#include "SolReader.h" #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TMacro.h" //#include "TClonesArray.h" // plan to save trace as TVector with TClonesArray //#include "TVector.h" #define MAX_MULTI 64 #define MAX_TRACE_LEN 2500 #define tick2ns 8 // 1 tick = 8 ns SolReader ** reader; Hit ** hit; std::vector> idList; unsigned long totFileSize = 0; unsigned long processedFileSize = 0; std::vector activeFileID; std::vector groupIndex; std::vector> group; // group[i][j], i = group ID, j = group member) void findEarliestTime(int &fileID, int &groupID){ unsigned long firstTime = 0; for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++){ int id = activeFileID[i]; if( i == 0 ) { firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp; fileID = id; groupID = i; //printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size()); continue; } if( hit[id]->timestamp <= firstTime) { firstTime = hit[id]->timestamp; fileID = id; groupID = i; //printf("%d | %d %lu %d | %d \n", id, reader[id]->GetBlockID(), hit[id]->timestamp, hit[id]->channel, (int) activeFileID.size()); } } } unsigned long long evID = 0; unsigned int multi = 0; unsigned short bd[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short sn[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short ch[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short e[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short e2[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; //for PSD energy short unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short lowFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; unsigned short highFlag[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; int traceLen[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; int trace[MAX_MULTI][MAX_TRACE_LEN] = {0}; void fillData(int &fileID, const bool &saveTrace){ bd[multi] = idList[fileID][1]; sn[multi] = idList[fileID][3]; ch[multi] = hit[fileID]->channel; e[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy; e2[multi] = hit[fileID]->energy_short; e_t[multi] = hit[fileID]->timestamp; e_f[multi] = hit[fileID]->fine_timestamp; lowFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_low_priority; highFlag[multi] = hit[fileID]->flags_high_priority; if( saveTrace ){ traceLen[multi] = hit[fileID]->traceLenght; for( int i = 0; i < TMath::Min(traceLen[multi], MAX_TRACE_LEN); i++){ trace[multi][i] = hit[fileID]->analog_probes[0][i]; } } multi++; reader[fileID]->ReadNextBlock(); } void printEvent(){ printf("==================== evID : %llu\n", evID); for( int i = 0; i < multi; i++){ printf(" %2d | %d %d | %llu %d \n", i, bd[i], ch[i], e_t[i], e[i] ); } printf("==========================================\n"); } //^################################################################################## int main(int argc, char ** argv){ printf("=======================================================\n"); printf("=== SOLARIS Event Builder sol --> root ===\n"); printf("=======================================================\n"); if( argc <= 3){ printf("%s [outfile] [timeWindow] [saveTrace] [sol-1] [sol-2] ... \n", argv[0]); printf(" outfile : output root file name\n"); printf(" timeWindow : number of tick, 1 tick = %d ns.\n", tick2ns); printf(" saveTrace : 1 = save trace, 0 = no trace\n"); printf(" sol-X : the sol file(s)\n"); return -1; } // for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++){ // printf("%d | %s\n", i, argv[i]); // } TString outFileName = argv[1]; int timeWindow = abs(atoi(argv[2])); const bool saveTrace = atoi(argv[3]); const int nFile = argc - 4; TString inFileName[nFile]; for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){ inFileName[i] = argv[i+4]; } //*======================================== setup reader reader = new SolReader*[nFile]; hit = new Hit *[nFile]; for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){ reader[i] = new SolReader(inFileName[i].Data()); hit[i] = reader[i]->hit; //TODO check is file open propertly reader[i]->ReadNextBlock(); // read the first block } //*======================================== group files idList.clear(); for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ TString fn = inFileName[i]; int pos = fn.Last('/'); // path fn.Remove(0, pos+1); pos = fn.First('_'); // expName; fn.Remove(0, pos+1); pos = fn.First('_'); // runNum; fn.Remove(0, pos+1); pos = fn.First('_'); // digiID TString f1 = fn; int digiID = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi(); fn.Remove(0, pos+1); pos = fn.Last('_'); // digi serial num f1 = fn; int digisn = f1.Remove(pos).Atoi(); fn.Remove(0, pos+1); pos = fn.First('.'); // get the file id; int indexID = fn.Remove(pos).Atoi(); int fileID = i; std::vector haha = {fileID, digiID, indexID, digisn}; idList.push_back(haha); } // sort by digiID std::sort(idList.begin(), idList.end(), [](const std::vector& a, const std::vector& b){ if (a[1] == b[1]) { return a[2] < b[2]; } return a[1] < b[1]; }); group.clear(); // group[i][j], i is the group Index = digiID int last_id = 0; std::vector kaka; for( int i = 0; i < (int) idList.size() ; i++){ if( i == 0 ) { kaka.clear(); last_id = idList[i][1]; kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]); continue; } if( idList[i][1] != last_id ) { last_id = idList[i][1]; group.push_back(kaka); kaka.clear(); kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]); }else{ kaka.push_back(idList[i][0]); } } group.push_back(kaka); printf(" out file : \033[1;33m%s\033[m\n", outFileName.Data()); printf(" Event building time window : %d tics = %d nsec \n", timeWindow, timeWindow*tick2ns); printf(" Save Trace ? %s \n", saveTrace ? "Yes" : "No"); printf(" Number of input file : %d \n", nFile); for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ printf(" %2d| %5.1f MB| %s \n", i, reader[i]->GetFileSize()/1024./1024., inFileName[i].Data()); totFileSize += reader[i]->GetFileSize(); } printf("------------------------------------\n"); for( int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++){ printf("Group %d :", i); for( int j = 0; j < (int) group[i].size(); j ++){ printf("%d, ", group[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("------------------------------------\n"); //*======================================== setup tree TFile * outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate"); outRootFile->cd(); TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName); tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l"); tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/i"); tree->Branch("bd", bd, "board[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("sn", sn, "sn[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("ch", ch, "channel[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("e", e, "energy[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("e2", e2, "energy_short[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "timestamp[multi]/l"); tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "fine_timestamp[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("lowFlag", lowFlag, "lowFlag[multi]/s"); tree->Branch("highFlag", highFlag, "highFlag[multi]/s"); if( saveTrace){ tree->Branch("tl", traceLen, "traceLen[multi]/I"); tree->Branch("trace", trace, Form("trace[multi][%d]/I", MAX_TRACE_LEN)); } //*=========================================== build event //@---- using file from group[i][0] first //--- find earlist time among the files activeFileID.clear(); groupIndex.clear(); //the index of each group for(int i = 0; i < (int) group.size(); i++) { groupIndex.push_back(0); activeFileID.push_back(group[i][0]); } int fileID = 0; int groupID = 0; findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID); fillData(fileID, saveTrace); unsigned long firstTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp; unsigned long lastTimeStamp = 0; int last_precentage = 0; while((activeFileID.size() > 0)){ findEarliestTime(fileID, groupID); if( reader[fileID]->IsEndOfFile() ){ groupIndex[groupID] ++; if( groupIndex[groupID] < (int) group[groupID].size() ){ activeFileID[groupID] = group[groupID][groupIndex[groupID]]; fileID = activeFileID[groupID]; }else{ activeFileID.erase(activeFileID.begin() + groupID); } } if( hit[fileID]->timestamp - e_t[0] < timeWindow ){ fillData(fileID, saveTrace); }else{ outRootFile->cd(); tree->Fill(); evID ++; multi = 0; fillData(fileID, saveTrace); } ///========= calculate progress processedFileSize = 0; for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){ for( int q = 0; q <= groupIndex[p]; q++){ if( groupIndex[p] < (int) group[p].size() ){ int id = group[p][q]; processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos(); } } } double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize; if( percentage >= last_precentage ) { printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu | ", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize); for( int i = 0; i < (int) activeFileID.size(); i++) printf("%d, ", activeFileID[i]); printf(" \n\033[A\r"); last_precentage = percentage + 1.0; } }; ///====== end of event building loop processedFileSize = 0; for( int p = 0; p < (int) group.size(); p ++){ for( int q = 0; q < (int) group[p].size(); q++){ int id = group[p][q]; processedFileSize += reader[id]->GetFilePos(); } } double percentage = processedFileSize * 100/ totFileSize; printf("Processed : %llu, %.0f%% | %lu/%lu \n", evID, percentage, processedFileSize, totFileSize); lastTimeStamp = hit[fileID]->timestamp; //*=========================================== save file outRootFile->cd(); tree->Fill(); evID ++; tree->Write(); //*=========================================== Save timestamp as TMacro TMacro timeStamp; TString str; str.Form("%lu", firstTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() ); str.Form("%lu", lastTimeStamp); timeStamp.AddLine( str.Data() ); timeStamp.Write("timeStamp"); unsigned int numBlock = 0; for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ //printf("%d | %8ld | %10u/%10u\n", i, reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1, reader[i]->GetFilePos(), reader[i]->GetFileSize()); numBlock += reader[i]->GetBlockID() + 1; } printf("===================================== done. \n"); printf("Number of Block Scanned : %u\n", numBlock); printf(" Number of Event Built : %lld\n", evID); printf(" Output Root File Size : %.2f MB\n", outRootFile->GetSize()/1024./1024.); printf(" first timestamp : %lu \n", firstTimeStamp); printf(" last timestamp : %lu \n", lastTimeStamp); unsigned long duration = lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp; printf(" total duration : %lu = %.2f sec \n", duration, duration * tick2ns * 1.0 / 1e9 ); printf("===================================== end of summary. \n"); //^############## delete new for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) delete reader[i]; delete [] reader; outRootFile->Close(); return 0; }