2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
# include <vector>
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
# include <string>
2023-04-24 15:27:05 -04:00
# include <utility>
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
/// All 0x1XXX registers are either indiviual or Group
/// Indiviual register are all independence
/// Group register, 2m and 2m+1 channels setting are shared. and the name will have _G as prefix
/// Most 0x8XXX registers are common, which share for all channel
/// For adding Register, two things needed.
/// 1) add to the namepace
/// 2) add to the RegisterXXXList
/// The Reg Class has conversion operator
/// Reg haha("haha", 0x1234);
/// uint32_t papa = haha; /// papa = 0x1234
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
enum RW { ReadWrite , ReadONLY , WriteONLY } ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
class Reg {
public :
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
Reg ( ) {
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
name = " " ;
address = 0 ;
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
rwType = RW : : ReadWrite ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
group = 0 ;
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
maxBit = 0 ;
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
partialStep = 0 ; //for time parameter, partial step * tick2ns = full step
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
comboList . clear ( ) ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
Reg ( std : : string name , uint32_t address , RW type = RW : : ReadWrite , bool group = false , unsigned int max = 0 , int pStep = 0 ) {
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
this - > name = name ;
this - > address = address ;
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
this - > rwType = type ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
this - > group = group ;
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
this - > maxBit = max ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
this - > partialStep = pStep ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
comboList . clear ( ) ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
} ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
Reg ( std : : string name , uint32_t address , RW type = RW : : ReadWrite , bool group = false , std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > list = { } ) {
this - > name = name ;
this - > address = address ;
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
this - > rwType = type ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
this - > group = group ;
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
this - > maxBit = 0 ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
this - > partialStep = 0 ;
this - > comboList = list ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
~ Reg ( ) { } ;
operator uint32_t ( ) const { return this - > address ; } /// this allows Reg kaka("kaka", 0x1234) uint32_t haha = kaka;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
std : : string GetName ( ) const { return name ; }
const char * GetNameChar ( ) const { return name . c_str ( ) ; }
uint32_t GetAddress ( ) const { return address ; }
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
RW GetRWType ( ) const { return rwType ; }
2023-05-05 18:18:09 -04:00
bool IsCoupled ( ) const { return group ; }
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
unsigned int GetMaxBit ( ) const { return maxBit ; }
2023-06-20 11:57:39 -04:00
int GetPartialStep ( ) const { return partialStep ; } /// step = partialStep * tick2ns, -1 : step = 1
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
void Print ( ) const ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > GetComboList ( ) const { return comboList ; }
2023-10-06 19:26:01 -04:00
uint32_t ActualAddress ( int ch = - 1 ) { //for QDC, ch is groupID
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
if ( address = = 0x8180 ) return ( ch < 0 ? address : ( address + 4 * ( ch / 2 ) ) ) ; // DPP::TriggerValidationMask_G
2023-06-23 13:50:21 -04:00
if ( address < 0x8000 ) {
if ( group ) {
if ( ch < 0 ) return address + 0x7000 ;
return address + ( ( ch % 2 = = 0 ? ch : ch - 1 ) < < 8 ) ;
return ( ch < 0 ? ( address + 0x7000 ) : ( address + ( ch < < 8 ) ) ) ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
if ( address > = 0x8000 ) return address ;
return 0 ;
2023-10-06 19:26:01 -04:00
unsigned short Index ( unsigned short ch ) ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
uint32_t CalAddress ( unsigned int index ) ; /// output actual address, also write the registerAddress
void SetName ( std : : string str ) { this - > name = str ; }
private :
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
std : : string name ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
uint32_t address ; /// This is the table of register, the actual address should call ActualAddress();
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
RW rwType ; /// read/write = 0; read = 1; write = 2
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
bool group ;
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
unsigned int maxBit ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
int partialStep ;
2023-04-21 18:10:12 -04:00
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > comboList ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
} ;
inline void Reg : : Print ( ) const {
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
printf ( " Name: %s \n " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
printf ( " Re.Address: 0x%04X \n " , address ) ;
2023-09-08 17:21:05 -04:00
printf ( " Type: %s \n " , rwType = = RW : : ReadWrite ? " Read/Write " : ( rwType = = RW : : ReadONLY ? " Read-Only " : " Write-Only " ) ) ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
printf ( " Group: %s \n " , group ? " True " : " False " ) ;
2023-04-28 18:18:12 -04:00
printf ( " Max Value : 0x%X = %d \n " , maxBit , maxBit ) ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-10-06 19:26:01 -04:00
inline unsigned short Reg : : Index ( unsigned short ch ) { //for QDC, ch = group
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
unsigned short index ;
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
if ( address = = 0x8180 ) { //DPP::TriggerValidationMask_G
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
index = ( ( address + 4 * ( ch / 2 ) ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ;
} else if ( address < 0x8000 ) {
index = ( address + ( ch < < 8 ) ) / 4 ;
} else {
if ( address < 0xF000 ) {
index = ( address & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ;
} else {
index = ( ( address & 0x0FFF ) + 0x0200 ) / 4 ;
return index ;
inline uint32_t Reg : : CalAddress ( unsigned int index ) {
uint32_t actualAddress = 0xFFFF ;
this - > address = 0xFFFF ;
if ( index < 0x0200 / 4 ) { actualAddress = index * 4 + 0x8000 ; this - > address = index * 4 + 0x8000 ; }
if ( 0x0200 / 4 < = index & & index < 0x0300 / 4 ) { actualAddress = index * 4 + 0xEE00 ; this - > address = index * 4 + 0xEE00 ; } /// EE00 == F000 - 0200
if ( 0x0F00 / 4 < = index & & index < 0x1000 / 4 ) { actualAddress = index * 4 + 0xE000 ; this - > address = index * 4 + 0xE000 ; }
if ( 0x1000 / 4 < = index ) { actualAddress = index * 4 ; this - > address = ( index * 4 ) & 0xF0FF ; }
///for TriggerValidationMask
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 4 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 4 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 1
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 8 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 8 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 2
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 12 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 12 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 3
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 16 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 16 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 4
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 20 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 20 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 5
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 24 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 24 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 6
if ( index = = ( ( 0x8180 + 28 ) & 0x0FFF ) / 4 ) { actualAddress = 0x8180 + 28 ; address = 0x8180 ; } /// 7
return actualAddress ;
2023-04-19 13:41:43 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const Reg EventReadOutBuffer ( " EventReadOutBuffer " , 0x0000 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
///========== Channel or Group
const Reg ChannelDummy32 ( " ChannelDummy32 " , 0x1024 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InputDynamicRange ( " InputDynamicRange " , 0x1028 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelPulseWidth ( " ChannelPulseWidth " , 0x1070 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelTriggerThreshold ( " ChannelTriggerThreshold " , 0x1080 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg CoupleSelfTriggerLogic_G ( " CoupleSelfTriggerLogic_G " , 0x1084 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelStatus_R ( " ChannelStatus_R " , 0x1088 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg AMCFirmwareRevision_R ( " AMCFirmwareRevision_R " , 0x108C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ChannelDCOffset ( " ChannelDCOffset " , 0x1098 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelADCTemperature_R ( " ChannelADCTemperature_R " , 0x10A8 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ChannelSelfTriggerRateMeter_R ( " ChannelSelfTriggerRateMeter_R " , 0x10EC , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
///========== Board
const Reg BoardConfiguration ( " BoardConfiguration " , 0x8000 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg BufferOrganization ( " BufferOrganization " , 0x800C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg CustomSize ( " CustomSize " , 0x8020 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ADCCalibration_W ( " ADCCalibration_W " , 0x809C , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg AcquisitionControl ( " AcquisitionControl " , 0x8100 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg AcquisitionStatus_R ( " AcquisitionStatus_R " , 0x8104 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg SoftwareTrigger_W ( " SoftwareTrigger_W " , 0x8108 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg GlobalTriggerMask ( " GlobalTriggerMask " , 0x810C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask ( " FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask " , 0x8110 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg PostTrigger ( " PostTrigger " , 0x8114 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg LVDSIOData ( " LVDSIOData " , 0x8118 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FrontPanelIOControl ( " FrontPanelIOControl " , 0x811C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
2024-10-14 18:33:18 -04:00
const Reg RegChannelEnableMask ( " RegChannelEnableMask " , 0x8120 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const Reg ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R ( " ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R " , 0x8124 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg EventStored_R ( " EventStored_R " , 0x812C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg VoltageLevelModeConfig ( " VoltageLevelModeConfig " , 0x8138 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg SoftwareClockSync_W ( " SoftwareClockSync_W " , 0x813C , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg BoardInfo_R ( " BoardInfo_R " , 0x8140 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg AnalogMonitorMode ( " AnalogMonitorMode " , 0x8144 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg EventSize_R ( " EventSize_R " , 0x814C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg FanSpeedControl ( " FanSpeedControl " , 0x8168 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg MemoryBufferAlmostFullLevel ( " MemoryBufferAlmostFullLevel " , 0x816C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RunStartStopDelay ( " RunStartStopDelay " , 0x8170 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg BoardFailureStatus_R ( " BoardFailureStatus_R " , 0x8178 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures ( " FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures " , 0x81A0 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg BufferOccupancyGain ( " BufferOccupancyGain " , 0x81B4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelsShutdown_W ( " ChannelsShutdown_W " , 0x81C0 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg ExtendedVetoDelay ( " ExtendedVetoDelay " , 0x81C4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ReadoutControl ( " ReadoutControl " , 0xEF00 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ReadoutStatus_R ( " ReadoutStatus_R " , 0xEF04 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg BoardID ( " BoardID " , 0xEF08 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg MCSTBaseAddressAndControl ( " MCSTBaseAddressAndControl " , 0xEF0C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RelocationAddress ( " RelocationAddress " , 0xEF10 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InterruptStatusID ( " InterruptStatusID " , 0xEF14 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InterruptEventNumber ( " InterruptEventNumber " , 0xEF18 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer ( " MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer " , 0xEF1C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg Scratch ( " Scratch " , 0xEF20 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg SoftwareReset_W ( " SoftwareReset_W " , 0xEF24 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg SoftwareClear_W ( " SoftwareClear_W " , 0xEF28 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
///====== Common for PHA and PSD
namespace DPP {
namespace Bit_BoardConfig {
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
/// -------------------- shared with PHA, PSD, and QDC
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > AnalogProbe1 = { 2 , 12 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > RecordTrace = { 1 , 16 } ;
/// -------------------- shared with PHA and PSD
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableAutoDataFlush = { 1 , 0 } ; /// length, smallest pos
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TrigPropagation = { 1 , 2 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DualTrace = { 1 , 11 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableExtra2 = { 1 , 17 } ;
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
/// -------------------- PHA only
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DecimateTrace = { 1 , 1 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > AnalogProbe2 = { 2 , 14 } ;
2023-05-16 17:21:40 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DigiProbel1_PHA = { 4 , 20 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DigiProbel2_PHA = { 3 , 26 } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListAnaProbe1_PHA = { { " Input " , 0 } ,
{ " RC-CR " , 1 } ,
{ " RC-CR2 " , 2 } ,
{ " Trapezoid " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListAnaProbe2_PHA = { { " Input " , 0 } ,
{ " Threshold " , 1 } ,
{ " Trap. - Baseline " , 2 } ,
{ " Trap. Baseline " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDigiProbe1_PHA = { { " Peaking " , 0 } ,
{ " Armed " , 1 } ,
{ " Peak Run " , 2 } ,
{ " Pile Up " , 3 } ,
{ " peaking " , 4 } ,
{ " TRG Valid. Win " , 5 } ,
{ " Baseline Freeze " , 6 } ,
{ " TRG Holdoff " , 7 } ,
{ " TRG Valid. " , 8 } ,
{ " ACQ Busy " , 9 } ,
{ " Zero Cross " , 10 } ,
{ " Ext. TRG " , 11 } ,
{ " Budy " , 12 } } ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-05-05 18:18:09 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDigiProbe2_PHA = { { " Trigger " , 0 } } ;
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
///------------------------ PSD only
2023-05-16 17:21:40 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DigiProbel1_PSD = { 3 , 23 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DigiProbel2_PSD = { 3 , 26 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableDigiTrace_PSD = { 1 , 31 } ;
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListAnaProbe_PSD = { { " Input + N/A " , 0 } ,
{ " CFD + N/A " , 2 } ,
{ " Input + Baseline " , 1 } ,
{ " CFD + Baseline " , 3 } ,
{ " Input + CFD " , 5 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDigiProbe1_PSD = { { " Long gate " , 0 } ,
{ " Over Threshold " , 1 } ,
{ " Shaped TRG " , 2 } ,
{ " TRG Val. Accp. Win " , 3 } ,
{ " Pile Up " , 4 } ,
{ " Coincidence " , 5 } ,
{ " Trigger " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDigiProbe2_PSD = { { " Short Gate " , 0 } ,
{ " Over Threshold " , 1 } ,
{ " TRG Valid. " , 2 } ,
{ " TRG Holdoff " , 3 } ,
{ " Pile Up Trigger " , 4 } ,
{ " PSD cut high " , 5 } ,
{ " Baseline Freeze " , 6 } ,
{ " Trigger " , 7 } } ;
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
/// -------------------- QDC only
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ExtTriggerMode_QDC = { 2 , 20 } ;
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListExtTriggerMode_QDC = { { " Trigger " , 0 } ,
{ " Veto " , 1 } ,
{ " Anti-Veto " , 2 } } ;
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListAnaProbe_QDC = { { " Input " , 0 } ,
{ " Smoothed Input " , 1 } ,
{ " Baseline " , 2 } } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl_PHA {
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TrapRescaling = { 6 , 0 } ; /// length, smallest pos
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TraceDecimation = { 2 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TraceDeciGain = { 2 , 10 , } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > PeakMean = { 2 , 12 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > Polarity = { 1 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerMode = { 2 , 18 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > BaselineAvg = { 3 , 20 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableSelfTrigger = { 1 , 24 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableRollOverFlag = { 1 , 26 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnablePileUpFlag = { 1 , 27 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTraceDecimation = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " 2 samples " , 1 } ,
{ " 4 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 8 samples " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDecimationGain = { { " x1 " , 0 } ,
{ " x2 " , 1 } ,
{ " x4 " , 2 } ,
{ " x8 " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListPeakMean = { { " 1 sample " , 0 } ,
{ " 4 sample " , 1 } ,
{ " 16 sample " , 2 } ,
{ " 64 sample " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListPolarity = { { " Positive " , 0 } ,
{ " Negative " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigMode = { { " Independent " , 0 } ,
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
{ " Coincident " , 1 } ,
{ " Anti-Coincident " , 3 } } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListBaselineAvg = { { " Not Used " , 0 } ,
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
{ " 16 samples " , 1 } ,
{ " 64 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 256 samples " , 3 } ,
{ " 1024 samples " , 4 } ,
{ " 4096 samples " , 5 } ,
{ " 16384 samples " , 6 } } ;
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl_PSD {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChargeSensitivity = { 3 , 0 } ; /// length, smallest pos
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChargePedestal = { 1 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerCountOpt = { 1 , 5 , } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DiscriminationMode = { 1 , 6 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > PileupWithinGate = { 1 , 7 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > InternalTestPulse = { 1 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TestPulseRate = { 2 , 9 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > BaselineCal = { 1 , 15 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > Polarity = { 1 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerMode = { 2 , 18 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > BaselineAvg = { 3 , 20 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableSelfTrigger = { 1 , 24 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DiscardQLongSmallerQThreshold = { 1 , 25 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > RejectPileup = { 1 , 26 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnablePSDCutBelow = { 1 , 27 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnablePSDCutAbove = { 1 , 28 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > RejectOverRange = { 1 , 29 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableTriggerHysteresis = { 1 , 30 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableOppositePolarityInhibitZeroCrossingOnCFD = { 1 , 31 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListChargeSensitivity_2Vpp = { { " 5 fC " , 0 } ,
{ " 20 fC " , 1 } ,
{ " 80 fC " , 2 } ,
{ " 320 fC " , 3 } ,
{ " 1.28 pC " , 4 } ,
{ " 5.12 pC " , 5 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListChargeSensitivity_p5Vpp = { { " 1.25 fC " , 0 } ,
{ " 5 fC " , 1 } ,
{ " 20 fC " , 2 } ,
{ " 80 fC " , 3 } ,
{ " 320 fC " , 4 } ,
{ " 1.28 pC " , 5 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTestPulseRate_730 = { { " 1 kHz " , 0 } ,
{ " 10 kHz " , 1 } ,
{ " 100 kHz " , 2 } ,
{ " 1 MHz " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTestPulseRate_725 = { { " 500 Hz " , 0 } ,
{ " 5 kHz " , 1 } ,
{ " 500 kHz " , 2 } ,
{ " 500 kHz " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTriggerCountOpt = { { " Only accepted self-Trigger " , 0 } ,
{ " All self-trigger " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListDiscriminationMode = { { " Leading Edge " , 0 } ,
{ " Digital Const. Frac. " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListPolarity = { { " Positive " , 0 } ,
{ " Negative " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigMode = { { " Independent " , 0 } ,
{ " Coincident " , 1 } ,
{ " Anti-Coincident " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListBaselineAvg = { { " Fixed " , 0 } ,
{ " 16 samples " , 1 } ,
{ " 64 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 256 samples " , 3 } ,
{ " 1024 samples " , 4 } } ;
2023-06-20 16:18:02 -04:00
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl_QDC {
2023-04-26 16:39:54 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
2023-04-28 18:18:34 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_AcquistionControl {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > StartStopMode = { 2 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ACQStartArm = { 1 , 2 } ;
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TrigCountMode_QDC = { 1 , 3 } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > PLLRef = { 1 , 6 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSBusyEnable = { 1 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSVetoEnable = { 1 , 9 } ;
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSRunInMode = { 1 , 11 } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoTRGOut = { 1 , 12 } ;
2023-05-05 18:18:09 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListStartStopMode = { { " SW controlled " , 0 } ,
{ " S-IN/GPI controlled " , 1 } ,
2023-06-30 15:35:21 -04:00
{ " 1st TRG-IN " , 2 } ,
2023-05-05 18:18:09 -04:00
{ " LVDS controlled " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListACQStartArm = { { " ACQ STOP " , 0 } ,
{ " ACQ RUN " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListPLLRef = { { " Internal 50 MHz " , 0 } ,
{ " Ext. CLK-IN " , 1 } } ;
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigCountMode_QDC = { { " Comb. ch " , 0 } ,
{ " Comb. ch + TRG-IN + SW " , 1 } } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
2023-04-24 15:27:05 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_AcqStatus {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > AcqStatus = { 1 , 2 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EventReady = { 1 , 3 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EventFull = { 1 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ClockSource = { 1 , 5 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > PLLLock = { 1 , 7 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > BoardReady = { 1 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > SINStatus = { 1 , 15 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TRGINStatus = { 1 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChannelsDown = { 1 , 19 } ;
2023-04-25 17:04:46 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_ReadoutControl {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VMEInterruptLevel = { 3 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableOpticalLinkInpt = { 1 , 3 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableEventAligned = { 1 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VMEAlign64Mode = { 1 , 5 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VMEBaseAddressReclocated = { 1 , 6 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > InterrupReleaseMode = { 1 , 7 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableExtendedBlockTransfer = { 1 , 8 } ;
2023-04-25 17:04:46 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_GlobalTriggerMask {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > GroupedChMask = { 8 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > MajorCoinWin = { 4 , 20 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > MajorLevel = { 2 , 24 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSTrigger = { 1 , 29 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ExtTrigger = { 1 , 30 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > SWTrigger = { 1 , 31 } ;
2023-04-26 16:39:54 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_TRGOUTMask {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > GroupedChMask = { 8 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TRGOUTLogic = { 2 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > MajorLevel = { 3 , 10 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSTrigger = { 1 , 29 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ExtTrigger = { 1 , 30 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > SWTrigger = { 1 , 31 } ;
2023-04-26 16:39:54 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_FrontPanelIOControl {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LEMOLevel = { 1 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableTrgOut = { 1 , 1 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSDirection1 = { 1 , 2 } ; // [3:0]
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSDirection2 = { 1 , 3 } ; // [7:4]
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSDirection3 = { 1 , 4 } ; // [11:8]
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSDirection4 = { 1 , 5 } ; // [15:12]
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSConfiguration = { 2 , 6 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSNewFeature = { 1 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LVDSLatchMode = { 1 , 9 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TRGINMode = { 1 , 10 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TRGINMezzanine = { 1 , 11 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TRGOUTConfig = { 6 , 14 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > PatternConfig = { 2 , 21 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListLEMOLevel = { { " NIM I/O " , 0 } ,
{ " TTL I/O " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTRGIMode = { { " Edge of TRG-IN " , 0 } ,
2023-10-20 16:17:50 -04:00
{ " Whole duration of TRG-IN " , 1 } } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTRGIMezzanine = { { " Pocessed by Motherboard " , 0 } ,
{ " Skip Motherboard " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTRGOUTConfig = { { " Disable " , 0x00002 } , /// this is TRG_OUT high imped. 0x811C bit[1]
{ " force TRG-OUT is 0 " , 0x08000 } ,
{ " force TRG-OUT is 1 " , 0x0C000 } ,
{ " Trigger (Mask) " , 0x00000 } ,
{ " Channel Probe " , 0x20000 } ,
{ " S-IN " , 0x30000 } ,
{ " RUN " , 0x10000 } ,
{ " Sync Clock " , 0x50000 } ,
{ " Clock Phase " , 0x90000 } ,
{ " BUSY/UNLOCK " , 0xD0000 } } ;
2023-04-26 16:39:54 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace Bit_VetoWidth {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoWidth = { 16 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoStep = { 2 , 16 } ;
2023-04-28 18:18:34 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListVetoStep = { { " 16 ns (725), 8 ns (730) " , 0 } ,
{ " 4 ns (725), 2 ns (730) " , 1 } ,
{ " 1048 ns (725), 524 ns (730) " , 2 } ,
{ " 264 ns (725), 134 ns (730) " , 3 } } ;
const Reg RecordLength_G ( " RecordLength_G " , 0x1020 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , 0x3FFF , 8 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InputDynamicRange ( " InputDynamicRange " , 0x1028 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { { " 2 Vpp " , 0 } , { " 0.5 Vpp " , 1 } } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg NumberEventsPerAggregate_G ( " NumberEventsPerAggregate_G " , 0x1034 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , 0x3FF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg PreTrigger ( " PreTrigger " , 0x1038 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold ( " TriggerThreshold " , 0x106C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerHoldOffWidth ( " TriggerHoldOffWidth " , 0x1074 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg DPPAlgorithmControl ( " DPPAlgorithmControl " , 0x1080 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelStatus_R ( " ChannelStatus_R " , 0x1088 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg AMCFirmwareRevision_R ( " AMCFirmwareRevision_R " , 0x108C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ChannelDCOffset ( " ChannelDCOffset " , 0x1098 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ChannelADCTemperature_R ( " ChannelADCTemperature_R " , 0x10A8 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg IndividualSoftwareTrigger_W ( " IndividualSoftwareTrigger_W " , 0x10C0 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg VetoWidth ( " VetoWidth " , 0x10D4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
/// I know there are many duplication, it is the design.
const Reg BoardConfiguration ( " BoardConfiguration " , 0x8000 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg AggregateOrganization ( " AggregateOrganization " , 0x800C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { { " Not use " , 0x0 } ,
{ " Not use " , 0x1 } ,
{ " 4 " , 0x2 } ,
{ " 8 " , 0x3 } ,
{ " 16 " , 0x4 } ,
{ " 32 " , 0x5 } ,
{ " 64 " , 0x6 } ,
{ " 128 " , 0x7 } ,
{ " 256 " , 0x8 } ,
{ " 512 " , 0x9 } ,
{ " 1024 " , 0xA } } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ADCCalibration_W ( " ADCCalibration_W " , 0x809C , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg ChannelShutdown_W ( " ChannelShutdown_W " , 0x80BC , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { { " no shutdown " , 0 } , { " shutdown " , 1 } } ) ; /// W
const Reg AcquisitionControl ( " AcquisitionControl " , 0x8100 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg AcquisitionStatus_R ( " AcquisitionStatus_R " , 0x8104 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg SoftwareTrigger_W ( " SoftwareTrigger_W " , 0x8108 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg GlobalTriggerMask ( " GlobalTriggerMask " , 0x810C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask ( " FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask " , 0x8110 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg LVDSIOData ( " LVDSIOData " , 0x8118 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FrontPanelIOControl ( " FrontPanelIOControl " , 0x811C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const Reg RegChannelEnableMask ( " RegChannelEnableMask " , 0x8120 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const Reg ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R ( " ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R " , 0x8124 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg EventStored_R ( " EventStored_R " , 0x812C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg VoltageLevelModeConfig ( " VoltageLevelModeConfig " , 0x8138 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg SoftwareClockSync_W ( " SoftwareClockSync_W " , 0x813C , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg BoardInfo_R ( " BoardInfo_R " , 0x8140 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg AnalogMonitorMode ( " AnalogMonitorMode " , 0x8144 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { { " Trig. Maj. Mode " , 0 } ,
{ " Test mode " , 1 } ,
{ " Buffer occp. Mode " , 3 } ,
{ " Voltage Lvl Mode " , 4 } } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg EventSize_R ( " EventSize_R " , 0x814C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg TimeBombDowncounter_R ( " TimeBombDowncounter_R " , 0x8158 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg FanSpeedControl ( " FanSpeedControl " , 0x8168 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RunStartStopDelay ( " RunStartStopDelay " , 0x8170 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 8 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg BoardFailureStatus_R ( " BoardFailureStatus_R " , 0x8178 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg DisableExternalTrigger ( " DisableExternalTrigger " , 0x817C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures ( " FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures " , 0x81A0 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg BufferOccupancyGain ( " BufferOccupancyGain " , 0x81B4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ExtendedVetoDelay ( " ExtendedVetoDelay " , 0x81C4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ReadoutControl ( " ReadoutControl " , 0xEF00 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ReadoutStatus_R ( " ReadoutStatus_R " , 0xEF04 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg BoardID ( " BoardID " , 0xEF08 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg MCSTBaseAddressAndControl ( " MCSTBaseAddressAndControl " , 0xEF0C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RelocationAddress ( " RelocationAddress " , 0xEF10 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InterruptStatusID ( " InterruptStatusID " , 0xEF14 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg InterruptEventNumber ( " InterruptEventNumber " , 0xEF18 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer ( " MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer " , 0xEF1C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg Scratch ( " Scratch " , 0xEF20 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg SoftwareReset_W ( " SoftwareReset_W " , 0xEF24 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg SoftwareClear_W ( " SoftwareClear_W " , 0xEF28 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg ConfigurationReload_W ( " ConfigurationReload_W " , 0xEF34 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
const Reg ROMChecksum_R ( " ROMChecksum_R " , 0xF000 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMChecksumByte2_R ( " ROMChecksumByte2_R " , 0xF004 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMChecksumByte1_R ( " ROMChecksumByte1_R " , 0xF008 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMChecksumByte0_R ( " ROMChecksumByte0_R " , 0xF00C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMConstantByte2_R ( " ROMConstantByte2_R " , 0xF010 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMConstantByte1_R ( " ROMConstantByte1_R " , 0xF014 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROMConstantByte0_R ( " ROMConstantByte0_R " , 0xF018 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_C_Code_R ( " ROM_C_Code_R " , 0xF01C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_R_Code_R ( " ROM_R_Code_R " , 0xF020 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte2_R ( " ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte2_R " , 0xF024 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte1_R ( " ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte1_R " , 0xF028 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte0_R ( " ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte0_R " , 0xF02C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardVersion_R ( " ROM_BoardVersion_R " , 0xF030 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardFromFactor_R ( " ROM_BoardFromFactor_R " , 0xF034 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardIDByte1_R ( " ROM_BoardIDByte1_R " , 0xF038 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardIDByte0_R ( " ROM_BoardIDByte0_R " , 0xF03C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_PCB_rev_Byte3_R ( " ROM_PCB_rev_Byte3_R " , 0xF040 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_PCB_rev_Byte2_R ( " ROM_PCB_rev_Byte2_R " , 0xF044 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_PCB_rev_Byte1_R ( " ROM_PCB_rev_Byte1_R " , 0xF048 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_PCB_rev_Byte0_R ( " ROM_PCB_rev_Byte0_R " , 0xF04C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_FlashType_R ( " ROM_FlashType_R " , 0xF050 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardSerialNumByte1_R ( " ROM_BoardSerialNumByte1_R " , 0xF080 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_BoardSerialNumByte0_R ( " ROM_BoardSerialNumByte0_R " , 0xF084 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg ROM_VCXO_Type_R ( " ROM_VCXO_Type_R " , 0xF088 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R
const Reg TriggerValidationMask_G ( " TriggerValidationMask_G " , 0x8180 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , { } ) ; /// R/W,
2024-10-14 18:33:18 -04:00
//& Artifical Register that not in CAEN manual
const Reg DecimationFactor ( " Decimation Factor " , 0x8044 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x7 , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace PHA {
const Reg DataFlush_W ( " DataFlush_W " , 0x103C , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W not sure
const Reg ChannelStopAcquisition ( " ChannelStopAcquisition " , 0x1040 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { { " Run " , 0 } , { " Stop " , 1 } } ) ; /// R/W not sure
const Reg RCCR2SmoothingFactor ( " RCCR2SmoothingFactor " , 0x1054 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { { " Disabled " , 0x0 } ,
{ " 2 sample " , 0x1 } ,
{ " 4 sample " , 0x2 } ,
{ " 8 sample " , 0x4 } ,
{ " 16 sample " , 0x8 } ,
{ " 32 sample " , 0x10 } ,
{ " 64 sample " , 0x20 } ,
{ " 128 sample " , 0x3F }
} ) ; /// R/W Trigger Filter smoothing, triggerSmoothingFactor
const Reg InputRiseTime ( " InputRiseTime " , 0x1058 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg TrapezoidRiseTime ( " TrapezoidRiseTime " , 0x105C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg TrapezoidFlatTop ( " TrapezoidFlatTop " , 0x1060 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg PeakingTime ( " PeakingTime " , 0x1064 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg DecayTime ( " DecayTime " , 0x1068 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg TriggerThreshold ( " TriggerThreshold " , 0x106C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg RiseTimeValidationWindow ( " RiseTimeValidationWindow " , 0x1070 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 1 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg TriggerHoldOffWidth ( " TriggerHoldOffWidth " , 0x1074 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg PeakHoldOff ( " PeakHoldOff " , 0x1078 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg ShapedTriggerWidth ( " ShapedTriggerWidth " , 0x1084 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W not sure
const Reg DPPAlgorithmControl2_G ( " DPPAlgorithmControl2_G " , 0x10A0 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , { } ) ; /// R/W OK
const Reg FineGain ( " FineGain " , 0x10C4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W OK
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl2 {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LocalShapeTriggerMode = { 3 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LocalTrigValidMode = { 3 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > Extra2Option = { 3 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoSource = { 2 , 14 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerCounterFlag = { 2 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ActivebaselineCalulation = { 1 , 18 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TagCorrelatedEvents = { 1 , 19 } ;
2023-10-04 13:13:38 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChannelProbe = { 4 , 20 } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > EnableActiveBaselineRestoration = { 1 , 29 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListLocalShapeTrigMode = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " AND " , 4 } ,
{ " The even Channel " , 5 } ,
{ " The odd Channel " , 6 } ,
{ " OR " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListLocalTrigValidMode = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
2023-08-28 15:02:56 -04:00
{ " Crossed Trigger " , 4 } ,
{ " Both from Mother board " , 5 } ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
{ " AND " , 6 } ,
{ " OR " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListExtra2 = { { " Extended timeStamp + baseline * 4 " , 0 } ,
{ " Extended timeStamp + Fine timestamp " , 2 } ,
{ " Lost Trig. Count + Total Trig. Count " , 4 } ,
{ " Event Before 0-xing + After 0-xing " , 5 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListVetoSource = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " Common (Global Trig. Mask) " , 1 } ,
{ " Difference (Trig. Mask) " , 2 } ,
{ " Negative Saturation " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigCounter = { { " 1024 " , 0 } ,
{ " 128 " , 1 } ,
{ " 8192 " , 2 } } ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-10-04 13:13:38 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListChannelProbe = { { " Acq Armed " , 1 } ,
{ " Self-Trig " , 2 } ,
{ " Pile-Up " , 3 } ,
{ " Pile-Up / Self-Trig " , 4 } ,
{ " Veto " , 5 } ,
{ " Coincident " , 6 } ,
{ " Trig Valid. " , 7 } ,
{ " Trig Valid. Acq Windown " , 8 } ,
{ " Anti-coin. Event " , 9 } ,
{ " Discard no coin. Event " , 10 } ,
{ " Valid Event " , 11 } ,
{ " Not Valid Event " , 12 } } ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
namespace PSD {
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
const Reg CFDSetting ( " CFDSetting " , 0x103C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const Reg ForcedDataFlush_W ( " ForcedDataFlush_W " , 0x1040 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , { } ) ; /// W
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
const Reg ChargeZeroSuppressionThreshold ( " ChargeZeroSuppressionThreshold " , 0x1044 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ShortGateWidth ( " ShortGateWidth " , 0x1054 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg LongGateWidth ( " LongGateWidth " , 0x1058 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg GateOffset ( " GateOffset " , 0x105C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold ( " TriggerThreshold " , 0x1060 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg FixedBaseline ( " FixedBaseline " , 0x1064 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerLatency ( " TriggerLatency " , 0x106C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ShapedTriggerWidth ( " ShapedTriggerWidth " , 0x1070 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerHoldOffWidth ( " TriggerHoldOffWidth " , 0x1074 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg ThresholdForPSDCut ( " ThresholdForPSDCut " , 0x1078 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg PurGapThreshold ( " PurGapThreshold " , 0x107C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
const Reg DPPAlgorithmControl2_G ( " DPPAlgorithmControl2_G " , 0x1084 , RW : : ReadWrite , true , { } ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
const Reg EarlyBaselineFreeze ( " EarlyBaselineFreeze " , 0x10D8 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , 4 ) ; /// R/W
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
namespace Bit_CFDSetting {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > CFDDealy = { 8 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > CFDFraction = { 2 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > Interpolation = { 2 , 10 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListCFDFraction = { { " 25% " , 0 } ,
{ " 50% " , 1 } ,
{ " 75% " , 2 } ,
{ " 100% " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListItepolation = { { " sample before and after 0-Xing " , 0 } ,
{ " 2nd sample before and after 0-Xing " , 1 } ,
{ " 3rd sample before and after 0-Xing " , 2 } ,
{ " 4th sample before and after 0-Xing " , 3 } } ;
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl2 {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LocalShapeTriggerMode = { 3 , 0 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > LocalTrigValidMode = { 3 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ExtraWordOption = { 3 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > SmoothedChargeIntegration = { 5 , 11 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerCounterFlag = { 2 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoSource = { 2 , 18 } ;
2023-10-04 13:13:38 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChannelProbe = { 4 , 20 } ;
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > MarkSaturation = { 1 , 24 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > AdditionLocalTrigValid = { 2 , 25 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > VetoMode = { 1 , 27 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ResetTimestampByTRGIN = { 1 , 28 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListLocalShapeTrigMode = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " AND " , 4 } ,
{ " The even Channel " , 5 } ,
{ " The odd Channel " , 6 } ,
{ " OR " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListLocalTrigValidMode = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
2023-08-28 15:02:56 -04:00
{ " Crossed Trigger " , 4 } ,
{ " Both from Mother board " , 5 } ,
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
{ " AND " , 6 } ,
{ " OR " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListExtraWordOpt = { { " Extended timeStamp + baseline * 4 " , 0 } ,
{ " Extended timeStamp + Flag " , 1 } ,
{ " Extended timeStamp + Flag + Fine Time Stamp " , 2 } ,
{ " Lost Trig. Count + Total Trig. Count " , 4 } ,
{ " Positive 0-Xing + Negative 0-Xing " , 5 } ,
{ " Fixed value 0x12345678 " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListSmoothedChargeIntegration = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " 2 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 4 sample " , 4 } ,
{ " 8 sample " , 6 } ,
{ " 16 sample " , 8 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListVetoSource = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " Common (Global Trig. Mask) " , 1 } ,
{ " Difference (Trig. Mask) " , 2 } ,
{ " Negative Saturation " , 3 } } ;
2023-10-04 13:13:38 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListChannelProbe = { { " OverThreshold " , 1 } ,
{ " Self-Trig " , 2 } ,
{ " Pile-Up " , 3 } ,
{ " Pile-Up / Self-Trig " , 4 } ,
{ " Veto " , 5 } ,
{ " Coincident " , 6 } ,
{ " Trig Valid. " , 7 } ,
{ " Trig Valid. Acq Windown " , 8 } ,
{ " Neutron Pulse " , 9 } ,
{ " Gamma Pulse " , 10 } ,
{ " Neutron Pulse (gate end) " , 11 } ,
{ " Gamma Pulse (gate end) " , 12 } } ;
2023-05-09 12:16:08 -04:00
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigCounter = { { " 1024 " , 0 } ,
{ " 128 " , 1 } ,
{ " 8192 " , 2 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListAdditionLocalTrigValid = { { " No Addtional Opt. " , 0 } ,
{ " AND motherboard " , 1 } , // must be crossed
{ " OR motherboard " , 2 } } ; // must be crossed
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListVetoMode = { { " after charge integration " , 0 } ,
{ " inhibit self-trigger " , 1 } } ; // must be crossed
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
namespace QDC { // Register already grouped in channel. and there no control for indiviual channel except the Fine DC offset and threshold, so it is like no group
const Reg GateWidth ( " GateWidth " , 0x1030 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg GateOffset ( " GateOfset " , 0x1034 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-09 17:18:38 -04:00
const Reg FixedBaseline ( " FixedBaseline " , 0x1038 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const Reg PreTrigger ( " PreTrigger " , 0x103C , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg DPPAlgorithmControl ( " DPPAlgorithmControl " , 0x1040 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , { } ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerHoldOffWidth ( " Trigger Hold-off width " , 0x1074 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TRGOUTWidth ( " Trigger out width " , 0x1078 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-10 11:06:03 -04:00
//const Reg OverThresholdWidth ("Over Threshold width" , 0x107C, RW::ReadWrite, false, 0xFFFF, 1); /// R/W // need firmware version 4.25 & 135.17
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const Reg GroupStatus_R ( " Group Status " , 0x1088 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R/
const Reg AMCFirmwareRevision_R ( " AMC firmware version " , 0x108C , RW : : ReadONLY , false , { } ) ; /// R/
2023-10-09 17:18:38 -04:00
const Reg DCOffset ( " DC offset " , 0x1098 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-11 18:28:19 -04:00
const Reg SubChannelMask ( " SubChannel Mask " , 0x10A8 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-09 17:18:38 -04:00
const Reg DCOffset_LowCh ( " DC offset for low ch. " , 0x10C0 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFFFFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg DCOffset_HighCh ( " DC offset for high ch. " , 0x10C4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFFFFFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub0 ( " Trigger Threshold sub0 " , 0x10D0 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub1 ( " Trigger Threshold sub1 " , 0x10D4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub2 ( " Trigger Threshold sub2 " , 0x10D8 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub3 ( " Trigger Threshold sub3 " , 0x10DC , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub4 ( " Trigger Threshold sub4 " , 0x10E0 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub5 ( " Trigger Threshold sub5 " , 0x10E4 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub6 ( " Trigger Threshold sub6 " , 0x10E8 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg TriggerThreshold_sub7 ( " Trigger Threshold sub7 " , 0x10EC , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2023-10-04 18:03:42 -04:00
2023-10-19 14:29:28 -04:00
const Reg GroupEnableMask ( " Group Enable Mask " , 0x8120 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0xFF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
2024-03-19 18:36:49 -04:00
const Reg NumberEventsPerAggregate ( " Number of Events per Aggregate " , 0x8020 , RW : : ReadWrite , false , 0x3FF , - 1 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RecordLength_W ( " Record Length_W " , 0x8024 , RW : : WriteONLY , false , 0x1FFF , 8 ) ; /// R/W
const Reg RecordLength_R ( " Record Length_R " , 0x1024 , RW : : ReadONLY , false , 0x1FFF , 8 ) ; /// R/W
2024-03-19 16:13:44 -04:00
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
namespace Bit_DPPAlgorithmControl {
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChargeSensitivity = { 3 , 0 } ; /// length, smallest pos
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > InternalTestPulse = { 1 , 4 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TestPulseRate = { 2 , 5 } ;
2023-10-10 11:06:03 -04:00
//const std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> OverThresholdWitdhEnable = {1, 7}; ///need firmware version 4.25 & 135.17
2023-10-06 16:50:28 -04:00
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > ChargePedestal = { 1 , 8 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > InputSmoothingFactor = { 3 , 12 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > Polarity = { 1 , 16 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > TriggerMode = { 2 , 18 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > BaselineAvg = { 3 , 20 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableSelfTrigger = { 1 , 24 } ;
const std : : pair < unsigned short , unsigned short > DisableTriggerHysteresis = { 1 , 30 } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListChargeSensitivity = { { " 0.16 pC " , 0 } ,
{ " 0.32 pC " , 1 } ,
{ " 0.64 pC " , 2 } ,
{ " 1.28 pC " , 3 } ,
{ " 2.56 pC " , 4 } ,
{ " 5.12 pC " , 5 } ,
{ " 10.24 pC " , 6 } ,
{ " 20.48 pC " , 7 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTestPulseRate = { { " 1 kHz " , 0 } ,
{ " 10 kHz " , 1 } ,
{ " 100 kHz " , 2 } ,
{ " 1 MHz " , 3 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListInputSmoothingFactor = { { " Disabled " , 0 } ,
{ " 2 samples " , 1 } ,
{ " 4 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 8 samples " , 3 } ,
{ " 16 samples " , 4 } ,
{ " 32 samples " , 5 } ,
{ " 64 samples " , 6 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListPolarity = { { " Positive " , 0 } ,
{ " Negative " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListTrigMode = { { " Self-Trigger " , 0 } ,
{ " Coupled OR " , 1 } } ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , unsigned int > > ListBaselineAvg = { { " Fixed " , 0 } ,
{ " 4 samples " , 1 } ,
{ " 16 samples " , 2 } ,
{ " 64 samples " , 3 } } ;
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
} // end of DPP namepace Register
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const std : : vector < Reg > RegisterChannelList_PHA = {
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : RecordLength_G ,
DPP : : InputDynamicRange ,
DPP : : NumberEventsPerAggregate_G ,
DPP : : PreTrigger ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : PHA : : DataFlush_W ,
DPP : : PHA : : ChannelStopAcquisition ,
DPP : : PHA : : RCCR2SmoothingFactor ,
DPP : : PHA : : InputRiseTime ,
DPP : : PHA : : TrapezoidRiseTime ,
DPP : : PHA : : TrapezoidFlatTop ,
DPP : : PHA : : PeakingTime ,
DPP : : PHA : : DecayTime ,
DPP : : PHA : : TriggerThreshold ,
DPP : : PHA : : RiseTimeValidationWindow ,
DPP : : PHA : : TriggerHoldOffWidth ,
DPP : : PHA : : PeakHoldOff ,
DPP : : DPPAlgorithmControl ,
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : PHA : : ShapedTriggerWidth ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : ChannelStatus_R ,
DPP : : AMCFirmwareRevision_R ,
DPP : : ChannelDCOffset ,
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : PHA : : DPPAlgorithmControl2_G ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : ChannelADCTemperature_R ,
DPP : : IndividualSoftwareTrigger_W ,
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : PHA : : FineGain ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : VetoWidth ,
DPP : : TriggerValidationMask_G
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
} ;
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const std : : vector < Reg > RegisterChannelList_PSD = {
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : RecordLength_G ,
DPP : : InputDynamicRange ,
DPP : : NumberEventsPerAggregate_G ,
DPP : : PreTrigger ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : PSD : : CFDSetting ,
DPP : : PSD : : ForcedDataFlush_W ,
DPP : : PSD : : ChargeZeroSuppressionThreshold ,
DPP : : PSD : : ShortGateWidth ,
DPP : : PSD : : LongGateWidth ,
DPP : : PSD : : GateOffset ,
DPP : : PSD : : TriggerThreshold ,
DPP : : PSD : : FixedBaseline ,
DPP : : PSD : : TriggerLatency ,
DPP : : PSD : : ShapedTriggerWidth ,
DPP : : PSD : : TriggerHoldOffWidth ,
DPP : : PSD : : ThresholdForPSDCut ,
DPP : : PSD : : PurGapThreshold ,
DPP : : DPPAlgorithmControl ,
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : PSD : : DPPAlgorithmControl2_G ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : ChannelStatus_R ,
DPP : : AMCFirmwareRevision_R ,
DPP : : ChannelDCOffset ,
DPP : : ChannelADCTemperature_R ,
DPP : : IndividualSoftwareTrigger_W ,
DPP : : VetoWidth ,
2023-05-12 16:06:32 -04:00
DPP : : PSD : : EarlyBaselineFreeze ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : TriggerValidationMask_G
} ;
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const std : : vector < Reg > RegisterChannelList_QDC = {
2024-03-19 18:36:49 -04:00
// DPP::QDC::RecordLength,
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
DPP : : QDC : : GateWidth ,
DPP : : QDC : : GateOffset ,
DPP : : QDC : : FixedBaseline ,
DPP : : QDC : : PreTrigger ,
DPP : : QDC : : DPPAlgorithmControl ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerHoldOffWidth ,
DPP : : QDC : : TRGOUTWidth ,
2023-10-10 11:06:03 -04:00
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
DPP : : QDC : : GroupStatus_R ,
DPP : : QDC : : AMCFirmwareRevision_R ,
DPP : : QDC : : DCOffset ,
2023-10-10 11:06:03 -04:00
DPP : : QDC : : SubChannelMask ,
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
DPP : : QDC : : DCOffset_LowCh ,
DPP : : QDC : : DCOffset_HighCh ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub0 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub1 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub2 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub3 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub4 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub5 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub6 ,
DPP : : QDC : : TriggerThreshold_sub7
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
} ;
/// Only Board Setting
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const std : : vector < Reg > RegisterBoardList_PHAPSD = {
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : BoardConfiguration ,
DPP : : AggregateOrganization ,
DPP : : ADCCalibration_W ,
DPP : : ChannelShutdown_W ,
DPP : : AcquisitionControl ,
DPP : : AcquisitionStatus_R ,
DPP : : SoftwareTrigger_W ,
DPP : : GlobalTriggerMask ,
DPP : : FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask ,
DPP : : LVDSIOData ,
DPP : : FrontPanelIOControl ,
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
DPP : : RegChannelEnableMask ,
2023-05-01 16:20:16 -04:00
DPP : : ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R ,
DPP : : EventStored_R ,
DPP : : VoltageLevelModeConfig ,
DPP : : SoftwareClockSync_W ,
DPP : : BoardInfo_R ,
DPP : : AnalogMonitorMode ,
DPP : : EventSize_R ,
DPP : : TimeBombDowncounter_R ,
DPP : : FanSpeedControl ,
DPP : : RunStartStopDelay ,
DPP : : BoardFailureStatus_R ,
DPP : : DisableExternalTrigger ,
DPP : : FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures ,
DPP : : BufferOccupancyGain ,
DPP : : ExtendedVetoDelay ,
DPP : : ReadoutControl ,
DPP : : ReadoutStatus_R ,
DPP : : BoardID ,
DPP : : MCSTBaseAddressAndControl ,
DPP : : RelocationAddress ,
DPP : : InterruptStatusID ,
DPP : : InterruptEventNumber ,
DPP : : MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer ,
DPP : : Scratch ,
DPP : : SoftwareReset_W ,
DPP : : SoftwareClear_W ,
DPP : : ConfigurationReload_W ,
DPP : : ROMChecksum_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte2_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte2_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_C_Code_R ,
DPP : : ROM_R_Code_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte2_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardVersion_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardFromFactor_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardIDByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardIDByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte3_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte2_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_FlashType_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardSerialNumByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardSerialNumByte0_R ,
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
} ;
2023-10-09 13:12:48 -04:00
const std : : vector < Reg > RegisterBoardList_QDC = {
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
DPP : : BoardConfiguration ,
DPP : : AggregateOrganization ,
DPP : : QDC : : NumberEventsPerAggregate ,
2024-03-19 18:36:49 -04:00
DPP : : QDC : : RecordLength_W ,
DPP : : QDC : : RecordLength_R ,
2024-10-14 18:33:18 -04:00
DPP : : DecimationFactor ,
2023-10-05 12:26:17 -04:00
DPP : : AcquisitionControl ,
DPP : : AcquisitionStatus_R ,
DPP : : SoftwareTrigger_W ,
DPP : : GlobalTriggerMask ,
DPP : : FrontPanelTRGOUTEnableMask ,
DPP : : LVDSIOData ,
DPP : : FrontPanelIOControl ,
DPP : : QDC : : GroupEnableMask ,
DPP : : ROCFPGAFirmwareRevision_R ,
DPP : : VoltageLevelModeConfig ,
DPP : : SoftwareClockSync_W ,
DPP : : BoardInfo_R ,
DPP : : AnalogMonitorMode ,
DPP : : EventSize_R ,
DPP : : TimeBombDowncounter_R ,
DPP : : FanSpeedControl ,
DPP : : RunStartStopDelay ,
DPP : : BoardFailureStatus_R ,
DPP : : DisableExternalTrigger ,
DPP : : FrontPanelLVDSIONewFeatures ,
DPP : : BufferOccupancyGain ,
DPP : : ExtendedVetoDelay ,
DPP : : ReadoutControl ,
DPP : : ReadoutStatus_R ,
DPP : : BoardID ,
DPP : : MCSTBaseAddressAndControl ,
DPP : : RelocationAddress ,
DPP : : InterruptStatusID ,
DPP : : InterruptEventNumber ,
DPP : : MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer ,
DPP : : Scratch ,
DPP : : SoftwareReset_W ,
DPP : : SoftwareClear_W ,
DPP : : ConfigurationReload_W ,
DPP : : ROMChecksum_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte2_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROMChecksumByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte2_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROMConstantByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_C_Code_R ,
DPP : : ROM_R_Code_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte2_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_IEEE_OUI_Byte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardVersion_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardFromFactor_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardIDByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardIDByte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte3_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte2_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_PCB_rev_Byte0_R ,
DPP : : ROM_FlashType_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardSerialNumByte1_R ,
DPP : : ROM_BoardSerialNumByte0_R ,
} ;
2023-04-11 11:13:23 -04:00
# endif