#!/bin/bash -l if [ -z $SOLARISANADIR ]; then echo "###### env variable SOLARISANADIR not defined. Abort. Please run the SOLARIS.sh." echo "better add \"source <path_to_SOLARIS.sh>\" into .bashrc" exit fi if [ $# -le 2 ] || [ $1 == "-help" ]; then echo "$./process_MultiRuns [RunNum1] [RunNum2] [EventBuild] [GeneralSort] [numMacTerminal]" echo " RunNum1 = start run number" echo " RunNum2 = stop run number" echo " EventBld = 2/1/0/-1/-2 || 2 = with Trace" echo " GeneralSort = n/0/-n || n = number of worker" echo " TraceMethod = -1/0/1/2 || -1 no trace, 0 save trace, 1 fit, 2 trapezoid" echo " numMacTerminal = n ^ || in order to speed up in Mac " echo " * negative option = force " echo " ^ only for mac, and it will override GeneralSort to be 1 worker. " exit 1 fi; runID1=$1 runID2=$2 buidEvt=$3 nWorker=0 traceMethod=0 nTerminal=0 if [ $# -ge 4 ]; then nWorker=$4; fi if [ $# -ge 5 ]; then traceMethod=$5; fi if [ $# -ge 6 ]; then nTerminal=$6; fi source ${SOLARISANADIR}/armory/Process_BasicConfig source ${SOLARISANADIR}/working/expName.sh if [ $PCID -eq 2 ]; then if [ $nTerminal -ge 2 ]; then if [[ $nWorker -ge 0 ]]; then nWorker=1; else nWorker=-1; fi fi else $nTerminal=0; fi if [ $nTerminal -eq 0 ]; then for i in $(seq $runID1 $runID2); do Process_Run $i $buidEvt $nWorker $traceMethod 0 done else if [ $PCID -ne 2 ]; then exit 1 fi # Calculate the size of each segment segment_size=$(( ($runID2 - $runID1 + 1) / $nTerminal )) # Iterate through the segments for i in $(seq 0 $(( $nTerminal - 1 ))); do start=$(( $runID1 + ($i * $segment_size) )) end=$(( $start + $segment_size - 1 )) # Handle the last segment, which may be larger if [[ $i -eq $(( $nTerminal - 1 )) ]]; then end=$runID2 fi echo "Segment $(( $i + 1 )): [$start, $end]" profile_name="Homebrew" width=700 height=500 x_pos=200 y_pos=200 osascript <<END_SCRIPT tell application "Terminal" activate set newWindow to do script "cd $SOLARISANADIR/working; Process_MultiRuns $start $end $buidEvt $nWorker $traceMethod" set current settings of newWindow to settings set "$profile_name" set size of front window to { $width, $height } set position of front window to { $x_pos + $(( $i * 100 )), $y_pos + $(( $i * 100 )) } end tell END_SCRIPT done fi