Sargent-Welch Rotary Vane Pump Maintenance Checklists

Comprehensive Version


Below are the checklists for maintenance actions associated with Sargent-Welch Rotary Vane vacuum pumps.  They are intended to be used by those familiar with the pumps.  If you are not sure about what to do, please read the Comprehensive Version of this document prior to working with the pumps.
  • Contents
  • Periodic Inspection
  • Oil Change
  • Belt Replacement
  • Shaft Seal Replacement
  • Oil Mist Separator


    Periodic Inspection Checklist

    Comprehensive Version  |  Contents
    1. Check Oil Level.
    2. Check Oil Condition
    3. Check for signs of leakage.
    4. Check Belt Condition
    5. Check Belt Tension
    6. Check Motor Power Cord Condition
    7. Check Inlet Vacuum Hose Condition
    8. Check Belt Guard Installation
    9. Listen to Pump for Unusual Noises


    Oil Change Checklist

    Comprehensive Version  |  Oil Capacities by Pump Model  |  Contents
    1. Ensure that the pump oil is warm by running the pump for at least 20 minutes prior to draining.  Blank off the pump inlet with a large rubber stopper or bung.
    2. With the pump stopped and level and a suitable container in place, open the pump's drain valve or remove the drain cap and allow the oil to drain.  This can take a few minutes.  The process can be somewhat accelerated by briefly running the pump with the inlet open and covering the outlet of the pump with the hand.  As the outlet is covered, the escaping pressure will force oil out of the drain.  This should be done for no more than 30 seconds or so and care should be used because the discharge from the drain can be somewhat violent.  This technique also creates a great deal of oil mist.
    3. Shut the drain valve or recap as appropriate.
    4. Add about 4 ounces of fresh oil (1/2 cup) to the pump discharge and about 2 tablespoons to the pump inlet.
    5. Run the pump for about 30 seconds using the rubber bung to burp the pump inlet.  This creates turbulence in the pump.  The air let in with each burp entrains the oil trapped in the voids and recesses of the pump causing it to be delivered to the sump.
    6. Drain the pump again as above.
    7. Repeat the three steps above until the color of the oil being drained is the same as the fresh oil.  Allow for the froth created by the turbulance when making this determination.  This may have to be repeated several times for pumps having very dirty oil.
    8. Shut the drain valve or recap as appropriate.
    9. Fill the pump with fresh oil to the correct level as indicated on the sight glass.  Use care to prevent oil spills while filling.  These spills can lead to misdiagnosed shaft seal leaks during future inspections.
    10. Discard used oil in the appropriate waste oil container located in the gas handling room.


    Belt Replacement Checklist

    Comprehensive Version  |  Belt Sizes by Pump Model  |  Contents
    1. Ensure pump is turned off and unplugged.
    2. Remove belt guard assembly, noting how it is installed.
    3. Remove the old belts, if they are still on the pump.
    4. Degrease the pulleys using a lab towel moistened with a solvent such as ethanol.
    5. Install a single new belt.
    6. Check for correct belt tension.
    7. If tension is not correct, remove belt, make motor mount adjustment, and try again until correct tension is obtained.
    8. Verify belt tension is not too high by checking motor shaft axis is perpendicular to belt plane.
    9. Install belt guard assembly.
    10. Run and test pump.  Ensure pulleys are not rubbing against belt guard assembly.


    Shaft Seal Replacement Checklist

    Comprehensive Version  |  Shaft Seal Part No by Pump Model  | Contents

    There is currently no shaft seal replacement checklist.  I will be adding this in the near future.  Until then, please contact me for assistance.

    Oil Mist Separator Replacment Checklist

    Comprehensive Version  |  Contents

    There is currently no oil mist separator replacement checklist.  I will be adding this in the near future.  Until then, please contact me for assistance.