#include "ClassDigitizer2Gen.h" #include #include Digitizer2Gen::Digitizer2Gen(){ printf("======== %s \n",__func__); Initialization(); } Digitizer2Gen::~Digitizer2Gen(){ printf("========Digitizer2Gen::%s (%d)\n",__func__, serialNumber); if(isConnected ) CloseDigitizer(); } void Digitizer2Gen::Initialization(){ printf("======== %s \n",__func__); handle = 0; ret = 0; isConnected = false; isDummy = false; serialNumber = 0; nChannels = 0; ch2ns = 0; outFileIndex = 0; FinishedOutFilesSize = 0; dataStartIndetifier = 0xAAA0; outFile = NULL; outFileSize = 0; evt = NULL; acqON = false; settingFileName = ""; boardSettings = DIGIPARA::DIG::AllSettings; for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxNumberOfChannel ; ch ++) chSettings[ch] = DIGIPARA::CH::AllSettings; for( int index = 0 ; index < 4; index ++) VGASetting[index] = DIGIPARA::VGA::VGAGain; //build map for( int i = 0; i < (int) DIGIPARA::DIG::AllSettings.size(); i++) boardMap[DIGIPARA::DIG::AllSettings[i].GetPara()] = i; for( int i = 0; i < (int) DIGIPARA::CH::AllSettings.size(); i++) chMap[DIGIPARA::CH::AllSettings[i].GetPara()] = i; } void Digitizer2Gen::SetDummy(unsigned short sn){ isDummy = true; serialNumber = sn; nChannels = 64; } //########################################### Handles functions uint64_t Digitizer2Gen::GetHandle(const char * parameter){ uint64_t par_handle; ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(handle, parameter, &par_handle); if(ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return 0; } return par_handle; } uint64_t Digitizer2Gen::GetParentHandle(uint64_t handle){ uint64_t par_handle; ret = CAEN_FELib_GetParentHandle(handle, NULL, &par_handle); if(ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return 0; } return par_handle; } std::string Digitizer2Gen::GetPath(uint64_t handle){ char path[256]; ret = CAEN_FELib_GetPath(handle, path); if(ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return "Error"; } return path; } //########################################### Read Write int Digitizer2Gen::FindIndex(const Reg para){ /* printf("%s %s || ", __func__, para.GetPara().c_str()); int index = -1; switch (para.GetType() ){ case TYPE::CH: { index = chMap[para.GetPara()]; printf("%s \n", DIGIPARA::CH::AllSettings[index].GetPara().c_str()); } break; case TYPE::DIG: { index = boardMap[para.GetPara()]; printf("%s \n", DIGIPARA::DIG::AllSettings[index].GetPara().c_str()); }break; case TYPE::VGA: return 0; case TYPE::LVDS: return -1; } return index; */ switch (para.GetType() ){ case TYPE::CH: return chMap[para.GetPara()]; case TYPE::DIG: return boardMap[para.GetPara()]; case TYPE::VGA: return 0; case TYPE::LVDS: return -1; } return -1; } std::string Digitizer2Gen::ReadValue(const char * parameter, bool verbose){ if( !isConnected ) return "not connected"; //printf(" %s|%s \n", __func__, parameter); ret = CAEN_FELib_GetValue(handle, parameter, retValue); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { printf("%-45s\n", parameter); return ErrorMsg(__func__); }else{ if( verbose ) printf("%-45s : %s\n", parameter, retValue); } return retValue; } std::string Digitizer2Gen::ReadValue(const Reg para, int ch_index, bool verbose){ std:: string ans = ReadValue(para.GetFullPara(ch_index).c_str(), verbose); int index = FindIndex(para); switch( para.GetType()){ case TYPE::CH : chSettings[ch_index][index].SetValue(ans); break; case TYPE::DIG : boardSettings[index].SetValue(ans); break; case TYPE::VGA : VGASetting[ch_index].SetValue(ans); break; case TYPE::LVDS: return "LVDS not implemented."; } return ans; } bool Digitizer2Gen::WriteValue(const char * parameter, std::string value){ if( !isConnected ) return false; printf(" %s|%-45s|%s|\n", __func__, parameter, value.c_str()); ret = CAEN_FELib_SetValue(handle, parameter, value.c_str()); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { printf("|%s||%s|\n", parameter, value.c_str()); ErrorMsg(__func__); return false; } return true; } bool Digitizer2Gen::WriteValue(const Reg para, std::string value, int ch_index){ if( WriteValue(para.GetFullPara(ch_index).c_str(), value) || isDummy){ int index = FindIndex(para); if( index != -1 ){ switch(para.GetType()){ case TYPE::CH :{ if( ch_index >= 0 ){ chSettings[ch_index][index].SetValue(value); }else{ for( int ch = 0; ch < nChannels; ch++ ) chSettings[ch][index].SetValue(value); } //if( ch_index < 0 ) ch_index = 0; //printf("%s %s %s |%s|\n", __func__, para.GetPara().c_str(), // chSettings[ch_index][index].GetFullPara(ch_index).c_str(), // chSettings[ch_index][index].GetValue().c_str()); }break; case TYPE::VGA : { VGASetting[ch_index].SetValue(value); //printf("%s %s %s |%s|\n", __func__, para.GetPara().c_str(), // VGASetting[ch_index].GetFullPara(ch_index).c_str(), // VGASetting[ch_index].GetValue().c_str()); }break; case TYPE::DIG : { boardSettings[index].SetValue(value); //printf("%s %s %s |%s|\n", __func__, para.GetPara().c_str(), // boardSettings[index].GetFullPara(ch_index).c_str(), // boardSettings[index].GetValue().c_str()); }break; case TYPE::LVDS : break; } } return true; }else{ return false; } } void Digitizer2Gen::SendCommand(const char * parameter){ if( !isConnected ) return; printf("Send Command : %s \n", parameter); ret = CAEN_FELib_SendCommand(handle, parameter); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return; } } void Digitizer2Gen::SendCommand(std::string shortPara){ std::string haha = "/cmd/" + shortPara; SendCommand(haha.c_str()); } //########################################### Open digitizer int Digitizer2Gen::OpenDigitizer(const char * url){ printf("======== %s \n",__func__); ret = CAEN_FELib_Open(url, &handle); printf("=== ret : %d | %d \n", ret, CAEN_FELib_Success); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return -1; } isConnected = true; ReadAllSettings(); serialNumber = atoi(ReadValue("/par/SerialNum").c_str()); nChannels = atoi(ReadValue("/par/NumCh").c_str()); int adcRate = atoi(GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::ADC_SampleRate).c_str()); ch2ns = 1000/adcRate; printf(" IP address : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::IPAddress).c_str()); printf(" Net Mask : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::NetMask).c_str()); printf(" Gateway : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::Gateway).c_str()); printf(" Model name : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::ModelName).c_str()); printf(" CUP version : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::CupVer).c_str()); printf(" DPP Type : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::FirmwareType).c_str()); printf(" DPP Version : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::FPGA_firmwareVersion).c_str()); printf("Serial number : %d\n", serialNumber); printf(" ADC bits : %s\n", GetSettingValue(DIGIPARA::DIG::ADC_bit).c_str()); printf(" ADC rate : %d Msps, ch2ns : %d ns\n", adcRate, ch2ns); printf(" Channels : %d\n", nChannels); //------ set default setting file name settingFileName = "settings_"+ std::to_string(serialNumber) + ".dat"; printf("====================== \n"); return 0; } int Digitizer2Gen::CloseDigitizer(){ printf("========Digitizer2Gen::%s \n",__func__); if( isConnected == true ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_Close(handle); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg(__func__); return 0; } isConnected = false; } return 0; } //########################################### DAQ void Digitizer2Gen::StartACQ(){ SendCommand("/cmd/armacquisition"); // this will also clear data SendCommand("/cmd/swstartacquisition"); outFileIndex = 0; outFileSize = 0; FinishedOutFilesSize = 0; acqON = true; } void Digitizer2Gen::StopACQ(){ SendCommand("/cmd/SwStopAcquisition"); SendCommand("/cmd/disarmacquisition"); acqON = false; } void Digitizer2Gen::SetPHADataFormat(unsigned short dataFormat){ printf("%s : %d\n", __func__, dataFormat); ///========== get endpoint and endpoint folder handle if( dataFormat < 15 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(handle, "/endpoint/dpppha", &ep_handle); ret |= CAEN_FELib_GetParentHandle(ep_handle, NULL, &ep_folder_handle); ret |= CAEN_FELib_SetValue(ep_folder_handle, "/par/activeendpoint", "dpppha"); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg("Set active endpoint"); return; } }else{ ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(handle, "/endpoint/raw", &ep_handle); ret |= CAEN_FELib_GetParentHandle(ep_handle, NULL, &ep_folder_handle); ret |= CAEN_FELib_SetValue(ep_folder_handle, "/par/activeendpoint", "raw"); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg("Set active endpoint"); return; } } if( evt ) delete evt; evt = new Event(); evt->SetDataType(dataFormat); dataStartIndetifier += dataFormat; if( dataFormat == 0 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle, "[ \ { \"name\" : \"CHANNEL\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U64\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FINE_TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ENERGY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1\", \"type\" : \"I32\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_2\", \"type\" : \"I32\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_1\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_2\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_3\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_4\", \"type\" : \"U8\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_2_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_1_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_2_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_3_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"DIGITAL_PROBE_4_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"WAVEFORM_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\"}, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TRIGGER_THR\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIME_RESOLUTION\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"BOARD_FAIL\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLUSH\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"AGGREGATE_COUNTER\", \"type\" : \"U32\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"EVENT_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" } \ ]"); } if( dataFormat == 1 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle, "[ \ { \"name\" : \"CHANNEL\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U64\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FINE_TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ENERGY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1\", \"type\" : \"I32\", \"dim\" : 1 }, \ { \"name\" : \"ANALOG_PROBE_1_TYPE\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"WAVEFORM_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\"}, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TRIGGER_THR\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIME_RESOLUTION\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"BOARD_FAIL\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLUSH\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"AGGREGATE_COUNTER\", \"type\" : \"U32\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"EVENT_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" } \ ]"); } if( dataFormat == 2 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle, "[ \ { \"name\" : \"CHANNEL\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U64\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FINE_TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ENERGY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\"}, \ { \"name\" : \"FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TRIGGER_THR\", \"type\" : \"U16\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIME_RESOLUTION\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"BOARD_FAIL\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"FLUSH\", \"type\" : \"BOOL\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"AGGREGATE_COUNTER\", \"type\" : \"U32\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"EVENT_SIZE\", \"type\" : \"SIZE_T\" } \ ]"); } if( dataFormat == 3 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle, "[ \ { \"name\" : \"CHANNEL\", \"type\" : \"U8\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"TIMESTAMP\", \"type\" : \"U64\" }, \ { \"name\" : \"ENERGY\", \"type\" : \"U16\" } \ ]"); } if( dataFormat == 15 ){ ret = CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(ep_handle, " [ \ { \"name\": \"DATA\", \"type\": \"U8\", \"dim\": 1 }, \ { \"name\": \"SIZE\", \"type\": \"SIZE_T\" }, \ { \"name\": \"N_EVENTS\", \"type\": \"U32\" } \ ]" ); } if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg("Set Read Data Format"); return; } //TODO Statistic handle and endpoint ret = CAEN_FELib_GetHandle(handle, "/endpoint/dpppha/stats", &stat_handle); ret |= CAEN_FELib_SetReadDataFormat(stat_handle, " [ \ { \"name\": \"REAL_TIME_NS\", \"type\": \"U64\", \"dim\": 1 }, \ { \"name\": \"DEAD_TIME_NS\", \"type\": \"U64\", \"dim\": 1 }, \ { \"name\": \"LIVE_TIME_NS\", \"type\": \"U64\", \"dim\": 1 }, \ { \"name\": \"TRIGGER_CNT\", \"type\": \"U32\", \"dim\": 1 }, \ { \"name\": \"SAVED_EVENT_CNT\", \"type\": \"U32\", \"dim\": 1 } \ ]" ); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { ErrorMsg("Set Statistics"); return; } } int Digitizer2Gen::ReadStat(){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(stat_handle, 100, realTime, deadTime, liveTime, triggerCount, savedEventCount ); if (ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) ErrorMsg("Read Statistics"); return ret; } void Digitizer2Gen::PrintStat(){ printf("ch | Real Time[ns] | Dead Time[ns] | Live Time[ns] | Trigger | Saved | Rate[Hz] \n"); for( int i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfChannel; i++){ if( triggerCount[i] == 0 ) continue; printf("%02d | %13lu | %13lu | %13lu | %7u | %7u | %.3f\n", i, realTime[i], deadTime[i], liveTime[i], triggerCount[i], savedEventCount[i], triggerCount[i]*1e9*1.0/realTime[i]); } } int Digitizer2Gen::ReadData(){ //printf("========= %s \n", __func__); if( evt->dataType == 0){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, &evt->channel, &evt->timestamp, &evt->fine_timestamp, &evt->energy, evt->analog_probes[0], evt->analog_probes[1], evt->digital_probes[0], evt->digital_probes[1], evt->digital_probes[2], evt->digital_probes[3], &evt->analog_probes_type[0], &evt->analog_probes_type[1], &evt->digital_probes_type[0], &evt->digital_probes_type[1], &evt->digital_probes_type[2], &evt->digital_probes_type[3], &evt->traceLenght, &evt->flags_low_priority, &evt->flags_high_priority, &evt->trigger_threashold, &evt->downSampling, &evt->board_fail, &evt->flush, &evt->aggCounter, &evt->event_size ); }else if( evt->dataType == 1){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, &evt->channel, &evt->timestamp, &evt->fine_timestamp, &evt->energy, evt->analog_probes[0], &evt->analog_probes_type[0], &evt->traceLenght, &evt->flags_low_priority, &evt->flags_high_priority, &evt->trigger_threashold, &evt->downSampling, &evt->board_fail, &evt->flush, &evt->aggCounter, &evt->event_size ); }else if( evt->dataType == 2){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, &evt->channel, &evt->timestamp, &evt->fine_timestamp, &evt->energy, &evt->flags_low_priority, &evt->flags_high_priority, &evt->trigger_threashold, &evt->downSampling, &evt->board_fail, &evt->flush, &evt->aggCounter, &evt->event_size ); }else if( evt->dataType == 3){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, &evt->channel, &evt->timestamp, &evt->energy ); }else if( evt->dataType == 15){ ret = CAEN_FELib_ReadData(ep_handle, 100, evt->data, &evt->dataSize, &evt->n_events ); //printf("data size: %lu byte\n", evt.dataSize); }else{ return CAEN_FELib_UNKNOWN; } evt->traceZero = false; if( ret != CAEN_FELib_Success) { //ErrorMsg("ReadData()"); return ret; } return ret; } //########################################### void Digitizer2Gen::OpenOutFile(std::string fileName, const char * mode){ outFileNameBase = fileName; sprintf(outFileName, "%s_%03d.sol", fileName.c_str(), outFileIndex); outFile = fopen(outFileName, mode); fseek(outFile, 0L, SEEK_END); outFileSize = ftell(outFile); // unsigned int = Max ~4GB } void Digitizer2Gen::CloseOutFile(){ if( outFile != NULL ) fclose(outFile); } void Digitizer2Gen::SaveDataToFile(){ if( outFileSize > (unsigned int) MaxOutFileSize){ FinishedOutFilesSize += ftell(outFile); fclose(outFile); outFileIndex ++; sprintf(outFileName, "%s_%03d.sol", outFileNameBase.c_str(), outFileIndex); outFile = fopen(outFileName, "a+b"); } if( evt->dataType == 0){ fwrite(&dataStartIndetifier, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->channel, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->energy, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->timestamp, 6, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->downSampling, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->board_fail, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flush, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->trigger_threashold, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->event_size, 8, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->aggCounter, 4, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->traceLenght, 8, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->analog_probes_type, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->digital_probes_type, 4, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->analog_probes[0], evt->traceLenght*4, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->analog_probes[1], evt->traceLenght*4, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->digital_probes[0], evt->traceLenght, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->digital_probes[1], evt->traceLenght, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->digital_probes[2], evt->traceLenght, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->digital_probes[3], evt->traceLenght, 1, outFile); }else if( evt->dataType == 1){ fwrite(&dataStartIndetifier, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->channel, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->energy, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->timestamp, 6, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->traceLenght, 8, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->analog_probes_type[0], 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->analog_probes[0], evt->traceLenght*4, 1, outFile); }else if( evt->dataType == 2){ fwrite(&dataStartIndetifier, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->channel, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->energy, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->timestamp, 6, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->fine_timestamp, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_high_priority, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->flags_low_priority, 2, 1, outFile); }else if( evt->dataType == 3){ fwrite(&dataStartIndetifier, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->channel, 1, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->energy, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->timestamp, 6, 1, outFile); }else if( evt->dataType == 15){ fwrite(&dataStartIndetifier, 2, 1, outFile); fwrite(&evt->dataSize, 8, 1, outFile); fwrite(evt->data, evt->dataSize, 1, outFile); } outFileSize = ftell(outFile); // unsigned int = Max ~4GB } //########################################### void Digitizer2Gen::Reset(){ SendCommand("/cmd/Reset"); } void Digitizer2Gen::ProgramPHA(bool testPulse){ if( !isConnected ) return ; // Acquistion WriteValue("/par/StartSource" , "SWcmd | SINedge"); WriteValue("/par/TrgOutMode", "Disabled"); WriteValue("/par/GPIOMode", "Disabled"); WriteValue("/par/SyncOutMode", "Disabled"); WriteValue("/par/RunDelay", "0"); // ns, that is for sync time with multi board WriteValue("/par/IOlevel", "NIM"); WriteValue("/par/EnStatEvents", "true"); // Channel setting if( testPulse){ WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChEnable" , "false"); WriteValue("/ch/0/par/ChEnable" , "true"); WriteValue("/ch/1/par/ChEnable" , "true"); WriteValue("/ch/2/par/ChEnable" , "true"); WriteValue("/ch/3/par/ChEnable" , "true"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChEnable" , "true"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "GlobalTriggerSource"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "GlobalTriggerSource"); // EventTriggerSource enought WriteValue("/par/GlobalTriggerSource", "SwTrg | TestPulse"); WriteValue("/par/TestPulsePeriod" , "1000000"); // 1.0 msec = 1000Hz, tested, 1 trace recording WriteValue("/par/TestPulseWidth" , "1000"); // nsec WriteValue("/par/TestPulseLowLevel" , "0"); WriteValue("/par/TestPulseHighLevel" , "10000"); }else{ //======= this is for manual send trigger signal via software //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "SwTrg"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "SwTrg"); //======== Self trigger for each channel WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "ChSelfTrigger"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "ChSelfTrigger"); //======== One (or more) slef-trigger can trigger whole board, ??? depend on Channel Trigger mask //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "Ch64Trigger"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "Ch64Trigger"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x0000FFFF000F000F"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..3/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x1"); //WriteValue("/ch/4..7/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x10"); //WriteValue("/ch/0/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x000F"); //WriteValue("/ch/12/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x000F"); //WriteValue("/ch/38/par/ChannelsTriggerMask", "0x000F"); // when channel has no input, it still record. //----------- coincident trigger to ch-4n //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "ChSelfTrigger"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "ChSelfTrigger"); //for(int i = 0 ; i < 16; i++){ // WriteValue(("/ch/"+ std::to_string(4*i+1) + ".." + std::to_string(4*i+3) + "/par/ChannelsTriggerMask").c_str(), "0x1"); // WriteValue(("/ch/"+ std::to_string(4*i+1) + ".." + std::to_string(4*i+3) + "/par/CoincidenceMask").c_str(), "Ch64Trigger"); // WriteValue(("/ch/"+ std::to_string(4*i+1) + ".." + std::to_string(4*i+3) + "/par/CoincidenceLengthT").c_str(), "100"); // ns //} //======== ACQ trigger? //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EventTriggerSource", "GlobalTriggerSource"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveTriggerSource" , "GlobalTriggerSource"); //WriteValue("/par/GlobalTriggerSource", "SwTrg"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChEnable" , "true"); //WriteValue("/ch/0..15/par/ChEnable" , "true"); } WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/DCOffset" , "10"); /// 10% WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveSaving" , "Always"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChRecordLengthT" , "4096"); /// 4096 ns, S and T are not Sync WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/ChPreTriggerT" , "1000"); /// 1000 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveResolution" , "RES8"); /// 8 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveAnalogProbe0" , "ADCInput"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveAnalogProbe1" , "EnergyFilterMinusBaseline"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe0" , "Trigger"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe1" , "EnergyFilterPeaking"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe2" , "TimeFilterArmed"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/WaveDigitalProbe3" , "EnergyFilterPeakReady"); // Filter parameters WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/TimeFilterRiseTimeS" , "10"); // 80 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/TriggerThr" , "1000"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/PulsePolarity" , "Positive"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterBaselineAvg" , "Medium"); // 1024 sample WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterFineGain" , "1.0"); WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterRiseTimeS" , "62"); // 496 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterFlatTopS" , "200"); // 1600 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPoleZeroS" , "6250"); // 50 us WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPeakingPosition" , "20"); // 20 % = Flatup * 20% = 320 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/TimeFilterRetriggerGuardS" , "10"); // 80 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterPileupGuardS" , "10"); // 80 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterBaselineGuardS" , "100"); // 800 ns WriteValue("/ch/0..63/par/EnergyFilterLFLimitation" , "Off"); } std::string Digitizer2Gen::ErrorMsg(const char * funcName){ printf("======== %s | %s\n",__func__, funcName); char msg[1024]; int ec = CAEN_FELib_GetErrorDescription((CAEN_FELib_ErrorCode) ret, msg); if (ec != CAEN_FELib_Success) { std::string errMsg = __func__; errMsg += " failed"; printf("%s failed\n", __func__); return errMsg; } printf("Error msg (%d): %s\n", ret, msg); return msg; } //^===================================================== Settings void Digitizer2Gen::ReadAllSettings(){ if( !isConnected ) return; for(int i = 0; i < (int) boardSettings.size(); i++){ if( boardSettings[i].ReadWrite() == RW::WriteOnly) continue; ReadValue(boardSettings[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < 4 ; i ++) ReadValue(VGASetting[i], i); for(int ch = 0; ch < nChannels ; ch++ ){ for( int i = 0; i < (int) chSettings[ch].size(); i++){ if( chSettings[ch][i].ReadWrite() == RW::WriteOnly) continue; ReadValue(chSettings[ch][i], i); } } } int Digitizer2Gen::SaveSettingsToFile(const char * saveFileName){ if( saveFileName != NULL) settingFileName = saveFileName; int totCount = 0; int count = 0; FILE * saveFile = fopen(settingFileName.c_str(), "w"); if( saveFile ){ for(int i = 0; i < (int) boardSettings.size(); i++){ if( boardSettings[i].ReadWrite() == RW::WriteOnly) continue; totCount ++; if( boardSettings[i].GetValue() == "" && boardSettings[i].GetPara() != "Gateway") break; fprintf(saveFile, "%-45s|%d|%4d|%s\n", boardSettings[i].GetFullPara().c_str(), boardSettings[i].ReadWrite(), 8000 + i, boardSettings[i].GetValue().c_str()); count ++; } for(int i = 0; i < 4 ; i ++){ totCount ++; if( VGASetting[i].GetValue() == "" ) break; fprintf(saveFile, "%-45s|%d|%4d|%s\n", VGASetting[i].GetFullPara(i).c_str(), VGASetting[i].ReadWrite(), 9000 + i, VGASetting[i].GetValue().c_str()); count ++; } for(int ch = 0; ch < nChannels ; ch++ ){ for( int i = 0; i < (int) chSettings[ch].size(); i++){ if( chSettings[ch][i].ReadWrite() == RW::WriteOnly) continue; totCount ++; if( chSettings[ch][i].GetValue() == "") break; fprintf(saveFile, "%-45s|%d|%4d|%s\n", chSettings[ch][i].GetFullPara(ch).c_str(), chSettings[ch][i].ReadWrite(), ch*100 + i, chSettings[ch][i].GetValue().c_str()); count ++; } } fclose(saveFile); if( count != totCount ) { remove(saveFileName); return -1; } //printf("Saved setting files to %s\n", saveFileName); return 1; }else{ //printf("Save file accessing error."); } return 0; } int Digitizer2Gen::ReadAndSaveSettingsToFile(const char *saveFileName){ ReadAllSettings(); return SaveSettingsToFile(saveFileName); } bool Digitizer2Gen::LoadSettingsFromFile(const char * loadFileName){ if( loadFileName != NULL) settingFileName = loadFileName; FILE * loadFile = fopen(settingFileName.c_str(), "r"); if( loadFile ){ char * para = new char[100]; char * readWrite = new char[100]; char * idStr = new char[100]; char * value = new char[100]; char line[100]; while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), loadFile) != NULL){ //printf("%s", line); char* token = std::strtok(line, "|"); int count = 0; while( token != nullptr){ char * end = std::remove_if(token, token + std::strlen(token), [](char c) { return std::isspace(c); }); *end = '\0'; size_t len = std::strcspn(token, "\n"); if( len > 0 ) token[len] = '\0'; if( count == 0 ) std::strcpy(para, token); if( count == 1 ) std::strcpy(readWrite, token); if( count == 2 ) std::strcpy(idStr, token); if( count == 3 ) std::strcpy(value, token); if( count > 3) break; count ++; token = std::strtok(nullptr, "|"); } int id = atoi(idStr); if( id < 8000){ // channel int ch = id / 100; int index = id - ch * 100; chSettings[ch][index].SetValue(value); //printf("-------id : %d, ch: %d, index : %d\n", id, ch, index); //printf("%s|%d|%d|%s|\n", chSettings[ch][index].GetFullPara(ch).c_str(), // chSettings[ch][index].ReadWrite(), id, // chSettings[ch][index].GetValue().c_str()); }else if ( 8000 <= id && id < 9000){ // board boardSettings[id - 8000].SetValue(value); //printf("%s|%d|%d|%s\n", boardSettings[id-8000].GetFullPara().c_str(), // boardSettings[id-8000].ReadWrite(), id, // boardSettings[id-8000].GetValue().c_str()); }else{ // vga VGASetting[id - 9000].SetValue(value); } //printf("%s|%s|%d|%s|\n", para, readWrite, id, value); if( std::strcmp(readWrite, "2") == 0 && isConnected) WriteValue(para, value); } delete [] para; delete [] readWrite; delete [] idStr; delete [] value; return true; }else{ //printf("Fail to load file %s\n", loadFileName); } return false; } std::string Digitizer2Gen::GetSettingValue(const Reg para, unsigned int ch_index) { int index = FindIndex(para); switch (para.GetType()){ case TYPE::DIG: return boardSettings[index].GetValue(); case TYPE::CH: return chSettings[ch_index][index].GetValue(); case TYPE::VGA: return VGASetting[ch_index].GetValue(); case TYPE::LVDS: return "not defined"; default : return "invalid"; } return "no such parameter"; }