
143 lines
4.9 KiB

#include <CAEN_FELib.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "Event.h"
#define MaxOutFileSize 2*1024*1024*1024 //2GB
//#define MaxOutFileSize 20*1024*1024 //20MB
#define MaxNumberOfChannel 64
#include "DigiParameters.h"
//^=================== Digitizer Class
class Digitizer2Gen {
uint64_t handle;
uint64_t ep_handle; ///end point handle
uint64_t ep_folder_handle; ///end point folder handle
uint64_t stat_handle;
//uint64_t stat_folder_handle;
bool isDummy;
bool isConnected;
int ret;
char retValue[256];
unsigned short serialNumber;
std::string FPGAType;
unsigned int FPGAVer;
unsigned short nChannels;
unsigned short ch2ns;
std::string ModelName;
void Initialization();
uint64_t realTime[MaxNumberOfChannel];
uint64_t deadTime[MaxNumberOfChannel];
uint64_t liveTime[MaxNumberOfChannel];
uint32_t triggerCount[MaxNumberOfChannel];
uint32_t savedEventCount[MaxNumberOfChannel];
unsigned short outFileIndex;
unsigned short dataStartIndetifier;
std::string outFileNameBase;
char outFileName[100];
FILE * outFile;
unsigned int outFileSize;
uint64_t FinishedOutFilesSize;
bool acqON;
//all read and read/write settings
std::string settingFileName;
std::vector<Reg> boardSettings;
std::vector<Reg> chSettings[MaxNumberOfChannel];
std::vector<Reg> LVDSSettings[4];
Reg VGASetting[4];
std::map<std::string, int> boardMap;
std::map<std::string, int> LVDSMap;
std::map<std::string, int> chMap;
unsigned short GetSerialNumber() const{return serialNumber;}
std::string GetFPGAType() const {return FPGAType;}
std::string GetModelName() const {return ModelName;}
unsigned int GetFPGAVersion() const {return FPGAVer;}
void SetDummy(unsigned short sn);
bool IsDummy() const {return isDummy;}
int OpenDigitizer(const char * url);
bool IsConnected() const {return isConnected;}
int CloseDigitizer();
int GetRet() const {return ret;};
int FindIndex(const Reg para); // get index from DIGIPARA
std::string ReadValue(const char * parameter, bool verbose = false);
std::string ReadValue(const Reg para, int ch_index = -1, bool verbose = false); // read digitizer and save to memory
bool WriteValue(const char * parameter, std::string value, bool verbose = true);
bool WriteValue(const Reg para, std::string value, int ch_index = -1); // write digituzer and save to memory
void SendCommand(const char * parameter);
void SendCommand(std::string shortPara);
uint64_t GetHandle(const char * parameter);
uint64_t GetParentHandle(uint64_t handle);
std::string GetPath(uint64_t handle);
std::string ErrorMsg(const char * funcName);
void StartACQ();
void StopACQ();
bool IsAcqOn() const {return acqON;}
void SetPHADataFormat(unsigned short dataFormat); // 0 = all data,
// 1 = analog trace-0 only + flags
// 2 = no trace, only ch, energy, timestamp, fine_timestamp + flags
// 3 = only ch, energy, timestamp, minimum
// 15 = raw data
int ReadData();
int ReadStat(); // digitizer update it every 500 msec
void PrintStat();
uint32_t GetTriggerCount(int ch) const {return triggerCount[ch];}
uint64_t GetRealTime(int ch) const {return realTime[ch];}
void Reset();
void ProgramPHA(bool testPulse = false);
unsigned short GetNChannels() const {return nChannels;}
unsigned short GetCh2ns() const {return ch2ns;}
uint64_t GetHandle() const {return handle;}
Event *evt; // should be evt[MaxNumber], when full or stopACQ, save into file
void OpenOutFile(std::string fileName, const char * mode = "wb"); //overwrite binary
void CloseOutFile();
void SaveDataToFile();
unsigned int GetFileSize() const {return outFileSize;}
uint64_t GetTotalFilesSize() const {return FinishedOutFilesSize + outFileSize;}
std::string GetSettingFileName() const {return settingFileName;}
void SetSettingFileName(std::string fileName) {settingFileName = fileName;}
void ReadAllSettings(); // read settings from digitier and save to memory
int SaveSettingsToFile(const char * saveFileName = NULL, bool setReadOnly = false); //Save settings from memory to text file
int ReadAndSaveSettingsToFile(const char * saveFileName = NULL); // ReadAllSettings + text file
bool LoadSettingsFromFile(const char * loadFileName = NULL); // Load settings, write to digitizer and save to memory
std::string GetSettingValue(const Reg para, unsigned int ch_index = 0); // read from memory