2025-02-27 03:07:53 -05:00
.. completed distortedwave class, calculation should be optimized when calculate the elastic sum, but don't know how 2025-02-20 00:02:12 -05:00 improve speed, 16O(d,p) to 1s1/2 cause 14 sec 2025-02-23 14:53:52 -05:00 improve speed, 16O(d,p) to 1s1/2 cause 14 sec 2025-02-23 14:53:52 -05:00 added class, need to work on the elastics cross section 2025-02-19 17:12:00 -05:00 seperate reactionData, add symbolic link of IAEANuclearData 2025-02-25 14:35:38 -05:00 PrintAngDist added Mathematica option 2025-02-27 03:07:53 -05:00 improve the g(x) in RK4 method 2025-02-24 18:33:42 -05:00 finsihed DWBA zero range, need optimization 2025-02-23 05:01:11 -05:00 fix removal reaction, can direct compute without using the detail balance between adding and removal reaction. added custom JA 2025-02-27 02:05:13 -05:00 seperate reactionData, add symbolic link of IAEANuclearData 2025-02-25 14:35:38 -05:00 snapshot. xsec scaling factor problem... 2025-02-25 18:19:09 -05:00


This is a python implementation of Distorted Wave Born Approximation calculation for direct nuclear reaction. The theory is stated on here

The motivation is two folds: 1) for my own curiousity, 2) All of DWBA code I know of is using Fortran and some of the code cannot be compiled anymore, and for those still can be compiled, the input card is a mess. So, i decided to have a mordern version of DWBA code.


  • numpy
  • scipy - for gamma function, curve_fit, interp1d, simpson
  • matplotlib
  • mpmath - for coulombf, couombg and whittaker
  • sympy - for winger_9j

the version should not matter.


Open the, there are some examples

Code Components

The foundation of the code base are

  • - for associate Legendre polynomial for positive m
  • - for custom build CG, which is faster
  • - for optical potential, only have An & Cai for deuteron and Kronning for proton now
  • - to digest and store the basic reaction data
  • ../Cleopatra/ - for getting nuclear data like mass and spin-partiy
  • - attemp to make fast CoulombWave....

Next, we have


which have PotentialFrom class, from this class, we have WoodsSaxon, WSSurface, Spin-Orbit, and Coulomb potential. Also, the SolveSE class can get the mass from IAEA, calculated the Kinematics, and Solve the Radial wave function.

based on the SolveSE class, we have two classes

  • - for solving boudstate wave function
  • - for solving the distorted wave and extract the Scattering Matrix

the DistortedWave class can also calculated the elastics differential cross section in a ratio with RutherFord scattering. However, the code is not optimized and it may take minutes to have the angualr distribution.

Finally, we have the


which is a Zero-raneg DWBA class for calculating the radial integral and do the argular summation to obtain the differential cross section for transfer reaction. The code is kind of optimized. The optimization is done by precalculated the radial integral, the associated Legendre polaynomail, the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients, and the 9j-symbol. There may be some small tweets can be done, but it is python, no machines code level optimization.


for s-orbtial transfer, it takes 10 secs. for d-orbital, it takes like half minute.

Limitation & future work

  • This is only for zero-range approximation, the angular distribution agree with experiment.
  • Only for (d,p) or (p,d) (not and need test), should be work for all single nucleon transfer reaction.

Need to

  • work for inelastic scattering
  • implement the Finite-Range calcualtion
  • polarization
  • work on the 2-nucleons transfers
  • work on the Coupled-Channels
  • have a C++ version for speed sake (or use multiple cores, or both)