562 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
562 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, os
import re
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simpson
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from sympy import S
from sympy.physics.quantum.cg import wigner_9j
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../Cleopatra'))
from IAEANuclearData import IsotopeClass
from assLegendreP import associated_legendre_array
from clebschGordan import clebsch_gordan, quantum_factorial, obeys_triangle_rule
from boundState import BoundState
from solveSE import WoodsSaxonPot, CoulombPotential, SpinOrbit_Pot, WS_SurfacePot
from distortedWave import DistortedWave
import opticalPotentials as op
from reactionData import approximate_to_half_integer, ReactionData
class DWBA_ZR:
def __init__(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float, JA:str = None):
self.reactDigest = ReactionData(nu_A, nu_a, nu_b, JB, orbital, ExB, ELabPerU, JA)
if self.reactDigest.SpinBalanced == False :
A_c = self.reactDigest.A_c
Z_c = self.reactDigest.Z_c
A_x = self.reactDigest.A_x
Z_x = self.reactDigest.Z_x
node = self.reactDigest.node
self.l = self.reactDigest.l
self.j = self.reactDigest.j
BindingEnergy = self.reactDigest.BindingEnergy
A_A = self.reactDigest.A_A
Z_A = self.reactDigest.Z_A
A_a = self.reactDigest.A_a
Z_a = self.reactDigest.Z_a
A_b = self.reactDigest.A_b
Z_b = self.reactDigest.Z_b
A_B = self.reactDigest.A_B
Z_B = self.reactDigest.Z_B
self.s = self.reactDigest.s
self.spin_A = self.reactDigest.spin_A
self.spin_a = self.reactDigest.spin_a
self.spin_b = self.reactDigest.spin_b
self.spin_B = self.reactDigest.spin_B
self.ELab = self.reactDigest.ELab
self.Q_value = self.reactDigest.Q_value
self.Eout = self.reactDigest.Eout
self.reactionStr = self.reactDigest.reactionStr
print("====================== Bound state ")
self.boundState = BoundState(A_c, Z_c, A_x, Z_x, node, self.l, self.j, BindingEnergy)
self.boundState.SetPotential(1.10, 0.65, -6, 1.25, 0.65, 1.30)
print("====================== Incoming wave function ")
if A_a == 2 and Z_a == 1:
op.AnCai(A_A, Z_A, self.ELab)
if A_a == 1 and Z_a == 1:
op.Koning(A_A, Z_A, self.ELab , Z_a)
self.dwI = self.reactDigest.dwI
self.dwI.spin_A = self.spin_A
self.dwI.AddPotential(WoodsSaxonPot( -op.v, op.r0, op.a), False)
self.dwI.AddPotential(WoodsSaxonPot(-1j*op.vi, op.ri0, op.ai), False)
self.dwI.AddPotential(WS_SurfacePot(-1j*op.vsi, op.rsi0, op.asi), False)
self.dwI.AddPotential(SpinOrbit_Pot( -op.vso, op.rso0, op.aso), False)
self.dwI.AddPotential(SpinOrbit_Pot(-1j*op.vsoi, op.rsoi0, op.asoi), False)
self.dwI.AddPotential(CoulombPotential( op.rc0), False)
self.maxL1 = self.dwI.maxL
print("====================== Outgoing wave function ")
if A_b == 1 and Z_b == 1:
op.Koning(A_B, Z_B, self.Eout, Z_b)
if A_b == 2 and Z_b == 1:
op.AnCai(A_B, Z_B, self.Eout)
self.maxL2 = self.maxL1 + self.l
self.dwO = self.reactDigest.dwO
self.dwO.spin_A = self.spin_B
self.dwO.maxL = self.maxL2
self.dwO.AddPotential(WoodsSaxonPot( -op.v, op.r0, op.a), False)
self.dwO.AddPotential(WoodsSaxonPot(-1j*op.vi, op.ri0, op.ai), False)
self.dwO.AddPotential(WS_SurfacePot(-1j*op.vsi, op.rsi0, op.asi), False)
self.dwO.AddPotential(SpinOrbit_Pot( -op.vso, op.rso0, op.aso), False)
self.dwO.AddPotential(SpinOrbit_Pot(-1j*op.vsoi, op.rsoi0, op.asoi), False)
self.dwO.AddPotential(CoulombPotential( op.rc0), False)
#---------------------------------------- other constants
#TODO need to do other reactions like (t,d)
#for (d,p), (p,d)
self.D0 = 1.55e+4
self.Alsj2 = self.D0 * 3/2 # = A-{lsj}^2 for (d,p), 3/2 = (2s(deutron)+1)/(2s(neutron)+1)
mass_I = self.dwI.mu
k_I = self.dwI.k
mass_O = self.dwO.mu
k_O = self.dwO.k # wave number of outgoing channel
# print(f" mu(I) : {mass_I}")
# print(f" k(I) : {k_I}")
# print(f" mu(O) : {mass_O}")
# print(f" k(O) : {k_O}")
self.massFactor = A_B/A_A
if A_A > A_B:
self.massFactor = A_A/A_B
# print(f"spin A : {self.spin_A}")
# print(f"spin a : {self.spin_a}")
# print(f"spin B : {self.spin_B}")
self.fmsq2mb = 10
self.spinFactor = 1. / (2*self.spin_A+1) / (2*self.spin_a +1)
# print(f" spin factor : {self.spinFactor}")
self.transMatrixFactor = (2*self.spin_B + 1) * self.Alsj2
if A_A > A_B:
self.transMatrixFactor = (2*self.spin_A + 1) * self.Alsj2
self.xsecScalingfactor = mass_I * mass_O / np.pi / self.dwI.hbarc**4 / k_I**3 / k_O * self.spinFactor* self.transMatrixFactor
self.radialInt = None
print(f" (JA, JB, s) : {self.spin_A}, {self.spin_B}, {self.s}")
print(f" Spin factor : {self.spinFactor:.6f}")
print(f" tran.Mat. factor : {self.transMatrixFactor:.6f}")
print(f"Xsec Scaling factor : {self.xsecScalingfactor:.6f}")
#========== end of contructor
def FormatSpin(self, spin : float) -> str:
if int(2*spin) % 2 == 0 :
return f"{int(spin):+d}"
return f"{int(2*spin):+d}/2"
def FindBoundState(self):
self.boundState.FindPotentialDepth(-80, -45, 0.5)
def ConvertLJ2RadialIndex(self, L1:int, J1, L2:int, J2):
index1 = int(J1 - L1 + self.spin_a)
indexL2 = int(L2 - L1 + self.l)
index2 = int(J2 - L2 + self.spin_b)
return [L1, index1, indexL2, index2]
def ConvertRadialIndex2LJ(self, in1:int, in2:int, in3:int, in4:int):
L1 = in1
J1 = L1 + in2 - self.spin_a
L2 = in3 + L1 - self.l
J2 = L2 + in4 - self.spin_b
return [L1, J1, L2, J2]
def CalScatMatrixAndRadialIntegral(self):
start_time = time.time()
sm_I, wfu_I_temp = self.dwI.CalScatteringMatrix()
sm_O, wfu_O_temp = self.dwO.CalScatteringMatrix()
#TODO need to check the mass of a and b,
# if a > b, rescale the outgoing channel
# if b < a, rescale the incoming channel
#============ rescale the outgoing wave
print("====================== Scaling the outgoing wave")
if self.dwI.A_a > self.dwO.A_a :
self.wfu_I = wfu_I_temp
self.rpos_I = self.dwI.rpos
rpos_O_temp = self.rpos_I * self.massFactor
self.rpos_O = []
rpos_O_filled = False
self.wfu_O = []
for L2 in range(0, self.maxL2 + 1):
temp_wfu_L = []
for k in range(0, int(2*self.spin_b)+1):
wfu_O_inter_real = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.real(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
wfu_O_inter_imag = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.imag(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
temp_wfu = []
for r in self.dwI.rpos:
if r > max(rpos_O_temp) :
if rpos_O_filled == False:
temp_wfu.append(wfu_O_inter_real(r) + 1j * wfu_O_inter_imag(r))
rpos_O_filled = True
self.wfu_O = wfu_O_temp
self.rpos_O = self.dwO.rpos
rpos_I_temp = self.rpos_O * self.massFactor
self.rpos_I = []
rpos_I_filled = False
self.wfu_I = []
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1 + 1):
temp_wfu_L = []
for k in range(0, int(2*self.spin_a)+1):
wfu_I_inter_real = interp1d(rpos_I_temp, np.real(wfu_I_temp[L1][k]), kind='cubic')
wfu_I_inter_imag = interp1d(rpos_I_temp, np.imag(wfu_I_temp[L1][k]), kind='cubic')
temp_wfu = []
for r in self.dwO.rpos:
if r > max(rpos_I_temp) :
if rpos_I_filled == False:
temp_wfu.append(wfu_I_inter_real(r) + 1j * wfu_I_inter_imag(r))
rpos_I_filled = True
print("====================== Calculating Radial integrals")
self.radialInt = np.zeros((self.maxL1+1, int(2*self.spin_a+1), int(2*self.l+1), int(2*self.spin_b+1)), dtype=complex)
bs = self.boundState.GetBoundStateWF()
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1+1):
for J1 in np.arange(L1-self.spin_a, L1 + self.spin_a + 1, 1):
if J1 < 0 :
index1 = int(J1 - L1 + self.spin_a)
wf1 = self.wfu_I[L1][index1]
for L2 in np.arange(L1 - self.l, L1 + self.l + 1, 1):
if L2 < 0 :
for J2 in np.arange(L2 - self.spin_b, L2 + self.spin_b + 1, 1):
if J2 < 0:
index2 = int(J2 - L2 + self.spin_b)
wf2 = self.wfu_O[int(L2)][index2]
pf1 = np.exp(1j*self.dwI.CoulombPhaseShift(L1))
pf2 = np.exp(1j*self.dwO.CoulombPhaseShift(L2))
min_length = min(len(bs), len(wf1), len(wf2))
integral = simpson(bs[:min_length] * wf1[:min_length] * wf2[:min_length], dx=self.boundState.dr)
indexL2 = int(L2 - L1 + self.l)
# product = integral * pf1 * pf2
product = integral * pf1 * pf2 * self.massFactor
self.radialInt[L1][index1][indexL2][index2] = product
# if J1 == L1 + self.spin_a and L2 == L1 + 1 and J2 == L2 - self.spin_b:
# print(f"{L1:2d}, {J1:4.1f}({index1}), {L2:2d}({indexL2}), {J2:4.1f}({index2}), {integral * pf1 * pf2 * self.massBoverMassA:.6f}")
stop_time = time.time()
print(f"Total time for distorted wave and radial intergal {(stop_time - start_time) * 1000:.2f} msec")
def PrintRadialIntegral(self):
for index1 in range(0, int(2*self.spin_a) + 1):
for index2 in range(0, int(2*self.spin_b) + 1):
print(f"======================= J1 = L{self.FormatSpin(index1-self.spin_a)}, J2 = L{self.FormatSpin(index2-self.spin_b)}")
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1+1):
print("{", end="")
for L2 in np.arange(L1 - self.l, L1 + self.l + 1, 1):
J1 = L1 + index1 - self.spin_a
J2 = int(L2) + index2 - self.spin_b
indexL2 = int(L2 - L1 + self.l)
print(f"{{{L1:2d}, {J1:4.1f}, {int(L2):2d}, {J2:4.1f}, {np.real(self.radialInt[L1][index1][indexL2][index2]):11.4e}+{np.imag(self.radialInt[L1][index1][indexL2][index2]):11.4e}I}}, ", end="")
print("=========================== end of Radial Integrals.")
def PlotRadialIntegral(self):
if self.radialInt is None:
print("Radial integral not computed.")
spin_b = self.spin_b
spin_a = self.spin_a
l = self.l
maxL1 = self.maxL1
fig, axes = plt.subplots(int(2*spin_b+1)*int(2*l+1), int(2*spin_a+1), figsize=(6*int(2*spin_a+1), 4*int(2*spin_b+1)*int(2*l+1)))
for index2 in range(0, int(2*spin_b) + 1):
for index1 in range(0, int(2*spin_a) + 1):
for indexL2 in range(0, int(2*l) + 1):
haha = []
l_list = []
for L1 in range(0, maxL1+1):
# J1 = L1 + index1 - spin_a
# L2 = int(L1 - l + indexL2)
# J2 = L2 + index2 - spin_b
# [dummy, J1, L2, J2] = self.ConvertRadialIndex2LJ(L1, index2, indexL2, index2)
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].plot(l_list, np.real(haha), label="Real", marker='o')
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].plot(l_list, np.imag(haha), label="Imag", marker='x')
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].legend()
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].set_xlabel('L1')
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].set_ylabel('Value')
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].set_title(f'Radial Int. vs L for Spin J1 = L1{self.FormatSpin(index1-spin_a)}, L2 = L1{indexL2-l:+d}, J2 = L2{self.FormatSpin(index2-spin_b)}.')
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].set_xlim(-1, maxL1+1)
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, maxL1+1, 2))
axes[int(2*l+1)*index2 + indexL2, index1].grid()
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PlotRadialIntegralSigle(self, dJ1, dL, dJ2):
if self.radialInt is None:
print("Radial integral not computed.")
haha = []
l_list = []
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1+1):
[dummy, index1, indexL2, index2] = self.ConvertLJ2RadialIndex(L1, L1 + dJ1, L1 + dL, L1 + dL + dJ2)
print(f"{L1:2d}, {L1 + dJ1:4.1f}({index1}), {L1 + dL:.0f}({indexL2}), {L1 + dL + dJ2:4.1f}({index2}), {haha[-1]:.6f}")
plt.plot(l_list, np.real(haha), label="Real", marker='o')
plt.plot(l_list, np.imag(haha), label="Imag", marker='x')
plt.title(f'Radial Int. vs L for Spin J1 = L1{self.FormatSpin(dJ1)}, L2 = L1{dL:+d}, J2 = L2{self.FormatSpin(dJ2)}.')
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PlotIncomingScatteringMatrix(self):
def PlotOutgoingScatteringMatrix(self):
def PlotIncomingDistortedWave(self, L, J, maxR = None):
# self.dwI.PlotDistortedWave(L, J, maxR)
plt.plot(self.rpos_I, np.real(self.wfu_I[L][int(J-L + self.spin_a)]), label="Real")
plt.plot(self.rpos_I, np.imag(self.wfu_I[L][int(J-L + self.spin_a)]), label="Imag")
plt.title(f"Incoming Radial wave for L={L} and J={J}")
if maxR != None :
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PlotOutgoingDistortedWave(self, L, J, maxR = None):
plt.plot(self.rpos_O, np.real(self.wfu_O[L][int(J-L + self.spin_b)]), label="Real")
plt.plot(self.rpos_O, np.imag(self.wfu_O[L][int(J-L + self.spin_b)]), label="Imag")
plt.title(f"Outgoing Radial wave for L={L} and J={J}")
if maxR != None :
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PreCalClebschGordan(self):
# stored in an array wit hindex of 2*j, 2*m
maxJ1 = self.maxL2 + self.spin_b + 1
maxJ2 = max(self.j, self.spin_a, self.spin_b) + 1
maxJ3 = maxJ1 + 1
self.maxJ1 = maxJ1
self.maxJ2 = maxJ2
self.maxJ3 = maxJ3
self.CG = np.zeros((int(2*maxJ1), int(4*maxJ1+2), int(2*maxJ2), int(4*maxJ2+2), int(2*maxJ3), int(4*maxJ3+2)) , dtype=float)
start_time = time.time()
for ma in np.arange(-self.spin_a, self.spin_a + 1, 1):
for mb in np.arange(-self.spin_b, self.spin_b + 1, 1):
for m in np.arange(-self.j + mb - ma, self.j + mb -ma + 1, 1):
for L1 in np.arange(0, self.maxL1+1):
for J1 in np.arange(L1 - self.spin_a, L1 + self.spin_a + 1, 1):
if J1 < 0 :
for L2 in np.arange(L1 - self.l, L1 + self.l + 1, 1):
if L2 < 0:
for J2 in np.arange(L2 - self.spin_b, L2 + self.spin_b + 1, 1):
if J2 < 0 :
if not obeys_triangle_rule(J1, self.j, J2):
if not(abs(m) <= L2):
if int(L1 + L2 + self.l) % 2 != 0:
if not(abs(m-mb+ma) <= self.j):
if not(abs(mb-m) <= J2):
# print(J2, mb-m, self.j, m-mb+ma, J1, ma,int(2*J2), int(2*(mb-m) + 2*maxJ1+1), int(2*self.j), int(2*(m-mb+ma)+ 2*maxJ2+1), int(2*J1), int(2*ma+ 2*maxJ3+1), clebsch_gordan(J2, mb-m, self.j, m-mb+ma, J1, ma))
self.CG[int(2*J2), int(2*(mb-m) + 2*maxJ1+1), int(2*self.j), int(2*(m-mb+ma)+ 2*maxJ2+1), int(2*J1), int(2*ma+ 2*maxJ3+1)] = clebsch_gordan(J2, mb-m, self.j, m-mb+ma, J1, ma)
self.CG[int(2*L1), int(2*maxJ1+1), int(2*self.spin_a), int(2*ma+ 2*maxJ2+1), int(2*J1), int(2*ma+ 2*maxJ3+1)] = clebsch_gordan(L1, 0, self.spin_a, ma, J1, ma)
self.CG[int(2*L2), int(2*(-m) + 2*maxJ1+1), int(2*self.spin_b), int(2*mb+ 2*maxJ2+1), int(2*J2), int(2*(mb-m)+ 2*maxJ3+1)] = clebsch_gordan(L2, -m, self.spin_b, mb, J2, mb-m)
self.CG[int(2*L2), int(2*maxJ1+1), int(2*self.l), int(2*maxJ2+1), int(2*L1), int(2*maxJ3+1)] = clebsch_gordan(L2, 0, self.l, 0, L1, 0)
stop_time = time.time()
print(f"Total time for pre-cal all CG {(stop_time - start_time) * 1000:.2f} msec")
print(f"max(L1 J1, L2, J2) = {self.maxL1}, {maxJ1}, {maxJ2}, {maxJ3}")
print("CG shape : ",self.CG.shape)
def GetPreCalCG(self, j1, m1, j2, m2, j3, m3):
return self.CG[int(2*j1), int(2*m1 + 2*self.maxJ1+1),
int(2*j2), int(2*m2 + 2*self.maxJ2+1),
int(2*j3), int(2*m3 + 2*self.maxJ3+1)]
def PreCalNineJ(self):
start_time = time.time()
self.NineJ = np.zeros((self.maxL1+1, int(2*self.spin_a+1), (2*self.l+1), int(2*self.spin_b+1)), dtype=float)
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1+1):
for ind1 in range(0, int(2*self.spin_a+1)):
for indL2 in range(0, 2*self.l+1):
for ind2 in range(0, int(2*self.spin_b+1)):
J1 = approximate_to_half_integer(L1 + ind1 - self.spin_a)
L2 = int(L1 + indL2 - self.l)
J2 = approximate_to_half_integer(L2 + ind2 - self.spin_b)
self.NineJ[L1, ind1, indL2, ind2] = wigner_9j(self.j, self.l, self.s, J1, L1, self.spin_a, J2, L2, self.spin_b)
stop_time = time.time()
print(f"Total time for pre-cal all 9j {(stop_time - start_time) * 1000:.2f} msec")
def GetPreCalNineJ(self, L1:int, J1, L2:int, J2):
[dummy, ind1, indL2, ind2] = self.ConvertLJ2RadialIndex(L1, J1, L2, J2)
return self.NineJ[L1, ind1, indL2, ind2]
def Gamma(self, L1:int, J1, L2:int, J2, m:int, ma, mb):
if int(L1 + L2 + self.l)%2 != 0: #check if the sum of L1 + L2 + l is even
return 0
fact0 = self.GetPreCalNineJ(L1, J1, L2, J2)
if fact0 == 0:
return 0
fact1 = pow(-1, m) * np.power(1j, L1-L2-self.l) * (2*L2+1) * np.sqrt((2*self.l+1)*(2*self.s+1)*(2*L1+1)*(2*J2+1))
fact2 = np.sqrt( quantum_factorial(L2-abs(m)) / quantum_factorial(L2 + abs(m)) )
fact3 = self.GetPreCalCG(J2, mb-m, self.j, m-mb+ma, J1, ma)
fact4 = self.GetPreCalCG(L1, 0, self.spin_a, ma, J1, ma)
fact5 = self.GetPreCalCG(L2, -m, self.spin_b, mb, J2, mb-m)
fact6 = self.GetPreCalCG(L2, 0, self.l, 0, L1, 0)
# print(f"{fact1:.5f}, {fact2:.5f}, {fact3:.5f}, {fact4:.5f}, {fact5:.5f}, {fact6:.5f}")
return fact0 * fact1 * fact2 * fact3 * fact4 * fact5 * fact6
def Beta(self, m:int, ma, mb):
if self.radialInt is None :
result = 0
for L1 in np.arange(0, self.maxL1+1):
for J1 in np.arange(L1 - self.spin_a, L1 + self.spin_a + 1, 1):
if J1 < 0 :
for L2 in np.arange(L1 - self.l, L1 + self.l + 1, 1):
if L2 < 0:
for J2 in np.arange(L2 - self.spin_b, L2 + self.spin_b + 1, 1):
if J2 < 0 :
if not obeys_triangle_rule(J1, self.j, J2):
if not(abs(m) <= L2):
if int(L1 + L2 + self.l) % 2 != 0:
gg = self.Gamma(L1, J1, L2, J2, m, ma, mb)
if gg == 0:
lp = self.legendrePArray[L2][int(abs(m))]
[dummy, index1, indexL2, index2] = self.ConvertLJ2RadialIndex(L1, J1, L2, J2)
ri = self.radialInt[int(L1)][index1][indexL2][index2]
# print(f"{L1:2d}, {J1:4.1f}({index1:d}), {L2:2d}({indexL2:d}), {J2:4.1f}({index2:d}), {gg:10.6f}, {ri :.10f}, {lp:10.6f}")
result += gg * lp * ri
return result
def PreCalLegendreP(self, theta_deg:float, maxL:int = None, maxM:int = None):
if maxL is None:
maxL = max(self.maxL1, self.maxL2)
if maxM is None:
maxM = int(self.j + self.spin_b + self.spin_a)
self.legendrePArray = associated_legendre_array(maxL, maxM, theta_deg)
def AngDist(self, theta_deg:float) -> float:
xsec = 0
for ma in np.arange(-self.spin_a, self.spin_a + 1, 1):
for mb in np.arange(-self.spin_b, self.spin_b + 1, 1):
for m in np.arange(-self.j + mb - ma, self.j + mb -ma + 1, 1):
haha = self.Beta(m, ma, mb)
xsec += np.abs(haha)**2
# print(f"{ma:4.1f}, {mb:4.1f}, {m:4.0f}, {haha:.6f}, {np.abs(haha)**2:.6e}, {xsec:.6e}")
return xsec * self.xsecScalingfactor * self.fmsq2mb
def CalAngDistribution(self, angMin:float = 0, angMax:float = 180, angStep:float = 1):
self.angMin = angMin
self.angMax = angMax
self.angList = []
self.angDist = []
print(f"======== Calcalating Angular distribution from {angMin:.1f} to {angMax:.1f}, step {angStep:.1f}...")
start_time = time.time()
progress_time = time.time()
for i in np.arange(angMin, angMax + angStep, angStep):
if time.time() - progress_time > 1:
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print(f"\r Time elapsed: {elapsed_time:.2f} sec, Progress: {100 * (i - angMin) / (angMax - angMin):.1f}%", end="")
progress_time = time.time()
stop_time = time.time()
print(f"\nTotal time {(stop_time - start_time) :.2f} sec")
def PrintAngDist(self, step:int = 1, isMathatica:bool = False):
count = 0
end = "\n"
if isMathatica == True:
end = ""
for th, xs in zip(self.angList, self.angDist):
if step > 1 and count % step != 0:
count += 1
print(f"{{{th:6.1f}, {xs:13.10f}}},", end=end)
count += 1
def PlotAngDist(self, angMin = None, angMax = None):
plt.plot(self.angList, self.angDist)
if angMin is None and angMax is None:
plt.xlim(-1 + self.angMin, self.angMax + 1)
if angMin is None and angMax != None:
plt.xlim(-1 + self.angMin, angMax + 1)
if angMin != None and angMax is None :
plt.xlim(-1 + angMin, self.angMax + 1)
input("Press Enter to continue...")