#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3 import os import cgi, cgitb import subprocess def FindName(A, Z): result = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/IsotopeShort", str(A), str(Z)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') ppp1 = result.find('Name:') ppp2 = result.find('|') return result[ppp1+5:ppp2] def FindAZ(AZ): result = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/IsotopeShort", AZ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') pA = result.find('A:') pZ = result.find('Z:') return [int(result[pA+2:pA+5]), int(result[pZ+2:pZ+5])] form = cgi.FieldStorage() beam_AZ = form.getvalue('beam_AZ') beam_Jpi = form.getvalue('beam_Jpi') beam_Ex = form.getvalue('beam_Ex') target_AZ = form.getvalue('target_AZ') lRecoil_AZ = form.getvalue('lRecoil_AZ') numEvent = form.getvalue('numEvent') KEA = form.getvalue('KEA') BField = form.getvalue('BField') posArray = form.getvalue('posArray') posRecoil = form.getvalue('posRecoil') isDWBA = form.getvalue('DWBA'); if isDWBA == "On" : isDWBA = True else: isDWBA = False SSType = form.getvalue('SSType'); ExList = form.getvalue('Ex'); JpiList = form.getvalue('Jpi'); OrbList = form.getvalue('Orb'); op1 = form.getvalue('op1') op2 = form.getvalue('op2') plot = form.getvalue('plot') gate = form.getvalue('gate') #====== ch directory os.chdir(r"files") #================== write reactionConfig.txt beam = FindAZ(beam_AZ) target = FindAZ(target_AZ) lRecoil = FindAZ(lRecoil_AZ) fn1 = "sim_reactionConfig.txt" f = open(fn1, "w") f.write("%s //beam_A\n" % beam[0]) f.write("%s //beam_Z\n" % beam[1]) f.write("%s //target_A\n" % target[0]) f.write("%s //target_Z\n" % target[1]) f.write("%s //recoil_light_A\n" % lRecoil[0]) f.write("%s //recoil_light_Z\n" % lRecoil[1]) f.write("%.3f //beam_energy_in_MeV/u\n" % float(KEA)) f.write("0.000 //beam_energy_sigma_in_MeV/u\n") f.write("0.000 //beam_angle_in_mrad\n") f.write("0.000 //beam_emittance_in_mrad\n") f.write("0.000 //beam_x-offset_in_mm\n") f.write("0.000 //beam_y-offset_in_mm\n") f.write("%s //number_of_event_generated\n" % numEvent) f.write("false //isTargetScattering\n") f.write("0.913 //Target_density_in_g/cm3\n") f.write("2.2e-4 //Target_thickness_in_cm\n") f.write("../SRIM/20F_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_beam\n") f.write("../SRIM/3H_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_light_recoil\n") f.write("../SRIM19F_in_CD2.txt //stopping_power_for_heavy_recoil\n") f.write("false //isDacay\n") f.write("32 //decayNucleus_A\n") f.write("14 //decayNucleus_Z\n") f.write("false //isReDo\n") f.write("%s //excitation_energy_of_A[MeV]\n" % beam_Ex) f.write("#===== end of file") f.close() #================== write detectorGeo.txt bore="462.5" prepDistant="11.5" detWidth="10.0" detLength="50.0" nSide="4" pos=['58.6', '117.9', '176.8', '235.8', '294.0'] if SSType == "SOLARIS" : nSide="6" pos=['58.6', '117.9', '176.8', '235.8', '294.0', '353.2', '412.1', '471.0', '530.0'] fn2 = "sim_detectorGeo.txt" f = open(fn2, "w") f.write("%s //Bfield_[T]\n" % BField) f.write("0.00 //Bfield_direction_to_z-axis_[deg]_should_not_use\n") f.write("%s //bore_[mm]\n" % bore) f.write("%s //distance_from_axis_[mm]\n" % prepDistant) f.write("%s //width_of_detector_[mm]\n" % detWidth) f.write("%s //length_of_detector_[mm]\n" % detLength) f.write("%s //recoil_position_+_for_downstream_[mm]\n" % posRecoil) f.write("10.0 //inner_radius_of_recoil_detector_[mm]\n") f.write("40.2 //outter_radius_of_recoil_detector_[mm]\n") f.write("false //is_coincident_with_recoil\n") f.write("0 //Recoil_1_position_[mm]_when_0_disable_tree_branch\n") f.write("0 //Recoil_2_position_[mm]\n") f.write("0.00 //Elum_1_position_[mm]_(just_another_recoil_detector_but_for_light_recoil)\n") f.write("0.00 //Elum_2_position_[mm]_when_Elum=0_disable_tree_branch\n") f.write("0 //support_length_[mm]\n") f.write("%s //first_position_-_for_upstream_[mm]\n" % posArray) f.write("0.03 //energy_resolution_of_PSD_array_[MeV]\n") f.write("1.00 //position_resolution_of_PSD_array_[mm]\n") f.write("Out //detector_facing_Out_or_In\n") f.write("%s //number_of_detector_as_same_side\n" % nSide) f.write("0.00 //1st_detector_near_position_in_reference_to_det6_[mm]\n") for a in pos: f.write("%s\n" % a) f.write("#============= end of file") f.close() #================== if DWBA, write DWBA.txt, else write Ex.txt fn4 = "sim_DWBA.txt" hRecoil = [ beam[0] + target[0] - lRecoil[0], beam[1] + target[1] - lRecoil[1] ] hRecoil_AZ = FindName(hRecoil[0], hRecoil[1]); if isDWBA : #===== find the symbol of Beam reactionName = beam_AZ + "(" + target_AZ +","+lRecoil_AZ+")" + hRecoil_AZ; f = open(fn4, "w") if isinstance(ExList, list): nState = len(ExList) for i in range(0, nState): f.write("%s %s %s %s %.3f %sMeV/u %s%s\n" % (reactionName, beam_Jpi, OrbList[i], JpiList[i], float(ExList[i]), KEA, op1, op2)) else : f.write("%s %s %s %s %.3f %sMeV/u %s%s\n" % (reactionName, beam_Jpi, OrbList, JpiList, float(ExList), KEA, op1, op2)) f.close() fnEx="sim_Ex.txt" if isDWBA == False: f = open(fnEx, "w") f.write("//Ex rel_xsec SF sigma_in_MeV\n") if isinstance(ExList, list): for i in range(0, len(ExList)): f.write("%.3f 1.0 1.0 0.000\n" % float(ExList[i])) else: f.write("%.3f 1.0 1.0 0.000\n" % float(ExList)) f.write("#==============_End_of_file") f.close() #================== write PlotConfig.txt (to be done) fn5="sim_PlotConfig.txt" plotStr="{" plotSize=len(plot) for i in range(plotSize): plotStr += plot[i] + ", " if( i == (int)(plotSize/2) and plotSize > 3 ) : plotStr += "break, " plotStr +="pInfo}\n" gateStr ="" gateSize=len(gate) for i in range(gateSize): gateStr += gate[i] if( i < gateSize - 1 ): gateStr += " && " gateStr +="\n" f = open(fn5, "w") f.write(plotStr) f.write(gateStr) f.write("60 //elum range\n") f.write("{0, 50} //thetaCM range\n") f.write("false //showKElines\n") f.write("false //isOverRideEx\n") f.write("{-0.5, 4.0} //over-ride Ex range\n") f.close() #==================== Run Simulation dwba_1="" outFile="" dwba_3="" dwba_4="" isPtolemy=False dwbaPNG="" dwbaRootFile="" dwbaExFile="" pngName="" result="" haha="" if isDWBA : dwba_1 = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/InFileCreator", fn4, "0", "180", "0.1"] , stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') cmd = "../Cleopatra/ptolemy <%s.in> %s.out" % (fn4, fn4) outFile = fn4+ ".out" if os.path.exists(outFile): os.remove(outFile) os.system(cmd) if os.path.exists(outFile) : if os.path.exists(fn4 + ".root"): os.remove(fn4 + ".root") if os.path.exists(fn4 + ".Ex.txt"): os.remove(fn4 + ".Ex.txt") if os.path.exists(fn4 + ".Xsec.txt"): os.remove(fn4 + ".Xsec.txt") dwba_3 = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/ExtractXSec", outFile, "1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') dwbaRootFile = fn4 + ".root" dwbaExFile = fn4 + ".Ex.txt" dwba_4 = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/PlotTGraphTObjArray", dwbaRootFile, "1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') dwbaPNG = dwba_4.splitlines().pop() #if os.path.exists("transfer.root"): # os.remove("transfer.root"); if isDWBA : result = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/Transfer", fn1, fn2, dwbaExFile, dwbaRootFile, "transfer.root", "reaction.dat", "0"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') else: result = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/Transfer", fn1, fn2, fnEx, "", "transfer.root", "reaction.dat", "0"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') if fn5 =="": haha = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/PlotSimulation", "transfer.root"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') else: haha = subprocess.run(["../Cleopatra/PlotSimulation", "transfer.root", fn5], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') pngName=haha.splitlines().pop() print ("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n") print ("") print ("
") print ("If the DWBA result different from the setting or not show, probably the DWBA setting is incorrect that causes the calculation fail.
") if pngName != "" : print ("" % pngName) print ("