
181 lines
5.2 KiB

#include "../Cleopatra/ClassHelios.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBenchmark.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <TObjArray.h>
//----------- usage
// $root transfer.C+ | tee output.txt
// this will same the massage to output.txt
const double ma = 3727.3792; // alpha mass
void alpha( int numEvent = 100000){
//================================================= User Setting
std::string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt";
int geoID = 0;
//std::vector<double> energy = {3.18, 5.16, 5.49, 5.81};
std::vector<double> energy = {5.34, 5.42, 5.68, 6.05, 6.23, 6.77, 8.78}; //228Th
//---- Over-ride HELIOS detector geometry
// double BField = 2.5; // T
// double BFieldTheta = 0.; // direction of B-field
// bool isCoincidentWithRecoil = false;
// double eSigma = 0.040 ; // detector energy sigma MeV
// double zSigma = 0.500 ; // detector position sigma mm
//---- save root file name
TString saveFileName = "SimAlpha.root";
printf("============= Alpha source in HELIOS ============\n");
int numEnergy = energy.size();
printf("========= Alpha Enegry : \n");
for( int i = 0; i < numEnergy ; i++){
printf("%2d | %6.2f MeV\n", i, energy[i]);
//======== Set HELIOS
printf("############################################## HELIOS configuration\n");
HELIOS helios;
// helios.OverrideMagneticFieldDirection(BFieldTheta);
// helios.OverrideFirstPos(-700);
// bool sethelios = helios.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile, geoID);
// if( !sethelios){
// helios.OverrideMagneticField(BField);
// printf("======== B-field : %5.2f T, Theta : %6.2f deg\n", BField, BFieldTheta);
// }
// helios.SetCoincidentWithRecoil(isCoincidentWithRecoil);
// printf("========== energy resol.: %f MeV\n", eSigma);
// printf("=========== pos-Z resol.: %f mm \n", zSigma);
helios.SetDetectorGeometry(heliosDetGeoFile, geoID);
//====================== build tree
TFile * saveFile = new TFile(saveFileName, "recreate");
TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", "tree");
double theta, phi, T;
int hit; // the output of Helios.CalHit
double e, z, x, t;
int loop, detID;
double dphi, rho; //rad of rotation, and radius
int energyID;
double xHit, yHit;
tree->Branch("hit", &hit, "hit/I");
tree->Branch("theta", &theta, "theta/D");
tree->Branch("phi", &phi, "phi/D");
tree->Branch("T", &T, "T/D");
tree->Branch("energy", &energy, "energy/D");
tree->Branch("energyID", &energyID, "energyID/I");
tree->Branch("e", &e, "e/D");
tree->Branch("z", &z, "z/D");
tree->Branch("t", &t, "t/D");
tree->Branch("detID", &detID, "detID/I");
tree->Branch("loop", &loop, "loop/I");
tree->Branch("dphi", &dphi, "dphi/D");
tree->Branch("rho", &rho, "rho/D");
tree->Branch("xHit", &xHit, "xHit/D");
tree->Branch("yHit", &yHit, "yHit/D");
TBenchmark clock;
bool shown ;
shown = false;
printf("############################################## generating %d events \n", numEvent);
//====================================================== calculate
int count = 0;
TLorentzVector P;
TVector3 v;
for( int i = 0; i < numEvent; i++){
//==== generate alpha
theta = TMath::ACos(2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1) ;
phi = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm();
energyID = gRandom->Integer(numEnergy);
T = energy[energyID];
double p = TMath::Sqrt( ( ma + T )*(ma + T) - ma* ma);
v.SetMagThetaPhi(p, theta, phi);
P.SetVectM(v, ma);
P.SetUniqueID(2); //alpha particle has charge 2
//################################### tree branches
//==== Helios
hit = helios.CheckDetAcceptance();
e = helios.GetEnergy() + gRandom->Gaus(0, helios.GetDetectorGeometry().array[geoID].eSigma);
trajectory orb = helios.GetTrajectory_b();
z = orb.z + gRandom->Gaus(0, helios.GetDetectorGeometry().array[geoID].zSigma);
t = orb.t;
loop = orb.effLoop;
detID = orb.detID;
dphi = orb.phi;
rho = orb.rho;
xHit = orb.x;
yHit = orb.y;
if( hit == 1) {
count ++;
//#################################################################### Timer
Double_t time = clock.GetRealTime("timer");
if ( !shown ) {
if (fmod(time, 10) < 1 ){
printf( "%10d[%2d%%]| %8.2f sec | expect: %5.1f min \n", i, TMath::Nint((i+1)*100./numEvent), time , numEvent*time/(i+1)/60);
shown = 1;
if (fmod(time, 10) > 9 ){
shown = 0;
printf("=============== done. saved as %s. count(hit==1) : %d\n", saveFileName.Data(), count);
int main(){
return 0;