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Line 69: Line 69:  /mnt/data0/  /mnt/data0/
= User Quota =
install the '''quota''' program
sudo apt install quota
=== edit the '''/etc/fstab''' ===
from this
UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /  ext4    errors=remount-ro 0      1
to this:
UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /  ext4    errors=remount-ro,<span style="color:blue">usrquota</span> 0      1
sudo mount -o remount /
check the new effect
cat /proc/mounts | grep ' / '
/dev/sdc2 / ext4 rw,relatime,quota,<span style="color:blue">usrquota</spam>,errors=remount-ro,stripe=64 0 0
=== enable the quota ===
sudo quotacheck -ugm /
This will create '''/aquota.user'''
sudo quotaon -v /
/dev/sdc2 [/]: user quotas turned on
=== Set user quota ===
use the command 'setquota' to set user quota, in this example 50G is the soft limit, 100G is the hard limit.
sudo setquota -u <User> 50G 100G 0 0 /
*'''soft limit''': user still can use more than 50G in the next 7 days, after that, this 50G is the hard limit.
*'''hard limit''': user can never use more than 100G.
quota report
sudo repquota -s /

= Others =
= Others =

Revision as of 14:08, 27 April 2022

Network IP and Alias


  • Dell PowerEdge R540 Rack server
  • CPU : Intel Xeon Gold, 36 cores
  • RAM : 32 GB
  • Storage :
    • 1.9TB SSD for OS and /home/ at the rear slot
    • 1TB for data (temporary) /mnt/data_1TB at the front slot-1
    • 3x16TB for data /mnt/data0 at the front slot-10,11,12
  • OS : Ubuntu 20.04
Power of the DataServer.png


  • CERN ROOT 6.26/02
  • docker
  • (TBD) Ptolemy (DWBA calculation)
  • (TBD) Radware
  • (TBD) gnuscope (via docker)
  • (TBD) Globus endpoint? (need open port?)

Common Users Account

tandem (fsuphysics888) is the general user account.

Anyone wish to have a personal account can be contact Ryan, and provides following information

  • full name:
  • username:
  • purpose:

Disks available

Disk Capacity Speed Type Slot Command
/mnt/data_1TB 1 TB 108 MB/s HDD front-1 not recommended
/mnt/data0 48 TB 419 MB/s RAID-0 3x16TB HHD front-10,11,12 recommended

Mount disk remotely

To mount the disk remotely, need the sshfs installed in the local machine. In Debian/Ubuntu

~>sudo apt install sshfs

Create a mount directory in the local machine (say /mnt/data0)

~>sudo mkdir /mnt/data0


~>sudo sshfs -o allow_other  /mnt/data0/

where YYY is the user account where XXX is the disk location in the data server.

To mount on startup

edit /etc/fstab

add line  /mnt/data0/

User Quota

install the quota program

sudo apt install quota

edit the /etc/fstab

from this

UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /   ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1

to this:

UUID=fc15d3a2-a49f-4974-8216-5949a740ef80 /   ext4    errors=remount-ro,usrquota 0       1


sudo mount -o remount /

check the new effect

cat /proc/mounts | grep ' / '
/dev/sdc2 / ext4 rw,relatime,quota,usrquota</spam>,errors=remount-ro,stripe=64 0 0

enable the quota

sudo quotacheck -ugm /

This will create /aquota.user


sudo quotaon -v /
/dev/sdc2 [/]: user quotas turned on

Set user quota

use the command 'setquota' to set user quota, in this example 50G is the soft limit, 100G is the hard limit.

sudo setquota -u <User> 50G 100G 0 0 /
  • soft limit: user still can use more than 50G in the next 7 days, after that, this 50G is the hard limit.
  • hard limit: user can never use more than 100G.

quota report

sudo repquota -s /
