2024-01-04 16:46:19 -05:00

177 lines
4.0 KiB

var energy = [];
var jpi = [];
var Name;
var A;
var Sym;
function breakdownName(str) {
const match = str.match(/^(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)$/);
if (match) {
const numberPart = parseInt(match[1]);
const stringPart = match[2];
return { numberPart, stringPart };
} else {
return null; // If the input string doesn't match the expected format
var Sn = 999;
var Sp = 999;
var Sa = 999;
function GetData(){
Name = document.getElementById('isotopes_name').value;
let maxEx = parseFloat(document.getElementById('maxEx').value);
let str = '' + Name + "&maxEx=" + maxEx;
let client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = function() {
let haha = client.responseText.split('\n').slice(17);
jpi = [];
energy = [];
haha.forEach(line =>{
// console.log(line);
if( line.includes("Sn:") && line.length != 0 ){
Sn = line.substring(-8);
if( line.includes("<tr><td style=") && line.length != 0) {
// console.log(jpi[jpi.length - 1] + ", " + energy[energy.length-1]);
}'GET', str, false);
function PlotLevels(){
if( energy.length == 0 ) return;
// console.log( Name + " | num. states : " + energy.length);
const plotWidth = 300;
const plotHeight = 600;
const yMin = -1;
let maxEx = parseFloat(document.getElementById('maxEx').value);
const maxExExp = Math.max(;
// console.log(maxExExp);
// let maxY = parseFloat(document.getElementById('plotRange').value);
const fig = {
data: [],
layout: {
plot_bgcolor: 'white',
width: plotWidth,
height: plotHeight,
margin: { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 },
showlegend: false,
xaxis: {
showline: false,
visible: false,
range: [-0.5, 3]
yaxis: {
range: [yMin, maxEx + 2],
showline: false,
visible: false
annotations: []
const l = energy.length;
const fontSize = 14;
const fontSizeMeV = fontSize / plotHeight * (maxExExp + 1 - yMin);
let ypos = [];
for( let i = 0; i < energy.length; i++) ypos.push(energy[i]);
let noOverlap = false;
let loop = 0;
while (!noOverlap && loop < 2 * l) {
for (let i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
const diff = ypos[i] - ypos[i - 1];
if (diff < fontSizeMeV) {
ypos[i - 1] += (diff - fontSizeMeV) / 2;
ypos[i] += (fontSizeMeV - diff) / 2;
if (ypos[i - 1] < yMin + fontSizeMeV / 2) {
ypos[i - 1] = yMin + fontSizeMeV / 2;
ypos[i] = ypos[i - 1] + fontSizeMeV;
let count = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
const diff = ypos[i] - ypos[i - 1];
if (diff > fontSizeMeV) {
if (count === l) {
noOverlap = true;
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {{
x: [0, 1],
y: [energy[i], energy[i]],
mode: 'lines',
line: { color: 'black', width: 1 }
x: [1.03, 1.1, 1.19],
y: [energy[i], ypos[i], ypos[i]],
mode: 'lines',
line: { color: 'gray', width: 1 }
// console.log(energy[i]+ ", " + ypos[i]);
x: 1.2,
y: ypos[i],
text: `${energy[i].toFixed(3)}, ${jpi[i]}`,
xanchor: 'left',
font: { size: fontSize },
showarrow: false
// let NameYPos = (parseFloat(maxEx) + 2*fontSizeMeV);
// console.log(NameYPos);
let name2 = breakdownName(Name);
x: 0.5,
y: (maxEx + 1),
text: "<sup>" + name2.numberPart +"</sup>" + name2.stringPart,
font: { size: 2 * fontSize },
showarrow: false
// Create the plot
Plotly.newPlot('Plot_Levels',, fig.layout);