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# Introduction
This is the analysis package for the SOLARIS DAQ. It is supposed to be the analysis path for the SOLARIS DAQ.
The folder struture is
├── SetupNewExp // bash script to create new branch and raw data folder
├── // bash script to define some env variable and functions
├── Armory // analysis codes, independent from experiment.
├── Cleopatra // Swaper for DWBA code Ptolomey and simulation
├── data_raw // should be the symbolic link to the raw data, created by SetUpNewExp
├── root_data // symbolic link to converted root file, created by SetUpNewExp
└── working // working directory, depends on experiment.
# ROOT issue
We are still using TProof for parallel calculation. TProof is not pre-compiled since 6.32+. And 6.30 only precompiled for Ubuntu 22.04. So, for system using Ubuntu 24.04, user must precompiled to root in order to work.
# Analysis & Simulation
The Armory/AnalysisLib.h constains many small but handy functions.
All class headers are started with Class*.h
The classes **DetGeo**** and **ReactionConfig** are fundamental for loading the detectorGeo.txt and reactionConfig.txt.
Both txt file support empty lines, and up to 2 settings. The reason for that is for dual-array configuration. It has potentail to extend and include more settings. But it is two now, one for upstream array (reaction) and downstream array (reaction).
The **TransferReaction** class is only use one of the reaction from the reactionConfig.txt.
TransferReaction::SetReactionFromFile("reactionConfig.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
Same for the **Helios** class
HELIOS::SetDetectorGeometry("detectorGeo.txt", ID); // ID = 0 or 1
# Event Builder
The EventBuilder is at the armory. It depends on the Hit.h and SolReader.h.
## Hit.h
The Hit class stores a hit (or a data block)
## SolReader.h
The SolReader class read the sol file. It can be loaded in CERN ROOT alone.