#define Monitor_cxx #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Cleopatra/Isotope.h" #include "Mapping.h" #define tick2ns 8. // 1clock tick = 8 ns #define tick2min tick2ns / 1e9/60. using namespace std; //############################################ User setting ULong64_t maxNumberEvent = 1000000000; //---histogram setting int rawEnergyRange[2] = { 100, 4000}; /// share with e, xf, xn int energyRange[2] = { 0, 10}; /// in the E-Z plot int rdtDERange[2] = { 0, 80}; int rdtERange[2] = { 0, 80}; int thetaCMRange[2] = {0, 80}; double exRange[3] = { 100, -2, 10}; /// bin [keV], low[MeV], high[MeV] int coinTimeRange[2] = { -200, 200}; int timeRangeUser[2] = {0, 99999999}; /// min, use when cannot find time, this set the min and max bool isUseArrayTrace = false; bool isUseRDTTrace = false; //---Gate bool isTimeGateOn = true; int timeGate[2] = {-20, 12}; /// min, max, 1 ch = 10 ns double eCalCut[2] = {0.5, 50}; /// lower & higher limit for eCal int dEgate[2] = { 500, 1500}; int Eresgate[2] = { 1000, 4000}; double thetaCMGate = 10; /// deg double xGate = 0.9; ///cut out the edge vector skipDetID = {11, 16, 23} ;//{2, 11, 17} TString rdtCutFile1 = ""; TString rdtCutFile2 = ""; TString ezCutFile = "";//"ezCut.root"; //############################################ end of user setting /****************************************************************** * variable and histogram naming rules * * name are case sensitive, so as any C/C++ code * * * * ID is dettector ID * * * * raw data from gen_tree are e, xf, xn, ring. * * the x from raw data is x * * * * xf + xn = xs, s for sum * * * * calibrated data are eCal, xfCal, xnCal, ringCal. * * the x from cal data is xCal * * * * xfCal + xnCal = xsCal * * * * since the z is always from xCal, so it calls z. * * * * Excitation energy calls Ex * * * * * * TH2D is always using "V" to seperate 2 variables, like eVx * * * * histogram with TCutG, add suffix "GC" for Graphical-Cut. * * * *******************************************************************/ //======== raw data TH1F ** he, ** hxf, ** hxn, * hMultiHit; //basic data TH2F ** hxfVxn, ** heVxs, ** heVx; // correlation TH2F * heVID, * hxfVID, * hxnVID; // vs ID //====== cal data TH1F ** heCal; TH2F ** hxfCalVxnCal; TH2F ** heVxsCal; // raw e vs xf TH2F ** heCalVxCal; // eCal vs xCal TH2F ** heCalVxCalG; // eCal vs xCal TH2F * heCalID; // e vs detID TH2F * heCalVz; TH2F * heCalVzGC; TH2F ** hecalVzRow; //====== Ex data TH1F * hEx; TH1F ** hExi; TH2F ** hExVxCal; TH2F * hExThetaCM; TH1F * hExCut1; TH1F * hExCut2; //======= Recoil TH2F * hrdtID; TH1F ** hrdt; // single recoil TH1F ** hrdtg; TH2F ** hrdt2D; TH2F ** hrdt2Dg; TH1F * hrdtRate1; TH1F * hrdtRate2; //======= multi-Hit TH2I * hmult; TH1I * hmultEZ; TH2I * hArrayRDTMatrix; TH2I * hArrayRDTMatrixG; //======= ARRAY-RDT time diff TH1I * htdiff; TH1I * htdiffg; /*************************** ***************************/ double zRange[2] = {-1000, 0}; // zMin, zMax TLatex text; int numCol, numRow, numDet; ULong64_t NumEntries = 0; ULong64_t ProcessedEntries = 0; Float_t Frac = 0.1; ///Progress bar TStopwatch StpWatch; //======= Canvas TCanvas * cCanvas; TString canvasTitle; //======= Recoil Cut TCutG* cutG; //! //general temeprary pointer to cut TObjArray * cutList1; TObjArray * cutList2; //======= Other Cuts TCutG * EZCut; #include "Monitor.h" //^########################################################### //^ * Begin //^########################################################### void Monitor::Begin(TTree *tree){ TString option = GetOption(); NumEntries = tree->GetEntries(); canvasTitle = GetCanvasTitle(); printf("###########################################################\n"); printf("########## SOLARIS Monitors.C #########\n"); printf("###########################################################\n"); //===================================================== loading parameter AnalysisLib::LoadDetGeoAndReactionConfigFile(); AnalysisLib::LoadXNCorr(); AnalysisLib::LoadXFXN2ECorr(); AnalysisLib::LoadXScaleCorr(); AnalysisLib::LoadECorr(); AnalysisLib::LoadRDTCorr(); AnalysisLib::LoadReactionParas(true); if( (int) AnalysisLib::xnCorr.size() < mapping::NARRAY ) { isXNCorrOK = false; printf(" !!!!!!!! size of xnCorr < NARRAY .\n"); } if( (int) AnalysisLib::xfxneCorr.size() < mapping::NARRAY ) { isXFXNCorrOK = false; printf(" !!!!!!!! size of xfxneCorr < NARRAY .\n"); } if( (int) AnalysisLib::eCorr.size() < mapping::NARRAY ) { isXScaleCorrOK = false; printf(" !!!!!!!! size of eCorr < NARRAY .\n"); } if( (int) AnalysisLib::xScale.size() < mapping::NARRAY ) { isECorrOK = false; printf(" !!!!!!!! size of xScale < NARRAY .\n"); } if( (int) AnalysisLib::rdtCorr.size() < mapping::NRDT ) { isRDTCorrOK = false; printf(" !!!!!!!! size of rdtCorr < NRDT .\n"); } numRow = AnalysisLib::detGeo.nDet; numCol = mapping::NARRAY/numRow; numDet = mapping::NARRAY; zRange[0] = AnalysisLib::detGeo.zMax - 50; zRange[1] = AnalysisLib::detGeo.zMax + 50; printf("=====================================================\n"); printf(" z Range : %5.0f - %5.0f mm\n", zRange[0], zRange[1]); printf(" time Range : %5.0f - %5.0f min\n", timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[1]); printf("=====================================================\n"); //================ Get Recoil cuts; cutG = new TCutG(); cutList1 = AnalysisLib::LoadListOfTCut(rdtCutFile1, "cutList"); cutList2 = AnalysisLib::LoadListOfTCut(rdtCutFile2, "cutList"); //================ Get EZ cuts; EZCut = AnalysisLib::LoadSingleTCut(ezCutFile); //========================= Generate all of the histograms needed for drawing later on printf("============================================ Histograms declaration\n"); gROOT->cd(); CreateListOfHist1D(he, mapping::NARRAY, "he", "Raw e (ch=%d); e (channel); count", 200, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist1D(hxf, mapping::NARRAY, "hxf", "Raw xf (ch=%d); e (channel); count", 200, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist1D(hxn, mapping::NARRAY, "hxn", "Raw xn (ch=%d); e (channel); count", 200, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(hxfVxn, mapping::NARRAY, "hxfVxn", "Raw xf vs. xn (ch=%d);xf (channel);xn (channel)", 500, 0, rawEnergyRange[1], 500, 0, rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(heVxs, mapping::NARRAY, "heVxs", "Raw e vs xf+xn (ch=%d); xf+xn (channel); e (channel)", 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1], 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(heVx, mapping::NARRAY, "heVx", "Raw PSD E vs. X (ch=%d);X (channel);E (channel)", 500, -0.1, 1.1, 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist1D(heCal, mapping::NARRAY, "heCal", "Corrected e (ch=%d); e (MeV); count", 2000, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(hxfCalVxnCal, mapping::NARRAY, "hxfCalVxnCal", "Corrected XF vs. XN (ch=%d);XF (channel);XN (channel)", 500, 0, rawEnergyRange[1], 500, 0, rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(heVxsCal , mapping::NARRAY, "heVxsCal", "Raw e vs Corrected xf+xn (ch=%d); corrected xf+xn (channel); Raw e (channel)", 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1], 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(heCalVxCal , mapping::NARRAY, "heCalVxCal", "Cal PSD E vs. X (ch=%d);X (cm);E (MeV)", 500, -2.5, AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength + 2.5, 500, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); CreateListOfHist2D(heCalVxCalG , mapping::NARRAY, "heCalVxCalG", "Cal PSD E vs. X (ch=%d);X (cm);E (MeV)", 500, -2.5, AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength + 2.5, 500, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); heVID = new TH2F("heVID", "Raw e vs channel", mapping::NARRAY, 0, mapping::NARRAY, 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); hxfVID = new TH2F("hxfVID", "Raw xf vs channel", mapping::NARRAY, 0, mapping::NARRAY, 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); hxnVID = new TH2F("hxnVID", "Raw xn vs channel", mapping::NARRAY, 0, mapping::NARRAY, 500, rawEnergyRange[0], rawEnergyRange[1]); heCalID = new TH2F("heCalID", "Corrected E vs detID; detID; E / 10 keV", mapping::NARRAY, 0, mapping::NARRAY, 2000, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); hMultiHit = new TH1F("hMultiHit", "Multi-Hit of Energy", 10, 0, 1); //====================== E-Z plot heCalVz = new TH2F("heCalVz", "E vs. Z;Z (mm);E (MeV)" , 400, zRange[0], zRange[1], 400, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); heCalVzGC = new TH2F("heCalVzGC","E vs. Z gated;Z (mm);E (MeV)", 400, zRange[0], zRange[1], 400, 0, energyRange[1]); hecalVzRow = new TH2F * [numRow]; for( int i = 0; i < numRow; i++){ hecalVzRow[i] = new TH2F(Form("heCalVzRow%d", i), Form("E vs. Z (ch=%d-%d); Z (cm); E (MeV)", numCol*i, numCol*(i+1)-1), 500, zRange[0], zRange[1], 500, energyRange[0], energyRange[1]); } //===================== energy spectrum hEx = new TH1F("hEx",Form("excitation spectrum w/ goodFlag; Ex [MeV] ; Count / %4.0f keV", exRange[0]), (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); hExCut1 = new TH1F("hExCut1",Form("excitation spectrum w/ goodFlag; Ex [MeV] ; Count / %4.0f keV", exRange[0]), (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); hExCut2 = new TH1F("hExCut2",Form("excitation spectrum w/ goodFlag; Ex [MeV] ; Count / %4.0f keV", exRange[0]), (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); hExCut1->SetLineColor(2); hExCut2->SetLineColor(4); TString haha = "Ex (det=%i) w/goodFlag; Ex [MeV]; Count / " +std::to_string(exRange[0]) + "keV"; CreateListOfHist1D(hExi, mapping::NARRAY, "hExi", haha.Data(), (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); CreateListOfHist2D(hExVxCal, mapping::NARRAY, "hExVxCal", "Ex vs X (ch=%d); X (cm); Ex (MeV)", 500, -0.1, 1.1, (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); hExThetaCM = new TH2F("hExThetaCM", "Ex vs ThetaCM; ThetaCM [deg]; Ex [MeV]", 200, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1], (int) (exRange[2]-exRange[1])/exRange[0]*1000, exRange[1], exRange[2]); //===================== Recoils hrdtID = new TH2F("hrdtID", "RDT vs ID; ID; energy [ch]", 8, 0, 8, 500, TMath::Min(rdtERange[0], rdtDERange[0]), TMath::Max(rdtERange[1], rdtDERange[1])); hrdt = new TH1F * [mapping::NRDT]; hrdtg = new TH1F * [mapping::NRDT]; hrdt2D = new TH2F * [mapping::NRDT/2]; hrdt2Dg = new TH2F * [mapping::NRDT/2]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < mapping::NRDT ; i++) { if( i % 2 == 0 ) hrdt[i] = new TH1F(Form("hrdt%d",i), Form("Raw Recoil E(ch=%d); E (channel)",i), 500, rdtERange[0], rdtERange[1]); if( i % 2 == 0 ) hrdtg[i] = new TH1F(Form("hrdt%dg",i),Form("Raw Recoil E(ch=%d) gated; E (channel)",i), 500, rdtERange[0], rdtERange[1]); if( i % 2 == 1 ) hrdt[i] = new TH1F(Form("hrdt%d",i), Form("Raw Recoil DE(ch=%d); DE (channel)",i), 500, rdtDERange[0], rdtDERange[1]); if( i % 2 == 1 ) hrdtg[i] = new TH1F(Form("hrdt%dg",i),Form("Raw Recoil DE(ch=%d) gated; DE (channel)",i), 500, rdtDERange[0], rdtDERange[1]); ///dE vs E if( i % 2 == 0 ) { int tempID = i / 2; hrdt2D[tempID] = new TH2F(Form("hrdt2D%d",tempID), Form("Raw Recoil DE vs Eres (dE=%d, E=%d); Eres (channel); DE (channel)", i+1, i), 500, rdtERange[0], rdtERange[1],500,rdtDERange[0],rdtDERange[1]); hrdt2Dg[tempID] = new TH2F(Form("hrdt2Dg%d",tempID), Form("Gated Raw Recoil DE vs Eres (dE=%d, E=%d); Eres (channel); DE (channel)",i+1, i), 500, rdtERange[0], rdtERange[1],500,rdtDERange[0], rdtDERange[1]); } } hrdtRate1 = new TH1F("hrdtRate1", "recoil rate 1 / min; min; count / 1 min", timeRangeInMin[1] - timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[1]); hrdtRate2 = new TH1F("hrdtRate2", "recoil rate 2 / min; min; count / 1 min", timeRangeInMin[1] - timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[1]); hrdtRate1->SetLineColor(2); hrdtRate2->SetLineColor(4); //===================== multiplicity hmultEZ = new TH1I("hmultEZ", "Filled EZ with coinTime and recoil", 10, 0, 10); hmult = new TH2I("hmult", "Array Multiplicity vs Recoil Multiplicity; Array ; Recoil",10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10); hArrayRDTMatrix = new TH2I("hArrayRDTMatrix", "Array ID vs Recoil ID; Array ID; Recoil ID", 30, 0, 30, 8, 0, 8); hArrayRDTMatrixG = new TH2I("hArrayRDTMatrixG", "Array ID vs Recoil ID / g; Array ID; Recoil ID", 30, 0, 30, 8, 0, 8); //===================== coincident time htdiff = new TH1I("htdiff" ,"Coincident time (recoil-dE - array); time [ch = 10ns]; count", coinTimeRange[1] - coinTimeRange[0], coinTimeRange[0], coinTimeRange[1]); htdiffg = new TH1I("htdiffg","Coincident time (recoil-dE - array) w/ recoil gated; time [ch = 10ns]; count", coinTimeRange[1] - coinTimeRange[0], coinTimeRange[0], coinTimeRange[1]); printf("============================================ End of histograms Declaration\n"); StpWatch.Start(); } //^########################################################### //^ * Process //^########################################################### Bool_t Monitor::Process(Long64_t entry){ if( entry == 0 ) { treeID ++; baseTimeStamp = (treeID == 0 ? 0 : endTime[treeID-1]); printf("============================================ %s , treeID : %d\n", __func__, treeID); } if( ProcessedEntries > maxNumberEvent ) return kTRUE; ProcessedEntries++; //@*********** Progress Bar ******************************************/ if (ProcessedEntries >= NumEntries*Frac - 1 ) { TString msg; msg.Form("%llu", NumEntries/1000); int len = msg.Sizeof(); printf(" %3.0f%% (%*llu/%llu k) processed in %6.1f sec | expect %6.1f sec\n", Frac*100, len, ProcessedEntries/1000,NumEntries/1000,StpWatch.RealTime(), StpWatch.RealTime()/Frac); StpWatch.Start(kFALSE); Frac += 0.1; } //@********** Get Branch *********************************************/ b_Energy->GetEntry(entry); b_XF->GetEntry(entry); b_XN->GetEntry(entry); b_EnergyTimestamp->GetEntry(entry); if( isRDTExist ){ b_RDT->GetEntry(entry); b_RDTTimestamp->GetEntry(entry); } // if( isArrayTraceExist ) { // ///b_Trace_Energy->GetEntry(entry); // b_Trace_Energy_RiseTime->GetEntry(entry); // b_Trace_Energy_Time->GetEntry(entry); // } // if( isRDTTraceExist ){ // ///b_Trace_RDT->GetEntry(entry); // b_Trace_RDT_Time->GetEntry(entry); // b_Trace_RDT_RiseTime->GetEntry(entry); // } //@*********** initization ******************************************/ for( int i = 0 ; i < mapping::NARRAY; i++){ z[i] = TMath::QuietNaN(); x[i] = TMath::QuietNaN(); xCal[i] = TMath::QuietNaN(); eCal[i] = TMath::QuietNaN(); } //@*********** Apply Recoil correction here *************************/ if( isRDTCorrOK ){ for( int i = 0 ; i < mapping::NRDT; i++){ rdt[i] = rdt[i]*AnalysisLib::rdtCorr[i][0] + AnalysisLib::rdtCorr[i][1]; } } //@*********** Array ************************************************/ //Do calculations and fill histograms Int_t recoilMulti = 0; Int_t arrayMulti = 0; Int_t multiEZ = 0; bool rdtgate1 = false; bool rdtgate2 = false; bool coinFlag = false; bool ezGate = false; bool isGoodEventFlag = false; for (Int_t detID = 0; detID < mapping::NARRAY; detID++) { //@================== Filling raw data he[detID]->Fill(e[detID]); hxf[detID]->Fill(xf[detID]); hxn[detID]->Fill(xn[detID]); hxfVxn[detID]->Fill(xf[detID],xn[detID]); heVxs[detID]->Fill(xf[detID]+xn[detID], e[detID]); heVID->Fill(detID, e[detID]); hxfVID->Fill(detID, xf[detID]); hxnVID->Fill(detID, xn[detID]); //if( !TMath::IsNaN(e[detID]) ) printf("%llu | %d | %f %f %f \n", entry, detID, e[detID], xf[detID], xn[detID]); //@==================== Basic gate if( TMath::IsNaN(e[detID]) ) continue ; ///if( ring[detID] < -100 || ring[detID] > 100 ) continue; ///if( ring[detID] > 300 ) continue; if( TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID]) && TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID]) ) continue ; //@==================== Skip detector bool skipFlag = false; for( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < skipDetID.size() ; kk++){ if( detID == skipDetID[kk] ) { skipFlag = true; break; } } if (skipFlag ) continue; //@==================== Basic gate if( TMath::IsNaN(e[detID]) ) continue ; ///if( ring[detID] < -100 || ring[detID] > 100 ) continue; ///if( ring[detID] > 300 ) continue; if( TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID]) && TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID]) ) continue ; //@==================== Calibrations go here if( isXNCorrOK && isXFXNCorrOK ) xnCal[detID] = xn[detID] * AnalysisLib::xnCorr[detID] * AnalysisLib::xfxneCorr[detID][1] + AnalysisLib::xfxneCorr[detID][0]; if( isXNCorrOK && isXFXNCorrOK ) xfCal[detID] = xf[detID] * AnalysisLib::xfxneCorr[detID][1] + AnalysisLib::xfxneCorr[detID][0]; if( isECorrOK ) eCal[detID] = e[detID] / AnalysisLib::eCorr[detID][0] + AnalysisLib::eCorr[detID][1]; if( eCal[detID] < eCalCut[0] ) continue; if( eCal[detID] > eCalCut[1] ) continue; //@===================== fill Calibrated data heCal[detID]->Fill(eCal[detID]); heCalID->Fill(detID, eCal[detID]); hxfCalVxnCal[detID]->Fill(xfCal[detID], xnCal[detID]); heVxsCal[detID]->Fill(xnCal[detID] + xfCal[detID], e[detID]); //@===================== calculate X if( (xf[detID] > 0 || !TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID])) && ( xn[detID]>0 || !TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID])) ) { ///x[detID] = 0.5*((xf[detID]-xn[detID]) / (xf[detID]+xn[detID]))+0.5; x[detID] = 0.5*((xf[detID]-xn[detID]) / e[detID])+0.5; } /// range of x is (0, 1) if ( !TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID]) && !TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID]) ) xCal[detID] = 0.5 + 0.5 * (xfCal[detID] - xnCal[detID] ) / e[detID]; if ( !TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID]) && TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID]) ) xCal[detID] = xfCal[detID]/ e[detID]; if ( TMath::IsNaN(xf[detID]) && !TMath::IsNaN(xn[detID]) ) xCal[detID] = 1.0 - xnCal[detID]/ e[detID]; //@======= Scale xcal from (0,1) if( isXScaleCorrOK ) xCal[detID] = (xCal[detID]-0.5)/AnalysisLib::xScale[detID] + 0.5; /// if include this scale, need to also inclused in Cali_littleTree if( abs(xCal[detID] - 0.5) > xGate/2. ) continue; //@==================== calculate Z if( AnalysisLib::detGeo.firstPos > 0 ) { z[detID] = AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength*(1.0-xCal[detID]) + AnalysisLib::detGeo.detPos[detID%numCol]; }else{ z[detID] = AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength*(xCal[detID]-1.0) + AnalysisLib::detGeo.detPos[detID%numCol]; } //@===================== multiplicity arrayMulti++; /// multi-hit when both e, xf, xn are not NaN //@=================== Array fill heVx[detID]->Fill(x[detID],e[detID]); heCalVxCal[detID]->Fill(xCal[detID]*AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength,eCal[detID]); heCalVz->Fill(z[detID],eCal[detID]); //@=================== Recoil Gate if( isRDTExist && (cutList1 || cutList2)){ for(int i = 0 ; i < cutList1->GetEntries() ; i++ ){ cutG = (TCutG *)cutList1->At(i) ; if(cutG->IsInside(rdt[2*i],rdt[2*i+1])) { // if(cutG->IsInside(rdt[2*i] + rdt[2*i+1],rdt[2*i+1])) { rdtgate1= true; break; /// only one is enough } } for(int i = 0 ; i < cutList2->GetEntries() ; i++ ){ cutG = (TCutG *)cutList2->At(i) ; if(cutG->IsInside(rdt[2*i],rdt[2*i+1])) { //if(cutG->IsInside(rdt[2*i]+ rdt[2*i+1],rdt[2*i+1])) { rdtgate2= true; break; /// only one is enough } } }else{ rdtgate1 = true; rdtgate2 = true; } //================ coincident with Recoil when z is calculated. if( !TMath::IsNaN(z[detID]) ) { for( int j = 0; j < mapping::NRDT ; j++){ if( TMath::IsNaN(rdt[j]) ) continue; int tdiff = rdt_t[j] - e_t[detID]; if( j%2 == 1) { htdiff->Fill(tdiff); if((rdtgate1 || rdtgate2) && (eCalCut[1] > eCal[detID] && eCal[detID]>eCalCut[0])) { htdiffg->Fill(tdiff); } } hArrayRDTMatrix->Fill(detID, j); if( isTimeGateOn && timeGate[0] < tdiff && tdiff < timeGate[1] ) { if(j % 2 == 0 ) hrdt2Dg[j/2]->Fill(rdt[j],rdt[j+1]); /// x=E, y=dE ///if(j % 2 == 0 ) hrdt2Dg[j/2]->Fill(rdt[j+1],rdt[j]); /// x=dE, y=E hArrayRDTMatrixG->Fill(detID, j); ///if( rdtgate1) hArrayRDTMatrixG->Fill(detID, j); hrdtg[j]->Fill(rdt[j]); coinFlag = true; } } } if( !isTimeGateOn ) coinFlag = true; //================ E-Z gate if( EZCut ) { if( EZCut->IsInside(z[detID], eCal[detID]) ) ezGate = true; }else{ ezGate = true; } if( coinFlag && (rdtgate1 || rdtgate2) && ezGate){ heCalVzGC->Fill( z[detID] , eCal[detID] ); heCalVxCalG[detID]->Fill(xCal[detID]*AnalysisLib::detGeo.detLength,eCal[detID]); multiEZ ++; isGoodEventFlag = true; } }//end of array loop if( EZCut == nullptr ) ezGate = true; //@*********** RECOILS ***********************************************/ for( int i = 0; i < mapping::NRDT ; i++){ hrdtID->Fill(i, rdt[i]); hrdt[i]->Fill(rdt[i]); if( i % 2 == 0 ){ recoilMulti++; // when both dE and E are hit hrdt2D[i/2]->Fill(rdt[i],rdt[i+1]); //E-dE } } hrdtRate1->Fill( (e_t[1] + baseTimeStamp) * tick2min ); //@******************* Multi-hit *************************************/ hmultEZ->Fill(multiEZ); hmult->Fill(recoilMulti,arrayMulti); hMultiHit->Fill(arrayMulti); //@*********** Good event Gate ***************************************/ if( !isGoodEventFlag ) return kTRUE; //@*********** Ex and thetaCM ****************************************/ for(Int_t detID = 0; detID < mapping::NARRAY ; detID++){ if( TMath::IsNaN(e[detID]) ) continue ; if( TMath::IsNaN(z[detID]) ) continue ; if( eCal[detID] < eCalCut[0] ) continue ; if( eCal[detID] > eCalCut[1] ) continue ; double Ex, thetaCM; if( AnalysisLib::hasReactionPara ){ std::vector ExThetaCM = AnalysisLib::CalExTheta(eCal[detID], x[detID]); Ex = ExThetaCM[0]; thetaCM = ExThetaCM[1]; }else{ Ex = TMath::QuietNaN(); thetaCM = TMath::QuietNaN(); } if( thetaCM > thetaCMGate ) { hEx->Fill(Ex); hExThetaCM->Fill(thetaCM, Ex); if( rdtgate1 ) { hExCut1->Fill(Ex); hExThetaCM->Fill(thetaCM, Ex); } if( rdtgate2 ) { hExCut2->Fill(Ex); hExThetaCM->Fill(thetaCM, Ex); } hExi[detID]->Fill(Ex); hExVxCal[detID]->Fill(xCal[detID], Ex); } } return kTRUE; } //^########################################################### //^ * Terminate //^########################################################### void Monitor::Terminate(){ printf("============================================ Drawing Canvas.\n"); gROOT->cd(); //############################################ User is free to edit this section //--- Canvas Size int canvasXY[2] = {1200 , 800} ;// x, y int canvasDiv[2] = {3,2}; cCanvas = new TCanvas("cCanvas",canvasTitle + " | " + rdtCutFile1,canvasXY[0],canvasXY[1]); cCanvas->Modified(); cCanvas->Update(); cCanvas->cd(); cCanvas->Divide(canvasDiv[0],canvasDiv[1]); gStyle->SetOptStat("neiou"); text.SetNDC(); text.SetTextFont(82); text.SetTextSize(0.04); text.SetTextColor(2); double yMax = 0; Isotope hRecoil(AnalysisLib::reactionConfig.recoilHeavyA, AnalysisLib::reactionConfig.recoilHeavyZ); double Sn = hRecoil.CalSp(0,1); double Sp = hRecoil.CalSp(1,0); double Sa = hRecoil.CalSp2(4,2); //TODO, Module each plot ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 1 PlotEZ(1); /// raw EZ ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 2 PlotEZ(0); ///gated EZ ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 3 PlotTDiff(1, 1); ///with Gated Tdiff, isLog ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 4 padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); //hEx->Draw(); hExCut1->Draw(""); hExCut2->Draw("same"); DrawLine(hEx, Sn); DrawLine(hEx, Sa); if(isTimeGateOn)text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.8, Form("%d < coinTime < %d", timeGate[0], timeGate[1])); if( xGate < 1 ) text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.75, Form("with |x-0.5|<%.4f", xGate/2.)); if( cutList1 ) text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.7, "with recoil gated"); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 5 padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); //Draw2DHist(hExThetaCM); //heVIDG->Draw(); //text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.75, Form("#theta_{cm} > %.1f deg", thetaCMGate)); Draw2DHist(hrdt2D[0]); // Draw2DHist(hrdt2Dsum[0]); if( cutList1 && cutList1->GetEntries() > 0 ) {cutG = (TCutG *)cutList1->At(0) ; cutG->Draw("same");} if( cutList2 && cutList2->GetEntries() > 0 ) {cutG = (TCutG *)cutList2->At(0) ; cutG->Draw("same");} //helum4D->Draw(); //text.DrawLatex(0.25, 0.3, Form("gated from 800 to 1200 ch\n")); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 6 PlotRDT(0,0); // padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); // Draw2DHist(hrdtExGated); //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); //Draw2DHist(htacEx); ///------------------------------------- Canvas - 7 //PlotRDT(0, 0); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 8 //PlotRDT(1, 0); ///yMax = hic2->GetMaximum()*1.2; ///hic2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, yMax); ///hic2->Draw(); ///TBox * box14N = new TBox (-10, 0, -2, yMax); ///box14N->SetFillColorAlpha(2, 0.1); ///box14N->Draw(); /// ///TBox * box14C = new TBox (8, 0, 16, yMax); ///box14C->SetFillColorAlpha(4, 0.1); ///box14C->Draw(); /// ///text.SetTextColor(2); text.DrawLatex(0.38, 0.50, "14N"); ///text.SetTextColor(4); text.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.45, "14C"); ///text.SetTextColor(2); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 9 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); //Draw2DHist(hic01); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 10 //PlotRDT(3,0); //TH1F * helumDBIC = new TH1F("helumDBIC", "elum(d)/BIC; time [min]; count/min", timeRangeInMin[1]-timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[0], timeRangeInMin[1]); //helumDBIC = (TH1F*) helum4D->Clone(); //helumDBIC->SetTitle("elum(d)/BIC; time [min]; count/min"); //helumDBIC->SetName("helumDBIC"); //helumDBIC->SetLineColor(2); //helumDBIC->Divide(hBIC); //yMax = helumDBIC->GetMaximum(); //if( yMax < hBIC->GetMaximum() ) yMax = hBIC->GetMaximum(); //helumDBIC->SetMaximum(yMax * 1.2); //hBIC->SetMaximum(yMax * 1.2); //hBIC->Draw(); //helumDBIC->Draw("same"); //text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.5, Form("Elum(D) / BIC \n")); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 11 //PlotRDT(2,0); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 12 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); //htac->Draw(); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 13 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///hicT14N->Draw(""); ///hicT14C->Draw("same"); /// ///text.SetTextColor(2); text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.60, "14N"); ///text.SetTextColor(4); text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.25, "14C"); ///text.SetTextColor(2); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 14 padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); hrdtRate1->Draw(""); hrdtRate2->Draw("same"); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 15 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 16 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 17 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 18 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 19 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); ///----------------------------------- Canvas - 20 //padID++; cCanvas->cd(padID); /************************************/ gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextSize(0.02); gStyle->SetOptDate(1); gStyle->SetDateX(0); gStyle->SetDateY(0); /************************************/ StpWatch.Start(kFALSE); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/Monitor_Util.C"); //TODO some pointer is empty printf("============================================ loaded Monitor_Utils.C\n"); //gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/AutoFit.C"); //printf("============================================ loaded armory/AutoFit.C\n"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/RDTCutCreator.C"); // printf("============================================ loaded armory/RDTCutCreator.C\n"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/Check_rdtGate.C"); // printf("============================================ loaded armory/Check_rdtGate.C\n"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/readTrace.C"); // printf("============================================ loaded Armory/readTrace.C\n"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../armory/readRawTrace.C"); // printf("============================================ loaded Armory/readRawTrace.C\n"); gROOT->ProcessLine("listDraws()"); /************************* Save histograms to root file*/ gROOT->cd(); /************************************/ //gROOT->ProcessLine("recoils()"); }