73 lines
2.7 KiB
73 lines
2.7 KiB
* This is Transfer.C for simulation of transfer reaction.
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This program will call the root library and compile in g++
* compilation:
* g++ Transfer.C -o Transfer `root-config --cflags --glibs`
* ------------------------------------------------------
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Feb-4, 2019
* email: goluckyryan@gmail.com
* ********************************************************************/
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Transfer.h"
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("========== Simulate Transfer reaction in HELIOS ==========\n");
if(argc == 2 || argc > 7) {
printf("Usage: ./Transfer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]\n");
printf(" default file name \n");
printf(" [1] reactionConfig.txt (input) reaction Setting \n");
printf(" [2] detectorGeo.txt (input) detector Setting \n");
printf(" [3] ID (input) detector & reaction ID (default = 0 ) \n");
printf(" [4] DWBA.root (input) thetaCM distribution from DWBA \n");
printf(" [5] transfer.root (output) rootFile name for output \n");
printf(" [6] plot (input) will it plot stuffs [1/0] \n");
return 0 ;
string basicConfig = "reactionConfig.txt";
string heliosDetGeoFile = "detectorGeo.txt";
int ID = 0;
TString ptolemyRoot = "DWBA.root"; // when no file, use isotropic distribution of thetaCM
TString saveFileName = "transfer.root";
bool isPlot = false;
if( argc >= 2) basicConfig = argv[1];
if( argc >= 3) heliosDetGeoFile = argv[2];
if( argc >= 4) ID = atoi(argv[3]);
if( argc >= 5) ptolemyRoot = argv[4];
if( argc >= 6) saveFileName = argv[5];
if( argc >= 7) isPlot = atoi(argv[7]);
Transfer( basicConfig, heliosDetGeoFile, ID, ptolemyRoot, saveFileName);
//run Armory/Check_Simulation
if( isPlot ){
ifstream file_in;
file_in.open("../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C", ios::in);
if( file_in){
printf("---- running ../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C on %s \n", saveFileName.Data());
TString cmd;
cmd.Form("root -l '../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C(\"%s\")'", saveFileName.Data());
printf("cannot find ../Cleopatra/Check_Simulation.C \n");