• FSUDAQ_v1.0 56f665a20f

    v1.0 release Stable

    rtang released this 2022-11-03 19:09:01 -04:00 | 3 commits to master since this release


    The FSUDAQ is tested for a single DPP-PHA V1725 digitizer using optical fiber connection. It provides a complete control on the registers and thus board and channels control. The buffer data from th digitizer is directly dump to *.fsu file.

    The FSUDAQ ise FSUDAQ.sh as a program setting files. The FSUDAQ.sh is not included in the git repository but it will be created once the FSUDAQ first launch or the file is incorrect. User should edit it before collecting data, or usng the Program Setting in the FSUDAQ to set the experimental name (ExpName), the data path, and if any, the database and the elog.

    Please report any bug to rtang@fsu.edu Ryan Tang.

    Future plan

    the framework for DPP-PSD firmware is there, but not tested. so in short term, it will be tested on the DPP-PSD firmware.

    In order to replace BoxScore, a real-time event building and online cutting are need. It wiil be the next focus.

    After that. Multiple digitizers will be supported.
