#!/bin/bash APIKEY=eyJrIjoid25Bc3U3NEdxVDZYV2xrdEJ0QTlxNTdFM25JcXVTTlAiLCJuIjoiYWRtaW5LRVkiLCJpZCI6MX0= url=http://localhost:3000 ############# successfull single panel screenshot #dashboardID=solaris-main-dashoard #panelID=2 #curl "$url/render/d-solo/iXH6cG-Vz/$dashboardID?orgId=1&refresh=5s&from=now-6h&to=now&panelId=$panelID" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${APIKEY}" --compressed > haha.png ############# get list of snapshot SNAPSHOT_LIST=$(curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${APIKEY}" $url/api/dashboard/snapshots) ############ list the key SNAPSHOT_KEYS=$(echo $SNAPSHOT_LIST | jq -r '.[].key') #echo $SNAPSHOT_KEYS echo "========== list of key" for haha in $SNAPSHOT_KEYS do echo $haha done echo "=============================" ############# delete snapshot for haha in $SNAPSHOT_KEYS do echo "Deleting snapshot $haha" curl -s -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" "$url/api/snapshots/$haha" done echo "" echo "===========================" curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${APIKEY}" $url/api/dashboard/snapshots ############ reset the snapshot count # # Set the new snapshot count # NEW_SNAPSHOT_COUNT=0 # DASHBOARD_UID="iXH6cG-Vz" # # Get the current dashboard settings # DASHBOARD_SETTINGS=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" "$url/api/dashboards/uid/$DASHBOARD_UID") # # Update the snapshot count in the dashboard settings # UPDATED_DASHBOARD_SETTINGS=$(echo "$DASHBOARD_SETTINGS" | jq ".dashboard.snapshotData.snapshotCount = $NEW_SNAPSHOT_COUNT") # # Send the updated dashboard settings back to Grafana # curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$UPDATED_DASHBOARD_SETTINGS" "$url/api/dashboards/db" ############ get snapshot by key #curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${APIKEY}" $url/api/snapshots/gH0GK86ExXR0zr5rNhSUaweyxVH607BH ############ Generate snapshot [FAIL!!!!!!!!!!] # SNAPSHOT_FILE=haha.png # SNAPSHOT_RESULT=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@snapshot-data.json" "$url/api/snapshots") # echo "========================" # echo $SNAPSHOT_RESULT # SNAPSHOT_URL=$(echo $SNAPSHOT_RESULT | jq -r '.url') # echo "========================" # echo $SNAPSHOT_URL # #microsoft-edge $SNAPSHOT_URL # microsoft-edge --headless --window-size=2000,1000 --screenshot=$SNAPSHOT_FILE $SNAPSHOT_URL # #echo "Snapshot saved to $SNAPSHOT_FILE" # #eog $SNAPSHOT_FILE echo ""