add folder frescoTools
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
* This is ClassIsotope.h, To extract the isotope mass from nubase_4.mas20.txt
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Sept-6, 2024
* email:
* ********************************************************************/
#ifndef ISOTOPE_H
#define ISOTOPE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "constant.h" // amu
#include <stdlib.h> //atoi
#include <algorithm>
std::string massData="nubase_4.mas20.txt";
class Isotope {
int A, Z;
double Mass, MassError, BEA; // BEA in keV
short twoSpin; // 2*J
short parity;
std::string Name, Symbol; // Name = 6Li, Symbol = Li
std::string dataSource;
Isotope(){dataSource = massData;};
Isotope(int a, int z){ dataSource = massData; SetIso(a,z); };
Isotope(std::string name){ dataSource = massData; SetIsoByName(name); };
void SetMassTablePath(std::string path){ dataSource = path;}
void SetIso(int a, int z);
void SetIsoByName(std::string name);
double CalSp(int Np, int Nn); // this for the Np-proton, Nn-neutron removal
double CalSp2(int a, int z); // this is for (a,z) nucleus removal
double CalBeta(double T){
double Etot = Mass + T;
double gamma = 1 + T/Mass;
double beta = sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma / gamma ) ;
return beta;
void Print();
void ListShell();
void InvalidIso();
void BreakName(std::string nameStr);
void BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr);
void DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z);
void FindMassByAZ(int a, int z); // give mass, massError, BEA, Name, Symbol;
void FindMassByName(std::string name); // give Z, mass, massError, BEA;
int TwoJ(int nShell);
std::string Orbital(int nShell);
int magic(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 2; break;
case 1: return 8; break;
case 2: return 20; break;
case 3: return 28; break;
case 4: return 40; break;
case 5: return 50; break;
case 6: return 82; break;
case 7: return 128; break;
return 0;
int magicShellID(int i){
switch (i){
case 0: return 0; break;
case 1: return 2; break;
case 2: return 5; break;
case 3: return 6; break;
case 4: return 9; break;
case 5: return 10; break;
case 6: return 15; break;
case 7: return 21; break;
return 0;
int fileStartLine;
int fileEndLine;
int lineMass050_099;
int lineMass100_149;
int lineMass150_199;
int lineMass200_249;
int lineMass250;
int colA[2];
int colZ[2];
int colName[2];
int colMassExcess[2];
int colMassError[2];
int colSpin[2];
void setFileLinesAndCol(){
fileStartLine = 26;
fileEndLine = 5869;
lineMass050_099 = 638;
lineMass100_149 = 1718;
lineMass150_199 = 3123;
lineMass200_249 = 4591;
lineMass250 = 5495;
colA[0] = 0;
colA[1] = 3;
colZ[0] = 4;
colZ[1] = 8;
colName[0] = 11;
colName[1] = 16;
colMassExcess[0] = 18;
colMassExcess[1] = 31;
colMassError[0] = 31;
colMassError[1] = 42;
colSpin[0] = 88;
colSpin[1] = 97;
bool isFindOnce;
void Isotope::SetIso(int a, int z){
void Isotope::SetIsoByName(std::string name){
void Isotope::InvalidIso(){
this->BEA = std::nan("");
this->Mass = std::nan("");
this->MassError = std::nan("");
this->Symbol = "non";
this->Name = "non";
this->twoSpin = 0;
this->parity = 0;
void Isotope::BreakName(std::string nameStr){
std::string::size_type lastDigit = nameStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
this->Symbol = nameStr.substr(lastDigit + 1);
if (this->Symbol.length() == 1) {
this->Symbol += " ";
this->A = std::stoi(nameStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1));
void Isotope::BreakJpi(std::string jPiStr){
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), '('), jPiStr.end());
jPiStr.erase(std::remove(jPiStr.begin(), jPiStr.end(), ')'), jPiStr.end());
std::string::size_type lastDigit = jPiStr.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = jPiStr.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
this->parity = (jPiStr.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
void Isotope::DigestLine(std::string line, int A, int Z){
double massExcess = atof((line.substr(colMassExcess[0],colMassExcess[1]-colMassExcess[0])).c_str());
Mass = massExcess/1000. + A * amu - Z * me;
MassError = atof((line.substr(colMassError[0],colMassError[1]-colMassError[0])).c_str()) / 1000.;
BEA = (Z * mp + (A-Z) * mn - Mass)/A *1000;
std::string str = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
Name = str;
if( this->Name == "1H" ) this->Name = "p";
if( this->Name == "2H" ) this->Name = "d";
if( this->Name == "3H" ) this->Name = "t";
if( this->Name == "4He" ) this->Name = "a";
str = line.substr(colSpin[0], colSpin[1]-colSpin[0]);
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '*'), str.end());
str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '#'), str.end());
std::string Jpi = str;
// printf("A %d Z: %d | %s | %f | %f |%s|\n", A, Z, Name.c_str(), massExcess, Mass, Jpi.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByAZ(int A, int Z){
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
this->A = A;
this->Z = Z;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
// printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
if ( A == list_A && Z * 10 == list_Z) {
DigestLine(line, A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
void Isotope::FindMassByName(std::string name){
// done seperate the Mass number and the name
if( name == "n" ) {
this->Name = "1n";
this->BEA = 0;
this->Mass = mn;
this->MassError = 0;
this->Name = "n";
this->A = 1;
this->Z = 0;
this->twoSpin = 1;
this->parity = 1;
if( name == "p" ) name = "1H";
if( name == "d" ) name = "2H";
if( name == "t" ) name = "3H";
if( name == "a" ) name = "4He";
this->Name = name;
// find the nucleus in the data
std::string line;
int lineNum=0;
std::ifstream myfile;
int flag=0;
int numLineStart = fileStartLine;
int numLineEnd = fileEndLine;
if ( A >= 50 && A < 100) numLineStart = lineMass050_099;
if ( A >=100 && A < 150) numLineStart = lineMass100_149;
if ( A >=150 && A < 200) numLineStart = lineMass150_199;
if ( A >=200 && A < 250) numLineStart = lineMass200_249;
if ( A >=250 ) numLineStart = lineMass250;
if (myfile.is_open()) {
while (/*! myfile.eof() &&*/ flag == 0 && lineNum <numLineEnd){
lineNum ++ ;
//printf("%3d ",lineNum);
getline (myfile,line);
if (lineNum >= numLineStart ){
std::string nameStr = line.substr(colName[0],colName[1]-colName[0]);
nameStr.erase(remove(nameStr.begin(), nameStr.end(), ' '), nameStr.end());
int list_A = std::stoi((line.substr(colA[0],colA[1]-colA[0])));
int list_Z = std::stoi((line.substr(colZ[0],colZ[1]-colZ[0])));
// printf("A %d Z %d | %s \n", list_A, list_Z, nameStr.c_str());
if ( list_A == A && list_Z % 10 == 0 && Name == nameStr) {
Z = list_Z/10;
DigestLine(line, list_A, Z);
flag = 1;
}else if ( list_A > this->A) {
}else {
printf("Unable to open %s\n", dataSource.c_str());
double Isotope::CalSp(int Np, int Nn){
Isotope nucleusD(A - Np - Nn, Z - Np);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + Nn*mn + Np*mp - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
double Isotope::CalSp2(int a, int z){
Isotope nucleusD(A - a , Z - z);
Isotope nucleusS(a,z);
if( !std::isnan(nucleusD.Mass) && !std::isnan(nucleusS.Mass) ){
return nucleusD.Mass + nucleusS.Mass - this->Mass;
return std::nan("");
int Isotope::TwoJ(int nShell){
case 0: return 1; break; // 0s1/2
case 1: return 3; break; // 0p3/2
case 2: return 1; break; // 0p1/2 -- 8
case 3: return 5; break; // 0d5/2
case 4: return 1; break; // 1s1/2
case 5: return 3; break; // 0d3/2 -- 20
case 6: return 7; break; // 0f7/2 -- 28
case 7: return 3; break; // 1p3/2
case 8: return 1; break; // 1p1/2
case 9: return 5; break; // 0f5/2 -- 40
case 10: return 9; break; // 0g9/2 -- 50
case 11: return 7; break; // 0g7/2
case 12: return 5; break; // 1d5/2
case 13: return 11; break; // 0h11/2
case 14: return 3; break; // 1d3/2
case 15: return 1; break; // 2s1/2 -- 82
case 16: return 9; break; // 0h9/2
case 17: return 7; break; // 1f7/2
case 18: return 13; break; // 0i13/2
case 19: return 3; break; // 2p3/2
case 20: return 5; break; // 1f5/2
case 21: return 1; break; // 1p1/2 -- 126
case 22: return 9; break; // 1g9/2
case 23: return 11; break; // 0i11/2
case 24: return 15; break; // 0j15/2
case 25: return 5; break; // 2d5/2
case 26: return 1; break; // 3s1/2
case 27: return 3; break; // 2d3/2
case 28: return 7; break; // 1g7/2
return 0;
std::string Isotope::Orbital(int nShell){
case 0: return "0s1 "; break; //
case 1: return "0p3 "; break; //
case 2: return "0p1 "; break; //-- 8
case 3: return "0d5 "; break; //
case 4: return "1s1 "; break; //
case 5: return "0d3 "; break; //-- 20
case 6: return "0f7 "; break; //-- 28
case 7: return "1p3 "; break; //
case 8: return "1p1 "; break; //
case 9: return "0f5 "; break; //-- 40
case 10: return "0g9 "; break; //-- 50
case 11: return "0g7 "; break; //
case 12: return "1d5 "; break; //
case 13: return "0h11"; break; //
case 14: return "1d3 "; break; //
case 15: return "2s1 "; break; //-- 82
case 16: return "0h9 "; break; //
case 17: return "1f7 "; break; //
case 18: return "0i13"; break; //
case 19: return "2p3 "; break; //
case 20: return "1f5 "; break; //
case 21: return "1p1 "; break; //-- 126
case 22: return "1g9 "; break; //
case 23: return "0i11"; break; //
case 24: return "0j15"; break; //
case 25: return "2d5 "; break; //
case 26: return "3s1 "; break; //
case 27: return "2d3 "; break; //
case 28: return "1g7 "; break; //
return "nan";
void Isotope::ListShell(){
if( Mass < 0 ) return;
int n = A-Z;
int p = Z;
int k = std::min(n,p);
int nMagic = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
if( magic(i) < k && k <= magic(i+1) ){
nMagic = i;
int coreShell = magicShellID(nMagic-1);
int coreZ1 = magic(nMagic-1);
int coreZ2 = magic(nMagic);
Isotope core1( 2*coreZ1, coreZ1);
Isotope core2( 2*coreZ2, coreZ2);
printf("------------------ Core:%3s, inner Core:%3s \n", (core2.Name).c_str(), (core1.Name).c_str());
printf(" || ");
int t = std::max(n,p);
int nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
t = t - occ;
}while( t > 0 && nShell < 29);
for( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){
if (nShell < 28) {
printf("%4s,", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
}else if( nShell == 28 ) {
printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
nShell ++;
if (nShell < 29) printf("%4s", Orbital(nShell).c_str());
printf(" Z = %3d || ", p);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if( nShell > coreShell ){
if( p > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", p);
p = p - occ;
}while( p > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf(" N = %3d || ", n);
nShell = 0;
int occ = TwoJ(nShell)+1;
if ( nShell > coreShell ){
if( n > occ ) {
printf("%-4d", occ);
if( nShell == 0 || nShell == 2 || nShell == 5 || nShell ==6 || nShell == 9 || nShell == 10 || nShell == 15 || nShell == 21){
printf("%-4d", n);
n = n - occ;
}while( n > 0 && nShell < 29);
printf("------------------ \n");
void Isotope::Print(){
if (Mass > 0){
printf(" using mass data : %s \n", dataSource.c_str());
std::string jPiStr = "";
if( twoSpin % 2 == 0) {
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin/2).c_str();
jPiStr = std::to_string(twoSpin) + "/2";
printf(" mass of \e[47m\e[31m%s\e[m nucleus (Z,A)=(%3d,%3d) is \e[47m\e[31m%12.5f\e[m MeV, J-pi \e[31m%s%s\e[m\n",
parity == 1 ? "+" : "-");
printf(" total BE : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA*A/1000.);
printf(" total BE/A : %12.5f MeV\n",BEA/1000.);
printf(" mass in amu : %12.5f u\n",Mass/amu);
printf(" mass excess : %12.5f MeV +- %12.5f\n", Mass + Z*0.510998950 - A*amu, MassError);
printf("-------------- Seperation energy \n");
printf(" S1p: %8.4f| S1n: %8.4f| S(2H ): %8.4f| S1p1n : %8.4f\n", CalSp(1, 0), CalSp(0, 1), CalSp2(2, 1), CalSp(1, 1));
printf(" S2p: %8.4f| S2n: %8.4f| S(3He): %8.4f| S(3H) : %8.4f\n", CalSp(2, 0), CalSp(0, 2), CalSp2(3, 2), CalSp2(3, 1));
printf(" S3p: %8.4f| S3n: %8.4f| S(4He): %8.4f|\n", CalSp(3, 0), CalSp(0, 3), CalSp2(4, 2));
printf(" S4p: %8.4f| S4n: %8.4f| \n", CalSp(4, 0), CalSp(0, 4));
printf("Error %6.0f, no nucleus with (Z,A) = (%3d,%3d). \n", Mass, Z, A);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#reaction gs-spin orbital spin-pi(Ex) Ex ELab Potentials extra
#16O(d,d)16O 0 none none 0.000 8MeV/u AA #elastic
#16O(d,d)16O 0 none 2+ 6.000 8MeV/u AA 1.3 #inelastic, delta_2
60Ni(p,p)60Ni 0 none none 0.000 30MeV/u KK #elastic
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# To run Fresco,
./fresco < infile > outfile
I have fresco in other folder, I set the PATH to include the execute of fresco
## Elastic scattering
60Ni(p,p)60Ni@30.00 MeV/u Elastic
&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60
jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001
thmin=0.0 thmax=180.0 thinc=1.0
chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1
elab=30.0 /
&PARTITION namep='p' massp=1.00 zp=1 namet='60Ni' masst=60 zt=28 qval=0.000 nex=1 /
&STATES jp=0.5 ptyp=1 ep=0.000 jt=0.0 ptyt=1 et=0.000 cpot=1/
&partition /
&POT kp=1 ap=0 at=60 rc=1.258 /
&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=47.937 p2=1.20 p3=0.669 p4=2.853 p5=1.20 p6=0.669 /
&POT kp=1 type=2 p1=0.0 p2=1.20 p3=0.669 p4=6.878 p5=1.28 p6=0.550 /
&POT kp=1 type=3 p1=5.250 p2=1.02 p3=0.590 p4=-0.162 p5=1.02 p6=0.590 /
&pot /
&overlap /
&coupling /
In the first line of &POT, ap and at are used to calculate the radius. use ap = 0 to match Ptolemy r0target for zero-range approximation, all potential inputs are same as Ptolemy
in &POT, type=1 WS, type=2 surface, type=3 SO.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* This is constant.h, to provide various physical constants.
* created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018
* email:
* ********************************************************************/
#ifndef constant
#define constant
#include <cmath>
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const double E = 2.718281828459 ;
const double hbar_SI = 1.054571628e-34; //Js
const double kB = 1.3806504e-23; //JK^-1
const double e = 1.602176487e-19; //C
const double c_SI = 299792458; //ms^-1
const double me_SI = 9.10938215e-31 ; //kg
const double mp_SI = 1.672621637e-27 ; //kg
const double mn_SI = 1.67492729e-27 ; //kg
const double NA = 6.022141e+23 ; //mol^-1
const double deg2rad = pi/180 ;
const double rad2deg = 180/pi ;
const double amu = 931.49410372; // MeV/c^2
const double hbarc = 197.326979; // MeV fm;
const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns;
const double ee = 1.439964454; //
double kg2MeV(double m){
return m*c_SI*c_SI/e/1e6;
double T2Brho(double mass, int Z, int A, double T){
//mass in MeV
// Z in e
// T in MeV/A
double gamma = (T*A + mass)/mass;
double beta = sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma);
return mass*beta*gamma/Z/c;
double Brho2T(double mass, int Z, int A, double Brho){
//mass in MeV
// Z in e
return (sqrt(pow(Brho*Z*c,2)+mass*mass)-mass)/A;
double T2beta(double mass, int A, double T){
double gamma = 1.0 + T*A/mass;
return sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma);
double ev2nm(double eV){
// photon energy to nm
return hbarc/2/pi/eV;
const double mp = kg2MeV(mp_SI);
const double mn = kg2MeV(mn_SI);
const double me = kg2MeV(me_SI);
const double hbar = 197.326979;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
s = float(sys.argv[1])
filename = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Error: Not enough arguments provided.")
print("Usage: ./{sys.argv[0]} spin filename")
import numpy as np
import re
import numpy as np
def extract_s_matrix_data(filename):
pattern = r"S-matrix\s+\d+\s*=\s*([\-\d\.]+)\s+([\-\d\.]+)\s+for\s+L=\s*(\d+),\s+J=\s*([\d\.]+)"
# List to store results
results = []
# Variables to track the first and last "S-matrix" line
start_line = None
end_line = None
# Read the file and process line by line
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if "S-matrix" in line:
# Track the first and last occurrence of "S-matrix"
if start_line is None:
start_line = i
end_line = i # Keep updating to the latest occurrence
# Extract S-matrix data if the line matches the pattern
match =, line)
if match:
real_part = float(
imag_part = float(
l_value = int(
j_value = float(
# Form a tuple and append to results
results.append([real_part, imag_part, l_value, j_value])
print(f"First 'S-matrix' at line: {start_line + 1}")
print(f"Last 'S-matrix' at line: {end_line + 1}")
return results
def remove_duplicates(data):
# Sort data by L-value, then J-value
data.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[3])) # Sort by L (index 2), then J (index 3)
# Create a new list to store unique elements
unique_data = []
# Iterate over the data to remove duplicates
for i, item in enumerate(data):
# Add the first item or if the current item is not equal to the last added
if i == 0 or item != data[i - 1]:
return unique_data
def group_data_by_s(data, s):
# Initialize a dictionary for each group corresponding to J = L - s, ..., L + s
groups = {J: [] for J in np.arange(-s, s+1, 1.0)} # Group indices from -s to s
# Iterate over the data and assign to the appropriate groups
for entry in data:
real_part, imaginary_part, L, J = entry
# Check if J matches any value in the range L-s to L+s
for offset in np.arange(-s, s+1, 1.0): # offset from -s to s, step 1
if round(J, 1) == round(L + offset, 1):
for key in groups:
groups[key].sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
# Find the maximum L in each group
max_L_in_groups = {key: max(entry[2] for entry in value) for key, value in groups.items()}
# Find the smallest maximum L across all groups
smallest_max_L = min(max_L_in_groups.values())
return groups, smallest_max_L
SMdata = extract_s_matrix_data(filename)
SMdata = remove_duplicates(SMdata)
grouped_SMdata, smallest_max_L = group_data_by_s(SMdata, s)
#Mathematica input
for i in range(smallest_max_L + 1):
print("{", end='')
# Create a list to collect the formatted entries for each line
line_entries = []
for j_value, entries in grouped_SMdata.items():
for entry in entries:
real_part, imaginary_part, L, J = entry
if i == int(L):
# Format each entry and append it to the list
line_entries.append(f"{{{L:2d}, {J:4.1f}, {real_part:9.6f}+{imaginary_part:9.6f} I}}")
# Print the joined line without the trailing comma
print(", ".join(line_entries), end='')
# Define the function to extract Ruth ratio from the file
def extract_angle_and_ratio(filename):
angles = []
ratios = []
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
# Read all lines from the file
lines = file.readlines()
# Find the start and end line numbers
start_line = None
end_line = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
start_line = i + 1 # Start reading after this line
elif "Finished all xsecs" in line:
end_line = i
break # Stop once the end line is found
# If start or end line not found, return empty lists
if start_line is None or end_line is None:
print("Start or end marker not found in the file.")
return angles, ratios
# Iterate over the identified range
for line in lines[start_line:end_line]:
line = line.strip()
# Look for the lines containing "deg."
if "deg.:" in line:
# Extract the angle
angle = float(line.split("deg.:")[0].strip())
# Look for the lines containing "/R ="
elif "/R =" in line:
# Extract the /R value
ratio = float(line.split("/R =")[1].strip())
return angles, ratios
# Example usage
angles, ratios = extract_angle_and_ratio(filename)
# Print or save the results
print("### Differential cross section :")
for angle, ratio in zip(angles, ratios):
if angle % 5 == 0 :
print(f"{angle:8.1f}, {ratio:8.4f}")
print(f"{angles[-1]:8.1f}, {ratios[-1]:8.4f}")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_SM(groups):
# Determine the number of groups
num_groups = len(groups)
# Create subplots (rows, columns) based on number of groups
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_groups, figsize=(6 * num_groups,4))
# If there's only one group, axes will not be a list, so make it iterable
if num_groups == 1:
axes = [axes]
# Create a plot for each group
for i, (offset, entries) in enumerate(groups.items()):
# Extract real and imaginary parts, and L values
real_parts = [entry[0] for entry in entries]
imaginary_parts = [entry[1] for entry in entries]
L_values = [entry[2] for entry in entries]
# Plot real part vs L
axes[i].plot(L_values, real_parts, label=f'Re', marker='o')
# Plot imaginary part vs L
axes[i].plot(L_values, imaginary_parts, label=f'Im', marker='x')
# Adding labels and title
axes[i].set_title(f'Real and Imaginary Parts vs L for Group {offset:+.1f}')
# Add grid lines
axes[i].set_xlim(-1, max(L_values)+1)
axes[i].set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
axes[i].set_xticks(np.arange(0, max(L_values)+3, 5)) # Set x-ticks from 0 to 20 with step 5
# Show the legend
# Adjust layout to prevent overlapping subplots
return fig
def plot_Ruth(angles, ratios):
# Plot the data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(angles, ratios, linestyle='-', color='b', label='/R values')
plt.xscale('linear') # Linear scale for angles
plt.yscale('log') # Logarithmic scale for /R values
# Add labels, title, and legend
plt.xlabel('CM Angle (degrees)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('d.c.s/Ruth', fontsize=12)
plt.grid(which='both', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
plt.xlim(-5, 185)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 181, 20))
# Show the plot
return fig
fig1 = plot_SM(grouped_SMdata)
fig2 = plot_Ruth(angles, ratios)
input("Press Enter to exit.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof */
#include "ClassIsotope.h" // for geting Z
#include "potentials.h"
#define RED "\033[31m"
#define GREEN "\033[32m"
#define BLUE "\033[34m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"
int GetLValue(std::string spdf){
if( spdf == "s" ) return 0;
if( spdf == "p" ) return 1;
if( spdf == "d" ) return 2;
if( spdf == "f" ) return 3;
if( spdf == "g" ) return 4;
if( spdf == "h" ) return 5;
if( spdf == "i" ) return 6;
if( spdf == "j" ) return 7;
return -1;
FILE * file_out = nullptr;
std::vector<std::string> SplitStr(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){
std::vector<std::string> output;
size_t pos;
pos = tempLine.find(splitter); /// fine splitter
if( pos == 0 ){ ///check if it is splitter again
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1);
std::string secStr;
if( pos == std::string::npos ){
secStr = tempLine;
secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift);
tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift);
///check if secStr is begin with space
while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " ") secStr = secStr.substr(1);
///check if secStr is end with space
while( secStr.back() == ' ') secStr = secStr.substr(0, secStr.size()-1);
///printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str());
}while(pos != std::string::npos );
return output;
std::vector<std::string> Breakdown_AabB( std::string reactStr ){
std::vector<std::string> str1 = SplitStr(reactStr, "(", 0);
std::vector<std::string> str2 = SplitStr(str1[1], ")", 1);
std::vector<std::string> str3 = SplitStr(str2[0], ",", 0);
std::vector<std::string> output;
output.push_back ( str1[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[0] );
output.push_back ( str3[1] );
output.push_back ( str2[1] );
return output;
float GetTotalEnergy( std::string ELabStr, float beamA ){
//get Beam energy, distingusih MeV or MeV/u
int pos = ELabStr.length() - 1;
for( int i = pos; i >= 0 ; i--){
if( isdigit(ELabStr[i]) ) {
pos = i;
std::string unit = ELabStr.substr(pos+1);
int factor = 1;
if( unit == "MeV/u") factor = beamA;
return atof(ELabStr.substr(0, pos+1).c_str()) * factor;
int InFileCreator(std::string readFile, std::string infile, double angMin, double angMax, double angStep) {
//================= read infile. extract the reactions, write pptolemy infile for each reaction
std::ifstream file_in;
||||, std::ios::in);
if( !file_in ){
printf(" cannot read file. \n");
return 0 ;
printf("Save to infile : %s \n", infile.c_str());
file_out = fopen (infile.c_str(), "w+");
printf("Angle setting (%5.2f, %5.2f) deg | Step : %5.2f deg\n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
//^============================== extract reaction line by line
int numOfReaction = 0;
while( file_in.good() ) {
std::string tempLine;
std::getline(file_in, tempLine );
if( tempLine.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) continue;
if( tempLine.size() < 5 ) continue;
//split line using space
std::vector<std::string> strList = SplitStr(tempLine, " ");
if ( strList.size() == 0 ) continue;
printf(" %s\n", tempLine.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> AabB = Breakdown_AabB( strList[0] );
if( AabB.size() != 4 ) {
printf(" %sUnable to do 3-body reactions.%s\n", RED, RESET);
Isotope iso_A(AabB[0]);
Isotope iso_a(AabB[1]);
Isotope iso_b(AabB[2]);
Isotope iso_B(AabB[3]);
float spin_A = atof(strList[1].c_str());
short twoSpin = 0, parity = 0;
if( strList[3] != "none"){ /// extrac spin and parity
std::string Jpi = strList[3];
std::string::size_type lastDigit = Jpi.find_last_of("0123456789");
std::string spinStr = Jpi.substr(0, lastDigit + 1);
std::string::size_type lastSlash = spinStr.find_last_of('/');
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
twoSpin = std::stoi(spinStr.substr(0, lastSlash + 1));
} else {
twoSpin = 2 * std::stoi(spinStr);
parity = (Jpi.substr(lastDigit + 1) == "+") ? 1 : -1;
float Ex = atof(strList[4].c_str());
float totalEnergy = GetTotalEnergy(strList[5], iso_a.A );
float extra = 0;
if( strList.size() == 8 ){
extra = atof( strList[7].c_str() );
// printf(" Ex : %.2f, totalEnergy : %.2f \n", Ex, totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "##############################################\n");
//^===================================== elastics + inelastics
if( iso_a.Mass == iso_b.Mass ) {
if( Ex == 0.0 ){
printf("=========== elatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Elastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
printf("=========== inelatsic \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=2 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.3f cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the volume, deformation length delta_2 = 1.3 fm
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=2 p1= 0.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=6.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // surface, d(Woods-Saxon)/dr (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=11 p1= 0.00 p2=%.2f/\n", extra); // target deformation add to the suface
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== single neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 1 ){
printf("=========== single nucleon transfer \n");
fprintf(file_out, "%s@%.2f MeV/u Inelastic\n" , strList[0].c_str(), totalEnergy/iso_a.A );
fprintf(file_out, "NAMELIST\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&FRESCO hcm=0.1 rmatch=60 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " rintp=0.2 hnl=0.1 rnl=5.00 centre=0.0 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " iter=1 nnu=36 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " jtmin=0.0 jtmax=50 absend=0.001 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " thmin=%.1f thmax=%.1f thinc=%.1f \n", angMin, angMax, angStep);
fprintf(file_out, " chans=1 smats=2 xstabl=1 \n");
fprintf(file_out, " elab=%.1f /\n", totalEnergy);
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=0.000 nex=1 /\n", iso_a.Name.c_str(), iso_a.Mass/amu, iso_a.Z, iso_A.Name.c_str(), iso_A.Mass/amu, iso_A.Z);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=0.000 cpot=1 /\n", iso_a.twoSpin/2., iso_a.parity, spin_A, iso_A.parity);
float QValue = iso_a.Mass + iso_A.Mass - iso_b.Mass - iso_B.Mass - Ex;
fprintf(file_out, "&PARTITION namep='%s' massp=%.2f zp=%d namet='%s' masst=%.2f zt=%d qval=%.3f nex=1 /\n", iso_b.Name.c_str(), iso_b.Mass/amu, iso_b.Z, iso_B.Name.c_str(), iso_B.Mass/amu, iso_B.Z, QValue);
fprintf(file_out, "&STATES jp=%.1f ptyp=%d ep=0.000 jt=%.1f ptyt=%d et=%.2f cpot=1 /\n", iso_b.twoSpin/2., iso_b.parity, twoSpin/2., parity, Ex);
fprintf(file_out, "&partition /\n");
//*================ a + A
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A, iso_A.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=1 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ b + B
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 ap=%d at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_b.A, iso_B.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=2 type=1 p1=40.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 p4=10.0 p5=1.2 p6=0.500 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0, Wi, ri, ai)
//*================ a
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 at=%d rc=1.2 /\n", iso_a.A); // Coulomb
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=1 p1=50.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // volume, Woods-Saxon (V0, r0, a0)
fprintf(file_out, "&POT kp=3 type=3 p1= 6.00 p2=1.2 p3=0.65 /\n"); // S-O, projectile (V0, r0, a0)
//*================ a - N
//*================ A + (a-N)
fprintf(file_out, "&pot /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&overlap /\n");
fprintf(file_out, "&coupling /\n");
//^====================================== two neutron transfer
if( abs( iso_a.A - iso_b.A ) == 2 ){
fprintf(file_out, "#>>>>>############################################# End of File\n");
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
CC = g++
CFLAG = -g -O0
depend = ClassIsotope.h constant.h potentials.h
ALL = test
all: $(ALL)
test: inFileCreator.cpp $(depend)
$(CC) $(CFLAG) test.cpp -o test
/bin/rm -f $(ALL)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "ClassIsotope.h"
void script(){
Isotope haha("10B");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "inFileCreator.cpp"
int main(){
InFileCreator("FRESCO", "", 0, 180, 1);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user