Target Lab

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Revision as of 19:05, 15 September 2022 by Pbarber (talk | contribs)
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The Target Lab here at FoxLab has suffered significant atrophy since it was disassembled for asbestos removal. It has very limited capabilities at the moment. Work is underway to restore it to its previous functionality. Information regarding current and future capabilities will be posted here as time permits.

Target Frames

Standard target frames used here at FoxLab. CAD files for these frames are available. Use the contact link below to request them.

Pure Lithium Targets

One of the unique capabilities available here at FoxLab is the ability to produce pure pseudo-free-standing lithium targets. Pure lithium is evaporated onto a polyvinyl formal backing which burns away when placed in beam. These targets are transported under static vacuum from the evaporator to the experimental chamber.

Personnel requesting pure lithium targets should be aware of the following constraints:

  • Historically, these have only been manufactured on the "standard" FSU target frame. Requests for other frames will require technique development and success is not assured.
  • It is not uncommon for the polyvinyl formal backings to break during evaporation. It is best to have multiple backings on the target ladder to increase the odds of getting a usable target.
  • The polyvinyl formal backing can contribute carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen until it burns away.
  • Isotopically enriched lithium is available.
  • Typical lithium thickness ranges 50 to 250 ug/cm2.
  • The lithium targets must be at the bottom of the target ladder.
  • Multiple thicknesses are possible, but the thicker targets must be at the bottom of the target ladder.
  • Production of pure lithium targets requires significant evaporator setup. For this reason, lithium targets are typically available for installation in the target chamber Tuesday - Friday, barring extraordinary circumstances.
  • Post lithium target production requires significant evaporator clean up. Consequently, if the provided targets are destroyed due to vacuum accident or other misfortune, it can take a full day to recover and make another attempt.
  • As long as high vacuum is maintained in the experimental chamber, experiments of over a week are possible on a set of targets.


Powell Barber