#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Armory/AnalysisLib.h" #include "../Armory/ClassDetGeo.h" #include "../Armory/ClassReactionConfig.h" #include "../Cleopatra/ClassIsotope.h" double * FindRange(TString branch, TString gate, TTree * tree, double output[2]); double ExtractNumber(int index, TMacro * macro); TString ExtractString(int index, TMacro * macro); vector StringToVector(TString str); vector intConvertor(vector arr); vector doubleConvertor(vector arr); enum plotID { pEZ, /// 0 pRecoilXY, /// 1 pRecoilXY1, /// 2 pRecoilXY2, /// 3 pRecoilRZ, /// 4 pRecoilRTR, /// 5 pTDiffZ, /// 6 pThetaCM, /// 7 pThetaCM_Z, /// 8 pExCal, /// 9 pRecoilRThetaCM, /// 10 pArrayXY, /// 11 pInfo, /// 12 pHitID, /// 13 pElum1XY, /// 14 pEElum1R, /// 15 pElum1RThetaCM, /// 16 pEmpty }; /// 17 plotID StringToPlotID(TString str); void Check_Simulation(TString filename = "transfer1.root", TString configFile = "../working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt", Int_t padSize = 500, bool outputCanvas = false){ printf("=========================== Check_Simulation.C\n"); TMacro * config = new TMacro(configFile); int numLine = config->GetListOfLines()->GetSize(); int startLineNum = 0; for( int i = 0; i < numLine ; i++){ TString haha = config->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(); haha.Remove(4); if( haha != "////" ) { startLineNum = i; break; } } TString gate = ExtractString(startLineNum+1, config); double elumRange = ExtractNumber(startLineNum+2, config); vector thetaCMRange = doubleConvertor( StringToVector( ExtractString(startLineNum+3,config) )); bool shownKELines = (ExtractString(startLineNum+4, config).Remove(4) == "true" ? true : false); bool isOverRideEx = (ExtractString(startLineNum+5, config).Remove(4) == "true" ? true : false); vector oExRange = doubleConvertor( StringToVector ( ExtractString(startLineNum+6, config ))); printf("%s \n", gate.Data()); ///==== config Canvas vector plotConfig = StringToVector( ExtractString(startLineNum, config)); vector canvas; int colCount = 0; int colCount_new = 0; int rowCount = 1; for( int i = 0; i < (int) plotConfig.size(); i++){ if( plotConfig[i] == "break" ) { rowCount ++; if( colCount_new > colCount ) colCount = colCount_new; colCount_new = 0; continue; } canvas.push_back( StringToPlotID(plotConfig[i])); colCount_new ++; } if( colCount == 0 ) colCount = colCount_new; ///printf("plot row: %d, col: %d \n", rowCount, colCount); vector Div = {colCount, rowCount}; TFile * file = new TFile(filename, "read"); TTree * tree = (TTree*) file->Get("tree"); TObjArray * fxList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("fxList"); TObjArray * txList = (TObjArray *) file->FindObjectAny("txList"); //================== reactionConfig TMacro * reactionConfigTxt = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("reactionConfig"); TString Reaction=reactionConfigTxt->GetName(); ReactionConfig reactionConfig; reactionConfig.LoadReactionConfig(reactionConfigTxt); int nEvent = reactionConfig.numEvents; printf("number of events generated : %d \n", nEvent); double xBeam = reactionConfig.beamX; double yBeam = reactionConfig.beamY; printf(" beam position : (%5.2f, %5.2f) mm \n", xBeam, yBeam); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); gStyle->SetStatY(0.9); gStyle->SetStatX(0.9); gStyle->SetStatW(0.4); gStyle->SetStatH(0.2); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "XY"); gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1); double eRange[2] = {0, 10}; double zRange[3] = {400, -1000, 1000}; /// zRange[0] = nBin double recoilERange[2]; vector exList; double ExRange[2]; //================================== detetcor Geometry printf("=================================\n"); printf(" loading detector Geometry.\n"); TMacro * detGeoTxt = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("detGeo"); DetGeo detGeo; detGeo.LoadDetectorGeo(detGeoTxt); Array array; if( detGeo.use2ndArray){ array = detGeo.array2; }else{ array = detGeo.array1; } double field = detGeo.Bfield; TString fdmsg = field > 0 ? "out of plan" : "into plan"; TString msg2; msg2.Form("field = %.2f T, %s", field, fdmsg.Data()); double prepDist = array.detPerpDist; double length = array.detLength; double posRecoil = detGeo.recoilPos; double rhoRecoilIn = detGeo.recoilInnerRadius; double rhoRecoilOut = detGeo.recoilOuterRadius; double posRecoil1 = detGeo.recoilPos1; double posRecoil2 = detGeo.recoilPos2; vector pos = array.detPos; float firstPos = array.firstPos; int rDet = array.nDet; int cDet = array.mDet; double elum1 = detGeo.elumPos1; printf("number of row-Det : %d \n", rDet); printf("number of col-Det : %d \n", cDet); for(int i = 0; i < rDet ; i++){ if( firstPos > 0 ){ printf("%d, %10.2f mm - %10.2f mm \n", i, pos[i], pos[i] + length); }else{ printf("%d, %10.2f mm - %10.2f mm \n", i, pos[i] - length , pos[i]); } } printf("=================================\n"); int numDet = rDet * cDet; zRange[1] = array.zMin - 50; zRange[2] = array.zMax + 50; printf(" zRange : %f - %f \n", zRange[1], zRange[2]); printf("=================================\n"); //========================================= Ex List; printf(" loading Ex list\n"); TMacro * exListMacro = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("ExList"); int numEx = exListMacro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize() - 1 ; for(int i = 1; i <= numEx ; i++){ string temp = exListMacro->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(); if( temp[0] == '#' ) break; if( temp[0] == '/' ) continue; vector tempStr = AnalysisLib::SplitStr(temp, " "); printf("%d | %s \n", i, tempStr[0].c_str()); exList.push_back(atof(tempStr[0].c_str())); } double exSpan = exList.back() - exList[0]; const int nExID = exList.size(); printf("========= number of excited states : %d \n", nExID); ExRange[0] = exList[0] - exSpan * 0.2; ExRange[1] = exList.back() + exSpan * 0.2; if( isOverRideEx ) { ExRange[0] = oExRange[0]; ExRange[1] = oExRange[1]; } printf("=================================\n"); //========================================= reaction parameters printf(" loading reaction parameters \n"); TMacro * reactionData = (TMacro *) file->FindObjectAny("reactionData"); double mass = ExtractNumber(0, reactionData); double q = ExtractNumber(1, reactionData); double beta = ExtractNumber(2, reactionData); double Et = ExtractNumber(3, reactionData); double massB = ExtractNumber(4, reactionData); double alpha = ExtractNumber(5, reactionData); double gamm = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1-beta*beta); double slope = alpha * beta; printf("\tmass-b : %f MeV/c2 \n", mass); printf("\tcharge-b : %f \n", q); printf("\tE-total : %f MeV \n", Et); printf("\tmass-B : %f MeV/c2 \n", massB); printf("\tbeta : %f \n", beta); printf("\tslope : %f MeV/mm \n", slope); printf("=================================\n"); //=================================== calculate Ranges //eRange by zRange and exList double QQ = (Et*Et + mass*mass - (massB-exList[0])*(massB-exList[0]))/2/Et; double intercept = QQ/gamm - mass; eRange[1] = intercept + zRange[2] * slope; ///printf("intercept of 0 MeV : %f MeV \n", intercept); ///printf("eRange 0 MeV : %f MeV \n", eRange[1]); //thetaCMRange ///double momentum = sqrt(( Et*Et - pow(mass + massB - exList[0],2)) * ( Et*Et - pow(mass - massB + exList[0],2)))/2/Et; ///double thetaMax = acos( (beta * QQ- alpha / gamm * zRange[2])/momentum) * TMath::RadToDeg(); ///thetaCMRange[1] = (int) TMath::Ceil(thetaMax/10.)*10; ///printf(" momentum : %f \n", momentum); ///printf(" thetaCM Max : %f \n", thetaMax); ///printf(" thetaCM Range : %d \n", thetaCMRange[1]); //=================================================== printf("============================== Gate\n"); printf("gate : %s\n", gate.Data()); printf("====================================\n"); Int_t size[2] = {padSize,padSize}; ///x,y, single Canvas size TCanvas * cCheck = new TCanvas("cCheck", "Check For Simulation", 0, 0, size[0]*Div[0], size[1]*Div[1]); if(cCheck->GetShowEditor() )cCheck->ToggleEditor(); if(cCheck->GetShowToolBar() )cCheck->ToggleToolBar(); cCheck->Divide(Div[0],Div[1]); for( int i = 1; i <= Div[0]*Div[1] ; i++){ cCheck->cd(i); cCheck->cd(i)->SetGrid(); if( canvas[i-1] == pThetaCM ) { cCheck->cd(i)->SetGrid(0,0); cCheck->cd(i)->SetLogy(); } if( canvas[i-1] == pHitID ){ cCheck->cd(i)->SetLogy(); } plotID pID = canvas[i-1]; ///######################################## if( pID == pEZ){ TH2F * hez = new TH2F("hez", Form("e-z [gated] @ %5.0f mm; z [mm]; e [MeV]", firstPos), zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 400, eRange[0], eRange[1]); tree->Draw("e:z>>hez", gate, "colz"); if( shownKELines){ for( int i = 0; i < nExID ; i++){ fxList->At(i)->Draw("same"); } } } if( pID == pRecoilXY ){ TH2F * hRecoilXY = new TH2F("hRecoilXY", Form("RecoilXY [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("yRecoil:xRecoil>>hRecoilXY", gate, "colz"); TArc * detArc1 = new TArc(0,0, rhoRecoilOut); detArc1->SetLineColor(kBlue-8); detArc1->SetFillStyle(0); detArc1->Draw("same"); TArc * detArc2 = new TArc(0,0, rhoRecoilIn); detArc2->SetLineColor(kBlue-8); detArc2->SetFillStyle(0); detArc2->Draw("same"); if( xBeam != 0. || yBeam != 0. ){ TArc * arc = new TArc(xBeam, yBeam, 1); arc->SetLineColor(2); detArc1->SetFillStyle(0); arc->Draw("same"); } } if( pID == pRecoilXY1 ){ TH2F * hRecoilXY1 = new TH2F("hRecoilXY1", Form("RecoilXY-1 [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil1 ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("yRecoil1:xRecoil1>>hRecoilXY1", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pRecoilXY2 ){ TH2F * hRecoilXY2 = new TH2F("hRecoilXY2", Form("RecoilXY-2 [gated] @ %4.0f mm; X [mm]; Y [mm]", posRecoil2 ), 400, -rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut, 400,-rhoRecoilOut, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("yRecoil2:xRecoil2>>hRecoilXY2", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pRecoilRZ ){ TH2F * hRecoilRZ = new TH2F("hRecoilRZ", "RecoilR - Z [gated]; z [mm]; RecoilR [mm]", zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 400,0, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:z>>hRecoilRZ", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pRecoilRTR ){ FindRange("TB", gate, tree, recoilERange); TH2F * hRecoilRTR = new TH2F("hRecoilRTR", "RecoilR - recoilE [gated]; recoil Energy [MeV]; RecoilR [mm]", 500, recoilERange[0], recoilERange[1], 500, 0, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:TB>>hRecoilRTR", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pTDiffZ ){ double tDiffRange [2]; FindRange("t-tB", gate, tree, tDiffRange); TH2F * hTDiffZ = new TH2F("hTDiffZ", "time(Array) - time(Recoil) vs Z [gated]; z [mm]; time diff [ns]", zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 500, tDiffRange[0], tDiffRange[1]); tree->Draw("t - tB : z >> hTDiffZ", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pThetaCM ){ TH1F * hThetaCM[nExID]; TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.8,0.2,0.99,0.8); double maxCount = 0; int startID = 0; // set the start ExID for( int i = startID; i < nExID; i++){ hThetaCM[i] = new TH1F(Form("hThetaCM%d", i), Form("thetaCM [gated] (ExID=%d); thetaCM [deg]; count", i), 200, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1]); hThetaCM[i]->SetLineColor(i+1-startID); hThetaCM[i]->SetFillColor(i+1-startID); hThetaCM[i]->SetFillStyle(3000+i-startID); tree->Draw(Form("thetaCM>>hThetaCM%d", i), gate + Form("&& ExID==%d", i), ""); legend->AddEntry(hThetaCM[i], Form("Ex=%5.1f MeV", exList[i])); double max = hThetaCM[i]->GetMaximum(); if( max > maxCount ) maxCount = max; } for( int i = startID; i < nExID; i++){ hThetaCM[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1, maxCount * 1.2); if( i == startID ) { hThetaCM[i]->Draw(); }else{ hThetaCM[i]->Draw("same"); } } legend->Draw(); } if( pID == pThetaCM_Z ){ TH2F *hThetaCM_Z = new TH2F("hThetaCM_Z","ThetaCM vs Z ; Z [mm]; thetaCM [deg]",zRange[0], zRange[1], zRange[2], 200, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1]); tree->Draw("thetaCM:z>>hThetaCM_Z",gate,"col"); if( shownKELines){ for( int i = 0; i < nExID ; i++){ txList->At(i)->Draw("same"); } } } if( pID == pExCal ){ TH1F * hExCal = new TH1F("hExCal", Form("calculated Ex [gated]; Ex [MeV]; count / %.2f keV", (ExRange[1]-ExRange[0])/400.*1000), 400, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]); tree->Draw("ExCal>>hExCal", gate, ""); Isotope hRecoil(reactionConfig.recoilHeavyA, reactionConfig.recoilHeavyZ); double Sn = hRecoil.CalSp(0,1); double Sp = hRecoil.CalSp(1,0); double Sa = hRecoil.CalSp2(4,2); double S2n = hRecoil.CalSp(0, 2); printf("Heavy recoil: %s \n", hRecoil.Name.c_str()); printf("Sn : %f MeV/u \n", Sn); printf("Sp : %f MeV/u \n", Sp); printf("Sa : %f MeV/u \n", Sa); printf("S2n : %f MeV/u \n", S2n); double yMax = hExCal->GetMaximum(); TLine * lineSn = new TLine(Sn, 0, Sn, yMax); lineSn->SetLineColor(2); lineSn->Draw(""); TLine * lineSp = new TLine(Sp, 0, Sp, yMax); lineSp->SetLineColor(4); lineSp->Draw("same"); TLine * lineSa = new TLine(Sa, 0, Sa, yMax); lineSa->SetLineColor(6); lineSa->Draw("same"); TLine * lineS2n = new TLine(S2n, 0, S2n, yMax); lineS2n->SetLineColor(8); lineS2n->Draw("same"); TLatex * text = new TLatex(); text->SetTextFont(82); text->SetTextSize(0.06); text->SetTextColor(2); text->DrawLatex(Sn, yMax*0.9, "S_{n}"); text->SetTextColor(4); text->DrawLatex(Sp, yMax*0.9, "S_{p}"); text->SetTextColor(6); text->DrawLatex(Sa, yMax*0.9, "S_{a}"); text->SetTextColor(8); text->DrawLatex(S2n, yMax*0.9, "S_{2n}"); } if( pID == pRecoilRThetaCM ){ TH2F * hRecoilRThetaCM = new TH2F("hRecoilRThetaCM", "RecoilR - thetaCM [gated]; thetaCM [deg]; RecoilR [mm]", 400, 0, 60, 400,0, rhoRecoilOut); tree->Draw("rhoRecoil:thetaCM>>hRecoilRThetaCM", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pArrayXY ){ TH2F * hArrayXY = new TH2F("hArrayXY", "Array-XY [gated]; X [mm]; Y [mm]", 400, -prepDist*1.5, prepDist*1.5, 400, -prepDist*1.5, prepDist*1.5); tree->Draw("yArray:xArray>>hArrayXY", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pInfo ){ TLatex text; text.SetNDC(); text.SetTextFont(82); text.SetTextSize(0.06); text.SetTextColor(2); text.DrawLatex(0., 0.9, Reaction); text.DrawLatex(0., 0.8, msg2); text.SetTextColor(1); text.DrawLatex(0., 0.7, "gate:"); text.SetTextColor(2); //check gate text length, if > 30, break by "&&" int ll = gate.Length(); if( ll > 30 ) { vector strList = AnalysisLib::SplitStr( (string) gate.Data(), "&&"); for( int i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++){ text.DrawLatex(0., 0.6 - 0.05*i, (TString) strList[i]); } }else{ text.DrawLatex(0., 0.6, gate); } if( xBeam != 0.0 || yBeam != 0.0 ){ text.DrawLatex(0.0, 0.1, Form("Bema pos: (%4.1f, %4.1f) mm", xBeam, yBeam)); } } if( pID == pElum1XY ){ TH2F * hElum1XY = new TH2F("hElum1XY", Form("Elum-1 XY [gated] @ %.0f mm ; X [mm]; Y [mm]", elum1), 400, -elumRange, elumRange, 400, -elumRange, elumRange); tree->Draw("yElum1:xElum1>>hElum1XY", gate, "colz"); double count = hElum1XY->GetEntries(); if( count < 2000. ) { hElum1XY->SetMarkerStyle(7); if( count < 500. ) hElum1XY->SetMarkerStyle(3); hElum1XY->Draw("scat"); } } if( pID == pEElum1R ){ TH2F * hEElum1Rho = new TH2F("hEElum1Rho", "Elum-1 E-R [gated]; R[mm]; Energy[MeV]", 400, 0, elumRange, 400, eRange[0], eRange[1]); tree->Draw("Tb:rhoElum1>>hEElum1Rho", gate, "colz"); } if( pID == pElum1RThetaCM){ int angBin = 400; TH2F * hElum1RThetaCM = new TH2F("hElum1RThetaCM", "Elum-1 rho vs ThetaCM [gated]; thatCM [deg]; Elum- rho [mm]", angBin, thetaCMRange[0], thetaCMRange[1], 400, 0, elumRange); tree->Draw("rhoElum1:thetaCM>>hElum1RThetaCM", gate, "colz"); TH1F * htemp = (TH1F *) hElum1RThetaCM->ProjectionX("htemp"); double rel = (thetaCMRange[1] - thetaCMRange[0])*1.0/angBin; printf("angular resolution : %f deg \n", rel); vector xList; double old_y = 0; for( int i = 1; i <= angBin; i++){ double y = htemp->GetBinContent(i); if( old_y == 0 && y > 0) xList.push_back(htemp->GetBinCenter(i)); if( old_y > 0 && y == 0 ) xList.push_back(htemp->GetBinCenter(i)); old_y = y; } printf("list of gaps :\n"); for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i+=2){ printf("%d | %.3f - %.3f deg\n", i, xList[i], xList[i+1]); } TF1 f1("f1", "sin(x)"); double acceptance = 0; double err1 = 0; double err2 = 0; for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i += 2 ){ acceptance += f1.Integral(xList[i] * TMath::DegToRad(), xList[i+1] * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); err1 += f1.Integral((xList[i]-rel) * TMath::DegToRad(), (xList[i+1] + rel) * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); err2 += f1.Integral((xList[i]+rel) * TMath::DegToRad(), (xList[i+1] - rel) * TMath::DegToRad() ) * TMath::TwoPi(); } printf("acceptance = %f sr +- %f \n", acceptance, (err1-err2)/2); TLatex text; text.SetTextFont(82); text.SetTextSize(0.06); text.SetTextColor(2); text.SetTextAngle(90); for( int i = 0; i < (int) xList.size(); i++){ text.DrawLatex(xList[i], elumRange/2, Form("%.2f", xList[i])); } text.SetNDC(); text.SetTextAngle(0); text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.15, Form("accp. = %.2f(%.2f) msr", acceptance * 1000., (err1-err2)*1000./2)); } if( pID == pHitID ){ printf("=======================meaning of Hit ID\n"); printf(" 1 = light recoil hit array & heavy recoil hit recoil\n"); printf(" 0 = no detector\n"); printf(" -1 = light recoil go opposite side of array\n"); printf(" -2 = light recoil hit > det width\n"); printf(" -3 = light recoil hit > array \n"); printf(" -4 = light recoil hit blocker \n"); printf(" -10 = light recoil orbit radius too big \n"); printf(" -11 = light recoil orbit radius too small\n"); printf(" -12 = when reocol at the same side of array, light recoil blocked by recoil detector\n"); printf(" -13 = more than 3 loops\n"); printf(" -14 = heavy recoil did not hit recoil \n"); printf(" -15 = cannot find hit on array\n"); printf(" -20 = unknown\n"); printf("===========================================\n"); TH1F * hHit = new TH1F("hHit", "hit; hit-ID; count", 13, -11, 2); tree->Draw("hit>>hHit", "", ""); } ///####################################################### } cCheck->Modified(); cCheck->Update(); if( outputCanvas ){ TDatime dateTime; TString outPNGName = Form("Sim_%d%02d%02d_%06d.png", dateTime.GetYear(), dateTime.GetMonth(), dateTime.GetDay(), dateTime.GetTime()); cCheck->SaveAs(outPNGName); printf("%s\n", outPNGName.Data()); gROOT->ProcessLine(".q"); } } ///============================================================ ///============================================================ double * FindRange(TString branch, TString gate, TTree * tree, double output[2]){ tree->Draw(Form("%s>>temp1", branch.Data()), gate); TH1F * temp1 = (TH1F *) gROOT->FindObjectAny("temp1"); output[1] = temp1->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); output[0] = temp1->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); delete temp1; return output; } double ExtractNumber(int index, TMacro * macro){ TString field = macro->GetListOfLines()->At(index)->GetName(); int pos = field.First('/'); if( pos >= 0 ) field.Remove(pos); return field.Atof(); } TString ExtractString(int index, TMacro * macro){ TString field = macro->GetListOfLines()->At(index)->GetName(); int pos = field.First('/'); if( pos >= 0 ) field.Remove(pos); return field; } vector StringToVector(TString str){ vector temp; bool startFlag = false; bool endFlag = false; string jaja=""; for(int i = 0; i < str.Length(); i++){ if( str[i] == '{' ) { startFlag = true; continue; } if( str[i] == ' '){ continue; } if( startFlag && !endFlag){ if( str[i] == ',' ){ temp.push_back(jaja); jaja=""; continue; } if( str[i] == '}') { temp.push_back(jaja); endFlag = true; continue; } jaja += str[i]; } } return temp; } vector intConvertor(vector arr){ vector out ; for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) arr.size(); i++){ out.push_back( arr[i].Atoi()); } return out; } vector doubleConvertor(vector arr){ vector out ; for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) arr.size(); i++){ out.push_back( arr[i].Atof()); } return out; } plotID StringToPlotID(TString str){ if( str == "pEZ") return plotID::pEZ; ///0 if( str == "pRecoilXY") return plotID::pRecoilXY; /// 1 if( str == "pRecoilXY1" ) return plotID::pRecoilXY1; /// 2 if( str == "pRecoilXY2" ) return plotID::pRecoilXY2; /// 3 if( str == "pRecoilRZ" ) return plotID::pRecoilRZ; /// 4 if( str == "pRecoilRTR" ) return plotID::pRecoilRTR; /// 5 if( str == "pTDiffZ" ) return plotID::pTDiffZ; /// 6 if( str == "pThetaCM" ) return plotID::pThetaCM; /// 7 if( str == "pThetaCM_Z" ) return plotID::pThetaCM_Z; /// 8 if( str == "pExCal" ) return plotID::pExCal; /// 9 if( str == "pRecoilRThetaCM" ) return plotID::pRecoilRThetaCM; /// 10 if( str == "pArrayXY" ) return plotID::pArrayXY; /// 11 if( str == "pInfo" ) return plotID::pInfo; /// 12 if( str == "pHitID" ) return plotID::pHitID; /// 13 if( str == "pElum1XY" ) return plotID::pElum1XY; /// 14 if( str == "pEElum1R" ) return plotID::pEElum1R; /// 14 if( str == "pElum1RThetaCM" ) return plotID::pElum1RThetaCM; /// 15 if( str == "pEmpty" ) return plotID::pEmpty ; /// 16 return plotID::pEmpty; }