
296 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <CAEN_FELib.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cmath>
int main(){
int ret;
//#################################### Open digitizer
uint64_t dev_handle;
ret = CAEN_FELib_Open("dig2://", &dev_handle);
//#################################### Get some values
char value[256];
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetValue(dev_handle, "/par/ModelName", value);
printf("Model name:\t%s\n", value);
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetValue(dev_handle, "/par/NumCh", value);
short NChannel = atoi(value);
printf("Channels:\t%u\n", NChannel);
//#################################### Reset
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/reset");
//#################################### Program digitizer
/// Channel enable
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/ChEnable", "true");
/// Global trigger configuration
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/par/GlobalTriggerSource", "SwTrg | TestPulse"); // use test Pulse
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/par/TestPulsePeriod", "100000000"); /// ns
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/par/TestPulseWidth", "16"); ///ns
/// Wave configuration
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/ChRecordLengthS", "512");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource", "GlobalTriggerSource");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveResolution", "RES8");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveAnalogProbe0", "ADCInput");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveAnalogProbe1", "TimeFilter");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe0", "Trigger");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe1", "TimeFilterArmed");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe2", "EnergyFilterBaselineFreeze");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe3", "EnergyFilterPeakReady");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/ChPreTriggerS", "200");
/// Event configuration
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "GlobalTriggerSource");
/// Filter parameters
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/TimeFilterRiseTimeS", "10");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterRiseTimeS", "100");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterFlatTopS", "100");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/TriggerThr", "3");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPeakingPosition", "80");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPoleZeroS", "1000");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/TimeFilterRetriggerGuardS", "10");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPileupGuardT", "10");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterBaselineGuardS", "100");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/PulsePolarity", "Positive");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterLFLimitation", "Off");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterBaselineAvg", "Medium");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(dev_handle, "/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterFineGain", "1.0");
//#################################### Set the end point for data
{//----------------------- RAW
uint64_t ep_handle;
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(dev_handle, "/endpoint/raw", &ep_handle);
//---------- configure endpoint
uint64_t ep_folder_handle;
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetParentHandle(ep_handle, NULL, &ep_folder_handle);
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(ep_folder_handle, "/par/activeendpoint", "raw");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle,
" [ \
{ \"name\": \"DATA\", \"type\": \"U8\", \"dim\": 1 }, \
{ \"name\": \"SIZE\", \"type\": \"SIZE_T\" }, \
{ \"name\": \"N_EVENTS\", \"type\": \"U32\" }, \
uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[200000];
size_t size; /// number of byte of the data
uint32_t n_events;
printf("Starting ACQ\n");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/armacquisition");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/swstartacquisition");
int count = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, data, &size, &n_events );
count ++;
if( ret == CAEN_FELib_Success ) {
printf("================= %u, %ld, %d \n", n_events, size, count);
uint64_t haha ;
unsigned short dataType;
int word = 0;
for( int i =0 ; i < std::min((int)size / 8, 100) ; i++){
///the data is array of 1 byte.
/// by get the point of the data[8*i]
/// cast it into uint64_t pointer, that will get 8 bytes all togteher
/// get this point value, and bit swap it.
haha = __builtin_bswap64(*(uint64_t *)&(data[8*i]));
printf("%7d | 0x%016lX \n", i, haha);
if ( word == 0 ){ /// aggregation header, or start header, or end header
dataType = ( haha >> 55 ) & 0xFF ;
if ( dataType == 0x30 ){ /// start Run data
if ( dataType == 0x32 ){ /// stop Run data
if ( (dataType >> 4) == 0x2 ){ /// data aggregation
if ( word == 1 ){
unsigned short channel = ((haha >> 56) & 0x7F);
unsigned short SE = ((haha >> 55) & 0x1);
uint64_t timestamp = (haha & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF);
printf("ch %u, SE %u, %llu \n", channel, SE, timestamp);
if ( word == 2 ){
unsigned short W = ((haha >> 62) & 0x1);
unsigned short fl = (( haha >> 50) & 0x1FFF);
unsigned short fh = (( haha >> 41) & 0xFF);
unsigned short energy = (haha & 0xFFFF);
unsigned short fTime = ((haha >> 15) & 7FF);
printf("energy %u, fTiem %u, fl %u, fh %u, W %u\n", energy, fTime, fl, fh, W);
printf("Stop ACQ\n");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/disarmacquisition");
{//------------------------ DPPPHA
uint64_t ep_handle;
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(dev_handle, "/endpoint/dpppha", &ep_handle);
//---------- configure endpoint
uint64_t ep_folder_handle;
ret = CAEN_FELib_GetParentHandle(ep_handle, NULL, &ep_folder_handle);
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(ep_folder_handle, "/par/activeendpoint", "dpppha");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle,
" [ \
{ \"name\" : \"CHANNEL\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U64\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"FINE_TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"ENERGY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1\", \"type\" : \"I32\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_2\", \"type\" : \"I32\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_1\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_2\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_3\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_4\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \
{ \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_2_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_1_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_2_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_3_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_4_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"WAVEFORM_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\"}, \
{ \"name\" : \"FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \
{ \"name\" : \"EVENT_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" } \
] \
uint8_t channel;
uint64_t timestamp;
uint16_t fine_timestamp;
uint16_t energy;
int32_t* analog_probes[2];
uint8_t* digital_probes[4];
analog_probes[0] = new int32_t[512];
analog_probes[1] = new int32_t[512];
digital_probes[0] = new uint8_t[512];
digital_probes[1] = new uint8_t[512];
digital_probes[2] = new uint8_t[512];
digital_probes[3] = new uint8_t[512];
uint8_t analog_probes_type[2];
uint8_t digital_probes_type[4];
size_t n_samples;
uint16_t flags_low_priority;
uint16_t flags_high_priority;
size_t event_size;
//#################################### Read data loop
printf("Starting ACQ\n");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/armacquisition");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/swstartacquisition");
int count = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100,
count ++;
if( ret == CAEN_FELib_Success ) {
printf("================= %ld, %d \n", event_size, count);
printf("ch : %u, energy : %u, time : %lu, fTime : %u \n", channel, energy, timestamp, fine_timestamp);
printf("nSample: %ld, Flag low: %u, Flag high : %u\n", n_samples, flags_low_priority, flags_high_priority);
printf("Ana prob type: %u, %u, Digi : %u %u %u %u\n", analog_probes_type[0],
digital_probes_type[3] );
for( int i = 0; i < n_samples; i++){
if( i % 100 == 0 ) printf("%3d | %d, %d, %u, %u, %u, %u \n", i, analog_probes[0][i],
printf("Stop ACQ\n");
ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(dev_handle, "/cmd/disarmacquisition");
//#################################### Close digitizer
ret = CAEN_FELib_Close(dev_handle);