CAEN digitizer

From FSU Fox's Lab Wiki
Revision as of 18:18, 28 July 2022 by Rtang (talk | contribs) (→‎Model)
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Model Energy resolution Sampling rate
V1725 14-bit 100MS/s
V1730 14-bit 100MS/s to 500MS/s
V1740 12-bit 62.5 MS/s

required library

On Linux (Ubuntu 18.04+), two CAEN libraries are required to run the digitizers.

  • CAENComm

that would be enough for running the CAEN CoMPASS.

For custom programs, an additional library is needed

  • CAENDigitizer


The FSU DAQ is based on BoxScore. The core is the digitizer class that directly controls and reads out the CAEN digitizer. The GUI of the DAQ uses CERN ROOT GUI elements.

The Goals for the DAQ are:

  • support V1725, V1730, V1740 digitizers
  • multi-thread readout and real-time time sorting (possibly events building)
  • extendable to other digitizers and functionalities
  • user-friendly (full GUI, limited terminal output)
  • easy to maintain (avoid abstract coding and entirely objective programming)
  • for Ubuntu 22.04 or equivalent
  • binary output or root tree output