Split-Pole Spectrograph

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Revision as of 15:04, 5 October 2022 by Gwm17 (talk | contribs)
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The Split-Pole Spectrograph consists of a reaction chamber, a dipole magnet, ionization chamber, and a plastic scintinatior.

The dipole magnet can be rotated from .... The maximum field can be reached is 2.0 T?

Focal plane detector

The focal plane detector consists of an ion chamber with a set of delay lines to detect the position of a particle along the focal plane and a plastic scintillator to detect the energy of the incoming particle. Using the energy loss of the particle through the ion chamber with the energy deposited in the scintillator, particles of different charge and mass can be identified.

There are two position sensitive delay lines in the focal plane detector. By reconstructing the particle trajectory using the position information of both delay lines, the resolution can be enhanced by correcting for the kinematic shift of the reaction.


Installing particle shield on SABER (photo taken on May 5, 2022)

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