separate out SplitPoleHit Class for easy reuse in other program

This commit is contained in:
splitPoleDAQ 2023-10-20 17:57:03 -04:00
parent 8a982a375f
commit f1e6034128
3 changed files with 257 additions and 225 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //atoi
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const double mp = 938.2720813; // MeV/c^2
@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ public:
void Print();
void ListShell();
string GetMassTabelPath() const{ return dataSource;}
void SetMassTablePath(string path) {dataSource = path;}
string GetMassTablePath() const{ return dataSource;}
void FindMassByAZ(int a, int z); // give mass, massError, BEA, Name, Symbol;

View File

@ -15,224 +15,8 @@
* >make
* ******************************************/
#include "SplitPoleHit.h"
#include "Analyser.h"
#include "Isotope.h"
#include <QRandomGenerator>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
// static double randZeroToOne() {
// return static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
// }
// // Box-Muller transform to generate random Gaussian numbers
// static double generateGaussian(double mean, double stddev) {
// static bool hasSpare = false;
// static double spare;
// if (hasSpare) {
// hasSpare = false;
// return mean + stddev * spare;
// } else {
// double u, v, s;
// do {
// u = 2.0 * randZeroToOne() - 1.0;
// v = 2.0 * randZeroToOne() - 1.0;
// s = u * u + v * v;
// } while (s >= 1.0 || s == 0.0);
// s = std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(s) / s);
// spare = v * s;
// hasSpare = true;
// return mean + stddev * u * s;
// }
// }
namespace SPS{
namespace ChMap{
const short ScinR = 0;
const short ScinL = 1;
const short dFR = 9;
const short dFL = 8;
const short dBR = 10;
const short dBL = 11;
const short Cathode = 7;
const short AnodeF = 13;
const short AnodeB = 15;
const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns
const double pi = M_PI;
const double deg2rad = pi/180.;
const double DISPERSION = 1.96; // x-position/rho
const double MAGNIFICATION = 0.39; // in x-position
class SplitPoleHit{
unsigned int eSR; unsigned long long tSR;
unsigned int eSL; unsigned long long tSL;
unsigned int eFR; unsigned long long tFR;
unsigned int eFL; unsigned long long tFL;
unsigned int eBR; unsigned long long tBR;
unsigned int eBL; unsigned long long tBL;
unsigned int eCath; unsigned long long tCath;
unsigned int eAF; unsigned long long tAF;
unsigned int eAB; unsigned long long tAB;
float eSAvg;
float x1, x2, theta;
float xAvg;
double GetQ0() const {return Q0;}
double GetRho0() const {return rho0;}
double GetZoffset() const {return zOffset;}
void CalConstants(QString targetStr, QString beamStr, QString recoilStr, double energyMeV, double angleDeg){
heavyRecoil.SetIso(target.A + beam.A - recoil.A, target.Z + beam.Z - recoil.Z);
angleDegree = angleDeg; // degree
beamKE = energyMeV; // MeV
Ei = target.Mass + beamKE + beam.Mass;
k1 = sqrt( 2*beam.Mass*beamKE + beamKE*beamKE);
cs = cos(angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad);
ma = recoil.Mass;
mb = heavyRecoil.Mass;
isConstantCal = true;
double CalRecoilMomentum(double Ex){
if( !isConstantCal ) return 0;
float p = Ei*Ei - k1*k1;
float q = ma*ma - (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex);
float x = k1* ( p + q) * cs;
float y = pow( p, 2) + pow(q, 2)- 2 * Ei * Ei * (ma* ma + (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex)) + 2 * k1 * k1 * (ma*ma * cos(2* angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad) + (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex));
float z = 2 * ( Ei*Ei - k1*k1 * cs * cs) ;
return (x + Ei * sqrt(y))/z;
double Momentum2Ex(double ka){
return sqrt( Ei*Ei - k1*k1 + ma*ma + 2 * cs * k1 * ka + sqrt(ma*ma + ka*ka));
double Rho2Ex(double rhoInM){
double ka = rhoInM * (target.Z * Bfield * SPS::c);
return Momentum2Ex(ka);
void CalZoffset(double magFieldinT){
Bfield = magFieldinT;
if( !isConstantCal ) return;
double recoilP = CalRecoilMomentum(0);
Q0 = target.Mass + beam.Mass - recoil.Mass - heavyRecoil.Mass;
double recoilKE = sqrt(ma*ma + recoilP* recoilP) - ma;
printf("Q value : %f \n", Q0);
printf("recoil enegry for ground state: %f MeV = %f MeV/c\n", recoilKE, recoilP);
rho0 = recoilP/(target.Z * Bfield * SPS::c); // in m
double haha = sqrt( ma * beam.Mass * beamKE / recoilKE );
double k = haha * sin(angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad) / ( ma + mb - haha * cs);
zOffset = -1000.0 * rho0 * k * SPS::DISPERSION * SPS::MAGNIFICATION;
printf("rho: %f m; z-offset: %f cm\n", rho0, zOffset);
void Clear(){
eSR = 0; tSR = 0;
eSL = 0; tSL = 0;
eFR = 0; tFR = 0;
eFL = 0; tFL = 0;
eBR = 0; tBR = 0;
eBL = 0; tBL = 0;
eCath = 0; tCath = 0;
eAF = 0; tAF = 0;
eAB = 0; tAB = 0;
eSAvg = -1;
x1 = NAN;
x2 = NAN;
theta = NAN;
xAvg = NAN;
isConstantCal = false;
void CalData(){
if( eSR > 0 && eSL > 0 ) eSAvg = (eSR + eSL)/2;
if( eSR > 0 && eSL == 0 ) eSAvg = eSR;
if( eSR == 0 && eSL > 0 ) eSAvg = eSL;
if( tFR > 0 && tFL > 0 ) x1 = (tFL - tFR)/2./2.1;
if( tBR > 0 && tBL > 0 ) x2 = (tBL - tBR)/2./1.98;
if( !std::isnan(x1) && !std::isnan(x2)) {
if( x2 > x1 ) {
theta = atan((x2-x1)/36.0);
}else if(x2 < x1){
theta = SPS::pi + atan((x2-x1)/36.0);
theta = SPS::pi * 0.5;
double w1 = 0.5 - zOffset/4.28625;
xAvg = w1 * x1 + (1-w1)* x2;
Isotope target;
Isotope beam;
Isotope recoil;
Isotope heavyRecoil;
double Bfield;
double angleDegree;
double beamKE;
double zOffset;
double Q0, rho0;
bool isConstantCal;
double Ei, k1, cs, ma, mb;
@ -261,7 +45,9 @@ public:
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbEnergy->value(), sbAngle->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbEnergy->value(), sbAngle->value());
@ -374,37 +160,49 @@ inline void SplitPole::SetUpCanvas(){
boxLayout->setColumnStretch(3, 2);
connect(leTarget, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
connect(leBeam, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
connect(leRecoil, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
connect(sbBfield, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
connect(sbAngle, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
connect(sbEnergy, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){
hit.CalConstants(leTarget->text(), leBeam->text(), leRecoil->text(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());
leRecoil->text().toStdString(), sbAngle->value(), sbEnergy->value());

analyzers/SplitPoleHit.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
#ifndef SPLITPOLEHit_H
#define SPLITPOLEHit_H
#include "Isotope.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
// static double randZeroToOne() {
// return static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
// }
// // Box-Muller transform to generate random Gaussian numbers
// static double generateGaussian(double mean, double stddev) {
// static bool hasSpare = false;
// static double spare;
// if (hasSpare) {
// hasSpare = false;
// return mean + stddev * spare;
// } else {
// double u, v, s;
// do {
// u = 2.0 * randZeroToOne() - 1.0;
// v = 2.0 * randZeroToOne() - 1.0;
// s = u * u + v * v;
// } while (s >= 1.0 || s == 0.0);
// s = std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(s) / s);
// spare = v * s;
// hasSpare = true;
// return mean + stddev * u * s;
// }
// }
namespace SPS{
namespace ChMap{
const short ScinR = 0;
const short ScinL = 1;
const short dFR = 9;
const short dFL = 8;
const short dBR = 10;
const short dBL = 11;
const short Cathode = 7;
const short AnodeF = 13;
const short AnodeB = 15;
const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns
const double pi = M_PI;
const double deg2rad = pi/180.;
const double DISPERSION = 1.96; // x-position/rho
const double MAGNIFICATION = 0.39; // in x-position
const double X1X2Separation = 36; // cm
class SplitPoleHit{
unsigned int eSR; unsigned long long tSR;
unsigned int eSL; unsigned long long tSL;
unsigned int eFR; unsigned long long tFR;
unsigned int eFL; unsigned long long tFL;
unsigned int eBR; unsigned long long tBR;
unsigned int eBL; unsigned long long tBL;
unsigned int eCath; unsigned long long tCath;
unsigned int eAF; unsigned long long tAF;
unsigned int eAB; unsigned long long tAB;
float eSAvg;
float x1, x2, theta;
float xAvg;
double GetQ0() const {return Q0;}
double GetRho0() const {return rho0;}
double GetZoffset() const {return zOffset;}
void SetMassTablePath(std::string path){
void CalConstants(std::string targetStr, std::string beamStr, std::string recoilStr, double energyMeV, double angleDeg){
heavyRecoil.SetIso(target.A + beam.A - recoil.A, target.Z + beam.Z - recoil.Z);
angleDegree = angleDeg; // degree
beamKE = energyMeV; // MeV
Ei = target.Mass + beamKE + beam.Mass;
k1 = sqrt( 2*beam.Mass*beamKE + beamKE*beamKE);
cs = cos(angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad);
ma = recoil.Mass;
mb = heavyRecoil.Mass;
isConstantCal = true;
double CalRecoilMomentum(double Ex){
if( !isConstantCal ) return 0;
float p = Ei*Ei - k1*k1;
float q = ma*ma - (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex);
float x = k1* ( p + q) * cs;
float y = pow( p, 2) + pow(q, 2)- 2 * Ei * Ei * (ma* ma + (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex)) + 2 * k1 * k1 * (ma*ma * cos(2* angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad) + (mb + Ex)*(mb + Ex));
float z = 2 * ( Ei*Ei - k1*k1 * cs * cs) ;
return (x + Ei * sqrt(y))/z;
double Momentum2Rho(double ka){
return ka / (recoil.Z * Bfield * SPS::c);
double Momentum2Ex(double ka){
return sqrt( Ei*Ei - k1*k1 + ma*ma + 2 * cs * k1 * ka - 2*Ei*sqrt(ma*ma + ka*ka)) - mb;
double Rho2Ex(double rhoInM){
double ka = rhoInM * (recoil.Z * Bfield * SPS::c);
return Momentum2Ex(ka);
void CalZoffset(double magFieldinT){
Bfield = magFieldinT;
if( !isConstantCal ) return;
double recoilP = CalRecoilMomentum(0);
Q0 = target.Mass + beam.Mass - recoil.Mass - heavyRecoil.Mass;
double recoilKE = sqrt(ma*ma + recoilP* recoilP) - ma;
printf("Q value : %f \n", Q0);
printf("recoil enegry for ground state: %f MeV = %f MeV/c\n", recoilKE, recoilP);
rho0 = recoilP/(recoil.Z * Bfield * SPS::c); // in m
double haha = sqrt( ma * beam.Mass * beamKE / recoilKE );
double k = haha * sin(angleDegree * SPS::deg2rad) / ( ma + mb - haha * cs);
zOffset = -100.0 * rho0 * k * SPS::DISPERSION * SPS::MAGNIFICATION;
printf("rho: %f m; z-offset: %f cm\n", rho0, zOffset);
void Clear(){
eSR = 0; tSR = 0;
eSL = 0; tSL = 0;
eFR = 0; tFR = 0;
eFL = 0; tFL = 0;
eBR = 0; tBR = 0;
eBL = 0; tBL = 0;
eCath = 0; tCath = 0;
eAF = 0; tAF = 0;
eAB = 0; tAB = 0;
eSAvg = -1;
x1 = NAN;
x2 = NAN;
theta = NAN;
xAvg = NAN;
isConstantCal = false;
void CalData(){
if( eSR > 0 && eSL > 0 ) eSAvg = (eSR + eSL)/2;
if( eSR > 0 && eSL == 0 ) eSAvg = eSR;
if( eSR == 0 && eSL > 0 ) eSAvg = eSL;
if( tFR > 0 && tFL > 0 ) x1 = (tFL - tFR)/2./2.1;
if( tBR > 0 && tBL > 0 ) x2 = (tBL - tBR)/2./1.98;
if( !std::isnan(x1) && !std::isnan(x2)) {
if( x2 > x1 ) {
theta = atan((x2-x1)/SPS::X1X2Separation);
}else if(x2 < x1){
theta = SPS::pi + atan((x2-x1)/SPS::X1X2Separation);
theta = SPS::pi * 0.5;
double w1 = 0.5 - zOffset/4.28625;
xAvg = w1 * x1 + (1-w1)* x2;
Isotope target;
Isotope beam;
Isotope recoil;
Isotope heavyRecoil;
double Bfield;
double angleDegree;
double beamKE;
double zOffset;
double Q0, rho0;
bool isConstantCal;
double Ei, k1, cs, ma, mb;