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This is the analysis package for the SOLARIS DAQ. It is supposed to be the analysis path for the SOLARIS DAQ.
The folder struture is
├── README.md
├── SetupNewExp // bash script to create new branch and raw data folder
├── SOLARIS.sh // bash script to define some env variable and functions
├── Armory // analysis codes, independent from experiment.
├── Cleopatra // Swaper for DWBA code Ptolomey and simulation
├── data_raw // should be the symbolic link to the raw data, created by SetUpNewExp
├── root_data // symbolic link to converted root file, created by SetUpNewExp
└── working // working directory, depends on experiment.
Analysis & Simulation
The Armory/AnalysisLib.h constains many small but handy functions.
All class headers are started with Class*.h
The classes DetGeo** and ReactionConfig are fundamental for loading the detectorGeo.txt and reactionConfig.txt.
Both txt file support empty lines, and up to 2 settings. The reason for that is for dual-array configuration. It has potentail to extend and include more settings. But it is two now, one for upstream array (reaction) and downstream array (reaction).
The TransferReaction class is only use one of the reaction from the reactionConfig.txt.
TransferReaction::SetReactionFromFile("reactionConfig.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
Same for the Helios class
HELIOS::SetDetectorGeometry("detectorGeo.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
Event Builder
The EventBuilder is at the armory. It depends on the Hit.h and SolReader.h.
The Hit class stores a hit (or a data block)
The SolReader class read the sol file. It can be loaded in CERN ROOT alone.