#!/bin/bash ######## default time window = 100 tick timeWin=100 if [ -z $SOLARISANADIR ]; then echo "###### env variable SOLARISANADIR not defined. Abort. Please run the SOLARIS.sh." echo "better add \"source <path_to_SOLARIS.sh>\" into .bashrc" exit fi if [ "$PWD" != "${SOLARISANADIR}/working" ]; then echo "============= go to the Working directory" cd "${SOLARISANADIR}/working" fi if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $1 == "-help" ]; then echo "$ Process_Run [RunNum] [EventBuild] [GeneralSort] [Monitor]" echo " RunNum = run number / \"lastRun\" " echo " EventBld = 2/1/0/-1/-2 || 2 = with Trace" echo " GeneralSort = n/0/-n || n = number of worker + TraceMethod * 100" echo " TraceMethod = 0 no trace" echo " = 1 save trace" echo " = 2 WS fit" echo " = 3 trapezoid(not implemented)" echo " e.g. 208 = WS trace with 8 workers" echo " Monitor = 2/1/0 || 1 = single run, 2 = using the list in ChainMonitors.C" echo "" echo " * negative option = force." echo " * Defult timeWindow for Event builder is 100 tick = 800 ns." echo "" exit 1 fi; RUN=$1 runNum=$1 EventBld=1 nWorker=1 TraceMethod=0 isMonitor=1 if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then EventBld=$2; fi if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then nWorker=$3; fi if [ $# -ge 4 ]; then isMonitor=$4; fi temp=$((nWorker / 100)); if [ $temp -lt 0 ]; then TraceMethod=$((-1 * temp)); fi nWorker=$((nWorker % 100 )); if [ "$RUN" == "lastRun" ]; then RUN=$runID fi RUN=${RUN##*(0)} #remove zero RUN=$(printf '%03d' $RUN) ##add back the zero ################################### Setting display echo "#################################################" echo "### Process_Run #####" echo "#################################################" echo "### RunID : ${RUN}" echo "### Event Builder : $EventBld" echo "### General Sort : $nWorker worker(s)" echo "### Trace Method : $TraceMethod" echo "### Monitor : $isMonitor" echo "#################################################" source ${SOLARISANADIR}/Armory/Process_BasicConfig source ${rawDataPath}/expName.sh #################################### CHECK IS RUN DATA EXIST isRunDataExist=false #################################### EVENT BUILDER source Process_Download $RUN if [ $isRunDataExist ]; then source Process_EventBuilder $RUN $EventBld $timeWin fi #################################### GeneralSort if [ $isRunDataExist ]; then source Process_Sort $RUN $nWorker $TraceMethod fi #################################### Monitor if [ $isMonitor -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${LRED}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monitor Skipped by user. ${NC}" elif [ $isMonitor -eq 1 ]; then root -l "ChainMonitors.C($RUN)" elif [ $isMonitor -eq 2 ]; then root -l "ChainMonitors.C" fi