.vscode | ||
Armory | ||
Cleopatra | ||
WebSimHelper | ||
working | ||
.gitignore | ||
README.md | ||
SetupNewExp | ||
This is the analysis package for the SOLARIS DAQ. It is supposed to be the analysis path for the SOLARIS DAQ.
The folder struture is
├── README.md
├── SetupNewExp // bash script to create new branch and raw data folder
├── SOLARIS.sh // bash script to define some env variable and functions
├── Armory // analysis codes, independent from experiment.
├── Cleopatra // Swaper for DWBA code Ptolomey and simulation
├── data_raw // should be the symbolic link to the raw data, created by SetUpNewExp
├── root_data // symbolic link to converted root file, created by SetUpNewExp
└── working // working directory, depends on experiment.
this batch shell script adds few enviroment variables and functions. Add the Armory and Cleopatra into the system PATH.
>source SOLARIS.sh
Event Builder
Please download the SOLARIS_DAQ, under the Aux directory, make, and link the EventBuilder to Armory.
The reason for having EventBuilder in the DAQ code is the Hit.h is original from the DAQ code.
ROOT issue
We are still using TProof for parallel calculation. TProof is not pre-compiled since 6.32+. And 6.30 only precompiled for Ubuntu 22.04. So, for system using Ubuntu 24.04, user must precompiled to root in order to work.
We can manual download the git repository of the root following the instruction. in the cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$root_install $root_src -Dproof=ON -Dmathmore=ON
sudo cmake --build . --target install -j <number_of_threads>
Analysis & Simulation
The Armory/AnalysisLib.h constains many small but handy functions.
All class headers are started with Class*.h
The classes DetGeo** and ReactionConfig are fundamental for loading the detectorGeo.txt and reactionConfig.txt.
Both txt file support empty lines, can have multiple settings. The reason for that is for many-array configuration.
The TransferReaction class is only use one of the reaction from the reactionConfig.txt. This class generates the TLorentzVector for ligh and heavy recoils.
TransferReaction::SetReactionFromFile("reactionConfig.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
Same for the Helios class, Helios class use the detectorGeo.txt. It takes TLorentzVector and calculate does it be detected by the array or recoil detector.
HELIOS::SetDetectorGeometry("detectorGeo.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
Simply run
it will digest the detectorGeo.txt, reactionConfig.txt, if DWBA.root exist, find the reactions.
- it does not have TargetScattering (yet)
- for multiple reactions, it will randomly use any and disregard the total Xsec of different reactions. The Xsec only takes effect within same reaction.
- the decay of heavy recoil only have isotropic decay.