + gRandom->Gaus(0, eSigma); + z = helios.GetZ() ; + x = helios.GetX() + gRandom->Gaus(0, zSigma); + t = helios.GetTime(); + loop = helios.GetLoop(); + detID = helios.GetDetID(); + dphi = helios.GetdPhi(); + rho = helios.GetRho(); + xHit = helios.GetXPos(z); + yHit = helios.GetYPos(z); + z += gRandom->Gaus(0, zSigma); + + + if( hit == 1) { + count ++; + } + + tree->Fill(); + + //#################################################################### Timer + clock.Stop("timer"); + Double_t time = clock.GetRealTime("timer"); + clock.Start("timer"); + + if ( !shown ) { + if (fmod(time, 10) < 1 ){ + printf( "%10d[%2d%%]| %8.2f sec | expect: %5.1f min \n", i, TMath::Nint((i+1)*100./numEvent), time , numEvent*time/(i+1)/60); + shown = 1; + } + }else{ + if (fmod(time, 10) > 9 ){ + shown = 0; + } + } + } + + saveFile->Write(); + saveFile->Close(); + + printf("=============== done. saved as %s. count(hit==1) : %d\n", saveFileName.Data(), count); + gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/constant.h b/Cleopatra/constant.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f80d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/constant.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is constant.h, to provide various physical constants. + * + *------------------------------------------------------- + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef constant +#define constant +#include + +const double pi = acos(-1.0); +const double E = 2.718281828459 ; +const double hbar_SI = 1.054571628e-34; //Js +const double kB = 1.3806504e-23; //JK^-1 +const double e = 1.602176487e-19; //C +const double c_SI = 299792458; //ms^-1 +const double me_SI = 9.10938215e-31 ; //kg +const double mp_SI = 1.672621637e-27 ; //kg +const double mn_SI = 1.67492729e-27 ; //kg +const double NA = 6.022141e+23 ; //mol^-1 + +const double deg2rad = pi/180 ; +const double rad2deg = 180/pi ; + + +//====================================================================== +const double amu = 931.49432; // MeV/c^2 +const double hbarc = 197.326979; // MeV fm; +const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns; +const double ee = 1.439964454; // MeV.fm + +//====================================================================== +double kg2MeV(double m){ + return m*c_SI*c_SI/e/1e6; +} + +double T2Brho(double mass, int Z, int A, double T){ + //mass in MeV + // Z in e + // T in MeV/A + double gamma = (T*A + mass)/mass; + double beta = sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma); + return mass*beta*gamma/Z/c; +} + +double Brho2T(double mass, int Z, int A, double Brho){ + //mass in MeV + // Z in e + return (sqrt(pow(Brho*Z*c,2)+mass*mass)-mass)/A; +} + +double T2beta(double mass, int A, double T){ + double gamma = 1.0 + T*A/mass; + return sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma); +} + +double ev2nm(double eV){ + // photon energy to nm + return hbarc/2/pi/eV; +} + +//====================================================================== +const double mp = kg2MeV(mp_SI); +const double mn = kg2MeV(mn_SI); +const double hbar = 197.326979; + +#endif diff --git a/Cleopatra/install_ptolmey_mac.txt b/Cleopatra/install_ptolmey_mac.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa29a06 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/install_ptolmey_mac.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Installation instructions + +- Install Docker Desktop for Mac. + + https://download.docker.com/mac/stable/Docker.dmg + + Start the app. If it is running, the docker icon (a whale stacked with + container boxes) should be present on the top menu bar on the right hand + side. + +- Open a terminal window and type the following at the command prompt :: + + Kens-MBP:~ $ docker pull tehatanlgov/ptolemy:latest + + This downloads the ptolemy container from docker hub. You need do this only + once. List downloaded containers with :: + + Kens-MBP:~ $ docker images + +- Make the ptolemy script executable by typing :: + + Kens-MBP:~ $ chmod 755 /path/to/ptolemy + + where /path/to/ptolemy is the full path to where you saved the file. Eg, if + you saved it to your home directory, then it would be ~/ptolemy. To run + ptolemy, type :: + + Kens-MBP:~ $ /path/to/ptolemy < something.in > something.out + + Tip: I suggest you save the ptolemy script to your home bin directory. Make + one if you don't have one and add the bin directory path to your PATH + environment variable. Ask if you need instructions on how to do this. After + you do this, then all you need to say is :: + + Kens-MBP:~ $ ptolemy < another.in > another.out + + diff --git a/Cleopatra/knockout.C b/Cleopatra/knockout.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ceb0d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/knockout.C @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ +#include "HELIOS_LIB.h" +#include "TROOT.h" +#include "TBenchmark.h" +#include "TLorentzVector.h" +#include "TMath.h" +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TF1.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TRandom.h" +#include "TClonesArray.h" +#include +#include + +//----------- usage +// $root sim.C+ | tee output.txt +// this will same the massage to output.txt + +void knockout(){ + + //================================================= User Setting + //---- reaction + int AA = 23, ZA = 9; + int Aa = 1, Za = 1; + int A2 = 1, Z2 = 1; + + bool isNormalKinematics = false; + bool isOverRideExNegative = true; + double maxkb = 200.; + + //---- beam + double KEAmean = 100; // MeV/u + const int nKEA = 1; + double KEAList[nKEA] = {300}; + + double KEAsigma = 0; //KEAmean*0.001; // MeV/u , assume Guassian + double thetaMean = 0.; // mrad + double thetaSigma = 0.; // mrad , assume Guassian due to small angle + + int numEvent = 100000; + + //---- HELIOS detector geometry + string heliosDetGeoFile = "";//"detectorGeo_upstream.txt"; + double BField = 4.0; // if not detector, must set B-field, else, this value is not used. + double BFieldTheta = 0.; // direction of B-field + double eSigma = 0.0001 ; // detector energy sigma MeV + double zSigma = 0.1 ; // detector position sigma mm + + //---- excitation of Beam + int nExA = 1; + double ExAList[nExA]; + ExAList[0] = 0.000; // MeV + //ExAList[1] = 1.567; + + //---- Separation energy + string separationFile = "separation_energies.txt"; + + //---- save root file name + TString saveFileName = "knockout.root"; + + //---- Auxiliary setting + bool isTargetScattering = false; + bool isDecay = false; + bool isReDo = false; // redo calculation until detected. + + //---- target + double density = 0.913; // 0.913 g/cm3 + double targetThickness = 2./2. * 2.2e-4; // 2.2 um = 201 ug/cm2 + string stoppingPowerForA = "208Pb_in_CD2.txt"; // generated by SRIM + string stoppingPowerForb = "1H_in_CD2.txt"; + string stoppingPowerForB = "209Pb_in_CD2.txt"; + + //============================================================= + //============================================================= + //============================================================= + //===== Set Reaction + Knockout reaction; + int AB = AA-A2, ZB = ZA-Z2; + int A1 = Aa , Z1 = Za; + reaction.SetA(AA,ZA); + reaction.Seta(Aa,Za); + reaction.Set2(A2,Z2); + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEAmean, 0, 0); + reaction.OverRideExNegative(isOverRideExNegative); + + printf("===================================================\n"); + printf("=========== %s ===========\n", reaction.GetReactionName().Data()); + printf("=========== KE: %9.4f +- %5.4f MeV/u, dp/p = %5.2f %% \n", KEAmean, KEAsigma, KEAsigma/KEAmean * 50.); + printf("======== theta: %9.4f +- %5.4f MeV/u \n", thetaMean, thetaSigma); + printf("===================================================\n"); + + + //======== Set HELIOS + printf("############################################## HELIOS configuration\n"); + HELIOS helios1; // for particle-1 + HELIOS helios2; // for particle-2 + helios1.SetMagneticFieldDirection(BFieldTheta); + helios2.SetMagneticFieldDirection(BFieldTheta); + bool sethelios1 = helios1.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile); + bool sethelios2 = helios2.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile); + if( sethelios1 && sethelios2 ) { + int mDet = helios1.GetNumberOfDetectorsInSamePos(); + printf("========== energy resol.: %f MeV\n", eSigma); + printf("=========== pos-Z resol.: %f mm \n", zSigma); + }else{ + helios1.SetMagneticField(BField); + helios2.SetMagneticField(BField); + printf("======== B-field : %5.2f T, Theta: %5.2f deg\n", BField, BFieldTheta); + } + + //==== Target scattering, only energy loss + if(isTargetScattering) printf("############################################## Target Scattering\n"); + TargetScattering msA; + TargetScattering msB; + TargetScattering msb; + + if(isTargetScattering) printf("======== Target : (thickness : %6.2f um) x (density : %6.2f g/cm3) = %6.2f ug/cm2\n", + targetThickness * 1e+4, + density, + targetThickness * density * 1e+6); + + if( isTargetScattering ){ + msA.LoadStoppingPower(stoppingPowerForA); + msb.LoadStoppingPower(stoppingPowerForb); + msB.LoadStoppingPower(stoppingPowerForB); + } + + //======= Decay of particle-B + Decay decay; + decay.SetMotherDaugther(AB, ZB, AB-1,ZB); //neutron decay + + + //======= loading excitation energy + printf("############################################## excitation energies\n"); + vector SpList; + printf("----- loading separation energies."); + ifstream file; + file.open(separationFile.c_str()); + string isotopeName; + if( file.is_open() ){ + string line; + int i = 0; + while( file >> line){ + //printf("%d, %s \n", i, line.c_str()); + if( line.substr(0,2) == "//" ) continue; + if( i == 0 ) isotopeName = line; + if ( i >= 1 ){ + SpList.push_back(atof(line.c_str())); + } + i = i + 1; + } + file.close(); + printf("... done.\n"); + printf("========== %s\n", isotopeName.c_str()); + int n = SpList.size(); + for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ + if( isDecay ) { + TLorentzVector temp(0,0,0,0); + int decayID = decay.CalDecay(temp, SpList[i], 0); + if( decayID == 1) { + printf("%d, Sp: %6.2f MeV --> Decay. \n", i, SpList[i]); + }else{ + printf("%d, Sp: %6.2f MeV\n", i, SpList[i]); + } + }else{ + printf("%d, Sp: %6.2f MeV \n", i, SpList[i]); + } + } + }else{ + printf("... fail\n"); + return; + } + + //====================== build tree + TFile * saveFile = new TFile(saveFileName, "recreate"); + TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", "tree"); + + double thetaNN, phiNN; + double theta1, phi1, T1; + double theta2, phi2, T2; + double thetaB, TB; + double Sp, kb, thetab, phib; + int SpID; + + double ExA; + int ExAID; + double KEA, KEAscattered, theta, phi; + + double mB,mb; + + tree->Branch("theta1", &theta1, "theta1/D"); + tree->Branch("phi1", &phi1, "phi1/D"); + tree->Branch("T1", &T1, "T1/D"); + tree->Branch("theta2", &theta2, "theta2/D"); + tree->Branch("phi2", &phi2, "phi2/D"); + tree->Branch("T2", &T2, "T2/D"); + tree->Branch("thetaB", &thetaB, "thetaB/D"); + tree->Branch("TB", &TB, "TB/D"); + tree->Branch("thetaNN", &thetaNN, "thetaNN/D"); + tree->Branch("phiNN", &phiNN, "phiNN/D"); + tree->Branch("Sp", &Sp, "Sp/D"); + tree->Branch("kb", &kb, "kb/D"); + tree->Branch("thetab", &thetab, "thetab/D"); + tree->Branch("phib", &phib, "phib/D"); + + tree->Branch("SpID", &SpID, "SpID/I"); + + tree->Branch("ExAID", &ExAID, "ExAID/I"); + tree->Branch("KEA", &KEA, "KEA/D"); + if(isTargetScattering) tree->Branch("KEAscattered", &KEAscattered, "KEAscattered/D"); + tree->Branch("theta", &theta, "theta/D"); + tree->Branch("phi", &phi, "phi/D"); + + tree->Branch("mB", &mB, "mB/D"); + tree->Branch("mb", &mb, "mb/D"); + + tree->Branch("Bfield", &BField, "Bfield/D"); + + TClonesArray * arr = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector"); + tree->Branch("fV", arr, 256000); + arr->BypassStreamer(); + + TClonesArray * arrN = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector"); + tree->Branch("fVN", arrN, 256000); + arrN->BypassStreamer(); + + TLorentzVector* fourVector = NULL; + + // the output of Helios.CalHit + double e1, z1, t1, rho1, x1h, y1h, r1h; + double e2, z2, t2, rho2, x2h, y2h, r2h; + tree->Branch("e1", &e1, "e1/D"); + tree->Branch("z1", &z1, "z1/D"); + tree->Branch("t1", &t1, "t1/D"); + tree->Branch("x1h", &x1h, "x1h/D"); //at 200 mm downstream + tree->Branch("y1h", &y1h, "y1h/D"); + tree->Branch("r1h", &r1h, "r1h/D"); + tree->Branch("rho1", &rho1, "rho1/D"); + + tree->Branch("e2", &e2, "e2/D"); + tree->Branch("z2", &z2, "z2/D"); + tree->Branch("t2", &t2, "t2/D"); + tree->Branch("x2h", &x2h, "x2h/D"); //at 200 mm downstream + tree->Branch("y2h", &y2h, "y2h/D"); + tree->Branch("r2h", &r2h, "r2h/D"); + tree->Branch("rho2", &rho2, "rho2/D"); + + double Sp2; + tree->Branch("Sp2", &Sp2, "Sp2/D"); + + //different coordinate + double a0, a1, a2; // in k1-k2 coordinate + tree->Branch("a0", &a0, "a0/D"); + tree->Branch("a1", &a1, "a1/D"); + tree->Branch("a2", &a2, "a2/D"); + + double b; // in THREEDEE coordinate + tree->Branch("b", &b, "b/D"); + + //========timer + TBenchmark clock; + bool shown ; + clock.Reset(); + clock.Start("timer"); + shown = false; + printf("############################################## generating %d events \n", numEvent); + + //====================================================== calculate + int count = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < numEvent; i++){ + bool redoFlag = true; + if( !isReDo ) redoFlag = false; + do{ + + //==== Set Ex of A + ExAID = gRandom->Integer(nExA); + ExA = ExAList[ExAID]; + reaction.SetExA(ExA); + + //==== Set Sp of B + SpID = gRandom->Integer(SpList.size()); + Sp = SpList[SpID]; + + //==== Set incident beam + if( KEAsigma == 0 ){ + KEA = KEAmean; + }else{ + KEA = gRandom->Gaus(KEAmean, KEAsigma); + } + if( thetaSigma == 0 ){ + theta = thetaMean; + }else{ + theta = gRandom->Gaus(thetaMean, thetaSigma); + } + + int rKEA = gRandom->Integer(nKEA); + KEA = KEAList[rKEA]; + + /* + KEA = 300*gRandom->Rndm(); + BField = 4*gRandom->Rndm(); + helios1.SetMagneticField(BField); + helios2.SetMagneticField(BField); + */ + + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEA, theta, 0.); + + + /* + //For target scattering + reaction.CalIncidentChannel(isNormalKinematics); // but only need is PA + TLorentzVector PA = reaction.GetPA(); + + double depth = 0; + if( isTargetScattering ){ + //==== Target scattering, only energy loss + depth = targetThickness * gRandom->Rndm(); + msA.SetTarget(density, depth); + TLorentzVector PAnew = msA.Scattering(PA); + KEAscattered = msA.GetKE()/AA; + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(KEAscattered, theta, phi); + }*/ + + //==== Calculate reaction + thetaNN = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1) ; + phiNN = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); + + kb = maxkb * gRandom->Rndm(); + thetab = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1); + phib = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm(); + + reaction.SetBSpk(Sp, kb, thetab, phib); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(isNormalKinematics); + reaction.Event(thetaNN, phiNN); + + TLorentzVector PA = reaction.GetPA(); + TLorentzVector Pa = reaction.GetPa(); + + TLorentzVector P1 = reaction.GetP1(); + TLorentzVector P2 = reaction.GetP2(); + TLorentzVector Pb = reaction.GetPb(); + TLorentzVector PB = reaction.GetPB(); + + /* + //==== Calculate energy loss of scattered and recoil in target + if( isTargetScattering ){ + if( Pb.Theta() < TMath::PiOver2() ){ + msb.SetTarget(density, targetThickness - depth); + }else{ + msb.SetTarget(density, depth); + } + Pb = msb.Scattering(Pb); + TbLoss = msb.GetKELoss(); + msB.SetTarget(density, targetThickness - depth); + PB = msB.Scattering(PB); + }else{ + TbLoss = 0; + } + + //======= Decay of particle-B + if( isDecay){ + int decayID = decay.CalDecay(PB, Sp, 0); // decay to ground state + if( decayID == 1 ){ + PB = decay.GetDaugther_D(); + decayTheta = decay.GetAngleChange(); + }else{ + decayTheta = TMath::QuietNaN(); + } + } + */ + + //################################### tree branches + //===== reaction + theta1 = P1.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + theta2 = P2.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + thetaB = PB.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + T1 = P1.E() - P1.M(); + T2 = P2.E() - P2.M(); + TB = PB.E() - PB.M(); + + phi1 = P1.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + phi2 = P2.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + //--------- diff coordinate + b = TMath::ASin( TMath::Sin(P2.Theta()) * TMath::Sin(P1.Phi() - P2.Phi() )) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + TVector3 kA = (PA.Vect()).Unit(); + TVector3 k1 = (P1.Vect()).Unit(); + TVector3 k2 = (P2.Vect()).Unit(); + TVector3 n = (k1.Cross(k2)).Unit(); + TVector3 j = (kA - (kA.Dot(n))*n).Unit(); + + a0 = TMath::ASin(n.Dot(kA)) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + a1 = TMath::ACos(k1.Dot(j)) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + a2 = TMath::ACos(k2.Dot(j)) * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + //----------- mass + mB = PB.M(); + mb = Pb.M(); + + TVector3 bA = PA.BoostVector(); + + for(int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++){ + TLorentzVector temp; + double xyzt[4]; + switch(i){ + case 0: temp = PA; break; + case 1: temp = Pa; break; + case 2: temp = P1; break; + case 3: temp = P2; break; + case 4: temp = PB; break; + case 5: temp = Pb; break; + } + + temp.GetXYZT(xyzt); + + fourVector = (TLorentzVector*) arr->ConstructedAt(i); + fourVector->SetXYZT(xyzt[0], xyzt[1], xyzt[2], xyzt[3]); + + //into normal kinematic + temp.Boost(-bA); + temp.GetXYZT(xyzt); + + fourVector = (TLorentzVector*) arrN->ConstructedAt(i); + fourVector->SetXYZT(xyzt[0], xyzt[1], xyzt[2], xyzt[3]); + + } + + + //==== Helios + int hit1 = helios1.CalHit(P1, Z1, PB, ZB); + int hit2 = helios2.CalHit(P2, Z2, PB, ZB); + + double recoilZ = 1000; + + e1 = helios1.GetEnergy() + gRandom->Gaus(0, eSigma); + z1 = helios1.GetZ() ; + t1 = helios1.GetTime(); + rho1 = helios1.GetRho(); + x1h = helios1.GetXPos(recoilZ); + y1h = helios1.GetYPos(recoilZ); + r1h = helios1.GetR(recoilZ); + + e2 = helios2.GetEnergy() + gRandom->Gaus(0, eSigma); + z2 = helios2.GetZ() ; + t2 = helios2.GetTime(); + rho2 = helios2.GetRho(); + x2h = helios2.GetXPos(recoilZ); + y2h = helios2.GetYPos(recoilZ); + r2h = helios2.GetR(recoilZ); + + double gammaA = PA.Gamma(); + double betaA = PA.Beta(); + + Sp2 = (1-gammaA)* 938.272 - gammaA*(e1+e2) + betaA*gammaA*(P1.Pz() + P2.Pz()) ; + + //printf("%f, %f | %f, %f \n", e1, z1, e2, z2); + + //change thetaNN into deg + thetaNN = thetaNN * TMath::RadToDeg(); + + if( hit1 == 1) { + count ++; + } + + if( isReDo ){ + if( hit1 == 1) { + redoFlag = false; + }else{ + redoFlag = true; + //printf("%d, %2d, thetaNN : %f, theta : %f, z0: %f \n", i, hit, thetaNN * TMath::RadToDeg(), thetab, helios.GetZ0()); + } + }else{ + redoFlag = false; + } + + + }while( redoFlag ); + tree->Fill(); + + //#################################################################### Timer + clock.Stop("timer"); + Double_t time = clock.GetRealTime("timer"); + clock.Start("timer"); + + if ( !shown ) { + if (fmod(time, 10) < 1 ){ + printf( "%10d[%2d%%]| %8.2f sec | expect: %5.1f min \n", i, TMath::Nint((i+1)*100./numEvent), time , numEvent*time/(i+1)/60); + shown = 1; + } + }else{ + if (fmod(time, 10) > 9 ){ + shown = 0; + } + } + } + + saveFile->Write(); + saveFile->Close(); + + printf("=============== done. saved as %s. count(hit==1) : %d\n", saveFileName.Data(), count); + + gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); + + /**/ + +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/makefile b/Cleopatra/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9fdcd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +CC=g++ + +all: Isotope InFileCreator ExtractXSec ExtractXSecFromText PlotTGraphTObjArray FindThetaCM Transfer PlotSimulation IsotopeShort + +#Cleopatra: Cleopatra.C ../Simulation/Isotope.h ../Simulation/constant.h potentials.h InFileCreator.h ExtractXSec.h PlotTGraphTObjArray.h +# $(CC) Cleopatra.C -o Cleopatra `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +InFileCreator: InFileCreator.C InFileCreator.h ../Cleopatra/Isotope.h ../Cleopatra/constant.h potentials.h + $(CC) InFileCreator.C -o InFileCreator `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +ExtractXSec: ExtractXSec.C ExtractXSec.h + $(CC) ExtractXSec.C -o ExtractXSec `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +ExtractXSecFromText: ExtractXSecFromText.C ExtractXSec.h + $(CC) ExtractXSecFromText.C -o ExtractXSecFromText `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +PlotTGraphTObjArray: PlotTGraphTObjArray.C PlotTGraphTObjArray.h + $(CC) PlotTGraphTObjArray.C -o PlotTGraphTObjArray `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +FindThetaCM: FindThetaCM.C FindThetaCM.h ../Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h ../Cleopatra/Isotope.h ../Cleopatra/constant.h + $(CC) FindThetaCM.C -o FindThetaCM `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +Transfer: Transfer.C Transfer.h ../Cleopatra/HELIOS_LIB.h ../Cleopatra/Isotope.h ../Cleopatra/constant.h + $(CC) Transfer.C -o Transfer `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +PlotSimulation: PlotSimulation.C ../Armory/Check_Simulation.C + $(CC) PlotSimulation.C -o PlotSimulation `root-config --cflags --glibs` + +Isotope: ../Cleopatra/Isotope.h ../Cleopatra/Isotope.C + $(CC) Isotope.C -o Isotope + +IsotopeShort: ../Cleopatra/Isotope.h ../Cleopatra/IsotopeShort.C + $(CC) IsotopeShort.C -o IsotopeShort diff --git a/Cleopatra/mass16.txt b/Cleopatra/mass16.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b479be --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/mass16.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3475 @@ +1 a0boogfu A T O M I C M A S S A D J U S T M E N T +0 DATE 1 Mar 2017 TIME 17:26 +0 ********************* A= 0 TO 295 + * file : mass16.txt * + ********************* + + This is one file out of a series of 3 files published in: + "The Ame2016 atomic mass evaluation (I)" by W.J.Huang, G.Audi, M.Wang, F.G.Kondev, S.Naimi and X.Xu + Chinese Physics C41 030002, March 2017. + "The Ame2016 atomic mass evaluation (II)" by M.Wang, G.Audi, F.G.Kondev, W.J.Huang, S.Naimi and X.Xu + Chinese Physics C41 030003, March 2017. + for files : mass16.txt : atomic masses + rct1-16.txt : react and sep energies, part 1 + rct2-16.txt : react and sep energies, part 2 + A fourth file is the "Rounded" version of the atomic mass table (the first file) + mass16round.txt : atomic masses "Rounded" version + + All files are 3436 lines long with 124 character per line. + Headers are 39 lines long. + Values in files 1, 2 and 3 are unrounded copy of the published ones + Values in file 4 are exact copy of the published ones + + col 1 : Fortran character control: 1 = page feed 0 = line feed + format : a1,i3,i5,i5,i5,1x,a3,a4,1x,f13.5,f11.5,f11.3,f9.3,1x,a2,f11.3,f9.3,1x,i3,1x,f12.5,f11.5 + cc NZ N Z A el o mass unc binding unc B beta unc atomic_mass unc + Warnings : this format is identical to the ones used in Ame2003 and Ame2012 + in particular "Mass Excess" and "Atomic Mass" values are given now, when necessary, + with 5 digits after decimal point. + decimal point is replaced by # for (non-experimental) estimated values. + * in place of value : not calculable + +....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10....+...11....+...12.... + + + MASS LIST + for analysis + +1N-Z N Z A EL O MASS EXCESS BINDING ENERGY/A BETA-DECAY ENERGY ATOMIC MASS + (keV) (keV) (keV) (micro-u) +0 1 1 0 1 n 8071.31713 0.00046 0.0 0.0 B- 782.347 0.000 1 008664.91582 0.00049 + -1 0 1 1 H 7288.97061 0.00009 0.0 0.0 B- * 1 007825.03224 0.00009 +0 0 1 1 2 H 13135.72176 0.00011 1112.283 0.000 B- * 2 014101.77811 0.00012 +0 1 2 1 3 H 14949.80993 0.00022 2827.265 0.000 B- 18.592 0.000 3 016049.28199 0.00023 + -1 1 2 3 He 14931.21793 0.00021 2572.680 0.000 B- -13736# 2000# 3 016029.32265 0.00022 + -3 0 3 3 Li -pp 28667# 2000# -2267# 667# B- * 3 030775# 2147# +0 2 3 1 4 H -n 24621.127 100.000 1720.449 25.000 B- 22196.211 100.000 4 026431.868 107.354 + 0 2 2 4 He 2424.91561 0.00006 7073.915 0.000 B- -22898.273 212.132 4 002603.25413 0.00006 + -2 1 3 4 Li -p 25323.189 212.132 1153.760 53.033 B- * 4 027185.562 227.733 +0 3 4 1 5 H -nn 32892.444 89.443 1336.359 17.889 B- 21661.211 91.652 5 035311.493 96.020 + 1 3 2 5 He -n 11231.233 20.000 5512.132 4.000 B- -447.654 53.852 5 012057.224 21.470 + -1 2 3 5 Li -p 11678.886 50.000 5266.132 10.000 B- -25460# 2003# 5 012537.800 53.677 + -3 1 4 5 Be x 37139# 2003# 18# 401# B- * 5 039870# 2150# +0 4 5 1 6 H -3n 41875.721 254.127 961.639 42.354 B- 24283.626 254.127 6 044955.437 272.816 + 2 4 2 6 He 17592.095 0.053 4878.519 0.009 B- 3505.216 0.053 6 018885.891 0.057 + 0 3 3 6 Li 14086.87895 0.00144 5332.331 0.000 B- -4288.154 5.448 6 015122.88742 0.00155 + -2 2 4 6 Be - 18375.033 5.448 4487.247 0.908 B- -28945# 2003# 6 019726.409 5.848 + -4 1 5 6 B x 47320# 2003# -467# 334# B- * 6 050800# 2150# +0 5 6 1 7 H -nn 49135# 1004# 940# 143# B- 23062# 1004# 7 052749# 1078# + 3 5 2 7 He -n 26073.126 7.559 4123.057 1.080 B- 11166.021 7.559 7 027990.654 8.115 + 1 4 3 7 Li 14907.10529 0.00423 5606.439 0.001 B- -861.893 0.071 7 016003.43666 0.00454 + -1 3 4 7 Be 15768.999 0.071 5371.548 0.010 B- -11907.551 25.150 7 016928.717 0.076 + -3 2 5 7 B p4n 27676.550 25.150 3558.705 3.593 B- * 7 029712.000 27.000 +0 4 6 2 8 He 31609.681 0.089 3924.520 0.011 B- 10663.878 0.100 8 033934.390 0.095 + 2 5 3 8 Li 20945.804 0.047 5159.712 0.006 B- 16004.133 0.059 8 022486.246 0.050 + 0 4 4 8 Be -a 4941.671 0.035 7062.435 0.004 B- -17979.896 1.000 8 005305.102 0.037 + -2 3 5 8 B 22921.567 1.000 4717.155 0.125 B- -12142.701 18.270 8 024607.316 1.073 + -4 2 6 8 C 35064.268 18.243 3101.524 2.280 B- * 8 037643.042 19.584 +0 5 7 2 9 He 40935.826 46.816 3349.037 5.202 B- 15980.924 46.817 9 043946.419 50.259 + 3 6 3 9 Li -3n 24954.902 0.186 5037.768 0.021 B- 13606.449 0.201 9 026790.191 0.200 + 1 5 4 9 Be 11348.453 0.077 6462.668 0.009 B- -1068.035 0.899 9 012183.066 0.082 + -1 4 5 9 B - 12416.488 0.903 6257.070 0.100 B- -16494.484 2.319 9 013329.649 0.969 + -3 3 6 9 C -pp 28910.972 2.137 4337.423 0.237 B- * 9 031037.207 2.293 +0 6 8 2 10 He -nn 49197.143 92.848 2995.134 9.285 B- 16144.519 93.715 10 052815.308 99.676 + 4 7 3 10 Li -n 33052.624 12.721 4531.351 1.272 B- 20445.136 12.722 10 035483.453 13.656 + 2 6 4 10 Be 12607.488 0.081 6497.630 0.008 B- 556.878 0.082 10 013534.695 0.086 + 0 5 5 10 B 12050.609 0.015 6475.083 0.002 B- -3648.062 0.069 10 012936.862 0.016 + -2 4 6 10 C 15698.672 0.070 6032.042 0.007 B- -23101.355 400.000 10 016853.218 0.075 + -4 3 7 10 N -- 38800.026 400.000 3643.672 40.000 B- * 10 041653.543 429.417 +0 5 8 3 11 Li x 40728.254 0.615 4155.381 0.056 B- 20551.087 0.659 11 043723.581 0.660 + 3 7 4 11 Be 20177.167 0.238 5952.540 0.022 B- 11509.460 0.238 11 021661.081 0.255 + 1 6 5 11 B 8667.707 0.012 6927.732 0.001 B- -1981.689 0.061 11 009305.166 0.013 + -1 5 6 11 C 10649.396 0.060 6676.456 0.005 B- -13654.163 46.154 11 011432.597 0.064 + -3 4 7 11 N -p 24303.559 46.154 5364.046 4.196 B- * 11 026090.945 49.548 +0 6 9 3 12 Li -n 49009.571 30.006 3791.600 2.501 B- 23931.812 30.067 12 052613.941 32.213 + 4 8 4 12 Be 25077.760 1.909 5720.722 0.159 B- 11708.363 2.321 12 026922.083 2.048 + 2 7 5 12 B 13369.397 1.321 6631.223 0.110 B- 13369.397 1.321 12 014352.638 1.418 + 0 6 6 12 C 0.0 0.0 7680.144 0.000 B- -17338.068 1.000 12 000000.0 0.0 + -2 5 7 12 N 17338.068 1.000 6170.109 0.083 B- -14576.544 24.021 12 018613.182 1.073 + -4 4 8 12 O -pp 31914.613 24.000 4890.202 2.000 B- * 12 034261.747 25.765 +0 7 10 3 13 Li -nn 56980.888 70.003 3507.630 5.385 B- 23321.812 70.739 13 061171.503 75.150 + 5 9 4 13 Be -n 33659.077 10.180 5241.435 0.783 B- 17097.130 10.230 13 036134.507 10.929 + 3 8 5 13 B -nn 16561.947 1.000 6496.419 0.077 B- 13436.938 1.000 13 017779.981 1.073 + 1 7 6 13 C 3125.00888 0.00021 7469.849 0.000 B- -2220.472 0.270 13 003354.83521 0.00023 + -1 6 7 13 N 5345.481 0.270 7238.863 0.021 B- -17769.951 9.530 13 005738.609 0.289 + -3 5 8 13 O +3n 23115.432 9.526 5811.763 0.733 B- * 13 024815.437 10.226 +0 6 10 4 14 Be x 39954.498 132.245 4993.897 9.446 B- 16290.813 133.936 14 042892.920 141.970 + 4 9 5 14 B 23663.685 21.213 6101.644 1.515 B- 20643.792 21.213 14 025404.012 22.773 + 2 8 6 14 C 3019.89278 0.00376 7520.319 0.000 B- 156.476 0.004 14 003241.98843 0.00403 + 0 7 7 14 N 2863.41672 0.00019 7475.614 0.000 B- -5144.364 0.025 14 003074.00446 0.00021 + -2 6 8 14 O 8007.781 0.025 7052.278 0.002 B- -23956.622 41.119 14 008596.706 0.027 + -4 5 9 14 F -p 31964.402 41.119 5285.208 2.937 B- * 14 034315.199 44.142 +0 7 11 4 15 Be -n 49825.815 165.797 4540.970 11.053 B- 20867.573 167.126 15 053490.215 177.990 + 5 10 5 15 B 28958.242 21.032 5879.985 1.402 B- 19085.098 21.047 15 031087.953 22.578 + 3 9 6 15 C -n 9873.144 0.800 7100.169 0.053 B- 9771.705 0.800 15 010599.256 0.858 + 1 8 7 15 N 101.43871 0.00060 7699.460 0.000 B- -2754.166 0.491 15 000108.89894 0.00065 + -1 7 8 15 O 2855.605 0.491 7463.692 0.033 B- -13711.146 14.009 15 003065.618 0.526 + -3 6 9 15 F -p 16566.751 14.000 6497.459 0.933 B- -23648.622 68.138 15 017785.139 15.029 + -5 5 10 15 Ne -pp 40215.373 66.684 4868.728 4.446 B- * 15 043172.980 71.588 +0 8 12 4 16 Be -nn 57447.132 165.797 4285.285 10.362 B- 20334.623 167.608 16 061672.036 177.990 + 6 11 5 16 B 37112.510 24.569 5507.302 1.536 B- 23418.378 24.828 16 039841.920 26.375 + 4 10 6 16 C -nn 13694.132 3.578 6922.054 0.224 B- 8010.225 4.254 16 014701.256 3.840 + 2 9 7 16 N -n 5683.907 2.301 7373.796 0.144 B- 10420.908 2.301 16 006101.925 2.470 + 0 8 8 16 O -4737.00135 0.00016 7976.206 0.000 B- -15417.254 8.321 15 994914.61960 0.00017 + -2 7 9 16 F - 10680.253 8.321 6963.731 0.520 B- -13306.523 22.106 16 011465.723 8.932 + -4 6 10 16 Ne -- 23986.776 20.480 6083.177 1.280 B- * 16 025750.864 21.986 +0 7 12 5 17 B x 43716.317 204.104 5269.667 12.006 B- 22684.419 204.841 17 046931.399 219.114 + 5 11 6 17 C 2p-n 21031.898 17.365 6558.024 1.021 B- 13161.820 22.946 17 022578.672 18.641 + 3 10 7 17 N +p 7870.079 15.000 7286.229 0.882 B- 8678.842 15.000 17 008448.877 16.103 + 1 9 8 17 O -808.76348 0.00066 7750.728 0.000 B- -2760.465 0.248 16 999131.75664 0.00070 + -1 8 9 17 F 1951.702 0.248 7542.328 0.015 B- -14548.746 0.432 17 002095.238 0.266 + -3 7 10 17 Ne 16500.447 0.354 6640.499 0.021 B- -18672.766 1001.356 17 017713.959 0.380 + -5 6 11 17 Na x 35173.214 1001.356 5496.080 58.903 B- * 17 037760.000 1075.000 +0 8 13 5 18 B -n 51792.634 204.165 4976.630 11.342 B- 26873.370 206.357 18 055601.682 219.180 + 6 12 6 18 C ++ 24919.264 30.000 6426.131 1.667 B- 11806.096 35.282 18 026751.932 32.206 + 4 11 7 18 N + 13113.168 18.570 7038.562 1.032 B- 13895.984 18.570 18 014077.565 19.935 + 2 10 8 18 O -782.81560 0.00071 7767.097 0.000 B- -1655.929 0.463 17 999159.61284 0.00076 + 0 9 9 18 F 873.113 0.463 7631.638 0.026 B- -4444.501 0.589 18 000937.325 0.497 + -2 8 10 18 Ne 5317.614 0.363 7341.257 0.020 B- -19720.374 93.882 18 005708.693 0.390 + -4 7 11 18 Na 25037.988 93.881 6202.217 5.216 B- * 18 026879.386 100.785 +0 9 14 5 19 B x 59770.244 525.363 4719.634 27.651 B- 27356.492 534.496 19 064166.000 564.000 + 7 13 6 19 C -n 32413.752 98.389 6118.273 5.178 B- 16557.471 99.748 19 034797.596 105.625 + 5 12 7 19 N p-2n 15856.282 16.404 6948.543 0.863 B- 12523.424 16.614 19 017022.419 17.610 + 3 11 8 19 O -n 3332.858 2.637 7566.495 0.139 B- 4820.302 2.637 19 003577.970 2.830 + 1 10 9 19 F -1487.44420 0.00086 7779.018 0.000 B- -3239.494 0.160 18 998403.16288 0.00093 + -1 9 10 19 Ne +3n 1752.050 0.160 7567.343 0.008 B- -11177.340 10.536 19 001880.903 0.171 + -3 8 11 19 Na 12929.390 10.535 6937.885 0.554 B- -18898.998 51.099 19 013880.272 11.309 + -5 7 12 19 Mg -pp 31828.389 50.001 5902.025 2.632 B- * 19 034169.182 53.678 +0 10 15 5 20 B x 68450# 800# 4453# 40# B- 30946# 833# 20 073484# 859# + 8 14 6 20 C x 37503.563 230.625 5961.435 11.531 B- 15737.067 243.746 20 040261.732 247.585 + 6 13 7 20 N x 21766.496 78.894 6709.171 3.945 B- 17970.324 78.899 20 023367.295 84.696 + 4 12 8 20 O -nn 3796.172 0.885 7568.570 0.044 B- 3813.635 0.885 20 004075.358 0.950 + 2 11 9 20 F -n -17.463 0.030 7720.134 0.002 B- 7024.467 0.030 19 999981.252 0.031 + 0 10 10 20 Ne -7041.93055 0.00157 8032.240 0.000 B- -13892.535 1.114 19 992440.17619 0.00168 + -2 9 11 20 Na 6850.604 1.114 7298.496 0.056 B- -10627.088 2.171 20 007354.426 1.195 + -4 8 12 20 Mg +t 17477.692 1.863 6728.025 0.093 B- * 20 018763.075 2.000 +0 11 16 5 21 B x 77330# 900# 4203# 43# B- 31687# 1079# 21 083017# 966# + 9 15 6 21 C x 45643# 596# 5674# 28# B- 20411# 611# 21 049000# 640# + 7 14 7 21 N x 25231.913 134.048 6609.015 6.383 B- 17169.878 134.584 21 027087.573 143.906 + 5 13 8 21 O -3n 8062.035 12.000 7389.374 0.571 B- 8109.640 12.134 21 008654.950 12.882 + 3 12 9 21 F -nn -47.605 1.800 7738.293 0.086 B- 5684.171 1.800 20 999948.894 1.932 + 1 11 10 21 Ne -5731.776 0.038 7971.713 0.002 B- -3547.145 0.090 20 993846.685 0.041 + -1 10 11 21 Na -2184.631 0.098 7765.547 0.005 B- -13088.480 0.761 20 997654.702 0.105 + -3 9 12 21 Mg x 10903.850 0.755 7105.031 0.036 B- -16086# 596# 21 011705.764 0.810 + -5 8 13 21 Al x 26990# 596# 6302# 28# B- * 21 028975# 640# +0 10 16 6 22 C -nn 53611.197 231.490 5421.077 10.522 B- 21846.396 311.063 22 057553.990 248.515 + 8 15 7 22 N x 31764.801 207.779 6378.534 9.445 B- 22481.768 215.435 22 034100.918 223.060 + 6 14 8 22 O -4n 9283.033 56.921 7364.871 2.587 B- 6489.660 58.256 22 009965.746 61.107 + 4 13 9 22 F + 2793.373 12.399 7624.295 0.564 B- 10818.092 12.399 22 002998.809 13.310 + 2 12 10 22 Ne -8024.719 0.018 8080.465 0.001 B- -2843.207 0.171 21 991385.109 0.018 + 0 11 11 22 Na -5181.511 0.171 7915.667 0.008 B- -4781.578 0.321 21 994437.418 0.183 + -2 10 12 22 Mg -399.933 0.313 7662.761 0.014 B- -18601# 401# 21 999570.654 0.335 + -4 9 13 22 Al x 18201# 401# 6782# 18# B- -15137# 643# 22 019540# 430# + -6 8 14 22 Si x 33338# 503# 6058# 23# B- * 22 035790# 540# +0 11 17 6 23 C x 64171# 997# 5077# 43# B- 27450# 1082# 23 068890# 1070# + 9 16 7 23 N x 36720.425 420.570 6236.671 18.286 B- 22099.056 437.827 23 039421.000 451.500 + 7 15 8 23 O x 14621.369 121.712 7163.485 5.292 B- 11336.106 126.190 23 015696.686 130.663 + 5 14 9 23 F 3285.263 33.320 7622.344 1.449 B- 8439.312 33.321 23 003526.874 35.770 + 3 13 10 23 Ne -n -5154.049 0.104 7955.256 0.005 B- 4375.804 0.104 22 994466.900 0.112 + 1 12 11 23 Na -9529.85248 0.00181 8111.493 0.000 B- -4056.340 0.158 22 989769.28199 0.00194 + -1 11 12 23 Mg - -5473.513 0.158 7901.115 0.007 B- -12221.583 0.379 22 994123.941 0.170 + -3 10 13 23 Al -- 6748.070 0.345 7335.727 0.015 B- -16949# 503# 23 007244.351 0.370 + -5 9 14 23 Si x 23697# 503# 6565# 22# B- * 23 025440# 540# +0 10 17 7 24 N x 46938# 401# 5887# 17# B- 28438# 433# 24 050390# 430# + 8 16 8 24 O x 18500.402 164.874 7039.685 6.870 B- 10955.887 191.633 24 019861.000 177.000 + 6 15 9 24 F x 7544.515 97.670 7463.582 4.070 B- 13496.161 97.672 24 008099.370 104.853 + 4 14 10 24 Ne -nn -5951.646 0.513 7993.325 0.021 B- 2466.255 0.513 23 993610.645 0.550 + 2 13 11 24 Na -n -8417.901 0.017 8063.488 0.001 B- 5515.669 0.021 23 990963.011 0.017 + 0 12 12 24 Mg -13933.569 0.013 8260.709 0.001 B- -13884.704 0.233 23 985041.697 0.014 + -2 11 13 24 Al ep -48.865 0.233 7649.582 0.010 B- -10794.060 19.473 23 999947.541 0.250 + -4 10 14 24 Si -- 10745.195 19.472 7167.232 0.811 B- -22574# 503# 24 011535.441 20.904 + -6 9 15 24 P x 33320# 503# 6194# 21# B- * 24 035770# 540# +0 11 18 7 25 N x 55983# 503# 5613# 20# B- 28654# 529# 25 060100# 540# + 9 17 8 25 O -n 27329.027 165.084 6727.805 6.603 B- 15994.862 191.191 25 029338.919 177.225 + 7 16 9 25 F x 11334.166 96.442 7336.306 3.858 B- 13369.667 100.721 25 012167.727 103.535 + 5 15 10 25 Ne -2035.502 29.045 7839.799 1.162 B- 7322.312 29.070 24 997814.799 31.181 + 3 14 11 25 Na -nn -9357.813 1.200 8101.397 0.048 B- 3834.969 1.201 24 989953.973 1.288 + 1 13 12 25 Mg -13192.783 0.047 8223.502 0.002 B- -4276.808 0.045 24 985836.964 0.050 + -1 12 13 25 Al -8915.975 0.065 8021.136 0.003 B- -12743.299 10.000 24 990428.306 0.069 + -3 11 14 25 Si +3n 3827.324 10.000 7480.110 0.400 B- -15911# 401# 25 004108.801 10.735 + -5 10 15 25 P x 19738# 401# 6812# 16# B- * 25 021190# 430# +0 10 18 8 26 O -nn 34661.037 164.950 6497.478 6.344 B- 16012.161 198.932 26 037210.155 177.081 + 8 17 9 26 F x 18648.875 111.199 7083.240 4.277 B- 18167.762 112.716 26 020020.392 119.377 + 6 16 10 26 Ne x 481.114 18.429 7751.910 0.709 B- 7341.893 18.758 26 000516.496 19.784 + 4 15 11 26 Na x -6860.780 3.502 8004.201 0.135 B- 9353.763 3.502 25 992634.649 3.759 + 2 14 12 26 Mg -16214.542 0.030 8333.870 0.001 B- -4004.391 0.063 25 982592.971 0.032 + 0 13 13 26 Al -12210.151 0.067 8149.765 0.003 B- -5069.136 0.085 25 986891.863 0.071 + -2 12 14 26 Si - -7141.015 0.108 7924.708 0.004 B- -18114# 196# 25 992333.804 0.115 + -4 11 15 26 P x 10973# 196# 7198# 8# B- -16106# 627# 26 011780# 210# + -6 10 16 26 S x 27079# 596# 6548# 23# B- * 26 029070# 640# +0 11 19 8 27 O x 44670# 500# 6185# 19# B- 19220# 634# 27 047955# 537# + 9 18 9 27 F x 25450.279 389.830 6867.932 14.438 B- 18399.370 400.258 27 027322.000 418.500 + 7 17 10 27 Ne x 7050.909 90.770 7520.414 3.362 B- 12568.699 90.847 27 007569.462 97.445 + 5 16 11 27 Na ++ -5517.790 3.726 7956.946 0.138 B- 9068.821 3.727 26 994076.408 4.000 + 3 15 12 27 Mg -n -14586.611 0.050 8263.852 0.002 B- 2610.251 0.069 26 984340.628 0.053 + 1 14 13 27 Al -17196.861 0.047 8331.553 0.002 B- -4812.359 0.096 26 981538.408 0.050 + -1 13 14 27 Si - -12384.503 0.107 8124.341 0.004 B- -11662.044 26.340 26 986704.688 0.115 + -3 12 15 27 P p4n -722.458 26.340 7663.438 0.976 B- -17750# 400# 26 999224.409 28.277 + -5 11 16 27 S - 17028# 401# 6977# 15# B- * 27 018280# 430# +0 12 20 8 28 O x 52080# 699# 5988# 25# B- 18338# 802# 28 055910# 750# + 10 19 9 28 F -n 33741.596 393.024 6614.792 14.037 B- 22441.859 412.748 28 036223.095 421.928 + 8 18 10 28 Ne x 11299.737 126.068 7388.346 4.502 B- 12288.052 126.483 28 012130.767 135.339 + 6 17 11 28 Na x -988.315 10.246 7799.264 0.366 B- 14030.529 10.440 27 998939.000 11.000 + 4 16 12 28 Mg + -15018.845 2.001 8272.413 0.071 B- 1831.800 2.000 27 983876.606 2.148 + 2 15 13 28 Al -n -16850.645 0.077 8309.894 0.003 B- 4642.150 0.077 27 981910.087 0.083 + 0 14 14 28 Si -21492.79430 0.00049 8447.744 0.000 B- -14345.055 1.152 27 976926.53499 0.00052 + -2 13 15 28 P -7147.740 1.152 7907.479 0.041 B- -11220.945 160.004 27 992326.585 1.236 + -4 12 16 28 S -- 4073.206 160.000 7478.790 5.714 B- -23443# 617# 28 004372.766 171.767 + -6 11 17 28 Cl x 27516# 596# 6614# 21# B- * 28 029540# 640# +0 11 20 9 29 F x 40150.186 525.363 6444.031 18.116 B- 21750.385 546.221 29 043103.000 564.000 + 9 19 10 29 Ne x 18399.801 149.505 7167.067 5.155 B- 15719.807 149.685 29 019753.000 160.500 + 7 18 11 29 Na 2679.994 7.337 7682.151 0.253 B- 13282.824 13.557 29 002877.092 7.876 + 5 17 12 29 Mg x -10602.829 11.400 8113.202 0.393 B- 7604.931 11.405 28 988617.393 12.238 + 3 16 13 29 Al x -18207.760 0.345 8348.464 0.012 B- 3687.318 0.345 28 980453.164 0.370 + 1 15 14 29 Si -21895.07838 0.00056 8448.635 0.000 B- -4942.230 0.359 28 976494.66525 0.00060 + -1 14 15 29 P -16952.848 0.359 8251.236 0.012 B- -13796.432 50.001 28 981800.368 0.385 + -3 13 16 29 S +3n -3156.416 50.000 7748.520 1.724 B- -16318.592 195.192 28 996611.448 53.677 + -5 12 17 29 Cl -p 13162.176 188.680 7158.832 6.506 B- * 29 014130.178 202.555 +0 12 21 9 30 F x 48112# 596# 6233# 20# B- 24832# 648# 30 051650# 640# + 10 20 10 30 Ne 23280.117 253.250 7034.531 8.442 B- 14805.448 253.295 30 024992.235 271.875 + 8 19 11 30 Na 8474.670 4.727 7501.968 0.158 B- 17358.490 5.850 30 009097.932 5.074 + 6 18 12 30 Mg x -8883.820 3.447 8054.506 0.115 B- 6981.024 4.496 29 990462.826 3.700 + 4 17 13 30 Al x -15864.844 2.888 8261.128 0.096 B- 8568.116 2.888 29 982968.388 3.100 + 2 16 14 30 Si -n -24432.960 0.022 8520.654 0.001 B- -4232.106 0.061 29 973770.136 0.023 + 0 15 15 30 P - -20200.854 0.065 8353.506 0.002 B- -6141.601 0.196 29 978313.489 0.069 + -2 14 16 30 S - -14059.253 0.206 8122.707 0.007 B- -18502# 196# 29 984906.769 0.221 + -4 13 17 30 Cl x 4443# 196# 7480# 7# B- -16488# 284# 30 004770# 210# + -6 12 18 30 Ar -pp 20931.147 206.155 6904.204 6.872 B- * 30 022470.511 221.316 +0 13 22 9 31 F -nn 56143# 546# 6033# 18# B- 24961# 608# 31 060272# 587# + 11 21 10 31 Ne 31181.591 266.195 6813.090 8.587 B- 18935.559 266.562 31 033474.816 285.772 + 9 20 11 31 Na x 12246.031 13.972 7398.677 0.451 B- 15368.182 14.307 31 013146.656 15.000 + 7 19 12 31 Mg x -3122.151 3.074 7869.188 0.099 B- 11828.555 3.801 30 996648.232 3.300 + 5 18 13 31 Al x -14950.706 2.236 8225.517 0.072 B- 7998.330 2.236 30 983949.756 2.400 + 3 17 14 31 Si -n -22949.036 0.043 8458.291 0.001 B- 1491.505 0.043 30 975363.194 0.046 + 1 16 15 31 P -24440.54095 0.00067 8481.167 0.000 B- -5398.016 0.229 30 973761.99863 0.00072 + -1 15 16 31 S -19042.525 0.229 8281.800 0.007 B- -12007.974 3.454 30 979557.007 0.246 + -3 14 17 31 Cl -- -7034.551 3.447 7869.209 0.111 B- -18360# 200# 30 992448.098 3.700 + -5 13 18 31 Ar - 11325# 200# 7252# 6# B- * 31 012158# 215# +0 12 22 10 32 Ne x 36999# 503# 6671# 16# B- 18359# 504# 32 039720# 540# + 10 21 11 32 Na x 18640.151 37.260 7219.881 1.164 B- 19469.051 37.402 32 020011.026 40.000 + 8 20 12 32 Mg x -828.900 3.260 7803.840 0.102 B- 10270.467 7.879 31 999110.139 3.500 + 6 19 13 32 Al x -11099.367 7.173 8100.344 0.224 B- 12978.319 7.179 31 988084.339 7.700 + 4 18 14 32 Si x -24077.686 0.298 8481.468 0.009 B- 227.188 0.301 31 974151.539 0.320 + 2 17 15 32 P -n -24304.874 0.040 8464.120 0.001 B- 1710.660 0.040 31 973907.643 0.042 + 0 16 16 32 S -26015.53355 0.00132 8493.129 0.000 B- -12680.860 0.562 31 972071.17443 0.00141 + -2 15 17 32 Cl -13334.674 0.562 8072.404 0.018 B- -11134.323 1.857 31 985684.637 0.603 + -4 14 18 32 Ar x -2200.351 1.770 7700.008 0.055 B- -23299# 401# 31 997637.826 1.900 + -6 13 19 32 K x 21098# 401# 6947# 13# B- * 32 022650# 430# +0 13 23 10 33 Ne x 45997# 596# 6440# 18# B- 22217# 747# 33 049380# 640# + 11 22 11 33 Na x 23780.110 449.912 7089.926 13.634 B- 18817.813 449.921 33 025529.000 483.000 + 9 21 12 33 Mg x 4962.297 2.888 7636.455 0.088 B- 13459.677 7.559 33 005327.245 3.100 + 7 20 13 33 Al x -8497.380 6.986 8020.616 0.212 B- 12016.945 7.021 32 990877.687 7.500 + 5 19 14 33 Si x -20514.325 0.699 8361.059 0.021 B- 5823.021 1.295 32 977976.964 0.750 + 3 18 15 33 P + -26337.346 1.090 8513.806 0.033 B- 248.508 1.090 32 971725.694 1.170 + 1 17 16 33 S -26585.85434 0.00135 8497.630 0.000 B- -5582.517 0.391 32 971458.90985 0.00145 + -1 16 17 33 Cl -21003.337 0.391 8304.755 0.012 B- -11619.044 0.560 32 977451.989 0.419 + -3 15 18 33 Ar x -9384.292 0.401 7928.955 0.012 B- -16426# 196# 32 989925.547 0.430 + -5 14 19 33 K x 7042# 196# 7407# 6# B- * 33 007560# 210# +0 14 24 10 34 Ne -nn 52842# 513# 6287# 15# B- 21161# 789# 34 056728# 551# + 12 23 11 34 Na x 31680.111 599.416 6886.437 17.630 B- 23356.764 600.112 34 034010.000 643.500 + 10 22 12 34 Mg x 8323.348 28.876 7550.390 0.849 B- 11323.637 29.039 34 008935.481 31.000 + 8 21 13 34 Al x -3000.289 3.074 7860.428 0.090 B- 16956.563 14.448 33 996779.057 3.300 + 6 20 14 34 Si +pp -19956.852 14.118 8336.141 0.415 B- 4591.847 14.141 33 978575.437 15.155 + 4 19 15 34 P x -24548.698 0.810 8448.185 0.024 B- 5382.987 0.812 33 973645.887 0.870 + 2 18 16 34 S -29931.685 0.045 8583.498 0.001 B- -5491.603 0.038 33 967867.012 0.047 + 0 17 17 34 Cl -24440.082 0.049 8398.970 0.001 B- -6061.792 0.063 33 973762.491 0.052 + -2 16 18 34 Ar -18378.290 0.078 8197.672 0.002 B- -17158# 196# 33 980270.093 0.083 + -4 15 19 34 K x -1220# 196# 7670# 6# B- -15072# 357# 33 998690# 210# + -6 14 20 34 Ca x 13851# 298# 7204# 9# B- * 34 014870# 320# +0 13 24 11 35 Na -n 38231# 670# 6733# 19# B- 22592# 723# 35 041043# 720# + 11 23 12 35 Mg x 15639.784 269.668 7356.233 7.705 B- 15863.512 269.768 35 016790.000 289.500 + 9 22 13 35 Al x -223.728 7.359 7787.124 0.210 B- 14167.729 36.605 34 999759.817 7.900 + 7 21 14 35 Si 2p-n -14391.457 35.857 8169.563 1.024 B- 10466.342 35.905 34 984550.134 38.494 + 5 20 15 35 P +p -24857.799 1.866 8446.249 0.053 B- 3988.407 1.867 34 973314.053 2.003 + 3 19 16 35 S -28846.206 0.040 8537.850 0.001 B- 167.322 0.026 34 969032.322 0.043 + 1 18 17 35 Cl -29013.528 0.035 8520.278 0.001 B- -5966.243 0.679 34 968852.694 0.038 + -1 17 18 35 Ar - -23047.284 0.680 8327.461 0.019 B- -11874.394 0.852 34 975257.721 0.730 + -3 16 19 35 K 4n -11172.891 0.512 7965.840 0.015 B- -15961# 196# 34 988005.407 0.550 + -5 15 20 35 Ca x 4788# 196# 7487# 6# B- * 35 005140# 210# +0 14 25 11 36 Na -n 46303# 678# 6546# 19# B- 25923# 967# 36 049708# 728# + 12 24 12 36 Mg x 20380.157 690.237 7244.419 19.173 B- 14429.774 706.243 36 021879.000 741.000 + 10 23 13 36 Al x 5950.384 149.505 7623.515 4.153 B- 18386.508 165.851 36 006388.000 160.500 + 8 22 14 36 Si x -12436.124 71.797 8112.519 1.994 B- 7814.911 72.985 35 986649.271 77.077 + 6 21 15 36 P + -20251.034 13.114 8307.868 0.364 B- 10413.096 13.112 35 978259.619 14.078 + 4 20 16 36 S -30664.131 0.188 8575.389 0.005 B- -1142.126 0.189 35 967080.699 0.201 + 2 19 17 36 Cl -29522.005 0.036 8521.931 0.001 B- 709.535 0.045 35 968306.822 0.038 + 0 18 18 36 Ar -30231.540 0.027 8519.909 0.001 B- -12814.475 0.342 35 967545.105 0.028 + -2 17 19 36 K -17417.065 0.341 8142.219 0.009 B- -10965.916 40.001 35 981302.010 0.366 + -4 16 20 36 Ca 4n -6451.149 40.000 7815.879 1.111 B- -21802# 301# 35 993074.406 42.941 + -6 15 21 36 Sc x 15351# 298# 7189# 8# B- * 36 016480# 320# +0 15 26 11 37 Na -nn 53534# 687# 6392# 19# B- 25323# 980# 37 057471# 737# + 13 25 12 37 Mg -n 28211.474 698.947 7055.111 18.890 B- 18401.911 721.814 37 030286.265 750.350 + 11 24 13 37 Al x 9809.563 180.244 7531.315 4.871 B- 16381.075 213.168 37 010531.000 193.500 + 9 23 14 37 Si x -6571.511 113.809 7952.903 3.076 B- 12424.486 119.969 36 992945.191 122.179 + 7 22 15 37 P p-2n -18995.998 37.948 8267.555 1.026 B- 7900.419 37.947 36 979606.956 40.738 + 5 21 16 37 S -n -26896.417 0.198 8459.935 0.005 B- 4865.121 0.196 36 971125.507 0.212 + 3 20 17 37 Cl -31761.538 0.052 8570.281 0.001 B- -813.873 0.200 36 965902.584 0.055 + 1 19 18 37 Ar - -30947.664 0.207 8527.139 0.006 B- -6147.465 0.227 36 966776.314 0.221 + -1 18 19 37 K -p -24800.199 0.094 8339.847 0.003 B- -11664.133 0.641 36 973375.889 0.100 + -3 17 20 37 Ca x -13136.066 0.634 8003.456 0.017 B- -16656# 300# 36 985897.852 0.680 + -5 16 21 37 Sc x 3520# 300# 7532# 8# B- * 37 003779# 322# +0 14 26 12 38 Mg x 34074# 503# 6928# 13# B- 17864# 627# 38 036580# 540# + 12 25 13 38 Al x 16209.859 374.461 7377.097 9.854 B- 20380.157 388.847 38 017402.000 402.000 + 10 24 14 38 Si x -4170.299 104.793 7892.829 2.758 B- 10451.265 127.474 37 995523.000 112.500 + 8 23 15 38 P x -14621.563 72.581 8147.274 1.910 B- 12239.640 72.934 37 984303.105 77.918 + 6 22 16 38 S + -26861.203 7.172 8448.782 0.189 B- 2936.900 7.171 37 971163.310 7.699 + 4 21 17 38 Cl -n -29798.103 0.098 8505.481 0.003 B- 4916.718 0.218 37 968010.418 0.105 + 2 20 18 38 Ar -34714.821 0.195 8614.280 0.005 B- -5914.066 0.045 37 962732.104 0.209 + 0 19 19 38 K -28800.755 0.195 8438.058 0.005 B- -6742.256 0.063 37 969081.116 0.209 + -2 18 20 38 Ca -22058.499 0.194 8240.043 0.005 B- -17809# 200# 37 976319.226 0.208 + -4 17 21 38 Sc x -4249# 200# 7751# 5# B- -15119# 361# 37 995438# 215# + -6 16 22 38 Ti x 10870# 300# 7332# 8# B- * 38 011669# 322# +0 15 27 12 39 Mg -n 42275# 513# 6747# 13# B- 21625# 650# 39 045384# 551# + 13 26 13 39 Al x 20650# 400# 7281# 10# B- 18330# 422# 39 022169# 429# + 11 25 14 39 Si x 2320.352 135.532 7730.979 3.475 B- 15094.986 176.232 39 002491.000 145.500 + 9 24 15 39 P x -12774.634 112.645 8097.969 2.888 B- 10388.033 123.243 38 986285.865 120.929 + 7 23 16 39 S 2p-n -23162.667 50.000 8344.269 1.282 B- 6637.538 50.030 38 975133.852 53.677 + 5 22 17 39 Cl -nn -29800.205 1.732 8494.402 0.044 B- 3441.985 5.292 38 968008.162 1.859 + 3 21 18 39 Ar + -33242.190 5.000 8562.598 0.128 B- 565.000 5.000 38 964313.039 5.367 + 1 20 19 39 K -33807.19010 0.00458 8557.025 0.000 B- -6524.488 0.596 38 963706.48661 0.00492 + -1 19 20 39 Ca -27282.702 0.596 8369.670 0.015 B- -13109.993 24.007 38 970710.813 0.640 + -3 18 21 39 Sc 2n-p -14172.709 24.000 8013.456 0.615 B- -16373# 202# 38 984784.970 25.765 + -5 17 22 39 Ti x 2200# 200# 7574# 5# B- * 39 002362# 215# +0 16 28 12 40 Mg x 48350# 500# 6628# 13# B- 20760# 640# 40 051906# 537# + 14 27 13 40 Al x 27590# 400# 7127# 10# B- 22160# 528# 40 029619# 429# + 12 26 14 40 Si x 5429.679 345.119 7661.754 8.628 B- 13544.049 377.749 40 005829.000 370.500 + 10 25 15 40 P x -8114.370 153.582 7980.796 3.840 B- 14723.476 153.633 39 991288.865 164.876 + 8 24 16 40 S -22837.846 3.982 8329.325 0.100 B- 4719.967 32.312 39 975482.562 4.274 + 6 23 17 40 Cl + -27557.813 32.066 8427.765 0.802 B- 7482.082 32.066 39 970415.469 34.423 + 4 22 18 40 Ar -35039.89464 0.00224 8595.259 0.000 B- -1504.403 0.056 39 962383.12378 0.00240 + 2 21 19 40 K -33535.492 0.056 8538.090 0.001 B- 1310.893 0.060 39 963998.166 0.060 + 0 20 20 40 Ca -34846.384 0.021 8551.303 0.001 B- -14323.050 2.828 39 962590.865 0.022 + -2 19 21 40 Sc - -20523.335 2.828 8173.669 0.071 B- -11672.950 160.025 39 977967.292 3.036 + -4 18 22 40 Ti -- -8850.384 160.000 7862.286 4.000 B- -21020# 340# 39 990498.721 171.767 + -6 17 23 40 V x 12170# 300# 7317# 7# B- * 40 013065# 322# +0 15 28 13 41 Al x 33420# 500# 7008# 12# B- 21300# 747# 41 035878# 537# + 13 27 14 41 Si x 12119.668 554.705 7508.573 13.529 B- 17099.435 567.571 41 013011.000 595.500 + 11 26 15 41 P x -4979.767 120.163 7906.551 2.931 B- 14028.810 120.233 40 994654.000 129.000 + 9 25 16 41 S x -19008.577 4.099 8229.635 0.100 B- 8298.611 68.846 40 979593.451 4.400 + 7 24 17 41 Cl x -27307.189 68.723 8412.959 1.676 B- 5760.317 68.724 40 970684.525 73.777 + 5 23 18 41 Ar -n -33067.505 0.347 8534.372 0.008 B- 2492.038 0.347 40 964500.571 0.372 + 3 22 19 41 K -35559.54331 0.00380 8576.072 0.000 B- -421.653 0.138 40 961825.25796 0.00408 + 1 21 20 41 Ca -35137.890 0.138 8546.706 0.003 B- -6495.478 0.158 40 962277.921 0.147 + -1 20 21 41 Sc -28642.412 0.083 8369.198 0.002 B- -12944.875 27.945 40 969251.104 0.088 + -3 19 22 41 Ti x -15697.537 27.945 8034.388 0.682 B- -16018# 202# 40 983148.000 30.000 + -5 18 23 41 V x 320# 200# 7625# 5# B- * 41 000344# 215# +0 16 29 13 42 Al x 40100# 600# 6874# 14# B- 23630# 781# 42 043049# 644# + 14 28 14 42 Si x 16470# 500# 7418# 12# B- 15460# 591# 42 017681# 537# + 12 27 15 42 P x 1009.740 314.379 7767.866 7.485 B- 18647.485 314.392 42 001084.000 337.500 + 10 26 16 42 S x -17637.746 2.794 8193.227 0.067 B- 7194.021 59.681 41 981065.100 3.000 + 8 25 17 42 Cl x -24831.767 59.616 8345.886 1.419 B- 9590.908 59.895 41 973342.000 64.000 + 6 24 18 42 Ar x -34422.675 5.775 8555.613 0.138 B- 599.351 5.776 41 963045.736 6.200 + 4 23 19 42 K -n -35022.026 0.106 8551.256 0.003 B- 3525.219 0.183 41 962402.306 0.113 + 2 22 20 42 Ca -38547.245 0.149 8616.563 0.004 B- -6426.092 0.097 41 958617.828 0.159 + 0 21 21 42 Sc -32121.153 0.169 8444.933 0.004 B- -7016.479 0.224 41 965516.522 0.181 + -2 20 22 42 Ti -25104.674 0.277 8259.247 0.007 B- -17485# 196# 41 973049.022 0.297 + -4 19 23 42 V x -7620# 196# 7824# 5# B- -14350# 445# 41 991820# 210# + -6 18 24 42 Cr x 6730# 400# 7464# 10# B- * 42 007225# 429# +0 17 30 13 43 Al x 47020# 800# 6741# 19# B- 23919# 998# 43 050478# 859# + 15 29 14 43 Si x 23101# 596# 7279# 14# B- 18421# 814# 43 024800# 640# + 13 28 15 43 P x 4679.826 554.705 7689.572 12.900 B- 16875.285 554.727 43 005024.000 595.500 + 11 27 16 43 S x -12195.459 4.970 8063.827 0.116 B- 11964.049 62.058 42 986907.635 5.335 + 9 26 17 43 Cl x -24159.508 61.858 8323.866 1.439 B- 7850.300 62.086 42 974063.700 66.407 + 7 25 18 43 Ar x -32009.808 5.310 8488.237 0.123 B- 4565.581 5.325 42 965636.055 5.700 + 5 24 19 43 K -4n -36575.389 0.410 8576.220 0.010 B- 1833.434 0.469 42 960734.703 0.440 + 3 23 20 43 Ca -38408.822 0.228 8600.663 0.005 B- -2220.720 1.865 42 958766.430 0.244 + 1 22 21 43 Sc -p -36188.102 1.863 8530.825 0.043 B- -6867.020 7.481 42 961150.472 1.999 + -1 21 22 43 Ti -n2p -29321.082 7.245 8352.932 0.168 B- -11404.726 43.457 42 968522.521 7.777 + -3 20 23 43 V x -17916.356 42.849 8069.512 0.996 B- -15946# 402# 42 980766.000 46.000 + -5 19 24 43 Cr x -1970# 400# 7680# 9# B- * 42 997885# 429# +0 16 30 14 44 Si x 28513# 596# 7174# 14# B- 18063# 778# 44 030610# 640# + 14 29 15 44 P x 10450# 500# 7567# 11# B- 19655# 500# 44 011219# 537# + 12 28 16 44 S x -9204.233 5.216 7996.015 0.119 B- 11180.290 136.421 43 990118.848 5.600 + 10 27 17 44 Cl x -20384.523 136.321 8232.332 3.098 B- 12288.731 136.330 43 978116.312 146.346 + 8 26 18 44 Ar x -32673.255 1.584 8493.840 0.036 B- 3108.237 1.638 43 964923.816 1.700 + 6 25 19 44 K x -35781.492 0.419 8546.701 0.010 B- 5687.183 0.530 43 961586.986 0.450 + 4 24 20 44 Ca -41468.675 0.325 8658.175 0.007 B- -3652.690 1.757 43 955481.543 0.348 + 2 23 21 44 Sc -p -37815.985 1.756 8557.379 0.040 B- -267.416 1.890 43 959402.867 1.884 + 0 22 22 44 Ti -a -37548.569 0.700 8533.520 0.016 B- -13432.189 181.643 43 959689.951 0.751 + -2 21 23 44 V x -24116.380 181.641 8210.463 4.128 B- -10756# 351# 43 974110.000 195.000 + -4 20 24 44 Cr x -13360# 300# 7948# 7# B- -20390# 583# 43 985657# 322# + -6 19 25 44 Mn x 7030# 500# 7467# 11# B- * 44 007547# 537# +0 17 31 14 45 Si x 37490# 700# 6995# 16# B- 21890# 860# 45 040247# 751# + 15 30 15 45 P x 15600# 500# 7464# 11# B- 19589# 1150# 45 016747# 537# + 13 29 16 45 S x -3989.589 1035.356 7881.807 23.008 B- 14272.954 1044.271 44 995717.000 1111.500 + 11 28 17 45 Cl x -18262.543 136.163 8181.598 3.026 B- 11508.254 136.164 44 980394.353 146.177 + 9 27 18 45 Ar x -29770.796 0.512 8419.952 0.011 B- 6844.841 0.731 44 968039.733 0.550 + 7 26 19 45 K x -36615.638 0.522 8554.674 0.012 B- 4196.536 0.637 44 960691.493 0.560 + 5 25 20 45 Ca -40812.174 0.366 8630.545 0.008 B- 259.722 0.747 44 956186.326 0.392 + 3 24 21 45 Sc -41071.896 0.675 8618.931 0.015 B- -2062.056 0.509 44 955907.503 0.724 + 1 23 22 45 Ti -39009.840 0.845 8555.722 0.019 B- -7123.824 0.214 44 958121.211 0.907 + -1 22 23 45 V -31886.016 0.872 8380.029 0.019 B- -12371.217 35.408 44 965768.951 0.935 + -3 21 24 45 Cr x -19514.799 35.397 8087.728 0.787 B- -14265# 401# 44 979050.000 38.000 + -5 20 25 45 Mn x -5250# 400# 7753# 9# B- -19012# 565# 44 994364# 429# + -7 19 26 45 Fe -pp 13762# 400# 7313# 9# B- * 45 014774# 429# +0 16 31 15 46 P x 22970# 700# 7317# 15# B- 22630# 860# 46 024659# 751# + 14 30 16 46 S x 340# 500# 7792# 11# B- 14199# 542# 46 000365# 537# + 12 29 17 46 Cl x -13859.398 208.661 8083.480 4.536 B- 15913.528 208.664 45 985121.323 224.006 + 10 28 18 46 Ar x -29772.926 1.118 8412.419 0.024 B- 5640.997 1.333 45 968037.446 1.200 + 8 27 19 46 K x -35413.924 0.727 8518.042 0.016 B- 7725.438 2.350 45 961981.586 0.780 + 6 26 20 46 Ca -43139.361 2.235 8668.979 0.049 B- -1378.143 2.333 45 953687.988 2.399 + 4 25 21 46 Sc -n -41761.219 0.683 8622.012 0.015 B- 2366.581 0.667 45 955167.485 0.732 + 2 24 22 46 Ti -44127.799 0.165 8656.451 0.004 B- -7052.449 0.093 45 952626.856 0.176 + 0 23 23 46 V -37075.351 0.202 8486.130 0.004 B- -7603.784 11.455 45 960197.971 0.216 + -2 22 24 46 Cr -29471.567 11.453 8303.823 0.249 B- -16902# 400# 45 968360.970 12.295 + -4 21 25 46 Mn x -12570# 400# 7919# 9# B- -13480# 640# 45 986506# 429# + -6 20 26 46 Fe x 910# 500# 7609# 11# B- * 46 000977# 537# +0 17 32 15 47 P x 29710# 800# 7190# 17# B- 22340# 944# 47 031895# 859# + 15 31 16 47 S x 7370# 500# 7648# 11# B- 17150# 640# 47 007912# 537# + 13 30 17 47 Cl x -9780# 400# 7996# 9# B- 15587# 400# 46 989501# 429# + 11 29 18 47 Ar x -25366.338 1.118 8311.404 0.024 B- 10345.638 1.789 46 972768.114 1.200 + 9 28 19 47 K x -35711.976 1.397 8514.879 0.030 B- 6632.442 2.625 46 961661.614 1.500 + 7 27 20 47 Ca -42344.418 2.222 8639.349 0.047 B- 1992.177 1.185 46 954541.394 2.385 + 5 26 21 47 Sc -44336.595 1.933 8665.090 0.041 B- 600.769 1.929 46 952402.704 2.074 + 3 25 22 47 Ti -44937.364 0.115 8661.227 0.002 B- -2930.746 0.138 46 951757.752 0.123 + 1 24 23 47 V -42006.618 0.169 8582.225 0.004 B- -7444.040 6.032 46 954904.038 0.181 + -1 23 24 47 Cr -34562.578 6.030 8407.195 0.128 B- -11996.204 32.240 46 962895.544 6.473 + -3 22 25 47 Mn x -22566.374 31.671 8135.311 0.674 B- -15697# 501# 46 975774.000 34.000 + -5 21 26 47 Fe x -6870# 500# 7785# 11# B- -17240# 781# 46 992625# 537# + -7 20 27 47 Co x 10370# 600# 7401# 13# B- * 47 011133# 644# +0 16 32 16 48 S x 12761# 596# 7545# 12# B- 17042# 778# 48 013700# 640# + 14 31 17 48 Cl x -4280# 500# 7883# 10# B- 18001# 587# 47 995405# 537# + 12 30 18 48 Ar x -22281.337 307.393 8242.132 6.404 B- 10003.140 307.394 47 976080.000 330.000 + 10 29 19 48 K x -32284.477 0.773 8434.232 0.016 B- 11940.153 0.779 47 965341.186 0.830 + 8 28 20 48 Ca -44224.629 0.096 8666.686 0.002 B- 279.213 4.950 47 952522.904 0.103 + 6 27 21 48 Sc -44503.842 4.951 8656.204 0.103 B- 3988.866 4.950 47 952223.157 5.314 + 4 26 22 48 Ti -48492.709 0.109 8723.006 0.002 B- -4015.015 0.969 47 947940.932 0.117 + 2 25 23 48 V -44477.694 0.975 8623.061 0.020 B- -1655.673 7.388 47 952251.229 1.046 + 0 24 24 48 Cr +nn -42822.020 7.324 8572.269 0.153 B- -13525.682 10.087 47 954028.667 7.862 + -2 23 25 48 Mn -29296.338 6.939 8274.185 0.145 B- -11296# 400# 47 968549.085 7.449 + -4 22 26 48 Fe x -18000# 400# 8023# 8# B- -19500# 640# 47 980676# 429# + -6 21 27 48 Co x 1500# 500# 7600# 10# B- -15293# 708# 48 001610# 537# + -8 20 28 48 Ni -pp 16793# 502# 7265# 10# B- * 48 018028# 538# +0 17 33 16 49 S -n 21093# 667# 7385# 14# B- 20153# 897# 49 022644# 716# + 15 32 17 49 Cl x 940# 600# 7781# 12# B- 18130# 721# 49 001009# 644# + 13 31 18 49 Ar x -17190# 400# 8135# 8# B- 12422# 400# 48 981546# 429# + 11 30 19 49 K x -29611.490 0.801 8372.274 0.016 B- 11688.275 0.826 48 968210.755 0.860 + 9 29 20 49 Ca -n -41299.765 0.201 8594.844 0.004 B- 5261.500 2.702 48 955662.875 0.216 + 7 28 21 49 Sc -46561.265 2.698 8686.256 0.055 B- 2002.522 2.697 48 950014.423 2.896 + 5 27 22 49 Ti -48563.787 0.114 8711.157 0.002 B- -601.856 0.820 48 947864.627 0.122 + 3 26 23 49 V - -47961.931 0.828 8682.908 0.017 B- -2628.871 2.391 48 948510.746 0.889 + 1 25 24 49 Cr -45333.060 2.243 8613.291 0.046 B- -7712.426 0.233 48 951332.955 2.407 + -1 24 25 49 Mn -37620.634 2.255 8439.929 0.046 B- -12869.907 24.324 48 959612.585 2.420 + -3 23 26 49 Fe x -24750.727 24.219 8161.311 0.494 B- -14870# 501# 48 973429.000 26.000 + -5 22 27 49 Co x -9880# 500# 7842# 10# B- -18080# 781# 48 989393# 537# + -7 21 28 49 Ni x 8200# 600# 7457# 12# B- * 49 008803# 644# +0 16 33 17 50 Cl x 7740# 600# 7651# 12# B- 21069# 781# 50 008309# 644# + 14 32 18 50 Ar x -13330# 500# 8056# 10# B- 12398# 500# 49 985690# 537# + 12 31 19 50 K x -25727.848 7.731 8288.582 0.155 B- 13861.376 7.892 49 972380.017 8.300 + 10 30 20 50 Ca x -39589.224 1.584 8550.163 0.032 B- 4958.158 15.084 49 957499.217 1.700 + 8 29 21 50 Sc -pn -44547.382 15.000 8633.679 0.300 B- 6884.278 15.000 49 952176.415 16.103 + 6 28 22 50 Ti -51431.660 0.121 8755.718 0.002 B- -2207.647 0.426 49 944785.839 0.129 + 4 27 23 50 V +n -49224.013 0.409 8695.918 0.008 B- 1038.059 0.299 49 947155.845 0.438 + 2 26 24 50 Cr -50262.072 0.437 8701.032 0.009 B- -7634.477 0.067 49 946041.443 0.468 + 0 25 25 50 Mn -42627.595 0.442 8532.696 0.009 B- -8151.139 8.395 49 954237.391 0.474 + -2 24 26 50 Fe x -34476.456 8.383 8354.026 0.168 B- -16846# 400# 49 962988.000 9.000 + -4 23 27 50 Co x -17630# 400# 8001# 8# B- -13510# 640# 49 981073# 429# + -6 22 28 50 Ni x -4120# 500# 7716# 10# B- * 49 995577# 537# +0 17 34 17 51 Cl x 14290# 700# 7530# 14# B- 20980# 922# 51 015341# 751# + 15 33 18 51 Ar x -6690# 600# 7926# 12# B- 15826# 600# 50 992818# 644# + 13 32 19 51 K x -22516.196 13.047 8221.349 0.256 B- 13816.107 13.057 50 975827.867 14.006 + 11 31 20 51 Ca x -36332.304 0.522 8476.913 0.010 B- 6896.381 20.007 50 960995.665 0.560 + 9 30 21 51 Sc -p2n -43228.684 20.000 8596.796 0.392 B- 6504.153 20.006 50 953592.095 21.471 + 7 29 22 51 Ti -n -49732.837 0.505 8708.988 0.010 B- 2471.005 0.644 50 946609.600 0.541 + 5 28 23 51 V -52203.842 0.401 8742.099 0.008 B- -752.447 0.213 50 943956.867 0.430 + 3 27 24 51 Cr -51451.395 0.400 8712.005 0.008 B- -3207.518 0.346 50 944764.652 0.429 + 1 26 25 51 Mn -48243.877 0.502 8633.772 0.010 B- -8041.321 8.977 50 948208.065 0.539 + -1 25 26 51 Fe -40202.555 8.964 8460.759 0.176 B- -12860.412 49.260 50 956840.779 9.623 + -3 24 27 51 Co x -27342.143 48.438 8193.254 0.950 B- -15442# 503# 50 970647.000 52.000 + -5 23 28 51 Ni x -11900# 500# 7875# 10# B- * 50 987225# 537# +0 16 34 18 52 Ar x -1280# 600# 7825# 12# B- 15858# 601# 51 998626# 644# + 14 33 19 52 K x -17137.627 33.534 8115.029 0.645 B- 17128.639 33.540 51 981602.000 36.000 + 12 32 20 52 Ca x -34266.266 0.671 8429.381 0.013 B- 6177.013 81.855 51 963213.648 0.720 + 10 31 21 52 Sc x -40443.279 81.852 8533.125 1.574 B- 9026.541 82.157 51 956582.351 87.871 + 8 30 22 52 Ti -nn -49469.820 7.072 8691.667 0.136 B- 1973.948 7.085 51 946891.960 7.592 + 6 29 23 52 V -n -51443.769 0.420 8714.582 0.008 B- 3975.473 0.531 51 944772.839 0.450 + 4 28 24 52 Cr -55419.242 0.340 8775.989 0.007 B- -4711.958 1.851 51 940504.992 0.364 + 2 27 25 52 Mn -50707.284 1.845 8670.329 0.035 B- -2376.920 5.017 51 945563.488 1.980 + 0 26 26 52 Fe -48330.363 5.117 8609.574 0.098 B- -13969.413 9.822 51 948115.217 5.493 + -2 25 27 52 Co x -34360.951 8.383 8325.886 0.161 B- -12031# 400# 51 963112.000 9.000 + -4 24 28 52 Ni x -22330# 400# 8079# 8# B- -20049# 721# 51 976028# 429# + -6 23 29 52 Cu x -2280# 600# 7679# 12# B- * 51 997552# 644# +0 17 35 18 53 Ar x 6791# 699# 7677# 13# B- 19086# 708# 53 007290# 750# + 15 34 19 53 K x -12295.721 111.779 8022.848 2.109 B- 17091.983 120.047 52 986800.000 120.000 + 13 33 20 53 Ca x -29387.704 43.780 8330.577 0.826 B- 9519.104 103.774 52 968451.000 47.000 + 11 32 21 53 Sc x -38906.808 94.087 8495.421 1.775 B- 7924.253 137.339 52 958231.821 101.006 + 9 31 22 53 Ti + -46831.061 100.049 8630.174 1.888 B- 5020.000 100.000 52 949724.785 107.406 + 7 30 23 53 V +p -51851.061 3.120 8710.130 0.059 B- 3435.938 3.102 52 944335.593 3.349 + 5 29 24 53 Cr -55286.999 0.348 8760.198 0.007 B- -596.884 0.356 52 940646.961 0.373 + 3 28 25 53 Mn -54690.116 0.450 8734.175 0.009 B- -3742.586 1.686 52 941287.742 0.483 + 1 27 26 53 Fe -50947.530 1.656 8648.799 0.031 B- -8288.101 0.443 52 945305.574 1.777 + -1 26 27 53 Co -42659.428 1.713 8477.658 0.032 B- -13028.604 25.209 52 954203.217 1.839 + -3 25 28 53 Ni x -29630.824 25.150 8217.074 0.475 B- -16361# 501# 52 968190.000 27.000 + -5 24 29 53 Cu x -13270# 500# 7894# 9# B- * 52 985754# 537# +0 16 35 19 54 K x -5002# 596# 7889# 11# B- 20158# 598# 53 994630# 640# + 14 34 20 54 Ca x -25160.585 48.438 8247.496 0.897 B- 8730.315 277.066 53 972989.000 52.000 + 12 33 21 54 Sc x -33890.900 272.800 8394.681 5.052 B- 11731.081 284.990 53 963616.620 292.862 + 10 32 22 54 Ti x -45621.981 82.461 8597.435 1.527 B- 4271.192 83.815 53 951022.786 88.526 + 8 31 23 54 V + -49893.173 15.004 8662.043 0.278 B- 7041.592 15.000 53 946437.472 16.107 + 6 30 24 54 Cr -56934.765 0.353 8777.955 0.007 B- -1377.136 1.008 53 938878.012 0.378 + 4 29 25 54 Mn -p -55557.629 1.059 8737.965 0.020 B- 696.872 1.076 53 940356.429 1.136 + 2 28 26 54 Fe -56254.500 0.372 8736.382 0.007 B- -8244.547 0.089 53 939608.306 0.399 + 0 27 27 54 Co -48009.953 0.383 8569.217 0.007 B- -8731.646 4.673 53 948459.192 0.411 + -2 26 28 54 Ni x -39278.308 4.657 8393.032 0.086 B- -17868# 400# 53 957833.000 5.000 + -4 25 29 54 Cu x -21410# 400# 8048# 7# B- -15139# 565# 53 977015# 429# + -6 24 30 54 Zn -pp -6272# 400# 7753# 7# B- * 53 993267# 430# +0 17 36 19 55 K x 708# 699# 7788# 13# B- 19058# 760# 55 000760# 750# + 15 35 20 55 Ca x -18350# 300# 8120# 5# B- 11809# 544# 54 980300# 322# + 13 34 21 55 Sc x -30159.352 454.342 8320.955 8.261 B- 11508.735 482.226 54 967622.601 487.756 + 11 33 22 55 Ti -41668.088 161.602 8515.980 2.938 B- 7476.498 157.206 54 955267.465 173.486 + 9 32 23 55 V -49144.586 95.104 8637.692 1.729 B- 5965.125 95.103 54 947241.114 102.098 + 7 31 24 55 Cr -55109.710 0.399 8731.924 0.007 B- 2602.703 0.368 54 940837.289 0.428 + 5 30 25 55 Mn -57712.413 0.303 8765.022 0.006 B- -231.114 0.179 54 938043.172 0.325 + 3 29 26 55 Fe -57481.300 0.342 8746.595 0.006 B- -3451.417 0.324 54 938291.283 0.367 + 1 28 27 55 Co -54029.883 0.428 8669.618 0.008 B- -8694.034 0.578 54 941996.531 0.459 + -1 27 28 55 Ni - -45335.849 0.719 8497.320 0.013 B- -13700.449 155.561 54 951329.961 0.771 + -3 26 29 55 Cu x -31635.399 155.559 8233.996 2.828 B- -17065# 429# 54 966038.000 167.000 + -5 25 30 55 Zn x -14570# 400# 7909# 7# B- * 54 984358# 429# +0 18 37 19 56 K x 7927# 801# 7664# 14# B- 21825# 895# 56 008510# 860# + 16 36 20 56 Ca x -13898# 400# 8040# 7# B- 10954# 710# 55 985080# 429# + 14 35 21 56 Sc x -24852.260 586.841 8221.728 10.479 B- 14467.788 599.236 55 973320.000 630.000 + 12 34 22 56 Ti -39320.048 121.247 8466.110 2.165 B- 6834.833 194.550 55 957788.190 130.164 + 10 33 23 56 V -46154.881 176.898 8574.191 3.159 B- 9130.120 176.899 55 950450.694 189.907 + 8 32 24 56 Cr ++ -55285.001 0.603 8723.258 0.011 B- 1626.538 0.561 55 940649.107 0.647 + 6 31 25 56 Mn -n -56911.538 0.331 8738.333 0.006 B- 3695.544 0.207 55 938902.947 0.355 + 4 30 26 56 Fe -60607.082 0.302 8790.354 0.005 B- -4566.680 0.411 55 934935.617 0.324 + 2 29 27 56 Co -56040.402 0.493 8694.836 0.009 B- -2132.863 0.374 55 939838.150 0.529 + 0 28 28 56 Ni -53907.539 0.422 8642.779 0.008 B- -15264.511 14.910 55 942127.872 0.452 + -2 27 29 56 Cu x -38643.029 14.904 8356.227 0.266 B- -13253# 400# 55 958515.000 16.000 + -4 26 30 56 Zn x -25390# 400# 8106# 7# B- -22000# 640# 55 972743# 429# + -6 25 31 56 Ga x -3390# 500# 7699# 9# B- * 55 996361# 537# +0 17 37 20 57 Ca x -6874# 400# 7917# 7# B- 14121# 1364# 56 992620# 429# + 15 36 21 57 Sc x -20995.875 1304.092 8151.433 22.879 B- 12919.758 1329.062 56 977460.000 1400.000 + 13 35 22 57 Ti x -33915.633 256.417 8364.370 4.499 B- 10497.818 268.750 56 963590.068 275.274 + 11 34 23 57 V x -44413.450 80.479 8534.817 1.412 B- 8111.252 80.486 56 952320.197 86.397 + 9 33 24 57 Cr x -52524.702 1.068 8663.394 0.019 B- 4961.548 1.846 56 943612.409 1.146 + 7 32 25 57 Mn -57486.251 1.505 8736.713 0.026 B- 2695.589 1.526 56 938285.968 1.615 + 5 31 26 57 Fe -60181.839 0.304 8770.279 0.005 B- -836.276 0.451 56 935392.134 0.326 + 3 30 27 57 Co -59345.564 0.533 8741.882 0.009 B- -3261.731 0.642 56 936289.913 0.572 + 1 29 28 57 Ni -56083.833 0.582 8670.933 0.010 B- -8774.947 0.439 56 939791.525 0.624 + -1 28 29 57 Cu -47308.886 0.519 8503.262 0.009 B- -14759# 200# 56 949211.819 0.557 + -3 27 30 57 Zn x -32550# 200# 8231# 4# B- -17540# 447# 56 965056# 215# + -5 26 31 57 Ga x -15010# 400# 7909# 7# B- * 56 983886# 429# +0 18 38 20 58 Ca x -1919# 500# 7835# 9# B- 12957# 640# 57 997940# 537# + 16 37 21 58 Sc x -14876# 400# 8045# 7# B- 16234# 447# 57 984030# 429# + 14 36 22 58 Ti x -31110# 200# 8311# 3# B- 9292# 219# 57 966602# 215# + 12 35 23 58 V x -40401.753 89.374 8457.658 1.541 B- 11590.049 89.386 57 956626.932 95.947 + 10 34 24 58 Cr x -51991.801 1.490 8643.998 0.026 B- 3835.759 3.085 57 944184.502 1.600 + 8 33 25 58 Mn x -55827.560 2.701 8696.643 0.047 B- 6327.553 2.723 57 940066.646 2.900 + 6 32 26 58 Fe -62155.113 0.343 8792.250 0.006 B- -2307.955 1.139 57 933273.738 0.368 + 4 31 27 58 Co -59847.158 1.160 8738.969 0.020 B- 381.586 1.107 57 935751.429 1.245 + 2 30 28 58 Ni -60228.744 0.373 8732.059 0.006 B- -8561.019 0.443 57 935341.780 0.400 + 0 29 29 58 Cu -51667.725 0.578 8570.967 0.010 B- -9368.981 50.002 57 944532.413 0.621 + -2 28 30 58 Zn -- -42298.744 50.001 8395.944 0.862 B- -18759# 304# 57 954590.428 53.678 + -4 27 31 58 Ga x -23540# 300# 8059# 5# B- -16459# 583# 57 974729# 322# + -6 26 32 58 Ge x -7080# 500# 7762# 9# B- * 57 992399# 537# +0 17 38 21 59 Sc x -10302# 400# 7967# 7# B- 15208# 447# 58 988940# 429# + 15 37 22 59 Ti x -25510# 200# 8212# 3# B- 12322# 258# 58 972614# 215# + 13 36 23 59 V x -37832.015 161.874 8407.555 2.744 B- 10253.745 270.218 58 959385.659 173.778 + 11 35 24 59 Cr x -48085.760 216.367 8568.087 3.667 B- 7439.560 216.380 58 948377.810 232.279 + 9 34 25 59 Mn x -55525.320 2.329 8680.921 0.039 B- 5139.485 2.356 58 940391.113 2.500 + 7 33 26 59 Fe -60664.805 0.355 8754.771 0.006 B- 1564.903 0.369 58 934873.649 0.380 + 5 32 27 59 Co -62229.709 0.418 8768.035 0.007 B- -1073.002 0.194 58 933193.656 0.448 + 3 31 28 59 Ni -61156.707 0.374 8736.588 0.006 B- -4798.380 0.397 58 934345.571 0.402 + 1 30 29 59 Cu -56358.327 0.544 8642.000 0.009 B- -9142.775 0.602 58 939496.844 0.584 + -1 29 30 59 Zn -47215.551 0.771 8473.777 0.013 B- -13455# 170# 58 949312.017 0.827 + -3 28 31 59 Ga x -33760# 170# 8232# 3# B- -17890# 434# 58 963757# 183# + -5 27 32 59 Ge x -15870# 400# 7916# 7# B- * 58 982963# 429# +0 18 39 21 60 Sc x -4052# 500# 7865# 8# B- 18278# 583# 59 995650# 537# + 16 38 22 60 Ti x -22330# 300# 8157# 5# B- 10912# 372# 59 976028# 322# + 14 37 23 60 V x -33241.956 220.159 8325.450 3.669 B- 13427.621 293.169 59 964313.290 236.350 + 12 36 24 60 Cr x -46669.576 193.593 8536.205 3.227 B- 6298.361 193.607 59 949898.146 207.830 + 10 35 25 60 Mn x -52967.938 2.329 8628.138 0.039 B- 8445.079 4.128 59 943136.576 2.500 + 8 34 26 60 Fe -nn -61413.017 3.409 8755.851 0.057 B- 237.293 3.411 59 934070.411 3.659 + 6 33 27 60 Co -n -61650.309 0.424 8746.766 0.007 B- 2822.809 0.212 59 933815.667 0.455 + 4 32 28 60 Ni -64473.118 0.376 8780.774 0.006 B- -6127.982 1.573 59 930785.256 0.403 + 2 31 29 60 Cu - -58345.137 1.618 8665.602 0.027 B- -4170.797 1.629 59 937363.916 1.736 + 0 30 30 60 Zn -54174.340 0.564 8583.050 0.009 B- -14584# 200# 59 941841.450 0.605 + -2 29 31 60 Ga x -39590# 200# 8327# 3# B- -12501# 361# 59 957498# 215# + -4 28 32 60 Ge x -27090# 300# 8106# 5# B- -21620# 500# 59 970918# 322# + -6 27 33 60 As x -5470# 400# 7732# 7# B- * 59 994128# 429# +0 19 40 21 61 Sc x 931# 600# 7787# 10# B- 17281# 721# 61 001000# 644# + 17 39 22 61 Ti x -16350# 400# 8057# 7# B- 14157# 979# 60 982448# 429# + 15 38 23 61 V x -30506.429 894.234 8276.439 14.660 B- 11968.800 899.958 60 967250.000 960.000 + 13 37 24 61 Cr x -42475.229 101.341 8459.824 1.661 B- 9266.893 101.367 60 954400.963 108.793 + 11 36 25 61 Mn x -51742.122 2.329 8598.915 0.038 B- 7178.372 3.497 60 944452.544 2.500 + 9 35 26 61 Fe x -58920.494 2.608 8703.768 0.043 B- 3977.572 2.742 60 936746.244 2.800 + 7 34 27 61 Co p2n -62898.066 0.846 8756.148 0.014 B- 1323.839 0.790 60 932476.145 0.908 + 5 33 28 61 Ni -64221.905 0.378 8765.025 0.006 B- -2237.845 0.966 60 931054.945 0.405 + 3 32 29 61 Cu p2n -61984.059 0.953 8715.514 0.016 B- -5635.156 15.903 60 933457.371 1.023 + 1 31 30 61 Zn -56348.903 15.899 8610.309 0.261 B- -9214.245 37.679 60 939506.960 17.068 + -1 30 31 61 Ga -47134.659 37.994 8446.431 0.623 B- -13775# 302# 60 949398.859 40.787 + -3 29 32 61 Ge x -33360# 300# 8208# 5# B- -16459# 424# 60 964187# 322# + -5 28 33 61 As x -16900# 300# 7925# 5# B- * 60 981857# 322# +0 18 40 22 62 Ti x -12500# 400# 7995# 6# B- 12977# 499# 61 986581# 429# + 16 39 23 62 V x -25476# 298# 8192# 5# B- 15419# 333# 61 972650# 320# + 14 38 24 62 Cr x -40894.961 148.099 8428.069 2.389 B- 7628.996 148.244 61 956097.451 158.991 + 12 37 25 62 Mn IT -48523.957 6.542 8538.499 0.106 B- 10354.091 7.114 61 947907.386 7.023 + 10 36 26 62 Fe x -58878.048 2.794 8692.882 0.045 B- 2546.235 18.784 61 936791.812 3.000 + 8 35 27 62 Co + -61424.282 18.575 8721.332 0.300 B- 5322.040 18.570 61 934058.317 19.940 + 6 34 28 62 Ni -66746.323 0.439 8794.553 0.007 B- -3958.896 0.475 61 928344.871 0.470 + 4 33 29 62 Cu - -62787.426 0.647 8718.081 0.010 B- -1619.455 0.651 61 932594.921 0.694 + 2 32 30 62 Zn -61167.972 0.625 8679.343 0.010 B- -9181.066 0.376 61 934333.477 0.670 + 0 31 31 62 Ga -51986.906 0.647 8518.642 0.010 B- -10247# 140# 61 944189.757 0.694 + -2 30 32 62 Ge x -41740# 140# 8341# 2# B- -17420# 331# 61 955190# 150# + -4 29 33 62 As x -24320# 300# 8047# 5# B- * 61 973891# 322# +0 19 41 22 63 Ti x -5750# 500# 7889# 8# B- 16140# 640# 62 993827# 537# + 17 40 23 63 V x -21890# 400# 8133# 6# B- 14117# 537# 62 976500# 429# + 15 39 24 63 Cr x -36007.474 358.073 8344.828 5.684 B- 10879.579 358.092 62 961344.384 384.407 + 13 38 25 63 Mn x -46887.053 3.726 8505.101 0.059 B- 8748.568 5.692 62 949664.675 4.000 + 11 37 26 63 Fe -55635.621 4.302 8631.549 0.068 B- 6215.819 19.067 62 940272.700 4.618 + 9 36 27 63 Co -61851.440 18.575 8717.795 0.295 B- 3661.335 18.570 62 933599.744 19.941 + 7 35 28 63 Ni -65512.775 0.440 8763.493 0.007 B- 66.977 0.015 62 929669.139 0.472 + 5 34 29 63 Cu -65579.752 0.440 8752.138 0.007 B- -3366.355 1.546 62 929597.236 0.472 + 3 33 30 63 Zn -62213.397 1.561 8686.285 0.025 B- -5666.304 2.034 62 933211.167 1.676 + 1 32 31 63 Ga x -56547.093 1.304 8583.926 0.021 B- -9625.877 37.283 62 939294.195 1.400 + -1 31 32 63 Ge x -46921.216 37.260 8418.716 0.591 B- -13421# 204# 62 949628.000 40.000 + -3 30 33 63 As x -33500# 200# 8193# 3# B- * 62 964036# 215# +0 20 42 22 64 Ti x -1025# 600# 7818# 9# B- 15295# 721# 63 998900# 644# + 18 41 23 64 V x -16320# 400# 8045# 6# B- 17160# 594# 63 982480# 429# + 16 40 24 64 Cr x -33479.757 439.665 8301.058 6.870 B- 9509.277 439.679 63 964058.000 472.000 + 14 39 25 64 Mn x -42989.035 3.540 8437.417 0.055 B- 11980.510 6.140 63 953849.370 3.800 + 12 38 26 64 Fe x -54969.544 5.017 8612.388 0.078 B- 4822.785 20.625 63 940987.763 5.386 + 10 37 27 64 Co + -59792.329 20.006 8675.520 0.313 B- 7306.592 20.000 63 935810.291 21.476 + 8 36 28 64 Ni -67098.921 0.475 8777.461 0.007 B- -1674.376 0.225 63 927966.341 0.510 + 6 35 29 64 Cu -65424.545 0.448 8739.075 0.007 B- 579.469 0.650 63 929763.857 0.481 + 4 34 30 64 Zn -66004.014 0.647 8735.905 0.010 B- -7171.194 1.483 63 929141.772 0.694 + 2 33 31 64 Ga -58832.821 1.429 8611.631 0.022 B- -4517.325 3.991 63 936840.365 1.533 + 0 32 32 64 Ge x -54315.496 3.726 8528.823 0.058 B- -14783# 203# 63 941689.913 4.000 + -2 31 33 64 As -p -39532# 203# 8286# 3# B- -12832# 543# 63 957560# 218# + -4 30 34 64 Se x -26700# 503# 8073# 8# B- * 63 971336# 540# +0 19 42 23 65 V x -11780# 500# 7976# 8# B- 16440# 583# 64 987354# 537# + 17 41 24 65 Cr x -28220# 300# 8217# 5# B- 12748# 300# 64 969705# 322# + 15 40 25 65 Mn x -40967.339 3.726 8400.681 0.057 B- 10250.557 6.326 64 956019.750 4.000 + 13 39 26 65 Fe x -51217.895 5.112 8546.346 0.079 B- 7967.303 5.520 64 945015.324 5.487 + 11 38 27 65 Co x -59185.198 2.083 8656.884 0.032 B- 5940.487 2.141 64 936462.073 2.235 + 9 37 28 65 Ni -n -65125.685 0.495 8736.240 0.008 B- 2137.975 0.706 64 930084.697 0.531 + 7 36 29 65 Cu -67263.660 0.650 8757.096 0.010 B- -1351.640 0.360 64 927789.487 0.697 + 5 35 30 65 Zn -65912.019 0.650 8724.265 0.010 B- -3254.513 0.662 64 929240.532 0.697 + 3 34 31 65 Ga -62657.507 0.815 8662.160 0.013 B- -6179.291 2.313 64 932734.395 0.874 + 1 33 32 65 Ge -56478.216 2.165 8555.058 0.033 B- -9541.165 84.794 64 939368.137 2.323 + -1 32 33 65 As x -46937.051 84.766 8396.234 1.304 B- -13917# 312# 64 949611.000 91.000 + -3 31 34 65 Se x -33020# 300# 8170# 5# B- * 64 964552# 322# +0 20 43 23 66 V x -5610# 500# 7884# 8# B- 19110# 640# 65 993977# 537# + 18 42 24 66 Cr x -24720# 400# 8161# 6# B- 12030# 400# 65 973462# 429# + 16 41 25 66 Mn x -36750.387 11.178 8331.798 0.169 B- 13317.452 11.906 65 960546.834 12.000 + 14 40 26 66 Fe x -50067.839 4.099 8521.724 0.062 B- 6340.694 14.561 65 946249.960 4.400 + 12 39 27 66 Co x -56408.533 13.972 8605.941 0.212 B- 9597.752 14.042 65 939442.945 15.000 + 10 38 28 66 Ni x -66006.285 1.397 8739.508 0.021 B- 251.987 1.543 65 929139.334 1.500 + 8 37 29 66 Cu -66258.272 0.655 8731.472 0.010 B- 2640.888 0.931 65 928868.814 0.703 + 6 36 30 66 Zn -68899.160 0.749 8759.632 0.011 B- -5175.500 0.800 65 926033.704 0.804 + 4 35 31 66 Ga - -63723.660 1.096 8669.361 0.017 B- -2116.628 2.639 65 931589.832 1.176 + 2 34 32 66 Ge x -61607.032 2.401 8625.437 0.036 B- -9581.955 6.168 65 933862.126 2.577 + 0 33 33 66 As x -52025.077 5.682 8468.403 0.086 B- -10365# 200# 65 944148.779 6.100 + -2 32 34 66 Se x -41660# 200# 8300# 3# B- * 65 955276# 215# +0 21 44 23 67 V x -650# 600# 7812# 9# B- 18030# 721# 66 999302# 644# + 19 43 24 67 Cr x -18680# 400# 8070# 6# B- 14780# 500# 66 979946# 429# + 17 42 25 67 Mn x -33460# 300# 8279# 4# B- 12150# 404# 66 964079# 322# + 15 41 26 67 Fe x -45610.155 270.285 8448.469 4.034 B- 9711.620 270.362 66 951035.482 290.163 + 13 40 27 67 Co x -55321.775 6.443 8581.741 0.096 B- 8420.905 7.061 66 940609.628 6.917 + 11 39 28 67 Ni x -63742.680 2.888 8695.750 0.043 B- 3576.832 3.023 66 931569.414 3.100 + 9 38 29 67 Cu -67319.513 0.894 8737.458 0.013 B- 560.800 0.830 66 927729.526 0.959 + 7 37 30 67 Zn -67880.313 0.760 8734.152 0.011 B- -1001.265 1.122 66 927127.482 0.815 + 5 36 31 67 Ga -66879.048 1.181 8707.531 0.018 B- -4220.819 4.799 66 928202.384 1.268 + 3 35 32 67 Ge -n2p -62658.230 4.661 8632.857 0.070 B- -6071.005 4.682 66 932733.620 5.003 + 1 34 33 67 As -56587.225 0.443 8530.568 0.007 B- -10006.936 67.069 66 939251.111 0.475 + -1 33 34 67 Se x -46580.289 67.068 8369.534 1.001 B- -13790# 405# 66 949994.000 72.000 + -3 32 35 67 Br x -32790# 400# 8152# 6# B- * 66 964798# 429# +0 20 44 24 68 Cr x -14800# 500# 8013# 7# B- 13580# 640# 67 984112# 537# + 18 43 25 68 Mn x -28380# 400# 8201# 6# B- 15107# 541# 67 969533# 429# + 16 42 26 68 Fe x -43486.914 365.259 8411.698 5.371 B- 8443.751 411.489 67 953314.875 392.121 + 14 41 27 68 Co x -51930.665 189.497 8524.366 2.787 B- 11533.150 189.520 67 944250.135 203.433 + 12 40 28 68 Ni x -63463.814 2.981 8682.466 0.044 B- 2103.220 3.375 67 931868.789 3.200 + 10 39 29 68 Cu x -65567.035 1.584 8701.890 0.023 B- 4440.057 1.767 67 929610.889 1.700 + 8 38 30 68 Zn -70007.092 0.784 8755.680 0.012 B- -2921.100 1.200 67 924844.291 0.841 + 6 37 31 68 Ga - -67085.992 1.433 8701.218 0.021 B- -107.203 2.361 67 927980.221 1.538 + 4 36 32 68 Ge x -66978.789 1.876 8688.136 0.028 B- -8084.270 2.632 67 928095.308 2.014 + 2 35 33 68 As -58894.519 1.846 8557.745 0.027 B- -4705.078 1.911 67 936774.130 1.981 + 0 34 34 68 Se x -54189.441 0.496 8477.047 0.007 B- -15398# 259# 67 941825.239 0.532 + -2 33 35 68 Br -p -38791# 259# 8239# 4# B- * 67 958356# 278# +0 21 45 24 69 Cr x -8580# 500# 7924# 7# B- 16190# 640# 68 990789# 537# + 19 44 25 69 Mn x -24770# 400# 8147# 6# B- 14259# 565# 68 973408# 429# + 17 43 26 69 Fe x -39030# 400# 8342# 6# B- 11250# 424# 68 958100# 429# + 15 42 27 69 Co x -50279.157 140.506 8493.865 2.036 B- 9699.492 140.556 68 946023.102 150.839 + 13 41 28 69 Ni x -59978.648 3.726 8623.099 0.054 B- 5757.564 3.979 68 935610.268 4.000 + 11 40 29 69 Cu x -65736.213 1.397 8695.204 0.020 B- 2681.632 1.610 68 929429.268 1.500 + 9 39 30 69 Zn -n -68417.845 0.800 8722.729 0.012 B- 909.964 1.426 68 926550.418 0.858 + 7 38 31 69 Ga -69327.809 1.197 8724.579 0.017 B- -2227.146 0.550 68 925573.531 1.285 + 5 37 32 69 Ge -67100.663 1.318 8680.963 0.019 B- -3988.492 31.982 68 927964.471 1.414 + 3 36 33 69 As -63112.171 31.999 8611.821 0.464 B- -6677.465 32.021 68 932246.294 34.352 + 1 35 34 69 Se -56434.706 1.490 8503.707 0.022 B- -10175.236 42.029 68 939414.847 1.599 + -1 34 35 69 Br -p -46259.470 42.003 8344.902 0.609 B- -13825# 403# 68 950338.413 45.092 + -3 33 36 69 Kr x -32435# 401# 8133# 6# B- * 68 965180# 430# +0 22 46 24 70 Cr x -4480# 600# 7867# 9# B- 15020# 781# 69 995191# 644# + 20 45 25 70 Mn x -19500# 500# 8070# 7# B- 17010# 640# 69 979066# 537# + 18 44 26 70 Fe x -36510# 400# 8302# 6# B- 10120# 500# 69 960805# 429# + 16 43 27 70 Co x -46630# 300# 8436# 4# B- 12584# 300# 69 949941# 322# + 14 42 28 70 Ni x -59213.860 2.144 8604.291 0.031 B- 3762.513 2.401 69 936431.303 2.301 + 12 41 29 70 Cu x -62976.373 1.082 8646.865 0.015 B- 6588.362 2.202 69 932392.079 1.161 + 10 40 30 70 Zn -69564.735 1.918 8729.808 0.027 B- -654.595 1.574 69 925319.181 2.058 + 8 39 31 70 Ga -68910.140 1.201 8709.280 0.017 B- 1651.736 1.462 69 926021.917 1.289 + 6 38 32 70 Ge -70561.876 0.838 8721.700 0.012 B- -6220.000 50.000 69 924248.706 0.900 + 4 37 33 70 As - -64341.876 50.007 8621.666 0.714 B- -2411.985 50.032 69 930926.151 53.684 + 2 36 34 70 Se x -61929.891 1.584 8576.033 0.023 B- -10504.272 14.988 69 933515.523 1.700 + 0 35 35 70 Br x -51425.619 14.904 8414.796 0.213 B- -10325# 201# 69 944792.323 16.000 + -2 34 36 70 Kr x -41100# 200# 8256# 3# B- * 69 955877# 215# +0 21 46 25 71 Mn x -15570# 500# 8015# 7# B- 15860# 640# 70 983285# 537# + 19 45 26 71 Fe x -31430# 400# 8227# 6# B- 12940# 613# 70 966259# 429# + 17 44 27 71 Co x -44369.926 465.030 8398.734 6.550 B- 11036.302 465.035 70 952366.923 499.230 + 15 43 28 71 Ni x -55406.228 2.237 8543.156 0.032 B- 7304.899 2.688 70 940518.964 2.401 + 13 42 29 71 Cu x -62711.127 1.490 8635.022 0.021 B- 4617.651 3.044 70 932676.832 1.600 + 11 41 30 71 Zn -67328.777 2.654 8689.041 0.037 B- 2810.358 2.775 70 927719.580 2.849 + 9 40 31 71 Ga -70139.135 0.812 8717.604 0.011 B- -232.638 0.223 70 924702.536 0.871 + 7 39 32 71 Ge -69906.497 0.834 8703.309 0.012 B- -2013.400 4.082 70 924952.284 0.894 + 5 38 33 71 As - -67893.097 4.167 8663.932 0.059 B- -4746.590 5.017 70 927113.758 4.473 + 3 37 34 71 Se x -63146.507 2.794 8586.060 0.039 B- -6644.089 6.082 70 932209.432 3.000 + 1 36 35 71 Br -56502.418 5.402 8481.462 0.076 B- -10175.212 128.845 70 939342.156 5.799 + -1 35 36 71 Kr -46327.205 128.769 8327.130 1.814 B- -14267# 420# 70 950265.696 138.238 + -3 34 37 71 Rb x -32060# 400# 8115# 6# B- * 70 965582# 429# +0 22 47 25 72 Mn x -9900# 600# 7937# 8# B- 18530# 781# 71 989372# 644# + 20 46 26 72 Fe x -28430# 500# 8184# 7# B- 11769# 640# 71 969479# 537# + 18 45 27 72 Co x -40200# 400# 8336# 6# B- 14027# 400# 71 956844# 429# + 16 44 28 72 Ni x -54226.060 2.237 8520.211 0.031 B- 5556.938 2.637 71 941785.926 2.401 + 14 43 29 72 Cu x -59782.999 1.397 8586.525 0.019 B- 8362.487 2.558 71 935820.307 1.500 + 12 42 30 72 Zn x -68145.486 2.142 8691.805 0.030 B- 442.807 2.294 71 926842.807 2.300 + 10 41 31 72 Ga -68588.293 0.819 8687.089 0.011 B- 3997.607 0.822 71 926367.434 0.878 + 8 40 32 72 Ge -72585.900 0.076 8731.745 0.001 B- -4356.102 4.082 71 922075.826 0.081 + 6 39 33 72 As - -68229.798 4.083 8660.378 0.057 B- -361.618 4.528 71 926752.295 4.383 + 4 38 34 72 Se x -67868.180 1.956 8644.489 0.027 B- -8806.437 2.208 71 927140.507 2.100 + 2 37 35 72 Br x -59061.743 1.025 8511.312 0.014 B- -5121.168 8.076 71 936594.607 1.100 + 0 36 36 72 Kr x -53940.575 8.011 8429.319 0.111 B- -15611# 500# 71 942092.407 8.600 + -2 35 37 72 Rb x -38330# 500# 8202# 7# B- * 71 958851# 537# +0 21 47 26 73 Fe x -22900# 500# 8106# 7# B- 14518# 640# 72 975416# 537# + 19 46 27 73 Co x -37418# 400# 8295# 5# B- 12690# 400# 72 959830# 429# + 17 45 28 73 Ni x -50108.152 2.423 8457.652 0.033 B- 8879.285 3.104 72 946206.683 2.601 + 15 44 29 73 Cu -58987.437 1.942 8568.569 0.027 B- 6605.966 2.691 72 936674.378 2.084 + 13 43 30 73 Zn x -65593.402 1.863 8648.345 0.026 B- 4105.932 2.506 72 929582.582 2.000 + 11 42 31 73 Ga x -69699.335 1.677 8693.873 0.023 B- 1598.188 1.678 72 925174.682 1.800 + 9 41 32 73 Ge -71297.523 0.057 8705.049 0.001 B- -344.776 3.853 72 923458.956 0.061 + 7 40 33 73 As -70952.747 3.853 8689.609 0.053 B- -2725.360 7.399 72 923829.089 4.136 + 5 39 34 73 Se -68227.387 7.424 8641.558 0.102 B- -4579.912 10.388 72 926754.883 7.969 + 3 38 35 73 Br x -63647.475 7.266 8568.103 0.100 B- -7095.725 9.801 72 931671.621 7.800 + 1 37 36 73 Kr x -56551.751 6.578 8460.184 0.090 B- -10470# 200# 72 939289.195 7.061 + -1 36 37 73 Rb -p -46082# 200# 8306# 3# B- -14131# 448# 72 950529# 215# + -3 35 38 73 Sr x -31950# 401# 8102# 5# B- * 72 965700# 430# +0 22 48 26 74 Fe x -19590# 600# 8061# 8# B- 13230# 781# 73 978969# 644# + 20 47 27 74 Co x -32820# 500# 8229# 7# B- 15636# 537# 73 964766# 537# + 18 46 28 74 Ni x -48456# 196# 8430# 3# B- 7550# 196# 73 947980# 210# + 16 45 29 74 Cu x -56006.205 6.148 8521.562 0.083 B- 9750.507 6.642 73 939874.862 6.600 + 14 44 30 74 Zn x -65756.712 2.515 8642.754 0.034 B- 2292.905 3.910 73 929407.262 2.700 + 12 43 31 74 Ga x -68049.617 2.994 8663.167 0.040 B- 5372.824 2.994 73 926945.726 3.214 + 10 42 32 74 Ge -73422.442 0.013 8725.200 0.000 B- -2562.387 1.693 73 921177.762 0.013 + 8 41 33 74 As -70860.054 1.693 8680.001 0.023 B- 1353.147 1.693 73 923928.598 1.817 + 6 40 34 74 Se -72213.201 0.015 8687.715 0.000 B- -6925.049 5.835 73 922475.935 0.015 + 4 39 35 74 Br -65288.153 5.835 8583.561 0.079 B- -2956.317 6.173 73 929910.281 6.264 + 2 38 36 74 Kr -62331.836 2.013 8533.038 0.027 B- -10415.827 3.424 73 933084.017 2.161 + 0 37 37 74 Rb -51916.009 3.027 8381.712 0.041 B- -11089# 100# 73 944265.868 3.249 + -2 36 38 74 Sr x -40827# 100# 8221# 1# B- * 73 956170# 107# +0 23 49 26 75 Fe x -13640# 600# 7982# 8# B- 16010# 781# 74 985357# 644# + 21 48 27 75 Co x -29649# 500# 8185# 7# B- 14380# 583# 74 968170# 537# + 19 47 28 75 Ni x -44030# 300# 8366# 4# B- 10441# 300# 74 952732# 322# + 17 46 29 75 Cu x -54471.341 2.330 8495.094 0.031 B- 8087.567 3.042 74 941522.606 2.501 + 15 45 30 75 Zn x -62558.908 1.956 8592.497 0.026 B- 5905.672 3.113 74 932840.246 2.100 + 13 44 31 75 Ga x -68464.580 2.422 8660.808 0.032 B- 3392.384 2.422 74 926500.246 2.600 + 11 43 32 75 Ge -n -71856.965 0.052 8695.609 0.001 B- 1177.231 0.885 74 922858.371 0.055 + 9 42 33 75 As -73034.195 0.884 8700.874 0.012 B- -864.714 0.882 74 921594.562 0.948 + 7 41 34 75 Se -72169.481 0.073 8678.913 0.001 B- -3062.472 4.285 74 922522.871 0.078 + 5 40 35 75 Br x -69107.009 4.285 8627.649 0.057 B- -4783.385 9.167 74 925810.570 4.600 + 3 39 36 75 Kr x -64323.624 8.104 8553.439 0.108 B- -7104.929 8.189 74 930945.746 8.700 + 1 38 37 75 Rb x -57218.694 1.180 8448.275 0.016 B- -10600.000 220.000 74 938573.201 1.266 + -1 37 38 75 Sr - -46618.694 220.003 8296.511 2.933 B- -14799# 372# 74 949952.770 236.183 + -3 36 39 75 Y x -31820# 300# 8089# 4# B- * 74 965840# 322# +0 22 49 27 76 Co x -24510# 600# 8116# 8# B- 17120# 721# 75 973687# 644# + 20 48 28 76 Ni x -41630# 400# 8331# 5# B- 9346# 400# 75 955308# 429# + 18 47 29 76 Cu x -50975.985 6.707 8443.527 0.088 B- 11327.031 6.863 75 945275.025 7.200 + 16 46 30 76 Zn -62303.016 1.456 8582.273 0.019 B- 3993.624 2.438 75 933114.957 1.562 + 14 45 31 76 Ga x -66296.640 1.956 8624.526 0.026 B- 6916.249 1.956 75 928827.625 2.100 + 12 44 32 76 Ge -73212.889 0.018 8705.236 0.000 B- -921.512 0.886 75 921402.726 0.019 + 10 43 33 76 As -n -72291.377 0.886 8682.816 0.012 B- 2960.573 0.886 75 922392.010 0.951 + 8 42 34 76 Se -75251.950 0.016 8711.477 0.000 B- -4962.881 9.322 75 919213.704 0.017 + 6 41 35 76 Br - -70289.068 9.322 8635.882 0.123 B- -1275.355 10.149 75 924541.577 10.007 + 4 40 36 76 Kr -69013.714 4.013 8608.807 0.053 B- -8534.633 4.121 75 925910.726 4.308 + 2 39 37 76 Rb x -60479.081 0.938 8486.215 0.012 B- -6231.442 34.478 75 935073.032 1.006 + 0 38 38 76 Sr x -54247.639 34.465 8393.929 0.453 B- -15768# 302# 75 941762.761 37.000 + -2 37 39 76 Y x -38480# 300# 8176# 4# B- * 75 958690# 322# +0 23 50 27 77 Co x -21015# 600# 8070# 8# B- 15785# 781# 76 977440# 644# + 21 49 28 77 Ni x -36800# 500# 8265# 6# B- 11824# 522# 76 960494# 537# + 19 48 29 77 Cu x -48624# 149# 8408# 2# B- 10165# 149# 76 947800# 160# + 17 47 30 77 Zn -58789.195 1.973 8530.003 0.026 B- 7203.149 3.124 76 936887.199 2.117 + 15 46 31 77 Ga x -65992.344 2.422 8613.390 0.031 B- 5220.518 2.422 76 929154.300 2.600 + 13 45 32 77 Ge -n -71212.862 0.053 8671.028 0.001 B- 2703.456 1.694 76 923549.844 0.056 + 11 44 33 77 As -73916.318 1.693 8695.978 0.022 B- 683.170 1.693 76 920647.564 1.817 + 9 43 34 77 Se -74599.488 0.062 8694.690 0.001 B- -1364.680 2.810 76 919914.150 0.067 + 7 42 35 77 Br - -73234.809 2.811 8666.806 0.037 B- -3065.366 3.424 76 921379.194 3.017 + 5 41 36 77 Kr x -70169.443 1.956 8616.836 0.025 B- -5338.951 2.351 76 924670.000 2.100 + 3 40 37 77 Rb x -64830.492 1.304 8537.339 0.017 B- -7027.055 8.024 76 930401.600 1.400 + 1 39 38 77 Sr x -57803.436 7.918 8435.918 0.103 B- -11365# 203# 76 937945.455 8.500 + -1 38 39 77 Y -p -46439# 203# 8278# 3# B- -14399# 448# 76 950146# 218# + -3 37 40 77 Zr x -32040# 400# 8081# 5# B- * 76 965604# 429# +0 22 50 28 78 Ni x -33890# 600# 8225# 8# B- 10608# 783# 77 963618# 644# + 20 49 29 78 Cu x -44497.469 503.007 8350.925 6.449 B- 12985.766 503.011 77 952230.000 540.000 + 18 48 30 78 Zn -57483.235 1.944 8507.379 0.025 B- 6222.716 2.719 77 938289.205 2.086 + 16 47 31 78 Ga -63705.950 1.903 8577.127 0.024 B- 8156.099 4.015 77 931608.845 2.043 + 14 46 32 78 Ge -nn -71862.050 3.536 8671.663 0.045 B- 954.890 10.400 77 922852.912 3.795 + 12 45 33 78 As +pn -72816.940 9.781 8673.875 0.125 B- 4209.004 9.782 77 921827.795 10.500 + 10 44 34 78 Se -77025.944 0.179 8717.806 0.002 B- -3573.784 3.575 77 917309.243 0.191 + 8 43 35 78 Br - -73452.160 3.580 8661.959 0.046 B- 726.116 3.584 77 921145.859 3.842 + 6 42 36 78 Kr -74178.275 0.307 8661.238 0.004 B- -7242.857 3.252 77 920366.341 0.329 + 4 41 37 78 Rb x -66935.419 3.237 8558.350 0.042 B- -3761.477 8.125 77 928141.868 3.475 + 2 40 38 78 Sr x -63173.941 7.452 8500.096 0.096 B- -11001# 298# 77 932179.980 8.000 + 0 39 39 78 Y x -52173# 298# 8349# 4# B- -11323# 499# 77 943990# 320# + -2 38 40 78 Zr x -40850# 400# 8194# 5# B- * 77 956146# 429# +0 23 51 28 79 Ni x -27570# 600# 8143# 8# B- 14170# 671# 78 970402# 644# + 21 50 29 79 Cu x -41740# 300# 8312# 4# B- 11692# 300# 78 955190# 322# + 19 49 30 79 Zn -53432.295 2.225 8450.582 0.028 B- 9115.384 2.901 78 942638.068 2.388 + 17 48 31 79 Ga -62547.679 1.868 8556.063 0.024 B- 6978.913 37.147 78 932852.301 2.005 + 15 47 32 79 Ge -69526.592 37.181 8634.501 0.471 B- 4109.457 37.456 78 925360.129 39.915 + 13 46 33 79 As -73636.049 5.328 8676.616 0.067 B- 2281.410 5.331 78 920948.445 5.719 + 11 45 34 79 Se -n -75917.459 0.223 8695.592 0.003 B- 150.576 1.038 78 918499.251 0.238 + 9 44 35 79 Br +n -76068.035 1.021 8687.594 0.013 B- -1625.778 3.333 78 918337.601 1.095 + 7 43 36 79 Kr - -74442.257 3.486 8657.112 0.044 B- -3639.271 4.092 78 920082.945 3.742 + 5 42 37 79 Rb x -70802.985 2.142 8601.142 0.027 B- -5326.096 8.653 78 923989.864 2.300 + 3 41 38 79 Sr x -65476.889 8.383 8523.820 0.106 B- -7659.056 79.620 78 929707.664 9.000 + 1 40 39 79 Y x -57817.833 79.177 8416.967 1.002 B- -11048# 310# 78 937930.000 85.000 + -1 39 40 79 Zr x -46770# 300# 8267# 4# B- -15120# 583# 78 949790# 322# + -3 38 41 79 Nb x -31650# 500# 8066# 6# B- * 78 966022# 537# +0 24 52 28 80 Ni x -22630# 700# 8080# 9# B- 13570# 806# 79 975706# 751# + 22 51 29 80 Cu x -36200# 400# 8240# 5# B- 15449# 400# 79 961138# 429# + 20 50 30 80 Zn -51648.612 2.585 8423.545 0.032 B- 7575.055 3.877 79 944552.930 2.774 + 18 49 31 80 Ga x -59223.667 2.891 8508.454 0.036 B- 10311.639 3.541 79 936420.774 3.103 + 16 48 32 80 Ge x -69535.306 2.054 8627.570 0.026 B- 2679.187 3.915 79 925350.774 2.205 + 14 47 33 80 As x -72214.493 3.333 8651.280 0.042 B- 5544.964 3.445 79 922474.548 3.577 + 12 46 34 80 Se -77759.457 0.963 8710.813 0.012 B- -1870.464 0.310 79 916521.785 1.034 + 10 45 35 80 Br - -75888.993 1.012 8677.653 0.013 B- 2004.353 1.154 79 918529.810 1.086 + 8 44 36 80 Kr -77893.346 0.691 8692.928 0.009 B- -5717.879 1.987 79 916378.048 0.742 + 6 43 37 80 Rb x -72175.467 1.863 8611.675 0.023 B- -1864.009 3.933 79 922516.444 2.000 + 4 42 38 80 Sr x -70311.459 3.464 8578.596 0.043 B- -9163.307 7.139 79 924517.540 3.718 + 2 41 39 80 Y x -61148.152 6.242 8454.275 0.078 B- -6788# 300# 79 934354.755 6.701 + 0 40 40 80 Zr x -54360# 300# 8360# 4# B- -15940# 500# 79 941642# 322# + -2 39 41 80 Nb x -38420# 400# 8151# 5# B- * 79 958754# 429# +0 23 52 29 81 Cu x -31420# 500# 8179# 6# B- 14779# 500# 80 966269# 537# + 21 51 30 81 Zn x -46199.663 5.030 8351.925 0.062 B- 11428.292 5.996 80 950402.619 5.400 + 19 50 31 81 Ga x -57627.954 3.264 8483.357 0.040 B- 8663.733 3.851 80 938133.842 3.503 + 17 49 32 81 Ge x -66291.687 2.055 8580.658 0.025 B- 6241.617 3.344 80 928832.942 2.205 + 15 48 33 81 As -72533.304 2.644 8648.056 0.033 B- 3855.684 2.812 80 922132.290 2.838 + 13 47 34 81 Se -76388.988 0.992 8685.999 0.012 B- 1588.046 1.389 80 917993.044 1.065 + 11 46 35 81 Br -77977.034 0.978 8695.946 0.012 B- -280.853 0.471 80 916288.206 1.049 + 9 45 36 81 Kr -77696.181 1.074 8682.820 0.013 B- -2239.511 5.019 80 916589.714 1.152 + 7 44 37 81 Rb -75456.670 4.904 8645.513 0.061 B- -3928.545 5.817 80 918993.927 5.264 + 5 43 38 81 Sr x -71528.125 3.128 8587.354 0.039 B- -5815.214 6.245 80 923211.394 3.358 + 3 42 39 81 Y x -65712.912 5.405 8505.902 0.067 B- -8252.773 94.236 80 929454.283 5.802 + 1 41 40 81 Zr x -57460.139 94.081 8394.358 1.161 B- -11100# 411# 80 938314.000 101.000 + -1 40 41 81 Nb x -46360# 400# 8248# 5# B- -14610# 640# 80 950230# 429# + -3 39 42 81 Mo x -31750# 500# 8058# 6# B- * 80 965915# 537# +0 24 53 29 82 Cu x -25320# 600# 8103# 7# B- 16994# 600# 81 972818# 644# + 22 52 30 82 Zn x -42313.954 3.074 8301.117 0.037 B- 10616.764 3.916 81 954574.099 3.300 + 20 51 31 82 Ga x -52930.719 2.426 8421.049 0.030 B- 12484.348 3.296 81 943176.533 2.604 + 18 50 32 82 Ge x -65415.067 2.241 8563.756 0.027 B- 4690.352 4.345 81 929774.033 2.405 + 16 49 33 82 As x -70105.419 3.729 8611.414 0.045 B- 7488.463 3.758 81 924738.733 4.003 + 14 48 34 82 Se -77593.882 0.467 8693.196 0.006 B- -95.221 1.077 81 916699.537 0.500 + 12 47 35 82 Br -77498.661 0.971 8682.494 0.012 B- 3093.124 0.971 81 916801.760 1.042 + 10 46 36 82 Kr -80591.78515 0.00549 8710.675 0.000 B- -4403.982 3.009 81 913481.15520 0.00589 + 8 45 37 82 Rb IT -76187.803 3.009 8647.427 0.037 B- -177.751 6.705 81 918209.024 3.230 + 6 44 38 82 Sr -76010.053 5.992 8635.718 0.073 B- -7945.961 8.132 81 918399.847 6.432 + 4 43 39 82 Y x -68064.091 5.499 8529.275 0.067 B- -4432.804 12.457 81 926930.188 5.902 + 2 42 40 82 Zr x -63631.287 11.178 8465.676 0.136 B- -11541# 300# 81 931689.000 12.000 + 0 41 41 82 Nb x -52090# 300# 8315# 4# B- -11720# 500# 81 944079# 322# + -2 40 42 82 Mo x -40370# 400# 8163# 5# B- * 81 956661# 429# +0 23 53 30 83 Zn x -36290# 300# 8226# 4# B- 12967# 300# 82 961041# 322# + 21 52 31 83 Ga x -49257.122 2.613 8372.575 0.031 B- 11719.312 3.559 82 947120.301 2.804 + 19 51 32 83 Ge x -60976.435 2.427 8504.345 0.029 B- 8692.888 3.698 82 934539.101 2.605 + 17 50 33 83 As x -69669.323 2.799 8599.653 0.034 B- 5671.207 4.129 82 925206.901 3.004 + 15 49 34 83 Se -n -75340.530 3.036 8658.555 0.037 B- 3673.179 4.839 82 919118.609 3.259 + 13 48 35 83 Br -79013.709 3.795 8693.384 0.046 B- 976.924 3.795 82 915175.289 4.073 + 11 47 36 83 Kr -79990.633 0.009 8695.729 0.000 B- -920.004 2.329 82 914126.518 0.009 + 9 46 37 83 Rb -79070.630 2.329 8675.218 0.028 B- -2273.024 6.424 82 915114.182 2.500 + 7 45 38 83 Sr -76797.606 6.834 8638.407 0.082 B- -4591.941 19.844 82 917554.374 7.336 + 5 44 39 83 Y x -72205.665 18.631 8573.656 0.224 B- -6294.012 19.707 82 922484.025 20.000 + 3 43 40 83 Zr x -65911.654 6.430 8488.399 0.077 B- -8355.571 151.039 82 929240.925 6.902 + 1 42 41 83 Nb x -57556.083 150.902 8378.304 1.818 B- -11216# 428# 82 938211.000 162.000 + -1 41 42 83 Mo x -46340# 401# 8234# 5# B- -15020# 641# 82 950252# 430# + -3 40 43 83 Tc x -31320# 500# 8043# 6# B- * 82 966377# 537# +0 24 54 30 84 Zn x -31930# 400# 8172# 5# B- 12158# 447# 83 965722# 429# + 22 53 31 84 Ga x -44088# 200# 8307# 2# B- 14061# 200# 83 952670# 215# + 20 52 32 84 Ge x -58148.428 3.171 8465.524 0.038 B- 7705.132 4.479 83 937575.091 3.403 + 18 51 33 84 As x -65853.560 3.171 8547.938 0.038 B- 10094.161 3.722 83 929303.291 3.403 + 16 50 34 84 Se -75947.721 1.961 8658.793 0.023 B- 1835.363 25.765 83 918466.762 2.105 + 14 49 35 84 Br -77783.084 25.730 8671.329 0.306 B- 4656.251 25.730 83 916496.419 27.622 + 12 48 36 84 Kr -82439.33510 0.00379 8717.446 0.000 B- -2680.371 2.194 83 911497.72863 0.00407 + 10 47 37 84 Rb -79758.964 2.194 8676.224 0.026 B- 890.606 2.336 83 914375.225 2.355 + 8 46 38 84 Sr -80649.570 1.243 8677.512 0.015 B- -6755.139 4.411 83 913419.120 1.334 + 6 45 39 84 Y -73894.431 4.299 8587.780 0.051 B- -2472.745 6.977 83 920671.061 4.615 + 4 44 40 84 Zr x -71421.686 5.499 8549.029 0.065 B- -10202.968 14.153 83 923325.662 5.903 + 2 43 41 84 Nb x -61218.717 13.041 8418.252 0.155 B- -7049# 298# 83 934279.000 14.000 + 0 42 42 84 Mo x -54170# 298# 8325# 4# B- -16470# 499# 83 941846# 320# + -2 41 43 84 Tc x -37700# 400# 8120# 5# B- * 83 959527# 429# +0 25 55 30 85 Zn x -25230# 500# 8092# 6# B- 14619# 582# 84 972914# 537# + 23 54 31 85 Ga x -39849# 298# 8255# 4# B- 13274# 298# 84 957220# 320# + 21 53 32 85 Ge x -53123.420 3.729 8401.768 0.044 B- 10065.724 4.830 84 942969.659 4.003 + 19 52 33 85 As x -63189.144 3.078 8510.984 0.036 B- 9224.492 4.031 84 932163.659 3.304 + 17 51 34 85 Se +3p -72413.636 2.613 8610.304 0.031 B- 6161.833 4.031 84 922260.759 2.804 + 15 50 35 85 Br +n2p -78575.469 3.078 8673.592 0.036 B- 2904.861 3.671 84 915645.759 3.304 + 13 49 36 85 Kr + -81480.331 2.000 8698.562 0.024 B- 687.000 2.000 84 912527.262 2.147 + 11 48 37 85 Rb -82167.33050 0.00498 8697.441 0.000 B- -1064.051 2.813 84 911789.73760 0.00534 + 9 47 38 85 Sr -81103.280 2.813 8675.718 0.033 B- -3261.157 19.173 84 912932.043 3.020 + 7 46 39 85 Y x -77842.123 18.965 8628.148 0.223 B- -4666.934 20.026 84 916433.039 20.360 + 5 45 40 85 Zr x -73175.189 6.430 8564.039 0.076 B- -6895.514 7.625 84 921443.198 6.902 + 3 44 41 85 Nb x -66279.676 4.099 8473.711 0.048 B- -8769.923 16.357 84 928845.837 4.400 + 1 43 42 85 Mo x -57509.753 15.835 8361.331 0.186 B- -11660# 400# 84 938260.737 17.000 + -1 42 43 85 Tc x -45850# 400# 8215# 5# B- -14900# 640# 84 950778# 429# + -3 41 44 85 Ru x -30950# 500# 8030# 6# B- * 84 966774# 537# +0 24 55 31 86 Ga x -34080# 400# 8186# 5# B- 15320# 593# 85 963414# 429# + 22 54 32 86 Ge x -49399.922 437.802 8354.629 5.091 B- 9562.221 437.816 85 946967.000 470.000 + 20 53 33 86 As x -58962.142 3.450 8456.721 0.040 B- 11541.024 4.267 85 936701.533 3.703 + 18 52 34 86 Se x -70503.167 2.520 8581.822 0.029 B- 5129.085 3.972 85 924311.733 2.705 + 16 51 35 86 Br +pp -75632.252 3.078 8632.365 0.036 B- 7633.414 3.078 85 918805.433 3.304 + 14 50 36 86 Kr -83265.66564 0.00369 8712.029 0.000 B- -518.672 0.200 85 910610.62627 0.00396 + 12 49 37 86 Rb -n -82746.993 0.200 8696.901 0.002 B- 1776.096 0.200 85 911167.443 0.214 + 10 48 38 86 Sr -84523.08935 0.00522 8708.456 0.000 B- -5240.000 14.142 85 909260.72631 0.00561 + 8 47 39 86 Y - -79283.089 14.142 8638.428 0.164 B- -1314.075 14.585 85 914886.098 15.182 + 6 46 40 86 Zr -77969.014 3.566 8614.051 0.041 B- -8834.960 6.552 85 916296.815 3.827 + 4 45 41 86 Nb x -69134.054 5.499 8502.222 0.064 B- -5023.810 6.642 85 925781.535 5.903 + 2 44 42 86 Mo x -64110.245 3.726 8434.709 0.043 B- -12540# 300# 85 931174.817 4.000 + 0 43 43 86 Tc x -51570# 300# 8280# 3# B- -11800# 500# 85 944637# 322# + -2 42 44 86 Ru x -39770# 400# 8133# 5# B- * 85 957305# 429# +0 25 56 31 87 Ga x -29250# 500# 8129# 6# B- 14828# 583# 86 968599# 537# + 23 55 32 87 Ge x -44078# 300# 8290# 3# B- 11540# 300# 86 952680# 322# + 21 54 33 87 As x -55617.907 2.985 8413.851 0.034 B- 10808.218 3.726 86 940291.718 3.204 + 19 53 34 87 Se x -66426.125 2.241 8529.091 0.026 B- 7465.552 3.877 86 928688.618 2.405 + 17 52 35 87 Br 2p-n -73891.676 3.171 8605.910 0.036 B- 6817.845 3.181 86 920674.018 3.404 + 15 51 36 87 Kr -n -80709.522 0.246 8675.283 0.003 B- 3888.269 0.246 86 913354.759 0.264 + 13 50 37 87 Rb -84597.791 0.006 8710.983 0.000 B- 282.275 0.006 86 909180.531 0.006 + 11 49 38 87 Sr -84880.06595 0.00510 8705.236 0.000 B- -1861.690 1.128 86 908877.49615 0.00548 + 9 48 39 87 Y - -83018.376 1.128 8674.844 0.013 B- -3671.239 4.296 86 910876.102 1.210 + 7 47 40 87 Zr -79347.137 4.146 8623.654 0.048 B- -5472.651 7.963 86 914817.339 4.450 + 5 46 41 87 Nb x -73874.486 6.802 8551.757 0.078 B- -6989.678 7.378 86 920692.472 7.302 + 3 45 42 87 Mo -66884.808 2.857 8462.424 0.033 B- -9194.764 5.073 86 928196.201 3.067 + 1 44 43 87 Tc x -57690.044 4.192 8347.744 0.048 B- -12170# 400# 86 938067.187 4.500 + -1 43 44 87 Ru x -45520# 400# 8199# 5# B- * 86 951132# 429# +0 24 56 32 88 Ge x -40138# 400# 8243# 5# B- 10582# 445# 87 956910# 429# + 22 55 33 88 As x -50720# 196# 8354# 2# B- 13164# 196# 87 945550# 210# + 20 54 34 88 Se x -63884.195 3.357 8495.004 0.038 B- 6831.763 4.613 87 931417.491 3.604 + 18 53 35 88 Br ++ -70715.959 3.171 8563.747 0.036 B- 8975.327 4.106 87 924083.291 3.404 + 16 52 36 88 Kr x -79691.286 2.608 8656.849 0.030 B- 2917.709 2.613 87 914447.881 2.800 + 14 51 37 88 Rb -82608.995 0.159 8681.115 0.002 B- 5312.623 0.159 87 911315.591 0.171 + 12 50 38 88 Sr -87921.61793 0.00558 8732.595 0.000 B- -3622.600 1.500 87 905612.25561 0.00599 + 10 49 39 88 Y - -84299.018 1.500 8682.539 0.017 B- -670.147 5.608 87 909501.276 1.610 + 8 48 40 88 Zr -83628.871 5.403 8666.033 0.061 B- -7455.284 58.886 87 910220.709 5.800 + 6 47 41 88 Nb -76173.586 58.810 8572.424 0.668 B- -3487.042 58.933 87 918224.287 63.134 + 4 46 42 88 Mo x -72686.544 3.819 8523.908 0.043 B- -11005.229 149.088 87 921967.781 4.100 + 2 45 43 88 Tc x -61681.315 149.039 8389.958 1.694 B- -7342# 335# 87 933782.381 160.000 + 0 44 44 88 Ru x -54340# 300# 8298# 3# B- -17479# 500# 87 941664# 322# + -2 43 45 88 Rh x -36860# 400# 8090# 5# B- * 87 960429# 429# +0 25 57 32 89 Ge x -33729# 400# 8169# 4# B- 13069# 499# 88 963790# 429# + 23 56 33 89 As x -46798# 298# 8307# 3# B- 12194# 298# 88 949760# 320# + 21 55 34 89 Se x -58992.391 3.729 8435.279 0.042 B- 9281.872 4.951 88 936669.059 4.003 + 19 54 35 89 Br x -68274.263 3.264 8530.779 0.037 B- 8261.522 3.904 88 926704.559 3.504 + 17 53 36 89 Kr x -76535.785 2.142 8614.815 0.024 B- 5176.604 5.834 88 917835.450 2.300 + 15 52 37 89 Rb -81712.388 5.427 8664.189 0.061 B- 4496.628 5.427 88 912278.137 5.825 + 13 51 38 89 Sr -86209.017 0.092 8705.922 0.001 B- 1499.336 1.615 88 907450.808 0.098 + 11 50 39 89 Y -87708.352 1.612 8713.978 0.018 B- -2832.792 2.776 88 905841.205 1.730 + 9 49 40 89 Zr -84875.561 3.083 8673.359 0.035 B- -4250.351 23.743 88 908882.332 3.310 + 7 48 41 89 Nb -80625.209 23.631 8616.812 0.266 B- -5610.275 23.953 88 913445.272 25.369 + 5 47 42 89 Mo x -75014.935 3.912 8544.984 0.044 B- -7620.087 5.467 88 919468.150 4.200 + 3 46 43 89 Tc x -67394.848 3.819 8450.575 0.043 B- -9135# 298# 88 927648.650 4.100 + 1 45 44 89 Ru x -58260# 298# 8339# 3# B- -12400# 468# 88 937455# 320# + -1 44 45 89 Rh -p -45861# 361# 8191# 4# B- * 88 950767# 387# +0 26 58 32 90 Ge x -29221# 500# 8118# 6# B- 12109# 640# 89 968630# 537# + 24 57 33 90 As x -41330# 400# 8244# 4# B- 14470# 518# 89 955630# 429# + 22 56 34 90 Se x -55800.217 329.749 8395.766 3.664 B- 8200.081 329.766 89 940096.000 354.000 + 20 55 35 90 Br x -64000.298 3.357 8478.186 0.037 B- 10958.952 3.840 89 931292.850 3.604 + 18 54 36 90 Kr x -74959.250 1.863 8591.259 0.021 B- 4405.154 6.746 89 919527.930 2.000 + 16 53 37 90 Rb -79364.404 6.484 8631.512 0.072 B- 6583.723 6.544 89 914798.803 6.960 + 14 52 38 90 Sr -85948.127 2.124 8695.972 0.024 B- 545.934 1.406 89 907730.885 2.280 + 12 51 39 90 Y -86494.062 1.611 8693.345 0.018 B- 2278.474 1.609 89 907144.800 1.729 + 10 50 40 90 Zr -88772.535 0.118 8709.969 0.001 B- -6111.016 3.316 89 904698.758 0.126 + 8 49 41 90 Nb -82661.519 3.317 8633.376 0.037 B- -2489.016 3.316 89 911259.204 3.561 + 6 48 42 90 Mo -80172.503 3.463 8597.028 0.038 B- -9447.816 3.611 89 913931.272 3.717 + 4 47 43 90 Tc x -70724.687 1.025 8483.359 0.011 B- -5840.895 3.869 89 924073.921 1.100 + 2 46 44 90 Ru -64883.792 3.730 8409.768 0.041 B- -13184# 300# 89 930344.379 4.004 + 0 45 45 90 Rh x -51700# 300# 8255# 3# B- -11990# 500# 89 944498# 322# + -2 44 46 90 Pd x -39710# 400# 8113# 4# B- * 89 957370# 429# +0 25 58 33 91 As x -36896# 400# 8193# 4# B- 13684# 589# 90 960390# 429# + 23 57 34 91 Se x -50580.124 433.145 8334.837 4.760 B- 10527.169 433.159 90 945700.000 465.000 + 21 56 35 91 Br -n2p -61107.294 3.544 8441.923 0.039 B- 9866.671 4.190 90 934398.618 3.804 + 19 55 36 91 Kr x -70973.965 2.236 8541.751 0.025 B- 6771.072 8.115 90 923806.310 2.400 + 17 54 37 91 Rb -77745.037 7.801 8607.561 0.086 B- 5906.890 8.873 90 916537.265 8.375 + 15 53 38 91 Sr -83651.927 5.453 8663.875 0.060 B- 2699.369 5.247 90 910195.958 5.853 + 13 52 39 91 Y -86351.295 1.843 8684.941 0.020 B- 1544.271 1.840 90 907298.066 1.978 + 11 51 40 91 Zr -87895.566 0.105 8693.314 0.001 B- -1257.565 2.924 90 905640.223 0.112 + 9 50 41 91 Nb -86638.001 2.926 8670.897 0.032 B- -4429.180 6.744 90 906990.274 3.141 + 7 49 42 91 Mo -82208.821 6.238 8613.628 0.069 B- -6222.175 6.671 90 911745.195 6.696 + 5 48 43 91 Tc -75986.646 2.363 8536.655 0.026 B- -7746.824 3.242 90 918424.975 2.536 + 3 47 44 91 Ru -68239.823 2.221 8442.928 0.024 B- -9670# 298# 90 926741.532 2.384 + 1 46 45 91 Rh x -58570# 298# 8328# 3# B- -12639# 499# 90 937123# 320# + -1 45 46 91 Pd x -45930# 401# 8181# 4# B- * 90 950692# 430# +0 26 59 33 92 As x -30981# 500# 8127# 5# B- 15742# 640# 91 966740# 537# + 24 58 34 92 Se x -46724# 400# 8290# 4# B- 9509# 400# 91 949840# 429# + 22 57 35 92 Br x -56232.805 6.709 8384.911 0.073 B- 12536.514 7.232 91 939631.597 7.202 + 20 56 36 92 Kr x -68769.320 2.701 8512.674 0.029 B- 6003.118 6.692 91 926173.094 2.900 + 18 55 37 92 Rb -74772.438 6.123 8569.422 0.067 B- 8094.923 6.419 91 919728.481 6.573 + 16 54 38 92 Sr -82867.361 3.423 8648.906 0.037 B- 1949.132 9.384 91 911038.224 3.675 + 14 53 39 92 Y -84816.492 9.127 8661.589 0.099 B- 3642.535 9.127 91 908945.745 9.798 + 12 52 40 92 Zr -88459.028 0.102 8692.678 0.001 B- -2005.736 1.782 91 905035.322 0.109 + 10 51 41 92 Nb -86453.292 1.785 8662.372 0.019 B- 355.284 1.791 91 907188.568 1.915 + 8 50 42 92 Mo -86808.576 0.157 8657.730 0.002 B- -7882.884 3.106 91 906807.155 0.168 + 6 49 43 92 Tc -78925.693 3.102 8563.543 0.034 B- -4624.492 4.125 91 915269.779 3.330 + 4 48 44 92 Ru -74301.201 2.718 8504.773 0.030 B- -11302.114 5.153 91 920234.375 2.917 + 2 47 45 92 Rh x -62999.087 4.378 8373.420 0.048 B- -8419# 300# 91 932367.694 4.700 + 0 46 46 92 Pd x -54580# 300# 8273# 3# B- -17450# 583# 91 941406# 322# + -2 45 47 92 Ag x -37130# 500# 8075# 5# B- * 91 960139# 537# +0 25 59 34 93 Se x -40716# 400# 8223# 4# B- 12175# 588# 92 956290# 429# + 23 58 35 93 Br x -52890.230 430.816 8345.598 4.632 B- 11245.765 430.823 92 943220.000 462.500 + 21 57 36 93 Kr x -64135.994 2.515 8458.108 0.027 B- 8483.907 8.224 92 931147.174 2.700 + 19 56 37 93 Rb -72619.901 7.830 8540.920 0.084 B- 7465.938 8.876 92 922039.325 8.406 + 17 55 38 93 Sr -80085.838 7.554 8612.787 0.081 B- 4141.319 11.697 92 914024.311 8.109 + 15 54 39 93 Y -84227.157 10.488 8648.905 0.113 B- 2894.875 10.483 92 909578.422 11.259 + 13 53 40 93 Zr -87122.032 0.457 8671.620 0.005 B- 90.806 1.484 92 906470.646 0.490 + 11 52 41 93 Nb -87212.838 1.491 8664.184 0.016 B- -405.769 1.501 92 906373.161 1.600 + 9 51 42 93 Mo -n -86807.069 0.181 8651.409 0.002 B- -3200.963 1.004 92 906808.773 0.193 + 7 50 43 93 Tc -p -83606.106 1.012 8608.577 0.011 B- -6389.393 2.299 92 910245.149 1.086 + 5 49 44 93 Ru -77216.713 2.065 8531.462 0.022 B- -8204.913 3.343 92 917104.444 2.216 + 3 48 45 93 Rh -69011.800 2.629 8434.825 0.028 B- -10011# 301# 92 925912.781 2.821 + 1 47 46 93 Pd +p -59001# 300# 8319# 3# B- -12734# 501# 92 936660# 323# + -1 46 47 93 Ag x -46267# 401# 8173# 4# B- * 92 950330# 430# +0 26 60 34 94 Se x -36803# 500# 8180# 5# B- 10597# 583# 93 960490# 537# + 24 59 35 94 Br x -47400# 300# 8284# 3# B- 13948# 300# 93 949114# 322# + 22 58 36 94 Kr x -61347.772 12.109 8424.331 0.129 B- 7215.013 12.278 93 934140.454 13.000 + 20 57 37 94 Rb -68562.785 2.029 8492.764 0.022 B- 10282.926 2.623 93 926394.818 2.177 + 18 56 38 94 Sr -78845.711 1.663 8593.834 0.018 B- 3505.752 6.422 93 915355.643 1.785 + 16 55 39 94 Y -82351.463 6.380 8622.806 0.068 B- 4917.859 6.380 93 911592.063 6.849 + 14 54 40 94 Zr -87269.322 0.164 8666.801 0.002 B- -900.260 1.500 93 906312.524 0.175 + 12 53 41 94 Nb -86369.062 1.491 8648.901 0.016 B- 2045.002 1.494 93 907278.992 1.601 + 10 52 42 94 Mo -88414.065 0.141 8662.333 0.002 B- -4255.748 4.069 93 905083.592 0.151 + 8 51 43 94 Tc - -84158.317 4.071 8608.736 0.043 B- -1574.726 5.143 93 909652.325 4.370 + 6 50 44 94 Ru -82583.591 3.143 8583.661 0.033 B- -9675.978 4.615 93 911342.863 3.374 + 4 49 45 94 Rh -72907.613 3.379 8472.402 0.036 B- -6805.345 5.459 93 921730.453 3.627 + 2 48 46 94 Pd x -66102.268 4.287 8391.682 0.046 B- -13693# 400# 93 929036.292 4.602 + 0 47 47 94 Ag x -52410# 400# 8238# 4# B- -12270# 640# 93 943736# 429# + -2 46 48 94 Cd x -40140# 500# 8099# 5# B- * 93 956908# 537# +0 27 61 34 95 Se x -30460# 500# 8112# 5# B- 13311# 582# 94 967300# 537# + 25 60 35 95 Br x -43771# 298# 8244# 3# B- 12388# 299# 94 953010# 320# + 23 59 36 95 Kr x -56158.913 18.630 8365.995 0.196 B- 9732.580 27.513 94 939710.923 20.000 + 21 58 37 95 Rb -65891.493 20.245 8460.208 0.213 B- 9228.058 20.204 94 929262.568 21.734 + 19 57 38 95 Sr -75119.551 5.812 8549.111 0.061 B- 6089.296 7.240 94 919355.840 6.239 + 17 56 39 95 Y -81208.848 6.779 8604.973 0.071 B- 4451.092 6.772 94 912818.711 7.277 + 15 55 40 95 Zr -85659.940 0.869 8643.592 0.009 B- 1126.318 0.985 94 908040.267 0.933 + 13 54 41 95 Nb -86786.258 0.508 8647.212 0.005 B- 925.601 0.494 94 906831.115 0.545 + 11 53 42 95 Mo -87711.858 0.123 8648.720 0.001 B- -1690.518 5.078 94 905837.442 0.132 + 9 52 43 95 Tc -86021.341 5.080 8622.690 0.053 B- -2563.596 10.531 94 907652.287 5.453 + 7 51 44 95 Ru -83457.745 9.502 8587.470 0.100 B- -5117.138 10.266 94 910404.420 10.200 + 5 50 45 95 Rh -78340.606 3.886 8525.370 0.041 B- -8374.706 4.928 94 915897.895 4.171 + 3 49 46 95 Pd x -69965.900 3.031 8428.980 0.032 B- -10369# 298# 94 924888.512 3.253 + 1 48 47 95 Ag x -59597# 298# 8312# 3# B- -12966# 499# 94 936020# 320# + -1 47 48 95 Cd x -46631# 401# 8167# 4# B- * 94 949940# 430# +0 26 61 35 96 Br x -38163# 298# 8184# 3# B- 14916# 299# 95 959030# 320# + 24 60 36 96 Kr x -53079.678 20.493 8330.851 0.213 B- 8274.671 20.765 95 943016.618 22.000 + 22 59 37 96 Rb -61354.349 3.353 8408.896 0.035 B- 11569.808 9.115 95 934133.393 3.599 + 20 58 38 96 Sr -72924.157 8.475 8521.265 0.088 B- 5411.738 9.726 95 921712.692 9.098 + 18 57 39 96 Y -78335.895 6.088 8569.488 0.063 B- 7102.951 6.087 95 915902.953 6.535 + 16 56 40 96 Zr -85438.846 0.114 8635.327 0.001 B- 163.971 0.100 95 908277.621 0.122 + 14 55 41 96 Nb -85602.816 0.147 8628.886 0.002 B- 3192.059 0.107 95 908101.591 0.157 + 12 54 42 96 Mo -88794.876 0.120 8653.987 0.001 B- -2973.242 5.145 95 904674.774 0.128 + 10 53 43 96 Tc - -85821.634 5.146 8614.866 0.054 B- 258.738 5.146 95 907866.681 5.524 + 8 52 44 96 Ru -86080.372 0.170 8609.412 0.002 B- -6392.654 10.000 95 907588.914 0.182 + 6 51 45 96 Rh - -79687.718 10.001 8534.673 0.104 B- -3504.312 10.844 95 914451.710 10.737 + 4 50 46 96 Pd x -76183.406 4.194 8490.020 0.044 B- -11671.771 90.181 95 918213.744 4.502 + 2 49 47 96 Ag ep -64511.636 90.084 8360.290 0.938 B- -8939# 411# 95 930743.906 96.708 + 0 48 48 96 Cd x -55573# 401# 8259# 4# B- -17683# 641# 95 940340# 430# + -2 47 49 96 In x -37890# 500# 8067# 5# B- * 95 959323# 537# +0 27 62 35 97 Br x -34055# 401# 8140# 4# B- 13368# 421# 96 963440# 430# + 25 61 36 97 Kr x -47423.492 130.409 8269.864 1.344 B- 11095.645 130.423 96 949088.784 140.000 + 23 60 37 97 Rb -58519.137 1.912 8376.186 0.020 B- 10062.317 3.888 96 937177.118 2.052 + 21 59 38 97 Sr -68581.454 3.385 8471.856 0.035 B- 7539.969 7.521 96 926374.776 3.633 + 19 58 39 97 Y + -76121.424 6.719 8541.522 0.069 B- 6821.237 6.707 96 918280.286 7.213 + 17 57 40 97 Zr -82942.661 0.414 8603.779 0.004 B- 2663.115 4.248 96 910957.386 0.444 + 15 56 41 97 Nb -85605.776 4.249 8623.168 0.044 B- 1938.915 4.248 96 908098.414 4.561 + 13 55 42 97 Mo -87544.691 0.165 8635.092 0.002 B- -320.266 4.117 96 906016.903 0.176 + 11 54 43 97 Tc -87224.424 4.118 8623.725 0.042 B- -1103.873 4.956 96 906360.723 4.420 + 9 53 44 97 Ru -n -86120.552 2.763 8604.279 0.028 B- -3523.000 35.355 96 907545.779 2.965 + 7 52 45 97 Rh - -82597.552 35.463 8559.894 0.366 B- -4791.709 35.792 96 911327.876 38.071 + 5 51 46 97 Pd x -77805.843 4.844 8502.430 0.050 B- -6980.000 110.000 96 916471.987 5.200 + 3 50 47 97 Ag - -70825.843 110.107 8422.405 1.135 B- -10372# 318# 96 923965.326 118.204 + 1 49 48 97 Cd x -60454# 298# 8307# 3# B- -13264# 499# 96 935100# 320# + -1 48 49 97 In x -47189# 401# 8163# 4# B- * 96 949340# 430# +0 28 63 35 98 Br x -28250# 400# 8080# 4# B- 16061# 499# 97 969672# 429# + 26 62 36 98 Kr x -44311# 298# 8236# 3# B- 10058# 299# 97 952430# 320# + 24 61 37 98 Rb -54369.146 16.083 8330.729 0.164 B- 12053.958 16.403 97 941632.317 17.265 + 22 60 38 98 Sr -66423.104 3.226 8445.745 0.033 B- 5871.673 8.558 97 928691.860 3.463 + 20 59 39 98 Y p-2n -72294.777 7.929 8497.677 0.081 B- 8991.932 11.576 97 922388.360 8.511 + 18 58 40 98 Zr -81286.709 8.451 8581.448 0.086 B- 2237.890 9.819 97 912735.124 9.072 + 16 57 41 98 Nb -pn -83524.598 5.001 8596.301 0.051 B- 4591.373 5.003 97 910332.650 5.369 + 14 56 42 98 Mo -88115.972 0.174 8635.168 0.002 B- -1683.766 3.377 97 905403.608 0.186 + 12 55 43 98 Tc -86432.205 3.380 8610.004 0.034 B- 1792.653 7.157 97 907211.205 3.628 + 10 54 44 98 Ru -88224.858 6.463 8620.313 0.066 B- -5049.653 10.000 97 905286.713 6.937 + 8 53 45 98 Rh - -83175.205 11.906 8560.803 0.121 B- -1854.229 12.816 97 910707.740 12.782 + 6 52 46 98 Pd -81320.975 4.742 8533.899 0.048 B- -8254.560 33.098 97 912698.337 5.090 + 4 51 47 98 Ag -73066.415 32.907 8441.686 0.336 B- -5430.000 40.000 97 921559.972 35.327 + 2 50 48 98 Cd - -67636.415 51.797 8378.295 0.529 B- -13740# 303# 97 927389.317 55.605 + 0 49 49 98 In x -53896# 298# 8230# 3# B- * 97 942140# 320# +0 27 63 36 99 Kr x -38759# 401# 8178# 4# B- 12362# 401# 98 958390# 430# + 25 62 37 99 Rb x -51121.143 4.031 8295.300 0.041 B- 11400.258 6.223 98 945119.192 4.327 + 23 61 38 99 Sr -62521.401 4.741 8402.552 0.048 B- 8128.424 8.138 98 932880.511 5.089 + 21 60 39 99 Y x -70649.825 6.627 8476.755 0.067 B- 6970.792 12.409 98 924154.288 7.114 + 19 59 40 99 Zr -77620.617 10.502 8539.264 0.106 B- 4714.724 15.950 98 916670.835 11.274 + 17 58 41 99 Nb +p -82335.341 12.004 8578.985 0.121 B- 3634.758 12.006 98 911609.371 12.886 + 15 57 42 99 Mo -85970.098 0.229 8607.797 0.002 B- 1357.764 0.890 98 907707.298 0.245 + 13 56 43 99 Tc -87327.862 0.908 8613.610 0.009 B- 297.519 0.946 98 906249.678 0.974 + 11 55 44 99 Ru -87625.381 0.344 8608.712 0.003 B- -2044.081 6.690 98 905930.278 0.369 + 9 54 45 99 Rh -85581.300 6.697 8580.163 0.068 B- -3398.649 8.008 98 908124.690 7.189 + 7 53 46 99 Pd -82182.651 4.981 8537.930 0.050 B- -5470.178 8.004 98 911773.290 5.347 + 5 52 47 99 Ag x -76712.473 6.265 8474.774 0.063 B- -6781.350 6.462 98 917645.768 6.725 + 3 51 48 99 Cd x -69931.123 1.584 8398.373 0.016 B- -8555# 298# 98 924925.847 1.700 + 1 50 49 99 In x -61376# 298# 8304# 3# B- -13432# 585# 98 934110# 320# + -1 49 50 99 Sn x -47944# 503# 8160# 5# B- * 98 948530# 540# +0 28 64 36 100 Kr x -35052# 401# 8140# 4# B- 11195# 401# 99 962370# 430# + 26 63 37 100 Rb x -46247.064 19.561 8244.320 0.196 B- 13573.838 20.831 99 950351.731 21.000 + 24 62 38 100 Sr -59820.903 7.160 8372.234 0.072 B- 7506.493 13.273 99 935779.615 7.686 + 22 61 39 100 Y x -67327.396 11.186 8439.476 0.112 B- 9050.041 13.830 99 927721.063 12.008 + 20 60 40 100 Zr -76377.437 8.149 8522.153 0.081 B- 3419.963 11.398 99 918005.444 8.748 + 18 59 41 100 Nb IT -79797.399 7.986 8548.529 0.080 B- 6395.626 7.992 99 914333.963 8.573 + 16 58 42 100 Mo -86193.025 0.302 8604.662 0.003 B- -172.080 1.371 99 907467.976 0.323 + 14 57 43 100 Tc -n -86020.945 1.351 8595.118 0.014 B- 3206.444 1.376 99 907652.711 1.450 + 12 56 44 100 Ru -89227.389 0.343 8619.359 0.003 B- -3636.262 18.123 99 904210.452 0.368 + 10 55 45 100 Rh -85591.126 18.125 8575.172 0.181 B- -378.348 25.289 99 908114.141 19.458 + 8 54 46 100 Pd -85212.778 17.638 8563.566 0.176 B- -7074.819 18.333 99 908520.315 18.935 + 6 53 47 100 Ag x -78137.959 5.000 8484.994 0.050 B- -3943.363 5.273 99 916115.445 5.367 + 4 52 48 100 Cd -74194.596 1.677 8437.737 0.017 B- -9881.624 182.517 99 920348.820 1.799 + 2 51 49 100 In -64312.972 182.519 8331.097 1.825 B- -7030.000 240.000 99 930957.180 195.942 + 0 50 50 100 Sn - -57282.972 301.518 8252.974 3.015 B- * 99 938504.196 323.693 +0 29 65 36 101 Kr x -29128# 503# 8081# 5# B- 13717# 541# 100 968730# 540# + 27 64 37 101 Rb + -42845# 200# 8209# 2# B- 12480# 200# 100 954004# 215# + 25 63 38 101 Sr x -55324.907 8.480 8324.740 0.084 B- 9736.095 11.055 100 940606.266 9.103 + 23 62 39 101 Y x -65061.002 7.092 8413.391 0.070 B- 8104.955 10.933 100 930154.138 7.614 + 21 61 40 101 Zr -73165.957 8.339 8485.892 0.083 B- 5725.534 9.143 100 921453.110 8.951 + 19 60 41 101 Nb x -78891.491 3.749 8534.835 0.037 B- 4628.458 3.738 100 915306.496 4.024 + 17 59 42 101 Mo -n -83519.949 0.309 8572.915 0.003 B- 2824.645 24.002 100 910337.641 0.331 + 15 58 43 101 Tc + -86344.594 24.004 8593.136 0.238 B- 1613.520 24.000 100 907305.260 25.768 + 13 57 44 101 Ru -87958.114 0.415 8601.365 0.004 B- -545.697 5.852 100 905573.075 0.445 + 11 56 45 101 Rh -87412.416 5.841 8588.216 0.058 B- -1980.284 3.903 100 906158.905 6.270 + 9 55 46 101 Pd -85432.132 4.588 8560.864 0.045 B- -4097.759 6.668 100 908284.828 4.925 + 7 54 47 101 Ag x -81334.374 4.838 8512.546 0.048 B- -5497.918 5.063 100 912683.953 5.193 + 5 53 48 101 Cd x -75836.456 1.490 8450.365 0.015 B- -7223# 196# 100 918586.211 1.600 + 3 52 49 101 In x -68614# 196# 8371# 2# B- -8308# 358# 100 926340# 210# + 1 51 50 101 Sn ep -60305.626 300.005 8281.102 2.970 B- * 100 935259.244 322.068 +0 28 65 37 102 Rb x -37707# 298# 8157# 3# B- 14452# 306# 101 959520# 320# + 26 64 38 102 Sr x -52159.304 67.068 8291.220 0.658 B- 9013.873 67.191 101 944004.680 72.000 + 24 63 39 102 Y x -61173.177 4.077 8371.922 0.040 B- 10414.530 9.669 101 934327.889 4.377 + 22 62 40 102 Zr -71587.707 8.767 8466.355 0.086 B- 4716.837 9.053 101 923147.431 9.412 + 20 61 41 102 Nb -76304.544 2.545 8504.928 0.025 B- 7261.517 8.675 101 918083.697 2.732 + 18 60 42 102 Mo -83566.061 8.312 8568.450 0.081 B- 1006.817 12.373 101 910288.138 8.923 + 16 59 43 102 Tc -84572.878 9.166 8570.650 0.090 B- 4533.558 9.165 101 909207.275 9.840 + 14 58 44 102 Ru -89106.437 0.418 8607.427 0.004 B- -2323.119 6.396 101 904340.300 0.448 + 12 57 45 102 Rh - -86783.318 6.410 8576.981 0.063 B- 1119.853 6.406 101 906834.270 6.881 + 10 56 46 102 Pd -87903.171 0.554 8580.290 0.005 B- -5656.480 8.190 101 905632.058 0.594 + 8 55 47 102 Ag + -82246.691 8.171 8517.164 0.080 B- -2587.000 8.000 101 911704.540 8.771 + 6 54 48 102 Cd -79659.691 1.662 8484.131 0.016 B- -8964.807 4.865 101 914481.799 1.784 + 4 53 49 102 In -70694.884 4.573 8388.571 0.045 B- -5760.000 100.000 101 924105.916 4.909 + 2 52 50 102 Sn - -64934.884 100.105 8324.430 0.981 B- * 101 930289.530 107.466 +0 29 66 37 103 Rb x -33608# 401# 8117# 4# B- 13814# 446# 102 963920# 430# + 27 65 38 103 Sr x -47422# 196# 8243# 2# B- 11035# 196# 102 949090# 210# + 25 64 39 103 Y x -58457.575 11.204 8342.638 0.109 B- 9357.759 14.518 102 937243.208 12.028 + 23 63 40 103 Zr x -67815.334 9.232 8425.895 0.090 B- 7213.337 10.036 102 927197.240 9.911 + 21 62 41 103 Nb x -75028.671 3.935 8488.331 0.038 B- 5931.999 10.036 102 919453.403 4.224 + 19 61 42 103 Mo x -80960.670 9.232 8538.328 0.090 B- 3643.197 13.471 102 913085.140 9.911 + 17 60 43 103 Tc +p -84603.867 9.810 8566.103 0.095 B- 2663.304 9.808 102 909174.008 10.531 + 15 59 44 103 Ru -87267.171 0.443 8584.365 0.004 B- 764.538 2.260 102 906314.833 0.475 + 13 58 45 103 Rh -88031.708 2.301 8584.192 0.022 B- -574.519 2.420 102 905494.068 2.470 + 11 57 46 103 Pd -n -87457.189 0.950 8571.019 0.009 B- -2654.498 4.207 102 906110.840 1.019 + 9 56 47 103 Ag x -84802.692 4.099 8537.651 0.040 B- -4151.075 4.481 102 908960.560 4.400 + 7 55 48 103 Cd -80651.616 1.811 8489.754 0.018 B- -6019.026 9.754 102 913416.923 1.943 + 5 54 49 103 In -74632.591 9.625 8423.721 0.093 B- -7660.000 70.000 102 919878.613 10.332 + 3 53 50 103 Sn - -66972.591 70.659 8341.757 0.686 B- -10794# 306# 102 928101.962 75.855 + 1 52 51 103 Sb x -56178# 298# 8229# 3# B- * 102 939690# 320# +0 28 66 38 104 Sr x -44106# 298# 8210# 3# B- 9958# 499# 103 952650# 320# + 26 65 39 104 Y x -54064# 401# 8298# 4# B- 11660# 401# 103 941960# 430# + 24 64 40 104 Zr x -65724.060 9.325 8402.377 0.090 B- 6094.952 9.699 103 929442.315 10.011 + 22 63 41 104 Nb x -71819.012 2.737 8453.459 0.026 B- 8530.957 9.311 103 922899.115 2.938 + 20 62 42 104 Mo -80349.968 8.921 8527.965 0.086 B- 2153.476 24.167 103 913740.756 9.576 + 18 61 43 104 Tc -82503.444 24.888 8541.149 0.239 B- 5592.266 24.939 103 911428.905 26.718 + 16 60 44 104 Ru -88095.710 2.498 8587.399 0.024 B- -1136.362 3.364 103 905425.360 2.681 + 14 59 45 104 Rh -n -86959.348 2.303 8568.949 0.022 B- 2435.758 2.660 103 906645.295 2.472 + 12 58 46 104 Pd +n -89395.105 1.336 8584.848 0.013 B- -4278.654 4.000 103 904030.401 1.434 + 10 57 47 104 Ag - -85116.452 4.217 8536.184 0.041 B- -1148.072 4.537 103 908623.725 4.527 + 8 56 48 104 Cd -83968.380 1.673 8517.622 0.016 B- -7785.716 6.013 103 909856.230 1.795 + 6 55 49 104 In x -76182.665 5.775 8435.237 0.056 B- -4555.617 8.146 103 918214.540 6.200 + 4 54 50 104 Sn -71627.047 5.745 8383.911 0.055 B- -12453.427 122.579 103 923105.197 6.167 + 2 53 51 104 Sb -p -59173.620 122.444 8256.644 1.177 B- * 103 936474.502 131.449 +0 29 67 38 105 Sr x -38610# 503# 8156# 5# B- 12660# 1428# 104 958550# 540# + 27 66 39 105 Y x -51270.361 1336.694 8269.020 12.730 B- 10194.373 1336.749 104 944959.000 1435.000 + 25 65 40 105 Zr x -61464.734 12.118 8358.659 0.115 B- 8450.817 12.770 104 934014.890 13.008 + 23 64 41 105 Nb x -69915.551 4.028 8431.692 0.038 B- 7421.590 9.920 104 924942.564 4.324 + 21 63 42 105 Mo -77337.141 9.065 8494.923 0.086 B- 4952.947 35.031 104 916975.159 9.731 + 19 62 43 105 Tc -82290.088 35.264 8534.643 0.336 B- 3644.402 35.280 104 911657.952 37.857 + 17 61 44 105 Ru -85934.490 2.499 8561.900 0.024 B- 1916.752 2.851 104 907745.525 2.682 + 15 60 45 105 Rh -87851.243 2.502 8572.704 0.024 B- 566.646 2.346 104 905687.806 2.685 + 13 59 46 105 Pd -88417.888 1.138 8570.650 0.011 B- -1347.052 4.670 104 905079.487 1.222 + 11 58 47 105 Ag -87070.836 4.544 8550.370 0.043 B- -2736.997 4.362 104 906525.607 4.877 + 9 57 48 105 Cd -84333.839 1.392 8516.852 0.013 B- -4693.267 10.341 104 909463.895 1.494 + 7 56 49 105 In x -79640.572 10.246 8464.704 0.098 B- -6302.580 10.989 104 914502.324 11.000 + 5 55 50 105 Sn -73337.992 3.971 8397.228 0.038 B- -9322.510 22.185 104 921268.423 4.263 + 3 54 51 105 Sb +a -64015.482 21.827 8300.992 0.208 B- -11203.972 300.813 104 931276.549 23.431 + 1 53 52 105 Te -a -52811.510 300.020 8186.836 2.857 B- * 104 943304.508 322.084 +0 30 68 38 106 Sr x -34790# 600# 8119# 6# B- 11263# 783# 105 962651# 644# + 28 67 39 106 Y x -46053# 503# 8218# 5# B- 12497# 664# 105 950560# 540# + 26 66 40 106 Zr x -58549.987 433.145 8328.450 4.086 B- 7653.370 433.164 105 937144.000 465.000 + 24 65 41 106 Nb x -66203.357 4.122 8393.271 0.039 B- 9931.170 10.026 105 928927.768 4.424 + 22 64 42 106 Mo x -76134.528 9.140 8479.581 0.086 B- 3641.695 15.284 105 918266.218 9.812 + 20 63 43 106 Tc + -79776.223 12.250 8506.556 0.116 B- 6547.000 11.000 105 914356.697 13.150 + 18 62 44 106 Ru -86323.223 5.391 8560.940 0.051 B- 39.404 0.212 105 907328.203 5.787 + 16 61 45 106 Rh -86362.627 5.390 8553.931 0.051 B- 3544.901 5.335 105 907285.901 5.785 + 14 60 46 106 Pd -89907.527 1.106 8579.992 0.010 B- -2965.145 2.817 105 903480.293 1.186 + 12 59 47 106 Ag -86942.383 3.016 8544.639 0.028 B- 189.755 2.819 105 906663.507 3.237 + 10 58 48 106 Cd -87132.138 1.104 8539.048 0.010 B- -6524.004 12.176 105 906459.797 1.184 + 8 57 49 106 In - -80608.134 12.226 8470.120 0.115 B- -3254.447 13.244 105 913463.603 13.125 + 6 56 50 106 Sn -77353.687 5.091 8432.038 0.048 B- -10880.396 9.025 105 916957.396 5.465 + 4 55 51 106 Sb x -66473.292 7.452 8322.012 0.070 B- -8253.544 100.816 105 928637.982 8.000 + 2 54 52 106 Te -a -58219.748 100.541 8236.767 0.948 B- * 105 937498.526 107.934 +0 31 69 38 107 Sr x -28900# 700# 8064# 7# B- 13465# 862# 106 968975# 751# + 29 68 39 107 Y x -42364# 503# 8182# 5# B- 12015# 1230# 106 954520# 540# + 27 67 40 107 Zr x -54379.688 1122.450 8287.073 10.490 B- 9344.122 1122.479 106 941621.000 1205.000 + 25 66 41 107 Nb x -63723.810 8.023 8367.089 0.075 B- 8827.750 12.232 106 931589.672 8.612 + 23 65 42 107 Mo x -72551.560 9.233 8442.280 0.086 B- 6198.355 12.667 106 922112.692 9.912 + 21 64 43 107 Tc x -78749.914 8.673 8492.897 0.081 B- 5112.598 11.724 106 915458.485 9.310 + 19 63 44 107 Ru -nn -83862.512 8.673 8533.366 0.081 B- 3001.191 14.847 106 909969.885 9.310 + 17 62 45 107 Rh +p -86863.703 12.051 8554.103 0.113 B- 1508.936 12.111 106 906747.974 12.937 + 15 61 46 107 Pd -88372.639 1.201 8560.894 0.011 B- 34.031 2.318 106 905128.064 1.289 + 13 60 47 107 Ag -88406.670 2.382 8553.900 0.022 B- -1416.409 2.567 106 905091.531 2.557 + 11 59 48 107 Cd -86990.261 1.665 8533.351 0.016 B- -3426.000 11.000 106 906612.108 1.787 + 9 58 49 107 In - -83564.261 11.125 8494.021 0.104 B- -5052.033 12.327 106 910290.071 11.943 + 7 57 50 107 Sn x -78512.228 5.310 8439.494 0.050 B- -7858.989 6.738 106 915713.651 5.700 + 5 56 51 107 Sb -70653.239 4.148 8358.734 0.039 B- -10113.913 70.952 106 924150.624 4.452 + 3 55 52 107 Te -a -60539.326 70.830 8256.899 0.662 B- -11110# 308# 106 935008.356 76.039 + 1 54 53 107 I x -49430# 300# 8146# 3# B- * 106 946935# 322# +0 30 69 39 108 Y x -37297# 596# 8134# 6# B- 14056# 718# 107 959960# 640# + 28 68 40 108 Zr x -51353# 401# 8257# 4# B- 8193# 401# 107 944870# 430# + 26 67 41 108 Nb x -59545.765 8.237 8325.665 0.076 B- 11210.177 12.373 107 936074.988 8.842 + 24 66 42 108 Mo x -70755.942 9.233 8422.219 0.085 B- 5166.835 12.734 107 924040.367 9.912 + 22 65 43 108 Tc x -75922.778 8.769 8462.816 0.081 B- 7738.573 11.790 107 918493.541 9.413 + 20 64 44 108 Ru -3n -83661.350 8.680 8527.225 0.080 B- 1370.370 16.469 107 910185.841 9.318 + 18 63 45 108 Rh x -85031.721 13.996 8532.670 0.130 B- 4492.486 14.039 107 908714.688 15.024 + 16 62 46 108 Pd -89524.206 1.108 8567.023 0.010 B- -1917.444 2.633 107 903891.805 1.189 + 14 61 47 108 Ag -n -87606.763 2.388 8542.025 0.022 B- 1645.651 2.639 107 905950.266 2.563 + 12 60 48 108 Cd -89252.414 1.123 8550.019 0.010 B- -5132.595 8.584 107 904183.587 1.205 + 10 59 49 108 In -84119.819 8.641 8495.251 0.080 B- -2049.881 9.836 107 909693.655 9.276 + 8 58 50 108 Sn -82069.938 5.382 8469.027 0.050 B- -9624.607 7.692 107 911894.292 5.778 + 6 57 51 108 Sb x -72445.331 5.496 8372.666 0.051 B- -6663.664 7.712 107 922226.734 5.900 + 4 56 52 108 Te -65781.667 5.411 8303.721 0.050 B- -13132.062 132.370 107 929380.471 5.808 + 2 55 53 108 I -a -52649.605 132.260 8174.884 1.225 B- * 107 943478.321 141.986 +0 31 70 39 109 Y x -33200# 700# 8096# 6# B- 12992# 862# 108 964358# 751# + 29 69 40 109 Zr x -46193# 503# 8208# 5# B- 10497# 566# 108 950410# 540# + 27 68 41 109 Nb x -56689.794 258.490 8297.130 2.371 B- 9976.202 258.732 108 939141.000 277.500 + 25 67 42 109 Mo x -66665.996 11.188 8381.477 0.103 B- 7616.780 14.787 108 928431.106 12.010 + 23 66 43 109 Tc x -74282.775 9.669 8444.178 0.089 B- 6455.626 12.657 108 920254.156 10.380 + 21 65 44 109 Ru -4n -80738.401 8.954 8496.227 0.082 B- 4261.054 9.822 108 913323.756 9.612 + 19 64 45 109 Rh -84999.455 4.039 8528.142 0.037 B- 2607.021 4.187 108 908749.326 4.336 + 17 63 46 109 Pd -87606.476 1.114 8544.882 0.010 B- 1112.950 1.402 108 905950.574 1.195 + 15 62 47 109 Ag -88719.426 1.287 8547.915 0.012 B- -215.105 1.780 108 904755.773 1.381 + 13 61 48 109 Cd -88504.321 1.536 8538.764 0.014 B- -2014.809 4.066 108 904986.698 1.649 + 11 60 49 109 In -86489.511 3.969 8513.102 0.036 B- -3859.327 8.887 108 907149.685 4.261 + 9 59 50 109 Sn -82630.184 7.949 8470.518 0.073 B- -6379.206 8.807 108 911292.843 8.533 + 7 58 51 109 Sb -76250.977 5.265 8404.815 0.048 B- -8535.587 6.850 108 918141.204 5.652 + 5 57 52 109 Te -67715.390 4.382 8319.330 0.040 B- -10042.894 8.030 108 927304.534 4.704 + 3 56 53 109 I -p -57672.496 6.729 8220.016 0.062 B- -11502.948 300.183 108 938086.025 7.223 + 1 55 54 109 Xe -a -46169.548 300.108 8107.306 2.753 B- * 108 950434.948 322.178 +0 30 70 40 110 Zr x -42886# 596# 8177# 5# B- 9424# 1029# 109 953960# 640# + 28 69 41 110 Nb x -52309.909 838.345 8255.260 7.621 B- 12232.677 838.694 109 943843.000 900.000 + 26 68 42 110 Mo x -64542.585 24.223 8359.354 0.220 B- 6491.925 26.018 109 930710.680 26.004 + 24 67 43 110 Tc x -71034.510 9.497 8411.259 0.086 B- 9038.066 12.509 109 923741.312 10.195 + 22 66 44 110 Ru -80072.576 8.924 8486.311 0.081 B- 2756.110 19.404 109 914038.548 9.580 + 20 65 45 110 Rh -82828.686 17.805 8504.254 0.162 B- 5502.218 17.797 109 911079.742 19.114 + 18 64 46 110 Pd -88330.905 0.612 8547.162 0.006 B- -873.603 1.378 109 905172.868 0.657 + 16 63 47 110 Ag -87457.302 1.286 8532.108 0.012 B- 2890.667 1.277 109 906110.719 1.380 + 14 62 48 110 Cd -90347.969 0.380 8551.275 0.003 B- -3878.000 11.547 109 903007.460 0.407 + 12 61 49 110 In - -86469.969 11.553 8508.908 0.105 B- -627.985 17.980 109 907170.665 12.402 + 10 60 50 110 Sn x -85841.983 13.777 8496.087 0.125 B- -8392.250 15.012 109 907844.835 14.790 + 8 59 51 110 Sb x -77449.734 5.962 8412.681 0.054 B- -5219.923 8.875 109 916854.286 6.400 + 6 58 52 110 Te -72229.811 6.575 8358.115 0.060 B- -11765.635 50.978 109 922458.104 7.058 + 4 57 53 110 I -a -60464.176 50.552 8244.043 0.460 B- -8541.551 112.934 109 935089.033 54.270 + 2 56 54 110 Xe -a -51922.625 100.988 8159.280 0.918 B- * 109 944258.765 108.415 +0 31 71 40 111 Zr x -37560# 700# 8128# 6# B- 11316# 760# 110 959678# 751# + 29 70 41 111 Nb x -48875# 298# 8223# 3# B- 11064# 298# 110 947530# 320# + 27 69 42 111 Mo + -59939.761 12.578 8315.292 0.113 B- 9084.861 6.800 110 935652.016 13.502 + 25 68 43 111 Tc x -69024.622 10.581 8390.089 0.095 B- 7760.649 13.848 110 925899.016 11.359 + 23 67 44 111 Ru x -76785.271 9.682 8452.957 0.087 B- 5519.181 11.860 110 917567.616 10.394 + 21 66 45 111 Rh -82304.452 6.850 8495.631 0.062 B- 3681.435 6.887 110 911642.531 7.354 + 19 65 46 111 Pd -n -85985.888 0.731 8521.749 0.007 B- 2229.560 1.572 110 907690.347 0.785 + 17 64 47 111 Ag + -88215.447 1.459 8534.787 0.013 B- 1036.800 1.414 110 905296.816 1.565 + 15 63 48 111 Cd -89252.247 0.357 8537.079 0.003 B- -860.204 3.417 110 904183.766 0.383 + 13 62 49 111 In -88392.043 3.424 8522.282 0.031 B- -2453.456 6.337 110 905107.233 3.675 + 11 61 50 111 Sn +n -85938.587 5.336 8493.130 0.048 B- -5101.851 10.334 110 907741.126 5.728 + 9 60 51 111 Sb x -80836.736 8.849 8440.120 0.080 B- -7249.259 10.937 110 913218.189 9.500 + 7 59 52 111 Te x -73587.477 6.427 8367.763 0.058 B- -8633.692 7.994 110 921000.589 6.900 + 5 58 53 111 I -64953.785 4.754 8282.934 0.043 B- -10558.252 86.830 110 930269.239 5.103 + 3 57 54 111 Xe -a -54395.534 86.700 8180.766 0.781 B- -11575# 214# 110 941603.989 93.076 + 1 56 55 111 Cs x -42821# 196# 8069# 2# B- * 110 954030# 210# +0 32 72 40 112 Zr x -33810# 700# 8094# 6# B- 10463# 760# 111 963703# 751# + 30 71 41 112 Nb x -44274# 298# 8180# 3# B- 13190# 357# 111 952470# 320# + 28 70 42 112 Mo x -57464# 196# 8291# 2# B- 7795# 196# 111 938310# 210# + 26 69 43 112 Tc x -65258.938 5.515 8353.621 0.049 B- 10371.881 11.060 111 929941.644 5.920 + 24 68 44 112 Ru x -75630.818 9.599 8439.242 0.086 B- 4100.685 45.118 111 918806.972 10.305 + 22 67 45 112 Rh -79731.503 44.085 8468.870 0.394 B- 6590.059 43.927 111 914404.705 47.327 + 20 66 46 112 Pd -86321.562 6.544 8520.724 0.058 B- 262.156 6.978 111 907329.986 7.025 + 18 65 47 112 Ag x -86583.718 2.422 8516.080 0.022 B- 3991.141 2.435 111 907048.550 2.600 + 16 64 48 112 Cd -90574.859 0.250 8544.730 0.002 B- -2584.728 4.243 111 902763.883 0.268 + 14 63 49 112 In -87990.131 4.251 8514.667 0.038 B- 664.925 4.243 111 905538.704 4.563 + 12 62 50 112 Sn -88655.056 0.294 8513.618 0.003 B- -7056.091 17.832 111 904824.877 0.315 + 10 61 51 112 Sb x -81598.965 17.829 8443.632 0.159 B- -4031.457 19.702 111 912399.903 19.140 + 8 60 52 112 Te x -77567.508 8.383 8400.652 0.075 B- -10504.178 13.239 111 916727.850 9.000 + 6 59 53 112 I x -67063.330 10.246 8299.879 0.091 B- -7036.991 13.175 111 928004.550 11.000 + 4 58 54 112 Xe -a -60026.338 8.283 8230.064 0.074 B- -13736.062 87.190 111 935559.071 8.891 + 2 57 55 112 Cs -p -46290.277 86.796 8100.435 0.775 B- * 111 950305.341 93.178 +0 31 72 41 113 Nb x -40511# 401# 8146# 4# B- 11979# 500# 112 956510# 430# + 29 71 42 113 Mo x -52490# 300# 8245# 3# B- 10322# 300# 112 943650# 322# + 27 70 43 113 Tc x -62811.541 3.353 8329.464 0.030 B- 9056.578 37.028 112 932569.033 3.600 + 25 69 44 113 Ru -71868.119 36.875 8402.688 0.326 B- 6899.417 37.558 112 922846.396 39.587 + 23 68 45 113 Rh x -78767.536 7.130 8456.821 0.063 B- 4823.555 9.881 112 915439.567 7.653 + 21 67 46 113 Pd x -83591.092 6.945 8492.584 0.061 B- 3435.731 18.033 112 910261.267 7.455 + 19 66 47 113 Ag + -87026.822 16.643 8516.065 0.147 B- 2016.462 16.641 112 906572.858 17.866 + 17 65 48 113 Cd -89043.284 0.244 8526.987 0.002 B- 323.833 0.265 112 904408.097 0.262 + 15 64 49 113 In -89367.117 0.188 8522.929 0.002 B- -1038.985 1.573 112 904060.448 0.202 + 13 63 50 113 Sn -88328.132 1.575 8506.811 0.014 B- -3911.164 17.121 112 905175.845 1.690 + 11 62 51 113 Sb - -84416.968 17.193 8465.275 0.152 B- -6069.939 32.810 112 909374.652 18.457 + 9 61 52 113 Te x -78347.029 27.945 8404.636 0.247 B- -7227.522 29.070 112 915891.000 30.000 + 7 60 53 113 I x -71119.507 8.011 8333.752 0.071 B- -8915.889 10.533 112 923650.064 8.600 + 5 59 54 113 Xe -62203.618 6.840 8247.927 0.061 B- -10439.088 10.970 112 933221.666 7.342 + 3 58 55 113 Cs -p -51764.530 8.577 8148.622 0.076 B- -11980# 298# 112 944428.488 9.207 + 1 57 56 113 Ba x -39784# 298# 8036# 3# B- * 112 957290# 320# +0 32 73 41 114 Nb x -35387# 503# 8100# 4# B- 14420# 585# 113 962010# 540# + 30 72 42 114 Mo x -49807# 298# 8220# 3# B- 8793# 526# 113 946530# 320# + 28 71 43 114 Tc x -58600.288 433.145 8290.259 3.800 B- 11621.524 433.159 113 937090.000 465.000 + 26 70 44 114 Ru x -70221.811 3.550 8385.340 0.031 B- 5488.813 71.643 113 924613.780 3.811 + 24 69 45 114 Rh -75710.625 71.561 8426.624 0.628 B- 7780.319 71.891 113 918721.296 76.824 + 22 68 46 114 Pd x -83490.943 6.945 8488.010 0.061 B- 1439.856 8.311 113 910368.780 7.456 + 20 67 47 114 Ag x -84930.800 4.564 8493.778 0.040 B- 5084.133 4.573 113 908823.031 4.900 + 18 66 48 114 Cd -90014.932 0.276 8531.513 0.002 B- -1445.132 0.382 113 903364.990 0.296 + 16 65 49 114 In -88569.801 0.301 8511.973 0.003 B- 1989.923 0.302 113 904916.402 0.323 + 14 64 50 114 Sn -90559.723 0.029 8522.566 0.000 B- -6063.149 21.838 113 902780.132 0.031 + 12 63 51 114 Sb -84496.574 21.838 8462.518 0.192 B- -2608.005 35.466 113 909289.191 23.444 + 10 62 52 114 Te x -81888.569 27.945 8432.778 0.245 B- -9092# 152# 113 912089.000 30.000 + 8 61 53 114 I x -72796# 149# 8346# 1# B- -5710# 149# 113 921850# 160# + 6 60 54 114 Xe x -67085.890 11.178 8289.205 0.098 B- -12403.629 71.976 113 927980.331 12.000 + 4 59 55 114 Cs -a -54682.261 71.102 8173.538 0.624 B- -8776.835 124.892 113 941296.175 76.331 + 2 58 56 114 Ba -a -45905.426 102.676 8089.686 0.901 B- * 113 950718.495 110.227 +0 33 74 41 115 Nb x -31354# 503# 8065# 4# B- 13395# 643# 114 966340# 540# + 31 73 42 115 Mo x -44749# 401# 8175# 3# B- 11571# 885# 114 951960# 430# + 29 72 43 115 Tc x -56319.990 789.441 8268.527 6.865 B- 9869.744 794.386 114 939538.000 847.500 + 27 71 44 115 Ru x -66189.734 88.496 8347.547 0.770 B- 8040.097 88.790 114 928942.393 95.004 + 25 70 45 115 Rh x -74229.831 7.316 8410.658 0.064 B- 6196.554 15.350 114 920310.993 7.854 + 23 69 46 115 Pd -80426.386 13.546 8457.738 0.118 B- 4556.268 21.649 114 913658.718 14.541 + 21 68 47 115 Ag -84982.654 18.268 8490.555 0.159 B- 3101.825 18.274 114 908767.363 19.611 + 19 67 48 115 Cd -88084.479 0.651 8510.724 0.006 B- 1451.867 0.651 114 905437.417 0.699 + 17 66 49 115 In -89536.346 0.012 8516.546 0.000 B- 497.489 0.010 114 903878.773 0.012 + 15 65 50 115 Sn -90033.835 0.015 8514.069 0.000 B- -3030.432 16.025 114 903344.697 0.016 + 13 64 51 115 Sb x -87003.403 16.025 8480.915 0.139 B- -4940.644 32.214 114 906598.000 17.203 + 11 63 52 115 Te x -82062.759 27.945 8431.150 0.243 B- -5724.962 40.184 114 911902.000 30.000 + 9 62 53 115 I x -76337.797 28.876 8374.564 0.251 B- -7681.049 31.313 114 918048.000 31.000 + 7 61 54 115 Xe x -68656.748 12.109 8300.970 0.105 B- -8957# 103# 114 926293.945 13.000 + 5 60 55 115 Cs x -59699# 102# 8216# 1# B- -10680# 225# 114 935910# 110# + 3 59 56 115 Ba x -49020# 200# 8117# 2# B- * 114 947375# 215# +0 32 74 42 116 Mo x -41500# 500# 8146# 4# B- 9956# 582# 115 955448# 537# + 30 73 43 116 Tc x -51456# 298# 8225# 3# B- 12613# 298# 115 944760# 320# + 28 72 44 116 Ru x -64068.909 3.726 8326.883 0.032 B- 6667.213 73.926 115 931219.193 4.000 + 26 71 45 116 Rh -70736.122 73.832 8377.615 0.636 B- 9095.512 74.169 115 924061.645 79.261 + 24 70 46 116 Pd x -79831.635 7.132 8449.280 0.061 B- 2711.019 7.842 115 914297.210 7.656 + 22 69 47 116 Ag x -82542.653 3.260 8465.907 0.028 B- 6169.827 3.264 115 911386.812 3.500 + 20 68 48 116 Cd -88712.480 0.160 8512.350 0.001 B- -462.731 0.272 115 904763.230 0.172 + 18 67 49 116 In -n -88249.749 0.220 8501.617 0.002 B- 3276.221 0.240 115 905259.992 0.236 + 16 66 50 116 Sn -91525.970 0.096 8523.116 0.001 B- -4703.820 5.160 115 901742.824 0.103 + 14 65 51 116 Sb -86822.150 5.160 8475.821 0.044 B- -1553.189 28.417 115 906792.583 5.539 + 12 64 52 116 Te x -85268.961 27.945 8455.687 0.241 B- -7776.725 100.553 115 908460.000 30.000 + 10 63 53 116 I + -77492.236 96.592 8381.902 0.833 B- -4445.512 95.707 115 916808.658 103.695 + 8 62 54 116 Xe x -73046.724 13.041 8336.834 0.112 B- -11004# 101# 115 921581.112 14.000 + 6 61 55 116 Cs ea -62043# 100# 8235# 1# B- -7463# 224# 115 933395# 108# + 4 60 56 116 Ba x -54580# 200# 8164# 2# B- -13935# 371# 115 941406# 215# + 2 59 57 116 La -a -40645# 312# 8037# 3# B- * 115 956365# 335# +0 33 75 42 117 Mo x -36170# 500# 8100# 4# B- 12212# 641# 116 961170# 537# + 31 74 43 117 Tc x -48382# 401# 8197# 3# B- 11108# 590# 116 948060# 430# + 29 73 44 117 Ru x -59489.865 433.145 8285.562 3.702 B- 9407.508 433.236 116 936135.000 465.000 + 27 72 45 117 Rh x -68897.373 8.892 8359.281 0.076 B- 7527.104 11.411 116 926035.623 9.546 + 25 71 46 117 Pd -76424.477 7.252 8416.929 0.062 B- 5757.537 14.766 116 917954.944 7.785 + 23 70 47 117 Ag -82182.014 13.572 8459.452 0.116 B- 4236.375 13.610 116 911773.974 14.570 + 21 69 48 117 Cd -n -86418.389 1.013 8488.973 0.009 B- 2524.653 4.983 116 907226.038 1.087 + 19 68 49 117 In -88943.042 4.881 8503.865 0.042 B- 1454.709 4.857 116 904515.712 5.239 + 17 67 50 117 Sn -90397.751 0.483 8509.611 0.004 B- -1758.212 8.445 116 902954.017 0.518 + 15 66 51 117 Sb -88639.539 8.437 8487.897 0.072 B- -3544.128 13.079 116 904841.535 9.057 + 13 65 52 117 Te -85095.411 13.456 8450.919 0.115 B- -4659.334 28.673 116 908646.313 14.446 + 11 64 53 117 I -80436.077 26.196 8404.409 0.224 B- -6250.740 28.177 116 913648.314 28.123 + 9 63 54 117 Xe x -74185.337 10.378 8344.297 0.089 B- -7692.245 63.267 116 920358.760 11.141 + 7 62 55 117 Cs x -66493.092 62.410 8271.864 0.533 B- -9035.338 258.002 116 928616.726 67.000 + 5 61 56 117 Ba ep -57457.753 250.340 8187.953 2.140 B- -10987# 321# 116 938316.561 268.750 + 3 60 57 117 La -p -46471# 200# 8087# 2# B- * 116 950111# 215# +0 34 76 42 118 Mo x -32630# 500# 8069# 4# B- 11159# 641# 117 964970# 537# + 32 75 43 118 Tc x -43790# 401# 8157# 3# B- 13470# 448# 117 952990# 430# + 30 74 44 118 Ru x -57260# 200# 8265# 2# B- 7628# 202# 117 938529# 215# + 28 73 45 118 Rh x -64887.460 24.235 8322.858 0.205 B- 10501.286 24.342 117 930340.443 26.017 + 26 72 46 118 Pd -75388.746 2.491 8405.222 0.021 B- 4165.046 3.539 117 919066.847 2.673 + 24 71 47 118 Ag x -79553.792 2.515 8433.889 0.021 B- 7147.849 20.158 117 914595.487 2.700 + 22 70 48 118 Cd -nn -86701.641 20.001 8487.834 0.169 B- 526.570 21.450 117 906921.955 21.471 + 20 69 49 118 In -87228.211 7.752 8485.667 0.066 B- 4424.643 7.740 117 906356.659 8.322 + 18 68 50 118 Sn -91652.853 0.499 8516.533 0.004 B- -3656.640 2.975 117 901606.609 0.536 + 16 67 51 118 Sb - -87996.213 3.016 8478.915 0.026 B- -299.630 18.726 117 905532.174 3.238 + 14 66 52 118 Te +nn -87696.584 18.481 8469.746 0.157 B- -6725.536 27.056 117 905853.839 19.840 + 12 65 53 118 I x -80971.048 19.760 8406.120 0.167 B- -2891.991 22.320 117 913074.000 21.213 + 10 64 54 118 Xe x -78079.057 10.378 8374.981 0.088 B- -9669.689 16.442 117 916178.680 11.141 + 8 63 55 118 Cs IT -68409.367 12.753 8286.404 0.108 B- -6055# 196# 117 926559.519 13.690 + 6 62 56 118 Ba x -62354# 196# 8228# 2# B- -12794# 358# 117 933060# 210# + 4 61 57 118 La x -49560# 300# 8113# 3# B- * 117 946795# 322# +0 33 76 43 119 Tc x -40371# 503# 8128# 4# B- 12193# 585# 118 956660# 540# + 31 75 44 119 Ru x -52564# 298# 8224# 3# B- 10259# 298# 118 943570# 320# + 29 74 45 119 Rh x -62822.794 9.315 8303.394 0.078 B- 8585.108 12.440 118 932556.952 10.000 + 27 73 46 119 Pd x -71407.902 8.245 8368.964 0.069 B- 7237.863 16.855 118 923340.459 8.851 + 25 72 47 119 Ag -78645.765 14.703 8423.212 0.124 B- 5331.303 35.926 118 915570.293 15.783 + 23 71 48 119 Cd -83977.068 37.695 8461.438 0.317 B- 3722.212 38.088 118 909846.903 40.467 + 21 70 49 119 In -87699.281 7.307 8486.143 0.061 B- 2365.742 7.336 118 905850.944 7.844 + 19 69 50 119 Sn -90065.022 0.725 8499.449 0.006 B- -590.843 7.689 118 903311.216 0.778 + 17 68 51 119 Sb -89474.180 7.701 8487.910 0.065 B- -2293.000 2.000 118 903945.512 8.267 + 15 67 52 119 Te - -87181.180 7.957 8462.066 0.067 B- -3415.650 29.055 118 906407.148 8.541 + 13 66 53 119 I x -83765.530 27.945 8426.789 0.235 B- -4971.117 29.810 118 910074.000 30.000 + 11 65 54 119 Xe x -78794.413 10.378 8378.441 0.087 B- -6489.361 17.379 118 915410.713 11.141 + 9 64 55 119 Cs IT -72305.051 13.940 8317.334 0.117 B- -7714.965 200.754 118 922377.330 14.965 + 7 63 56 119 Ba ep -64590.086 200.269 8245.928 1.683 B- -9801# 361# 118 930659.686 214.997 + 5 62 57 119 La x -54790# 300# 8157# 3# B- -10849# 583# 118 941181# 322# + 3 61 58 119 Ce x -43940# 500# 8059# 4# B- * 118 952828# 537# +0 34 77 43 120 Tc x -35518# 503# 8087# 4# B- 14494# 643# 119 961870# 540# + 32 76 44 120 Ru x -50012# 401# 8201# 3# B- 8803# 446# 119 946310# 430# + 30 75 45 120 Rh x -58815# 196# 8268# 2# B- 11466# 196# 119 936860# 210# + 28 74 46 120 Pd -70280.050 2.291 8357.085 0.019 B- 5371.451 5.024 119 924551.258 2.459 + 26 73 47 120 Ag x -75651.502 4.471 8395.327 0.037 B- 8305.853 5.820 119 918784.767 4.800 + 24 72 48 120 Cd x -83957.354 3.726 8458.023 0.031 B- 1771.015 40.183 119 909868.067 4.000 + 22 71 49 120 In + -85728.369 40.010 8466.262 0.333 B- 5370.000 40.000 119 907966.805 42.952 + 20 70 50 120 Sn -91098.369 0.896 8504.492 0.007 B- -2680.608 7.140 119 902201.873 0.962 + 18 69 51 120 Sb - -88417.761 7.196 8475.635 0.060 B- 950.226 7.811 119 905079.624 7.725 + 16 68 52 120 Te -89367.987 3.085 8477.034 0.026 B- -5615.000 15.000 119 904059.514 3.311 + 14 67 53 120 I - -83752.987 15.314 8423.722 0.128 B- -1580.563 19.343 119 910087.465 16.440 + 12 66 54 120 Xe x -82172.423 11.817 8404.031 0.098 B- -8283.785 15.461 119 911784.270 12.686 + 10 65 55 120 Cs IT -73888.639 9.970 8328.480 0.083 B- -5000.000 300.000 119 920677.279 10.702 + 8 64 56 120 Ba - -68888.639 300.166 8280.294 2.501 B- -11319# 424# 119 926045.000 322.241 + 6 63 57 120 La x -57570# 300# 8179# 2# B- -7970# 583# 119 938196# 322# + 4 62 58 120 Ce x -49600# 500# 8107# 4# B- * 119 946752# 537# +0 35 78 43 121 Tc x -31780# 500# 8056# 4# B- 13267# 641# 120 965883# 537# + 33 77 44 121 Ru x -45047# 401# 8159# 3# B- 11203# 738# 120 951640# 430# + 31 76 45 121 Rh x -56250.128 619.444 8245.239 5.119 B- 9932.201 619.453 120 939613.000 665.000 + 29 75 46 121 Pd x -66182.329 3.353 8320.858 0.028 B- 8220.492 12.565 120 928950.343 3.600 + 27 74 47 121 Ag x -74402.821 12.109 8382.330 0.100 B- 6671.005 12.264 120 920125.282 13.000 + 25 73 48 121 Cd x -81073.826 1.942 8430.996 0.016 B- 4762.148 27.483 120 912963.663 2.085 + 23 72 49 121 In +p -85835.974 27.414 8463.887 0.227 B- 3361.291 27.408 120 907851.286 29.430 + 21 71 50 121 Sn -89197.265 0.955 8485.201 0.008 B- 403.057 2.690 120 904242.792 1.025 + 19 70 51 121 Sb -89600.321 2.582 8482.066 0.021 B- -1054.819 25.767 120 903810.093 2.771 + 17 69 52 121 Te -88545.502 25.850 8466.883 0.214 B- -2294.053 26.047 120 904942.488 27.751 + 15 68 53 121 I -86251.449 5.356 8441.458 0.044 B- -3770.463 11.558 120 907405.255 5.749 + 13 67 54 121 Xe -82480.986 10.243 8403.832 0.085 B- -5378.654 13.979 120 911453.014 10.995 + 11 66 55 121 Cs -77102.331 14.290 8352.914 0.118 B- -6357.495 141.176 120 917227.238 15.340 + 9 65 56 121 Ba - -70744.837 141.898 8293.907 1.173 B- -8555# 332# 120 924052.289 152.333 + 7 64 57 121 La x -62190# 300# 8217# 2# B- -9500# 500# 120 933236# 322# + 5 63 58 121 Ce x -52690# 401# 8132# 3# B- -11268# 641# 120 943435# 430# + 3 62 59 121 Pr -p -41422# 500# 8032# 4# B- * 120 955532# 537# +0 34 78 44 122 Ru x -42150# 500# 8135# 4# B- 9930# 583# 121 954750# 537# + 32 77 45 122 Rh x -52080# 300# 8210# 2# B- 12536# 301# 121 944090# 322# + 30 76 46 122 Pd x -64616.161 19.561 8305.975 0.160 B- 6489.948 42.909 121 930631.694 21.000 + 28 75 47 122 Ag x -71106.108 38.191 8352.758 0.313 B- 9506.265 38.260 121 923664.448 41.000 + 26 74 48 122 Cd -80612.374 2.299 8424.266 0.019 B- 2960.368 50.110 121 913459.052 2.468 + 24 73 49 122 In + -83572.741 50.057 8442.118 0.410 B- 6368.592 50.000 121 910280.966 53.738 + 22 72 50 122 Sn -89941.333 2.395 8487.907 0.020 B- -1605.963 3.384 121 903444.001 2.570 + 20 71 51 122 Sb -88335.370 2.578 8468.331 0.021 B- 1979.089 2.127 121 905168.074 2.768 + 18 70 52 122 Te -90314.460 1.507 8478.140 0.012 B- -4234.000 5.000 121 903043.434 1.617 + 16 69 53 122 I - -86080.460 5.222 8437.023 0.043 B- -725.483 12.277 121 907588.820 5.606 + 14 68 54 122 Xe x -85354.977 11.111 8424.664 0.091 B- -7210.218 35.472 121 908367.658 11.928 + 12 67 55 122 Cs -78144.759 33.687 8359.151 0.276 B- -3535.815 43.769 121 916108.145 36.164 + 10 66 56 122 Ba x -74608.944 27.945 8323.756 0.229 B- -10066# 299# 121 919904.000 30.000 + 8 65 57 122 La x -64543# 298# 8235# 2# B- -6669# 499# 121 930710# 320# + 6 64 58 122 Ce x -57874# 401# 8174# 3# B- -13094# 641# 121 937870# 430# + 4 63 59 122 Pr x -44780# 500# 8060# 4# B- * 121 951927# 537# +0 35 79 44 123 Ru x -37080# 500# 8093# 4# B- 12280# 640# 122 960193# 537# + 33 78 45 123 Rh x -49360# 400# 8186# 3# B- 11070# 885# 122 947010# 429# + 31 77 46 123 Pd x -60429.742 789.441 8270.031 6.418 B- 9118.336 790.039 122 935126.000 847.500 + 29 76 47 123 Ag x -69548.078 30.739 8337.803 0.250 B- 7866.103 30.857 122 925337.062 33.000 + 27 75 48 123 Cd -77414.181 2.696 8395.395 0.022 B- 6016.172 19.893 122 916892.453 2.894 + 25 74 49 123 In -83430.353 19.827 8437.946 0.161 B- 4385.828 19.839 122 910433.826 21.285 + 23 73 50 123 Sn -87816.181 2.416 8467.243 0.020 B- 1407.888 2.662 122 905725.446 2.594 + 21 72 51 123 Sb -89224.069 1.506 8472.328 0.012 B- -51.913 0.066 122 904214.016 1.616 + 19 71 52 123 Te -89172.156 1.505 8465.546 0.012 B- -1228.429 3.445 122 904269.747 1.615 + 17 70 53 123 I -87943.727 3.740 8449.198 0.030 B- -2695.027 9.690 122 905588.520 4.014 + 15 69 54 123 Xe -85248.701 9.537 8420.927 0.078 B- -4205.055 15.414 122 908481.750 10.238 + 13 68 55 123 Cs x -81043.646 12.109 8380.379 0.098 B- -5388.693 17.125 122 912996.062 13.000 + 11 67 56 123 Ba x -75654.953 12.109 8330.208 0.098 B- -7004# 196# 122 918781.062 13.000 + 9 66 57 123 La x -68651# 196# 8267# 2# B- -8365# 357# 122 926300# 210# + 7 65 58 123 Ce x -60286# 298# 8193# 2# B- -10056# 499# 122 935280# 320# + 5 64 59 123 Pr x -50230# 400# 8104# 3# B- * 122 946076# 429# +0 36 80 44 124 Ru x -33960# 600# 8068# 5# B- 10929# 721# 123 963542# 644# + 34 79 45 124 Rh x -44890# 400# 8149# 3# B- 13500# 499# 123 951809# 429# + 32 78 46 124 Pd x -58390# 298# 8252# 2# B- 7810# 390# 123 937316# 320# + 30 77 47 124 Ag x -66200.134 251.503 8308.655 2.028 B- 10501.538 251.521 123 928931.229 270.000 + 28 76 48 124 Cd -76701.672 2.995 8387.035 0.024 B- 4168.529 30.539 123 917657.363 3.215 + 26 75 49 124 In -80870.201 30.572 8414.343 0.247 B- 7363.992 30.576 123 913182.263 32.820 + 24 74 50 124 Sn -88234.193 1.014 8467.421 0.008 B- -613.944 1.513 123 905276.692 1.088 + 22 73 51 124 Sb -n -87620.248 1.507 8456.160 0.012 B- 2905.073 0.132 123 905935.789 1.618 + 20 72 52 124 Te -90525.321 1.502 8473.279 0.012 B- -3159.587 1.859 123 902817.064 1.612 + 18 71 53 124 I - -87365.734 2.390 8441.489 0.019 B- 295.686 2.846 123 906209.021 2.566 + 16 70 54 124 Xe -87661.421 1.793 8437.565 0.014 B- -5930.086 8.495 123 905891.588 1.924 + 14 69 55 124 Cs x -81731.334 8.304 8383.432 0.067 B- -2641.559 15.004 123 912257.798 8.914 + 12 68 56 124 Ba x -79089.775 12.497 8355.820 0.101 B- -8831.165 58.030 123 915093.629 13.416 + 10 67 57 124 La x -70258.610 56.669 8278.292 0.457 B- -5343# 303# 123 924574.275 60.836 + 8 66 58 124 Ce x -64916# 298# 8229# 2# B- -11765# 499# 123 930310# 320# + 6 65 59 124 Pr x -53151# 401# 8128# 3# B- -8626# 643# 123 942940# 430# + 4 64 60 124 Nd x -44525# 503# 8052# 4# B- * 123 952200# 540# +0 35 80 45 125 Rh x -42000# 500# 8126# 4# B- 12120# 640# 124 954911# 537# + 33 79 46 125 Pd x -54120# 400# 8216# 3# B- 10400# 589# 124 941900# 429# + 31 78 47 125 Ag x -64519.932 433.145 8293.314 3.465 B- 8828.163 433.154 124 930735.000 465.000 + 29 77 48 125 Cd -73348.095 2.885 8357.681 0.023 B- 7128.710 27.119 124 921257.577 3.097 + 27 76 49 125 In -80476.805 27.023 8408.452 0.216 B- 5419.571 27.011 124 913604.591 29.010 + 25 75 50 125 Sn -85896.376 1.033 8445.550 0.008 B- 2359.899 2.610 124 907786.442 1.109 + 23 74 51 125 Sb + -88256.274 2.599 8458.170 0.021 B- 766.700 2.121 124 905252.987 2.790 + 21 73 52 125 Te -89022.974 1.502 8458.045 0.012 B- -185.770 0.060 124 904429.900 1.612 + 19 72 53 125 I - -88837.204 1.504 8450.300 0.012 B- -1643.824 2.192 124 904629.333 1.614 + 17 71 54 125 Xe -87193.381 1.836 8430.890 0.015 B- -3105.430 7.831 124 906394.050 1.971 + 15 70 55 125 Cs -84087.950 7.744 8399.788 0.062 B- -4418.985 13.446 124 909727.867 8.313 + 13 69 56 125 Ba -79668.965 10.992 8358.178 0.088 B- -5909.481 27.631 124 914471.843 11.800 + 11 68 57 125 La -73759.484 25.997 8304.643 0.208 B- -7102# 197# 124 920815.932 27.909 + 9 67 58 125 Ce x -66658# 196# 8242# 2# B- -8718# 358# 124 928440# 210# + 7 66 59 125 Pr x -57940# 300# 8166# 2# B- -10341# 500# 124 937799# 322# + 5 65 60 125 Nd x -47599# 401# 8077# 3# B- * 124 948900# 430# +0 36 81 45 126 Rh x -37300# 500# 8088# 4# B- 14560# 640# 125 959957# 537# + 34 80 46 126 Pd x -51860# 400# 8197# 3# B- 8820# 447# 125 944326# 429# + 32 79 47 126 Ag x -60680# 200# 8261# 2# B- 11576# 200# 125 934857# 215# + 30 78 48 126 Cd -72256.802 2.476 8346.747 0.020 B- 5516.106 26.908 125 922429.127 2.658 + 28 77 49 126 In -77772.908 26.921 8384.317 0.214 B- 8242.332 27.078 125 916507.344 28.901 + 26 76 50 126 Sn -86015.240 10.447 8443.523 0.083 B- 378.000 30.000 125 907658.836 11.215 + 24 75 51 126 Sb - -86393.240 31.767 8440.314 0.252 B- 3672.108 31.787 125 907253.036 34.103 + 22 74 52 126 Te -90065.348 1.504 8463.248 0.012 B- -2154.031 3.677 125 903310.866 1.614 + 20 73 53 126 I -87911.318 3.809 8439.944 0.030 B- 1235.644 5.173 125 905623.313 4.089 + 18 72 54 126 Xe -89146.962 3.500 8443.541 0.028 B- -4796.133 10.671 125 904296.794 3.757 + 16 71 55 126 Cs -84350.829 10.401 8399.268 0.083 B- -1680.927 16.259 125 909445.655 11.166 + 14 70 56 126 Ba x -82669.902 12.497 8379.718 0.099 B- -7696.435 91.366 125 911250.204 13.416 + 12 69 57 126 La x -74973.468 90.508 8312.426 0.718 B- -4152.910 94.723 125 919512.667 97.163 + 10 68 58 126 Ce x -70820.558 27.945 8273.257 0.222 B- -10497# 198# 125 923971.000 30.000 + 8 67 59 126 Pr x -60324# 196# 8184# 2# B- -7331# 357# 125 935240# 210# + 6 66 60 126 Nd x -52993# 298# 8119# 2# B- -13643# 582# 125 943110# 320# + 4 65 61 126 Pm x -39350# 500# 8005# 4# B- * 125 957756# 537# +0 37 82 45 127 Rh x -34030# 600# 8062# 5# B- 13150# 781# 126 963467# 644# + 35 81 46 127 Pd x -47180# 500# 8159# 4# B- 11260# 539# 126 949350# 537# + 33 80 47 127 Ag x -58440# 200# 8242# 2# B- 10307# 201# 126 937262# 215# + 31 79 48 127 Cd x -68747.402 12.109 8316.945 0.095 B- 8148.782 24.378 126 926196.624 13.000 + 29 78 49 127 In -76896.184 21.157 8374.949 0.167 B- 6574.619 19.098 126 917448.546 22.713 + 27 77 50 127 Sn -83470.803 10.057 8420.557 0.079 B- 3228.674 10.875 126 910390.401 10.796 + 25 76 51 127 Sb -86699.477 5.126 8439.820 0.040 B- 1582.201 4.913 126 906924.277 5.502 + 23 75 52 127 Te -88281.678 1.514 8446.118 0.012 B- 702.231 3.575 126 905225.714 1.625 + 21 74 53 127 I -88983.909 3.647 8445.487 0.029 B- -662.349 2.044 126 904471.838 3.915 + 19 73 54 127 Xe -88321.560 4.110 8434.111 0.032 B- -2081.406 6.421 126 905182.899 4.412 + 17 72 55 127 Cs -86240.154 5.578 8411.562 0.044 B- -3422.210 12.653 126 907417.381 5.988 + 15 71 56 127 Ba -82817.944 11.357 8378.455 0.089 B- -4921.836 27.740 126 911091.275 12.192 + 13 70 57 127 La -77896.108 26.000 8333.540 0.205 B- -5916.772 38.857 126 916375.084 27.912 + 11 69 58 127 Ce x -71979.336 28.876 8280.791 0.227 B- -7436# 198# 126 922727.000 31.000 + 9 68 59 127 Pr x -64543# 196# 8216# 2# B- -9008# 357# 126 930710# 210# + 7 67 60 127 Nd x -55536# 298# 8139# 2# B- -10749# 499# 126 940380# 320# + 5 66 61 127 Pm x -44786# 401# 8048# 3# B- * 126 951920# 430# +0 36 82 46 128 Pd x -44490# 500# 8138# 4# B- 10130# 583# 127 952238# 537# + 34 81 47 128 Ag x -54620# 300# 8211# 2# B- 12622# 300# 127 941363# 322# + 32 80 48 128 Cd -67241.890 7.244 8303.264 0.057 B- 6904.051 153.554 127 927812.857 7.776 + 30 79 49 128 In -74145.941 153.479 8351.090 1.199 B- 9216.067 153.027 127 920401.053 164.766 + 28 78 50 128 Sn -83362.008 17.660 8416.979 0.138 B- 1268.278 13.796 127 910507.197 18.958 + 26 77 51 128 Sb IT -84630.286 19.119 8420.775 0.149 B- 4363.429 19.117 127 909145.645 20.525 + 24 76 52 128 Te -88993.716 0.866 8448.752 0.007 B- -1254.992 3.714 127 904461.311 0.929 + 22 75 53 128 I -87738.724 3.647 8432.836 0.028 B- 2121.575 3.748 127 905808.600 3.915 + 20 74 54 128 Xe -89860.298 1.061 8443.298 0.008 B- -3928.717 5.380 127 903530.996 1.138 + 18 73 55 128 Cs -85931.581 5.443 8406.493 0.043 B- -553.084 7.525 127 907748.648 5.843 + 16 72 56 128 Ba -85378.497 5.195 8396.060 0.041 B- -6753.066 54.695 127 908342.408 5.577 + 14 71 57 128 La x -78625.431 54.448 8337.190 0.425 B- -3091.513 61.200 127 915592.123 58.452 + 12 70 58 128 Ce x -75533.917 27.945 8306.925 0.218 B- -9203.161 40.859 127 918911.000 30.000 + 10 69 59 128 Pr x -66330.757 29.808 8228.913 0.233 B- -6017# 198# 127 928791.000 32.000 + 8 68 60 128 Nd x -60314# 196# 8176# 2# B- -12529# 357# 127 935250# 210# + 6 67 61 128 Pm x -47786# 298# 8072# 2# B- -9116# 582# 127 948700# 320# + 4 66 62 128 Sm x -38670# 500# 7994# 4# B- * 127 958486# 537# +0 37 83 46 129 Pd x -37610# 600# 8084# 5# B- 14370# 721# 128 959624# 644# + 35 82 47 129 Ag x -51980# 400# 8189# 3# B- 11078# 400# 128 944197# 429# + 33 81 48 129 Cd x -63058.046 16.767 8269.034 0.130 B- 9779.674 16.982 128 932304.399 18.000 + 31 80 49 129 In -72837.720 2.693 8338.780 0.021 B- 7753.183 17.302 128 921805.486 2.891 + 29 79 50 129 Sn -80590.903 17.277 8392.818 0.134 B- 4038.404 27.372 128 913482.102 18.547 + 27 78 51 129 Sb + -84629.307 21.231 8418.058 0.165 B- 2375.500 21.213 128 909146.696 22.792 + 25 77 52 129 Te -87004.807 0.869 8430.409 0.007 B- 1502.318 3.142 128 906596.492 0.933 + 23 76 53 129 I -88507.125 3.168 8435.990 0.025 B- 188.934 3.168 128 904983.687 3.401 + 21 75 54 129 Xe -88696.05896 0.00537 8431.390 0.000 B- -1196.813 4.555 128 904780.85892 0.00576 + 19 74 55 129 Cs -87499.246 4.555 8416.047 0.035 B- -2436.048 10.623 128 906065.690 4.889 + 17 73 56 129 Ba -85063.198 10.577 8391.098 0.082 B- -3738.625 21.639 128 908680.896 11.354 + 15 72 57 129 La -81324.573 21.351 8356.052 0.166 B- -5037.077 35.168 128 912694.475 22.920 + 13 71 58 129 Ce x -76287.496 27.945 8310.940 0.217 B- -6513.938 40.859 128 918102.000 30.000 + 11 70 59 129 Pr x -69773.558 29.808 8254.380 0.231 B- -7459# 204# 128 925095.000 32.000 + 9 69 60 129 Nd ep -62315# 202# 8190# 2# B- -9434# 360# 128 933102# 217# + 7 68 61 129 Pm x -52881# 298# 8111# 2# B- -10881# 582# 128 943230# 320# + 5 67 62 129 Sm x -42000# 500# 8021# 4# B- * 128 954911# 537# +0 36 83 47 130 Ag -nn -45697# 500# 8140# 4# B- 15420# 500# 129 950942# 537# + 34 82 48 130 Cd x -61117.589 22.356 8252.586 0.172 B- 8765.617 44.128 129 934387.566 24.000 + 32 81 49 130 In + -69883.206 38.046 8313.996 0.293 B- 10249.000 38.000 129 924977.288 40.844 + 30 80 50 130 Sn -80132.206 1.873 8386.816 0.014 B- 2153.470 14.113 129 913974.533 2.010 + 28 79 51 130 Sb -82285.676 14.212 8397.363 0.109 B- 5067.273 14.212 129 911662.688 15.257 + 26 78 52 130 Te -87352.949 0.011 8430.324 0.000 B- -416.811 3.168 129 906222.747 0.012 + 24 77 53 130 I -n -86936.138 3.168 8421.100 0.024 B- 2944.325 3.168 129 906670.211 3.401 + 22 76 54 130 Xe -89880.463 0.009 8437.731 0.000 B- -2980.720 8.357 129 903509.349 0.010 + 20 75 55 130 Cs -86899.743 8.357 8408.784 0.064 B- 361.801 8.738 129 906709.283 8.971 + 18 74 56 130 Ba -87261.544 2.553 8405.549 0.020 B- -5634.178 26.071 129 906320.874 2.741 + 16 73 57 130 La x -81627.366 25.946 8356.191 0.200 B- -2204.461 38.133 129 912369.413 27.854 + 14 72 58 130 Ce x -79422.905 27.945 8333.216 0.215 B- -8247.448 70.085 129 914736.000 30.000 + 12 71 59 130 Pr x -71175.457 64.273 8263.756 0.494 B- -4579.225 70.085 129 923590.000 69.000 + 10 70 60 130 Nd x -66596.232 27.945 8222.513 0.215 B- -11200# 198# 129 928506.000 30.000 + 8 69 61 130 Pm x -55396# 196# 8130# 2# B- -7890# 446# 129 940530# 210# + 6 68 62 130 Sm x -47506# 401# 8064# 3# B- -13823# 641# 129 949000# 430# + 4 67 63 130 Eu -p -33683# 500# 7951# 4# B- * 129 963840# 537# +0 37 84 47 131 Ag x -40380# 500# 8099# 4# B- 14839# 511# 130 956650# 537# + 35 83 48 131 Cd x -55218.965 102.464 8206.175 0.782 B- 12806.066 102.500 130 940720.000 110.000 + 33 82 49 131 In x -68025.030 2.701 8297.959 0.021 B- 9239.541 4.518 130 926972.122 2.900 + 31 81 50 131 Sn -77264.571 3.621 8362.517 0.028 B- 4716.830 3.962 130 917053.066 3.887 + 29 80 51 131 Sb -81981.401 2.084 8392.552 0.016 B- 3229.611 2.085 130 911989.341 2.236 + 27 79 52 131 Te -n -85211.012 0.061 8411.233 0.001 B- 2231.699 0.608 130 908522.211 0.065 + 25 78 53 131 I + -87442.710 0.605 8422.297 0.005 B- 970.848 0.605 130 906126.384 0.649 + 23 77 54 131 Xe -88413.558 0.009 8423.736 0.000 B- -354.772 4.974 130 905084.136 0.009 + 21 76 55 131 Cs -88058.786 4.974 8415.056 0.038 B- -1375.055 5.279 130 905464.999 5.340 + 19 75 56 131 Ba -86683.731 2.569 8398.587 0.020 B- -2914.475 28.063 130 906941.181 2.757 + 17 74 57 131 La x -83769.256 27.945 8370.367 0.213 B- -4060.816 43.092 130 910070.000 30.000 + 15 73 58 131 Ce -79708.440 32.802 8333.396 0.250 B- -5407.784 55.446 130 914429.465 35.214 + 13 72 59 131 Pr -74300.656 46.995 8286.143 0.359 B- -6532.623 53.081 130 920234.960 50.451 + 11 71 60 131 Nd -67768.033 27.517 8230.304 0.210 B- -8108# 202# 130 927248.020 29.541 + 9 70 61 131 Pm x -59660# 200# 8162# 2# B- -9527# 448# 130 935952# 215# + 7 69 62 131 Sm x -50133# 401# 8084# 3# B- -10863# 566# 130 946180# 430# + 5 68 63 131 Eu -p -39270# 401# 7995# 3# B- * 130 957842# 430# +0 38 85 47 132 Ag x -33790# 500# 8049# 4# B- 16473# 537# 131 963725# 537# + 36 84 48 132 Cd x -50263# 196# 8168# 1# B- 12148# 205# 131 946040# 210# + 34 83 49 132 In + -62411.542 60.033 8253.715 0.455 B- 14135.000 60.000 131 932998.449 64.447 + 32 82 50 132 Sn -76546.542 1.976 8354.872 0.015 B- 3088.729 3.161 131 917823.902 2.121 + 30 81 51 132 Sb -79635.271 2.467 8372.344 0.019 B- 5552.915 4.271 131 914508.015 2.648 + 28 80 52 132 Te -85188.186 3.486 8408.485 0.026 B- 515.304 3.483 131 908546.716 3.742 + 26 79 53 132 I -85703.490 4.065 8406.462 0.031 B- 3575.472 4.065 131 907993.514 4.364 + 24 78 54 132 Xe -89278.96179 0.00515 8427.622 0.000 B- -2126.280 1.036 131 904155.08697 0.00553 + 22 77 55 132 Cs -87152.681 1.036 8405.587 0.008 B- 1282.336 1.478 131 906437.743 1.112 + 20 76 56 132 Ba -88435.017 1.054 8409.375 0.008 B- -4711.367 36.354 131 905061.098 1.131 + 18 75 57 132 La -83723.650 36.359 8367.756 0.275 B- -1252.754 41.718 131 910118.959 39.032 + 16 74 58 132 Ce -82470.896 20.442 8352.338 0.155 B- -7243.440 35.380 131 911463.846 21.945 + 14 73 59 132 Pr x -75227.456 28.876 8291.537 0.219 B- -3801.648 37.679 131 919240.000 31.000 + 12 72 60 132 Nd x -71425.807 24.205 8256.810 0.183 B- -9798# 151# 131 923321.237 25.985 + 10 71 61 132 Pm x -61628# 149# 8177# 1# B- -6548# 333# 131 933840# 160# + 8 70 62 132 Sm x -55079# 298# 8121# 2# B- -12879# 499# 131 940870# 320# + 6 69 63 132 Eu x -42200# 400# 8018# 3# B- * 131 954696# 429# +0 37 85 48 133 Cd x -43920# 298# 8119# 2# B- 13544# 357# 132 952850# 320# + 35 84 49 133 In x -57464# 196# 8215# 1# B- 13410# 196# 132 938310# 210# + 33 83 50 133 Sn -70873.880 1.904 8310.088 0.014 B- 8049.623 3.662 132 923913.756 2.044 + 31 82 51 133 Sb -78923.503 3.128 8364.729 0.024 B- 4013.619 3.518 132 915272.130 3.357 + 29 81 52 133 Te -82937.122 2.066 8389.025 0.016 B- 2921.139 6.751 132 910963.332 2.218 + 27 80 53 133 I ++ -85858.260 6.427 8405.106 0.048 B- 1785.311 6.861 132 907827.361 6.900 + 25 79 54 133 Xe + -87643.571 2.400 8412.647 0.018 B- 427.360 2.400 132 905910.750 2.576 + 23 78 55 133 Cs -88070.931 0.008 8409.978 0.000 B- -517.319 0.992 132 905451.961 0.008 + 21 77 56 133 Ba -87553.613 0.992 8400.206 0.007 B- -2059.230 27.962 132 906007.325 1.065 + 19 76 57 133 La x -85494.383 27.945 8378.841 0.210 B- -3076.168 32.379 132 908218.000 30.000 + 17 75 58 133 Ce x -82418.214 16.354 8349.829 0.123 B- -4480.634 20.583 132 911520.402 17.557 + 15 74 59 133 Pr x -77937.581 12.497 8310.258 0.094 B- -5605.208 48.222 132 916330.561 13.416 + 13 73 60 133 Nd x -72332.372 46.575 8262.231 0.350 B- -6924.726 68.552 132 922348.000 50.000 + 11 72 61 133 Pm x -65407.646 50.301 8204.283 0.378 B- -8177# 302# 132 929782.000 54.000 + 9 71 62 133 Sm x -57231# 298# 8137# 2# B- -9995# 422# 132 938560# 320# + 7 70 63 133 Eu x -47236# 298# 8056# 2# B- -11376# 582# 132 949290# 320# + 5 69 64 133 Gd x -35860# 500# 7964# 4# B- * 132 961503# 537# +0 38 86 48 134 Cd x -38920# 400# 8082# 3# B- 12741# 499# 133 958218# 429# + 36 85 49 134 In x -51661# 298# 8171# 2# B- 14773# 298# 133 944540# 320# + 34 84 50 134 Sn x -66433.748 3.167 8275.171 0.024 B- 7586.794 3.597 133 928680.433 3.400 + 32 83 51 134 Sb x -74020.542 1.705 8325.950 0.013 B- 8513.200 3.233 133 920535.675 1.830 + 30 82 52 134 Te -82533.741 2.746 8383.643 0.020 B- 1509.687 4.933 133 911396.379 2.948 + 28 81 53 134 I -84043.429 4.857 8389.071 0.036 B- 4082.393 4.857 133 909775.663 5.213 + 26 80 54 134 Xe -88125.822 0.009 8413.699 0.000 B- -1234.667 0.018 133 905393.033 0.010 + 24 79 55 134 Cs -86891.154 0.016 8398.646 0.000 B- 2058.699 0.304 133 906718.503 0.017 + 22 78 56 134 Ba -88949.853 0.304 8408.171 0.002 B- -3731.204 19.932 133 904508.399 0.326 + 20 77 57 134 La x -85218.650 19.930 8374.488 0.149 B- -385.760 28.510 133 908514.011 21.395 + 18 76 58 134 Ce x -84832.889 20.387 8365.771 0.152 B- -6304.898 28.781 133 908928.142 21.886 + 16 75 59 134 Pr x -78527.991 20.316 8312.881 0.152 B- -2881.559 23.503 133 915696.729 21.810 + 14 74 60 134 Nd x -75646.432 11.817 8285.538 0.088 B- -8907.681 58.949 133 918790.210 12.686 + 12 73 61 134 Pm x -66738.751 57.753 8213.225 0.431 B- -5363# 204# 133 928353.000 62.000 + 10 72 62 134 Sm x -61376# 196# 8167# 1# B- -11448# 357# 133 934110# 210# + 8 71 63 134 Eu x -49928# 298# 8076# 2# B- -8626# 499# 133 946400# 320# + 6 70 64 134 Gd x -41302# 401# 8006# 3# B- * 133 955660# 430# +0 37 86 49 135 In x -46528# 401# 8132# 3# B- 14104# 401# 134 950050# 430# + 35 85 50 135 Sn x -60632.244 3.074 8230.687 0.023 B- 9058.079 4.052 134 934908.605 3.300 + 33 84 51 135 Sb -69690.323 2.640 8291.989 0.020 B- 8038.457 3.152 134 925184.357 2.834 + 31 83 52 135 Te -77728.780 1.722 8345.738 0.013 B- 6050.366 2.686 134 916554.718 1.848 + 29 82 53 135 I -83779.145 2.061 8384.760 0.015 B- 2634.005 3.868 134 910059.382 2.212 + 27 81 54 135 Xe -86413.151 3.720 8398.476 0.028 B- 1168.492 3.675 134 907231.661 3.993 + 25 80 55 135 Cs -87581.643 0.992 8401.336 0.007 B- 268.855 1.038 134 905977.234 1.064 + 23 79 56 135 Ba -87850.498 0.306 8397.533 0.002 B- -1207.181 9.430 134 905688.606 0.328 + 21 78 57 135 La -86643.317 9.434 8382.795 0.070 B- -2027.146 4.610 134 906984.568 10.127 + 19 77 58 135 Ce -84616.171 10.267 8361.984 0.076 B- -3680.310 15.655 134 909160.799 11.022 + 17 76 59 135 Pr x -80935.861 11.817 8328.928 0.088 B- -4722.252 22.484 134 913111.774 12.686 + 15 75 60 135 Nd x -76213.609 19.128 8288.153 0.142 B- -6161.534 77.838 134 918181.320 20.534 + 13 74 61 135 Pm x -70052.075 75.451 8236.717 0.559 B- -7194.860 172.054 134 924796.000 81.000 + 11 73 62 135 Sm x -62857.215 154.628 8177.626 1.145 B- -8709# 249# 134 932520.000 166.000 + 9 72 63 135 Eu x -54148# 196# 8107# 1# B- -9757# 445# 134 941870# 210# + 7 71 64 135 Gd x -44390# 400# 8029# 3# B- -11565# 566# 134 952345# 429# + 5 70 65 135 Tb -p -32825# 401# 7938# 3# B- * 134 964760# 430# +0 38 87 49 136 In x -40510# 400# 8087# 3# B- 15389# 499# 135 956511# 429# + 36 86 50 136 Sn x -55899# 298# 8195# 2# B- 8608# 298# 135 939990# 320# + 34 85 51 136 Sb -64506.880 5.830 8252.252 0.043 B- 9918.389 6.260 135 930749.011 6.258 + 32 84 52 136 Te -74425.269 2.281 8319.429 0.017 B- 5119.945 14.188 135 920101.182 2.448 + 30 83 53 136 I -79545.214 14.188 8351.323 0.104 B- 6883.945 14.188 135 914604.695 15.231 + 28 82 54 136 Xe -86429.159 0.007 8396.188 0.000 B- -90.462 1.882 135 907214.476 0.007 + 26 81 55 136 Cs + -86338.697 1.882 8389.770 0.014 B- 2548.224 1.857 135 907311.590 2.020 + 24 80 56 136 Ba -88886.921 0.306 8402.755 0.002 B- -2849.443 53.172 135 904575.959 0.328 + 22 79 57 136 La x -86037.479 53.171 8376.050 0.391 B- 470.893 53.173 135 907634.962 57.081 + 20 78 58 136 Ce -86508.372 0.408 8373.760 0.003 B- -5168.017 11.457 135 907129.438 0.438 + 18 77 59 136 Pr -81340.355 11.455 8330.008 0.084 B- -2141.068 16.458 135 912677.532 12.297 + 16 76 60 136 Nd x -79199.287 11.817 8308.512 0.087 B- -8029.371 70.076 135 914976.064 12.686 + 14 75 61 136 Pm x -71169.915 69.073 8243.720 0.508 B- -4359.026 70.194 135 923595.949 74.152 + 12 74 62 136 Sm x -66810.890 12.497 8205.916 0.092 B- -10567# 196# 135 928275.555 13.416 + 10 73 63 136 Eu x -56244# 196# 8122# 1# B- -7154# 357# 135 939620# 210# + 8 72 64 136 Gd x -49090# 298# 8064# 2# B- -12960# 582# 135 947300# 320# + 6 71 65 136 Tb x -36130# 500# 7963# 4# B- * 135 961213# 537# +0 39 88 49 137 In x -35040# 500# 8047# 4# B- 14748# 641# 136 962383# 537# + 37 87 50 137 Sn x -49788# 401# 8149# 3# B- 10272# 404# 136 946550# 430# + 35 86 51 137 Sb x -60060.384 52.164 8218.476 0.381 B- 9243.369 52.206 136 935522.522 56.000 + 33 85 52 137 Te -69303.753 2.100 8280.235 0.015 B- 7052.506 8.643 136 925599.357 2.254 + 31 84 53 137 I p-2n -76356.258 8.383 8326.002 0.061 B- 6027.145 8.384 136 918028.180 9.000 + 29 83 54 137 Xe -n -82383.404 0.103 8364.286 0.001 B- 4162.203 0.373 136 911557.773 0.111 + 27 82 55 137 Cs + -86545.606 0.358 8388.956 0.003 B- 1175.629 0.172 136 907089.464 0.384 + 25 81 56 137 Ba -87721.235 0.314 8391.827 0.002 B- -580.547 1.632 136 905827.375 0.337 + 23 80 57 137 La + -87140.688 1.659 8381.879 0.012 B- -1222.100 1.600 136 906450.618 1.780 + 21 79 58 137 Ce -85918.588 0.437 8367.248 0.003 B- -2716.895 8.133 136 907762.596 0.469 + 19 78 59 137 Pr -83201.693 8.137 8341.706 0.059 B- -3617.126 14.282 136 910679.304 8.735 + 17 77 60 137 Nd -79584.567 11.737 8309.593 0.086 B- -5511.719 17.545 136 914562.448 12.600 + 15 76 61 137 Pm x -74072.848 13.041 8263.651 0.095 B- -6046.323 44.355 136 920479.522 14.000 + 13 75 62 137 Sm -68026.525 42.395 8213.806 0.309 B- -7880.630 42.620 136 926970.517 45.512 + 11 74 63 137 Eu x -60145.895 4.378 8150.573 0.032 B- -8932# 298# 136 935430.722 4.700 + 9 73 64 137 Gd x -51214# 298# 8080# 2# B- -10246# 499# 136 945020# 320# + 7 72 65 137 Tb x -40967# 401# 7999# 3# B- * 136 956020# 430# +0 38 88 50 138 Sn x -44861# 503# 8113# 4# B- 9360# 1177# 137 951840# 540# + 36 87 51 138 Sb x -54220.403 1064.232 8175.091 7.712 B- 11475.582 1064.239 137 941792.000 1142.500 + 34 86 52 138 Te -65695.985 3.787 8252.578 0.027 B- 6283.914 7.063 137 929472.454 4.065 + 32 85 53 138 I x -71979.900 5.962 8292.444 0.043 B- 7992.334 6.588 137 922726.394 6.400 + 30 84 54 138 Xe -79972.233 2.804 8344.690 0.020 B- 2914.704 9.579 137 914146.271 3.010 + 28 83 55 138 Cs -82886.937 9.159 8360.142 0.066 B- 5374.700 9.159 137 911017.207 9.832 + 26 82 56 138 Ba -88261.638 0.317 8393.420 0.002 B- -1742.458 3.191 137 905247.229 0.339 + 24 81 57 138 La -86519.180 3.188 8375.125 0.023 B- 1051.742 4.038 137 907117.834 3.422 + 22 80 58 138 Ce -87570.922 4.931 8377.077 0.036 B- -4437.000 10.000 137 905988.743 5.293 + 20 79 59 138 Pr - -83133.922 11.150 8339.255 0.081 B- -1115.612 16.090 137 910752.059 11.969 + 18 78 60 138 Nd -82018.310 11.601 8325.502 0.084 B- -7077.827 28.756 137 911949.717 12.454 + 16 77 61 138 Pm -74940.483 27.739 8268.544 0.201 B- -3442.721 30.151 137 919548.077 29.778 + 14 76 62 138 Sm x -71497.762 11.817 8237.928 0.086 B- -9748.093 30.341 137 923243.990 12.686 + 12 75 63 138 Eu x -61749.669 27.945 8161.620 0.202 B- -5949# 198# 137 933709.000 30.000 + 10 74 64 138 Gd x -55800# 196# 8113# 1# B- -12132# 357# 137 940096# 210# + 8 73 65 138 Tb x -43668# 298# 8019# 2# B- -8737# 585# 137 953120# 320# + 6 72 66 138 Dy x -34931# 503# 7950# 4# B- * 137 962500# 540# +0 39 89 50 139 Sn x -38440# 500# 8066# 4# B- 11348# 641# 138 958733# 537# + 37 88 51 139 Sb x -49788# 401# 8142# 3# B- 10417# 401# 138 946550# 430# + 35 87 52 139 Te x -60205.072 3.540 8211.771 0.025 B- 8265.882 5.345 138 935367.193 3.800 + 33 86 53 139 I x -68470.954 4.005 8265.609 0.029 B- 7173.622 4.542 138 926493.403 4.300 + 31 85 54 139 Xe x -75644.576 2.142 8311.590 0.015 B- 5056.346 3.801 138 918792.203 2.300 + 29 84 55 139 Cs + -80700.921 3.140 8342.338 0.023 B- 4212.829 3.123 138 913363.992 3.370 + 27 83 56 139 Ba -84913.751 0.319 8367.017 0.002 B- 2312.461 2.013 138 908841.334 0.342 + 25 82 57 139 La -87226.212 2.009 8378.025 0.014 B- -278.350 6.953 138 906358.804 2.156 + 23 81 58 139 Ce -86947.862 7.230 8370.395 0.052 B- -2129.064 2.996 138 906657.625 7.761 + 21 80 59 139 Pr -84818.798 7.809 8349.449 0.056 B- -2804.856 28.033 138 908943.270 8.383 + 19 79 60 139 Nd -82013.942 27.600 8323.642 0.199 B- -4513.460 25.927 138 911954.407 29.630 + 17 78 61 139 Pm -77500.481 13.593 8285.543 0.098 B- -5120.263 17.414 138 916799.806 14.592 + 15 77 62 139 Sm x -72380.219 10.884 8243.078 0.078 B- -6982.177 17.071 138 922296.634 11.684 + 13 76 63 139 Eu x -65398.042 13.151 8187.218 0.095 B- -7767# 196# 138 929792.310 14.117 + 11 75 64 139 Gd x -57632# 196# 8126# 1# B- -9501# 357# 138 938130# 210# + 9 74 65 139 Tb x -48130# 298# 8052# 2# B- -10489# 585# 138 948330# 320# + 7 73 66 139 Dy x -37642# 503# 7971# 4# B- * 138 959590# 540# +0 38 89 51 140 Sb x -43939# 596# 8100# 4# B- 12638# 599# 139 952830# 640# + 36 88 52 140 Te x -56576.228 62.410 8184.847 0.446 B- 7029.985 63.574 139 939262.917 67.000 + 34 87 53 140 I x -63606.213 12.109 8229.473 0.086 B- 9380.238 12.331 139 931715.917 13.000 + 32 86 54 140 Xe x -72986.451 2.329 8290.887 0.017 B- 4063.654 8.525 139 921645.817 2.500 + 30 85 55 140 Cs -77050.105 8.201 8314.325 0.059 B- 6219.249 9.882 139 917283.305 8.804 + 28 84 56 140 Ba -83269.354 7.933 8353.160 0.057 B- 1046.517 7.993 139 910606.666 8.516 + 26 83 57 140 La -84315.871 2.009 8355.047 0.014 B- 3760.218 1.727 139 909483.184 2.156 + 24 82 58 140 Ce -88076.089 1.596 8376.317 0.011 B- -3388.000 6.000 139 905446.424 1.713 + 22 81 59 140 Pr - -84688.089 6.209 8346.529 0.044 B- -429.177 7.101 139 909083.592 6.665 + 20 80 60 140 Nd x -84258.912 3.447 8337.875 0.025 B- -6045.200 24.000 139 909544.332 3.700 + 18 79 61 140 Pm - -78213.712 24.246 8289.107 0.173 B- -2757.777 27.277 139 916034.122 26.029 + 16 78 62 140 Sm x -75455.935 12.497 8263.820 0.089 B- -8470.000 50.000 139 918994.717 13.416 + 14 77 63 140 Eu - -66985.935 51.538 8197.732 0.368 B- -5203.664 58.627 139 928087.637 55.328 + 12 76 64 140 Gd x -61782.271 27.945 8154.975 0.200 B- -11300.000 800.000 139 933674.000 30.000 + 10 75 65 140 Tb - -50482.271 800.488 8068.672 5.718 B- -7652# 895# 139 945805.049 859.359 + 8 74 66 140 Dy x -42830# 401# 8008# 3# B- -13571# 643# 139 954020# 430# + 6 73 67 140 Ho -p -29259# 503# 7906# 4# B- * 139 968589# 540# +0 39 90 51 141 Sb x -39110# 500# 8066# 4# B- 11377# 641# 140 958014# 537# + 37 89 52 141 Te x -50487# 401# 8141# 3# B- 9440# 401# 140 945800# 430# + 35 88 53 141 I x -59926.657 15.835 8202.255 0.112 B- 8270.642 16.097 140 935666.084 17.000 + 33 87 54 141 Xe x -68197.299 2.888 8255.364 0.020 B- 6280.224 9.638 140 926787.184 3.100 + 31 86 55 141 Cs -74477.523 9.195 8294.356 0.065 B- 5255.103 9.617 140 920045.086 9.871 + 29 85 56 141 Ba -79732.626 5.319 8326.078 0.038 B- 3199.010 6.600 140 914403.500 5.710 + 27 84 57 141 La -82931.636 4.219 8343.217 0.030 B- 2501.280 3.928 140 910969.222 4.528 + 25 83 58 141 Ce -85432.916 1.597 8355.408 0.011 B- 582.728 1.202 140 908283.987 1.714 + 23 82 59 141 Pr -86015.644 1.665 8353.992 0.012 B- -1823.014 2.809 140 907658.403 1.787 + 21 81 60 141 Nd - -84192.630 3.265 8335.515 0.023 B- -3669.709 14.349 140 909615.488 3.505 + 19 80 61 141 Pm x -80522.921 13.972 8303.940 0.099 B- -4589.012 16.375 140 913555.084 15.000 + 17 79 62 141 Sm -75933.909 8.539 8265.845 0.061 B- -6008.280 14.285 140 918481.591 9.167 + 15 78 63 141 Eu -69925.629 12.639 8217.684 0.090 B- -6701.405 23.456 140 924931.745 13.568 + 13 77 64 141 Gd x -63224.224 19.760 8164.608 0.140 B- -8683.387 107.098 140 932126.000 21.213 + 11 76 65 141 Tb x -54540.837 105.259 8097.475 0.747 B- -9158# 316# 140 941448.000 113.000 + 9 75 66 141 Dy x -45382# 298# 8027# 2# B- -11018# 499# 140 951280# 320# + 7 74 67 141 Ho -p -34364# 401# 7943# 3# B- * 140 963108# 430# +0 38 90 52 142 Te x -46370# 503# 8111# 4# B- 8400# 627# 141 950220# 540# + 36 89 53 142 I x -54769.984 374.461 8165.019 2.637 B- 10459.655 374.470 141 941202.000 402.000 + 34 88 54 142 Xe x -65229.639 2.701 8233.169 0.019 B- 5284.911 7.565 141 929973.098 2.900 + 32 87 55 142 Cs -70514.550 7.067 8264.877 0.050 B- 7327.714 8.363 141 924299.512 7.586 + 30 86 56 142 Ba -77842.264 5.920 8310.971 0.042 B- 2181.963 8.391 141 916432.888 6.355 + 28 85 57 142 La -80024.227 6.309 8320.828 0.044 B- 4508.961 5.845 141 914090.454 6.773 + 26 84 58 142 Ce -84533.188 2.509 8347.071 0.018 B- -745.712 2.500 141 909249.884 2.693 + 24 83 59 142 Pr -83787.476 1.665 8336.310 0.012 B- 2162.505 1.416 141 910050.440 1.786 + 22 82 60 142 Nd -85949.980 1.368 8346.030 0.010 B- -4807.936 23.629 141 907728.895 1.468 + 20 81 61 142 Pm -81142.044 23.597 8306.662 0.166 B- -2155.574 23.752 141 912890.428 25.332 + 18 80 62 142 Sm -78986.470 3.079 8285.972 0.022 B- -7673.000 30.000 141 915204.532 3.305 + 16 79 63 142 Eu - -71313.470 30.158 8226.427 0.212 B- -4353.955 41.114 141 923441.836 32.375 + 14 78 64 142 Gd x -66959.515 27.945 8190.256 0.197 B- -10400.000 700.000 141 928116.000 30.000 + 12 77 65 142 Tb - -56559.515 700.558 8111.507 4.934 B- -6440# 200# 141 939280.859 752.079 + 10 76 66 142 Dy - -50120# 729# 8061# 5# B- -12869# 831# 141 946194# 782# + 8 75 67 142 Ho x -37250# 401# 7965# 3# B- -9221# 641# 141 960010# 430# + 6 74 68 142 Er x -28030# 500# 7894# 4# B- * 141 969909# 537# +0 39 91 52 143 Te x -40278# 503# 8068# 4# B- 10353# 541# 142 956760# 540# + 37 90 53 143 I x -50630# 200# 8135# 1# B- 9572# 200# 142 945646# 215# + 35 89 54 143 Xe x -60202.873 4.657 8196.885 0.033 B- 7472.636 8.891 142 935369.553 5.000 + 33 88 55 143 Cs -67675.509 7.573 8243.670 0.053 B- 6261.688 9.730 142 927347.348 8.130 + 31 87 56 143 Ba -73937.197 6.756 8281.987 0.047 B- 4234.318 9.969 142 920625.150 7.253 + 29 86 57 143 La -78171.515 7.330 8306.127 0.051 B- 3435.156 7.595 142 916079.422 7.869 + 27 85 58 143 Ce -81606.671 2.508 8324.678 0.018 B- 1461.575 1.866 142 912391.630 2.692 + 25 84 59 143 Pr -83068.246 1.897 8329.428 0.013 B- 933.988 1.368 142 910822.564 2.037 + 23 83 60 143 Nd -84002.234 1.367 8330.488 0.010 B- -1041.583 2.682 142 909819.887 1.467 + 21 82 61 143 Pm -82960.651 2.996 8317.733 0.021 B- -3443.499 3.560 142 910938.073 3.216 + 19 81 62 143 Sm -79517.152 2.804 8288.182 0.020 B- -5275.851 11.338 142 914634.821 3.010 + 17 80 63 143 Eu x -74241.300 10.986 8245.817 0.077 B- -6010.000 200.000 142 920298.681 11.793 + 15 79 64 143 Gd - -68231.300 200.301 8198.318 1.401 B- -7812.117 206.750 142 926750.682 215.032 + 13 78 65 143 Tb x -60419.183 51.232 8138.217 0.358 B- -8250.242 52.866 142 935137.335 55.000 + 11 77 66 143 Dy x -52168.941 13.041 8075.052 0.091 B- -10121# 298# 142 943994.335 14.000 + 9 76 67 143 Ho x -42048# 298# 7999# 2# B- -10788# 499# 142 954860# 320# + 7 75 68 143 Er x -31260# 400# 7918# 3# B- * 142 966441# 429# +0 38 91 53 144 I x -45280# 401# 8098# 3# B- 11592# 401# 143 951390# 430# + 36 90 54 144 Xe x -56872.293 5.310 8172.884 0.037 B- 6399.060 20.820 143 938945.079 5.700 + 34 89 55 144 Cs -63271.353 20.132 8211.889 0.140 B- 8495.768 20.416 143 932075.404 21.612 + 32 88 56 144 Ba -71767.121 7.136 8265.454 0.050 B- 3082.530 14.774 143 922954.821 7.661 + 30 87 57 144 La x -74849.652 12.937 8281.428 0.090 B- 5582.219 13.254 143 919645.589 13.888 + 28 86 58 144 Ce + -80431.870 2.885 8314.760 0.020 B- 318.646 0.832 143 913652.830 3.096 + 26 85 59 144 Pr + -80750.517 2.762 8311.540 0.019 B- 2997.440 2.400 143 913310.750 2.965 + 24 84 60 144 Nd -83747.957 1.367 8326.922 0.009 B- -2331.863 2.646 143 910092.865 1.467 + 22 83 61 144 Pm -81416.093 2.964 8305.296 0.021 B- 549.442 2.668 143 912596.224 3.181 + 20 82 62 144 Sm -81965.535 1.554 8303.679 0.011 B- -6346.402 10.814 143 912006.373 1.668 + 18 81 63 144 Eu -75619.133 10.789 8254.173 0.075 B- -3859.630 29.955 143 918819.517 11.582 + 16 80 64 144 Gd x -71759.504 27.945 8221.937 0.194 B- -9391.323 39.520 143 922963.000 30.000 + 14 79 65 144 Tb x -62368.181 27.945 8151.287 0.194 B- -5798.098 28.851 143 933045.000 30.000 + 12 78 66 144 Dy x -56570.083 7.173 8105.589 0.050 B- -11960.569 11.104 143 939269.514 7.700 + 10 77 67 144 Ho x -44609.513 8.477 8017.097 0.059 B- -8002# 196# 143 952109.714 9.100 + 8 76 68 144 Er x -36608# 196# 7956# 1# B- -14349# 445# 143 960700# 210# + 6 75 69 144 Tm -p -22259# 400# 7851# 3# B- * 143 976104# 429# +0 39 92 53 145 I x -40939# 503# 8068# 3# B- 10554# 503# 144 956050# 540# + 37 91 54 145 Xe x -51493.329 11.178 8135.087 0.077 B- 8561.086 14.393 144 944719.634 12.000 + 35 90 55 145 Cs -60054.415 9.067 8188.733 0.063 B- 7461.761 12.412 144 935528.930 9.733 + 33 89 56 145 Ba x -67516.176 8.477 8234.798 0.058 B- 5319.141 14.912 144 927518.400 9.100 + 31 88 57 145 La -72835.317 12.269 8266.087 0.085 B- 4231.705 35.300 144 921808.066 13.170 + 29 87 58 145 Ce -77067.022 33.902 8289.875 0.234 B- 2558.918 33.635 144 917265.144 36.395 + 27 86 59 145 Pr -79625.940 7.169 8302.127 0.049 B- 1806.012 7.037 144 914518.033 7.696 + 25 85 60 145 Nd -81431.951 1.384 8309.187 0.010 B- -164.478 2.536 144 912579.199 1.485 + 23 84 61 145 Pm -81267.474 2.859 8302.657 0.020 B- -616.156 2.539 144 912755.773 3.068 + 21 83 62 145 Sm -80651.318 1.578 8293.013 0.011 B- -2659.810 2.723 144 913417.244 1.694 + 19 82 63 145 Eu -77991.507 3.106 8269.274 0.021 B- -5065.187 19.953 144 916272.668 3.334 + 17 81 64 145 Gd -72926.320 19.709 8228.946 0.136 B- -6537.909 108.066 144 921710.370 21.158 + 15 80 65 145 Tb -66388.411 109.174 8178.461 0.753 B- -8145.812 109.369 144 928729.105 117.203 + 13 79 66 145 Dy x -58242.599 6.520 8116.888 0.045 B- -9122.493 9.902 144 937473.994 7.000 + 11 78 67 145 Ho x -49120.105 7.452 8048.578 0.051 B- -9880# 200# 144 947267.394 8.000 + 9 77 68 145 Er x -39240# 200# 7975# 1# B- -11657# 280# 144 957874# 215# + 7 76 69 145 Tm -p -27583# 196# 7889# 1# B- * 144 970389# 210# +0 38 92 54 146 Xe x -47954.943 24.219 8110.415 0.166 B- 7355.429 24.391 145 948518.248 26.000 + 36 91 55 146 Cs x -55310.372 2.893 8155.436 0.020 B- 9636.714 21.063 145 940621.870 3.106 + 34 90 56 146 Ba -64947.086 20.863 8216.082 0.143 B- 4103.197 33.503 145 930276.431 22.397 + 32 89 57 146 La -69050.283 33.616 8238.828 0.230 B- 6585.107 34.456 145 925871.468 36.088 + 30 88 58 146 Ce -75635.389 16.306 8278.573 0.112 B- 1045.616 32.519 145 918802.065 17.504 + 28 87 59 146 Pr -76681.006 34.816 8280.376 0.238 B- 4244.861 34.830 145 917679.549 37.376 + 26 86 60 146 Nd -80925.867 1.386 8304.092 0.009 B- -1471.558 4.119 145 913122.503 1.488 + 24 85 61 146 Pm + -79454.309 4.308 8288.654 0.030 B- 1542.000 3.000 145 914702.286 4.624 + 22 84 62 146 Sm -80996.309 3.092 8293.857 0.021 B- -3878.768 5.869 145 913046.881 3.319 + 20 83 63 146 Eu -77117.541 6.026 8261.932 0.041 B- -1031.758 7.076 145 917210.909 6.468 + 18 82 64 146 Gd -76085.783 4.108 8249.506 0.028 B- -8322.173 44.749 145 918318.548 4.409 + 16 81 65 146 Tb -67763.610 44.862 8187.146 0.307 B- -5208.691 45.160 145 927252.768 48.161 + 14 80 66 146 Dy -62554.918 6.695 8146.112 0.046 B- -11316.699 9.392 145 932844.529 7.187 + 12 79 67 146 Ho -51238.219 6.587 8063.242 0.045 B- -6916.206 9.399 145 944993.506 7.071 + 10 78 68 146 Er -44322.012 6.705 8010.512 0.046 B- -13267# 200# 145 952418.359 7.197 + 8 77 69 146 Tm -p -31055# 200# 7914# 1# B- * 145 966661# 215# +0 39 93 54 147 Xe x -42360# 200# 8072# 1# B- 9560# 200# 146 954525# 215# + 37 92 55 147 Cs x -51920.064 8.383 8131.800 0.057 B- 8343.965 21.454 146 944261.515 9.000 + 35 91 56 147 Ba x -60264.029 19.748 8183.240 0.134 B- 6414.361 22.466 146 935303.900 21.200 + 33 90 57 147 La x -66678.390 10.712 8221.553 0.073 B- 5335.501 13.725 146 928417.800 11.500 + 31 89 58 147 Ce -72013.891 8.580 8252.527 0.058 B- 3430.176 15.533 146 922689.903 9.211 + 29 88 59 147 Pr -75444.067 15.857 8270.539 0.108 B- 2702.681 15.860 146 919007.458 17.023 + 27 87 60 147 Nd -78146.748 1.388 8283.603 0.009 B- 895.512 0.482 146 916106.010 1.490 + 25 86 61 147 Pm -79042.260 1.399 8284.372 0.010 B- 224.094 0.293 146 915144.638 1.501 + 23 85 62 147 Sm -79266.354 1.372 8280.575 0.009 B- -1721.598 2.281 146 914904.064 1.473 + 21 84 63 147 Eu -77544.756 2.630 8263.541 0.018 B- -2187.811 2.524 146 916752.276 2.823 + 19 83 64 147 Gd -75356.945 1.965 8243.336 0.013 B- -4614.280 8.147 146 919100.987 2.109 + 17 82 65 147 Tb -70742.665 8.100 8206.624 0.055 B- -6546.628 11.997 146 924054.620 8.695 + 15 81 66 147 Dy x -64196.038 8.849 8156.767 0.060 B- -8438.945 10.164 146 931082.715 9.500 + 13 80 67 147 Ho -55757.092 5.001 8094.037 0.034 B- -9149.286 38.517 146 940142.295 5.368 + 11 79 68 147 Er x -46607.807 38.191 8026.475 0.260 B- -10633.406 38.799 146 949964.458 41.000 + 9 78 69 147 Tm -35974.400 6.839 7948.817 0.047 B- * 146 961379.890 7.341 +0 40 94 54 148 Xe x -38600# 300# 8047# 2# B- 8311# 300# 147 958561# 322# + 38 93 55 148 Cs x -46910.942 13.041 8097.546 0.088 B- 10682.793 64.413 147 949639.029 14.000 + 36 92 56 148 Ba + -57593.735 63.079 8164.441 0.426 B- 5115.000 60.000 147 938170.578 67.718 + 34 91 57 148 La x -62708.735 19.468 8193.716 0.132 B- 7689.672 22.457 147 932679.400 20.900 + 32 90 58 148 Ce -70398.408 11.195 8240.387 0.076 B- 2137.016 12.567 147 924424.196 12.018 + 30 89 59 148 Pr -72535.424 15.043 8249.540 0.102 B- 4872.572 15.090 147 922130.015 16.148 + 28 88 60 148 Nd -77407.996 2.127 8277.177 0.014 B- -542.280 5.874 147 916899.093 2.283 + 26 87 61 148 Pm +p -76865.716 5.723 8268.226 0.039 B- 2470.548 5.642 147 917481.255 6.143 + 24 86 62 148 Sm -79336.264 1.367 8279.633 0.009 B- -3036.933 10.019 147 914829.012 1.467 + 22 85 63 148 Eu -76299.331 10.013 8253.827 0.068 B- -30.003 10.019 147 918089.294 10.748 + 20 84 64 148 Gd -76269.329 1.554 8248.338 0.011 B- -5732.246 12.529 147 918121.503 1.668 + 18 83 65 148 Tb -70537.082 12.464 8204.321 0.084 B- -2677.532 9.596 147 924275.323 13.380 + 16 82 66 148 Dy -67859.550 8.724 8180.943 0.059 B- -9868.393 84.287 147 927149.772 9.366 + 14 81 67 148 Ho x -57991.158 83.834 8108.979 0.566 B- -6512.169 84.458 147 937743.928 90.000 + 12 80 68 148 Er x -51478.989 10.246 8059.692 0.069 B- -12713.962 14.491 147 944735.029 11.000 + 10 79 69 148 Tm x -38765.027 10.246 7968.500 0.069 B- -8435# 400# 147 958384.029 11.000 + 8 78 70 148 Yb x -30330# 400# 7906# 3# B- * 147 967439# 429# +0 39 94 55 149 Cs x -43250# 400# 8073# 3# B- 9870# 593# 148 953569# 429# + 37 93 56 149 Ba x -53120.309 437.802 8133.793 2.938 B- 7099.605 481.431 148 942973.000 470.000 + 35 92 57 149 La + -60219.913 200.262 8176.191 1.344 B- 6450.000 200.000 148 935351.260 214.990 + 33 91 58 149 Ce x -66669.913 10.246 8214.229 0.069 B- 4369.452 14.230 148 928426.900 11.000 + 31 90 59 149 Pr x -71039.366 9.874 8238.303 0.066 B- 3336.100 10.101 148 923736.100 10.600 + 29 89 60 149 Nd -n -74375.466 2.128 8255.442 0.014 B- 1688.790 2.455 148 920154.648 2.284 + 27 88 61 149 Pm -76064.256 2.267 8261.526 0.015 B- 1071.481 1.875 148 918341.658 2.434 + 25 87 62 149 Sm -77135.737 1.311 8263.466 0.009 B- -694.625 3.788 148 917191.375 1.407 + 23 86 63 149 Eu -76441.112 3.951 8253.554 0.027 B- -1314.101 4.136 148 917937.086 4.241 + 21 85 64 149 Gd -75127.011 3.360 8239.484 0.023 B- -3638.343 4.339 148 919347.831 3.607 + 19 84 65 149 Tb -71488.669 3.667 8209.815 0.025 B- -3792.760 9.162 148 923253.753 3.936 + 17 83 66 149 Dy -67695.909 9.221 8179.109 0.062 B- -6049.330 12.803 148 927325.448 9.898 + 15 82 67 149 Ho -61646.578 11.990 8133.259 0.080 B- -7904.963 30.408 148 933819.672 12.871 + 13 81 68 149 Er x -53741.615 27.945 8074.955 0.188 B- -9859# 198# 148 942306.000 30.000 + 11 80 69 149 Tm x -43883# 196# 8004# 1# B- -10684# 358# 148 952890# 210# + 9 79 70 149 Yb x -33198# 300# 7927# 2# B- * 148 964360# 322# +0 40 95 55 150 Cs x -38170# 400# 8039# 3# B- 11730# 500# 149 959023# 429# + 38 94 56 150 Ba x -49900# 300# 8112# 2# B- 6230# 529# 149 946430# 322# + 36 93 57 150 La x -56129.966 435.473 8148.225 2.903 B- 8716.888 435.631 149 939742.000 467.500 + 34 92 58 150 Ce -64846.854 11.697 8201.122 0.078 B- 3453.625 14.291 149 930384.035 12.556 + 32 91 59 150 Pr -68300.479 9.015 8218.931 0.060 B- 5379.276 9.085 149 926676.415 9.678 + 30 90 60 150 Nd -73679.755 1.289 8249.577 0.009 B- -82.616 20.001 149 920901.525 1.384 + 28 89 61 150 Pm + -73597.139 20.041 8243.810 0.134 B- 3454.000 20.000 149 920990.217 21.514 + 26 88 62 150 Sm -77051.139 1.274 8261.621 0.009 B- -2258.905 6.181 149 917282.195 1.368 + 24 87 63 150 Eu -74792.234 6.253 8241.346 0.042 B- 971.700 3.543 149 919707.229 6.712 + 22 86 64 150 Gd -75763.934 6.076 8242.609 0.041 B- -4658.213 8.379 149 918664.066 6.523 + 20 85 65 150 Tb -71105.721 7.384 8206.338 0.049 B- -1796.122 8.389 149 923664.864 7.927 + 18 84 66 150 Dy -69309.600 4.348 8189.149 0.029 B- -7363.719 14.468 149 925593.080 4.667 + 16 83 67 150 Ho -61945.881 14.168 8134.842 0.094 B- -4114.568 13.591 149 933498.358 15.210 + 14 82 68 150 Er -57831.313 17.195 8102.195 0.115 B- -11340# 196# 149 937915.528 18.459 + 12 81 69 150 Tm x -46491# 196# 8021# 1# B- -7852# 358# 149 950090# 210# + 10 80 70 150 Yb x -38638# 300# 7964# 2# B- -13998# 424# 149 958520# 322# + 8 79 71 150 Lu -p -24640# 300# 7865# 2# B- * 149 973548# 322# +0 41 96 55 151 Cs x -34230# 500# 8013# 3# B- 10710# 640# 150 963253# 537# + 39 95 56 151 Ba x -44940# 400# 8079# 3# B- 8370# 591# 150 951755# 429# + 37 94 57 151 La x -53310.333 435.473 8129.043 2.884 B- 7914.718 435.833 150 942769.000 467.500 + 35 93 58 151 Ce x -61225.052 17.698 8176.277 0.117 B- 5554.578 21.189 150 934272.200 19.000 + 33 92 59 151 Pr -66779.630 11.651 8207.881 0.077 B- 4163.358 11.689 150 928309.114 12.507 + 31 91 60 151 Nd -70942.988 1.293 8230.272 0.009 B- 2443.075 4.473 150 923839.565 1.387 + 29 90 61 151 Pm -73386.063 4.653 8241.270 0.031 B- 1190.217 4.476 150 921216.817 4.994 + 27 89 62 151 Sm -74576.279 1.273 8243.971 0.008 B- 76.574 0.538 150 919939.066 1.367 + 25 88 63 151 Eu -74652.854 1.325 8239.297 0.009 B- -464.116 2.779 150 919856.860 1.422 + 23 87 64 151 Gd -74188.737 3.056 8231.043 0.020 B- -2565.233 3.762 150 920355.109 3.280 + 21 86 65 151 Tb -71623.504 4.137 8208.873 0.027 B- -2871.099 4.944 150 923109.001 4.441 + 19 85 66 151 Dy -a -68752.405 3.293 8184.678 0.022 B- -5129.667 8.756 150 926191.253 3.535 + 17 84 67 151 Ho -a -63622.738 8.302 8145.526 0.055 B- -5356.454 18.444 150 931698.177 8.912 + 15 83 68 151 Er x -58266.284 16.470 8104.872 0.109 B- -7493.528 25.460 150 937448.567 17.681 + 13 82 69 151 Tm +a -50772.756 19.416 8050.064 0.129 B- -9230.414 300.136 150 945493.201 20.843 + 11 81 70 151 Yb ep -41542.342 300.492 7983.755 1.990 B- -11434# 425# 150 955402.458 322.591 + 9 80 71 151 Lu -p -30108# 300# 7903# 2# B- * 150 967677# 322# +0 42 97 55 152 Cs x -28930# 500# 7979# 3# B- 12780# 640# 151 968942# 537# + 40 96 56 152 Ba x -41710# 400# 8057# 3# B- 7580# 500# 151 955222# 429# + 38 95 57 152 La x -49290# 300# 8102# 2# B- 9690# 361# 151 947085# 322# + 36 94 58 152 Ce x -58980# 200# 8161# 1# B- 4778# 201# 151 936682# 215# + 34 93 59 152 Pr x -63758.063 18.537 8187.104 0.122 B- 6391.344 30.710 151 931552.900 19.900 + 32 92 60 152 Nd -70149.407 24.485 8224.005 0.161 B- 1104.778 18.501 151 924691.509 26.285 + 30 91 61 152 Pm -71254.186 25.912 8226.127 0.170 B- 3508.417 25.886 151 923505.481 27.817 + 28 90 62 152 Sm -74762.603 1.212 8244.061 0.008 B- -1874.348 0.687 151 919739.040 1.301 + 26 89 63 152 Eu -72888.255 1.326 8226.583 0.009 B- 1818.661 0.702 151 921751.235 1.423 + 24 88 64 152 Gd -74706.916 1.206 8233.401 0.008 B- -3990.000 40.000 151 919798.822 1.294 + 22 87 65 152 Tb - -70716.916 40.018 8202.004 0.263 B- -599.044 40.258 151 924082.263 42.961 + 20 86 66 152 Dy -a -70117.873 4.624 8192.916 0.030 B- -6513.102 13.325 151 924725.363 4.963 + 18 85 67 152 Ho -63604.771 12.529 8144.919 0.082 B- -3104.394 9.815 151 931717.465 13.450 + 16 84 68 152 Er -60500.377 8.830 8119.349 0.058 B- -8780.104 54.743 151 935050.169 9.479 + 14 83 69 152 Tm -51720.273 54.027 8056.438 0.355 B- -5449.892 139.620 151 944476.000 58.000 + 12 82 70 152 Yb -46270.381 149.708 8015.436 0.985 B- -12848# 246# 151 950326.700 160.718 + 10 81 71 152 Lu x -33422# 196# 7926# 1# B- * 151 964120# 210# +0 41 97 56 153 Ba x -36470# 400# 8023# 3# B- 9590# 500# 152 960848# 429# + 39 96 57 153 La x -46060# 300# 8081# 2# B- 8850# 361# 152 950553# 322# + 37 95 58 153 Ce x -54910# 200# 8134# 1# B- 6659# 201# 152 941052# 215# + 35 94 59 153 Pr -61568.463 11.882 8172.036 0.078 B- 5761.834 12.190 152 933903.532 12.755 + 33 93 60 153 Nd -67330.297 2.747 8204.582 0.018 B- 3317.527 9.355 152 927717.949 2.948 + 31 92 61 153 Pm -70647.824 9.066 8221.152 0.059 B- 1911.862 9.093 152 924156.436 9.732 + 29 91 62 153 Sm -n -72559.686 1.219 8228.534 0.008 B- 807.536 0.708 152 922103.969 1.309 + 27 90 63 153 Eu -73367.222 1.330 8228.699 0.009 B- -484.671 0.717 152 921237.043 1.428 + 25 89 64 153 Gd -72882.551 1.203 8220.418 0.008 B- -1569.213 3.845 152 921757.359 1.291 + 23 88 65 153 Tb -71313.338 3.995 8205.048 0.026 B- -2170.394 1.933 152 923441.978 4.289 + 21 87 66 153 Dy -69142.943 4.048 8185.749 0.026 B- -4130.840 6.157 152 925771.992 4.346 + 19 86 67 153 Ho -a -65012.103 5.094 8153.637 0.033 B- -4543.499 9.916 152 930206.632 5.468 + 17 85 68 153 Er -60468.604 9.321 8118.827 0.061 B- -6495.276 12.891 152 935084.279 10.006 + 15 84 69 153 Tm -53973.329 11.983 8071.261 0.078 B- -6765# 196# 152 942057.244 12.864 + 13 83 70 153 Yb x -47208# 196# 8022# 1# B- -8835# 247# 152 949320# 210# + 11 82 71 153 Lu +a -38372.844 150.034 7959.070 0.981 B- -11073# 335# 152 958805.054 161.068 + 9 81 72 153 Hf x -27300# 300# 7882# 2# B- * 152 970692# 322# +0 42 98 56 154 Ba x -32820# 500# 8000# 3# B- 8709# 583# 153 964766# 537# + 40 97 57 154 La x -41530# 300# 8051# 2# B- 10690# 361# 153 955416# 322# + 38 96 58 154 Ce x -52220# 200# 8116# 1# B- 5885# 230# 153 943940# 215# + 36 95 59 154 Pr + -58104.976 113.009 8148.892 0.734 B- 7720.000 100.000 153 937621.738 121.320 + 34 94 60 154 Nd + -65824.976 52.642 8193.942 0.342 B- 2687.000 25.000 153 929333.977 56.513 + 32 93 61 154 Pm IT -68511.976 46.326 8206.310 0.301 B- 3943.200 46.303 153 926449.364 49.733 + 30 92 62 154 Sm -72455.176 1.462 8226.835 0.009 B- -717.056 1.103 153 922216.164 1.569 + 28 91 63 154 Eu -71738.121 1.346 8217.098 0.009 B- 1967.834 0.755 153 922985.955 1.444 + 26 90 64 154 Gd -73705.954 1.197 8224.796 0.008 B- -3549.651 45.298 153 920873.398 1.285 + 24 89 65 154 Tb - -70156.303 45.314 8196.666 0.294 B- 237.604 45.901 153 924684.106 48.646 + 22 88 66 154 Dy -70393.907 7.445 8193.129 0.048 B- -5754.596 10.178 153 924429.028 7.992 + 20 87 67 154 Ho -a -64639.311 8.228 8150.681 0.053 B- -2034.291 9.463 153 930606.841 8.833 + 18 86 68 154 Er -62605.020 4.986 8132.392 0.032 B- -8177.888 14.916 153 932790.743 5.353 + 16 85 69 154 Tm -a -54427.131 14.412 8074.208 0.094 B- -4495.048 13.953 153 941570.067 15.472 + 14 84 70 154 Yb -49932.083 17.281 8039.939 0.112 B- -10217# 197# 153 946395.701 18.552 + 12 83 71 154 Lu +a -39715# 196# 7969# 1# B- -7045# 358# 153 957364# 211# + 10 82 72 154 Hf x -32670# 300# 7918# 2# B- * 153 964927# 322# +0 41 98 57 155 La x -37930# 400# 8028# 3# B- 9850# 500# 154 959280# 429# + 39 97 58 155 Ce x -47780# 300# 8087# 2# B- 7635# 300# 154 948706# 322# + 37 96 59 155 Pr -55415.268 17.198 8131.039 0.111 B- 6868.456 19.472 154 940509.259 18.462 + 35 95 60 155 Nd -62283.724 9.153 8170.304 0.059 B- 4656.207 10.278 154 933135.668 9.826 + 33 94 61 155 Pm -66939.931 4.718 8195.296 0.030 B- 3250.888 4.946 154 928137.024 5.065 + 31 93 62 155 Sm -n -70190.819 1.487 8211.223 0.010 B- 1627.273 1.202 154 924647.051 1.595 + 29 92 63 155 Eu -71818.092 1.401 8216.674 0.009 B- 251.788 0.870 154 922900.102 1.504 + 27 91 64 155 Gd -72069.880 1.191 8213.251 0.008 B- -819.830 9.789 154 922629.796 1.278 + 25 90 65 155 Tb + -71250.050 9.849 8202.914 0.064 B- -2094.500 1.897 154 923509.921 10.573 + 23 89 66 155 Dy -69155.550 9.665 8184.354 0.062 B- -3116.011 16.590 154 925758.459 10.375 + 21 88 67 155 Ho -66039.539 17.474 8159.203 0.113 B- -3830.350 18.474 154 929103.634 18.759 + 19 87 68 155 Er -a -62209.189 6.098 8129.444 0.039 B- -5583.276 11.515 154 933215.684 6.546 + 17 86 69 155 Tm -a -56625.913 9.925 8088.375 0.064 B- -6123.305 19.341 154 939209.578 10.654 + 15 85 70 155 Yb -a -50502.608 16.600 8043.823 0.107 B- -7957.561 25.416 154 945783.217 17.820 + 13 84 71 155 Lu +a -42545.047 19.246 7987.436 0.124 B- -8375# 299# 154 954326.011 20.661 + 11 83 72 155 Hf x -34170# 298# 7928# 2# B- -10242# 423# 154 963317# 320# + 9 82 73 155 Ta -p -23928# 300# 7857# 2# B- * 154 974312# 322# +0 42 99 57 156 La x -33050# 400# 7997# 3# B- 11769# 500# 155 964519# 429# + 40 98 58 156 Ce x -44820# 300# 8068# 2# B- 6748# 361# 155 951884# 322# + 38 97 59 156 Pr x -51568# 200# 8106# 1# B- 8906# 283# 155 944640# 215# + 36 96 60 156 Nd + -60473.644 200.033 8158.066 1.282 B- 3690.000 200.000 155 935078.868 214.744 + 34 95 61 156 Pm -64163.644 3.631 8176.705 0.023 B- 5196.786 9.285 155 931117.490 3.897 + 32 94 62 156 Sm -69360.430 8.546 8205.003 0.055 B- 722.118 7.902 155 925538.511 9.174 + 30 93 63 156 Eu -70082.548 3.590 8204.617 0.023 B- 2452.366 3.409 155 924763.285 3.853 + 28 92 64 156 Gd -72534.914 1.190 8215.322 0.008 B- -2444.117 3.679 155 922130.562 1.277 + 26 91 65 156 Tb -70090.797 3.814 8194.639 0.024 B- 438.167 3.681 155 924754.430 4.094 + 24 90 66 156 Dy -70528.964 1.194 8192.433 0.008 B- -5050.000 60.000 155 924284.038 1.281 + 22 89 67 156 Ho - -65478.964 60.012 8155.046 0.385 B- -1267.255 64.869 155 929705.436 64.425 + 20 88 68 156 Er -64211.709 24.629 8141.908 0.158 B- -7377.159 26.710 155 931065.890 26.440 + 18 87 69 156 Tm -56834.550 14.279 8089.603 0.092 B- -3568.830 12.548 155 938985.597 15.328 + 16 86 70 156 Yb -53265.721 9.308 8061.711 0.060 B- -9566.176 54.916 155 942816.893 9.992 + 14 85 71 156 Lu -a -43699.544 54.122 7995.374 0.347 B- -5882.648 139.709 155 953086.606 58.102 + 12 84 72 156 Hf -37816.896 149.757 7952.650 0.960 B- -11956# 334# 155 959401.889 160.770 + 10 83 73 156 Ta -p -25861# 298# 7871# 2# B- * 155 972237# 320# +0 41 99 58 157 Ce x -39930# 400# 8037# 3# B- 8610# 500# 156 957133# 429# + 39 98 59 157 Pr x -48540# 300# 8086# 2# B- 7921# 301# 156 947890# 322# + 37 97 60 157 Nd -56461.543 24.918 8131.959 0.159 B- 5835.500 25.877 156 939386.037 26.750 + 35 96 61 157 Pm -62297.043 7.006 8164.145 0.045 B- 4380.534 8.265 156 933121.370 7.521 + 33 95 62 157 Sm -66677.577 4.433 8187.063 0.028 B- 2781.331 6.136 156 928418.673 4.759 + 31 94 63 157 Eu -69458.908 4.259 8199.795 0.027 B- 1364.565 4.203 156 925432.791 4.572 + 29 93 64 157 Gd -70823.473 1.189 8203.504 0.008 B- -60.043 0.297 156 923967.870 1.276 + 27 92 65 157 Tb -70763.430 1.222 8198.138 0.008 B- -1338.872 5.134 156 924032.328 1.311 + 25 91 66 157 Dy -69424.558 5.177 8184.627 0.033 B- -2591.725 23.787 156 925469.667 5.557 + 23 90 67 157 Ho -66832.832 23.469 8163.136 0.149 B- -3419.194 33.668 156 928251.999 25.195 + 21 89 68 157 Er -63413.639 26.505 8136.375 0.169 B- -4704.366 38.515 156 931922.655 28.454 + 19 88 69 157 Tm x -58709.273 27.945 8101.428 0.178 B- -5287.374 30.003 156 936973.000 30.000 + 17 87 70 157 Yb -53421.898 10.920 8062.767 0.070 B- -6981.376 14.241 156 942649.230 11.723 + 15 86 71 157 Lu -46440.523 12.078 8013.317 0.077 B- -7537# 196# 156 950144.045 12.965 + 13 85 72 157 Hf -a -38903# 196# 7960# 1# B- -9310# 247# 156 958236# 210# + 11 84 73 157 Ta IT -29593.330 150.069 7896.043 0.956 B- -10123# 427# 156 968230.251 161.105 + 9 83 74 157 W x -19470# 400# 7827# 3# B- * 156 979098# 429# +0 42 100 58 158 Ce x -36660# 400# 8016# 3# B- 7670# 500# 157 960644# 429# + 40 99 59 158 Pr x -44330# 300# 8060# 2# B- 9725# 361# 157 952410# 322# + 38 98 60 158 Nd x -54055# 200# 8116# 1# B- 5035# 201# 157 941970# 215# + 36 97 61 158 Pm -59089.209 13.453 8143.254 0.085 B- 6161.034 14.299 157 936565.121 14.442 + 34 96 62 158 Sm -65250.243 4.892 8177.297 0.031 B- 2004.945 10.369 157 929950.979 5.251 + 32 95 63 158 Eu -67255.188 10.255 8185.035 0.065 B- 3434.358 10.323 157 927798.581 11.008 + 30 94 64 158 Gd -70689.546 1.189 8201.819 0.008 B- -1218.878 0.987 157 924111.646 1.276 + 28 93 65 158 Tb -69470.668 1.401 8189.153 0.009 B- 936.681 2.495 157 925420.166 1.503 + 26 92 66 158 Dy -70407.349 2.365 8190.130 0.015 B- -4219.755 27.005 157 924414.597 2.538 + 24 91 67 158 Ho - -66187.593 27.108 8158.471 0.172 B- -883.785 37.025 157 928944.692 29.101 + 22 90 68 158 Er -65303.808 25.219 8147.926 0.160 B- -6600.615 31.341 157 929893.474 27.074 + 20 89 69 158 Tm -58703.194 25.219 8101.199 0.160 B- -2692.957 26.456 157 936979.525 27.074 + 18 88 70 158 Yb -56010.237 7.994 8079.203 0.051 B- -8798.047 16.872 157 939870.534 8.582 + 16 87 71 158 Lu -a -47212.190 15.125 8018.568 0.096 B- -5109.800 14.937 157 949315.626 16.237 + 14 86 72 158 Hf -42102.390 17.494 7981.276 0.111 B- -10936# 197# 157 954801.222 18.780 + 12 85 73 158 Ta +a -31167# 196# 7907# 1# B- -7534# 358# 157 966541# 210# + 10 84 74 158 W -a -23633# 300# 7854# 2# B- * 157 974629# 322# +0 41 100 59 159 Pr x -41088# 400# 8039# 3# B- 8719# 500# 158 955890# 429# + 39 99 60 159 Nd x -49807# 300# 8089# 2# B- 6747# 300# 158 946530# 322# + 37 98 61 159 Pm -56554.280 10.039 8126.859 0.063 B- 5653.495 11.644 158 939286.479 10.777 + 35 97 62 159 Sm -62207.775 5.934 8157.495 0.037 B- 3835.510 7.324 158 933217.202 6.369 + 33 96 63 159 Eu -66043.285 4.325 8176.697 0.027 B- 2518.150 4.391 158 929099.612 4.643 + 31 95 64 159 Gd -68561.436 1.192 8187.614 0.007 B- 970.927 0.759 158 926396.267 1.279 + 29 94 65 159 Tb -69532.363 1.256 8188.800 0.008 B- -365.229 1.162 158 925353.933 1.348 + 27 93 66 159 Dy -69167.134 1.528 8181.583 0.010 B- -1837.600 2.683 158 925746.023 1.640 + 25 92 67 159 Ho - -67329.534 3.088 8165.105 0.019 B- -2768.500 2.000 158 927718.768 3.314 + 23 91 68 159 Er - -64561.034 3.679 8142.773 0.023 B- -3990.637 28.186 158 930690.875 3.949 + 21 90 69 159 Tm x -60570.398 27.945 8112.754 0.176 B- -4731.792 33.129 158 934975.000 30.000 + 19 89 70 159 Yb x -55838.606 17.794 8078.074 0.112 B- -6130.002 41.655 158 940054.787 19.102 + 17 88 71 159 Lu x -49708.604 37.663 8034.600 0.237 B- -6856.004 41.246 158 946635.615 40.433 + 15 87 72 159 Hf -a -42852.600 16.813 7986.560 0.106 B- -8413.452 25.891 158 953995.838 18.049 + 13 86 73 159 Ta IT -34439.148 19.689 7928.725 0.124 B- -9145# 299# 158 963028.052 21.137 + 11 85 74 159 W -a -25295# 298# 7866# 2# B- -10550# 426# 158 972845# 320# + 9 84 75 159 Re IT -14745# 305# 7795# 2# B- * 158 984171# 327# +0 42 101 59 160 Pr x -36520# 400# 8011# 2# B- 10613# 500# 159 960794# 429# + 40 100 60 160 Nd x -47134# 300# 8073# 2# B- 5868# 361# 159 949400# 322# + 38 99 61 160 Pm x -53002# 200# 8104# 1# B- 7233# 200# 159 943100# 215# + 36 98 62 160 Sm -60234.793 5.934 8144.625 0.037 B- 3245.670 11.183 159 935335.286 6.370 + 34 97 63 160 Eu -63480.463 9.501 8160.021 0.059 B- 4461.278 9.586 159 931850.916 10.199 + 32 96 64 160 Gd -67941.741 1.278 8183.014 0.008 B- -105.483 1.022 159 927061.537 1.371 + 30 95 65 160 Tb -67836.257 1.262 8177.465 0.008 B- 1836.472 1.172 159 927174.778 1.354 + 28 94 66 160 Dy -69672.730 0.772 8184.054 0.005 B- -3290.000 15.000 159 925203.244 0.828 + 26 93 67 160 Ho - -66382.730 15.020 8158.602 0.094 B- -318.502 28.528 159 928735.204 16.124 + 24 92 68 160 Er -66064.228 24.254 8151.721 0.152 B- -5762.200 40.311 159 929077.130 26.037 + 22 91 69 160 Tm -60302.028 34.262 8110.818 0.214 B- -2139.322 35.017 159 935263.106 36.781 + 20 90 70 160 Yb -58162.706 7.233 8092.557 0.045 B- -7892.769 57.280 159 937559.763 7.764 + 18 89 71 160 Lu x -50269.937 56.821 8038.338 0.355 B- -4330.994 57.617 159 946033.000 61.000 + 16 88 72 160 Hf -45938.943 9.541 8006.380 0.060 B- -10115.249 55.147 159 950682.513 10.242 + 14 87 73 160 Ta -a -35823.695 54.316 7938.270 0.339 B- -6497.240 139.859 159 961541.679 58.310 + 12 86 74 160 W -29326.455 149.827 7892.772 0.936 B- -12588# 334# 159 968516.753 160.846 + 10 85 75 160 Re -a -16739# 298# 7809# 2# B- * 159 982030# 320# +0 41 101 60 161 Nd x -42588# 400# 8044# 2# B- 7648# 499# 160 954280# 429# + 39 100 61 161 Pm x -50235# 298# 8087# 2# B- 6436# 298# 160 946070# 320# + 37 99 62 161 Sm -56671.962 6.817 8122.041 0.042 B- 5119.562 12.415 160 939160.143 7.318 + 35 98 63 161 Eu -61791.524 10.399 8148.980 0.065 B- 3714.299 10.525 160 933664.066 11.164 + 33 97 64 161 Gd -n -65505.824 1.622 8167.191 0.010 B- 1955.765 1.442 160 929676.602 1.741 + 31 96 65 161 Tb -67461.589 1.350 8174.479 0.008 B- 594.212 1.260 160 927577.001 1.449 + 29 95 66 161 Dy -68055.801 0.768 8173.310 0.005 B- -858.530 2.166 160 926939.088 0.824 + 27 94 67 161 Ho -67197.270 2.242 8163.119 0.014 B- -1995.663 9.011 160 927860.759 2.406 + 25 93 68 161 Er +n -65201.608 8.780 8145.864 0.055 B- -3302.900 29.292 160 930003.191 9.425 + 23 92 69 161 Tm x -61898.708 27.945 8120.490 0.174 B- -4059.308 31.885 160 933549.000 30.000 + 21 91 70 161 Yb x -57839.400 15.354 8090.417 0.095 B- -5277.056 31.885 160 937906.846 16.483 + 19 90 71 161 Lu x -52562.344 27.945 8052.781 0.174 B- -6247.672 35.909 160 943572.000 30.000 + 17 89 72 161 Hf -46314.672 22.551 8009.117 0.140 B- -7535.674 33.097 160 950279.151 24.209 + 15 88 73 161 Ta +a -38778.997 24.382 7957.452 0.151 B- -8224# 197# 160 958369.031 26.175 + 13 87 74 161 W -a -30555# 196# 7902# 1# B- -9715# 247# 160 967197# 210# + 11 86 75 161 Re -20840.203 149.922 7836.312 0.931 B- -10861# 427# 160 977627.121 160.948 + 9 85 76 161 Os -a -9979# 400# 7764# 2# B- * 160 989287# 429# +0 42 102 60 162 Nd x -39550# 400# 8026# 2# B- 6819# 500# 161 957541# 429# + 40 101 61 162 Pm x -46370# 300# 8063# 2# B- 8160# 358# 161 950220# 322# + 38 100 62 162 Sm x -54530# 196# 8109# 1# B- 4174# 199# 161 941460# 210# + 36 99 63 162 Eu + -58703.401 35.229 8129.438 0.217 B- 5577.000 35.000 161 936979.303 37.819 + 34 98 64 162 Gd -nn -64280.401 4.009 8159.035 0.025 B- 1395.556 36.581 161 930992.146 4.303 + 32 97 65 162 Tb + -65675.958 36.372 8162.820 0.225 B- 2505.521 36.364 161 929493.955 39.046 + 30 96 66 162 Dy -68181.478 0.767 8173.457 0.005 B- -2139.937 3.113 161 926804.168 0.822 + 28 95 67 162 Ho -66041.541 3.166 8155.418 0.020 B- 292.978 3.127 161 929101.485 3.398 + 26 94 68 162 Er -66334.519 0.822 8152.397 0.005 B- -4856.728 26.047 161 928786.960 0.882 + 24 93 69 162 Tm - -61477.791 26.060 8117.588 0.161 B- -1651.444 30.240 161 934000.872 27.977 + 22 92 70 162 Yb x -59826.347 15.359 8102.565 0.095 B- -6994.593 76.592 161 935773.771 16.488 + 20 91 71 162 Lu x -52831.753 75.036 8054.559 0.463 B- -3662.746 75.570 161 943282.776 80.554 + 18 90 72 162 Hf -49169.008 8.968 8027.120 0.055 B- -9388.814 52.931 161 947214.896 9.627 + 16 89 73 162 Ta -a -39780.194 52.238 7964.335 0.322 B- -5780.987 52.239 161 957294.202 56.079 + 14 88 74 162 W -33999.207 17.658 7923.821 0.109 B- -11498# 197# 161 963500.347 18.956 + 12 87 75 162 Re +a -22501# 196# 7848# 1# B- -8061# 358# 161 975844# 210# + 10 86 76 162 Os -a -14440# 300# 7793# 2# B- * 161 984498# 322# +0 41 102 61 163 Pm x -43249# 400# 8044# 2# B- 7471# 499# 162 953570# 429# + 39 101 62 163 Sm x -50720# 298# 8085# 2# B- 5765# 305# 162 945550# 320# + 37 100 63 163 Eu + -56484.886 65.544 8115.471 0.402 B- 4829.000 65.000 162 939360.977 70.364 + 35 99 64 163 Gd -61313.886 8.426 8140.297 0.052 B- 3282.185 9.358 162 934176.832 9.045 + 33 98 65 163 Tb +p -64596.071 4.073 8155.633 0.025 B- 1785.099 4.001 162 930653.261 4.372 + 31 97 66 163 Dy -66381.170 0.765 8161.785 0.005 B- -2.834 0.019 162 928736.879 0.821 + 29 96 67 163 Ho -66378.335 0.765 8156.968 0.005 B- -1210.612 4.575 162 928739.921 0.821 + 27 95 68 163 Er -65167.723 4.639 8144.741 0.028 B- -2439.000 3.000 162 930039.567 4.980 + 25 94 69 163 Tm - -62728.723 5.524 8124.979 0.034 B- -3429.629 16.309 162 932657.941 5.930 + 23 93 70 163 Yb x -59299.094 15.364 8099.138 0.094 B- -4507.685 31.890 162 936339.800 16.493 + 21 92 71 163 Lu x -54791.409 27.945 8066.684 0.171 B- -5527.726 37.348 162 941179.000 30.000 + 19 91 72 163 Hf -49263.682 24.778 8027.972 0.152 B- -6729.054 45.416 162 947113.258 26.599 + 17 90 73 163 Ta -a -42534.629 38.061 7981.890 0.234 B- -7626.436 65.049 162 954337.195 40.860 + 15 89 74 163 W -a -34908.193 52.751 7930.302 0.324 B- -8905.949 55.912 162 962524.511 56.630 + 13 88 75 163 Re +a -26002.244 18.534 7870.865 0.114 B- -9810# 299# 162 972085.441 19.897 + 11 87 76 163 Os -a -16192# 298# 7806# 2# B- * 162 982617# 320# +0 42 103 61 164 Pm x -38870# 400# 8017# 2# B- 9232# 499# 163 958271# 429# + 40 102 62 164 Sm x -48102# 298# 8069# 2# B- 5279# 319# 163 948360# 320# + 38 101 63 164 Eu + -53381# 114# 8096# 1# B- 6393.000 50.000 163 942693# 122# + 36 100 64 164 Gd x -59774# 102# 8130# 1# B- 2304# 143# 163 935830# 110# + 34 99 65 164 Tb + -62077.965 100.003 8139.765 0.610 B- 3890.000 100.000 163 933356.559 107.357 + 32 98 66 164 Dy -65967.965 0.767 8158.714 0.005 B- -986.463 1.415 163 929180.472 0.823 + 30 97 67 164 Ho -64981.503 1.528 8147.929 0.009 B- 961.387 1.420 163 930239.483 1.639 + 28 96 68 164 Er -65942.890 0.775 8149.020 0.005 B- -4038.855 24.401 163 929207.392 0.832 + 26 95 69 164 Tm -61904.035 24.394 8119.623 0.149 B- -886.617 28.829 163 933543.281 26.188 + 24 94 70 164 Yb x -61017.418 15.369 8109.446 0.094 B- -6375.048 31.892 163 934495.103 16.499 + 22 93 71 164 Lu x -54642.370 27.945 8065.804 0.170 B- -2823.865 32.112 163 941339.000 30.000 + 20 92 72 164 Hf -51818.505 15.820 8043.814 0.096 B- -8535.704 32.112 163 944370.544 16.983 + 18 91 73 164 Ta x -43282.800 27.945 7986.997 0.170 B- -5047.041 29.572 163 953534.000 30.000 + 16 90 74 164 W -38235.759 9.674 7951.452 0.059 B- -10763.323 55.406 163 958952.222 10.385 + 14 89 75 164 Re -a -27472.436 54.555 7881.052 0.333 B- -7050.331 140.051 163 970507.124 58.566 + 12 88 76 164 Os -20422.106 149.919 7833.291 0.914 B- -13078# 348# 163 978075.966 160.945 + 10 87 77 164 Ir -a -7344# 314# 7749# 2# B- * 163 992116# 338# +0 41 103 62 165 Sm x -43808# 401# 8043# 2# B- 6916# 424# 164 952970# 430# + 39 102 63 165 Eu + -50724# 138# 8080# 1# B- 5729.000 65.000 164 945546# 148# + 37 101 64 165 Gd + -56453# 121# 8110# 1# B- 4113.000 65.000 164 939395# 130# + 35 100 65 165 Tb x -60566# 102# 8130# 1# B- 3047# 102# 164 934980# 110# + 33 99 66 165 Dy -n -63612.606 0.769 8143.909 0.005 B- 1286.400 0.829 164 931709.054 0.825 + 31 98 67 165 Ho -64899.006 1.010 8146.964 0.006 B- -377.396 1.033 164 930328.047 1.084 + 29 97 68 165 Er -64521.610 0.964 8139.936 0.006 B- -1591.990 1.538 164 930733.198 1.034 + 27 96 69 165 Tm -62929.621 1.671 8125.546 0.010 B- -2634.239 26.592 164 932442.269 1.793 + 25 95 70 165 Yb -60295.382 26.539 8104.839 0.161 B- -3853.140 35.432 164 935270.241 28.490 + 23 94 71 165 Lu -56442.242 26.539 8076.745 0.161 B- -4806.734 38.539 164 939406.758 28.490 + 21 93 72 165 Hf x -51635.507 27.945 8042.872 0.169 B- -5787.655 31.195 164 944567.000 30.000 + 19 92 73 165 Ta -45847.853 13.863 8003.054 0.084 B- -6986.830 28.566 164 950780.303 14.882 + 17 91 74 165 W -38861.022 24.977 7955.968 0.151 B- -8201.246 34.332 164 958280.974 26.813 + 15 90 75 165 Re +a -30659.776 23.594 7901.522 0.143 B- -8865# 197# 164 967085.375 25.329 + 13 89 76 165 Os -a -21795# 196# 7843# 1# B- -10202# 252# 164 976602# 210# + 11 88 77 165 Ir IT -11593# 158# 7776# 1# B- * 164 987555# 170# +0 42 104 62 166 Sm x -40730# 400# 8024# 2# B- 6478# 537# 165 956275# 429# + 40 103 63 166 Eu + -47208# 358# 8059# 2# B- 7322.000 300.000 165 949320# 384# + 38 102 64 166 Gd x -54530# 196# 8098# 1# B- 3355# 208# 165 941460# 210# + 36 101 65 166 Tb + -57884.789 70.005 8113.680 0.422 B- 4700.000 70.000 165 937858.119 75.153 + 34 100 66 166 Dy -n -62584.789 0.867 8137.280 0.005 B- 486.540 0.921 165 932812.461 0.930 + 32 99 67 166 Ho -63071.329 1.010 8135.499 0.006 B- 1854.713 0.922 165 932290.139 1.084 + 30 98 68 166 Er -64926.042 1.165 8141.959 0.007 B- -3037.667 11.547 165 930299.023 1.251 + 28 97 69 166 Tm - -61888.375 11.606 8118.946 0.070 B- -292.635 13.507 165 933560.092 12.459 + 26 96 70 166 Yb +nn -61595.740 7.101 8112.471 0.043 B- -5574.759 30.642 165 933874.249 7.623 + 24 95 71 166 Lu x -56020.981 29.808 8074.175 0.180 B- -2161.998 40.859 165 939859.000 32.000 + 22 94 72 166 Hf x -53858.983 27.945 8056.438 0.168 B- -7761.208 39.520 165 942180.000 30.000 + 20 93 73 166 Ta x -46097.775 27.945 8004.971 0.168 B- -4209.744 29.508 165 950512.000 30.000 + 18 92 74 166 W -41888.031 9.478 7974.898 0.057 B- -9994.553 72.879 165 955031.346 10.174 + 16 91 75 166 Re -a -31893.478 72.310 7909.977 0.436 B- -6461.961 72.387 165 965760.940 77.628 + 14 90 76 166 Os -25431.517 17.966 7866.336 0.108 B- -12078# 197# 165 972698.141 19.287 + 12 89 77 166 Ir -p -13354# 196# 7789# 1# B- -8624# 359# 165 985664# 210# + 10 88 78 166 Pt -a -4730# 300# 7732# 2# B- * 165 994923# 322# +0 41 104 63 167 Eu x -44010# 400# 8040# 2# B- 6803# 499# 166 952753# 429# + 39 103 64 167 Gd x -50813# 298# 8076# 2# B- 5114# 357# 166 945450# 320# + 37 102 65 167 Tb x -55927# 196# 8102# 1# B- 4004# 205# 166 939960# 210# + 35 101 66 167 Dy + -59930.626 60.228 8120.992 0.361 B- 2350.000 60.000 166 935661.823 64.657 + 33 100 67 167 Ho p2n -62280.626 5.234 8130.379 0.031 B- 1010.554 5.208 166 933138.994 5.618 + 31 99 68 167 Er -63291.180 1.166 8131.746 0.007 B- -747.539 1.501 166 932054.119 1.252 + 29 98 69 167 Tm -62543.641 1.298 8122.585 0.008 B- -1953.065 3.798 166 932856.635 1.393 + 27 97 70 167 Yb -60590.576 3.981 8106.205 0.024 B- -3089.451 31.920 166 934953.337 4.273 + 25 96 71 167 Lu x -57501.125 31.671 8083.021 0.190 B- -4033.369 42.237 166 938270.000 34.000 + 23 95 72 167 Hf x -53467.756 27.945 8054.184 0.167 B- -5116.697 39.520 166 942600.000 30.000 + 21 94 73 167 Ta x -48351.059 27.945 8018.861 0.167 B- -6253.001 33.382 166 948093.000 30.000 + 19 93 74 167 W -42098.058 18.261 7976.733 0.109 B- -7267# 44# 166 954805.873 19.603 + 17 92 75 167 Re +a -34831# 40# 7929# 0# B- -8329# 83# 166 962607# 43# + 15 91 76 167 Os -a -26501.993 72.682 7873.974 0.435 B- -9429.554 74.962 166 971548.938 78.027 + 13 90 77 167 Ir -17072.440 18.346 7812.825 0.110 B- -10460# 303# 166 981671.981 19.695 + 11 89 78 167 Pt -a -6612# 302# 7746# 2# B- * 166 992901# 325# +0 42 105 63 168 Eu x -39740# 500# 8014# 3# B- 8623# 641# 167 957337# 537# + 40 104 64 168 Gd x -48363# 401# 8061# 2# B- 4359# 499# 167 948080# 430# + 38 103 65 168 Tb x -52723# 298# 8082# 2# B- 5837# 329# 167 943400# 320# + 36 102 66 168 Dy +pp -58559.566 140.009 8112.536 0.833 B- 1501.605 143.186 167 937133.716 150.305 + 34 101 67 168 Ho + -60061.171 30.023 8116.817 0.179 B- 2930.000 30.000 167 935521.676 32.230 + 32 100 68 168 Er -62991.171 1.168 8129.601 0.007 B- -1678.250 1.870 167 932376.192 1.254 + 30 99 69 168 Tm -61312.921 1.709 8114.954 0.010 B- 268.980 1.887 167 934177.868 1.834 + 28 98 70 168 Yb -61581.901 1.195 8111.898 0.007 B- -4514.051 39.248 167 933889.106 1.282 + 26 97 71 168 Lu - -57067.850 39.266 8080.372 0.234 B- -1707.299 48.195 167 938735.139 42.153 + 24 96 72 168 Hf x -55360.552 27.945 8065.553 0.166 B- -6966.644 39.520 167 940568.000 30.000 + 22 95 73 168 Ta x -48393.908 27.945 8019.428 0.166 B- -3500.799 30.936 167 948047.000 30.000 + 20 94 74 168 W -44893.109 13.271 7993.933 0.079 B- -9098.224 33.556 167 951805.262 14.247 + 18 93 75 168 Re -a -35794.885 30.821 7935.120 0.183 B- -5799.672 32.373 167 961572.608 33.087 + 16 92 76 168 Os -29995.213 9.904 7895.941 0.059 B- -11328.987 56.098 167 967798.812 10.632 + 14 91 77 168 Ir -a -18666.226 55.216 7823.850 0.329 B- -7658.765 140.344 167 979960.981 59.277 + 12 90 78 168 Pt -a -11007.460 149.951 7773.605 0.893 B- * 167 988183.004 160.978 +0 41 105 64 169 Gd x -44153# 503# 8036# 3# B- 6176# 585# 168 952600# 540# + 39 104 65 169 Tb x -50329# 298# 8068# 2# B- 5269# 423# 168 945970# 320# + 37 103 66 169 Dy + -55597.177 300.670 8094.763 1.779 B- 3200.000 300.000 168 940313.971 322.782 + 35 102 67 169 Ho +p -58797.177 20.060 8109.068 0.119 B- 2125.927 20.053 168 936878.630 21.534 + 33 101 68 169 Er -n -60923.104 1.179 8117.019 0.007 B- 352.108 1.114 168 934596.353 1.265 + 31 100 69 169 Tm -61275.212 0.812 8114.473 0.005 B- -897.650 1.141 168 934218.350 0.871 + 29 99 70 169 Yb -n -60377.563 1.205 8104.532 0.007 B- -2293.000 3.000 168 935182.016 1.293 + 27 98 71 169 Lu - -58084.563 3.233 8086.335 0.019 B- -3367.673 28.131 168 937643.653 3.470 + 25 97 72 169 Hf x -54716.889 27.945 8061.778 0.165 B- -4426.460 39.520 168 941259.000 30.000 + 23 96 73 169 Ta x -50290.430 27.945 8030.957 0.165 B- -5372.557 31.925 168 946011.000 30.000 + 21 95 74 169 W -44917.873 15.436 7994.537 0.091 B- -6508.641 19.173 168 951778.677 16.571 + 19 94 75 169 Re +a -38409.232 11.374 7951.395 0.067 B- -7686.541 27.618 168 958765.991 12.210 + 17 93 76 169 Os -a -30722.691 25.167 7901.284 0.149 B- -8628.852 34.276 168 967017.833 27.017 + 15 92 77 169 Ir +a -22093.839 23.308 7845.596 0.138 B- -9581# 197# 168 976281.287 25.021 + 13 91 78 169 Pt -a -12512# 196# 7784# 1# B- -10724# 357# 168 986567# 210# + 11 90 79 169 Au x -1788# 298# 7716# 2# B- * 168 998080# 320# +0 42 106 64 170 Gd x -41380# 596# 8020# 4# B- 5344# 718# 169 955577# 640# + 40 105 65 170 Tb x -46724# 401# 8047# 2# B- 6940# 446# 169 949840# 430# + 38 104 66 170 Dy x -53663# 196# 8083# 1# B- 2575# 202# 169 942390# 210# + 36 103 67 170 Ho + -56238.681 50.024 8093.796 0.294 B- 3870.000 50.000 169 939625.289 53.702 + 34 102 68 170 Er -60108.681 1.546 8111.959 0.009 B- -312.828 1.821 169 935470.673 1.659 + 32 101 69 170 Tm -59795.853 0.801 8105.517 0.005 B- 968.066 0.801 169 935806.507 0.859 + 30 100 70 170 Yb -60763.919 0.010 8106.609 0.000 B- -3457.695 16.843 169 934767.245 0.011 + 28 99 71 170 Lu - -57306.224 16.843 8081.668 0.099 B- -1052.370 32.628 169 938479.234 18.081 + 26 98 72 170 Hf x -56253.854 27.945 8070.875 0.164 B- -6116.190 39.520 169 939609.000 30.000 + 24 97 73 170 Ta x -50137.665 27.945 8030.296 0.164 B- -2846.832 30.904 169 946175.000 30.000 + 22 96 74 170 W -47290.832 13.195 8008.948 0.078 B- -8377.639 26.611 169 949231.200 14.165 + 20 95 75 170 Re -38913.193 23.109 7955.065 0.136 B- -4986.946 25.091 169 958224.966 24.808 + 18 94 76 170 Os -33926.247 9.773 7921.128 0.057 B- -10567# 89# 169 963578.673 10.491 + 16 93 77 170 Ir -a -23360# 89# 7854# 1# B- -7060# 89# 169 974922# 95# + 14 92 78 170 Pt -16299.193 18.247 7808.236 0.107 B- -12547# 197# 169 982502.095 19.588 + 12 91 79 170 Au -p -3752# 196# 7730# 1# B- * 169 995972# 211# +0 41 106 65 171 Tb x -44032# 503# 8031# 3# B- 6157# 585# 170 952730# 540# + 39 105 66 171 Dy x -50189# 298# 8063# 2# B- 4330# 670# 170 946120# 320# + 37 104 67 171 Ho + -54518.956 600.002 8083.608 3.509 B- 3200.000 600.000 170 941471.490 644.128 + 35 103 68 171 Er -57718.956 1.557 8097.746 0.009 B- 1491.342 1.256 170 938036.148 1.670 + 33 102 69 171 Tm -59210.298 0.972 8101.893 0.006 B- 96.512 0.972 170 936435.126 1.043 + 31 101 70 171 Yb -59306.810 0.013 8097.882 0.000 B- -1478.414 1.862 170 936331.517 0.014 + 29 100 71 171 Lu -57828.395 1.862 8084.661 0.011 B- -2397.050 28.936 170 937918.660 1.998 + 27 99 72 171 Hf x -55431.345 28.876 8066.068 0.169 B- -3711.072 40.184 170 940492.000 31.000 + 25 98 73 171 Ta x -51720.273 27.945 8039.791 0.163 B- -4634.183 39.520 170 944476.000 30.000 + 23 97 74 171 W x -47086.090 27.945 8008.115 0.163 B- -5835.810 39.520 170 949451.000 30.000 + 21 96 75 171 Re x -41250.280 27.945 7969.412 0.163 B- -6948.339 33.145 170 955716.000 30.000 + 19 95 76 171 Os -34301.942 17.823 7924.204 0.104 B- -7889.916 42.395 170 963175.348 19.133 + 17 94 77 171 Ir -a -26412.025 38.466 7873.489 0.225 B- -8942.323 82.291 170 971645.522 41.295 + 15 93 78 171 Pt -a -17469.702 72.747 7816.619 0.425 B- -9907.407 75.639 170 981245.502 78.097 + 13 92 79 171 Au -p -7562.295 20.713 7754.106 0.121 B- -11043# 303# 170 991881.542 22.236 + 11 91 80 171 Hg -a 3480# 303# 7685# 2# B- * 171 003736# 325# +0 42 107 65 172 Tb x -39850# 503# 8007# 3# B- 8159# 585# 171 957219# 540# + 40 106 66 172 Dy x -48009# 298# 8050# 2# B- 3474# 357# 171 948460# 320# + 38 105 67 172 Ho x -51484# 196# 8066# 1# B- 5000# 196# 171 944730# 210# + 36 104 68 172 Er -56483.612 4.008 8090.410 0.023 B- 890.767 4.543 171 939362.344 4.302 + 34 103 69 172 Tm -57374.379 5.503 8091.041 0.032 B- 1881.067 5.503 171 938406.067 5.907 + 32 102 70 172 Yb -59255.446 0.014 8097.429 0.000 B- -2519.466 2.336 171 936386.658 0.014 + 30 101 71 172 Lu -56735.980 2.336 8078.232 0.014 B- -333.754 24.540 171 939091.417 2.507 + 28 100 72 172 Hf x -56402.226 24.428 8071.743 0.142 B- -5072.248 37.117 171 939449.716 26.224 + 26 99 73 172 Ta x -51329.977 27.945 8037.705 0.162 B- -2232.791 39.520 171 944895.000 30.000 + 24 98 74 172 W x -49097.186 27.945 8020.175 0.162 B- -7560.080 47.974 171 947292.000 30.000 + 22 97 75 172 Re -41537.106 38.995 7971.672 0.227 B- -4293.264 41.036 171 955408.079 41.862 + 20 96 76 172 Os -37243.842 12.782 7942.163 0.074 B- -9864.473 34.832 171 960017.088 13.721 + 18 95 77 172 Ir -a -27379.369 32.402 7880.263 0.188 B- -6272.449 34.023 171 970607.036 34.785 + 16 94 78 172 Pt -21106.920 10.377 7839.247 0.060 B- -11788.914 57.108 171 977340.788 11.139 + 14 93 79 172 Au -a -9318.006 56.158 7766.158 0.326 B- -8259.262 140.853 171 989996.708 60.287 + 12 92 80 172 Hg -a -1058.744 150.079 7713.591 0.873 B- * 171 998863.391 161.116 +0 41 107 66 173 Dy x -43939# 401# 8027# 2# B- 5412# 499# 172 952830# 430# + 39 106 67 173 Ho x -49351# 298# 8054# 2# B- 4304# 357# 172 947020# 320# + 37 105 68 173 Er x -53654# 196# 8074# 1# B- 2602# 196# 172 942400# 210# + 35 104 69 173 Tm p2n -56256.059 4.400 8084.463 0.025 B- 1295.166 4.400 172 939606.632 4.723 + 33 103 70 173 Yb -57551.225 0.011 8087.427 0.000 B- -670.310 1.567 172 938216.215 0.012 + 31 102 71 173 Lu -56880.916 1.567 8079.030 0.009 B- -1469.132 27.989 172 938935.822 1.682 + 29 101 72 173 Hf x -55411.784 27.945 8066.016 0.162 B- -3015.246 39.520 172 940513.000 30.000 + 27 100 73 173 Ta x -52396.538 27.945 8044.064 0.162 B- -3669.155 39.520 172 943750.000 30.000 + 25 99 74 173 W x -48727.383 27.945 8018.333 0.162 B- -5173.518 39.520 172 947689.000 30.000 + 23 98 75 173 Re x -43553.865 27.945 7983.906 0.162 B- -6115.608 31.697 172 953243.000 30.000 + 21 97 76 173 Os -37438.257 14.959 7944.033 0.086 B- -7169.822 18.583 172 959808.375 16.059 + 19 96 77 173 Ir -30268.435 11.026 7898.067 0.064 B- -8325.524 57.052 172 967505.496 11.837 + 17 95 78 173 Pt -a -21942.911 55.977 7845.420 0.324 B- -9110.471 60.421 172 976443.315 60.093 + 15 94 79 173 Au +a -12832.440 22.784 7788.237 0.132 B- -10123# 197# 172 986223.808 24.459 + 13 93 80 173 Hg -a -2710# 196# 7725# 1# B- * 172 997091# 210# +0 42 108 66 174 Dy x -41370# 503# 8012# 3# B- 4319# 585# 173 955587# 540# + 40 107 67 174 Ho x -45690# 298# 8033# 2# B- 6260# 422# 173 950950# 320# + 38 106 68 174 Er x -51949# 298# 8064# 2# B- 1915# 301# 173 944230# 320# + 36 105 69 174 Tm + -53864.512 44.721 8070.642 0.257 B- 3080.000 44.721 173 942174.064 48.010 + 34 104 70 174 Yb -56944.512 0.011 8083.847 0.000 B- -1374.317 1.567 173 938867.548 0.011 + 32 103 71 174 Lu -55570.195 1.567 8071.453 0.009 B- 274.286 2.169 173 940342.938 1.682 + 30 102 72 174 Hf -55844.481 2.259 8068.533 0.013 B- -4103.715 28.036 173 940048.480 2.424 + 28 101 73 174 Ta x -51740.766 27.945 8040.452 0.161 B- -1513.678 39.520 173 944454.000 30.000 + 26 100 74 174 W x -50227.088 27.945 8027.256 0.161 B- -6553.992 39.520 173 946079.000 30.000 + 24 99 75 174 Re x -43673.096 27.945 7985.094 0.161 B- -3677.681 29.767 173 953115.000 30.000 + 22 98 76 174 Os -39995.416 10.254 7959.461 0.059 B- -9131.924 26.395 173 957063.152 11.008 + 20 97 77 174 Ir -30863.492 24.322 7902.483 0.140 B- -5545.329 26.433 173 966866.676 26.111 + 18 96 78 174 Pt -a -25318.163 10.351 7866.117 0.059 B- -11083# 89# 173 972819.832 11.112 + 16 95 79 174 Au -a -14235# 89# 7798# 1# B- -7594# 89# 173 984718# 95# + 14 94 80 174 Hg -a -6641.009 19.211 7749.784 0.110 B- * 173 992870.583 20.624 +0 41 108 67 175 Ho x -43203# 401# 8019# 2# B- 5449# 566# 174 953620# 430# + 39 107 68 175 Er x -48652# 401# 8045# 2# B- 3659# 404# 174 947770# 430# + 37 106 69 175 Tm + -52310.549 50.000 8061.766 0.286 B- 2385.000 50.000 174 943842.313 53.677 + 35 105 70 175 Yb -54695.549 0.071 8070.925 0.000 B- 470.033 1.206 174 941281.910 0.076 + 33 104 71 175 Lu -55165.582 1.207 8069.140 0.007 B- -683.920 1.952 174 940777.308 1.295 + 31 103 72 175 Hf -54481.662 2.282 8060.761 0.013 B- -2073.015 28.038 174 941511.527 2.449 + 29 102 73 175 Ta x -52408.647 27.945 8044.445 0.160 B- -2775.852 39.520 174 943737.000 30.000 + 27 101 74 175 W x -49632.795 27.945 8024.112 0.160 B- -4344.488 39.520 174 946717.000 30.000 + 25 100 75 175 Re x -45288.307 27.945 7994.816 0.160 B- -5182.931 30.324 174 951381.000 30.000 + 23 99 76 175 Os -40105.376 11.775 7960.729 0.067 B- -6710.870 17.089 174 956945.105 12.640 + 21 98 77 175 Ir -33394.506 12.384 7917.910 0.071 B- -7681.040 22.001 174 964149.521 13.295 + 19 97 78 175 Pt -25713.466 18.185 7869.548 0.104 B- -8309.511 42.705 174 972395.457 19.522 + 17 96 79 175 Au -a -17403.955 38.640 7817.595 0.221 B- -9431.379 82.504 174 981316.085 41.481 + 15 95 80 175 Hg -a -7972.576 72.896 7759.231 0.417 B- * 174 991441.086 78.257 +0 42 109 67 176 Ho x -39290# 503# 7997# 3# B- 7340# 643# 175 957820# 540# + 40 108 68 176 Er x -46631# 401# 8034# 2# B- 2741# 413# 175 949940# 430# + 38 107 69 176 Tm + -49371.314 100.000 8045.121 0.568 B- 4120.000 100.000 175 946997.711 107.354 + 36 106 70 176 Yb -53491.314 0.015 8064.085 0.000 B- -109.078 1.212 175 942574.708 0.015 + 34 105 71 176 Lu -53382.236 1.212 8059.020 0.007 B- 1194.085 0.874 175 942691.809 1.301 + 32 104 72 176 Hf -54576.321 1.481 8061.359 0.008 B- -3210.948 30.775 175 941409.905 1.590 + 30 103 73 176 Ta x -51365.374 30.739 8038.670 0.175 B- -723.771 41.543 175 944857.000 33.000 + 28 102 74 176 W x -50641.603 27.945 8030.112 0.159 B- -5578.718 39.520 175 945634.000 30.000 + 26 101 75 176 Re x -45062.885 27.945 7993.970 0.159 B- -2964.945 39.520 175 951623.000 30.000 + 24 100 76 176 Os x -42097.940 27.945 7972.679 0.159 B- -8219.614 32.580 175 954806.000 30.000 + 22 99 77 176 Ir -33878.326 16.750 7921.531 0.095 B- -4944.459 21.035 175 963630.119 17.981 + 20 98 78 176 Pt -28933.867 12.724 7888.992 0.072 B- -10412.904 35.541 175 968938.214 13.660 + 18 97 79 176 Au -a -18520.963 33.185 7825.383 0.189 B- -6736.013 34.998 175 980116.927 35.625 + 16 96 80 176 Hg -11784.950 11.119 7782.665 0.063 B- -12366.544 75.904 175 987348.335 11.937 + 14 95 81 176 Tl -p 581.594 75.086 7707.955 0.427 B- * 176 000624.367 80.607 +0 41 109 68 177 Er x -42858# 503# 8013# 3# B- 4611# 585# 176 953990# 540# + 39 108 69 177 Tm x -47469# 298# 8035# 2# B- 3517# 298# 176 949040# 320# + 37 107 70 177 Yb -n -50986.397 0.220 8049.973 0.001 B- 1397.409 1.240 176 945263.848 0.236 + 35 106 71 177 Lu -52383.806 1.220 8053.448 0.007 B- 496.810 0.791 176 943763.668 1.310 + 33 105 72 177 Hf -52880.616 1.408 8051.835 0.008 B- -1166.000 3.000 176 943230.320 1.511 + 31 104 73 177 Ta - -51714.616 3.314 8040.827 0.019 B- -2012.890 28.141 176 944482.073 3.557 + 29 103 74 177 W x -49701.726 27.945 8025.035 0.158 B- -3432.555 39.520 176 946643.000 30.000 + 27 102 75 177 Re x -46269.170 27.945 8001.222 0.158 B- -4312.708 31.535 176 950328.000 30.000 + 25 101 76 177 Os +a -41956.462 14.613 7972.436 0.083 B- -5909.041 24.576 176 954957.882 15.687 + 23 100 77 177 Ir x -36047.421 19.760 7934.632 0.112 B- -6676.976 24.801 176 961301.500 21.213 + 21 99 78 177 Pt -29370.444 14.988 7892.489 0.085 B- -7825.341 18.297 176 968469.529 16.090 + 19 98 79 177 Au -21545.103 10.496 7843.858 0.059 B- -8762.561 75.786 176 976870.379 11.268 + 17 97 80 177 Hg -a -12782.542 75.056 7789.932 0.424 B- -9442.016 78.098 176 986277.376 80.575 + 15 96 81 177 Tl IT -3340.526 21.629 7732.167 0.122 B- * 176 996413.797 23.219 +0 42 110 68 178 Er x -40260# 596# 7999# 3# B- 3855# 718# 177 956779# 640# + 40 109 69 178 Tm x -44116# 401# 8016# 2# B- 5580# 401# 177 952640# 430# + 38 108 70 178 Yb -nn -49695.475 10.000 8042.841 0.056 B- 642.309 10.250 177 946649.710 10.735 + 36 107 71 178 Lu -50337.784 2.251 8042.054 0.013 B- 2097.451 2.057 177 945960.162 2.416 + 34 106 72 178 Hf -52435.236 1.412 8049.442 0.008 B- -1837# 52# 177 943708.456 1.516 + 32 105 73 178 Ta IT -50598# 52# 8035# 0# B- -191# 50# 177 945681# 56# + 30 104 74 178 W - -50406.936 15.199 8029.257 0.085 B- -4753.483 31.810 177 945885.925 16.316 + 28 103 75 178 Re x -45653.453 27.945 7998.157 0.157 B- -2109.183 31.093 177 950989.000 30.000 + 26 102 76 178 Os -43544.270 13.632 7981.912 0.077 B- -7292.386 24.006 177 953253.300 14.634 + 24 101 77 178 Ir x -36251.884 19.760 7936.549 0.111 B- -4254.365 22.207 177 961082.000 21.213 + 22 100 78 178 Pt -31997.519 10.133 7908.252 0.057 B- -9693.776 14.297 177 965649.248 10.878 + 20 99 79 178 Au -22303.743 10.086 7849.398 0.057 B- -5987.841 14.755 177 976055.945 10.827 + 18 98 80 178 Hg -a -16315.901 10.770 7811.363 0.061 B- -11526# 90# 177 982484.158 11.562 + 16 97 81 178 Tl -a -4790# 89# 7742# 1# B- -8365# 91# 177 994857# 96# + 14 96 82 178 Pb -a 3574.294 23.963 7690.830 0.135 B- * 178 003837.163 25.724 +0 41 110 69 179 Tm x -41601# 503# 8002# 3# B- 4937# 540# 178 955340# 540# + 39 109 70 179 Yb x -46537# 196# 8025# 1# B- 2521# 196# 178 950040# 210# + 37 108 71 179 Lu -49058.918 5.150 8035.073 0.029 B- 1403.989 5.067 178 947333.082 5.528 + 35 107 72 179 Hf -50462.907 1.413 8038.546 0.008 B- -105.584 0.409 178 945825.838 1.517 + 33 106 73 179 Ta -50357.323 1.463 8033.585 0.008 B- -1062.195 14.520 178 945939.187 1.571 + 31 105 74 179 W -49295.127 14.573 8023.281 0.081 B- -2710.847 26.802 178 947079.501 15.644 + 29 104 75 179 Re -46584.280 24.639 8003.766 0.138 B- -3564.785 29.656 178 949989.715 26.450 + 27 103 76 179 Os -43019.495 16.504 7979.480 0.092 B- -4937.781 19.180 178 953816.669 17.718 + 25 102 77 179 Ir -38081.714 9.771 7947.524 0.055 B- -5813.569 12.613 178 959117.596 10.489 + 23 101 78 179 Pt -32268.145 7.977 7910.675 0.045 B- -7279.578 14.157 178 965358.719 8.563 + 21 100 79 179 Au -24988.567 11.696 7865.637 0.065 B- -8060.433 29.669 178 973173.668 12.555 + 19 99 80 179 Hg -16928.134 27.267 7816.236 0.152 B- -8659.639 47.417 178 981826.899 29.272 + 17 98 81 179 Tl -a -8268.495 38.793 7763.487 0.217 B- -10319.134 84.963 178 991123.405 41.646 + 15 97 82 179 Pb -a 2050.639 75.590 7701.468 0.422 B- * 179 002201.452 81.149 +0 42 111 69 180 Tm x -37920# 503# 7982# 3# B- 6680# 585# 179 959291# 540# + 40 110 70 180 Yb x -44600# 298# 8015# 2# B- 2076# 306# 179 952120# 320# + 38 109 71 180 Lu + -46676.348 70.725 8022.038 0.393 B- 3103.000 70.711 179 949890.876 75.926 + 36 108 72 180 Hf -49779.348 1.419 8034.930 0.008 B- -846.471 2.269 179 946559.669 1.522 + 34 107 73 180 Ta +n -48932.877 1.939 8025.881 0.011 B- 703.238 2.281 179 947468.392 2.081 + 32 106 74 180 W -49636.115 1.436 8025.442 0.008 B- -3798.757 21.440 179 946713.435 1.542 + 30 105 75 180 Re x -45837.359 21.392 7999.991 0.119 B- -1479.549 26.950 179 950791.568 22.965 + 28 104 76 180 Os -44357.810 16.391 7987.425 0.091 B- -6380.284 27.200 179 952379.930 17.596 + 26 103 77 180 Ir x -37977.526 21.706 7947.633 0.121 B- -3541.649 24.323 179 959229.446 23.302 + 24 102 78 180 Pt +a -34435.877 10.974 7923.611 0.061 B- -8810.368 11.973 179 963031.563 11.781 + 22 101 79 180 Au -25625.509 4.786 7870.318 0.027 B- -5375.062 13.524 179 972489.883 5.137 + 20 100 80 180 Hg -20250.447 12.649 7836.110 0.070 B- -10863.800 61.329 179 978260.249 13.579 + 18 99 81 180 Tl -a -9386.647 60.010 7771.409 0.333 B- -7445.267 61.277 179 989923.019 64.423 + 16 98 82 180 Pb -a -1941.380 12.396 7725.700 0.069 B- * 179 997915.842 13.307 +0 43 112 69 181 Tm x -35170# 596# 7967# 3# B- 5918# 667# 180 962243# 640# + 41 111 70 181 Yb x -41088# 298# 7996# 2# B- 3709# 324# 180 955890# 320# + 39 110 71 181 Lu x -44797.410 125.752 8011.929 0.695 B- 2605.421 125.760 180 951908.000 135.000 + 37 109 72 181 Hf -n -47402.831 1.420 8022.002 0.008 B- 1035.480 1.834 180 949110.965 1.524 + 35 108 73 181 Ta -48438.311 1.403 8023.400 0.008 B- -204.493 1.854 180 947999.331 1.506 + 33 107 74 181 W -n -48233.818 1.445 8017.948 0.008 B- -1716.427 12.629 180 948218.863 1.551 + 31 106 75 181 Re 4n -46517.391 12.549 8004.143 0.069 B- -2967.428 28.275 180 950061.523 13.471 + 29 105 76 181 Os -43549.963 25.338 7983.426 0.140 B- -4086.935 25.876 180 953247.188 27.201 + 27 104 77 181 Ir +a -39463.028 5.245 7956.523 0.029 B- -5081.517 14.660 180 957634.694 5.631 + 25 103 78 181 Pt -34381.511 13.689 7924.126 0.076 B- -6510.375 24.216 180 963089.927 14.695 + 23 102 79 181 Au -a -27871.136 19.976 7883.835 0.110 B- -7210.000 25.212 180 970079.103 21.445 + 21 101 80 181 Hg -20661.136 15.382 7839.679 0.085 B- -7862.401 17.876 180 977819.357 16.513 + 19 100 81 181 Tl -12798.735 9.108 7791.918 0.050 B- -9681.385 75.959 180 986259.992 9.778 + 17 99 82 181 Pb -a -3117.350 75.411 7734.107 0.417 B- * 180 996653.386 80.957 +0 42 112 70 182 Yb x -38820# 401# 7984# 2# B- 3060# 446# 181 958325# 430# + 40 111 71 182 Lu x -41880# 196# 7996# 1# B- 4170# 196# 181 955040# 210# + 38 110 72 182 Hf -nn -46049.508 6.165 8014.837 0.034 B- 380.425 6.274 181 950563.816 6.618 + 36 109 73 182 Ta -46429.934 1.405 8012.628 0.008 B- 1816.126 1.399 181 950155.413 1.508 + 34 108 74 182 W -48246.060 0.738 8018.308 0.004 B- -2800.000 101.980 181 948205.721 0.791 + 32 107 75 182 Re IT -45446.060 101.983 7998.625 0.560 B- -836.955 104.276 181 951211.645 109.483 + 30 106 76 182 Os -44609.104 21.745 7989.728 0.119 B- -5557.426 30.207 181 952110.153 23.344 + 28 105 77 182 Ir -39051.679 20.967 7954.894 0.115 B- -2883.230 24.720 181 958076.296 22.509 + 26 104 78 182 Pt -36168.449 13.095 7934.754 0.072 B- -7867.680 24.123 181 961171.571 14.057 + 24 103 79 182 Au -a -28300.768 20.260 7887.226 0.111 B- -4723.846 22.501 181 969617.874 21.749 + 22 102 80 182 Hg -23576.922 9.790 7856.972 0.054 B- -10248.994 15.363 181 974689.132 10.510 + 20 101 81 182 Tl -a -13327.927 11.839 7796.360 0.065 B- -6502.815 16.927 181 985691.880 12.709 + 18 100 82 182 Pb -a -6825.112 12.098 7756.332 0.066 B- * 181 992672.940 12.987 +0 43 113 70 183 Yb x -35100# 401# 7964# 2# B- 4616# 408# 182 962319# 430# + 41 112 71 183 Lu x -39716.110 80.108 7984.812 0.438 B- 3566.687 85.553 182 957363.000 86.000 + 39 111 72 183 Hf + -43282.796 30.034 8000.027 0.164 B- 2010.000 30.000 182 953534.004 32.242 + 37 110 73 183 Ta -n -45292.796 1.419 8006.735 0.008 B- 1072.783 1.413 182 951376.180 1.523 + 35 109 74 183 W -46365.580 0.737 8008.322 0.004 B- -556.000 8.000 182 950224.500 0.790 + 33 108 75 183 Re - -45809.580 8.034 8001.009 0.044 B- -2145.537 50.405 182 950821.390 8.624 + 31 107 76 183 Os -43664.043 49.760 7985.010 0.272 B- -3460.732 52.733 182 953124.719 53.420 + 29 106 77 183 Ir -40203.311 24.398 7961.823 0.133 B- -4430.824 28.923 182 956839.968 26.191 + 27 105 78 183 Pt -35772.487 15.533 7933.336 0.085 B- -5581.004 18.168 182 961596.653 16.675 + 25 104 79 183 Au -30191.483 9.423 7898.564 0.051 B- -6386.809 11.789 182 967588.108 10.116 + 23 103 80 183 Hg -23804.674 7.084 7859.388 0.039 B- -7217.417 11.716 182 974444.629 7.604 + 21 102 81 183 Tl -16587.257 9.331 7815.673 0.051 B- -9012.038 29.657 182 982192.846 10.017 + 19 101 82 183 Pb -a -7575.218 28.151 7762.152 0.154 B- * 182 991867.668 30.221 +0 44 114 70 184 Yb x -32540# 503# 7951# 3# B- 3872# 585# 183 965067# 540# + 42 113 71 184 Lu x -36412# 298# 7967# 2# B- 5087# 301# 183 960910# 320# + 40 112 72 184 Hf + -41499.373 39.706 7990.722 0.216 B- 1340.000 30.000 183 955448.587 42.625 + 38 111 73 184 Ta + -42839.373 26.010 7993.752 0.141 B- 2866.000 26.000 183 954010.038 27.923 + 36 110 74 184 W -45705.373 0.731 8005.077 0.004 B- -1485.739 4.198 183 950933.260 0.785 + 34 109 75 184 Re -44219.634 4.275 7992.750 0.023 B- 32.898 4.140 183 952528.267 4.589 + 32 108 76 184 Os -44252.533 0.827 7988.677 0.005 B- -4641.682 27.957 183 952492.949 0.887 + 30 107 77 184 Ir x -39610.851 27.945 7959.198 0.152 B- -2276.608 31.997 183 957476.000 30.000 + 28 106 78 184 Pt -37334.243 15.584 7942.574 0.085 B- -7015.533 27.185 183 959920.039 16.730 + 26 105 79 184 Au -a -30318.710 22.275 7900.194 0.121 B- -3969.745 24.442 183 967451.524 23.912 + 24 104 80 184 Hg -26348.965 10.062 7874.367 0.055 B- -9465.723 14.200 183 971713.221 10.802 + 22 103 81 184 Tl -16883.242 10.020 7818.671 0.054 B- -5831.720 16.260 183 981875.093 10.757 + 20 102 82 184 Pb -11051.522 12.806 7782.725 0.070 B- -12114.590 79.153 183 988135.702 13.748 + 18 101 83 184 Bi -a 1063.068 78.110 7712.633 0.425 B- * 184 001141.250 83.854 +0 45 115 70 185 Yb x -28500# 503# 7929# 3# B- 5388# 585# 184 969404# 540# + 43 114 71 185 Lu x -33888# 298# 7954# 2# B- 4432# 305# 184 963620# 320# + 41 113 72 185 Hf x -38319.800 64.273 7973.970 0.347 B- 3074.492 65.815 184 958862.000 69.000 + 39 112 73 185 Ta + -41394.293 14.161 7986.360 0.077 B- 1993.500 14.142 184 955561.396 15.202 + 37 111 74 185 W -43387.793 0.733 7992.907 0.004 B- 431.234 0.661 184 953421.286 0.786 + 35 110 75 185 Re -43819.027 0.818 7991.009 0.004 B- -1013.147 0.419 184 952958.337 0.877 + 33 109 76 185 Os -42805.880 0.830 7981.304 0.004 B- -2470.326 27.957 184 954045.995 0.891 + 31 108 77 185 Ir x -40335.553 27.945 7963.722 0.151 B- -3647.414 38.055 184 956698.000 30.000 + 29 107 78 185 Pt -36688.140 25.832 7939.777 0.140 B- -4829.997 25.963 184 960613.659 27.731 + 27 106 79 185 Au x -31858.143 2.608 7909.440 0.014 B- -5674.477 13.886 184 965798.874 2.800 + 25 105 80 185 Hg -26183.666 13.639 7874.538 0.074 B- -6425.925 24.767 184 971890.676 14.641 + 23 104 81 185 Tl IT -19757.741 20.674 7835.575 0.112 B- -8216.521 26.249 184 978789.191 22.194 + 21 103 82 185 Pb -a -11541.220 16.175 7786.932 0.087 B- -9305# 83# 184 987609.989 17.364 + 19 102 83 185 Bi IT -2236# 81# 7732# 0# B- * 184 997600# 87# +0 44 115 71 186 Lu x -30210# 401# 7935# 2# B- 6214# 404# 185 967568# 430# + 42 114 72 186 Hf x -36424.210 51.232 7964.302 0.275 B- 2183.318 78.906 185 960897.000 55.000 + 40 113 73 186 Ta + -38607.528 60.012 7971.835 0.323 B- 3901.000 60.000 185 958553.111 64.425 + 38 112 74 186 W -42508.528 1.212 7988.601 0.007 B- -581.442 1.244 185 954365.215 1.300 + 36 111 75 186 Re -41927.086 0.826 7981.269 0.004 B- 1072.857 0.837 185 954989.419 0.886 + 34 110 76 186 Os -42999.943 0.761 7982.831 0.004 B- -3827.596 16.543 185 953837.660 0.816 + 32 109 77 186 Ir x -39172.346 16.526 7958.047 0.089 B- -1307.903 27.312 185 957946.754 17.740 + 30 108 78 186 Pt -37864.443 21.745 7946.809 0.117 B- -6149.591 30.207 185 959350.846 23.344 + 28 107 79 186 Au -31714.852 20.967 7909.540 0.113 B- -3175.756 23.987 185 965952.703 22.509 + 26 106 80 186 Hg -28539.097 11.650 7888.260 0.063 B- -8652.484 25.209 185 969362.017 12.507 + 24 105 81 186 Tl x -19886.613 22.356 7837.535 0.120 B- -5204.588 25.078 185 978650.841 24.000 + 22 104 82 186 Pb -a -14682.026 11.363 7805.347 0.061 B- -11535.814 20.329 185 984238.196 12.199 + 20 103 83 186 Bi -a -3146.212 16.857 7739.121 0.091 B- -7247.186 24.870 185 996622.402 18.096 + 18 102 84 186 Po -a 4100.974 18.286 7695.951 0.098 B- * 186 004402.577 19.630 +0 45 116 71 187 Lu x -27580# 401# 7922# 2# B- 5237# 499# 186 970392# 430# + 43 115 72 187 Hf x -32817# 298# 7946# 2# B- 4079# 303# 186 964770# 320# + 41 114 73 187 Ta x -36895.546 55.890 7963.212 0.299 B- 3008.424 55.903 186 960391.000 60.000 + 39 113 74 187 W -39903.970 1.212 7975.116 0.006 B- 1312.508 1.122 186 957161.323 1.300 + 37 112 75 187 Re -41216.478 0.736 7977.951 0.004 B- 2.467 0.002 186 955752.288 0.790 + 35 111 76 187 Os -41218.945 0.736 7973.780 0.004 B- -1669.572 27.955 186 955749.640 0.790 + 33 110 77 187 Ir x -39549.372 27.945 7960.668 0.149 B- -2864.323 36.868 186 957542.000 30.000 + 31 109 78 187 Pt -36685.050 24.048 7941.168 0.129 B- -3657.212 27.377 186 960616.976 25.816 + 29 108 79 187 Au -33027.838 22.308 7917.427 0.119 B- -4909.908 26.287 186 964543.155 23.948 + 27 107 80 187 Hg -28117.930 13.905 7886.987 0.074 B- -5673.343 16.067 186 969814.158 14.928 + 25 106 81 187 Tl -22444.587 8.048 7852.464 0.043 B- -7457.628 9.525 186 975904.743 8.640 + 23 105 82 187 Pb -14986.959 5.094 7808.400 0.027 B- -8603.688 11.227 186 983910.836 5.468 + 21 104 83 187 Bi -a -6383.271 10.005 7758.208 0.054 B- -9211.868 33.430 186 993147.276 10.740 + 19 103 84 187 Po -a 2828.597 31.898 7704.763 0.171 B- * 187 003036.624 34.243 +0 46 117 71 188 Lu x -23790# 503# 7902# 3# B- 7089# 585# 187 974460# 540# + 44 116 72 188 Hf x -30879# 298# 7936# 2# B- 2733# 303# 187 966850# 320# + 42 115 73 188 Ta x -33612.030 54.958 7946.321 0.292 B- 5055.781 55.045 187 963916.000 59.000 + 40 114 74 188 W + -38667.811 3.089 7969.052 0.016 B- 349.000 3.000 187 958488.395 3.316 + 38 113 75 188 Re -n -39016.811 0.738 7966.747 0.004 B- 2120.422 0.152 187 958113.728 0.791 + 36 112 76 188 Os -41137.233 0.734 7973.864 0.004 B- -2792.326 9.416 187 955837.361 0.787 + 34 111 77 188 Ir -38344.907 9.423 7954.850 0.050 B- -523.979 8.686 187 958835.046 10.116 + 32 110 78 188 Pt -37820.929 5.304 7947.902 0.028 B- -5449.621 5.953 187 959397.560 5.694 + 30 109 79 188 Au x -32371.308 2.701 7914.753 0.014 B- -2169.394 12.569 187 965247.969 2.900 + 28 108 80 188 Hg -30201.914 12.275 7899.052 0.065 B- -7865.513 32.325 187 967576.910 13.178 + 26 107 81 188 Tl x -22336.400 29.904 7853.053 0.159 B- -4521.198 31.734 187 976020.886 32.103 + 24 106 82 188 Pb -a -17815.202 10.622 7824.843 0.057 B- -10620.515 15.427 187 980874.592 11.403 + 22 105 83 188 Bi -a -7194.687 11.187 7764.189 0.060 B- -6650.374 22.892 187 992276.184 12.009 + 20 104 84 188 Po -a -544.313 19.973 7724.653 0.106 B- * 187 999415.655 21.441 +0 45 117 72 189 Hf x -27162# 298# 7917# 2# B- 4667# 357# 188 970840# 320# + 43 116 73 189 Ta x -31829# 196# 7938# 1# B- 3788# 200# 188 965830# 210# + 41 115 74 189 W x -35617.536 40.054 7953.454 0.212 B- 2361.507 40.883 188 961763.000 43.000 + 39 114 75 189 Re +p -37979.043 8.191 7961.809 0.043 B- 1007.702 8.167 188 959227.817 8.793 + 37 113 76 189 Os -38986.745 0.666 7963.002 0.004 B- -537.159 12.563 188 958146.005 0.715 + 35 112 77 189 Ir -38449.586 12.576 7956.020 0.067 B- -1980.238 13.636 188 958722.669 13.500 + 33 111 78 189 Pt -36469.348 10.090 7941.403 0.053 B- -2887.394 22.474 188 960848.542 10.832 + 31 110 79 189 Au x -33581.955 20.081 7921.987 0.106 B- -3955.554 37.401 188 963948.286 21.558 + 29 109 80 189 Hg -29626.401 31.553 7896.919 0.167 B- -5010.300 32.643 188 968194.748 33.873 + 27 108 81 189 Tl -24616.100 8.368 7866.270 0.044 B- -6772.066 16.364 188 973573.527 8.983 + 25 107 82 189 Pb -17844.035 14.062 7826.299 0.074 B- -7779.374 25.150 188 980843.639 15.096 + 23 106 83 189 Bi -a -10064.660 20.851 7780.999 0.110 B- -8642.656 30.354 188 989195.141 22.384 + 21 105 84 189 Po -a -1422.005 22.059 7731.131 0.117 B- * 188 998473.415 23.681 +0 46 118 72 190 Hf x -25030# 401# 7907# 2# B- 3483# 446# 189 973129# 430# + 44 117 73 190 Ta x -28513# 196# 7921# 1# B- 5869# 200# 189 969390# 210# + 42 116 74 190 W -34382.313 39.726 7947.573 0.209 B- 1253.517 63.522 189 963089.066 42.647 + 40 115 75 190 Re -35635.830 70.852 7950.053 0.373 B- 3071.941 70.854 189 961743.360 76.063 + 38 114 76 190 Os -38707.771 0.650 7962.104 0.003 B- -1954.227 1.213 189 958445.496 0.697 + 36 113 77 190 Ir +n -36753.544 1.370 7947.701 0.007 B- 552.906 1.282 189 960543.445 1.470 + 34 112 78 190 Pt -37306.450 0.657 7946.493 0.003 B- -4472.917 3.509 189 959949.876 0.704 + 32 111 79 190 Au x -32833.533 3.447 7918.834 0.018 B- -1462.836 16.276 189 964751.750 3.700 + 30 110 80 190 Hg -31370.697 15.907 7907.017 0.084 B- -6998.670 17.782 189 966322.169 17.076 + 28 109 81 190 Tl +a -24372.027 7.948 7866.064 0.042 B- -3955.382 14.825 189 973835.551 8.532 + 26 108 82 190 Pb -a -20416.645 12.514 7841.129 0.066 B- -9817.066 25.800 189 978081.828 13.434 + 24 107 83 190 Bi -a -10599.579 22.562 7785.342 0.119 B- -6035.742 26.275 189 988620.883 24.221 + 22 106 84 190 Po -a -4563.837 13.465 7749.458 0.071 B- * 189 995100.519 14.455 +0 45 118 73 191 Ta x -26492# 298# 7911# 2# B- 4684# 301# 190 971560# 320# + 43 117 74 191 W x -31176.173 41.917 7931.435 0.219 B- 3174.124 43.156 190 966531.000 45.000 + 41 116 75 191 Re +p -34350.296 10.265 7943.957 0.054 B- 2044.889 10.244 190 963123.437 11.019 + 39 115 76 191 Os -36395.185 0.659 7950.568 0.003 B- 313.570 1.141 190 960928.159 0.707 + 37 114 77 191 Ir -36708.756 1.311 7948.113 0.007 B- -1010.518 3.636 190 960591.527 1.406 + 35 113 78 191 Pt -35698.237 4.127 7938.727 0.022 B- -1900.333 6.426 190 961676.363 4.430 + 33 112 79 191 Au -33797.904 4.926 7924.681 0.026 B- -3206.008 22.710 190 963716.455 5.288 + 31 111 80 191 Hg -30591.896 22.280 7903.800 0.117 B- -4308.951 23.461 190 967158.247 23.918 + 29 110 81 191 Tl +a -26282.945 7.349 7877.144 0.038 B- -6051.827 37.978 190 971784.096 7.889 + 27 109 82 191 Pb x -20231.118 37.260 7841.363 0.195 B- -6991.772 38.005 190 978281.000 40.000 + 25 108 83 191 Bi -13239.347 7.487 7800.661 0.039 B- -8170.612 10.320 190 985786.975 8.037 + 23 107 84 191 Po -5068.735 7.103 7753.786 0.037 B- -8932.653 17.600 190 994558.488 7.624 + 21 106 85 191 At -a 3863.917 16.103 7702.923 0.084 B- * 191 004148.086 17.287 +0 46 119 73 192 Ta x -23064# 401# 7894# 2# B- 6586# 446# 191 975240# 430# + 44 118 74 192 W x -29649# 196# 7924# 1# B- 1939# 208# 191 968170# 210# + 42 117 75 192 Re x -31588.825 70.794 7930.238 0.369 B- 4293.366 70.831 191 966088.000 76.000 + 40 116 76 192 Os -35882.191 2.315 7948.525 0.012 B- -1046.630 2.397 191 961478.881 2.485 + 38 115 77 192 Ir -34835.561 1.314 7938.999 0.007 B- 1452.896 2.274 191 962602.485 1.410 + 36 114 78 192 Pt -36288.457 2.570 7942.491 0.013 B- -3516.341 15.617 191 961042.736 2.758 + 34 113 79 192 Au - -32772.116 15.827 7920.102 0.082 B- -760.563 22.178 191 964817.684 16.991 + 32 112 80 192 Hg x -32011.553 15.537 7912.066 0.081 B- -6139.307 35.277 191 965634.182 16.679 + 30 111 81 192 Tl x -25872.246 31.671 7876.016 0.165 B- -3316.226 34.348 191 972225.000 34.000 + 28 110 82 192 Pb -a -22556.020 13.295 7854.669 0.069 B- -9021.485 32.917 191 975785.115 14.273 + 26 109 83 192 Bi -a -13534.535 30.112 7803.608 0.157 B- -5463.873 32.096 191 985470.078 32.326 + 24 108 84 192 Po -a -8070.661 11.110 7771.075 0.058 B- -10996.516 30.008 191 991335.788 11.926 + 22 107 85 192 At -a 2925.854 27.876 7709.727 0.145 B- * 192 003141.034 29.926 +0 47 120 73 193 Ta x -20870# 401# 7884# 2# B- 5417# 446# 192 977595# 430# + 45 119 74 193 W x -26287# 196# 7908# 1# B- 3945# 199# 192 971780# 210# + 43 118 75 193 Re x -30231.638 39.123 7923.937 0.203 B- 3162.652 39.192 192 967545.000 42.000 + 41 117 76 193 Os -33394.289 2.321 7936.270 0.012 B- 1141.946 2.400 192 964149.753 2.491 + 39 116 77 193 Ir -34536.235 1.328 7938.133 0.007 B- -56.628 0.300 192 962923.824 1.425 + 37 115 78 193 Pt -34479.608 1.359 7933.786 0.007 B- -1074.787 8.768 192 962984.616 1.458 + 35 114 79 193 Au -33404.821 8.674 7924.164 0.045 B- -2342.642 14.370 192 964138.447 9.311 + 33 113 80 193 Hg -31062.179 15.505 7907.972 0.080 B- -3584.967 16.894 192 966653.377 16.645 + 31 112 81 193 Tl x -27477.212 6.707 7885.344 0.035 B- -5282.723 50.028 192 970501.997 7.200 + 29 111 82 193 Pb x -22194.490 49.577 7853.919 0.257 B- -6309.931 50.152 192 976173.234 53.222 + 27 110 83 193 Bi -15884.559 7.576 7817.171 0.039 B- -7559.241 16.387 192 982947.223 8.132 + 25 109 84 193 Po -a -8325.318 14.531 7773.950 0.075 B- -8257.998 26.059 192 991062.403 15.599 + 23 108 85 193 At -a -67.320 21.632 7727.109 0.112 B- -9110.231 33.144 192 999927.728 23.222 + 21 107 86 193 Rn -a 9042.911 25.112 7675.852 0.130 B- * 193 009707.964 26.958 +0 48 121 73 194 Ta x -17300# 503# 7866# 3# B- 7227# 585# 193 981428# 540# + 46 120 74 194 W x -24526# 298# 7899# 2# B- 2711# 357# 193 973670# 320# + 44 119 75 194 Re x -27237# 196# 7909# 1# B- 5198# 196# 193 970760# 210# + 42 118 76 194 Os + -32435.108 2.403 7932.022 0.012 B- 96.600 2.000 193 965179.477 2.579 + 40 117 77 194 Ir -n -32531.708 1.332 7928.487 0.007 B- 2228.362 1.257 193 965075.773 1.430 + 38 116 78 194 Pt -34760.070 0.496 7935.941 0.003 B- -2548.134 2.117 193 962683.527 0.532 + 36 115 79 194 Au +3n -32211.936 2.118 7918.774 0.011 B- -27.991 3.581 193 965419.062 2.273 + 34 114 80 194 Hg x -32183.945 2.888 7914.597 0.015 B- -5246.454 14.268 193 965449.111 3.100 + 32 113 81 194 Tl x -26937.491 13.972 7883.520 0.072 B- -2729.552 22.343 193 971081.411 15.000 + 30 112 82 194 Pb -24207.940 17.435 7865.418 0.090 B- -8179.128 18.498 193 974011.706 18.717 + 28 111 83 194 Bi +a -16028.811 6.178 7819.225 0.032 B- -5024.156 14.313 193 982792.362 6.632 + 26 110 84 194 Po -a -11004.655 12.911 7789.294 0.067 B- -10284.492 28.076 193 988186.015 13.860 + 24 109 85 194 At -a -720.163 24.931 7732.249 0.129 B- -6443.658 30.119 193 999226.872 26.764 + 22 108 86 194 Rn -a 5723.495 16.899 7695.001 0.087 B- * 194 006144.424 18.141 +0 47 121 74 195 W x -21010# 298# 7882# 2# B- 4569# 422# 194 977445# 320# + 45 120 75 195 Re x -25579# 298# 7902# 2# B- 3933# 303# 194 972540# 320# + 43 119 76 195 Os x -29511.593 55.890 7917.744 0.287 B- 2180.658 55.906 194 968318.000 60.000 + 41 118 77 195 Ir -n -31692.251 1.333 7924.915 0.007 B- 1101.598 1.264 194 965976.967 1.431 + 39 117 78 195 Pt -32793.849 0.503 7926.552 0.003 B- -226.817 1.000 194 964794.353 0.539 + 37 116 79 195 Au -32567.031 1.119 7921.377 0.006 B- -1553.638 23.156 194 965037.851 1.201 + 35 115 80 195 Hg -31013.393 23.142 7909.397 0.119 B- -2858.145 25.657 194 966705.751 24.843 + 33 114 81 195 Tl -28155.248 11.093 7890.728 0.057 B- -4447.555 21.106 194 969774.096 11.909 + 31 113 82 195 Pb -23707.693 17.960 7863.908 0.092 B- -5682.132 18.722 194 974548.743 19.280 + 29 112 83 195 Bi -18025.561 5.287 7830.757 0.027 B- -6969.303 37.737 194 980648.762 5.675 + 27 111 84 195 Po -a -11056.259 37.364 7791.005 0.192 B- -7585.964 38.571 194 988130.617 40.112 + 25 110 85 195 At -a -3470.295 9.573 7748.091 0.049 B- -8520.575 51.401 194 996274.485 10.276 + 23 109 86 195 Rn -a 5050.281 50.502 7700.383 0.259 B- * 195 005421.699 54.216 +0 48 122 74 196 W x -18880# 401# 7872# 2# B- 3662# 499# 195 979731# 430# + 46 121 75 196 Re x -22542# 298# 7887# 2# B- 5735# 301# 195 975800# 320# + 44 120 76 196 Os +pp -28277.105 40.055 7912.229 0.204 B- 1158.388 55.495 195 969643.277 43.000 + 42 119 77 196 Ir + -29435.493 38.414 7914.148 0.196 B- 3209.016 38.411 195 968399.696 41.239 + 40 118 78 196 Pt -32644.510 0.510 7926.529 0.003 B- -1505.803 2.960 195 964954.675 0.547 + 38 117 79 196 Au -31138.706 2.962 7914.855 0.015 B- 687.235 3.118 195 966571.221 3.179 + 36 116 80 196 Hg -31825.941 2.946 7914.369 0.015 B- -4329.349 12.463 195 965833.444 3.163 + 34 115 81 196 Tl x -27496.592 12.109 7888.289 0.062 B- -2148.280 14.356 195 970481.192 13.000 + 32 114 82 196 Pb -25348.312 7.710 7873.337 0.039 B- -7339.281 25.616 195 972787.466 8.277 + 30 113 83 196 Bi x -18009.031 24.428 7831.900 0.125 B- -4535.989 27.916 195 980666.509 26.224 + 28 112 84 196 Po -a -13473.042 13.512 7804.766 0.069 B- -9558.365 33.162 195 985536.094 14.506 + 26 111 85 196 At -a -3914.677 30.284 7752.007 0.155 B- -5885.668 33.540 195 995797.421 32.511 + 24 110 86 196 Rn -a 1970.991 14.417 7717.987 0.074 B- * 196 002115.945 15.476 +0 49 123 74 197 W x -15140# 401# 7854# 2# B- 5363# 499# 196 983747# 430# + 47 122 75 197 Re x -20502# 298# 7878# 2# B- 4807# 357# 196 977990# 320# + 45 121 76 197 Os x -25309# 196# 7898# 1# B- 2955# 197# 196 972830# 210# + 43 120 77 197 Ir +p -28264.105 20.110 7908.999 0.102 B- 2155.645 20.106 196 969657.233 21.588 + 41 119 78 197 Pt -30419.750 0.536 7915.971 0.003 B- 719.988 0.502 196 967343.053 0.575 + 39 118 79 197 Au -31139.738 0.542 7915.654 0.003 B- -599.509 3.202 196 966570.114 0.581 + 37 117 80 197 Hg -30540.229 3.207 7908.640 0.016 B- -2198.580 16.637 196 967213.713 3.442 + 35 116 81 197 Tl +a -28341.649 16.325 7893.508 0.083 B- -3596.247 17.014 196 969573.986 17.526 + 33 115 82 197 Pb -24745.401 4.804 7871.282 0.024 B- -5058.210 9.619 196 973434.717 5.157 + 31 114 83 197 Bi +a -19687.191 8.333 7841.634 0.042 B- -6329.202 50.373 196 978864.929 8.946 + 29 113 84 197 Po -a -13357.990 49.679 7805.535 0.252 B- -7002.739 50.317 196 985659.607 53.332 + 27 112 85 197 At -6355.250 7.983 7766.017 0.041 B- -7865.603 18.054 196 993177.357 8.570 + 25 111 86 197 Rn -a 1510.353 16.193 7722.118 0.082 B- -8743.618 56.762 197 001621.430 17.383 + 23 110 87 197 Fr -a 10253.971 54.404 7673.763 0.276 B- * 197 011008.090 58.404 +0 48 123 75 198 Re x -17139# 401# 7862# 2# B- 6697# 446# 197 981600# 430# + 46 122 76 198 Os x -23837# 196# 7891# 1# B- 1984# 277# 197 974410# 210# + 44 121 77 198 Ir x -25821# 196# 7897# 1# B- 4083# 196# 197 972280# 210# + 42 120 78 198 Pt -29903.999 2.100 7914.150 0.011 B- -323.219 2.059 197 967896.734 2.254 + 40 119 79 198 Au -29580.781 0.540 7908.567 0.003 B- 1373.530 0.490 197 968243.724 0.579 + 38 118 80 198 Hg -30954.310 0.458 7911.552 0.002 B- -3425.564 7.559 197 966769.179 0.491 + 36 117 81 198 Tl x -27528.746 7.545 7890.300 0.038 B- -1461.257 11.554 197 970446.673 8.100 + 34 116 82 198 Pb -26067.489 8.750 7878.969 0.044 B- -6698.003 29.283 197 972015.397 9.393 + 32 115 83 198 Bi x -19369.486 27.945 7841.189 0.141 B- -3896.134 32.932 197 979206.000 30.000 + 30 114 84 198 Po -15473.352 17.424 7817.561 0.088 B- -8758.839 18.386 197 983388.672 18.705 + 28 113 85 198 At x -6714.513 5.868 7769.373 0.030 B- -5484.155 14.647 197 992791.673 6.300 + 26 112 86 198 Rn -a -1230.358 13.420 7737.724 0.068 B- -10804.382 34.905 197 998679.156 14.406 + 24 111 87 198 Fr -a 9574.024 32.222 7679.205 0.163 B- * 198 010278.138 34.591 +0 49 124 75 199 Re x -14860# 401# 7851# 2# B- 5623# 446# 198 984047# 430# + 47 123 76 199 Os x -20484# 196# 7875# 1# B- 3915# 200# 198 978010# 210# + 45 122 77 199 Ir p-2n -24398.515 41.054 7891.206 0.206 B- 2990.167 41.003 198 973807.115 44.073 + 43 121 78 199 Pt -n -27388.682 2.159 7902.300 0.011 B- 1705.059 2.120 198 970597.038 2.317 + 41 120 79 199 Au -29093.741 0.542 7906.937 0.003 B- 452.327 0.613 198 968766.582 0.581 + 39 119 80 199 Hg -29546.068 0.526 7905.279 0.003 B- -1486.674 27.950 198 968280.989 0.564 + 37 118 81 199 Tl x -28059.394 27.945 7893.877 0.140 B- -2827.589 29.679 198 969877.000 30.000 + 35 117 82 199 Pb +a -25231.804 9.996 7875.736 0.050 B- -4434.239 14.547 198 972912.542 10.730 + 33 116 83 199 Bi -20797.566 10.568 7849.522 0.053 B- -5589.083 20.919 198 977672.893 11.345 + 31 115 84 199 Po -a -15208.483 18.060 7817.505 0.091 B- -6385.111 18.845 198 983673.021 19.387 + 29 114 85 199 At -8823.372 5.384 7781.488 0.027 B- -7323.921 37.972 198 990527.719 5.780 + 27 113 86 199 Rn -a -1499.451 37.588 7740.753 0.189 B- -8270.844 40.015 198 998390.273 40.352 + 25 112 87 199 Fr -a 6771.393 13.726 7695.259 0.069 B- * 199 007269.389 14.734 +0 48 124 76 200 Os x -18779# 298# 7868# 1# B- 2832# 357# 199 979840# 320# + 46 123 77 200 Ir x -21611# 196# 7878# 1# B- 4988# 197# 199 976800# 210# + 44 122 78 200 Pt -nn -26599.160 20.110 7899.198 0.101 B- 640.932 33.439 199 971444.625 21.588 + 42 121 79 200 Au -27240.092 26.717 7898.491 0.134 B- 2263.178 26.719 199 970756.556 28.681 + 40 120 80 200 Hg -29503.270 0.529 7905.895 0.003 B- -2456.040 5.735 199 968326.934 0.568 + 38 119 81 200 Tl - -27047.230 5.759 7889.703 0.029 B- -796.176 12.340 199 970963.602 6.182 + 36 118 82 200 Pb 4n -26251.054 10.927 7881.810 0.055 B- -5880.299 24.852 199 971818.332 11.730 + 34 117 83 200 Bi +a -20370.755 22.321 7848.497 0.112 B- -3428.994 23.573 199 978131.093 23.962 + 32 116 84 200 Po -16941.761 7.579 7827.440 0.038 B- -7953.869 25.612 199 981812.270 8.135 + 30 115 85 200 At -a -8987.892 24.465 7783.759 0.122 B- -4983.127 28.030 199 990351.100 26.264 + 28 114 86 200 Rn -a -4004.765 13.681 7754.932 0.068 B- -10137.263 33.529 199 995700.707 14.686 + 26 113 87 200 Fr -a 6132.498 30.611 7700.334 0.153 B- * 200 006583.507 32.861 +0 49 125 76 201 Os x -15239# 298# 7851# 1# B- 4657# 357# 200 983640# 320# + 47 124 77 201 Ir x -19897# 196# 7871# 1# B- 3844# 202# 200 978640# 210# + 45 123 78 201 Pt + -23740.714 50.103 7885.833 0.249 B- 2660.000 50.000 200 974513.293 53.788 + 43 122 79 201 Au -26400.714 3.218 7895.175 0.016 B- 1261.827 3.147 200 971657.665 3.454 + 41 121 80 201 Hg -27662.542 0.711 7897.560 0.004 B- -481.704 14.181 200 970303.038 0.763 + 39 120 81 201 Tl -27180.838 14.185 7891.271 0.071 B- -1909.802 18.530 200 970820.168 15.228 + 37 119 82 201 Pb -25271.036 13.747 7877.877 0.068 B- -3854.603 20.481 200 972870.425 14.758 + 35 118 83 201 Bi +a -21416.433 15.183 7854.808 0.076 B- -4895.248 15.962 200 977008.512 16.299 + 33 117 84 201 Po -16521.185 4.942 7826.561 0.025 B- -5731.747 9.561 200 982263.777 5.305 + 31 116 85 201 At +a -10789.438 8.184 7794.153 0.041 B- -6717.113 50.401 200 988417.061 8.786 + 29 115 86 201 Rn -a -4072.324 49.732 7756.842 0.247 B- -7660.902 50.554 200 995628.179 53.389 + 27 114 87 201 Fr -a 3588.577 9.080 7714.836 0.045 B- -8348.224 22.239 201 003852.496 9.747 + 25 113 88 201 Ra -a 11936.801 20.301 7669.410 0.101 B- * 201 012814.683 21.794 +0 50 126 76 202 Os x -13087# 401# 7842# 2# B- 3689# 499# 201 985950# 430# + 48 125 77 202 Ir x -16776# 298# 7856# 1# B- 5916# 299# 201 981990# 320# + 46 124 78 202 Pt x -22692.125 25.150 7881.560 0.125 B- 1660.854 34.276 201 975639.000 27.000 + 44 123 79 202 Au x -24352.979 23.287 7885.909 0.115 B- 2992.345 23.298 201 973856.000 25.000 + 42 122 80 202 Hg -27345.324 0.705 7896.850 0.003 B- -1365.108 1.636 201 970643.585 0.756 + 40 121 81 202 Tl -25980.216 1.606 7886.219 0.008 B- -39.602 4.096 201 972109.089 1.723 + 38 120 82 202 Pb -25940.614 3.796 7882.150 0.019 B- -5199.130 15.856 201 972151.604 4.075 + 36 119 83 202 Bi -20741.484 15.396 7852.539 0.076 B- -2799.868 17.666 201 977733.100 16.528 + 34 118 84 202 Po -17941.616 8.670 7834.805 0.043 B- -7350.884 29.289 201 980738.881 9.307 + 32 117 85 202 At -a -10590.732 27.977 7794.541 0.138 B- -4316.097 33.010 201 988630.380 30.034 + 30 116 86 202 Rn -a -6274.635 17.520 7769.301 0.087 B- -9370.871 18.881 201 993263.902 18.808 + 28 115 87 202 Fr -a 3096.237 7.040 7719.038 0.035 B- -5978.625 16.586 202 003323.946 7.557 + 26 114 88 202 Ra -a 9074.861 15.018 7685.568 0.074 B- * 202 009742.264 16.122 +0 51 127 76 203 Os x -7640# 401# 7816# 2# B- 7050# 566# 202 991798# 430# + 49 126 77 203 Ir x -14690# 401# 7847# 2# B- 4937# 446# 202 984230# 430# + 47 125 78 203 Pt x -19627# 196# 7867# 1# B- 3517# 196# 202 978930# 210# + 45 124 79 203 Au -23143.436 3.083 7880.864 0.015 B- 2125.829 3.451 202 975154.498 3.309 + 43 123 80 203 Hg -25269.265 1.627 7887.482 0.008 B- 492.112 1.225 202 972872.326 1.746 + 41 122 81 203 Tl -25761.377 1.166 7886.053 0.006 B- -974.820 6.461 202 972344.022 1.252 + 39 121 82 203 Pb -24786.557 6.554 7877.397 0.032 B- -3261.729 14.356 202 973390.535 7.036 + 37 120 83 203 Bi +a -21524.827 12.778 7857.475 0.063 B- -4213.939 15.433 202 976892.145 13.717 + 35 119 84 203 Po +a -17310.889 8.655 7832.863 0.043 B- -5148.332 13.666 202 981415.995 9.291 + 33 118 85 203 At -12162.557 10.576 7803.648 0.052 B- -6008.858 21.027 202 986942.957 11.353 + 31 117 86 203 Rn -a -6153.699 18.179 7770.193 0.090 B- -7030.116 19.218 202 993393.732 19.516 + 29 116 87 203 Fr 876.417 6.232 7731.708 0.031 B- -7785.309 38.630 203 000940.872 6.689 + 27 115 88 203 Ra -a 8661.726 38.124 7689.503 0.188 B- * 203 009298.745 40.928 +0 50 127 77 204 Ir x -9688# 401# 7824# 2# B- 8234# 446# 203 989600# 430# + 48 126 78 204 Pt x -17922# 196# 7860# 1# B- 2728# 280# 203 980760# 210# + 46 125 79 204 Au + -20650# 200# 7870# 1# B- 4040# 200# 203 977831# 215# + 44 124 80 204 Hg -24690.145 0.498 7885.545 0.002 B- -344.000 1.186 203 973494.037 0.534 + 42 123 81 204 Tl -24346.145 1.152 7880.023 0.006 B- 763.748 0.177 203 973863.337 1.236 + 40 122 82 204 Pb -25109.892 1.146 7879.932 0.006 B- -4463.996 9.248 203 973043.420 1.230 + 38 121 83 204 Bi +a -20645.896 9.180 7854.215 0.045 B- -2304.652 14.335 203 977835.717 9.854 + 36 120 84 204 Po -a -18341.244 11.013 7839.083 0.054 B- -6465.811 24.860 203 980309.863 11.822 + 34 119 85 204 At -11875.433 22.288 7803.552 0.109 B- -3905.240 23.498 203 987251.197 23.926 + 32 118 86 204 Rn -7970.193 7.444 7780.574 0.036 B- -8577.503 25.684 203 991443.644 7.991 + 30 117 87 204 Fr -a 607.310 24.581 7734.692 0.120 B- -5449.477 28.940 204 000651.974 26.389 + 28 116 88 204 Ra -a 6056.787 15.273 7704.144 0.075 B- * 204 006502.228 16.396 +0 51 128 77 205 Ir x -5960# 503# 7807# 2# B- 7007# 585# 204 993602# 540# + 49 127 78 205 Pt x -12966# 298# 7837# 1# B- 5803# 357# 204 986080# 320# + 47 126 79 205 Au x -18770# 196# 7861# 1# B- 3518# 196# 204 979850# 210# + 45 125 80 205 Hg -22287.740 3.654 7874.732 0.018 B- 1533.135 3.724 204 976073.125 3.923 + 43 124 81 205 Tl -23820.874 1.237 7878.394 0.006 B- -50.636 0.503 204 974427.237 1.328 + 41 123 82 205 Pb -23770.239 1.144 7874.331 0.006 B- -2705.734 5.107 204 974481.597 1.228 + 39 122 83 205 Bi -21064.504 5.111 7857.316 0.025 B- -3543.106 11.280 204 977386.323 5.487 + 37 121 84 205 Po -17521.398 10.059 7836.216 0.049 B- -4549.452 18.130 204 981190.004 10.798 + 35 120 85 205 At +a -12971.946 15.085 7810.207 0.074 B- -5262.161 15.913 204 986074.041 16.194 + 33 119 86 205 Rn -7709.786 5.080 7780.722 0.025 B- -6399.973 9.329 204 991723.204 5.453 + 31 118 87 205 Fr x -1309.813 7.824 7745.686 0.038 B- -7148.804 70.954 204 998593.858 8.399 + 29 117 88 205 Ra -a 5838.991 70.521 7706.998 0.344 B- -8267.702 86.923 205 006268.415 75.707 + 27 116 89 205 Ac -a 14106.693 50.818 7662.851 0.248 B- * 205 015144.158 54.555 +0 50 128 78 206 Pt x -9632# 298# 7822# 1# B- 4583# 422# 205 989660# 320# + 48 127 79 206 Au x -14215# 298# 7840# 1# B- 6731# 299# 205 984740# 320# + 46 126 80 206 Hg +a -20945.801 20.440 7869.172 0.099 B- 1307.566 20.410 205 977513.756 21.943 + 44 125 81 206 Tl -22253.367 1.284 7871.721 0.006 B- 1532.217 0.612 205 976110.026 1.378 + 42 124 82 206 Pb -23785.584 1.144 7875.362 0.006 B- -3757.306 7.546 205 974465.124 1.227 + 40 123 83 206 Bi - -20028.278 7.632 7853.324 0.037 B- -1839.604 8.600 205 978498.757 8.193 + 38 122 84 206 Po -a -18188.674 4.012 7840.597 0.019 B- -5758.956 15.580 205 980473.654 4.306 + 36 121 85 206 At -12429.718 15.056 7808.843 0.073 B- -3296.753 17.330 205 986656.148 16.162 + 34 120 86 206 Rn -9132.965 8.591 7789.041 0.042 B- -7890.549 29.475 205 990195.358 9.223 + 32 119 87 206 Fr -a -1242.416 28.195 7746.940 0.137 B- -4807.955 33.455 205 998666.211 30.268 + 30 118 88 206 Ra -a 3565.539 18.008 7719.802 0.087 B- -9913.913 53.608 206 003827.763 19.332 + 28 117 89 206 Ac -a 13479.452 50.493 7667.879 0.245 B- * 206 014470.787 54.206 +0 51 129 78 207 Pt x -4540# 401# 7798# 2# B- 6270# 500# 206 995126# 430# + 49 128 79 207 Au x -10810# 300# 7825# 1# B- 5677# 301# 206 988395# 322# + 47 127 80 207 Hg x -16487.444 29.808 7848.610 0.144 B- 4547.008 30.300 206 982300.000 32.000 + 45 126 81 207 Tl -21034.451 5.439 7866.797 0.026 B- 1417.595 5.402 206 977418.586 5.839 + 43 125 82 207 Pb -22452.047 1.147 7869.866 0.006 B- -2397.420 2.118 206 975896.735 1.230 + 41 124 83 207 Bi -20054.627 2.397 7854.505 0.012 B- -2908.852 6.614 206 978470.471 2.573 + 39 123 84 207 Po -17145.775 6.659 7836.673 0.032 B- -3918.358 14.075 206 981593.252 7.148 + 37 122 85 207 At +a -13227.416 12.406 7813.964 0.060 B- -4592.654 15.037 206 985799.783 13.318 + 35 121 86 207 Rn +a -8634.762 8.497 7787.998 0.041 B- -5790.421 19.458 206 990730.200 9.121 + 33 120 87 207 Fr -2844.341 17.505 7756.246 0.085 B- -6388.826 56.008 206 996946.474 18.792 + 31 119 88 207 Ra -a 3544.485 53.202 7721.602 0.257 B- -7601.748 73.276 207 003805.161 57.115 + 29 118 89 207 Ac -a 11146.233 50.387 7681.099 0.243 B- * 207 011965.973 54.092 +0 52 130 78 208 Pt x -990# 400# 7783# 2# B- 5111# 499# 207 998937# 429# + 50 129 79 208 Au x -6101# 298# 7804# 1# B- 7164# 300# 207 993450# 320# + 48 128 80 208 Hg x -13265.406 30.739 7834.191 0.148 B- 3484.726 30.795 207 985759.000 33.000 + 46 127 81 208 Tl +a -16750.132 1.854 7847.183 0.009 B- 4998.466 1.669 207 982017.992 1.990 + 44 126 82 208 Pb -21748.598 1.148 7867.453 0.006 B- -2878.375 2.013 207 976651.918 1.231 + 42 125 83 208 Bi +n -18870.223 2.304 7849.853 0.011 B- -1400.628 2.397 207 979741.981 2.473 + 40 124 84 208 Po -a -17469.596 1.737 7839.358 0.008 B- -4999.725 9.086 207 981245.616 1.864 + 38 123 85 208 At +a -12469.871 8.921 7811.560 0.043 B- -2814.279 14.269 207 986613.042 9.577 + 36 122 86 208 Rn -a -9655.591 11.138 7794.268 0.054 B- -6989.672 16.251 207 989634.295 11.957 + 34 121 87 208 Fr -2665.919 11.834 7756.903 0.057 B- -4393.774 14.881 207 997138.018 12.704 + 32 120 88 208 Ra -a 1727.856 9.023 7732.017 0.043 B- -9025.380 56.442 208 001854.929 9.686 + 30 119 89 208 Ac -a 10753.235 55.716 7684.865 0.268 B- -5930.495 65.370 208 011544.073 59.813 + 28 118 90 208 Th -a 16683.730 34.190 7652.592 0.164 B- * 208 017910.722 36.704 +0 51 130 79 209 Au x -2540# 400# 7788# 2# B- 6104# 426# 208 997273# 429# + 49 129 80 209 Hg x -8644# 149# 7813# 1# B- 5000# 149# 208 990720# 160# + 47 128 81 209 Tl +a -13644.757 6.110 7833.397 0.029 B- 3969.889 6.211 208 985351.750 6.559 + 45 127 82 209 Pb -17614.646 1.747 7848.648 0.008 B- 644.016 1.146 208 981089.898 1.875 + 43 126 83 209 Bi -18258.662 1.364 7847.987 0.007 B- -1892.570 1.564 208 980398.519 1.464 + 41 125 84 209 Po -a -16366.092 1.778 7835.188 0.009 B- -3483.478 5.287 208 982430.276 1.908 + 39 124 85 209 At -12882.613 5.102 7814.777 0.024 B- -3941.564 11.188 208 986169.944 5.477 + 37 123 86 209 Rn -8941.049 9.960 7792.175 0.048 B- -5171.477 17.713 208 990401.388 10.692 + 35 122 87 209 Fr x -3769.572 14.648 7763.688 0.070 B- -5627.791 15.730 208 995953.197 15.725 + 33 121 88 209 Ra -a 1858.219 5.747 7733.017 0.027 B- -6985.590 50.934 209 001994.879 6.169 + 31 120 89 209 Ac -a 8843.809 50.608 7695.850 0.242 B- -7523# 148# 209 009494.220 54.330 + 29 119 90 209 Th IT 16367# 140# 7656# 1# B- * 209 017571# 150# +0 52 131 79 210 Au x 2329# 401# 7766# 2# B- 7694# 446# 210 002500# 430# + 50 130 80 210 Hg x -5365# 196# 7799# 1# B- 3882# 196# 209 994240# 210# + 48 129 81 210 Tl +a -9246.969 11.604 7813.588 0.055 B- 5481.534 11.561 209 990072.970 12.456 + 46 128 82 210 Pb -14728.502 1.447 7835.965 0.007 B- 63.476 0.499 209 984188.301 1.553 + 44 127 83 210 Bi -14791.979 1.363 7832.542 0.006 B- 1161.159 0.766 209 984120.156 1.462 + 42 126 84 210 Po -15953.137 1.146 7834.346 0.005 B- -3980.960 7.610 209 982873.601 1.230 + 40 125 85 210 At -a -11972.177 7.695 7811.663 0.037 B- -2367.407 8.922 209 987147.338 8.261 + 38 124 86 210 Rn -a -9604.770 4.557 7796.665 0.022 B- -6271.565 15.824 209 989688.854 4.892 + 36 123 87 210 Fr -3333.205 15.154 7763.075 0.072 B- -3775.997 17.720 209 996421.657 16.268 + 34 122 88 210 Ra -a 442.792 9.193 7741.368 0.044 B- -8346.908 58.133 210 000475.356 9.868 + 32 121 89 210 Ac -a 8789.699 57.402 7697.896 0.273 B- -5269.747 60.436 210 009436.130 61.623 + 30 120 90 210 Th -a 14059.446 18.909 7669.076 0.090 B- * 210 015093.437 20.299 +0 51 131 80 211 Hg x -624# 196# 7778# 1# B- 5454# 200# 210 999330# 210# + 49 130 81 211 Tl x -6077.998 41.917 7799.791 0.199 B- 4414.950 41.978 210 993475.000 45.000 + 47 129 82 211 Pb -10492.948 2.261 7817.007 0.011 B- 1366.183 5.471 210 988735.356 2.426 + 45 128 83 211 Bi -11859.131 5.442 7819.774 0.026 B- 573.439 5.430 210 987268.698 5.842 + 43 127 84 211 Po -a -12432.571 1.255 7818.784 0.006 B- -785.307 2.539 210 986653.085 1.347 + 41 126 85 211 At -a -11647.264 2.729 7811.354 0.013 B- -2891.860 6.894 210 987496.147 2.929 + 39 125 86 211 Rn -a -8755.404 6.813 7793.941 0.032 B- -4615.155 13.786 210 990600.686 7.314 + 37 124 87 211 Fr -4140.249 11.991 7768.360 0.057 B- -4972.272 14.369 210 995555.259 12.872 + 35 123 88 211 Ra x 832.023 7.918 7741.087 0.038 B- -6370.191 53.564 211 000893.213 8.500 + 33 122 89 211 Ac -a 7202.214 52.976 7707.189 0.251 B- -6707.958 90.205 211 007731.894 56.871 + 31 121 90 211 Th -a 13910.171 73.010 7671.690 0.346 B- -8170# 126# 211 014933.183 78.379 + 29 120 91 211 Pa x 22080# 102# 7629# 0# B- * 211 023704# 110# +0 52 132 80 212 Hg x 2757# 298# 7763# 1# B- 4308# 359# 212 002960# 320# + 50 131 81 212 Tl +a -1551# 200# 7780# 1# B- 5998# 200# 211 998335# 215# + 48 130 82 212 Pb -7548.850 1.842 7804.319 0.009 B- 569.104 1.825 211 991895.975 1.977 + 46 129 83 212 Bi -8117.954 1.854 7803.313 0.009 B- 2251.533 1.667 211 991285.016 1.989 + 44 128 84 212 Po -10369.487 1.152 7810.243 0.005 B- -1741.266 2.107 211 988867.896 1.236 + 42 127 85 212 At -a -8628.221 2.384 7798.340 0.011 B- 31.387 3.605 211 990737.223 2.559 + 40 126 86 212 Rn -a -8659.608 3.145 7794.797 0.015 B- -5143.640 9.318 211 990703.528 3.376 + 38 125 87 212 Fr -3515.968 8.775 7766.845 0.041 B- -3317.000 14.276 211 996225.453 9.420 + 36 124 88 212 Ra -a -198.968 11.263 7747.508 0.053 B- -7476.266 52.601 211 999786.399 12.091 + 34 123 89 212 Ac -a 7277.298 51.381 7708.552 0.242 B- -4833.510 52.366 212 007812.501 55.160 + 32 122 90 212 Th -a 12110.808 10.109 7682.062 0.048 B- -9482.551 75.541 212 013001.487 10.852 + 30 121 91 212 Pa -a 21593.358 74.862 7633.643 0.353 B- * 212 023181.425 80.367 +0 53 133 80 213 Hg x 7666# 298# 7741# 1# B- 5882# 299# 213 008230# 320# + 51 132 81 213 Tl x 1783.811 27.013 7765.430 0.127 B- 4987.343 27.894 213 001915.000 29.000 + 49 131 82 213 Pb +a -3203.532 6.954 7785.172 0.033 B- 2028.103 8.371 212 996560.867 7.465 + 47 130 83 213 Bi -5231.635 5.082 7791.021 0.024 B- 1421.949 5.490 212 994383.608 5.456 + 45 129 84 213 Po -6653.584 3.053 7794.024 0.014 B- -73.989 5.465 212 992857.083 3.277 + 43 128 85 213 At -a -6579.595 4.898 7790.003 0.023 B- -883.569 5.724 212 992936.514 5.257 + 41 127 86 213 Rn -a -5696.026 3.370 7782.182 0.016 B- -2143.179 6.006 212 993885.064 3.617 + 39 126 87 213 Fr -3552.848 5.091 7768.447 0.024 B- -3898.405 11.057 212 996185.861 5.465 + 37 125 88 213 Ra 345.557 9.818 7746.472 0.046 B- -5809.134 18.156 213 000370.970 10.540 + 35 124 89 213 Ac -a 6154.692 15.272 7715.526 0.072 B- -5965.394 17.834 213 006607.333 16.395 + 33 123 90 213 Th -a 12120.086 9.217 7683.846 0.043 B- -7542.539 71.737 213 013011.447 9.895 + 31 122 91 213 Pa -a 19662.625 71.142 7644.762 0.334 B- * 213 021108.697 76.374 +0 54 134 80 214 Hg x 11178# 401# 7727# 2# B- 4713# 446# 214 012000# 430# + 52 133 81 214 Tl x 6465# 196# 7745# 1# B- 6647# 196# 214 006940# 210# + 50 132 82 214 Pb -182.769 1.975 7772.394 0.009 B- 1017.984 11.256 213 999803.788 2.120 + 48 131 83 214 Bi -1200.753 11.209 7773.495 0.052 B- 3269.293 11.165 213 998710.938 12.033 + 46 130 84 214 Po -4470.046 1.449 7785.116 0.007 B- -1090.215 4.107 213 995201.208 1.555 + 44 129 85 214 At -a -3379.831 4.298 7776.366 0.020 B- 939.911 10.014 213 996371.601 4.614 + 42 128 86 214 Rn -a -4319.742 9.187 7777.102 0.043 B- -3361.035 12.503 213 995362.566 9.862 + 40 127 87 214 Fr -a -958.707 8.634 7757.740 0.040 B- -1051.441 10.086 213 998970.785 9.268 + 38 126 88 214 Ra -a 92.734 5.250 7749.171 0.025 B- -6351.120 16.232 214 000099.554 5.636 + 36 125 89 214 Ac -a 6443.854 15.360 7715.837 0.072 B- -4251.030 18.693 214 006917.762 16.489 + 34 124 90 214 Th -a 10694.885 10.661 7692.317 0.050 B- -8790.630 76.867 214 011481.431 11.445 + 32 123 91 214 Pa -a 19485.515 76.125 7647.583 0.356 B- * 214 020918.561 81.723 +0 55 135 80 215 Hg x 16208# 401# 7705# 2# B- 6297# 499# 215 017400# 430# + 53 134 81 215 Tl x 9911# 298# 7730# 1# B- 5569# 303# 215 010640# 320# + 51 133 82 215 Pb +a 4342.244 52.448 7752.737 0.244 B- 2712.922 52.748 215 004661.590 56.304 + 49 132 83 215 Bi 1629.322 5.624 7761.717 0.026 B- 2171.028 5.530 215 001749.149 6.037 + 47 131 84 215 Po -541.706 2.121 7768.176 0.010 B- 714.049 6.819 214 999418.454 2.276 + 45 130 85 215 At -a -1255.756 6.799 7767.858 0.032 B- -87.195 10.168 214 998651.890 7.299 + 43 129 86 215 Rn -a -1168.561 7.672 7763.814 0.036 B- -1486.625 10.306 214 998745.498 8.236 + 41 128 87 215 Fr -a 318.065 7.066 7753.260 0.033 B- -2215.674 10.077 215 000341.456 7.585 + 39 127 88 215 Ra -a 2533.739 7.613 7739.316 0.035 B- -3496.877 14.551 215 002720.080 8.172 + 37 126 89 215 Ac -a 6030.615 12.406 7719.413 0.058 B- -4890.971 15.234 215 006474.132 13.318 + 35 125 90 215 Th -a 10921.586 8.840 7693.025 0.041 B- -6942.353 73.380 215 011724.805 9.490 + 33 124 91 215 Pa -a 17863.939 72.845 7657.096 0.339 B- -7059.147 114.616 215 019177.728 78.202 + 31 123 92 215 U -a 24923.087 88.490 7620.624 0.412 B- * 215 026756.035 94.997 +0 56 136 80 216 Hg x 19859# 401# 7690# 2# B- 5142# 499# 216 021320# 430# + 54 135 81 216 Tl x 14718# 298# 7710# 1# B- 7238# 357# 216 015800# 320# + 52 134 82 216 Pb x 7480# 196# 7740# 1# B- 1606# 196# 216 008030# 210# + 50 133 83 216 Bi x 5873.991 11.178 7743.499 0.052 B- 4091.571 11.324 216 006305.989 12.000 + 48 132 84 216 Po 1782.420 1.816 7758.819 0.008 B- -474.246 3.571 216 001913.506 1.949 + 46 131 85 216 At -a 2256.666 3.575 7753.002 0.017 B- 2003.799 6.836 216 002422.631 3.837 + 44 130 86 216 Rn -a 252.868 5.994 7758.657 0.028 B- -2718.082 7.126 216 000271.464 6.435 + 42 129 87 216 Fr -a 2970.950 4.173 7742.451 0.019 B- -320.128 9.548 216 003189.445 4.480 + 40 128 88 216 Ra -a 3291.077 8.737 7737.347 0.040 B- -4853.317 13.921 216 003533.117 9.379 + 38 127 89 216 Ac -a 8144.395 10.840 7711.256 0.050 B- -2153.937 16.201 216 008743.367 11.637 + 36 126 90 216 Th -a 10298.332 12.042 7697.662 0.056 B- -7500.882 54.864 216 011055.714 12.928 + 34 125 91 216 Pa -a 17799.214 53.526 7659.314 0.248 B- -5267.137 60.450 216 019108.242 57.462 + 32 124 92 216 U -a 23066.351 28.093 7631.307 0.130 B- * 216 024762.747 30.158 +0 55 136 81 217 Tl x 18313# 401# 7695# 2# B- 6073# 499# 217 019660# 430# + 53 135 82 217 Pb x 12240# 298# 7719# 1# B- 3510# 299# 217 013140# 320# + 51 134 83 217 Bi x 8729.962 17.698 7731.848 0.082 B- 2846.444 18.870 217 009372.000 19.000 + 49 133 84 217 Po +a 5883.518 6.544 7741.360 0.030 B- 1488.883 7.979 217 006316.216 7.025 + 47 132 85 217 At 4394.635 5.001 7744.616 0.023 B- 736.135 6.151 217 004717.835 5.369 + 45 131 86 217 Rn -a 3658.501 4.198 7744.403 0.019 B- -656.089 7.538 217 003927.562 4.506 + 43 130 87 217 Fr -a 4314.590 6.531 7737.775 0.030 B- -1575.067 9.588 217 004631.902 7.010 + 41 129 88 217 Ra -a 5889.656 7.202 7726.911 0.033 B- -2814.017 13.430 217 006322.806 7.731 + 39 128 89 217 Ac -a 8703.673 11.389 7710.338 0.052 B- -3502.107 15.566 217 009343.777 12.226 + 37 127 90 217 Th -a 12205.780 10.614 7690.594 0.049 B- -4862.630 19.132 217 013103.444 11.394 + 35 126 91 217 Pa -a 17068.410 15.918 7664.580 0.073 B- -5905# 73# 217 018323.692 17.089 + 33 125 92 217 U -a 22973# 71# 7634# 0# B- * 217 024663# 77# +0 56 137 81 218 Tl x 23180# 400# 7674# 2# B- 7727# 499# 218 024885# 429# + 54 136 82 218 Pb x 15453# 298# 7706# 1# B- 2237# 299# 218 016590# 320# + 52 135 83 218 Bi x 13216.037 27.013 7712.827 0.124 B- 4859.136 27.085 218 014188.000 29.000 + 50 134 84 218 Po 8356.901 1.973 7731.528 0.009 B- 258.738 11.649 218 008971.502 2.118 + 48 133 85 218 At -a 8098.162 11.604 7729.126 0.053 B- 2880.816 11.705 218 008693.735 12.456 + 46 132 86 218 Rn 5217.347 2.316 7738.752 0.011 B- -1841.770 4.942 218 005601.052 2.486 + 44 131 87 218 Fr -a 7059.117 4.757 7726.715 0.022 B- 407.947 12.039 218 007578.274 5.106 + 42 130 88 218 Ra -a 6651.170 11.176 7724.998 0.051 B- -4192.439 51.931 218 007140.325 11.997 + 40 129 89 218 Ac -a 10843.609 50.740 7702.177 0.233 B- -1523.132 51.815 218 011641.093 54.471 + 38 128 90 218 Th -a 12366.741 10.516 7691.602 0.048 B- -6317.029 21.130 218 013276.242 11.289 + 36 127 91 218 Pa -a 18683.770 18.329 7659.036 0.084 B- -3210.838 22.888 218 020057.853 19.676 + 34 126 92 218 U -a 21894.608 13.714 7640.719 0.063 B- * 218 023504.829 14.722 +0 55 137 82 219 Pb x 20279# 401# 7686# 2# B- 3996# 446# 219 021770# 430# + 53 136 83 219 Bi x 16283# 196# 7700# 1# B- 3601# 196# 219 017480# 210# + 51 135 84 219 Po x 12681.359 15.835 7713.333 0.072 B- 2285.283 16.163 219 013614.000 17.000 + 49 134 85 219 At 10396.076 3.237 7720.196 0.015 B- 1566.675 2.947 219 011160.647 3.474 + 47 133 86 219 Rn 8829.402 2.100 7723.777 0.010 B- 211.635 7.058 219 009478.753 2.254 + 45 132 87 219 Fr -a 8617.767 7.039 7721.171 0.032 B- -776.515 10.772 219 009251.553 7.556 + 43 131 88 219 Ra -a 9394.282 8.258 7714.053 0.038 B- -2175.199 51.142 219 010085.176 8.865 + 41 130 89 219 Ac -a 11569.480 50.497 7700.549 0.231 B- -2901.910 71.425 219 012420.348 54.210 + 39 129 90 219 Th -a 14471.390 50.576 7683.725 0.231 B- -4068.741 72.192 219 015535.677 54.295 + 37 128 91 219 Pa -a 18540.131 51.516 7661.574 0.235 B- -4746.439 72.333 219 019903.650 55.304 + 35 127 92 219 U -a 23286.569 50.775 7636.329 0.232 B- -6170.086 101.905 219 024999.161 54.509 + 33 126 93 219 Np -a 29456.655 88.354 7604.583 0.403 B- * 219 031623.021 94.851 +0 56 138 82 220 Pb x 23669# 401# 7672# 2# B- 2850# 499# 220 025410# 430# + 54 137 83 220 Bi x 20819# 298# 7682# 1# B- 5555# 299# 220 022350# 320# + 52 136 84 220 Po x 15263.461 17.698 7703.224 0.080 B- 887.714 22.549 220 016386.000 19.000 + 50 135 85 220 At x 14375.747 13.972 7703.703 0.064 B- 3763.670 14.090 220 015433.000 15.000 + 48 134 86 220 Rn 10612.077 1.815 7717.254 0.008 B- -870.242 4.026 220 011392.534 1.948 + 46 133 87 220 Fr -a 11482.320 4.028 7709.742 0.018 B- 1212.075 9.061 220 012326.778 4.324 + 44 132 88 220 Ra -a 10270.245 8.237 7711.696 0.037 B- -3473.437 10.141 220 011025.562 8.843 + 42 131 89 220 Ac -a 13743.682 6.129 7692.351 0.028 B- -925.417 22.941 220 014754.450 6.579 + 40 130 90 220 Th -a 14669.100 22.166 7684.589 0.101 B- -5549# 56# 220 015747.926 23.795 + 38 129 91 220 Pa -a 20218# 51# 7656# 0# B- -2715# 113# 220 021705# 55# + 36 128 92 220 U -a 22933# 101# 7640# 0# B- -7378# 220# 220 024620# 108# + 34 127 93 220 Np x 30311# 196# 7603# 1# B- * 220 032540# 210# +0 55 138 83 221 Bi x 24098# 298# 7668# 1# B- 4324# 299# 221 025870# 320# + 53 137 84 221 Po x 19773.755 19.561 7684.481 0.089 B- 2991.027 24.039 221 021228.000 21.000 + 51 136 85 221 At x 16782.727 13.972 7694.475 0.063 B- 2311.308 15.096 221 018017.000 15.000 + 49 135 86 221 Rn +a 14471.420 5.714 7701.393 0.026 B- 1194.130 7.231 221 015535.709 6.134 + 47 134 87 221 Fr 13277.290 4.886 7703.256 0.022 B- 313.479 6.386 221 014253.757 5.245 + 45 133 88 221 Ra -a 12963.811 4.630 7701.135 0.021 B- -1559.298 50.603 221 013917.224 4.970 + 43 132 89 221 Ac -a 14523.109 50.425 7690.539 0.228 B- -2417.261 51.056 221 015591.199 54.133 + 41 131 90 221 Th -a 16940.371 8.166 7676.061 0.037 B- -3435.918 51.915 221 018186.236 8.766 + 39 130 91 221 Pa -a 20376.288 51.281 7656.974 0.232 B- -4143.707 72.404 221 021874.846 55.052 + 37 129 92 221 U -a 24519.995 51.114 7634.684 0.231 B- -5330# 207# 221 026323.299 54.873 + 35 128 93 221 Np x 29850# 200# 7607# 1# B- * 221 032045# 215# +0 56 139 83 222 Bi x 28729# 300# 7649# 1# B- 6243# 303# 222 030842# 322# + 54 138 84 222 Po x 22486.265 40.054 7674.005 0.180 B- 1533.239 43.071 222 024140.000 43.000 + 52 137 85 222 At x 20953.026 15.835 7677.387 0.071 B- 4580.820 15.955 222 022494.000 17.000 + 50 136 86 222 Rn 16372.206 1.950 7694.497 0.009 B- -5.900 7.703 222 017576.286 2.093 + 48 135 87 222 Fr x 16378.105 7.452 7690.947 0.034 B- 2057.917 8.682 222 017582.620 8.000 + 46 134 88 222 Ra 14320.188 4.454 7696.692 0.020 B- -2301.285 6.637 222 015373.355 4.781 + 44 133 89 222 Ac -a 16621.474 5.174 7682.802 0.023 B- -581.637 13.228 222 017843.887 5.554 + 42 132 90 222 Th -a 17203.111 12.279 7676.658 0.055 B- -4951# 74# 222 018468.300 13.182 + 40 131 91 222 Pa -a 22155# 72# 7651# 0# B- -2118# 89# 222 023784# 78# + 38 130 92 222 U -a 24272.827 51.994 7637.764 0.234 B- -6746# 202# 222 026057.953 55.817 + 36 129 93 222 Np x 31019# 196# 7604# 1# B- * 222 033300# 210# +0 57 140 83 223 Bi x 32137# 401# 7636# 2# B- 5058# 446# 223 034500# 430# + 55 139 84 223 Po x 27079# 196# 7655# 1# B- 3651# 196# 223 029070# 210# + 53 138 85 223 At x 23428.006 13.972 7668.055 0.063 B- 3038.267 16.013 223 025151.000 15.000 + 51 137 86 223 Rn 20389.739 7.822 7678.171 0.035 B- 2007.344 8.057 223 021889.285 8.397 + 49 136 87 223 Fr 18382.394 1.932 7683.664 0.009 B- 1149.085 0.848 223 019734.313 2.073 + 47 135 88 223 Ra 17233.309 2.090 7685.309 0.009 B- -592.573 7.128 223 018500.719 2.244 + 45 134 89 223 Ac -a 17825.882 7.110 7679.143 0.032 B- -1559.948 11.563 223 019136.872 7.632 + 43 133 90 223 Th -a 19385.831 9.212 7668.640 0.041 B- -2934.845 71.639 223 020811.546 9.889 + 41 132 91 223 Pa -a 22320.676 71.063 7651.971 0.319 B- -3516.330 100.506 223 023962.232 76.289 + 39 131 92 223 U -a 25837.006 71.119 7632.694 0.319 B- -4763# 208# 223 027737.168 76.349 + 37 130 93 223 Np x 30600# 196# 7608# 1# B- * 223 032850# 210# +0 58 141 83 224 Bi x 36830# 400# 7617# 2# B- 6920# 445# 224 039539# 429# + 56 140 84 224 Po x 29910# 196# 7644# 1# B- 2199# 197# 224 032110# 210# + 54 139 85 224 At x 27711.015 22.356 7650.735 0.100 B- 5265.917 24.415 224 029749.000 24.000 + 52 138 86 224 Rn 22445.098 9.814 7670.751 0.044 B- 696.482 14.875 224 024095.804 10.536 + 50 137 87 224 Fr x 21748.616 11.178 7670.367 0.050 B- 2922.699 11.324 224 023348.100 12.000 + 48 136 88 224 Ra 18825.917 1.813 7679.922 0.008 B- -1408.219 4.087 224 020210.453 1.945 + 46 135 89 224 Ac -a 20234.135 4.089 7670.143 0.018 B- 240.401 10.823 224 021722.239 4.389 + 44 134 90 224 Th -a 19993.734 10.120 7667.724 0.045 B- -3868.544 12.546 224 021464.157 10.864 + 42 133 91 224 Pa -a 23862.278 7.587 7646.961 0.034 B- -1859.974 24.329 224 025617.210 8.145 + 40 132 92 224 U -a 25722.252 23.171 7635.165 0.103 B- -6153# 197# 224 027613.974 24.875 + 38 131 93 224 Np x 31876# 196# 7604# 1# B- * 224 034220# 210# +0 57 141 84 225 Po x 34530# 298# 7626# 1# B- 4136# 422# 225 037070# 320# + 55 140 85 225 At x 30395# 298# 7641# 1# B- 3861# 298# 225 032630# 320# + 53 139 86 225 Rn 26534.141 11.140 7654.357 0.050 B- 2713.531 16.349 225 028485.574 11.958 + 51 138 87 225 Fr 23820.610 11.967 7662.940 0.053 B- 1827.501 12.158 225 025572.478 12.847 + 49 137 88 225 Ra 21993.109 2.596 7667.586 0.012 B- 355.763 5.007 225 023610.574 2.787 + 47 136 89 225 Ac 21637.346 4.758 7665.690 0.021 B- -672.781 6.658 225 023228.647 5.107 + 45 135 90 225 Th -a 22310.127 5.093 7659.222 0.023 B- -2030.598 71.170 225 023950.907 5.467 + 43 134 91 225 Pa -a 24340.725 71.012 7646.720 0.316 B- -3039.196 71.827 225 026130.844 76.234 + 41 133 92 225 U -a 27379.921 10.909 7629.736 0.048 B- -4207.783 72.440 225 029393.555 11.711 + 39 132 93 225 Np -a 31587.704 71.622 7607.557 0.318 B- * 225 033910.797 76.889 +0 58 142 84 226 Po x 37549# 401# 7614# 2# B- 2934# 499# 226 040310# 430# + 56 141 85 226 At x 34614# 298# 7624# 1# B- 5867# 298# 226 037160# 320# + 54 140 86 226 Rn 28747.192 10.477 7646.410 0.046 B- 1226.653 12.190 226 030861.382 11.247 + 52 139 87 226 Fr 27520.539 6.230 7648.376 0.028 B- 3852.715 6.523 226 029544.515 6.688 + 50 138 88 226 Ra 23667.824 1.933 7661.962 0.009 B- -641.440 3.274 226 025408.455 2.075 + 48 137 89 226 Ac 24309.264 3.100 7655.662 0.014 B- 1111.630 4.563 226 026097.069 3.328 + 46 136 90 226 Th 23197.634 4.481 7657.119 0.020 B- -2835.642 12.165 226 024903.686 4.810 + 44 135 91 226 Pa -a 26033.276 11.420 7641.110 0.051 B- -1295.593 17.228 226 027947.872 12.259 + 42 134 92 226 U -a 27328.869 12.999 7631.916 0.058 B- -5448# 89# 226 029338.749 13.955 + 40 133 93 226 Np -a 32777# 88# 7604# 0# B- * 226 035188# 95# +0 59 143 84 227 Po x 42281# 401# 7596# 2# B- 4797# 499# 227 045390# 430# + 57 142 85 227 At x 37483# 298# 7613# 1# B- 4597# 298# 227 040240# 320# + 55 141 86 227 Rn 32885.834 14.091 7630.050 0.062 B- 3203.388 15.276 227 035304.396 15.127 + 53 140 87 227 Fr 29682.445 5.898 7640.715 0.026 B- 2504.734 6.213 227 031865.417 6.332 + 51 139 88 227 Ra -n 27177.711 1.952 7648.303 0.009 B- 1328.132 2.265 227 029176.474 2.095 + 49 138 89 227 Ac 25849.580 1.927 7650.707 0.008 B- 44.757 0.830 227 027750.666 2.068 + 47 137 90 227 Th 25804.823 2.088 7647.458 0.009 B- -1026.375 7.437 227 027702.618 2.241 + 45 136 91 227 Pa -a 26831.198 7.420 7639.490 0.033 B- -2214.264 12.146 227 028804.477 7.965 + 43 135 92 227 U -a 29045.462 9.705 7626.289 0.043 B- -3516.618 73.135 227 031181.587 10.419 + 41 134 93 227 Np -a 32562.080 72.506 7607.351 0.319 B- -4208# 123# 227 034956.832 77.838 + 39 133 94 227 Pu x 36770# 100# 7585# 0# B- * 227 039474# 107# +0 58 143 85 228 At x 41684# 401# 7597# 2# B- 6441# 401# 228 044750# 430# + 56 142 86 228 Rn 35243.465 17.677 7621.645 0.078 B- 1859.244 18.916 228 037835.418 18.977 + 54 141 87 228 Fr 33384.221 6.732 7626.368 0.030 B- 4443.953 7.021 228 035839.437 7.226 + 52 140 88 228 Ra +a 28940.268 1.996 7642.428 0.009 B- 45.540 0.634 228 031068.657 2.142 + 50 139 89 228 Ac - 28894.728 2.094 7639.196 0.009 B- 2123.743 2.645 228 031019.767 2.247 + 48 138 90 228 Th 26770.984 1.807 7645.080 0.008 B- -2152.602 4.340 228 028739.835 1.940 + 46 137 91 228 Pa -a 28923.586 4.340 7632.207 0.019 B- -298.640 14.929 228 031050.748 4.659 + 44 136 92 228 U -a 29222.226 14.354 7627.466 0.063 B- -4373.468 52.545 228 031371.351 15.409 + 42 135 93 228 Np -a 33595.694 50.572 7604.853 0.222 B- -2491.677 58.346 228 036066.462 54.291 + 40 134 94 228 Pu -a 36087.370 29.143 7590.493 0.128 B- * 228 038741.387 31.286 +0 59 144 85 229 At x 44823# 401# 7585# 2# B- 5461# 401# 229 048120# 430# + 57 143 86 229 Rn x 39362.400 13.041 7605.622 0.057 B- 3694.138 13.967 229 042257.276 14.000 + 55 142 87 229 Fr 35668.262 5.001 7618.337 0.022 B- 3106.298 16.231 229 038291.455 5.368 + 53 141 88 229 Ra x 32561.963 15.441 7628.485 0.067 B- 1872.030 19.623 229 034956.707 16.576 + 51 140 89 229 Ac x 30689.933 12.109 7633.244 0.053 B- 1104.350 12.346 229 032947.000 13.000 + 49 139 90 229 Th 29585.583 2.405 7634.650 0.011 B- -311.325 3.715 229 031761.431 2.581 + 47 138 91 229 Pa 29896.908 3.280 7629.874 0.014 B- -1313.646 6.655 229 032095.652 3.521 + 45 137 92 229 U -a 31210.554 5.938 7620.721 0.026 B- -2569.122 87.031 229 033505.909 6.374 + 43 136 93 229 Np -a 33779.675 86.848 7606.086 0.379 B- -3615.915 100.792 229 036263.974 93.235 + 41 135 94 229 Pu -a 37395.590 51.176 7586.880 0.223 B- -4754.430 101.230 229 040145.819 54.939 + 39 134 95 229 Am -a 42150.020 87.348 7562.702 0.381 B- * 229 045249.909 93.772 +0 58 144 86 230 Rn x 42048# 196# 7596# 1# B- 2561# 196# 230 045140# 210# + 56 143 87 230 Fr 39486.768 6.541 7603.704 0.028 B- 4970.462 12.198 230 042390.791 7.022 + 54 142 88 230 Ra x 34516.306 10.296 7621.914 0.045 B- 677.924 18.888 230 037054.780 11.053 + 52 141 89 230 Ac x 33838.383 15.835 7621.460 0.069 B- 2975.789 15.882 230 036327.000 17.000 + 50 140 90 230 Th 30862.593 1.210 7630.996 0.005 B- -1311.014 2.833 230 033132.358 1.299 + 48 139 91 230 Pa 32173.607 3.038 7621.895 0.013 B- 558.605 4.592 230 034539.789 3.261 + 46 138 92 230 U -a 31615.002 4.509 7620.922 0.020 B- -3621.290 51.461 230 033940.102 4.841 + 44 137 93 230 Np -a 35236.291 51.288 7601.776 0.223 B- -1698.101 53.363 230 037827.716 55.059 + 42 136 94 230 Pu -a 36934.392 14.824 7590.991 0.064 B- -5998# 134# 230 039650.703 15.913 + 40 135 95 230 Am -a 42932# 133# 7562# 1# B- * 230 046089# 143# +0 59 145 86 231 Rn x 46454# 298# 7579# 1# B- 4373# 298# 231 049870# 320# + 57 144 87 231 Fr x 42080.575 7.731 7594.500 0.033 B- 3864.089 13.749 231 045175.357 8.300 + 55 143 88 231 Ra 38216.486 11.370 7607.841 0.049 B- 2453.636 17.301 231 041027.086 12.206 + 53 142 89 231 Ac x 35762.849 13.041 7615.076 0.056 B- 1946.959 13.098 231 038393.000 14.000 + 51 141 90 231 Th 33815.891 1.218 7620.118 0.005 B- 391.487 1.460 231 036302.853 1.308 + 49 140 91 231 Pa 33424.404 1.772 7618.426 0.008 B- -381.611 2.033 231 035882.575 1.902 + 47 139 92 231 U -a 33806.015 2.670 7613.387 0.012 B- -1818.498 50.577 231 036292.252 2.866 + 45 138 93 231 Np -a 35624.513 50.547 7602.128 0.219 B- -2684.492 55.333 231 038244.490 54.264 + 43 137 94 231 Pu -a 38309.005 22.549 7587.120 0.098 B- -4101# 301# 231 041126.410 24.206 + 41 136 95 231 Am x 42410# 300# 7566# 1# B- -4860# 424# 231 045529# 322# + 39 135 96 231 Cm x 47270# 300# 7542# 1# B- * 231 050746# 322# +0 58 145 87 232 Fr x 46072.834 13.972 7579.347 0.060 B- 5575.880 16.702 232 049461.224 15.000 + 56 144 88 232 Ra 40496.953 9.151 7600.009 0.039 B- 1342.534 15.931 232 043475.270 9.823 + 54 143 89 232 Ac x 39154.419 13.041 7602.424 0.056 B- 3707.635 13.118 232 042034.000 14.000 + 52 142 90 232 Th 35446.784 1.422 7615.033 0.006 B- -499.850 7.734 232 038053.689 1.526 + 50 141 91 232 Pa + 35946.633 7.645 7609.506 0.033 B- 1337.103 7.428 232 038590.300 8.207 + 48 140 92 232 U 34609.530 1.809 7611.897 0.008 B- -2750# 100# 232 037154.860 1.942 + 46 139 93 232 Np - 37360# 100# 7597# 0# B- -1004# 102# 232 040107# 107# + 44 138 94 232 Pu -a 38363.140 17.595 7588.974 0.076 B- -4976# 300# 232 041184.526 18.888 + 42 137 95 232 Am x 43340# 300# 7564# 1# B- -2973# 362# 232 046527# 322# + 40 136 96 232 Cm -a 46312# 202# 7548# 1# B- * 232 049718# 217# +0 59 146 87 233 Fr x 48920.051 19.561 7569.239 0.084 B- 4585.991 21.369 233 052517.838 21.000 + 57 145 88 233 Ra 44334.060 8.603 7585.564 0.037 B- 3026.027 15.623 233 047594.573 9.235 + 55 144 89 233 Ac x 41308.033 13.041 7595.193 0.056 B- 2576.318 13.118 233 044346.000 14.000 + 53 143 90 233 Th 38731.715 1.425 7602.893 0.006 B- 1242.243 1.122 233 041580.208 1.529 + 51 142 91 233 Pa 37489.472 1.336 7604.866 0.006 B- 570.296 1.975 233 040246.605 1.434 + 49 141 92 233 U 36919.176 2.255 7603.956 0.010 B- -1029.415 51.005 233 039634.367 2.420 + 47 140 93 233 Np -a 37948.590 50.981 7596.181 0.219 B- -2103.179 71.642 233 040739.489 54.729 + 45 139 94 233 Pu -a 40051.769 50.351 7583.796 0.216 B- -3211# 113# 233 042997.345 54.054 + 43 138 95 233 Am -a 43263# 102# 7567# 0# B- -4031# 124# 233 046445# 109# + 41 137 96 233 Cm -a 47294.006 71.547 7545.998 0.307 B- -5567# 235# 233 050772.206 76.809 + 39 136 97 233 Bk -a 52861# 224# 7519# 1# B- * 233 056748# 240# +0 58 146 88 234 Ra x 46930.629 8.383 7576.543 0.036 B- 2089.439 16.294 234 050382.104 9.000 + 56 145 89 234 Ac x 44841.190 13.972 7582.129 0.060 B- 4228.181 14.210 234 048139.000 15.000 + 54 144 90 234 Th +a 40613.009 2.589 7596.855 0.011 B- 274.088 3.172 234 043599.860 2.779 + 52 143 91 234 Pa IT 40338.921 4.094 7594.683 0.017 B- 2193.896 4.000 234 043305.615 4.395 + 50 142 92 234 U 38145.025 1.130 7600.715 0.005 B- -1809.846 8.321 234 040950.370 1.213 + 48 141 93 234 Np - 39954.871 8.397 7589.637 0.036 B- -395.100 10.752 234 042893.320 9.014 + 46 140 94 234 Pu -a 40349.971 6.798 7584.605 0.029 B- -4111# 159# 234 043317.478 7.298 + 44 139 95 234 Am -a 44461# 159# 7564# 1# B- -2263# 159# 234 047731# 170# + 42 138 96 234 Cm -a 46724.633 17.394 7550.677 0.074 B- -6731# 143# 234 050160.959 18.673 + 40 137 97 234 Bk -a 53455# 142# 7519# 1# B- * 234 057387# 153# +0 59 147 88 235 Ra x 51130# 300# 7561# 1# B- 3773# 300# 235 054890# 322# + 57 146 89 235 Ac x 47357.155 13.972 7573.504 0.059 B- 3339.406 19.113 235 050840.000 15.000 + 55 145 90 235 Th x 44017.749 13.041 7584.385 0.055 B- 1728.853 19.113 235 047255.000 14.000 + 53 144 91 235 Pa x 42288.896 13.972 7588.413 0.059 B- 1370.050 14.017 235 045399.000 15.000 + 51 143 92 235 U 40918.846 1.117 7590.914 0.005 B- -124.262 0.852 235 043928.190 1.199 + 49 142 93 235 Np 41043.108 1.389 7587.056 0.006 B- -1139.302 20.499 235 044061.591 1.491 + 47 141 94 235 Pu -a 42182.410 20.521 7578.879 0.087 B- -2443.019 56.045 235 045284.682 22.030 + 45 140 95 235 Am -a 44625.429 52.192 7565.154 0.222 B- -3408# 208# 235 047907.371 56.030 + 43 139 96 235 Cm -a 48034# 201# 7547# 1# B- -4670# 448# 235 051567# 216# + 41 138 97 235 Bk x 52704# 401# 7524# 2# B- * 235 056580# 430# +0 58 147 89 236 Ac x 51220.992 38.191 7559.242 0.162 B- 4965.795 40.667 236 054988.000 41.000 + 56 146 90 236 Th x 46255.198 13.972 7576.968 0.059 B- 921.248 19.760 236 049657.000 15.000 + 54 145 91 236 Pa x 45333.950 13.972 7577.557 0.059 B- 2889.306 14.017 236 048668.000 15.000 + 52 144 92 236 U 42444.644 1.113 7586.484 0.005 B- -933.534 50.415 236 045566.201 1.194 + 50 143 93 236 Np IT 43378.178 50.421 7579.214 0.214 B- 476.585 50.389 236 046568.392 54.129 + 48 142 94 236 Pu 42901.593 1.811 7577.918 0.008 B- -3139# 112# 236 046056.756 1.944 + 46 141 95 236 Am -a 46041# 112# 7561# 0# B- -1814# 113# 236 049427# 120# + 44 140 96 236 Cm -a 47855.045 18.315 7550.299 0.078 B- -5687# 401# 236 051374.506 19.662 + 42 139 97 236 Bk x 53542# 401# 7523# 2# B- * 236 057480# 430# +0 59 148 89 237 Ac x 54020# 400# 7550# 2# B- 4065# 400# 237 057993# 429# + 57 147 90 237 Th x 49955.092 15.835 7563.443 0.067 B- 2427.473 20.514 237 053629.000 17.000 + 55 146 91 237 Pa x 47527.619 13.041 7570.384 0.055 B- 2137.425 13.096 237 051023.000 14.000 + 53 145 92 237 U 45390.194 1.203 7576.102 0.005 B- 518.534 0.520 237 048728.380 1.291 + 51 144 93 237 Np 44871.659 1.120 7574.989 0.005 B- -220.063 1.294 237 048171.710 1.202 + 49 143 94 237 Pu 45091.722 1.697 7570.759 0.007 B- -1478# 59# 237 048407.957 1.822 + 47 142 95 237 Am -a 46570# 59# 7561# 0# B- -2677# 93# 237 049995# 64# + 45 141 96 237 Cm -a 49247.085 70.960 7546.624 0.299 B- -3941# 235# 237 052868.923 76.178 + 43 140 97 237 Bk -a 53188# 224# 7527# 1# B- -4751# 241# 237 057100# 241# + 41 139 98 237 Cf -a 57938.921 87.287 7503.347 0.368 B- * 237 062199.993 93.706 +0 58 148 90 238 Th +a 52525# 283# 7555# 1# B- 1631# 284# 238 056388# 304# + 56 147 91 238 Pa x 50894.038 15.835 7558.344 0.067 B- 3586.255 15.906 238 054637.000 17.000 + 54 146 92 238 U 47307.783 1.493 7570.125 0.006 B- -146.874 1.201 238 050786.996 1.602 + 52 145 93 238 Np -n 47454.656 1.138 7566.221 0.005 B- 1291.443 0.457 238 050944.671 1.221 + 50 144 94 238 Pu 46163.213 1.139 7568.360 0.005 B- -2258.273 50.688 238 049558.250 1.222 + 48 143 95 238 Am -a 48421.487 50.700 7555.584 0.213 B- -1023.701 52.145 238 051982.607 54.428 + 46 142 96 238 Cm -a 49445.188 12.234 7547.996 0.051 B- -4771# 255# 238 053081.595 13.133 + 44 141 97 238 Bk -a 54216# 255# 7525# 1# B- -3061# 392# 238 058203# 274# + 42 140 98 238 Cf x 57278# 298# 7509# 1# B- * 238 061490# 320# +0 59 149 90 239 Th x 56450# 400# 7541# 2# B- 3113# 445# 239 060602# 429# + 57 148 91 239 Pa x 53337# 196# 7550# 1# B- 2765# 196# 239 057260# 210# + 55 147 92 239 U -n 50572.718 1.503 7558.561 0.006 B- 1261.661 1.493 239 054292.048 1.613 + 53 146 93 239 Np 49311.057 1.311 7560.567 0.005 B- 722.774 0.930 239 052937.599 1.407 + 51 145 94 239 Pu 48588.282 1.113 7560.318 0.005 B- -802.142 1.664 239 052161.669 1.195 + 49 144 95 239 Am -a 49390.424 1.982 7553.688 0.008 B- -1756.602 54.058 239 053022.803 2.128 + 47 143 96 239 Cm -a 51147.025 54.047 7543.065 0.226 B- -3103# 214# 239 054908.593 58.022 + 45 142 97 239 Bk -a 54250# 207# 7527# 1# B- -4019# 294# 239 058240# 222# + 43 141 98 239 Cf -a 58269# 209# 7507# 1# B- -5287# 364# 239 062554# 224# + 41 140 99 239 Es x 63556# 298# 7481# 1# B- * 239 068230# 320# +0 58 149 91 240 Pa x 56910# 200# 7538# 1# B- 4194# 200# 240 061095# 215# + 56 148 92 240 U 52715.505 2.553 7551.770 0.011 B- 399.233 17.083 240 056592.425 2.740 + 54 147 93 240 Np 52316.272 17.032 7550.173 0.071 B- 2190.891 17.015 240 056163.830 18.284 + 52 146 94 240 Pu 50125.380 1.106 7556.042 0.005 B- -1384.789 13.788 240 053811.812 1.187 + 50 145 95 240 Am +n 51510.169 13.832 7547.013 0.058 B- -214.137 13.897 240 055298.444 14.849 + 48 144 96 240 Cm 51724.306 1.906 7542.861 0.008 B- -3940# 150# 240 055528.329 2.046 + 46 143 97 240 Bk - 55664# 150# 7523# 1# B- -2327# 151# 240 059758# 161# + 44 142 98 240 Cf -a 57990.944 18.700 7510.230 0.078 B- -6208# 401# 240 062255.842 20.075 + 42 141 99 240 Es x 64199# 401# 7481# 2# B- * 240 068920# 430# +0 59 150 91 241 Pa x 59640# 300# 7528# 1# B- 3443# 358# 241 064026# 322# + 57 149 92 241 U x 56197# 196# 7539# 1# B- 1937# 208# 241 060330# 210# + 55 148 93 241 Np + 54260.175 70.719 7544.270 0.293 B- 1305.000 70.711 241 058250.697 75.920 + 53 147 94 241 Pu 52955.175 1.106 7546.439 0.005 B- 20.780 0.166 241 056849.722 1.187 + 51 146 95 241 Am 52934.395 1.114 7543.278 0.005 B- -767.434 1.168 241 056827.413 1.195 + 49 145 96 241 Cm 53701.830 1.608 7536.848 0.007 B- -2330# 200# 241 057651.288 1.726 + 47 144 97 241 Bk - 56032# 200# 7524# 1# B- -3295# 260# 241 060153# 215# + 45 143 98 241 Cf -a 59327# 166# 7507# 1# B- -4537# 280# 241 063690# 178# + 43 142 99 241 Es -a 63863# 225# 7485# 1# B- -5263# 374# 241 068560# 242# + 41 141 100 241 Fm x 69126# 298# 7460# 1# B- * 241 074210# 320# +0 58 150 92 242 U +a 58620# 201# 7532# 1# B- 1203# 283# 242 062931# 215# + 56 149 93 242 Np + 57416.932 200.004 7533.403 0.826 B- 2700.000 200.000 242 061639.615 214.713 + 54 148 94 242 Pu 54716.932 1.245 7541.327 0.005 B- -751.140 0.708 242 058741.045 1.336 + 52 147 95 242 Am -n 55468.072 1.119 7534.991 0.005 B- 664.309 0.414 242 059547.428 1.200 + 50 146 96 242 Cm 54803.764 1.142 7534.503 0.005 B- -2930# 200# 242 058834.263 1.225 + 48 145 97 242 Bk - 57734# 200# 7519# 1# B- -1653# 200# 242 061980# 215# + 46 144 98 242 Cf -a 59386.966 12.892 7509.098 0.053 B- -5414# 256# 242 063754.533 13.840 + 44 143 99 242 Es -a 64801# 256# 7483# 1# B- -3598# 475# 242 069567# 275# + 42 142 100 242 Fm x 68400# 401# 7465# 2# B- * 242 073430# 430# +0 59 151 92 243 U x 62360# 300# 7518# 1# B- 2484# 302# 243 066946# 322# + 57 150 93 243 Np IT 59876# 32# 7525# 0# B- 2121# 32# 243 064279# 34# + 55 149 94 243 Pu 57754.602 2.542 7531.008 0.010 B- 579.556 2.622 243 062002.119 2.728 + 53 148 95 243 Am 57175.046 1.388 7530.173 0.006 B- -6.952 1.569 243 061379.940 1.490 + 51 147 96 243 Cm -a 57181.998 1.496 7526.925 0.006 B- -1507.695 4.506 243 061387.403 1.606 + 49 146 97 243 Bk -a 58689.693 4.524 7517.501 0.019 B- -2300# 114# 243 063005.980 4.857 + 47 145 98 243 Cf -a 60990# 114# 7505# 0# B- -3757# 236# 243 065475# 123# + 45 144 99 243 Es -a 64747# 207# 7486# 1# B- -4640# 298# 243 069509# 222# + 43 143 100 243 Fm -a 69387# 215# 7464# 1# B- * 243 074490# 231# +0 58 151 93 244 Np x 63202# 298# 7514# 1# B- 3396# 298# 244 067850# 320# + 56 150 94 244 Pu 59806.028 2.346 7524.815 0.010 B- -73.168 2.686 244 064204.415 2.518 + 54 149 95 244 Am + 59879.196 1.492 7521.308 0.006 B- 1427.300 1.000 244 064282.964 1.601 + 52 148 96 244 Cm -a 58451.896 1.107 7523.952 0.005 B- -2261.989 14.357 244 062750.694 1.188 + 50 147 97 244 Bk -a 60713.885 14.399 7511.475 0.059 B- -764.294 14.572 244 065179.039 15.457 + 48 146 98 244 Cf 61478.179 2.618 7505.136 0.011 B- -4547# 181# 244 065999.543 2.810 + 46 145 99 244 Es -a 66026# 181# 7483# 1# B- -2940# 271# 244 070881# 195# + 44 144 100 244 Fm -a 68966# 201# 7468# 1# B- * 244 074038# 216# +0 59 152 93 245 Np x 65890# 300# 7505# 1# B- 2712# 300# 245 070736# 322# + 57 151 94 245 Pu -n 63178.179 13.620 7513.281 0.056 B- 1277.710 13.733 245 067824.568 14.621 + 55 150 95 245 Am +a 61900.469 1.887 7515.303 0.008 B- 895.889 1.549 245 066452.890 2.025 + 53 149 96 245 Cm 61004.580 1.150 7515.767 0.005 B- -809.256 1.496 245 065491.113 1.234 + 51 148 97 245 Bk -a 61813.836 1.793 7509.270 0.007 B- -1571.374 2.586 245 066359.885 1.924 + 49 147 98 245 Cf 63385.210 2.428 7499.663 0.010 B- -2981# 200# 245 068046.825 2.606 + 47 146 99 245 Es -a 66366# 200# 7484# 1# B- -3821# 279# 245 071247# 215# + 45 145 100 245 Fm -a 70187# 195# 7466# 1# B- -5085# 362# 245 075349# 209# + 43 144 101 245 Md -a 75272# 305# 7442# 1# B- * 245 080808# 328# +0 58 152 94 246 Pu 65394.801 14.985 7506.539 0.061 B- 401# 14# 246 070204.209 16.087 + 56 151 95 246 Am IT 64994# 18# 7505# 0# B- 2377# 18# 246 069774# 19# + 54 150 96 246 Cm 62616.967 1.526 7511.471 0.006 B- -1350.000 60.000 246 067222.082 1.638 + 52 149 97 246 Bk - 63966.967 60.019 7502.803 0.244 B- -123.325 60.020 246 068671.367 64.433 + 50 148 98 246 Cf 64090.292 1.515 7499.121 0.006 B- -3810# 224# 246 068803.762 1.626 + 48 147 99 246 Es -a 67901# 224# 7480# 1# B- -2288# 224# 246 072894# 240# + 46 146 100 246 Fm -a 70188.833 15.333 7467.970 0.062 B- -5926# 260# 246 075350.815 16.460 + 44 145 101 246 Md -a 76115# 259# 7441# 1# B- * 246 081713# 278# +0 59 153 94 247 Pu x 69108# 196# 7494# 1# B- 1954# 220# 247 074190# 210# + 57 152 95 247 Am + 67153# 100# 7499# 0# B- 1620# 100# 247 072092# 107# + 55 151 96 247 Cm 65533.143 3.797 7501.931 0.015 B- 43.581 6.324 247 070352.726 4.076 + 53 150 97 247 Bk -a 65489.562 5.189 7498.940 0.021 B- -614.341 16.188 247 070305.940 5.570 + 51 149 98 247 Cf +a 66103.903 15.334 7493.285 0.062 B- -2474.485 24.760 247 070965.462 16.461 + 49 148 99 247 Es +a 68578.388 19.441 7480.100 0.079 B- -3094# 116# 247 073621.932 20.870 + 47 147 100 247 Fm +a 71673# 115# 7464# 0# B- -4264# 237# 247 076944# 123# + 45 146 101 247 Md -a 75937# 207# 7444# 1# B- * 247 081521# 222# +0 58 153 95 248 Am + 70563# 200# 7487# 1# B- 3170# 200# 248 075752# 215# + 56 152 96 248 Cm 67392.755 2.358 7496.728 0.010 B- -687# 71# 248 072349.101 2.531 + 54 151 97 248 Bk IT 68080# 71# 7491# 0# B- 842# 71# 248 073087# 76# + 52 150 98 248 Cf -a 67238.012 5.121 7491.043 0.021 B- -3061# 53# 248 072182.978 5.497 + 50 149 99 248 Es -a 70299# 52# 7476# 0# B- -1599# 53# 248 075469# 56# + 48 148 100 248 Fm 71897.857 8.497 7465.944 0.034 B- -5250# 238# 248 077185.528 9.122 + 46 147 101 248 Md -a 77148# 237# 7442# 1# B- -3473# 327# 248 082822# 255# + 44 146 102 248 No -a 80621# 224# 7424# 1# B- * 248 086550# 241# +0 59 154 95 249 Am x 73104# 298# 7479# 1# B- 2353# 298# 249 078480# 320# + 57 153 96 249 Cm -n 70750.702 2.371 7485.550 0.010 B- 904.317 2.594 249 075954.006 2.545 + 55 152 97 249 Bk + 69846.384 1.249 7486.040 0.005 B- 123.600 0.400 249 074983.182 1.340 + 53 151 98 249 Cf 69722.784 1.183 7483.394 0.005 B- -1452# 30# 249 074850.491 1.270 + 51 150 99 249 Es -a 71175# 30# 7474# 0# B- -2344# 31# 249 076409# 32# + 49 149 100 249 Fm 73519.188 6.212 7461.864 0.025 B- -3713# 201# 249 078926.098 6.668 + 47 148 101 249 Md -a 77232# 201# 7444# 1# B- -4550# 344# 249 082912# 216# + 45 147 102 249 No -a 81782# 279# 7422# 1# B- * 249 087797# 300# +0 58 154 96 250 Cm -nn 72989.594 10.274 7478.938 0.041 B- 39.616 10.894 250 078357.556 11.029 + 56 153 97 250 Bk +a 72949.978 3.719 7475.967 0.015 B- 1779.587 3.386 250 078315.027 3.992 + 54 152 98 250 Cf -a 71170.391 1.538 7479.956 0.006 B- -2055# 100# 250 076404.561 1.651 + 52 151 99 250 Es - 73225# 100# 7469# 0# B- -847# 100# 250 078611# 107# + 50 150 100 250 Fm 74072.243 7.888 7462.090 0.032 B- -4558# 301# 250 079519.828 8.468 + 48 149 101 250 Md -a 78630# 301# 7441# 1# B- -2933# 362# 250 084413# 323# + 46 148 102 250 No -a 81564# 201# 7426# 1# B- * 250 087562# 215# +0 59 155 96 251 Cm + 76648.018 22.698 7466.722 0.090 B- 1420.000 20.000 251 082285.036 24.367 + 57 154 97 251 Bk + 75228.018 10.734 7469.263 0.043 B- 1093.000 10.000 251 080760.603 11.523 + 55 153 98 251 Cf -a 74135.018 3.901 7470.500 0.016 B- -377.259 7.057 251 079587.219 4.187 + 53 152 99 251 Es -a 74512.277 5.994 7465.881 0.024 B- -1441.641 16.342 251 079992.224 6.434 + 51 151 100 251 Fm +a 75953.919 15.203 7457.020 0.061 B- -3012.825 24.271 251 081539.889 16.320 + 49 150 101 251 Md +a 78966.744 18.919 7441.900 0.075 B- -3882# 116# 251 084774.291 20.310 + 47 149 102 251 No IT 82849# 114# 7423# 0# B- -4879# 319# 251 088942# 123# + 45 148 103 251 Lr x 87728# 298# 7401# 1# B- * 251 094180# 320# +0 60 156 96 252 Cm x 79056# 298# 7460# 1# B- 521# 359# 252 084870# 320# + 58 155 97 252 Bk + 78535# 200# 7459# 1# B- 2500# 200# 252 084310# 215# + 56 154 98 252 Cf -a 76034.617 2.358 7465.347 0.009 B- -1260.000 50.000 252 081626.523 2.531 + 54 153 99 252 Es - 77294.617 50.056 7457.242 0.199 B- 478.990 50.351 252 082979.189 53.736 + 52 152 100 252 Fm -a 76815.627 5.498 7456.038 0.022 B- -3695# 130# 252 082464.972 5.902 + 50 151 101 252 Md IT 80510# 130# 7438# 1# B- -2361# 131# 252 086432# 140# + 48 150 102 252 No 82871.427 9.292 7425.798 0.037 B- -5866# 238# 252 088966.141 9.975 + 46 149 103 252 Lr -a 88737# 238# 7399# 1# B- * 252 095263# 255# +0 59 156 97 253 Bk -a 80929# 359# 7451# 1# B- 1627# 359# 253 086880# 385# + 57 155 98 253 Cf -a 79301.567 4.257 7454.829 0.017 B- 291.030 4.385 253 085133.738 4.570 + 55 154 99 253 Es -a 79010.538 1.250 7452.887 0.005 B- -335.202 2.713 253 084821.305 1.341 + 53 153 100 253 Fm -a 79345.740 2.932 7448.470 0.012 B- -1827# 31# 253 085181.160 3.148 + 51 152 101 253 Md -a 81173# 31# 7438# 0# B- -3186# 32# 253 087143# 34# + 49 151 102 253 No 84358.735 6.912 7422.471 0.027 B- -4217# 202# 253 090562.831 7.420 + 47 150 103 253 Lr -a 88575# 202# 7403# 1# B- -4982# 457# 253 095089# 217# + 45 149 104 253 Rf -a 93557# 410# 7380# 2# B- * 253 100438# 440# +0 60 157 97 254 Bk x 84393# 298# 7440# 1# B- 3052# 298# 254 090600# 320# + 58 156 98 254 Cf -a 81341.401 11.462 7449.225 0.045 B- -649.193 12.113 254 087323.590 12.304 + 56 155 99 254 Es -a 81990.594 4.010 7443.589 0.016 B- 1087.800 3.202 254 088020.527 4.304 + 54 154 100 254 Fm -a 80902.794 2.414 7444.792 0.010 B- -2550# 100# 254 086852.726 2.591 + 52 153 101 254 Md - 83453# 100# 7432# 0# B- -1271# 100# 254 089590# 107# + 50 152 102 254 No 84723.347 9.658 7423.590 0.038 B- -5148# 301# 254 090954.259 10.367 + 48 151 103 254 Lr -a 89871# 301# 7400# 1# B- -3327# 414# 254 096481# 323# + 46 150 104 254 Rf -a 93199# 283# 7384# 1# B- * 254 100053# 304# +0 59 157 98 255 Cf + 84809# 200# 7438# 1# B- 720# 200# 255 091047# 215# + 57 156 99 255 Es -a 84089.274 10.817 7437.821 0.042 B- 289.620 10.247 255 090273.553 11.612 + 55 155 100 255 Fm -a 83799.654 4.291 7435.888 0.017 B- -1043.416 7.747 255 089962.633 4.607 + 53 154 101 255 Md -a 84843.070 6.553 7428.729 0.026 B- -1964.164 16.281 255 091082.787 7.035 + 51 153 102 255 No x 86807.234 14.904 7417.958 0.058 B- -3140.066 23.138 255 093191.404 16.000 + 49 152 103 255 Lr x 89947.300 17.698 7402.576 0.069 B- -4382# 116# 255 096562.404 19.000 + 47 151 104 255 Rf -a 94330# 115# 7382# 0# B- -5263# 377# 255 101267# 123# + 45 150 105 255 Db -a 99593# 359# 7359# 1# B- * 255 106918# 385# +0 60 158 98 256 Cf -a 87041# 314# 7432# 1# B- -146# 330# 256 093442# 338# + 58 157 99 256 Es + 87187# 100# 7428# 0# B- 1700# 100# 256 093599# 108# + 56 156 100 256 Fm -a 85486.817 5.600 7431.780 0.022 B- -1969# 123# 256 091773.878 6.012 + 54 155 101 256 Md IT 87456# 122# 7421# 0# B- -366# 123# 256 093888# 132# + 52 154 102 256 No -a 87822.062 7.743 7416.546 0.030 B- -3924.536 83.264 256 094280.866 8.312 + 50 153 103 256 Lr x 91746.598 82.903 7398.160 0.324 B- -2475.451 84.802 256 098494.029 89.000 + 48 152 104 256 Rf -a 94222.049 17.848 7385.434 0.070 B- -6276# 241# 256 101151.535 19.160 + 46 151 105 256 Db -a 100498# 240# 7358# 1# B- * 256 107889# 258# +0 59 158 99 257 Es -a 89403# 411# 7422# 2# B- 813# 411# 257 095979# 441# + 57 157 100 257 Fm -a 88590.033 4.486 7422.194 0.017 B- -403.020 4.715 257 095105.317 4.815 + 55 156 101 257 Md -a 88993.053 1.601 7417.582 0.006 B- -1254.202 6.661 257 095537.977 1.718 + 53 155 102 257 No -a 90247.256 6.678 7409.657 0.026 B- -2418# 45# 257 096884.419 7.169 + 51 154 103 257 Lr -a 92665# 44# 7397# 0# B- -3201# 45# 257 099480# 47# + 49 153 104 257 Rf -a 95866.427 10.817 7381.704 0.042 B- -4340# 203# 257 102916.848 11.612 + 47 152 105 257 Db -a 100207# 203# 7362# 1# B- * 257 107576# 218# +0 60 159 99 258 Es x 92702# 401# 7412# 2# B- 2276# 448# 258 099520# 430# + 58 158 100 258 Fm -a 90426# 200# 7418# 1# B- -1260# 200# 258 097077# 215# + 56 157 101 258 Md -a 91686.792 4.419 7409.675 0.017 B- 209# 100# 258 098429.825 4.743 + 54 156 102 258 No -a 91478# 100# 7407# 0# B- -3304# 143# 258 098205# 107# + 52 155 103 258 Lr -a 94782# 102# 7392# 0# B- -1559# 107# 258 101753# 109# + 50 154 104 258 Rf -a 96341.036 31.967 7382.538 0.124 B- -5456# 307# 258 103426.362 34.317 + 48 153 105 258 Db -a 101797# 305# 7358# 1# B- -3447# 513# 258 109284# 328# + 46 152 106 258 Sg -a 105244# 413# 7342# 2# B- * 258 112984# 443# +0 59 159 100 259 Fm -a 93704# 283# 7407# 1# B- 80# 346# 259 100596# 304# + 57 158 101 259 Md -a 93624# 200# 7405# 1# B- -454# 200# 259 100510# 215# + 55 157 102 259 No -a 94078.569 6.589 7399.974 0.025 B- -1773# 71# 259 100997.503 7.073 + 53 156 103 259 Lr -a 95852# 71# 7390# 0# B- -2510# 101# 259 102901# 76# + 51 155 104 259 Rf -a 98362# 72# 7377# 0# B- -3629# 90# 259 105596# 78# + 49 154 105 259 Db -a 101991.016 53.040 7360.362 0.205 B- -4529# 126# 259 109491.865 56.940 + 47 153 106 259 Sg -a 106520# 115# 7340# 0# B- * 259 114353# 123# +0 60 160 100 260 Fm -a 95766# 435# 7402# 2# B- -786# 537# 260 102809# 467# + 58 159 101 260 Md -a 96552# 316# 7396# 1# B- 940# 374# 260 103653# 340# + 56 158 102 260 No -a 95612# 200# 7397# 1# B- -2665# 235# 260 102643# 215# + 54 157 103 260 Lr -a 98277# 124# 7383# 0# B- -870# 236# 260 105504# 133# + 52 156 104 260 Rf -a 99147# 200# 7377# 1# B- -4526# 221# 260 106439# 215# + 50 155 105 260 Db -a 103673# 93# 7357# 0# B- -2875# 95# 260 111297# 100# + 48 154 106 260 Sg -a 106547.552 20.536 7342.562 0.079 B- -6776# 246# 260 114383.508 22.045 + 46 153 107 260 Bh -a 113323# 245# 7313# 1# B- * 260 121658# 263# +0 59 160 101 261 Md -a 98578# 509# 7391# 2# B- 123# 547# 261 105828# 546# + 57 159 102 261 No -a 98455# 200# 7388# 1# B- -1103# 283# 261 105696# 215# + 55 158 103 261 Lr -a 99558# 200# 7381# 1# B- -1761# 206# 261 106880# 215# + 53 157 104 261 Rf -a 101318.594 50.444 7371.384 0.193 B- -2990# 121# 261 108769.990 54.153 + 51 156 105 261 Db -a 104308# 110# 7357# 0# B- -3697# 112# 261 111980# 118# + 49 155 106 261 Sg -a 108005.043 18.494 7339.770 0.071 B- -5128# 210# 261 115948.188 19.853 + 47 154 107 261 Bh -a 113133# 209# 7317# 1# B- * 261 121454# 224# +0 60 161 101 262 Md -a 101627# 500# 7382# 2# B- 1526# 617# 262 109101# 537# + 58 160 102 262 No -a 100101# 361# 7385# 1# B- -2000# 412# 262 107463# 387# + 56 159 103 262 Lr -a 102102# 200# 7374# 1# B- -291# 300# 262 109611# 215# + 54 158 104 262 Rf -a 102393# 224# 7370# 1# B- -3861# 265# 262 109923# 240# + 52 157 105 262 Db -a 106253# 143# 7352# 1# B- -2112# 147# 262 114068# 154# + 50 156 106 262 Sg -a 108365.771 35.411 7341.185 0.135 B- -6176# 308# 262 116335.446 38.015 + 48 155 107 262 Bh -a 114541# 306# 7315# 1# B- * 262 122965# 328# +0 59 161 102 263 No -a 103129# 490# 7376# 2# B- -600# 566# 263 110714# 526# + 57 160 103 263 Lr -a 103729# 283# 7371# 1# B- -1027# 322# 263 111358# 304# + 55 159 104 263 Rf -a 104756# 153# 7364# 1# B- -2355# 227# 263 112460# 164# + 53 158 105 263 Db -a 107111# 168# 7352# 1# B- -3079# 193# 263 114988# 181# + 51 157 106 263 Sg -a 110190# 95# 7337# 0# B- -4306# 319# 263 118294# 102# + 49 156 107 263 Bh -a 114496# 305# 7318# 1# B- -5182# 329# 263 122916# 327# + 47 155 108 263 Hs -a 119678# 125# 7295# 0# B- * 263 128480# 134# +0 60 162 102 264 No -a 105011# 591# 7371# 2# B- -1366# 734# 264 112734# 634# + 58 161 103 264 Lr -a 106377# 436# 7363# 2# B- 300# 566# 264 114200# 468# + 56 160 104 264 Rf -a 106077# 361# 7361# 1# B- -3285# 431# 264 113878# 387# + 54 159 105 264 Db -a 109362# 235# 7346# 1# B- -1420# 368# 264 117405# 253# + 52 158 106 264 Sg -a 110782# 283# 7338# 1# B- -5276# 334# 264 118929# 304# + 50 157 107 264 Bh -a 116058# 177# 7315# 1# B- -3506# 180# 264 124593# 190# + 48 156 108 264 Hs -a 119563.222 28.881 7298.375 0.109 B- * 264 128356.405 31.005 +0 59 162 103 265 Lr -a 108233# 547# 7359# 2# B- -457# 655# 265 116193# 587# + 57 161 104 265 Rf -a 108690# 361# 7354# 1# B- -1793# 424# 265 116683# 387# + 55 160 105 265 Db -a 110483# 224# 7344# 1# B- -2312# 255# 265 118608# 240# + 53 159 106 265 Sg -a 112794# 123# 7333# 0# B- -3621# 264# 265 121090# 132# + 51 158 107 265 Bh -a 116415# 234# 7316# 1# B- -4485# 235# 265 124977# 251# + 49 157 108 265 Hs -a 120900.283 23.958 7296.247 0.090 B- -5778# 452# 265 129791.799 25.719 + 47 156 109 265 Mt -a 126678# 451# 7271# 2# B- * 265 135995# 484# +0 60 163 103 266 Lr -a 111622# 583# 7349# 2# B- 1546# 749# 266 119831# 626# + 58 162 104 266 Rf -a 110076# 469# 7352# 2# B- -2660# 548# 266 118172# 504# + 56 161 105 266 Db -a 112737# 283# 7339# 1# B- -881# 374# 266 121028# 304# + 54 160 106 266 Sg -a 113618# 245# 7332# 1# B- -4487# 294# 266 121973# 263# + 52 159 107 266 Bh -a 118104# 163# 7313# 1# B- -3032# 167# 266 126790# 175# + 50 158 108 266 Hs -a 121136.373 38.695 7298.273 0.145 B- -6826# 309# 266 130045.252 41.540 + 48 157 109 266 Mt -a 127962# 307# 7270# 1# B- * 266 137373# 329# +0 59 163 104 267 Rf -a 113444# 575# 7342# 2# B- -630# 707# 267 121787# 617# + 57 162 105 267 Db -a 114074# 412# 7336# 2# B- -1732# 486# 267 122464# 443# + 55 161 106 267 Sg -a 115806# 257# 7327# 1# B- -2960# 367# 267 124322# 276# + 53 160 107 267 Bh -a 118766# 263# 7313# 1# B- -3887# 279# 267 127500# 282# + 51 159 108 267 Hs -a 122653# 96# 7295# 0# B- -5138# 512# 267 131673# 103# + 49 158 109 267 Mt -a 127791# 503# 7273# 2# B- -6089# 521# 267 137189# 540# + 47 157 110 267 Ds -a 133880# 135# 7248# 1# B- * 267 143726# 145# +0 60 164 104 268 Rf -a 115476# 662# 7337# 2# B- -1586# 848# 268 123968# 711# + 58 163 105 268 Db -a 117062# 529# 7328# 2# B- 260# 707# 268 125671# 568# + 56 162 106 268 Sg -a 116802# 469# 7326# 2# B- -4005# 605# 268 125392# 504# + 54 161 107 268 Bh -a 120807# 381# 7308# 1# B- -2023# 475# 268 129691# 409# + 52 160 108 268 Hs -a 122830# 283# 7298# 1# B- -6321# 367# 268 131863# 304# + 50 159 109 268 Mt -a 129151# 233# 7271# 1# B- -4497# 381# 268 138649# 250# + 48 158 110 268 Ds -a 133648# 301# 7252# 1# B- * 268 143477# 324# +0 59 164 105 269 Db -a 119148# 624# 7323# 2# B- -614# 722# 269 127911# 669# + 57 163 106 269 Sg -a 119763# 364# 7318# 1# B- -1715# 522# 269 128570# 391# + 55 162 107 269 Bh -a 121478# 374# 7309# 1# B- -3086# 394# 269 130412# 402# + 53 161 108 269 Hs -a 124564# 124# 7294# 0# B- -4806# 480# 269 133725# 133# + 51 160 109 269 Mt -a 129370# 463# 7273# 2# B- -5465# 464# 269 138884# 497# + 49 159 110 269 Ds -a 134834.709 31.403 7250.154 0.117 B- * 269 144751.021 33.712 +0 60 165 105 270 Db -a 122307# 617# 7314# 2# B- 816# 831# 270 131302# 662# + 58 164 106 270 Sg -a 121491# 557# 7314# 2# B- -2735# 627# 270 130426# 598# + 56 163 107 270 Bh -a 124226# 287# 7301# 1# B- -886# 379# 270 133362# 308# + 54 162 108 270 Hs -a 125112# 248# 7295# 1# B- -5598# 301# 270 134314# 266# + 52 161 109 270 Mt -a 130710# 170# 7271# 1# B- -3968# 177# 270 140323# 183# + 50 160 110 270 Ds -a 134678.282 48.011 7253.775 0.178 B- * 270 144583.090 51.542 +0 59 165 106 271 Sg -a 124757# 585# 7305# 2# B- -1164# 718# 271 133932# 628# + 57 164 107 271 Bh -a 125921# 415# 7298# 2# B- -1819# 501# 271 135182# 446# + 55 163 108 271 Hs -a 127740# 280# 7288# 1# B- -3361# 433# 271 137135# 301# + 53 162 109 271 Mt -a 131101# 330# 7273# 1# B- -4847# 344# 271 140742# 354# + 51 161 110 271 Ds -a 135948# 97# 7252# 0# B- * 271 145946# 104# +0 60 166 106 272 Sg -a 126580# 727# 7301# 3# B- -2209# 901# 272 135890# 781# + 58 165 107 272 Bh -a 128789# 532# 7290# 2# B- -217# 737# 272 138261# 571# + 56 164 108 272 Hs -a 129006# 510# 7286# 2# B- -4575# 704# 272 138494# 547# + 54 163 109 272 Mt -a 133581# 485# 7267# 2# B- -2433# 637# 272 143406# 521# + 52 162 110 272 Ds -a 136015# 413# 7255# 2# B- -6758# 474# 272 146018# 443# + 50 161 111 272 Rg -a 142773# 233# 7227# 1# B- * 272 153273# 251# +0 61 167 106 273 Sg x 130018# 503# 7291# 2# B- -615# 855# 273 139580# 540# + 59 166 107 273 Bh -a 130633# 692# 7286# 3# B- -1257# 783# 273 140240# 743# + 57 165 108 273 Hs -a 131890# 367# 7279# 1# B- -2822# 561# 273 141590# 394# + 55 164 109 273 Mt -a 134713# 424# 7265# 2# B- -3643# 445# 273 144620# 455# + 53 163 110 273 Ds -a 138356# 134# 7249# 0# B- -4339# 543# 273 148531# 144# + 51 162 111 273 Rg -a 142695# 526# 7231# 2# B- * 273 153189# 565# +0 60 167 107 274 Bh -a 133682# 619# 7278# 2# B- 196# 856# 274 143513# 664# + 58 166 108 274 Hs -a 133486# 592# 7276# 2# B- -3760# 689# 274 143303# 635# + 56 165 109 274 Mt -a 137246# 354# 7259# 1# B- -1952# 526# 274 147339# 380# + 54 164 110 274 Ds -a 139197# 389# 7249# 1# B- -5416# 428# 274 149434# 418# + 52 163 111 274 Rg -a 144613# 177# 7227# 1# B- * 274 155249# 190# +0 61 168 107 275 Bh x 135691# 596# 7273# 2# B- -929# 837# 275 145670# 640# + 59 167 108 275 Hs -a 136620# 587# 7267# 2# B- -2209# 721# 275 146667# 631# + 57 166 109 275 Mt -a 138829# 418# 7256# 2# B- -2736# 586# 275 149039# 449# + 55 165 110 275 Ds -a 141565# 410# 7244# 1# B- -3731# 661# 275 151976# 441# + 53 164 111 275 Rg -a 145296# 519# 7227# 2# B- * 275 155981# 557# +0 60 168 108 276 Hs -a 138285# 754# 7264# 3# B- -3029# 923# 276 148455# 810# + 58 167 109 276 Mt -a 141315# 532# 7250# 2# B- -1227# 763# 276 151708# 571# + 56 166 110 276 Ds -a 142541# 548# 7243# 2# B- -4945# 834# 276 153024# 588# + 54 165 111 276 Rg -a 147486# 629# 7222# 2# B- -2866# 866# 276 158333# 675# + 52 164 112 276 Cn x 150352# 596# 7209# 2# B- * 276 161410# 640# +0 61 169 108 277 Hs -a 141493# 541# 7255# 2# B- -1475# 884# 277 151899# 581# + 59 168 109 277 Mt -a 142968# 699# 7247# 3# B- -2172# 798# 277 153483# 751# + 57 167 110 277 Ds -a 145140# 384# 7237# 1# B- -3197# 646# 277 155815# 412# + 55 166 111 277 Rg -a 148338# 520# 7222# 2# B- -4065# 539# 277 159247# 558# + 53 165 112 277 Cn -a 152403# 143# 7205# 1# B- * 277 163611# 153# +0 60 169 109 278 Mt -a 145736# 621# 7240# 2# B- -645# 881# 278 156454# 666# + 58 168 110 278 Ds -a 146381# 625# 7235# 2# B- -4136# 719# 278 157146# 671# + 56 167 111 278 Rg -a 150517# 357# 7218# 1# B- -2415# 565# 278 161587# 383# + 54 166 112 278 Cn -a 152932# 438# 7206# 2# B- -5957# 475# 278 164179# 470# + 52 165 113 278 Ed -a 158889# 184# 7182# 1# B- * 278 170574# 198# +0 61 170 109 279 Mt -a 147496# 667# 7237# 2# B- -1630# 896# 279 158343# 716# + 59 169 110 279 Ds -a 149126# 598# 7228# 2# B- -2649# 731# 279 160093# 642# + 57 168 111 279 Rg -a 151775# 421# 7216# 2# B- -3255# 621# 279 162937# 452# + 55 167 112 279 Cn -a 155030# 456# 7202# 2# B- -4209# 835# 279 166432# 490# + 53 166 113 279 Ed x 159239# 699# 7184# 3# B- * 279 170950# 750# +0 60 170 110 280 Ds -a 150520# 780# 7226# 3# B- -3366# 944# 280 161590# 838# + 58 169 111 280 Rg -a 153886# 532# 7212# 2# B- -1810# 789# 280 165203# 571# + 56 168 112 280 Cn -a 155696# 583# 7202# 2# B- -5444# 707# 280 167147# 626# + 54 167 113 280 Ed x 161140# 400# 7180# 1# B- * 280 172991# 429# +0 61 171 110 281 Ds -a 153431# 579# 7219# 2# B- -1866# 992# 281 164715# 622# + 59 170 111 281 Rg -a 155297# 806# 7210# 3# B- -2722# 894# 281 166718# 865# + 57 169 112 281 Cn -a 158019# 387# 7197# 1# B- -3790# 490# 281 169641# 416# + 55 168 113 281 Ed x 161810# 300# 7181# 1# B- * 281 173710# 322# +0 60 171 111 282 Rg -a 157800# 654# 7204# 2# B- -1176# 926# 282 169405# 702# + 58 170 112 282 Cn -a 158976# 656# 7197# 2# B- -4749# 748# 282 170668# 704# + 56 169 113 282 Ed -a 163725# 361# 7177# 1# B- * 282 175766# 387# +0 61 172 111 283 Rg -a 159281# 697# 7202# 2# B- -2205# 925# 283 170995# 748# + 59 171 112 283 Cn -a 161486# 608# 7191# 2# B- -3221# 748# 283 173362# 653# + 57 170 113 283 Ed -a 164707# 436# 7177# 2# B- * 283 176820# 468# +0 60 172 112 284 Cn -a 162545# 806# 7190# 3# B- -4046# 966# 284 174499# 865# + 58 171 113 284 Ed -a 166591# 534# 7173# 2# B- -2330# 846# 284 178843# 573# + 56 170 114 284 Fl -a 168921# 656# 7162# 2# B- * 284 181344# 704# +0 61 173 112 285 Cn -a 165173# 581# 7184# 2# B- -2557# 995# 285 177321# 624# + 59 172 113 285 Ed -a 167731# 807# 7173# 3# B- -3272# 897# 285 180066# 866# + 57 171 114 285 Fl -a 171003# 391# 7158# 1# B- * 285 183579# 419# +0 60 173 113 286 Ed -a 170014# 656# 7168# 2# B- -1758# 928# 286 182518# 704# + 58 172 114 286 Fl -a 171773# 657# 7159# 2# B- * 286 184406# 705# +0 61 174 113 287 Ed -a 171245# 725# 7167# 3# B- -2827# 948# 287 183840# 778# + 59 173 114 287 Fl -a 174073# 610# 7154# 2# B- -3823# 752# 287 186875# 655# + 57 172 115 287 Ef -a 177895# 439# 7138# 2# B- * 287 190978# 471# +0 60 174 114 288 Fl -a 175042# 806# 7154# 3# B- -4728# 968# 288 187916# 865# + 58 173 115 288 Ef -a 179771# 536# 7135# 2# B- * 288 192992# 576# +0 61 175 114 289 Fl -a 177564# 584# 7148# 2# B- -3102# 997# 289 190623# 626# + 59 174 115 289 Ef -a 180666# 809# 7135# 3# B- -3861# 947# 289 193953# 868# + 57 173 116 289 Lv -a 184528# 492# 7119# 2# B- * 289 198099# 529# +0 60 175 115 290 Ef -a 182894# 658# 7130# 2# B- -2304# 932# 290 196345# 706# + 58 174 116 290 Lv -a 185198# 660# 7120# 2# B- * 290 198818# 708# +0 61 176 115 291 Ef -a 183990# 784# 7130# 3# B- -3397# 995# 291 197522# 842# + 59 175 116 291 Lv -a 187387# 612# 7116# 2# B- -4413# 853# 291 201169# 658# + 57 174 117 291 Eh -a 191800# 594# 7098# 2# B- * 291 205906# 637# +0 60 176 116 292 Lv -a 188242# 806# 7116# 3# B- -5334# 1047# 292 202086# 865# + 58 175 117 292 Eh -a 193576# 669# 7095# 2# B- * 292 207812# 718# +0 61 177 116 293 Lv -a 190669# 586# 7111# 2# B- -3716# 1000# 293 204691# 629# + 59 176 117 293 Eh -a 194385# 810# 7095# 3# B- -4488# 1072# 293 208680# 870# + 57 175 118 293 Ei -a 198873# 702# 7077# 2# B- * 293 213498# 753# +0 60 177 117 294 Eh -a 196521# 660# 7092# 2# B- -2942# 936# 294 210974# 708# + 58 176 118 294 Ei -a 199463# 663# 7079# 2# B- * 294 214132# 712# +0 59 177 118 295 Ei -a 201512# 644# 7075# 2# B- * 295 216332# 692# diff --git a/Cleopatra/mass20.txt b/Cleopatra/mass20.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38a0ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/mass20.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3594 @@ +1 a0dsskgw A T O M I C M A S S A D J U S T M E N T +0 DATE 3 Mar 2021 TIME 22:41 +0 ********************* A= 0 TO 295 + * file : mass.mas20 * + ********************* + + This is one file out of a series of 3 files published in: + "The Ame2020 atomic mass evaluation (I)" by W.J.Huang, M.Wang, F.G.Kondev, G.Audi and S.Naimi + Chinese Physics C45, 030002, March 2021. + "The Ame2020 atomic mass evaluation (II)" by M.Wang, W.J.Huang, F.G.Kondev, G.Audi and S.Naimi + Chinese Physics C45, 030003, March 2021. + for files : mass.mas20 : atomic masses + rct1.mas20 : react and sep energies, part 1 + rct2.mas20 : react and sep energies, part 2 + A fourth file is the "Rounded" version of the atomic mass table (the first file) + massround.mas20 atomic masses "Rounded" version + + Values in files 1, 2 and 3 are unrounded version of the published ones + Values in file 4 are exact copy of the published ones + + col 1 : Fortran character control: 1 = page feed 0 = line feed + format : a1,i3,i5,i5,i5,1x,a3,a4,1x,f14.6,f12.6,f15.5,f11.5,1x,a2,f13.5,f11.5,1x,i3,1x,f13.6,f12.6 + cc NZ N Z A el o mass unc binding unc B beta unc atomic_mass unc + Warnings : this format is not identical to that used in AME2016; + one more digit is added to the "BINDING ENERGY/A", "BETA-DECAY ENERGY" and "ATOMIC-MASS" values and their uncertainties; + # in a place of decimal point : estimated (non-experimental) value; + * in a place of value : the not calculable quantity + +....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10....+...11....+...12....+...13 + + + MASS LIST + for analysis + +1N-Z N Z A EL O MASS EXCESS BINDING ENERGY/A BETA-DECAY ENERGY ATOMIC MASS + (keV) (keV) (keV) (micro-u) +0 1 1 0 1 n 8071.31806 0.00044 0.0 0.0 B- 782.3470 0.0004 1 008664.91590 0.00047 + -1 0 1 1 H 7288.971064 0.000013 0.0 0.0 B- * 1 007825.031898 0.000014 +0 0 1 1 2 H 13135.722895 0.000015 1112.2831 0.0002 B- * 2 014101.777844 0.000015 +0 1 2 1 3 H 14949.81090 0.00008 2827.2654 0.0003 B- 18.59202 0.00006 3 016049.28132 0.00008 + -1 1 2 3 He 14931.21888 0.00006 2572.68044 0.00015 B- -13736# 2000# 3 016029.32197 0.00006 + -3 0 3 3 Li -pp 28667# 2000# -2267# 667# B- * 3 030775# 2147# +0 2 3 1 4 H -n 24621.129 100.000 1720.4491 25.0000 B- 22196.2131 100.0000 4 026431.867 107.354 + 0 2 2 4 He 2424.91587 0.00015 7073.9156 0.0002 B- -22898.2740 212.1320 4 002603.25413 0.00016 + -2 1 3 4 Li -p 25323.190 212.132 1153.7603 53.0330 B- * 4 027185.561 227.733 +0 3 4 1 5 H -nn 32892.447 89.443 1336.3592 17.8885 B- 21661.2131 91.6515 5 035311.492 96.020 + 1 3 2 5 He -n 11231.234 20.000 5512.1325 4.0000 B- -447.6529 53.8516 5 012057.224 21.470 + -1 2 3 5 Li -p 11678.887 50.000 5266.1325 10.0000 B- -25460# 2003# 5 012537.800 53.677 + -3 1 4 5 Be x 37139# 2003# 18# 401# B- * 5 039870# 2150# +0 4 5 1 6 H -3n 41875.725 254.127 961.6395 42.3545 B- 24283.6294 254.1268 6 044955.437 272.816 + 2 4 2 6 He 17592.095 0.053 4878.5199 0.0089 B- 3505.2147 0.0532 6 018885.889 0.057 + 0 3 3 6 Li 14086.88044 0.00144 5332.3312 0.0003 B- -4288.1534 5.4478 6 015122.88742 0.00155 + -2 2 4 6 Be - 18375.034 5.448 4487.2478 0.9080 B- -28945# 2003# 6 019726.409 5.848 + -4 1 5 6 B x 47320# 2003# -467# 334# B- * 6 050800# 2150# +0 5 6 1 7 H -nn 49135# 1004# 940# 143# B- 23062# 1004# 7 052749# 1078# + 3 5 2 7 He -n 26073.128 7.559 4123.0578 1.0799 B- 11166.0229 7.5595 7 027990.652 8.115 + 1 4 3 7 Li 14907.10463 0.00419 5606.4401 0.0006 B- -861.8930 0.0707 7 016003.43426 0.00450 + -1 3 4 7 Be 15768.998 0.071 5371.5487 0.0101 B- -11907.5551 25.1504 7 016928.714 0.076 + -3 2 5 7 B p4n 27676.553 25.150 3558.7055 3.5929 B- * 7 029712.000 27.000 +0 4 6 2 8 He 31609.683 0.089 3924.5210 0.0111 B- 10663.8784 0.1005 8 033934.388 0.095 + 2 5 3 8 Li 20945.805 0.047 5159.7124 0.0059 B- 16004.1329 0.0591 8 022486.244 0.050 + 0 4 4 8 Be -a 4941.672 0.035 7062.4356 0.0044 B- -17979.8973 1.0005 8 005305.102 0.037 + -2 3 5 8 B 22921.569 1.000 4717.1551 0.1250 B- -12142.7002 18.2704 8 024607.315 1.073 + -4 2 6 8 C 35064.269 18.243 3101.5242 2.2804 B- * 8 037643.039 19.584 +0 5 7 2 9 He 40935.826 46.816 3349.0380 5.2018 B- 15980.9213 46.8169 9 043946.414 50.259 + 3 6 3 9 Li -3n 24954.905 0.186 5037.7685 0.0207 B- 13606.4541 0.2014 9 026790.191 0.200 + 1 5 4 9 Be 11348.451 0.076 6462.6693 0.0085 B- -1068.0349 0.8994 9 012183.062 0.082 + -1 4 5 9 B - 12416.486 0.903 6257.0713 0.1003 B- -16494.4854 2.3195 9 013329.645 0.969 + -3 3 6 9 C -pp 28910.971 2.137 4337.4233 0.2374 B- * 9 031037.202 2.293 +0 6 8 2 10 He -nn 49197.147 92.848 2995.1340 9.2848 B- 16144.5191 93.7152 10 052815.306 99.676 + 4 7 3 10 Li -n 33052.628 12.721 4531.3512 1.2721 B- 20445.1411 12.7216 10 035483.453 13.656 + 2 6 4 10 Be 12607.487 0.081 6497.6306 0.0081 B- 556.8759 0.0822 10 013534.692 0.086 + 0 5 5 10 B 12050.611 0.015 6475.0835 0.0015 B- -3648.0623 0.0687 10 012936.862 0.016 + -2 4 6 10 C 15698.673 0.070 6032.0426 0.0070 B- -23101.3545 400.0000 10 016853.217 0.075 + -4 3 7 10 N -- 38800.027 400.000 3643.6724 40.0000 B- * 10 041653.540 429.417 +0 5 8 3 11 Li x 40728.259 0.615 4155.3817 0.0559 B- 20551.0898 0.6591 11 043723.581 0.660 + 3 7 4 11 Be 20177.169 0.238 5952.5402 0.0216 B- 11509.4607 0.2380 11 021661.080 0.255 + 1 6 5 11 B 8667.708 0.012 6927.7323 0.0011 B- -1981.6889 0.0608 11 009305.166 0.013 + -1 5 6 11 C 10649.397 0.060 6676.4563 0.0054 B- -13716.2469 5.0008 11 011432.597 0.064 + -3 4 7 11 N -p 24365.644 5.000 5358.4023 0.4546 B- -23373.2693 60.2459 11 026157.593 5.368 + -5 3 8 11 O -pp 47738.913 60.038 3162.4372 5.4580 B- * 11 051249.828 64.453 +0 6 9 3 12 Li -n 49009.577 30.006 3791.5999 2.5005 B- 23931.8152 30.0669 12 052613.942 32.213 + 4 8 4 12 Be 25077.761 1.909 5720.7223 0.1590 B- 11708.3636 2.3214 12 026922.082 2.048 + 2 7 5 12 B 13369.398 1.321 6631.2237 0.1101 B- 13369.3979 1.3214 12 014352.638 1.418 + 0 6 6 12 C 0.0 0.0 7680.1446 0.0002 B- -17338.0681 0.9999 12 000000.0 0.0 + -2 5 7 12 N 17338.068 1.000 6170.1100 0.0833 B- -14675.2668 12.0418 12 018613.180 1.073 + -4 4 8 12 O -pp 32013.335 12.000 4881.9755 1.0000 B- * 12 034367.726 12.882 +0 7 10 3 13 Li -nn 56980.895 70.003 3507.6307 5.3848 B- 23321.8152 70.7391 13 061171.503 75.150 + 5 9 4 13 Be -n 33659.080 10.180 5241.4359 0.7831 B- 17097.1315 10.2295 13 036134.506 10.929 + 3 8 5 13 B -nn 16561.948 1.000 6496.4194 0.0769 B- 13436.9387 1.0001 13 017779.981 1.073 + 1 7 6 13 C 3125.00933 0.00023 7469.8495 0.0002 B- -2220.4718 0.2695 13 003354.83534 0.00025 + -1 6 7 13 N -p 5345.481 0.270 7238.8634 0.0207 B- -17769.9506 9.5301 13 005738.609 0.289 + -3 5 8 13 O +3n 23115.432 9.526 5811.7636 0.7328 B- -18915# 500# 13 024815.435 10.226 + -5 4 9 13 F x 42030# 500# 4297# 38# B- * 13 045121# 537# +0 6 10 4 14 Be x 39954.502 132.245 4993.8973 9.4461 B- 16290.8166 133.9357 14 042892.920 141.970 + 4 9 5 14 B 23663.686 21.213 6101.6451 1.5152 B- 20643.7926 21.2133 14 025404.010 22.773 + 2 8 6 14 C 3019.89328 0.00375 7520.3198 0.0004 B- 156.4765 0.0037 14 003241.98862 0.00403 + 0 7 7 14 N 2863.41683 0.00022 7475.6148 0.0002 B- -5144.3643 0.0252 14 003074.00425 0.00024 + -2 6 8 14 O 8007.781 0.025 7052.2783 0.0018 B- -23956.6215 41.1187 14 008596.706 0.027 + -4 5 9 14 F -p 31964.403 41.119 5285.2091 2.9371 B- * 14 034315.196 44.142 +0 7 11 4 15 Be -n 49825.821 165.797 4540.9708 11.0532 B- 20868.4411 167.1256 15 053490.215 177.990 + 5 10 5 15 B 28957.379 21.029 5880.0438 1.4019 B- 19084.2343 21.0442 15 031087.023 22.575 + 3 9 6 15 C -n 9873.145 0.800 7100.1696 0.0533 B- 9771.7071 0.8000 15 010599.256 0.858 + 1 8 7 15 N 101.43809 0.00058 7699.4603 0.0002 B- -2754.1841 0.4902 15 000108.89827 0.00062 + -1 7 8 15 O 2855.622 0.490 7463.6915 0.0327 B- -13711.1300 14.0086 15 003065.636 0.526 + -3 6 9 15 F -p 16566.752 14.000 6497.4597 0.9333 B- -23648.6215 68.1377 15 017785.139 15.029 + -5 5 10 15 Ne -pp 40215.374 66.684 4868.7285 4.4456 B- * 15 043172.977 71.588 +0 8 12 4 16 Be -nn 57447.139 165.797 4285.2851 10.3623 B- 20335.4399 167.6075 16 061672.036 177.990 + 6 11 5 16 B 37111.699 24.566 5507.3535 1.5354 B- 23417.5656 24.8254 16 039841.045 26.373 + 4 10 6 16 C -nn 13694.133 3.578 6922.0546 0.2236 B- 8010.2260 4.2540 16 014701.255 3.840 + 2 9 7 16 N -n 5683.907 2.301 7373.7971 0.1438 B- 10420.9094 2.3014 16 006101.925 2.470 + 0 8 8 16 O -4737.00217 0.00030 7976.2072 0.0002 B- -15412.1840 5.3642 15 994914.61926 0.00032 + -2 7 9 16 F 10675.182 5.364 6964.0490 0.3353 B- -13311.5932 21.1709 16 011460.278 5.758 + -4 6 10 16 Ne -- 23986.775 20.480 6083.1777 1.2800 B- * 16 025750.860 21.986 +0 7 12 5 17 B x 43716.322 204.104 5269.6677 12.0061 B- 22684.4422 204.8410 17 046931.399 219.114 + 5 11 6 17 C 2p-n 21031.880 17.365 6558.0262 1.0215 B- 13161.8007 22.9464 17 022578.650 18.641 + 3 10 7 17 N +p 7870.079 15.000 7286.2294 0.8824 B- 8678.8430 15.0000 17 008448.876 16.103 + 1 9 8 17 O -808.76421 0.00064 7750.7291 0.0002 B- -2760.4655 0.2479 16 999131.75595 0.00069 + -1 8 9 17 F 1951.701 0.248 7542.3284 0.0146 B- -14548.7507 0.4323 17 002095.237 0.266 + -3 7 10 17 Ne 16500.452 0.354 6640.4991 0.0208 B- -18219.1277 59.6167 17 017713.962 0.380 + -5 6 11 17 Na x 34719.580 59.616 5522.7653 3.5068 B- * 17 037273.000 64.000 +0 8 13 5 18 B -n 51792.640 204.165 4976.6306 11.3425 B- 26873.3742 206.3572 18 055601.683 219.180 + 6 12 6 18 C ++ 24919.266 30.000 6426.1321 1.6667 B- 11806.0982 35.2821 18 026751.930 32.206 + 4 11 7 18 N + 13113.167 18.570 7038.5627 1.0316 B- 13895.9838 18.5695 18 014077.563 19.935 + 2 10 8 18 O -782.81634 0.00064 7767.0981 0.0002 B- -1655.9288 0.4633 17 999159.61214 0.00069 + 0 9 9 18 F 873.112 0.463 7631.6383 0.0257 B- -4444.5049 0.5888 18 000937.324 0.497 + -2 8 10 18 Ne 5317.617 0.363 7341.2577 0.0202 B- -19720.3745 93.8819 18 005708.696 0.390 + -4 7 11 18 Na 25037.992 93.881 6202.2176 5.2156 B- * 18 026879.388 100.785 +0 9 14 5 19 B x 59770.251 525.363 4719.6346 27.6507 B- 27356.4961 534.4964 19 064166.000 564.000 + 7 13 6 19 C -n 32413.754 98.389 6118.2740 5.1784 B- 16557.4995 99.7475 19 034797.594 105.625 + 5 12 7 19 N p-2n 15856.255 16.404 6948.5452 0.8634 B- 12523.3972 16.6143 19 017022.389 17.610 + 3 11 8 19 O -n 3332.858 2.637 7566.4952 0.1388 B- 4820.3029 2.6370 19 003577.969 2.830 + 1 10 9 19 F -1487.44512 0.00082 7779.0192 0.0002 B- -3239.4986 0.1601 18 998403.16207 0.00088 + -1 9 10 19 Ne +3n 1752.054 0.160 7567.3431 0.0084 B- -11177.3310 10.5364 19 001880.906 0.171 + -3 8 11 19 Na 12929.384 10.535 6937.8864 0.5545 B- -18909.0095 60.9189 19 013880.264 11.309 + -5 7 12 19 Mg -pp 31838.394 60.001 5901.4992 3.1579 B- * 19 034179.920 64.413 +0 10 15 5 20 B -n 69401.569 546.357 4405.6529 27.3178 B- 31898.0019 593.0377 20 074505.644 586.538 + 8 14 6 20 C x 37503.567 230.625 5961.4356 11.5312 B- 15737.0689 243.7459 20 040261.732 247.585 + 6 13 7 20 N x 21766.498 78.894 6709.1717 3.9447 B- 17970.3261 78.8991 20 023367.295 84.696 + 4 12 8 20 O -nn 3796.172 0.885 7568.5707 0.0442 B- 3813.6349 0.8854 20 004075.357 0.950 + 2 11 9 20 F -n -17.463 0.030 7720.1351 0.0015 B- 7024.4689 0.0297 19 999981.252 0.031 + 0 10 10 20 Ne -7041.93217 0.00154 8032.2412 0.0002 B- -13892.4207 1.1090 19 992440.17525 0.00165 + -2 9 11 20 Na 6850.489 1.109 7298.5028 0.0554 B- -10627.2054 2.1681 20 007354.301 1.190 + -4 8 12 20 Mg +t 17477.694 1.863 6728.0252 0.0931 B- * 20 018763.075 2.000 +0 11 16 5 21 B -nn 78382.887 558.664 4152.5265 26.6031 B- 32740# 817# 21 084147.485 599.750 + 9 15 6 21 C x 45643# 596# 5674# 28# B- 20411# 611# 21 049000# 640# + 7 14 7 21 N x 25231.915 134.048 6609.0159 6.3832 B- 17169.8816 134.5840 21 027087.573 143.906 + 5 13 8 21 O -3n 8062.034 12.000 7389.3747 0.5714 B- 8109.6390 12.1342 21 008654.948 12.882 + 3 12 9 21 F -nn -47.605 1.800 7738.2934 0.0857 B- 5684.1712 1.8004 20 999948.893 1.932 + 1 11 10 21 Ne -5731.776 0.038 7971.7136 0.0018 B- -3546.9190 0.0177 20 993846.685 0.041 + -1 10 11 21 Na -2184.857 0.042 7765.5581 0.0020 B- -13088.7080 0.7557 20 997654.459 0.045 + -3 9 12 21 Mg x 10903.851 0.755 7105.0317 0.0359 B- -16186# 600# 21 011705.764 0.810 + -5 8 13 21 Al x 27090# 600# 6297# 29# B- * 21 029082# 644# +0 10 16 6 22 C -nn 53611.203 231.490 5421.0778 10.5223 B- 21846.3983 311.0627 22 057553.990 248.515 + 8 15 7 22 N x 31764.805 207.779 6378.5347 9.4445 B- 22481.7725 215.4350 22 034100.918 223.060 + 6 14 8 22 O -4n 9283.032 56.921 7364.8722 2.5873 B- 6489.6562 58.2558 22 009965.744 61.107 + 4 13 9 22 F + 2793.376 12.399 7624.2954 0.5636 B- 10818.0916 12.3990 22 002998.812 13.310 + 2 12 10 22 Ne -8024.716 0.018 8080.4656 0.0008 B- -2843.3243 0.1325 21 991385.113 0.018 + 0 11 11 22 Na -5181.391 0.132 7915.6624 0.0060 B- -4781.4051 0.1631 21 994437.547 0.141 + -2 10 12 22 Mg -399.986 0.159 7662.7645 0.0072 B- -18601# 401# 21 999570.597 0.170 + -4 9 13 22 Al x 18201# 401# 6782# 18# B- -15439# 641# 22 019540# 430# + -6 8 14 22 Si x 33640# 500# 6044# 23# B- * 22 036114# 537# +0 11 17 6 23 C x 64171# 997# 5077# 43# B- 27450# 1082# 23 068890# 1070# + 9 16 7 23 N x 36720.429 420.570 6236.6721 18.2856 B- 22099.0584 437.8271 23 039421.000 451.500 + 7 15 8 23 O x 14621.371 121.712 7163.4856 5.2918 B- 11336.1072 126.1904 23 015696.686 130.663 + 5 14 9 23 F 3285.263 33.320 7622.3447 1.4487 B- 8439.3084 33.3206 23 003526.875 35.770 + 3 13 10 23 Ne -n -5154.045 0.104 7955.2561 0.0045 B- 4375.8085 0.1044 22 994466.905 0.112 + 1 12 11 23 Na -9529.85352 0.00181 8111.4936 0.0002 B- -4056.1790 0.0317 22 989769.28195 0.00194 + -1 11 12 23 Mg - -5473.675 0.032 7901.1229 0.0014 B- -12221.7457 0.3461 22 994123.768 0.034 + -3 10 13 23 Al -- 6748.071 0.345 7335.7275 0.0150 B- -17202# 500# 23 007244.351 0.370 + -5 9 14 23 Si x 23950# 500# 6554# 22# B- * 23 025711# 537# +0 10 17 7 24 N x 46938# 401# 5887# 17# B- 28438# 433# 24 050390# 430# + 8 16 8 24 O x 18500.404 164.874 7039.6855 6.8698 B- 10955.8885 191.6327 24 019861.000 177.000 + 6 15 9 24 F x 7544.516 97.670 7463.5831 4.0696 B- 13496.1583 97.6717 24 008099.370 104.853 + 4 14 10 24 Ne -nn -5951.642 0.513 7993.3252 0.0214 B- 2466.2583 0.5130 23 993610.649 0.550 + 2 13 11 24 Na -n -8417.901 0.017 8063.4882 0.0007 B- 5515.6774 0.0210 23 990963.012 0.017 + 0 12 12 24 Mg -13933.578 0.013 8260.7103 0.0006 B- -13884.7660 0.2282 23 985041.689 0.013 + -2 11 13 24 Al -48.812 0.228 7649.5806 0.0095 B- -10793.9978 19.4734 23 999947.598 0.244 + -4 10 14 24 Si -- 10745.186 19.472 7167.2329 0.8113 B- -23275# 501# 24 011535.430 20.904 + -6 9 15 24 P x 34020# 500# 6165# 21# B- * 24 036522# 537# +0 11 18 7 25 N x 55983# 503# 5613# 20# B- 28654# 529# 25 060100# 540# + 9 17 8 25 O -n 27329.030 165.084 6727.8058 6.6034 B- 15994.8633 191.1909 25 029338.919 177.225 + 7 16 9 25 F x 11334.167 96.442 7336.3065 3.8577 B- 13369.6698 100.7212 25 012167.727 103.535 + 5 15 10 25 Ne -2035.503 29.045 7839.7994 1.1618 B- 7322.3107 29.0701 24 997814.797 31.181 + 3 14 11 25 Na -nn -9357.814 1.200 8101.3979 0.0480 B- 3834.9684 1.2009 24 989953.974 1.288 + 1 13 12 25 Mg -13192.782 0.047 8223.5028 0.0019 B- -4276.8080 0.0447 24 985836.966 0.050 + -1 12 13 25 Al -8915.974 0.065 8021.1366 0.0026 B- -12743.2956 10.0002 24 990428.308 0.069 + -3 11 14 25 Si +3n 3827.322 10.000 7480.1109 0.4000 B- -16363# 400# 25 004108.798 10.735 + -5 10 15 25 P x 20190# 400# 6794# 16# B- * 25 021675# 429# +0 10 18 8 26 O -nn 34661.041 164.950 6497.4790 6.3442 B- 15986.3855 196.6301 26 037210.155 177.081 + 8 17 9 26 F 18674.655 107.027 7082.2497 4.1164 B- 18193.5414 108.6022 26 020048.065 114.898 + 6 16 10 26 Ne x 481.114 18.429 7751.9110 0.7088 B- 7341.8940 18.7585 26 000516.496 19.784 + 4 15 11 26 Na x -6860.780 3.502 8004.2013 0.1347 B- 9353.7631 3.5018 25 992634.649 3.759 + 2 14 12 26 Mg -16214.544 0.029 8333.8711 0.0011 B- -4004.4042 0.0629 25 982592.972 0.031 + 0 13 13 26 Al -12210.139 0.066 8149.7653 0.0026 B- -5069.1361 0.0849 25 986891.876 0.071 + -2 12 14 26 Si - -7141.003 0.108 7924.7083 0.0041 B- -18114# 196# 25 992333.818 0.115 + -4 11 15 26 P x 10973# 196# 7198# 8# B- -16707# 631# 26 011780# 210# + -6 10 16 26 S x 27680# 600# 6525# 23# B- * 26 029716# 644# +0 11 19 8 27 O x 44670# 500# 6185# 19# B- 19536# 514# 27 047955# 537# + 9 18 9 27 F 25133.478 120.198 6879.6662 4.4518 B- 18082.5680 150.6211 27 026981.897 129.037 + 7 17 10 27 Ne x 7050.910 90.770 7520.4151 3.3619 B- 12568.7005 90.8467 27 007569.462 97.445 + 5 16 11 27 Na ++ -5517.791 3.726 7956.9467 0.1380 B- 9068.8037 3.7266 26 994076.408 4.000 + 3 15 12 27 Mg -14586.594 0.047 8263.8525 0.0018 B- 2610.2694 0.0669 26 984340.647 0.050 + 1 14 13 27 Al -17196.864 0.047 8331.5533 0.0018 B- -4812.3583 0.0964 26 981538.408 0.050 + -1 13 14 27 Si - -12384.505 0.107 8124.3420 0.0040 B- -11725.4730 9.0013 26 986704.687 0.115 + -3 12 15 27 P -p -659.032 9.001 7661.0894 0.3334 B- -18150# 400# 26 999292.499 9.662 + -5 11 16 27 S - 17491# 400# 6960# 15# B- * 27 018777# 430# +0 12 20 8 28 O x 52080# 699# 5988# 25# B- 18676# 709# 28 055910# 750# + 10 19 9 28 F -n 33403.796 120.347 6626.8567 4.2981 B- 22104.0579 174.2886 28 035860.448 129.198 + 8 18 10 28 Ne x 11299.738 126.068 7388.3463 4.5024 B- 12288.0534 126.4833 28 012130.767 135.339 + 6 17 11 28 Na x -988.315 10.246 7799.2644 0.3659 B- 14031.6303 10.2498 27 998939.000 11.000 + 4 16 12 28 Mg x -15019.946 0.261 8272.4531 0.0093 B- 1830.7740 0.2653 27 983875.426 0.280 + 2 15 13 28 Al -n -16850.719 0.049 8309.8969 0.0018 B- 4642.0776 0.0486 27 981910.009 0.052 + 0 14 14 28 Si -21492.79711 0.00051 8447.7445 0.0002 B- -14344.9407 1.1473 27 976926.53442 0.00055 + -2 13 15 28 P -7147.856 1.147 7907.4842 0.0410 B- -11221.0593 160.0041 27 992326.460 1.231 + -4 12 16 28 S -- 4073.203 160.000 7478.7911 5.7143 B- -24197# 525# 28 004372.762 171.767 + -6 11 17 28 Cl -p 28270# 500# 6587# 18# B- * 28 030349# 537# +0 11 20 9 29 F x 40150.190 525.363 6444.0314 18.1160 B- 21750.3873 546.2212 29 043103.000 564.000 + 9 19 10 29 Ne x 18399.803 149.505 7167.0673 5.1553 B- 15719.8092 149.6847 29 019753.000 160.500 + 7 18 11 29 Na 2679.994 7.337 7682.1522 0.2530 B- 13292.3538 7.3447 29 002877.091 7.876 + 5 17 12 29 Mg -10612.360 0.345 8113.5317 0.0119 B- 7595.4023 0.4873 28 988607.163 0.369 + 3 16 13 29 Al x -18207.762 0.345 8348.4647 0.0119 B- 3687.3192 0.3447 28 980453.164 0.370 + 1 15 14 29 Si -21895.08154 0.00056 8448.6361 0.0002 B- -4942.2325 0.3589 28 976494.66434 0.00060 + -1 14 15 29 P -16952.849 0.359 8251.2368 0.0124 B- -13858.4257 13.0459 28 981800.368 0.385 + -3 13 16 29 S x -3094.423 13.041 7746.3826 0.4497 B- -17117# 189# 28 996678.000 14.000 + -5 12 17 29 Cl -p 14022# 189# 7129# 7# B- -23947# 478# 29 015053# 203# + -7 11 18 29 Ar -pp 37969# 439# 6276# 15# B- * 29 040761# 471# +0 12 21 9 30 F x 48960# 500# 6205# 17# B- 25680# 561# 30 052561# 537# + 10 20 10 30 Ne 23280.120 253.250 7034.5317 8.4417 B- 14805.4501 253.2946 30 024992.235 271.875 + 8 19 11 30 Na 8474.670 4.727 7501.9685 0.1576 B- 17356.0423 4.9011 30 009097.931 5.074 + 6 18 12 30 Mg -8881.373 1.295 8054.4250 0.0432 B- 6982.7440 2.3287 29 990465.454 1.390 + 4 17 13 30 Al -15864.116 1.936 8261.1049 0.0645 B- 8568.8459 1.9357 29 982969.171 2.077 + 2 16 14 30 Si -n -24432.962 0.022 8520.6549 0.0008 B- -4232.1065 0.0615 29 973770.137 0.023 + 0 15 15 30 P - -20200.856 0.065 8353.5064 0.0022 B- -6141.6014 0.1956 29 978313.490 0.069 + -2 14 16 30 S - -14059.254 0.206 8122.7081 0.0069 B- -18733.8020 23.8769 29 984906.770 0.221 + -4 13 17 30 Cl -p 4674.548 23.876 7472.1698 0.7959 B- -17397# 180# 30 005018.333 25.631 + -6 12 18 30 Ar -pp 22071# 179# 6866# 6# B- * 30 023694# 192# +0 13 22 9 31 F -nn 56843# 535# 6011# 17# B- 25661# 597# 31 061023# 574# + 11 21 10 31 Ne 31181.594 266.195 6813.0902 8.5869 B- 18935.5625 266.5617 31 033474.816 285.772 + 9 20 11 31 Na x 12246.031 13.972 7398.6778 0.4507 B- 15368.1833 14.3065 31 013146.654 15.000 + 7 19 12 31 Mg x -3122.152 3.074 7869.1886 0.0992 B- 11828.5569 3.8009 30 996648.232 3.300 + 5 18 13 31 Al x -14950.709 2.236 8225.5180 0.0721 B- 7998.3286 2.2360 30 983949.754 2.400 + 3 17 14 31 Si -n -22949.037 0.043 8458.2916 0.0014 B- 1491.5071 0.0434 30 975363.196 0.046 + 1 16 15 31 P -24440.54442 0.00075 8481.1677 0.0002 B- -5398.0130 0.2292 30 973761.99768 0.00080 + -1 15 16 31 S -19042.531 0.229 8281.8013 0.0074 B- -12007.9790 3.4541 30 979557.002 0.246 + -3 14 17 31 Cl -- -7034.552 3.447 7869.2101 0.1112 B- -18360# 200# 30 992448.097 3.700 + -5 13 18 31 Ar - 11325# 200# 7252# 6# B- -22935# 361# 31 012158# 215# + -7 12 19 31 K x 34260# 300# 6487# 10# B- * 31 036780# 322# +0 12 22 10 32 Ne x 36999# 503# 6671# 16# B- 18359# 504# 32 039720# 540# + 10 21 11 32 Na x 18640.152 37.260 7219.8815 1.1644 B- 19469.0523 37.4021 32 020011.024 40.000 + 8 20 12 32 Mg x -828.901 3.260 7803.8411 0.1019 B- 10270.4677 7.8787 31 999110.138 3.500 + 6 19 13 32 Al x -11099.368 7.173 8100.3449 0.2241 B- 12978.3208 7.1787 31 988084.338 7.700 + 4 18 14 32 Si x -24077.689 0.298 8481.4690 0.0093 B- 227.1872 0.3008 31 974151.538 0.320 + 2 17 15 32 P -n -24304.876 0.040 8464.1203 0.0013 B- 1710.6608 0.0400 31 973907.643 0.042 + 0 16 16 32 S -26015.53714 0.00131 8493.1301 0.0002 B- -12680.8313 0.5617 31 972071.17354 0.00141 + -2 15 17 32 Cl -13334.706 0.562 8072.4058 0.0176 B- -11134.3536 1.8568 31 985684.605 0.603 + -4 14 18 32 Ar x -2200.352 1.770 7700.0089 0.0553 B- -24190# 400# 31 997637.824 1.900 + -6 13 19 32 K x 21990# 400# 6920# 12# B- * 32 023607# 429# +0 13 23 10 33 Ne x 46130# 600# 6436# 18# B- 22350# 750# 33 049523# 644# + 11 22 11 33 Na x 23780.113 449.912 7089.9262 13.6337 B- 18817.2400 449.9195 33 025529.000 483.000 + 9 21 12 33 Mg 4962.873 2.663 7636.4382 0.0807 B- 13460.2550 7.4767 33 005327.862 2.859 + 7 20 13 33 Al x -8497.382 6.986 8020.6172 0.2117 B- 12016.9460 7.0211 32 990877.685 7.500 + 5 19 14 33 Si x -20514.328 0.699 8361.0596 0.0212 B- 5823.0223 1.2947 32 977976.964 0.750 + 3 18 15 33 P + -26337.350 1.090 8513.8073 0.0330 B- 248.5079 1.0900 32 971725.692 1.170 + 1 17 16 33 S -26585.85830 0.00134 8497.6304 0.0002 B- -5582.5182 0.3908 32 971458.90862 0.00144 + -1 16 17 33 Cl -21003.340 0.391 8304.7557 0.0118 B- -11619.0452 0.5596 32 977451.988 0.419 + -3 15 18 33 Ar x -9384.295 0.401 7928.9559 0.0121 B- -16925# 200# 32 989925.545 0.430 + -5 14 19 33 K x 7540# 200# 7392# 6# B- -23489# 447# 33 008095# 215# + -7 13 20 33 Ca x 31030# 400# 6657# 12# B- * 33 033312# 429# +0 14 24 10 34 Ne -nn 52842# 513# 6287# 15# B- 21161# 789# 34 056728# 551# + 12 23 11 34 Na x 31680.114 599.416 6886.4377 17.6299 B- 23356.7903 599.4561 34 034010.000 643.500 + 10 22 12 34 Mg x 8323.324 6.893 7550.3919 0.2027 B- 11320.9428 7.2072 34 008935.455 7.400 + 8 21 13 34 Al x -2997.619 2.105 7860.3506 0.0619 B- 16994.0653 2.2519 33 996781.924 2.259 + 6 20 14 34 Si x -19991.684 0.801 8337.1659 0.0236 B- 4557.0175 1.1395 33 978538.045 0.860 + 4 19 15 34 P x -24548.702 0.810 8448.1856 0.0238 B- 5382.9879 0.8116 33 973645.886 0.870 + 2 18 16 34 S -29931.689 0.045 8583.4986 0.0013 B- -5491.6037 0.0378 33 967867.011 0.047 + 0 17 17 34 Cl -24440.086 0.049 8398.9706 0.0014 B- -6061.7930 0.0631 33 973762.490 0.052 + -2 16 18 34 Ar -18378.293 0.078 8197.6724 0.0023 B- -17158# 196# 33 980270.092 0.083 + -4 15 19 34 K x -1220# 196# 7670# 6# B- -16110# 358# 33 998690# 210# + -6 14 20 34 Ca x 14890# 300# 7173# 9# B- * 34 015985# 322# +0 13 24 11 35 Na -n 37831# 670# 6745# 19# B- 22192# 723# 35 040614# 720# + 11 23 12 35 Mg x 15639.786 269.668 7356.2338 7.7048 B- 15863.5156 269.7679 35 016790.000 289.500 + 9 22 13 35 Al x -223.730 7.359 7787.1243 0.2103 B- 14167.7504 36.6047 34 999759.816 7.900 + 7 21 14 35 Si 2p-n -14391.480 35.857 8169.5644 1.0245 B- 10466.3291 35.9049 34 984550.111 38.494 + 5 20 15 35 P +p -24857.809 1.866 8446.2496 0.0533 B- 3988.4006 1.8667 34 973314.045 2.003 + 3 19 16 35 S -28846.210 0.040 8537.8511 0.0012 B- 167.3218 0.0257 34 969032.321 0.043 + 1 18 17 35 Cl -29013.532 0.035 8520.2790 0.0010 B- -5966.2429 0.6794 34 968852.694 0.038 + -1 17 18 35 Ar - -23047.289 0.680 8327.4621 0.0194 B- -11874.3955 0.8516 34 975257.719 0.730 + -3 16 19 35 K 4n -11172.893 0.512 7965.8409 0.0146 B- -16363# 200# 34 988005.406 0.550 + -5 15 20 35 Ca x 5190# 200# 7476# 6# B- -21910# 447# 35 005572# 215# + -7 14 21 35 Sc x 27100# 400# 6828# 11# B- * 35 029093# 429# +0 14 25 11 36 Na -n 45903# 687# 6557# 19# B- 25523# 974# 36 049279# 737# + 12 24 12 36 Mg x 20380.159 690.237 7244.4202 19.1733 B- 14429.7751 706.2429 36 021879.000 741.000 + 10 23 13 36 Al x 5950.384 149.505 7623.5154 4.1529 B- 18386.5096 165.8510 36 006388.000 160.500 + 8 22 14 36 Si x -12436.125 71.797 8112.5199 1.9944 B- 7814.9194 72.9852 35 986649.271 77.077 + 6 21 15 36 P + -20251.045 13.114 8307.8692 0.3643 B- 10413.0962 13.1124 35 978259.610 14.078 + 4 20 16 36 S -30664.141 0.188 8575.3900 0.0052 B- -1142.1329 0.1893 35 967080.692 0.201 + 2 19 17 36 Cl -29522.008 0.036 8521.9322 0.0010 B- 709.5343 0.0449 35 968306.822 0.038 + 0 18 18 36 Ar -30231.542 0.027 8519.9096 0.0008 B- -12814.3607 0.3259 35 967545.106 0.028 + -2 17 19 36 K -17417.182 0.325 8142.2233 0.0090 B- -10966.0155 40.0013 35 981301.887 0.349 + -4 16 20 36 Ca 4n -6451.166 40.000 7815.8799 1.1111 B- -22601# 303# 35 993074.388 42.941 + -6 15 21 36 Sc x 16150# 300# 7166# 8# B- * 36 017338# 322# +0 15 26 11 37 Na -nn 53134# 687# 6403# 19# B- 24923# 980# 37 057042# 737# + 13 25 12 37 Mg -n 28211.478 698.947 7055.1115 18.8905 B- 18401.9132 721.8139 37 030286.265 750.350 + 11 24 13 37 Al x 9809.564 180.244 7531.3160 4.8715 B- 16381.0765 213.1678 37 010531.000 193.500 + 9 23 14 37 Si x -6571.512 113.809 7952.9033 3.0759 B- 12424.5003 119.9691 36 992945.191 122.179 + 7 22 15 37 P p-2n -18996.012 37.948 8267.5561 1.0256 B- 7900.4135 37.9474 36 979606.942 40.738 + 5 21 16 37 S -n -26896.426 0.198 8459.9363 0.0054 B- 4865.1258 0.1965 36 971125.500 0.212 + 3 20 17 37 Cl -31761.552 0.052 8570.2816 0.0014 B- -813.8729 0.2000 36 965902.573 0.055 + 1 19 18 37 Ar - -30947.679 0.207 8527.1406 0.0056 B- -6147.4775 0.2270 36 966776.301 0.221 + -1 18 19 37 K -p -24800.201 0.094 8339.8480 0.0025 B- -11664.1314 0.6412 36 973375.890 0.100 + -3 17 20 37 Ca x -13136.070 0.634 8003.4567 0.0171 B- -16916# 300# 36 985897.849 0.680 + -5 16 21 37 Sc x 3780# 300# 7525# 8# B- -21390# 500# 37 004058# 322# + -7 15 22 37 Ti x 25170# 400# 6926# 11# B- * 37 027021# 429# +0 16 27 11 38 Na -n 61905# 715# 6216# 19# B- 27831# 875# 38 066458# 768# + 14 26 12 38 Mg x 34074# 503# 6928# 13# B- 17604# 525# 38 036580# 540# + 12 25 13 38 Al x 16470# 150# 7370# 4# B- 20640# 183# 38 017681# 161# + 10 24 14 38 Si x -4170.299 104.793 7892.8297 2.7577 B- 10451.2656 127.4736 37 995523.000 112.500 + 8 23 15 38 P x -14621.565 72.581 8147.2749 1.9100 B- 12239.6512 72.9340 37 984303.105 77.918 + 6 22 16 38 S + -26861.216 7.172 8448.7829 0.1887 B- 2936.9000 7.1714 37 971163.300 7.699 + 4 21 17 38 Cl -n -29798.116 0.098 8505.4817 0.0026 B- 4916.7109 0.2182 37 968010.408 0.105 + 2 20 18 38 Ar -34714.827 0.195 8614.2807 0.0051 B- -5914.0671 0.0448 37 962732.102 0.209 + 0 19 19 38 K -28800.760 0.195 8438.0593 0.0051 B- -6742.2563 0.0626 37 969081.114 0.209 + -2 18 20 38 Ca -22058.503 0.194 8240.0434 0.0051 B- -17809# 200# 37 976319.223 0.208 + -4 17 21 38 Sc x -4249# 200# 7751# 5# B- -15619# 361# 37 995438# 215# + -6 16 22 38 Ti x 11370# 300# 7319# 8# B- * 38 012206# 322# +0 17 28 11 39 Na -n 69977# 743# 6056# 19# B- 27201# 903# 39 075123# 797# + 15 27 12 39 Mg -n 42775# 513# 6734# 13# B- 21286# 594# 39 045921# 551# + 13 26 13 39 Al x 21490# 300# 7260# 8# B- 19169# 329# 39 023070# 322# + 11 25 14 39 Si x 2320.352 135.532 7730.9793 3.4752 B- 15094.9874 176.2324 39 002491.000 145.500 + 9 24 15 39 P x -12774.636 112.645 8097.9701 2.8883 B- 10388.0361 123.2430 38 986285.865 120.929 + 7 23 16 39 S 2p-n -23162.672 50.000 8344.2698 1.2821 B- 6637.5463 50.0300 38 975133.850 53.677 + 5 22 17 39 Cl -nn -29800.218 1.732 8494.4032 0.0444 B- 3441.9774 5.2915 38 968008.151 1.859 + 3 21 18 39 Ar + -33242.195 5.000 8562.5988 0.1282 B- 565.0000 5.0000 38 964313.037 5.367 + 1 20 19 39 K -33807.19535 0.00456 8557.0258 0.0003 B- -6524.4888 0.5962 38 963706.48482 0.00489 + -1 19 20 39 Ca -27282.707 0.596 8369.6711 0.0153 B- -13109.9804 24.0074 38 970710.811 0.640 + -3 18 21 39 Sc 2n-p -14172.726 24.000 8013.4575 0.6154 B- -16673# 202# 38 984784.953 25.765 + -5 17 22 39 Ti x 2500# 200# 7566# 5# B- -20070# 447# 39 002684# 215# + -7 16 23 39 V x 22570# 400# 7031# 10# B- * 39 024230# 429# +0 16 28 12 40 Mg x 49550# 500# 6598# 13# B- 20729# 583# 40 053194# 537# + 14 27 13 40 Al x 28820# 300# 7097# 7# B- 23154# 324# 40 030940# 322# + 12 26 14 40 Si x 5666.876 121.991 7655.8247 3.0498 B- 13806.0653 147.8912 40 006083.641 130.962 + 10 25 15 40 P x -8139.189 83.607 7981.4177 2.0902 B- 14698.6603 83.7017 39 991262.221 89.755 + 8 24 16 40 S -22837.850 3.982 8329.3255 0.0996 B- 4719.9687 32.3118 39 975482.561 4.274 + 6 23 17 40 Cl + -27557.818 32.066 8427.7660 0.8016 B- 7482.0816 32.0655 39 970415.466 34.423 + 4 22 18 40 Ar -35039.89997 0.00218 8595.2594 0.0002 B- -1504.4031 0.0559 39 962383.12204 0.00234 + 2 21 19 40 K -33535.497 0.056 8538.0907 0.0014 B- 1310.9051 0.0596 39 963998.165 0.060 + 0 20 20 40 Ca -34846.402 0.020 8551.3046 0.0006 B- -14323.0493 2.8281 39 962590.850 0.022 + -2 19 21 40 Sc - -20523.353 2.828 8173.6697 0.0707 B- -11529.9139 68.3023 39 977967.275 3.036 + -4 18 22 40 Ti -8993.439 68.244 7865.8632 1.7061 B- -21463# 308# 39 990345.146 73.262 + -6 17 23 40 V x 12470# 300# 7310# 7# B- * 40 013387# 322# +0 17 29 12 41 Mg x 58100# 500# 6425# 12# B- 23510# 640# 41 062373# 537# + 15 28 13 41 Al x 34590# 400# 6980# 10# B- 21390# 500# 41 037134# 429# + 13 27 14 41 Si x 13200# 300# 7482# 7# B- 18180# 323# 41 014171# 322# + 11 26 15 41 P x -4979.767 120.163 7906.5513 2.9308 B- 14028.8125 120.2326 40 994654.000 129.000 + 9 25 16 41 S x -19008.580 4.099 8229.6358 0.1000 B- 8298.6116 68.8456 40 979593.451 4.400 + 7 24 17 41 Cl x -27307.192 68.723 8412.9593 1.6762 B- 5760.3180 68.7243 40 970684.525 73.777 + 5 23 18 41 Ar -n -33067.510 0.347 8534.3733 0.0085 B- 2492.0392 0.3473 40 964500.570 0.372 + 3 22 19 41 K -35559.54880 0.00376 8576.0731 0.0003 B- -421.6406 0.1377 40 961825.25611 0.00403 + 1 21 20 41 Ca -35137.908 0.138 8546.7075 0.0034 B- -6495.5482 0.1553 40 962277.905 0.147 + -1 20 21 41 Sc -28642.360 0.077 8369.1979 0.0019 B- -12944.8214 27.9449 40 969251.163 0.083 + -3 19 22 41 Ti x -15697.539 27.945 8034.3889 0.6816 B- -16008# 202# 40 983148.000 30.000 + -5 18 23 41 V x 310# 200# 7625# 5# B- -20100# 447# 41 000333# 215# + -7 17 24 41 Cr x 20410# 400# 7116# 10# B- * 41 021911# 429# +0 16 29 13 42 Al x 41990# 500# 6829# 12# B- 25150# 583# 42 045078# 537# + 14 28 14 42 Si x 16840# 300# 7410# 7# B- 15748# 315# 42 018078# 322# + 12 27 15 42 P x 1091.842 95.009 7765.9122 2.2621 B- 18729.5899 95.0504 42 001172.140 101.996 + 10 26 16 42 S x -17637.748 2.794 8193.2275 0.0665 B- 7194.0221 59.6811 41 981065.100 3.000 + 8 25 17 42 Cl x -24831.770 59.616 8345.8864 1.4194 B- 9590.9082 59.8947 41 973342.000 64.000 + 6 24 18 42 Ar x -34422.678 5.775 8555.6141 0.1375 B- 599.3527 5.7763 41 963045.737 6.200 + 4 23 19 42 K -n -35022.031 0.106 8551.2571 0.0025 B- 3525.2626 0.1825 41 962402.305 0.113 + 2 22 20 42 Ca -38547.293 0.148 8616.5646 0.0035 B- -6426.2904 0.0485 41 958617.780 0.159 + 0 21 21 42 Sc -32121.003 0.154 8444.9303 0.0037 B- -7016.6496 0.2239 41 965516.686 0.165 + -2 20 22 42 Ti -25104.353 0.269 8259.2400 0.0064 B- -17485# 196# 41 973049.369 0.289 + -4 19 23 42 V x -7620# 196# 7824# 5# B- -14679# 358# 41 991820# 210# + -6 18 24 42 Cr x 7060# 300# 7456# 7# B- * 42 007579# 322# +0 17 30 13 43 Al x 48270# 600# 6712# 14# B- 23940# 721# 43 051820# 644# + 15 29 14 43 Si x 24330# 400# 7251# 9# B- 19289# 500# 43 026119# 429# + 13 28 15 43 P x 5040# 300# 7681# 7# B- 17236# 300# 43 005411# 322# + 11 27 16 43 S x -12195.461 4.970 8063.8276 0.1156 B- 11964.0500 62.0579 42 986907.635 5.335 + 9 26 17 43 Cl x -24159.510 61.859 8323.8672 1.4386 B- 7850.3002 62.0860 42 974063.700 66.407 + 7 25 18 43 Ar x -32009.811 5.310 8488.2382 0.1235 B- 4565.5836 5.3254 42 965636.056 5.700 + 5 24 19 43 K -4n -36575.394 0.410 8576.2204 0.0095 B- 1833.4783 0.4687 42 960734.701 0.440 + 3 23 20 43 Ca -38408.873 0.227 8600.6653 0.0053 B- -2220.7227 1.8650 42 958766.381 0.244 + 1 22 21 43 Sc -p -36188.150 1.863 8530.8265 0.0433 B- -6872.5591 6.0147 42 961150.425 1.999 + -1 21 22 43 Ti -29315.591 5.719 8352.8054 0.1330 B- -11399.2333 43.2287 42 968528.420 6.139 + -3 20 23 43 V x -17916.358 42.849 8069.5129 0.9965 B- -15946# 205# 42 980766.000 46.000 + -5 19 24 43 Cr x -1970# 200# 7680# 5# B- -19340# 447# 42 997885# 215# + -7 18 25 43 Mn x 17370# 400# 7213# 9# B- * 43 018647# 429# +0 16 30 14 44 Si x 29310# 500# 7156# 11# B- 18200# 640# 44 031466# 537# + 14 29 15 44 P x 11110# 400# 7552# 9# B- 20314# 400# 44 011927# 429# + 12 28 16 44 S x -9204.236 5.216 7996.0154 0.1186 B- 11274.7373 85.7253 43 990118.846 5.600 + 10 27 17 44 Cl x -20478.973 85.566 8234.4788 1.9447 B- 12194.2869 85.5811 43 978014.918 91.859 + 8 26 18 44 Ar x -32673.260 1.584 8493.8411 0.0360 B- 3108.2375 1.6381 43 964923.814 1.700 + 6 25 19 44 K x -35781.498 0.419 8546.7023 0.0095 B- 5687.2319 0.5303 43 961586.984 0.450 + 4 24 20 44 Ca -41468.730 0.325 8658.1769 0.0074 B- -3652.6948 1.7565 43 955481.489 0.348 + 2 23 21 44 Sc -p -37816.035 1.756 8557.3805 0.0399 B- -267.4488 1.8899 43 959402.818 1.884 + 0 22 22 44 Ti -a -37548.586 0.700 8533.5215 0.0159 B- -13740.5071 7.2986 43 959689.936 0.751 + -2 21 23 44 V -23808.079 7.265 8203.4567 0.1651 B- -10386.1805 51.7447 43 974440.977 7.799 + -4 20 24 44 Cr x -13421.899 51.232 7949.6265 1.1644 B- -20882# 304# 43 985591.000 55.000 + -6 19 25 44 Mn x 7460# 300# 7457# 7# B- * 44 008009# 322# +0 17 31 14 45 Si x 37090# 600# 7004# 13# B- 21130# 781# 45 039818# 644# + 15 30 15 45 P x 15960# 500# 7456# 11# B- 19301# 583# 45 017134# 537# + 13 29 16 45 S x -3340# 300# 7867# 7# B- 14922# 329# 44 996414# 322# + 11 28 17 45 Cl x -18262.544 136.163 8181.5991 3.0259 B- 11508.2568 136.1643 44 980394.353 146.177 + 9 27 18 45 Ar x -29770.801 0.512 8419.9526 0.0114 B- 6844.8422 0.7311 44 968039.731 0.550 + 7 26 19 45 K x -36615.643 0.522 8554.6747 0.0116 B- 4196.5868 0.6369 44 960691.491 0.560 + 5 25 20 45 Ca -40812.230 0.365 8630.5467 0.0081 B- 260.0910 0.7377 44 956186.270 0.392 + 3 24 21 45 Sc -41072.321 0.663 8618.9410 0.0147 B- -2062.0551 0.5086 44 955907.051 0.712 + 1 23 22 45 Ti -39010.266 0.836 8555.7321 0.0186 B- -7123.8247 0.2142 44 958120.758 0.897 + -1 22 23 45 V -31886.441 0.863 8380.0394 0.0192 B- -12371.6400 35.4073 44 965768.498 0.926 + -3 21 24 45 Cr x -19514.801 35.397 8087.7286 0.7866 B- -14535# 302# 44 979050.000 38.000 + -5 20 25 45 Mn x -4980# 300# 7747# 7# B- -19388# 412# 44 994654# 322# + -7 19 26 45 Fe -pp 14408# 283# 7299# 6# B- * 45 015467# 304# +0 16 31 15 46 P x 22840# 500# 7320# 11# B- 22200# 640# 46 024520# 537# + 14 30 16 46 S x 640# 400# 7785# 9# B- 14375# 411# 46 000687# 429# + 12 29 17 46 Cl x -13734.949 97.249 8080.7757 2.1141 B- 16036.3062 97.2766 45 985254.926 104.400 + 10 28 18 46 Ar x -29771.255 2.329 8412.3835 0.0506 B- 5642.6746 2.4394 45 968039.244 2.500 + 8 27 19 46 K x -35413.929 0.727 8518.0428 0.0158 B- 7725.6802 2.3490 45 961981.584 0.780 + 6 26 20 46 Ca -43139.610 2.234 8668.9848 0.0486 B- -1377.9665 2.3305 45 953687.726 2.398 + 4 25 21 46 Sc -n -41761.643 0.671 8622.0215 0.0146 B- 2366.6260 0.6666 45 955167.034 0.720 + 2 24 22 46 Ti -44128.269 0.090 8656.4623 0.0020 B- -7052.3723 0.0923 45 952626.356 0.097 + 0 23 23 46 V -37075.897 0.134 8486.1423 0.0029 B- -7604.3264 11.4538 45 960197.389 0.143 + -2 22 24 46 Cr -29471.570 11.453 8303.8233 0.2490 B- -17053.8226 87.3828 45 968360.969 12.295 + -4 21 25 46 Mn x -12417.748 86.629 7916.0805 1.8832 B- -13628# 312# 45 986669.000 93.000 + -6 20 26 46 Fe x 1210# 300# 7603# 7# B- * 46 001299# 322# +0 17 32 15 47 P x 28810# 600# 7209# 13# B- 21610# 721# 47 030929# 644# + 15 31 16 47 S x 7200# 400# 7652# 9# B- 16781# 447# 47 007730# 429# + 13 30 17 47 Cl x -9580# 200# 7992# 4# B- 15787# 200# 46 989715# 215# + 11 29 18 47 Ar x -25367.274 1.211 8311.4250 0.0258 B- 10344.7078 1.8490 46 972767.112 1.300 + 9 28 19 47 K x -35711.982 1.397 8514.8795 0.0297 B- 6632.6837 2.6237 46 961661.612 1.500 + 7 27 20 47 Ca -42344.665 2.221 8639.3548 0.0473 B- 1992.1770 1.1849 46 954541.134 2.384 + 5 26 21 47 Sc -44336.842 1.931 8665.0958 0.0411 B- 600.7694 1.9292 46 952402.444 2.072 + 3 25 22 47 Ti -44937.612 0.080 8661.2325 0.0017 B- -2930.5422 0.0879 46 951757.491 0.085 + 1 24 23 47 V -42007.070 0.110 8582.2348 0.0024 B- -7443.9769 5.1976 46 954903.558 0.118 + -1 23 24 47 Cr -34563.093 5.197 8407.2067 0.1106 B- -11996.7167 32.0943 46 962894.995 5.578 + -3 22 25 47 Mn x -22566.376 31.671 8135.3117 0.6738 B- -15437# 501# 46 975774.000 34.000 + -5 21 26 47 Fe x -7130# 500# 7790# 11# B- -17750# 781# 46 992346# 537# + -7 20 27 47 Co x 10620# 600# 7396# 13# B- * 47 011401# 644# +0 16 32 16 48 S x 12390# 500# 7552# 10# B- 16670# 707# 48 013301# 537# + 14 31 17 48 Cl x -4280# 500# 7883# 10# B- 18075# 500# 47 995405# 537# + 12 30 18 48 Ar x -22354.927 16.767 8243.6656 0.3493 B- 9929.5550 16.7847 47 976001.000 18.000 + 10 29 19 48 K x -32284.482 0.773 8434.2324 0.0161 B- 11940.3857 0.7734 47 965341.184 0.830 + 8 28 20 48 Ca -44224.868 0.018 8666.6916 0.0004 B- 279.2155 4.9499 47 952522.654 0.018 + 6 27 21 48 Sc -44504.083 4.950 8656.2097 0.1031 B- 3988.8685 4.9499 47 952222.903 5.313 + 4 26 22 48 Ti -48492.952 0.074 8723.0122 0.0016 B- -4014.9467 0.9691 47 947940.677 0.079 + 2 25 23 48 V -44478.005 0.972 8623.0686 0.0202 B- -1656.6918 7.3746 47 952250.900 1.043 + 0 24 24 48 Cr +nn -42821.313 7.311 8572.2553 0.1523 B- -13524.6692 9.9157 47 954029.431 7.848 + -2 23 25 48 Mn -29296.644 6.699 8274.1924 0.1396 B- -11288.0685 92.4609 47 968548.760 7.191 + -4 22 26 48 Fe x -18008.575 92.218 8022.7254 1.9212 B- -19738# 509# 47 980667.000 99.000 + -6 21 27 48 Co x 1730# 500# 7595# 10# B- -16448# 656# 48 001857# 537# + -8 20 28 48 Ni -pp 18178# 424# 7236# 9# B- * 48 019515# 455# +0 17 33 16 49 S -n 20391# 583# 7400# 12# B- 19652# 707# 49 021891# 626# + 15 32 17 49 Cl x 740# 400# 7785# 8# B- 17800# 565# 49 000794# 429# + 13 31 18 49 Ar x -17060# 400# 8132# 8# B- 12551# 400# 48 981685# 429# + 11 30 19 49 K x -29611.496 0.801 8372.2753 0.0164 B- 11688.5069 0.8205 48 968210.753 0.860 + 9 29 20 49 Ca -n -41300.003 0.178 8594.8500 0.0036 B- 5262.4445 2.2745 48 955662.625 0.190 + 7 28 21 49 Sc -46562.447 2.268 8686.2805 0.0463 B- 2001.5652 2.2684 48 950013.159 2.434 + 5 27 22 49 Ti -48564.012 0.078 8711.1625 0.0016 B- -601.8555 0.8203 48 947864.391 0.084 + 3 26 23 49 V - -47962.157 0.824 8682.9135 0.0168 B- -2629.8047 2.3487 48 948510.509 0.884 + 1 25 24 49 Cr -45332.352 2.202 8613.2777 0.0449 B- -7712.4265 0.2329 48 951333.720 2.363 + -1 24 25 49 Mn -37619.925 2.214 8439.9150 0.0452 B- -12869.1957 24.3199 48 959613.350 2.377 + -3 23 26 49 Fe x -24750.730 24.219 8161.3121 0.4943 B- -14971# 501# 48 973429.000 26.000 + -5 22 27 49 Co x -9780# 500# 7840# 10# B- -18309# 781# 48 989501# 537# + -7 21 28 49 Ni x 8530# 600# 7450# 12# B- * 49 009157# 644# +0 16 33 17 50 Cl x 7700# 400# 7651# 8# B- 20930# 640# 50 008266# 429# + 14 32 18 50 Ar x -13230# 500# 8054# 10# B- 12498# 500# 49 985797# 537# + 12 31 19 50 K x -25727.853 7.731 8288.5833 0.1546 B- 13861.3774 7.8919 49 972380.015 8.300 + 10 30 20 50 Ca x -39589.230 1.584 8550.1639 0.0317 B- 4947.8903 2.9723 49 957499.215 1.700 + 8 29 21 50 Sc -44537.120 2.515 8633.4747 0.0503 B- 6894.7470 2.5166 49 952187.437 2.700 + 6 28 22 50 Ti -51431.867 0.082 8755.7227 0.0017 B- -2208.6274 0.0579 49 944785.622 0.088 + 4 27 23 50 V -49223.240 0.093 8695.9032 0.0019 B- 1038.1240 0.0551 49 947156.681 0.099 + 2 26 24 50 Cr -50261.364 0.094 8701.0188 0.0019 B- -7634.4776 0.0672 49 946042.209 0.100 + 0 25 25 50 Mn -42626.886 0.115 8532.6823 0.0023 B- -8150.4267 8.3842 49 954238.157 0.123 + -2 24 26 50 Fe x -34476.460 8.383 8354.0268 0.1677 B- -16887.0566 126.0308 49 962988.000 9.000 + -4 23 27 50 Co x -17589.403 125.752 8000.6387 2.5150 B- -14130# 516# 49 981117.000 135.000 + -6 22 28 50 Ni x -3460# 500# 7702# 10# B- * 49 996286# 537# +0 17 34 17 51 Cl x 14290# 700# 7530# 14# B- 20780# 806# 51 015341# 751# + 15 33 18 51 Ar x -6490# 400# 7922# 8# B- 16026# 400# 50 993033# 429# + 13 32 19 51 K x -22515.457 13.041 8221.3350 0.2557 B- 13816.8529 13.0517 50 975828.664 14.000 + 11 31 20 51 Ca x -36332.310 0.522 8476.9135 0.0102 B- 6918.0432 2.5686 50 960995.663 0.560 + 9 30 21 51 Sc -43250.353 2.515 8597.2213 0.0493 B- 6482.6122 2.5612 50 953568.838 2.700 + 7 29 22 51 Ti -49732.965 0.484 8708.9912 0.0095 B- 2470.1402 0.4820 50 946609.468 0.519 + 5 28 23 51 V -52203.105 0.097 8742.0852 0.0019 B- -752.3907 0.1494 50 943957.664 0.104 + 3 27 24 51 Cr -51450.715 0.167 8711.9923 0.0033 B- -3207.4893 0.3256 50 944765.388 0.178 + 1 26 25 51 Mn -48243.225 0.304 8633.7602 0.0060 B- -8054.0400 1.4309 50 948208.770 0.326 + -1 25 26 51 Fe x -40189.185 1.398 8460.4977 0.0274 B- -12847.0389 48.4579 50 956855.137 1.501 + -3 24 27 51 Co x -27342.146 48.438 8193.2549 0.9498 B- -15692# 503# 50 970647.000 52.000 + -5 23 28 51 Ni x -11650# 500# 7870# 10# B- * 50 987493# 537# +0 18 35 17 52 Cl x 22360# 700# 7386# 13# B- 23739# 922# 52 024004# 751# + 16 34 18 52 Ar x -1380# 600# 7827# 12# B- 15758# 601# 51 998519# 644# + 14 33 19 52 K x -17137.628 33.534 8115.0303 0.6449 B- 17128.6431 33.5405 51 981602.000 36.000 + 12 32 20 52 Ca x -34266.272 0.671 8429.3821 0.0129 B- 6257.2889 3.1463 51 963213.646 0.720 + 10 31 21 52 Sc -40523.560 3.074 8534.6695 0.0591 B- 8954.1372 4.1223 51 956496.170 3.300 + 8 30 22 52 Ti -49477.698 2.747 8691.8193 0.0528 B- 1965.3340 2.7510 51 946883.509 2.948 + 6 29 23 52 V -n -51443.032 0.159 8714.5690 0.0031 B- 3976.4763 0.1601 51 944773.636 0.170 + 4 28 24 52 Cr -55419.508 0.112 8775.9946 0.0022 B- -4708.1214 0.0633 51 940504.714 0.120 + 2 27 25 52 Mn - -50711.387 0.129 8670.4087 0.0025 B- -2379.2912 0.1534 51 945559.090 0.138 + 0 26 26 52 Fe -- -48332.095 0.179 8609.6079 0.0035 B- -13988.1167 5.2831 51 948113.364 0.192 + -2 25 27 52 Co -34343.979 5.282 8325.5606 0.1016 B- -11784.1230 83.0710 51 963130.224 5.669 + -4 24 28 52 Ni x -22559.856 82.903 8083.8977 1.5943 B- -20680# 606# 51 975781.000 89.000 + -6 23 29 52 Cu x -1880# 600# 7671# 12# B- * 51 997982# 644# +0 17 35 18 53 Ar x 6791# 699# 7677# 13# B- 19086# 708# 53 007290# 750# + 15 34 19 53 K x -12295.722 111.779 8022.8488 2.1090 B- 17091.9853 120.0471 52 986800.000 120.000 + 13 33 20 53 Ca x -29387.707 43.780 8330.5778 0.8260 B- 9381.8471 47.2223 52 968451.000 47.000 + 11 32 21 53 Sc -38769.555 17.698 8492.8325 0.3339 B- 8111.8785 17.9325 52 958379.173 19.000 + 9 31 22 53 Ti x -46881.433 2.888 8631.1256 0.0545 B- 4970.2419 4.2386 52 949670.714 3.100 + 7 30 23 53 V +p -51851.675 3.103 8710.1425 0.0585 B- 3435.9426 3.1017 52 944334.940 3.331 + 5 29 24 53 Cr -55287.618 0.116 8760.2103 0.0022 B- -597.2679 0.3430 52 940646.304 0.124 + 3 28 25 53 Mn -54690.350 0.346 8734.1798 0.0065 B- -3742.8664 1.6971 52 941287.497 0.371 + 1 27 26 53 Fe -50947.483 1.669 8648.7985 0.0315 B- -8288.1073 0.4431 52 945305.629 1.792 + -1 26 27 53 Co -42659.376 1.727 8477.6578 0.0326 B- -13028.5485 25.2096 52 954203.278 1.854 + -3 25 28 53 Ni x -29630.827 25.150 8217.0749 0.4745 B- -16491# 501# 52 968190.000 27.000 + -5 24 29 53 Cu x -13140# 500# 7891# 9# B- * 52 985894# 537# +0 18 36 18 54 Ar x 12560# 800# 7578# 15# B- 17710# 894# 54 013484# 859# + 16 35 19 54 K x -5150# 400# 7891# 7# B- 20010# 403# 53 994471# 429# + 14 34 20 54 Ca x -25160.587 48.438 8247.4967 0.8970 B- 9277.3463 50.4129 53 972989.000 52.000 + 12 33 21 54 Sc x -34437.934 13.973 8404.8115 0.2588 B- 11305.8789 21.1188 53 963029.359 15.000 + 10 32 22 54 Ti x -45743.812 15.835 8599.6917 0.2932 B- 4154.4548 19.3840 53 950892.000 17.000 + 8 31 23 54 V -49898.267 11.180 8662.1382 0.2070 B- 7037.1118 11.1794 53 946432.009 12.001 + 6 30 24 54 Cr -56935.379 0.132 8777.9672 0.0025 B- -1377.1325 1.0051 53 938877.359 0.142 + 4 29 25 54 Mn -p -55558.247 1.007 8737.9768 0.0186 B- 696.3688 1.0587 53 940355.772 1.080 + 2 28 26 54 Fe -56254.615 0.343 8736.3846 0.0064 B- -8244.5478 0.0893 53 939608.189 0.368 + 0 27 27 54 Co -48010.068 0.355 8569.2199 0.0066 B- -8731.7558 4.6710 53 948459.075 0.380 + -2 26 28 54 Ni x -39278.312 4.657 8393.0328 0.0862 B- -18038# 400# 53 957833.000 5.000 + -4 25 29 54 Cu x -21240# 400# 8045# 7# B- -15538# 454# 53 977198# 429# + -6 24 30 54 Zn -pp -5702# 217# 7742# 4# B- * 53 993879# 232# +0 17 36 19 55 K x 470# 500# 7792# 9# B- 19121# 525# 55 000505# 537# + 15 35 20 55 Ca x -18650.375 160.217 8125.9260 2.9130 B- 12191.7329 171.9435 54 979978.000 172.000 + 13 34 21 55 Sc x -30842.108 62.411 8333.3694 1.1347 B- 10990.3608 68.7671 54 966889.637 67.000 + 11 33 22 55 Ti x -41832.469 28.876 8518.9696 0.5250 B- 7292.6673 39.5419 54 955091.000 31.000 + 9 32 23 55 V x -49125.136 27.013 8637.3391 0.4912 B- 5985.1877 27.0143 54 947262.000 29.000 + 7 31 24 55 Cr -n -55110.324 0.228 8731.9362 0.0042 B- 2602.2183 0.3219 54 940836.637 0.245 + 5 30 25 55 Mn -57712.542 0.260 8765.0247 0.0047 B- -231.1204 0.1786 54 938043.040 0.279 + 3 29 26 55 Fe -57481.422 0.308 8746.5981 0.0056 B- -3451.4254 0.3241 54 938291.158 0.330 + 1 28 27 55 Co -54029.996 0.405 8669.6204 0.0074 B- -8694.0350 0.5775 54 941996.416 0.434 + -1 27 28 55 Ni - -45335.961 0.705 8497.3225 0.0128 B- -13700.5585 155.5611 54 951329.846 0.757 + -3 26 29 55 Cu x -31635.403 155.560 8233.9970 2.8284 B- -17366# 429# 54 966038.000 167.000 + -5 25 30 55 Zn x -14270# 400# 7904# 7# B- * 54 984681# 429# +0 18 37 19 56 K x 7980# 600# 7663# 11# B- 21491# 650# 56 008567# 644# + 16 36 20 56 Ca x -13510.390 249.640 8033.1654 4.4579 B- 12005.4580 360.2029 55 985496.000 268.000 + 14 35 21 56 Sc x -25515.848 259.665 8233.5781 4.6369 B- 13907.1470 278.3271 55 972607.611 278.761 + 12 34 22 56 Ti -39422.995 100.201 8467.9495 1.7893 B- 6760.4051 188.1842 55 957677.675 107.569 + 10 33 23 56 V -46183.401 175.884 8574.7006 3.1408 B- 9101.7270 175.8854 55 950420.082 188.819 + 8 32 24 56 Cr ++ -55285.128 0.578 8723.2609 0.0103 B- 1626.5384 0.5524 55 940648.977 0.620 + 6 31 25 56 Mn -n -56911.666 0.293 8738.3358 0.0052 B- 3695.4973 0.2065 55 938902.816 0.314 + 4 30 26 56 Fe -60607.163 0.268 8790.3563 0.0048 B- -4566.6455 0.4104 55 934935.537 0.287 + 2 29 27 56 Co -56040.518 0.475 8694.8386 0.0085 B- -2132.8689 0.3735 55 939838.032 0.510 + 0 28 28 56 Ni -53907.649 0.399 8642.7811 0.0071 B- -15277.9163 6.4070 55 942127.761 0.428 + -2 27 29 56 Cu x -38629.733 6.395 8355.9907 0.1142 B- -13240# 400# 55 958529.278 6.864 + -4 26 30 56 Zn x -25390# 400# 8106# 7# B- -21550# 640# 55 972743# 429# + -6 25 31 56 Ga x -3840# 500# 7707# 9# B- * 55 995878# 537# +0 19 38 19 57 K x 14130# 600# 7563# 11# B- 20689# 721# 57 015169# 644# + 17 37 20 57 Ca x -6560# 400# 7912# 7# B- 14820# 438# 56 992958# 429# + 15 36 21 57 Sc x -21379.653 179.778 8158.1666 3.1540 B- 13022.1957 273.3249 56 977048.000 193.000 + 13 35 22 57 Ti x -34401.848 205.879 8372.9008 3.6119 B- 10033.2148 222.6466 56 963068.098 221.020 + 11 34 23 57 V x -44435.063 84.766 8535.1967 1.4871 B- 8089.9214 84.7864 56 952297.000 91.000 + 9 33 24 57 Cr x -52524.985 1.863 8663.3998 0.0327 B- 4961.2946 2.3948 56 943612.112 2.000 + 7 32 25 57 Mn -57486.279 1.505 8736.7146 0.0264 B- 2695.7375 1.5219 56 938285.944 1.615 + 5 31 26 57 Fe -60182.017 0.268 8770.2829 0.0047 B- -836.3589 0.4493 56 935391.950 0.287 + 3 30 27 57 Co -59345.658 0.516 8741.8845 0.0090 B- -3261.6970 0.6417 56 936289.819 0.553 + 1 29 28 57 Ni -56083.961 0.566 8670.9364 0.0099 B- -8774.9466 0.4393 56 939791.394 0.608 + -1 28 29 57 Cu -47309.014 0.501 8503.2646 0.0088 B- -14759# 200# 56 949211.686 0.537 + -3 27 30 57 Zn x -32550# 200# 8231# 4# B- -17140# 447# 56 965056# 215# + -5 26 31 57 Ga x -15410# 400# 7916# 7# B- * 56 983457# 429# +0 20 39 19 58 K x 21930# 700# 7437# 12# B- 23461# 860# 58 023543# 751# + 18 38 20 58 Ca x -1530# 500# 7828# 9# B- 13949# 535# 57 998357# 537# + 16 37 21 58 Sc x -15479.569 190.025 8054.9436 3.2763 B- 15438.0995 264.0509 57 983382.000 204.000 + 14 36 22 58 Ti x -30917.668 183.340 8307.6290 3.1610 B- 9512.9152 206.8675 57 966808.519 196.823 + 12 35 23 58 V x -40430.584 95.816 8458.1560 1.6520 B- 11561.2240 95.8625 57 956595.985 102.862 + 10 34 24 58 Cr x -51991.808 2.981 8643.9987 0.0514 B- 3835.7607 4.0227 57 944184.501 3.200 + 8 33 25 58 Mn x -55827.568 2.701 8696.6438 0.0466 B- 6327.7027 2.7198 57 940066.643 2.900 + 6 32 26 58 Fe -62155.271 0.316 8792.2534 0.0055 B- -2307.9785 1.1389 57 933273.575 0.339 + 4 31 27 58 Co -59847.292 1.153 8738.9719 0.0199 B- 381.5789 1.1071 57 935751.292 1.237 + 2 30 28 58 Ni -60228.871 0.349 8732.0621 0.0060 B- -8561.0204 0.4425 57 935341.650 0.374 + 0 29 29 58 Cu -51667.851 0.564 8570.9696 0.0097 B- -9368.9796 50.0020 57 944532.283 0.604 + -2 28 30 58 Zn -- -42298.871 50.001 8395.9467 0.8621 B- -18759# 304# 57 954590.296 53.678 + -4 27 31 58 Ga x -23540# 300# 8059# 5# B- -15960# 583# 57 974729# 322# + -6 26 32 58 Ge x -7580# 500# 7770# 9# B- * 57 991863# 537# +0 21 40 19 59 K x 28750# 800# 7332# 14# B- 22940# 1000# 59 030864# 859# + 19 39 20 59 Ca x 5810# 600# 7708# 10# B- 16639# 650# 59 006237# 644# + 17 38 21 59 Sc x -10829.550 249.640 7976.4073 4.2312 B- 15050# 390# 58 988374.000 268.000 + 15 37 22 59 Ti x -25880# 300# 8218# 5# B- 11731# 330# 58 972217# 322# + 13 36 23 59 V x -37610.617 137.400 8403.8034 2.3288 B- 10505.3137 137.4021 58 959623.343 147.505 + 11 35 24 59 Cr x -48115.931 0.671 8568.5995 0.0114 B- 7409.3977 2.4234 58 948345.426 0.720 + 9 34 25 59 Mn x -55525.328 2.329 8680.9224 0.0395 B- 5139.6290 2.3520 58 940391.111 2.500 + 7 33 26 59 Fe -60664.957 0.330 8754.7746 0.0056 B- 1564.8804 0.3690 58 934873.492 0.354 + 5 32 27 59 Co -62229.838 0.397 8768.0379 0.0067 B- -1073.0050 0.1944 58 933193.524 0.426 + 3 31 28 59 Ni -61156.833 0.351 8736.5912 0.0060 B- -4798.3786 0.3973 58 934345.442 0.376 + 1 30 29 59 Cu -56358.454 0.528 8642.0027 0.0090 B- -9142.7760 0.6018 58 939496.713 0.566 + -1 29 30 59 Zn -47215.678 0.759 8473.7802 0.0129 B- -13456# 170# 58 949311.886 0.814 + -3 28 31 59 Ga x -33760# 170# 8232# 3# B- -17390# 434# 58 963757# 183# + -5 27 32 59 Ge x -16370# 400# 7924# 7# B- * 58 982426# 429# +0 20 40 20 60 Ca x 11000# 700# 7627# 12# B- 15550# 860# 60 011809# 751# + 18 39 21 60 Sc x -4550# 500# 7873# 8# B- 17549# 555# 59 995115# 537# + 16 38 22 60 Ti x -22099.698 240.325 8152.7858 4.0054 B- 10987.7040 301.4311 59 976275.000 258.000 + 14 37 23 60 V x -33087.402 181.946 8322.8751 3.0324 B- 13821.0986 181.9496 59 964479.215 195.327 + 12 36 24 60 Cr x -46908.500 1.118 8540.1876 0.0186 B- 6059.4457 2.5831 59 949641.656 1.200 + 10 35 25 60 Mn x -52967.946 2.329 8628.1392 0.0388 B- 8445.2283 4.1261 59 943136.574 2.500 + 8 34 26 60 Fe -nn -61413.174 3.406 8755.8539 0.0568 B- 237.2633 3.4106 59 934070.249 3.656 + 6 33 27 60 Co -n -61650.437 0.403 8746.7692 0.0067 B- 2822.8058 0.2124 59 933815.536 0.433 + 4 32 28 60 Ni -64473.243 0.353 8780.7769 0.0059 B- -6127.9810 1.5735 59 930785.129 0.378 + 2 31 29 60 Cu - -58345.262 1.613 8665.6047 0.0269 B- -4170.7922 1.6286 59 937363.787 1.731 + 0 30 30 60 Zn -54174.470 0.548 8583.0524 0.0091 B- -14584# 200# 59 941841.317 0.588 + -2 29 31 60 Ga x -39590# 200# 8327# 3# B- -12060# 361# 59 957498# 215# + -4 28 32 60 Ge x -27530# 300# 8113# 5# B- -21890# 500# 59 970445# 322# + -6 27 33 60 As x -5640# 400# 7735# 7# B- * 59 993945# 429# +0 21 41 20 61 Ca x 19010# 800# 7503# 13# B- 18510# 1000# 61 020408# 859# + 19 40 21 61 Sc x 500# 600# 7794# 10# B- 16870# 671# 61 000537# 644# + 17 39 22 61 Ti x -16370# 300# 8058# 5# B- 13807# 381# 60 982426# 322# + 15 38 23 61 V x -30177.121 234.920 8271.0417 3.8511 B- 12319.3807 234.9272 60 967603.529 252.196 + 13 37 24 61 Cr x -42496.502 1.863 8460.1734 0.0305 B- 9245.6277 2.9822 60 954378.130 2.000 + 11 36 25 61 Mn x -51742.130 2.329 8598.9157 0.0382 B- 7178.3730 3.4965 60 944452.541 2.500 + 9 35 26 61 Fe x -58920.503 2.608 8703.7686 0.0428 B- 3977.6759 2.7399 60 936746.241 2.800 + 7 34 27 61 Co p2n -62898.179 0.839 8756.1510 0.0138 B- 1323.8504 0.7899 60 932476.031 0.901 + 5 33 28 61 Ni -64222.029 0.355 8765.0281 0.0058 B- -2237.9663 0.9617 60 931054.819 0.381 + 3 32 29 61 Cu p2n -61984.063 0.951 8715.5148 0.0156 B- -5635.1565 15.9028 60 933457.375 1.020 + 1 31 30 61 Zn -56348.906 15.899 8610.3098 0.2606 B- -9214.2438 37.6786 60 939506.964 17.068 + -1 30 31 61 Ga -47134.662 37.994 8446.4313 0.6228 B- -13345# 302# 60 949398.861 40.787 + -3 29 32 61 Ge x -33790# 300# 8215# 5# B- -16590# 424# 60 963725# 322# + -5 28 33 61 As x -17200# 300# 7930# 5# B- * 60 981535# 322# +0 20 41 21 62 Sc x 7310# 600# 7688# 10# B- 19510# 721# 62 007848# 644# + 18 40 22 62 Ti x -12200# 400# 7990# 6# B- 13013# 479# 61 986903# 429# + 16 39 23 62 V x -25213.164 264.287 8187.7565 4.2627 B- 15639.4478 264.3094 61 972932.556 283.723 + 14 38 24 62 Cr x -40852.611 3.447 8427.3871 0.0556 B- 7671.3532 7.3947 61 956142.920 3.700 + 12 37 25 62 Mn IT -48523.965 6.542 8538.5002 0.1055 B- 10354.0920 7.1142 61 947907.384 7.023 + 10 36 26 62 Fe x -58878.057 2.794 8692.8831 0.0451 B- 2546.3427 18.7834 61 936791.809 3.000 + 8 35 27 62 Co + -61424.399 18.574 8721.3347 0.2996 B- 5322.0404 18.5695 61 934058.198 19.940 + 6 34 28 62 Ni -66746.440 0.425 8794.5555 0.0069 B- -3958.8965 0.4751 61 928344.753 0.455 + 4 33 29 62 Cu - -62787.543 0.637 8718.0839 0.0103 B- -1619.4548 0.6507 61 932594.803 0.683 + 2 32 30 62 Zn -61168.088 0.615 8679.3451 0.0099 B- -9181.0666 0.3763 61 934333.359 0.660 + 0 31 31 62 Ga -51987.022 0.637 8518.6449 0.0103 B- -9847# 140# 61 944189.639 0.684 + -2 30 32 62 Ge x -42140# 140# 8347# 2# B- -17720# 331# 61 954761# 150# + -4 29 33 62 As x -24420# 300# 8049# 5# B- * 61 973784# 322# +0 21 42 21 63 Sc x 13070# 700# 7603# 11# B- 18930# 860# 63 014031# 751# + 19 41 22 63 Ti x -5860# 500# 7891# 8# B- 15880# 605# 62 993709# 537# + 17 40 23 63 V x -21740.141 339.995 8130.7809 5.3968 B- 14438.1586 347.6720 62 976661.000 365.000 + 15 39 24 63 Cr x -36178.299 72.657 8347.5398 1.1533 B- 10708.7611 72.7520 62 961161.000 78.000 + 13 38 25 63 Mn x -46887.061 3.726 8505.1020 0.0591 B- 8748.5685 5.6915 62 949664.672 4.000 + 11 37 26 63 Fe -55635.629 4.302 8631.5499 0.0683 B- 6215.9238 19.0668 62 940272.698 4.618 + 9 36 27 63 Co -61851.553 18.575 8717.7972 0.2948 B- 3661.3385 18.5704 62 933599.630 19.941 + 7 35 28 63 Ni -65512.891 0.426 8763.4955 0.0068 B- 66.9768 0.0149 62 929669.021 0.457 + 5 34 29 63 Cu -65579.868 0.426 8752.1404 0.0068 B- -3366.4392 1.5450 62 929597.119 0.457 + 3 33 30 63 Zn -62213.429 1.560 8686.2866 0.0248 B- -5666.3294 2.0330 62 933211.140 1.674 + 1 32 31 63 Ga x -56547.100 1.304 8583.9267 0.0207 B- -9625.8787 37.2826 62 939294.194 1.400 + -1 31 32 63 Ge x -46921.221 37.260 8418.7167 0.5914 B- -13421# 204# 62 949628.000 40.000 + -3 30 33 63 As x -33500# 200# 8193# 3# B- -16650# 539# 62 964036# 215# + -5 29 34 63 Se x -16850# 500# 7917# 8# B- * 62 981911# 537# +0 20 42 22 64 Ti x -1480# 600# 7826# 9# B- 14840# 721# 63 998411# 644# + 18 41 23 64 V x -16320# 400# 8045# 6# B- 17320# 500# 63 982480# 429# + 16 40 24 64 Cr x -33639.978 299.941 8303.5626 4.6866 B- 9349.0622 299.9620 63 963886.000 322.000 + 14 39 25 64 Mn x -42989.040 3.540 8437.4175 0.0553 B- 11980.5117 6.1402 63 953849.369 3.800 + 12 38 26 64 Fe x -54969.552 5.017 8612.3888 0.0784 B- 4822.8898 20.6249 63 940987.761 5.386 + 10 37 27 64 Co + -59792.442 20.005 8675.5223 0.3126 B- 7306.5921 20.0000 63 935810.176 21.476 + 8 36 28 64 Ni -67099.034 0.463 8777.4637 0.0072 B- -1674.6156 0.2055 63 927966.228 0.497 + 6 35 29 64 Cu -65424.418 0.427 8739.0736 0.0067 B- 579.5996 0.6447 63 929764.001 0.458 + 4 34 30 64 Zn -66004.018 0.644 8735.9057 0.0101 B- -7171.1912 1.4825 63 929141.776 0.690 + 2 33 31 64 Ga -58832.827 1.429 8611.6317 0.0223 B- -4517.3237 3.9905 63 936840.366 1.533 + 0 32 32 64 Ge x -54315.503 3.726 8528.8243 0.0582 B- -14783# 203# 63 941689.912 4.000 + -2 31 33 64 As -p -39532# 203# 8286# 3# B- -12673# 540# 63 957560# 218# + -4 30 34 64 Se x -26860# 500# 8075# 8# B- * 63 971165# 537# +0 21 43 22 65 Ti x 5210# 700# 7726# 11# B- 17320# 860# 65 005593# 751# + 19 42 23 65 V x -12110# 500# 7981# 8# B- 16200# 539# 64 986999# 537# + 17 41 24 65 Cr x -28310# 200# 8218# 3# B- 12657# 200# 64 969608# 215# + 15 40 25 65 Mn x -40967.344 3.726 8400.6822 0.0573 B- 10250.5576 6.3257 64 956019.749 4.000 + 13 39 26 65 Fe x -51217.902 5.112 8546.3470 0.0786 B- 7967.3036 5.5198 64 945015.323 5.487 + 11 38 27 65 Co x -59185.205 2.083 8656.8848 0.0320 B- 5940.5911 2.1379 64 936462.071 2.235 + 9 37 28 65 Ni -n -65125.796 0.483 8736.2424 0.0074 B- 2137.8808 0.6997 64 930084.585 0.518 + 7 36 29 65 Cu -67263.677 0.643 8757.0967 0.0099 B- -1351.6527 0.3557 64 927789.476 0.690 + 5 35 30 65 Zn -65912.024 0.646 8724.2660 0.0099 B- -3254.5380 0.6305 64 929240.534 0.693 + 3 34 31 65 Ga -62657.486 0.791 8662.1601 0.0122 B- -6179.2631 2.3046 64 932734.424 0.849 + 1 33 32 65 Ge -56478.223 2.165 8555.0584 0.0333 B- -9541.1670 84.7936 64 939368.136 2.323 + -1 32 33 65 As x -46937.056 84.766 8396.2351 1.3041 B- -13917# 312# 64 949611.000 91.000 + -3 31 34 65 Se x -33020# 300# 8170# 5# B- -16529# 583# 64 964552# 322# + -5 30 35 65 Br x -16490# 500# 7904# 8# B- * 64 982297# 537# +0 20 43 23 66 V x -6300# 500# 7894# 8# B- 18840# 583# 65 993237# 537# + 18 42 24 66 Cr x -25140# 300# 8168# 5# B- 11610# 300# 65 973011# 322# + 16 41 25 66 Mn x -36750.392 11.178 8331.7986 0.1694 B- 13317.4543 11.9056 65 960546.833 12.000 + 14 40 26 66 Fe x -50067.847 4.099 8521.7245 0.0621 B- 6340.6944 14.5611 65 946249.958 4.400 + 12 39 27 66 Co x -56408.541 13.972 8605.9419 0.2117 B- 9597.7522 14.0421 65 939442.943 15.000 + 10 38 28 66 Ni x -66006.293 1.397 8739.5086 0.0212 B- 251.9958 1.5405 65 929139.333 1.500 + 8 37 29 66 Cu -66258.289 0.649 8731.4730 0.0098 B- 2640.9396 0.9255 65 928868.804 0.696 + 6 36 30 66 Zn -68899.229 0.744 8759.6335 0.0113 B- -5175.5000 0.8000 65 926033.639 0.798 + 4 35 31 66 Ga - -63723.729 1.092 8669.3631 0.0166 B- -2116.6879 2.6376 65 931589.766 1.172 + 2 34 32 66 Ge x -61607.041 2.401 8625.4383 0.0364 B- -9581.9570 6.1685 65 933862.124 2.577 + 0 33 33 66 As x -52025.084 5.682 8468.4034 0.0861 B- -10365# 200# 65 944148.778 6.100 + -2 32 34 66 Se x -41660# 200# 8300# 3# B- -18091# 447# 65 955276# 215# + -4 31 35 66 Br x -23570# 400# 8014# 6# B- * 65 974697# 429# +0 21 44 23 67 V x -1744# 600# 7829# 9# B- 17526# 721# 66 998128# 644# + 19 43 24 67 Cr x -19270# 400# 8079# 6# B- 14311# 447# 66 979313# 429# + 17 42 25 67 Mn x -33580# 200# 8281# 3# B- 12128# 200# 66 963950# 215# + 15 41 26 67 Fe x -45708.416 3.819 8449.9359 0.0570 B- 9613.3678 7.4900 66 950930.000 4.100 + 13 40 27 67 Co x -55321.783 6.443 8581.7422 0.0962 B- 8420.9047 7.0607 66 940609.625 6.917 + 11 39 28 67 Ni x -63742.688 2.888 8695.7505 0.0431 B- 3576.8654 3.0223 66 931569.413 3.100 + 9 38 29 67 Cu -67319.553 0.892 8737.4597 0.0133 B- 560.8226 0.8296 66 927729.490 0.957 + 7 37 30 67 Zn -67880.376 0.755 8734.1534 0.0113 B- -1001.2201 1.1196 66 927127.422 0.810 + 5 36 31 67 Ga -66879.156 1.176 8707.5330 0.0176 B- -4205.4380 4.4066 66 928202.276 1.262 + 3 35 32 67 Ge -62673.718 4.319 8633.0884 0.0645 B- -6086.4858 4.3418 66 932716.999 4.636 + 1 34 33 67 As -56587.232 0.443 8530.5685 0.0066 B- -10006.9381 67.0690 66 939251.110 0.475 + -1 33 34 67 Se x -46580.294 67.068 8369.5344 1.0010 B- -14051# 307# 66 949994.000 72.000 + -3 32 35 67 Br x -32530# 300# 8148# 4# B- -16978# 520# 66 965078# 322# + -5 31 36 67 Kr -pp -15552# 424# 7883# 6# B- * 66 983305# 455# +0 20 44 24 68 Cr x -15690# 500# 8026# 7# B- 13230# 583# 67 983156# 537# + 18 43 25 68 Mn x -28920# 300# 8209# 4# B- 14977# 356# 67 968953# 322# + 16 42 26 68 Fe x -43897# 193# 8418# 3# B- 7746# 193# 67 952875# 207# + 14 41 27 68 Co -51642.591 3.859 8520.1301 0.0567 B- 11821.2318 4.8760 67 944559.401 4.142 + 12 40 28 68 Ni x -63463.822 2.981 8682.4667 0.0438 B- 2103.2205 3.3753 67 931868.787 3.200 + 10 39 29 68 Cu x -65567.043 1.584 8701.8913 0.0233 B- 4440.1115 1.7645 67 929610.887 1.700 + 8 38 30 68 Zn -70007.154 0.778 8755.6820 0.0115 B- -2921.1000 1.2000 67 924844.232 0.835 + 6 37 31 68 Ga - -67086.054 1.430 8701.2195 0.0210 B- -107.2555 2.3594 67 927980.161 1.535 + 4 36 32 68 Ge x -66978.799 1.876 8688.1371 0.0276 B- -8084.2715 2.6320 67 928095.305 2.014 + 2 35 33 68 As -58894.527 1.846 8557.7457 0.0271 B- -4705.0786 1.9112 67 936774.127 1.981 + 0 34 34 68 Se x -54189.449 0.496 8477.0482 0.0073 B- -15398# 259# 67 941825.236 0.532 + -2 33 35 68 Br -p -38791# 259# 8239# 4# B- -13165# 563# 67 958356# 278# + -4 32 36 68 Kr x -25626# 500# 8034# 7# B- * 67 972489# 537# +0 21 45 24 69 Cr x -9630# 500# 7939# 7# B- 15730# 640# 68 989662# 537# + 19 44 25 69 Mn x -25360# 400# 8155# 6# B- 13839# 447# 68 972775# 429# + 17 43 26 69 Fe x -39199# 200# 8345# 3# B- 11186# 218# 68 957918# 215# + 15 42 27 69 Co x -50385.447 85.697 8495.4062 1.2420 B- 9593.2084 85.7784 68 945909.000 92.000 + 13 41 28 69 Ni x -59978.656 3.726 8623.0998 0.0540 B- 5757.5650 3.9793 68 935610.267 4.000 + 11 40 29 69 Cu x -65736.221 1.397 8695.2044 0.0203 B- 2681.6854 1.6075 68 929429.267 1.500 + 9 39 30 69 Zn -n -68417.906 0.795 8722.7311 0.0115 B- 909.9134 1.4234 68 926550.360 0.853 + 7 38 31 69 Ga -69327.820 1.197 8724.5798 0.0174 B- -2227.1455 0.5500 68 925573.528 1.285 + 5 37 32 69 Ge -67100.674 1.318 8680.9640 0.0191 B- -3988.4927 31.9822 68 927964.467 1.414 + 3 36 33 69 As -63112.181 31.999 8611.8214 0.4638 B- -6677.4672 32.0215 68 932246.289 34.352 + 1 35 34 69 Se -56434.714 1.490 8503.7082 0.0216 B- -10175.2364 42.0293 68 939414.845 1.599 + -1 34 35 69 Br -p -46259.478 42.003 8344.9026 0.6087 B- -14119# 303# 68 950338.410 45.091 + -3 33 36 69 Kr x -32140# 300# 8129# 4# B- * 68 965496# 322# +0 22 46 24 70 Cr x -5640# 600# 7884# 9# B- 14810# 781# 69 993945# 644# + 20 45 25 70 Mn x -20450# 500# 8084# 7# B- 16440# 583# 69 978046# 537# + 18 44 26 70 Fe x -36890# 300# 8308# 4# B- 9635# 300# 69 960397# 322# + 16 43 27 70 Co x -46524.963 10.992 8434.1980 0.1570 B- 12688.9049 11.1987 69 950053.400 11.800 + 14 42 28 70 Ni x -59213.868 2.144 8604.2917 0.0306 B- 3762.5123 2.4011 69 936431.300 2.301 + 12 41 29 70 Cu x -62976.381 1.082 8646.8655 0.0155 B- 6588.3675 2.2018 69 932392.078 1.161 + 10 40 30 70 Zn -69564.748 1.918 8729.8086 0.0274 B- -654.5979 1.5737 69 925319.175 2.058 + 8 39 31 70 Ga -68910.150 1.201 8709.2808 0.0172 B- 1651.8861 1.4520 69 926021.914 1.289 + 6 38 32 70 Ge -70562.036 0.820 8721.7028 0.0117 B- -6228.0630 1.6200 69 924248.542 0.880 + 4 37 33 70 As x -64333.973 1.397 8621.5541 0.0200 B- -2404.0737 2.1118 69 930934.642 1.500 + 2 36 34 70 Se x -61929.900 1.584 8576.0338 0.0226 B- -10504.2727 14.9878 69 933515.521 1.700 + 0 35 35 70 Br x -51425.627 14.904 8414.7964 0.2129 B- -10325# 201# 69 944792.321 16.000 + -2 34 36 70 Kr x -41100# 200# 8256# 3# B- * 69 955877# 215# +0 21 46 25 71 Mn x -16620# 500# 8030# 7# B- 15310# 640# 70 982158# 537# + 19 45 26 71 Fe x -31930# 400# 8235# 6# B- 12440# 613# 70 965722# 429# + 17 44 27 71 Co x -44369.930 465.030 8398.7344 6.5497 B- 11036.3053 465.0353 70 952366.923 499.230 + 15 43 28 71 Ni x -55406.236 2.237 8543.1564 0.0315 B- 7304.8989 2.6879 70 940518.962 2.401 + 13 42 29 71 Cu x -62711.134 1.490 8635.0233 0.0210 B- 4617.6517 3.0437 70 932676.831 1.600 + 11 41 30 71 Zn -67328.786 2.654 8689.0417 0.0374 B- 2810.3405 2.7748 70 927719.578 2.849 + 9 40 31 71 Ga -70139.127 0.811 8717.6050 0.0114 B- -232.4698 0.0934 70 924702.554 0.870 + 7 39 32 71 Ge -69906.657 0.815 8703.3118 0.0115 B- -2013.4000 4.0825 70 924952.120 0.874 + 5 38 33 71 As - -67893.257 4.163 8663.9350 0.0586 B- -4746.7420 5.0140 70 927113.594 4.469 + 3 37 34 71 Se x -63146.515 2.794 8586.0606 0.0394 B- -6644.0883 6.0820 70 932209.431 3.000 + 1 36 35 71 Br -56502.426 5.402 8481.4629 0.0761 B- -10175.2155 128.8452 70 939342.153 5.799 + -1 35 36 71 Kr -46327.211 128.769 8327.1310 1.8136 B- -14037# 420# 70 950265.695 138.238 + -3 34 37 71 Rb x -32290# 400# 8118# 6# B- * 70 965335# 429# +0 22 47 25 72 Mn x -11170# 600# 7955# 8# B- 18080# 781# 71 988009# 644# + 20 46 26 72 Fe x -29250# 500# 8195# 7# B- 11050# 583# 71 968599# 537# + 18 45 27 72 Co x -40300# 300# 8338# 4# B- 13926# 300# 71 956736# 322# + 16 44 28 72 Ni x -54226.068 2.237 8520.2118 0.0311 B- 5556.9381 2.6374 71 941785.924 2.401 + 14 43 29 72 Cu x -59783.006 1.397 8586.5256 0.0194 B- 8362.4883 2.5578 71 935820.306 1.500 + 12 42 30 72 Zn x -68145.495 2.142 8691.8053 0.0298 B- 442.7892 2.2934 71 926842.806 2.300 + 10 41 31 72 Ga -68588.284 0.818 8687.0893 0.0114 B- 3997.6263 0.8217 71 926367.452 0.878 + 8 40 32 72 Ge -72585.910 0.076 8731.7459 0.0011 B- -4356.1019 4.0825 71 922075.824 0.081 + 6 39 33 72 As - -68229.808 4.083 8660.3786 0.0567 B- -361.6194 4.5276 71 926752.291 4.383 + 4 38 34 72 Se x -67868.189 1.956 8644.4902 0.0272 B- -8806.4384 2.2083 71 927140.506 2.100 + 2 37 35 72 Br x -59061.750 1.025 8511.3126 0.0142 B- -5121.1683 8.0761 71 936594.606 1.100 + 0 36 36 72 Kr x -53940.582 8.011 8429.3193 0.1113 B- -15611# 500# 71 942092.406 8.600 + -2 35 37 72 Rb x -38330# 500# 8202# 7# B- * 71 958851# 537# +0 23 48 25 73 Mn x -6700# 600# 7895# 8# B- 17289# 781# 72 992807# 644# + 21 47 26 73 Fe x -23990# 500# 8121# 7# B- 13980# 583# 72 974246# 537# + 19 46 27 73 Co x -37970# 300# 8302# 4# B- 12139# 300# 72 959238# 322# + 17 45 28 73 Ni x -50108.159 2.423 8457.6529 0.0332 B- 8879.2856 3.1038 72 946206.681 2.601 + 15 44 29 73 Cu -58987.445 1.942 8568.5699 0.0266 B- 6605.9659 2.6910 72 936674.376 2.084 + 13 43 30 73 Zn x -65593.411 1.863 8648.3455 0.0255 B- 4105.9329 2.5064 72 929582.580 2.000 + 11 42 31 73 Ga x -69699.343 1.677 8693.8740 0.0230 B- 1598.1889 1.6777 72 925174.680 1.800 + 9 41 32 73 Ge -71297.532 0.057 8705.0500 0.0008 B- -344.7759 3.8528 72 923458.954 0.061 + 7 40 33 73 As -70952.757 3.853 8689.6099 0.0528 B- -2725.3604 7.3993 72 923829.086 4.136 + 5 39 34 73 Se -68227.396 7.424 8641.5591 0.1017 B- -4581.6095 10.0278 72 926754.881 7.969 + 3 38 35 73 Br -63645.787 6.741 8568.0803 0.0923 B- -7094.0287 9.4187 72 931673.441 7.237 + 1 37 36 73 Kr x -56551.758 6.578 8460.1847 0.0901 B- -10540.1468 41.3212 72 939289.193 7.061 + -1 36 37 73 Rb -p -46011.611 40.794 8305.0821 0.5588 B- -14061# 403# 72 950604.506 43.794 + -3 35 38 73 Sr x -31950# 401# 8102# 5# B- * 72 965700# 430# +0 22 48 26 74 Fe x -20660# 500# 8076# 7# B- 12881# 640# 73 977821# 537# + 20 47 27 74 Co x -33540# 400# 8239# 5# B- 15160# 447# 73 963993# 429# + 18 46 28 74 Ni x -48700# 200# 8433# 3# B- 7306# 200# 73 947718# 215# + 16 45 29 74 Cu x -56006.213 6.148 8521.5633 0.0831 B- 9750.5077 6.6424 73 939874.860 6.600 + 14 44 30 74 Zn x -65756.720 2.515 8642.7547 0.0340 B- 2292.9057 3.9102 73 929407.260 2.700 + 12 43 31 74 Ga x -68049.626 2.994 8663.1676 0.0405 B- 5372.8249 2.9941 73 926945.725 3.214 + 10 42 32 74 Ge -73422.451 0.013 8725.2011 0.0003 B- -2562.3871 1.6931 73 921177.760 0.013 + 8 41 33 74 As -70860.064 1.693 8680.0020 0.0229 B- 1353.1467 1.6931 73 923928.596 1.817 + 6 40 34 74 Se -72213.210 0.015 8687.7155 0.0003 B- -6925.0492 5.8354 73 922475.933 0.015 + 4 39 35 74 Br -65288.161 5.835 8583.5615 0.0789 B- -2956.3173 6.1730 73 929910.279 6.264 + 2 38 36 74 Kr -62331.844 2.013 8533.0390 0.0272 B- -10415.8280 3.4240 73 933084.016 2.161 + 0 37 37 74 Rb -51916.016 3.027 8381.7123 0.0409 B- -11089# 100# 73 944265.867 3.249 + -2 36 38 74 Sr x -40827# 100# 8221# 1# B- * 73 956170# 107# +0 23 49 26 75 Fe x -14700# 600# 7996# 8# B- 15861# 721# 74 984219# 644# + 21 48 27 75 Co x -30560# 400# 8197# 5# B- 13680# 447# 74 967192# 429# + 19 47 28 75 Ni x -44240# 200# 8369# 3# B- 10230# 200# 74 952506# 215# + 17 46 29 75 Cu -54470.219 0.718 8495.0801 0.0096 B- 8088.6967 2.0837 74 941523.817 0.770 + 15 45 30 75 Zn x -62558.916 1.956 8592.4981 0.0261 B- 5901.7231 2.0679 74 932840.244 2.100 + 13 44 31 75 Ga x -68460.639 0.671 8660.7565 0.0089 B- 3396.3337 0.6727 74 926504.484 0.720 + 11 43 32 75 Ge -n -71856.973 0.052 8695.6096 0.0007 B- 1177.2301 0.8851 74 922858.370 0.055 + 9 42 33 75 As -73034.203 0.884 8700.8748 0.0118 B- -864.7139 0.8816 74 921594.562 0.948 + 7 41 34 75 Se -72169.489 0.073 8678.9139 0.0010 B- -3062.4694 4.2855 74 922522.870 0.078 + 5 40 35 75 Br x -69107.020 4.285 8627.6497 0.0571 B- -4783.3880 9.1671 74 925810.566 4.600 + 3 39 36 75 Kr x -64323.632 8.104 8553.4399 0.1081 B- -7104.9299 8.1895 74 930945.744 8.700 + 1 38 37 75 Rb x -57218.702 1.180 8448.2762 0.0157 B- -10600.0000 220.0000 74 938573.200 1.266 + -1 37 38 75 Sr - -46618.702 220.003 8296.5116 2.9334 B- -14799# 372# 74 949952.767 236.183 + -3 36 39 75 Y x -31820# 300# 8089# 4# B- * 74 965840# 322# +0 24 50 26 76 Fe x -10590# 600# 7943# 8# B- 15070# 781# 75 988631# 644# + 22 49 27 76 Co x -25660# 500# 8131# 7# B- 16530# 583# 75 972453# 537# + 20 48 28 76 Ni x -42190# 300# 8338# 4# B- 8791# 300# 75 954707# 322# + 18 47 29 76 Cu x -50981.627 0.913 8443.6018 0.0120 B- 11321.3964 1.7183 75 945268.974 0.980 + 16 46 30 76 Zn -62303.024 1.456 8582.2735 0.0192 B- 3993.6241 2.4384 75 933114.956 1.562 + 14 45 31 76 Ga x -66296.648 1.956 8624.5272 0.0257 B- 6916.2501 1.9562 75 928827.624 2.100 + 12 44 32 76 Ge -73212.898 0.018 8705.2364 0.0003 B- -921.5145 0.8864 75 921402.725 0.019 + 10 43 33 76 As -n -72291.384 0.886 8682.8172 0.0117 B- 2960.5756 0.8864 75 922392.011 0.951 + 8 42 34 76 Se -75251.959 0.016 8711.4781 0.0003 B- -4962.8810 9.3218 75 919213.702 0.017 + 6 41 35 76 Br - -70289.078 9.322 8635.8830 0.1227 B- -1275.3724 10.1490 75 924541.574 10.007 + 4 40 36 76 Kr -69013.706 4.013 8608.8077 0.0528 B- -8534.6172 4.1214 75 925910.743 4.308 + 2 39 37 76 Rb x -60479.089 0.938 8486.2161 0.0123 B- -6231.4432 34.4780 75 935073.031 1.006 + 0 38 38 76 Sr x -54247.645 34.465 8393.9294 0.4535 B- -15998# 302# 75 941762.760 37.000 + -2 37 39 76 Y x -38250# 300# 8173# 4# B- * 75 958937# 322# +0 23 50 27 77 Co x -21910# 600# 8082# 8# B- 15440# 721# 76 976479# 644# + 21 49 28 77 Ni x -37350# 400# 8272# 5# B- 11513# 400# 76 959903# 429# + 19 48 29 77 Cu x -48862.828 1.211 8411.2501 0.0157 B- 9926.3750 2.3148 76 947543.599 1.300 + 17 47 30 77 Zn -58789.203 1.973 8530.0037 0.0256 B- 7203.1495 3.1237 76 936887.197 2.117 + 15 46 31 77 Ga x -65992.352 2.422 8613.3907 0.0315 B- 5220.5176 2.4225 76 929154.299 2.600 + 13 45 32 77 Ge -n -71212.870 0.053 8671.0293 0.0007 B- 2703.4642 1.6926 76 923549.843 0.056 + 11 44 33 77 As -73916.334 1.692 8695.9789 0.0220 B- 683.1627 1.6920 76 920647.555 1.816 + 9 43 34 77 Se -74599.497 0.062 8694.6908 0.0008 B- -1364.6792 2.8099 76 919914.150 0.067 + 7 42 35 77 Br - -73234.818 2.811 8666.8073 0.0365 B- -3065.3663 3.4244 76 921379.193 3.017 + 5 41 36 77 Kr x -70169.451 1.956 8616.8370 0.0254 B- -5338.9516 2.3510 76 924669.999 2.100 + 3 40 37 77 Rb x -64830.500 1.304 8537.3396 0.0169 B- -7027.0566 8.0244 76 930401.599 1.400 + 1 39 38 77 Sr x -57803.443 7.918 8435.9188 0.1028 B- -11365# 203# 76 937945.454 8.500 + -1 38 39 77 Y -p -46439# 203# 8278# 3# B- -14839# 448# 76 950146# 218# + -3 37 40 77 Zr x -31600# 400# 8075# 5# B- * 76 966076# 429# +0 24 51 27 78 Co x -15320# 700# 7997# 9# B- 19560# 806# 77 983553# 751# + 22 50 28 78 Ni x -34880# 400# 8238# 5# B- 9910# 400# 77 962555# 429# + 20 49 29 78 Cu -44789.474 13.332 8354.6695 0.1709 B- 12693.7680 13.4727 77 951916.524 14.312 + 18 48 30 78 Zn -57483.242 1.944 8507.3800 0.0249 B- 6220.8433 2.2088 77 938289.204 2.086 + 16 47 31 78 Ga -63704.085 1.051 8577.1043 0.0135 B- 8157.9729 3.6884 77 931610.854 1.127 + 14 46 32 78 Ge -nn -71862.058 3.536 8671.6636 0.0453 B- 954.9114 10.3987 77 922852.911 3.795 + 12 45 33 78 As +pn -72816.970 9.779 8673.8760 0.1254 B- 4208.9819 9.7801 77 921827.771 10.498 + 10 44 34 78 Se -77025.952 0.179 8717.8072 0.0023 B- -3573.7836 3.5750 77 917309.244 0.191 + 8 43 35 78 Br - -73452.168 3.580 8661.9594 0.0459 B- 726.1153 3.5845 77 921145.858 3.842 + 6 42 36 78 Kr -74178.283 0.307 8661.2385 0.0039 B- -7242.8560 3.2520 77 920366.341 0.329 + 4 41 37 78 Rb x -66935.427 3.237 8558.3512 0.0415 B- -3761.4779 8.1248 77 928141.866 3.475 + 2 40 38 78 Sr x -63173.949 7.452 8500.0971 0.0955 B- -11001# 298# 77 932179.979 8.000 + 0 39 39 78 Y x -52173# 298# 8349# 4# B- -11323# 499# 77 943990# 320# + -2 38 40 78 Zr x -40850# 400# 8194# 5# B- * 77 956146# 429# +0 23 51 28 79 Ni x -28160# 500# 8150# 6# B- 14248# 511# 78 969769# 537# + 21 50 29 79 Cu x -42408.039 104.979 8320.9380 1.3289 B- 11024.2629 105.0030 78 954473.100 112.700 + 19 49 30 79 Zn -53432.302 2.225 8450.5825 0.0282 B- 9116.0536 2.5295 78 942638.067 2.388 + 17 48 31 79 Ga -62548.355 1.208 8556.0725 0.0153 B- 6978.8242 37.1467 78 932851.582 1.296 + 15 47 32 79 Ge -69527.180 37.161 8634.5089 0.4704 B- 4108.9014 37.4361 78 925359.506 39.893 + 13 46 33 79 As -73636.081 5.325 8676.6172 0.0674 B- 2281.3849 5.3284 78 920948.419 5.716 + 11 45 34 79 Se -n -75917.466 0.223 8695.5923 0.0028 B- 150.6016 1.0186 78 918499.252 0.238 + 9 44 35 79 Br -76068.067 1.001 8687.5956 0.0127 B- -1625.7778 3.3333 78 918337.574 1.074 + 7 43 36 79 Kr - -74442.290 3.480 8657.1130 0.0441 B- -3639.5114 3.9423 78 920082.919 3.736 + 5 42 37 79 Rb -70802.778 1.943 8601.1401 0.0246 B- -5323.1140 7.5630 78 923990.095 2.085 + 3 41 38 79 Sr -65479.664 7.421 8523.8558 0.0939 B- -7676.7291 80.4515 78 929704.692 7.967 + 1 40 39 79 Y x -57802.935 80.108 8416.7788 1.0140 B- -11033# 310# 78 937946.000 86.000 + -1 39 40 79 Zr x -46770# 300# 8267# 4# B- -15120# 583# 78 949790# 322# + -3 38 41 79 Nb x -31650# 500# 8066# 6# B- * 78 966022# 537# +0 24 52 28 80 Ni x -23240# 600# 8088# 7# B- 13440# 671# 79 975051# 644# + 22 51 29 80 Cu x -36679# 300# 8246# 4# B- 14969# 300# 79 960623# 322# + 20 50 30 80 Zn -51648.619 2.585 8423.5457 0.0323 B- 7575.0553 3.8774 79 944552.929 2.774 + 18 49 31 80 Ga x -59223.675 2.891 8508.4545 0.0361 B- 10311.6397 3.5409 79 936420.773 3.103 + 16 48 32 80 Ge x -69535.314 2.054 8627.5707 0.0257 B- 2679.2869 3.9156 79 925350.773 2.205 + 14 47 33 80 As x -72214.601 3.333 8651.2824 0.0417 B- 5544.8861 3.4412 79 922474.440 3.578 + 12 46 34 80 Se -77759.487 0.947 8710.8142 0.0118 B- -1870.4623 0.3095 79 916521.761 1.016 + 10 45 35 80 Br -75889.025 0.993 8677.6541 0.0124 B- 2004.4299 1.1413 79 918529.784 1.065 + 8 44 36 80 Kr -77893.455 0.695 8692.9301 0.0087 B- -5717.9785 1.9883 79 916377.940 0.745 + 6 43 37 80 Rb x -72175.476 1.863 8611.6760 0.0233 B- -1864.0090 3.9331 79 922516.442 2.000 + 4 42 38 80 Sr x -70311.467 3.464 8578.5966 0.0433 B- -9163.3050 7.1389 79 924517.538 3.718 + 2 41 39 80 Y x -61148.162 6.242 8454.2759 0.0780 B- -6388# 300# 79 934354.750 6.701 + 0 40 40 80 Zr x -54760# 300# 8365# 4# B- -16339# 500# 79 941213# 322# + -2 39 41 80 Nb x -38420# 400# 8151# 5# B- * 79 958754# 429# +0 25 53 28 81 Ni x -16090# 700# 8000# 9# B- 15820# 761# 80 982727# 751# + 23 52 29 81 Cu x -31910# 300# 8185# 4# B- 14289# 300# 80 965743# 322# + 21 51 30 81 Zn x -46199.669 5.030 8351.9262 0.0621 B- 11428.2924 5.9960 80 950402.617 5.400 + 19 50 31 81 Ga x -57627.962 3.264 8483.3576 0.0403 B- 8663.7335 3.8508 80 938133.841 3.503 + 17 49 32 81 Ge x -66291.695 2.055 8580.6587 0.0254 B- 6241.6189 3.3436 80 928832.941 2.205 + 15 48 33 81 As -72533.314 2.644 8648.0571 0.0326 B- 3855.7050 2.8072 80 922132.288 2.838 + 13 47 34 81 Se -76389.019 0.977 8685.9998 0.0121 B- 1588.0317 1.3787 80 917993.019 1.049 + 11 46 35 81 Br -77977.051 0.978 8695.9465 0.0121 B- -280.8517 0.4713 80 916288.197 1.049 + 9 45 36 81 Kr -77696.199 1.074 8682.8206 0.0133 B- -2239.4954 5.0188 80 916589.703 1.152 + 7 44 37 81 Rb -75456.704 4.904 8645.5139 0.0605 B- -3928.5695 5.8170 80 918993.900 5.265 + 5 43 38 81 Sr x -71528.134 3.128 8587.3545 0.0386 B- -5815.2156 6.2451 80 923211.393 3.358 + 3 42 39 81 Y x -65712.919 5.405 8505.9031 0.0667 B- -8188.5003 92.3762 80 929454.283 5.802 + 1 41 40 81 Zr x -57524.418 92.218 8395.1519 1.1385 B- -11164# 410# 80 938245.000 99.000 + -1 40 41 81 Nb x -46360# 400# 8248# 5# B- -14900# 640# 80 950230# 429# + -3 39 42 81 Mo x -31460# 500# 8054# 6# B- * 80 966226# 537# +0 26 54 28 82 Ni x -10720# 800# 7935# 10# B- 15010# 894# 81 988492# 859# + 24 53 29 82 Cu x -25730# 400# 8108# 5# B- 16584# 400# 81 972378# 429# + 22 52 30 82 Zn x -42313.960 3.074 8301.1175 0.0375 B- 10616.7652 3.9162 81 954574.097 3.300 + 20 51 31 82 Ga x -52930.725 2.426 8421.0494 0.0296 B- 12484.3497 3.2960 81 943176.531 2.604 + 18 50 32 82 Ge x -65415.075 2.240 8563.7567 0.0273 B- 4690.3523 4.3452 81 929774.031 2.405 + 16 49 33 82 As x -70105.427 3.729 8611.4153 0.0455 B- 7488.4677 3.7579 81 924738.731 4.003 + 14 48 34 82 Se -77593.895 0.466 8693.1973 0.0057 B- -95.2184 1.0767 81 916699.531 0.500 + 12 47 35 82 Br -77498.677 0.971 8682.4953 0.0118 B- 3093.1185 0.9714 81 916801.752 1.042 + 10 46 36 82 Kr -80591.79509 0.00551 8710.6754 0.0003 B- -4403.9824 3.0088 81 913481.15368 0.00591 + 8 45 37 82 Rb IT -76187.813 3.009 8647.4275 0.0367 B- -177.7503 6.7048 81 918209.023 3.230 + 6 44 38 82 Sr -76010.062 5.992 8635.7190 0.0731 B- -7945.9650 8.1324 81 918399.845 6.432 + 4 43 39 82 Y x -68064.097 5.499 8529.2762 0.0671 B- -4450.0341 5.7221 81 926930.189 5.902 + 2 42 40 82 Zr x -63614.063 1.584 8465.4666 0.0193 B- -11804# 300# 81 931707.497 1.700 + 0 41 41 82 Nb x -51810# 300# 8312# 4# B- -11440# 500# 81 944380# 322# + -2 40 42 82 Mo x -40370# 400# 8163# 5# B- * 81 956661# 429# +0 25 54 29 83 Cu x -20390# 500# 8044# 6# B- 15900# 583# 82 978110# 537# + 23 53 30 83 Zn x -36290# 300# 8226# 4# B- 12967# 300# 82 961041# 322# + 21 52 31 83 Ga x -49257.129 2.612 8372.5756 0.0315 B- 11719.3136 3.5592 82 947120.300 2.804 + 19 51 32 83 Ge x -60976.442 2.427 8504.3462 0.0292 B- 8692.8893 3.6979 82 934539.100 2.604 + 17 50 33 83 As x -69669.331 2.799 8599.6540 0.0337 B- 5671.2117 4.1290 82 925206.900 3.004 + 15 49 34 83 Se -n -75340.543 3.036 8658.5560 0.0366 B- 3673.1780 4.8392 82 919118.604 3.259 + 13 48 35 83 Br -79013.721 3.795 8693.3852 0.0457 B- 976.9222 3.7947 82 915175.285 4.073 + 11 47 36 83 Kr -79990.643 0.009 8695.7295 0.0003 B- -920.0039 2.3288 82 914126.516 0.009 + 9 46 37 83 Rb -79070.639 2.329 8675.2193 0.0281 B- -2273.0239 6.4245 82 915114.181 2.500 + 7 45 38 83 Sr -76797.616 6.834 8638.4076 0.0823 B- -4591.9435 19.8444 82 917554.372 7.336 + 5 44 39 83 Y x -72205.672 18.631 8573.6571 0.2245 B- -6294.0125 19.7074 82 922484.026 20.000 + 3 43 40 83 Zr x -65911.659 6.430 8488.3997 0.0775 B- -8298.7493 162.2075 82 929240.926 6.902 + 1 42 41 83 Nb x -57612.910 162.080 8378.9889 1.9528 B- -11273# 432# 82 938150.000 174.000 + -1 41 42 83 Mo x -46340# 401# 8234# 5# B- -15020# 641# 82 950252# 430# + -3 40 43 83 Tc x -31320# 500# 8043# 6# B- * 82 966377# 537# +0 26 55 29 84 Cu x -13720# 500# 7965# 6# B- 18110# 640# 83 985271# 537# + 24 54 30 84 Zn x -31830# 400# 8171# 5# B- 12264# 401# 83 965829# 429# + 22 53 31 84 Ga x -44094.136 29.808 8307.5250 0.3549 B- 14054.2989 29.9760 83 952663.000 32.000 + 20 52 32 84 Ge x -58148.435 3.171 8465.5244 0.0377 B- 7705.1329 4.4789 83 937575.090 3.403 + 18 51 33 84 As x -65853.568 3.171 8547.9385 0.0377 B- 10094.1624 3.7219 83 929303.290 3.403 + 16 50 34 84 Se -75947.731 1.961 8658.7935 0.0233 B- 1835.3638 25.7652 83 918466.761 2.105 + 14 49 35 84 Br -77783.094 25.730 8671.3294 0.3063 B- 4656.2510 25.7300 83 916496.417 27.622 + 12 48 36 84 Kr -82439.34527 0.00382 8717.4473 0.0003 B- -2680.3708 2.1940 83 911497.72708 0.00410 + 10 47 37 84 Rb -79758.975 2.194 8676.2244 0.0261 B- 890.6058 2.3356 83 914375.223 2.355 + 8 46 38 84 Sr -80649.580 1.243 8677.5132 0.0148 B- -6755.1411 4.4114 83 913419.118 1.334 + 6 45 39 84 Y -73894.439 4.299 8587.7812 0.0512 B- -2472.7471 6.9767 83 920671.060 4.615 + 4 44 40 84 Zr x -71421.692 5.499 8549.0301 0.0655 B- -10227.8497 5.5133 83 923325.663 5.903 + 2 43 41 84 Nb x -61193.842 0.401 8417.9563 0.0048 B- -7024# 298# 83 934305.711 0.430 + 0 42 42 84 Mo x -54170# 298# 8325# 4# B- -16470# 499# 83 941846# 320# + -2 41 43 84 Tc x -37700# 400# 8120# 5# B- * 83 959527# 429# +0 25 55 30 85 Zn x -25100# 500# 8090# 6# B- 14644# 502# 84 973054# 537# + 23 54 31 85 Ga x -39744.059 37.260 8253.5687 0.4384 B- 13379.3679 37.4459 84 957333.000 40.000 + 21 53 32 85 Ge x -53123.427 3.729 8401.7689 0.0439 B- 10065.7253 4.8303 84 942969.658 4.003 + 19 52 33 85 As x -63189.152 3.078 8510.9851 0.0362 B- 9224.4929 4.0313 84 932163.658 3.304 + 17 51 34 85 Se +3p -72413.645 2.613 8610.3045 0.0307 B- 6161.8335 4.0313 84 922260.758 2.804 + 15 50 35 85 Br +n2p -78575.478 3.078 8673.5926 0.0362 B- 2904.8622 3.6705 84 915645.758 3.304 + 13 49 36 85 Kr + -81480.341 2.000 8698.5633 0.0235 B- 687.0000 2.0000 84 912527.260 2.147 + 11 48 37 85 Rb -82167.34065 0.00500 8697.4416 0.0003 B- -1064.0510 2.8132 84 911789.73604 0.00537 + 9 47 38 85 Sr -81103.290 2.813 8675.7193 0.0331 B- -3261.1584 19.1729 84 912932.041 3.020 + 7 46 39 85 Y x -77842.131 18.965 8628.1486 0.2231 B- -4666.9352 20.0257 84 916433.039 20.360 + 5 45 40 85 Zr x -73175.196 6.430 8564.0394 0.0756 B- -6895.5120 7.6250 84 921443.199 6.902 + 3 44 41 85 Nb x -66279.684 4.099 8473.7117 0.0482 B- -8769.9238 16.3572 84 928845.836 4.400 + 1 43 42 85 Mo x -57509.760 15.835 8361.3320 0.1863 B- -11660# 400# 84 938260.736 17.000 + -1 42 43 85 Tc x -45850# 400# 8215# 5# B- -15220# 640# 84 950778# 429# + -3 41 44 85 Ru x -30630# 500# 8027# 6# B- * 84 967117# 537# +0 26 56 30 86 Zn x -20062# 500# 8032# 6# B- 13699# 640# 85 978463# 537# + 24 55 31 86 Ga x -33760# 400# 8182# 5# B- 15640# 593# 85 963757# 429# + 22 54 32 86 Ge x -49399.927 437.802 8354.6300 5.0907 B- 9562.2229 437.8158 85 946967.000 470.000 + 20 53 33 86 As x -58962.150 3.450 8456.7215 0.0401 B- 11541.0256 4.2666 85 936701.532 3.703 + 18 52 34 86 Se x -70503.175 2.520 8581.8224 0.0293 B- 5129.0860 3.9717 85 924311.732 2.705 + 16 51 35 86 Br +pp -75632.261 3.078 8632.3659 0.0358 B- 7633.4147 3.0779 85 918805.432 3.304 + 14 50 36 86 Kr -83265.67593 0.00372 8712.0295 0.0003 B- -518.6734 0.2000 85 910610.62468 0.00399 + 12 49 37 86 Rb -n -82747.003 0.200 8696.9014 0.0023 B- 1776.0972 0.2001 85 911167.443 0.214 + 10 48 38 86 Sr -84523.09977 0.00524 8708.4566 0.0003 B- -5240.0000 14.1421 85 909260.72473 0.00563 + 8 47 39 86 Y - -79283.100 14.142 8638.4293 0.1644 B- -1314.0763 14.5847 85 914886.095 15.182 + 6 46 40 86 Zr -77969.023 3.566 8614.0523 0.0415 B- -8834.9627 6.5521 85 916296.814 3.827 + 4 45 41 86 Nb x -69134.061 5.499 8502.2231 0.0639 B- -5023.1337 6.2316 85 925781.536 5.903 + 2 44 42 86 Mo x -64110.927 2.932 8434.7175 0.0341 B- -12541# 300# 85 931174.092 3.147 + 0 43 43 86 Tc x -51570# 300# 8280# 3# B- -11800# 500# 85 944637# 322# + -2 42 44 86 Ru x -39770# 400# 8133# 5# B- * 85 957305# 429# +0 25 56 31 87 Ga x -28870# 500# 8124# 6# B- 14720# 583# 86 969007# 537# + 23 55 32 87 Ge x -43590# 300# 8285# 3# B- 12028# 300# 86 953204# 322# + 21 54 33 87 As x -55617.914 2.985 8413.8521 0.0343 B- 10808.2192 3.7260 86 940291.716 3.204 + 19 53 34 87 Se x -66426.133 2.241 8529.0920 0.0258 B- 7465.5526 3.8766 86 928688.616 2.405 + 17 52 35 87 Br 2p-n -73891.685 3.171 8605.9105 0.0364 B- 6817.8455 3.1805 86 920674.016 3.404 + 15 51 36 87 Kr -n -80709.531 0.246 8675.2840 0.0028 B- 3888.2706 0.2463 86 913354.759 0.264 + 13 50 37 87 Rb -84597.802 0.006 8710.9843 0.0003 B- 282.2749 0.0063 86 909180.529 0.006 + 11 49 38 87 Sr -84880.07643 0.00513 8705.2363 0.0003 B- -1861.6894 1.1278 86 908877.49454 0.00550 + 9 48 39 87 Y - -83018.387 1.128 8674.8451 0.0130 B- -3671.2405 4.2962 86 910876.100 1.210 + 7 47 40 87 Zr -79347.147 4.146 8623.6545 0.0477 B- -5472.6536 7.9633 86 914817.338 4.450 + 5 46 41 87 Nb x -73874.493 6.802 8551.7579 0.0782 B- -6989.6757 7.3781 86 920692.473 7.302 + 3 45 42 87 Mo -66884.817 2.857 8462.4243 0.0328 B- -9194.7656 5.0729 86 928196.198 3.067 + 1 44 43 87 Tc x -57690.052 4.192 8347.7449 0.0482 B- -11960# 400# 86 938067.185 4.500 + -1 43 44 87 Ru x -45730# 400# 8201# 5# B- * 86 950907# 429# +0 26 57 31 88 Ga x -22390# 500# 8050# 6# B- 17129# 640# 87 975963# 537# + 24 56 32 88 Ge x -39520# 400# 8236# 5# B- 10930# 447# 87 957574# 429# + 22 55 33 88 As x -50450# 200# 8351# 2# B- 13434# 200# 87 945840# 215# + 20 54 34 88 Se x -63884.203 3.357 8495.0045 0.0382 B- 6831.7640 4.6125 87 931417.490 3.604 + 18 53 35 88 Br ++ -70715.967 3.171 8563.7479 0.0360 B- 8975.3282 4.1059 87 924083.290 3.404 + 16 52 36 88 Kr x -79691.295 2.608 8656.8499 0.0296 B- 2917.7090 2.6130 87 914447.879 2.800 + 14 51 37 88 Rb -82609.004 0.159 8681.1154 0.0018 B- 5312.6243 0.1590 87 911315.590 0.170 + 12 50 38 88 Sr -87921.62876 0.00561 8732.5958 0.0003 B- -3622.6000 1.5000 87 905612.253 0.006 + 10 49 39 88 Y - -84299.029 1.500 8682.5396 0.0170 B- -670.1549 5.6076 87 909501.274 1.610 + 8 48 40 88 Zr -83628.874 5.403 8666.0339 0.0614 B- -7457.3187 57.8921 87 910220.715 5.800 + 6 47 41 88 Nb -76171.555 57.808 8572.4013 0.6569 B- -3485.0021 57.9345 87 918226.476 62.059 + 4 46 42 88 Mo x -72686.553 3.819 8523.9087 0.0434 B- -11016.2515 5.6021 87 921967.779 4.100 + 2 45 43 88 Tc x -61670.301 4.099 8389.8338 0.0466 B- -7331# 300# 87 933794.211 4.400 + 0 44 44 88 Ru x -54340# 300# 8298# 3# B- -17479# 500# 87 941664# 322# + -2 43 45 88 Rh x -36860# 400# 8090# 5# B- * 87 960429# 429# +0 25 57 32 89 Ge x -33040# 400# 8161# 4# B- 13490# 500# 88 964530# 429# + 23 56 33 89 As x -46530# 300# 8304# 3# B- 12462# 300# 88 950048# 322# + 21 55 34 89 Se x -58992.398 3.729 8435.2799 0.0419 B- 9281.8730 4.9510 88 936669.058 4.003 + 19 54 35 89 Br x -68274.271 3.264 8530.7802 0.0367 B- 8261.5231 3.9045 88 926704.558 3.504 + 17 53 36 89 Kr x -76535.795 2.142 8614.8158 0.0241 B- 5176.6042 5.8342 88 917835.449 2.300 + 15 52 37 89 Rb -81712.399 5.427 8664.1895 0.0610 B- 4496.6278 5.4265 88 912278.136 5.825 + 13 51 38 89 Sr -86209.026 0.092 8705.9230 0.0011 B- 1502.1757 0.3510 88 907450.808 0.098 + 11 50 39 89 Y -87711.202 0.339 8714.0110 0.0038 B- -2833.2285 2.7652 88 905838.156 0.363 + 9 49 40 89 Zr -84877.974 2.780 8673.3865 0.0312 B- -4252.2191 23.7199 88 908879.751 2.983 + 7 48 41 89 Nb -80625.755 23.630 8616.8184 0.2655 B- -5610.8105 23.9513 88 913444.696 25.367 + 5 47 42 89 Mo x -75014.944 3.912 8544.9851 0.0440 B- -7620.0875 5.4673 88 919468.149 4.200 + 3 46 43 89 Tc x -67394.857 3.819 8450.5758 0.0429 B- -9025.4327 24.5181 88 927648.649 4.100 + 1 45 44 89 Ru x -58369.424 24.219 8340.3760 0.2721 B- -12719# 361# 88 937337.849 26.000 + -1 44 45 89 Rh -p -45651# 361# 8189# 4# B- * 88 950992# 387# +0 26 58 32 90 Ge x -28470# 500# 8109# 6# B- 12520# 640# 89 969436# 537# + 24 57 33 90 As x -40990# 400# 8240# 4# B- 14810# 518# 89 955995# 429# + 22 56 34 90 Se x -55800.223 329.749 8395.7672 3.6639 B- 8200.0834 329.7660 89 940096.000 354.000 + 20 55 35 90 Br x -64000.306 3.357 8478.1865 0.0373 B- 10958.9533 3.8396 89 931292.848 3.604 + 18 54 36 90 Kr x -74959.259 1.863 8591.2599 0.0207 B- 4406.3133 6.7158 89 919527.929 2.000 + 16 53 37 90 Rb -79365.573 6.452 8631.5262 0.0717 B- 6585.3721 6.4806 89 914797.557 6.926 + 14 52 38 90 Sr -85950.945 1.449 8696.0043 0.0161 B- 545.9674 1.4060 89 907727.870 1.555 + 12 51 39 90 Y -86496.912 0.354 8693.3778 0.0039 B- 2275.6350 0.3726 89 907141.749 0.379 + 10 50 40 90 Zr -88772.547 0.118 8709.9699 0.0013 B- -6111.0165 3.3163 89 904698.755 0.126 + 8 49 41 90 Nb -82661.531 3.317 8633.3770 0.0369 B- -2489.0165 3.3163 89 911259.201 3.561 + 6 48 42 90 Mo -80172.514 3.463 8597.0285 0.0385 B- -9447.8181 3.6110 89 913931.270 3.717 + 4 47 43 90 Tc x -70724.696 1.025 8483.3600 0.0114 B- -5840.8951 3.8685 89 924073.919 1.100 + 2 46 44 90 Ru -64883.801 3.730 8409.7684 0.0414 B- -13250# 200# 89 930344.378 4.004 + 0 45 45 90 Rh - -51634# 200# 8254# 2# B- -11924# 447# 89 944569# 215# + -2 44 46 90 Pd x -39710# 400# 8113# 4# B- * 89 957370# 429# +0 25 58 33 91 As x -36500# 400# 8189# 4# B- 14080# 589# 90 960816# 429# + 23 57 34 91 Se x -50580.130 433.145 8334.8382 4.7598 B- 10527.1716 433.1593 90 945700.000 465.000 + 21 56 35 91 Br -n2p -61107.301 3.543 8441.9242 0.0389 B- 9866.6724 4.1898 90 934398.617 3.804 + 19 55 36 91 Kr x -70973.974 2.236 8541.7519 0.0246 B- 6771.0748 8.1153 90 923806.309 2.400 + 17 54 37 91 Rb -77745.049 7.801 8607.5621 0.0857 B- 5906.9010 8.8732 90 916537.261 8.375 + 15 53 38 91 Sr -83651.950 5.453 8663.8759 0.0599 B- 2699.3714 5.2468 90 910195.942 5.853 + 13 52 39 91 Y -86351.321 1.843 8684.9421 0.0203 B- 1544.2710 1.8403 90 907298.048 1.978 + 11 51 40 91 Zr -87895.592 0.095 8693.3149 0.0011 B- -1257.5644 2.9243 90 905640.205 0.101 + 9 50 41 91 Nb -86638.028 2.926 8670.8983 0.0322 B- -4429.1934 6.7439 90 906990.256 3.140 + 7 49 42 91 Mo -82208.834 6.238 8613.6286 0.0686 B- -6222.1768 6.6706 90 911745.190 6.696 + 5 48 43 91 Tc -75986.657 2.363 8536.6558 0.0260 B- -7746.8246 3.2422 90 918424.972 2.536 + 3 47 44 91 Ru -68239.833 2.221 8442.9287 0.0244 B- -9670# 298# 90 926741.530 2.384 + 1 46 45 91 Rh x -58570# 298# 8328# 3# B- -12400# 300# 90 937123# 320# + -1 45 46 91 Pd - -46170# 423# 8183# 5# B- * 90 950435# 454# +0 26 59 33 92 As x -30380# 500# 8121# 5# B- 16344# 640# 91 967386# 537# + 24 58 34 92 Se x -46724# 400# 8290# 4# B- 9509# 400# 91 949840# 429# + 22 57 35 92 Br x -56232.812 6.709 8384.9123 0.0729 B- 12536.5161 7.2322 91 939631.595 7.202 + 20 56 36 92 Kr x -68769.329 2.701 8512.6750 0.0294 B- 6003.1210 6.6924 91 926173.092 2.900 + 18 55 37 92 Rb -74772.450 6.123 8569.4225 0.0666 B- 8094.9212 6.4187 91 919728.477 6.573 + 16 54 38 92 Sr -82867.371 3.423 8648.9070 0.0372 B- 1949.1237 9.3841 91 911038.222 3.675 + 14 53 39 92 Y -84816.494 9.127 8661.5894 0.0992 B- 3642.5294 9.1271 91 908945.752 9.798 + 12 52 40 92 Zr -88459.024 0.094 8692.6783 0.0011 B- -2005.7335 1.7823 91 905035.336 0.101 + 10 51 41 92 Nb -86453.290 1.784 8662.3731 0.0194 B- 355.2968 1.7911 91 907188.580 1.915 + 8 50 42 92 Mo -86808.587 0.157 8657.7312 0.0017 B- -7882.8841 3.1063 91 906807.153 0.168 + 6 49 43 92 Tc -78925.703 3.102 8563.5440 0.0337 B- -4624.4922 4.1246 91 915269.777 3.330 + 4 48 44 92 Ru -74301.211 2.718 8504.7740 0.0295 B- -11302.1155 5.1531 91 920234.373 2.917 + 2 47 45 92 Rh x -62999.095 4.378 8373.4211 0.0476 B- -8220.0000 345.0000 91 932367.692 4.700 + 0 46 46 92 Pd - -54779.095 345.028 8275.5695 3.7503 B- -17249# 528# 91 941192.225 370.402 + -2 45 47 92 Ag x -37530# 400# 8080# 4# B- * 91 959710# 429# +0 25 59 34 93 Se x -40860# 400# 8225# 4# B- 12030# 588# 92 956135# 429# + 23 58 35 93 Br x -52890.235 430.816 8345.5986 4.6324 B- 11245.7673 430.8234 92 943220.000 462.500 + 21 57 36 93 Kr x -64136.002 2.515 8458.1085 0.0270 B- 8483.8977 8.2243 92 931147.172 2.700 + 19 56 37 93 Rb -72619.900 7.830 8540.9209 0.0842 B- 7465.9434 8.8761 92 922039.334 8.406 + 17 55 38 93 Sr -80085.844 7.554 8612.7875 0.0812 B- 4141.3118 11.6972 92 914024.314 8.109 + 15 54 39 93 Y -84227.155 10.488 8648.9054 0.1128 B- 2894.8723 10.4830 92 909578.434 11.259 + 13 53 40 93 Zr -87122.028 0.456 8671.6207 0.0049 B- 90.8123 1.4838 92 906470.661 0.489 + 11 52 41 93 Nb -87212.840 1.490 8664.1849 0.0160 B- -405.7609 1.5012 92 906373.170 1.599 + 9 51 42 93 Mo -n -86807.079 0.181 8651.4095 0.0020 B- -3200.9629 1.0040 92 906808.772 0.193 + 7 50 43 93 Tc -p -83606.116 1.012 8608.5782 0.0109 B- -6389.3929 2.2995 92 910245.147 1.086 + 5 49 44 93 Ru -77216.723 2.065 8531.4627 0.0222 B- -8204.9136 3.3425 92 917104.442 2.216 + 3 48 45 93 Rh -69011.810 2.629 8434.8255 0.0283 B- -10030.0000 370.0000 92 925912.778 2.821 + 1 47 46 93 Pd - -58981.810 370.009 8318.5637 3.9786 B- -12582# 545# 92 936680.426 397.221 + -1 46 47 93 Ag x -46400# 401# 8175# 4# B- * 92 950188# 430# +0 26 60 34 94 Se x -36803# 500# 8180# 5# B- 10846# 539# 93 960490# 537# + 24 59 35 94 Br x -47650# 200# 8287# 2# B- 13698# 201# 93 948846# 215# + 22 58 36 94 Kr x -61347.780 12.109 8424.3318 0.1288 B- 7215.0114 12.2782 93 934140.452 13.000 + 20 57 37 94 Rb -68562.791 2.029 8492.7644 0.0216 B- 10282.9297 2.6230 93 926394.819 2.177 + 18 56 38 94 Sr -78845.721 1.663 8593.8344 0.0177 B- 3505.7517 6.4220 93 915355.641 1.785 + 16 55 39 94 Y -82351.473 6.380 8622.8068 0.0679 B- 4917.8589 6.3799 93 911592.062 6.849 + 14 54 40 94 Zr -87269.332 0.164 8666.8016 0.0018 B- -900.2684 1.5000 93 906312.523 0.175 + 12 53 41 94 Nb -86369.063 1.491 8648.9014 0.0159 B- 2045.0163 1.4937 93 907279.001 1.600 + 10 52 42 94 Mo -88414.079 0.141 8662.3341 0.0015 B- -4255.7476 4.0687 93 905083.586 0.151 + 8 51 43 94 Tc - -84158.332 4.071 8608.7373 0.0433 B- -1574.7296 5.1433 93 909652.319 4.370 + 6 50 44 94 Ru -82583.602 3.143 8583.6620 0.0334 B- -9675.9789 4.6150 93 911342.860 3.374 + 4 49 45 94 Rh -72907.623 3.379 8472.4033 0.0359 B- -6805.3428 5.4588 93 921730.450 3.627 + 2 48 46 94 Pd x -66102.281 4.287 8391.6832 0.0456 B- -13700# 400# 93 929036.286 4.602 + 0 47 47 94 Ag - -52402# 400# 8238# 4# B- -11962# 640# 93 943744# 429# + -2 46 48 94 Cd x -40440# 500# 8102# 5# B- * 93 956586# 537# +0 27 61 34 95 Se x -30460# 500# 8112# 5# B- 13390# 583# 94 967300# 537# + 25 60 35 95 Br x -43850# 300# 8245# 3# B- 12309# 301# 94 952925# 322# + 23 59 36 95 Kr x -56158.920 18.630 8365.9963 0.1961 B- 9731.3868 27.5124 94 939710.922 20.000 + 21 58 37 95 Rb -65890.307 20.245 8460.1967 0.2131 B- 9226.9772 20.2036 94 929263.849 21.733 + 19 57 38 95 Sr -75117.284 5.810 8549.0875 0.0612 B- 6090.6528 7.2395 94 919358.282 6.237 + 17 56 39 95 Y -81207.937 6.779 8604.9644 0.0714 B- 4452.0031 6.7718 94 912819.697 7.277 + 15 55 40 95 Zr -85659.940 0.869 8643.5924 0.0092 B- 1126.3312 0.9854 94 908040.276 0.933 + 13 54 41 95 Nb -86786.272 0.508 8647.2133 0.0054 B- 925.6009 0.4938 94 906831.110 0.545 + 11 53 42 95 Mo -87711.872 0.123 8648.7212 0.0013 B- -1690.5175 5.0782 94 905837.436 0.132 + 9 52 43 95 Tc -86021.355 5.080 8622.6911 0.0535 B- -2563.5961 10.5310 94 907652.281 5.453 + 7 51 44 95 Ru -83457.759 9.502 8587.4706 0.1000 B- -5117.1423 10.2656 94 910404.415 10.200 + 5 50 45 95 Rh -78340.616 3.886 8525.3707 0.0409 B- -8374.7035 4.9281 94 915897.893 4.171 + 3 49 46 95 Pd x -69965.913 3.031 8428.9807 0.0319 B- -10060# 400# 94 924888.506 3.253 + 1 48 47 95 Ag - -59906# 400# 8315# 4# B- -12850# 400# 94 935688# 429# + -1 47 48 95 Cd - -47056# 566# 8171# 6# B- * 94 949483# 607# +0 26 61 35 96 Br x -38210# 300# 8184# 3# B- 14872# 301# 95 958980# 322# + 24 60 36 96 Kr -53081.682 19.277 8330.8721 0.2008 B- 8272.6693 19.5669 95 943014.473 20.695 + 22 59 37 96 Rb -61354.351 3.353 8408.8963 0.0349 B- 11563.8970 9.1062 95 934133.398 3.599 + 20 58 38 96 Sr -72918.248 8.466 8521.2041 0.0882 B- 5411.7380 9.7257 95 921719.045 9.089 + 18 57 39 96 Y -78329.986 6.075 8569.4269 0.0633 B- 7108.8741 6.0740 95 915909.305 6.521 + 16 56 40 96 Zr -85438.860 0.114 8635.3283 0.0012 B- 163.9704 0.1000 95 908277.615 0.122 + 14 55 41 96 Nb -85602.830 0.147 8628.8868 0.0015 B- 3192.0590 0.1070 95 908101.586 0.157 + 12 54 42 96 Mo -88794.889 0.120 8653.9880 0.0013 B- -2973.2411 5.1450 95 904674.770 0.128 + 10 53 43 96 Tc - -85821.648 5.146 8614.8673 0.0536 B- 258.7369 5.1464 95 907866.675 5.524 + 8 52 44 96 Ru -86080.385 0.170 8609.4130 0.0018 B- -6392.6529 10.0000 95 907588.910 0.182 + 6 51 45 96 Rh - -79687.732 10.001 8534.6735 0.1042 B- -3504.3127 10.8442 95 914451.705 10.737 + 4 50 46 96 Pd x -76183.420 4.194 8490.0207 0.0437 B- -11671.7741 90.1814 95 918213.739 4.502 + 2 49 47 96 Ag ep -64511.645 90.084 8360.2903 0.9384 B- -8940# 400# 95 930743.903 96.708 + 0 48 48 96 Cd - -55572# 410# 8259# 4# B- -17482# 647# 95 940341# 440# + -2 47 49 96 In x -38090# 500# 8069# 5# B- * 95 959109# 537# +0 27 62 35 97 Br x -34000# 400# 8140# 4# B- 13423# 420# 96 963499# 429# + 25 61 36 97 Kr x -47423.499 130.409 8269.8645 1.3444 B- 11095.6460 130.4232 96 949088.782 140.000 + 23 60 37 97 Rb -58519.145 1.912 8376.1872 0.0197 B- 10061.5295 3.8872 96 937177.117 2.052 + 21 59 38 97 Sr -68580.674 3.385 8471.8489 0.0349 B- 7534.7807 7.5131 96 926375.621 3.633 + 19 58 39 97 Y + -76115.455 6.708 8541.4616 0.0692 B- 6821.2382 6.7068 96 918286.702 7.201 + 17 57 40 97 Zr -82936.693 0.121 8603.7182 0.0013 B- 2666.1038 4.2435 96 910963.802 0.130 + 15 56 41 97 Nb -85602.797 4.244 8623.1384 0.0438 B- 1941.9038 4.2435 96 908101.622 4.556 + 13 55 42 97 Mo -87544.700 0.165 8635.0926 0.0017 B- -320.2640 4.1169 96 906016.903 0.176 + 11 54 43 97 Tc -87224.436 4.118 8623.7254 0.0425 B- -1103.8722 4.9563 96 906360.720 4.420 + 9 53 44 97 Ru -n -86120.564 2.763 8604.2799 0.0285 B- -3523.0000 35.3553 96 907545.776 2.965 + 7 52 45 97 Rh - -82597.564 35.463 8559.8949 0.3656 B- -4791.7118 35.7924 96 911327.872 38.071 + 5 51 46 97 Pd x -77805.852 4.844 8502.4303 0.0499 B- -6901.8255 12.9558 96 916471.985 5.200 + 3 50 47 97 Ag x -70904.027 12.016 8423.2121 0.1239 B- -10170.0000 420.0000 96 923881.400 12.900 + 1 49 48 97 Cd - -60734.027 420.172 8310.3013 4.3317 B- -13344# 580# 96 934799.343 451.073 + -1 48 49 97 In x -47390# 401# 8165# 4# B- * 96 949125# 430# +0 28 63 35 98 Br x -28050# 400# 8078# 4# B- 16070# 500# 97 969887# 429# + 26 62 36 98 Kr x -44120# 300# 8234# 3# B- 10249# 300# 97 952635# 322# + 24 61 37 98 Rb -54369.152 16.083 8330.7294 0.1641 B- 12053.2361 16.4029 97 941632.317 17.265 + 22 60 38 98 Sr -66422.389 3.226 8445.7385 0.0329 B- 5866.3591 8.5504 97 928692.636 3.463 + 20 59 39 98 Y p-2n -72288.748 7.919 8497.6162 0.0808 B- 8993.0098 11.5755 97 922394.841 8.501 + 18 58 40 98 Zr -81281.757 8.445 8581.3984 0.0862 B- 2242.8547 9.8134 97 912740.448 9.065 + 16 57 41 98 Nb -pn -83524.612 5.001 8596.3016 0.0510 B- 4591.3681 5.0032 97 910332.645 5.369 + 14 56 42 98 Mo -88115.980 0.174 8635.1691 0.0018 B- -1683.7664 3.3768 97 905403.609 0.186 + 12 55 43 98 Tc -86432.214 3.380 8610.0047 0.0345 B- 1792.6575 7.1568 97 907211.206 3.628 + 10 54 44 98 Ru -88224.871 6.463 8620.3140 0.0659 B- -5049.6529 10.0000 97 905286.709 6.937 + 8 53 45 98 Rh - -83175.219 11.906 8560.8038 0.1215 B- -1854.2331 12.8161 97 910707.734 12.782 + 6 52 46 98 Pd -81320.985 4.742 8533.8999 0.0484 B- -8254.5607 33.0975 97 912698.335 5.090 + 4 51 47 98 Ag -73066.425 32.907 8441.6866 0.3358 B- -5430.0000 40.0000 97 921559.970 35.327 + 2 50 48 98 Cd - -67636.425 51.797 8378.2953 0.5285 B- -13730# 300# 97 927389.315 55.605 + 0 49 49 98 In - -53906# 304# 8230# 3# B- * 97 942129# 327# +0 27 63 36 99 Kr x -38400# 400# 8175# 4# B- 12721# 400# 98 958776# 429# + 25 62 37 99 Rb x -51121.150 4.031 8295.3010 0.0407 B- 11397.3767 6.2201 98 945119.190 4.327 + 23 61 38 99 Sr -62518.527 4.737 8402.5235 0.0479 B- 8125.2037 8.1353 98 932883.604 5.085 + 21 60 39 99 Y x -70643.730 6.615 8476.6938 0.0668 B- 6972.9398 12.4082 98 924160.839 7.101 + 19 59 40 99 Zr -77616.670 10.499 8539.2250 0.1061 B- 4718.6736 15.9474 98 916675.081 11.271 + 17 58 41 99 Nb +p -82335.344 12.004 8578.9859 0.1213 B- 3634.7623 12.0059 98 911609.377 12.886 + 15 57 42 99 Mo -85970.106 0.229 8607.7982 0.0023 B- 1357.7631 0.8905 98 907707.299 0.245 + 13 56 43 99 Tc -87327.869 0.908 8613.6105 0.0092 B- 297.5156 0.9453 98 906249.681 0.974 + 11 55 44 99 Ru -87625.385 0.343 8608.7132 0.0035 B- -2040.8632 19.4529 98 905930.284 0.368 + 9 54 45 99 Rh -85584.522 19.451 8580.1959 0.1965 B- -3401.6603 18.9153 98 908121.241 20.881 + 7 53 46 99 Pd -82182.861 5.107 8537.9332 0.0516 B- -5470.3785 8.0829 98 911773.073 5.482 + 5 52 47 99 Ag x -76712.483 6.265 8474.7744 0.0633 B- -6781.3511 6.4622 98 917645.766 6.725 + 3 51 48 99 Cd x -69931.132 1.584 8398.3734 0.0160 B- -8555# 298# 98 924925.845 1.700 + 1 50 49 99 In x -61376# 298# 8304# 3# B- -13400# 500# 98 934110# 320# + -1 49 50 99 Sn - -47976# 582# 8161# 6# B- * 98 948495# 625# +0 28 64 36 100 Kr x -34470# 400# 8134# 4# B- 11796# 400# 99 962995# 429# + 26 63 37 100 Rb -46265.884 13.124 8244.5085 0.1312 B- 13551.6204 14.8355 99 950331.532 14.089 + 24 62 38 100 Sr -59817.505 6.918 8372.2012 0.0692 B- 7503.7365 13.1453 99 935783.270 7.426 + 22 61 39 100 Y x -67321.241 11.179 8439.4151 0.1118 B- 9051.4949 13.8293 99 927727.678 12.000 + 20 60 40 100 Zr -76372.736 8.143 8522.1066 0.0814 B- 3418.5098 11.3976 99 918010.499 8.742 + 18 59 41 100 Nb IT -79791.246 7.976 8548.4683 0.0798 B- 6401.7829 7.9817 99 914340.578 8.562 + 16 58 42 100 Mo -86193.029 0.301 8604.6626 0.0030 B- -172.0776 1.3704 99 907467.982 0.322 + 14 57 43 100 Tc -n -86020.951 1.351 8595.1184 0.0135 B- 3206.4401 1.3760 99 907652.715 1.450 + 12 56 44 100 Ru -89227.391 0.342 8619.3593 0.0034 B- -3636.2612 18.1231 99 904210.460 0.367 + 10 55 45 100 Rh -85591.130 18.125 8575.1732 0.1813 B- -378.4577 25.2879 99 908114.147 19.458 + 8 54 46 100 Pd -85212.672 17.637 8563.5652 0.1764 B- -7074.7030 18.3319 99 908520.438 18.934 + 6 53 47 100 Ag x -78137.969 5.000 8484.9947 0.0500 B- -3943.3740 5.2735 99 916115.443 5.367 + 4 52 48 100 Cd x -74194.595 1.677 8437.7375 0.0168 B- -10016.4492 2.7945 99 920348.829 1.800 + 2 51 49 100 In x -64178.146 2.236 8329.7495 0.0224 B- -7030.0000 240.0000 99 931101.929 2.400 + 0 50 50 100 Sn - -57148.146 240.010 8251.6260 2.4001 B- * 99 938648.944 257.661 +0 29 65 36 101 Kr x -28580# 500# 8075# 5# B- 13987# 501# 100 969318# 537# + 27 64 37 101 Rb x -42567.417 20.493 8206.1753 0.2029 B- 12757.4969 22.1781 100 954302.000 22.000 + 25 63 38 101 Sr x -55324.914 8.480 8324.7411 0.0840 B- 9729.8721 11.0473 100 940606.264 9.103 + 23 62 39 101 Y x -65054.787 7.080 8413.3305 0.0701 B- 8106.2003 10.9331 100 930160.817 7.601 + 21 61 40 101 Zr -73160.987 8.332 8485.8439 0.0825 B- 5730.5011 9.1366 100 921458.454 8.944 + 19 60 41 101 Nb x -78891.488 3.749 8534.8355 0.0371 B- 4628.4637 3.7378 100 915306.508 4.024 + 17 59 42 101 Mo -n -83519.952 0.308 8572.9159 0.0031 B- 2824.6411 24.0018 100 910337.648 0.331 + 15 58 43 101 Tc + -86344.593 24.004 8593.1366 0.2377 B- 1613.5200 24.0000 100 907305.271 25.768 + 13 57 44 101 Ru -87958.113 0.413 8601.3660 0.0041 B- -545.6846 5.8518 100 905573.086 0.443 + 11 56 45 101 Rh -87412.428 5.841 8588.2172 0.0578 B- -1980.2833 3.9027 100 906158.903 6.270 + 9 55 46 101 Pd -85432.145 4.588 8560.8644 0.0454 B- -4097.7606 6.6679 100 908284.824 4.925 + 7 54 47 101 Ag x -81334.384 4.838 8512.5465 0.0479 B- -5497.9186 5.0625 100 912683.951 5.193 + 5 53 48 101 Cd x -75836.466 1.490 8450.3657 0.0148 B- -7291.5642 11.7569 100 918586.209 1.600 + 3 52 49 101 In x -68544.901 11.662 8370.4260 0.1155 B- -8239.2770 300.2313 100 926414.025 12.519 + 1 51 50 101 Sn ep -60305.624 300.005 8281.1030 2.9703 B- * 100 935259.252 322.068 +0 28 65 37 102 Rb x -37252.312 82.903 8152.7443 0.8128 B- 14906.9991 106.6347 101 960008.000 89.000 + 26 64 38 102 Sr x -52159.311 67.068 8291.2213 0.6575 B- 9013.3301 67.1916 101 944004.679 72.000 + 24 63 39 102 Y x -61172.641 4.081 8371.9172 0.0400 B- 10408.7856 9.6618 101 934328.471 4.381 + 22 62 40 102 Zr -71581.427 8.758 8466.2940 0.0859 B- 4716.8380 9.0530 101 923154.181 9.401 + 20 61 41 102 Nb -76298.265 2.511 8504.8675 0.0246 B- 7262.6008 8.6750 101 918090.447 2.695 + 18 60 42 102 Mo -83560.866 8.305 8568.3994 0.0814 B- 1012.0557 12.3682 101 910293.725 8.916 + 16 59 43 102 Tc -84572.921 9.166 8570.6514 0.0899 B- 4533.5134 9.1646 101 909207.239 9.840 + 14 58 44 102 Ru -89106.435 0.416 8607.4275 0.0041 B- -2323.1187 6.3960 101 904340.312 0.446 + 12 57 45 102 Rh - -86783.316 6.410 8576.9818 0.0628 B- 1119.6470 6.3962 101 906834.282 6.880 + 10 56 46 102 Pd -87902.963 0.419 8580.2887 0.0041 B- -5656.2615 8.1816 101 905632.292 0.449 + 8 55 47 102 Ag + -82246.702 8.171 8517.1650 0.0801 B- -2587.0000 8.0000 101 911704.538 8.771 + 6 54 48 102 Cd -79659.702 1.662 8484.1322 0.0163 B- -8964.8059 4.8654 101 914481.797 1.784 + 4 53 49 102 In -70694.896 4.573 8388.5719 0.0448 B- -5760.0000 100.0000 101 924105.911 4.909 + 2 52 50 102 Sn - -64934.896 100.105 8324.4313 0.9814 B- -13835# 412# 101 930289.525 107.466 + 0 51 51 102 Sb x -51100# 400# 8181# 4# B- * 101 945142# 429# +0 29 66 37 103 Rb x -33160# 400# 8112# 4# B- 14120# 447# 102 964401# 429# + 27 65 38 103 Sr x -47280# 200# 8242# 2# B- 11177# 201# 102 949243# 215# + 25 64 39 103 Y x -58457.034 11.206 8342.6336 0.1088 B- 9351.9600 14.5130 102 937243.796 12.029 + 23 63 40 103 Zr x -67808.993 9.223 8425.8337 0.0895 B- 7219.6740 10.0270 102 927204.054 9.900 + 21 62 41 103 Nb x -75028.667 3.935 8488.3320 0.0382 B- 5925.6639 10.0270 102 919453.416 4.224 + 19 61 42 103 Mo x -80954.331 9.223 8538.2672 0.0895 B- 3649.5889 13.4648 102 913091.954 9.900 + 17 60 43 103 Tc +p -84603.920 9.810 8566.1045 0.0952 B- 2663.2474 9.8086 102 909173.960 10.531 + 15 59 44 103 Ru -87267.168 0.441 8584.3656 0.0043 B- 764.5378 2.2598 102 906314.846 0.473 + 13 58 45 103 Rh -88031.705 2.301 8584.1927 0.0223 B- -574.7252 2.3928 102 905494.081 2.470 + 11 57 46 103 Pd -n -87456.980 0.878 8571.0173 0.0085 B- -2654.2778 4.1916 102 906111.074 0.942 + 9 56 47 103 Ag x -84802.702 4.099 8537.6520 0.0398 B- -4151.0761 4.4806 102 908960.558 4.400 + 7 55 48 103 Cd -80651.626 1.811 8489.7547 0.0176 B- -6019.2293 9.1242 102 913416.922 1.943 + 5 54 49 103 In -74632.397 8.980 8423.7199 0.0872 B- -7540# 100# 102 919878.830 9.640 + 3 53 50 103 Sn - -67092# 100# 8343# 1# B- -10422# 316# 102 927973# 108# + 1 52 51 103 Sb x -56670# 300# 8234# 3# B- * 102 939162# 322# +0 30 67 37 104 Rb x -27450# 500# 8057# 5# B- 16310# 583# 103 970531# 537# + 28 66 38 104 Sr x -43760# 300# 8206# 3# B- 10320# 361# 103 953022# 322# + 26 65 39 104 Y x -54080# 200# 8298# 2# B- 11638# 200# 103 941943# 215# + 24 64 40 104 Zr x -65717.660 9.316 8402.3159 0.0896 B- 6093.3367 9.4851 103 929449.193 10.000 + 22 63 41 104 Nb x -71810.997 1.784 8453.3832 0.0172 B- 8532.7512 9.0879 103 922907.728 1.915 + 20 62 42 104 Mo -80343.748 8.911 8527.9063 0.0857 B- 2155.2212 24.1665 103 913747.443 9.566 + 18 61 43 104 Tc -82498.969 24.886 8541.1070 0.2393 B- 5596.7945 24.9370 103 911433.718 26.716 + 16 60 44 104 Ru -88095.763 2.498 8587.3998 0.0240 B- -1136.4195 3.3643 103 905425.312 2.682 + 14 59 45 104 Rh -n -86959.344 2.303 8568.9501 0.0221 B- 2435.7789 2.6595 103 906645.309 2.471 + 12 58 46 104 Pd +n -89395.123 1.336 8584.8485 0.0129 B- -4278.6529 4.0000 103 904030.393 1.434 + 10 57 47 104 Ag - -85116.470 4.217 8536.1850 0.0406 B- -1148.0787 4.5370 103 908623.715 4.527 + 8 56 48 104 Cd -83968.391 1.673 8517.6232 0.0161 B- -7785.7166 6.0127 103 909856.228 1.795 + 6 55 49 104 In x -76182.675 5.775 8435.2380 0.0555 B- -4555.6174 8.1461 103 918214.538 6.200 + 4 54 50 104 Sn -71627.057 5.745 8383.9114 0.0552 B- -12332# 102# 103 923105.195 6.167 + 2 53 51 104 Sb +a -59295# 101# 8258# 1# B- -9668# 333# 103 936344# 109# + 0 52 52 104 Te -a -49626.831 317.609 8157.3256 3.0539 B- * 103 946723.408 340.967 +0 29 67 38 105 Sr x -38190# 500# 8152# 5# B- 12380# 640# 104 959001# 537# + 27 66 39 105 Y x -50570# 400# 8262# 4# B- 10888# 400# 104 945711# 429# + 25 65 40 105 Zr x -61458.274 12.110 8358.5980 0.1153 B- 8457.2728 12.7625 104 934021.832 13.000 + 23 64 41 105 Nb x -69915.547 4.028 8431.6925 0.0384 B- 7415.2411 9.9106 104 924942.577 4.324 + 21 63 42 105 Mo -77330.788 9.055 8494.8630 0.0862 B- 4955.5157 35.0307 104 916981.989 9.721 + 19 62 43 105 Tc -82286.303 35.263 8534.6074 0.3358 B- 3648.2396 35.2787 104 911662.024 37.856 + 17 61 44 105 Ru -85934.543 2.499 8561.9016 0.0238 B- 1916.7271 2.8508 104 907745.478 2.683 + 15 60 45 105 Rh -87851.270 2.502 8572.7053 0.0238 B- 566.6347 2.3459 104 905687.787 2.685 + 13 59 46 105 Pd -88417.905 1.138 8570.6509 0.0108 B- -1347.0564 4.6695 104 905079.479 1.222 + 11 58 47 105 Ag -87070.848 4.544 8550.3708 0.0433 B- -2736.9989 4.3618 104 906525.604 4.877 + 9 57 48 105 Cd -84333.849 1.392 8516.8532 0.0133 B- -4693.2673 10.3405 104 909463.893 1.494 + 7 56 49 105 In x -79640.582 10.246 8464.7045 0.0976 B- -6302.5807 10.9891 104 914502.322 11.000 + 5 55 50 105 Sn -73338.001 3.971 8397.2290 0.0378 B- -9322.5103 22.1849 104 921268.421 4.263 + 3 54 51 105 Sb +a -64015.491 21.827 8300.9923 0.2079 B- -11203.9825 300.8126 104 931276.547 23.431 + 1 53 52 105 Te -a -52811.509 300.020 8186.8368 2.8573 B- * 104 943304.516 322.084 +0 30 68 38 106 Sr x -34300# 600# 8114# 6# B- 11490# 781# 105 963177# 644# + 28 67 39 106 Y x -45790# 500# 8215# 5# B- 12959# 539# 105 950842# 537# + 26 66 40 106 Zr x -58749# 200# 8330# 2# B- 7453# 200# 105 936930# 215# + 24 65 41 106 Nb -66202.678 1.416 8393.2657 0.0134 B- 9925.3249 9.2388 105 928928.505 1.520 + 22 64 42 106 Mo x -76128.003 9.130 8479.5202 0.0861 B- 3648.2494 15.2778 105 918273.231 9.801 + 20 63 43 106 Tc + -79776.253 12.250 8506.5570 0.1156 B- 6547.0000 11.0000 105 914356.674 13.150 + 18 62 44 106 Ru -86323.253 5.391 8560.9406 0.0509 B- 39.4038 0.2121 105 907328.181 5.787 + 16 61 45 106 Rh -86362.656 5.390 8553.9317 0.0508 B- 3544.8865 5.3348 105 907285.879 5.786 + 14 60 46 106 Pd -89907.543 1.106 8579.9934 0.0104 B- -2965.1434 2.8172 105 903480.287 1.186 + 12 59 47 106 Ag -86942.399 3.016 8544.6397 0.0285 B- 189.7534 2.8190 105 906663.499 3.237 + 10 58 48 106 Cd -87132.153 1.104 8539.0492 0.0104 B- -6524.0031 12.1765 105 906459.791 1.184 + 8 57 49 106 In - -80608.150 12.226 8470.1213 0.1153 B- -3254.4521 13.2439 105 913463.596 13.125 + 6 56 50 106 Sn -77353.698 5.091 8432.0383 0.0480 B- -10880.3964 9.0249 105 916957.394 5.465 + 4 55 51 106 Sb x -66473.301 7.452 8322.0124 0.0703 B- -8253.5423 100.8163 105 928637.979 8.000 + 2 54 52 106 Te -a -58219.759 100.541 8236.7682 0.9485 B- -14920# 412# 105 937498.521 107.934 + 0 53 53 106 I x -43300# 400# 8089# 4# B- * 105 953516# 429# +0 31 69 38 107 Sr x -28250# 700# 8057# 7# B- 13720# 860# 106 969672# 751# + 29 68 39 107 Y x -41970# 500# 8178# 5# B- 12050# 583# 106 954943# 537# + 27 67 40 107 Zr x -54020# 300# 8284# 3# B- 9704# 300# 106 942007# 322# + 25 66 41 107 Nb x -63723.805 8.023 8367.0898 0.0750 B- 8821.1703 12.2239 106 931589.685 8.612 + 23 65 42 107 Mo x -72544.975 9.223 8442.2190 0.0862 B- 6204.9921 12.6599 106 922119.770 9.901 + 21 64 43 107 Tc x -78749.967 8.673 8492.8979 0.0811 B- 5112.5985 11.7243 106 915458.437 9.310 + 19 63 44 107 Ru -nn -83862.565 8.673 8533.3676 0.0811 B- 3001.1457 14.8473 106 909969.837 9.310 + 17 62 45 107 Rh +p -86863.711 12.051 8554.1040 0.1126 B- 1508.9427 12.1108 106 906747.975 12.937 + 15 61 46 107 Pd -88372.654 1.201 8560.8946 0.0112 B- 34.0458 2.3174 106 905128.058 1.289 + 13 60 47 107 Ag -88406.700 2.382 8553.9012 0.0223 B- -1416.3741 2.5654 106 905091.509 2.556 + 11 59 48 107 Cd -86990.325 1.660 8533.3524 0.0155 B- -3423.6586 9.5800 106 906612.049 1.782 + 9 58 49 107 In -83566.667 9.654 8494.0439 0.0902 B- -5054.4281 11.0175 106 910287.497 10.363 + 7 57 50 107 Sn x -78512.239 5.310 8439.4946 0.0496 B- -7858.9903 6.7377 106 915713.649 5.700 + 5 56 51 107 Sb -70653.248 4.148 8358.7344 0.0388 B- -9996# 101# 106 924150.621 4.452 + 3 55 52 107 Te -a -60657# 101# 8258# 1# B- -11227# 316# 106 934882# 108# + 1 54 53 107 I x -49430# 300# 8146# 3# B- * 106 946935# 322# +0 30 69 39 108 Y x -36780# 600# 8129# 6# B- 14170# 721# 107 960515# 644# + 28 68 40 108 Zr x -50950# 400# 8253# 4# B- 8595# 400# 107 945303# 429# + 26 67 41 108 Nb x -59545.198 8.239 8325.6604 0.0763 B- 11204.0998 12.3668 107 936075.604 8.844 + 24 66 42 108 Mo x -70749.297 9.223 8422.1581 0.0854 B- 5173.5330 12.7262 107 924047.508 9.901 + 22 65 43 108 Tc x -75922.831 8.769 8462.8172 0.0812 B- 7738.5736 11.7903 107 918493.493 9.413 + 20 64 44 108 Ru -3n -83661.404 8.680 8527.2267 0.0804 B- 1369.7517 16.4699 107 910185.793 9.318 + 18 63 45 108 Rh x -85031.156 13.997 8532.6657 0.1296 B- 4493.0596 14.0405 107 908715.304 15.026 + 16 62 46 108 Pd -89524.215 1.108 8567.0241 0.0103 B- -1917.4238 2.6323 107 903891.806 1.189 + 14 61 47 108 Ag -n -87606.792 2.388 8542.0262 0.0221 B- 1645.6311 2.6386 107 905950.245 2.563 + 12 60 48 108 Cd -89252.423 1.123 8550.0196 0.0104 B- -5132.5944 8.5845 107 904183.588 1.205 + 10 59 49 108 In -84119.828 8.641 8495.2516 0.0800 B- -2049.8794 9.8365 107 909693.654 9.276 + 8 58 50 108 Sn -82069.949 5.382 8469.0273 0.0498 B- -9624.6079 7.6925 107 911894.290 5.778 + 6 57 51 108 Sb x -72445.341 5.496 8372.6666 0.0509 B- -6663.6646 7.7125 107 922226.731 5.900 + 4 56 52 108 Te -65781.676 5.411 8303.7221 0.0501 B- -13011# 101# 107 929380.469 5.808 + 2 55 53 108 I -p -52771# 101# 8176# 1# B- -10139# 393# 107 943348# 109# + 0 54 54 108 Xe -a -42632.357 379.497 8074.8886 3.5139 B- * 107 954232.285 407.406 +0 31 70 39 109 Y x -32480# 700# 8089# 6# B- 13250# 860# 108 965131# 751# + 29 69 40 109 Zr x -45730# 500# 8204# 5# B- 10960# 660# 108 950907# 537# + 27 68 41 109 Nb x -56689.800 430.816 8297.1307 3.9524 B- 9969.4851 430.9610 108 939141.000 462.500 + 25 67 42 109 Mo x -66659.285 11.179 8381.4163 0.1026 B- 7623.5438 14.7805 108 928438.318 12.000 + 23 66 43 109 Tc x -74282.828 9.669 8444.1796 0.0887 B- 6455.6267 12.6574 108 920254.107 10.380 + 21 65 44 109 Ru -4n -80738.455 8.954 8496.2280 0.0821 B- 4260.7958 9.8229 108 913323.707 9.612 + 19 64 45 109 Rh -84999.251 4.040 8528.1404 0.0371 B- 2607.2327 4.1874 108 908749.555 4.336 + 17 63 46 109 Pd -87606.484 1.114 8544.8825 0.0102 B- 1112.9469 1.4024 108 905950.576 1.195 + 15 62 47 109 Ag -88719.431 1.287 8547.9155 0.0118 B- -215.1002 1.7795 108 904755.778 1.381 + 13 61 48 109 Cd -88504.330 1.536 8538.7646 0.0141 B- -2014.8047 4.0662 108 904986.697 1.649 + 11 60 49 109 In -86489.526 3.969 8513.1027 0.0364 B- -3859.3453 8.8866 108 907149.679 4.261 + 9 59 50 109 Sn -82630.180 7.949 8470.5183 0.0729 B- -6379.1940 8.8074 108 911292.857 8.533 + 7 58 51 109 Sb -76250.986 5.265 8404.8161 0.0483 B- -8535.5871 6.8502 108 918141.203 5.652 + 5 57 52 109 Te -67715.399 4.382 8319.3305 0.0402 B- -10042.8941 8.0301 108 927304.532 4.704 + 3 56 53 109 I -p -57672.505 6.729 8220.0164 0.0617 B- -11502.9589 300.1831 108 938086.022 7.223 + 1 55 54 109 Xe -a -46169.546 300.108 8107.3071 2.7533 B- * 108 950434.955 322.178 +0 30 70 40 110 Zr x -42220# 500# 8171# 5# B- 10090# 976# 109 954675# 537# + 28 69 41 110 Nb x -52309.914 838.345 8255.2607 7.6213 B- 12225.9002 838.6945 109 943843.000 900.000 + 26 68 42 110 Mo x -64535.814 24.219 8359.2930 0.2202 B- 6498.7491 26.0147 109 930717.956 26.000 + 24 67 43 110 Tc x -71034.564 9.497 8411.2603 0.0863 B- 9038.0654 12.5086 109 923741.263 10.195 + 22 66 44 110 Ru -80072.629 8.924 8486.3123 0.0811 B- 2756.0638 19.4044 109 914038.501 9.580 + 20 65 45 110 Rh -82828.693 17.805 8504.2551 0.1619 B- 5502.2116 17.7967 109 911079.745 19.114 + 18 64 46 110 Pd -88330.904 0.612 8547.1630 0.0056 B- -873.5982 1.3777 109 905172.878 0.657 + 16 63 47 110 Ag -87457.306 1.286 8532.1089 0.0117 B- 2890.6633 1.2771 109 906110.724 1.380 + 14 62 48 110 Cd -90347.969 0.380 8551.2755 0.0035 B- -3878.0000 11.5470 109 903007.470 0.407 + 12 61 49 110 In - -86469.969 11.553 8508.9087 0.1050 B- -627.9769 17.9802 109 907170.674 12.402 + 10 60 50 110 Sn x -85841.993 13.777 8496.0875 0.1252 B- -8392.2480 15.0117 109 907844.835 14.790 + 8 59 51 110 Sb x -77449.745 5.962 8412.6821 0.0542 B- -5219.9240 8.8753 109 916854.283 6.400 + 6 58 52 110 Te -72229.821 6.575 8358.1160 0.0598 B- -11761.9766 62.2875 109 922458.102 7.058 + 4 57 53 110 I -a -60467.844 61.940 8244.0767 0.5631 B- -8545.2075 118.4700 109 935085.102 66.494 + 2 56 54 110 Xe -a -51922.636 100.988 8159.2808 0.9181 B- * 109 944258.759 108.415 +0 31 71 40 111 Zr x -36480# 600# 8118# 5# B- 12480# 671# 110 960837# 644# + 29 70 41 111 Nb x -48960# 300# 8223# 3# B- 10980# 300# 110 947439# 322# + 27 69 42 111 Mo + -59939.813 12.578 8315.2932 0.1133 B- 9084.8620 6.7999 110 935651.966 13.503 + 25 68 43 111 Tc x -69024.675 10.582 8390.0906 0.0953 B- 7760.6500 13.8477 110 925898.966 11.359 + 23 67 44 111 Ru x -76785.325 9.682 8452.9582 0.0872 B- 5518.5456 11.8621 110 917567.566 10.394 + 21 66 45 111 Rh -82303.871 6.853 8495.6267 0.0617 B- 3682.0153 6.8899 110 911643.164 7.356 + 19 65 46 111 Pd -n -85985.886 0.731 8521.7498 0.0066 B- 2229.5607 1.5721 110 907690.358 0.785 + 17 64 47 111 Ag + -88215.447 1.459 8534.7878 0.0131 B- 1036.8000 1.4142 110 905296.827 1.565 + 15 63 48 111 Cd -89252.247 0.357 8537.0801 0.0032 B- -860.1972 3.4170 110 904183.776 0.383 + 13 62 49 111 In -88392.050 3.424 8522.2824 0.0308 B- -2453.4692 6.3368 110 905107.236 3.675 + 11 61 50 111 Sn +n -85938.581 5.336 8493.1310 0.0481 B- -5101.8340 10.3337 110 907741.143 5.728 + 9 60 51 111 Sb x -80836.747 8.849 8440.1203 0.0797 B- -7249.2597 10.9370 110 913218.187 9.500 + 7 59 52 111 Te x -73587.487 6.427 8367.7635 0.0579 B- -8633.6922 7.9943 110 921000.587 6.900 + 5 58 53 111 I -64953.795 4.754 8282.9343 0.0428 B- -10434# 116# 110 930269.236 5.103 + 3 57 54 111 Xe -a -54520# 115# 8182# 1# B- -11620# 231# 110 941470# 124# + 1 56 55 111 Cs x -42900# 200# 8070# 2# B- * 110 953945# 215# +0 32 72 40 112 Zr x -32420# 700# 8081# 6# B- 11650# 761# 111 965196# 751# + 30 71 41 112 Nb x -44070# 300# 8178# 3# B- 13410# 361# 111 952689# 322# + 28 70 42 112 Mo x -57480# 200# 8291# 2# B- 7779# 200# 111 938293# 215# + 26 69 43 112 Tc x -65258.932 5.515 8353.6217 0.0492 B- 10371.9409 11.0602 111 929941.658 5.920 + 24 68 44 112 Ru x -75630.873 9.600 8439.2431 0.0857 B- 4100.1790 45.1185 111 918806.922 10.305 + 22 67 45 112 Rh -79731.052 44.085 8468.8666 0.3936 B- 6589.9874 43.9269 111 914405.199 47.327 + 20 66 46 112 Pd -86321.039 6.546 8520.7205 0.0584 B- 262.6897 6.9799 111 907330.557 7.027 + 18 65 47 112 Ag x -86583.729 2.422 8516.0807 0.0216 B- 3991.1283 2.4348 111 907048.548 2.600 + 16 64 48 112 Cd -90574.857 0.250 8544.7306 0.0022 B- -2584.7306 4.2434 111 902763.896 0.268 + 14 63 49 112 In -87990.127 4.251 8514.6674 0.0380 B- 664.9224 4.2434 111 905538.718 4.563 + 12 62 50 112 Sn -88655.049 0.294 8513.6189 0.0026 B- -7056.0760 17.8317 111 904824.894 0.315 + 10 61 51 112 Sb x -81598.973 17.829 8443.6330 0.1592 B- -4031.4550 19.7019 111 912399.903 19.140 + 8 60 52 112 Te x -77567.518 8.383 8400.6527 0.0749 B- -10504.1795 13.2390 111 916727.848 9.000 + 6 59 53 112 I x -67063.339 10.246 8299.8801 0.0915 B- -7036.9910 13.1754 111 928004.548 11.000 + 4 58 54 112 Xe -a -60026.348 8.283 8230.0646 0.0740 B- -13612# 116# 111 935559.068 8.891 + 2 57 55 112 Cs -p -46415# 116# 8102# 1# B- * 111 950172# 124# +0 33 73 40 113 Zr x -26340# 300# 8027# 3# B- 13870# 500# 112 971723# 322# + 31 72 41 113 Nb x -40210# 400# 8143# 4# B- 12440# 500# 112 956833# 429# + 29 71 42 113 Mo x -52650# 300# 8246# 3# B- 10162# 300# 112 943478# 322# + 27 70 43 113 Tc x -62811.549 3.353 8329.4652 0.0297 B- 9056.2674 38.4285 112 932569.032 3.600 + 25 69 44 113 Ru -71867.816 38.282 8402.6857 0.3388 B- 6899.1276 38.9406 112 922846.729 41.097 + 23 68 45 113 Rh x -78766.944 7.132 8456.8165 0.0631 B- 4823.5559 9.8809 112 915440.212 7.656 + 21 67 46 113 Pd x -83590.500 6.947 8492.5795 0.0615 B- 3436.3252 18.0341 112 910261.912 7.458 + 19 66 47 113 Ag + -87026.825 16.643 8516.0660 0.1473 B- 2016.4615 16.6410 112 906572.865 17.866 + 17 65 48 113 Cd -89043.286 0.245 8526.9874 0.0022 B- 323.8370 0.2653 112 904408.105 0.262 + 15 64 49 113 In -89367.123 0.188 8522.9297 0.0017 B- -1038.9941 1.5733 112 904060.451 0.202 + 13 63 50 113 Sn -88328.129 1.575 8506.8117 0.0139 B- -3911.1637 17.1206 112 905175.857 1.690 + 11 62 51 113 Sb - -84416.966 17.193 8465.2762 0.1521 B- -6069.9281 32.8102 112 909374.664 18.457 + 9 61 52 113 Te x -78347.037 27.945 8404.6366 0.2473 B- -7227.5210 29.0704 112 915891.000 30.000 + 7 60 53 113 I x -71119.517 8.011 8333.7528 0.0709 B- -8915.8902 10.5334 112 923650.062 8.600 + 5 59 54 113 Xe -62203.626 6.840 8247.9277 0.0605 B- -10439.0876 10.9702 112 933221.663 7.342 + 3 58 55 113 Cs -p -51764.539 8.577 8148.6230 0.0759 B- -12055# 300# 112 944428.484 9.207 + 1 57 56 113 Ba x -39710# 300# 8035# 3# B- * 112 957370# 322# +0 32 73 41 114 Nb x -34960# 500# 8097# 4# B- 14720# 583# 113 962469# 537# + 30 72 42 114 Mo x -49680# 300# 8219# 3# B- 8920# 527# 113 946666# 322# + 28 71 43 114 Tc x -58600.294 433.145 8290.2599 3.7995 B- 11620.9190 433.1594 113 937090.000 465.000 + 26 70 44 114 Ru x -70221.213 3.556 8385.3351 0.0312 B- 5489.0622 71.6432 113 924614.430 3.817 + 24 69 45 114 Rh -75710.275 71.561 8426.6221 0.6277 B- 7780.0712 71.8915 113 918721.680 76.824 + 22 68 46 114 Pd x -83490.346 6.948 8488.0056 0.0610 B- 1440.4642 8.3133 113 910369.430 7.459 + 20 67 47 114 Ag x -84930.811 4.564 8493.7786 0.0400 B- 5084.1233 4.5727 113 908823.029 4.900 + 18 66 48 114 Cd -90014.934 0.276 8531.5135 0.0024 B- -1445.1268 0.3817 113 903364.998 0.296 + 16 65 49 114 In -88569.807 0.301 8511.9742 0.0027 B- 1989.9281 0.3018 113 904916.405 0.323 + 14 64 50 114 Sn -90559.735 0.029 8522.5671 0.0004 B- -6063.1189 19.7724 113 902780.130 0.031 + 12 63 51 114 Sb -84496.616 19.772 8462.5191 0.1734 B- -2606.9398 31.4275 113 909289.155 21.226 + 10 62 52 114 Te x -81889.676 24.428 8432.7885 0.2143 B- -9250.7417 31.5883 113 912087.820 26.224 + 8 61 53 114 I x -72638.935 20.027 8344.7790 0.1757 B- -5553.0360 22.9354 113 922018.900 21.500 + 6 60 54 114 Xe x -67085.899 11.178 8289.2054 0.0981 B- -12399.9706 85.7989 113 927980.329 12.000 + 4 59 55 114 Cs -a -54685.928 85.068 8173.5711 0.7462 B- -8780.4915 133.3375 113 941292.244 91.323 + 2 58 56 114 Ba -a -45905.437 102.676 8089.6865 0.9007 B- * 113 950718.489 110.227 +0 33 74 41 115 Nb x -30880# 500# 8061# 4# B- 13670# 640# 114 966849# 537# + 31 73 42 115 Mo x -44550# 400# 8173# 3# B- 11247# 445# 114 952174# 429# + 29 72 43 115 Tc x -55796# 196# 8264# 2# B- 10309# 197# 114 940100# 210# + 27 71 44 115 Ru x -66105.296 25.166 8346.8140 0.2188 B- 8123.9327 26.1788 114 929033.049 27.016 + 25 70 45 115 Rh x -74229.228 7.319 8410.6538 0.0636 B- 6196.5938 15.3503 114 920311.649 7.857 + 23 69 46 115 Pd -80425.822 13.547 8457.7342 0.1178 B- 4556.7647 21.6496 114 913659.333 14.543 + 21 68 47 115 Ag -84982.587 18.268 8490.5553 0.1589 B- 3101.8930 18.2744 114 908767.445 19.611 + 19 67 48 115 Cd -88084.480 0.651 8510.7252 0.0057 B- 1451.8768 0.6514 114 905437.426 0.699 + 17 66 49 115 In -89536.357 0.012 8516.5472 0.0003 B- 497.4892 0.0097 114 903878.772 0.012 + 15 65 50 115 Sn -90033.846 0.015 8514.0702 0.0003 B- -3030.4336 16.0253 114 903344.695 0.016 + 13 64 51 115 Sb x -87003.412 16.025 8480.9156 0.1394 B- -4940.6447 32.2137 114 906598.000 17.203 + 11 63 52 115 Te x -82062.767 27.945 8431.1504 0.2430 B- -5724.9628 40.1840 114 911902.000 30.000 + 9 62 53 115 I x -76337.805 28.876 8374.5651 0.2511 B- -7681.0475 31.3126 114 918048.000 31.000 + 7 61 54 115 Xe x -68656.757 12.109 8300.9704 0.1053 B- -8957# 103# 114 926293.943 13.000 + 5 60 55 115 Cs x -59699# 102# 8216# 1# B- -10779# 225# 114 935910# 110# + 3 59 56 115 Ba x -48920# 200# 8116# 2# B- * 114 947482# 215# +0 34 75 41 116 Nb x -25230# 300# 8012# 3# B- 15980# 583# 115 972914# 322# + 32 74 42 116 Mo x -41210# 500# 8143# 4# B- 10003# 582# 115 955759# 537# + 30 73 43 116 Tc x -51214# 298# 8223# 3# B- 12855# 298# 115 945020# 320# + 28 72 44 116 Ru x -64068.917 3.726 8326.8840 0.0321 B- 6666.8252 73.9257 115 931219.191 4.000 + 26 71 45 116 Rh -70735.742 73.832 8377.6123 0.6365 B- 9095.2839 74.1690 115 924062.060 79.261 + 24 70 46 116 Pd x -79831.026 7.135 8449.2755 0.0615 B- 2711.6378 7.8446 115 914297.872 7.659 + 22 69 47 116 Ag x -82542.664 3.260 8465.9073 0.0281 B- 6169.8248 3.2642 115 911386.809 3.500 + 20 68 48 116 Cd -88712.489 0.160 8512.3511 0.0014 B- -462.7305 0.2720 115 904763.230 0.172 + 18 67 49 116 In -n -88249.758 0.220 8501.6177 0.0019 B- 3276.2204 0.2397 115 905259.992 0.236 + 16 66 50 116 Sn -91525.979 0.096 8523.1166 0.0009 B- -4703.9591 5.1540 115 901742.825 0.103 + 14 65 51 116 Sb -86822.020 5.154 8475.8208 0.0444 B- -1558.2272 24.7485 115 906792.732 5.533 + 12 64 52 116 Te -85263.793 24.206 8455.6435 0.2087 B- -7843.1388 75.3230 115 908465.558 25.986 + 10 63 53 116 I -77420.654 75.037 8381.2858 0.6469 B- -4373.7764 75.8444 115 916885.513 80.555 + 8 62 54 116 Xe -73046.877 13.017 8336.8365 0.1122 B- -11004# 101# 115 921580.955 13.974 + 6 61 55 116 Cs ea -62043# 100# 8235# 1# B- -7663# 224# 115 933395# 108# + 4 60 56 116 Ba x -54380# 200# 8162# 2# B- -14330# 379# 115 941621# 215# + 2 59 57 116 La -a -40050# 321# 8032# 3# B- * 115 957005# 345# +0 33 75 42 117 Mo x -35689# 500# 8096# 4# B- 12450# 640# 116 961686# 537# + 31 74 43 117 Tc x -48140# 400# 8195# 3# B- 11350# 589# 116 948320# 429# + 29 73 44 117 Ru x -59489.871 433.145 8285.5625 3.7021 B- 9406.8875 433.2361 116 936135.000 465.000 + 27 72 45 117 Rh x -68896.758 8.895 8359.2766 0.0760 B- 7527.1313 11.4108 116 926036.291 9.548 + 25 71 46 117 Pd -76423.890 7.255 8416.9243 0.0620 B- 5758.0284 14.7674 116 917955.584 7.788 + 23 70 47 117 Ag -82181.918 13.572 8459.4515 0.1160 B- 4236.4790 13.6099 116 911774.086 14.570 + 21 69 48 117 Cd -n -86418.397 1.013 8488.9740 0.0087 B- 2524.6381 4.9829 116 907226.039 1.087 + 19 68 49 117 In -88943.035 4.881 8503.8653 0.0417 B- 1454.7073 4.8567 116 904515.729 5.239 + 17 67 50 117 Sn -90397.742 0.483 8509.6120 0.0041 B- -1758.1788 8.4449 116 902954.036 0.518 + 15 66 51 117 Sb -88639.564 8.437 8487.8981 0.0721 B- -3544.0634 13.0785 116 904841.519 9.057 + 13 65 52 117 Te -85095.500 13.455 8450.9203 0.1150 B- -4656.9321 28.1284 116 908646.227 14.444 + 11 64 53 117 I -80438.568 25.558 8404.4307 0.2184 B- -6253.2213 27.5845 116 913645.649 27.437 + 9 63 54 117 Xe x -74185.347 10.378 8344.2976 0.0887 B- -7692.2462 63.2672 116 920358.758 11.141 + 7 62 55 117 Cs x -66493.101 62.410 8271.8652 0.5334 B- -9035.1943 258.0009 116 928616.723 67.000 + 5 61 56 117 Ba ep -57457.906 250.339 8187.9546 2.1396 B- -11187# 321# 116 938316.403 268.749 + 3 60 57 117 La -p -46271# 200# 8086# 2# B- * 116 950326# 215# +0 34 76 42 118 Mo x -32370# 500# 8067# 4# B- 10920# 640# 117 965249# 537# + 32 75 43 118 Tc x -43290# 400# 8153# 3# B- 13710# 447# 117 953526# 429# + 30 74 44 118 Ru x -57000# 200# 8263# 2# B- 7887# 202# 117 938808# 215# + 28 73 45 118 Rh x -64886.840 24.236 8322.8539 0.2054 B- 10501.5182 24.3424 117 930341.116 26.018 + 26 72 46 118 Pd -75388.358 2.494 8405.2197 0.0211 B- 4165.4444 3.5419 117 919067.273 2.677 + 24 71 47 118 Ag x -79553.802 2.515 8433.8900 0.0213 B- 7147.8469 20.1582 117 914595.484 2.700 + 22 70 48 118 Cd -nn -86701.649 20.001 8487.8350 0.1695 B- 526.5277 21.4501 117 906921.956 21.471 + 20 69 49 118 In -87228.177 7.752 8485.6670 0.0657 B- 4424.6664 7.7396 117 906356.705 8.322 + 18 68 50 118 Sn -91652.843 0.499 8516.5341 0.0042 B- -3656.6393 2.9745 117 901606.630 0.536 + 16 67 51 118 Sb - -87996.204 3.016 8478.9156 0.0256 B- -305.4459 18.5521 117 905532.194 3.237 + 14 66 52 118 Te +nn -87690.758 18.306 8469.6970 0.1551 B- -6719.7015 26.9364 117 905860.104 19.652 + 12 65 53 118 I x -80971.056 19.760 8406.1203 0.1675 B- -2891.9893 22.3197 117 913074.000 21.213 + 10 64 54 118 Xe x -78079.067 10.378 8374.9819 0.0880 B- -9669.6905 16.4423 117 916178.678 11.141 + 8 63 55 118 Cs IT -68409.377 12.753 8286.4053 0.1081 B- -6210# 201# 117 926559.517 13.690 + 6 62 56 118 Ba x -62200# 200# 8227# 2# B- -12580# 361# 117 933226# 215# + 4 61 57 118 La x -49620# 300# 8114# 3# B- * 117 946731# 322# +0 35 77 42 119 Mo x -26580# 300# 8019# 3# B- 13590# 583# 118 971465# 322# + 33 76 43 119 Tc x -40170# 500# 8126# 4# B- 11910# 583# 118 956876# 537# + 31 75 44 119 Ru x -52080# 300# 8220# 3# B- 10743# 300# 118 944090# 322# + 29 74 45 119 Rh x -62822.802 9.315 8303.3953 0.0783 B- 8584.4751 12.4416 118 932556.951 10.000 + 27 73 46 119 Pd x -71407.277 8.248 8368.9594 0.0693 B- 7238.4816 16.8566 118 923341.138 8.854 + 25 72 47 119 Ag -78645.759 14.703 8423.2126 0.1236 B- 5331.1799 35.9259 118 915570.309 15.783 + 23 71 48 119 Cd -83976.939 37.695 8461.4381 0.3168 B- 3721.7197 38.0880 118 909847.052 40.467 + 21 70 49 119 In -87698.658 7.310 8486.1387 0.0614 B- 2366.3263 7.3381 118 905851.622 7.847 + 19 69 50 119 Sn -90064.985 0.725 8499.4494 0.0061 B- -589.4452 6.9937 118 903311.266 0.778 + 17 68 51 119 Sb -89475.539 6.998 8487.9218 0.0588 B- -2293.0000 2.0000 118 903944.062 7.512 + 15 67 52 119 Te - -87182.539 7.278 8462.0785 0.0612 B- -3404.8080 22.8941 118 906405.699 7.813 + 13 66 53 119 I x -83777.731 21.706 8426.8924 0.1824 B- -4983.2433 24.0598 118 910060.910 23.302 + 11 65 54 119 Xe -78794.488 10.378 8378.4420 0.0872 B- -6489.4269 17.3790 118 915410.641 11.141 + 9 64 55 119 Cs IT -72305.061 13.940 8317.3347 0.1171 B- -7714.9651 200.7537 118 922377.327 14.965 + 7 63 56 119 Ba ep -64590.096 200.269 8245.9287 1.6829 B- -9570# 361# 118 930659.683 214.997 + 5 62 57 119 La x -55020# 300# 8159# 3# B- -11199# 583# 118 940934# 322# + 3 61 58 119 Ce x -43820# 500# 8058# 4# B- * 118 952957# 537# +0 34 77 43 120 Tc x -35000# 500# 8083# 4# B- 14720# 640# 119 962426# 537# + 32 76 44 120 Ru x -49720# 400# 8199# 3# B- 8899# 447# 119 946623# 429# + 30 75 45 120 Rh x -58620# 200# 8266# 2# B- 11660# 200# 119 937069# 215# + 28 74 46 120 Pd -70279.604 2.296 8357.0817 0.0191 B- 5371.9076 5.0261 119 924551.745 2.464 + 26 73 47 120 Ag x -75651.512 4.471 8395.3281 0.0373 B- 8305.8535 5.8202 119 918784.765 4.800 + 24 72 48 120 Cd x -83957.365 3.726 8458.0240 0.0311 B- 1770.3754 40.1837 119 909868.065 4.000 + 22 71 49 120 In + -85727.741 40.011 8466.2575 0.3334 B- 5370.0000 40.0000 119 907967.489 42.953 + 20 70 50 120 Sn -91097.741 0.920 8504.4880 0.0077 B- -2680.6076 7.1399 119 902202.557 0.987 + 18 69 51 120 Sb - -88417.133 7.199 8475.6300 0.0600 B- 945.0271 7.3530 119 905080.308 7.728 + 16 68 52 120 Te -89362.160 1.751 8476.9857 0.0146 B- -5615.0000 15.0000 119 904065.779 1.880 + 14 67 53 120 I - -83747.160 15.102 8423.6745 0.1258 B- -1574.7260 19.1760 119 910093.729 16.212 + 12 66 54 120 Xe x -82172.434 11.817 8404.0322 0.0985 B- -8283.7857 15.4611 119 911784.267 12.686 + 10 65 55 120 Cs IT -73888.649 9.970 8328.4811 0.0831 B- -5000.0000 300.0000 119 920677.277 10.702 + 8 64 56 120 Ba - -68888.649 300.166 8280.2949 2.5014 B- -11319# 424# 119 926044.997 322.241 + 6 63 57 120 La x -57570# 300# 8179# 2# B- -7840# 583# 119 938196# 322# + 4 62 58 120 Ce x -49730# 500# 8108# 4# B- * 119 946613# 537# +0 35 78 43 121 Tc x -31540# 500# 8054# 4# B- 13080# 640# 120 966140# 537# + 33 77 44 121 Ru x -44620# 400# 8156# 3# B- 11630# 737# 120 952098# 429# + 31 76 45 121 Rh x -56250.134 619.444 8245.2397 5.1194 B- 9932.2030 619.4527 120 939613.000 665.000 + 29 75 46 121 Pd x -66182.337 3.353 8320.8584 0.0277 B- 8220.4934 12.5652 120 928950.342 3.600 + 27 74 47 121 Ag x -74402.831 12.109 8382.3306 0.1001 B- 6671.0057 12.2642 120 920125.279 13.000 + 25 73 48 121 Cd x -81073.837 1.942 8430.9972 0.0161 B- 4760.7564 27.4876 120 912963.660 2.085 + 23 72 49 121 In +p -85834.593 27.419 8463.8767 0.2266 B- 3362.0331 27.4098 120 907852.778 29.435 + 21 71 50 121 Sn -89196.626 0.978 8485.1964 0.0081 B- 402.5306 2.5239 120 904243.488 1.050 + 19 70 51 121 Sb -89599.157 2.506 8482.0574 0.0207 B- -1056.0462 25.7587 120 903811.353 2.690 + 17 69 52 121 Te -88543.111 25.835 8466.8641 0.2135 B- -2297.4615 25.9856 120 904945.065 27.734 + 15 68 53 121 I -86245.649 4.723 8441.4111 0.0390 B- -3764.6525 11.2790 120 907411.492 5.070 + 13 67 54 121 Xe -82480.997 10.243 8403.8326 0.0847 B- -5378.6549 13.9791 120 911453.012 10.995 + 11 66 55 121 Cs -77102.342 14.290 8352.9152 0.1181 B- -6357.4948 141.1765 120 917227.235 15.340 + 9 65 56 121 Ba - -70744.847 141.898 8293.9083 1.1727 B- -8555# 332# 120 924052.286 152.333 + 7 64 57 121 La x -62190# 300# 8217# 2# B- -9500# 500# 120 933236# 322# + 5 63 58 121 Ce x -52690# 401# 8132# 3# B- -11139# 641# 120 943435# 430# + 3 62 59 121 Pr -p -41551# 500# 8033# 4# B- * 120 955393# 537# +0 36 79 43 122 Tc x -26305# 300# 8011# 2# B- 15475# 583# 121 971760# 322# + 34 78 44 122 Ru x -41780# 500# 8132# 4# B- 10099# 583# 121 955147# 537# + 32 77 45 122 Rh x -51880# 300# 8208# 2# B- 12737# 301# 121 944305# 322# + 30 76 46 122 Pd x -64616.169 19.561 8305.9755 0.1603 B- 6489.9492 42.9094 121 930631.693 21.000 + 28 75 47 122 Ag x -71106.118 38.191 8352.7591 0.3130 B- 9506.2662 38.2604 121 923664.446 41.000 + 26 74 48 122 Cd -80612.384 2.299 8424.2667 0.0188 B- 2958.9765 50.1126 121 913459.050 2.468 + 24 73 49 122 In + -83571.361 50.060 8442.1079 0.4103 B- 6368.5921 50.0000 121 910282.458 53.741 + 22 72 50 122 Sn -89939.953 2.448 8487.8968 0.0201 B- -1605.7483 3.2135 121 903445.494 2.627 + 20 71 51 122 Sb -88334.205 2.503 8468.3222 0.0205 B- 1979.0772 2.1265 121 905169.335 2.687 + 18 70 52 122 Te -90313.282 1.357 8478.1315 0.0111 B- -4234.0000 5.0000 121 903044.708 1.456 + 16 69 53 122 I - -86079.282 5.181 8437.0139 0.0425 B- -724.2937 12.2596 121 907590.094 5.561 + 14 68 54 122 Xe x -85354.988 11.111 8424.6644 0.0911 B- -7210.2195 35.4720 121 908367.655 11.928 + 12 67 55 122 Cs -78144.769 33.687 8359.1515 0.2761 B- -3535.8170 43.7690 121 916108.144 36.164 + 10 66 56 122 Ba x -74608.952 27.945 8323.7567 0.2291 B- -10066# 299# 121 919904.000 30.000 + 8 65 57 122 La x -64543# 298# 8235# 2# B- -6669# 499# 121 930710# 320# + 6 64 58 122 Ce x -57874# 401# 8174# 3# B- -13094# 641# 121 937870# 430# + 4 63 59 122 Pr x -44780# 500# 8060# 4# B- * 121 951927# 537# +0 35 79 44 123 Ru x -36550# 500# 8089# 4# B- 12640# 640# 122 960762# 537# + 33 78 45 123 Rh x -49190# 400# 8185# 3# B- 11239# 885# 122 947192# 429# + 31 77 46 123 Pd x -60429.748 789.441 8270.0318 6.4182 B- 9138.8323 790.1142 122 935126.000 847.500 + 29 76 47 123 Ag x -69568.581 32.602 8337.9707 0.2651 B- 7845.6026 32.7136 122 925315.060 35.000 + 27 75 48 123 Cd -77414.183 2.696 8395.3955 0.0219 B- 6014.8503 19.8980 122 916892.460 2.894 + 25 74 49 123 In -83429.034 19.832 8437.9362 0.1612 B- 4385.6489 19.8392 122 910435.252 21.290 + 23 73 50 123 Sn -87814.683 2.479 8467.2313 0.0202 B- 1408.2079 2.4203 122 905727.065 2.661 + 21 72 51 123 Sb -89222.890 1.356 8472.3196 0.0110 B- -51.9128 0.0661 122 904215.292 1.456 + 19 71 52 123 Te -89170.978 1.355 8465.5370 0.0110 B- -1228.3898 3.4448 122 904271.022 1.454 + 17 70 53 123 I -87942.588 3.686 8449.1896 0.0300 B- -2694.3302 9.6829 122 905589.753 3.956 + 15 69 54 123 Xe -85248.258 9.534 8420.9239 0.0775 B- -4204.6012 15.4121 122 908482.235 10.234 + 13 68 55 123 Cs x -81043.657 12.109 8380.3796 0.0985 B- -5388.6934 17.1253 122 912996.060 13.000 + 11 67 56 123 Ba x -75654.963 12.109 8330.2086 0.0985 B- -7004# 196# 122 918781.060 13.000 + 9 66 57 123 La x -68651# 196# 8267# 2# B- -8365# 357# 122 926300# 210# + 7 65 58 123 Ce x -60286# 298# 8193# 2# B- -10056# 499# 122 935280# 320# + 5 64 59 123 Pr x -50230# 400# 8104# 3# B- * 122 946076# 429# +0 36 80 44 124 Ru x -33590# 600# 8065# 5# B- 11120# 721# 123 963940# 644# + 34 79 45 124 Rh x -44710# 400# 8148# 3# B- 13690# 500# 123 952002# 429# + 32 78 46 124 Pd x -58400# 300# 8252# 2# B- 7830# 391# 123 937305# 322# + 30 77 47 124 Ag x -66229.951 251.503 8308.8958 2.0283 B- 10469.4858 251.5169 123 928899.227 270.000 + 28 76 48 124 Cd -76699.436 2.609 8387.0179 0.0210 B- 4168.3420 30.5355 123 917659.772 2.800 + 26 75 49 124 In -80867.778 30.561 8414.3243 0.2465 B- 7363.6970 30.5668 123 913184.873 32.808 + 24 74 50 124 Sn -88231.475 1.314 8467.3997 0.0106 B- -612.4067 0.4101 123 905279.619 1.410 + 22 73 51 124 Sb -n -87619.069 1.358 8456.1517 0.0110 B- 2905.0730 0.1317 123 905937.065 1.457 + 20 72 52 124 Te -90524.142 1.352 8473.2705 0.0109 B- -3159.5870 1.8593 123 902818.341 1.451 + 18 71 53 124 I - -87364.555 2.299 8441.4807 0.0185 B- 302.8501 1.8639 123 906210.297 2.467 + 16 70 54 124 Xe -87667.405 1.358 8437.6138 0.0110 B- -5926.3445 9.2512 123 905885.174 1.457 + 14 69 55 124 Cs x -81741.060 9.151 8383.5114 0.0738 B- -2651.2748 15.4894 123 912247.366 9.823 + 12 68 56 124 Ba x -79089.786 12.497 8355.8209 0.1008 B- -8831.1685 58.0305 123 915093.627 13.416 + 10 67 57 124 La x -70258.617 56.669 8278.2926 0.4570 B- -5343# 303# 123 924574.275 60.836 + 8 66 58 124 Ce x -64916# 298# 8229# 2# B- -11765# 499# 123 930310# 320# + 6 65 59 124 Pr x -53151# 401# 8128# 3# B- -8321# 641# 123 942940# 430# + 4 64 60 124 Nd x -44830# 500# 8054# 4# B- * 123 951873# 537# +0 37 81 44 125 Ru x -28370# 300# 8023# 2# B- 13460# 583# 124 969544# 322# + 35 80 45 125 Rh x -41830# 500# 8124# 4# B- 12130# 640# 124 955094# 537# + 33 79 46 125 Pd x -53960# 400# 8215# 3# B- 10560# 589# 124 942072# 429# + 31 78 47 125 Ag x -64519.939 433.145 8293.3151 3.4652 B- 8828.1511 433.1544 124 930735.000 465.000 + 29 77 48 125 Cd x -73348.090 2.888 8357.6815 0.0231 B- 7064.2177 3.3869 124 921257.590 3.100 + 27 76 49 125 In x -80412.308 1.770 8407.9365 0.0142 B- 5481.3495 2.2131 124 913673.841 1.900 + 25 75 50 125 Sn -n -85893.657 1.329 8445.5285 0.0106 B- 2361.4366 2.1661 124 907789.370 1.426 + 23 74 51 125 Sb + -88255.094 2.515 8458.1612 0.0201 B- 766.7000 2.1213 124 905254.264 2.700 + 21 73 52 125 Te -89021.794 1.352 8458.0361 0.0108 B- -185.7700 0.0600 124 904431.178 1.451 + 19 72 53 125 I - -88836.024 1.353 8450.2911 0.0108 B- -1636.6632 0.4259 124 904630.610 1.452 + 17 71 54 125 Xe -87199.361 1.415 8430.9390 0.0113 B- -3109.6184 7.7879 124 906387.640 1.518 + 15 70 55 125 Cs -84089.742 7.736 8399.8033 0.0619 B- -4420.7663 13.4415 124 909725.953 8.304 + 13 69 56 125 Ba -79668.976 10.992 8358.1784 0.0879 B- -5909.4836 27.6308 124 914471.840 11.800 + 11 68 57 125 La -73759.492 25.997 8304.6438 0.2080 B- -7102# 197# 124 920815.931 27.909 + 9 67 58 125 Ce x -66658# 196# 8242# 2# B- -8587# 358# 124 928440# 210# + 7 66 59 125 Pr x -58070# 300# 8167# 2# B- -10001# 500# 124 937659# 322# + 5 65 60 125 Nd x -48070# 400# 8080# 3# B- * 124 948395# 429# +0 36 81 45 126 Rh x -37200# 500# 8087# 4# B- 14590# 640# 125 960064# 537# + 34 80 46 126 Pd x -51790# 400# 8197# 3# B- 8930# 447# 125 944401# 429# + 32 79 47 126 Ag x -60720# 200# 8261# 2# B- 11535# 200# 125 934814# 215# + 30 78 48 126 Cd -72255.727 2.304 8346.7393 0.0183 B- 5553.6500 4.7831 125 922430.290 2.473 + 28 77 49 126 In x -77809.377 4.192 8384.6067 0.0333 B- 8205.7585 11.4802 125 916468.202 4.500 + 26 76 50 126 Sn -nn -86015.135 10.688 8443.5227 0.0848 B- 378.0000 30.0000 125 907658.958 11.473 + 24 75 51 126 Sb - -86393.135 31.847 8440.3136 0.2528 B- 3671.0321 31.8223 125 907253.158 34.189 + 22 74 52 126 Te -90064.168 1.354 8463.2397 0.0107 B- -2153.6712 3.6717 125 903312.144 1.453 + 20 73 53 126 I -87910.496 3.778 8439.9379 0.0300 B- 1235.8904 3.7779 125 905624.205 4.055 + 18 72 54 126 Xe -89146.38687 0.00562 8443.5375 0.0003 B- -4795.7039 10.3587 125 904297.422 0.006 + 16 71 55 126 Cs -84350.683 10.359 8399.2673 0.0822 B- -1680.7697 16.2322 125 909445.821 11.120 + 14 70 56 126 Ba x -82669.913 12.497 8379.7187 0.0992 B- -7696.4376 91.3663 125 911250.202 13.416 + 12 69 57 126 La x -74973.476 90.508 8312.4268 0.7183 B- -4152.9106 94.7235 125 919512.667 97.163 + 10 68 58 126 Ce x -70820.565 27.945 8273.2581 0.2218 B- -10497# 198# 125 923971.000 30.000 + 8 67 59 126 Pr x -60324# 196# 8184# 2# B- -6943# 358# 125 935240# 210# + 6 66 60 126 Nd x -53380# 300# 8122# 2# B- -13631# 583# 125 942694# 322# + 4 65 61 126 Pm x -39750# 500# 8008# 4# B- * 125 957327# 537# +0 37 82 45 127 Rh x -33730# 600# 8060# 5# B- 13490# 781# 126 963789# 644# + 35 81 46 127 Pd x -47220# 500# 8160# 4# B- 11429# 539# 126 949307# 537# + 33 80 47 127 Ag x -58650# 200# 8244# 2# B- 10092# 200# 126 937037# 215# + 31 79 48 127 Cd x -68741.199 6.200 8316.8971 0.0488 B- 8138.6978 11.7675 126 926203.291 6.656 + 29 78 49 127 In -76879.897 10.001 8374.8212 0.0788 B- 6589.6810 12.0260 126 917466.040 10.736 + 27 77 50 127 Sn -83469.578 9.226 8420.5482 0.0726 B- 3228.7160 10.1668 126 910391.726 9.904 + 25 76 51 127 Sb -86698.294 5.083 8439.8110 0.0400 B- 1582.2030 4.9102 126 906925.557 5.457 + 23 75 52 127 Te -88280.497 1.365 8446.1090 0.0108 B- 702.7199 3.5652 126 905226.993 1.465 + 21 74 53 127 I -88983.217 3.621 8445.4820 0.0285 B- -662.3336 2.0442 126 904472.592 3.887 + 19 73 54 127 Xe -88320.883 4.088 8434.1066 0.0322 B- -2080.8562 6.4115 126 905183.636 4.388 + 17 72 55 127 Cs -86240.027 5.578 8411.5617 0.0439 B- -3422.0719 12.6525 126 907417.527 5.987 + 15 71 56 127 Ba -82817.955 11.357 8378.4560 0.0894 B- -4921.8386 27.7403 126 911091.272 12.192 + 13 70 57 127 La -77896.116 26.000 8333.5412 0.2047 B- -5916.7727 38.8567 126 916375.083 27.912 + 11 69 58 127 Ce x -71979.344 28.876 8280.7922 0.2274 B- -7436# 198# 126 922727.000 31.000 + 9 68 59 127 Pr x -64543# 196# 8216# 2# B- -8633# 358# 126 930710# 210# + 7 67 60 127 Nd x -55910# 300# 8142# 2# B- -10600# 500# 126 939978# 322# + 5 66 61 127 Pm x -45310# 400# 8052# 3# B- * 126 951358# 429# +0 38 83 45 128 Rh x -27340# 300# 8010# 2# B- 17050# 583# 127 970649# 322# + 36 82 46 128 Pd x -44390# 500# 8137# 4# B- 10320# 583# 127 952345# 537# + 34 81 47 128 Ag x -54710# 300# 8211# 2# B- 12528# 300# 127 941266# 322# + 32 80 48 128 Cd -67238.245 6.432 8303.2367 0.0503 B- 6951.8716 6.5665 127 927816.778 6.905 + 30 79 49 128 In x -74190.117 1.322 8351.4361 0.0103 B- 9171.3131 17.7194 127 920353.637 1.419 + 28 78 50 128 Sn -83361.430 17.682 8416.9749 0.1381 B- 1268.4219 13.3175 127 910507.828 18.982 + 26 77 51 128 Sb IT -84629.852 18.788 8420.7724 0.1468 B- 4363.9419 18.7862 127 909146.121 20.169 + 24 76 52 128 Te -88993.794 0.706 8448.7536 0.0055 B- -1255.7634 3.6807 127 904461.237 0.758 + 22 75 53 128 I -87738.030 3.621 8432.8309 0.0283 B- 2122.5041 3.6211 127 905809.355 3.887 + 20 74 54 128 Xe -89860.53427 0.00520 8443.3008 0.0003 B- -3928.7617 5.3762 127 903530.75341 0.00558 + 18 73 55 128 Cs -85931.773 5.376 8406.4953 0.0420 B- -562.6171 5.6122 127 907748.452 5.771 + 16 72 56 128 Ba -85369.156 1.610 8395.9878 0.0126 B- -6743.7167 54.4716 127 908352.446 1.728 + 14 71 57 128 La x -78625.439 54.448 8337.1904 0.4254 B- -3091.5136 61.2003 127 915592.123 58.452 + 12 70 58 128 Ce x -75533.925 27.945 8306.9259 0.2183 B- -9203.1617 40.8585 127 918911.000 30.000 + 10 69 59 128 Pr x -66330.764 29.808 8228.9141 0.2329 B- -5800# 202# 127 928791.000 32.000 + 8 68 60 128 Nd x -60530# 200# 8177# 2# B- -12311# 361# 127 935018# 215# + 6 67 61 128 Pm x -48220# 300# 8075# 2# B- -9070# 583# 127 948234# 322# + 4 66 62 128 Sm x -39150# 500# 7998# 4# B- * 127 957971# 537# +0 37 83 46 129 Pd x -37880# 600# 8086# 5# B- 13990# 721# 128 959334# 644# + 35 82 47 129 Ag x -51870# 400# 8188# 3# B- 11252# 400# 128 944315# 429# + 33 81 48 129 Cd x -63122.142 5.310 8269.5311 0.0412 B- 9712.7471 5.6637 128 932235.597 5.700 + 31 80 49 129 In -72834.889 1.971 8338.7590 0.0153 B- 7755.7081 17.2376 128 921808.534 2.116 + 29 79 50 129 Sn -80590.597 17.270 8392.8161 0.1339 B- 4038.7874 27.3634 128 913482.440 18.540 + 27 78 51 129 Sb + -84629.384 21.225 8418.0598 0.1645 B- 2375.5000 21.2132 128 909146.623 22.786 + 25 77 52 129 Te -87004.884 0.711 8430.4098 0.0055 B- 1502.2919 3.1358 128 906596.419 0.763 + 23 76 53 129 I -88507.176 3.153 8435.9908 0.0244 B- 188.8936 3.1534 128 904983.643 3.385 + 21 75 54 129 Xe -88696.06975 0.00505 8431.3904 0.0003 B- -1197.0197 4.5532 128 904780.85742 0.00542 + 19 74 55 129 Cs -87499.050 4.553 8416.0465 0.0353 B- -2438.1843 10.5627 128 906065.910 4.888 + 17 73 56 129 Ba -85060.866 10.504 8391.0811 0.0814 B- -3737.3247 21.6280 128 908683.409 11.276 + 15 72 57 129 La -81323.541 21.343 8356.0449 0.1655 B- -5036.0370 35.1633 128 912695.592 22.913 + 13 71 58 129 Ce x -76287.504 27.945 8310.9411 0.2166 B- -6513.9383 40.8585 128 918102.000 30.000 + 11 70 59 129 Pr x -69773.566 29.808 8254.3808 0.2311 B- -7399# 204# 128 925095.000 32.000 + 9 69 60 129 Nd ep -62375# 202# 8191# 2# B- -9195# 362# 128 933038# 217# + 7 68 61 129 Pm x -53180# 300# 8114# 2# B- -10850# 583# 128 942909# 322# + 5 67 62 129 Sm x -42330# 500# 8023# 4# B- * 128 954557# 537# +0 38 84 46 130 Pd x -32730# 300# 8046# 2# B- 13168# 520# 129 964863# 322# + 36 83 47 130 Ag -nn -45898# 424# 8142# 3# B- 15220# 425# 129 950727# 455# + 34 82 48 130 Cd x -61117.597 22.356 8252.5868 0.1720 B- 8788.9322 22.4274 129 934387.563 24.000 + 32 81 49 130 In -69906.530 1.790 8314.1760 0.0138 B- 10225.6870 2.5905 129 924952.257 1.921 + 30 80 50 130 Sn -80132.217 1.873 8386.8170 0.0144 B- 2153.4702 14.1129 129 913974.531 2.010 + 28 79 51 130 Sb -82285.687 14.212 8397.3641 0.1093 B- 5067.2728 14.2124 129 911662.686 15.257 + 26 78 52 130 Te -87352.960 0.011 8430.3251 0.0003 B- -416.7716 3.1537 129 906222.745 0.011 + 24 77 53 130 I -n -86936.188 3.154 8421.1011 0.0243 B- 2944.2864 3.1537 129 906670.168 3.385 + 22 76 54 130 Xe -89880.474 0.009 8437.7314 0.0003 B- -2980.7199 8.3567 129 903509.346 0.010 + 20 75 55 130 Cs -86899.754 8.357 8408.7848 0.0643 B- 357.0219 8.3617 129 906709.281 8.971 + 18 74 56 130 Ba -87256.776 0.287 8405.5130 0.0022 B- -5629.4021 25.9477 129 906326.002 0.308 + 16 73 57 130 La x -81627.374 25.946 8356.1919 0.1996 B- -2204.4611 38.1328 129 912369.413 27.854 + 14 72 58 130 Ce x -79422.913 27.945 8333.2164 0.2150 B- -8247.4488 70.0853 129 914736.000 30.000 + 12 71 59 130 Pr x -71175.464 64.273 8263.7565 0.4944 B- -4579.2250 70.0853 129 923590.000 69.000 + 10 70 60 130 Nd x -66596.239 27.945 8222.5136 0.2150 B- -11127# 202# 129 928506.000 30.000 + 8 69 61 130 Pm x -55470# 200# 8131# 2# B- -7770# 447# 129 940451# 215# + 6 68 62 130 Sm x -47700# 400# 8065# 3# B- -14187# 671# 129 948792# 429# + 4 67 63 130 Eu -p -33513# 539# 7950# 4# B- * 129 964022# 578# +0 39 85 46 131 Pd x -25740# 300# 7993# 2# B- 15010# 583# 130 972367# 322# + 37 84 47 131 Ag x -40750# 500# 8102# 4# B- 14462# 501# 130 956253# 537# + 35 83 48 131 Cd -55211.760 19.238 8206.1204 0.1469 B- 12812.6089 19.3644 130 940727.740 20.653 + 33 82 49 131 In -68024.369 2.205 8297.9544 0.0168 B- 9240.2095 4.2397 130 926972.839 2.367 + 31 81 50 131 Sn -77264.579 3.621 8362.5183 0.0276 B- 4716.8328 3.9621 130 917053.067 3.887 + 29 80 51 131 Sb -81981.412 2.084 8392.5525 0.0159 B- 3229.6099 2.0845 130 911989.339 2.236 + 27 79 52 131 Te -n -85211.022 0.061 8411.2339 0.0005 B- 2231.7057 0.6077 130 908522.210 0.065 + 25 78 53 131 I + -87442.727 0.605 8422.2977 0.0046 B- 970.8477 0.6046 130 906126.375 0.649 + 23 77 54 131 Xe -88413.57492 0.00512 8423.7367 0.0003 B- -358.0009 0.1771 130 905084.12808 0.00549 + 21 76 55 131 Cs +nn -88055.574 0.177 8415.0317 0.0014 B- -1376.6158 0.4515 130 905468.457 0.190 + 19 75 56 131 Ba -n -86678.958 0.415 8398.5511 0.0032 B- -2909.6936 27.9479 130 906946.315 0.445 + 17 74 57 131 La x -83769.265 27.945 8370.3676 0.2133 B- -4060.8167 43.0918 130 910070.000 30.000 + 15 73 58 131 Ce -79708.448 32.802 8333.3969 0.2504 B- -5407.7842 55.4462 130 914429.465 35.214 + 13 72 59 131 Pr -74300.664 46.995 8286.1439 0.3587 B- -6532.6235 53.0809 130 920234.960 50.451 + 11 71 60 131 Nd -67768.040 27.517 8230.3045 0.2101 B- -7998# 202# 130 927248.020 29.541 + 9 70 61 131 Pm x -59770# 200# 8163# 2# B- -9490# 447# 130 935834# 215# + 7 69 62 131 Sm x -50280# 400# 8085# 3# B- -10816# 565# 130 946022# 429# + 5 68 63 131 Eu -p -39464# 400# 7996# 3# B- * 130 957634# 429# +0 38 85 47 132 Ag x -34400# 500# 8053# 4# B- 16065# 504# 131 963070# 537# + 36 84 48 132 Cd x -50465.429 60.068 8169.1421 0.4551 B- 11946.1243 84.9236 131 945823.136 64.485 + 34 83 49 132 In + -62411.554 60.033 8253.7162 0.4548 B- 14135.0000 60.0000 131 932998.444 64.447 + 32 82 50 132 Sn -76546.554 1.976 8354.8726 0.0150 B- 3088.7280 3.1606 131 917823.898 2.121 + 30 81 51 132 Sb -79635.282 2.467 8372.3452 0.0187 B- 5552.9155 4.2708 131 914508.013 2.648 + 28 80 52 132 Te -85188.197 3.486 8408.4859 0.0264 B- 515.3046 3.4830 131 908546.713 3.742 + 26 79 53 132 I -85703.502 4.065 8406.4628 0.0308 B- 3575.4729 4.0654 131 907993.511 4.364 + 24 78 54 132 Xe -89278.97451 0.00507 8427.6229 0.0003 B- -2126.2813 1.0359 131 904155.08346 0.00544 + 22 77 55 132 Cs -87152.693 1.036 8405.5878 0.0079 B- 1282.2099 1.4773 131 906437.740 1.112 + 20 76 56 132 Ba -88434.903 1.053 8409.3747 0.0080 B- -4711.3256 36.3537 131 905061.231 1.130 + 18 75 57 132 La -83723.578 36.359 8367.7559 0.2754 B- -1254.8898 41.7025 131 910119.047 39.032 + 16 74 58 132 Ce -82468.688 20.407 8352.3223 0.1546 B- -7241.2240 35.3594 131 911466.226 21.907 + 14 73 59 132 Pr x -75227.464 28.876 8291.5377 0.2188 B- -3801.6487 37.6795 131 919240.000 31.000 + 12 72 60 132 Nd x -71425.815 24.205 8256.8104 0.1834 B- -9798# 151# 131 923321.237 25.985 + 10 71 61 132 Pm x -61628# 149# 8177# 1# B- -6488# 335# 131 933840# 160# + 8 70 62 132 Sm x -55140# 300# 8122# 2# B- -12939# 500# 131 940805# 322# + 6 69 63 132 Eu x -42200# 400# 8018# 3# B- * 131 954696# 429# +0 39 86 47 133 Ag x -29080# 500# 8013# 4# B- 15059# 539# 132 968781# 537# + 37 85 48 133 Cd x -44140# 200# 8121# 2# B- 13550# 283# 132 952614# 215# + 35 84 49 133 In x -57690# 200# 8217# 2# B- 13184# 200# 132 938067# 215# + 33 83 50 133 Sn -70873.890 1.904 8310.0890 0.0143 B- 8049.6228 3.6617 132 923913.753 2.043 + 31 82 51 133 Sb -78923.513 3.128 8364.7302 0.0235 B- 4013.6198 3.5179 132 915272.128 3.357 + 29 81 52 133 Te -82937.133 2.066 8389.0255 0.0155 B- 2920.1690 6.2531 132 910963.330 2.218 + 27 80 53 133 I -85857.302 5.902 8405.0993 0.0444 B- 1786.2812 6.3712 132 907828.400 6.335 + 25 79 54 133 Xe + -87643.583 2.400 8412.6477 0.0180 B- 427.3600 2.4000 132 905910.748 2.576 + 23 78 55 133 Cs -88070.943 0.008 8409.9786 0.0003 B- -517.4310 0.9920 132 905451.958 0.008 + 21 77 56 133 Ba -87553.512 0.992 8400.2059 0.0075 B- -2059.1203 27.9624 132 906007.443 1.065 + 19 76 57 133 La x -85494.392 27.945 8378.8415 0.2101 B- -3076.1685 32.3786 132 908218.000 30.000 + 17 75 58 133 Ce x -82418.223 16.354 8349.8301 0.1230 B- -4480.6319 20.5826 132 911520.402 17.557 + 15 74 59 133 Pr x -77937.591 12.497 8310.2588 0.0940 B- -5605.2112 48.2223 132 916330.558 13.416 + 13 73 60 133 Nd x -72332.380 46.575 8262.2320 0.3502 B- -6924.7272 68.5519 132 922348.000 50.000 + 11 72 61 133 Pm x -65407.653 50.301 8204.2841 0.3782 B- -8177# 302# 132 929782.000 54.000 + 9 71 62 133 Sm x -57231# 298# 8137# 2# B- -9995# 422# 132 938560# 320# + 7 70 63 133 Eu x -47236# 298# 8056# 2# B- -11176# 582# 132 949290# 320# + 5 69 64 133 Gd x -36060# 500# 7966# 4# B- * 132 961288# 537# +0 38 86 48 134 Cd x -39460# 300# 8086# 2# B- 12510# 361# 133 957638# 322# + 36 85 49 134 In x -51970# 200# 8173# 1# B- 14464# 200# 133 944208# 215# + 34 84 50 134 Sn x -66433.759 3.167 8275.1719 0.0236 B- 7585.2453 4.4136 133 928680.430 3.400 + 32 83 51 134 Sb x -74019.004 3.074 8325.9398 0.0229 B- 8514.7483 4.1221 133 920537.334 3.300 + 30 82 52 134 Te -82533.752 2.746 8383.6442 0.0205 B- 1509.6875 4.9335 133 911396.376 2.948 + 28 81 53 134 I -84043.440 4.857 8389.0722 0.0362 B- 4082.3946 4.8567 133 909775.660 5.213 + 26 80 54 134 Xe -88125.83443 0.00577 8413.6994 0.0003 B- -1234.6691 0.0160 133 905393.030 0.006 + 24 79 55 134 Cs -86891.165 0.016 8398.6470 0.0003 B- 2058.8368 0.2508 133 906718.501 0.017 + 22 78 56 134 Ba -88950.002 0.251 8408.1731 0.0019 B- -3731.3434 19.9312 133 904508.249 0.269 + 20 77 57 134 La x -85218.659 19.930 8374.4888 0.1487 B- -385.7605 28.5098 133 908514.011 21.395 + 18 76 58 134 Ce x -84832.898 20.387 8365.7716 0.1521 B- -6304.8987 28.7814 133 908928.142 21.886 + 16 75 59 134 Pr x -78528.000 20.316 8312.8817 0.1516 B- -2881.5569 23.5032 133 915696.729 21.810 + 14 74 60 134 Nd x -75646.443 11.817 8285.5391 0.0882 B- -8882.5343 43.5512 133 918790.207 12.686 + 12 73 61 134 Pm x -66763.908 41.917 8213.4131 0.3128 B- -5388# 200# 133 928326.000 45.000 + 10 72 62 134 Sm x -61376# 196# 8167# 1# B- -11576# 358# 133 934110# 210# + 8 71 63 134 Eu x -49800# 300# 8075# 2# B- -8271# 500# 133 946537# 322# + 6 70 64 134 Gd x -41530# 400# 8008# 3# B- * 133 955416# 429# +0 39 87 48 135 Cd x -32820# 400# 8036# 3# B- 14290# 500# 134 964766# 429# + 37 86 49 135 In x -47110# 300# 8136# 2# B- 13522# 300# 134 949425# 322# + 35 85 50 135 Sn x -60632.252 3.074 8230.6877 0.0228 B- 9058.0800 4.0522 134 934908.603 3.300 + 33 84 51 135 Sb -69690.332 2.640 8291.9894 0.0196 B- 8038.4581 3.1524 134 925184.354 2.834 + 31 83 52 135 Te -77728.790 1.722 8345.7384 0.0128 B- 6050.3894 2.6850 134 916554.715 1.848 + 29 82 53 135 I -83779.180 2.060 8384.7609 0.0153 B- 2634.1851 3.8284 134 910059.355 2.211 + 27 81 54 135 Xe -86413.365 3.668 8398.4783 0.0272 B- 1168.5917 3.6623 134 907231.441 3.938 + 25 80 55 135 Cs -87581.956 0.364 8401.3393 0.0027 B- 268.6983 0.2862 134 905976.907 0.390 + 23 79 56 135 Ba -87850.655 0.245 8397.5345 0.0018 B- -1207.1973 9.4299 134 905688.447 0.263 + 21 78 57 135 La -86643.458 9.432 8382.7972 0.0699 B- -2027.1499 4.6101 134 906984.427 10.126 + 19 77 58 135 Ce -84616.308 10.266 8361.9861 0.0760 B- -3680.4357 15.6540 134 909160.662 11.021 + 17 76 59 135 Pr x -80935.872 11.817 8328.9284 0.0875 B- -4722.2522 22.4837 134 913111.772 12.686 + 15 75 60 135 Nd x -76213.620 19.128 8288.1536 0.1417 B- -6151.2907 85.0809 134 918181.318 20.534 + 13 74 61 135 Pm x -70062.329 82.903 8236.7933 0.6141 B- -7205.1069 175.4501 134 924785.000 89.000 + 11 73 62 135 Sm x -62857.222 154.628 8177.6270 1.1454 B- -8709# 249# 134 932520.000 166.000 + 9 72 63 135 Eu x -54148# 196# 8107# 1# B- -9898# 445# 134 941870# 210# + 7 71 64 135 Gd x -44250# 400# 8028# 3# B- -11197# 565# 134 952496# 429# + 5 70 65 135 Tb -p -33053# 400# 7939# 3# B- * 134 964516# 429# +0 38 87 49 136 In x -40970# 300# 8091# 2# B- 15200# 361# 135 956017# 322# + 36 86 50 136 Sn x -56170# 200# 8197# 1# B- 8337# 200# 135 939699# 215# + 34 85 51 136 Sb -64506.890 5.830 8252.2533 0.0429 B- 9918.3897 6.2599 135 930749.009 6.258 + 32 84 52 136 Te -74425.279 2.281 8319.4301 0.0168 B- 5119.9455 14.1880 135 920101.180 2.448 + 30 83 53 136 I -79545.225 14.188 8351.3242 0.1043 B- 6883.9455 14.1880 135 914604.693 15.231 + 28 82 54 136 Xe -86429.170 0.007 8396.1889 0.0003 B- -90.3151 1.8730 135 907214.474 0.007 + 26 81 55 136 Cs + -86338.855 1.873 8389.7723 0.0138 B- 2548.2241 1.8570 135 907311.431 2.010 + 24 80 56 136 Ba -88887.079 0.245 8402.7566 0.0018 B- -2849.5915 53.1715 135 904575.800 0.262 + 22 79 57 136 La x -86037.488 53.171 8376.0512 0.3910 B- 471.0621 53.1720 135 907634.962 57.081 + 20 78 58 136 Ce -86508.550 0.324 8373.7624 0.0024 B- -5168.1290 11.4561 135 907129.256 0.348 + 18 77 59 136 Pr -81340.421 11.455 8330.0089 0.0842 B- -2141.1234 16.4578 135 912677.470 12.296 + 16 76 60 136 Nd x -79199.297 11.817 8308.5127 0.0869 B- -8029.3747 70.0764 135 914976.061 12.686 + 14 75 61 136 Pm x -71169.923 69.073 8243.7207 0.5079 B- -4359.0237 70.1942 135 923595.949 74.152 + 12 74 62 136 Sm x -66810.899 12.497 8205.9165 0.0919 B- -10567# 196# 135 928275.553 13.416 + 10 73 63 136 Eu x -56244# 196# 8122# 1# B- -7154# 357# 135 939620# 210# + 8 72 64 136 Gd x -49090# 298# 8064# 2# B- -13190# 582# 135 947300# 320# + 6 71 65 136 Tb x -35900# 500# 7961# 4# B- * 135 961460# 537# +0 39 88 49 137 In x -35830# 400# 8053# 3# B- 14320# 500# 136 961535# 429# + 37 87 50 137 Sn x -50150# 300# 8152# 2# B- 9911# 304# 136 946162# 322# + 35 86 51 137 Sb x -60060.392 52.164 8218.4764 0.3808 B- 9243.3698 52.2059 136 935522.519 56.000 + 33 85 52 137 Te -69303.762 2.100 8280.2357 0.0153 B- 7052.5063 8.6426 136 925599.354 2.254 + 31 84 53 137 I p-2n -76356.268 8.383 8326.0033 0.0612 B- 6027.1455 8.3841 136 918028.178 9.000 + 29 83 54 137 Xe -n -82383.414 0.104 8364.2865 0.0008 B- 4162.3582 0.3193 136 911557.771 0.111 + 27 82 55 137 Cs + -86545.772 0.302 8388.9581 0.0022 B- 1175.6285 0.1723 136 907089.296 0.324 + 25 81 56 137 Ba -87721.401 0.248 8391.8288 0.0018 B- -580.5356 1.6231 136 905827.207 0.266 + 23 80 57 137 La + -87140.865 1.640 8381.8807 0.0120 B- -1222.1000 1.6000 136 906450.438 1.760 + 21 79 58 137 Ce -85918.765 0.360 8367.2497 0.0026 B- -2716.9515 8.1328 136 907762.416 0.386 + 19 78 59 137 Pr -83201.814 8.135 8341.7074 0.0594 B- -3617.8447 14.2706 136 910679.183 8.733 + 17 77 60 137 Nd -79583.969 11.725 8309.5892 0.0856 B- -5511.1108 17.5366 136 914563.099 12.586 + 15 76 61 137 Pm x -74072.858 13.041 8263.6516 0.0952 B- -6081.2029 31.4460 136 920479.519 14.000 + 13 75 62 137 Sm -67991.655 28.614 8213.5527 0.2089 B- -7845.7518 28.9474 136 927007.959 30.718 + 11 74 63 137 Eu x -60145.904 4.378 8150.5738 0.0320 B- -8932# 298# 136 935430.719 4.700 + 9 73 64 137 Gd x -51214# 298# 8080# 2# B- -10246# 499# 136 945020# 320# + 7 72 65 137 Tb x -40967# 401# 7999# 3# B- * 136 956020# 430# +0 38 88 50 138 Sn x -45510# 400# 8118# 3# B- 9140# 500# 137 951143# 429# + 36 87 51 138 Sb x -54650# 300# 8178# 2# B- 11046# 300# 137 941331# 322# + 34 86 52 138 Te -65695.995 3.787 8252.5786 0.0274 B- 6283.9149 7.0625 137 929472.452 4.065 + 32 85 53 138 I x -71979.910 5.962 8292.4450 0.0432 B- 7992.3346 6.5881 137 922726.392 6.400 + 30 84 54 138 Xe -79972.244 2.804 8344.6913 0.0203 B- 2914.7839 9.5780 137 914146.268 3.010 + 28 83 55 138 Cs -82887.028 9.158 8360.1437 0.0664 B- 5374.7776 9.1584 137 911017.119 9.831 + 26 82 56 138 Ba -88261.806 0.249 8393.4222 0.0018 B- -1748.3977 0.3384 137 905247.059 0.267 + 24 81 57 138 La -86513.408 0.416 8375.0835 0.0030 B- 1052.4585 0.4018 137 907124.041 0.446 + 22 80 58 138 Ce -87565.867 0.499 8377.0408 0.0036 B- -4437.0000 10.0000 137 905994.180 0.536 + 20 79 59 138 Pr - -83128.867 10.012 8339.2195 0.0726 B- -1111.6847 15.3256 137 910757.495 10.748 + 18 78 60 138 Nd -82017.182 11.603 8325.4946 0.0841 B- -7102.8119 16.0995 137 911950.938 12.456 + 16 77 61 138 Pm -74914.370 11.603 8268.3558 0.0841 B- -3416.5976 16.5613 137 919576.119 12.456 + 14 76 62 138 Sm x -71497.772 11.817 8237.9286 0.0856 B- -9748.0968 30.3408 137 923243.988 12.686 + 12 75 63 138 Eu x -61749.676 27.945 8161.6211 0.2025 B- -6090# 202# 137 933709.000 30.000 + 10 74 64 138 Gd x -55660# 200# 8112# 1# B- -12059# 361# 137 940247# 215# + 8 73 65 138 Tb x -43600# 300# 8019# 2# B- -8669# 586# 137 953193# 322# + 6 72 66 138 Dy x -34931# 503# 7950# 4# B- * 137 962500# 540# +0 39 89 50 139 Sn x -39310# 400# 8073# 3# B- 10740# 565# 138 957799# 429# + 37 88 51 139 Sb x -50050# 400# 8144# 3# B- 10155# 400# 138 946269# 429# + 35 87 52 139 Te x -60205.080 3.540 8211.7716 0.0255 B- 8265.8835 5.3454 138 935367.191 3.800 + 33 86 53 139 I x -68470.964 4.005 8265.6100 0.0288 B- 7173.6224 4.5424 138 926493.400 4.300 + 31 85 54 139 Xe x -75644.586 2.142 8311.5904 0.0154 B- 5056.5023 3.7960 138 918792.200 2.300 + 29 84 55 139 Cs + -80701.088 3.134 8342.3397 0.0225 B- 4212.8293 3.1235 138 913363.822 3.364 + 27 83 56 139 Ba -n -84913.918 0.253 8367.0194 0.0018 B- 2308.4632 0.6571 138 908841.164 0.271 + 25 82 57 139 La -87222.381 0.607 8377.9987 0.0044 B- -264.6396 1.9989 138 906362.927 0.651 + 23 81 58 139 Ce -86957.741 2.089 8370.4664 0.0150 B- -2129.0890 2.9962 138 906647.029 2.242 + 21 80 59 139 Pr -84828.652 3.649 8349.5208 0.0263 B- -2811.7226 27.6166 138 908932.700 3.917 + 19 79 60 139 Nd -82016.930 27.521 8323.6642 0.1980 B- -4515.9014 25.8700 138 911951.208 29.545 + 17 78 61 139 Pm -77501.028 13.588 8285.5473 0.0978 B- -5120.7993 17.4098 138 916799.228 14.587 + 15 77 62 139 Sm x -72380.229 10.884 8243.0786 0.0783 B- -6982.1777 17.0705 138 922296.631 11.684 + 13 76 63 139 Eu x -65398.051 13.151 8187.2187 0.0946 B- -7767# 196# 138 929792.307 14.117 + 11 75 64 139 Gd x -57632# 196# 8126# 1# B- -9501# 357# 138 938130# 210# + 9 74 65 139 Tb x -48130# 298# 8052# 2# B- -10430# 582# 138 948330# 320# + 7 73 66 139 Dy x -37700# 500# 7971# 4# B- * 138 959527# 537# +0 40 90 50 140 Sn x -34490# 300# 8038# 2# B- 9900# 671# 139 962973# 322# + 38 89 51 140 Sb x -44390# 600# 8103# 4# B- 11977# 600# 139 952345# 644# + 36 88 52 140 Te -56367.449 14.377 8183.3567 0.1027 B- 7238.7734 18.7976 139 939487.057 15.434 + 34 87 53 140 I x -63606.223 12.109 8229.4740 0.0865 B- 9380.2388 12.3313 139 931715.914 13.000 + 32 86 54 140 Xe x -72986.461 2.329 8290.8875 0.0166 B- 4063.2768 8.5232 139 921645.814 2.500 + 30 85 55 140 Cs -77049.738 8.199 8314.3227 0.0586 B- 6218.1669 9.8671 139 917283.707 8.801 + 28 84 56 140 Ba -83267.905 7.900 8353.1500 0.0564 B- 1044.1542 7.9051 139 910608.231 8.480 + 26 83 57 140 La -84312.059 0.607 8355.0201 0.0043 B- 3762.1676 1.3364 139 909487.285 0.651 + 24 82 58 140 Ce -88074.227 1.313 8376.3045 0.0094 B- -3388.0000 6.0000 139 905448.433 1.409 + 22 81 59 140 Pr - -84686.227 6.142 8346.5163 0.0439 B- -428.9806 6.9536 139 909085.600 6.593 + 20 80 60 140 Nd x -84257.246 3.260 8337.8640 0.0233 B- -6045.2000 24.0000 139 909546.130 3.500 + 18 79 61 140 Pm - -78212.046 24.220 8289.0958 0.1730 B- -2756.1010 27.2546 139 916035.918 26.001 + 16 78 62 140 Sm x -75455.945 12.497 8263.8211 0.0893 B- -8470.0000 50.0000 139 918994.714 13.416 + 14 77 63 140 Eu - -66985.945 51.538 8197.7330 0.3681 B- -5203.6675 58.6268 139 928087.633 55.328 + 12 76 64 140 Gd x -61782.278 27.945 8154.9757 0.1996 B- -11300.0000 800.0000 139 933674.000 30.000 + 10 75 65 140 Tb - -50482.278 800.488 8068.6732 5.7178 B- -7652# 895# 139 945805.048 859.359 + 8 74 66 140 Dy x -42830# 401# 8008# 3# B- -13513# 641# 139 954020# 430# + 6 73 67 140 Ho -p -29317# 500# 7906# 4# B- * 139 968526# 537# +0 39 90 51 141 Sb x -39540# 500# 8069# 4# B- 11129# 640# 140 957552# 537# + 37 89 52 141 Te x -50670# 400# 8142# 3# B- 9257# 400# 140 945604# 429# + 35 88 53 141 I x -59926.666 15.835 8202.2562 0.1123 B- 8270.6430 16.0965 140 935666.081 17.000 + 33 87 54 141 Xe x -68197.309 2.888 8255.3647 0.0205 B- 6280.0423 9.6378 140 926787.181 3.100 + 31 86 55 141 Cs -74477.351 9.195 8294.3554 0.0652 B- 5255.1410 9.6174 140 920045.279 9.871 + 29 85 56 141 Ba -79732.492 5.318 8326.0774 0.0377 B- 3197.3515 6.5510 140 914403.653 5.709 + 27 84 57 141 La -82929.844 4.127 8343.2050 0.0293 B- 2501.2141 3.9279 140 910971.155 4.430 + 25 83 58 141 Ce -85431.058 1.315 8355.3956 0.0093 B- 583.4758 1.1784 140 908285.991 1.411 + 23 82 59 141 Pr -86014.533 1.498 8353.9852 0.0106 B- -1823.0137 2.8090 140 907659.604 1.607 + 21 81 60 141 Nd - -84191.520 3.183 8335.5074 0.0226 B- -3668.5879 14.3304 140 909616.690 3.417 + 19 80 61 141 Pm x -80522.932 13.972 8303.9405 0.0991 B- -4588.9724 16.3730 140 913555.081 15.000 + 17 79 62 141 Sm -75933.959 8.535 8265.8460 0.0605 B- -6008.3127 14.2829 140 918481.545 9.162 + 15 78 63 141 Eu -69925.647 12.639 8217.6853 0.0896 B- -6701.4161 23.4562 140 924931.734 13.568 + 13 77 64 141 Gd x -63224.231 19.760 8164.6090 0.1401 B- -8683.3880 107.0975 140 932126.000 21.213 + 11 76 65 141 Tb x -54540.843 105.259 8097.4761 0.7465 B- -9158# 316# 140 941448.000 113.000 + 9 75 66 141 Dy x -45382# 298# 8027# 2# B- -11018# 499# 140 951280# 320# + 7 74 67 141 Ho -p -34364# 401# 7943# 3# B- * 140 963108# 430# +0 40 91 51 142 Sb x -33610# 300# 8027# 2# B- 12939# 583# 141 963918# 322# + 38 90 52 142 Te x -46550# 500# 8113# 4# B- 8253# 500# 141 950027# 537# + 36 89 53 142 I x -54802.969 4.937 8165.2517 0.0348 B- 10426.6792 5.6276 141 941166.595 5.300 + 34 88 54 142 Xe x -65229.648 2.701 8233.1695 0.0190 B- 5284.9078 7.5655 141 929973.095 2.900 + 32 87 55 142 Cs -70514.556 7.067 8264.8777 0.0498 B- 7327.7007 8.3627 141 924299.514 7.586 + 30 86 56 142 Ba -77842.257 5.920 8310.9718 0.0417 B- 2181.6932 8.3754 141 916432.904 6.355 + 28 85 57 142 La -80023.950 6.286 8320.8263 0.0443 B- 4508.9455 5.8446 141 914090.760 6.748 + 26 84 58 142 Ce -84532.896 2.443 8347.0700 0.0172 B- -746.5288 2.4868 141 909250.208 2.623 + 24 83 59 142 Pr -83786.367 1.498 8336.3032 0.0106 B- 2163.6885 1.3656 141 910051.640 1.607 + 22 82 60 142 Nd -85950.055 1.256 8346.0310 0.0088 B- -4808.5196 23.6216 141 907728.824 1.348 + 20 81 61 142 Pm -81141.536 23.596 8306.6587 0.1662 B- -2159.6062 23.6524 141 912890.982 25.330 + 18 80 62 142 Sm -78981.930 1.866 8285.9407 0.0131 B- -7673.0000 30.0000 141 915209.415 2.002 + 16 79 63 142 Eu - -71308.930 30.058 8226.3960 0.2117 B- -4349.4074 41.0414 141 923446.719 32.268 + 14 78 64 142 Gd x -66959.522 27.945 8190.2569 0.1968 B- -10400.0000 700.0000 141 928116.000 30.000 + 12 77 65 142 Tb - -56559.522 700.558 8111.5080 4.9335 B- -6440# 200# 141 939280.858 752.079 + 10 76 66 142 Dy - -50120# 729# 8061# 5# B- -12869# 831# 141 946194# 782# + 8 75 67 142 Ho x -37250# 401# 7965# 3# B- -9321# 641# 141 960010# 430# + 6 74 68 142 Er x -27930# 500# 7893# 4# B- * 141 970016# 537# +0 39 91 52 143 Te x -40530# 500# 8070# 3# B- 10259# 539# 142 956489# 537# + 37 90 53 143 I x -50790# 200# 8137# 1# B- 9413# 200# 142 945475# 215# + 35 89 54 143 Xe x -60202.882 4.657 8196.8855 0.0326 B- 7472.6365 8.8908 142 935369.550 5.000 + 33 88 55 143 Cs -67675.519 7.573 8243.6707 0.0530 B- 6261.6865 9.7303 142 927347.346 8.130 + 31 87 56 143 Ba -73937.205 6.756 8281.9878 0.0472 B- 4234.2623 9.9682 142 920625.149 7.253 + 29 86 57 143 La -78171.467 7.329 8306.1271 0.0513 B- 3434.9108 7.5812 142 916079.482 7.868 + 27 85 58 143 Ce -81606.378 2.442 8324.6765 0.0171 B- 1461.8214 1.8649 142 912391.953 2.621 + 25 84 59 143 Pr -83068.200 1.816 8329.4280 0.0127 B- 934.1107 1.3673 142 910822.624 1.949 + 23 83 60 143 Nd -84002.310 1.255 8330.4893 0.0088 B- -1041.6463 2.6830 142 909819.815 1.347 + 21 82 61 143 Pm -82960.664 2.944 8317.7341 0.0206 B- -3443.5291 3.5604 142 910938.068 3.160 + 19 81 62 143 Sm -79517.135 2.750 8288.1825 0.0192 B- -5275.8240 11.3245 142 914634.848 2.951 + 17 80 63 143 Eu x -74241.311 10.986 8245.8177 0.0768 B- -6010.0000 200.0000 142 920298.678 11.793 + 15 79 64 143 Gd - -68231.311 200.301 8198.3188 1.4007 B- -7812.1185 206.7497 142 926750.678 215.032 + 13 78 65 143 Tb x -60419.192 51.232 8138.2176 0.3583 B- -8250.2433 52.8659 142 935137.332 55.000 + 11 77 66 143 Dy x -52168.949 13.041 8075.0527 0.0912 B- -10121# 298# 142 943994.332 14.000 + 9 76 67 143 Ho x -42048# 298# 7999# 2# B- -10887# 499# 142 954860# 320# + 7 75 68 143 Er x -31160# 400# 7917# 3# B- * 142 966548# 429# +0 40 92 52 144 Te x -36220# 300# 8040# 2# B- 9110# 500# 143 961116# 322# + 38 91 53 144 I x -45330# 400# 8098# 3# B- 11542# 400# 143 951336# 429# + 36 90 54 144 Xe x -56872.301 5.310 8172.8845 0.0369 B- 6399.0606 20.8203 143 938945.076 5.700 + 34 89 55 144 Cs -63271.362 20.132 8211.8894 0.1398 B- 8495.7679 20.4163 143 932075.402 21.612 + 32 88 56 144 Ba -71767.130 7.136 8265.4549 0.0496 B- 3082.5300 14.7744 143 922954.821 7.661 + 30 87 57 144 La x -74849.660 12.937 8281.4283 0.0898 B- 5582.2823 13.2432 143 919645.589 13.888 + 28 86 58 144 Ce + -80431.942 2.833 8314.7612 0.0197 B- 318.6462 0.8321 143 913652.763 3.041 + 26 85 59 144 Pr + -80750.588 2.708 8311.5411 0.0188 B- 2997.4400 2.4000 143 913310.682 2.907 + 24 84 60 144 Nd -83748.028 1.255 8326.9237 0.0087 B- -2331.9117 2.6464 143 910092.798 1.346 + 22 83 61 144 Pm -81416.116 2.912 8305.2969 0.0202 B- 549.5096 2.6679 143 912596.208 3.126 + 20 82 62 144 Sm -81965.626 1.459 8303.6800 0.0101 B- -6346.4515 10.8092 143 912006.285 1.566 + 18 81 63 144 Eu -75619.175 10.787 8254.1744 0.0749 B- -3859.6633 29.9546 143 918819.481 11.580 + 16 80 64 144 Gd x -71759.511 27.945 8221.9382 0.1941 B- -9391.3235 39.5199 143 922963.000 30.000 + 14 79 65 144 Tb x -62368.188 27.945 8151.2877 0.1941 B- -5798.0965 28.8506 143 933045.000 30.000 + 12 78 66 144 Dy x -56570.091 7.173 8105.5902 0.0498 B- -11960.5706 11.1039 143 939269.512 7.700 + 10 77 67 144 Ho x -44609.521 8.477 8017.0977 0.0589 B- -8002# 196# 143 952109.712 9.100 + 8 76 68 144 Er x -36608# 196# 7956# 1# B- -14448# 445# 143 960700# 210# + 6 75 69 144 Tm -p -22159# 400# 7850# 3# B- * 143 976211# 429# +0 41 93 52 145 Te x -30010# 300# 7998# 2# B- 11120# 583# 144 967783# 322# + 39 92 53 145 I x -41130# 500# 8069# 3# B- 10363# 500# 144 955845# 537# + 37 91 54 145 Xe x -51493.337 11.178 8135.0877 0.0771 B- 8561.0867 14.3929 144 944719.631 12.000 + 35 90 55 145 Cs -60054.424 9.067 8188.7342 0.0625 B- 7461.7591 12.4121 144 935528.927 9.733 + 33 89 56 145 Ba x -67516.183 8.477 8234.7991 0.0585 B- 5319.1425 14.9122 144 927518.400 9.100 + 31 88 57 145 La -72835.325 12.269 8266.0873 0.0846 B- 4231.7331 35.2977 144 921808.065 13.170 + 29 87 58 145 Ce -77067.059 33.900 8289.8762 0.2338 B- 2558.9318 33.6347 144 917265.113 36.393 + 27 86 59 145 Pr -79625.990 7.149 8302.1285 0.0493 B- 1806.0140 7.0370 144 914517.987 7.674 + 25 85 60 145 Nd -81432.004 1.271 8309.1883 0.0088 B- -164.4982 2.5361 144 912579.151 1.364 + 23 84 61 145 Pm -81267.506 2.805 8302.6583 0.0193 B- -616.0990 2.5390 144 912755.748 3.011 + 21 83 62 145 Sm -80651.407 1.485 8293.0139 0.0102 B- -2659.8832 2.7224 144 913417.157 1.594 + 19 82 63 145 Eu -77991.524 3.060 8269.2744 0.0211 B- -5064.8984 19.9521 144 916272.659 3.285 + 17 81 64 145 Gd -72926.626 19.716 8228.9485 0.1360 B- -6526.9329 109.7144 144 921710.051 21.165 + 15 80 65 145 Tb -66399.693 110.896 8178.5397 0.7648 B- -8157.0853 111.0872 144 928717.001 119.051 + 13 79 66 145 Dy x -58242.607 6.520 8116.8884 0.0450 B- -9122.4943 9.9019 144 937473.992 7.000 + 11 78 67 145 Ho x -49120.113 7.452 8048.5792 0.0514 B- -9880# 200# 144 947267.392 8.000 + 9 77 68 145 Er x -39240# 200# 7975# 1# B- -11657# 280# 144 957874# 215# + 7 76 69 145 Tm -p -27583# 196# 7889# 1# B- * 144 970389# 210# +0 40 93 53 146 I x -35540# 300# 8031# 2# B- 12415# 301# 145 961846# 322# + 38 92 54 146 Xe x -47954.950 24.219 8110.4154 0.1659 B- 7355.4298 24.3911 145 948518.245 26.000 + 36 91 55 146 Cs x -55310.380 2.893 8155.4365 0.0198 B- 9555.8882 3.3918 145 940621.867 3.106 + 34 90 56 146 Ba x -64866.269 1.770 8215.5293 0.0121 B- 4354.9052 2.4366 145 930363.200 1.900 + 32 89 57 146 La -69221.174 1.675 8239.9988 0.0115 B- 6404.6947 14.7146 145 925688.017 1.797 + 30 88 58 146 Ce -75625.868 14.665 8278.5081 0.1004 B- 1047.6178 32.4842 145 918812.294 15.743 + 28 87 59 146 Pr -76673.486 34.356 8280.3250 0.2353 B- 4252.4300 34.3686 145 917687.630 36.882 + 26 86 60 146 Nd -80925.916 1.273 8304.0927 0.0087 B- -1471.5560 4.1194 145 913122.459 1.366 + 24 85 61 146 Pm + -79454.360 4.275 8288.6550 0.0293 B- 1542.0000 3.0000 145 914702.240 4.589 + 22 84 62 146 Sm -80996.360 3.045 8293.8581 0.0209 B- -3878.7573 5.8685 145 913046.835 3.269 + 20 83 63 146 Eu -77117.603 6.009 8261.9327 0.0412 B- -1031.7798 7.0750 145 917210.852 6.451 + 18 82 64 146 Gd -76085.823 4.076 8249.5072 0.0279 B- -8322.1791 44.7488 145 918318.513 4.376 + 16 81 65 146 Tb -67763.644 44.860 8187.1474 0.3073 B- -5208.7165 45.1580 145 927252.739 48.159 + 14 80 66 146 Dy -62554.928 6.695 8146.1128 0.0459 B- -11316.7007 9.3917 145 932844.526 7.187 + 12 79 67 146 Ho -51238.227 6.587 8063.2426 0.0451 B- -6916.2074 9.3987 145 944993.503 7.071 + 10 78 68 146 Er -44322.019 6.705 8010.5127 0.0459 B- -13267# 200# 145 952418.357 7.197 + 8 77 69 146 Tm -p -31055# 200# 7914# 1# B- * 145 966661# 215# +0 41 94 53 147 I x -31200# 300# 8001# 2# B- 11199# 361# 146 966505# 322# + 39 93 54 147 Xe x -42400# 200# 8072# 1# B- 9520# 200# 146 954482# 215# + 37 92 55 147 Cs x -51920.073 8.383 8131.8010 0.0570 B- 8343.9631 21.4535 146 944261.512 9.000 + 35 91 56 147 Ba x -60264.036 19.748 8183.2405 0.1343 B- 6414.3615 22.4660 146 935303.900 21.200 + 33 90 57 147 La x -66678.397 10.712 8221.5536 0.0729 B- 5335.5046 13.7248 146 928417.800 11.500 + 31 89 58 147 Ce -72013.902 8.580 8252.5274 0.0584 B- 3430.1913 15.5317 146 922689.900 9.211 + 29 88 59 147 Pr -75444.093 15.855 8270.5400 0.1079 B- 2702.7013 15.8571 146 919007.438 17.020 + 27 87 60 147 Nd -78146.794 1.275 8283.6036 0.0087 B- 895.1896 0.5664 146 916105.969 1.368 + 25 86 61 147 Pm -79041.984 1.288 8284.3712 0.0088 B- 224.0638 0.2940 146 915144.944 1.382 + 23 85 62 147 Sm -79266.048 1.262 8280.5734 0.0086 B- -1721.4367 2.2832 146 914904.401 1.354 + 21 84 63 147 Eu -77544.611 2.569 8263.5409 0.0175 B- -2187.6833 2.5273 146 916752.440 2.758 + 19 83 64 147 Gd -75356.928 1.887 8243.3366 0.0128 B- -4614.2543 8.1414 146 919101.014 2.025 + 17 82 65 147 Tb -70742.674 8.096 8206.6250 0.0551 B- -6546.6266 11.9939 146 924054.620 8.691 + 15 81 66 147 Dy x -64196.047 8.849 8156.7680 0.0602 B- -8438.9460 10.1644 146 931082.712 9.500 + 13 80 67 147 Ho -55757.101 5.001 8094.0381 0.0340 B- -9149.2869 38.5173 146 940142.293 5.368 + 11 79 68 147 Er x -46607.814 38.191 8026.4760 0.2598 B- -10633.4071 38.7987 146 949964.456 41.000 + 9 78 69 147 Tm -35974.407 6.839 7948.8178 0.0465 B- * 146 961379.887 7.341 +0 40 94 54 148 Xe x -38650# 300# 8047# 2# B- 8261# 300# 147 958508# 322# + 38 93 55 148 Cs x -46910.950 13.041 8097.5469 0.0881 B- 10633.9614 13.1258 147 949639.026 14.000 + 36 92 56 148 Ba x -57544.911 1.490 8164.1118 0.0101 B- 5163.8307 19.5252 147 938223.000 1.600 + 34 91 57 148 La x -62708.742 19.468 8193.7165 0.1315 B- 7689.6824 22.4573 147 932679.400 20.900 + 32 90 58 148 Ce -70398.424 11.195 8240.3876 0.0756 B- 2137.0282 12.5663 147 924424.186 12.017 + 30 89 59 148 Pr -72535.452 15.041 8249.5409 0.1016 B- 4872.6133 15.0858 147 922129.992 16.147 + 28 88 60 148 Nd -77408.066 2.053 8277.1778 0.0139 B- -542.1891 5.8755 147 916899.027 2.203 + 26 87 61 148 Pm +p -76865.877 5.690 8268.2283 0.0384 B- 2470.1898 5.6409 147 917481.091 6.108 + 24 86 62 148 Sm -79336.067 1.246 8279.6326 0.0084 B- -3038.5844 9.9657 147 914829.233 1.337 + 22 85 63 148 Eu -76297.482 9.961 8253.8155 0.0673 B- -28.0630 9.9633 147 918091.288 10.693 + 20 84 64 148 Gd -76269.419 1.460 8248.3398 0.0099 B- -5732.4723 12.5208 147 918121.414 1.566 + 18 83 65 148 Tb -70536.947 12.463 8204.3207 0.0842 B- -2677.5501 9.5961 147 924275.476 13.379 + 16 82 66 148 Dy -67859.397 8.724 8180.9430 0.0589 B- -9868.2304 84.2872 147 927149.944 9.365 + 14 81 67 148 Ho x -57991.166 83.834 8108.9797 0.5664 B- -6512.1694 84.4583 147 937743.925 90.000 + 12 80 68 148 Er x -51478.997 10.246 8059.6924 0.0692 B- -12713.9630 14.4906 147 944735.026 11.000 + 10 79 69 148 Tm x -38765.034 10.246 7968.5011 0.0692 B- -8535# 400# 147 958384.026 11.000 + 8 78 70 148 Yb x -30230# 400# 7906# 3# B- * 147 967547# 429# +0 41 95 54 149 Xe x -33000# 300# 8009# 2# B- 10300# 500# 148 964573# 322# + 39 94 55 149 Cs x -43300# 400# 8073# 3# B- 9531# 400# 148 953516# 429# + 37 93 56 149 Ba x -52830.620 2.515 8131.8495 0.0169 B- 7389.3010 200.2781 148 943284.000 2.700 + 35 92 57 149 La + -60219.921 200.262 8176.1915 1.3440 B- 6450.0000 200.0000 148 935351.259 214.990 + 33 91 58 149 Ce x -66669.921 10.246 8214.2294 0.0688 B- 4369.4525 14.2296 148 928426.900 11.000 + 31 90 59 149 Pr x -71039.373 9.874 8238.3040 0.0663 B- 3336.1617 10.0853 148 923736.100 10.600 + 29 89 60 149 Nd -n -74375.535 2.054 8255.4437 0.0138 B- 1688.8697 2.4588 148 920154.583 2.205 + 27 88 61 149 Pm -76064.404 2.184 8261.5277 0.0147 B- 1071.4936 1.8747 148 918341.507 2.344 + 25 87 62 149 Sm -77135.898 1.157 8263.4683 0.0078 B- -694.5812 3.7881 148 917191.211 1.241 + 23 86 63 149 Eu -76441.317 3.903 8253.5560 0.0262 B- -1314.1437 4.1361 148 917936.875 4.190 + 21 85 64 149 Gd -75127.173 3.310 8239.4856 0.0222 B- -3638.5336 4.3388 148 919347.666 3.553 + 19 84 65 149 Tb -71488.639 3.629 8209.8153 0.0244 B- -3794.6493 9.1335 148 923253.792 3.895 + 17 83 66 149 Dy -67693.990 9.183 8179.0972 0.0616 B- -6048.1366 12.7928 148 927327.516 9.858 + 15 82 67 149 Ho -61645.854 11.985 8133.2550 0.0804 B- -7904.2328 30.4066 148 933820.457 12.866 + 13 81 68 149 Er x -53741.621 27.945 8074.9558 0.1875 B- -9801# 202# 148 942306.000 30.000 + 11 80 69 149 Tm x -43940# 200# 8004# 1# B- -10611# 361# 148 952828# 215# + 9 79 70 149 Yb x -33330# 300# 7927# 2# B- * 148 964219# 322# +0 42 96 54 150 Xe x -28990# 300# 7983# 2# B- 9180# 500# 149 968878# 322# + 40 95 55 150 Cs x -38170# 400# 8039# 3# B- 11720# 400# 149 959023# 429# + 38 94 56 150 Ba x -49889.799 5.682 8111.8405 0.0379 B- 6421.3477 6.2138 149 946441.100 6.100 + 36 93 57 150 La x -56311.147 2.515 8149.4339 0.0168 B- 8535.7155 11.9641 149 939547.500 2.700 + 34 92 58 150 Ce -64846.863 11.697 8201.1230 0.0780 B- 3453.6462 14.2913 149 930384.032 12.556 + 32 91 59 150 Pr -68300.509 9.015 8218.9316 0.0601 B- 5379.4422 9.0682 149 926676.391 9.677 + 30 90 60 150 Nd -73679.951 1.129 8249.5789 0.0075 B- -82.6155 20.0010 149 920901.322 1.211 + 28 89 61 150 Pm + -73597.336 20.031 8243.8125 0.1335 B- 3454.0000 20.0000 149 920990.014 21.504 + 26 88 62 150 Sm -77051.336 1.112 8261.6235 0.0074 B- -2258.9662 6.1803 149 917281.993 1.193 + 24 87 63 150 Eu -74792.369 6.231 8241.3481 0.0415 B- 971.6815 3.5428 149 919707.092 6.688 + 22 86 64 150 Gd -75764.051 6.055 8242.6103 0.0404 B- -4658.2621 8.3784 149 918663.949 6.500 + 20 85 65 150 Tb -71105.789 7.371 8206.3396 0.0491 B- -1796.1707 8.3886 149 923664.799 7.912 + 18 84 66 150 Dy -69309.618 4.319 8189.1495 0.0288 B- -7363.7264 14.4629 149 925593.068 4.636 + 16 83 67 150 Ho -61945.892 14.168 8134.8423 0.0945 B- -4114.5689 13.5910 149 933498.353 15.209 + 14 82 68 150 Er -57831.323 17.194 8102.1962 0.1146 B- -11340# 196# 149 937915.524 18.458 + 12 81 69 150 Tm x -46491# 196# 8021# 1# B- -7661# 358# 149 950090# 210# + 10 80 70 150 Yb x -38830# 300# 7965# 2# B- -14059# 424# 149 958314# 322# + 8 79 71 150 Lu -p -24771# 300# 7866# 2# B- * 149 973407# 322# +0 41 96 55 151 Cs x -34280# 500# 8013# 3# B- 10660# 640# 150 963199# 537# + 39 95 56 151 Ba x -44940# 400# 8079# 3# B- 8370# 591# 150 951755# 429# + 37 94 57 151 La x -53310.339 435.473 8129.0436 2.8839 B- 7914.7191 435.8330 150 942769.000 467.500 + 35 93 58 151 Ce x -61225.058 17.698 8176.2779 0.1172 B- 5554.6233 21.1885 150 934272.200 19.000 + 33 92 59 151 Pr -66779.681 11.650 8207.8824 0.0772 B- 4163.5021 11.6789 150 928309.066 12.506 + 31 91 60 151 Nd -70943.183 1.133 8230.2741 0.0075 B- 2443.0767 4.4734 150 923839.363 1.215 + 29 90 61 151 Pm -73386.260 4.611 8241.2723 0.0305 B- 1190.2198 4.4757 150 921216.613 4.949 + 27 89 62 151 Sm -74576.480 1.110 8243.9735 0.0074 B- 76.6182 0.5375 150 919938.859 1.191 + 25 88 63 151 Eu -74653.098 1.166 8239.2998 0.0077 B- -464.1779 2.7791 150 919856.606 1.251 + 23 87 64 151 Gd -74188.920 2.993 8231.0446 0.0198 B- -2565.3796 3.7615 150 920354.922 3.212 + 21 86 65 151 Tb -71623.541 4.094 8208.8743 0.0271 B- -2871.1525 4.9455 150 923108.970 4.395 + 19 85 66 151 Dy -a -68752.388 3.247 8184.6789 0.0215 B- -5129.6421 8.7507 150 926191.279 3.486 + 17 84 67 151 Ho -a -63622.746 8.298 8145.5267 0.0550 B- -5356.4558 18.4420 150 931698.176 8.908 + 15 83 68 151 Er x -58266.290 16.470 8104.8723 0.1091 B- -7494.6768 25.4292 150 937448.567 17.681 + 13 82 69 151 Tm -50771.613 19.375 8050.0576 0.1283 B- -9229.2615 300.1329 150 945494.433 20.799 + 11 81 70 151 Yb ep -41542.352 300.492 7983.7556 1.9900 B- -11242# 425# 150 955402.453 322.591 + 9 80 71 151 Lu -p -30300# 300# 7904# 2# B- * 150 967471# 322# +0 42 97 55 152 Cs x -29130# 500# 7980# 3# B- 12480# 640# 151 968728# 537# + 40 96 56 152 Ba x -41610# 400# 8057# 3# B- 7680# 500# 151 955330# 429# + 38 95 57 152 La x -49290# 300# 8102# 2# B- 9690# 361# 151 947085# 322# + 36 94 58 152 Ce x -58980# 200# 8161# 1# B- 4778# 201# 151 936682# 215# + 34 93 59 152 Pr x -63758.070 18.537 8187.1049 0.1220 B- 6391.5934 30.7035 151 931552.900 19.900 + 32 92 60 152 Nd -70149.663 24.476 8224.0078 0.1610 B- 1104.8050 18.5011 151 924691.242 26.276 + 30 91 61 152 Pm -71254.468 25.904 8226.1293 0.1704 B- 3508.5089 25.8859 151 923505.185 27.809 + 28 90 62 152 Sm -74762.977 1.016 8244.0645 0.0067 B- -1874.4774 0.6857 151 919738.646 1.090 + 26 89 63 152 Eu -72888.500 1.166 8226.5854 0.0077 B- 1818.8037 0.7002 151 921750.980 1.252 + 24 88 64 152 Gd -74707.304 1.007 8233.4042 0.0066 B- -3990.0000 40.0000 151 919798.414 1.081 + 22 87 65 152 Tb - -70717.304 40.013 8202.0072 0.2632 B- -599.3405 40.2575 151 924081.855 42.955 + 20 86 66 152 Dy -a -70117.963 4.593 8192.9171 0.0302 B- -6513.3275 13.3176 151 924725.274 4.930 + 18 85 67 152 Ho -63604.636 12.528 8144.9193 0.0824 B- -3104.4174 9.8150 151 931717.618 13.449 + 16 84 68 152 Er -60500.218 8.830 8119.3485 0.0581 B- -8779.9397 54.7434 151 935050.347 9.478 + 14 83 69 152 Tm -51720.279 54.027 8056.4387 0.3554 B- -5449.8923 139.6200 151 944476.000 58.000 + 12 82 70 152 Yb -46270.386 149.708 8015.4371 0.9849 B- -12848# 246# 151 950326.699 160.718 + 10 81 71 152 Lu x -33422# 196# 7926# 1# B- * 151 964120# 210# +0 41 97 56 153 Ba x -36470# 400# 8023# 3# B- 9590# 500# 152 960848# 429# + 39 96 57 153 La x -46060# 300# 8081# 2# B- 8850# 361# 152 950553# 322# + 37 95 58 153 Ce x -54910# 200# 8134# 1# B- 6659# 201# 152 941052# 215# + 35 94 59 153 Pr -61568.490 11.882 8172.0371 0.0777 B- 5761.8901 12.1896 152 933903.511 12.755 + 33 93 60 153 Nd -67330.380 2.747 8204.5832 0.0180 B- 3317.6236 9.3521 152 927717.868 2.949 + 31 92 61 153 Pm -70648.003 9.063 8221.1536 0.0592 B- 1912.0559 9.0829 152 924156.252 9.729 + 29 91 62 153 Sm -n -72560.059 1.025 8228.5373 0.0067 B- 807.4073 0.7063 152 922103.576 1.100 + 27 90 63 153 Eu -73367.466 1.171 8228.7011 0.0077 B- -484.5225 0.7150 152 921236.789 1.257 + 25 89 64 153 Gd -72882.944 1.002 8220.4209 0.0066 B- -1569.3340 3.8444 152 921756.945 1.075 + 23 88 65 153 Tb -71313.610 3.947 8205.0504 0.0258 B- -2170.4134 1.9335 152 923441.694 4.237 + 21 87 66 153 Dy -69143.197 4.001 8185.7514 0.0262 B- -4131.1229 6.1571 152 925771.729 4.295 + 19 86 67 153 Ho -a -65012.074 5.066 8153.6372 0.0331 B- -4545.3918 9.8899 152 930206.671 5.438 + 17 85 68 153 Er -60466.682 9.285 8118.8154 0.0607 B- -6494.0723 12.8812 152 935086.350 9.967 + 15 84 69 153 Tm -53972.610 11.979 8071.2571 0.0783 B- -6813# 201# 152 942058.023 12.860 + 13 83 70 153 Yb x -47160# 200# 8022# 1# B- -8784# 250# 152 949372# 215# + 11 82 71 153 Lu +a -38375.462 150.017 7959.0882 0.9805 B- -11075# 335# 152 958802.248 161.050 + 9 81 72 153 Hf x -27300# 300# 7882# 2# B- * 152 970692# 322# +0 42 98 56 154 Ba x -32920# 500# 8001# 3# B- 8610# 583# 153 964659# 537# + 40 97 57 154 La x -41530# 300# 8051# 2# B- 10690# 361# 153 955416# 322# + 38 96 58 154 Ce x -52220# 200# 8116# 1# B- 5640# 224# 153 943940# 215# + 36 95 59 154 Pr + -57859.602 100.005 8147.2994 0.6494 B- 7720.0000 100.0000 153 937885.165 107.360 + 34 94 60 154 Nd x -65579.602 1.025 8192.3491 0.0067 B- 2687.0000 25.0000 153 929597.404 1.100 + 32 93 61 154 Pm - -68266.602 25.021 8204.7170 0.1625 B- 4188.9614 25.0550 153 926712.791 26.861 + 30 92 62 154 Sm -72455.564 1.305 8226.8379 0.0085 B- -717.1969 1.1019 153 922215.756 1.400 + 28 91 63 154 Eu -71738.367 1.188 8217.1006 0.0077 B- 1967.9913 0.7535 153 922985.699 1.275 + 26 90 64 154 Gd -73706.358 0.994 8224.7996 0.0065 B- -3549.6514 45.2983 153 920872.974 1.066 + 24 89 65 154 Tb - -70156.707 45.309 8196.6697 0.2942 B- 237.3080 45.9008 153 924683.681 48.641 + 22 88 66 154 Dy -70394.015 7.431 8193.1305 0.0483 B- -5754.6363 10.1785 153 924428.920 7.977 + 20 87 67 154 Ho -a -64639.378 8.216 8150.6825 0.0534 B- -2034.4045 9.4621 153 930606.776 8.820 + 18 86 68 154 Er -62604.974 4.961 8132.3919 0.0322 B- -8177.8316 14.9113 153 932790.799 5.325 + 16 85 69 154 Tm -a -54427.142 14.412 8074.2090 0.0936 B- -4495.0495 13.9528 153 941570.062 15.471 + 14 84 70 154 Yb -49932.093 17.281 8039.9402 0.1122 B- -10265# 201# 153 946395.696 18.551 + 12 83 71 154 Lu +a -39667# 201# 7968# 1# B- -6937# 361# 153 957416# 216# + 10 82 72 154 Hf x -32730# 300# 7918# 2# B- * 153 964863# 322# +0 41 98 57 155 La x -37930# 400# 8028# 3# B- 9850# 500# 154 959280# 429# + 39 97 58 155 Ce x -47780# 300# 8087# 2# B- 7635# 300# 154 948706# 322# + 37 96 59 155 Pr -55415.335 17.198 8131.0398 0.1110 B- 6868.4609 19.4725 154 940509.193 18.462 + 35 95 60 155 Nd -62283.796 9.154 8170.3050 0.0591 B- 4656.2095 10.2781 154 933135.598 9.826 + 33 94 61 155 Pm -66940.006 4.719 8195.2977 0.0304 B- 3251.1999 4.9024 154 928136.951 5.065 + 31 93 62 155 Sm -n -70191.206 1.332 8211.2258 0.0086 B- 1627.1314 1.2016 154 924646.645 1.429 + 29 92 63 155 Eu -71818.337 1.252 8216.6760 0.0081 B- 251.9612 0.8682 154 922899.847 1.343 + 27 91 64 155 Gd -72070.298 0.983 8213.2541 0.0063 B- -819.8588 9.7884 154 922629.356 1.055 + 25 90 65 155 Tb + -71250.439 9.830 8202.9173 0.0634 B- -2094.5000 1.8974 154 923509.511 10.552 + 23 89 66 155 Dy -69155.939 9.645 8184.3570 0.0622 B- -3116.1405 16.5887 154 925758.049 10.354 + 21 88 67 155 Ho -66039.799 17.470 8159.2055 0.1127 B- -3830.6268 18.4730 154 929103.363 18.754 + 19 87 68 155 Er -a -62209.172 6.074 8129.4444 0.0392 B- -5583.2509 11.5109 154 933215.710 6.520 + 17 86 69 155 Tm -a -56625.921 9.921 8088.3760 0.0640 B- -6123.3072 19.3388 154 939209.576 10.651 + 15 85 70 155 Yb -a -50502.614 16.600 8043.8234 0.1071 B- -7957.5578 25.4153 154 945783.216 17.820 + 13 84 71 155 Lu -42545.056 19.245 7987.4369 0.1242 B- -8235# 301# 154 954326.005 20.660 + 11 83 72 155 Hf x -34310# 300# 7929# 2# B- -10322# 424# 154 963167# 322# + 9 82 73 155 Ta -p -23988# 300# 7858# 2# B- * 154 974248# 322# +0 42 99 57 156 La x -33050# 400# 7997# 3# B- 11769# 500# 155 964519# 429# + 40 98 58 156 Ce x -44820# 300# 8068# 2# B- 6630# 300# 155 951884# 322# + 38 97 59 156 Pr x -51449.307 1.025 8105.2337 0.0066 B- 8752.8229 1.6585 155 944766.900 1.100 + 36 96 60 156 Nd x -60202.130 1.304 8156.3265 0.0084 B- 3964.7175 1.7642 155 935370.358 1.400 + 34 95 61 156 Pm -64166.847 1.188 8176.7263 0.0076 B- 5193.8878 8.6044 155 931114.059 1.275 + 32 94 62 156 Sm -69360.735 8.522 8205.0054 0.0546 B- 722.1090 7.9025 155 925538.191 9.148 + 30 93 63 156 Eu -70082.844 3.532 8204.6192 0.0226 B- 2452.4891 3.4083 155 924762.976 3.791 + 28 92 64 156 Gd -72535.333 0.983 8215.3253 0.0063 B- -2444.3230 3.6774 155 922130.120 1.054 + 26 91 65 156 Tb -70091.010 3.768 8194.6415 0.0242 B- 438.3762 3.6789 155 924754.209 4.044 + 24 90 66 156 Dy -70529.386 0.988 8192.4366 0.0063 B- -4990.9836 38.4111 155 924283.593 1.060 + 22 89 67 156 Ho - -65538.403 38.424 8155.4280 0.2463 B- -1326.7201 45.6391 155 929641.634 41.249 + 20 88 68 156 Er -64211.683 24.629 8141.9084 0.1579 B- -7377.2657 26.7099 155 931065.926 26.440 + 18 87 69 156 Tm -56834.417 14.279 8089.6032 0.0915 B- -3568.8794 12.5484 155 938985.746 15.328 + 16 86 70 156 Yb -53265.538 9.308 8061.7107 0.0597 B- -9565.9880 54.9162 155 942817.096 9.992 + 14 85 71 156 Lu -a -43699.550 54.122 7995.3752 0.3469 B- -5880.0352 139.6908 155 953086.606 58.102 + 12 84 72 156 Hf -37819.514 149.740 7952.6676 0.9599 B- -11819# 335# 155 959399.083 160.752 + 10 83 73 156 Ta -p -26001# 300# 7872# 2# B- * 155 972087# 322# +0 43 100 57 157 La x -29070# 300# 7972# 2# B- 10860# 500# 156 968792# 322# + 41 99 58 157 Ce x -39930# 400# 8037# 3# B- 8504# 400# 156 957133# 429# + 39 98 59 157 Pr x -48434.806 3.167 8085.8170 0.0202 B- 8059.3109 3.8207 156 948003.100 3.400 + 37 97 60 157 Nd -56494.117 2.137 8132.1671 0.0136 B- 5802.9994 7.3246 156 939351.074 2.294 + 35 96 61 157 Pm -62297.116 7.006 8164.1458 0.0446 B- 4380.5376 8.2650 156 933121.298 7.521 + 33 95 62 157 Sm -66677.654 4.434 8187.0642 0.0282 B- 2781.4807 6.1191 156 928418.598 4.759 + 31 94 63 157 Eu -69459.134 4.234 8199.7975 0.0270 B- 1364.7614 4.1973 156 925432.556 4.545 + 29 93 64 157 Gd -70823.896 0.977 8203.5072 0.0062 B- -60.0473 0.2972 156 923967.424 1.048 + 27 92 65 157 Tb -70763.848 1.018 8198.1416 0.0065 B- -1339.1791 5.1297 156 924031.888 1.092 + 25 91 66 157 Dy -69424.669 5.154 8184.6287 0.0328 B- -2591.8068 23.7839 156 925469.555 5.532 + 23 90 67 157 Ho -66832.862 23.469 8163.1373 0.1495 B- -3419.2146 33.6675 156 928251.974 25.194 + 21 89 68 157 Er -63413.648 26.505 8136.3757 0.1688 B- -4704.3690 38.5152 156 931922.652 28.454 + 19 88 69 157 Tm x -58709.279 27.945 8101.4285 0.1780 B- -5289.3667 29.9971 156 936973.000 30.000 + 17 87 70 157 Yb -53419.912 10.905 8062.7551 0.0695 B- -6980.0942 14.2406 156 942651.368 11.706 + 15 86 71 157 Lu -46439.818 12.074 8013.3128 0.0769 B- -7585# 201# 156 950144.807 12.961 + 13 85 72 157 Hf -a -38855# 200# 7960# 1# B- -9259# 250# 156 958288# 215# + 11 84 73 157 Ta IT -29595.948 150.052 7896.0608 0.9557 B- -9906# 427# 156 968227.445 161.087 + 9 83 74 157 W x -19690# 400# 7828# 3# B- * 156 978862# 429# +0 42 100 58 158 Ce x -36540# 400# 8015# 3# B- 7610# 500# 157 960773# 429# + 40 99 59 158 Pr x -44150# 300# 8059# 2# B- 9685# 300# 157 952603# 322# + 38 98 60 158 Nd x -53835.123 1.304 8114.9529 0.0083 B- 5271.0196 1.5776 157 942205.620 1.400 + 36 97 61 158 Pm -59106.143 0.888 8143.3622 0.0056 B- 6145.7062 4.8634 157 936546.948 0.953 + 34 96 62 158 Sm -65251.849 4.782 8177.3075 0.0303 B- 2018.6123 5.1146 157 929949.262 5.133 + 32 95 63 158 Eu -67270.461 2.032 8185.1320 0.0129 B- 3419.5081 2.2547 157 927782.192 2.181 + 30 94 64 158 Gd -70689.969 0.976 8201.8229 0.0062 B- -1219.0862 0.9799 157 924111.200 1.048 + 28 93 65 158 Tb -69470.883 1.268 8189.1556 0.0080 B- 936.2686 2.4750 157 925419.942 1.360 + 26 92 66 158 Dy -70407.152 2.337 8190.1298 0.0148 B- -4219.7555 27.0048 157 924414.817 2.509 + 24 91 67 158 Ho - -66187.396 27.106 8158.4709 0.1716 B- -883.5812 37.0236 157 928944.910 29.099 + 22 90 68 158 Er -65303.815 25.219 8147.9270 0.1596 B- -6600.6151 31.3411 157 929893.474 27.074 + 20 89 69 158 Tm -58703.200 25.219 8101.1994 0.1596 B- -2693.5796 26.4499 157 936979.525 27.074 + 18 88 70 158 Yb -56009.620 7.973 8079.1999 0.0505 B- -8797.4201 16.8655 157 939871.202 8.559 + 16 87 71 158 Lu -a -47212.200 15.125 8018.5685 0.0957 B- -5109.8010 14.9373 157 949315.620 16.236 + 14 86 72 158 Hf -42102.399 17.494 7981.2764 0.1107 B- -10984# 201# 157 954801.217 18.780 + 12 85 73 158 Ta +a -31118# 201# 7907# 1# B- -7426# 361# 157 966593# 215# + 10 84 74 158 W -a -23693# 300# 7855# 2# B- * 157 974565# 322# +0 43 101 58 159 Ce x -31340# 500# 7983# 3# B- 9430# 640# 158 966355# 537# + 41 100 59 159 Pr x -40770# 400# 8037# 3# B- 8954# 401# 158 956232# 429# + 39 99 60 159 Nd x -49724.007 29.808 8088.8224 0.1875 B- 6830.3441 31.4529 158 946619.085 32.000 + 37 98 61 159 Pm -56554.351 10.039 8126.8601 0.0631 B- 5653.4982 11.6438 158 939286.409 10.777 + 35 97 62 159 Sm -62207.849 5.934 8157.4963 0.0373 B- 3835.5363 7.3211 158 933217.130 6.370 + 33 96 63 159 Eu -66043.386 4.320 8176.6987 0.0272 B- 2518.4717 4.3657 158 929099.512 4.637 + 31 95 64 159 Gd -68561.857 0.980 8187.6177 0.0062 B- 970.7242 0.7495 158 926395.822 1.051 + 29 94 65 159 Tb -69532.582 1.103 8188.8025 0.0069 B- -365.3613 1.1573 158 925353.707 1.184 + 27 93 66 159 Dy -69167.220 1.439 8181.5842 0.0091 B- -1837.6000 2.6833 158 925745.938 1.544 + 25 92 67 159 Ho - -67329.620 3.045 8165.1066 0.0192 B- -2768.5000 2.0000 158 927718.683 3.268 + 23 91 68 159 Er - -64561.120 3.643 8142.7742 0.0229 B- -3990.7162 28.1813 158 930690.790 3.910 + 21 90 69 159 Tm x -60570.404 27.945 8112.7549 0.1758 B- -4736.8869 33.0155 158 934975.000 30.000 + 19 89 70 159 Yb x -55833.517 17.582 8078.0428 0.1106 B- -6124.9081 41.5648 158 940060.257 18.874 + 17 88 71 159 Lu x -49708.609 37.663 8034.6009 0.2369 B- -6856.0030 41.2456 158 946635.615 40.433 + 15 87 72 159 Hf -a -42852.606 16.813 7986.5610 0.1057 B- -8413.4492 25.8909 158 953995.837 18.049 + 13 86 73 159 Ta IT -34439.157 19.689 7928.7258 0.1238 B- -9005# 301# 158 963028.046 21.137 + 11 85 74 159 W -a -25434# 300# 7867# 2# B- -10629# 427# 158 972696# 322# + 9 84 75 159 Re IT -14805# 305# 7795# 2# B- * 158 984106# 327# +0 42 101 59 160 Pr x -36200# 400# 8009# 2# B- 10525# 402# 159 961138# 429# + 40 100 60 160 Nd x -46724.515 46.575 8069.9662 0.2911 B- 6170.1238 46.6198 159 949839.172 50.000 + 38 99 61 160 Pm x -52894.639 2.049 8103.6398 0.0128 B- 7338.5338 2.8330 159 943215.272 2.200 + 36 98 62 160 Sm x -60233.172 1.956 8144.6159 0.0122 B- 3260.2763 2.1547 159 935337.032 2.100 + 34 97 63 160 Eu x -63493.449 0.904 8160.1030 0.0057 B- 4448.6112 1.4417 159 931836.982 0.970 + 32 96 64 160 Gd -67942.060 1.123 8183.0171 0.0070 B- -105.5863 1.0207 159 927061.202 1.206 + 30 95 65 160 Tb -67836.474 1.110 8177.4676 0.0069 B- 1835.9516 1.1011 159 927174.553 1.191 + 28 94 66 160 Dy -69672.425 0.700 8184.0526 0.0044 B- -3290.0000 15.0000 159 925203.578 0.751 + 26 93 67 160 Ho - -66382.425 15.016 8158.6004 0.0939 B- -318.2488 28.5197 159 928735.538 16.120 + 24 92 68 160 Er -66064.176 24.246 8151.7217 0.1515 B- -5763.1395 39.1333 159 929077.193 26.029 + 22 91 69 160 Tm -60301.037 32.686 8110.8124 0.2043 B- -2137.8101 33.1447 159 935264.177 35.089 + 20 90 70 160 Yb x -58163.227 5.496 8092.5614 0.0343 B- -7893.2846 57.0863 159 937559.210 5.900 + 18 89 71 160 Lu x -50269.942 56.821 8038.3387 0.3551 B- -4331.1951 57.6165 159 946033.000 61.000 + 16 88 72 160 Hf -45938.747 9.540 8006.3791 0.0596 B- -10115.0475 55.1472 159 950682.728 10.241 + 14 87 73 160 Ta -a -35823.700 54.316 7938.2704 0.3395 B- -6494.6267 139.8413 159 961541.678 58.310 + 12 86 74 160 W -29329.073 149.810 7892.7893 0.9363 B- -12451# 335# 159 968513.946 160.828 + 10 85 75 160 Re -a -16878# 300# 7810# 2# B- * 159 981880# 322# +0 43 102 59 161 Pr x -32490# 500# 7986# 3# B- 9741# 640# 160 965121# 537# + 41 101 60 161 Nd x -42230# 400# 8042# 2# B- 7856# 400# 160 954664# 429# + 39 100 61 161 Pm x -50086.589 9.035 8085.9977 0.0561 B- 6585.4546 11.3187 160 946229.837 9.700 + 37 99 62 161 Sm -56672.043 6.817 8122.0418 0.0423 B- 5119.5577 12.4147 160 939160.062 7.318 + 35 98 63 161 Eu -61791.601 10.400 8148.9810 0.0646 B- 3714.5406 10.5074 160 933663.991 11.164 + 33 97 64 161 Gd -n -65506.142 1.504 8167.1934 0.0093 B- 1955.6357 1.4402 160 929676.267 1.614 + 31 96 65 161 Tb -67461.778 1.218 8174.4809 0.0076 B- 593.7166 1.2010 160 927576.806 1.308 + 29 95 66 161 Dy -68055.494 0.697 8173.3093 0.0043 B- -859.2003 2.1368 160 926939.425 0.748 + 27 94 67 161 Ho -67196.294 2.151 8163.1134 0.0134 B- -1994.9954 9.0041 160 927861.815 2.309 + 25 93 68 161 Er +n -65201.298 8.774 8145.8628 0.0545 B- -3302.5839 29.2899 160 930003.530 9.419 + 23 92 69 161 Tm x -61898.715 27.945 8120.4906 0.1736 B- -4064.4665 31.7640 160 933549.000 30.000 + 21 91 70 161 Yb x -57834.248 15.101 8090.3861 0.0938 B- -5271.8989 31.7640 160 937912.384 16.211 + 19 90 71 161 Lu x -52562.349 27.945 8052.7821 0.1736 B- -6246.5319 36.4805 160 943572.000 30.000 + 17 89 72 161 Hf -46315.817 23.450 8009.1245 0.1457 B- -7537.2421 33.7278 160 950277.927 25.174 + 15 88 73 161 Ta +a -38778.575 24.381 7957.4500 0.1514 B- -8272# 202# 160 958369.489 26.174 + 13 87 74 161 W -a -30507# 200# 7901# 1# B- -9664# 250# 160 967249# 215# + 11 86 75 161 Re -20842.820 149.905 7836.3292 0.9311 B- -10647# 427# 160 977624.313 160.930 + 9 85 76 161 Os -a -10196# 400# 7765# 2# B- * 160 989054# 429# +0 42 102 60 162 Nd x -39010# 400# 8022# 2# B- 7030# 500# 161 958121# 429# + 40 101 61 162 Pm x -46040# 300# 8061# 2# B- 8339# 300# 161 950574# 322# + 38 100 62 162 Sm -54379.053 3.523 8107.5745 0.0218 B- 4343.8905 3.7605 161 941621.687 3.782 + 36 99 63 162 Eu -58722.944 1.314 8129.5593 0.0081 B- 5557.7761 4.1748 161 936958.329 1.410 + 34 98 64 162 Gd -nn -64280.720 3.963 8159.0373 0.0245 B- 1598.8278 4.4611 161 930991.812 4.254 + 32 97 65 162 Tb x -65879.548 2.049 8164.0773 0.0127 B- 2301.6217 2.1640 161 929275.400 2.200 + 30 96 66 162 Dy -68181.169 0.695 8173.4555 0.0043 B- -2140.6068 3.0926 161 926804.507 0.746 + 28 95 67 162 Ho -66040.563 3.102 8155.4126 0.0192 B- 293.6478 3.1069 161 929102.543 3.330 + 26 94 68 162 Er -66334.210 0.756 8152.3959 0.0047 B- -4856.7282 26.0475 161 928787.299 0.811 + 24 93 69 162 Tm - -61477.482 26.058 8117.5868 0.1609 B- -1656.3190 30.1127 161 934001.211 27.974 + 22 92 70 162 Yb x -59821.163 15.103 8102.5333 0.0932 B- -6989.4042 76.5406 161 935779.342 16.213 + 20 91 71 162 Lu x -52831.759 75.036 8054.5596 0.4632 B- -3663.3333 75.5679 161 943282.776 80.554 + 18 90 72 162 Hf -49168.426 8.952 8027.1171 0.0553 B- -9387.0211 63.8938 161 947215.526 9.610 + 16 89 73 162 Ta -a -39781.405 63.322 7964.3432 0.3909 B- -5782.1880 63.3235 161 957292.907 67.979 + 14 88 74 162 W -33999.217 17.657 7923.8214 0.1090 B- -11546# 201# 161 963500.341 18.955 + 12 87 75 162 Re +a -22453# 201# 7848# 1# B- -7953# 361# 161 975896# 215# + 10 86 76 162 Os -a -14500# 300# 7794# 2# B- * 161 984434# 322# +0 43 103 60 163 Nd x -34080# 500# 7992# 3# B- 8880# 640# 162 963414# 537# + 41 102 61 163 Pm x -42960# 400# 8042# 2# B- 7640# 400# 162 953881# 429# + 39 101 62 163 Sm x -50599.612 7.359 8084.1653 0.0451 B- 5974.2073 7.4141 162 945679.085 7.900 + 37 100 63 163 Eu x -56573.819 0.904 8116.0172 0.0056 B- 4814.7720 1.2046 162 939265.510 0.970 + 35 99 64 163 Gd -61388.591 0.797 8140.7560 0.0049 B- 3207.1628 4.1374 162 934096.640 0.855 + 33 98 65 163 Tb +p -64595.754 4.060 8155.6322 0.0249 B- 1785.1041 4.0006 162 930653.609 4.358 + 31 97 66 163 Dy -66380.858 0.693 8161.7840 0.0043 B- -2.8309 0.0222 162 928737.221 0.744 + 29 96 67 163 Ho -66378.027 0.693 8156.9670 0.0043 B- -1210.6141 4.5755 162 928740.260 0.744 + 27 95 68 163 Er -65167.413 4.628 8144.7403 0.0284 B- -2439.0000 3.0000 162 930039.908 4.967 + 25 94 69 163 Tm - -62728.413 5.515 8124.9774 0.0338 B- -3434.5345 16.0687 162 932658.282 5.920 + 23 93 70 163 Yb x -59293.878 15.105 8099.1069 0.0927 B- -4502.4636 31.7657 162 936345.406 16.215 + 21 92 71 163 Lu x -54791.415 27.945 8066.6848 0.1714 B- -5522.0944 37.9611 162 941179.000 30.000 + 19 91 72 163 Hf -49269.320 25.693 8028.0072 0.1576 B- -6734.6864 45.9217 162 947107.211 27.582 + 17 90 73 163 Ta -a -42534.634 38.061 7981.8905 0.2335 B- -7626.1952 69.7301 162 954337.194 40.860 + 15 89 74 163 W -a -34908.439 58.426 7930.3043 0.3584 B- -8906.1859 61.2953 162 962524.251 62.722 + 13 88 75 163 Re +a -26002.253 18.534 7870.8655 0.1137 B- -9666# 301# 162 972085.434 19.897 + 11 87 76 163 Os -a -16336# 300# 7807# 2# B- -11026# 500# 162 982462# 322# + 9 86 77 163 Ir x -5310# 400# 7734# 2# B- * 162 994299# 429# +0 42 103 61 164 Pm x -38360# 400# 8014# 2# B- 9565# 400# 163 958819# 429# + 40 102 62 164 Sm x -47925.314 4.099 8067.7803 0.0250 B- 5306.8315 4.5907 163 948550.061 4.400 + 38 101 63 164 Eu -53232.146 2.068 8095.3686 0.0126 B- 6461.5416 2.2969 163 942852.943 2.219 + 36 100 64 164 Gd -59693.688 1.000 8129.9978 0.0061 B- 2411.2959 2.1143 163 935916.193 1.073 + 34 99 65 164 Tb x -62104.983 1.863 8139.9304 0.0114 B- 3862.6653 1.9884 163 933327.561 2.000 + 32 98 66 164 Dy -65967.649 0.695 8158.7129 0.0042 B- -987.1315 1.3710 163 929180.819 0.746 + 30 97 67 164 Ho -64980.517 1.390 8147.9234 0.0085 B- 962.0559 1.3756 163 930240.548 1.492 + 28 96 68 164 Er -65942.573 0.704 8149.0191 0.0043 B- -4033.6302 25.0113 163 929207.739 0.755 + 26 95 69 164 Tm -61908.943 25.006 8119.6534 0.1525 B- -896.7722 29.2135 163 933538.019 26.845 + 24 94 70 164 Yb x -61012.171 15.106 8109.4149 0.0921 B- -6369.7952 31.7666 163 934500.743 16.217 + 22 93 71 164 Lu x -54642.376 27.945 8065.8043 0.1704 B- -2824.0194 32.1083 163 941339.000 30.000 + 20 92 72 164 Hf -51818.356 15.812 8043.8142 0.0964 B- -8535.5511 32.1083 163 944370.709 16.975 + 18 91 73 164 Ta x -43282.805 27.945 7986.9978 0.1704 B- -5047.2500 29.5717 163 953534.000 30.000 + 16 90 74 164 W -38235.555 9.673 7951.4515 0.0590 B- -10763.1138 55.4055 163 958952.445 10.384 + 14 89 75 164 Re -a -27472.441 54.555 7881.0523 0.3326 B- -7047.7180 140.0330 163 970507.122 58.566 + 12 88 76 164 Os -20424.723 149.903 7833.3080 0.9140 B- -12941# 350# 163 978073.158 160.927 + 10 87 77 164 Ir -a -7483# 316# 7750# 2# B- * 163 991966# 339# +0 43 104 61 165 Pm x -34670# 500# 7992# 3# B- 8840# 640# 164 962780# 537# + 41 103 62 165 Sm x -43510# 400# 8041# 2# B- 7219# 400# 164 953290# 429# + 39 102 63 165 Eu -50729.103 5.213 8080.0529 0.0316 B- 5796.6788 5.3733 164 945540.070 5.596 + 37 101 64 165 Gd -56525.782 1.304 8110.4428 0.0079 B- 4063.0674 2.0189 164 939317.080 1.400 + 35 100 65 165 Tb -60588.849 1.541 8130.3259 0.0093 B- 3023.4392 1.6915 164 934955.198 1.654 + 33 99 66 165 Dy -n -63612.289 0.697 8143.9083 0.0042 B- 1285.7287 0.7502 164 931709.402 0.748 + 31 98 67 165 Ho -64898.017 0.786 8146.9591 0.0048 B- -376.6648 0.9575 164 930329.116 0.844 + 29 97 68 165 Er -64521.353 0.918 8139.9348 0.0056 B- -1591.3282 1.4891 164 930733.482 0.985 + 27 96 69 165 Tm -62930.024 1.658 8125.5489 0.0101 B- -2634.6364 26.5907 164 932441.843 1.779 + 25 95 70 165 Yb -60295.388 26.539 8104.8399 0.1608 B- -3853.1403 35.4324 164 935270.241 28.490 + 23 94 71 165 Lu -56442.248 26.539 8076.7460 0.1608 B- -4806.7350 38.5387 164 939406.758 28.490 + 21 93 72 165 Hf x -51635.513 27.945 8042.8728 0.1694 B- -5787.6410 31.0668 164 944567.000 30.000 + 19 92 73 165 Ta -45847.872 13.573 8003.0547 0.0823 B- -6986.5555 29.1133 164 950780.287 14.571 + 17 91 74 165 W -38861.316 25.756 7955.9704 0.1561 B- -8201.9627 34.9116 164 958280.663 27.649 + 15 90 75 165 Re +a -30659.353 23.593 7901.5201 0.1430 B- -8913# 202# 164 967085.831 25.328 + 13 89 76 165 Os -a -21747# 200# 7843# 1# B- -10151# 255# 164 976654# 215# + 11 88 77 165 Ir IT -11595# 158# 7776# 1# B- -11277# 430# 164 987552# 170# + 9 87 78 165 Pt -a -318# 400# 7703# 2# B- * 164 999658# 429# +0 42 104 62 166 Sm x -40450# 400# 8023# 2# B- 6299# 412# 165 956575# 429# + 40 103 63 166 Eu + -46749# 100# 8056# 1# B- 7622# 100# 165 949813# 107# + 38 102 64 166 Gd x -54370.926 1.584 8097.2260 0.0095 B- 3437.8515 2.1558 165 941630.413 1.700 + 36 101 65 166 Tb -57808.778 1.463 8113.2230 0.0088 B- 4775.6930 1.6690 165 937939.727 1.570 + 34 100 66 166 Dy -n -62584.471 0.804 8137.2793 0.0048 B- 485.8684 0.8502 165 932812.810 0.862 + 32 99 67 166 Ho -63070.339 0.786 8135.4933 0.0047 B- 1853.8057 0.7792 165 932291.209 0.844 + 30 98 68 166 Er -64924.145 0.334 8141.9479 0.0020 B- -3037.6667 11.5470 165 930301.067 0.358 + 28 97 69 166 Tm - -61886.478 11.552 8118.9357 0.0696 B- -292.7714 13.5069 165 933562.136 12.401 + 26 96 70 166 Yb +nn -61593.706 7.001 8112.4591 0.0422 B- -5572.7197 30.6189 165 933876.439 7.515 + 24 95 71 166 Lu x -56020.987 29.808 8074.1756 0.1796 B- -2161.9978 40.8585 165 939859.000 32.000 + 22 94 72 166 Hf x -53858.989 27.945 8056.4386 0.1683 B- -7761.2089 39.5199 165 942180.000 30.000 + 20 93 73 166 Ta x -46097.780 27.945 8004.9714 0.1683 B- -4210.3092 29.5036 165 950512.000 30.000 + 18 92 74 166 W -41887.471 9.463 7974.8951 0.0570 B- -10050.1358 88.7072 165 955031.952 10.159 + 16 91 75 166 Re -a -31837.335 88.242 7909.6392 0.5316 B- -6405.8090 88.3046 165 965821.216 94.731 + 14 90 76 166 Os -25431.526 17.966 7866.3371 0.1082 B- -12126# 201# 165 972698.135 19.287 + 12 89 77 166 Ir -p -13306# 201# 7789# 1# B- -8523# 361# 165 985716# 215# + 10 88 78 166 Pt -a -4783# 300# 7733# 2# B- * 165 994866# 322# +0 43 105 62 167 Sm x -35330# 500# 7992# 3# B- 8440# 640# 166 962072# 537# + 41 104 63 167 Eu x -43770# 400# 8038# 2# B- 7006# 400# 166 953011# 429# + 39 103 64 167 Gd -50775.732 5.213 8075.5428 0.0312 B- 5107.3505 5.5584 166 945490.012 5.596 + 37 102 65 167 Tb -55883.082 1.929 8101.4410 0.0116 B- 4028.3686 4.4459 166 940007.046 2.071 + 35 101 66 167 Dy x -59911.451 4.005 8120.8782 0.0240 B- 2368.0076 6.5549 166 935682.415 4.300 + 33 100 67 167 Ho p2n -62279.459 5.189 8130.3732 0.0311 B- 1009.7971 5.1890 166 933140.254 5.570 + 31 99 68 167 Er -63289.256 0.286 8131.7352 0.0017 B- -746.1392 1.2633 166 932056.192 0.306 + 29 98 69 167 Tm -62543.117 1.258 8122.5826 0.0075 B- -1953.2162 3.7968 166 932857.206 1.350 + 27 97 70 167 Yb -60589.900 3.960 8106.2020 0.0237 B- -3063.6190 37.4696 166 934954.069 4.251 + 25 96 71 167 Lu x -57526.281 37.260 8083.1722 0.2231 B- -4058.5198 46.5747 166 938243.000 40.000 + 23 95 72 167 Hf x -53467.761 27.945 8054.1850 0.1673 B- -5116.6971 39.5199 166 942600.000 30.000 + 21 94 73 167 Ta x -48351.064 27.945 8018.8614 0.1673 B- -6257.8523 33.6262 166 948093.000 30.000 + 19 93 74 167 W -42093.212 18.703 7976.7045 0.1120 B- -7259# 44# 166 954811.080 20.078 + 17 92 75 167 Re +a -34834# 40# 7929# 0# B- -8335# 90# 166 962604# 43# + 15 91 76 167 Os -a -26498.860 80.892 7873.9557 0.4844 B- -9426.4121 82.9464 166 971552.304 86.841 + 13 90 77 167 Ir -17072.448 18.346 7812.8254 0.1099 B- -10319# 307# 166 981671.973 19.694 + 11 89 78 167 Pt -a -6753# 306# 7746# 2# B- * 166 992750# 329# +0 44 106 62 168 Sm x -31640# 300# 7971# 2# B- 7610# 500# 167 966033# 322# + 42 105 63 168 Eu x -39250# 400# 8012# 2# B- 8899# 500# 167 957863# 429# + 40 104 64 168 Gd x -48150# 300# 8060# 2# B- 4631# 300# 167 948309# 322# + 38 103 65 168 Tb x -52781.181 4.192 8082.7980 0.0250 B- 5777.2167 140.0696 167 943337.074 4.500 + 36 102 66 168 Dy +pp -58558.398 140.007 8112.5293 0.8334 B- 1500.8333 143.1849 167 937134.977 150.303 + 34 101 67 168 Ho + -60059.231 30.001 8116.8061 0.1786 B- 2930.0000 30.0000 167 935523.766 32.207 + 32 100 68 168 Er -62989.231 0.262 8129.5897 0.0016 B- -1676.8526 1.6858 167 932378.282 0.280 + 30 99 69 168 Tm -61312.379 1.677 8114.9516 0.0100 B- 267.4880 1.6782 167 934178.457 1.800 + 28 98 70 168 Yb -61579.867 0.093 8111.8870 0.0006 B- -4507.0351 37.9735 167 933891.297 0.100 + 26 97 71 168 Lu -57072.832 37.973 8080.4026 0.2260 B- -1712.2740 47.1476 167 938729.798 40.766 + 24 96 72 168 Hf x -55360.557 27.945 8065.5536 0.1663 B- -6966.6444 39.5199 167 940568.000 30.000 + 22 95 73 168 Ta x -48393.913 27.945 8019.4287 0.1663 B- -3500.9828 30.9307 167 948047.000 30.000 + 20 94 74 168 W -44892.930 13.259 7993.9327 0.0789 B- -9098.0411 33.5515 167 951805.459 14.233 + 18 93 75 168 Re -a -35794.889 30.821 7935.1208 0.1835 B- -5799.8944 32.3727 167 961572.607 33.087 + 16 92 76 168 Os -29994.995 9.903 7895.9408 0.0589 B- -11328.7644 56.0975 167 967799.050 10.631 + 14 91 77 168 Ir -a -18666.230 55.216 7823.8509 0.3287 B- -7656.1526 140.3258 167 979960.978 59.277 + 12 90 78 168 Pt -a -11010.078 149.934 7773.6217 0.8925 B- -13540# 427# 167 988180.196 160.960 + 10 89 79 168 Au x 2530# 400# 7688# 2# B- * 168 002716# 429# +0 43 106 63 169 Eu x -35660# 500# 7991# 3# B- 8230# 640# 168 961717# 537# + 41 105 64 169 Gd x -43890# 400# 8035# 2# B- 6590# 500# 168 952882# 429# + 39 104 65 169 Tb x -50480# 300# 8069# 2# B- 5116# 425# 168 945807# 322# + 37 103 66 169 Dy + -55596.010 300.669 8094.7566 1.7791 B- 3200.0000 300.0000 168 940315.231 322.781 + 35 102 67 169 Ho +p -58796.010 20.048 8109.0622 0.1186 B- 2125.1534 20.0483 168 936879.890 21.522 + 33 101 68 169 Er -n -60921.163 0.304 8117.0078 0.0018 B- 353.4910 0.7729 168 934598.444 0.326 + 31 100 69 169 Tm -61274.654 0.738 8114.4702 0.0044 B- -899.1270 0.7563 168 934218.956 0.792 + 29 99 70 169 Yb -n -60375.527 0.178 8104.5206 0.0011 B- -2293.0000 3.0000 168 935184.208 0.191 + 27 98 71 169 Lu - -58082.527 3.005 8086.3233 0.0178 B- -3365.6321 28.1060 168 937645.845 3.226 + 25 97 72 169 Hf x -54716.895 27.945 8061.7791 0.1654 B- -4426.4600 39.5199 168 941259.000 30.000 + 23 96 73 169 Ta x -50290.435 27.945 8030.9577 0.1654 B- -5372.5686 31.9246 168 946011.000 30.000 + 21 95 74 169 W -44917.866 15.436 7994.5381 0.0913 B- -6508.6195 19.1703 168 951778.689 16.571 + 19 94 75 169 Re +a -38409.247 11.369 7951.3963 0.0673 B- -7686.2626 28.3218 168 958765.979 12.204 + 17 93 76 169 Os -a -30722.984 25.940 7901.2862 0.1535 B- -8629.5684 34.8557 168 967017.521 27.847 + 15 92 77 169 Ir +a -22093.416 23.307 7845.5944 0.1379 B- -9629# 202# 168 976281.743 25.020 + 13 91 78 169 Pt -a -12464# 200# 7784# 1# B- -10676# 359# 168 986619# 215# + 11 90 79 169 Au x -1788# 298# 7716# 2# B- * 168 998080# 320# +0 44 107 63 170 Eu x -30860# 500# 7963# 3# B- 9989# 707# 169 966870# 537# + 42 106 64 170 Gd x -40850# 500# 8017# 3# B- 5860# 583# 169 956146# 537# + 40 105 65 170 Tb x -46710# 300# 8047# 2# B- 7000# 361# 169 949855# 322# + 38 104 66 170 Dy x -53710# 200# 8084# 1# B- 2528# 206# 169 942340# 215# + 36 103 67 170 Ho + -56237.514 50.019 8093.7902 0.2942 B- 3870.0000 50.0000 169 939626.548 53.697 + 34 102 68 170 Er -60107.514 1.387 8111.9529 0.0082 B- -312.1997 1.7852 169 935471.933 1.488 + 32 101 69 170 Tm -59795.314 0.732 8105.5144 0.0043 B- 968.6148 0.7319 169 935807.093 0.785 + 30 100 70 170 Yb -60763.929 0.010 8106.6101 0.0003 B- -3457.6950 16.8430 169 934767.242 0.011 + 28 99 71 170 Lu - -57306.234 16.843 8081.6686 0.0991 B- -1052.3734 32.6282 169 938479.230 18.081 + 26 98 72 170 Hf x -56253.860 27.945 8070.8762 0.1644 B- -6116.1903 39.5199 169 939609.000 30.000 + 24 97 73 170 Ta x -50137.670 27.945 8030.2965 0.1644 B- -2846.8656 30.9035 169 946175.000 30.000 + 22 96 74 170 W -47290.804 13.195 8008.9482 0.0776 B- -8386.8083 17.4557 169 949231.235 14.165 + 20 95 75 170 Re -38903.996 11.427 7955.0120 0.0672 B- -4978.3046 15.0274 169 958234.844 12.267 + 18 94 76 170 Os -33925.692 9.759 7921.1258 0.0574 B- -10743# 102# 169 963579.273 10.476 + 16 93 77 170 Ir -a -23182# 101# 7853# 1# B- -6883# 102# 169 975113# 109# + 14 92 78 170 Pt -16299.202 18.246 7808.2365 0.1073 B- -12596# 202# 169 982502.087 19.588 + 12 91 79 170 Au -p -3703# 201# 7730# 1# B- -9119# 362# 169 996024# 216# + 10 90 80 170 Hg -a 5415# 302# 7671# 2# B- * 170 005814# 324# +0 43 107 64 171 Gd x -36210# 500# 7990# 3# B- 7560# 640# 170 961127# 537# + 41 106 65 171 Tb x -43770# 400# 8030# 2# B- 6240# 447# 170 953011# 429# + 39 105 66 171 Dy x -50010# 200# 8062# 1# B- 4508# 633# 170 946312# 215# + 37 104 67 171 Ho + -54517.822 600.002 8083.6021 3.5088 B- 3200.0000 600.0000 170 941472.713 644.128 + 35 103 68 171 Er -57717.822 1.408 8097.7404 0.0082 B- 1492.4490 1.0788 170 938037.372 1.511 + 33 102 69 171 Tm -59210.271 0.972 8101.8931 0.0057 B- 96.5468 0.9715 170 936435.162 1.043 + 31 101 70 171 Yb -59306.818 0.013 8097.8826 0.0003 B- -1478.3526 1.8621 170 936331.515 0.013 + 29 100 71 171 Lu -57828.465 1.862 8084.6621 0.0109 B- -2397.1144 28.9363 170 937918.591 1.999 + 27 99 72 171 Hf x -55431.351 28.876 8066.0687 0.1689 B- -3711.0725 40.1840 170 940492.000 31.000 + 25 98 73 171 Ta x -51720.279 27.945 8039.7914 0.1634 B- -4634.1832 39.5199 170 944476.000 30.000 + 23 97 74 171 W x -47086.095 27.945 8008.1158 0.1634 B- -5835.8106 39.5199 170 949451.000 30.000 + 21 96 75 171 Re x -41250.285 27.945 7969.4131 0.1634 B- -6953.0469 33.3748 170 955716.000 30.000 + 19 95 76 171 Os -34297.238 18.247 7924.1769 0.1067 B- -7885.2079 42.5749 170 963180.402 19.589 + 17 94 77 171 Ir -a -26412.030 38.466 7873.4895 0.2249 B- -8945.4613 89.6251 170 971645.520 41.295 + 15 93 78 171 Pt -a -17466.569 80.951 7816.6017 0.4734 B- -9904.2655 83.5586 170 981248.868 86.904 + 13 92 79 171 Au -p -7562.303 20.713 7754.1069 0.1211 B- -10901# 307# 170 991881.533 22.236 + 11 91 80 171 Hg -a 3339# 307# 7686# 2# B- * 171 003585# 329# +0 44 108 64 172 Gd x -32970# 300# 7972# 2# B- 6720# 583# 171 964605# 322# + 42 107 65 172 Tb x -39690# 500# 8006# 3# B- 8070# 583# 171 957391# 537# + 40 106 66 172 Dy x -47760# 300# 8049# 2# B- 3724# 358# 171 948728# 322# + 38 105 67 172 Ho x -51484# 196# 8066# 1# B- 4999# 196# 171 944730# 210# + 36 104 68 172 Er -56482.578 3.962 8090.4052 0.0230 B- 890.9756 4.5418 171 939363.461 4.253 + 34 103 69 172 Tm -57373.554 5.481 8091.0367 0.0319 B- 1881.9024 5.4814 171 938406.959 5.884 + 32 102 70 172 Yb -59255.456 0.014 8097.4295 0.0003 B- -2519.3805 2.3360 171 936386.654 0.014 + 30 101 71 172 Lu -56736.076 2.336 8078.2334 0.0136 B- -333.8443 24.5396 171 939091.320 2.507 + 28 100 72 172 Hf x -56402.232 24.428 8071.7439 0.1420 B- -5072.2490 37.1167 171 939449.716 26.224 + 26 99 73 172 Ta x -51329.983 27.945 8037.7056 0.1625 B- -2232.7914 39.5199 171 944895.000 30.000 + 24 98 74 172 W x -49097.191 27.945 8020.1757 0.1625 B- -7530.3525 45.2323 171 947292.000 30.000 + 22 97 75 172 Re -41566.839 35.568 7971.8460 0.2068 B- -4323.1979 37.7890 171 955376.165 38.183 + 20 96 76 172 Os -37243.641 12.766 7942.1626 0.0742 B- -9864.2673 34.8263 171 960017.309 13.704 + 18 95 77 172 Ir -a -27379.373 32.402 7880.2637 0.1884 B- -6272.7035 34.0232 171 970607.035 34.785 + 16 94 78 172 Pt -21106.670 10.376 7839.2460 0.0603 B- -11788.6592 57.1082 171 977341.059 11.139 + 14 93 79 172 Au -a -9318.011 56.158 7766.1587 0.3265 B- -8256.6495 140.8350 171 989996.704 60.287 + 12 92 80 172 Hg -a -1061.361 150.062 7713.6064 0.8725 B- * 171 998860.581 161.098 +0 43 108 65 173 Tb x -36510# 500# 7988# 3# B- 7230# 640# 172 960805# 537# + 41 107 66 173 Dy x -43740# 400# 8026# 2# B- 5610# 499# 172 953043# 429# + 39 106 67 173 Ho x -49351# 298# 8054# 2# B- 4304# 357# 172 947020# 320# + 37 105 68 173 Er x -53654# 196# 8074# 1# B- 2602# 196# 172 942400# 210# + 35 104 69 173 Tm p2n -56256.067 4.400 8084.4633 0.0254 B- 1295.1669 4.4000 172 939606.630 4.723 + 33 103 70 173 Yb -57551.234 0.011 8087.4276 0.0003 B- -670.2201 1.5674 172 938216.211 0.012 + 31 102 71 173 Lu -56881.014 1.567 8079.0312 0.0091 B- -1469.2244 27.9887 172 938935.722 1.682 + 29 101 72 173 Hf x -55411.790 27.945 8066.0164 0.1615 B- -3015.2464 39.5199 172 940513.000 30.000 + 27 100 73 173 Ta x -52396.543 27.945 8044.0650 0.1615 B- -3669.1553 39.5199 172 943750.000 30.000 + 25 99 74 173 W x -48727.388 27.945 8018.3337 0.1615 B- -5173.5182 39.5199 172 947689.000 30.000 + 23 98 75 173 Re x -43553.870 27.945 7983.9068 0.1615 B- -6115.6196 31.6968 172 953243.000 30.000 + 21 97 76 173 Os -37438.250 14.959 7944.0341 0.0865 B- -7169.7944 18.2998 172 959808.387 16.059 + 19 96 77 173 Ir -30268.456 10.542 7898.0680 0.0609 B- -8331.6974 64.3014 172 967505.477 11.316 + 17 95 78 173 Pt -a -21936.758 63.431 7845.3856 0.3667 B- -9104.7415 67.3903 172 976449.922 68.096 + 15 94 79 173 Au +a -12832.017 22.783 7788.2348 0.1317 B- -10171# 202# 172 986224.263 24.458 + 13 93 80 173 Hg -a -2661# 201# 7725# 1# B- * 172 997143# 215# +0 44 109 65 174 Tb x -31970# 500# 7963# 3# B- 9160# 707# 173 965679# 537# + 42 108 66 174 Dy x -41130# 500# 8011# 3# B- 4739# 583# 173 955845# 537# + 40 107 67 174 Ho x -45870# 300# 8034# 2# B- 6080# 423# 173 950757# 322# + 38 106 68 174 Er x -51949# 298# 8064# 2# B- 1915# 301# 173 944230# 320# + 36 105 69 174 Tm + -53864.521 44.721 8070.6432 0.2570 B- 3080.0000 44.7214 173 942174.061 48.010 + 34 104 70 174 Yb -56944.521 0.011 8083.8481 0.0003 B- -1374.2287 1.5675 173 938867.545 0.011 + 32 103 71 174 Lu -55570.292 1.567 8071.4540 0.0090 B- 274.2911 2.1686 173 940342.840 1.682 + 30 102 72 174 Hf -55844.583 2.259 8068.5341 0.0130 B- -4103.8117 28.0360 173 940048.377 2.425 + 28 101 73 174 Ta x -51740.771 27.945 8040.4528 0.1606 B- -1513.6779 39.5199 173 944454.000 30.000 + 26 100 74 174 W x -50227.093 27.945 8027.2572 0.1606 B- -6553.9925 39.5199 173 946079.000 30.000 + 24 99 75 174 Re x -43673.101 27.945 7985.0944 0.1606 B- -3677.7177 29.7667 173 953115.000 30.000 + 22 98 76 174 Os -39995.383 10.254 7959.4618 0.0589 B- -9209.4466 15.2008 173 957063.192 11.008 + 20 97 77 174 Ir +a -30785.937 11.221 7902.0377 0.0645 B- -5468.3293 15.2578 173 966949.939 12.046 + 18 96 78 174 Pt -a -25317.608 10.338 7866.1143 0.0594 B- -11259# 102# 173 972820.431 11.098 + 16 95 79 174 Au -a -14058# 102# 7797# 1# B- -7417# 102# 173 984908# 109# + 14 94 80 174 Hg -a -6641.017 19.211 7749.7851 0.1104 B- * 173 992870.575 20.623 +0 43 109 66 175 Dy x -36730# 500# 7986# 3# B- 6570# 640# 174 960569# 537# + 41 108 67 175 Ho x -43300# 400# 8019# 2# B- 5352# 566# 174 953516# 429# + 39 107 68 175 Er x -48652# 401# 8045# 2# B- 3659# 404# 174 947770# 430# + 37 106 69 175 Tm + -52310.556 50.000 8061.7673 0.2857 B- 2385.0000 50.0000 174 943842.310 53.677 + 35 105 70 175 Yb -54695.556 0.071 8070.9253 0.0005 B- 470.1219 1.2068 174 941281.907 0.076 + 33 104 71 175 Lu -55165.678 1.207 8069.1412 0.0069 B- -683.9154 1.9516 174 940777.211 1.295 + 31 103 72 175 Hf -54481.763 2.283 8060.7625 0.0130 B- -2073.1103 28.0379 174 941511.424 2.450 + 29 102 73 175 Ta x -52408.653 27.945 8044.4456 0.1597 B- -2775.8524 39.5199 174 943737.000 30.000 + 27 101 74 175 W x -49632.800 27.945 8024.1130 0.1597 B- -4344.4885 39.5199 174 946717.000 30.000 + 25 100 75 175 Re x -45288.312 27.945 7994.8168 0.1597 B- -5182.9513 30.3243 174 951381.000 30.000 + 23 99 76 175 Os -40105.360 11.775 7960.7294 0.0673 B- -6710.8496 17.0887 174 956945.126 12.640 + 21 98 77 175 Ir -33394.511 12.384 7917.9112 0.0708 B- -7685.8265 22.3572 174 964149.519 13.295 + 19 97 78 175 Pt -25708.684 18.614 7869.5216 0.1064 B- -8304.9980 42.8203 174 972400.593 19.982 + 17 96 79 175 Au -a -17403.686 38.563 7817.5939 0.2204 B- -9434.2436 89.7876 174 981316.375 41.399 + 15 95 80 175 Hg -a -7969.443 81.085 7759.2134 0.4633 B- * 174 991444.451 87.047 +0 44 110 66 176 Dy x -33610# 500# 7969# 3# B- 5780# 707# 175 963918# 537# + 42 109 67 176 Ho x -39390# 500# 7997# 3# B- 7241# 641# 175 957713# 537# + 40 108 68 176 Er x -46631# 401# 8034# 2# B- 2741# 413# 175 949940# 430# + 38 107 69 176 Tm + -49371.322 100.000 8045.1214 0.5682 B- 4120.0000 100.0000 175 946997.707 107.354 + 36 106 70 176 Yb -53491.322 0.014 8064.0853 0.0003 B- -108.9895 1.2124 175 942574.706 0.015 + 34 105 71 176 Lu -53382.333 1.212 8059.0209 0.0069 B- 1194.0947 0.8744 175 942691.711 1.301 + 32 104 72 176 Hf -54576.428 1.482 8061.3604 0.0084 B- -3211.0484 30.7750 175 941409.797 1.591 + 30 103 73 176 Ta x -51365.379 30.739 8038.6706 0.1747 B- -723.7709 41.5430 175 944857.000 33.000 + 28 102 74 176 W x -50641.608 27.945 8030.1131 0.1588 B- -5578.7182 39.5199 175 945634.000 30.000 + 26 101 75 176 Re x -45062.890 27.945 7993.9707 0.1588 B- -2931.7058 30.0134 175 951623.000 30.000 + 24 100 76 176 Os -42131.184 10.949 7972.8681 0.0622 B- -8249.2618 13.6110 175 954770.315 11.754 + 22 99 77 176 Ir -33881.923 8.085 7921.5522 0.0459 B- -4948.0041 15.0657 175 963626.261 8.679 + 20 98 78 176 Pt -28933.918 12.712 7888.9934 0.0722 B- -10412.9516 35.5363 175 968938.162 13.647 + 18 97 79 176 Au -a -18520.967 33.185 7825.3837 0.1885 B- -6736.3283 34.9978 175 980116.925 35.625 + 16 96 80 176 Hg -11784.639 11.118 7782.6640 0.0632 B- -12369.3668 83.7993 175 987348.670 11.936 + 14 95 81 176 Tl -p 584.728 83.058 7707.9383 0.4719 B- * 176 000627.731 89.166 +0 43 110 67 177 Ho x -36280# 500# 7980# 3# B- 6578# 709# 176 961052# 537# + 41 109 68 177 Er x -42858# 503# 8013# 3# B- 4711# 541# 176 953990# 540# + 39 108 69 177 Tm x -47570# 200# 8035# 1# B- 3417# 200# 176 948932# 215# + 37 107 70 177 Yb -n -50986.404 0.220 8049.9741 0.0013 B- 1397.4983 1.2406 176 945263.846 0.236 + 35 106 71 177 Lu -52383.903 1.221 8053.4495 0.0069 B- 496.8425 0.7921 176 943763.570 1.310 + 33 105 72 177 Hf -52880.745 1.410 8051.8365 0.0080 B- -1166.0000 3.0000 176 943230.187 1.514 + 31 104 73 177 Ta - -51714.745 3.315 8040.8289 0.0187 B- -2013.0144 28.1408 176 944481.940 3.558 + 29 103 74 177 W x -49701.731 27.945 8025.0359 0.1579 B- -3432.5558 39.5199 176 946643.000 30.000 + 27 102 75 177 Re x -46269.175 27.945 8001.2229 0.1579 B- -4312.7271 31.5349 176 950328.000 30.000 + 25 101 76 177 Os +a -41956.448 14.613 7972.4371 0.0826 B- -5909.0234 24.5763 176 954957.902 15.687 + 23 100 77 177 Ir x -36047.425 19.760 7934.6328 0.1116 B- -6676.9880 24.8010 176 961301.500 21.213 + 21 99 78 177 Pt -29370.437 14.988 7892.4896 0.0847 B- -7824.7003 17.9991 176 968469.541 16.090 + 19 98 79 177 Au -21545.736 9.968 7843.8623 0.0563 B- -8769.9135 85.3061 176 976869.701 10.700 + 17 97 80 177 Hg -a -12775.823 84.722 7789.8947 0.4787 B- -9435.7198 87.4322 176 986284.590 90.952 + 15 96 81 177 Tl IT -3340.103 21.628 7732.1655 0.1222 B- * 176 996414.252 23.218 +0 44 111 67 178 Ho x -32130# 500# 7957# 3# B- 8130# 778# 177 965507# 537# + 42 110 68 178 Er x -40260# 596# 7999# 3# B- 3980# 667# 177 956779# 640# + 40 109 69 178 Tm x -44240# 300# 8017# 2# B- 5437# 300# 177 952506# 322# + 38 108 70 178 Yb -49677.139 6.588 8042.7386 0.0370 B- 660.7415 6.9617 177 946669.400 7.072 + 36 107 71 178 Lu -50337.881 2.251 8042.0554 0.0127 B- 2097.4851 2.0569 177 945960.065 2.416 + 34 106 72 178 Hf -52435.366 1.415 8049.4438 0.0080 B- -1837# 52# 177 943708.322 1.519 + 32 105 73 178 Ta IT -50598# 52# 8035# 0# B- -191# 50# 177 945680# 56# + 30 104 74 178 W - -50407.066 15.199 8029.2584 0.0854 B- -4753.6082 31.8106 177 945885.791 16.316 + 28 103 75 178 Re x -45653.457 27.945 7998.1576 0.1570 B- -2109.2143 31.0925 177 950989.000 30.000 + 26 102 76 178 Os -43544.243 13.632 7981.9128 0.0766 B- -7289.9295 23.2390 177 953253.334 14.634 + 24 101 77 178 Ir -36254.314 18.821 7936.5630 0.1057 B- -4256.8282 21.3752 177 961079.395 20.204 + 22 100 78 178 Pt -31997.486 10.133 7908.2530 0.0569 B- -9694.4567 14.4108 177 965649.288 10.878 + 20 99 79 178 Au x -22303.029 10.246 7849.3946 0.0576 B- -5987.6832 14.8566 177 976056.714 11.000 + 18 98 80 178 Hg -a -16315.346 10.758 7811.3607 0.0604 B- -11702# 103# 177 982484.756 11.548 + 16 97 81 178 Tl -a -4613# 102# 7741# 1# B- -8187# 103# 177 995047# 110# + 14 96 82 178 Pb -a 3573.371 23.184 7690.8359 0.1302 B- * 178 003836.171 24.889 +0 43 111 68 179 Er x -36080# 500# 7976# 3# B- 5821# 640# 178 961267# 537# + 41 110 69 179 Tm x -41900# 400# 8004# 2# B- 4739# 447# 178 955018# 429# + 39 109 70 179 Yb x -46640# 200# 8026# 1# B- 2419# 200# 178 949930# 215# + 37 108 71 179 Lu -49059.013 5.150 8035.0744 0.0288 B- 1404.0231 5.0672 178 947332.985 5.528 + 35 107 72 179 Hf -50463.036 1.416 8038.5474 0.0079 B- -105.5801 0.4088 178 945825.705 1.520 + 33 106 73 179 Ta -50357.456 1.466 8033.5869 0.0082 B- -1062.2093 14.5197 178 945939.050 1.574 + 31 105 74 179 W -49295.247 14.573 8023.2821 0.0814 B- -2710.9347 26.8021 178 947079.378 15.644 + 29 104 75 179 Re -46584.312 24.639 8003.7666 0.1376 B- -3564.1747 29.1116 178 949989.686 26.450 + 27 103 76 179 Os -43020.137 15.505 7979.4844 0.0866 B- -4938.4182 18.3271 178 953815.985 16.645 + 25 102 77 179 Ir -38081.719 9.771 7947.5248 0.0546 B- -5813.5920 12.6133 178 959117.594 10.489 + 23 101 78 179 Pt -32268.127 7.977 7910.6759 0.0446 B- -7279.5556 14.1567 178 965358.742 8.563 + 21 100 79 179 Au -24988.572 11.696 7865.6374 0.0653 B- -8055.6480 30.4559 178 973173.666 12.555 + 19 99 80 179 Hg -16932.924 28.121 7816.2631 0.1571 B- -8663.2918 47.7998 178 981821.759 30.188 + 17 98 81 179 Tl -a -8269.632 38.653 7763.4942 0.2159 B- -10321.2401 89.9571 178 991122.185 41.495 + 15 97 82 179 Pb -a 2051.608 81.229 7701.4630 0.4538 B- * 179 002202.492 87.203 +0 44 112 68 180 Er x -33180# 500# 7960# 3# B- 4990# 640# 179 964380# 537# + 42 111 69 180 Tm x -38170# 400# 7983# 2# B- 6550# 500# 179 959023# 429# + 40 110 70 180 Yb x -44720# 300# 8016# 2# B- 1956# 308# 179 951991# 322# + 38 109 71 180 Lu + -46676.476 70.725 8022.0394 0.3929 B- 3103.0000 70.7107 179 949890.744 75.926 + 36 108 72 180 Hf -49779.476 1.421 8034.9319 0.0079 B- -845.8453 2.3472 179 946559.537 1.525 + 34 107 73 180 Ta +n -48933.631 2.068 8025.8864 0.0115 B- 702.6122 2.3590 179 947467.589 2.219 + 32 106 74 180 W -49636.243 1.439 8025.4434 0.0080 B- -3798.8793 21.4404 179 946713.304 1.545 + 30 105 75 180 Re x -45837.364 21.392 7999.9922 0.1188 B- -1481.1659 26.5482 179 950791.568 22.965 + 28 104 76 180 Os -44356.198 15.722 7987.4171 0.0873 B- -6378.6679 26.8021 179 952381.665 16.878 + 26 103 77 180 Ir x -37977.530 21.706 7947.6337 0.1206 B- -3547.6546 23.9205 179 959229.446 23.302 + 24 102 78 180 Pt -34429.875 10.051 7923.5781 0.0558 B- -8804.2290 11.1207 179 963038.010 10.790 + 22 101 79 180 Au -25625.646 4.759 7870.3194 0.0264 B- -5375.1330 13.5105 179 972489.738 5.108 + 20 100 80 180 Hg -20250.513 12.645 7836.1111 0.0702 B- -10860.0750 71.0509 179 978260.180 13.574 + 18 99 81 180 Tl -a -9390.438 69.917 7771.4310 0.3884 B- -7449.3696 71.0069 179 989918.950 75.058 + 16 98 82 180 Pb -a -1941.069 12.395 7725.6993 0.0689 B- * 179 997916.177 13.306 +0 43 112 69 181 Tm x -35440# 500# 7969# 3# B- 5649# 582# 180 961954# 537# + 41 111 70 181 Yb x -41088# 298# 7996# 2# B- 3709# 324# 180 955890# 320# + 39 110 71 181 Lu x -44797.414 125.752 8011.9301 0.6948 B- 2605.5435 125.7598 180 951908.000 135.000 + 37 109 72 181 Hf -n -47402.958 1.423 8022.0030 0.0079 B- 1036.1061 1.9298 180 949110.834 1.527 + 35 108 73 181 Ta -48439.064 1.576 8023.4050 0.0087 B- -205.1193 1.9495 180 947998.528 1.692 + 33 107 74 181 W -n -48233.945 1.448 8017.9494 0.0080 B- -1716.5331 12.6289 180 948218.733 1.554 + 31 106 75 181 Re 4n -46517.412 12.549 8004.1434 0.0693 B- -2967.4438 28.2755 180 950061.507 13.471 + 29 105 76 181 Os -43549.968 25.338 7983.4263 0.1400 B- -4086.9327 25.8756 180 953247.188 27.201 + 27 104 77 181 Ir +a -39463.035 5.245 7956.5242 0.0290 B- -5081.5379 14.6597 180 957634.691 5.631 + 25 103 78 181 Pt -34381.497 13.689 7924.1271 0.0756 B- -6510.3575 24.2164 180 963089.946 14.695 + 23 102 79 181 Au -a -27871.140 19.976 7883.8359 0.1104 B- -7210.0126 25.2123 180 970079.102 21.445 + 21 101 80 181 Hg -20661.127 15.382 7839.6792 0.0850 B- -7862.3780 17.8730 180 977819.368 16.513 + 19 100 81 181 Tl -12798.749 9.102 7791.9183 0.0503 B- -9688.1182 85.5227 180 986259.978 9.771 + 17 99 82 181 Pb -a -3110.631 85.037 7734.0704 0.4698 B- * 180 996660.600 91.290 +0 44 113 69 182 Tm x -31490# 500# 7948# 3# B- 7410# 640# 181 966194# 537# + 42 112 70 182 Yb x -38900# 400# 7984# 2# B- 2870# 447# 181 958239# 429# + 40 111 71 182 Lu x -41770# 200# 7996# 1# B- 4280# 200# 181 955158# 215# + 38 110 72 182 Hf -nn -46049.636 6.166 8014.8381 0.0339 B- 381.0486 6.3027 181 950563.684 6.619 + 36 109 73 182 Ta -46430.685 1.578 8012.6332 0.0087 B- 1815.4592 1.5276 181 950154.612 1.693 + 34 108 74 182 W -48246.144 0.745 8018.3096 0.0041 B- -2800.0000 101.9804 181 948205.636 0.799 + 32 107 75 182 Re IT -45446.144 101.983 7998.6264 0.5603 B- -837.0348 104.2757 181 951211.560 109.483 + 30 106 76 182 Os -44609.109 21.745 7989.7287 0.1195 B- -5557.4266 30.2074 181 952110.154 23.344 + 28 105 77 182 Ir -39051.682 20.967 7954.8948 0.1152 B- -2883.2620 24.7202 181 958076.296 22.509 + 26 104 78 182 Pt -36168.420 13.095 7934.7541 0.0719 B- -7864.4447 22.8812 181 961171.605 14.057 + 24 103 79 182 Au -28303.976 18.764 7887.2442 0.1031 B- -4727.0905 21.1645 181 969614.433 20.143 + 22 102 80 182 Hg -23576.885 9.790 7856.9726 0.0538 B- -10249.6721 15.4687 181 974689.173 10.510 + 20 101 81 182 Tl -a -13327.213 11.976 7796.3571 0.0658 B- -6502.6567 17.0151 181 985692.649 12.856 + 18 100 82 182 Pb -a -6824.556 12.086 7756.3296 0.0664 B- * 181 992673.537 12.975 +0 43 113 70 183 Yb x -35000# 400# 7963# 2# B- 4716# 408# 182 962426# 429# + 41 112 71 183 Lu x -39716.114 80.108 7984.8125 0.4378 B- 3567.4325 85.5564 182 957363.000 86.000 + 39 111 72 183 Hf + -43283.547 30.042 8000.0315 0.1642 B- 2010.0000 30.0000 182 953533.203 32.251 + 37 110 73 183 Ta -n -45293.547 1.590 8006.7400 0.0087 B- 1072.1161 1.5405 182 951375.380 1.707 + 35 109 74 183 W -46365.663 0.743 8008.3234 0.0041 B- -556.0000 8.0000 182 950224.416 0.798 + 33 108 75 183 Re - -45809.663 8.034 8001.0101 0.0439 B- -2145.9028 50.4129 182 950821.306 8.625 + 31 107 76 183 Os -43663.760 49.769 7985.0087 0.2720 B- -3461.6215 52.8061 182 953125.028 53.428 + 29 106 77 183 Ir -40202.138 24.672 7961.8176 0.1348 B- -4428.9417 28.4743 182 956841.231 26.486 + 27 105 78 183 Pt -35773.197 14.216 7933.3406 0.0777 B- -5581.7092 17.0554 182 961595.895 15.261 + 25 104 79 183 Au -30191.488 9.423 7898.5644 0.0515 B- -6386.8322 11.7891 182 967588.106 10.116 + 23 103 80 183 Hg -23804.655 7.084 7859.3885 0.0387 B- -7217.3941 11.7158 182 974444.652 7.604 + 21 102 81 183 Tl -16587.261 9.331 7815.6741 0.0510 B- -9007.2534 30.4442 182 982192.843 10.017 + 19 101 82 183 Pb -a -7580.008 28.979 7762.1790 0.1584 B- * 182 991862.527 31.110 +0 44 114 70 184 Yb x -32600# 503# 7951# 3# B- 3700# 541# 183 965002# 540# + 42 113 71 184 Lu x -36300# 200# 7967# 1# B- 5199# 204# 183 961030# 215# + 40 112 72 184 Hf + -41499.453 39.706 7990.7228 0.2158 B- 1340.0000 30.0000 183 955448.507 42.625 + 38 111 73 184 Ta + -42839.453 26.010 7993.7535 0.1414 B- 2866.0000 26.0000 183 954009.958 27.923 + 36 110 74 184 W -45705.453 0.738 8005.0777 0.0040 B- -1485.6333 4.1971 183 950933.180 0.792 + 34 109 75 184 Re -44219.819 4.276 7992.7517 0.0232 B- 32.7460 4.1387 183 952528.073 4.590 + 32 108 76 184 Os -44252.565 0.829 7988.6778 0.0045 B- -4641.7101 27.9571 183 952492.919 0.890 + 30 107 77 184 Ir x -39610.855 27.945 7959.1992 0.1519 B- -2278.3688 31.5957 183 957476.000 30.000 + 28 106 78 184 Pt -37332.486 14.744 7942.5649 0.0801 B- -7013.7724 26.7122 183 959921.929 15.828 + 26 105 79 184 Au -a -30318.714 22.275 7900.1947 0.1211 B- -3973.9269 24.2296 183 967451.523 23.912 + 24 104 80 184 Hg -26344.787 9.535 7874.3454 0.0518 B- -9461.4321 13.8254 183 971717.709 10.235 + 22 103 81 184 Tl -16883.355 10.012 7818.6727 0.0544 B- -5831.7688 16.2517 183 981874.973 10.747 + 20 102 82 184 Pb -11051.586 12.802 7782.7264 0.0696 B- -12306# 123# 183 988135.634 13.743 + 18 101 83 184 Bi -a 1254# 122# 7712# 1# B- * 184 001347# 131# +0 45 115 70 185 Yb x -28480# 500# 7929# 3# B- 5480# 583# 184 969425# 537# + 43 114 71 185 Lu x -33960# 300# 7955# 2# B- 4359# 307# 184 963542# 322# + 41 113 72 185 Hf x -38319.804 64.273 7973.9711 0.3474 B- 3074.5667 65.8147 184 958862.000 69.000 + 39 112 73 185 Ta + -41394.371 14.161 7986.3615 0.0765 B- 1993.5000 14.1421 184 955561.317 15.202 + 37 111 74 185 W -43387.871 0.739 7992.9083 0.0040 B- 431.1764 0.6616 184 953421.206 0.793 + 35 110 75 185 Re -43819.047 0.820 7991.0101 0.0044 B- -1013.1393 0.4190 184 952958.320 0.879 + 33 109 76 185 Os -42805.908 0.832 7981.3047 0.0045 B- -2470.3505 27.9572 184 954045.969 0.893 + 31 108 77 185 Ir x -40335.558 27.945 7963.7226 0.1511 B- -3647.4137 38.0554 184 956698.000 30.000 + 29 107 78 185 Pt -36688.144 25.832 7939.7779 0.1396 B- -4829.9942 25.9635 184 960613.659 27.731 + 27 106 79 185 Au x -31858.150 2.608 7909.4410 0.0141 B- -5674.4989 13.8859 184 965798.871 2.800 + 25 105 80 185 Hg -26183.651 13.639 7874.5391 0.0737 B- -6425.9062 24.7674 184 971890.696 14.641 + 23 104 81 185 Tl IT -19757.745 20.674 7835.5756 0.1118 B- -8216.5333 26.2493 184 978789.189 22.194 + 21 103 82 185 Pb -a -11541.211 16.175 7786.9330 0.0874 B- -9305# 83# 184 987610.000 17.364 + 19 102 83 185 Bi IT -2236# 81# 7732# 0# B- * 184 997600# 87# +0 44 115 71 186 Lu x -30320# 400# 7936# 2# B- 6104# 403# 185 967450# 429# + 42 114 72 186 Hf x -36424.214 51.232 7964.3032 0.2754 B- 2183.3883 78.9063 185 960897.000 55.000 + 40 113 73 186 Ta + -38607.602 60.012 7971.8357 0.3226 B- 3901.0000 60.0000 185 958553.036 64.425 + 38 112 74 186 W -42508.602 1.213 7988.6026 0.0065 B- -581.2819 1.2386 185 954365.140 1.302 + 36 111 75 186 Re -41927.320 0.820 7981.2713 0.0044 B- 1072.7114 0.8337 185 954989.172 0.880 + 34 110 76 186 Os -43000.032 0.761 7982.8324 0.0041 B- -3827.6813 16.5430 185 953837.569 0.816 + 32 109 77 186 Ir x -39172.350 16.526 7958.0473 0.0888 B- -1307.9030 27.3122 185 957946.754 17.740 + 30 108 78 186 Pt -37864.447 21.745 7946.8094 0.1169 B- -6149.5913 30.2074 185 959350.845 23.344 + 28 107 79 186 Au -31714.856 20.967 7909.5409 0.1127 B- -3175.7972 23.9866 185 965952.703 22.509 + 26 106 80 186 Hg -28539.059 11.650 7888.2605 0.0626 B- -8656.1190 23.7974 185 969362.061 12.507 + 24 105 81 186 Tl -19882.940 20.751 7837.5161 0.1116 B- -5202.0427 23.4877 185 978654.787 22.276 + 22 104 82 186 Pb -a -14680.897 11.004 7805.3420 0.0592 B- -11535.3999 20.2118 185 984239.409 11.813 + 20 103 83 186 Bi -a -3145.497 16.954 7739.1175 0.0911 B- -7247.0279 24.9305 185 996623.169 18.200 + 18 102 84 186 Po -a 4101.531 18.278 7695.9488 0.0983 B- * 186 004403.174 19.622 +0 45 116 71 187 Lu x -27770# 400# 7923# 2# B- 5230# 447# 186 970188# 429# + 43 115 72 187 Hf x -33000# 200# 7947# 1# B- 3896# 208# 186 964573# 215# + 41 114 73 187 Ta x -36895.550 55.890 7963.2123 0.2989 B- 3008.4937 55.9028 186 960391.000 60.000 + 39 113 74 187 W -39904.044 1.213 7975.1168 0.0065 B- 1312.5048 1.1219 186 957161.249 1.302 + 37 112 75 187 Re -41216.548 0.737 7977.9519 0.0039 B- 2.4667 0.0016 186 955752.217 0.791 + 35 111 76 187 Os -41219.015 0.737 7973.7814 0.0039 B- -1669.6385 27.9545 186 955749.569 0.791 + 33 110 77 187 Ir x -39549.377 27.945 7960.6692 0.1494 B- -2864.0151 36.8802 186 957542.000 30.000 + 31 109 78 187 Pt -36685.361 24.067 7941.1699 0.1287 B- -3656.5811 27.4478 186 960616.646 25.837 + 29 108 79 187 Au -33028.780 22.499 7917.4323 0.1203 B- -4910.2713 25.9171 186 964542.147 24.153 + 27 107 80 187 Hg -28118.509 12.864 7886.9905 0.0688 B- -5673.9170 15.1746 186 969813.540 13.810 + 25 106 81 187 Tl -22444.592 8.048 7852.4650 0.0430 B- -7457.6370 9.5248 186 975904.740 8.640 + 23 105 82 187 Pb -14986.955 5.094 7808.4010 0.0272 B- -8603.6798 11.2268 186 983910.842 5.468 + 21 104 83 187 Bi -a -6383.275 10.005 7758.2083 0.0535 B- -9207.0832 34.1302 186 993147.272 10.740 + 19 103 84 187 Po -a 2823.808 32.631 7704.7889 0.1745 B- * 187 003031.482 35.030 +0 46 117 71 188 Lu x -23820# 400# 7903# 2# B- 7009# 500# 187 974428# 429# + 44 116 72 188 Hf x -30830# 300# 7936# 2# B- 3080# 361# 187 966903# 322# + 42 115 73 188 Ta x -33910# 200# 7948# 1# B- 4758# 200# 187 963596# 215# + 40 114 74 188 W + -38667.880 3.089 7969.0532 0.0164 B- 349.0000 3.0000 187 958488.325 3.316 + 38 113 75 188 Re -n -39016.880 0.738 7966.7481 0.0039 B- 2120.4209 0.1520 187 958113.658 0.792 + 36 112 76 188 Os -41137.301 0.734 7973.8656 0.0039 B- -2792.3457 9.4164 187 955837.292 0.788 + 34 111 77 188 Ir -38344.955 9.423 7954.8512 0.0501 B- -523.9860 8.6863 187 958834.999 10.116 + 32 110 78 188 Pt -37820.970 5.305 7947.9027 0.0282 B- -5449.6549 5.9528 187 959397.521 5.694 + 30 109 79 188 Au x -32371.315 2.701 7914.7537 0.0144 B- -2172.9634 7.3046 187 965247.966 2.900 + 28 108 80 188 Hg -30198.351 6.787 7899.0340 0.0361 B- -7861.9485 30.6643 187 967580.738 7.285 + 26 107 81 188 Tl x -22336.403 29.904 7853.0537 0.1591 B- -4525.3784 31.5712 187 976020.886 32.103 + 24 106 82 188 Pb -a -17811.024 10.124 7824.8211 0.0539 B- -10616.2241 15.0824 187 980879.079 10.868 + 22 105 83 188 Bi -a -7194.800 11.179 7764.1904 0.0595 B- -6650.4226 22.8861 187 992276.064 12.001 + 20 104 84 188 Po -a -544.378 19.970 7724.6544 0.1062 B- * 187 999415.586 21.438 +0 45 117 72 189 Hf x -27150# 300# 7917# 2# B- 4809# 361# 188 970853# 322# + 43 116 73 189 Ta x -31960# 200# 7938# 1# B- 3850# 283# 188 965690# 215# + 41 115 74 189 W + -35809# 200# 7954# 1# B- 2170# 200# 188 961557# 215# + 39 114 75 189 Re +p -37979.097 8.191 7961.8105 0.0433 B- 1007.7049 8.1671 188 959227.764 8.793 + 37 113 76 189 Os -38986.802 0.666 7963.0029 0.0035 B- -537.1494 12.5630 188 958145.949 0.715 + 35 112 77 189 Ir -38449.652 12.576 7956.0214 0.0665 B- -1980.2470 13.6363 188 958722.602 13.500 + 33 111 78 189 Pt -36469.405 10.090 7941.4045 0.0534 B- -2887.4471 22.4737 188 960848.485 10.832 + 31 110 79 189 Au x -33581.958 20.081 7921.9876 0.1063 B- -3955.5800 37.4009 188 963948.286 21.558 + 29 109 80 189 Hg -29626.378 31.553 7896.9192 0.1669 B- -5010.2727 32.6434 188 968194.776 33.873 + 27 108 81 189 Tl -24616.105 8.368 7866.2704 0.0443 B- -6772.0862 16.3636 188 973573.525 8.983 + 25 107 82 189 Pb -17844.019 14.062 7826.2999 0.0744 B- -7779.3555 25.1498 188 980843.658 15.096 + 23 106 83 189 Bi -a -10064.664 20.851 7780.9999 0.1103 B- -8642.6682 30.3542 188 989195.139 22.384 + 21 105 84 189 Po -a -1421.996 22.059 7731.1321 0.1167 B- * 188 998473.425 23.681 +0 46 118 72 190 Hf x -24800# 400# 7905# 2# B- 3920# 447# 189 973376# 429# + 44 117 73 190 Ta x -28720# 200# 7922# 1# B- 5649# 203# 189 969168# 215# + 42 116 74 190 W -34368.832 35.391 7947.5031 0.1863 B- 1214.1824 35.5545 189 963103.542 37.993 + 40 115 75 190 Re -35583.015 4.870 7949.7759 0.0256 B- 3124.8105 4.7864 189 961800.064 5.227 + 38 114 76 190 Os -38707.825 0.650 7962.1047 0.0034 B- -1954.2108 1.2131 189 958445.442 0.697 + 36 113 77 190 Ir +n -36753.614 1.370 7947.7017 0.0072 B- 552.8893 1.2822 189 960543.374 1.470 + 34 112 78 190 Pt -37306.504 0.657 7946.4941 0.0035 B- -4472.9637 3.5086 189 959949.823 0.705 + 32 111 79 190 Au x -32833.540 3.447 7918.8345 0.0181 B- -1462.9150 16.2760 189 964751.746 3.700 + 30 110 80 190 Hg -31370.625 15.907 7907.0174 0.0837 B- -7004.3892 17.4819 189 966322.250 17.076 + 28 109 81 190 Tl +a -24366.236 7.252 7866.0345 0.0382 B- -3949.6288 14.4634 189 973841.771 7.784 + 26 108 82 190 Pb -a -20416.607 12.514 7841.1294 0.0659 B- -9820.7014 24.4226 189 978081.872 13.434 + 24 107 83 190 Bi -a -10595.906 20.973 7785.3239 0.1104 B- -6033.1975 24.7615 189 988624.828 22.515 + 22 106 84 190 Po -a -4562.708 13.163 7749.4526 0.0693 B- * 189 995101.731 14.131 +0 45 118 73 191 Ta x -26520# 300# 7911# 2# B- 4657# 303# 190 971530# 322# + 43 117 74 191 W x -31176.176 41.917 7931.4359 0.2195 B- 3174.2318 43.1556 190 966531.000 45.000 + 41 116 75 191 Re +p -34350.408 10.264 7943.9588 0.0537 B- 2044.8311 10.2443 190 963123.322 11.019 + 39 115 76 191 Os -36395.239 0.659 7950.5687 0.0035 B- 313.5873 1.1410 190 960928.105 0.707 + 37 114 77 191 Ir -36708.826 1.310 7948.1144 0.0069 B- -1010.4903 3.6360 190 960591.455 1.406 + 35 113 78 191 Pt -35698.336 4.127 7938.7279 0.0216 B- -1900.4257 6.4260 190 961676.261 4.430 + 33 112 79 191 Au -33797.910 4.926 7924.6819 0.0258 B- -3206.0616 22.7103 190 963716.452 5.288 + 31 111 80 191 Hg -30591.849 22.280 7903.8002 0.1167 B- -4308.8981 23.4609 190 967158.301 23.918 + 29 110 81 191 Tl +a -26282.951 7.349 7877.1445 0.0385 B- -5991.7073 9.8864 190 971784.093 7.889 + 27 109 82 191 Pb -20291.243 6.613 7841.6782 0.0346 B- -7051.8922 9.9895 190 978216.455 7.099 + 25 108 83 191 Bi -13239.351 7.487 7800.6613 0.0392 B- -8170.6205 10.3201 190 985786.972 8.037 + 23 107 84 191 Po -5068.731 7.103 7753.7871 0.0372 B- -8932.6440 17.5997 190 994558.494 7.624 + 21 106 85 191 At -a 3863.913 16.103 7702.9233 0.0843 B- * 191 004148.081 17.287 +0 46 119 73 192 Ta x -23100# 400# 7894# 2# B- 6520# 447# 191 975201# 429# + 44 118 74 192 W x -29620# 200# 7924# 1# B- 1969# 212# 191 968202# 215# + 42 117 75 192 Re x -31588.828 70.794 7930.2389 0.3687 B- 4293.4750 70.8314 191 966088.000 76.000 + 40 116 76 192 Os -35882.303 2.314 7948.5260 0.0121 B- -1046.6722 2.3962 191 961478.765 2.484 + 38 115 77 192 Ir -34835.631 1.314 7938.9999 0.0068 B- 1452.8946 2.2739 191 962602.414 1.410 + 36 114 78 192 Pt -36288.525 2.570 7942.4923 0.0134 B- -3516.3415 15.6174 191 961042.667 2.758 + 34 113 79 192 Au - -32772.184 15.827 7920.1033 0.0824 B- -760.7028 22.1777 191 964817.615 16.991 + 32 112 80 192 Hg x -32011.481 15.537 7912.0666 0.0809 B- -6139.2324 35.2767 191 965634.263 16.679 + 30 111 81 192 Tl x -25872.249 31.671 7876.0167 0.1650 B- -3320.4029 32.1843 191 972225.000 34.000 + 28 110 82 192 Pb -22551.846 5.726 7854.6482 0.0298 B- -9017.3089 30.6518 191 975789.598 6.147 + 26 109 83 192 Bi -a -13534.537 30.112 7803.6084 0.1568 B- -5468.0534 31.9348 191 985470.077 32.326 + 24 108 84 192 Po -a -8066.483 10.634 7771.0542 0.0554 B- -10992.2252 29.8328 191 991340.274 11.416 + 22 107 85 192 At -a 2925.742 27.873 7709.7283 0.1452 B- * 192 003140.912 29.922 +0 47 120 73 193 Ta x -20810# 400# 7883# 2# B- 5380# 447# 192 977660# 429# + 45 119 74 193 W x -26190# 200# 7907# 1# B- 4042# 204# 192 971884# 215# + 43 118 75 193 Re x -30231.641 39.123 7923.9378 0.2027 B- 3162.7597 39.1915 192 967545.000 42.000 + 41 117 76 193 Os -33394.401 2.320 7936.2716 0.0120 B- 1141.9038 2.4000 192 964149.637 2.490 + 39 116 77 193 Ir -34536.305 1.327 7938.1346 0.0069 B- -56.6276 0.2997 192 962923.753 1.425 + 37 115 78 193 Pt -34479.677 1.359 7933.7875 0.0070 B- -1074.8477 8.7676 192 962984.546 1.458 + 35 114 79 193 Au -33404.829 8.674 7924.1648 0.0449 B- -2342.6641 14.3702 192 964138.442 9.311 + 33 113 80 193 Hg -31062.165 15.505 7907.9730 0.0803 B- -3584.9466 16.8938 192 966653.395 16.645 + 31 112 81 193 Tl x -27477.218 6.707 7885.3445 0.0348 B- -5247.9637 12.2808 192 970501.994 7.200 + 29 111 82 193 Pb -22229.255 10.288 7854.0994 0.0533 B- -6344.6913 12.7761 192 976135.914 11.044 + 27 110 83 193 Bi -15884.563 7.576 7817.1718 0.0393 B- -7559.2614 16.3874 192 982947.220 8.132 + 25 109 84 193 Po -a -8325.302 14.531 7773.9510 0.0753 B- -8257.9789 26.0594 192 991062.421 15.599 + 23 108 85 193 At -a -67.323 21.632 7727.1099 0.1121 B- -9110.2435 33.1444 192 999927.725 23.222 + 21 107 86 193 Rn -a 9042.920 25.112 7675.8530 0.1301 B- * 193 009707.973 26.958 +0 48 121 73 194 Ta x -17130# 500# 7865# 3# B- 7280# 583# 193 981610# 537# + 46 120 74 194 W x -24410# 300# 7899# 2# B- 2850# 361# 193 973795# 322# + 44 119 75 194 Re x -27260# 200# 7909# 1# B- 5175# 200# 193 970735# 215# + 42 118 76 194 Os + -32435.176 2.403 7932.0232 0.0124 B- 96.6000 2.0000 193 965179.407 2.579 + 40 117 77 194 Ir -n -32531.776 1.332 7928.4885 0.0069 B- 2228.3252 1.2569 193 965075.703 1.429 + 38 116 78 194 Pt -34760.101 0.496 7935.9420 0.0026 B- -2548.1518 2.1174 193 962683.498 0.532 + 36 115 79 194 Au +3n -32211.950 2.118 7918.7744 0.0109 B- -27.9978 3.5809 193 965419.051 2.273 + 34 114 80 194 Hg x -32183.952 2.888 7914.5974 0.0149 B- -5246.4542 14.2677 193 965449.108 3.100 + 32 113 81 194 Tl x -26937.498 13.972 7883.5211 0.0720 B- -2729.6315 22.3433 193 971081.408 15.000 + 30 112 82 194 Pb -24207.866 17.435 7865.4181 0.0899 B- -8184.8462 18.2094 193 974011.788 18.717 + 28 111 83 194 Bi +a -16023.020 5.252 7819.1955 0.0271 B- -5018.4029 13.9386 193 982798.581 5.638 + 26 110 84 194 Po -a -11004.617 12.911 7789.2947 0.0666 B- -10288.1273 26.8153 193 988186.058 13.860 + 24 109 85 194 At -a -716.490 23.502 7732.2304 0.1211 B- -6441.1134 28.8079 193 999230.816 25.230 + 22 108 86 194 Rn -a 5724.624 16.659 7694.9961 0.0859 B- * 194 006145.636 17.884 +0 47 121 74 195 W x -20740# 300# 7881# 2# B- 4820# 424# 194 977735# 322# + 45 120 75 195 Re x -25560# 300# 7901# 2# B- 3951# 305# 194 972560# 322# + 43 119 76 195 Os x -29511.596 55.890 7917.7449 0.2866 B- 2180.7220 55.9055 194 968318.000 60.000 + 41 118 77 195 Ir -n -31692.318 1.333 7924.9160 0.0068 B- 1101.5601 1.2637 194 965976.898 1.431 + 39 117 78 195 Pt -32793.878 0.503 7926.5530 0.0026 B- -226.8175 0.9998 194 964794.325 0.540 + 37 116 79 195 Au -32567.061 1.119 7921.3778 0.0057 B- -1553.7190 23.1562 194 965037.823 1.201 + 35 115 80 195 Hg -31013.342 23.142 7909.3980 0.1187 B- -2858.0499 25.6707 194 966705.809 24.843 + 33 114 81 195 Tl -28155.292 11.126 7890.7293 0.0571 B- -4417.2524 12.2333 194 969774.052 11.944 + 31 113 82 195 Pb -23738.039 5.088 7864.0647 0.0261 B- -5712.4729 7.3370 194 974516.167 5.461 + 29 112 83 195 Bi -18025.567 5.287 7830.7579 0.0271 B- -6908.9121 8.0284 194 980648.759 5.675 + 27 111 84 195 Po -11116.655 6.042 7791.3155 0.0310 B- -7646.3554 11.3199 194 988065.781 6.486 + 25 110 85 195 At -a -3470.299 9.573 7748.0914 0.0491 B- -8520.5842 52.5650 194 996274.480 10.276 + 23 109 86 195 Rn -a 5050.285 51.686 7700.3841 0.2651 B- * 195 005421.703 55.487 +0 48 122 74 196 W x -18740# 400# 7872# 2# B- 3620# 500# 195 979882# 429# + 46 121 75 196 Re x -22360# 300# 7886# 2# B- 5918# 303# 195 975996# 322# + 44 120 76 196 Os +pp -28277.123 40.055 7912.2301 0.2044 B- 1158.3989 55.4951 195 969643.261 43.000 + 42 119 77 196 Ir + -29435.522 38.414 7914.1487 0.1960 B- 3209.0164 38.4111 195 968399.669 41.239 + 40 118 78 196 Pt -32644.538 0.510 7926.5297 0.0026 B- -1505.8204 2.9605 195 964954.648 0.547 + 38 117 79 196 Au -31138.718 2.962 7914.8553 0.0151 B- 687.2263 3.1176 195 966571.213 3.179 + 36 116 80 196 Hg -31825.944 2.946 7914.3700 0.0150 B- -4329.3455 12.4627 195 965833.445 3.163 + 34 115 81 196 Tl x -27496.598 12.109 7888.2900 0.0618 B- -2148.3639 14.3556 195 970481.189 13.000 + 32 114 82 196 Pb -25348.234 7.710 7873.3374 0.0393 B- -7339.2020 25.6160 195 972787.552 8.277 + 30 113 83 196 Bi x -18009.032 24.428 7831.9009 0.1246 B- -4540.3012 25.0142 195 980666.509 26.224 + 28 112 84 196 Po -13468.731 5.383 7804.7445 0.0275 B- -9555.5564 30.7105 195 985540.722 5.778 + 26 111 85 196 At -a -3913.175 30.235 7752.0001 0.1543 B- -5888.3439 33.3417 195 995799.034 32.458 + 24 110 86 196 Rn -a 1975.169 14.054 7717.9660 0.0717 B- * 196 002120.431 15.087 +0 49 123 74 197 W x -14870# 400# 7853# 2# B- 5480# 500# 196 984036# 429# + 47 122 75 197 Re x -20350# 300# 7877# 2# B- 4729# 361# 196 978153# 322# + 45 121 76 197 Os x -25080# 200# 7897# 1# B- 3185# 201# 196 973076# 215# + 43 120 77 197 Ir +p -28264.123 20.110 7909.0003 0.1021 B- 2155.6519 20.1061 196 969657.217 21.588 + 41 119 78 197 Pt -30419.775 0.536 7915.9714 0.0027 B- 719.9769 0.5022 196 967343.030 0.575 + 39 118 79 197 Au -31139.751 0.542 7915.6548 0.0028 B- -599.5206 3.2022 196 966570.103 0.581 + 37 117 80 197 Hg -30540.231 3.207 7908.6402 0.0163 B- -2186.0092 13.9478 196 967213.715 3.442 + 35 116 81 197 Tl +a -28354.222 13.575 7893.5725 0.0689 B- -3608.8367 14.3969 196 969560.492 14.573 + 33 115 82 197 Pb -24745.385 4.804 7871.2822 0.0244 B- -5058.1894 9.6190 196 973434.737 5.157 + 31 114 83 197 Bi +a -19687.196 8.333 7841.6348 0.0423 B- -6294.1172 12.9103 196 978864.927 8.946 + 29 113 84 197 Po -13393.078 9.861 7805.7136 0.0501 B- -7037.8235 12.6871 196 985621.939 10.585 + 27 112 85 197 At -6355.255 7.983 7766.0174 0.0405 B- -7865.6231 18.0538 196 993177.353 8.570 + 25 111 86 197 Rn -a 1510.368 16.193 7722.1190 0.0822 B- -8743.5996 58.7110 197 001621.446 17.383 + 23 110 87 197 Fr -a 10253.968 56.434 7673.7640 0.2865 B- * 197 011008.086 60.584 +0 48 123 75 198 Re x -16990# 400# 7861# 2# B- 6610# 447# 197 981760# 429# + 46 122 76 198 Os x -23600# 200# 7890# 1# B- 2110# 283# 197 974664# 215# + 44 121 77 198 Ir x -25710# 200# 7897# 1# B- 4194# 200# 197 972399# 215# + 42 120 78 198 Pt -29904.018 2.100 7914.1512 0.0106 B- -323.2251 2.0595 197 967896.718 2.254 + 40 119 79 198 Au -29580.793 0.540 7908.5675 0.0027 B- 1373.5226 0.4905 197 968243.714 0.579 + 38 118 80 198 Hg -30954.315 0.458 7911.5532 0.0023 B- -3425.5625 7.5590 197 966769.177 0.491 + 36 117 81 198 Tl x -27528.753 7.545 7890.3011 0.0381 B- -1461.3103 11.5537 197 970446.669 8.100 + 34 116 82 198 Pb -26067.443 8.750 7878.9695 0.0442 B- -6693.5916 28.9259 197 972015.450 9.393 + 32 115 83 198 Bi -19373.851 27.571 7841.2123 0.1392 B- -3900.5727 32.6152 197 979201.316 29.598 + 30 114 84 198 Po -15473.278 17.424 7817.5611 0.0880 B- -8764.5316 18.1013 197 983388.753 18.705 + 28 113 85 198 At -6708.747 4.904 7769.3446 0.0248 B- -5478.4271 14.2879 197 992797.864 5.265 + 26 112 86 198 Rn -a -1230.320 13.420 7737.7245 0.0678 B- -10808.0177 33.8991 197 998679.197 14.406 + 24 111 87 198 Fr -a 9577.698 31.130 7679.1873 0.1572 B- * 198 010282.081 33.419 +0 49 124 75 199 Re x -14730# 400# 7850# 2# B- 5541# 447# 198 984187# 429# + 47 123 76 199 Os x -20270# 200# 7874# 1# B- 4128# 204# 198 978239# 215# + 45 122 77 199 Ir p-2n -24398.534 41.054 7891.2066 0.2063 B- 2990.1656 41.0030 198 973807.097 44.073 + 43 121 78 199 Pt -n -27388.700 2.159 7902.3011 0.0109 B- 1705.0525 2.1201 198 970597.022 2.317 + 41 120 79 199 Au -29093.752 0.542 7906.9379 0.0027 B- 452.3142 0.6126 198 968766.573 0.581 + 39 119 80 199 Hg -29546.066 0.526 7905.2794 0.0027 B- -1486.6695 27.9498 198 968280.994 0.564 + 37 118 81 199 Tl x -28059.397 27.945 7893.8773 0.1404 B- -2827.6624 28.7653 198 969877.000 30.000 + 35 117 82 199 Pb +a -25231.734 6.821 7875.7366 0.0343 B- -4434.1181 12.6179 198 972912.620 7.322 + 33 116 83 199 Bi -20797.616 10.615 7849.5232 0.0533 B- -5558.7875 11.9224 198 977672.841 11.395 + 31 115 84 199 Po -a -15238.829 5.429 7817.6582 0.0273 B- -6415.4515 7.6464 198 983640.445 5.828 + 29 114 85 199 At -8823.377 5.384 7781.4883 0.0271 B- -7263.5308 9.0686 198 990527.715 5.780 + 27 113 86 199 Rn -a -1559.846 7.297 7741.0568 0.0367 B- -8331.2349 15.5446 198 998325.436 7.833 + 25 112 87 199 Fr -a 6771.388 13.726 7695.2599 0.0690 B- * 199 007269.384 14.734 +0 48 124 76 200 Os x -18550# 300# 7867# 1# B- 3020# 358# 199 980086# 322# + 46 123 77 200 Ir x -21570# 196# 7878# 1# B- 5030# 197# 199 976844# 210# + 44 122 78 200 Pt -nn -26599.178 20.110 7899.1986 0.1006 B- 640.9158 33.4386 199 971444.609 21.588 + 42 121 79 200 Au -27240.094 26.717 7898.4915 0.1336 B- 2263.1737 26.7188 199 970756.558 28.681 + 40 120 80 200 Hg -29503.267 0.530 7905.8956 0.0027 B- -2456.0403 5.7346 199 968326.941 0.568 + 38 119 81 200 Tl - -27047.227 5.759 7889.7037 0.0288 B- -796.3695 11.5360 199 970963.608 6.182 + 36 118 82 200 Pb -26250.858 10.008 7881.8101 0.0500 B- -5880.2841 24.8094 199 971818.546 10.744 + 34 117 83 200 Bi +a -20370.574 22.701 7848.4969 0.1135 B- -3428.8901 23.9327 199 978131.290 24.370 + 32 116 84 200 Po -16941.683 7.579 7827.4407 0.0379 B- -7953.7897 25.6119 199 981812.355 8.136 + 30 115 85 200 At -a -8987.894 24.465 7783.7601 0.1223 B- -4987.4394 25.1411 199 990351.099 26.264 + 28 114 86 200 Rn -a -4000.454 5.792 7754.9111 0.0290 B- -10134.0327 31.0688 199 995705.335 6.217 + 26 113 87 200 Fr -a 6133.578 30.524 7700.3292 0.1526 B- * 200 006584.666 32.769 +0 49 125 76 201 Os x -14840# 300# 7849# 1# B- 5000# 361# 200 984069# 322# + 47 124 77 201 Ir x -19840# 200# 7870# 1# B- 3901# 206# 200 978701# 215# + 45 123 78 201 Pt + -23740.705 50.103 7885.8337 0.2493 B- 2660.0000 50.0000 200 974513.305 53.788 + 43 122 79 201 Au -26400.705 3.218 7895.1752 0.0160 B- 1261.8237 3.1471 200 971657.678 3.455 + 41 121 80 201 Hg -27662.529 0.712 7897.5607 0.0036 B- -481.7508 14.1815 200 970303.054 0.763 + 39 120 81 201 Tl -27180.778 14.185 7891.2717 0.0706 B- -1909.7458 18.5299 200 970820.235 15.228 + 37 119 82 201 Pb -25271.033 13.747 7877.8782 0.0684 B- -3842.0269 18.3637 200 972870.431 14.758 + 35 118 83 201 Bi +a -21429.006 12.177 7854.8713 0.0606 B- -4907.8397 13.1377 200 976995.017 13.072 + 33 117 84 201 Po -16521.166 4.942 7826.5619 0.0246 B- -5731.7247 9.5606 200 982263.799 5.305 + 31 116 85 201 At +a -10789.441 8.184 7794.1536 0.0407 B- -6682.0288 13.0163 200 988417.058 8.786 + 29 115 86 201 Rn -a -4107.413 10.121 7757.0174 0.0504 B- -7695.9856 13.5972 200 995590.511 10.865 + 27 114 87 201 Fr -a 3588.573 9.080 7714.8367 0.0452 B- -8348.2439 22.2391 201 003852.491 9.747 + 25 113 88 201 Ra -a 11936.817 20.301 7669.4108 0.1010 B- * 201 012814.699 21.794 +0 50 126 76 202 Os x -12530# 400# 7839# 2# B- 4110# 500# 201 986548# 429# + 48 125 77 202 Ir x -16640# 300# 7855# 1# B- 6052# 301# 201 982136# 322# + 46 124 78 202 Pt x -22692.128 25.150 7881.5609 0.1245 B- 1660.8540 34.2759 201 975639.000 27.000 + 44 123 79 202 Au x -24352.982 23.287 7885.9100 0.1153 B- 2992.3278 23.2980 201 973856.000 25.000 + 42 122 80 202 Hg -27345.310 0.705 7896.8505 0.0035 B- -1364.8906 1.8348 201 970643.604 0.757 + 40 121 81 202 Tl -25980.419 1.838 7886.2206 0.0091 B- -39.8110 4.1863 201 972108.874 1.972 + 38 120 82 202 Pb -25940.608 3.796 7882.1505 0.0188 B- -5189.7539 14.5070 201 972151.613 4.075 + 36 119 83 202 Bi -20750.854 14.002 7852.5857 0.0693 B- -2809.2850 16.4660 201 977723.042 15.032 + 34 118 84 202 Po -17941.569 8.670 7834.8053 0.0429 B- -7346.4628 28.9311 201 980738.934 9.307 + 32 117 85 202 At -10595.106 27.601 7794.5637 0.1366 B- -4320.5458 32.6924 201 988625.686 29.631 + 30 116 86 202 Rn -a -6274.561 17.520 7769.3018 0.0867 B- -9376.0984 18.5296 201 993263.982 18.808 + 28 115 87 202 Fr -a 3101.538 6.033 7719.0125 0.0299 B- -5973.3620 16.1841 202 003329.637 6.476 + 26 114 88 202 Ra -a 9074.900 15.018 7685.5684 0.0743 B- * 202 009742.305 16.122 +0 51 127 76 203 Os x -7270# 400# 7814# 2# B- 7100# 565# 202 992195# 429# + 49 126 77 203 Ir x -14370# 400# 7845# 2# B- 5140# 447# 202 984573# 429# + 47 125 78 203 Pt x -19510# 200# 7867# 1# B- 3633# 200# 202 979055# 215# + 45 124 79 203 Au -23143.444 3.083 7880.8650 0.0152 B- 2125.7592 3.4514 202 975154.492 3.309 + 43 123 80 203 Hg -25269.203 1.630 7887.4828 0.0080 B- 492.1062 1.2247 202 972872.396 1.750 + 41 122 81 203 Tl -25761.309 1.171 7886.0530 0.0058 B- -974.8265 6.4609 202 972344.098 1.257 + 39 121 82 203 Pb -24786.483 6.554 7877.3970 0.0323 B- -3261.5896 14.3559 202 973390.617 7.036 + 37 120 83 203 Bi +a -21524.893 12.778 7857.4762 0.0629 B- -4214.0744 13.5942 202 976892.077 13.717 + 35 119 84 203 Po -17310.819 4.640 7832.8632 0.0229 B- -5148.2116 11.5921 202 981416.072 4.981 + 33 118 85 203 At -12162.607 10.623 7803.6487 0.0523 B- -5978.5623 12.1098 202 986942.904 11.404 + 31 117 86 203 Rn -a -6184.045 5.815 7770.3437 0.0286 B- -7060.4572 8.5231 202 993361.155 6.242 + 29 116 87 203 Fr 876.412 6.232 7731.7092 0.0307 B- -7724.9182 11.5191 203 000940.867 6.689 + 27 115 88 203 Ra -a 8601.331 9.688 7689.8015 0.0477 B- * 203 009233.907 10.400 +0 50 127 77 204 Ir x -9570# 400# 7823# 2# B- 8050# 447# 203 989726# 429# + 48 126 78 204 Pt x -17620# 200# 7859# 1# B- 2770# 283# 203 981084# 215# + 46 125 79 204 Au + -20390# 200# 7868# 1# B- 4300# 200# 203 978110# 215# + 44 124 80 204 Hg -24690.148 0.498 7885.5455 0.0025 B- -344.0781 1.1876 203 973494.037 0.534 + 42 123 81 204 Tl -24346.070 1.154 7880.0238 0.0057 B- 763.7453 0.1768 203 973863.420 1.238 + 40 122 82 204 Pb -25109.815 1.147 7879.9326 0.0056 B- -4463.8883 9.2480 203 973043.506 1.231 + 38 121 83 204 Bi +a -20645.927 9.180 7854.2157 0.0450 B- -2304.8814 13.6253 203 977835.687 9.854 + 36 120 84 204 Po -18341.045 10.071 7839.0823 0.0494 B- -6465.7939 24.8047 203 980310.078 10.811 + 34 119 85 204 At -11875.252 22.668 7803.5522 0.1111 B- -3905.1360 23.8592 203 987251.393 24.335 + 32 118 86 204 Rn -7970.115 7.444 7780.5743 0.0365 B- -8577.4239 25.6840 203 991443.729 7.991 + 30 117 87 204 Fr -a 607.308 24.581 7734.6931 0.1205 B- -5453.7889 26.1514 204 000651.972 26.389 + 28 116 88 204 Ra -a 6061.097 8.924 7704.1238 0.0437 B- * 204 006506.855 9.580 +0 51 128 77 205 Ir x -5600# 500# 7805# 2# B- 7220# 583# 204 993988# 537# + 49 127 78 205 Pt x -12820# 300# 7836# 1# B- 5750# 361# 204 986237# 322# + 47 126 79 205 Au x -18570# 200# 7860# 1# B- 3717# 200# 204 980064# 215# + 45 125 80 205 Hg -22287.719 3.655 7874.7325 0.0178 B- 1533.0836 3.7238 204 976073.151 3.923 + 43 124 81 205 Tl -23820.802 1.239 7878.3946 0.0060 B- -50.6402 0.5033 204 974427.318 1.330 + 41 123 82 205 Pb -23770.162 1.145 7874.3313 0.0056 B- -2704.5927 4.8196 204 974481.682 1.228 + 39 122 83 205 Bi -21065.569 4.808 7857.3218 0.0235 B- -3544.1710 11.1458 204 977385.182 5.161 + 37 121 84 205 Po -17521.398 10.059 7836.2168 0.0491 B- -4536.8793 15.6996 204 981190.006 10.798 + 35 120 85 205 At +a -12984.519 12.055 7810.2694 0.0588 B- -5274.7547 13.0777 204 986060.546 12.941 + 33 119 86 205 Rn -7709.764 5.080 7780.7226 0.0248 B- -6399.9479 9.3288 204 991723.228 5.453 + 31 118 87 205 Fr x -1309.816 7.824 7745.6870 0.0382 B- -7113.6693 24.0784 204 998593.854 8.399 + 29 117 88 205 Ra -a 5803.853 22.772 7707.1698 0.1111 B- -8302.8357 63.5402 205 006230.692 24.446 + 27 116 89 205 Ac -a 14106.689 59.320 7662.8519 0.2894 B- * 205 015144.152 63.682 +0 50 128 78 206 Pt x -9240# 300# 7820# 1# B- 4950# 424# 205 990080# 322# + 48 127 79 206 Au x -14190# 300# 7840# 1# B- 6755# 301# 205 984766# 322# + 46 126 80 206 Hg +a -20945.728 20.441 7869.1723 0.0992 B- 1307.5659 20.4100 205 977513.837 21.943 + 44 125 81 206 Tl -22253.293 1.286 7871.7219 0.0062 B- 1532.2128 0.6117 205 976110.108 1.380 + 42 124 82 206 Pb -23785.506 1.144 7875.3620 0.0056 B- -3757.3057 7.5461 205 974465.210 1.228 + 40 123 83 206 Bi - -20028.201 7.632 7853.3249 0.0371 B- -1839.5323 8.6005 205 978498.843 8.193 + 38 122 84 206 Po -a -18188.668 4.012 7840.5973 0.0195 B- -5749.2803 14.1099 205 980473.662 4.306 + 36 121 85 206 At -12439.388 13.529 7808.8904 0.0657 B- -3306.4697 16.0227 205 986645.768 14.523 + 34 120 86 206 Rn -9132.918 8.591 7789.0417 0.0417 B- -7886.0592 29.1075 205 990195.409 9.223 + 32 119 87 206 Fr -1246.859 27.811 7746.9621 0.1350 B- -4812.4721 33.1318 205 998661.441 29.856 + 30 118 88 206 Ra -a 3565.613 18.008 7719.8028 0.0874 B- -9919.1406 67.5328 206 003827.842 19.332 + 28 117 89 206 Ac -a 13484.754 65.088 7667.8538 0.3160 B- * 206 014476.477 69.874 +0 51 129 78 207 Pt x -4140# 400# 7797# 2# B- 6501# 500# 206 995556# 429# + 49 128 79 207 Au x -10640# 300# 7824# 1# B- 5847# 301# 206 988577# 322# + 47 127 80 207 Hg x -16487.446 29.808 7848.6112 0.1440 B- 4546.9906 30.3000 206 982300.000 32.000 + 45 126 81 207 Tl -21034.436 5.439 7866.7979 0.0263 B- 1417.5323 5.4024 206 977418.605 5.839 + 43 125 82 207 Pb -22451.968 1.147 7869.8664 0.0055 B- -2397.4140 2.1175 206 975896.821 1.231 + 41 124 83 207 Bi -20054.554 2.397 7854.5053 0.0116 B- -2908.8541 6.6140 206 978470.551 2.573 + 39 123 84 207 Po -17145.700 6.659 7836.6734 0.0322 B- -3918.2186 14.0754 206 981593.334 7.148 + 37 122 85 207 At +a -13227.482 12.406 7813.9653 0.0599 B- -4592.7400 13.2815 206 985799.715 13.318 + 35 121 86 207 Rn -8634.742 4.742 7787.9987 0.0229 B- -5785.7211 18.1857 206 990730.224 5.090 + 33 120 87 207 Fr -2849.021 17.557 7756.2689 0.0848 B- -6363.0084 60.8726 206 996941.450 18.847 + 31 119 88 207 Ra -a 3513.988 58.286 7721.7503 0.2816 B- -7632.2404 81.0004 207 003772.420 62.572 + 29 118 89 207 Ac -a 11146.228 56.248 7681.1001 0.2717 B- * 207 011965.967 60.384 +0 52 130 78 208 Pt x -500# 400# 7780# 2# B- 5410# 500# 207 999463# 429# + 50 129 79 208 Au x -5910# 300# 7803# 1# B- 7355# 302# 207 993655# 322# + 48 128 80 208 Hg x -13265.408 30.739 7834.1914 0.1478 B- 3484.7131 30.7951 207 985759.000 33.000 + 46 127 81 208 Tl +a -16750.121 1.854 7847.1835 0.0089 B- 4998.3984 1.6693 207 982018.006 1.989 + 44 126 82 208 Pb -21748.519 1.148 7867.4530 0.0055 B- -2878.3680 2.0127 207 976652.005 1.232 + 42 125 83 208 Bi +n -18870.151 2.305 7849.8534 0.0111 B- -1400.9438 2.3787 207 979742.060 2.474 + 40 124 84 208 Po -17469.207 1.672 7839.3568 0.0080 B- -4999.3061 9.0736 207 981246.035 1.795 + 38 123 85 208 At +a -12469.901 8.921 7811.5604 0.0429 B- -2814.5118 13.5215 207 986613.011 9.577 + 36 122 86 208 Rn -9655.389 10.163 7794.2678 0.0489 B- -6990.4614 15.4656 207 989634.513 10.910 + 34 121 87 208 Fr -2664.928 11.657 7756.8985 0.0560 B- -4392.8615 14.7413 207 997139.082 12.514 + 32 120 88 208 Ra -a 1727.934 9.023 7732.0177 0.0434 B- -9032.9208 65.1111 208 001855.012 9.686 + 30 119 89 208 Ac -a 10760.854 64.483 7684.8289 0.3100 B- -5927.1868 71.9264 208 011552.251 69.225 + 28 118 90 208 Th -a 16688.041 31.865 7652.5716 0.1532 B- * 208 017915.348 34.208 +0 51 130 79 209 Au x -2230# 400# 7786# 2# B- 6380# 427# 208 997606# 429# + 49 129 80 209 Hg x -8610# 150# 7813# 1# B- 5035# 150# 208 990757# 161# + 47 128 81 209 Tl +a -13644.793 6.110 7833.3979 0.0292 B- 3969.7809 6.2115 208 985351.713 6.559 + 45 127 82 209 Pb -17614.574 1.747 7848.6488 0.0084 B- 644.0152 1.1462 208 981089.978 1.875 + 43 126 83 209 Bi -18258.589 1.365 7847.9869 0.0065 B- -1892.5741 1.5635 208 980398.599 1.465 + 41 125 84 209 Po -a -16366.015 1.778 7835.1882 0.0085 B- -3482.2417 4.9599 208 982430.361 1.909 + 39 124 85 209 At -12883.773 4.745 7814.7835 0.0227 B- -3942.7237 11.0298 208 986168.701 5.094 + 37 123 86 209 Rn -8941.049 9.960 7792.1755 0.0477 B- -5158.9051 15.2153 208 990401.389 10.692 + 35 122 87 209 Fr -3782.144 11.503 7763.7485 0.0550 B- -5640.3845 12.8549 208 995939.701 12.349 + 33 121 88 209 Ra -a 1858.240 5.747 7733.0177 0.0275 B- -6986.6464 56.1409 209 001994.902 6.169 + 31 120 89 209 Ac -a 8844.887 55.846 7695.8455 0.2672 B- -7550# 117# 209 009495.375 59.953 + 29 119 90 209 Th IT 16395# 103# 7656# 0# B- * 209 017601# 111# +0 52 131 79 210 Au x 2680# 400# 7764# 2# B- 7980# 447# 210 002877# 429# + 50 130 80 210 Hg x -5300# 200# 7799# 1# B- 3947# 201# 209 994310# 215# + 48 129 81 210 Tl +a -9246.996 11.603 7813.5890 0.0553 B- 5481.4334 11.5610 209 990072.942 12.456 + 46 128 82 210 Pb -14728.429 1.448 7835.9656 0.0069 B- 63.4758 0.4992 209 984188.381 1.554 + 44 127 83 210 Bi -14791.905 1.364 7832.5424 0.0065 B- 1161.1549 0.7662 209 984120.237 1.463 + 42 126 84 210 Po -15953.060 1.146 7834.3462 0.0055 B- -3980.9605 7.6101 209 982873.686 1.230 + 40 125 85 210 At -a -11972.099 7.695 7811.6638 0.0366 B- -2367.3352 8.9225 209 987147.423 8.261 + 38 124 86 210 Rn -a -9604.764 4.557 7796.6653 0.0217 B- -6261.2558 14.1720 209 989688.862 4.892 + 36 123 87 210 Fr -3343.508 13.420 7763.1243 0.0639 B- -3786.3467 16.2633 209 996410.596 14.407 + 34 122 88 210 Ra -a 442.839 9.193 7741.3687 0.0438 B- -8321.2403 62.8832 210 000475.406 9.868 + 32 121 89 210 Ac 8764.079 62.208 7698.0182 0.2962 B- -5295.4420 65.0180 210 009408.625 66.782 + 30 120 90 210 Th -a 14059.521 18.909 7669.0764 0.0900 B- * 210 015093.515 20.299 +0 51 131 80 211 Hg x -390# 200# 7777# 1# B- 5688# 205# 210 999581# 215# + 49 130 81 211 Tl x -6077.999 41.917 7799.7915 0.1987 B- 4415.0129 41.9781 210 993475.000 45.000 + 47 129 82 211 Pb -10493.012 2.260 7817.0079 0.0107 B- 1366.1041 5.4713 210 988735.288 2.426 + 45 128 83 211 Bi -11859.116 5.442 7819.7745 0.0258 B- 573.3763 5.4297 210 987268.715 5.842 + 43 127 84 211 Po -a -12432.492 1.255 7818.7842 0.0060 B- -785.3012 2.5385 210 986653.171 1.347 + 41 126 85 211 At -a -11647.191 2.729 7811.3545 0.0129 B- -2891.8615 6.8937 210 987496.226 2.929 + 39 125 86 211 Rn -a -8755.330 6.813 7793.9412 0.0323 B- -4615.0152 13.7862 210 990600.767 7.314 + 37 124 87 211 Fr -4140.314 11.991 7768.3613 0.0568 B- -4972.1844 12.9786 210 995555.189 12.872 + 35 123 88 211 Ra 831.870 4.966 7741.0887 0.0235 B- -6311.6152 53.9818 211 000893.049 5.331 + 33 122 89 211 Ac 7143.485 53.753 7707.4680 0.2548 B- -6732.9111 101.4758 211 007668.846 57.706 + 31 121 90 211 Th -a 13876.396 86.070 7671.8506 0.4079 B- -8175.8296 110.6091 211 014896.923 92.399 + 29 120 91 211 Pa -a 22052.226 69.472 7629.3948 0.3293 B- * 211 023674.036 74.581 +0 52 132 80 212 Hg x 3020# 300# 7762# 1# B- 4571# 361# 212 003242# 322# + 50 131 81 212 Tl +a -1551# 200# 7780# 1# B- 5998# 200# 211 998335# 215# + 48 130 82 212 Pb -7548.929 1.840 7804.3203 0.0087 B- 569.0133 1.8246 211 991895.891 1.975 + 46 129 83 212 Bi -8117.943 1.853 7803.3140 0.0087 B- 2251.4656 1.6671 211 991285.030 1.989 + 44 128 84 212 Po -10369.408 1.153 7810.2438 0.0054 B- -1741.2596 2.1066 211 988867.982 1.237 + 42 127 85 212 At -a -8628.149 2.385 7798.3400 0.0113 B- 31.0705 3.5927 211 990737.301 2.559 + 40 126 86 212 Rn -a -8659.219 3.110 7794.7963 0.0147 B- -5143.2210 9.3064 211 990703.946 3.338 + 38 125 87 212 Fr -3515.998 8.775 7766.8455 0.0414 B- -3317.2355 13.4939 211 996225.420 9.419 + 36 124 88 212 Ra -198.763 10.254 7747.5078 0.0484 B- -7498.3626 24.1666 211 999786.619 11.007 + 34 123 89 212 Ac 7299.600 21.883 7708.4479 0.1032 B- -4811.2864 24.1055 212 007836.442 23.492 + 32 122 90 212 Th -a 12110.886 10.109 7682.0628 0.0477 B- -9485.6366 88.1858 212 013001.570 10.852 + 30 121 91 212 Pa -a 21596.523 87.604 7633.6289 0.4132 B- * 212 023184.819 94.047 +0 53 133 80 213 Hg x 8200# 300# 7739# 1# B- 6416# 301# 213 008803# 322# + 51 132 81 213 Tl x 1783.811 27.013 7765.4311 0.1268 B- 4987.4088 27.8941 213 001915.000 29.000 + 49 131 82 213 Pb +a -3203.598 6.954 7785.1732 0.0326 B- 2028.0730 8.3708 212 996560.796 7.465 + 47 130 83 213 Bi -5231.671 5.082 7791.0217 0.0239 B- 1421.8481 5.4898 212 994383.570 5.455 + 45 129 84 213 Po -6653.519 3.053 7794.0240 0.0143 B- -73.9972 5.4646 212 992857.154 3.277 + 43 128 85 213 At -a -6579.522 4.898 7790.0036 0.0230 B- -883.5727 5.7243 212 992936.593 5.258 + 41 127 86 213 Rn -a -5695.949 3.370 7782.1824 0.0158 B- -2141.7493 5.6996 212 993885.147 3.618 + 39 126 87 213 Fr -3554.199 4.707 7768.4543 0.0221 B- -3899.7568 10.8862 212 996184.410 5.053 + 37 125 88 213 Ra 345.557 9.818 7746.4726 0.0461 B- -5795.4721 15.2463 213 000370.971 10.540 + 35 124 89 213 Ac 6141.029 11.665 7715.5908 0.0548 B- -5979.0781 14.8635 213 006592.665 12.522 + 33 123 90 213 Th -a 12120.108 9.217 7683.8470 0.0433 B- -7534.0866 57.9078 213 013011.470 9.895 + 31 122 91 213 Pa -a 19654.194 57.170 7644.8027 0.2684 B- * 213 021099.644 61.374 +0 54 134 80 214 Hg x 11770# 400# 7724# 2# B- 5306# 445# 214 012636# 429# + 52 133 81 214 Tl x 6465# 196# 7745# 1# B- 6648# 196# 214 006940# 210# + 50 132 82 214 Pb -183.019 1.969 7772.3955 0.0092 B- 1017.7611 11.2559 213 999803.521 2.114 + 48 131 83 214 Bi -1200.780 11.209 7773.4955 0.0524 B- 3269.1925 11.1649 213 998710.909 12.033 + 46 130 84 214 Po -4469.972 1.449 7785.1163 0.0068 B- -1090.8208 3.7750 213 995201.287 1.556 + 44 129 85 214 At -3379.151 3.982 7776.3632 0.0186 B- 940.5125 9.8827 213 996372.331 4.274 + 42 128 86 214 Rn -a -4319.664 9.187 7777.1023 0.0429 B- -3361.3369 12.4238 213 995362.650 9.862 + 40 127 87 214 Fr -a -958.327 8.519 7757.7393 0.0398 B- -1051.0675 9.9879 213 998971.193 9.145 + 38 126 88 214 Ra -a 92.740 5.250 7749.1719 0.0245 B- -6340.5313 14.5317 214 000099.560 5.636 + 36 125 89 214 Ac 6433.272 13.551 7715.8874 0.0633 B- -4261.6599 17.2389 214 006906.400 14.547 + 34 124 90 214 Th -a 10694.932 10.661 7692.3173 0.0498 B- -8764.9630 81.9051 214 011481.480 11.445 + 32 123 91 214 Pa -a 19459.895 81.208 7647.7037 0.3795 B- * 214 020891.055 87.180 +0 55 135 80 215 Hg x 17110# 400# 7701# 2# B- 7079# 500# 215 018368# 429# + 53 134 81 215 Tl x 10030# 300# 7730# 1# B- 5688# 305# 215 010768# 322# + 51 133 82 215 Pb +a 4342.245 52.685 7752.7381 0.2450 B- 2712.9729 52.9848 215 004661.591 56.560 + 49 132 83 215 Bi 1629.272 5.624 7761.7177 0.0262 B- 2171.0426 5.5297 215 001749.095 6.037 + 47 131 84 215 Po -541.771 2.120 7768.1768 0.0099 B- 714.8128 6.6491 214 999418.385 2.276 + 45 130 85 215 At -a -1256.583 6.629 7767.8627 0.0308 B- -87.5935 8.9062 214 998651.002 7.116 + 43 129 86 215 Rn -a -1168.990 6.090 7763.8164 0.0283 B- -1487.1274 9.1890 214 998745.037 6.538 + 41 128 87 215 Fr -a 318.137 7.066 7753.2607 0.0329 B- -2213.8573 9.7691 215 000341.534 7.585 + 39 127 88 215 Ra -a 2531.995 7.201 7739.3249 0.0335 B- -3498.5554 14.3395 215 002718.208 7.730 + 37 126 89 215 Ac -a 6030.550 12.406 7719.4137 0.0577 B- -4890.8833 13.9296 215 006474.061 13.318 + 35 125 90 215 Th -a 10921.434 6.335 7693.0266 0.0295 B- -6883.1037 82.6932 215 011724.640 6.800 + 33 124 91 215 Pa -a 17804.537 82.450 7657.3733 0.3835 B- -7084.7747 132.8246 215 019113.955 88.513 + 31 123 92 215 U -a 24889.312 104.136 7620.7821 0.4844 B- * 215 026719.774 111.794 +0 56 136 80 216 Hg x 20920# 400# 7685# 2# B- 6050# 500# 216 022459# 429# + 54 135 81 216 Tl x 14870# 300# 7709# 1# B- 7361# 361# 216 015964# 322# + 52 134 82 216 Pb x 7510# 200# 7740# 1# B- 1636# 201# 216 008062# 215# + 50 133 83 216 Bi x 5873.988 11.178 7743.4996 0.0518 B- 4091.6520 11.3243 216 006305.985 12.000 + 48 132 84 216 Po 1782.336 1.815 7758.8205 0.0084 B- -474.3423 3.5713 216 001913.416 1.948 + 46 131 85 216 At -a 2256.678 3.575 7753.0024 0.0166 B- 2003.3657 6.6383 216 002422.643 3.837 + 44 130 86 216 Rn -a 253.312 5.768 7758.6553 0.0267 B- -2717.7096 6.9366 216 000271.942 6.192 + 42 129 87 216 Fr -a 2971.022 4.174 7742.4513 0.0193 B- -320.4441 8.8904 216 003189.523 4.480 + 40 128 88 216 Ra -a 3291.466 8.004 7737.3458 0.0371 B- -4858.2701 12.2147 216 003533.534 8.592 + 38 127 89 216 Ac 8149.736 9.230 7711.2319 0.0427 B- -2148.8006 14.4375 216 008749.101 9.908 + 36 126 90 216 Th -a 10298.537 11.104 7697.6617 0.0514 B- -7525.2616 27.0327 216 011055.933 11.920 + 34 125 91 216 Pa -a 17823.799 24.647 7659.2006 0.1141 B- -5242.6308 37.3721 216 019134.633 26.459 + 32 124 92 216 U -a 23066.429 28.093 7631.3072 0.1301 B- * 216 024762.829 30.158 +0 55 136 81 217 Tl x 18660# 400# 7693# 2# B- 6399# 500# 217 020032# 429# + 53 135 82 217 Pb x 12260# 300# 7719# 1# B- 3530# 300# 217 013162# 322# + 51 134 83 217 Bi x 8729.963 17.698 7731.8491 0.0816 B- 2846.5103 18.8695 217 009372.000 19.000 + 49 133 84 217 Po +a 5883.452 6.544 7741.3614 0.0302 B- 1488.8543 7.9791 217 006316.145 7.025 + 47 132 85 217 At 4394.598 5.001 7744.6172 0.0230 B- 736.0320 6.1505 217 004717.794 5.368 + 45 131 86 217 Rn -a 3658.566 4.198 7744.4037 0.0193 B- -656.0967 7.5383 217 003927.632 4.506 + 43 130 87 217 Fr -a 4314.663 6.531 7737.7750 0.0301 B- -1574.8729 9.4723 217 004631.980 7.011 + 41 129 88 217 Ra -a 5889.536 7.047 7726.9122 0.0325 B- -2812.7853 13.2129 217 006322.676 7.564 + 39 128 89 217 Ac -a 8702.321 11.223 7710.3448 0.0517 B- -3503.4590 15.4454 217 009342.325 12.048 + 37 127 90 217 Th -a 12205.780 10.614 7690.5945 0.0489 B- -4848.9680 16.3966 217 013103.443 11.394 + 35 126 91 217 Pa -a 17054.748 12.498 7664.6438 0.0576 B- -5916# 81# 217 018309.024 13.417 + 33 125 92 217 U -a 22971# 81# 7634# 0# B- * 217 024660# 86# +0 56 137 81 218 Tl x 23710# 400# 7672# 2# B- 8081# 500# 218 025454# 429# + 54 136 82 218 Pb x 15630# 300# 7705# 1# B- 2414# 301# 218 016779# 322# + 52 135 83 218 Bi x 13216.038 27.013 7712.8280 0.1239 B- 4859.3866 27.0849 218 014188.000 29.000 + 50 134 84 218 Po 8356.652 1.967 7731.5300 0.0090 B- 256.4334 11.5490 218 008971.234 2.112 + 48 133 85 218 At -a 8100.218 11.503 7729.1175 0.0528 B- 2882.8048 11.6054 218 008695.941 12.349 + 46 132 86 218 Rn 5217.413 2.316 7738.7527 0.0106 B- -1842.0267 4.4418 218 005601.123 2.486 + 44 131 87 218 Fr -a 7059.440 4.235 7726.7143 0.0194 B- 413.8838 10.5603 218 007578.620 4.546 + 42 130 88 218 Ra -a 6645.556 9.807 7725.0241 0.0450 B- -4205.2887 58.4224 218 007134.297 10.528 + 40 129 89 218 Ac -a 10850.845 57.616 7702.1450 0.2643 B- -1515.9019 58.5648 218 011648.860 61.853 + 38 128 90 218 Th -a 12366.747 10.516 7691.6026 0.0482 B- -6282.8212 20.7132 218 013276.248 11.289 + 36 127 91 218 Pa -a 18649.568 17.846 7659.1935 0.0819 B- -3245.0869 22.5042 218 020021.133 19.158 + 34 126 92 218 U -a 21894.655 13.714 7640.7191 0.0629 B- * 218 023504.877 14.722 +0 55 137 82 219 Pb x 20620# 400# 7684# 2# B- 4300# 447# 219 022136# 429# + 53 136 83 219 Bi x 16320# 200# 7700# 1# B- 3638# 201# 219 017520# 215# + 51 135 84 219 Po x 12681.361 15.835 7713.3340 0.0723 B- 2285.3395 16.1628 219 013614.000 17.000 + 49 134 85 219 At 10396.021 3.237 7720.1970 0.0148 B- 1566.6838 2.9473 219 011160.587 3.474 + 47 133 86 219 Rn 8829.337 2.100 7723.7784 0.0096 B- 212.3984 6.8938 219 009478.683 2.254 + 45 132 87 219 Fr -a 8616.939 6.874 7721.1759 0.0314 B- -776.9137 9.5906 219 009250.664 7.380 + 43 131 88 219 Ra -a 9393.853 6.814 7714.0560 0.0311 B- -2175.7005 51.9016 219 010084.715 7.315 + 41 130 89 219 Ac -a 11569.553 51.477 7700.5489 0.2351 B- -2893.2268 76.3627 219 012420.425 55.263 + 39 129 90 219 Th -a 14462.780 56.460 7683.7655 0.2578 B- -4120.4434 89.7010 219 015526.432 60.611 + 37 128 91 219 Pa -a 18583.223 69.705 7661.3783 0.3183 B- -4712.7298 70.9693 219 019949.909 74.831 + 35 127 92 219 U -a 23295.953 13.338 7636.2867 0.0609 B- -6140.9976 92.9309 219 025009.233 14.319 + 33 126 93 219 Np -a 29436.951 91.969 7604.6732 0.4199 B- * 219 031601.865 98.732 +0 56 138 82 220 Pb x 24130# 400# 7670# 2# B- 3171# 500# 220 025905# 429# + 54 137 83 220 Bi x 20960# 300# 7681# 1# B- 5696# 300# 220 022501# 322# + 52 136 84 220 Po x 15263.462 17.698 7703.2244 0.0804 B- 887.7139 22.5491 220 016386.000 19.000 + 50 135 85 220 At x 14375.748 13.972 7703.7033 0.0635 B- 3763.7550 14.0896 220 015433.000 15.000 + 48 134 86 220 Rn 10611.994 1.814 7717.2552 0.0082 B- -870.3384 4.0256 220 011392.443 1.947 + 46 133 87 220 Fr -a 11482.332 4.028 7709.7430 0.0183 B- 1210.2406 8.4809 220 012326.789 4.324 + 44 132 88 220 Ra -a 10272.091 7.595 7711.6879 0.0345 B- -3471.6640 9.6266 220 011027.542 8.153 + 42 131 89 220 Ac -a 13743.755 6.129 7692.3515 0.0279 B- -945.7825 14.9144 220 014754.527 6.579 + 40 130 90 220 Th -a 14689.538 13.687 7684.4964 0.0622 B- -5588.8595 20.0508 220 015769.866 14.693 + 38 129 91 220 Pa -a 20278.397 14.655 7655.5364 0.0666 B- -2735# 102# 220 021769.753 15.732 + 36 128 92 220 U -a 23013# 101# 7640# 0# B- -7462# 105# 220 024706# 108# + 34 127 93 220 Np -a 30475.022 30.718 7602.0758 0.1396 B- * 220 032716.280 32.977 +0 55 138 83 221 Bi x 24200# 300# 7668# 1# B- 4426# 301# 221 025980# 322# + 53 137 84 221 Po x 19773.757 19.561 7684.4814 0.0885 B- 2991.0276 24.0390 221 021228.000 21.000 + 51 136 85 221 At x 16782.729 13.972 7694.4754 0.0632 B- 2311.3750 15.0957 221 018017.000 15.000 + 49 135 86 221 Rn +a 14471.354 5.714 7701.3941 0.0259 B- 1194.1032 7.2312 221 015535.637 6.134 + 47 134 87 221 Fr 13277.251 4.886 7703.2572 0.0221 B- 313.3741 6.3858 221 014253.714 5.245 + 45 133 88 221 Ra -a 12963.877 4.630 7701.1352 0.0210 B- -1567.1715 57.0591 221 013917.293 4.970 + 43 132 89 221 Ac -a 14531.048 56.901 7690.5039 0.2575 B- -2408.8773 57.4376 221 015599.721 61.086 + 41 131 90 221 Th -a 16939.926 7.994 7676.0640 0.0362 B- -3435.0112 59.9069 221 018185.757 8.582 + 39 130 91 221 Pa -a 20374.937 59.380 7656.9809 0.2687 B- -4145.0590 93.4311 221 021873.393 63.746 + 37 129 92 221 U -a 24519.996 72.135 7634.6849 0.3264 B- -5390# 213# 221 026323.297 77.440 + 35 128 93 221 Np x 29910# 200# 7607# 1# B- -6019# 361# 221 032110# 215# + 33 127 94 221 Pu x 35930# 300# 7576# 1# B- * 221 038572# 322# +0 56 139 83 222 Bi x 28950# 300# 7648# 1# B- 6464# 303# 222 031079# 322# + 54 138 84 222 Po x 22486.268 40.054 7674.0054 0.1804 B- 1533.2393 43.0709 222 024140.000 43.000 + 52 137 85 222 At x 20953.028 15.835 7677.3878 0.0713 B- 4581.0714 15.9542 222 022494.000 17.000 + 50 136 86 222 Rn 16371.957 1.944 7694.4991 0.0088 B- -6.1461 7.7013 222 017576.017 2.086 + 48 135 87 222 Fr x 16378.103 7.452 7690.9474 0.0336 B- 2057.8980 8.6816 222 017582.615 8.000 + 46 134 88 222 Ra 14320.205 4.454 7696.6931 0.0201 B- -2301.5922 6.2737 222 015373.371 4.781 + 44 133 89 222 Ac -a 16621.797 4.699 7682.8015 0.0212 B- -581.2415 11.1289 222 017844.232 5.044 + 42 132 90 222 Th -a 17203.039 10.216 7676.6592 0.0460 B- -4861.3220 87.1915 222 018468.220 10.966 + 40 131 91 222 Pa -a 22064.361 86.606 7651.2373 0.3901 B- -2208.4729 101.0129 222 023687.064 92.975 + 38 130 92 222 U -a 24272.834 51.994 7637.7651 0.2342 B- -7001.8072 64.4300 222 026057.957 55.817 + 36 129 93 222 Np -a 31274.641 38.051 7602.7013 0.1714 B- -3785# 302# 222 033574.706 40.849 + 34 128 94 222 Pu x 35060# 300# 7582# 1# B- * 222 037638# 322# +0 57 140 83 223 Bi x 32240# 400# 7636# 2# B- 5161# 445# 223 034611# 429# + 55 139 84 223 Po x 27079# 196# 7655# 1# B- 3651# 196# 223 029070# 210# + 53 138 85 223 At x 23428.008 13.972 7668.0557 0.0627 B- 3038.2698 16.0129 223 025151.000 15.000 + 51 137 86 223 Rn 20389.738 7.822 7678.1720 0.0351 B- 2007.4091 8.0568 223 021889.283 8.397 + 49 136 87 223 Fr 18382.329 1.931 7683.6655 0.0087 B- 1149.0844 0.8476 223 019734.241 2.073 + 47 135 88 223 Ra 17233.245 2.090 7685.3101 0.0094 B- -591.8099 6.9657 223 018500.648 2.243 + 45 134 89 223 Ac -a 17825.055 6.947 7679.1479 0.0312 B- -1560.3471 10.4712 223 019135.982 7.457 + 43 133 90 223 Th -a 19385.402 7.943 7668.6426 0.0356 B- -2952.2124 76.0305 223 020811.083 8.527 + 41 132 91 223 Pa -a 22337.614 75.632 7651.8957 0.3392 B- -3707.6637 95.9225 223 023980.414 81.193 + 39 131 92 223 U -a 26045.278 59.054 7631.7611 0.2648 B- -4613.3046 101.7520 223 027960.754 63.396 + 37 130 93 223 Np -a 30658.583 82.863 7607.5654 0.3716 B- -5462# 311# 223 032913.340 88.956 + 35 129 94 223 Pu x 36121# 300# 7580# 1# B- -6579# 424# 223 038777# 322# + 33 128 95 223 Am x 42700# 300# 7547# 1# B- * 223 045840# 322# +0 58 141 83 224 Bi x 37070# 400# 7616# 2# B- 7159# 445# 224 039796# 429# + 56 140 84 224 Po x 29910# 196# 7644# 1# B- 2199# 197# 224 032110# 210# + 54 139 85 224 At x 27711.018 22.356 7650.7354 0.0998 B- 5265.9197 24.4153 224 029749.000 24.000 + 52 138 86 224 Rn 22445.098 9.814 7670.7514 0.0438 B- 696.4840 14.8750 224 024095.803 10.536 + 50 137 87 224 Fr x 21748.614 11.178 7670.3680 0.0499 B- 2922.7819 11.3237 224 023348.096 12.000 + 48 136 88 224 Ra 18825.832 1.811 7679.9236 0.0081 B- -1408.3152 4.0869 224 020210.361 1.944 + 46 135 89 224 Ac -a 20234.148 4.089 7670.1438 0.0183 B- 238.5672 10.3428 224 021722.249 4.389 + 44 134 90 224 Th -a 19995.581 9.604 7667.7162 0.0429 B- -3866.7705 12.1339 224 021466.137 10.310 + 42 133 91 224 Pa -a 23862.351 7.587 7646.9612 0.0339 B- -1880.3393 16.9711 224 025617.286 8.145 + 40 132 92 224 U -a 25742.690 15.261 7635.0742 0.0681 B- -6289.5572 32.7036 224 027635.913 16.383 + 38 131 93 224 Np 32032.248 28.925 7603.5032 0.1291 B- -3248# 301# 224 034388.030 31.052 + 36 130 94 224 Pu x 35280# 300# 7586# 1# B- -7980# 500# 224 037875# 322# + 34 129 95 224 Am x 43260# 400# 7546# 2# B- * 224 046442# 429# +0 57 141 84 225 Po x 34580# 300# 7626# 1# B- 4280# 424# 225 037123# 322# + 55 140 85 225 At x 30300# 300# 7641# 1# B- 3765# 300# 225 032528# 322# + 53 139 86 225 Rn 26534.143 11.140 7654.3581 0.0495 B- 2713.5412 16.3492 225 028485.572 11.958 + 51 138 87 225 Fr 23820.602 11.967 7662.9412 0.0532 B- 1827.5584 12.1574 225 025572.466 12.847 + 49 137 88 225 Ra 21993.044 2.596 7667.5866 0.0115 B- 355.7386 5.0067 225 023610.502 2.786 + 47 136 89 225 Ac 21637.305 4.758 7665.6906 0.0211 B- -672.8878 6.6576 225 023228.601 5.107 + 45 135 90 225 Th -a 22310.193 5.093 7659.2229 0.0226 B- -2046.4473 82.0038 225 023950.975 5.467 + 43 134 91 225 Pa -a 24356.640 81.867 7646.6504 0.3639 B- -3015.3610 82.4514 225 026147.927 87.887 + 41 133 92 225 U -a 27372.001 9.934 7629.7717 0.0442 B- -4246.0969 92.1491 225 029385.050 10.664 + 39 132 93 225 Np -a 31618.098 91.618 7607.4231 0.4072 B- -4682# 314# 225 033943.422 98.355 + 37 131 94 225 Pu x 36300# 300# 7583# 1# B- -6090# 500# 225 038970# 322# + 35 130 95 225 Am x 42390# 400# 7553# 2# B- * 225 045508# 429# +0 58 142 84 226 Po x 37549# 401# 7614# 2# B- 2889# 500# 226 040310# 430# + 56 141 85 226 At x 34660# 300# 7624# 1# B- 5913# 300# 226 037209# 322# + 54 140 86 226 Rn 28747.194 10.477 7646.4108 0.0464 B- 1226.6542 12.1895 226 030861.380 11.247 + 52 139 87 226 Fr 27520.539 6.230 7648.3768 0.0276 B- 3852.9638 6.5215 226 029544.512 6.688 + 50 138 88 226 Ra 23667.576 1.927 7661.9636 0.0085 B- -641.6252 3.2730 226 025408.186 2.068 + 48 137 89 226 Ac 24309.201 3.100 7655.6628 0.0137 B- 1111.5517 4.5626 226 026096.999 3.327 + 46 136 90 226 Th 23197.649 4.481 7657.1195 0.0198 B- -2835.9504 11.9702 226 024903.699 4.810 + 44 135 91 226 Pa -a 26033.600 11.213 7641.1093 0.0496 B- -1295.1978 15.6747 226 027948.217 12.037 + 42 134 92 226 U -a 27328.797 11.071 7631.9166 0.0490 B- -5488.0792 102.6485 226 029338.669 11.884 + 40 133 93 226 Np -a 32816.877 102.063 7604.1714 0.4516 B- -2813# 225# 226 035230.364 109.568 + 38 132 94 226 Pu x 35630# 200# 7588# 1# B- -7340# 361# 226 038250# 215# + 36 131 95 226 Am x 42970# 300# 7552# 1# B- * 226 046130# 322# +0 59 143 84 227 Po x 42281# 401# 7596# 2# B- 4850# 500# 227 045390# 430# + 57 142 85 227 At x 37430# 300# 7613# 1# B- 4544# 300# 227 040183# 322# + 55 141 86 227 Rn 32885.835 14.091 7630.0508 0.0621 B- 3203.3894 15.2755 227 035304.393 15.127 + 53 140 87 227 Fr 29682.445 5.898 7640.7162 0.0260 B- 2504.9813 6.2112 227 031865.413 6.332 + 51 139 88 227 Ra -n 27177.464 1.946 7648.3048 0.0086 B- 1327.9489 2.2622 227 029176.205 2.089 + 49 138 89 227 Ac 25849.515 1.926 7650.7084 0.0085 B- 44.7559 0.8297 227 027750.594 2.068 + 47 137 90 227 Th 25804.759 2.088 7647.4591 0.0092 B- -1025.6117 7.2815 227 027702.546 2.241 + 45 136 91 227 Pa -a 26830.371 7.263 7639.4945 0.0320 B- -2214.6629 11.1118 227 028803.586 7.797 + 43 135 92 227 U -a 29045.034 8.510 7626.2918 0.0375 B- -3533.9848 77.4417 227 031181.124 9.136 + 41 134 93 227 Np -a 32579.018 76.989 7607.2771 0.3392 B- -4191# 126# 227 034975.012 82.651 + 39 133 94 227 Pu x 36770# 100# 7585# 0# B- -5410# 224# 227 039474# 107# + 37 132 95 227 Am x 42180# 200# 7558# 1# B- * 227 045282# 215# +0 58 143 85 228 At x 41880# 400# 7596# 2# B- 6637# 400# 228 044960# 429# + 56 142 86 228 Rn 35243.466 17.677 7621.6457 0.0775 B- 1859.2451 18.9157 228 037835.415 18.977 + 54 141 87 228 Fr 33384.221 6.732 7626.3689 0.0295 B- 4444.0270 7.0210 228 035839.433 7.226 + 52 140 88 228 Ra +a 28940.194 1.995 7642.4289 0.0088 B- 45.5402 0.6344 228 031068.574 2.141 + 50 139 89 228 Ac - 28894.654 2.093 7639.1973 0.0092 B- 2123.7545 2.6446 228 031019.685 2.247 + 48 138 90 228 Th 26770.899 1.806 7645.0807 0.0079 B- -2152.6993 4.3399 228 028739.741 1.938 + 46 137 91 228 Pa -a 28923.599 4.340 7632.2076 0.0190 B- -296.4020 14.0858 228 031050.758 4.659 + 44 136 92 228 U -a 29220.001 13.474 7627.4763 0.0591 B- -4605# 101# 228 031368.959 14.465 + 42 135 93 228 Np -a 33825# 100# 7604# 0# B- -2283# 103# 228 036313# 108# + 40 134 94 228 Pu -a 36107.809 23.352 7590.4039 0.1024 B- -6742# 202# 228 038763.325 25.069 + 38 133 95 228 Am x 42850# 200# 7557# 1# B- * 228 046001# 215# +0 59 144 85 229 At x 44890# 400# 7585# 2# B- 5527# 400# 229 048191# 429# + 57 143 86 229 Rn x 39362.400 13.041 7605.6227 0.0569 B- 3694.1465 13.9670 229 042257.272 14.000 + 55 142 87 229 Fr 35668.253 5.001 7618.3380 0.0218 B- 3106.2907 16.2305 229 038291.443 5.368 + 53 141 88 229 Ra x 32561.963 15.441 7628.4862 0.0674 B- 1872.0266 19.6229 229 034956.703 16.576 + 51 140 89 229 Ac x 30689.936 12.109 7633.2446 0.0529 B- 1104.4191 12.3458 229 032947.000 13.000 + 49 139 90 229 Th 29585.517 2.404 7634.6510 0.0105 B- -311.3310 3.7152 229 031761.357 2.581 + 47 138 91 229 Pa 29896.848 3.280 7629.8752 0.0143 B- -1313.7716 6.6554 229 032095.585 3.521 + 45 137 92 229 U -a 31210.620 5.938 7620.7218 0.0259 B- -2590.7577 101.3342 229 033505.976 6.374 + 43 136 93 229 Np -a 33801.378 101.177 7605.9921 0.4418 B- -3593.5462 117.9433 229 036287.269 108.618 + 41 135 94 229 Pu -a 37394.924 60.633 7586.8834 0.2648 B- -4785.4899 122.4147 229 040145.099 65.092 + 39 134 95 229 Am -a 42180.414 106.348 7562.5697 0.4644 B- * 229 045282.534 114.169 +0 58 144 86 230 Rn x 42170# 200# 7595# 1# B- 2683# 200# 230 045271# 215# + 56 143 87 230 Fr 39486.769 6.541 7603.7052 0.0284 B- 4970.4627 12.1984 230 042390.787 7.022 + 54 142 88 230 Ra x 34516.306 10.296 7621.9144 0.0448 B- 677.9196 18.8884 230 037054.776 11.053 + 52 141 89 230 Ac x 33838.386 15.835 7621.4604 0.0689 B- 2975.8745 15.8815 230 036327.000 17.000 + 50 140 90 230 Th 30862.512 1.209 7630.9974 0.0053 B- -1311.0313 2.8334 230 033132.267 1.297 + 48 139 91 230 Pa 32173.543 3.038 7621.8958 0.0132 B- 558.5262 4.5919 230 034539.717 3.261 + 46 138 92 230 U -a 31615.017 4.509 7620.9227 0.0196 B- -3621.5986 55.1683 230 033940.114 4.841 + 44 137 93 230 Np -a 35236.615 55.007 7601.7751 0.2392 B- -1695.5543 56.8505 230 037828.060 59.051 + 42 136 94 230 Pu -a 36932.170 14.451 7591.0016 0.0628 B- -5940# 144# 230 039648.313 15.514 + 40 135 95 230 Am -a 42872# 143# 7562# 1# B- * 230 046025# 153# +0 59 145 86 231 Rn x 46550# 300# 7579# 1# B- 4469# 300# 231 049973# 322# + 57 144 87 231 Fr x 42080.575 7.731 7594.5009 0.0335 B- 3864.0868 13.7495 231 045175.353 8.300 + 55 143 88 231 Ra 38216.488 11.370 7607.8418 0.0492 B- 2453.6351 17.3014 231 041027.085 12.206 + 53 142 89 231 Ac x 35762.853 13.041 7615.0768 0.0565 B- 1947.0425 13.0976 231 038393.000 14.000 + 51 141 90 231 Th 33815.811 1.217 7620.1188 0.0053 B- 391.4727 1.4598 231 036302.764 1.306 + 49 140 91 231 Pa 33424.338 1.771 7618.4267 0.0077 B- -381.6138 2.0325 231 035882.500 1.901 + 47 139 92 231 U -a 33805.952 2.670 7613.3879 0.0116 B- -1817.7347 51.1839 231 036292.180 2.866 + 45 138 93 231 Np -a 35623.686 51.154 7602.1321 0.2214 B- -2684.8905 55.6931 231 038243.598 54.916 + 43 137 94 231 Pu -a 38308.577 22.061 7587.1224 0.0955 B- -4101# 301# 231 041125.946 23.683 + 41 136 95 231 Am x 42410# 300# 7566# 1# B- -4860# 424# 231 045529# 322# + 39 135 96 231 Cm x 47270# 300# 7542# 1# B- * 231 050746# 322# +0 58 145 87 232 Fr x 46072.834 13.972 7579.3481 0.0602 B- 5575.8791 16.7023 232 049461.219 15.000 + 56 144 88 232 Ra 40496.955 9.151 7600.0099 0.0394 B- 1342.5322 15.9313 232 043475.267 9.823 + 54 143 89 232 Ac x 39154.423 13.041 7602.4245 0.0562 B- 3707.7131 13.1181 232 042034.000 14.000 + 52 142 90 232 Th 35446.710 1.421 7615.0338 0.0061 B- -499.8388 7.7338 232 038053.606 1.525 + 50 141 91 232 Pa + 35946.549 7.645 7609.5072 0.0330 B- 1337.1034 7.4278 232 038590.205 8.206 + 48 140 92 232 U 34609.445 1.808 7611.8984 0.0078 B- -2750# 100# 232 037154.765 1.941 + 46 139 93 232 Np - 37359# 100# 7597# 0# B- -1001# 101# 232 040107# 107# + 44 138 94 232 Pu -a 38360.915 16.885 7588.9839 0.0728 B- -5059# 300# 232 041182.133 18.126 + 42 137 95 232 Am x 43420# 300# 7564# 1# B- -2913# 361# 232 046613# 322# + 40 136 96 232 Cm -a 46333# 201# 7548# 1# B- * 232 049740# 216# +0 59 146 87 233 Fr x 48920.052 19.561 7569.2398 0.0840 B- 4585.9906 21.3694 233 052517.833 21.000 + 57 145 88 233 Ra 44334.062 8.603 7585.5644 0.0369 B- 3026.0244 15.6228 233 047594.570 9.235 + 55 144 89 233 Ac x 41308.037 13.041 7595.1939 0.0560 B- 2576.3950 13.1184 233 044346.000 14.000 + 53 143 90 233 Th 38731.642 1.424 7602.8937 0.0061 B- 1242.2320 1.1224 233 041580.126 1.528 + 51 142 91 233 Pa 37489.410 1.336 7604.8675 0.0057 B- 570.2993 1.9750 233 040246.535 1.433 + 49 141 92 233 U 36919.111 2.254 7603.9574 0.0097 B- -1029.4197 51.0050 233 039634.294 2.420 + 47 140 93 233 Np -a 37948.531 50.981 7596.1816 0.2188 B- -2103.3047 74.3811 233 040739.421 54.729 + 45 139 94 233 Pu -a 40051.836 54.178 7583.7968 0.2325 B- -3233# 126# 233 042997.411 58.162 + 43 138 95 233 Am -a 43285# 114# 7567# 0# B- -4008# 140# 233 046468# 123# + 41 137 96 233 Cm -a 47293.340 81.095 7546.0020 0.3480 B- -5478# 247# 233 050771.485 87.059 + 39 136 97 233 Bk -a 52771# 233# 7519# 1# B- * 233 056652# 250# +0 58 146 88 234 Ra x 46930.629 8.383 7576.5439 0.0358 B- 2089.4348 16.2945 234 050382.100 9.000 + 56 145 89 234 Ac x 44841.195 13.972 7582.1297 0.0597 B- 4228.2364 14.2103 234 048139.000 15.000 + 54 144 90 234 Th +a 40612.958 2.589 7596.8557 0.0111 B- 274.0882 3.1716 234 043599.801 2.779 + 52 143 91 234 Pa IT 40338.870 4.094 7594.6837 0.0175 B- 2193.9105 3.9998 234 043305.555 4.395 + 50 142 92 234 U 38144.959 1.129 7600.7160 0.0048 B- -1809.8462 8.3205 234 040950.296 1.212 + 48 141 93 234 Np - 39954.806 8.397 7589.6382 0.0359 B- -395.1807 10.7522 234 042893.245 9.014 + 46 140 94 234 Pu -a 40349.986 6.798 7584.6061 0.0291 B- -4112# 160# 234 043317.489 7.298 + 44 139 95 234 Am -a 44462# 160# 7564# 1# B- -2261# 161# 234 047731# 172# + 42 138 96 234 Cm -a 46722.411 17.078 7550.6868 0.0730 B- -6673# 154# 234 050158.568 18.333 + 40 137 97 234 Bk -a 53395# 153# 7519# 1# B- * 234 057322# 164# +0 59 147 88 235 Ra x 51130# 300# 7561# 1# B- 3773# 300# 235 054890# 322# + 57 146 89 235 Ac x 47357.160 13.972 7573.5051 0.0595 B- 3339.4064 19.1127 235 050840.000 15.000 + 55 145 90 235 Th x 44017.754 13.041 7584.3862 0.0555 B- 1728.8531 19.1127 235 047255.000 14.000 + 53 144 91 235 Pa x 42288.901 13.972 7588.4139 0.0595 B- 1370.1184 14.0169 235 045399.000 15.000 + 51 143 92 235 U 40918.782 1.116 7590.9151 0.0048 B- -124.2619 0.8524 235 043928.117 1.198 + 49 142 93 235 Np 41043.044 1.388 7587.0571 0.0059 B- -1139.3021 20.4992 235 044061.518 1.490 + 47 141 94 235 Pu -a 42182.346 20.521 7578.8799 0.0873 B- -2442.2558 56.5932 235 045284.609 22.030 + 45 140 95 235 Am -a 44624.602 52.780 7565.1582 0.2246 B- -3389# 115# 235 047906.478 56.661 + 43 139 96 235 Cm -a 48013# 102# 7547# 0# B- -4757# 413# 235 051545# 110# + 41 138 97 235 Bk x 52770# 401# 7524# 2# B- * 235 056651# 430# +0 58 147 89 236 Ac x 51220.998 38.191 7559.2423 0.1618 B- 4965.7951 40.6669 236 054988.000 41.000 + 56 146 90 236 Th x 46255.203 13.972 7576.9688 0.0592 B- 921.2477 19.7600 236 049657.000 15.000 + 54 145 91 236 Pa x 45333.955 13.972 7577.5573 0.0592 B- 2889.3730 14.0166 236 048668.000 15.000 + 52 144 92 236 U 42444.582 1.112 7586.4854 0.0047 B- -933.5116 50.4152 236 045566.130 1.193 + 50 143 93 236 Np IT 43378.094 50.421 7579.2148 0.2136 B- 476.5854 50.3887 236 046568.296 54.129 + 48 142 94 236 Pu 42901.508 1.810 7577.9192 0.0077 B- -3139# 119# 236 046056.661 1.942 + 46 141 95 236 Am -a 46041# 119# 7561# 1# B- -1812# 120# 236 049427# 127# + 44 140 96 236 Cm -a 47852.820 17.635 7550.3090 0.0747 B- -5689# 361# 236 051372.112 18.931 + 42 139 97 236 Bk -a 53542# 361# 7523# 2# B- * 236 057479# 387# +0 59 148 89 237 Ac x 54020# 400# 7550# 2# B- 4065# 400# 237 057993# 429# + 57 147 90 237 Th x 49955.097 15.835 7563.4433 0.0668 B- 2427.4736 20.5140 237 053629.000 17.000 + 55 146 91 237 Pa x 47527.624 13.041 7570.3847 0.0550 B- 2137.4905 13.0962 237 051023.000 14.000 + 53 145 92 237 U 45390.133 1.202 7576.1026 0.0051 B- 518.5338 0.5200 237 048728.309 1.290 + 51 144 93 237 Np 44871.599 1.120 7574.9895 0.0047 B- -220.0630 1.2944 237 048171.640 1.201 + 49 143 94 237 Pu 45091.662 1.697 7570.7599 0.0072 B- -1478# 59# 237 048407.888 1.821 + 47 142 95 237 Am -a 46570# 59# 7561# 0# B- -2677# 95# 237 049995# 64# + 45 141 96 237 Cm -a 49247.151 74.399 7546.6241 0.3139 B- -3963# 242# 237 052868.988 79.870 + 43 140 97 237 Bk -a 53210# 230# 7527# 1# B- -4728# 250# 237 057123# 247# + 41 139 98 237 Cf -a 57938.255 97.347 7503.3507 0.4107 B- * 237 062199.272 104.506 +0 58 148 90 238 Th +a 52525# 283# 7555# 1# B- 1631# 284# 238 056388# 304# + 56 147 91 238 Pa x 50894.043 15.835 7558.3449 0.0665 B- 3586.3111 15.9056 238 054637.000 17.000 + 54 146 92 238 U 47307.732 1.492 7570.1262 0.0063 B- -146.8652 1.2006 238 050786.936 1.601 + 52 145 93 238 Np -n 47454.597 1.137 7566.2220 0.0048 B- 1291.4491 0.4573 238 050944.603 1.220 + 50 144 94 238 Pu 46163.148 1.138 7568.3611 0.0048 B- -2258.2731 58.9005 238 049558.175 1.221 + 48 143 95 238 Am -a 48421.421 58.911 7555.5853 0.2475 B- -1023.7818 60.1587 238 051982.531 63.243 + 46 142 96 238 Cm -a 49445.203 12.234 7547.9966 0.0514 B- -4771# 256# 238 053081.606 13.133 + 44 141 97 238 Bk -a 54216# 256# 7525# 1# B- -3061# 393# 238 058204# 275# + 42 140 98 238 Cf x 57278# 298# 7509# 1# B- * 238 061490# 320# +0 59 149 90 239 Th x 56500# 400# 7540# 2# B- 3162# 445# 239 060655# 429# + 57 148 91 239 Pa x 53337# 196# 7550# 1# B- 2765# 196# 239 057260# 210# + 55 147 92 239 U -n 50572.668 1.502 7558.5624 0.0063 B- 1261.6634 1.4935 239 054291.989 1.612 + 53 146 93 239 Np 49311.005 1.310 7560.5680 0.0055 B- 722.7849 0.9304 239 052937.538 1.406 + 51 145 94 239 Pu 48588.220 1.112 7560.3187 0.0047 B- -802.1402 1.6635 239 052161.596 1.194 + 49 144 95 239 Am -a 49390.360 1.982 7553.6891 0.0083 B- -1756.6021 150.0740 239 053022.729 2.127 + 47 143 96 239 Cm -a 51146.962 150.070 7543.0659 0.6279 B- -3103# 256# 239 054908.519 161.107 + 45 142 97 239 Bk -a 54250# 207# 7527# 1# B- -3952# 239# 239 058239# 222# + 43 141 98 239 Cf -a 58202# 120# 7507# 1# B- -5429# 323# 239 062482# 129# + 41 140 99 239 Es x 63630# 300# 7481# 1# B- * 239 068310# 322# +0 58 149 91 240 Pa x 57010# 200# 7537# 1# B- 4295# 200# 240 061203# 215# + 56 148 92 240 U 52715.497 2.553 7551.7705 0.0106 B- 399.2685 17.0830 240 056592.411 2.740 + 54 147 93 240 Np 52316.229 17.032 7550.1743 0.0710 B- 2190.9095 17.0151 240 056163.778 18.284 + 52 146 94 240 Pu 50125.319 1.105 7556.0433 0.0046 B- -1384.7902 13.7882 240 053811.740 1.186 + 50 145 95 240 Am +n 51510.110 13.832 7547.0136 0.0576 B- -214.1127 13.8967 240 055298.374 14.849 + 48 144 96 240 Cm 51724.222 1.905 7542.8617 0.0079 B- -3940# 150# 240 055528.233 2.045 + 46 143 97 240 Bk - 55664# 150# 7523# 1# B- -2324# 151# 240 059758# 161# + 44 142 98 240 Cf -a 57988.719 18.034 7510.2400 0.0751 B- -6237# 366# 240 062253.447 19.360 + 42 141 99 240 Es -a 64225# 366# 7481# 2# B- * 240 068949# 393# +0 59 150 91 241 Pa x 59740# 300# 7528# 1# B- 3543# 358# 241 064134# 322# + 57 149 92 241 U x 56197# 196# 7539# 1# B- 1882# 220# 241 060330# 210# + 55 148 93 241 Np + 54315.115 100.006 7544.0426 0.4150 B- 1360.0000 100.0000 241 058309.671 107.360 + 53 147 94 241 Pu 52955.115 1.105 7546.4395 0.0046 B- 20.7799 0.1658 241 056849.651 1.186 + 51 146 95 241 Am 52934.335 1.113 7543.2795 0.0046 B- -767.4346 1.1685 241 056827.343 1.195 + 49 145 96 241 Cm 53701.770 1.607 7536.8488 0.0067 B- -2279# 165# 241 057651.218 1.725 + 47 144 97 241 Bk +a 55981# 165# 7524# 1# B- -3346# 235# 241 060098# 178# + 45 143 98 241 Cf -a 59327# 167# 7507# 1# B- -4567# 285# 241 063690# 180# + 43 142 99 241 Es -a 63893# 231# 7485# 1# B- -5327# 379# 241 068592# 248# + 41 141 100 241 Fm x 69220# 300# 7459# 1# B- * 241 074311# 322# +0 58 150 92 242 U +a 58620# 201# 7532# 1# B- 1203# 283# 242 062931# 215# + 56 149 93 242 Np + 57416.876 200.004 7533.4042 0.8265 B- 2700.0000 200.0000 242 061639.548 214.712 + 54 148 94 242 Pu 54716.876 1.245 7541.3284 0.0052 B- -751.1373 0.7080 242 058740.979 1.336 + 52 147 95 242 Am -n 55468.014 1.118 7534.9917 0.0046 B- 664.3145 0.4143 242 059547.358 1.199 + 50 146 96 242 Cm 54803.699 1.141 7534.5040 0.0047 B- -2948# 135# 242 058834.187 1.224 + 48 145 97 242 Bk IT 57752# 135# 7519# 1# B- -1635# 135# 242 061999# 144# + 46 144 98 242 Cf -a 59386.982 12.892 7509.0991 0.0533 B- -5414# 257# 242 063754.544 13.840 + 44 143 99 242 Es -a 64801# 257# 7483# 1# B- -3598# 476# 242 069567# 276# + 42 142 100 242 Fm x 68400# 401# 7465# 2# B- * 242 073430# 430# +0 59 151 92 243 U x 62480# 300# 7518# 1# B- 2674# 302# 243 067075# 322# + 57 150 93 243 Np IT 59806# 32# 7526# 0# B- 2051# 32# 243 064204# 34# + 55 149 94 243 Pu 57754.561 2.542 7531.0087 0.0105 B- 579.5559 2.6216 243 062002.068 2.728 + 53 148 95 243 Am 57175.005 1.388 7530.1742 0.0057 B- -6.9302 1.5692 243 061379.889 1.490 + 51 147 96 243 Cm -a 57181.936 1.496 7526.9261 0.0062 B- -1507.6936 4.5065 243 061387.329 1.605 + 49 146 97 243 Bk -a 58689.629 4.524 7517.5021 0.0186 B- -2300# 181# 243 063005.905 4.856 + 47 145 98 243 Cf -a 60990# 181# 7505# 1# B- -3757# 275# 243 065475# 194# + 45 144 99 243 Es -a 64747# 207# 7486# 1# B- -4569# 245# 243 069508# 222# + 43 143 100 243 Fm -a 69316# 130# 7464# 1# B- * 243 074414# 140# +0 58 151 93 244 Np x 63240# 100# 7514# 0# B- 3434# 100# 244 067891# 107# + 56 150 94 244 Pu 59806.021 2.346 7524.8154 0.0096 B- -73.1143 2.6856 244 064204.401 2.518 + 54 149 95 244 Am + 59879.135 1.491 7521.3095 0.0061 B- 1427.3000 1.0000 244 064282.892 1.600 + 52 148 96 244 Cm -a 58451.835 1.106 7523.9527 0.0045 B- -2261.9902 14.3567 244 062750.622 1.187 + 50 147 97 244 Bk -a 60713.825 14.399 7511.4759 0.0590 B- -764.2709 14.5724 244 065178.969 15.457 + 48 146 98 244 Cf 61478.096 2.617 7505.1373 0.0107 B- -4547# 181# 244 065999.447 2.809 + 46 145 99 244 Es -a 66026# 181# 7483# 1# B- -2938# 271# 244 070881# 195# + 44 144 100 244 Fm -a 68964# 201# 7468# 1# B- -6634# 425# 244 074036# 216# + 42 143 101 244 Md -a 75597# 374# 7438# 2# B- * 244 081157# 402# +0 59 152 93 245 Np x 65850# 200# 7506# 1# B- 2672# 201# 245 070693# 215# + 57 151 94 245 Pu -n 63178.173 13.620 7513.2822 0.0556 B- 1277.7559 13.7334 245 067824.554 14.621 + 55 150 95 245 Am +a 61900.417 1.886 7515.3043 0.0077 B- 895.8929 1.5491 245 066452.827 2.024 + 53 149 96 245 Cm 61004.524 1.149 7515.7677 0.0047 B- -809.2519 1.4964 245 065491.047 1.233 + 51 148 97 245 Bk -a 61813.776 1.792 7509.2714 0.0073 B- -1571.3755 2.5861 245 066359.814 1.923 + 49 147 98 245 Cf 63385.151 2.428 7499.6644 0.0099 B- -2930# 165# 245 068046.755 2.606 + 47 146 99 245 Es IT 66315# 165# 7485# 1# B- -3877# 256# 245 071192# 178# + 45 145 100 245 Fm -a 70192# 195# 7465# 1# B- -5133# 325# 245 075354# 210# + 43 144 101 245 Md -a 75325# 260# 7441# 1# B- * 245 080864# 279# +0 58 152 94 246 Pu 65394.772 14.985 7506.5401 0.0609 B- 401# 14# 246 070204.172 16.087 + 56 151 95 246 Am IT 64994# 18# 7505# 0# B- 2377# 18# 246 069774# 19# + 54 150 96 246 Cm 62616.912 1.525 7511.4716 0.0062 B- -1350.0000 60.0000 246 067222.016 1.637 + 52 149 97 246 Bk - 63966.912 60.019 7502.8035 0.2440 B- -123.3159 60.0198 246 068671.300 64.433 + 50 148 98 246 Cf 64090.228 1.514 7499.1220 0.0062 B- -3728.5741 89.9373 246 068803.685 1.625 + 48 147 99 246 Es 67818.802 89.925 7480.7849 0.3655 B- -2372.3848 90.9577 246 072806.474 96.538 + 46 146 100 246 Fm -a 70191.187 13.670 7467.9608 0.0556 B- -5924# 260# 246 075353.334 14.675 + 44 145 101 246 Md -a 76115# 260# 7441# 1# B- * 246 081713# 279# +0 59 153 94 247 Pu x 69210# 200# 7493# 1# B- 2057# 224# 247 074300# 215# + 57 152 95 247 Am + 67153# 100# 7499# 0# B- 1620# 100# 247 072092# 107# + 55 151 96 247 Cm 65533.105 3.797 7501.9318 0.0154 B- 43.5841 6.3245 247 070352.678 4.076 + 53 150 97 247 Bk -a 65489.521 5.189 7498.9408 0.0210 B- -619.8711 15.2376 247 070305.889 5.570 + 51 149 98 247 Cf +a 66109.392 14.327 7493.2638 0.0580 B- -2469.0006 24.1495 247 070971.348 15.380 + 49 148 99 247 Es +a 68578.393 19.441 7480.1005 0.0787 B- -3094# 182# 247 073621.929 20.870 + 47 147 100 247 Fm +a 71672# 181# 7464# 1# B- -4263# 275# 247 076944# 194# + 45 146 101 247 Md -a 75936# 207# 7444# 1# B- * 247 081520# 223# +0 58 153 95 248 Am + 70563# 200# 7487# 1# B- 3170# 200# 248 075752# 215# + 56 152 96 248 Cm 67392.748 2.358 7496.7291 0.0095 B- -738.3049 50.0026 248 072349.086 2.531 + 54 151 97 248 Bk +a 68131.053 50.058 7490.5975 0.2018 B- 893.1015 50.3143 248 073141.689 53.739 + 52 150 98 248 Cf -a 67237.951 5.121 7491.0440 0.0207 B- -3061# 53# 248 072182.905 5.497 + 50 149 99 248 Es -a 70299# 52# 7476# 0# B- -1599# 53# 248 075469# 56# + 48 148 100 248 Fm 71897.793 8.497 7465.9451 0.0343 B- -5050# 184# 248 077185.451 9.122 + 46 147 101 248 Md -a 76948# 184# 7442# 1# B- -3741# 290# 248 082607# 198# + 44 146 102 248 No -a 80689# 224# 7424# 1# B- * 248 086623# 241# +0 59 154 95 249 Am x 73104# 298# 7479# 1# B- 2353# 298# 249 078480# 320# + 57 153 96 249 Cm -n 70750.696 2.371 7485.5510 0.0095 B- 904.3630 2.5934 249 075953.992 2.545 + 55 152 97 249 Bk + 69846.333 1.248 7486.0410 0.0050 B- 123.6000 0.4000 249 074983.118 1.339 + 53 151 98 249 Cf 69722.733 1.182 7483.3954 0.0048 B- -1452# 30# 249 074850.428 1.269 + 51 150 99 249 Es -a 71175# 30# 7474# 0# B- -2344# 31# 249 076409# 32# + 49 149 100 249 Fm 73519.143 6.212 7461.8649 0.0249 B- -3661.8091 164.5418 249 078926.042 6.668 + 47 148 101 249 Md 77180.952 164.425 7444.0169 0.6603 B- -4606# 324# 249 082857.155 176.516 + 45 147 102 249 No -a 81787# 279# 7422# 1# B- * 249 087802# 300# +0 58 154 96 250 Cm -nn 72989.588 10.274 7478.9385 0.0411 B- 37.5820 10.6414 250 078357.541 11.029 + 56 153 97 250 Bk +a 72952.006 2.898 7475.9594 0.0116 B- 1781.6696 2.4561 250 078317.195 3.110 + 54 152 98 250 Cf -a 71170.336 1.538 7479.9567 0.0062 B- -2055# 100# 250 076404.494 1.650 + 52 151 99 250 Es - 73225# 100# 7469# 0# B- -847# 100# 250 078611# 107# + 50 150 100 250 Fm 74072.193 7.888 7462.0905 0.0316 B- -4326.9476 91.2615 250 079519.765 8.468 + 48 149 101 250 Md 78399.140 90.920 7441.6533 0.3637 B- -3167# 220# 250 084164.934 97.606 + 46 148 102 250 No -a 81566# 200# 7426# 1# B- * 250 087565# 215# +0 59 155 96 251 Cm + 76647.981 22.698 7466.7233 0.0904 B- 1420.0000 20.0000 251 082284.988 24.367 + 57 154 97 251 Bk + 75227.981 10.734 7469.2637 0.0428 B- 1093.0000 10.0000 251 080760.555 11.523 + 55 153 98 251 Cf -a 74134.981 3.901 7470.5014 0.0155 B- -376.5660 6.4677 251 079587.171 4.187 + 53 152 99 251 Es -a 74511.547 5.288 7465.8842 0.0211 B- -1447.2610 15.2387 251 079991.431 5.676 + 51 151 100 251 Fm 75958.808 14.292 7457.0013 0.0569 B- -3007.9406 23.7108 251 081545.130 15.342 + 49 150 101 251 Md +a 78966.749 18.919 7441.9005 0.0754 B- -3882# 182# 251 084774.287 20.310 + 47 149 102 251 No IT 82849# 181# 7423# 1# B- -4981# 270# 251 088942# 194# + 45 148 103 251 Lr x 87830# 200# 7400# 1# B- * 251 094289# 215# +0 60 156 96 252 Cm x 79056# 298# 7460# 1# B- 521# 359# 252 084870# 320# + 58 155 97 252 Bk + 78535# 200# 7459# 1# B- 2500# 200# 252 084310# 215# + 56 154 98 252 Cf -a 76034.610 2.358 7465.3474 0.0094 B- -1260.0000 50.0000 252 081626.507 2.531 + 54 153 99 252 Es - 77294.610 50.056 7457.2428 0.1986 B- 477.9998 50.3220 252 082979.173 53.736 + 52 152 100 252 Fm -a 76816.611 5.221 7456.0351 0.0207 B- -3650.5075 91.4356 252 082466.019 5.604 + 50 151 101 252 Md x 80467.118 91.286 7438.4444 0.3622 B- -2404.2523 91.7581 252 086385.000 98.000 + 48 150 102 252 No 82871.370 9.292 7425.7992 0.0369 B- -5666# 185# 252 088966.070 9.975 + 46 149 103 252 Lr -a 88537# 185# 7400# 1# B- * 252 095048# 198# +0 59 156 97 253 Bk -a 80929# 359# 7451# 1# B- 1627# 359# 253 086880# 385# + 57 155 98 253 Cf -a 79301.562 4.257 7454.8297 0.0168 B- 291.0753 4.3850 253 085133.723 4.570 + 55 154 99 253 Es -a 79010.486 1.249 7452.8879 0.0049 B- -335.0623 1.0782 253 084821.241 1.341 + 53 153 100 253 Fm -a 79345.549 1.549 7448.4712 0.0061 B- -1827# 31# 253 085180.945 1.662 + 51 152 101 253 Md -a 81173# 31# 7438# 0# B- -3186# 32# 253 087143# 34# + 49 151 102 253 No 84358.696 6.912 7422.4719 0.0273 B- -4164.7752 164.6791 253 090562.780 7.420 + 47 150 103 253 Lr 88523.471 164.534 7402.9180 0.6503 B- -5118# 442# 253 095033.850 176.634 + 45 149 104 253 Rf -a 93642# 410# 7380# 2# B- * 253 100528# 440# +0 60 157 97 254 Bk x 84393# 298# 7440# 1# B- 3052# 298# 254 090600# 320# + 58 156 98 254 Cf -a 81341.395 11.462 7449.2259 0.0451 B- -652.7561 11.8014 254 087323.575 12.304 + 56 155 99 254 Es -a 81994.151 2.936 7443.5759 0.0116 B- 1091.6300 2.2858 254 088024.337 3.152 + 54 154 100 254 Fm -a 80902.521 1.843 7444.7936 0.0073 B- -2550# 100# 254 086852.424 1.978 + 52 153 101 254 Md - 83453# 100# 7432# 0# B- -1271# 100# 254 089590# 107# + 50 152 102 254 No 84723.312 9.658 7423.5909 0.0380 B- -4922.5753 91.8208 254 090954.211 10.367 + 48 151 103 254 Lr -a 89645.887 91.312 7401.1306 0.3595 B- -3555# 298# 254 096238.813 98.026 + 46 150 104 254 Rf -a 93201# 283# 7384# 1# B- * 254 100055# 304# +0 59 157 98 255 Cf + 84809# 200# 7438# 1# B- 720# 200# 255 091046# 215# + 57 156 99 255 Es -a 84089.237 10.817 7437.8216 0.0424 B- 288.7717 10.1024 255 090273.504 11.612 + 55 155 100 255 Fm -a 83800.465 3.934 7435.8860 0.0154 B- -1041.6037 6.7172 255 089963.495 4.223 + 53 154 101 255 Md -a 84842.069 5.567 7428.7333 0.0218 B- -1969.8648 15.1096 255 091081.702 5.976 + 51 153 102 255 No 86811.934 14.047 7417.9403 0.0551 B- -3135.3716 22.5952 255 093196.439 15.079 + 49 152 103 255 Lr x 89947.305 17.698 7402.5767 0.0694 B- -4382# 182# 255 096562.399 19.000 + 47 151 104 255 Rf -a 94329# 181# 7382# 1# B- -5265# 336# 255 101267# 194# + 45 150 105 255 Db -a 99595# 283# 7359# 1# B- * 255 106919# 304# +0 60 158 98 256 Cf -a 87041# 314# 7432# 1# B- -144# 330# 256 093442# 338# + 58 157 99 256 Es + 87185# 100# 7428# 0# B- 1700# 100# 256 093597# 107# + 56 156 100 256 Fm -a 85484.796 3.020 7431.7888 0.0118 B- -1971# 124# 256 091771.699 3.241 + 54 155 101 256 Md IT 87456# 124# 7421# 0# B- -367# 124# 256 093888# 133# + 52 154 102 256 No -a 87823.046 7.548 7416.5429 0.0295 B- -3923.5573 83.2459 256 094281.912 8.103 + 50 153 103 256 Lr x 91746.603 82.903 7398.1605 0.3238 B- -2475.3893 84.8025 256 098494.024 89.000 + 48 152 104 256 Rf -a 94221.992 17.848 7385.4349 0.0697 B- -6076# 188# 256 101151.464 19.160 + 46 151 105 256 Db -a 100298# 187# 7359# 1# B- * 256 107674# 201# +0 59 158 99 257 Es -a 89403# 411# 7422# 2# B- 813# 411# 257 095979# 441# + 57 157 100 257 Fm -a 88590.137 4.350 7422.1942 0.0169 B- -402.3347 4.5748 257 095105.419 4.669 + 55 156 101 257 Md -a 88992.472 1.569 7417.5845 0.0061 B- -1254.5923 6.1695 257 095537.343 1.683 + 53 155 102 257 No -a 90247.064 6.197 7409.6587 0.0241 B- -2418# 45# 257 096884.203 6.652 + 51 154 103 257 Lr -a 92665# 44# 7397# 0# B- -3201# 45# 257 099480# 47# + 49 153 104 257 Rf -a 95866.389 10.817 7381.7053 0.0421 B- -4287.8969 164.9888 257 102916.796 11.612 + 47 152 105 257 Db 100154.285 164.634 7361.9767 0.6406 B- * 257 107520.042 176.741 +0 60 159 99 258 Es x 92702# 401# 7412# 2# B- 2276# 448# 258 099520# 430# + 58 158 100 258 Fm -a 90426# 200# 7418# 1# B- -1264# 200# 258 097077# 215# + 56 157 101 258 Md -a 91690.350 3.474 7409.6615 0.0135 B- 213# 100# 258 098433.634 3.729 + 54 156 102 258 No -a 91477# 100# 7407# 0# B- -3304# 143# 258 098205# 107# + 52 155 103 258 Lr -a 94782# 102# 7392# 0# B- -1562# 103# 258 101753# 109# + 50 154 104 258 Rf -a 96344.338 16.104 7382.5257 0.0624 B- -5163.3651 93.2584 258 103429.895 17.288 + 48 153 105 258 Db -a 101507.703 91.857 7359.4803 0.3560 B- -3788# 423# 258 108972.995 98.613 + 46 152 106 258 Sg -a 105296# 413# 7342# 2# B- * 258 113040# 443# +0 59 159 100 259 Fm -a 93704# 283# 7407# 1# B- 140# 300# 259 100596# 304# + 57 158 101 259 Md -a 93564# 101# 7405# 0# B- -515# 101# 259 100445# 108# + 55 157 102 259 No -a 94079.381 6.362 7399.9714 0.0246 B- -1771# 71# 259 100998.364 6.829 + 53 156 103 259 Lr -a 95851# 71# 7390# 0# B- -2516# 101# 259 102900# 76# + 51 155 104 259 Rf -a 98367# 72# 7377# 0# B- -3624# 92# 259 105601# 78# + 49 154 105 259 Db -a 101991.021 56.685 7360.3626 0.2189 B- -4528# 190# 259 109491.859 60.854 + 47 153 106 259 Sg -a 106519# 181# 7340# 1# B- * 259 114353# 194# +0 60 160 100 260 Fm -a 95766# 435# 7402# 2# B- -784# 537# 260 102809# 467# + 58 159 101 260 Md -a 96550# 316# 7396# 1# B- 940# 374# 260 103650# 339# + 56 158 102 260 No -a 95610# 200# 7397# 1# B- -2667# 236# 260 102641# 215# + 54 157 103 260 Lr -a 98277# 125# 7383# 0# B- -871# 236# 260 105504# 134# + 52 156 104 260 Rf -a 99148# 200# 7377# 1# B- -4525# 221# 260 106440# 215# + 50 155 105 260 Db -a 103673# 93# 7357# 0# B- -2875# 95# 260 111297# 100# + 48 154 106 260 Sg -a 106547.495 20.536 7342.5632 0.0790 B- -6576# 197# 260 114383.435 22.045 + 46 153 107 260 Bh -a 113123# 196# 7314# 1# B- * 260 121443# 211# +0 59 160 101 261 Md -a 98578# 509# 7391# 2# B- 123# 547# 261 105828# 546# + 57 159 102 261 No -a 98455# 200# 7388# 1# B- -1102# 283# 261 105696# 215# + 55 158 103 261 Lr -a 99557# 200# 7381# 1# B- -1761# 211# 261 106879# 215# + 53 157 104 261 Rf -a 101318.233 65.663 7371.3858 0.2516 B- -2990# 128# 261 108769.591 70.492 + 51 156 105 261 Db -a 104308# 110# 7357# 0# B- -3697# 112# 261 111979# 118# + 49 155 106 261 Sg -a 108005.004 18.494 7339.7710 0.0709 B- -5074.4052 180.7519 261 115948.135 19.853 + 47 154 107 261 Bh -a 113079.410 179.803 7317.3313 0.6889 B- * 261 121395.733 193.026 +0 60 161 101 262 Md -a 101667# 448# 7382# 2# B- 1566# 575# 262 109144# 481# + 58 160 102 262 No -a 100101# 361# 7385# 1# B- -2004# 412# 262 107463# 387# + 56 159 103 262 Lr -a 102105# 200# 7374# 1# B- -287# 300# 262 109615# 215# + 54 158 104 262 Rf -a 102392# 224# 7370# 1# B- -3861# 265# 262 109923# 240# + 52 157 105 262 Db -a 106253# 143# 7352# 1# B- -2116# 145# 262 114067# 154# + 50 156 106 262 Sg -a 108369.072 22.167 7341.1736 0.0846 B- -5883.0463 95.6774 262 116338.978 23.797 + 48 155 107 262 Bh -a 114252.119 93.074 7315.7331 0.3552 B- * 262 122654.688 99.919 +0 59 161 102 263 No -a 103129# 490# 7376# 2# B- -540# 539# 263 110714# 526# + 57 160 103 263 Lr -a 103669# 224# 7371# 1# B- -1087# 271# 263 111293# 240# + 55 159 104 263 Rf -a 104757# 153# 7364# 1# B- -2353# 227# 263 112461# 164# + 53 158 105 263 Db -a 107110# 168# 7352# 1# B- -3085# 193# 263 114987# 180# + 51 157 106 263 Sg -a 110195# 95# 7337# 0# B- -4301# 320# 263 118299# 101# + 49 156 107 263 Bh -a 114496# 305# 7318# 1# B- -5182# 363# 263 122916# 328# + 47 155 108 263 Hs -a 119678# 197# 7295# 1# B- * 263 128479# 212# +0 60 162 102 264 No -a 105011# 591# 7371# 2# B- -1364# 734# 264 112734# 634# + 58 161 103 264 Lr -a 106375# 436# 7363# 2# B- 300# 566# 264 114198# 468# + 56 160 104 264 Rf -a 106075# 361# 7361# 1# B- -3187# 431# 264 113876# 387# + 54 159 105 264 Db -a 109262# 236# 7346# 1# B- -1521# 368# 264 117297# 253# + 52 158 106 264 Sg -a 110783# 283# 7338# 1# B- -5175# 334# 264 118930# 304# + 50 157 107 264 Bh -a 115958# 177# 7315# 1# B- -3605# 180# 264 124486# 190# + 48 156 108 264 Hs -a 119563.165 28.881 7298.3762 0.1094 B- * 264 128356.330 31.005 +0 59 162 103 265 Lr -a 108233# 547# 7359# 2# B- -457# 655# 265 116193# 587# + 57 161 104 265 Rf -a 108690# 361# 7354# 1# B- -1692# 424# 265 116683# 387# + 55 160 105 265 Db -a 110382# 224# 7345# 1# B- -2412# 263# 265 118500# 240# + 53 159 106 265 Sg -a 112794# 139# 7333# 1# B- -3601# 277# 265 121089# 149# + 51 158 107 265 Bh -a 116395# 239# 7316# 1# B- -4505# 240# 265 124955# 257# + 49 157 108 265 Hs -a 120900.245 23.958 7296.2474 0.0904 B- -5724# 439# 265 129791.744 25.719 + 47 156 109 265 Mt -a 126624# 439# 7272# 2# B- * 265 135937# 471# +0 60 163 103 266 Lr -a 111662# 539# 7349# 2# B- 1526# 679# 266 119874# 579# + 58 162 104 266 Rf -a 110136# 412# 7351# 2# B- -2604# 500# 266 118236# 443# + 56 161 105 266 Db -a 112740# 283# 7339# 1# B- -877# 374# 266 121032# 304# + 54 160 106 266 Sg -a 113617# 245# 7332# 1# B- -4487# 294# 266 121973# 263# + 52 159 107 266 Bh -a 118104# 163# 7313# 1# B- -3036# 165# 266 126790# 175# + 50 158 108 266 Hs -a 121139.675 27.106 7298.2611 0.1019 B- -6533.0066 100.2087 266 130048.783 29.099 + 48 157 109 266 Mt -a 127672.681 96.473 7270.7598 0.3627 B- * 266 137062.253 103.568 +0 59 163 104 267 Rf -a 113444# 575# 7342# 2# B- -570# 686# 267 121787# 617# + 57 162 105 267 Db -a 114014# 374# 7337# 1# B- -1792# 457# 267 122399# 402# + 55 161 106 267 Sg -a 115806# 261# 7327# 1# B- -2958# 371# 267 124323# 281# + 53 160 107 267 Bh -a 118765# 263# 7313# 1# B- -3893# 279# 267 127499# 282# + 51 159 108 267 Hs -a 122658# 95# 7295# 0# B- -5133# 512# 267 131678# 102# + 49 158 109 267 Mt -a 127791# 503# 7273# 2# B- -6089# 543# 267 137189# 540# + 47 157 110 267 Ds -a 133880# 204# 7248# 1# B- * 267 143726# 219# +0 60 164 104 268 Rf -a 115476# 662# 7337# 2# B- -1584# 848# 268 123968# 711# + 58 163 105 268 Db -a 117060# 529# 7328# 2# B- 260# 707# 268 125669# 568# + 56 162 106 268 Sg -a 116800# 469# 7326# 2# B- -3907# 605# 268 125389# 504# + 54 161 107 268 Bh -a 120707# 382# 7309# 1# B- -2261# 486# 268 129584# 410# + 52 160 108 268 Hs -a 122968# 300# 7297# 1# B- -6183# 380# 268 132011# 322# + 50 159 109 268 Mt -a 129151# 233# 7271# 1# B- -4497# 381# 268 138649# 250# + 48 158 110 268 Ds -a 133648# 301# 7252# 1# B- * 268 143477# 324# +0 59 164 105 269 Db -a 119148# 624# 7323# 2# B- -544# 724# 269 127911# 669# + 57 163 106 269 Sg -a 119692# 368# 7318# 1# B- -1785# 525# 269 128495# 395# + 55 162 107 269 Bh -a 121477# 374# 7309# 1# B- -3016# 396# 269 130411# 402# + 53 161 108 269 Hs -a 124493# 131# 7294# 0# B- -4807# 338# 269 133649# 141# + 51 160 109 269 Mt -a 129300# 312# 7274# 1# B- -5535# 313# 269 138809# 335# + 49 159 110 269 Ds -a 134834.671 31.403 7250.1551 0.1167 B- * 269 144750.965 33.712 +0 60 165 105 270 Db -a 122397# 575# 7314# 2# B- 966# 735# 270 131399# 617# + 58 164 106 270 Sg -a 121431# 458# 7314# 2# B- -2799# 547# 270 130362# 492# + 56 163 107 270 Bh -a 124230# 299# 7301# 1# B- -882# 388# 270 133366# 320# + 54 162 108 270 Hs -a 125112# 248# 7295# 1# B- -5597# 313# 270 134313# 266# + 52 161 109 270 Mt -a 130709# 191# 7271# 1# B- -3973# 195# 270 140322# 205# + 50 160 110 270 Ds -a 134681.584 39.275 7253.7634 0.1455 B- * 270 144586.620 42.163 +0 59 165 106 271 Sg -a 124617# 591# 7305# 2# B- -1242# 705# 271 133782# 634# + 57 164 107 271 Bh -a 125859# 384# 7298# 1# B- -1832# 473# 271 135115# 412# + 55 163 108 271 Hs -a 127691# 276# 7288# 1# B- -3409# 430# 271 137082# 296# + 53 162 109 271 Mt -a 131100# 330# 7273# 1# B- -4853# 344# 271 140741# 354# + 51 161 110 271 Ds -a 135952# 97# 7252# 0# B- * 271 145951# 104# +0 60 166 106 272 Sg -a 126520# 692# 7301# 3# B- -2267# 873# 272 135825# 743# + 58 165 107 272 Bh -a 128787# 532# 7290# 2# B- -217# 737# 272 138259# 571# + 56 164 108 272 Hs -a 129004# 510# 7286# 2# B- -4477# 704# 272 138492# 547# + 54 163 109 272 Mt -a 133481# 485# 7267# 2# B- -2601# 645# 272 143298# 521# + 52 162 110 272 Ds -a 136083# 424# 7255# 2# B- -6690# 484# 272 146091# 456# + 50 161 111 272 Rg -a 142773# 233# 7227# 1# B- * 272 153273# 251# +0 61 167 106 273 Sg x 129920# 400# 7292# 1# B- -763# 767# 273 139475# 429# + 59 166 107 273 Bh -a 130683# 655# 7286# 2# B- -1084# 754# 273 140294# 703# + 57 165 108 273 Hs -a 131767# 374# 7279# 1# B- -3015# 565# 273 141458# 401# + 55 164 109 273 Mt -a 134782# 424# 7265# 2# B- -3503# 447# 273 144695# 455# + 53 163 110 273 Ds -a 138285# 142# 7250# 1# B- -4600# 424# 273 148455# 152# + 51 162 111 273 Rg -a 142885# 400# 7230# 1# B- * 273 153393# 429# +0 60 167 107 274 Bh -a 133762# 578# 7278# 2# B- 356# 744# 274 143599# 620# + 58 166 108 274 Hs -a 133406# 469# 7276# 2# B- -3843# 602# 274 143217# 504# + 56 165 109 274 Mt -a 137249# 377# 7259# 1# B- -1948# 542# 274 147343# 404# + 54 164 110 274 Ds -a 139197# 389# 7249# 1# B- -5415# 442# 274 149434# 418# + 52 163 111 274 Rg -a 144612# 209# 7227# 1# B- * 274 155247# 225# +0 61 168 107 275 Bh x 135780# 600# 7273# 2# B- -712# 844# 275 145766# 644# + 59 167 108 275 Hs -a 136492# 593# 7268# 2# B- -2275# 709# 275 146530# 637# + 57 166 109 275 Mt -a 138767# 387# 7257# 1# B- -2899# 516# 275 148972# 416# + 55 165 110 275 Ds -a 141666# 340# 7243# 1# B- -3729# 561# 275 152085# 366# + 53 164 111 275 Rg -a 145395# 446# 7227# 2# B- * 275 156088# 479# +0 62 169 107 276 Bh x 138950# 600# 7265# 2# B- 765# 937# 276 149169# 644# + 60 168 108 276 Hs -a 138185# 720# 7265# 3# B- -3127# 895# 276 148348# 773# + 58 167 109 276 Mt -a 141312# 532# 7250# 2# B- -1227# 764# 276 151705# 571# + 56 166 110 276 Ds -a 142539# 548# 7243# 2# B- -4847# 834# 276 153022# 588# + 54 165 111 276 Rg -a 147386# 629# 7223# 2# B- -2974# 804# 276 158226# 675# + 52 164 112 276 Cn x 150360# 500# 7209# 2# B- * 276 161418# 537# +0 63 170 107 277 Bh x 141100# 600# 7260# 2# B- -275# 748# 277 151477# 644# + 61 169 108 277 Hs -a 141375# 447# 7256# 2# B- -1633# 799# 277 151772# 480# + 59 168 109 277 Mt -a 143008# 662# 7247# 2# B- -2084# 770# 277 153525# 711# + 57 167 110 277 Ds -a 145092# 392# 7237# 1# B- -3315# 611# 277 155763# 421# + 55 166 111 277 Rg -a 148407# 469# 7222# 2# B- -3925# 493# 277 159322# 504# + 53 165 112 277 Cn -a 152332# 153# 7205# 1# B- * 277 163535# 165# +0 64 171 107 278 Bh x 144370# 400# 7251# 1# B- 1150# 500# 278 154988# 429# + 62 170 108 278 Hs x 143220# 300# 7252# 1# B- -2547# 652# 278 153753# 322# + 60 169 109 278 Mt -a 145767# 579# 7240# 2# B- -484# 771# 278 156487# 621# + 58 168 110 278 Ds -a 146251# 510# 7236# 2# B- -4270# 641# 278 157007# 548# + 56 167 111 278 Rg -a 150521# 389# 7218# 1# B- -2321# 585# 278 161590# 417# + 54 166 112 278 Cn -a 152842# 438# 7206# 2# B- -6188# 491# 278 164083# 470# + 52 165 113 278 Nh -a 159030# 224# 7181# 1# B- * 278 170725# 240# +0 63 171 108 279 Hs x 146500# 600# 7243# 2# B- -1085# 900# 279 157274# 644# + 61 170 109 279 Mt -a 147585# 671# 7237# 2# B- -1439# 903# 279 158439# 720# + 59 169 110 279 Ds -a 149024# 605# 7229# 2# B- -2697# 737# 279 159984# 649# + 57 168 111 279 Rg -a 151721# 422# 7216# 2# B- -3299# 578# 279 162880# 453# + 55 167 112 279 Cn -a 155021# 395# 7202# 1# B- -4439# 718# 279 166422# 424# + 53 166 113 279 Nh x 159460# 600# 7183# 2# B- * 279 171187# 644# +0 64 172 108 280 Hs x 148420# 600# 7239# 2# B- -2090# 848# 280 159335# 644# + 62 171 109 280 Mt x 150510# 600# 7229# 2# B- 190# 958# 280 161579# 644# + 60 170 110 280 Ds -a 150320# 748# 7227# 3# B- -3566# 918# 280 161375# 803# + 58 169 111 280 Rg -a 153886# 532# 7212# 2# B- -1768# 789# 280 165204# 571# + 56 168 112 280 Cn -a 155654# 583# 7202# 2# B- -5585# 707# 280 167102# 626# + 54 167 113 280 Nh x 161240# 400# 7180# 1# B- * 280 173098# 429# +0 63 172 109 281 Mt x 152400# 600# 7225# 2# B- -873# 776# 281 163608# 644# + 61 171 110 281 Ds -a 153273# 493# 7220# 2# B- -2060# 918# 281 164545# 529# + 59 170 111 281 Rg -a 155333# 774# 7209# 3# B- -2614# 870# 281 166757# 831# + 57 169 112 281 Cn -a 157947# 397# 7197# 1# B- -3863# 498# 281 169563# 427# + 55 168 113 281 Nh x 161810# 300# 7181# 1# B- * 281 173710# 322# +0 64 173 109 282 Mt -a 155455# 447# 7218# 2# B- 665# 538# 282 166888# 480# + 62 172 110 282 Ds x 154790# 300# 7217# 1# B- -2952# 660# 282 166174# 322# + 60 171 111 282 Rg -a 157742# 588# 7204# 2# B- -1084# 804# 282 169343# 631# + 58 170 112 282 Cn -a 158826# 548# 7197# 2# B- -4903# 678# 282 170507# 588# + 56 169 113 282 Nh -a 163729# 400# 7177# 1# B- * 282 175770# 430# +0 63 173 110 283 Ds x 157830# 500# 7210# 2# B- -1550# 843# 283 169437# 537# + 61 172 111 283 Rg -a 159380# 678# 7201# 2# B- -1957# 916# 283 171101# 728# + 59 171 112 283 Cn -a 161337# 615# 7192# 2# B- -3226# 754# 283 173202# 660# + 57 170 113 283 Nh -a 164563# 437# 7177# 2# B- * 283 176666# 469# +0 64 174 110 284 Ds x 159460# 500# 7207# 2# B- -2510# 707# 284 171187# 537# + 62 173 111 284 Rg x 161970# 500# 7195# 2# B- -445# 912# 284 173882# 537# + 60 172 112 284 Cn -a 162415# 762# 7191# 3# B- -4176# 931# 284 174360# 819# + 58 171 113 284 Nh -a 166591# 533# 7173# 2# B- -2188# 845# 284 178843# 573# + 56 170 114 284 Fl -a 168779# 656# 7163# 2# B- * 284 181192# 704# +0 63 174 111 285 Rg x 163730# 600# 7192# 2# B- -1357# 785# 285 175771# 644# + 61 173 112 285 Cn -a 165086# 507# 7185# 2# B- -2682# 926# 285 177227# 544# + 59 172 113 285 Nh -a 167768# 775# 7172# 3# B- -3164# 874# 285 180106# 832# + 57 171 114 285 Fl -a 170932# 404# 7159# 1# B- * 285 183503# 433# +0 64 175 111 286 Rg -a 166510# 458# 7185# 2# B- 61# 836# 286 178756# 492# + 62 174 112 286 Cn x 166450# 700# 7183# 2# B- -3507# 915# 286 178691# 751# + 60 173 113 286 Nh -a 169957# 590# 7168# 2# B- -1649# 806# 286 182456# 634# + 58 172 114 286 Fl -a 171606# 549# 7159# 2# B- * 286 184226# 590# +0 63 175 112 287 Cn x 169370# 700# 7176# 2# B- -2085# 995# 287 181826# 751# + 61 174 113 287 Nh -a 171455# 707# 7166# 2# B- -2474# 939# 287 184064# 759# + 59 173 114 287 Fl -a 173929# 617# 7155# 2# B- -3819# 759# 287 186720# 663# + 57 172 115 287 Mc -a 177748# 443# 7139# 2# B- * 287 190820# 475# +0 64 176 112 288 Cn x 170930# 700# 7174# 2# B- -3039# 989# 288 183501# 751# + 62 175 113 288 Nh x 173970# 700# 7160# 2# B- -947# 1035# 288 186764# 751# + 60 174 114 288 Fl -a 174917# 763# 7154# 3# B- -4749# 932# 288 187781# 819# + 58 173 115 288 Mc -a 179666# 536# 7135# 2# B- * 288 192879# 575# +0 63 176 113 289 Nh x 175550# 500# 7158# 2# B- -1915# 715# 289 188461# 537# + 61 175 114 289 Fl -a 177465# 511# 7149# 2# B- -3217# 929# 289 190517# 548# + 59 174 115 289 Mc -a 180683# 776# 7135# 3# B- -3774# 925# 289 193971# 834# + 57 173 116 289 Lv -a 184457# 503# 7119# 2# B- * 289 198023# 540# +0 64 177 113 290 Nh -a 178315# 469# 7152# 2# B- -416# 843# 290 191429# 503# + 62 176 114 290 Fl -a 178731# 700# 7147# 2# B- -4061# 917# 290 191875# 752# + 60 175 115 290 Mc -a 182792# 592# 7131# 2# B- -2236# 809# 290 196235# 635# + 58 174 116 290 Lv -a 185028# 552# 7120# 2# B- * 290 198635# 593# +0 63 177 114 291 Fl x 181500# 700# 7141# 2# B- -2680# 1015# 291 194848# 751# + 61 176 115 291 Mc -a 184180# 735# 7129# 3# B- -3064# 964# 291 197725# 789# + 59 175 116 291 Lv -a 187244# 623# 7116# 2# B- -4409# 863# 291 201014# 669# + 57 174 117 291 Ts -a 191653# 597# 7098# 2# B- * 291 205748# 640# +0 62 177 115 292 Mc x 186600# 700# 7124# 2# B- -1533# 1035# 292 200323# 751# + 60 176 116 292 Lv -a 188133# 763# 7116# 3# B- -5488# 1014# 292 201969# 819# + 58 175 117 292 Ts -a 193621# 669# 7095# 2# B- * 292 207861# 718# +0 61 177 116 293 Lv -a 190568# 515# 7111# 2# B- -3860# 933# 293 204583# 553# + 59 176 117 293 Ts -a 194428# 778# 7095# 3# B- -4374# 1053# 293 208727# 835# + 57 175 118 293 Og -a 198802# 709# 7078# 2# B- * 293 213423# 761# +0 60 177 117 294 Ts -a 196397# 593# 7092# 2# B- -2923# 811# 294 210840# 637# + 58 176 118 294 Og -a 199320# 553# 7079# 2# B- * 294 213979# 594# +0 59 177 118 295 Og -a 201369# 655# 7076# 2# B- * 295 216178# 703# diff --git a/Cleopatra/nuclear_data.py b/Cleopatra/nuclear_data.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8c0b858 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/nuclear_data.py @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#!/usr/local/bin/python3 + +################################################ +import sys + +if len(sys.argv) == 1 : + print( "usage :" ) + print( "%s AZ [maxEx]" % sys.argv[0] ) + print( "e.g. %s 17O --> 17O ground state data" % sys.argv[0]) + print( "e.g. %s 20O 5 --> 20O ground state data and excited state < 5 MeV" % sys.argv[0]) + exit() + +################################################ +import pandas as pd + +# the API webpage +# https://www-nds.iaea.org/relnsd/vcharthtml/api_v0_guide.html#examples + +# the service URL +livechart = "https://nds.iaea.org/relnsd/v0/data?" + +import urllib.request + +def lc_read_csv(url): + req = urllib.request.Request(url) + req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0') + return pd.read_csv(urllib.request.urlopen(req)) + +haha = lc_read_csv(livechart + 'fields=ground_states&nuclides=all') + +mp = 938.27208816; #MeV/c^2 +mn = 939.56542052; + +def FindZ(AZ): + query = livechart + "fields=ground_states&nuclides=" + AZ + temp = lc_read_csv(query); + try : + return temp['z'] + except : + return 'na' +def FindSym(Z): + try: + return (haha['symbol'][haha['z']==Z]).iloc[0] + except: + return 'na' +def Mass(A, Z): + try : + BEA = float(haha['binding'][haha['z']==Z][haha['n']==(A-Z)])/1000 + return (A-Z)*mn + Z*mp - A * BEA + except : + return -404 +def MassSym(AZ): + query = livechart + "fields=ground_states&nuclides=" + AZ + temp = lc_read_csv(query); + Z = temp['z'] + N = temp['n'] + try : + return Z*mp + N*mn - (Z+N)*temp['binding']/1000 + except: + return -404 +def Sp(A,Z,a,z): + mA = Mass(A,Z) + mB = Mass(A-a, Z-z) + if z == 0 : + mb = a * mn + elif a == z : + mb = a * mp + else : + mb = Mass(a,z) + if (mB == -404 or mb == -404 or mA == -404) : + return -404 + else: + return mB + mb - mA +def Ex(AZ, maxMeV): + query = livechart + "fields=levels&nuclides=" + AZ + tempEx = lc_read_csv(query); + try : + return tempEx[['energy', 'jp']][tempEx['energy']<= maxMeV * 1000] + except: + return -404 + +def Info(AZ): + query = livechart + "fields=ground_states&nuclides=" + AZ + temp = lc_read_csv(query); + + print("============================================== " + AZ ) + try : + Z = temp['z'][0] + N = temp['n'][0] + mass = Z*mp + N*mn - (Z+N)*temp['binding']/1000 + halfLife = temp['half_life_sec'][0] + print(" A : %3d, Z : %3d, N : %3d, Mass : %.4f MeV" % (Z+N, Z, N, mass)) + print("Jpi : %3s, half-live : %s sec" % (temp['jp'][0], halfLife)) + print("Sn : %8.3f MeV, Sp : %8.3f MeV" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 1, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 1, 1))) + print("S2n : %8.3f MeV, S2p : %8.3f MeV, Sd : %8.3f MeV" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 2, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 2, 2), Sp(Z+N, Z, 2, 1))) + print("S3n : %8.3f MeV, S3p : %8.3f MeV, St : %8.3f MeV, S(3He) : %8.3f MeV" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 3, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 3, 3), Sp(Z+N, Z, 3, 1), Sp(Z+N, Z, 3, 2))) + print("S4n : %8.3f MeV, S4p : %8.3f MeV, Sa : %8.3f MeV" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 4, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 4, 4), Sp(Z+N, Z, 4, 2))) + print(" magnetic dipole : " + temp['magnetic_dipole'][0] + " mu.N") + print("electric quadruple : " + temp['electric_quadrupole'][0] + " barn") + if halfLife > 0 : + print('------------ decay mode:') + for i in range(1, 4) : + print("%5s %s %%" % (temp["decay_%d" % i][0], temp["decay_%d_%%" % i][0])) + print('--------------------------') + except : + dummy = 1 + print("====================================================\n") + + #outfile = open("%s.txt" % AZ, "w") + #outfile.write("============================================== " + AZ + "\n") + #try : + # Z = temp['z'][0] + # N = temp['n'][0] + # mass = Z*mp + N*mn - (Z+N)*temp['binding']/1000 + # halfLife = temp['half_life_sec'][0] + # outfile.write(" A : %3d, Z : %3d, N : %3d, Mass : %.4f MeV \n" % (Z+N, Z, N, mass)) + # outfile.write("Jpi : %3s, half-live : %s sec \n" % (temp['jp'][0], halfLife)) + # outfile.write("Sn : %8.3f MeV, Sp : %8.3f MeV \n" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 1, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 1, 1))) + # outfile.write("S2n : %8.3f MeV, S2p : %8.3f MeV, Sd : %8.3f MeV \n" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 2, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 2, 2), Sp(Z+N, Z, 2, 1))) + # outfile.write("S3n : %8.3f MeV, S3p : %8.3f MeV, St : %8.3f MeV, S(3He) : %8.3f MeV \n" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 3, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 3, 3), Sp(Z+N, Z, 3, 1), Sp(Z+N, Z, 3, 2))) + # outfile.write("S4n : %8.3f MeV, S4p : %8.3f MeV, Sa : %8.3f MeV \n" % (Sp(Z+N,Z, 4, 0), Sp(Z+N,Z, 4, 4), Sp(Z+N, Z, 4, 2))) + # outfile.write(" magnetic dipole : " + temp['magnetic_dipole'][0] + " mu.N\n") + # outfile.write("electric quadruple : " + temp['electric_quadrupole'][0] + " barn \n") + # if halfLife > 0 : + # outfile.write('------------ decay mode: \n') + # for i in range(1, 4) : + # outfile.write("%5s %s %% \n" % (temp["decay_%d" % i][0], temp["decay_%d_%%" % i][0])) + # outfile.write('-------------------------\n') + #except : + # dummy = 1 + #outfile.write("====================================================\n") + #outfile.close(); + # + #infile = open("%s.txt" % AZ, "r") + #Lines = infile.readlines() + # + #for line in Lines: + # print(line.strip("\n")) + # + #infile.close(); + + +################################################ +AZ = sys.argv[1]; +maxEx = 0; +if len(sys.argv) > 2 : + maxEx = float(sys.argv[2]); + +Info(AZ) + +if maxEx > 0 : + print( Ex(AZ, float(maxEx)) ) + diff --git a/Cleopatra/potentials.h b/Cleopatra/potentials.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be623be --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/potentials.h @@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@ +/*********************************************************************** + * + * This is potenital.h, To calculate optical potenital + * It contains various optical potential for proton and deuteron + * It is as same as Kay Ben's globals_beta_v5 + * + *------------------------------------------------------- + * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 + * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com + * ********************************************************************/ + +//golbal varibale for Optical Potential +double v, r0, a; +double vi, ri0, ai; +double vsi, rsi0, asi; +double vso, rso0, aso; +double vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0; + +void PrintPotential(){ + printf("v = %7.3f r0 = %7.3f a = %7.3f\n", v, r0, a); + printf("vi = %7.3f ri0 = %7.3f ai = %7.3f\n", vi, ri0, ai); + printf("vsi = %7.3f rsi0 = %7.3f asi = %7.3f\n", vsi, rsi0, asi); + printf("vso = %7.3f rso0 = %7.3f aso = %7.3f\n", vso, rso0, aso); + printf("vsoi = %7.3f rsoi0 = %7.3f asoi = %7.3f rc0 = %7.3f\n", vsoi, rsoi0, asoi, rc0); +} + +/// A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z +/// 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 +string potentialRef(string name){ + + //======== Deuteron + if( name == "A" ){ + return "An and Cai (2006) E < 183 | 12 < A < 238 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.73.054605"; + } + if( name == "H" ){ + return "Han, Shi, Shen (2006) E < 200 | 12 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.74.044615"; + } + if( name == "B" ){ + return "Bojowald et al.(1988) 50 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 208 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.38.1153"; + } + if( name == "D" ){ + return "Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 238 (REL) | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2253"; + } + if( name == "C" ){ + return "Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj (1980) 11.8 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL) | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2253"; + } + if( name == "L" ){ + return "Lohr and Haeberli (1974) 9 < E < 13 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(74)90627-7"; + } + if( name == "Q" ){ + return "Perey and Perey (1963) 12 < E < 25 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O"; + } + + if( name == "Z" ){ + return "Zhang, Pang, Lou (2016) 5 < E < 170 | A < 18 | https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.94.014619"; + } + + //======= Proton + if( name == "K" ){ + return "Koning and Delaroche (2009) 0.001 < E < 200 | 24 < A < 209 | Iso. Dep. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01321-0"; + } + if( name == "V" ){ + return "Varner et al., (CH89) (1991) 16 < E < 65 | 4 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O"; + } + if( name == "M" ){ + return "Menet et al. (1971) 30 < E < 60 | 40 < A | http://dx/doi.org/10.1016/0092-640X(76)90007-3"; + } + if( name == "G" ){ + return "Becchetti and Greenlees (1969) E < 50 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.182.1190"; + } + if( name == "P" ){ + return "Perey (1963) E < 20 | 30 < A < 100 | http://dx/doi.org/10.1016/0092-640X(76)90007-3"; + } + +/// a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z +/// 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 + //====== A = 3 + if( name == "x" ){ + return "XU, GUO, HAN, SHEN (2011) E < 250 | 20 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-011-4488-5"; + } + if( name == "l" ){ + return "Liang, Li, Cai (2009) E < 270 | All masses | http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/36/8/085104"; + } + if( name == "p" ){ + return "Pang et al., (2009) All E | All masses | Isospin dep. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.79.024615"; + } + if( name == "c" ){ + return "Li, Liang, Cai, (2007) E < 40 | All masses | 48 < A < 232 | Tritons | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2007.03.004"; + } + if( name == "t" ){ + return "Trost et al., (1987) 10 < E < 220 | 10 < A < 208 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(87)90551-3"; + } + if( name == "h" ){ + return "Hyakutake et al., (1980) 90 < E < 120 | About 58 < A < 92 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(80)90013-5"; + } + if( name == "b" ){ + return "Becchetti and Greenlees, (1971) E < 40 | 40 < A | Iso. Dep."; + } + + //======= alpha + if( name == "s"){ + return "Su and Han, (2015) E < 398 | 20 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi/org/10.1142/S0218301315500925"; + } + if( name == "a"){ + return "Avrigeanu et al., (2009) E ??? | A ??? | http://dx.doi/org/10.1016/j.adt.2009.02.001"; + } + if( name == "f"){ + return "(FIXED) Bassani and Picard, (1969) 24 < E < 31 | A = 90 | https://doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(69)90601-0"; + } + + //====== custom + if( name == "Y"){ + return "Bardayan Parameters PRC 78 052801(R) (2008)"; + } + if( name == "X"){ + return "Bardayan Parameters PRC 78 052801(R) (2008)"; + } + + return ""; +} + + +bool CustomXPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + +v = 54.19 ; +r0 = 1.25 ; +a = 0.65 ; +vi = 0.0 ; +ri0 = 1.25 ; +ai = 0.65 ; +vsi = 13.5 ; +rsi0 = 1.25 ; +asi = 0.47 ; +vso = 7.5 ; +rso0 = 1.25 ; +aso = 0.47 ; +vsoi = 0.0 ; +rsoi0 = 1.25 ; +asoi = 0.47 ; +rc0 = 1.25 ; + + return true; +} + +bool CustomYPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + v = 85.31; + r0 = 1.15; + a = 0.81; + + vi = 0.0; + ri0 = 1.15; + ai = 0.81; + + vsi = 16.0; + rsi0 = 1.34; + asi = 0.68; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 1.0; + aso = 1.0; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 1.0; + asoi = 1.0; + + rc0 = 1.15; + + return true; +} +//======================== deuteron +bool AnCaiPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // E < 183 or 81.5 MeV/u + // 12 < A < 238 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.73.054605 + + //if( !(12 <= A && A <= 238 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 183 ) return false; + + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 91.85 - 0.249*E + 0.000116*pow(E,2) + 0.642 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.152 - 0.00776 / A3; + a = 0.719 + 0.0126 * A3; + + vi = 1.104 + 0.0622 * E; + ri0 = 1.305 + 0.0997 / A3; + ai = 0.855 - 0.1 * A3; + + vsi = 10.83 - 0.0306 * E; + rsi0 = 1.334 + 0.152 / A3; + asi = 0.531 + 0.062 * A3; + + vso = 3.557; + rso0 = 0.972; + aso = 1.011; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.303; + + return true; +} + +bool HSSPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // E < 200 or 100 MeV/u + // 12 < A < 209 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.73.054605 + + //if( !(12 <= A && A <= 209 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 200 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double VIcond = -4.916 + (0.0555*E) + 0.0000442 * pow(E,2) + 35. * (N-Z)/A; + + v = 82.18 - 0.148 * E - 0.000886 * pow(E,2) - 34.811*(N-Z)/A + 1.058*Z/A3; + r0 = 1.174; + a = 0.809; + + vi = VIcond > 0 ? VIcond : 0 ; + ri0 = VIcond > 0 ? 1.563 : 0; + ai = VIcond > 0 ? 0.7 + 0.045 * A3 : 0; + + vsi = 20.968 - 0.0794 * E - 43.398 * (N-Z)/A; + rsi0 = 1.328; + asi = 0.465 + 0.045*A3; + + vso = 3.703; + rso0 = 1.234; + aso = 0.813; + + vsoi = -0.206; + rsoi0 = 1.234; + asoi = 0.813; + + rc0 = 1.698; + + return true; +} + +bool BojowaldPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // 50 < E < 80 or 25, 40 MeV/u + // 27 < A < 208 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.38.1153 + + //if( !(27 <= A && A <= 208 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 80 || E < 27) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double VIcond = 0.132 * (E - 45.); + + v = 81.33 - 0.24 * E + 1.43 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.18; + a = 0.636 + 0.035 * A3; + + vi = VIcond > 0 ? VIcond : 0 ; + ri0 = 1.27; + ai = 0.768 + 0.021 * A3; + + vsi = 7.8 + 1.04 * A3 - 0.712 * vi; + rsi0 = 1.27; + asi = 0.768 + 0.021 * A3; + + vso = 6.0; + rso0 = 0.78 + 0.038 * A3; + aso = 0.78 + 0.038 * A3; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.3; + + return true; +} + +bool DaehnickPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // 11.8 < E < 80 or 5.4, 40 MeV/u + // 27 < A < 238 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2253 + + //if( !(27 <= A && A <= 238 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 80 || E < 11.8) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double beta = -1.* pow(E/100.,2); + + double MU1 = exp(-1*pow((8. - N)/2.,2)); + double MU2 = exp(-1*pow((20. - N)/2.,2)); + double MU3 = exp(-1*pow((28. - N)/2.,2)); + double MU4 = exp(-1*pow((50. - N)/2.,2)); + double MU5 = exp(-1*pow((82. - N)/2.,2)); + double MU6 = exp(-1*pow((126. - N)/2.,2)); + + double MU = MU1 + MU2 + MU3 + MU4 + MU5 + MU6; + + v = 88. - 0.283 * E + 0.88 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.17; + a = 0.717 + 0.0012 * E; + + vi = (12. + 0.031 * E )*(1 - exp(beta)); + ri0 = 1.376 - 0.01 * sqrt(E); + ai = 0.52 + 0.07 * A3 - 0.04 * MU; + + vsi = (12. + 0.031 * E) * exp(beta); + rsi0 = ri0; + asi = ai; + + vso = 7.2 - 0.032 * E; + rso0 = 1.07; + aso = 0.66; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.3; + + return true; +} + +bool LohrPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // 9 < E < 13 or 4.5, 6.5 MeV/u + // 40 < A + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(74)90627-7 + + //if( !(40 <= A ) ) return false; + //if( E > 13 || E < 9) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 91.13 + 2.2 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.05; + a = 0.86; + + vi = 0; + ri0 = 0; + ai = 0; + + vsi = 218./pow(A,2./3.); + rsi0 = 1.43; + asi = 0.5 + 0.013 * pow(A,2./3.); + + vso = 7; + rso0 = 0.75; + aso = 0.5; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.3; + + return true; +} + +bool PereyPereyPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // d + A(Z) + // 12 < E < 25 or 6, 12.5 MeV/u + // 40 < A + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(74)90627-7 + + //if( !(40 <= A ) ) return false; + //if( E > 25 || E < 12) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 81 - 0.22*E + 2 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.15; + a = 0.81; + + vi = 0; + ri0 = 0; + ai = 0; + + vsi = 14.4 + 0.24 * E; + rsi0 = 1.34; + asi = 0.68; + + vso = 0.; + rso0 = 0.; + aso = 0.; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.15; + + return true; +} + +bool ZhangPangLouPotential(int A, int Z, double E, double Zproj){ + + vso = 0; + rso0 = 0; + aso = 0; + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + rc0 = 1.3; + + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double RC = rc0 * A3; + double Ec = 6 * Zproj * Z * 1.44 / 5 / RC; + + if( A == 6 && Z == 3 ){ + r0 = 1.62 - 0.0122 * (E - Ec) / A3; + ri0 = 2.83 - 0.0911 * (E - Ec) / A3; + rsi0 = ri0; + + a = 0.876; + ai = 0.27; + asi = ai; + + v = 47.9 + 2.37 * (E - Ec); + vi = 0; + vsi = 11.3 + 3.44 * (E - Ec); + + }else if( A == 7 && Z == 3 ){ + r0 = 1.45 + 0.097 * (E - Ec) / A3; + ri0 = 2.12 + 0.022 * (E - Ec) / A3; + rsi0 = ri0; + + a = 0.844; + ai = 0.261; + asi = ai; + + v = 26.1 + 1.19 * (E - Ec); + vi = 0; + vsi = 215.0 - 16.1 * (E - Ec); + + }else{ + r0 = 1.11 - 0.167 / A3 + 0.00117 * (E - Ec) / A3; + ri0 = 0.561 + 3.07 / A3 - 0.00449 * (E - Ec) / A3; + rsi0 = ri0; + + a = 0.776; + ai = 0.744; + asi = ai; + + v = 98.9 - 0.279 * (E - Ec); + vi = 11.5 / ( 1 + exp((18.1 - (E - Ec))/5.97)); + vsi = 7.56 / ( 1 + exp(((E - Ec) - 14.3)/4.55)); + + } + + return true; +} + +//======================== proton +bool KoningPotential(int A, int Z, double E, double Zproj){ + // p + A(Z) + // E < 200 or 200 MeV/u + // 24 < A < 209 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01321-0 + + //if( !(24 <= A && A <= 209 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 200 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double vp1 = 59.3 + 21.*(N-Z)/A - 0.024*A; + double vn1 = 59.3 - 21.*(N-Z)/A - 0.024*A; + + double vp2 = 0.007067 + 0.00000423*A; + double vn2 = 0.007228 - 0.00000148*A; + + double vp3 = 0.00001729 + 0.00000001136 * A; + double vn3 = 0.00001994 - 0.00000002 * A; + + double vp4 = 7e-9; // = vn4 + double vn4 = vp4; + + double wp1 = 14.667 + 0.009629*A; + double wn1 = 12.195 + 0.0167*A; + + double wp2 = 73.55 + 0.0795*A; // = wn2 + double wn2 = wp2; + + double dp1 = 16 + 16.*(N-Z)/A; + double dn1 = 16 - 16.*(N-Z)/A; + + double dp2 = 0.018 + 0.003802/(1 + exp((A-156.)/8)); // = dn2 + double dn2 = dp2; + + double dp3 = 11.5 ; // = dn3 + double dn3 = dp3; + + double vso1 = 5.922 + 0.003 * A; + double vso2 = 0.004; + + double wso1 = -3.1; + double wso2 = 160; + + double epf = -8.4075 + 0.01378 *A; + double enf = -11.2814 + 0.02646 *A; + + double rc = 1.198 + 0.697/pow(A3,2) + 12.995/pow(A3,5); + double vc = 1.73/rc * Z / A3; + + v = vp1*(1 - vp2*(E-epf) + vp3*pow(E-epf,2) - vp4*pow(E-epf,3)) + vc * vp1 * (vp2 - 2*vp3*(E-epf) + 3*vp4*pow(E-epf,2)); + //neutron + if( Zproj == 0 ) v = vn1*(1 - vn2*(E-enf) + vn3*pow(E-enf,2) - vn4*pow(E-enf,3)); + + + r0 = 1.3039 - 0.4054 / A3; + a = 0.6778 - 0.000148 * A; + + vi = wp1 * pow(E-epf,2)/(pow(E-epf,2) + pow(wp2,2)); + if( Zproj == 0 ) vi = wn1 * pow(E-enf,2)/(pow(E-enf,2) + pow(wn2,2)); + + ri0 = 1.3039 - 0.4054 / A3; + ai = 0.6778 - 0.000148 * A; + + vsi = dp1 * pow(E-epf,2)/(pow(E-epf,2)+pow(dp3,2)) * exp(-dp2*(E-epf)); + if( Zproj == 0 ) vsi = dn1 * pow(E-enf,2)/(pow(E-enf,2)+pow(dn3,2)) * exp(-dn2*(E-enf)); + + rsi0 = 1.3424 - 0.01585 * A3; + asi = 0.5187 + 0.0005205 * A; + if( Zproj == 0 ) asi = 0.5446 - 0.0001656 * A; + + vso = vso1 * exp(-vso2 * (E-epf)); + if( Zproj == 0 ) vso = vso1 * exp(-vso2 * (E-enf)); + + rso0 = 1.1854 - 0.647/A3; + aso = 0.59; + + vsoi = wso1 * pow(E-epf,2)/(pow(E-epf,2)+pow(wso2,2)); + if ( Zproj == 0 ) vsoi = wso1 * pow(E-enf,2)/(pow(E-enf,2)+pow(wso2,2)); + + rsoi0 = 1.1854 - 0.647/A3; + asoi = 0.59; + + rc0 = rc; + + return true; +} + +bool VarnerPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // p + A(Z) + // 16 < E < 65 or 65 MeV/u + // 4 < A < 209 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O + + //if( !(4 <= A && A <= 209 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 65 || E < 16 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double Rc = 1.24 * A3 + 0.12; + double EC = 1.73 * Z / Rc; + double ETA = 1.0*(N-Z)/A; + + v = 52.9 + 13.1 * (N-Z)/A - 0.299 * (E - EC); + r0 = 1.25 - 0.225/A3; + a = 0.690; + + vi = 7.8/(1 + exp((35. - E + EC)/16.) ); + ri0 = 1.33 - 0.42/A3; + ai = 0.69; + + vsi = (10 + 18.*(N-Z)/A)/(1+exp((E-EC - 36.)/37.)); + rsi0 = 1.33 - 0.42/A3; + asi = 0.69; + + vso = 5.9; + rso0 = 1.34 - 1.2/A3; + aso = 0.63; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = Rc/A3; + + return true; +} + +bool MenetPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // p + A(Z) + // 30 < E < 60 or 60 MeV/u + // 40 < A + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O + + //if( !(40 <= A ) ) return false; + //if( E > 60 || E < 30 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 49.9 - 0.22 * E + 26.4 * (N-Z) / A + 0.4 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.16; + a = 0.75; + + vi = 1.2 + 0.09 * E; + ri0 = 1.37; + ai = 0.74 - 0.008 * E + 1.*(N-Z)/A; + + vsi = 4.2 - 0.05 * E + 15.5 * (N-Z)/A; + rsi0 = 1.37; + asi = 0.74 - 0.008 * E + 1.*(N-Z)/A; + + vso = 6.04; + rso0 = 1.064; + aso = 0.78; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.25; + + return true; +} + +bool BecchettiPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // p + A(Z) + // E < 50 or 60 MeV/u + // 40 < A + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.182.1190 + + //if( !(40 <= A ) ) return false; + //if( E > 60 || E < 30 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 54 - 0.32 * E + 24. * (N-Z) / A + 0.4 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.17; + a = 0.75; + + vi = 0.22 * E - 2.7 < 0 ? 0 : 0.22 * E - 2.7; + ri0 = 1.32; + ai = 0.51 + 0.7 * (N-Z)/A; + + vsi = 11.8 - 0.258 * E + 12. * (N-Z)/A; + if( vsi < 0 ) { + vsi = 0; + } + rsi0 = 1.320; + asi = 0.51 + 0.7 * (N-Z)/A; + + vso = 6.2; + rso0 = 1.1; + aso = 0.75; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.3; + + return true; +} + +bool PereyPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + // p + A(Z) + // E < 20 or 20 MeV/u + // 30 < A < 100 + // http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.182.1190 + + //if( !(40 <= A && A <= 100 ) ) return false; + //if( E > 20 ) return false; + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 53.3 - 0.55 * E + 27. * (N-Z) / A + 0.4 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.25; + a = 0.65; + + vi = 0.; + ri0 = 0.; + ai = 0.; + + vsi = 13.5; + rsi0 = 1.25; + asi = 0.47; + + vso = 7.5; + rso0 = 1.25; + aso = 0.47; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.25; + + return true; +} + +bool XuPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double vsiTest = 33.26647 - 0.16975 * E - 12.0 * (N-Z)/A; + double viTest = -2 + 0.10645*E - 0.00016156 * pow(E,2); + + v = 136.34988 - 0.20315 * E - 0.00030147 * pow(E,2) - 24.0 * (N-Z) / A + 0.4 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.14963; + a = 0.78836; + + vi = 0.0; if( viTest > 0 ) vi = viTest; + ri0 = 1.61807; + ai = 0.66485; + + vsi = 0.0; if( vsiTest > 0 ) vsi = vsiTest; + rsi0 = 1.20655; + asi = 0.73593; + + vso = 3.0; + rso0 = 1.26864; + aso = 0.89999; + + vsoi = 0; + rsoi0 = 0; + asoi = 0; + + rc0 = 1.25; + + return true; +} + +bool LiangPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 118.36 - 0.2071 * E + 0.000063961 * pow(E,2) + 26.001 * (N-Z) / A + 0.5668 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.1657 + 0.0401 / A3; + a = 0.6641 + 0.0305 * A3; + + vi = -6.8871 + 0.3115 * E - 0.00068096 * pow(E,2); + ri0 = 1.4022 + 0.0418 / A3; + ai = 0.7732 + 0.0219 * A3; + + vsi = 20.119 - 0.1626 * E - 5.4067 * (N-Z) / A + 1.2087 * A3; + rsi0 = 1.1802 + 0.0587 / A3; + asi = 0.6292 + 0.0657 * A3; + + vso = 2.0491 + 0.0099804 * A3; + rso0 = 0.7211 + 0.0586 / A3; + aso = 0.7643 + 0.0535 * A3; + + vsoi = -1.1591; + rsoi0 = 0.7211 + 0.0586 * A3; + asoi = 0.7643 + 0.0535 * A3; + + rc0 = 1.289; + + return true; +} + +bool PangPotential(int A, int Z, double E, int Zproj){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double rc = 1.24 * A3 + 0.12; + double EC = 1.728 * Z * Zproj / rc; + double ETA = 1.0 * (N-Z) / A; + double vsiAsym = 35.0 - 34.2 * ETA; + if( Zproj == 2.0 ) vsiAsym = 35 + 34.2* ETA; + + v = 118.3 - 0.13 * (E - EC); + r0 = 1.3 - 0.48 / A3; + a = 0.82; + + vi = 38.5/(1.0 + exp( (156.1 - E + EC)/52.4 )); + ri0 = 1.31 - 0.13 / A3; + ai = 0.84; + + vsi = vsiAsym / ( 1.0 + exp( (E - EC - 30.8) / 106.4 )); + rsi0 = 1.31 - 0.13 / A3; + asi = 0.84; + + vso = 0; + if( E < 85 ) vso = 1.7 - 0.02 * E; + rso0 = 0.64 + 1.18 / A3; + aso = 0.13; + + vsoi = 0.; + rsoi0 = 0.; + asoi = 0.; + + rc0 = rc/ A3; + + return true; +} + +bool LiLiangCaiPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 137.6 - 0.1456 * E + 0.0436 * pow(E,2) + 4.3751 * (N-Z) / A + 1.0474 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.1201 - 0.1504 / A3; + a = 0.6833 + 0.0191 * A3; + + vi = 7.383 + 0.5025 * E - 0.0097 * pow(E,2); + ri0 = 1.3202 - 0.1776 / A3; + ai = 1.119 + 0.01913 * A3; + + vsi = 37.06 - 0.6451 * E - 47.19 * (N-Z) / A; + rsi0 = 1.251 - 0.4622 / A3; + asi = 0.8114 + 0.01159 * A3; + + vso = 1.9029; + rso0 = 0.46991 + 0.1294 / A3; + aso = 0.3545 - 0.0522 * A3; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.422; + + return true; +} + +bool TrostPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double JR = 272.33 * (1.0 + 0.002029 * A) * ( 1.0 - 0.001453 * E ) * (1.0 + 3.4931 * pow(A3,-2)) * ( 1.0+(-0.825165+exp(0.92059-0.079154*A))*exp(-0.065066*E) ); + double AP = 3 ; + + r0 = 1.150; + double RR = A3 * r0; + a = 0.64*(1+(0.0004*A))*(1+0.25*(1-exp(-0.2*A))*(1-exp(-0.06*E))); + double pi = 3.141592653589793; + v = 3.0/(4 * pi) * JR * AP * A * pow(RR, -3.0) / (1 + pow((pi * a)/RR,2) ); + + vi = 0.0; + ri0 = 0.0; + ai = 0.0; + + vsi = 24.5*(1+(1-(0.011*A))*(-0.0018)*E)*(1-exp(-(1.0+(0.003*E))*0.1*A))*(1-exp(-0.1*E)); + rsi0 = 1.26*(1-(0.00055*E))*(1+exp(-0.9163-(0.005*A))*exp(-0.09*E)); + asi = 0.8; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 0.0; + aso = 0.0; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.4; + + return true; +} + +bool HyakutakePotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 111.4 - 0.173 * E + 14.9 * (N-Z) / A + 1.1 * Z / A3; + r0 = 1.21; + a = 0.76; + + vi = 0.0; + ri0 = 0.0; + ai = 0.0; + + vsi = 24.8 - 0.028 * E; + rsi0 = 1.17; + asi = 0.754 + 0.78 * (N-Z) / A; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 0.0; + aso = 0.0; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.300; + + return true; +} + +bool BecchettiA3Potential(int A, int Z, double E, int Zproj){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + v = 165 - 0.17 * E - 6.4 * (N-Z) / A; + if( Zproj == 2 ) v = 151.9 - 0.17 * E + 50. * (N-Z) / A; + + r0 = 1.20; + a = 0.72; + + vi = 46.0 - 0.33 * E - 110. * (N-Z) / A; + if( Zproj == 2 ) vi = 41.7 - 0.33 * E + 44.0 * (N-Z) / A; + ri0 = 1.4; + ai = 0.84; + if( Zproj == 2 ) ai = 0.88; + + vsi = 0.0; + rsi0 = 0.0; + asi = 0.0; + + vso = 2.5; + rso0 = 1.2; + aso = 0.72; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.300; + + return true; +} + +//=============================== alpha + +bool SuAndHanPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double vsiCOND = 27.5816 - 0.0797 * E + 48.0*(N-Z)/A; + double viCOND = -4.0174 + 0.1409 * E ; + + v = 175.0881 - 0.6236 * E + 0.0006*E*E + 30.*(N-Z)/A - 0.236 * Z/A3; + r0 = 1.3421; + a = 0.6578; + + vi = viCOND; if( viCOND < 0 ) vi = 0.0; + ri0 = 1.4259; + ai = 0.6578; + + vsi = vsiCOND; if (vsiCOND < 0 ) vsi = 0.0; + rsi0 = 1.2928; + asi = 0.6359; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 1.2686; + aso = 0.85; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.350; + + return true; +} + +bool AvrigeanuPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + int N = A-Z; + double A3 = pow(A, 1./3.); + + double e3 = 23.6 + 0.181 * Z/A3; + double e2 = (2.59 + 10.4/A)*Z/(2.66+1.36*A3); + double e1 = -3.03 + 0.762 * A3 + 0.24 + e2; + + v = 116.5 + 0.337 * Z /A3 + 0.453*E; + if( E < e3 ) v = 168 + 0.733 * Z / A3 - 2.64 *E; + r0 = 0.00; + a = 0.00; + + vi = 2.73 - 2.88 * A3 + 1.11*E; + ri0 = 0.00; + ai = 0.00; + + vsi = 0.0; + rsi0 = 0.0; + asi = 0.0; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 0.0; + aso = 0.0; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.300; + + return true; +} + +bool BassaniPicardPotential(int A, int Z, double E){ + + v = 207; + r0 = 1.3; + a = 0.65; + + vi = 28; + ri0 = 1.3; + ai = 0.52; + + vsi = 0.0; + rsi0 = 0.0; + asi = 0.0; + + vso = 0.0; + rso0 = 0.0; + aso = 0.0; + + vsoi = 0.0; + rsoi0 = 0.0; + asoi = 0.0; + + rc0 = 1.400; + + return true; +} + +bool CallPotential(string potName, int A, int Z, double E, int Zproj){ + bool okFlag = false; + + if( potName == "A") okFlag = AnCaiPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "H") okFlag = HSSPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "B") okFlag = BojowaldPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "D") okFlag = DaehnickPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "L") okFlag = LohrPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "Q") okFlag = PereyPereyPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "Z") okFlag = ZhangPangLouPotential(A, Z, E, Zproj); + + if( potName == "K") okFlag = KoningPotential(A, Z, E, Zproj); + if( potName == "V") okFlag = VarnerPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "M") okFlag = MenetPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "G") okFlag = BecchettiPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "P") okFlag = PereyPotential(A, Z, E); + + if( potName == "x") okFlag = XuPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "l") okFlag = LiangPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "p") okFlag = PangPotential(A, Z, E, Zproj); + if( potName == "c") okFlag = LiLiangCaiPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "t") okFlag = TrostPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "h") okFlag = HyakutakePotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "b") okFlag = BecchettiA3Potential(A, Z, E, Zproj); + + if( potName == "s") okFlag = SuAndHanPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "a") okFlag = AvrigeanuPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "f") okFlag = BassaniPicardPotential(A, Z, E); + + if( potName == "X") okFlag = CustomXPotential(A, Z, E); + if( potName == "Y") okFlag = CustomYPotential(A, Z, E); + + //printf(" Potenital : %s | A : %d | Z : %d | E : %f\n", potName.c_str(), A, Z, E); + //PrintPotential(); + + return okFlag; +} diff --git a/Cleopatra/ptolemy b/Cleopatra/ptolemy new file mode 100755 index 0000000..29da4b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Cleopatra/ptolemy differ diff --git a/Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac b/Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0501043 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/bash +docker run --rm -i -w $PWD tehatanlgov/ptolemy diff --git a/Cleopatra/transfer_test.C b/Cleopatra/transfer_test.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50f88a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cleopatra/transfer_test.C @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#include "HELIOS_LIB.h" +#include "TROOT.h" +#include "TBenchmark.h" +#include "TLorentzVector.h" +#include "TMath.h" +#include "TFile.h" +#include "TF1.h" +#include "TTree.h" +#include "TRandom.h" +#include "TGraph.h" +#include "TMacro.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +void transfer_test(double t, double p, double bField, bool fromOutSide){ + + TransferReaction reaction; + reaction.SetA(14, 6); + reaction.Seta( 2, 1); + reaction.Setb( 1, 1); + reaction.SetB(15, 6); + + reaction.SetExB(0); + + reaction.SetIncidentEnergyAngle(10, 0, 0); + reaction.CalReactionConstant(); + + HELIOS helios; + helios.SetDetectorGeometry("../working/detectorGeo.txt"); + helios.OverrideMagneticField(bField); + helios.SetDetectorOutside(fromOutSide); + + double beta = reaction.GetReactionBeta() ; + + double slope = 299.792458 * abs(helios.GetBField()) / TMath::TwoPi() * beta / 1000.; // MeV/mm + + double alpha = slope / beta; + + printf("===================================\n"); + printf("Mass A : %8.2f MeV/c2\n", reaction.GetMass_A()); + printf("Mass a : %8.2f MeV/c2\n", reaction.GetMass_a()); + printf("Mass b : %8.2f MeV/c2\n", reaction.GetMass_b()); + printf("Mass B : %8.2f MeV/c2\n", reaction.GetMass_B()); + printf("CM Mass : %8.2f MeV\n", reaction.GetCMTotalEnergy()); + printf("CM beta : %8.6f \n", beta); + printf("slope : %8.6f MeV\n", alpha * beta); + printf("alpha : %8.6f MeV\n", alpha); + + + double thetaCM = t * TMath::DegToRad(); + double phiCM = - p * TMath::DegToRad(); + + TLorentzVector * output = reaction.Event(thetaCM, phiCM); + TLorentzVector Pb = output[2]; + TLorentzVector PB = output[3]; + + Pb.Print(); + PB.Print(); + + helios.CalArrayHit(Pb, 1); + helios.CalRecoilHit(PB, 6); + + printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); + + int hitID = 2; + while( hitID > 1 ){ + printf("==================== check accp.\n"); + hitID = helios.DetAcceptance(); + printf("-------------------- hitID %d\n", hitID); + } + + PrintTrajectory(helios.GetTrajectory_b()); + + +} diff --git a/armory/AnalysisLib.h b/armory/AnalysisLib.h index 8b702b6..f20f76d 100644 --- a/armory/AnalysisLib.h +++ b/armory/AnalysisLib.h @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ #include +#include + + int FindDetType(int detID, std::vector detMaxID){ for( int k = 0; k < (int) detMaxID.size(); k++){ int low = (k == 0 ? 0 : detMaxID[k-1]); @@ -61,6 +64,486 @@ void PrintMapping(std::vector> mapping, std::vector pos; /// near position in meter + int nDet, mDet; /// nDet = number of different pos, mDet, number of same pos + double zMin, zMax; /// range of detectors + + std::vector detPos; ///absolute position of detector + + bool isCoincidentWithRecoil; + + bool detFaceOut; ///detector_facing_Out_or_In + +}; + +struct ReactionConfig{ + + int beamA; + int beamZ; + int targetA; + int targetZ; + int recoilLightA; + int recoilLightZ; + int recoilHeavyA; + int recoilHeavyZ; + float beamEnergy; ///MeV/u + float beamEnergySigma; ///beam-energy_sigma_in_MeV/u + float beamAngle; ///beam-angle_in_mrad + float beamAngleSigma; ///beam-emittance_in_mrad + float beamX; ///x_offset_of_Beam_in_mm + float beamY; ///y_offset_of_Beam_in_mm + int numEvents; ///number_of_Event_being_generated + bool isTargetScattering; ///isTargetScattering + float targetDensity; ///target_density_in_g/cm3 + float targetThickness; ///targetThickness_in_cm + std::string beamStoppingPowerFile; ///stopping_power_for_beam + std::string recoilLightStoppingPowerFile; ///stopping_power_for_light_recoil + std::string recoilHeavyStoppingPowerFile; ///stopping_power_for_heavy_recoil + bool isDecay; ///isDacay + int heavyDecayA; ///decayNucleus_A + int heavyDecayZ; ///decayNucleus_Z + bool isRedo; ///isReDo + std::vector beamEx; ///excitation_energy_of_A[MeV] + + +}; + +std::vector SplitStr(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){ + + std::vector output; + + size_t pos; + do{ + pos = tempLine.find(splitter); /// fine splitter + if( pos == 0 ){ ///check if it is splitter again + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1); + continue; + } + + std::string secStr; + if( pos == std::string::npos ){ + secStr = tempLine; + }else{ + secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift); + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift); + } + + ///check if secStr is begin with space + while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " ") secStr = secStr.substr(1); + + ///check if secStr is end with space + while( secStr.back() == ' ') secStr = secStr.substr(0, secStr.size()-1); + + output.push_back(secStr); + ///printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str()); + + }while(pos != std::string::npos ); + + return output; +} + +///Using TMacro to load the detectorGeo frist, +///this indrect method is good for loading detectorGeo from TMacro in root file +DetGeo LoadDetectorGeo(TMacro * macro){ + + DetGeo detGeo; + + if( macro == NULL ) return detGeo; + + TList * haha = macro->GetListOfLines(); + int numLine = (haha)->GetSize(); + + detGeo.pos.clear(); + + for( int i = 0 ; i < numLine; i++){ + + std::vector str = SplitStr(macro->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(), " "); + + ///printf("%d | %s\n", i, str[0].c_str()); + + if( str[0].find_first_of("#") == 0 ) break; + + if ( i == 0 ) { + detGeo.Bfield = atof(str[0].c_str()); + detGeo.BfieldSign = detGeo.Bfield > 0 ? 1: -1; + } + if ( i == 1 ) detGeo.BfieldTheta = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 2 ) detGeo.bore = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 3 ) detGeo.detPerpDist = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 4 ) detGeo.detWidth = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 5 ) detGeo.detLength = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 6 ) detGeo.recoilPos = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 7 ) detGeo.recoilInnerRadius = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 8 ) detGeo.recoilOuterRadius = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 9 ) detGeo.isCoincidentWithRecoil = str[0] == "false" ? false: true; + if ( i == 10 ) detGeo.recoilPos1 = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 11 ) detGeo.recoilPos2 = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 12 ) detGeo.elumPos1 = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 13 ) detGeo.elumPos2 = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 14 ) detGeo.blocker = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 15 ) detGeo.firstPos = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 16 ) detGeo.eSigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 17 ) detGeo.zSigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i == 18 ) detGeo.detFaceOut = str[0] == "Out" ? true : false; + if ( i == 19 ) detGeo.mDet = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if ( i >= 20 ) (detGeo.pos).push_back(atof(str[0].c_str())); + } + + detGeo.nDet = (detGeo.pos).size(); + (detGeo.detPos).clear(); + + for(int id = 0; id < detGeo.nDet; id++){ + if( detGeo.firstPos > 0 ) detGeo.detPos.push_back(detGeo.firstPos + detGeo.pos[id]); + if( detGeo.firstPos < 0 ) detGeo.detPos.push_back(detGeo.firstPos - detGeo.pos[detGeo.nDet - 1 - id]); + ///printf("%d | %f, %f \n", id, detGeo.pos[id], detGeo.detPos[id]); + } + + detGeo.zMin = TMath::Min(detGeo.detPos.front(), detGeo.detPos.back()) - (detGeo.firstPos < 0 ? detGeo.detLength : 0); + detGeo.zMax = TMath::Max(detGeo.detPos.front(), detGeo.detPos.back()) + (detGeo.firstPos > 0 ? detGeo.detLength : 0); + + return detGeo; +} + +void PrintDetGeo(DetGeo detGeo){ + + printf("=====================================================\n"); + printf(" B-field: %8.2f T, Theta : %6.2f deg \n", detGeo.Bfield, detGeo.BfieldTheta); + if( detGeo.BfieldTheta != 0.0 ) { + printf(" +---- field angle != 0 is not supported!!! \n"); + } + printf(" Recoil detector pos: %8.2f mm, radius: %6.2f - %6.2f mm \n", detGeo.recoilPos, detGeo.recoilInnerRadius, detGeo.recoilOuterRadius); + printf(" Blocker Position: %8.2f mm \n", detGeo.firstPos > 0 ? detGeo.firstPos - detGeo.blocker : detGeo.firstPos + detGeo.blocker ); + printf(" First Position: %8.2f mm \n", detGeo.firstPos); + printf("------------------------------------- Detector Position \n"); + for(int i = 0; i < detGeo.nDet ; i++){ + if( detGeo.firstPos > 0 ){ + printf("%d, %8.2f mm - %8.2f mm \n", i, detGeo.detPos[i], detGeo.detPos[i] + detGeo.detLength); + }else{ + printf("%d, %8.2f mm - %8.2f mm \n", i, detGeo.detPos[i] - detGeo.detLength , detGeo.detPos[i]); + } + } + + printf(" number of det : %d x %d \n", detGeo.mDet, detGeo.nDet); + printf(" detector facing : %s\n", detGeo.detFaceOut ? "Out" : "In"); + printf(" energy resol.: %f MeV\n", detGeo.eSigma); + printf(" pos-Z resol.: %f mm \n", detGeo.zSigma); + + if( detGeo.elumPos1 != 0 || detGeo.elumPos2 != 0 || detGeo.recoilPos1 != 0 || detGeo.recoilPos2 != 0){ + printf("=================================== Auxillary/Imaginary Detectors\n"); + } + if( detGeo.elumPos1 != 0 ) printf(" Elum 1 pos.: %f mm \n", detGeo.elumPos1); + if( detGeo.elumPos2 != 0 ) printf(" Elum 2 pos.: %f mm \n", detGeo.elumPos2); + if( detGeo.recoilPos1 != 0 ) printf(" Recoil 1 pos.: %f mm \n", detGeo.recoilPos1); + if( detGeo.recoilPos2 != 0 ) printf(" Recoil 2 pos.: %f mm \n", detGeo.recoilPos2); + printf("=====================================================\n"); + +} + +ReactionConfig LoadReactionConfig(TMacro * macro){ + + ReactionConfig reaction; + + if( macro == NULL ) return reaction; + + int numLine = macro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize(); + + for( int i = 0; i < numLine; i ++){ + + std::vector str = SplitStr(macro->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(), " "); + + ///printf("%d | %s\n", i, str[0].c_str()); + + if( str[0].find_first_of("#") == 0 ) break; + + if( i == 0 ) reaction.beamA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 1 ) reaction.beamZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 2 ) reaction.targetA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 3 ) reaction.targetZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 4 ) reaction.recoilLightA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 5 ) reaction.recoilLightZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 6 ) reaction.beamEnergy = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 7 ) reaction.beamEnergySigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 8 ) reaction.beamAngle = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 9 ) reaction.beamAngleSigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 10 ) reaction.beamX = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 11 ) reaction.beamY = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 12 ) reaction.numEvents = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 13 ) { + if( str[0].compare("false") == 0 ) reaction.isTargetScattering = false; + if( str[0].compare("true") == 0 ) reaction.isTargetScattering = true; + } + if( i == 14 ) reaction.targetDensity = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 15 ) reaction.targetThickness = atof(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 16 ) reaction.beamStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; + if( i == 17 ) reaction.recoilLightStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; + if( i == 18 ) reaction.recoilHeavyStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; + if( i == 19 ) { + if( str[0].compare("false") == 0 ) reaction.isDecay = false; + if( str[0].compare("true") == 0 ) reaction.isDecay = true; + } + if( i == 20 ) reaction.heavyDecayA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 21 ) reaction.heavyDecayZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); + if( i == 22 ) { + if( str[0].compare("false") == 0 ) reaction.isRedo = false; + if( str[0].compare("true" ) == 0 ) reaction.isRedo = true; + } + + if( i >= 23) { + reaction.beamEx.push_back( atof(str[0].c_str()) ); + } + } + + reaction.recoilHeavyA = reaction.beamA + reaction.targetA - reaction.recoilLightA; + reaction.recoilHeavyZ = reaction.beamZ + reaction.targetZ - reaction.recoilLightZ; + + return reaction; + +} + +void PrintReactionConfig(ReactionConfig reaction){ + + printf("=====================================================\n"); + printf(" beam : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", reaction.beamA, reaction.beamZ); + printf(" target : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", reaction.targetA, reaction.targetZ); + printf(" light : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", reaction.recoilLightA, reaction.recoilLightZ); + + printf(" beam Energy : %.2f +- %.2f MeV/u, dE/E = %5.2f %%\n", reaction.beamEnergy, reaction.beamEnergySigma, reaction.beamEnergySigma/reaction.beamEnergy); + printf(" Angle : %.2f +- %.2f mrad\n", reaction.beamAngle, reaction.beamAngleSigma); + printf(" offset : (x,y) = (%.2f, %.2f) mmm \n", reaction.beamX, reaction.beamY); + + printf("##### number of Simulation Events : %d \n", reaction.numEvents); + + printf(" is target scattering : %s \n", reaction.isTargetScattering ? "Yes" : "No"); + + if(reaction.isTargetScattering){ + printf(" target density : %.f g/cm3\n", reaction.targetDensity); + printf(" thickness : %.f cm\n", reaction.targetThickness); + printf(" beam stopping file : %s \n", reaction.beamStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); + printf(" recoil light stopping file : %s \n", reaction.recoilLightStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); + printf(" recoil heavy stopping file : %s \n", reaction.recoilHeavyStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); + } + + printf(" is simulate decay : %s \n", reaction.isDecay ? "Yes" : "No"); + if( reaction.isDecay ){ + printf(" heavy decay : A = %d, Z = %d \n", reaction.heavyDecayA, reaction.heavyDecayZ); + } + printf(" is Redo until hit array : %s \n", reaction.isRedo ? "Yes" : "No"); + + printf(" beam Ex : %.2f MeV \n", reaction.beamEx[0]); + for( int i = 1; i < (int) reaction.beamEx.size(); i++){ + printf(" %.2f MeV \n", reaction.beamEx[i]); + } + + printf("=====================================================\n"); + +} + + +std::vector> combination(std::vector arr, int r){ + + std::vector> output; + + int n = arr.size(); + std::vector v(n); + std::fill(v.begin(), v.begin()+r, 1); + do { + //for( int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%d ", v[i]); }; printf("\n"); + + std::vector temp; + for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + if (v[i]) { + //printf("%.1f, ", arr[i]); + temp.push_back(arr[i]); + } + } + //printf("\n"); + + output.push_back(temp); + + } while (std::prev_permutation(v.begin(), v.end())); + + return output; +} + +double* sumMeanVar(std::vector data){ + + int n = data.size(); + double sum = 0; + for( int k = 0; k < n; k++) sum += data[k]; + double mean = sum/n; + double var = 0; + for( int k = 0; k < n; k++) var += pow(data[k] - mean,2); + + static double output[3]; + output[0] = sum; + output[1] = mean; + output[2] = var; + + return output; +} + +double* fitSlopeIntercept(std::vector dataX, std::vector dataY){ + + double * smvY = sumMeanVar(dataY); + double sumY = smvY[0]; + double meanY = smvY[1]; + + double * smvX = sumMeanVar(dataX); + double sumX = smvX[0]; + double meanX = smvX[1]; + double varX = smvX[2]; + + int n = dataX.size(); + double sumXY = 0; + for( int j = 0; j < n; j++) sumXY += dataX[j] * dataY[j]; + + double slope = ( sumXY - sumX * sumY/n ) / varX; + double intercept = meanY - slope * meanX; + + static double output[2]; + output[0] = slope; + output[1] = intercept; + + return output; + +} + +std::vector> FindMatchingPair(std::vector enX, std::vector enY){ + + //output[0] = fitEnergy; + //output[1] = refEnergy; + + int nX = enX.size(); + int nY = enY.size(); + + std::vector fitEnergy; + std::vector refEnergy; + + if( nX > nY ){ + + std::vector> output = combination(enX, nY); + + double * smvY = sumMeanVar(enY); + double sumY = smvY[0]; + double meanY = smvY[1]; + double varY = smvY[2]; + + double optRSquared = 0; + double absRSqMinusOne = 1; + int maxID = 0; + + for( int k = 0; k < (int) output.size(); k++){ + + double * smvX = sumMeanVar(output[k]); + double sumX = smvX[0]; + double meanX = smvX[1]; + double varX = smvX[2]; + + double sumXY = 0; + for( int j = 0; j < nY; j++) sumXY += output[k][j] * enY[j]; + + double rSq = abs(sumXY - sumX*sumY/nY)/sqrt(varX*varY); + + //for( int j = 0; j < nY ; j++){ printf("%.1f, ", output[k][j]); }; printf("| %.10f\n", rSq); + + if( abs(rSq-1) < absRSqMinusOne ) { + absRSqMinusOne = abs(rSq-1); + optRSquared = rSq; + maxID = k; + } + } + + fitEnergy = output[maxID]; + refEnergy = enY; + + printf(" R^2 : %.20f\n", optRSquared); + + //calculation fitting coefficient + //double * si = fitSlopeIntercept(fitEnergy, refEnergy); + //printf( " y = %.4f x + %.4f\n", si[0], si[1]); + + }else if( nX < nY ){ + + std::vector> output = combination(enY, nX); + + + double * smvX = sumMeanVar(enX); + double sumX = smvX[0]; + double meanX = smvX[1]; + double varX = smvX[2]; + + double optRSquared = 0; + double absRSqMinusOne = 1; + int maxID = 0; + + for( int k = 0; k < (int) output.size(); k++){ + + double * smvY = sumMeanVar(output[k]); + double sumY = smvY[0]; + double meanY = smvY[1]; + double varY = smvY[2]; + + double sumXY = 0; + for( int j = 0; j < nX; j++) sumXY += output[k][j] * enX[j]; + + double rSq = abs(sumXY - sumX*sumY/nX)/sqrt(varX*varY); + + //for( int j = 0; j < nX ; j++){ printf("%.1f, ", output[k][j]); }; printf("| %.10f\n", rSq); + + if( abs(rSq-1) < absRSqMinusOne ) { + absRSqMinusOne = abs(rSq-1); + optRSquared = rSq; + maxID = k; + } + } + + fitEnergy = enX; + refEnergy = output[maxID]; + printf(" R^2 : %.20f\n", optRSquared); + + }else{ + fitEnergy = enX; + refEnergy = enY; + + //if nX == nY, ther could be cases that only partial enX and enY are matched. + + } + + + printf("fitEnergy = ");for( int k = 0; k < (int) fitEnergy.size() ; k++){ printf("%7.2f, ", fitEnergy[k]); }; printf("\n"); + printf("refEnergy = ");for( int k = 0; k < (int) refEnergy.size() ; k++){ printf("%7.2f, ", refEnergy[k]); }; printf("\n"); + + std::vector> haha; + haha.push_back(fitEnergy); + haha.push_back(refEnergy); + + return haha; + +} #endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/armory/AutoFit.C b/armory/AutoFit.C new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1881fff --- /dev/null +++ b/armory/AutoFit.C @@ -0,0 +1,2848 @@ +/*************************************************** + * This is a root macro for Auto fitting + * + * Created by Tsz Leung (Ryan) TANG, around 2019. + * updated 01-04-2022 + * + * contact goluckyryan@gmail.com + ***************************************************/ + +#ifndef AutoFit_C +#define AutoFit_C + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +//Global fit paramaters + +vector BestFitMean; +vector BestFitCount; +vector BestFitSigma; + +TString recentFitMethod; + +void ShowFitMethod(){ + printf("----------------------- Method of Fitting ---------------\n"); + printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); + printf(" fitAuto() - estimate BG, find peak, and fit n-Gauss \n"); + printf(" fitGaussPol() - fit 1 Gauss + pol-n BG\n"); + printf(" fit2GaussP1() - fit 2 Gauss + pol-1 BG \n"); + printf(" fitGF3Pol() - fit GF3 + pol-n BG \n"); + //printf(" fitNGF3() - fit n-GF3, estimated BG \n"); + printf(" fitNGauss() - fit n-Gauss, estimated BG, need input\n"); + printf(" fitNGaussSub() - fit estimated BG with Pol, subtract, fit n-Guass\n"); + printf(" fitNGaussPol() - fit n-Gauss + pol-n BG \n"); + printf(" fitNGaussPolSub() - subtract Pol-n BG, fit n-Gauss \n"); + printf("\n"); + printf("------- Mouse click Fit : \n"); + printf(" clickFitNGaussPol() - fit n-Gauss + pol-n BG \n"); + printf(" clickFitNGaussPolSub() - Fit Pol-n BG, subtract, fit n-Gauss\n"); + printf("\n"); + printf("------- Utility : \n"); + printf(" SaveFitPara() - Save the inital/Best fit parameters.\n"); + printf(" ShowFitMerhod() - Show this menual.\n"); + printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); +} + +void AutoFit(){ + ShowFitMethod(); +} + +std::vector SplitStrAF(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){ + + std::vector output; + + size_t pos; + do{ + pos = tempLine.find(splitter); // fine splitter + if( pos == 0 ){ //check if it is splitter again + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1); + continue; + } + + std::string secStr; + if( pos == std::string::npos ){ + secStr = tempLine; + }else{ + secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift); + tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift); + } + + //check if secStr is begin with space + if( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " "){ + secStr = secStr.substr(1); + } + + output.push_back(secStr); + //printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str()); + + }while(pos != std::string::npos ); + + return output; +} + +TColor RGBWheel(double ang){ + + ang = ang * TMath::DegToRad(); + + double r = max(0., (1+2*cos(ang))/3.); + double g = max(0., (1 - cos(ang) + sqrt(3)* sin(ang))/3.); + double b = max(0., (1 - cos(ang) - sqrt(3)* sin(ang))/3.); + + TColor col(r,g,b); + + return col; + +} + +int nPeaks = 16; +Double_t nGauss(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { + Double_t result = 0; + for (Int_t p=0;pGetNpar(); + int count = totPar/numParPerPeak; + printf("ID "); + for( int i = 0; i < numParPerPeak; i++){ + printf("par%d ", i); + } + printf("\n"); + + for( int i = 0; i < count ; i++){ + printf("%3d ", i); + for( int j = 0; j < numParPerPeak; j++){ + int parID = numParPerPeak * i + j; + printf("%.3f(%.3f) ", fit->GetParameter(parID), fit->GetParError(parID)); + } + printf("\n"); + } +} + +void GoodnessofFit(TH1F * hist, TF1 * fit){ + + int nBin = hist->GetNbinsX(); + int effBin = 0; + double mean = 0; + double ysq = 0; + double SSR = 0; + double chisq = 0; //with estimated error be sqrt(y) + double Xsq = 0; // for Pearson's chi-sq test + for( int i = 1; i <= nBin; i++){ + + double e = hist->GetBinError(i); + if( e > 0 ) { + effBin ++; + double y = hist->GetBinContent(i); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(i); + double ybar = fit->Eval(x); + ysq += y*y; + mean += y; + SSR += (y - ybar)*(y-ybar); + chisq += (y - ybar)*(y-ybar)/e/e; + + + if( ybar > e ) { + Xsq += (y - ybar)*(y-ybar)/ybar; + }else{ + Xsq += (y - ybar)*(y-ybar)/e; + } + //printf(" %d | x : %f, y : %f, ybar : %f , X-sq : %f\n", i, x, y, ybar, Xsq); + } + } + mean = mean / nBin; + double SSTotal = ysq + mean*mean; + + int npar = fit->GetNpar(); + int ndf = effBin - npar; + printf("#################################################\n"); + printf("## Goodness of Fit. ##\n"); + printf("#################################################\n"); + printf(" eff. Bin(%d) - numPar(%d) = ndf = %d \n", effBin, npar, ndf); + + printf("============== Regression analysis\n"); + printf("----------------- R-sq \n"); + printf(" SSTotal = %f \n", SSTotal); + printf(" SSR = %f \n", SSR); + printf(" MSR = %f <-- is it similar to sample variance?\n", SSR/ndf); + double Rsq = 1 - SSR/SSTotal; + printf(" R-sq = %f \n", Rsq ); + + printf("----------------- Chi-sq \n"); + printf(" Chi-sq = %f \n", chisq); + printf(" rd. Chi-sq = %f \n", chisq/ndf); + printf("ROOT Chi-Sq = %f , NDF = %d \n", fit->GetChisquare(), fit->GetNDF()); + //================ chi-sq test + printf("============== Hypothesis testing\n"); + printf(" Null Hypothesis : the fitting model is truth. \n"); + printf(" * p-value = prob. that Null Hypo. is truth. \n"); + printf(" * the Pearson's test in here only for background free data \n"); + printf(" Pearson's X-sq = %.2f \n", Xsq); + double p = 1 - TMath::Prob(Xsq, ndf); + printf(" Pearson's p-value = %.2f %s 0.05 | %s\n", p, p < 0.05 ? "<": ">", p < 0.05 ? "reject" : "cannot reject"); + double pchi = 1 - TMath::Prob(chisq, ndf); + printf(" Chi-sq p-value = %.2f %s 0.05 | %s\n", pchi, pchi < 0.05 ? "<": ">", pchi < 0.05 ? "reject" : "cannot reject"); + double pRoot = 1- fit->GetProb(); + printf("ROOT Chi-sq p-value = %.2f %s 0.05 | %s\n", pRoot, pRoot < 0.05 ? "<": ">", pRoot < 0.05 ? "reject" : "cannot reject"); + printf("################################################\n"); +} + +vector energy, height, sigma, lowE, highE ; +vector energyFlag, sigmaFlag; + +bool loadFitParameters(TString fitParaFile){ + + energy.clear(); energyFlag.clear(); + sigma.clear(); sigmaFlag.clear(); + + lowE.clear(); highE.clear(); + + height.clear(); + + bool paraRead = false; + + printf("====================================================================== \n"); + printf("----- loading fit parameters from : %s", fitParaFile.Data()); + ifstream file; + file.open(fitParaFile.Data()); + + if( !file){ + printf("\ncannot read file : %s \n", fitParaFile.Data()); + return 0; + } + + while( file.good()) { + string tempLine; + getline(file, tempLine); + + if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue; + if( tempLine.substr(0, 2) == "//" ) continue; + if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue; + + ///printf("%s\n", tempLine.c_str()); + + vector temp = SplitStrAF(tempLine, " "); + + if( temp.size() < 7 ) continue; + + energy.push_back( atof(temp[0].c_str())); + lowE.push_back( atof(temp[1].c_str())); + highE.push_back( atof(temp[2].c_str())); + energyFlag.push_back(atoi(temp[3].c_str())); + sigma.push_back( atof(temp[4].c_str())); + sigmaFlag.push_back( atoi(temp[5].c_str())); + height.push_back( atof(temp[6].c_str())); + + } + + printf("... done.\n"); + + int n = energy.size(); + TString limStr = "(fixed)"; + printf("%2s| %34s | %10s \n", "ID", "Peak [MeV]", "Sigma [MeV]"); + for( int j = 0; j < n; j ++){ + if( energyFlag[j] == 0 ) limStr.Form("(limited, %6.3f - %6.3f)", lowE[j], highE[j]); + printf("%2d| %7.4f %-26s | %7.4f (%5s) \n", j, energy[j], limStr.Data(), sigma[j], sigmaFlag[j] == 1 ? "fixed" : "free"); + } + + paraRead = true; + + printf("====================================================================== \n"); + + return paraRead; + +} + +TCanvas * NewCanvas(TString name, TString title, int divX, int divY, int padSizeX, int padSizeY){ + TCanvas * output = NULL; + if( gROOT->FindObjectAny(name) == NULL ){ + output = new TCanvas(name, title, divX * padSizeX, divY * padSizeY); + }else{ + output = (TCanvas *) gROOT->FindObjectAny(name) ; + output->Clear(); + } + output->Divide(divX, divY); + return output; +} + +void ScaleAndDrawHist(TH1F * hist, double xMin, double xMax){ + + if ( xMin != xMax ) hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xMin, xMax); + int maxBin = hist->GetMaximumBin(); + double ymax = hist->GetBinContent(maxBin); + hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.1 * ymax); + hist->Draw(); + +} + +void PlotResidual(TH1F * hist, TF1 * fit){ + + TH1F * hRes = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + hRes->GetListOfFunctions()->Clear(); + hRes->SetTitle("Residual"); + hRes->SetName("hRes"); + hRes->SetYTitle("Hist - fit"); + hRes->Sumw2(0); + hRes->Sumw2(1); + hRes->Add(fit, -1); + hRes->Draw(); + +} + + +//######################################## +//### Fit a Gauss + Pol-n +//######################################## +void fitGaussPol(TH1F * hist, double mean, double sigmaMax, int degPol, double xMin, double xMax, TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("=========================================================\n"); + printf("================ fit 1-Gauss + Pol-%d BG ================\n", degPol); + printf(" * mean Range +- 5 sigmaMax \n"); + printf(" * inital parameters of the polynomial is random/pow(10, i) \n"); + printf("==========================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitGaussPol"; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas * cFitGaussPol = NewCanvas("cFitGaussPol", Form("fit Gauss & Pol-%d | fitGaussPol", degPol), 1, 2, 800, 350); + cFitGaussPol->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, xMin, xMax); + + const int nPar = 3 + degPol + 1; + + TString funcExp = "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2], 1)"; + for( int i = 0; i < degPol+1 ; i++){ + funcExp += Form(" + [%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i+3 , i); + } + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", funcExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + + double * para = new double[nPar]; + para[0] = 100 * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[1] = mean; + para[2] = sigmaMax/2.; + for( int i = 0 ; i < degPol+1; i++){ + para[3 + i ] = gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, i); + } + + fit->SetLineWidth(2); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + fit->SetParLimits(0, 0, 1e9); + fit->SetParLimits(1, mean - 5*sigmaMax, mean + 5 * sigmaMax); + fit->SetParLimits(2, 0, sigmaMax); + + hist->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + double bw = hist->GetBinWidth(1); + + printf("histogram name : %s \n====== Gaussian:\ncount: %8.0f(%3.0f)\nmean : %8.4f(%8.4f)\nsigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + hist->GetName(), + paraA[0] / bw, paraE[0] /bw, + paraA[1], paraE[1], + paraA[2], paraE[2]); + + printf("------- the polnomail BG:\n"); + for(int i = 0 ; i < degPol+1; i++){ + printf("%2d | %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", i, paraA[3+i], paraE[3+i]); + } + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.75,Form("count: %4.0f(%3.0f)", paraA[0] / bw, paraE[0] /bw)); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.70,Form("E_{x}: %6.3f(%5.3f) MeV", paraA[1], paraE[1])); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.65,Form("#sigma: %3.0f(%3.0f) keV", paraA[2] * 1000., paraE[2] * 1000.)); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.60, 0.85 - 0.05*i ,Form("%3s: %8.3f(%8.3f)", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3+i], paraE[3+i])); + } + + TString expression = "[0] "; + for( int j = 1; j < degPol + 1; j++){ + expression += Form(" + [%d]*TMath::Power(x, %d)", j, j); + } + TF1 * g0 = new TF1("g0", expression.Data(), xMin, xMax); + for( int j = 0; j < degPol + 1 ; j++){ + g0->SetParameter(j, paraA[3+j]); + } + g0->SetLineColor(4); + g0->Draw("same"); + + TF1* f0 = new TF1("f0", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + f0->SetParameter(0, paraA[0]); + f0->SetParameter(1, paraA[1]); + f0->SetParameter(2, paraA[2]); + f0->SetLineColor(2); + f0->SetNpx(1000); + f0->Draw("same"); + +// GoodnessofFit(hist, fit); + + cFitGaussPol->cd(2); + PlotResidual(hist, fit); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[0]); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[2]); + +} + +//######################################## +//#### fit 2 gauss + pol-1 // not updated +//######################################## +vector fit2GaussP1(TH1F * hist, double mean1, double sigma1, + double mean2, double sigma2, + double xMin, double xMax, TString optStat = "", bool newCanvas = false){ + + + printf("=========================================================\n"); + printf("================ fit 2-Gauss + Pol-1 BG ================\n" ); + printf(" NOT updated. It works, but the code is old \n"); + printf("==========================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fit2GaussP1"; + + vector output; + output.clear(); + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas * cFit2GaussP1 = NewCanvas("cFit2GaussP1", "fit Gauss & P1 | fit2GaussP1", 1, 1, 800, 350); + cFit2GaussP1->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, xMin, xMax); + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2], 1) + [3] * TMath::Gaus(x, [4], [5], 1) + [6] + [7]*x", xMin, xMax); + + double * para = new double[8]; + para[0] = 20 * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[1] = mean1; + para[2] = sigma1; + para[3] = 100 * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[4] = mean2; + para[5] = sigma2; + para[6] = 1; + para[7] = 0; + + fit->SetLineWidth(2); + fit->SetLineColor(2); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + hist->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + double bw = hist->GetBinWidth(1); + + printf("%7s ====== count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + hist->GetName(), + paraA[0] / bw, paraE[0] /bw, + paraA[1], paraE[1], + paraA[2], paraE[2]); + printf("%7s ====== count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + "", + paraA[3] / bw, paraE[3] /bw, + paraA[4], paraE[4], + paraA[5], paraE[5]); + + output.push_back( paraA[0]/bw); + output.push_back( paraE[0]/bw); + output.push_back( paraA[1]); + output.push_back( paraE[1]); + output.push_back( paraA[2]); + output.push_back( paraE[2]); + + output.push_back( paraA[3]/bw); + output.push_back( paraE[3]/bw); + output.push_back( paraA[4]); + output.push_back( paraE[4]); + output.push_back( paraA[5]); + output.push_back( paraE[5]); + + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.75,Form("count: %4.0f(%3.0f), E_{x}: %6.3f(%5.3f) MeV, #sigma: %3.0f(%3.0f) keV ", + paraA[0] / bw, paraE[0] /bw, + paraA[1], paraE[1], + paraA[2] * 1000., paraE[2] * 1000.)); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.7, Form("count: %4.0f(%3.0f), E_{x}: %6.3f(%5.3f) MeV, #sigma: %3.0f(%3.0f) keV ", + paraA[3] / bw, paraE[3] /bw, + paraA[4], paraE[4], + paraA[5] * 1000., paraE[5] * 1000.)); + + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.6, Form("Line : %6.3f(%5.3f) + %6.3f(%5.3f)x ", + paraA[6], paraE[6], + paraA[7], paraE[7])); + + GoodnessofFit(hist, fit); + + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + + return output; +} + + +//######################################## +//#### fit for gamma + pol-n BG +//######################################## +void fitGF3Pol(TH1F * hist, double mean, double sigmaMax, double ratio, double beta, double step, int degPol, double xMin, double xMax, TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("=========================================================\n"); + printf("================ fit GF1 + Pol-%d BG ================\n", degPol); + printf(" * mean Range = xMin, xMax \n"); + printf(" * inital parameters of the polynomial is random/pow(10, i) \n"); + printf("==========================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitGF3Pol"; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas * cFitGF3Pol = NewCanvas("cFitGF3Pol", Form("fit GF3 + pol-%d | fitGF3Pol", degPol), 1, 2, 800, 350); + cFitGF3Pol->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, xMin, xMax); + + nPeaks = 1; + nPols = degPol; + int nPar = 6*nPeaks + degPol + 1; + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGF3Pol, xMin, xMax, nPar); + + fit->Print(); + + double * para = new double[nPar]; + para[0] = hist->GetMaximum() *4; + para[1] = mean; + para[2] = sigmaMax/2.; + para[3] = ratio ; + para[4] = beta ; + para[5] = step ; + for( int i = 0 ; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + para[6+i] = gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, i); + } + + fit->SetLineWidth(2); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + fit->SetParLimits(0, 0, 1e9); + fit->SetParLimits(1, xMin, xMax); + fit->SetParLimits(2, 0.00000001, sigmaMax); + fit->SetParLimits(3, 0, 0.5); + fit->SetParLimits(4, 1, 400); + fit->SetParLimits(5, 0, 0.5); + + hist->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + double chisquare = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + double bw = hist->GetBinWidth(1); + + printf("histogram : %s \n", hist->GetName()); + printf("========= The Gaussian \n"); + printf("count: %8.0f(%3.0f)\n", paraA[0] / bw, paraE[0] /bw); + printf("mean : %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", paraA[1], paraE[1]); + printf("sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", paraA[2], paraE[2]); + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + text.SetTextColor(1); + + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.65, Form("count : %5.0f(%5.0f)", paraA[0]/bw, paraE[0]/bw)); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.60, Form(" mean : %5.3f(%5.3f) keV", paraA[1], paraE[1])); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.55, Form("sigma : %5.3f(%5.3f) keV", paraA[2], paraE[2])); + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.50, Form(" FWHM : %5.3f(%5.3f) keV", paraA[2] *2.355, paraE[2]*2.355)); + + text.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.40, Form("#chi^2/ndf : %5.3f", chisquare/ndf)); + + //GoodnessofFit(hist, fit); + + /// 0 1 2 3 4 5 + string label[8] = {"Area", "mean", "sigma", "ratio", "beta", "step"}; + printf("---------- The detail\n"); + for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++){ + printf("%d | %8s | %f (%f) \n", i, label[i].c_str(), paraA[i], paraE[i]); + text.DrawLatex(0.65, 0.85-0.05*i, Form("%6s: %5.3f(%5.3f)", label[i].c_str(), paraA[i], paraE[i])); + } + for(int i = 6 ; i < nPar; i++){ + printf("%d | %8s | %f (%f) \n", i, Form("p%d", i-6), paraA[i], paraE[i]); + text.DrawLatex(0.65, 0.85-0.05*i, Form("%6s: %5.3f (%5.3f) \n", Form("p%d", i-6), paraA[i], paraE[i])); + } + + /// norm * (1-ratio)* TMath::Gaus(x[0], mean, sigma, 1) + TF1 * g0 = new TF1("g0", "[0] * (1.0-[3]) * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + g0->SetParameter(0, paraA[0]); + g0->SetParameter(1, paraA[1]); + g0->SetParameter(2, paraA[2]); + g0->SetParameter(3, paraA[3]); + g0->SetNpx(1000); + g0->SetLineColor(kRed); + + /// norm * ratio * exp( sigma * sigma/2/beta/beta)* exp((x[0]-mean)/beta) * TMath::Erfc( (x[0]-mean)/(sigma * sqrt(2)) + sigma/beta/sqrt(2)) ; + TF1 * g1 = new TF1("g1", "[0] * [3] * exp( [2] * [2]/2/[4]/[4]) / (2* [4])* exp((x-[1])/[4]) * TMath::Erfc( (x-[1])/([2] * sqrt(2)) + [2]/[4]/sqrt(2)) ", xMin, xMax); + g1->SetParameter(0, paraA[0]); + g1->SetParameter(1, paraA[1]); + g1->SetParameter(2, paraA[2]); + g1->SetParameter(3, paraA[3]); + g1->SetParameter(4, paraA[4]); + g1->SetNpx(1000); + g1->SetLineColor(kGreen +3); + + /// norm * step * TMath::Erfc( (x[0]-mean)/(sigma * sqrt(2)) ); + TF1 * g2 = new TF1("g2", "[0] * [3] * TMath::Erfc( (x-[1])/([2] * sqrt(2)) );", xMin, xMax); + g2->SetParameter(0, paraA[0]); + g2->SetParameter(1, paraA[1]); + g2->SetParameter(2, paraA[2]); + g2->SetParameter(3, paraA[5]); + g2->SetNpx(1000); + g2->SetLineColor(kViolet); + + + TString expression = "[0] "; + for( int j = 1; j < degPol + 1; j++){ + expression += Form(" + [%d]*TMath::Power(x, %d)", j, j); + } + TF1 * g3 = new TF1("g3", expression.Data(), xMin, xMax); + for( int j = 0; j < degPol + 1 ; j++){ + g3->SetParameter(j, paraA[6+j]); + } + g3->SetLineColor(kBlue); + g3->Draw("same"); + + + g0->Draw("same"); + g1->Draw("same"); + g2->Draw("same"); + g3->Draw("same"); + + cFitGF3Pol->cd(2); + PlotResidual(hist, fit); + +} + +//############################################## +//##### Auto Fit n-Gauss with estimated BG +//############################################## +vector fitAuto(TH1F * hist, int bgEst = 10, + double peakThreshold = 0.05, + double sigmaMax = 0, + int peakDensity = 4, + TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("================================================================\n"); + printf("========== Auto Fit n-Gauss with estimated BG ==================\n"); + printf(" * bgEst = parameter of BG estimation, larger BG, more linear \n"); + printf(" * peakThreshold = precentage of the highest peak that will count \n"); + printf(" * sigmaMax = maximum sigma, if -1, program try to find the sigma \n"); + printf(" * peakDensity = peak will closer when the number is larger "); + printf(" \n"); + printf(" after peaks found, the i-th peaks will be limited by the mid-point\n"); + printf(" by the (i-1)-th peak and the i-th peak, and the mid-point of the\n"); + printf(" i-th peak and (i+1)-th peak \n"); + printf(" i.e. [peak(i-1)+peak(i)]/2 < limit of peak(i) < [peak(i)+peak(i+1)]/2 \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitAuto"; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas *cFitAuto = NewCanvas("cFitAuto","Auto Fitting | fitAuto", 1, 4, 800, 300); + cFitAuto->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + + TH1F * specS = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + double xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + TString titleH; + titleH.Form("fitted spectrum (BG=%d); Ex [MeV]; Count / %4.0f keV", bgEst, (xMax-xMin)*1000./xBin ); + specS->SetTitle(titleH); + specS->SetName("specS"); + ///specS->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); + ///specS->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); + ///specS->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); + ///specS->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.6); + + //=================== find peak and fit + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + TSpectrum * peak = new TSpectrum(50); + nPeaks = peak->Search(hist, peakDensity, "", peakThreshold); + + if( bgEst > 0 ) { + printf("============= estimating background...\n"); + TH1 * h1 = peak->Background(hist, bgEst); + h1->Draw("same"); + printf("============= substracting the linear background...\n"); + specS->Sumw2(); + specS->Add(h1, -1.); + } + + cFitAuto->cd(2)->SetGrid(); + cFitAuto->cd(2); + specS->Draw("hist"); + + //========== Fitting + printf("============= Fitting....."); + printf(" found %d peaks \n", nPeaks); + + double * xpos = peak->GetPositionX(); + double * ypos = peak->GetPositionY(); + + int * inX = new int[nPeaks]; + TMath::Sort(nPeaks, xpos, inX, 0 ); + vector energy, height; + for( int j = 0; j < nPeaks; j++){ + energy.push_back(xpos[inX[j]]); + height.push_back(ypos[inX[j]]); + } + for( int j = 0; j < nPeaks; j++){ + printf(" energy : %f , %f \n", energy[j], height[j]); + } + + + if( sigmaMax == 0 ){ + printf("------------- Estimate sigma for each peak \n"); + sigma.clear(); + int binMin = hist->FindBin(xMin); + int binMax = hist->FindBin(xMax); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + int b0 = hist->FindBin(energy[i]); + double sMin = (xMax-xMin)/5., sMax = (xMax-xMin)/5.; + //---- backward search, stop when + for( int b = b0-1 ; b > binMin ; b-- ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y < (height[i])/2. ) { + sMin = energy[i] - hist->GetBinCenter(b); + break; + } + } + //---- forward search, stop when + for( int b = b0+1 ; b < binMax ; b++ ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y < (height[i])/2. ) { + sMax = hist->GetBinCenter(b) - energy[i]; + break; + } + } + + double temp = TMath::Min(sMin, sMax); + /// When there are multiple peaks closely packed : + if( i > 0 && temp > 2.5 * sigma.back() ) temp = sigma.back(); + sigma.push_back(temp); + + printf("%2d | x : %8.2f | sigma(est) %f \n", i, energy[i], sigma[i]); + } + }else if( sigmaMax < 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f (fixed)\n", abs(sigmaMax)); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(abs(sigmaMax)); + }else if( sigmaMax > 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f/2. \n", sigmaMax/2.); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(sigmaMax/2.); + } + + + + int numParPerPeak = 3; + const int n = numParPerPeak * nPeaks; + double * para = new double[n]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[numParPerPeak*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[numParPerPeak*i+1] = energy[i]; + if( sigmaMax == 0 ){ + para[numParPerPeak*i+2] = sigma[i]; + }else if(sigmaMax < 0 ){ + para[numParPerPeak*i+2] = abs(sigmaMax); + }else if(sigmaMax > 0 ){ + para[numParPerPeak*i+2] = sigmaMax/2.; + } + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGauss, xMin, xMax, 3 * nPeaks ); + fit->SetLineWidth(2); + fit->SetLineColor(2); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + if( nPeaks > 1 ){ + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+0, 0, 1e+9); + double de1 = 1, de2 = 1; + if( i == 0 ){ + de2 = (energy[i+1] - energy[i])/2.; + de1 = de2; + }else if( i < nPeaks -1 ){ + de1 = (energy[i] - energy[i-1])/2.; + de2 = (energy[i+1] - energy[i])/2.; + }else{ + de1 = (energy[i] - energy[i-1])/2.; + de2 = de1; + } + + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+1, energy[i] - de1 , energy[i] + de2); + if( sigmaMax== 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+2, 0, 1.5*sigma[i]); // add 50% margin of sigma + if( sigmaMax < 0 ) fit->FixParameter(numParPerPeak*i+2, abs(sigmaMax)); + if( sigmaMax > 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+2, 0, sigmaMax); + } + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(0, 0, 1e+9); + fit->SetParLimits(2, 0, sigmaMax); + } + + specS->Fit("fit", "q"); + + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + //======== calculate reduce chi-squared + //GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = specS->GetBinWidth(1); + + vector exPos; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + exPos.push_back(paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + printf("%2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[numParPerPeak*i] / bw, paraE[numParPerPeak*i] /bw, + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1], paraE[numParPerPeak*i+1], + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+2], paraE[numParPerPeak*i+2]); + + } + cFitAuto->Update(); + + //draw the indivual fit + fit->Draw("same"); + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[numParPerPeak*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + specS->Draw("hist same"); + + //======== print text on plot + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + cFitAuto->cd(3); + PlotResidual(specS, fit); + + cFitAuto->cd(4); + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + + return exPos; + +} + + +//######################################## +//###### NOT tested +//######################################## +vector fitNGF3(TH1 * hist, int bgEst = 10, + double peakThreshold = 0.1, + double sigmaMax = 20, + int peakDensity = 4, + TString optStat = "", bool newPlot = true){ + + TCanvas *cFitAuto = NULL; + if( newPlot ){ + cFitAuto = new TCanvas("cFitAuto","Auto Fitting", 100, 100, 800,800); + cFitAuto->Divide(1,2); + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + cFitAuto->cd(1); + hist->Draw(); + } + + recentFitMethod = "fitNGF3"; + + TH1F * specS = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + double xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + TString titleH; + titleH.Form("fitted spectrum (BG=%d); Ex [MeV]; Count / %4.0f keV", bgEst, (xMax-xMin)*1000./xBin ); + specS->SetTitle(titleH); + specS->SetName("specS"); + ///specS->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); + ///specS->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); + ///specS->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); + ///specS->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.6); + + //=================== find peak and fit + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + TSpectrum * peak = new TSpectrum(50); + nPeaks = peak->Search(hist, peakDensity, "", peakThreshold); + + if( bgEst > 0 ) { + printf("============= estimating background...\n"); + TH1 * h1 = peak->Background(hist, bgEst); + h1->Draw("same"); + printf("============= substracting the linear background...\n"); + specS->Sumw2(); + specS->Add(h1, -1.); + } + + if( newPlot ){ + cFitAuto->cd(2)->SetGrid(); + cFitAuto->cd(2); + } + specS->Draw("hist"); + + + //========== Fitting + if( newPlot ){ + printf("============= Fitting....."); + printf(" found %d peaks \n", nPeaks); + } + double * xpos = peak->GetPositionX(); + double * ypos = peak->GetPositionY(); + + int * inX = new int[nPeaks]; + TMath::Sort(nPeaks, xpos, inX, 0 ); + vector energy, height; + for( int j = 0; j < nPeaks; j++){ + energy.push_back(xpos[inX[j]]); + height.push_back(ypos[inX[j]]); + } + if( newPlot ){ + for( int j = 0; j < nPeaks; j++){ + printf(" energy : %f , %f \n", energy[j], height[j]); + } + } + + int numParPerPeak = 6; + const int n = numParPerPeak * nPeaks; + double * para = new double[n]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[numParPerPeak*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[numParPerPeak*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[numParPerPeak*i+2] = sigmaMax; + para[numParPerPeak*i+3] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()) * 0.1; + para[numParPerPeak*i+4] = sigmaMax; + para[numParPerPeak*i+5] = -4; + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGF3, xMin, xMax, numParPerPeak * nPeaks ); + fit->SetLineWidth(2); + fit->SetLineColor(2); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + if( nPeaks > 1 ){ + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+0, 0, 1e+9); + double de1 = 1, de2 = 1; + if( i == 0 ){ + de2 = (energy[i+1] - energy[i])/2.; + de1 = de2; + }else if( i < nPeaks -1 ){ + de1 = (energy[i] - energy[i-1])/2.; + de2 = (energy[i+1] - energy[i])/2.; + }else{ + de1 = (energy[i] - energy[i-1])/2.; + de2 = de1; + } + + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+1, energy[i] - de1 , energy[i] + de2); + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+2, 0, sigmaMax * 5); + + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+3, 0, 1e+9); + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+4, 0, sigmaMax); + fit->SetParLimits(numParPerPeak*i+5, -10, -2); + + } + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(0, 0, 1e+9); + fit->SetParLimits(2, 0, sigmaMax); + fit->SetParLimits(3, 0, 1e+9); + fit->SetParLimits(4, 0, sigmaMax); + fit->SetParLimits(5, -10, -2); + } + specS->Fit("fit", "q"); + + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + //======== calculate reduce chi-squared + if( newPlot ) GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = specS->GetBinWidth(1); + + vector exPos; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + exPos.push_back(paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + double totCount = paraA[numParPerPeak*i] + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+3]; + double totCountErr = sqrt(paraE[numParPerPeak*i]*paraE[numParPerPeak*i] + paraE[numParPerPeak*i+3]*paraE[numParPerPeak*i+3]); + printf("%2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f)+%8.0f(%3.0f)=%8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f), skewneww: %4.1f(%4.1f) \n", + i, + paraA[numParPerPeak*i] / bw, paraE[numParPerPeak*i] /bw, + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+3] / bw, paraE[numParPerPeak*i+3] /bw, + totCount / bw, totCountErr /bw, + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1], paraE[numParPerPeak*i+1], + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+2], paraE[numParPerPeak*i+2], + paraA[numParPerPeak*i+5], paraE[numParPerPeak*i+5]); + + //PrintPar(fit, numParPerPeak); + } + if( newPlot ) cFitAuto->Update(); + + //draw the indivual fit + fit->Draw("same"); + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + TF1 ** kFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + TF1 ** zFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1) + [3] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[4], 1) * ( 1 + TMath::Erf( [5]*(x-[1])/sqrt(2)/[4] ))", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[numParPerPeak*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(3, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+3]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(4, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+4]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(5, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+5]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + + kFit[i] = new TF1(Form("kFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1) * ( 1 + TMath::Erf( [3]*(x-[1])/sqrt(2)/[2] ))", xMin, xMax); + kFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+3]); + kFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + kFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+4]); + kFit[i]->SetParameter(3, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+5]); + kFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + kFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + kFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + kFit[i]->Draw("same"); + + zFit[i] = new TF1(Form("zFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + zFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[numParPerPeak*i]); + zFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+1]); + zFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[numParPerPeak*i+2]); + zFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + zFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + zFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + zFit[i]->Draw("same"); + + } + + specS->Draw("hist same"); + + return exPos; + +} + +//######################################## +//###### fir N Gauss with estimated BG +//######################################## +void fitNGauss(TH1F * hist, int bgEst = 10, TString fitFile = "AutoFit_para.txt", TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("================================================================\n"); + printf("================ fit N-Gauss with estimated BG ================\n"); + printf(" * bgEst = larger of bgEst, more linear the estimated BG \n"); + printf(" * need the file input \n"); + printf(" \n"); + printf(" 1) The histogram will be subtracted by the estimated BG. \n"); + printf(" 2) n-Gauss will then be fitted the BG subtracted histogram \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitNGauss"; + + bool isParaRead = loadFitParameters(fitFile); + if( !isParaRead ) { + printf("Please provide a valid input file\n"); + return; + } + + nPeaks = energy.size(); + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas *cFitNGauss = NewCanvas("cFitNGauss","Fit n-Gauss | fitNGauss", 1,4, 800, 300);; + cFitNGauss->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + + TH1F * specS = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + double xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + TString titleH; + titleH.Form("fitNGauss (BG = %2d); Ex [MeV]; Count / %4.0f keV", bgEst, (xMax-xMin)*1000./xBin ); + specS->SetTitle(titleH); + specS->SetName("specS"); + + //=================== find peak and fi + + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + //cFitNGauss->cd(2)->SetGrid(); + cFitNGauss->cd(2); + + if( bgEst > 0 ) { + printf("============= estimating background...\n"); + TSpectrum * peak = new TSpectrum(50); + TH1 * h1 = peak->Background(hist, bgEst); + cFitNGauss->cd(1); + h1->Draw("same"); + cFitNGauss->cd(2); + printf("============= substracting the estimated background...\n"); + specS->Sumw2(); + specS->Add(h1, -1.); + } + + specS->Draw("hist"); + + //========== Fitting + printf("============= Fitting %d-Gauss..... \n", nPeaks); + + const int n = 3 * nPeaks; + double * para = new double[n]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]/2.; + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGauss, xMin, xMax, 3* nPeaks ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + specS->Fit("fit", "q"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + //======== calculate reduce chi-squared + //GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = specS->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + //draw the indivual fit + specS->Draw("hist"); + fit->Draw("same"); + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + specS->Draw("hist same"); + //specS->Draw("E same"); + + + //======== print text on plot + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + cFitNGauss->cd(3); + PlotResidual(specS, fit); + + cFitNGauss->cd(4); + + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + + cFitNGauss->Update(); +} + + +//######################################## +//#### not updated +//######################################## +void fitNGaussSub(TH1F * hist, int bgEst = 10, int degPol = 1, TString fitFile = "AutoFit_para.txt", TString optStat = ""){ + + + printf("==================================================================\n"); + printf("======== fit N-Gauss with estimated BG (method-2) ================\n"); + printf(" * bgEst = larger of bgEst, more linear the estimated BG \n"); + printf(" * degPol = degree of polynomial \n"); + printf(" * need the file input \n"); + printf(" \n"); + printf(" 1) A BG is estimated, and then the BG is fitted by a polynomial. \n"); + printf(" 2) The histogram will be subtracted by the polynomial. \n"); + printf(" 3) n-Gauss will then be fitted the subtracted histogram \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitNGaussSub"; + + bool isParaRead = loadFitParameters(fitFile); + if( !isParaRead ) { + printf("Please provide a valid input file\n"); + return; + } + + nPeaks = energy.size(); + nPols = degPol; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + TCanvas *cFitNGaussSub = NewCanvas("cFitNGaussSub","Fit n-Gauss, replace estimated BG with Pol-n | fitNGauss2", 1, 4, 800, 300 ); + //if(! cFitNGaussSub->GetShowEventStatus() ) cFitNGaussSub->ToggleEventStatus(); + + cFitNGaussSub->cd(1); + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + + TH1F * specS = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + double xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + TString titleH; + titleH.Form("fitNGauss2 (replace Est. BG with Pol-%d) (BG = %2d); Ex [MeV]; Count / %4.0f keV", degPol, bgEst, (xMax-xMin)*1000./xBin ); + specS->SetTitle(titleH); + specS->SetName("specS"); + + printf("============= estimating background...\n"); + TSpectrum * peak = new TSpectrum(50); + TH1 * h1 = peak->Background(hist, bgEst); + + printf("============= fit the est-background with a polynomial function...\n"); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + } + TF1 * bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + + bg->SetParameter(0, 50); + bg->SetParameter(0, 0); + bg->SetLineColor(2); + bg->SetNpx(1000); + h1->Fit("bg", "R", ""); + + hist->Draw(); + bg->Draw("same"); + + + //======== print text on plot + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + + const Double_t * paraAt = bg->GetParameters(); + const Double_t * paraEt = bg->GetParErrors(); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraAt[i], paraEt[i])); + } + + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); +// cFitNGaussSub->cd(2)->SetGrid(); + cFitNGaussSub->cd(2); + + printf("============= substracting the polynomial background...\n"); + specS->Sumw2(); + specS->Add(bg, -1.); + specS->Draw("hist"); + + //========== Fitting + printf("============= Fitting..... \n"); + + const int n = 3 * nPeaks; + double * para = new double[n]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]/2.; + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGauss, xMin, xMax, 3* nPeaks ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + specS->Fit("fit", "q"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + + GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = specS->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + + //draw the indivual fit + specS->Draw("hist"); + fit->Draw("same"); + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + specS->Draw("hist same"); + //specS->Draw("E same"); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + + cFitNGaussSub->cd(3); + PlotResidual(specS, fit); + + cFitNGaussSub->cd(4); + + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + +} + + +//######################################## +//#### fit N-Gauss with pol-n BG +//######################################## +void fitNGaussPol(TH1F * hist, int degPol, TString fitFile = "AutoFit_para.txt",double xMin = 0, double xMax = 0, TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("================================================================\n"); + printf("================ fit N-Gauss with Pol-%1d BG ==================\n", degPol); + printf(" * degPol = degree of polynomial \n"); + printf(" * need the file input \n"); + printf(" * xMin, xMax = if left empty, full range will be used\n"); + printf(" \n"); + printf(" 1) The histogram will be fitted by n-Gauss + Pol \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitNGaussPol"; + + bool isParaRead = loadFitParameters(fitFile); + if( !isParaRead ) { + printf("Please provide a valid input file\n"); + return; + } + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + nPeaks = energy.size(); + nPols = degPol; + + TCanvas * cFitNGaussPol = NewCanvas("cFitNGaussPol", Form("Fitting with n-Gauss + pol-%d | fitNGaussPol", degPol), 1, 3, 800, 300); + //if(! cFitNGaussPol->GetShowEventStatus() ) cFitNGaussPol->ToggleEventStatus(); + cFitNGaussPol->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, xMin, xMax); + + if( xMin == xMax){ + xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + } + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + + printf("============= find the polynomial background ..... \n"); + + int nPar = 3 * nPeaks + nPols + 1; + double * para = new double[nPar]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]/2.; + } + + for(int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + //if( ggg == NULL ){ + para[3*nPeaks+i] = gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, 3*i); + //}else{ + // para[3*nPeaks+i] = gPara[i]; + //} + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGaussPol, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + hist->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + + //=========== get the polynomial part + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + } + + TF1 * bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + bg->SetParameter(i, paraA[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + bg->SetNpx(1000); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + printf("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + printf("====================================\n"); + + cFitNGaussPol->cd(1); + bg->Draw("same"); + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + text.SetTextColor(1); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i])); + } + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + + //GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = hist->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + cFitNGaussPol->Update(); + + cFitNGaussPol->cd(2); + PlotResidual(hist, fit); + + cFitNGaussPol->cd(3); + + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } +} + + + + +//######################################## +//#### fit N-Gauss with pol-n BG +//######################################## +void fitNGaussPolSub(TH1F * hist, int degPol, TString fitFile = "AutoFit_para.txt",double xMin = 0, double xMax = 0, TString optStat = ""){ + + printf("================================================================\n"); + printf("========= fit N-Gauss with Pol-%1d BG / 2nd method ============\n", degPol); + printf(" * degPol = degree of polynomial \n"); + printf(" * need the file input \n"); + printf(" * xMin, xMax = if left empty, full range will be used\n"); + printf(" \n"); + printf(" 1) The histogram will be fitted by n-Gauss + Pol -> to get the estimated BG \n"); + printf(" 2) The histogram will be subtracted by the Pol BG. \n"); + printf(" 3) n-Gauss will then be fitted the BG subtracted histogram \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "fitNGaussPolSub"; + + bool isParaRead = loadFitParameters(fitFile); + if( !isParaRead ) { + printf("Please provide a valid input file\n"); + return; + } + + gStyle->SetOptStat(optStat); + nPeaks = energy.size(); + nPols = degPol; + + TCanvas * cFitNGaussPolSub = NewCanvas("cFitNGaussPolSub", Form("Fitting with n-Gauss + pol-%d (method-2) | fitGaussPol2", degPol), 1, 4, 800, 300); + //if(! cFitNGaussPol->GetShowEventStatus() ) cFitNGaussPol->ToggleEventStatus(); + cFitNGaussPolSub->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, xMin, xMax); + + if( xMin == xMax){ + xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + } + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + printf("============= find the polynomial background ..... \n"); + + int nPar = 3 * nPeaks + nPols + 1; + double * para = new double[nPar]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]/2.; + } + + for(int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + para[3*nPeaks+i] = gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, 3*i); + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGaussPol, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + hist->Fit("fit", "nq"); + + //=========== get the polynomial part and substract + const Double_t* paraAt = fit->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraEt = fit->GetParErrors(); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + } + + TF1 * bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + bg->SetParameter(i, paraAt[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + bg->SetNpx(1000); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + printf("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraAt[3*nPeaks+i], paraEt[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + printf("====================================\n"); + + cFitNGaussPolSub->cd(1); + bg->Draw("same"); + + TH1F * specS = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + TString titleH; + titleH.Form("pol-%d BG Subtracted spectrum (fitNGaussPol-2); Ex [MeV]; Count / %4.0f keV", degPol, (xMax-xMin)*1000./xBin ); + specS->SetTitle(titleH); + specS->SetName("specS"); + + //=================== find peak and fit + + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + ///cFitNGaussPol->cd(2)->SetGrid(); + cFitNGaussPolSub->cd(2); + + printf("============= substracting the polynomial background...\n"); + specS->Sumw2(); + specS->Add(bg, -1.); + specS->Draw("hist"); + + //======= fit again + printf("============= fitting the subtracted spectrum.... \n"); + + nPar = 3* nPeaks; + TF1 * fita = new TF1("fita", nGauss, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fita->SetLineWidth(3); + fita->SetLineColor(1); + fita->SetNpx(1000); + fita->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fita->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fita->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fita->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fita->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fita->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + specS->Fit("fita", "q"); + + const Double_t* paraE = fita->GetParErrors(); + const Double_t* paraA = fita->GetParameters(); + + //GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = specS->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + + //draw the indivual fit + specS->Draw("hist"); + fita->Draw("same"); + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + specS->Draw("hist same"); + //specS->Draw("E same"); + + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + text.SetTextColor(1); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i])); + } + + double chi2 = fita->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fita->GetNDF(); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + + cFitNGaussPolSub->cd(3); + PlotResidual(specS, fita); + + cFitNGaussPolSub->cd(4); + + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + + +} + +//################################################# +//#### fit N-Gauss with pol-n BG using mouse click +//################################################# + +int nClick = 0; +bool peakFlag = 1; +vector xPeakList; +vector yPeakList; +vector xBGList; +vector yBGList; + +TH1F * tempHist; +int markerStyle = 23; +int markerColor = 2; +int markerBGColor = 4; + +void Clicked() { + int event = gPad->GetEvent(); + if (event != 11) return; + TObject *select = gPad->GetSelected(); + if (!select) return; + + TH1F *h = (TH1F*)select; + int px = gPad->GetEventX(); + double xd = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); + float x = gPad->PadtoX(xd); + + if( peakFlag ) { + xPeakList.push_back(x); + }else{ + xBGList.push_back(x); + } + int b = tempHist->FindBin(x); + double y = tempHist->GetBinContent(b); + if( peakFlag ){ + yPeakList.push_back(y); + }else{ + yBGList.push_back(y); + } + // add marker in the histogram + TMarker * mark = new TMarker(x,y, markerStyle); + mark->SetMarkerColor(markerColor); + tempHist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(mark); + + printf("%2d | x : %8.2f , y : %.0f \n", nClick, x, y); + + nClick ++; + +} + + +void SaveFitPara(bool isBestFit = true, TString fileName = "AutoFit_para.txt"){ + + if( xPeakList.size() == 0 && BestFitMean.size() == 0 ){ + printf(" no fit paramaters availible. \n"); + return; + } + + if( recentFitMethod == "fitGF3Pol" || recentFitMethod == "fitGF3" ){ + printf(" Not support for GF3 fitting. \n"); + return; + } + + printf("Save to : %s \n", fileName.Data()); + FILE * file_out; + file_out = fopen (fileName.Data(), "w+"); + + fprintf(file_out, "# for n-Gauss fit, can use \"#\", or \"//\" to comment out whole line\n"); + fprintf(file_out, "# peak low high fixed? sigma_Max fixed? hight\n"); + + + if ( xPeakList.size() == 0 || isBestFit ){ + for( int i = 0 ; i < BestFitMean.size() ; i++){ + fprintf(file_out, "%.3f %.3f %.3f 0 %.3f 0 %.0f\n", + BestFitMean[i], + BestFitMean[i] - 5*BestFitSigma[i], + BestFitMean[i] + 5*BestFitSigma[i], + BestFitSigma[i], + BestFitCount[i]); + } + }else{ + for( int i = 0 ; i < xPeakList.size() ; i++){ + fprintf(file_out, "%.3f %.3f %.3f 0 %.3f 0 %.0f\n", + xPeakList[i], + xPeakList[i] - 5*sigma[i], + xPeakList[i] + 5*sigma[i], + sigma[i], + yPeakList[i]); + } + } + fclose(file_out); +} + + +void clickFitNGaussPol(TH1F * hist, int degPol, double sigmaMax = 0, double meanRange = 0){ + + printf("=========================================================\n"); + printf("======== fit n-Gauss + Pol-%d BG using mouse click =====\n", degPol ); + printf("==========================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "clickFitNGaussPol"; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(""); + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + + TCanvas * cClickFitNGaussPol = NULL; + if( gROOT->FindObjectAny("cClickFitGaussPol") == NULL ){ + cClickFitNGaussPol = new TCanvas("cClickFitNGaussPol", Form("fit Gauss & Pol-%d by mouse click | clickFitGaussPol", degPol), 1400, 1200); + }else{ + delete gROOT->FindObjectAny("cClickFitNGaussPol") ; + cClickFitNGaussPol = new TCanvas("cClickFitNGaussPol", Form("fit Gauss & Pol-%d by mouse click | clickFitGaussPol", degPol), 1400, 1200); + } + cClickFitNGaussPol->Divide(1, 4); + for(int i = 1; i <= 4 ; i++){ + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(i)->SetGrid(0,0); + } + + if(! cClickFitNGaussPol->GetShowEventStatus() ) cClickFitNGaussPol->ToggleEventStatus(); + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1); + + + hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Clear(); + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + TH1F* hspec = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + hspec->Sumw2(); + cClickFitNGaussPol->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPol->Draw(); + + TLatex helpMsg; + helpMsg.SetNDC(); + helpMsg.SetTextFont(82); + helpMsg.SetTextSize(0.06); + helpMsg.SetTextColor(kRed); + helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, "Click for peaks: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) "); + + printf("--------- Click the histogram for peaks: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) \n"); + nClick = 0; + xPeakList.clear(); + yPeakList.clear(); + markerColor = 2; + markerStyle = 23; + peakFlag = 1; + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->SetCrosshair(1); + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->AddExec("ex", "Clicked()"); + tempHist = hist; + TObject * obj ; + do{ + obj = gPad->WaitPrimitive(); + if( obj == NULL ) break; + }while( obj != NULL); + + if( degPol >= 0 ){ + printf("--------- Click the histogram for Background: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) \n"); + printf(" * when no input, program will estimate \n"); + + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->Clear(); + hist->Draw(); + helpMsg.SetTextColor(markerBGColor); + helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, "Click for BG: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) "); + helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.75, "* when no input, program will estimate"); + cClickFitNGaussPol->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPol->Draw(); + + nClick = 0; + xBGList.clear(); + yBGList.clear(); + markerColor = markerBGColor; + markerStyle = 33; + peakFlag = 0; + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->AddExec("ex", "Clicked()"); + do{ + obj = gPad->WaitPrimitive(); + if( obj == NULL ) break; + }while( obj != NULL); + + } + + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->DeleteExec("ex"); + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->SetCrosshair(0); + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(1)->Clear(); + hist->Draw(); + + tempHist = NULL; + + cClickFitNGaussPol->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPol->Draw(); + + nPols = degPol; + double xMin = hspec->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hspec->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < degPol + 1; i++) polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + TF1 *bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + bg->SetNpx(1000); + bg->SetLineColor(markerBGColor); + bg->SetLineWidth(1); + if( xBGList.size() > 0 ) { + printf("---------------- fit the BG with Pol-%d \n", nPols); + TGraph * gBG = new TGraph((int) xBGList.size(), &xBGList[0], &yBGList[0]); + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++) bg->SetParameter(i, gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, 3*i)); + gBG->Fit("bg", "Rq"); + bg->Draw("same"); + //printf("--------------- Subtracting the BG \n"); + //hspec->Add(bg, -1); + }else{ + for( int i = 0; i < nPols+1; i++) bg->SetParameter(i, 0.); + } + + nPeaks = (int) xPeakList.size(); + if( sigmaMax == 0 ){ + printf("------------- Estimate sigma for each peak \n"); + sigma.clear(); + int binMin = hist->FindBin(xMin); + int binMax = hist->FindBin(xMax); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + int b0 = hist->FindBin(xPeakList[i]); + double estBG = bg->Eval(xPeakList[i]); + double sMin = (xMax-xMin)/5., sMax = (xMax-xMin)/5.; + //---- backward search, stop when + for( int b = b0-1 ; b > binMin ; b-- ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y - (bg->Eval(x)) < (yPeakList[i]-estBG)/2. ) { + sMin = xPeakList[i] - hist->GetBinCenter(b); + break; + } + } + //---- forward search, stop when + for( int b = b0+1 ; b < binMax ; b++ ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y - (bg->Eval(x)) < (yPeakList[i]-estBG)/2. ) { + sMax = hist->GetBinCenter(b) - xPeakList[i]; + break; + } + } + + double temp = TMath::Min(sMin, sMax); + /// When there are multiple peaks closely packed : + if( i > 0 && temp > 2.5 * sigma.back() ) temp = sigma.back(); + sigma.push_back(temp); + + printf("%2d | x : %8.2f | sigma(est) %f \n", i, xPeakList[i], sigma[i]); + + } + + //---- use the mean of the sigma + double sigma0 = 0; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma0 += sigma[i]; + sigma0 = sigma0/(nPeaks+1); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma[i] = sigma0; + printf("========== use the mean sigma : %f \n", sigma0); + }else if( sigmaMax < 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f (fixed)\n", abs(sigmaMax)); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(abs(sigmaMax)); + }else if( sigmaMax > 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f/2. \n", sigmaMax/2.); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(sigmaMax/2.); + } + + printf("-------------- Fit the spectrum with %d-Gauss + Pol-%d\n", nPeaks, nPols ); + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(2); + hspec->Draw("hist"); + + int nPar = 3 * nPeaks + nPols + 1; + double * para = new double[nPar]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = yPeakList[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = xPeakList[i]; + if( sigmaMax == 0){ + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]; + }else if(sigmaMax < 0 ){ + para[3*i+2] = abs(sigmaMax); + }else if(sigmaMax > 0 ){ + para[3*i+2] = sigmaMax/2.; + } + } + for(int i = 0; i < nPols+1 ; i++){ + para[3*nPeaks+i] = bg->GetParameter(i); + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGaussPol, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //limit parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + + if( meanRange <= 0 ) { + double dE1, dE2; + if( i == 0 ){ + dE2 = xPeakList[i+1] - xPeakList[i]; + dE1 = dE2; + }else if ( i == nPeaks-1 ){ + dE1 = xPeakList[i] - xPeakList[i-1]; + dE2 = dE1; + }else{ + dE1 = xPeakList[i] - xPeakList[i-1]; + dE2 = xPeakList[i+1] - xPeakList[i]; + } + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, xPeakList[i] - dE1 , xPeakList[i] + dE2 ); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, xPeakList[i] - meanRange/2. , xPeakList[i] + meanRange/2. ); + } + if( sigmaMax== 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, 1.5*sigma[i]); // add 50% margin of sigma + if( sigmaMax < 0 ) fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, abs(sigmaMax)); + if( sigmaMax > 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigmaMax); + } + + hspec->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + fit->Draw("same"); + + //=========== get the polynomial part + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + double bw = hspec->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i])); + } + + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nPeaks]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + if( degPol >= 0 ){ + TF1 *bg2 = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + bg2->SetNpx(1000); + bg2->SetLineColor(markerBGColor); + bg2->SetLineWidth(1); + for( int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + bg2->SetParameter(i, paraA[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + bg2->Draw("same"); + } + + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(3); + PlotResidual(hspec, fit); + + cClickFitNGaussPol->cd(4); + + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } + +} + + + +void clickFitNGaussPolSub(TH1F * hist, int degPol, double sigmaMax = 0, double meanRange = 0){ + + printf("=========================================================\n"); + printf("= fit n-Gauss + Pol-%d BG using mouse click (method-2) =\n", degPol ); + printf("==========================================================\n"); + + recentFitMethod = "clickFitNGaussPolSub"; + + gStyle->SetOptStat(""); + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + + TCanvas * cClickFitNGaussPolsub = NULL; + if( gROOT->FindObjectAny("cClickFitGaussPolsub") == NULL ){ + cClickFitNGaussPolsub = new TCanvas("cClickFitNGaussPol", Form("fit Gauss & Pol-%d by mouse click (sub) | clickFitGaussPolsub", degPol), 1400, 1200); + }else{ + delete gROOT->FindObjectAny("cClickFitNGaussPolsub") ; + cClickFitNGaussPolsub = new TCanvas("cClickFitNGaussPolsub", Form("fit Gauss & Pol-%d by mouse click (sub) | clickFitGaussPolsub", degPol), 1400, 1200); + } + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Divide(1, 4); + for(int i = 1; i <= 4 ; i++){ + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(i)->SetGrid(0,0); + } + + if(! cClickFitNGaussPolsub->GetShowEventStatus() ) cClickFitNGaussPolsub->ToggleEventStatus(); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1); + + + hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Clear(); + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + TH1F* hspec = (TH1F*) hist->Clone(); + hspec->Sumw2(); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Draw(); + + TLatex helpMsg; + helpMsg.SetNDC(); + helpMsg.SetTextFont(82); + helpMsg.SetTextSize(0.06); + helpMsg.SetTextColor(kRed); + helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, "Click for peaks: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) "); + + + printf("--------- Click the histogram for peaks: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) \n"); + nClick = 0; + xPeakList.clear(); + yPeakList.clear(); + markerColor = 2; + markerStyle = 23; + peakFlag = 1; + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->SetCrosshair(1); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->AddExec("ex", "Clicked()"); + tempHist = hist; + TObject * obj ; + do{ + obj = gPad->WaitPrimitive(); + if( obj == NULL ) break; + }while( obj != NULL); + + if( degPol >= 0 ){ + printf("--------- Click the histogram for Background: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) \n"); + + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->Clear(); + hist->Draw(); + helpMsg.SetTextColor(markerBGColor); + helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, "Click for BG: (Double-click / x / Ctrl to end) "); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Draw(); + + nClick = 0; + xBGList.clear(); + yBGList.clear(); + markerColor = markerBGColor; + markerStyle = 33; + peakFlag = 0; + do{ + obj = gPad->WaitPrimitive(); + if( obj == NULL ) break; + }while( obj != NULL); + } + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->DeleteExec("ex"); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->SetCrosshair(0); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(1)->Clear(); + hist->Draw(); + + tempHist = NULL; + + if( xBGList.size() == 0 ) helpMsg.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.75, " No BG defined ! fitting could be problematics. "); + + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Update(); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->Draw(); + + nPols = degPol; + double xMin = hspec->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hspec->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < degPol + 1; i++) polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + TF1 *bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + bg->SetNpx(1000); + bg->SetLineColor(markerBGColor); + bg->SetLineWidth(1); + if( xBGList.size() > 0 ) { + printf("---------------- fit the BG with Pol-%d \n", nPols); + + TGraph * gBG = new TGraph((int) xBGList.size(), &xBGList[0], &yBGList[0]); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++) bg->SetParameter(i, gRandom->Rndm()/TMath::Power(10, 3*i)); + + gBG->Fit("bg", "Rq"); + bg->Draw("same"); + + printf("--------------- Subtracting the BG \n"); + hspec->Add(bg, -1); + }else{ + for( int i = 0; i < nPols+1; i++) bg->SetParameter(i, 0.); + } + + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + + double chi2BG = bg->GetChisquare(); + int ndfBG = bg->GetNDF(); + + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2BG/ndfBG)); + + //=========== get the polynomial BG + const Double_t* paraAt = bg->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraEt = bg->GetParErrors(); + + for( int i = 0; i < degPol + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.2f(%8.2f)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraAt[i], paraEt[i])); + } + + nPeaks = (int) xPeakList.size(); + if( sigmaMax == 0 ){ + printf("------------- Estimate sigma for each peak \n"); + sigma.clear(); + int binMin = hist->FindBin(xMin); + int binMax = hist->FindBin(xMax); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + int b0 = hist->FindBin(xPeakList[i]); + double estBG = bg->Eval(xPeakList[i]); + double sMin = (xMax-xMin)/5., sMax = (xMax-xMin)/5.; + //---- backward search, stop when + for( int b = b0-1 ; b > binMin ; b-- ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y - (bg->Eval(x)) < (yPeakList[i]-estBG)/2. ) { + sMin = xPeakList[i] - hist->GetBinCenter(b); + break; + } + } + //---- forward search, stop when + for( int b = b0+1 ; b < binMax ; b++ ){ + double y = hist->GetBinContent(b); + double x = hist->GetBinCenter(b); + if( y - (bg->Eval(x)) < (yPeakList[i]-estBG)/2. ) { + sMax = hist->GetBinCenter(b) - xPeakList[i]; + break; + } + } + + double temp = TMath::Min(sMin, sMax); + /// When there are multiple peaks closely packed : + if( i > 0 && temp > 2.5 * sigma.back() ) temp = sigma.back(); + sigma.push_back(temp); + + printf("%2d | x : %8.2f | sigma(est) %f \n", i, xPeakList[i], sigma[i]); + + } + }else if( sigmaMax < 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f (fixed)\n", abs(sigmaMax)); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(abs(sigmaMax)); + }else if( sigmaMax > 0 ){ + printf("========== use user input sigma : %f/2. \n", sigmaMax/2.); + sigma.clear(); + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++) sigma.push_back(sigmaMax/2.); + } + + printf("-------------- Fit the subtracted spectrum with %d-Gauss\n", nPeaks ); + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(2); + hspec->Draw("hist"); + + int nPar = 3 * nPeaks; + double * para = new double[nPar]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = yPeakList[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = xPeakList[i]; + if( sigmaMax == 0){ + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]; + }else if(sigmaMax < 0 ){ + para[3*i+2] = abs(sigmaMax); + }else if(sigmaMax > 0 ){ + para[3*i+2] = sigmaMax/2.; + } + } + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGauss, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //limit parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + + if( meanRange <= 0 ) { + double dE1, dE2; + if( i == 0 ){ + dE2 = xPeakList[i+1] - xPeakList[i]; + dE1 = dE2; + }else if ( i == nPeaks-1 ){ + dE1 = xPeakList[i] - xPeakList[i-1]; + dE2 = dE1; + }else{ + dE1 = xPeakList[i] - xPeakList[i-1]; + dE2 = xPeakList[i+1] - xPeakList[i]; + } + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, xPeakList[i] - dE1 , xPeakList[i] + dE2 ); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, xPeakList[i] - meanRange/2. , xPeakList[i] + meanRange/2. ); + } + if( sigmaMax== 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, 1.5*sigma[i]); // add 50% margin of sigma + if( sigmaMax < 0 ) fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, abs(sigmaMax)); + if( sigmaMax > 0 ) fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigmaMax); + } + + hspec->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + fit->Draw("same"); + + //=========== get the fit parameters + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + double bw = hspec->GetBinWidth(1); + + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nPeaks]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(3); + PlotResidual(hspec, fit); + + cClickFitNGaussPolsub->cd(4); + + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + BestFitCount.clear(); + BestFitMean.clear(); + BestFitSigma.clear(); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + + BestFitCount.push_back(paraA[3*i]/ bw); + BestFitMean.push_back(paraA[3*i+1]); + BestFitSigma.push_back(paraA[3*i+2]); + } +} + + +//######################################## +//#### fit N-Gauss with pol-1 BG at fixed for < 0 +//######################################## +void fitSpecial(TH1F * hist, TString fitFile = "AutoFit_para.txt"){ + + printf("================================================================\n"); + printf("================ Special fit for h074_82Kr =====================\n"); + printf(" * need the file input \n"); + printf("================================================================\n"); + + + bool isParaRead = loadFitParameters(fitFile); + if( !isParaRead ) { + printf("Please provide a valid input file\n"); + return; + } + + gStyle->SetOptStat(""); + gStyle->SetOptFit(0); + nPeaks = energy.size(); + nPols = 1; + + TCanvas * cFitSpecial = NewCanvas("cFitSpecial", "Fitting for h074_82Kr", 1, 3, 800, 300); + //if(! cFitSpecial->GetShowEventStatus() ) cFitSpecial->ToggleEventStatus(); + cFitSpecial->cd(1); + + ScaleAndDrawHist(hist, 0, 0); + + double xMin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); + double xMax = hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); + int xBin = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); + + printf("============= find the pol-1 background ..... \n"); + + TF1 * fitpol1 = new TF1("fitpol1", "pol1", xMin, -0.3); + fitpol1->SetParameter(0, gRandom->Rndm()); + fitpol1->SetParameter(1, gRandom->Rndm()); + + hist->Fit("fitpol1", "Rq"); + + double x0 = fitpol1->GetParameter(0); + double x1 = fitpol1->GetParameter(1); + + + int nPar = 3 * nPeaks + nPols + 1; + double * para = new double[nPar]; + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + para[3*i+0] = height[i] * 0.05 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()); + para[3*i+1] = energy[i]; + para[3*i+2] = sigma[i]/2.; + } + + para[3*nPeaks+0] = x0; + para[3*nPeaks+1] = x1; + + + TF1 * fit = new TF1("fit", nGaussPol, xMin, xMax, nPar ); + fit->SetLineWidth(3); + fit->SetLineColor(1); + fit->SetNpx(1000); + fit->SetParameters(para); + + //fixing parameters + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i , 0, 1e9); + if( energyFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+1, energy[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+1, lowE[i], highE[i]); + } + if( sigmaFlag[i] == 1 ) { + fit->FixParameter(3*i+2, sigma[i]); + }else{ + fit->SetParLimits(3*i+2, 0, sigma[i]); + } + } + + fit->FixParameter(3*nPeaks + 0, x0); + fit->FixParameter(3*nPeaks + 1, x1); + + hist->Fit("fit", "Rq"); + + //=========== get the polynomial part + const Double_t* paraA = fit->GetParameters(); + const Double_t* paraE = fit->GetParErrors(); + + TString polExp = "[0]"; + for( int i = 1; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + polExp += Form("+[%d]*TMath::Power(x,%d)", i, i ); + } + + TF1 * bg = new TF1("bg", polExp.Data(), xMin, xMax); + for( int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + bg->SetParameter(i, paraA[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + bg->SetNpx(1000); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + printf("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i]); + } + printf("====================================\n"); + + cFitSpecial->cd(1); + bg->Draw("same"); + + TLatex text; + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.04); + text.SetTextColor(1); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPols + 1; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.85 - 0.05*i, Form("%4s : %8.4e(%8.4e)\n", Form("p%d", i), paraA[3*nPeaks+i], paraE[3*nPeaks+i])); + } + + double chi2 = fit->GetChisquare(); + int ndf = fit->GetNDF(); + text.SetTextSize(0.06); + text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("#bar{#chi^{2}} : %5.3f", chi2/ndf)); + + + //GoodnessofFit(specS, fit); + + double bw = hist->GetBinWidth(1); + + for(int i = 0; i < nPeaks ; i++){ + printf(" %2d , count: %8.0f(%3.0f), mean: %8.4f(%8.4f), sigma: %8.4f(%8.4f) \n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2]); + } + printf("\n"); + + + const int nn = nPeaks; + TF1 ** gFit = new TF1 *[nn]; + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + gFit[i] = new TF1(Form("gFit%d", i), "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2], 1)", xMin, xMax); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(0, paraA[3*i]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(1, paraA[3*i+1]); + gFit[i]->SetParameter(2, paraA[3*i+2]); + gFit[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); + gFit[i]->SetNpx(1000); + gFit[i]->SetLineWidth(1); + gFit[i]->Draw("same"); + } + + cFitSpecial->Update(); + + cFitSpecial->cd(2); + PlotResidual(hist, fit); + + cFitSpecial->cd(3); + + text.SetNDC(); + text.SetTextFont(82); + text.SetTextSize(0.05); + text.SetTextColor(2); + + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.9, Form(" %13s, %18s, %18s", "count", "mean", "sigma")); + + for( int i = 0; i < nPeaks; i++){ + text.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.8-0.05*i, Form(" %2d, %8.0f(%3.0f), %8.4f(%8.4f), %8.4f(%8.4f)\n", + i, + paraA[3*i] / bw, paraE[3*i] /bw, + paraA[3*i+1], paraE[3*i+1], + paraA[3*i+2], paraE[3*i+2])); + } + +} + + +#endif diff --git a/working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt b/working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..226a4ad --- /dev/null +++ b/working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/////enum plotID { pEZ, /// 0 +///// pRecoilXY, /// 1 +///// pRecoilXY1, /// 2 +///// pRecoilXY2, /// 3 +///// pRecoilRZ, /// 4 +///// pRecoilRTR, /// 5 +///// pTDiffZ, /// 6 +///// pThetaCM, /// 7 +///// pThetaCM_Z, /// 8 +///// pExCal, /// 9 +///// pRecoilRThetaCM, /// 10 +///// pArrayXY, /// 11 +///// pInfo, /// 12 +///// pHitID, /// 13 +///// pElum1XY, /// 14 +///// pEElum1R, /// 15 +///// pElum1RThetaCM, /// 16 +///// pEmpty }; /// 17 +/////=============================================== User Config +{pEZ, pExCal, pThetaCM, pRecoilRZ, break, pThetaCM_Z, pRecoilXY, pInfo, pRecoilRThetaCM} //Canvas config +hit == 1 && loop <= 1 && thetaCM > 10 +60 //elum range +{0,50} //thetaCM range +false //shownKELines +false //isOverRideEx +{-0.5, 4.0} // over-rdied Ex range +///============================== example of gate +hit == 1 && loop <= 1 && thetaCM > 10 && detRowID == 0 +hit == 1 && loop <= 1 +15 < rhoElum1 && rhoElum1 < 50 && rhoElum2 > 60 diff --git a/working/DWBA b/working/DWBA new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c94977f --- /dev/null +++ b/working/DWBA @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#========= Input for Cleopatra +#===== # for comment line, must be at the beginning of line +# This is a simplified input for creating Ptolmey in-file. +# Ptolemy has many control parameters for specific situation. Use with caution or ask Ben Kay. +#===== the potential contain two words +# one for incoming +# one for outgoing +#================================================= Potenital abberation +#========================= deuteron +# A = An, Cai, 2006 | E < 183 | 12 < A < 238 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.73.054605 +# H = Han, Shi, Shen, 2006 | E < 200 | 12 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.74.044615 +# B = Bojowald et al., 1988 | 50 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 208 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.38.1153 +# D = Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj, 1980 | 11.8 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 238 (REL) | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2253 +# C = Daehnick, Childs, Vrcelj, 1980 | 11.8 < E < 80 | 27 < A < 238 (NON-REL) | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.21.2253 // not impletmented yet +# L = Lohr and Haeberli, 1974 | 9 < E < 13 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(74)90627-7 +# Q = Perey and Perey, 1963 | 12 < E < 25 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O +# Z = Zhang, Pang, Lou, 2016 | 5 < E < 170 | A < 18, spe 6-7Li | https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.94.014619 +#========================= proton +# K = Koning and Delaroche, 2009 | 0.001 < E < 200 | 24 < A < 209 | Iso. Dep. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01321-0 +# V = Varner et al., (CH89), 1991 | 16 < E < 65 | 4 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(91)90039-O +# M = Menet et al., 1971 | 30 < E < 60 | 40 < A | http://dx/doi.org/10.1016/0092-640X(76)90007-3 +# G = Becchetti and Greenlees, 1969 | E < 50 | 40 < A | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.182.1190 +# P = Perey, 1963 | E < 20 | 30 < A < 100 | http://dx/doi.org/10.1016/0092-640X(76)90007-3 +#========================= A=3 +# x = Xu, Guo, Han, Shen, 2011 | E < 250 | 20 < A < 209 | 3He | http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-011-4488-5 +# l = Liang, Li, Cai, 2009 | E < 270 | All masses | http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/36/8/085104 +# p = Pang et al., 2009 | All E | All masses | Iso. Dep. | http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.79.024615 +# c = Li, Liang, Cai, 2007 | E < 40 | 48 < A < 232 | Tritons | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2007.03.004 +# t = Trost et al., 1987 | 10 < E < 220 | 10 < A < 208 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(87)90551-3 +# h = Hyakutake et al., 1980 | 90 < E < 120 | About 58 < A < 92 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(80)90013-5 +# b = Becchetti and Greenlees, 1971 | E < 40 | 40 < A | Iso. Dep. +#========================= alpha +# s = Su and Han, 2015 | E < 398 | 20 < A < 209 | http://dx.doi/org/10.1142/S0218301315500925 +# a = Avrigeanu et al., 2009 | E ??? | A ??? | http://dx.doi/org/10.1016/j.adt.2009.02.001 +# f = Bassani and Picard, 1969(FIXED)| 24 < E < 31 | A = 90 | https://doi.org/10.1016/0375-9474(69)90601-0 +#======================================================================= +#reaction gs-spin orbital spin-pi(Ex) Ex ELab Potentials +#206Hg(d,d)206Hg 0 none 9/2+ 0.000 7.39MeV/u AA #elastic +#206Hg(d,d)206Hg 0 none 9/2+ 1.000 7.39MeV/u AA 0.12 #inelastics_0.12=beta +#206Hg(d,p)207Hg 0 1g9/2 9/2+ 0.000 7.39MeV/u AK +#20F(d,t)19F 2 0d5/2 5/2+ 0.197 10MeV/u Vl +#16N(d,3He)15C 2 0p1/2 5/2+ 0.74 12MeV/u Ax +#10Be(t,p)12Be 0 1L=0 0+ 0.000 5MeV/u lA #two-nucleon_transfer +#32Si(t,p)34Si 0 0L=0 0+ 0.000 8MeV/u lA #two-nucleon_transfer +#36Ar(d,a)34Cl 0 4L=2 3+ 0.000 8MeV/u As # (d,a) reaction + diff --git a/working/Ex.txt b/working/Ex.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..160e6c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/working/Ex.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +//Ex relative_xsec SF sigma_in_MeV +//<--- use "//" for line comment +0.000 1.0 1.0 0.0100 +//4.400 1.0 1.0 0.0100 +//4.600 1.0 1.0 0.0100 +#============_End_of_file diff --git a/working/detectorGeo.txt b/working/detectorGeo.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd5a0a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/working/detectorGeo.txt @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +-3.00 //Bfield_[T] +0.00 //Bfield_direction_to_z-axis_[deg]_should_not_use +462.5 //bore_[mm] +11.5 //distance_from_axis_[mm] +10.0 //width_of_detector_[mm] +50 //length_of_detector_[mm] +1000 //recoil_position_+_for_downstream_[mm] +10.0 //inner_radius_of_recoil_detector_[mm] +40.2 //outter_radius_of_recoil_detector_[mm] +false //is_coincident_with_recoil +0 //Recoil_1_position_[mm]_when_0_disable_tree_branch +0 //Recoil_2_position_[mm] +0.00 //Elum_1_position_[mm]_(just_another_recoil_detector_but_for_light_recoil) +0.00 //Elum_2_position_[mm]_when_Elum=0_disable_tree_branch +0 //support_length_[mm] +-121 //first_position_-_for_upstream_[mm] +0.03 //energy_resolution_of_PSD_array_[MeV] +1.00 //position_resolution_of_PSD_array_[mm] +Out //detector_facing_Out_or_In +4 //number_of_detector_as_same_side +0.00 //1st_detector_near_position_in_reference_to_det6_[mm] +58.6 //2nd_det +117.9 +176.8 +235.8 //5th_det +290.0 +#============= end of file diff --git a/working/reactionConfig.txt b/working/reactionConfig.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e21ef48 --- /dev/null +++ b/working/reactionConfig.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +32 //beam_A +14 //beam_Z +2 //target_A +1 //target_Z +1 //recoil_light_A +1 //recoil-light_Z +8.8 //beam-energy_in_MeV/u +0.000 //beam-energy_sigma_in_MeV/u +0.000 //beam-angle_in_mrad +0.000 //beam-emittance_in_mrad +0.00 //x_offset_of_Beam_in_mm +0.00 //y_offset_of_Beam_in_mm +100000 //number_of_Event_being_generated +false //isTargetScattering +0.913 //target_density_in_g/cm3 +2.2e-4 //targetThickness_in_cm +../SRIM/20F_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_beam +../SRIM/3H_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_light_recoil +../SRIM19F_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_heavy_recoil +false //isDacay +32 //decayNucleus_A +14 //decayNucleus_Z +false //isReDo +0.0 //excitation_energy_of_A[MeV] +#===== end of file