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*[ RAID information ]
*[ RAID information ]
*[ RAID Calculator]
*[ RAID Calculator]
= Globus Endpoint =
= Globus Personal Connect =

the program is stored in '''/opt/globus/'''
==== to Run ====
~>/opt/globus/globusconnect &
It will ask you to login, follow the steps and use your FSU credential.
===== enable access of data0 =====

= Exp Folder format =
= Exp Folder format =

Revision as of 21:50, 5 May 2022

Warning Warning :   No data redundancy in the server for the moment.

Network IP and Alias


  • Dell PowerEdge R540 Rack server
  • CPU : Intel Xeon Gold, 36 cores
  • RAM : 32 GB
  • Storage :
    • 1.9TB SSD for OS and /home/ at the rear slot
    • 1TB for data (temporary) /mnt/data_1TB at the front slot-1
    • 3x16TB for data /mnt/data0 at the front slot-10,11,12
  • OS : Ubuntu 20.04
Power of the DataServer.png


Software/Code Info.
CERN ROOT 6.26/02
PtolemyGUI GUI for DWBA calculation using Ptolemy, it will create a file call DWBA.
/opt/Ptolemy/Cleopatra/Isotope.h a C++ Class (Isotope) for mass20.txt
(TBD) twoBodyReaction.h a C++ Class for A+a→b+B reaction kinematics.
(TBD) Radware
gnuscope (via docker) Only able to run at local, for user Tandem
Globus personal connect

Common Users Account

tandem (fsuphysics888) is the general user account.

Anyone wish to have a personal account can be contact Ryan, and provides following information

  • full name:
  • username:
  • email:

User Quota

The default quota for user is 50GB soft limit and 100GB hard limit.

  • soft limit: user still can use more than 50G in the next 7 days, after that, this 50G is the hard limit.
  • hard limit: user can never use more than 100G.


install the quota program
sudo apt install quota

edit the /etc/fstab

from this

UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /   ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1

to this:

UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /   ext4    errors=remount-ro,usrquota 0       1


sudo mount -o remount /

check the new effect

cat /proc/mounts | grep ' / '
/dev/sdc2 / ext4 rw,relatime,quota,usrquota</spam>,errors=remount-ro,stripe=64 0 0

enable the quota

sudo quotacheck -ugm /

This will create /aquota.user


sudo quotaon -v /
/dev/sdc2 [/]: user quotas turned on

Set user quota

use the command 'setquota' to set user quota, in this example 50G is the soft limit, 100G is the hard limit.

sudo setquota -u <User> 50G 100G 0 0 /

quota report

sudo repquota -s /

Disks available

Disk Capacity Speed Type Slot Command
/ 1.9 TB 533 MB/s SSD rear-1 OS disk
/mnt/data_1TB 1 TB 108 MB/s HDD rear-2 not recommended
/mnt/data0 48 TB 419 MB/s RAID-0 3x16TB HHD front-1,2,3 recommended

Globus Personal Connect

the program is stored in /opt/globus/

to Run

~>/opt/globus/globusconnect &

It will ask you to login, follow the steps and use your FSU credential.

enable access of data0

Exp Folder format

Please use

  • YYYY : year in 4 digits
  • MM : month is 4 digits
  • beam : e.g. 12C
  • reaction : e.g. dp
  • PI : name of PI
  • extra : some extra comments, can be skipped.

For example, Eli perform 12C(d,n)reaction on April, 2022.


Mount disk remotely

To mount the disk remotely, need the sshfs installed in the local machine. In Debian/Ubuntu

~>sudo apt install sshfs

Create a mount directory in the local machine (say /mnt/data0)

~>sudo mkdir /mnt/data0


~>sudo sshfs -o allow_other  /mnt/data0/

where YYY is the user account where XXX is the disk location in the data server.

To mount on startup

edit /etc/fstab

add line  /mnt/data0/
