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tidy up implot_internal.h

This commit is contained in:
epezent 2020-09-01 21:01:00 -05:00
parent 4a584bad40
commit 9d9b145548
4 changed files with 89 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -265,11 +265,6 @@ void AddTextVertical(ImDrawList *DrawList, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const char *te
ImVec2 CalcTextSizeVertical(const char *text) {
ImVec2 sz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text);
return ImVec2(sz.y, sz.x);
double NiceNum(double x, bool round) {
double f; /* fractional part of x */
double nf; /* nice, rounded fraction */

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@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int cou
void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(double));
void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset = 0);
// Plots a centered text label at point x,y with optional pixel offset. Text color can be changed with ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ...).
// Plots a centered text label at point x,y with optional pixel offset. Text color can be changed with ImPlot::PushStyleColor(ImPlotCol_InlayText, ...).
void PlotText(const char* text, float x, float y, bool vertical = false, const ImVec2& pixel_offset = ImVec2(0,0));
void PlotText(const char* text, double x, double y, bool vertical = false, const ImVec2& pixel_offset = ImVec2(0,0));
@ -494,10 +494,12 @@ void PushColormap(ImPlotColormap colormap);
void PushColormap(const ImVec4* colormap, int size);
// Undo temporary colormap modification.
void PopColormap(int count = 1);
// Permanently sets a custom colormap. The colors will be copied to internal memory. Prefer PushColormap instead of calling this each frame.
void SetColormap(const ImVec4* colormap, int size);
// Permanently switch to one of the built-in colormaps. If samples is greater than 1, the map will be linearly resampled. Don't call this each frame.
void SetColormap(ImPlotColormap colormap, int samples = 0);
// Returns the size of the current colormap.
int GetColormapSize();
// Returns a color from the Color map given an index >= 0 (modulo will be performed).
@ -506,8 +508,10 @@ ImVec4 GetColormapColor(int index);
ImVec4 LerpColormap(float t);
// Returns the next unused colormap color and advances the colormap. Can be used to skip colors if desired.
ImVec4 NextColormapColor();
// Renders a vertical color scale using the current color map. Call this outside of Begin/EndPlot.
void ShowColormapScale(double scale_min, double scale_max, float height);
// Returns a null terminated string name for a built-in colormap.
const char* GetColormapName(ImPlotColormap colormap);
@ -533,13 +537,6 @@ void EndLegendPopup();
// Allows changing how keyboard/mouse interaction works.
ImPlotInputMap& GetInputMap();
// Shows ImPlot style selector dropdown menu.
bool ShowStyleSelector(const char* label);
// Shows ImPlot style editor block (not a window).
void ShowStyleEditor(ImPlotStyle* ref = NULL);
// Add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImPlot as an end-user.
void ShowUserGuide();
// Get the plot draw list for rendering to the current plot area.
ImDrawList* GetPlotDrawList();
// Push clip rect for rendering to current plot area.
@ -547,6 +544,13 @@ void PushPlotClipRect();
// Pop plot clip rect.
void PopPlotClipRect();
// Shows ImPlot style selector dropdown menu.
bool ShowStyleSelector(const char* label);
// Shows ImPlot style editor block (not a window).
void ShowStyleEditor(ImPlotStyle* ref = NULL);
// Add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImPlot as an end-user.
void ShowUserGuide();
// Demo (add implot_demo.cpp to your sources!)

View File

@ -1302,15 +1302,14 @@ namespace ImPlot {
struct BenchmarkItem {
BenchmarkItem() {
float y = RandomRange(0,1);
Data = new ImVec2[1000];
Data = new float[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
Data[i].x = i*0.001f;
Data[i].y = y + RandomRange(-0.01f,0.01f);
Data[i] = y + RandomRange(-0.01f,0.01f);
Col = ImVec4((float)RandomRange(0,1),(float)RandomRange(0,1),(float)RandomRange(0,1),1);
~BenchmarkItem() { delete[] Data; }
ImVec2* Data;
float* Data;
ImVec4 Col;
@ -1364,7 +1363,7 @@ void ShowBenchmarkTool() {
ImGui::ProgressBar((float)L / (float)(max_lines - 1));
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("##Bench",NULL,NULL,ImVec2(-1,0),ImPlotFlags_NoChild,0,0,0,0)) {
if (running) {
for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i) {

View File

@ -484,11 +484,19 @@ struct ImPlotAxisScale
namespace ImPlot {
// [SECTION] Context Utils
// Initializes an ImPlotContext
void Initialize(ImPlotContext* ctx);
// Resets an ImPlot context for the next call to BeginPlot
void Reset(ImPlotContext* ctx);
// [SECTION] Plot Utils
// Gets a plot from the current ImPlotContext
ImPlotState* GetPlot(const char* title);
// Gets the current plot from the current ImPlotContext
@ -496,16 +504,9 @@ ImPlotState* GetCurrentPlot();
// Busts the cache for every plot in the current context
void BustPlotCache();
// Updates plot-to-pixel space transformation variables for the current plot.
void UpdateTransformCache();
// Extends the current plots axes so that it encompasses point p
void FitPoint(const ImPlotPoint& p);
// Returns true if the user has requested data to be fit.
inline bool FitThisFrame() { return GImPlot->FitThisFrame; }
// Gets the current y-axis for the current plot
inline int GetCurrentYAxis() { return GImPlot->CurrentPlot->CurrentYAxis; }
// Gets the XY scale for the current plot and y-axis
inline ImPlotScale GetCurrentScale() { return GImPlot->Scales[GetCurrentYAxis()]; }
// [SECTION] Item Utils
// Begins a new item. Returns false if the item should not be plotted. Pushes PlotClipRect.
bool BeginItem(const char* label_id, ImPlotCol recolor_from = -1);
@ -525,24 +526,45 @@ ImPlotItem* GetCurrentItem();
// Busts the cache for every item for every plot in the current context.
void BustItemCache();
// Get styling data for next item (call between Begin/EndItem)
inline const ImPlotItemStyle& GetItemStyle() { return GImPlot->NextItemStyle; }
// [SECTION] Axis Utils
// Recolors an item legend icon from an the current ImPlotCol if it is not automatic (i.e. alpha != -1)
inline void TryRecolorItem(ImPlotItem* item, ImPlotCol idx) {
if (GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx].w != -1)
item->Color = GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx];
// Gets the current y-axis for the current plot
inline int GetCurrentYAxis() { return GImPlot->CurrentPlot->CurrentYAxis; }
// Constrains an axis range
void ConstrainAxis(ImPlotAxis& axis);
// Updates axis ticks, lins, and label colors
void UpdateAxisColors(int axis_flag, ImPlotAxisColor* col);
// Updates plot-to-pixel space transformation variables for the current plot.
void UpdateTransformCache();
// Gets the XY scale for the current plot and y-axis
inline ImPlotScale GetCurrentScale() { return GImPlot->Scales[GetCurrentYAxis()]; }
// Returns true if the user has requested data to be fit.
inline bool FitThisFrame() { return GImPlot->FitThisFrame; }
// Extends the current plots axes so that it encompasses point p
void FitPoint(const ImPlotPoint& p);
// [SECTION] Legend Utils
// Returns the number of entries in the current legend
int GetLegendCount();
// Gets the ith entry string for the current legend
const char* GetLegendLabel(int i);
// [SECTION] Tick Utils
// Label a tick with default formatting
void LabelTickDefault(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer);
// Label a tick with scientific formating
void LabelTickScientific(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer);
// Populates a list of ImPlotTicks with normal spaced and formatted ticks
void AddTicksDefault(const ImPlotRange& range, int nMajor, int nMinor, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks);
// Populates a list of ImPlotTicks with logarithmic space and formatted ticks
@ -550,18 +572,44 @@ void AddTicksLogarithmic(const ImPlotRange& range, int nMajor, ImPlotTickCollect
// Populates a list of ImPlotTicks with custom spaced and labeled ticks
void AddTicksCustom(const double* values, const char** labels, int n, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks);
// Constrains an axis range
void ConstrainAxis(ImPlotAxis& axis);
// Updates axis ticks, lins, and label colors
void UpdateAxisColors(int axis_flag, ImPlotAxisColor* col);
// [SECTION] Styling Utils
// Get styling data for next item (call between Begin/EndItem)
inline const ImPlotItemStyle& GetItemStyle() { return GImPlot->NextItemStyle; }
// Returns true if a color is set to be automatically determined
inline bool IsColorAuto(const ImVec4& col) { return col.w == -1; }
// Returns true if a style color is set to be automaticaly determined
inline bool IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol idx) { return IsColorAuto(GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx]); }
// Returns the automatically deduced style color
ImVec4 GetAutoColor(ImPlotCol idx);
// Returns the style color whether it is automatic or custom set
inline ImVec4 GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlotCol idx) { return IsColorAuto(idx) ? GetAutoColor(idx) : GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx]; }
inline ImU32 GetStyleColorU32(ImPlotCol idx) { return ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(GetStyleColorVec4(idx)); }
// Get built-in colormap data and size
const ImVec4* GetColormap(ImPlotColormap colormap, int* size_out);
// Linearly interpolates a color from the current colormap given t between 0 and 1.
ImVec4 LerpColormap(const ImVec4* colormap, int size, float t);
// Resamples a colormap. #size_out must be greater than 1.
void ResampleColormap(const ImVec4* colormap_in, int size_in, ImVec4* colormap_out, int size_out);
// Rounds x to powers of 2,5 and 10 for generating axis labels (from Graphics Gems 1 Chapter 11.2)
double NiceNum(double x, bool round);
// Draws vertical text. The position is the bottom left of the text rect.
void AddTextVertical(ImDrawList *DrawList, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL);
// Calculates the size of vertical text
ImVec2 CalcTextSizeVertical(const char *text);
inline ImVec2 CalcTextSizeVertical(const char *text) { ImVec2 sz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text); return ImVec2(sz.y, sz.x); }
// Returns white or black text given background color
inline ImU32 CalcTextColor(const ImVec4& bg) { return (bg.x * 0.299 + bg.y * 0.587 + bg.z * 0.114) > 0.729 ? IM_COL32_BLACK : IM_COL32_WHITE; }
// [SECTION] Math and Misc Utils
// Rounds x to powers of 2,5 and 10 for generating axis labels (from Graphics Gems 1 Chapter 11.2)
double NiceNum(double x, bool round);
// Returns true if val is NAN or INFINITY
inline bool NanOrInf(double val) { return val == HUGE_VAL || val == -HUGE_VAL || isnan(val); }
// Turns NANs to 0s
@ -570,7 +618,6 @@ inline double ConstrainNan(double val) { return isnan(val) ? 0 : val; }
inline double ConstrainInf(double val) { return val == HUGE_VAL ? DBL_MAX : val == -HUGE_VAL ? - DBL_MAX : val; }
// Turns numbers less than or equal to 0 to 0.001 (sort of arbitrary, is there a better way?)
inline double ConstrainLog(double val) { return val <= 0 ? 0.001f : val; }
// Computes order of magnitude of double.
inline int OrderOfMagnitude(double val) { return val == 0 ? 0 : (int)(floor(log10(fabs(val)))); }
// Returns the precision required for a order of magnitude.
@ -580,8 +627,7 @@ inline int Precision(double val) { return OrderToPrecision(OrderOfMagnitude(val)
// Returns the intersection point of two lines A and B (assumes they are not parallel!)
inline ImVec2 Intersection(const ImVec2& a1, const ImVec2& a2, const ImVec2& b1, const ImVec2& b2) {
float v1 = (a1.x * a2.y - a1.y * a2.x);
float v2 = (b1.x * b2.y - b1.y * b2.x);
float v1 = (a1.x * a2.y - a1.y * a2.x); float v2 = (b1.x * b2.y - b1.y * b2.x);
float v3 = ((a1.x - a2.x) * (b1.y - b2.y) - (a1.y - a2.y) * (b1.x - b2.x));
return ImVec2((v1 * (b1.x - b2.x) - v2 * (a1.x - a2.x)) / v3, (v1 * (b1.y - b2.y) - v2 * (a1.y - a2.y)) / v3);
@ -603,25 +649,6 @@ inline T OffsetAndStride(const T* data, int idx, int count, int offset, int stri
return *(const T*)(const void*)((const unsigned char*)data + (size_t)idx * stride);
// Get built-in colormap data and size
const ImVec4* GetColormap(ImPlotColormap colormap, int* size_out);
// Linearly interpolates a color from the current colormap given t between 0 and 1.
ImVec4 LerpColormap(const ImVec4* colormap, int size, float t);
// Resamples a colormap. #size_out must be greater than 1.
void ResampleColormap(const ImVec4* colormap_in, int size_in, ImVec4* colormap_out, int size_out);
// Returns true if a color is set to be automatically determined
inline bool IsColorAuto(const ImVec4& col) { return col.w == -1; }
// Returns true if a style color is set to be automaticaly determined
inline bool IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol idx) { return IsColorAuto(GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx]); }
// Returns the automatically deduced style color
ImVec4 GetAutoColor(ImPlotCol idx);
// Returns the style color whether it is automatic or custom set
inline ImVec4 GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlotCol idx) {return IsColorAuto(idx) ? GetAutoColor(idx) : GImPlot->Style.Colors[idx]; }
inline ImU32 GetStyleColorU32(ImPlotCol idx) { return ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(GetStyleColorVec4(idx)); }
// Returns white or black text given background color
inline ImU32 CalcTextColor(const ImVec4& bg) { return (bg.x * 0.299 + bg.y * 0.587 + bg.z * 0.114) > 0.729 ? IM_COL32_BLACK : IM_COL32_WHITE; }
// [SECTION] Internal / Experimental Plotters
// No guarantee of forward compatibility here!