Each channel has it own 1D histogram. It will not be filled by default, but can enable it in the "Online Histgrams" panel. The binning of each histogram will be saved under the raw data path as singleSpectaSetting.txt
A Multi-builder (event builder that can build event across multiple digitizer) is made. It has normal event building code and also a backward event building code that build events from the latest data up to certain amont of event.
A 1-D and 2-D histogram is avalible. In the 2-D histogram, graphical cuts can be created and rename.
An online analyzer class is created as a template for online analysis. An example is the SplitPoleAnalyzer.h. It demo a 2-D histogram and a 1-D histogram, and the way to output the rates of cuts to influxDB.
<spanstyle="color:red;">Notice that, when the FSUDAQ is started, the online analyzer is not created, no event will be built. Once the online anlyzer is created and opened, event will be built, even the window is closed. </span>
Under the analyzer folder, there are few examples can be followed. Teh idea is create a derivative class based on the Analyzer.h. To implement the new online analyzer, user need to modify a few things:
- add the code file into FSUDAQ_At.pro
- add the header to the top of FSUDAQ.cpp
- edit the vector onlienAnalyzerList at th etop of FSUDAQ.cpp
- up/down arrow for increase/decrease number (<spanstyle="color:blue">Blue Tex</span> = value not set, <spanstyle="color:red">Red Tex</span> = value cannot set)
## Data folder
User must setup the data path for data take. Without the data path, user still can run the DAQ. Inside the data path, when a run is started there are
The libcurl4 is need for pushing data to InfluxDB v1.8+
InfluxDB can be installed via `sudo apt install influxdb` for v1.8. the v2.0+ can be manually installed from the InfluxDB webpage https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2/.
* Although the Events/Agg used the CAEN API to recalculate before ACQ start, for PHA firmware, when the trigger rate changed, the Events per Agg need to be changed.
* Sometimes, the buffer is not in time order, and make the trigger/Accept rate to be nagative. This is nothing to do with the program but the digitizer settings. Recommand reporgram the digitizer.