add folder frescoTools

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Tang 2025-02-27 13:15:56 -05:00
parent 195a916ee6
commit 5d8a8fac12
13 changed files with 11824 additions and 0 deletions

frecsoTools/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

frecsoTools/ClassIsotope.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
* This is ClassIsotope.h, To extract the isotope mass from nubase_4.mas20.txt
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Sept-6, 2024
* email:
* ********************************************************************/
#ifndef ISOTOPE_H
#define ISOTOPE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "constant.h" // amu
#include <stdlib.h> //atoi
#include <algorithm>
std::string massData="nubase_4.mas20.txt";
class Isotope {
int A, Z;
double Mass, MassError, BEA; // BEA in keV
short twoSpin; // 2*J
short parity;
std::string Name, Symbol; // Name = 6Li, Symbol = Li
std::string dataSource;
Isotope(){dataSource = massData;};
Isotope(int a, int z){ dataSource = massData; SetIso(a,z); };
Isotope(std::string name){ dataSource = massData; SetIsoByName(name); };
void SetMassTablePath(std::string path){ dataSource = path;}
void SetIso(int a, int z);
void SetIsoByName(std::string name);
double CalSp(int Np, int Nn); // this for the Np-proton, Nn-neutron removal
double CalSp2(int a, int z); // this is for (a,z) nucleus removal
double CalBeta(double T){
double Etot = Mass + T;
double gamma = 1 + T/Mass;
double beta = sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma / gamma ) ;
return beta;
void Print();
void ListShell();
void InvalidIso();
void BreakName(std::string nameStr);
void BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr);
void DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z);
void FindMassByAZ(int a, int z); // give mass, massError, BEA, Name, Symbol;
void FindMassByName(std::string name); // give Z, mass, massError, BEA;
int TwoJ(int nShell);
std::string Orbital(int nShell);
int magic(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 2; break;
case 1: return 8; break;
case 2: return 20; break;
case 3: return 28; break;
case 4: return 40; break;
case 5: return 50; break;
case 6: return 82; break;
case 7: return 128; break;
return 0;
int magicShellID(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 0; break;
case 1: return 2; break;
case 2: return 5; break;
case 3: return 6; break;
case 4: return 9; break;
case 5: return 10; break;
case 6: return 15; break;
case 7: return 21; break;
return 0;
int fileStartLine;
int fileEndLine;
int lineMass050_099;
int lineMass100_149;
int lineMass150_199;
int lineMass200_249;
int lineMass250;
int colA[2];
int colZ[2];
int colName[2];
int colMassExcess[2];
int colMassError[2];
int colSpin[2];
void setFileLinesAndCol(){
fileStartLine = 26;
fileEndLine = 5869;
lineMass050_099 = 638;
lineMass100_149 = 1718;
lineMass150_199 = 3123;
lineMass200_249 = 4591;
lineMass250 = 5495;
colA[0] = 0;
colA[1] = 3;
colZ[0] = 4;
colZ[1] = 8;
colName[0] = 11;
colName[1] = 16;
colMassExcess[0] = 18;
colMassExcess[1] = 31;
colMassError[0] = 31;
colMassError[1] = 42;
colSpin[0] = 88;
colSpin[1] = 97;
bool isFindOnce;
void Isotope::SetIso(int a, int z){
void Isotope::SetIsoByName(std::string name){
void Isotope::InvalidIso(){
this->BEA = std::nan("");
this->Mass = std::nan("");
this->MassError = std::nan("");
this->Symbol = "non";
this->Name = "non";
this->twoSpin = 0;
this->parity = 0;
void Isotope::BreakName(std::string nameStr){
std::string::size_type lastDigit = nameStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
this->Symbol = nameStr.substr(lastDigit + 1);
if (this->Symbol.length() == 1) {
this->Symbol += " ";
this->A = std::stoi(nameStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1));
void Isotope::BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr){
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), '('), jPiStr.end());
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), ')'), jPiStr.end());
std::string::size_type lastDigit = jPiStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = jPiStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
this->parity = (jPiStr.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
void Isotope::DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z){
double massExcess = atof((line.substr(colMassExcess[0],colMassExcess[1]-colMassExcess[0])).c_str());
Mass = massExcess/1000. + A * amu - Z * me;
MassError = atof((line.substr(colMassError[0],colMassError[1]-colMassError[0])).c_str()) / 1000.;
BEA = (Z * mp + (A-Z) * mn - Mass)/A *1000;
std::string str = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
Name = str;
if( this->Name == "1H" ) this->Name = "p";
if( this->Name == "2H" ) this->Name = "d";
if( this->Name == "3H" ) this->Name = "t";
if( this->Name == "4He" ) this->Name = "a";
str = line.substr(colSpin[0], colSpin[1]-colSpin[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '*'), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '#'), str.end());
std::string Jpi = str;
// printf("A %d Z: %d | %s | %f | %f |%s|\n", A, Z, Name.c_str(), massExcess, Mass, Jpi.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByAZ(int A, int Z){
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
this->A = A;
this->Z = Z;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
// printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
if ( A == list_A && Z * 10 == list_Z) {
DigestLine(line, A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByName(std::string name){
// done seperate the Mass number and the name
if( name == "n" ) {
this->Name = "1n";
this->BEA = 0;
this->Mass = mn;
this->MassError = 0;
this->Name = "n";
this->A = 1;
this->Z = 0;
this->twoSpin = 1;
this->parity = 1;
if( name == "p" ) name = "1H";
if( name == "d" ) name = "2H";
if( name == "t" ) name = "3H";
if( name == "a" ) name = "4He";
this->Name = name;
// find the nucleus in the data
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
//printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
std::string nameStr = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
nameStr.erase(remove(nameStr.begin(), nameStr.end(), ' '), nameStr.end());
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
// printf("A %d Z %d | %s \n", list_A, list_Z, nameStr.c_str());
if ( list_A == A && list_Z % 10 == 0 && Name == nameStr) {
Z = list_Z/10;
DigestLine(line, list_A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > this->A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
double Isotope::CalSp(int Np, int Nn){
Isotope nucleusD(A - Np - Nn, Z - Np);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + Nn*mn + Np*mp - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
double Isotope::CalSp2(int a, int z){
Isotope nucleusD(A - a , Z - z);
Isotope nucleusS(a,z);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) && !std::isnan(nucleusS.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + nucleusS.Mass - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
int Isotope::TwoJ(int nShell){
case 0: return 1; break; // 0s1/2
case 1: return 3; break; // 0p3/2
case 2: return 1; break; // 0p1/2 -- 8
case 3: return 5; break; // 0d5/2
case 4: return 1; break; // 1s1/2
case 5: return 3; break; // 0d3/2 -- 20
case 6: return 7; break; // 0f7/2 -- 28
case 7: return 3; break; // 1p3/2
case 8: return 1; break; // 1p1/2
case 9: return 5; break; // 0f5/2 -- 40
case 10: return 9; break; // 0g9/2 -- 50
case 11: return 7; break; // 0g7/2
case 12: return 5; break; // 1d5/2
case 13: return 11; break; // 0h11/2
case 14: return 3; break; // 1d3/2
case 15: return 1; break; // 2s1/2 -- 82
case 16: return 9; break; // 0h9/2
case 17: return 7; break; // 1f7/2
case 18: return 13; break; // 0i13/2
case 19: return 3; break; // 2p3/2
case 20: return 5; break; // 1f5/2
case 21: return 1; break; // 1p1/2 -- 126
case 22: return 9; break; // 1g9/2
case 23: return 11; break; // 0i11/2
case 24: return 15; break; // 0j15/2
case 25: return 5; break; // 2d5/2
case 26: return 1; break; // 3s1/2
case 27: return 3; break; // 2d3/2
case 28: return 7; break; // 1g7/2
return 0;
std::string Isotope::Orbital(int nShell){
case 0: return "0s1 "; break; //
case 1: return "0p3 "; break; //
case 2: return "0p1 "; break; //-- 8
case 3: return "0d5 "; break; //
case 4: return "1s1 "; break; //
case 5: return "0d3 "; break; //-- 20
case 6: return "0f7 "; break; //-- 28
case 7: return "1p3 "; break; //
case 8: return "1p1 "; break; //
case 9: return "0f5 "; break; //-- 40
case 10: return "0g9 "; break; //-- 50
case 11: return "0g7 "; break; //
case 12: return "1d5 "; break; //
case 13: return "0h11"; break; //
case 14: return "1d3 "; break; //
case 15: return "2s1 "; break; //-- 82
case 16: return "0h9 "; break; //
case 17: return "1f7 "; break; //
case 18: return "0i13"; break; //
case 19: return "2p3 "; break; //
case 20: return "1f5 "; break; //
case 21: return "1p1 "; break; //-- 126
case 22: return "1g9 "; break; //
case 23: return "0i11"; break; //
case 24: return "0j15"; break; //
case 25: return "2d5 "; break; //
case 26: return "3s1 "; break; //
case 27: return "2d3 "; break; //
case 28: return "1g7 "; break; //
return "nan";
void Isotope::ListShell(){
if( Mass < 0 ) return;
int n = A-Z;
int p = Z;
int k = std::min(n,p);
int nMagic = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
if( magic(i) < k && k <= magic(i+1) ){
nMagic = i;
int coreShell = magicShellID(nMagic-1);
int coreZ1 = magic(nMagic-1);
int coreZ2 = magic(nMagic);
Isotope core1( 2*coreZ1, coreZ1);
Isotope core2( 2*coreZ2, coreZ2);
printf("------------------ Core:%3s, inner Core:%3s \n", (core2.Name).c_str(), (core1.Name).c_str());
printf(" || ");
int t = std::max(n,p);
int nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
t = t - occ;
}while( t > 0 && nShell < 29);
for( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){
if (nShell < 28) {
printf("%4s,", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
}else if( nShell == 28 ) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
nShell ++;
if (nShell < 29) printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
printf(" Z = %3d || ", p);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell ){
if( p > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", p);
p = p - occ;
}while( p > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf(" N = %3d || ", n);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if ( nShell > coreShell ){
if( n > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", n);
n = n - occ;
}while( n > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf("------------------ \n");
void Isotope::Print(){
if (Mass > 0){
printf(" using mass data : %s \n", dataSource.c_str());
std::string jPiStr = "";
if( twoSpin % 2 == 0) {
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin/2).c_str();
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin) + "/2";
printf(" mass of \e[47m\e[31m%s\e[m nucleus (Z,A)=(%3d,%3d) is \e[47m\e[31m%12.5f\e[m MeV, J-pi \e[31m%s%s\e[m\n",
parity == 1 ? "+" : "-");
printf(" total BE : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA*A/1000.);
printf(" total BE/A : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA/1000.);
printf(" mass in amu : %12.5f u\n",Mass/amu);
printf(" mass excess : %12.5f MeV +- %12.5f\n", Mass + Z*0.510998950 - A*amu, MassError);
printf("-------------- Seperation energy \n");
printf(" S1p: %8.4f| S1n: %8.4f| S(2H ): %8.4f| S1p1n : %8.4f\n", CalSp(1, 0), CalSp(0, 1), CalSp2(2, 1), CalSp(1, 1));
printf(" S2p: %8.4f| S2n: %8.4f| S(3He): %8.4f| S(3H) : %8.4f\n", CalSp(2, 0), CalSp(0, 2), CalSp2(3, 2), CalSp2(3, 1));
printf(" S3p: %8.4f| S3n: %8.4f| S(4He): %8.4f|\n", CalSp(3, 0), CalSp(0, 3), CalSp2(4, 2));
printf(" S4p: %8.4f| S4n: %8.4f| \n", CalSp(4, 0), CalSp(0, 4));
printf("Error %6.0f, no nucleus with (Z,A) = (%3d,%3d). \n", Mass, Z, A);

frecsoTools/FRESCO Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#reaction gs-spin orbital spin-pi(Ex) Ex ELab Potentials extra
#16O(d,d)16O 0 none none 0.000 8MeV/u AA #elastic
#16O(d,d)16O 0 none 2+ 6.000 8MeV/u AA 1.3 #inelastic, delta_2
60Ni(p,p)60Ni 0 none none 0.000 30MeV/u KK #elastic

frecsoTools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# To run Fresco,
./fresco < infile > outfile
I have fresco in other folder, I set the PATH to include the execute of fresco
## Elastic scattering
60Ni(p,p)60Ni@30.00 MeV/u Elastic
&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60
jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001
thmin=0.0 thmax=180.0 thinc=1.0
chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1
elab=30.0 /
&PARTITION namep='p' massp=1.00 zp=1 namet='60Ni' masst=60 zt=28 qval=0.000 nex=1 /
&STATES jp=0.5 ptyp=1 ep=0.000 jt=0.0 ptyt=1 et=0.000 cpot=1/
&partition /
&POT kp=1 ap=0 at=60 rc=1.258 /
&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=47.937 p2=1.20 p3=0.669 p4=2.853 p5=1.20 p6=0.669 /
&POT kp=1 type=2 p1=0.0 p2=1.20 p3=0.669 p4=6.878 p5=1.28 p6=0.550 /
&POT kp=1 type=3 p1=5.250 p2=1.02 p3=0.590 p4=-0.162 p5=1.02 p6=0.590 /
&pot /
&overlap /
&coupling /
In the first line of &POT, ap and at are used to calculate the radius. use ap = 0 to match Ptolemy r0target for zero-range approximation, all potential inputs are same as Ptolemy
in &POT, type=1 WS, type=2 surface, type=3 SO.

frecsoTools/constant.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* This is constant.h, to provide various physical constants.
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018
* email:
* ********************************************************************/
#ifndef constant
#define constant
#include <cmath>
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const double E = 2.718281828459 ;
const double hbar_SI = 1.054571628e-34; //Js
const double kB = 1.3806504e-23; //JK^-1
const double e = 1.602176487e-19; //C
const double c_SI = 299792458; //ms^-1
const double me_SI = 9.10938215e-31 ; //kg
const double mp_SI = 1.672621637e-27 ; //kg
const double mn_SI = 1.67492729e-27 ; //kg
const double NA = 6.022141e+23 ; //mol^-1
const double deg2rad = pi/180 ;
const double rad2deg = 180/pi ;
const double amu = 931.49410372; // MeV/c^2
const double hbarc = 197.326979; // MeV fm;
const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns;
const double ee = 1.439964454; //
double kg2MeV(double m){
return m*c_SI*c_SI/e/1e6;
double T2Brho(double mass, int Z, int A, double T){
//mass in MeV
// Z in e
// T in MeV/A
double gamma = (T*A + mass)/mass;
double beta = sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma);
return mass*beta*gamma/Z/c;
double Brho2T(double mass, int Z, int A, double Brho){
//mass in MeV
// Z in e
return (sqrt(pow(Brho*Z*c,2)+mass*mass)-mass)/A;
double T2beta(double mass, int A, double T){
double gamma = 1.0 + T*A/mass;
return sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma);
double ev2nm(double eV){
// photon energy to nm
return hbarc/2/pi/eV;
const double mp = kg2MeV(mp_SI);
const double mn = kg2MeV(mn_SI);
const double me = kg2MeV(me_SI);
const double hbar = 197.326979;

frecsoTools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
s = float(sys.argv[1])
filename = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Error: Not enough arguments provided.")
print("Usage: ./{sys.argv[0]} spin filename")
import numpy as np
import re
import numpy as np
def extract_s_matrix_data(filename):
pattern = r"S-matrix\s+\d+\s*=\s*([\-\d\.]+)\s+([\-\d\.]+)\s+for\s+L=\s*(\d+),\s+J=\s*([\d\.]+)"
# List to store results
results = []
# Variables to track the first and last "S-matrix" line
start_line = None
end_line = None
# Read the file and process line by line
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if "S-matrix" in line:
# Track the first and last occurrence of "S-matrix"
if start_line is None:
start_line = i
end_line = i # Keep updating to the latest occurrence
# Extract S-matrix data if the line matches the pattern
match =, line)
if match:
real_part = float(
imag_part = float(
l_value = int(
j_value = float(
# Form a tuple and append to results
results.append([real_part, imag_part, l_value, j_value])
print(f"First 'S-matrix' at line: {start_line + 1}")
print(f"Last 'S-matrix' at line: {end_line + 1}")
return results
def remove_duplicates(data):
# Sort data by L-value, then J-value
data.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[3])) # Sort by L (index 2), then J (index 3)
# Create a new list to store unique elements
unique_data = []
# Iterate over the data to remove duplicates
for i, item in enumerate(data):
# Add the first item or if the current item is not equal to the last added
if i == 0 or item != data[i - 1]:
return unique_data
def group_data_by_s(data, s):
# Initialize a dictionary for each group corresponding to J = L - s, ..., L + s
groups = {J: [] for J in np.arange(-s, s+1, 1.0)} # Group indices from -s to s
# Iterate over the data and assign to the appropriate groups
for entry in data:
real_part, imaginary_part, L, J = entry
# Check if J matches any value in the range L-s to L+s
for offset in np.arange(-s, s+1, 1.0): # offset from -s to s, step 1
if round(J, 1) == round(L + offset, 1):
for key in groups:
groups[key].sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
# Find the maximum L in each group
max_L_in_groups = {key: max(entry[2] for entry in value) for key, value in groups.items()}
# Find the smallest maximum L across all groups
smallest_max_L = min(max_L_in_groups.values())
return groups, smallest_max_L
SMdata = extract_s_matrix_data(filename)
SMdata = remove_duplicates(SMdata)
grouped_SMdata, smallest_max_L = group_data_by_s(SMdata, s)
#Mathematica input
for i in range(smallest_max_L + 1):
print("{", end='')
# Create a list to collect the formatted entries for each line
line_entries = []
for j_value, entries in grouped_SMdata.items():
for entry in entries:
real_part, imaginary_part, L, J = entry
if i == int(L):
# Format each entry and append it to the list
line_entries.append(f"{{{L:2d}, {J:4.1f}, {real_part:9.6f}+{imaginary_part:9.6f} I}}")
# Print the joined line without the trailing comma
print(", ".join(line_entries), end='')
# Define the function to extract Ruth ratio from the file
def extract_angle_and_ratio(filename):
angles = []
ratios = []
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
# Read all lines from the file
lines = file.readlines()
# Find the start and end line numbers
start_line = None
end_line = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
start_line = i + 1 # Start reading after this line
elif "Finished all xsecs" in line:
end_line = i
break # Stop once the end line is found
# If start or end line not found, return empty lists
if start_line is None or end_line is None:
print("Start or end marker not found in the file.")
return angles, ratios
# Iterate over the identified range
for line in lines[start_line:end_line]:
line = line.strip()
# Look for the lines containing "deg."
if "deg.:" in line:
# Extract the angle
angle = float(line.split("deg.:")[0].strip())
# Look for the lines containing "/R ="
elif "/R =" in line:
# Extract the /R value
ratio = float(line.split("/R =")[1].strip())
return angles, ratios
# Example usage
angles, ratios = extract_angle_and_ratio(filename)
# Print or save the results
print("### Differential cross section :")
for angle, ratio in zip(angles, ratios):
if angle % 5 == 0 :
print(f"{angle:8.1f}, {ratio:8.4f}")
print(f"{angles[-1]:8.1f}, {ratios[-1]:8.4f}")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_SM(groups):
# Determine the number of groups
num_groups = len(groups)
# Create subplots (rows, columns) based on number of groups
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_groups, figsize=(6 * num_groups,4))
# If there's only one group, axes will not be a list, so make it iterable
if num_groups == 1:
axes = [axes]
# Create a plot for each group
for i, (offset, entries) in enumerate(groups.items()):
# Extract real and imaginary parts, and L values
real_parts = [entry[0] for entry in entries]
imaginary_parts = [entry[1] for entry in entries]
L_values = [entry[2] for entry in entries]
# Plot real part vs L
axes[i].plot(L_values, real_parts, label=f'Re', marker='o')
# Plot imaginary part vs L
axes[i].plot(L_values, imaginary_parts, label=f'Im', marker='x')
# Adding labels and title
axes[i].set_title(f'Real and Imaginary Parts vs L for Group {offset:+.1f}')
# Add grid lines
axes[i].set_xlim(-1, max(L_values)+1)
axes[i].set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
axes[i].set_xticks(np.arange(0, max(L_values)+3, 5)) # Set x-ticks from 0 to 20 with step 5
# Show the legend
# Adjust layout to prevent overlapping subplots
return fig
def plot_Ruth(angles, ratios):
# Plot the data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(angles, ratios, linestyle='-', color='b', label='/R values')
plt.xscale('linear') # Linear scale for angles
plt.yscale('log') # Logarithmic scale for /R values
# Add labels, title, and legend
plt.xlabel('CM Angle (degrees)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('d.c.s/Ruth', fontsize=12)
plt.grid(which='both', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
plt.xlim(-5, 185)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 181, 20))
# Show the plot
return fig
fig1 = plot_SM(grouped_SMdata)
fig2 = plot_Ruth(angles, ratios)
input("Press Enter to exit.")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include "ClassIsotope.h" // for geting Z
#include "potentials.h"
#define RED "\033[31m"
#define GREEN "\033[32m"
#define BLUE "\033[34m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"
int GetLValue(std::string spdf){
if( spdf == "s" ) return 0;
if( spdf == "p" ) return 1;
if( spdf == "d" ) return 2;
if( spdf == "f" ) return 3;
if( spdf == "g" ) return 4;
if( spdf == "h" ) return 5;
if( spdf == "i" ) return 6;
if( spdf == "j" ) return 7;
return -1;
FILE * file_out = nullptr;
std::vector<std::string> SplitStr(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){
std::vector<std::string> output;
size_t pos;
pos = tempLine.find(splitter); /// fine splitter
if( pos == 0 ){ ///check if it is splitter again
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1);
std::string secStr;
if( pos == std::string::npos ){
secStr = tempLine;
secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift);
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift);
///check if secStr is begin with space
while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " ") secStr = secStr.substr(1);
///check if secStr is end with space
while( secStr.back() == ' ') secStr = secStr.substr(0, secStr.size()-1);
///printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str());
}while(pos != std::string::npos );
return output;
std::vector<std::string> Breakdown_AabB( std::string reactStr ){
std::vector<std::string> str1 = SplitStr(reactStr, "(", 0);
std::vector<std::string> str2 = SplitStr(str1[1], ")", 1);
std::vector<std::string> str3 = SplitStr(str2[0], ",", 0);
std::vector<std::string> output;
output.push_back ( str1[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[1] );
output.push_back ( str2[1] );
return output;
float GetTotalEnergy( std::string ELabStr, float beamA ){
//get Beam energy, distingusih MeV or MeV/u
int pos = ELabStr.length() - 1;
for( int i = pos; i >= 0 ; i--){
if( isdigit(ELabStr[i]) ) {
pos = i;
std::string unit = ELabStr.substr(pos+1);
int factor = 1;
if( unit == "MeV/u") factor = beamA;
return atof(ELabStr.substr(0, pos+1).c_str()) * factor;
int InFileCreator(std::string readFile, std::string infile, double angMin, double angMax, double angStep) {
//================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction
std::ifstream file_in;, std::ios::in);
if( !file_in ){
printf(" cannot read file. \n");
return 0 ;
printf("Save to infile : %s \n", infile.c_str());
file_out = fopen (infile.c_str(), "w+");
printf("Angle setting (%5.2f, %5.2f) deg | Step : %5.2f deg\n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
//^============================== extract reaction line by line
int numOfReaction = 0;
while( file_in.good() ) {
std::string tempLine;
std::getline(file_in, tempLine );
if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue;
if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue;
//split line using space
std::vector<std::string> strList = SplitStr(tempLine, " ");
if ( strList.size() == 0 ) continue;
printf(" %s\n", tempLine.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> AabB = Breakdown_AabB( strList[0] );
if( AabB.size() != 4 ) {
printf(" %sUnable to do 3-body reactions.%s\n", RED, RESET);
Isotope iso_A(AabB[0]);
Isotope iso_a(AabB[1]);
Isotope iso_b(AabB[2]);
Isotope iso_B(AabB[3]);
float spin_A = atof(strList[1].c_str());
short twoSpin = 0, parity = 0;
if( strList[3] != "none"){ /// extrac spin and parity
std::string Jpi = strList[3];
std::string::size_type lastDigit = Jpi.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = Jpi.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
parity = (Jpi.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
float Ex = atof(strList[4].c_str());
float totalEnergy = GetTotalEnergy(strList[5], iso_a.A );
float extra = 0;
if( strList.size() == 8 ){
extra = atof( strList[7].c_str() );
// printf(" Ex : %.2f, totalEnergy : %.2f \n", Ex, totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "##############################################\n");
//^===================================== elastics + inelastics
if( iso_a.Mass == iso_b.Mass ) {
if( Ex == 0.0 ){
printf("=========== elatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Elastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
printf("=========== inelatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=2 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.3f cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the volume, deformation length delta_2 = 1.3 fm
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=2 p1= 0.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=6.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // surface, d(Woods-Saxon)/dr (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the suface
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== single neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 1 ){
printf("=========== single nucleon transfer \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " rintp=0.2 hnl=0.1 rnl=5.00 centre=0.0 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " iter=1 nnu=36 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
float QValue = iso_a.Mass + iso_A.Mass - iso_b.Mass - iso_B.Mass - Ex;
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=%.3f nex=1 /\n", iso_b.Name.c_str(), iso_b.Mass/amu, iso_b.Z, iso_B.Name.c_str(), iso_B.Mass/amu, iso_B.Z, QValue);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.2f cpot=1 /\n", iso_b.twoSpin/2., iso_b.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
//*================ a + A
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ b + B
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_b.A, iso_B.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ a
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=1 p1=50.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=3 p1= 6.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // S-O, projectile (V0, r0, a0)
//*================ a - N
//*================ A + (a-N)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== two neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 2 ){
fprintf(file_out, "#>>>>>############################################# End of File\n");
return 0;

frecsoTools/makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
CC = g++
CFLAG = -g -O0
depend = ClassIsotope.h constant.h potentials.h
ALL = test
all: $(ALL)
test: inFileCreator.cpp $(depend)
$(CC) $(CFLAG) test.cpp -o test
/bin/rm -f $(ALL)

frecsoTools/mass20.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

frecsoTools/potentials.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

frecsoTools/script.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "ClassIsotope.h"
void script(){
Isotope haha("10B");

frecsoTools/test.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "inFileCreator.cpp"
int main(){
InFileCreator("FRESCO", "", 0, 180, 1);
return 0;