#ifndef ClassReactionConfig_H #define ClassReactionConfig_H #include /// for FILE #include #include #include #include #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TMacro.h" #include "AnalysisLib.h" struct Recoil { unsigned short lightA, lightZ; unsigned short heavyA, heavyZ; std::string lightStoppingPowerFile = ""; ///stopping_power_for_light_recoil std::string heavyStoppingPowerFile = ""; ///stopping_power_for_heavy_recoil bool isDecay = false; ///isDacay unsigned short decayA = 0; ///decayNucleus_A unsigned short decayZ = 0; ///decayNucleus_Z void Print() const { printf(" light : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", lightA, lightZ); printf(" heavy : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", heavyA, heavyZ); printf(" light stopping file : %s \n", lightStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); printf(" heavy stopping file : %s \n", heavyStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); printf(" is simulate decay : %s \n", isDecay ? "Yes" : "No"); if( isDecay ){ printf(" heavy decay : A = %d, Z = %d \n", decayA, decayZ); } } }; struct EnergyLevel{ float Ex, xsec, SF, sigma; EnergyLevel(float Ex, float xsec, float SF, float sigma) { this->Ex = Ex; this->xsec = xsec; this->SF = SF; this->sigma = sigma; } void Print(std::string str) const { printf("%11.3f %8.1f %5.1f %5.3f%s", Ex, xsec, SF, sigma, str.c_str() ); } }; struct ExcitedEnergies { std::vector ExList; void Clear(){ ExList.clear(); } void Add(float Ex, float xsec, float SF, float sigma){ ExList.push_back( EnergyLevel(Ex, xsec, SF, sigma)); } void Print() const { printf("Energy[MeV] Rel.Xsec SF sigma\n"); for( size_t i = 0; i < ExList.size(); i++){ ExList[i].Print("\n"); } } }; class ReactionConfig { public: ReactionConfig(){} ReactionConfig(TString configTxt){ LoadReactionConfig(configTxt);} ReactionConfig(TMacro * macro){ LoadReactionConfig(macro);} ~ReactionConfig(){} unsigned short beamA, beamZ; float beamEx; ///excitation_energy_of_A[MeV] float beamEnergy; ///MeV/u float beamEnergySigma; ///beam-energy_sigma_in_MeV/u float beamTheta; ///beam-angle_in_mrad float beamThetaSigma; ///beam-emittance_in_mrad float beamX; ///x_offset_of_Beam_in_mm float beamY; ///y_offset_of_Beam_in_mm unsigned short targetA, targetZ; bool isTargetScattering; ///isTargetScattering float targetDensity; ///target_density_in_g/cm3 float targetThickness; ///targetThickness_in_cm std::string beamStoppingPowerFile; ///stopping_power_for_beam std::vector recoil; std::vector exList; int numEvents; ///number_of_Event_being_generated bool isRedo; ///isReDo void SetReactionSimple(int beamA, int beamZ, int targetA, int targetZ, int recoilA, int recoilZ, float beamEnergy_AMeV, unsigned short ID); bool LoadReactionConfig(TString fileName); bool LoadReactionConfig(TMacro * macro); void Print(int ID = -1, bool withEx = true) const; private: }; inline void ReactionConfig::SetReactionSimple(int beamA, int beamZ, int targetA, int targetZ, int recoilA, int recoilZ, float beamEnergy_AMeV, unsigned short ID){ this->beamA = beamA; this->beamZ = beamZ; this->targetA = targetA; this->targetZ = targetZ; this->recoil[ID].lightA = recoilA; this->recoil[ID].lightZ = recoilZ; recoil[ID].heavyA = this->beamA + this->targetA - recoil[ID].lightA; recoil[ID].heavyZ = this->beamZ + this->targetZ - recoil[ID].lightZ; beamEnergy = beamEnergy_AMeV; beamEnergySigma = 0; beamTheta = 0; beamThetaSigma = 0; beamX = 0; beamY = 0; } inline bool ReactionConfig::LoadReactionConfig(TString fileName){ TMacro * haha = new TMacro(); if( haha->ReadFile(fileName) > 0 ) { if( LoadReactionConfig(haha) ){ delete haha; return true; }else{ delete haha; return false; } }else{ delete haha; return false; } } inline bool ReactionConfig::LoadReactionConfig(TMacro * macro){ if( macro == NULL ) return false; int recoilFlag = 0; int recoilLine = 0; int numLine = macro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < numLine; i ++){ std::string line = macro->GetListOfLines()->At(i)->GetName(); if( AnalysisLib::isEmptyOrSpaces(line) ) continue; std::vector str =AnalysisLib::SplitStr(line, " "); // printf("%d |%s|%d|%d\n", i, str[0].c_str(), recoilFlag, recoilLine); if( str[0].find("####") != std::string::npos ) break; if( str[0].find("#---") != std::string::npos ) continue; if( str[0].find("#===") != std::string::npos ) { recoilFlag ++; recoilLine = 0; recoil.push_back(Recoil()); exList.push_back(ExcitedEnergies()); continue; } if( recoilFlag == 0 ){ if( recoilLine == 0 ) beamA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 1 ) beamZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 2 ) beamEx = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 3 ) beamEnergy = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 4 ) beamEnergySigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 5 ) beamTheta = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 6 ) beamThetaSigma = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 7 ) beamX = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 8 ) beamY = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 9 ) targetA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 10 ) targetZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 11 ) isTargetScattering = str[0].compare("true") == 0 ? true: false; if( recoilLine == 12 ) targetDensity = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 13 ) targetThickness = atof(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 14 ) beamStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; if( recoilLine == 15 ) numEvents = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 16 ) isRedo = str[0].compare("true" ) == 0 ? true : false; } if( recoilFlag > 0 ){ unsigned ID = recoilFlag - 1; if( recoilLine == 0 ) recoil[ID].lightA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 1 ) recoil[ID].lightZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 2 ) recoil[ID].lightStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; if( recoilLine == 3 ) recoil[ID].heavyStoppingPowerFile = str[0]; if( recoilLine == 4 ) recoil[ID].isDecay = str[0].compare("true") == 0 ? true : false; if( recoilLine == 5 ) recoil[ID].decayA = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine == 6 ) recoil[ID].decayZ = atoi(str[0].c_str()); if( recoilLine > 6 && str.size() == 4) exList[ID].Add( atoi(str[0].c_str()), atoi(str[1].c_str()), atoi(str[2].c_str()), atoi(str[3].c_str())); } recoilLine ++; } for( size_t i = 0; i < recoil.size(); i++){ recoil[i].heavyA = beamA + targetA - recoil[i].lightA; recoil[i].heavyZ = beamZ + targetZ - recoil[i].lightZ; } return true; } inline void ReactionConfig::Print(int ID, bool withEx) const{ printf("#####################################################\n"); printf("number of Simulation Events : %d \n", numEvents); printf(" is Redo until hit array : %s \n", isRedo ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("================================= Beam\n"); printf(" beam : A = %3d, Z = %2d, Ex = %.2f MeV\n", beamA, beamZ, beamEx); printf(" beam Energy : %.2f +- %.2f MeV/u, dE/E = %5.2f %%\n", beamEnergy, beamEnergySigma, beamEnergySigma/beamEnergy); printf(" Angle : %.2f +- %.2f mrad\n", beamTheta, beamThetaSigma); printf(" offset : (x,y) = (%.2f, %.2f) mmm \n", beamX, beamY); printf("================================= Target\n"); printf(" target : A = %3d, Z = %2d \n", targetA, targetZ); printf(" enable scattering : %s \n", isTargetScattering ? "Yes" : "No"); if(isTargetScattering){ printf(" target density : %.f g/cm3\n", targetDensity); printf(" thickness : %.f cm\n", targetThickness); printf(" beam stopping file : %s \n", beamStoppingPowerFile.c_str()); } printf("================================= Number of recoil reactions : %zu\n", recoil.size()); for( size_t i = 0; i < recoil.size(); i ++ ){ printf("------------------------------------------ Recoil-%zu\n", i); if( ID == i || ID < 0 ){ recoil[i].Print(); if( withEx ) exList[i].Print(); } } printf("#####################################################\n"); } #endif