diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cbe953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+CXX = em++
+OUTPUT = test.js
+IMGUI_DIR = imgui
+SOURCES = test.cpp
+SOURCES += implot/implot.cpp implot/implot_items.cpp
+SOURCES += $(IMGUI_DIR)/backends/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp $(IMGUI_DIR)/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
+SOURCES += $(IMGUI_DIR)/imgui.cpp $(IMGUI_DIR)/imgui_draw.cpp $(IMGUI_DIR)/imgui_demo.cpp $(IMGUI_DIR)/imgui_widgets.cpp $(IMGUI_DIR)/imgui_tables.cpp
+LIBS = -lGL
+all: $(SOURCES) $(OUTPUT)
+# $(CXX) $(SOURCES) -std=c++11 -o $(OUTPUT) $(LIBS) $(WEBGL_VER) -O2 --preload-file data $(USE_WASM) -I$(IMGUI_DIR) -I$(IMGUI_DIR)/backends
+ $(CXX) $(SOURCES) -std=c++11 -o $(OUTPUT) $(LIBS) $(WEBGL_VER) -O2 $(USE_WASM) -Iimplot -I$(IMGUI_DIR) -I$(IMGUI_DIR)/backends -IWoods-Saxon
+ rm -f $(OUTPUT)
diff --git a/Woods-Saxon b/Woods-Saxon
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fc5847e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Woods-Saxon
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WoodsSaxon.html b/WoodsSaxon.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad73e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WoodsSaxon.html
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Woods-Saxon Calculation
+Woods-Saxon Calculation
+Under construction....
+Range calculation.
+ to be added...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WoodsSaxon.js b/WoodsSaxon.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014d5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WoodsSaxon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+var V0;
+var R0;
+var a0;
+var VSO;
+var RSO;
+var aSO;
+var Z;
+var Rc;
+var nStep;
+var dr;
+class State{
+ constructor(energy, jpi){
+ this.energy = energy;
+ this.jpi = jpi;
+ }
+var states = [];
+function WSCal(){
+ V0 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('V0').value);
+ R0 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('R0').value);
+ a0 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('a0').value);
+ VSO = parseFloat(document.getElementById('VSO').value);
+ RSO = parseFloat(document.getElementById('RSO').value);
+ aSO = parseFloat(document.getElementById('aSO').value);
+ Z = parseInt(document.getElementById('Z').value);
+ Rc = parseFloat(document.getElementById('Rc').value);
+ nStep = parseInt(document.getElementById('nStep').value);
+ dr = parseFloat(document.getElementById('dr').value);
+ let str = 'WoodsSaxon.py?V0=' + V0 +
+ '&R0=' + R0 +
+ '&a0=' + a0 +
+ '&VSO=' + VSO +
+ '&RSO=' + RSO +
+ '&aSO=' + aSO +
+ '&Z=' + Z +
+ '&Rc=' + Rc +
+ '&nStep=' + nStep +
+ '&dr=' + dr ;
+ console.log(str);
+ states = [];
+ let client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ let haha = client.responseText.split('\n').slice(11);
+ haha.forEach(line =>{
+ console.log(line);
+ if( !line.includes("=====") && line.length != 0) {
+ let jpi = line.substring(4, 12);
+ let energy = parseFloat(line.substring(13,25));
+ states.push(new State(energy, jpi));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ client.open('GET', str, false);
+ client.send();
+ states.forEach(st =>{
+ console.log( st.jpi + ", " + st.energy);
+ })
+ Plotly.purge("Plot_WS");
+ let nEx = states.length;
+ let data = [];
+ for( let i = 0; i < nEx; i++){
+ let newData = {
+ x : [0,1],
+ y : [states[i].energy, states[i].energy],
+ mode:"lines",
+ name: states[i].jpi,
+ type:"scatter"
+ }
+ data.push(newData);
+ }
+ let layout = {
+ xaxis: {range: [-1, 2], title: { text : "Ex", standoff : 1}, mirror : "allticks", linewidth : "1"},
+ yaxis: {range: [V0, 0], title: "Energy [MeV]" , mirror : "allticks", linewidth : "1"},
+ //dragmode : "pan",
+ margin: { l: 40, r: 40, b : 60, t : 40},
+ legend: {yanchor:"top", xanchor:"left", x:"0.01",y:"0.99" }
+ };
+ Plotly.newPlot( "Plot_WS", data, layout, {responsive: true});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WoodsSaxon.py b/WoodsSaxon.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b794e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WoodsSaxon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import cgi, cgitb
+form = cgi.FieldStorage()
+V0 = form.getvalue('V0')
+R0 = form.getvalue('R0')
+a0 = form.getvalue('a0')
+VSO = form.getvalue('VSO')
+RSO = form.getvalue('RSO')
+aSO = form.getvalue('aSO')
+Z = form.getvalue('Z')
+Rc = form.getvalue('Rc')
+nStep = form.getvalue('nStep')
+dr = form.getvalue('dr')
+import os, subprocess
+result = subprocess.run(['../Woods-Saxon/WSCal', V0, R0, a0, VSO, RSO, aSO, Z, Rc, nStep, dr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
+print( "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/heliosmatics.html b/heliosmatics.html
index 9e2c805..5cfa15b 100644
--- a/heliosmatics.html
+++ b/heliosmatics.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
@@ -467,4 +467,4 @@ function CopyInputs(){
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 739ac2b..f16242a 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
Intructions & Credits |
- Woods-Saxon (to be done) |
+ Woods-Saxon (const.) |
- Nuclides Chart (to be done) |
+ Nuclides Chart (const.) |
diff --git a/nuclearChart.js b/nuclearChart.js
index 14c00bf..fcfa94b 100644
--- a/nuclearChart.js
+++ b/nuclearChart.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ for( let i = 0; i <= maxN; i++){
-function readLocalFile(){
+function readMassTable(){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ function checkBounded(num1, num2, num3) {
return true;
+// var IsoCell = [];
+// for( let i = 0; i <= maxN; i++){
+// const row = [];
+// for( let j = 0; j <= maxZ; j++){
+// row.push(makeElement(NaN, NaN, NaN, '', white));
+// }
+// IsoCell.push(row);
+// }
window.onload = function(){
@@ -132,11 +141,23 @@ window.onload = function(){
project.view.viewSize = new paper.Size( maxN * size + padX*2, maxZ*size + padY*2);
- readLocalFile();
+ readMassTable();
for( let i = 0; i <= maxN; i++){
for( let j = 0; j <= maxZ; j++){
let iso = AllIso[i][j];
+ if( (i == 28 && j == 20) ||
+ (i == 6 && j == 4) ||
+ (i == 8 && j == 6) ||
+ (i == 13 && j == 13) ||
+ (i == 19 && j == 17) ||
+ (i == 21 && j == 20)
+ ){
+ makeElement(startX + i * size + padX, startY - j*size + padY, AllIso[i][j].A, AllIso[i][j].symbol, 'lightgrey');
+ continue;
+ }
if( !isNaN(iso.A) ){
// iso.Print();
@@ -159,7 +180,7 @@ window.onload = function(){
if( j > 0 && i < maxN ) Qec = iso.mass - AllIso[i+1][j-1].mass + 0.511;
//if( iso.Z > 55 && iso.N >= 82 )console.log( iso.A + iso.symbol + " | " + iso.mass + " | " + Qbm + "," + Qbp + "," + Qec);
- if( Qbm > 0 || Qbp > 0 || Qec > 0 || (iso.Z > 83 && Sa < 0 ) || (iso.Z < 20 && Sa < 0 ) ){
+ if( Qbm > 0 || Qbp > 0 || Qec > 0 || (iso.Z > 83 && Sa < 0 ) || (iso.Z < 20 && Sa < 0 ) || iso.Z > 84 ){
makeElement(startX + i * size + padX, startY - j*size + padY, AllIso[i][j].A, AllIso[i][j].symbol, 'white');
makeElement(startX + i * size + padX, startY - j*size + padY, AllIso[i][j].A, AllIso[i][j].symbol, 'grey');
@@ -223,7 +244,5 @@ window.onload = function(){
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test.cpp b/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc1c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
+#include "imgui.h"
+#include "imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
+#include "imgui_impl_glfw.h"
+#include "implot.h"
+//======= Woods-Saxon Library
+#include "RK4.h"
+#include "WS.h"
+const int nPt = 300;
+static float xValues[nPt];
+static float WSCValues[nPt];
+static float WSSOValues[nPt];
+static int selected = -1;
+static float Energy[nPt];
+static vector wfr;
+static vector> wf;
+static vector energies;
+static vector orbString;
+GLFWwindow* g_window;
+ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
+int g_width;
+int g_height;
+// Function used by c++ to get the size of the html canvas
+EM_JS(int, canvas_get_width, (), {
+ return Module.canvas.width;
+// Function used by c++ to get the size of the html canvas
+EM_JS(int, canvas_get_height, (), {
+ return Module.canvas.height;
+// Function called by javascript
+EM_JS(void, resizeCanvas, (), {
+ js_resizeCanvas();
+void on_size_changed(){
+ glfwSetWindowSize(g_window, g_width, g_height);
+ ImGui::SetCurrentContext(ImGui::GetCurrentContext());
+void loop(){
+ int width = canvas_get_width();
+ int height = canvas_get_height();
+ if (width != g_width || height != g_height){
+ g_width = width;
+ g_height = height;
+ on_size_changed();
+ }
+ glfwPollEvents();
+ ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame();
+ ImGui_ImplGlfw_NewFrame();
+ ImGui::NewFrame();
+ // Debug Window
+ {
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(400, 100), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(1000, 100), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
+ ImGui::Begin("Debug");
+ ImGui::Text("Hello, world!"); // Display some text (you can use a format string too)
+ ImGui::ColorEdit3("bg color", (float*)&clear_color); // Edit 3 floats representing a color
+ ImGui::Text("Application average %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)", 1000.0f / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate, ImGui::GetIO().Framerate);
+ ImGui::End();
+ }
+ // // // Demo Window
+ // if (true){
+ // ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(650, 20), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); // Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway. Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
+ // ImGui::ShowDemoWindow();
+ // }
+ // Woods-Saxon window
+ {
+ ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(1000, 1000), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
+ static float V0 = -45, R0 = 3.5, a0 = 0.6;
+ static float VSO = 28, RSO = 3.5, aSO = 0.6;
+ static int Z = 0, nStep = 300;
+ static float Rc = 3.5, dr = 0.1;
+ ImGui::Begin("Woods-Saxon Calculation");
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("V0 [MeV]", &V0, -100, 0);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("R0 [fm]", &R0, 1, 10);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("a0 [fm]", &a0, 0.1, 2);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("VSO [MeV]", &VSO, 0, 40);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("RSO [fm]", &RSO, 1, 10);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("aSO [fm]", &aSO, 0.1, 2);
+ ImGui::SliderInt("Z ", &Z, 0, 100);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("Rc [fm] ", &Rc, 1, 10);
+ ImGui::SliderInt("nStep", &nStep, 100, 400);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat("dr [fm]", &dr, 0.01, 1);
+ ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(30, 10));
+ if( ImGui::Button("Cal WS Level") ){
+ WoodsSaxon ws;
+ if( Z == 0 ) {
+ ws.SetNucleus(1,1);
+ ws.IsNeutron();
+ }else{
+ ws.SetNucleus(1, Z);
+ ws.IsProton();
+ ws.SetRc(Rc);
+ }
+ ws.SetV0( V0 );
+ ws.SetR0( R0 );
+ ws.Seta0( a0 );
+ ws.SetVSO( VSO );
+ ws.SetRSO( RSO );
+ ws.SetaSO( aSO );
+ ws.SetRange2(0.0001, dr, nStep);
+ ws.CalWSEnergies(false, 7, 100, 1e-7, 50, 0.2, false);
+ float dx = nStep * dr / nPt;
+ wfr.clear();
+ for( int i = 0; i < nPt; i ++){
+ float r = i * dx;
+ xValues[i] = r;
+ WSCValues[i] = V0/(1 + exp(( r - R0)/a0));
+ WSSOValues[i] = VSO * exp((r-RSO)/aSO) / pow(1+exp((r-RSO)/aSO), 2) / aSO/ r ;
+ wfr.push_back(dr*i);
+ }
+ wf.clear();
+ for( int i = 0; i < ws.orbString.size(); i++){
+ wf.push_back(ws.CalWaveFunction(i, abs(V0)/2, ws.energy[i]));
+ }
+ selected = -1;
+ energies.clear();
+ orbString.clear();
+ energies = ws.energy;
+ orbString = ws.orbString;
+ //ws.PrintEnergyLevels();
+ }
+ ImGui::PopStyleVar();
+ if( ImGui::TreeNode("WS Energy Levels:") ){
+ for( int i = 0; i < energies.size(); i++){
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf(buf, "%24.12f MeV %s", energies[i],orbString[i].c_str());
+ if( ImGui::Selectable(buf, selected == i) ) selected = i;
+ //ImGui::Text("%12.5f MeV %s", ws.energy[i], ws.orbString[i].c_str());
+ }
+ ImGui::TreePop();
+ }
+ if( ImPlot::BeginPlot("Plot") ){
+ ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_SouthEast);
+ ImPlot::SetupAxes("r [fm]"," Energy [MeV]");
+ ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits(0, 10, floor(V0*1.1), 1);
+ ImPlot::SetupAxisLimitsConstraints(ImAxis_X1, 0, 30);
+ ImPlot::PlotLine("Central", xValues, WSCValues, nPt);
+ ImPlot::PlotLine("S-O", xValues, WSSOValues, nPt);
+ if( selected >= 0 ){
+ for( int i = 0; i < nPt; i ++) Energy[i] = energies[selected];
+ ImPlot::PlotLine(orbString[selected].c_str(), xValues, Energy, nPt);
+ const double * haha = wf[selected].data();
+ const double * kaka = wfr.data();
+ ImPlot::PlotLine("WF", kaka, haha, wfr.size());
+ }
+ ImPlot::EndPlot();
+ }
+ ImGui::End();
+ }
+ ImGui::Render();
+ int display_w, display_h;
+ glfwMakeContextCurrent(g_window);
+ glfwGetFramebufferSize(g_window, &display_w, &display_h);
+ glViewport(0, 0, display_w, display_h);
+ glClearColor(clear_color.x, clear_color.y, clear_color.z, clear_color.w);
+ ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(ImGui::GetDrawData());
+ glfwMakeContextCurrent(g_window);
+//^ #########################################################
+int init_gl(){
+ if( !glfwInit() ){
+ fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); // We don't want the old OpenGL
+ // Open a window and create its OpenGL context
+ int canvasWidth = g_width;
+ int canvasHeight = g_height;
+ g_window = glfwCreateWindow(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, "WebGui Demo", NULL, NULL);
+ if( g_window == NULL ){
+ fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window.\n" );
+ glfwTerminate();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ glfwMakeContextCurrent(g_window); // Initialize GLEW
+ return 0;
+int init_imgui(){
+ // Setup Dear ImGui binding
+ ImGui::CreateContext();
+ ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(g_window, true);
+ ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init();
+ ImPlot::CreateContext();
+ // Setup style
+ //ImGui::StyleColorsDark();
+ ImGui::StyleColorsLight();
+ ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
+ resizeCanvas();
+ for( int i = 0; i < nPt; i++){
+ xValues[i] = 0;
+ WSCValues[i] = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int init(){
+ init_gl();
+ init_imgui();
+ return 0;
+void quit(){
+ glfwTerminate();
+extern "C" int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ g_width = canvas_get_width();
+ g_height = canvas_get_height();
+ if (init() != 0) return 1;
+ #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
+ emscripten_set_main_loop(loop, 0, 1);
+ #endif
+ quit();
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test.html b/test.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30649ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ WebGui Demo
\ No newline at end of file