Tandem Accelerator

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Power Failure Procedures

When the mains fail the emergency generator should start automatically. If the emergency lights come on, the generator is running correctly. The changeover breaker should switch automatically and restore power to all pump circuits. If this does not occur, the change over breaker, located on the West wall of the accelerator vault between the L.E. door and the sink, should be assisted with a 2-by-4. Note: In the emergency-power position, the central arm should be down.

When emergency power is available at the pumping stations a number of things should be checked

  1. Check that the recirculating pump, located just to the South of the L.E. door in the accelerator vault, is running. Restart if necessary. See water cooling system section in this lab guide 2.
  2. Check that source pumping stations are operating normally. Restart pumps and reopen valves as necessary.
  3. Check the turbo pump at the H.E. end, it may have tripped and be coasting down. It should be restarted.
  4. Check cryopumps. If the supply was only interrupted for a few seconds the compressors will restart automatically, but the input and output pressures will remain the same for approximately one minute; then the unit will switch and normal pressures will be reestablished. When this occurs the coldhead will restart and the vibration of this motion will be felt at the cold head. If the power is off long enough for the pump to start to warn and outgas, it will have to be started again. See the section 4 for cryopump head regeneration.
  5. The pumps in the target room should be checked to ensure that they are running normally. Restart or close off as necessary.
  6. When mains voltage is restored the changeover breaker will wait a short time, to ensure that the supply will probably remain on, and then will automatically change over and the emergency generator will shutdown. If the breaker hangs up it can be assisted up with the 2-by-4. When the mains supply has been restored to the pumping stations the previous checks should be repeated. When all vacuums are normal the beamline valves should be checked and reopened as necessary. Make sure that the vacuum is good on both sides before opening any valve.