#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Cleopatra/Transfer.h" #include "../Cleopatra/InFileCreator.h" #include "../Cleopatra/ExtractXSec.h" #include "../Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray.h" #include "../Armory/AutoFit.C" #include "../Armory/AnalysisLib.h" #include "../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C" #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #define OS_Type 1 #elif __APPLE__ #define OS_Type 0 #endif TString isoFileName; class MyMainFrame { RQ_OBJECT("MyMainFrame") private: TGMainFrame *fMain; TGTextEdit * editor; TString fileName; TGLabel * fileLabel; TGLabel * statusLabel; TGNumberEntry * angMin; TGNumberEntry * angMax; TGNumberEntry * angStep; TGCheckButton * withDWBA; TGCheckButton * isInFile; TGCheckButton * isRun; TGCheckButton * isExtract; TGCheckButton * isPlot; TGComboBox * extractFlag; TGTextEntry * txtName ; TGTextEntry * txtEx ; bool isUse2ndArray; public: MyMainFrame(const TGWindow *p,UInt_t w,UInt_t h); virtual ~MyMainFrame(); void Command(int); void OpenFile(int); void GetData(); bool IsFileExist(TString filename); void CheckIsUse2ndArray(); }; MyMainFrame::MyMainFrame(const TGWindow *p,UInt_t w,UInt_t h) { // Create a main frame fMain = new TGMainFrame(p,w,h); TGHorizontalFrame *hframe = new TGHorizontalFrame(fMain,600,600 ); fMain->AddFrame(hframe, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); TGVerticalFrame *hframe1 = new TGVerticalFrame(fMain,600,600 ); hframe->AddFrame(hframe1); TGVerticalFrame *hframe2 = new TGVerticalFrame(fMain,600,800 ); hframe->AddFrame(hframe2,new TGLayoutHints( kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); fileName = "../working/detectorGeo.txt"; TGHorizontalFrame *hframe00 = new TGHorizontalFrame(hframe2,600,600 ); hframe2->AddFrame(hframe00, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX , 2,2,2,2)); fileLabel = new TGLabel(hframe00, ""); fileLabel->SetWidth(370); fileLabel->SetHeight(20); fileLabel->SetTextColor(kRed); fileLabel->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize | kSunkenFrame); fileLabel->SetText(fileName); hframe00->AddFrame(fileLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2,2,2,2)); TGTextButton *save = new TGTextButton(hframe00,"Save"); save->SetWidth(100); save->SetHeight(20); save->ChangeOptions( save->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); save->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=3)"); hframe00->AddFrame(save, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft,5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *help = new TGTextButton(hframe00, "Help"); help->SetWidth(100); help->SetHeight(20); help->ChangeOptions( help->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); help->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=4)"); hframe00->AddFrame(help,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); editor = new TGTextEdit(hframe2, 600, 700); editor->LoadFile(fileName); hframe2->AddFrame(editor, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2,2,2,2)); statusLabel = new TGLabel(hframe2, ""); statusLabel->SetWidth(600); statusLabel->SetHeight(20); statusLabel->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft); statusLabel->SetTextColor(1); statusLabel->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize | kSunkenFrame); hframe2->AddFrame(statusLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 2,2,2,2)); {//================= Simulation group TGGroupFrame * simFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "Kinematics Simulation", kVerticalFrame); hframe1->AddFrame(simFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openDet = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "detector Geo."); openDet->SetWidth(150); openDet->SetHeight(20); openDet->ChangeOptions( openDet->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openDet->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=0)"); simFrame->AddFrame(openDet,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openRec = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "reaction Config"); openRec->SetWidth(150); openRec->SetHeight(20); openRec->ChangeOptions( openRec->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openRec->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=1)"); simFrame->AddFrame(openRec,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openEx = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "Ex List"); openEx->SetWidth(150); openEx->SetHeight(20); openEx->ChangeOptions( openEx->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openEx->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=2)"); simFrame->AddFrame(openEx,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); withDWBA = new TGCheckButton(simFrame, "Sim with DWBA\n+DWBA.root\n+DWBA.Ex.txt"); withDWBA->SetWidth(140); withDWBA->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); simFrame->AddFrame(withDWBA, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *Sim = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"Simulate"); Sim->SetWidth(150); Sim->SetHeight(40); Sim->ChangeOptions( Sim->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); Sim->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=1)"); simFrame->AddFrame(Sim, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openSimChk = new TGTextButton(simFrame, "Config Simulation Plot"); openSimChk->SetWidth(150); openSimChk->SetHeight(20); openSimChk->ChangeOptions( openSimChk->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openSimChk->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=4)"); simFrame->AddFrame(openSimChk,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *SimChk = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"Re-Plot Simulation"); SimChk->SetWidth(150); //SimChk->SetHeight(40); SimChk->ChangeOptions( SimChk->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); SimChk->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=2)"); simFrame->AddFrame(SimChk, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *autoFit = new TGTextButton(simFrame,"AutoFit ExCal"); autoFit->SetWidth(150); //autoFit->SetHeight(40); autoFit->ChangeOptions( autoFit->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); autoFit->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=5)"); simFrame->AddFrame(autoFit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight,5,5,3,4)); } {//================= DWBA group TGGroupFrame * DWBAFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "DWBA calculation", kVerticalFrame); hframe1->AddFrame(DWBAFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openDWBA = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "DWBA setting"); openDWBA->SetWidth(150); openDWBA->SetHeight(20); openDWBA->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openDWBA->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=3)"); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openDWBA,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openInFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "InFile"); openInFile->SetWidth(150); openInFile->SetHeight(20); openInFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openInFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=5)"); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openInFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *openOutFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "OutFile"); openOutFile->SetWidth(150); openOutFile->SetHeight(20); openOutFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); openOutFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=6)"); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(openOutFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *xsecFile = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "X-Sec"); xsecFile->SetWidth(150); xsecFile->SetHeight(20); xsecFile->ChangeOptions( openDWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); xsecFile->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this, "OpenFile(=7)"); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(xsecFile,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); //-------- angle setting TGHorizontalFrame * hframe000 = new TGHorizontalFrame(DWBAFrame, 150, 30, kFixedSize); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(hframe000); TGLabel * lb1 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angMin"); lb1->SetWidth(50); lb1->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); hframe000->AddFrame(lb1, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); TGLabel * lb2 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angMax"); lb2->SetWidth(50); lb2->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); hframe000->AddFrame(lb2, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); TGLabel * lb3 = new TGLabel(hframe000, "angStep"); lb3->SetWidth(50); lb3->ChangeOptions( kFixedSize); hframe000->AddFrame(lb3, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY, 5, 5, 0, 0)); TGHorizontalFrame * hframe001 = new TGHorizontalFrame(DWBAFrame, 150, 30, kFixedSize); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(hframe001); angMin = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 0, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESInteger, TGNumberFormat::kNEANonNegative); angMin->SetWidth(50); angMin->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 180); hframe001->AddFrame(angMin, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX , 5, 5, 0, 0)); angMax = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 60, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESInteger, TGNumberFormat::kNEANonNegative); angMax->SetWidth(50); angMax->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 180); hframe001->AddFrame(angMax, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX , 5, 5, 0, 0)); angStep = new TGNumberEntry(hframe001, 1, 0, 0, TGNumberFormat::kNESRealOne, TGNumberFormat::kNEAPositive); angStep->SetWidth(50); angStep->SetLimits(TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax, 0, 30); hframe001->AddFrame(angStep, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5, 5, 0, 0)); //------- Check Boxes isInFile = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Create inFile"); isInFile->SetWidth(100); isInFile->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); isInFile->SetState(kButtonDown); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isInFile, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); isRun = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Run Ptolemy"); isRun->SetWidth(100); isRun->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); isRun->SetState(kButtonDown); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isRun, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); isExtract = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Extract Xsec"); isExtract->SetWidth(100); isExtract->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); isExtract->SetState(kButtonDown); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isExtract, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); isPlot = new TGCheckButton(DWBAFrame, "Plot"); isPlot->SetWidth(100); isPlot->ChangeOptions(kFixedSize ); isPlot->SetState(kButtonDown); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(isPlot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); extractFlag = new TGComboBox(DWBAFrame, 100); extractFlag->SetWidth(130); extractFlag->SetHeight(30); extractFlag->AddEntry("Xsec.", 2); extractFlag->AddEntry("Ratio to Ruth.", 1); extractFlag->AddEntry("Rutherford", 3); extractFlag->Select(2); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(extractFlag, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5,5,3,4)); TGTextButton *DWBA = new TGTextButton(DWBAFrame, "DWBA"); DWBA->SetWidth(150); DWBA->SetHeight(40); DWBA->ChangeOptions( DWBA->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); DWBA->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"Command(=0)"); DWBAFrame->AddFrame(DWBA,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); } {//====================== Nuclear data API TGGroupFrame * dataFrame = new TGGroupFrame(hframe1, "Nuclear Data", kVerticalFrame); hframe1->AddFrame(dataFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 5,5,3,4)); TGHorizontalFrame * hfData = new TGHorizontalFrame(dataFrame); dataFrame->AddFrame(hfData, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal, 0, 0, 5, 0)); TGVerticalFrame * vfLabel = new TGVerticalFrame(hfData, 200); hfData->AddFrame(vfLabel ); TGVerticalFrame * vfTxt = new TGVerticalFrame(hfData); hfData->AddFrame(vfTxt); TGLayoutHints * haha = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsCenterY, 5,5,5,2); TGLayoutHints * kaka = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsCenterY, 5,5,0,0); TGLabel * lb1 = new TGLabel(vfLabel, "Nuclear Name :"); vfLabel->AddFrame(lb1, haha); TGLabel * lb2 = new TGLabel(vfLabel, "Max Ex [MeV] :"); vfLabel->AddFrame(lb2, haha); txtName = new TGTextEntry(vfTxt, "25F"); vfTxt->AddFrame(txtName, kaka); txtName->Resize(50, 20); txtEx = new TGTextEntry(vfTxt, "0"); vfTxt->AddFrame(txtEx, kaka); txtEx->Resize(50, 20); TGTextButton *GetData = new TGTextButton(dataFrame, "Get Data"); GetData->SetWidth(150); GetData->SetHeight(40); GetData->ChangeOptions( GetData->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); GetData->Connect("Clicked()","MyMainFrame",this,"GetData()"); dataFrame->AddFrame(GetData,new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight, 5,5,3,4)); } TGTextButton *exit = new TGTextButton(hframe1,"Exit", "gApplication->Terminate(0)"); exit->SetWidth(150); exit->SetHeight(40); exit->ChangeOptions( exit->GetOptions() | kFixedSize ); hframe1->AddFrame(exit, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsExpandX, 5,5,3,4)); // Set a name to the main frame fMain->SetWindowName("Simulation Helper"); // Map all subwindows of main frame fMain->MapSubwindows(); // Initialize the layout algorithm fMain->Resize(fMain->GetDefaultSize()); // Map main frame fMain->MapWindow(); int versionInt = gROOT->GetVersionInt(); if( versionInt < 62600 ) { statusLabel->SetText(Form("Root version : %s. Please Update Root to v6.26/00",gROOT->GetVersion())); }else{ statusLabel->SetText(Form("Root version : %s",gROOT->GetVersion())); } } bool MyMainFrame::IsFileExist(TString filename){ ifstream file (filename.Data()); return file.is_open(); } void MyMainFrame::CheckIsUse2ndArray(){ DetGeo detGeo; detGeo.LoadDetectorGeo("../working/detectorGeo.txt", false); isUse2ndArray = detGeo.use2ndArray; } void MyMainFrame::OpenFile(int ID){ editor->SaveFile(fileName); TString oldFileName = fileName; if ( ID == 0 ) fileName = "../working/detectorGeo.txt"; CheckIsUse2ndArray(); if( isUse2ndArray){ if ( ID == 1 ) fileName = "../working/reactionConfig2.txt"; if ( ID == 2 ) fileName = "../working/Ex2.txt"; if ( ID == 3 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA2"; if ( ID == 5 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA2.in"; if ( ID == 6 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA2.out"; if ( ID == 7 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA2.Xsec.txt"; }else{ if ( ID == 1 ) fileName = "../working/reactionConfig.txt"; if ( ID == 2 ) fileName = "../working/Ex.txt"; if ( ID == 3 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA"; if ( ID == 5 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.in"; if ( ID == 6 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.out"; if ( ID == 7 ) fileName = "../working/DWBA.Xsec.txt"; } if ( ID == 4 ) fileName = "../working/Check_Simulation_Config.txt"; if ( ID == 8 ) fileName = isoFileName; //test if file exist if ( IsFileExist(fileName) ){ fileLabel->SetText(fileName); editor->LoadFile(fileName); if( ID >= 6 ) { editor->SetReadOnly(true); }else{ editor->SetReadOnly(false); } editor->ShowBottom(); if( ID < 6){ statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " opened."); }else{ statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " opened. (READ ONLY)"); } }else{ statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " not exist."); fileName = oldFileName; } } void MyMainFrame::GetData(){ TString name = txtName->GetText(); TString maxEx = txtEx->GetText(); TString cmd = "../Cleopatra/nuclear_data.py " + name + " " + maxEx; system(cmd.Data()); statusLabel->SetText("Check termial."); //isoFileName = name + ".txt"; //OpenFile(8); } void MyMainFrame::Command(int ID) { editor->SaveFile(fileName); CheckIsUse2ndArray(); if( ID == 0 ){ if( isInFile->GetState()) { double aMin = angMin->GetNumber(); double aMax = angMax->GetNumber(); double aStep = angStep->GetNumber(); statusLabel->SetText("Creating DWBA.in....."); InFileCreator("DWBA", "DWBA.in", aMin, aMax, aStep); statusLabel->SetText("in-file created."); } bool isRunOK = true; if( isRun->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.in") ) { //printf("run ptolemy...........\n"); statusLabel->SetText("Running Ptolemy....."); int output = 1; if( OS_Type == 1 ){ output = system("../Cleopatra/ptolemy DWBA.out"); }else{ output = system("../Cleopatra/ptolemy_mac DWBA.out"); } statusLabel->SetText("Check terminal, if no massage, Ptolemy run well."); printf("Ptolemy exist code : %d\n", output); if( output == 0 ) { isRunOK = true; }else{ isRunOK = false; statusLabel->SetText("Ptolemy exist with problems."); } } if( isRunOK && isExtract->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.out")){ int ElasticFlag = 0; // 1 for ratio to Rutherford, 2 for total Xsec, 3 for (n,n) Xsec ElasticFlag = extractFlag->GetSelected(); statusLabel->SetText("Extracting X-sec....."); ExtractXSec("DWBA.out", ElasticFlag); statusLabel->SetText("X-sec Extracted."); } if( isRunOK && isPlot->GetState() && IsFileExist("DWBA.root")){ statusLabel->SetText("Plot X-sec....."); PlotTGraphTObjArray("DWBA.root"); statusLabel->SetText("Plotted X-sec."); } } if( ID == 1 ){ string basicConfig = "reactionConfig.txt"; string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt"; string excitationFile = "Ex.txt"; //when no file, only ground state TString ptolemyRoot = ""; // when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM TString saveFileName = "transfer.root"; TString filename = "reaction.dat"; //when no file, no output if( withDWBA->GetState() ) { ptolemyRoot = "DWBA1.root"; excitationFile = "DWBA1.Ex.txt"; } if( isUse2ndArray ){ basicConfig = "reactionConfig2.txt"; heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt"; excitationFile = "Ex2.txt"; //when no file, only ground state ptolemyRoot = ""; // when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM saveFileName = "transfer2.root"; filename = "reaction2.dat"; //when no file, no output if( withDWBA->GetState() ) { ptolemyRoot = "DWBA2.root"; excitationFile = "DWBA2.Ex.txt"; } } statusLabel->SetText("Running simulation......."); Transfer( basicConfig, heliosDetGeoFile, excitationFile, ptolemyRoot, saveFileName, filename); statusLabel->SetText("Plotting simulation......."); if( isUse2ndArray ){ Check_Simulation("transfer2.root"); }else{ Check_Simulation("transfer1.root"); } statusLabel->SetText("Plotted Simulation result"); } if( ID == 2 ){ if( isUse2ndArray ){ Check_Simulation("transfer2.root"); }else{ Check_Simulation("transfer.root"); } statusLabel->SetText(" Run Simulation first."); } if( ID == 3 ){ if( fileName != "" ){ statusLabel->SetText(fileName + " saved."); }else{ statusLabel->SetText("cannot save HELP page."); } } if( ID == 4 ){ fileName = ""; statusLabel->SetText("Help Page."); editor->LoadBuffer("==================== For Simulation"); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("1) Make sure you check :"); editor->AddLine(" a) reaction Config"); editor->AddLine(" b) detector Geo."); editor->AddLine(" c) Ex List"); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("2) Not need to save file, fiel save when any button (except the Exit) is pressed."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("3) There is a checkbox for simulation with DWBA"); editor->AddLine(" This requires the existance of DWBA.root and DWBA.Ex.txt"); editor->AddLine(" These files can be generated by DWBA calculation."); editor->AddLine(" Please change the angMin = 0 and angMax = 180."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("4) After simulation, it will plot the result."); editor->AddLine(" To change the plotting, Click on the Config Simulation Plot."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("5) If the transfer.root is already here, simply Plot Simulation."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("========================= For DWBA "); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("1) Only need to change the DWBA setting."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("2) The GUI offer a view on the infile and outfile."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("3) For elastics scattering, there is a checkbox for plotting the ratio to RutherFord."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("4) The flow of the DWBA calculation is like this:"); editor->AddLine(" a) read the DWBA file and convert to DWBA.in"); editor->AddLine(" b) run Ptolemy from DWBA.in, and the output is DWBA.out"); editor->AddLine(" c) extract the cross section from the DWBA.out, and save :"); editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.Xsec.txt"); editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.Ex.txt"); editor->AddLine(" * DWBA.root"); editor->AddLine(" d) Plot the cross section from the DWBA.root."); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("================ Tips for using the editor, both MAC or LINUX"); editor->AddLine(""); editor->AddLine("Ctrl+U | Delete current line. "); editor->AddLine("Ctrl+C | Copy "); editor->AddLine("Ctrl+V | Paste "); editor->AddLine("=================================================== eof"); TString osTypeStr; osTypeStr.Form("OS type is %s", (OS_Type == 0 ? "Mac" : "Linux")); editor->AddLine(osTypeStr); editor->AddLine(Form("Root version : %s",gROOT->GetVersion())); int versionInt = gROOT->GetVersionInt(); if( versionInt < 62600 ) { editor->AddLine("Please Update Root to v6.26/00"); } } if( ID == 5) { TH1F * temp = (TH1F*) gROOT->FindObjectAny("hExCal"); if( temp != NULL ){ AutoFit::fitAuto(temp, -1); statusLabel->SetText("Auto Fit hExCal"); }else{ statusLabel->SetText("Cannot find historgram hExCal. Please Run Plot Simulation first."); } //gROOT->ProcessLine("fitAuto(hExCal, -1)"); } } MyMainFrame::~MyMainFrame() { // Clean up used widgets: frames, buttons, layout hints fMain->Cleanup(); delete fMain; } void Simulation_Helper() { new MyMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),800,600); }