

Beam (A): Beam Ex: MeV
Target (a):
Light (b): Q-value: 2.057 MeV
Heavy (B): 25F


B-field (abs.): T
Beam Energy: MeV/u

Ex [MeV] θcm[deg] Eb[MeV] Zb0[mm] Zb[mm] b[mm] θLabb[deg] Tb[ns] EB[MeV] θLabB[deg] ZB0/2[mm] B[mm]

θCM: deg
Array Pos: mm
Recoil Pos: mm

 zRange can be changed by Array position.
eRange: MeV
zRange(Min): mm
zRange(Max): mm
rRange: mm

θCM Calculator

The calculation only give θCM after the bending.

Ex [MeV] : θCM Gate [deg] : X Gate [%] :
ID pos0(gated) pos1(gated) θ1[deg] θ2[deg] θavg[deg] Δθ[deg] sin(θavg)Δθ

HELIOSmatics was first built by Ben P. Kay in MS Excel around 2010. It was modified by Ryan Tang later. And now it migrated to the web on Dec, 2022.