#!/bin/bash if [ -z $SOLARISANADIR ]; then echo "###### env variable SOLARISANADIR not defined. Abort. Please run the SOLARIS.sh." echo "better add \"source <path_to_SOLARIS.sh>\" into .bashrc" exit fi if [ $# -ne 3 ] || [ $1 == "-help" ]; then echo "$ Process_EventBuilder [RunNum] [EventBuild] [timeWin]" echo " RunNum = run number" echo " EventBld = 2/1/0/-1/-2 || 2 = with Trace" echo " timeWin = number of tick for an event " echo "" exit 1 fi; RUN=$1 EventBld=$2 timeWin=$3 source ${SOLARISANADIR}/armory/Process_BasicConfig source ${SOLARISANADIR}/working/expName.sh runNum=${RUN#0} #remove zero RUN=$(printf '%03d' $runNum) ##add back the zero rawDataPath=$SOLARISANADIR/data_raw rootDataPath=$SOLARISANADIR/root_data rawDataPattern="$rawDataPath/${expName}_${RUN}_*.sol" rootDataName="$rootDataPath/run$RUN.root" dir=$(pwd) cd ${SOLARISANADIR}/armory make cd ${dir} #==== check raw data exist isRawDataExist=`ls -1 ${rawDataPattern}* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` if [ ! $isRawDataExist -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "${LRED}################# Run Data $rawDataPattern not exist. Abort. ${NC}" exit fi echo -e "${CYAN} ============== list of files ${NC}" \du -h ${rawDataPattern}* totSize=$(\du -hc ${rawDataPattern}* | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') echo -e "${CYAN} ============== total file size : ${totSize}${NC}" #==== check raw data timeStamp if [ ${Arch} == "Linux" ]; then rawDataTime=`stat -c "%Z" ${rawDataPattern}* | sort -rn | head -1` else rawDataTime=`stat -f "%Sm" -t "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $rawDataPattern | sort -rn | head -1` fi #==== check if root data exist isRootDataExist=`ls -1 $rootDataName 2>/dev/null | wc -l` #==== if root data exist, check timeStamp if [ ${isRootDataExist} -gt 0 ]; then if [ ${Arch} == "Linux" ]; then rootDataTime=`stat -c "%Z" $rootDataName | sort -rn | head -1` else rootDataTime=`stat -f "%Sm" -t "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $rootDataName | sort -rn | head -1` fi else rootDataTime=0 fi if [ ${EventBld} -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${LRED}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Event Building Skipped by user. ${NC}" elif [ ${EventBld} -ge 1 ]; then if [ ${rawDataTime} -ge ${rootDataTime} ]; then echo -e "${LRED}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Event Building $(date) ${NC}" if [ ${EventBld} -eq 1 ]; then EventBuilder $rootDataName ${timeWin} 0 $rawDataPattern elif [ ${EventBld} -eq 2 ]; then EventBuilder $rootDataName ${timeWin} 1 $rawDataPattern fi echo -e "${LRED}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Done Event Building $(date) ${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN} root data are newer than raw data. No need to merged again.${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}You can Force merging using option -${EventBld}, ${ORANGE} see ./process_run.sh -help${NC}" fi else echo -e "${LRED}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Force Event Building $(date) ${NC}" if [ ${EventBld} -eq -1 ]; then EventBuilder $rootDataName ${timeWin} 0 $rawDataPattern elif [ ${EventBld} -eq -2 ]; then EventBuilder $rootDataName ${timeWin} 1 $rawDataPattern fi echo -e "${LRED}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Done Event Building $(date) ${NC}" fi